Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
New 'Phone Number
AN Dr ""'
For Nebraska n-nl!y fair.
Kor Iowa Generally fair.
For weather report paga 2
WHITE TESTIFIES jlnciirect Charge
iv rniMAlP.IMMKF' That Riilroads
sheep shatter i
South Omha Holds Mark for Great
est Receipts of This Class of j
Stock in One Say.
Rousing the Baby
Rooserelt Bounds Up ProgressiTt
Forces. in New York Fight and
Persuades Unpledged Delegates.
Pay Rebates
Attorney for Shippers Call Attention
to Big Increase in Damage
First Witness in Inquiry Heard by
Sate Committee Investigating
Charges of Bribery.
Accounts Since 1904.
;figc.f for. motoay are 65.215 1
(fretTr- so a re ui
cmr vtr tr ntsr . .
Question is Still Left Undecided
Long Argument.
Chairman Permita Subject t jit
Taken TJp Temporarily. i. . . - -
Defraa Make .o Oojerttoa I Bill Ikf
atloa Farad la Broaght 1. 1
Preeedrat EMakiinked
kr tetloa.
... AiH. Sepl. Zi. Testimony from
s:.v. : Uepresentativ. Cha.-Ics A. While. J
tl.e firet witness tn the inquiry, wail heard
. i... - i.., !
7 ' ' t
" iri-r,-, oi ,...,,.-
t.on m tne ele.-fin of William Lorimer a,
nar from lilliwita. After hourt of j
argumt-nt by the oppoiilng counsel tie i:om- ,
mate left tindt-tarmined the uueft'on of i
the admissibility of t timony relative to
the alleged "Javkpot." a fund for the pay
ment of eslatm for voting for or against
Mlla pending befora the Ill.nom general
Atturnry AlVed 8. Austrian, representing
tl.e Chicago Tiibun-.. which Is pushirg the
charges ag.tlnst the el.-ction of Senator
Lorlmer. eontemled that the alleaed partici
pation of legislators which voted for
Senaror Lorimer in the siwlls of the so
called Jarknot was pertinent and nwiessary
lu the hivaatlgntion n showing a general
ctirruptlon of the legialature.
AtUrni! Klbrtdge Hanecy. counsel for
Serator lorlmer. oppemed the ailmfcHioti of
testimony w bribes pnid to legislators for
tiuir votes on matters apart from the
senatorial election.
6i ueat laaa mm Jxistt.
n tit understaiMilnat that the action, su
not to be considered a precedent admitting
the whole Jackpot subject. Chairman Bur
' rows preniittert Wh te to Aswer some
uurstions tottching the nia,tter
No objection whs made by counsel to the
testimony of White that lie had been paid
tl ( by Democratic- Leader Lee O Neil
Uiuwna to vute for Senator Lorlmer. but
ilia I a Jar amrds telling of the alleged dls
MbuMon of the Jackpot fn a ft. Louts
hotel met opiioettiun and a motion by At
torney Hanecy tu exclude all such testi
mony from the hearing. After an execu
tive session of i-ooie minuies the ruling
tnat the wilnesH could answer on tn fct
Jjiila ncciiireacv was given wiUl tiie stated
umanniut1; g ,t1sfa prarVtfei'rt '"
tabllshed and thai, the motion to establtaii
.. u testimony was still pending.
TelU mt Kaaelvlag Maaey.
epresvauttiv e White then tastified that he
wa.t met In Uie at. Louis hotel by Koburt
t Wilson, aiso a democratic representa
tive, who paid him KM as his hur of
the Jackpot. White detailed Ills meeting
with other democratic legislators in Wil
son's room and testitled tnat the payment
was maus to him Ui the bathroom by Wil
son who bef lie that had conferred with an of tl.e legislators in ihe ame bath
The committee would not permit tile wit
ri. s. at this time to n'luie conversations
ahlch ne said lis had had wuh Representa
tive Josepii ilark of Vandalia lelative to
a third representative. Michael Linck.
tOLChing the briliery pavments.
In the argument over the adini.-eibillty of
inc i.nvrstions of lute. Senator Fayn-ti-r
asked Attorney Anal nan:
"Do you contend mat is a number of
legislator contessed tnat they were bribed
li would Justify unseating a senator?"
Attorney Austrian responded: No, that
Is not our contention." Authorities on the
admission of testimony relative to con-1
versatlons weie cited by Attorney Au-
T i la u.
la ttie course of his argument Attorney
Alt lkarl ia Faatl.
"V prjie that every nun who was
Imtxi tu vol. tor x-uatur Lorlmer aisj
i-ua.eil in the ja. kpo;
ou V expect to show j
of these lesUlators. If j
lue ciuTUiit doings
we cannot ho thta other corruption the
(Ceumony oh lue lnimer money will ua.
Usa wei.ut."
i-'uieeiBi ai o.e vomt liooi the. lea
pouila .naiUwl. Atiorney hanecy said:
' Ouuiii. r Denecii testify, if ha ia
a.i-.i. lUat he itjovein.o' Iteneen) u
. t .at Lorimer become a can
i i.iuU- lor tue senatarshi."
'I nis comnutlee Is anked, continued At
t ruey Hanecy. "to hold aaiust Senator
1; rimer because it Is said that someone
l aid money to kjlt or pass bills. If t .is of th. murder there on September
itie ot teaiiinony Is admitted w. should be hi of Tlioma- B. Gre. n of Lawton Okl a
slewed ta summon every corporation or promoter uf vaudav.'le thcat lcals.
lieriui that is c!iargl witU paying money According t. the consul's letter Green
into Inia jackpot fund and snow by them was shot lu the ba. k by a Mexican police
that they aid n .t pa anthing to affect ! man. while ln the city Jail at Tainpi.-...
legiaUUon." ! Gr.en had been arrested on a minor charg .
H. pntaeuuiUve H J. Be, arm I ! While b. Ing ouestlon.vl the poiiceman today and ci ved with a sum-I who arrested him shot bim, the letter
in. n. to tesuiy. ii ia expected lo be i a.- ; .-tales.
second a iineas befxre th. committee. Tu. '
meet txanUnatlon of F-epre-xmiatus wnil. !
ail i resumed tomorrow. " i
v iiite, after giving hw name aim aouresa
and saytng ha was a duly elect..! member J
of ihu lillnoi. Irgialature. identified letters j
he said Hal been sent him b Lre O Neil
Lru.. askiiii hue s help to esLabllsh
Iliowaa postiioa aa minority leadr ia !
til. loner hoaa. I
Tlia witness n n h.... . . !
n to tell of his ra-
lu tions with Browne.
Senator Lonmer was on hand early with
hia ea:one. kllbridge llamcv Attorney P i
II O'Donnell. who represeaiad Bi-M in !
tu-; latter a two trials on charges of bnb '
ery. sat bealda Attorney Hanecy ,,,, J.
.... owney a
Au.-rlaa and Clifford W. Barnes of
Lagialatlv. Voters leggu.
sita aid. of th. room.
t on an oppu-
Arur an executiv. aeasion the K..nn..
on.d a.4 Chaiaa.!, Burrowa , "
, , , . .... ' '" -
- as 1 oa autwiia- I
sioa uf tlr leifl.l ium'i ti...i-
I.III.9 . I
. . w iirn i n
lieu of .mra.lng th. boua. dark, but
i iu n f iu mM Mnnn riv
vaiuia. oa airect .xamiiat-oa ; A tu-I Helena m J hnaon and Ida in Daw
ay Aastnan. lectured ha had been asked Jewell r.,uod a korala in Da a sou. Jumat.
by Mtaanty Lavdar to v.M. -or J A. lams, lavuua in Holt. Lana m Cust
1 ru'iar and that Brown, told him ho and McPherson,
would rcetve tl.tssi fur his vote. The te- "Now. wa were not la all tha town
V ..out the recurrenew of women a nanes a
ICoatiaa u. Thud l-a.c.j ;-y.iar. miu our thoaghU t tn. ma.
CHICAGO. Sept X. Indirect rha:g3 '
ti;,t the lajiroad. in the t .re vio-' Fire Thousand More Than Best
tafng the Kiklnn" antl-rehate law and were r. v.j. I
f.r,na .-itain .hipped nd charging (he, BeCOrd Ever Made. :
alleged rehates to "i!imin accounts" wen I;,pEfs ai stock ys jammed.
tug mi tne advisability of allowing wet-
em roads to make a general raise In
freight rate?.
, Chl:'..r.l Thome. representing a live Hwk
. association.
manufacturers' league and '
a farmers co-operative association, dellv-
fr the !"PUction !n n..e,tioning C. J.
Mcpherson, assistant general manager of
the Missouri Pacific railroad Mr. Thorne
"T.) what account were rebates oliamall
prior to HUH"' I
"I know nothing of rebates." replied the
I witne. "I do not know that rebates'
I were ever given."
Attorney representing the rail-
road, asked Thome:
"Hay I leum to a hat end you are aim- !
"Veraimy." retorted Mr. Thorae. In
your railr ad s damage acccunt. th- same i
,, otm,rs t)iwrp hMJ, startling'
Increase since 1J04. Attn no
expUjiatl. n. The Klkins bill was. ra s.1 '
in i:l. I have more than bmrsiv evl
dence that there
ftinnwtlon between
taese tlamaae afcoonr n.i ratm r
wane to find out if rebates still are being
i '.inimi.i.,n.. t-1. .
i onimiMtloner iL.igar E. Clark, who ren-
resented th. emm i..i.. ...........
te...tiu ... . ,-'".. .
A.,,., V".' . "oJ7. - "'rT:!
ion said the
physical value of the
W 1 1 . 1M, .
far th,... th- i... ,i-...,.. .......
'""'Wll M-Uli lU WIS i
that 7V, . "ow,,'"';
Ui.t ncreasmg land vaiues had made It
riK, cn"!l commission with
forcibly preventing th. railroads from j
making -ju.t profits by the 2-cent pas- :
senger fare rulings and a 15 per cent freight j
rate reduction. i
Aldrich Talks in
Omana Wednesday
Republican Gubernatorial Candidate
to Be Heard on Fending Issues
at Creighton HalL
Chester H. Aldrich of David City, re
publican candidate for governor of Nebras
ka, will make an addreoa Wednesday
evening at Cretciiten hall. Fifteenth and
Harney atreeta.
This mein. which -.1! be held under
the auspice, ot th. Doug... county re-
T.. r " ? har
. " " " ' "- " ao;
seats d the h-JI ml Ml a great many-1
rP -u"-rt' ndldate will ;
h.v. all th. time be de.lre. to J
Chairman jn 8. Baiter of the Douglas!
county committee wi.l preside, and the
other stare candidates will have seats onif.
the platlorm. j have been harvested. All this la ,ackins ! sovemor and the five other men wr able
The First district will be visited this m many sections an.I explains tn part the 1 1'rocure SOli lots, whereas the govern
weea by an automobile party consisting of heavy shipment of the last month Further mmt rules for th. sale provided that not
f-erator Burkett. Colonel Will Hayward. C. j th suth Uin41ha market for sheep has ' more than two lots should be wild to any
If. Aldrich and the local c.n.ltdate. from bn rmpM;v growing in popularity anion: j one person.
each county an.I speeches will be delivered i te western breeders. J idge Marshall denie.1 a motion by Has
In the different towns and cities ..r thai .. . 1 ,k. .i,- .
dlflrtet. The first speech will he maie-l
" ne,..any nmau morning at H.t. From.
thme tncy will go to University Place js,'un Gmatia market u the number and j
where they will speak at 10 a. m. The ' eagerness of the sheep buyers who!
afternoon dates will be at Waerly ai 2jnv,? 'napped up the output aa tasi. as it
o'clock. Green wcud at 4 .'clock and at I haa arrived.
o'clock In the eevning Mr. AMrieh will 1 T!u' receipts of sheep anj .iot the only
spak at Ashland with other speakers and remarkable teatures of tlie aouth Omaha j
Senator Burkett and Colonel Havw ard will I market. - Western cattle form ucii similar
speak at Ijiiilsvllle at the same hour.
Wednesday the trip will be made through'
j Cass county with the local candidates fori
tn legislature and speeches win be made
at Manly at 10 : a. m . Weeping Water at i
- n m t i- Ni.-K . !
' , , : rv my mtyiruuvt unuuini im uiiioimiMM 1 1 1
will be Joined by the local candidates from I
Nehama and a meeting will be held there " I
at 8 p. m. Syracuse will be the next stop ,,M,a Teaoli.a that H Paid)
at i ocloik and they will end up at Pal-;
myra for that day at s p. m. The rest of I
th week will 1m spunt In sneaking at dlf-
ferent points, notice of which will be given.
Mr. Aldrich will leave the party Wednes
day to speak In t!w evening in Omaha
' i .
fv tu
Thwaaats B. Uretse af laassta
hat ay Of fleer W kil
Mesleaa Jail.
GUTHRIE. OkL. ;pc 31-A letter re
ceived her. today from Clarence A. Miller.
American consul at Tamtilco. Mexico, irlve.
Women's Names Prevail as
Names of Nebraska Towns
' cr....i-u ...... m ,reo ue-
veloped lit tue minds of the m.n m no aet-
l,'d :;or;1!,t'- 1,1 of the fact that
'r'nv "C ,hem mn ' r " u
l"rtt cf M.nn.apotls. wts.j has just
" ,r1l ""un Portions of the .lata.
"As procee-ls along me rallroaj Uaet
........m.i i- ....i. ... w ...
!" u u
i 4'..enrjr ....Ur. avfoeu u
i towns. Ther. is Venus In Kaoa cauu'..
; Caroline in oage. arnenne m I'tiase.
r,J,u - ..
iChlo. in Madlsoo county, and heard of
.l... . . ..
i ' u r. . .. . ........ ,,i . u it.
t r. , ... r...s k rtna I ei. . . n . i rta i
, . . ...... j e-, . w. . i u A l v. w
. Kearney, and rT Into Ineg tn Holt. Tue:.
ia Crac. in Erown county. Haxef in L'txjr,
1 ..1, rr a T n j'
.Workmen Kept on Jump Day and:
1 Sight to Handle Them. !
Hpaiarka ble Feat are la Caa t la aftas
Demand nkl-k Keeps Market If
Faraara Plaaalaa to
Fred Heavily.
Tre esilmate .if ta .Tj hero ret-eived
n Sootn maha Monday, and wliictl is)
xerified by t!-.e later count. -ontitut a'
world's record. Never. In the Mstory of
commerce weie so many pouted upon a
market In a single day. All day long the, - ' u nny ponied upon a.
m" - "K"1 ,n day. All d.iy long the
plaintive bleating herds scampered through
i tne long allies of the I 'nion Stock. Yard-.
'. crammjng every pen and pocket of the
tn 'un, alu1' ot tnp l-'nion Stock Tarda
! rheep division and overflowing the hog i
division, even into the thronged cattle j
I s' ' I
borne idea of the numbers ciin be gathered I
.from the fact that over 28 cars were re-I
. , t . . .
! ("4i"d- hu n hv' trains.
(These string on a track would make
- -! fr- miles long.
aumht-r of sheep driven In th? city nt recta
aaan I - J . 1 , .
"vr lnp W1ln 1,1
street and about eight blocks long. It
wouW reouir- a man counting as rLt as
he could possiblv count nearly four hours
to count them, supposing the she-p passed
h(m aa fast as a man could count,
The sheep " began to arriue earlv. but
, ., ,. ,. '
Monday noon and the market was much 1
1'ivi T Vliat'l l.ait W TT - r; UaiI1aSarTa UV
conf jued all day. although rtte pr-es and j
the bidding were comparatively good. I
All night trie workmen, the loaders and '
the drivers about the yartl9 were busy and j
tne pens will be crowded all the week for :
the prospects are for even greater num- i
i bers of sheep than came last week or the j
Beat Cm icaga foully.
The largest receipt of sheep in history, j
previous to thla date, was in Chicago tep- i
tember 3. W02. when shpp were re- J
reivea. ine soutn (.naaha record Is S.'JUh
greater. j
Ranchmen from Wyoming. Colorado and
points farther west say that the run. of ,
sh-ep are mtt over yet. but that many I
Unin tb t em w It i(, Lain that 1
lhe re shipping in ever, ni ml I
Th- r-"P9 ho "f -"- Tbei
rains came too late and the grass which !
rrn and wttll tm) flrtt f w '
.nd wltm?r tl nofhln,. The grmjnw, o( tll,
wIy of th. wtern n. In onhi I
nary seasons would have stood many
....... . . .J
Hi' lira 'il aaitu I1A fT lUICW UrUUrTlV 1H in! '
iJf- .,,mrr,.. .i .n .... . i
,,. h,. m..h !
. .
Bayers Eager far ntvek.
iemaiaoie ining aoout tn- i
"The must
reasons continue to arrive by the train- ;
load and the thousand. Monday toe le-i
ceipU of cattle were U.lit and the pros
pects for Tuesday good.
nM trtr iiminov ill ilkiniiiti - sri
-'- r iwr
CINCINNATI. U.. s?pt. :
' LU tlon that he ha.1 paid In
J Direct ac-i
nspector James
j Casey of the Cincinnati police department
j for "protection" vf an all-aigiit saloon was
'm - Je under oath todav by James Mull!-i
: gan at the hearing of chargea agamat
' the department. Inspector Casey followed
Muiiigan on th. stand and flatly contra -
, dieted every statement that th. saloon-
keeper had mad. respecting th. official.
porter changes his plans'
Iowa Oemaeratio Caaaldata will
Maa W klrtwlad Da ah lata
Btrry Olatriat.
des moines, ia.. Sept. ,-At a con -
lerenc. of Iowa denuieratic leadera in Des '
Md.ies today it was decided that Claude K. i
I'orter. democratic candidate tor governor. '
ill make a whirlwind dash through every '
r:g-essional district in Iowa, miking as)
. any speeches In each as possible.
, an.i mere ne found some towj ..r vihaaei
In about every count v in the .lata n.r.a
fr a woman wife, daughter, moth-r. sit-'
I "?r or saeetheart m.sit likely. On the map
you will find Flora i.i Nuckoila. Elsie in!
, Perkins. Edith in Blaina, Hop. In Haves
Florence in Iougiaa. Fem m giierman
I . . . .
'u in (Lsuier m tax. K telle
i 111 najes. loiet in I'aanee. Sylvia in .
' iovd. Floss In Greeiey. Christina in aar-'
aev. Wiuneti in Chase.
, ommg cut or .. l ,ty . meet;
Stella Just over the NeUianaa h. ...,t
- u van ra 11 nnr' rr n v . . .
.1 .. .
, ib na.-ian. Aurora in Hamilton. At
nta In kiltie. Bee in Seaard. Berth
in :
urt. Beulah in P Ik and Butterfly in
tanion. It really proved an inter. -tin f !
fudy after . got started, and .wttn.n a
m i.utes we pa-ked out over one hun
re.1 names of distinctive feminine sound. '
nd mono we saw seemed t fit the.r
a ites m tune wsv. W. stoppeii in one
j'el nan lad fr Maneti. a good one. U j
From the Cleveland Leader.
Town Lot Fraud Cases Are Called at
i ClerstlTt aaal Five Baal area Wew at
Hnksgre Are t krgrd wltk
laHrlraer tw De f ra a 4
H'AUSSTEn. ok... Sept. The trial oi"
Charles .S. Haskell, governor of Oklanuma. -
ln wnat ion aa lha Muskogee j
lot cases. called here today before
Federal J ulg Jolin A. Marshall of !al.
Lake City. UtaJi. Lnited States L.
trlct Attorney William J. Gregg, who !
assisted by Attorney d. Tl. Rush of Oiua.. I
anj u. x. Hainer ot Tulsa. Okl.. announces,
that tha governnseat waa ready to proceed
and urged that Ihe work of selecting a
Jury begin at onJe.
ln the Indictment returned by a federal
grand Jury Go aim or Haskell 'and five
buslnesa men of uKoge are charged with
-(jonspiracy to iefraitii the government"
, tne .,1 al abot,t uoO town sites. Tlie
toKnftitt,a wrer ro d by tb. government in
o kf th. CrM.k Ina1ana.
U ls "."f "lat C".",r
oti"r b "-u""
a.f TmT .llaw.tS.a,
"!.' e.iT-avanraa, ri s. va a-aav
Peraons ir
" th'
Persons tn Olilo. Indiana. Illinois, Tenn.-a-
see. Texas and other stabea were registered
cir knowledge ar consent. It is
being entitled to buy the lots
at one-half the appraised value and when
the deeds were made oat Haskell and his
associates bought
them for nominal
amounts. In this way. it la chargea, the
1 1 M ITTB. W UO (1 1 . IT'I .11 V I . ' t UT-
ernor s executive duties
non-ment uni after the expiration of his
trm tl) January.
n,e court ordered the trial, to proceed and
tne seiectin of a Jury waa begun,
tT 1 f tj j P"! 1 tOriTl
at Kansas City
'Disturbance Lasts Nearly Eight
Hoars and All Wire Service
is Demoralized.
! KANSAS CITT. Mo.. zpt. Js.-An elec-
i trical storm of unusual severity during
which Inches of rain fed. did much dam-
! age here last night and early today.
; .The storm raged incessantly fir nearly
' eight hours and for a time the street cars.
telephone and electric light service was
. badly crippled.
! The storm was general over Miaaourt. Ok
! lahoma and Kansas and southern Nebraska,
but its greatest force was felt here.
Accused of Selling
Forged. Mortgages
' . C. Ramsey of Albia. Ia.t Charged
with Negotiating Bogus
oTTUMWA. la.. Sept. IK. VV. C. lm a;. ,
la prominent Albia real estate man. waa
arrested last night on charge, of sellin ;
I forg.-d moi'tgag' S amounting ui STO.mW to the
; Eintabl Insurance company of Des Moines
'and th Oei man-American Savings bank cf
; Luriington.
1 There is a de
mand for good
rooms now.
Have you oue vacant?
Now is the time to let tLeui
know uf it.
I'se oue of these little wart
They ar quirk anil U p?rrlrly
bat jou wis n done.
fall Tyler 1000. Th want ad
tfr will prepare your ad and place
The job is finialieiL
Five Thousand
Troops Parade
in Des Moines
miUr? Touriltmeat 0pen. Big Pae-
geant Headed by Brigadier
General Smith.
I'KS MoINES. 1.. Sept. Five thou
sand troops representing every branch of
the service of the United States army, are
: participating in the military tournament
which opened here today with a military
, (i , raorninjr. Brigadier General
Frederick A- Smith of Omaha commander
f th. Department cf the Missouri. roJo
at the head of the parade, which reuulred
an hour to pass a given point. He also
reviewed the troops at the opening of th-
tournament this afternoon. Today la offl-
daily known as army day."
First oi Series ot
Cabinet Meetings
Forthcoming Judicial Appointments
and Foreign Afairs to Be
WASHlXvfTOSr. 8eit. JU -The first or the
sertew of cabinet meetings that will mark
the stay of President Taft In Washington
thia week, was held today.
Incidentally, the president's house party
also begun today its formal opening being
! the luncheon scheduled lor 1:30 p. m. The
I cabinet day. win be busy ones. A long
program bf subjects to be considered has
been made up and each day's sitting is
exne- teU to be prolonged. While the cabinet
will meet each morning, the members will
tiave tfcfir afternoon s free, so that they
may dlxpose of matters at the various de
partments. In
general way the d.scuselons are to
l on the subject of forthcoming Judicial
appointments by the president, foreign af
fairs, including the readjustment in pro
gress tn Nicaragua, reports, estimates and
economy plans from th var ous depart
ments, the inauguration of th. postal sav
ings banks and the extension of the civil
service to include assistant postmasters
and permanent clerks In money order
or rices.
Tlie only absentee around
d the cabinet
f War Dickin-
"v "ar Oleum-
table todav was Secret rv n
in. who ia m ,h- f- ....
It was said that oaliiica wonia k..
. ....... m i ten
little or no consideration at thia time. De
parmental -work will keep the cabinet well
occupied in th. next few days. The presi
dent likes to go into the details of the
different departments.
The question of a larger naval station at
Guantanamo. Cuba, la one of th. mu,,...
hich may be taken up. The station would
cost several million, of dollars. IncluHi-
perhaps SS.ti.av for a dry dock or LW.M.
for a floating dock.
Whether the Guantanamo plan will be re
ported to congress or- not Is still prob
lematical. There are several alternative
propositions that have been suggested to
the naval experts, among ihera being Pan
ama. Pensacola and the south coast of
Porto Rico.
laaaea mrur After Not
able Career.
WASHINGTON. Sept. .-Soldier, sailor,
consul and philanthropist. Colonel Eugene
Herman Plumacher. who died at the resi
dence of hia son here yesterday, had
I motit noialiie history. A German by birth,
il.e had seen service the Dutch navv.
i ''ad cnnimaml.'d troops in the Swiss army
and under General Grant led northern
troona into the heart of the confederacy
At the clu
ff It.. !! i I . a
waa- Wall U'UflP
Plumacher became a professor at tke Van
derbl.t untverattv in Nashville and there-
after claimed Tennessee as his home.
In tlurty-(wo yeara residence in Venex
U'ha. Colonel Plumacher passed tlirough
many vicissitudes, winding up hts career
there aa consul general at Mar'rabo.
Decrease in Number of
WASHINGTON. Sept. L In l'sjj there
' were I 4 homicides in that portion of the
' t''d Slates vovarel by tteath registry
laws, and In tlie aanw sera (.ar: deatha due
i to suicide. The figures ate supplied by ti.a
j nulla bureaaa' annual report on mortal. ty
I . ..... ... . . j v ii. tit in popma
t tun. There ia i actual falting off of Hi
in li.c number uf humitldts as compared
witb rsM. wtuls trier ia a decrease of the
rat. of suicides compared oUll popMlatlon
........ - .v......., rii.nirai., nrai ana roue, H1H. cold an.I ,
aisiruaient uf suicuie.
,si caaaa daeirg. 1. lightning, Uk
sw-'-.' I r i' .iiriss.
Long Litigation Ends in Defeat 0f!wiyr,n '"p""'."i --legate-.
! The political tid. s finally set in tor ' Im
srouier aamuei.
ireme Cwwrt Halds It la Valid
DoesMrst Had at afrieieat PrwwC
f Eseeatlow and Caateata
Was Nat blira.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. Social. ) After
many yearn of litigation Joseph H. Miles
has won in the Miles will case. The su
preme court today affirmed the Judgment
of the district court of Richardson county,
which was In his favor.
The case grew out . lie will made by
Stephen B. Miles in which left the
bulk of a fortune estimated to amount to
SI.10C.fO" to his son. Joseph H. Mile and
which left in trust for Samuel A. Miles an-
other son. some 00.800 from which thi. son
wa to receive tne Income during hia life
time. When tne will was filrd for jr ooate
Helle YMIllams, a granddaughter, opposed
l's probation and Samuel A. Miles filed a
cross petition setting out that a second
will had been made by hia father In St-
Louis soma years later than the date of
tn first will whloh waa mad. in Uulo in
ls It waa alleged that Joseph IL Miles.
si) had kaaa a-noec) adtniniaarmasr of hia
father' astwVSt had concealed the St. Louis
a m tor frandulant purposes.
n aistnet court or Klchardson county turoualy cheer by old guard del.pttea
held the evidence waa not sufficient to ea-i and: escorts. The parade then led th. way
tabUah the .alatertce of the St. Louis w ill, j to the bandstand and the vice president
A moi.on for a new trial was filed, alleging I was cheered and nrgd to apeali.
that new evidence, had been discovered. ! tee Prvaldeat Br. fu Halo It
Th district Judge overruled thia motion "Gentlemen." he said, "surface 'irdi'ca
and the case came to the supreme court tions point to the fact that ahoui 3 tw of
on th. question of the new evidence. The j yu prefer to hear your own voice than to
holding that sufficient evidence had been
discovered to warrant the new trial. Again
Joseph B. MHes was given a verdict and
this verdict has been affirmed. On several
occasions various phases of the case have
been before th. supreme court, one trial
being held in the senate chamber at Lin
coln. Many prominent attorneys were inter
ested In te casa and appeoretl for one side
. v... .. ..-k.,,,, w.e aupeuanis
were John L. Webster. John H. Atwood.
tveavia at r-eavis. i. j. rungoisgy. J. H
tnmdy' P' M Hall; "I'reienting the ap-
W T' J' Mahoney. J. A. c. Ken-
, . .nni.rl tr u-.u
nedy. C. Gilllsple. E. Falloo...
I t-FMahaa la C
I The opinio, of the court waa
Ifhi-f JiiMtie RiM
written by
In the syllabus the court said
The fact, if established by competent
proof Uiat a subsequent will was made, is
uut sUincient ot ii u. and wimout some
pruot ot lu k1""' contents, to s.iow tne
i LV . Z ". ., "Vnor ..ou'a tne
I ify the un. aswe of tne Z pnVbate
tormer will. ,fie alleged suoseouent win
iot being found tit produced, nor a verified i ready to claim a majority of the conven-
MPi, !'rrn,Prr"f,-.H . . , tion. Th. wavering delegates are being
n attorney testified that he prepared ai 7 .
wli consittlng ot two sheets and tour pages "K"1 aoushl by both sides,
to be executed bv the proposed tstat.'.r; j Criaewa Preaeala riajaroa.
that the instrument was signed bv the . . . . .
testator and witnessed in his presence, lni Mr Or scorn announced tonight that tne
his testimony he aetailed the facts and cir-1 progressives had a.4 delegates out of Lii.
cumatances atunding its execution, inciud- 1.01a tn the conventi.jrf, a g'lod working
;ng remarks mad. by himself, the testator majority He eaid that sine t ie arrival
and th. wtrnasseg, but did not know the' sine, arrival
witnesses and failed tu remember their of Mr Kuuv1t Progressive. had
names. Two witnesses testified tnat thev i ga.ned four votes.
wt-,fUlf","fc"tu.rw0f 't Mr. Barnes, with hia associates. has
of tn. same person at the place and aoout I , ,
til. time stated by the attorney; tfat the I wrltten out complete platform to be pi
peronn signing as testator said it was his ' 'vitftej to th. committee on resolutions,
will, out uiey were not informed of lta ccn -
notknow whatTh. pV con taired ,1
eonaisted of many sueets. formu-g a body
of baper nearly half an incn in thickness'
..'unknown to one of the wirnessr-. the oihi-r
I 'tn"!' testifying to a total wirit of recol-
! -Th' "V" L":. V:
lleltl.ev one betneri
I Introduced to him, an.
h ltixi n"t ntJ'r "M at or before the
.'snuia o. - io.e io- wvre m tn room
Hem. tnat these facts'ed to tlUt
iha raa t hru .r n - iVl . . ,
J " ' " ' ' ea 1 1 VI . ' "1 M, wV M
I on 'aJl, y hprr rj;tii hv th.
attomev. ,iBd that l!-ere w s Insurr-..
rroof of ,, contents of ti. all-oeit ! ,1
that the pacer wltn-sed hv the .
! t, ", "'"L " r',.n!."" ","r"
.. ... - , ..rr in-parm ov me
ar nnev. or w.s a will.
The proof af. the execution and
i ontinuet n Third Pise. I
ATll r-lur a- a-a C? " J
iviurier a no )UiicicleS
I'to It
arins w in w.r a close see-
1 ul'
as a nieaaa of self-destruction, while1
hangmg a r..p ,M,ble for LIU casea. ' ha.e l:epreen.ative Bennett of New To k
rue iln uh.. sipplles an enumeration' w.taCraw hia rand d .cy f r tr. guberi -of
ace:.l-.. death, for l.a, fol ,jrla; n)niln-t.o., m order lo make way
horn "i , ,rowwn- '. r.,r an up-a.ate n an. Mr be, er. bow-
h h ,l t,r,n- '"Juries I ever, waa .K.t I iclined to be persuaded,
by horses, and norse vehicles. ru atie-tl .
cars. l.T. aiitomorales. injuries i., . DKMwrK 1 T Ml-' V BM M KWt ilk
mine, and quii-riea. I.i7; Inhalation of j - -
" ''" accidental
oauigs. l.TTII;
accidental giuialiot ......
Tide of Battle Tarns Toward Him
Perceptibly Now.
Lieutenants Assert that They Ha?
Made Few Gains.
laaaraeat Leaders nlsagree aa
Makeaa af Ftaak- Talk
Gatrrasnkls f atata
fae klef.
SARATiKSA. N". Y. 5ert. :.-Saratoira
seeths in a lxilitical 'urmoll tonight. fi
e of one of the most Important repub
lican state concntiona ever held. The old
guard are making their baitle on tne Issue,
"glial! Theodore Roosevelt rule rc party in the state of New Hoik?"
Colonel R.Hisevelt arrived late today and
within five minutes ha plunged Into Ihe
situation, taking full command of the
progressive forces and rounding up flis
. progrestvrs tonight a-id the coluiicl. after
j a conference with Ms lieutenants, re
peated his declaration niaJe at Troy. N. Y.,
j "We have beaten them to af raaxle ami
the trophies are ours.
Colonel Roosevelt wai mi at the station
by the New York euunty delegation and
Otto T. Ban nan! of New Tlork and others.
A procession headed by a Troy band es
corted the colonel to the United blatea
hotel, where from a second story piaaxa
he made a brief speech.
"Good luck" he shouted, waving hi.
black somorvro hat t- the crowd.
"I shan t try to make any speech now.
I i. make my speech tomorrow."
Then the colonel swept away to his head
quarters where he obtained tile latest in
formation of the situation.
' wera aa'a Arrival Qalet.
Vice President Sherman came this morn
ing from l.'tica and went uletjy to hia
room. Few knew of his arrival, as he
came in from Schenectady on a trtilley
car. He spent most of the day talking
! with friends an the veranda of the hotel
j Mr. Hierman. It was elarned. entertains no
j very exalted hope, af his election
as ni
! porary chirman. but he says he la tn the
j fight.
I The .vice president, however, came in for
a spirited demonstration- tonight, when a
marching club of some S00 members with a
ban4 arrived from Uttca. Mr. tfherman met
tsara anst nrarcltrd. with. Uiera around the
great court of the United. stetr"htl. The
, vice president and hia friends were r-
hear mine. I like the sound. There never
was a tlm when I preferred my own voice
to others. I shall not assure you that I
will speak In the convention, but rather I
will speak In the convention tomorrow if a
majority so will. I always bgw to the will
of the majority, which a my only boss.
Tou don't want to hear a speech now and
I don't want to make one. I do uVetre to
express my thanks to the stalwart body ot
ineiiia county business men. regardless of
party, who have come here by their pres-
j nce to answer the claDfrap of the opposi-
i,,..- il l m .. .
here bec.u.
lo do what
se we are repulblCans, anxious
we can to produce party har
mony and party success. w have had In
the republican party many gfeat men in
i the past, but their greatness la due to the
fact that the rank and file of the party
elected them to leadership, tl la the pos-
sibllity of the rank and file that has made
the history of the party and the history
j of lls greatness."
Lieutenant! ot vviitiam itirtim. Jr.. who is
! 't'" th" , J,U"1 tQr? "iy l'ni,nt
I th'' hav. made a few gains, but are not
i and if-. Lames said tilght they wou.d
-" "
I Plai'orm. In the event of their defeat the
'adopted p.uliVrm will b entlraly mad. o(
P-'ve, and they win b. re-
'..! uel luit.'rvvelt put In some time to
niut lioirii.- . :r tue pi Imarles plank of
"c " '
both i:.Fini tllatl'", " "' ' m Bt ' the makeut
.f th..i !.' 'i ular plank.
Mr. Gj'iteom saia aa thoiiant t might Mr
Uiho t wuind select a mau from iii
' 'i-.j.i ct.uniy to make tn. mnti n ub i
l v.'.t.ig tlie uani or tho colonel for ihat
. i VI. e President Boeriiian f.r temporary
1 oha.i uia.i.
Keaaiding a i-po-t that Mr. I-to
I had been asked bv fri-iidt M.n for g'.v.
; ,..
e.ll.o r. oi .i-:uiii win.
"No such proprsition has bean made tc
I Mr Pujjsevcli by me or by any of ruy
friends. The matter aa suggested it M.
floosevelt by me me aeeks ago and tnat
ended it."
He added tiiat there was no cryatalltza-
lion on the d.rect pilmai .es plank, wh
i ''""'i, ,,ue, nmrh di-cU-ai.n.
I Freilrn. k C Slcvarut, superintendent
j r reuen. t.. cicvana, aupennten.ient of
I public works, w . comes from Wyoming
county. 1. oiued large today aa a uand.dala
i for aovvrn..r
b'ft.n. . .ia s..on. ..
1 t,al aatr. Ibkori. oal wlaa taa
., , , .
RiJi'Hfc.frHil N. .. a-pt. 1 Csndi.
dates for tue noniiiiailou of fAnuiK aa