Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1910, Image 9

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floss of the Establishment" 'SBr jj j&L A(W7TX?m1 flfP) 'flhings Yon Want to Know,
'"v XVE I ' WU.t. , IU l.A MOu A MA.V CT
"Ynu need A Itew hat," observed the iff
f lbs- Bn. of the Ktbliriment as he
dusted- Jils ,itsu i ecied derby, pipaiatoiy
to g'riiig down town.
"A rtw liaf t thlnild Hi. nk I did!" ex
claimed tli Hum with 1 1 1 - familiar air ot
ni'til marl.v fiIiiui. "Also a new s.ilt, new
Bhlrt". nw w-k. new everything. Hut I
don t expect t" get them."' lie added virtu
ously. "Vim ee the npfnuri of moving
Into the rmintry will" he an enormous that
we II both Have 1 vail pretty clow to the
wind Oil' 'fall."
"Then yoir 'don't think I d better ordr !
my new suit ist yet?" wife questioned
wistfully. ' j
"No." said tlie Boss reluctantly. "I don't. I
Wait till ftet all nettled. Then I II know !
where 1 stand. I don't Intend to buy a:
new collar button, till after the first of
Ocloner.''' ' ' '
"All right::' hraely agreed the HosV i
wife, and w-th thin thorough iiniei standing I
they parted."'
It was perhaps five hour later when. 1
havlitfe ' lunched downtown with a friend
who Vigd cajoled line into going shopping,
the Boss' wife entered one of the most
elect and. Incidentally, the most expen
sive custom ml lor" for women in Fifth
"Hurt in with ma. and help me select my
fall aim." the beguiling friend had aaid.
And riblivlous of the fact that the siren
got her own clothe -at a nominal rate for
introducing new' cuatomera the Boss' wife
Once, inside a blond harpy with a nerve
of steel under a gown of velvet seized Uon
them. Bh "my deared" and "you don't
sayed" the familiar patron with, the con
desceirslon due n old customer, but her
manner to th Boas' wife eeemed to aay
that she reserved decision upon her till
aha heard her order.
The 'Bosa" wife singularly nervous
and fitful that aftethoon. Una moment she
would be wildly gay,' ha next anxious.
Now n" tried en her collection ot liats.
Again she wouJd. jtutt Over her array of
clothev Fliuilly nh sat down at her denk,
, aharpened a pencil and spent the next hour
demonstrmv'1 td'her1o'n xatisfaction that.
far frorn. "being extravagant, she had just
executed a master stroke of economy.
fctin. nfie reflected, the Hoes was so ex
ti aordlnarlii 'abtuae when It cume to arelng
how you could save .money by spending It
that he- might TrrOre a fdss. There was no
telling about nen!
Thoughrhef,l)Ac4. heinelf for an ex
planation'. It was with Inward misgivings
and outwl-r guyet j that ftie flung open
the door -fo" the Uossk rtrig.
The mwnientahe saw Jiim her courage
rone. Oould U beTev- It was a new
derby hat he led In his hand!
"Oh. you'xn .bought a naw hat!" she ex
claimed f gleefully., "i'm so pleased! Tou
needed iie so very hadlyl'" .
The Bom' smile was one of distant relief.
"Glad you like Is."- he said. "After I got
that lasf ' yekr's hat Out In a strong light
It looked klnj of shabby I aaw I had to
have a new pne,. so I thought I might as
well get it today. It cost $.'. lie adil-d. put
ting on the liar fur his wife's Inspection.
"If economy to get the beft."
"That what I think!" his wife acquiesed
with suspicious enthusiasm. "But you know
dear, you need a new suit. I've been think
ing of It all day, and I really feel you
should order one right away."
"Say!" exclaimed the Boss admiringly,
"Its remarkable how much cne you've
got sometimes! That's just what I said
to myself this afternoon when I gave my
tailor the order!"
Then hp told her about his new clothes.
only $U! Hucli a bargain couKI not possibly
be overlooked!
"I should think not!" the Boss' wife ex
claimed. "What color is the suit? Uray?
Oh I think you'll look simply stunning In
The Hoss beamed upon his wife. This was
a comrade worth having. Another woman
might have reminded him of his morning
admonition to economy. Another woman
But at this moment his reflections were
Interrupted by the woman herself.
"It's wonderful how we aajree about
everything." she began In her most cajol
Ing accents. "We were thinking about the
Mme thing at the same time today. Why,
maybe at the same moment that you were
being measured I was ordering., my. new
suit! My dear, you never saw such lines
as the model has only $125 and In the
smartest shop in Fifth avenue at that!"
The Ross gasped.
Words roso to his lips, but prudence and
the consciousness of his own vulnerability
held him there. '
"Of course." added the woman calmly,'
shall have to have a hat to match. 13 will
be enough I guess. You see, I have to
economise on the hat." ,
(Copyrighted, 1910. by the N. T. Herald Co.)
Miss BoIandV Philosophy of Clothes
1 "CI
To step, from fashionable roles with a
wealth of gowns at one's command Into
the part -of a simple parlor maid who must
wear the same black and white uniform
from the first act until the last, Is no eay
Uk nowadays. For, aa Mies Mary Uoland
remarks, tt Is an age of clothes, spelled
with a capital, and the' woman who either
in the theater or In everyday life, is
atyllshly gowned, has already won half
the battle.
'Both men and women in these days
e clothes-mad, said M Uoland.
'Clothes have come to be more of an
asset to wymen than beauty, form and
even . cleverness. If I had to go through
life, actual life, not that In the theater,
in such.. toga aa these," and she swept
her hand gracefully over the sombre
colored blouse ahe was wearing, "Id give
up." . . '
She had Jiiht come- Into her cosy dressing
room , ajt .the' Umpire theater after her
charming love acene with John Drew in
"Smith," and she wore the plain t;arb of
the aervant heroine. It was a sharp con
f irut to the 4iuaite gowns that had made'
her so picturesque a figure when he p
1 peered in New Yerk in previous seasons
and gave her the name, among many, of
being tne beat droae4 woman on the
Amerlt-aa stagef)
"lndtfod, U has become so that a beau
tiful Ithif yet plainly dreaxed woman may
Was down an avenue without attiacting
the glance of a single, person. Today It
is cJotbea' that draw, one s admiration. Ifj
i haT fny preferen.r-e of being a wonder
fully brauiifI w-omaa without tiie means
to wear HIi:i clothes, and of belntf an
ordinary lop king woman with the means
lo diets Arry fashiuiiaoly, 1 am not so cer
tain but mat 1 would choose the latter ai
, lei native. The greatest compliment now
la not '8he looks beautiful,' but the looks
striking!" . That is to aay. neither man nor
woman can eommeeit .on a vomin without
taking Into roQsMeratlon her clothes.
"8t ,lt W,, too, wltb tboke who have small
mean. Tue eung chap who once a week
can affoi to take' a gkrl jo the theater no
longef takes' the pretties'! ope of his ac
quaintance, bat the best dressed one. A
they say. )SiM bus clas.' It ia only an
other way Sfit t'kn.lvdgiti' the power of
"l'nfortunat6;j ' can neither make nor
innnkk the mouM of 'man's uilnd. !f he
prefer' a wU 'dreeavd womaa lo a pretty
aoinan.' woman iniyiidopt this method of
attracting km to hei . way of tUlnking.
ahe is ust. Mi-cm aJ pfan. and even scheme,
to loek ua as- well she-poeerbly - can i
on hr. lima"... if "tie cannot afford to
buy btr gt.HH, im must leain tj make
them liem-lf. anA , team to make them
well, j Any twoi king. girl who has no taaie
for or aow)edge or dressmaking enter
young wouiknhi.ed seriously handicapped.
-. u,uic mi g-.ri ,io scrtmpa to pay
Vr1f "it
.". H .!.
Ing that I was not well gowned. Many
were thinking. 'Site Is going to bav
hard time of It without any clothes to
help her out.' Of that I was as sure aa
am that I am now speaking to yog. Vou
know there ia a curioua telepathy be
tween the actor and the audience. W
actually feel the thoughts of those
front of us. It Is hard to explain this to
a person who has never experienced
but somehow we seem to know Immedl
ately, whether the people are sympathetic
toward us or Indifferently withholdln
tl.elr approval. That night I was plalnl
conscious that they were waiting to see
wnemer i couia taue tne place of my
"That is w hat I mean by a woman's
being handicapped If ahe tun I in her best.
It Is the same with the little debutante
who stays closely to the wall In the ball-'
room, and wonders why. It Is the same
with the little department store girl who
ia never a.ked ' out on Sunday evenings.
The secret of gaining favor- nowadays, I
earnestly believe. Is first of all, 'Dress.'
There was a time when the saying.
'Tou cannot Judge a book by Its cover'
held good; but that time was when they
read them."
Tio THE moeiyi voetAe acitat
. TO . WW. tt.t TbOH AtX RtTAilT ,
Dyspeptic Philosophy.
tO, SJA.D-, MOoaLt A ursiAQ.Tre
Wlit. , t'U. k.AW MOU A tMALV KT
that if sou'u OeiiM e-tsLitviif ,
HOu'u CitT TMl
I 1 I
I'll A&atrr that in a r.-rt.fc.
turn Ttvqut-S , wonm Mak.
M CtRXAtML!-f ok wcu-ta H, ow
rut Beutr that iwomex caaiaot -wimt
ia MOT TTtOt , t 1AV XATSr .'
-maisg two Tt,ie mc ,
A ao "VMuet' mo us a mo ,
THAAI OOt A siefTX.,
... I
mwmm -
I K1 7. I 1
Wednesday Mollie's house party has
been great fun. Last night one of the
stables Durned to the ground. We had al-
moKt finished dinner wheu I s.iw a bright
light outside, and we all jumped up and
looked out and saw the building was on
It was very exciting. Kverybody tore
around, and they ran the fne bell, and
tht whole countryside Immediately began
to appear. We couldn't do much, except
wait for the fire department. Finally the
two rival companies arrived and began
fighting as to who should put out the
flame.". All the Turners' friends bewail
coming up In motors and carriages of vari
ous kinds, and It commenced to look like
an evening entertainment. They all seemed
to be In full evening dress and enjoying
themtelves Immensely.
Mollie went around saying, "How do you
do?" to people, and Sam had refreshmenes
brought out after a while. Mollie said
afterward she was frightfully aggravated
because Mr. Deerlng, whom she doesn't
tike, bad been giving an awfully dull house
party, and had been doing her best to en
tertain her guests, and, not succeeding,
this fire had really saved the whole affair.
Mrs. Deerlng looked radiant and had on
What can we expect of this world when
Wisdom weeps at the sight of Folly hav
ing such a good time?
When a married man loses his hair it's a
pretty good guess that his wire had a hand
io It.
a perfectly atunning new dinner gown,
which all the villagers had an excellent
opportunity of seeing, too. Mollie felt ter
rible, because she hadn't bothered to dress
much, and only had on her old blue satin
conrwarr. urn it thi uw tou ivbhu tcliou mew vmx memij au m aw
that Mrs. 1 leering had kccii her wear last 1 chilly at night Is quite Irresistible. . She
year. Luckily 1 had put on my new green and KCRgie sit in a swinging seat oui on
chiffon. Mollie says ahe hasn't had to the piazza all the -oilier evening, and at
breakfast she Informed us that he had
proposed and she had accepted him. Reg
gie turned positively pah? and spilled an
egg all over his trousers. Polly said:
"You know you did; 1 dare you to deny
He looked terribly unhappy, but didn't
deny It. He couldn't eat anything at all.
We congratulated them and asked where
they were going to live and who the brldee
inaids would be. Mollie said she would
help her to begin making a list of the peo
ple to be asked to the wedding right away,
and Polly simpered and seemed to get
terribly confused, and faltered that he had
"pressed for an early wedding." He said:
"Oh. now you know 1 didn't do that,
Dot she told him piy would write to her
mother that morning, and that he could
xpt-ak to her father aa soon aa they got
home.- Regale looked fearfully nervous,
because Mr. Warner doesn't like him, and
Is always very insulting to him. Polly kept
calling him darling, and when she handed
'llfc-M Vl'IV Ci'inf TI11T Kill!" PI'TU oy-w mm
ON WHEN S1IK FKIJ CHILLY." ooaiy oooze is oo .- men sne insistea on
peeling It for him, and when she had fin
bother to try and make her guests enjoy
them.oelves this time at all, because none
of them were engaged, and everybody was
attentive to every one else.
She says a lot of married people are easy
to entertain, but engaged couples are very
difficult to, because a hoxtess Is only ex
pected to Invite the girl's finance In the
way of men for her. I-ast year she had
Eleanor Drown, who was engaged to
Claries Demlng, and he bald Eleanor was
bored to death, because everybody else
had paired off and tltere wasnt any man
for her to play around with but Charlie.
Mollie said she was awfully worried be
cause Eleanor seemed to be having such
stupid time. Polly Warner and Reggie
Van An have been quite Inseperable while
hey have been here.
Reggie i so rich that he Is very much
sought after. He Is apt to rush a girl, and
end by asking her to marry him. He sl-
waya goes and takes Is back the next day,
though. I shouldn't wonder if he never
marries, unless some girl makes him draw
up k document, and even then he'd prob
ably get out of it. Polly knows him pretty-
well, however. She Is most attractive, and
generally weara a flowing sort of dresses
and fluttering drapery of all kinds. Her
new scarf that she puta on when she feels
The thirteenth annual session ot the
American Mining congress opens today In
Los Angeles, Cal. Many prominent public
men will be there. In addition to the usual
contingent of mining authorities who at
tend these annual congresses. Numerous
Important questions will com up for con
sideration, one of the most interest ing
of which relates to the safety of miners.
Other matters to be discussed are the new
Kurrau of Mines, conservation as applied
to mining, workman a compensation, min
ing ln etiment. the oil Industiy, uniform
mlniiiK legislation, and the tncieased use
of silver. The mining congress lias ac
cumulated such a large amount of mining
literature that It has been thought wise
to establish permanent headquarters. Such
headquarter have been opened at Den
ver. Ureat progress has been made In mining
conditions since the last meeting of the
congress. TUe national government uii
authorised the establishment of a buieau
of mines and many of the states have em
barked upon a program of legislation look
tit the proper safeguarding of miners. Illi
nois, the first to take up mine rescue
work, has appropriated JO.OOu for the pur
posce of carrying forward this great hu
manitarian activity. Thirty thousand dol
lars of this aum is to be used for the
construction of station buildings, H2.&00
for their equipment and $7,200 le to be re
served for contingencies. In the appropri
ation for the work allotted to the federal
bureau of mines. $.14,000 is to be used in
equipping new rescue stations and $10,000
for additional equipment in stations al
ready established. Another $40,000 Is made
available for the study of explosives used
In mines. $14,000 for the study of electricity
aa applied to mining and $8,000 for experi
ments with device for preventing mine
Several rescue stations for miner already
have been established by the federal gov
ernment. One "of these Is at Huntington,
w. Va.. In the center of the West Virginia
mining district; another at Birmingham,
Ala., in the heart of the Alabama coal re
gion; another at Wilkes Bat-re. Pa., con
tiguous to the many big mines in that sec
tion. Other at Billing. Mont., and In
Utah have been planned and oon will be
In operation. What a fire department is
to a big city, the fire rescu . station
in the - mining district in to the
mines of that section. There Is al
ways an emergency force ready to move at
an instant's notice, carrying with It such
equipment as will permit the most efficient
efforts . In A-scuing Imprisoned and en
tombed miner. When the force Is not on
dut;' It will be occupied In conducting a
training school at the rescue station. Here
the miners who are detailed to attend the
school will be taught the lessons of pro
tection from mining dangers and lay the
foundation for Imparting this knowledge to
all miner engaged within the district.
The recent great catastrophe at Cherry,
III., where many miners lost their lives,
may prove to have been a blessing In dis
guise. A number of millers were cut off in
a Bmall chamber. They closed the opening
leading to the main part of the mine and
were thus able to keep alive for many days.
and were finally rescued. This has led
mining engineer to make a careful study
of the possibility of constructing refuge
chambers In all actively worked mines. It
Is estimatd that by an outlay of $10,000 a
sufficient number of such chambers could
be constructed to make the average mine
safe for the miner. If this Idea shall prove,
under actual test, to be satisfactory, it Is
certain that the government will eventually
enact a law requiting the establishment of
such havens of refuge. Just as It haa re
quired air-brakes and automatic couplers
on the railroad.
At Birmingham, Ala., the Crittenden,
Home association, organized for the care
of disabled miners, and of the widow and
orphans of those who have lost their
Uvea In mining accidents, Is preparing to
erect a home at a coet of from $H0.000 to
$100,000. Each miner In the district is to
contribute $1 to the project at the outset,
and to pay $1 a year thereafter for the
as u ranee that if he is permanently In
jured in a mine accident he will be cared
for. or If killed, his family will be looked
after. In addition to this, each company
employing miners I to be requested to
contribute $1 for each miner employed.
and a like amount during each succeeding
year. In addltiryi to this It 1 aimed to es
tablish a pension fund, by which those who
grow old In the service will be provided for.
The Importance of the mining Indus try-
In the United States la shown by the fact
that 6 per cent of all the traffic on the
railroads of the country originated In Its
mines. There are more than 2,0nfi.noo miners
employed and the total annual product
Ished raid, "What would oo do If Ducky
At luncheon she Informed u that she
had jilted him, and he looked very much
relieved and mad an enormous meal.
for a new dress.
"The well dresaed woman already haa I The law of environment . ,..u
half the battle to herself. -8he la certain j when we reaUxe that the Illy grows best
of her gudlerrta, W hether on the stag orWn the mire.
In the home. U at. looka pleasing h I '
find little difficulty in being pleasing. j The man who marrte because he 1 un-
dui a wontaa'woa depends on hr dres happy will " alao be unhappy because he
ior nr cnarm nasally takes time to de
velop little more, f believe 1 am not ex
aggerating one whit when 1 say that the
custom of dressing our slag in ultra
style hgs spoiled score of good actreaae.
They 'do hot learn to depend on thio
Mlve. ..And ; on the snag, so In tti
home on t but th reflection ot the
"I ahall never forget my opening night
ia 'Smith' several weeks ago. 1 eould feel
that the au4lC4 mentally comment-
Boy babiea learn to talk first, probably
because the girls want the last word.
, Cuse words are almost aa great a turn
tort to a man a a real good Cpy is to a
aggregate $l..vo0rt',00i). Steel, coal and
steam have worked hand-tn-hand for th
welfare of Immunity and have made them
selves the great triumvirate lih-h lis
moved the Industry and commerce of the
world. The steel Is used to confine the
steam that lifts the coal that make the
steam, so that we have In the three a
modern house that Jack built. Some Idea
of the Importance of tie coal industry may
be gathered from the recent announcement
that a tingle coal company has contracted
with a single steel company to deliver,
dining a twenty-year period, $monn.Oin
worth of coal at th steel work. TMs I
the largest nngle mineral contra- t eer
At a coal-di1lllng contest in Calumet.
Mich., a few weeks ago a team of Butte
miners won the $i.l"X Ityan prize by drill
ing a hole in granite fifty-three and a half
Inches de-p in fifteen minutes. Thus sur
passes, by five and one-fourth Inches, th
formw world's rtx-oi d tor double-hand
drilling made In at HI Paso. Tex.
In the recent Itallinger-linchot Investi
gation It was testified by A. II. Brooke
Of the United State Geological Survey,
that the important roul deposit of Alaska
were one-half cent a ton In the ground,
mil a price impresses the uninitiated as
being almost nothing, and many an editorial
writer was constrained to comment upon
the low price put upon Alaskan coal in
place by the Geological Survey. A a mat
ter of fact, however, this Is u price rela
tively higher than Is paid for bituminous
coal In the Pennsylvania and West Virginia
fields. The calculations of the survey show
that one-half cent a ton means front $.V
to $o00 per acre for the land underlaid with
coal In Alaska. Land In the eastern part
of the United States recently waa sold for
as little as one-thirteenth of on cent per
ton for the coal underlying It.
During the last year there has been much
discussion among mining eugineeia as to
the ultimate source of the mineral deposits
Of the earth. Suhie have believed that
minerals are of deep-seated origin, grad
ually working themselves toward the sur
face, in the evolution wrought by time.
Uihers have contended that they have com
from the locks by a sort of leeching pro
ofs. Still others have claimed that they
come directly from the sea. The most re
cent view seem to be that the majority
of minerals are of celestial origin rather
than terrestrial. It la pointed out that
the earth is constantly traveling through
great masse of star dust, which, though
invisible to the human eye, Is perprtuaUy-
falllng to the earth. We see the big meteo
Ites, but the amount of mineral brought
down by the them Is small In comparison
to the constant showers of microscopic
dust that falls. Sometimes we are aware
of the presence of this dust when It form
the nucleus of hail stores. It Is claimed
by some authorities that In every ruin
drop there Is a tiny bit of dust around
which the water has been able to gather.
The celestial original of minerals I fur
ther evidenced by the fact that In melting
arctic snows there, are found deposit of
nickel, Iron, cobalt, copper and other min
eral. The banded appearance of cinder
In northern region In another corrobora
tion of the stellar hypothesH of mineral
origin. In desert region and on high
mountain iveaks, where a rarlfied atmo
sphere I found, meteorite showers are wit
nessed almost any nlpht It is assumed
that these showers occur a freouently In
other regions, but that they merely escape
attention. Likewise the great frequency
of meteorite In desert region I explained
by the fact that the condition are not
favorable to their disintegration. It Is con
cluded that equally as many meteorite
fall In other region, but they do not re
tain their Identity for such great period
of time. It wa estimated not long ago by
one of the leading astronomer that from
15,000.000 to 20000.000 meteorites enter our
atmosphere every day, and that thl rate
kept up through loni? centuries of time
would account for the known areas of
mineral in the earth.
One acarcely can find the earliest date
at which metals of one kind or another
were first used by man. Our flrat glimpse
of the race gives us a picture of the stone
age. when a man was Indeed little mora
than "brother to the ox." Then we come
to the copper age. and thl in turn by the
Iron age. The bronze age was made possi
ble by the discovery of tin, and the bronze
equipped warrior easily triumphed over
him who carried weapon of atone. I-ater
the warrior with Implement of Iron easily
put down the one with the bronze weapon,
and remained supreme until some one In
vented gunpowder and thereby ushered In
the modem age of aleel.
Tomorrow i "Lawn Taaaia,"
Smaller but More Ornate Din'
ner Tables are Now in Vogue
Smaller dinner table are required than ' housekeeper I o fortunate as to have a
Items of Interest for the Women Folks
A young girl should avoid th sombre
clothe of a grandmother. Debutantes
probably from th new delight of wearing
grown-up clothe fancy themselves im
mensely In black Velvet or satin; If It has
ome ne-saeinenterle with chenille or Jet.
their sense of pride know no bound. One
might a well encourage a lark to croak!
Youth, freshness, girlishnes it I most
beautiful thing in the world! Iet a young
g;rl enjoy everything every moment, every
second, every gift of her life as It come
and not try to pretend she Is blase. If
popularity were but a attainable as .
111 1 -- h need only wait for the Impact of its
Th fellow who la. satisfied to wait for ,udden approach.
something to tarn up generally dodgea it v
wba it eomea. ' , Th paail dlv.ra of Japan ai Ui women.
Along the coast of the bay of Ago and the
bay of Gokaslio th thirteen and fourteen
year old girls, after they have finished
their primary school work, go to sea and
learn to div. They ar lu the water and
learn to swim almost from babyhood and
they spend most of their time In the water
except in the coldest season, from th end
of December to the beginning of February,
ay th Chicago Inter Ocean.
Even during th most Inclement of sea
sons they sometimes dive for pearl They
wear a special dress, white underwear and
the hair U twlkted up Into a hand knot.
The eye are protected by glasses to pre
vent the entrance of water. Tuba are sus
pended from the waist.
to every five or ten women diver to carry
them to and from th fishing grounds.
When the divers arrive on th ground
they leap Into the water at once and begin
to gather oyter at th bottom. Th
oyster are dropped Into tub suspended
from their waist. ;
When thee vessels ar filled th diver
ar raised to the surface and Jump Into
the boats. They dlv to a depth of from
five to thirty fathoms without any special
apparatus and retain their breath front
on to three minute. Their age vary
from thirteen to forty year and between
twenty-five and thirty-five they are at
their prime.
boat la command of a man 1 assigned j Th Ky to th biiualiun--B Waal Aa
formerly, because vegetable dishes are
never placed thereon. When one lives with
any degree of formality the roast also is
handed by the maid, not being put, aa used
to be, before the head of th household.
Even when there I little or no pretence
of service In the dining room, vegetables
are riot supposed to be always In evidence,
for th arrangement of a side table where
It can be reached easily, without leaving
the dinner tabic, acts as a service board
and the symmetry of the principal table is
thua preserved.
The aesthetic has entered so Into the serv
ing of food that housekeepers are expected
to give it a great attention as they do or
ders to th butcher. A few flowera, a
dish of fruit, or even an empty dish, if It
Is pretty, must occupy the center, serving
aa a hub around which other decorative
piece, uaeful a well, are placed. Odd
or fancy silver fork and spoon ar laid
on th cover, although they are not re
quired for actual service during th meal.
Four tiny vase of flowera. one at each
corner; four oondleatlcka. or even two.
take room and are decorative, a they could
not b were they aide by side with large
dlshe of food.
A serving table, to be practical and at
th aam tin) attractive, should b oov
ered with a small linen cloth, and, if one
haa flowera, or a plant that may be spared
for It, the blossom should be used there.
Th' vegetable dishes, when brought from
th kitchen, are put symmetrically on their
own table and when they are required are
handed over and returned at once to their
own place. Finger bowl should b on
their placss and may b In a line at the
back of th table, ready for use when the
other dlshe ar taken off.
There I never any raao, because a
woman doe her own cooking, that the
aervlng of food ahall not be attractive, it
lane iiuu u any lunger to decorat a
dish with a few leave of parsley or to
urwp a flower iuto cU flnxsr bowl,' if th
Pretty disht-s cost no more than plain
onea and It I not a waste of time, but
refining, to make a dinner or lunch tabl
Old-Faahloaed Tomato t'atsag.
Boll one-half bushel tomatoes until soft.
Strain and add to them one quart vinegar,
two-third cup of salt, one ounc cayenn
pepper, a tablenpoonful black pepper and
three head of garlic skinned and allied.
Mix together and boll until reduced one
half. Bottle and seal.
Tm f otng to mv up and buy
te kid a nice cxrL'
Huh' By the tlm you Mved
tnough tor i xrt hall need aa