Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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tto acrea, IS miles southajt of Kansas
Cllfl 6e crn Tin bottom land in cultiva
tion, balance (our pastures; nicely watered,
fin two-story frame house; good tenant
tiouaa, food barn, orlbs. etc; ail fenced
with wire and board; I mil to town, school
.rid churou. For quick sal $U per acre;
no trad.
803-20S Sheidlea; iildg., Kanaa City, Mo.
A B.N AP If taken in SO days Fin valWiy.
40 acraa. Improved, In tha heart o( Cast
county, Missouri; I mllea from county seat;
deal wltb awnar; aava commission. Address
lki 74, K. F. i. Ha. a, Harrtoonvlli, Caaa
county. Ma.
' THREE hlgh-clas Improved north watt
Mlnaourl farnia for aaJa; corn, clovai and
ti u grass land; your choice, 178 par acra.
Writ for particular Haaal J. Maak,
wncr. P. O. box v?. CuilUcotna, Mo.
MEXICO I have for aala everal flna
tract of troplcaj landa and tranaportatloa
especially aultabla for fruit and atock
raining. Cheap on quick aala Liv cor
respondents wanted. Nona but reaponalbia
firms or parties need anawar. Reference
, given and required Address, J. Prria
Kant. Tlaootalpam. Var Maxloox
Be ma about Mlnneaota farm of all de
scription. They are priced right.
Must Be Sold
A I need tha money In business. I want
to sell my farm of 200 acrea In Mower Co.,
Idlnnnota, seven mile from Auatin, a town
of 10.GUO, and one and a half mile from
llrownaaale, a good market town.
All good, wall drained land; all ha been
under plow, seeded down to tame grass.
Hlgn state of cultivation. Improvement
Just fair. Price, 870.00 per acre. Writ for
pal ticutars, and term.
IL C. Smith, Owner,
Mason City, la.
MO-ACRE farm, within lb mile of Minne
apolis, miles from tha county aeat; ha
Lai acre under cultivation, balance timber
and pasture; all high land; price $16 per
acre; one-half cash, balance on easy terms;
land I situated on main traveled road; 1
mile from school. This 1 a bargain and
will bear the most rigid Investigation.
For further particulars write M. tt. Ruther
ford at Co., Princeton, Minn.
FXJR Bale Cheap Good farm, IM acres;
All under cultivation; small buildings; I
miles west of Hawley. Clay county, Minn.
Audreis box 4, Muskoda, Minn.
1 820 ACRES, olay soil, well Umbered, with
bard wood; located near tills city; a big
bargain. Price. 11a per aore. P. R. Xhlel
man, St. Cloud. Mio.
' Three sections of Dawson county land In
one block at a bargain If taken In the next
thirty day. These are steam plow sections.
Other laud at bargain price. No better
time to buy lands than right now. If you
are looking for investment or a good farm,
write Ueorg C. Hay ward, Ulenuive, Mont,
,000 acre Yellowstone Co., Montana,
miles from Broadview, a new town on new
railroad, W miles north of Billings and I
miles from new C, M. & St P. Ry. lino.
Every foot steam plow land except KM
acres; no stone, rlon soil, fine water In
abundance at 86 feet; settler all around
It; wheat yield this year 14 to 17 bushels;
in ordinary years, 26 to 40 bushels. Bank
deposit In Broadview Inoreased $30,000 past
10 days. How is that for a poor crop year
In a new country? State experimental
farm adjoining. Similar land telling at
retail $20 to 8i6 per acre. Present owner
scattered over three state and can't agree,
o must sell. Price, $14 per acre, on rea
sonable term. Will easily sell (20 next
CIIAS. O. ELWOOD (Trustee.)
435 Palace Btdg., Minneapolis. Minn.
Douglas County.
18-acr tract finely Improved, plenty of
, fruit and all good land, three miles front
city car line.
Sarpy County.
80-acre tract, suitable for country homes;
Interurban car lines passing through the
land; all lies high and sightly, flteen min
utes' street car ride to city; station on the
lond. Ask tor prices.
20-acre timber tract, one mils of Inter
urban, two and a half miles to city.
80-acre tract, two and a half miles of
city; well Improved. ,
60-acre tract, one mile and a half from
city limits; flna Improvements.
Washington County.
IM acres, 9." acres In cultivation, 20 acres
alfalfa, 10 acres natural timber, twu acres
orchard, balance pasture and hay; good 8-
room house, good barn, double corn crib
and all other necessary outbuilding; very
cheap; good terms.
100-acre tract rolling land and good Im
provements; special price for quick sale
40-a ere fruit farm adjoining good tows
a borne bargain.
Cass County.
Two good quarters; priced to sell. Ask
about Lhein.
Rooms 807 to 811 Rrandels Theater Bldg.'
Phona Douglug 1916.
120 ACRES Improved rarm, two mllea
from Talmuge, three miles from Lorton
and seventeen mile from Nebraska City.
Otoe county. Corn goes eighty-five and
wheat forty-five bushels to the acre. Nice,
level land, $100 per acre, $3,200 against
i farm. Would consider cheaper farm up
to $8,000. Owner. 616 Central Ave., Ne
braska City, Neb.
$10,000 WANTED.
I have a good farm of 280
acres, adjoining county seat in
northeast Nebraska, It is clear
of encumbrance, highly im
proved productions, and worth
$25,000. I want to make a pri
vate loan on it of about $10,000
for five years, with 0 interest.
isTo commission, and privilege of
paying $1,000 or more annually.
Can arrange interview and go
with interested party to inspect
property at any time.
Address Box 332, Omaha.
FOR 8A LK MJC-acre ranch, &S miles
from town; acres tillable; 400 acres pas
ture, ail fenced; 100 acres hay land; T-room
house; big frame barn and good outbulld
Intia; wells and windmills; mile from
school. Price. $27..') per acre. For further
particulars write C. A. Rice. Farnam, Neb.
of alfalfa land Sept. . 17. lsiO. 1J0 and IM
acrea adjoining. . Raining alfalfa hay and
seed la the beat business In Nab. This
land will positively be sold to the highest
bidder and someone will get a bargain; II
may ba you. Writ Willie Cadwtll. owner,
Broken Bow, for description of land and
reasons fr sal.
FOR SALE Its) acrea deeded land. 40
acru school land; 80 acre undor cultiva
tion. 60 acres pasture, I acres trees and
yard, balance, mt-adow; good house and
other outbuild. na; $?.0Us Incumbrance;
price, $'S per acra tt.Otw cash, balance to
suit purchaser. Oertrud Neckolisak,
ivwtng, Neb,
FOR RALE i'4 scr-, 3',i miles south
east of Cedar Bluffs, Neb.; make me an of
fer. Chaa. Alkire, care Harwl Hardware
Co., Atchison, Kan.
BrX'lON land, 13-M-38, Kelpt county 37 bo
per acre. Kuslly worth 1U oo. Fifteen mllea
north of i'axton. 400 Paxton Blk.
SJO Al'KKH of email grain and alfalfa
land, IM) acres tillable, balance good pine
timber; plenty of water. Price, $10.1 per
acre, cash. Address M. D. Powell, Hardy,
(20 ACRES, M0 level, WO crop, 100 hog
tight, two houses, wells, spring, five-ton
scale, shop, four mules, four horses, six
cows, seventy-five hogs, tools. Price, $14,0uo.
Three smaller farms, rent or sell. Owner.
William Raiick. Clifford. OkL
STOP at Baker City, the first county
seat In Kaatern Oregon, located In a rich
farming and fruit raining district that ha
never been boomed. Prices on Improved
land lower than raw land elsewhere IM
per acra up. For Information and Illus
trated booklet free, address
oath Dakota. '
situated In the Big Sioux valley, four mile
south of Castlewood, the county soat of
Hamlin county, South Dakota; 4K acre of
deep black loam, under yearly cultivation;
100 acres In pasture and luu in the beautiful
spring-fed Lake Florence, with Its sylvan
scenes and sparkling water, deep and put
and filled With fiah and game In season,
i.d n?arby 1 the home, a lourtoen-rooin
house, large barn, two granaries, chicken
huae. hog house and woven wire pasture,
corn silo, machine house, small barn and
numerous small buildings, all in iood con
dition, with windmill, three wells and cis
tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove.
Price $25,000, on good terms, by M. J,
Rutsell, Castlewood, S. D.
Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota; stop
paying high renta; own your own farm,
spend the money for your Improvement
that you are laying In Iowa In hlxh rent
W own twenty quarter of land her
that wa can sell you for $26 to $30 per acre
on terms yoi can't beat; $1,000 to $1,500
down balance on payment at per cent.
Come here before the snaps are all none.
For full Information write Dixon Bros,
or Bank of Seneca, Faulk county, 8. D.
An Improved quarter section In Gregory
county, 8. D., 4Vt miles from Burke, CVfc
miles from Oregory; all fenced; small set
of Improvements; 80 acres under cultivation.
Price $40 per acra
160 acres, one mil from town. Tripp
county; brio $. per acre.
A half section, 8ft miles from Witten.
Price J6 per acre.
A half section 4 miles from Carter; prlo
$30 per acre.
A nice half section S mile from Dallas
and mile from Colomb. Price $36 par acra
Bell 1344 Iowa Bldg., Sioux City. Ia.
SECTION of Gregory county. South Da
kota, land for sale. Thfk section ha tim
ber, running water fed by springs, lot of
hay, 60 acre broken, 180 acre can be
plowed, all fenced: one-half mile from
chool, three mile from one railroad town
and six mllea from another; good soil and
the very best all around farming and stock
raising section in Gregory county. South
Dakota Call on or writ to Charles Milnar,
owner, Fairfax. B. V.
MONEY MAKING 400-acr corn farm
out from Sioux Falls; 9-room house hard
wood finish, barn 16x46, other bul'ldings;
18 acres grov and orchard, bearing block
walnut trees: 60 acres In hoc and pasture.
balance In crop, fenced and cross fenced,
telephone, rural mall. Price, $82.60 per acre
cut price for quick sale. Also a couple well
Improved Quarters. Write me at once. H.
A. Sllvlus, owner. Sioux Falls, 8. O.
Do you want to buy a good townslteT Ws
have It lust fresh from the government,
with perfect title. 120 lots now surveyed
and about 30 of them sold with about 24
buildings now completed In the town on a
railroad that has six daily trains, with ex
cellent service. This townslte Includes 160
acrea of the very best of aecond bottom
land with fins timber for parks and also
a fins stream of water running through It,
Fine openings for almost all kinds of busi
ness, eHpeclally a bank, hotel and elevator
A grand bargain If sold In thirty day. Ad
dress Powell Land & Loan Co., Powell,
Stanley county, S. D.
We will Investigate any body of farm
land n the state of Texas for you for One
Dollar and give you the cold facts resulting
from our Investigation. We do no selling,
neither will we advise you where to buy
land. Our business is to furnish a disin
terested report upon which you can rely.
Inclose one dollar, with Inquiry, or write
for particulars to
P. O. Box 978, Ban Antonio, Texas.
W ACRES LEVEL LAND. IS cultivated,
balance pasture, 6-room bouse, larg barn,
chicken house, aprlng and trout brook on
farm, I mllea from station, school on land.
$1,800, easy terms. Tom O. Mason, Island
City Stat bank, Cumberland. Wla
HARDWOOD Umbered lake frontag
farm at a bargain; 66 acrea In Polk coun
ty. Wis., 60 miles from twin cities; heavy
clay loam soil; half mile lak frontage; lots
of hardwood saw Umber; small clearing;
old buildings; good neighborhood; only
$1,300; on easy terms If taken at ono.
Owner N. 6., Box A. St Croix Falls, Wla
Carey Act land at Wheatland, Wyo.
Obtain a horn now that's sure to produce
and double In value before paid for. Plenty
of water now on tha land. Also selling
choicest farm landa in Iowa colony, near
Cneyenn. Great alfalfa and grain crops
grown her every year. Healthiest climate
purest waier, good market. For excursion
rate, valuable maps, laws, writ Hartung
Land Co., special a Late agent, Cheyenne,
rint no-acre tract, irrigated; paid up;
government water right; no alkali; $.ri00
worth Improvements; will sell for $30 per
am-: ILIUM down. H fc Purlin 11 a.-
. - - u. rVl,
I'hevenne. W vo.
TRACE? Or do you want to buy oner
Make your wanta known through THE UIl.4
MOINES CAPITAL, tb want medium of
Iowa rtaiee: i trui a worn lor each inser
tlon, cents a line, 70 cents an Inch. cir
culatlon. 41.U00; largest of any Iowa dn
Give us a trial. Address The Capitsi
uana uepi.. jaoiiies, is.
run o j K.A.itA.iucr-jnt sood
quarter of farm land, Perkins county
Nebraska; two good quarter in Kedwick
county, Colorado; 160 acrea of wheat land
In Alberta, Canada; twenty acres and a
town lot In the onion belt of Texaa, last
IWO pruWi ur. .ir-mi . .vill ft, good
roadster automobile and good driving horse
a .1 ii n . i.iiii u hart nu v A A ,i . .
- : w - -- , box
88 ACRES oak timber $0.
4l acrea good farm, $120.
(40 acrea gcod farm. tWOO.
Cheaieat farms In America; easy terms
any alio tract you want.
6-S N. Y. Life Bldg.
Phonea Ited 1!: A-1771
LOANS to home owner and horn build
srs. with privilege of making partial pay
oienla sand-annually.
603 First National Bank Blag.
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
always ,on band and for gale
amounts from $300 to 3.000.
412 N. Y. Life Bldg.
MM $6,000 on On). ha boiuee. O Keel's
Real Eatatt Co.. 1014 N. T. Lite. Doug, or
MONEY TO IX) AN Payne Investment Co.
$10 to $10, SO made promtxly. T. IX WsaaV
vVead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
OARVIN BROS., d floor N. Y. Ufa ISO
to $iO0.0u on Improved proper. No daisy.
WANTED City loan and warrant. vt
funis m amlth at Co.. 11M Farnatn St.
WANTED City loana. Peter Trust Co.
WANTEIV About 8 acres, about I mile
from Benson or Florence or Council Bluffs,
with small hnuae. Will pay cash. Address
W-170, care Bee.
11 ACRES. Melroae park, Chicago. 111.,
clear; will trade for Income paying prop
erty; price. 89.W0. Nowata Land A Lot
Co., New York Life Bldg. Phone,
Red 18!; A-1721.
WE exchange propertlea of merit H. H.
Culver, 813-813 N. Y. Life. Douglas T806.
-ROOM house, modern except heat; one
lot. 6Cxl50 feet; trade for western Nebraska
land. Address Z, Bea office. So. Omaha.
WHAT have you In southern California
to exchange for Omaha property T i 26, Bea
OxJOO, near car line. Call 1618 Harney St.
Flna art store, stock Invoice about $5,000.
Will pay big anywhere; make offer.
6SS New York Life Bldg.
Phones Red 1999, A 1721.
FOR XCH A NOB-Property of all kinds.
Write. 1 Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la.
land for hotel In Nebraska doing good busl
nesg, Addres 8 169, Bee.
WANTED to borrow $9,500 for five years
on good real estate security. Address 8
139, Bee.
SECOND-HAND roll top desk. Telephone
Douglas 171.
BEST price paid for Id-band furniture,
carpets, clothing ana shoes. Tel. li. 897L
SECOND HAND clothes, .evening and
party dresses. John Feldman, 218 N. 17 tb
St.; phones Douglas 1128, Ind. A-2639.
ING STORE pays higbest prices for parti'.
Sftamoon and evening dress Had 44l
TWO unfurnished rooms and board by
two business women; private family pre
ferred. E 144, Bee.
WANTED Either in Omaha or Council
Bluffs, three rooms completely furnished
for light housekeeping or two rooms with
board for man and wife and 2-year-old.
House must be modern. Address K, Bee
office. Council Bluff.
WANTED Board and room in nrlvste
family by refined gentleman. W 16, Bee,
YOUNG MAN desire nlac to work tnt
board and room to private family while at
tending school. Boyles College, Bo Lb
TO operate farm with everything fur
nished; man and wife; I boy, 14 and It
years; good farmer and stockman. Louis
G. Boyer, Clarion, I a.
with hnv 1 ft v,nn nM h..l rtf
given and required. K-148, Bee.
WANTED Ladles' clothes to launder hv
first-class laundress. Call Douglas 6501.
WANTED Young man desires nositlrm
as driver on delivery wagon; well ac-
quainiea witn city. Address li. v., Gen
eral Delivery.
DRESSMAKER Would like work in fern.
llles by the day. Call after 6:30 p. m.
'Phone Doug. 6660. 2227 Dodge St
Quartermaster, Fort Robinson, Neb., Sep
tember 20, lttlO. Sealed proposals for fur-
niHhing ail material and labor for the in
stallation of steel Watering Troughs at
Fort Robinson, Neb. Will be received here
until 11 a. m., October 10, 1U10. Blank pro
posals may be obtained at this office. Plans
and specifications furnished upon receipt of
certified check for $10 to Insure their re
turn. Envelopes containing proposals
should be Indorsed "Proposals for Furnish
ing and Installing Watering Troughs" and
addressed to "Captain Malvern Hill Bar-
num, constructing Quartermaster, Fort
Robinson, Nebraska. J25-26-0-6-7
Railroad Company Auction. The follow
ing unclaimed baggage will be sold
at public auction at No. 617 South 16th
St., Omaha, Nebraska, commencing
at 7 p. m., Tuesday, October, li.
trunks marked A. O. Torjuson, C. Plckard,
Clarence D. Baker, W. A. Brock, Anna
Byron, Harry Wathen. H. D. Crattl. Zinc
trunk marked Wm. Ryan, E. S. Johnson,
Joe Loranzo, E. I, Maxon, Mr. Carrie
hcott. u. a. Martinez. Mr. L. F.
Smith, L. F. Straube, Dr. O. A. Fischer,
J W. Flint, George F. Hughes, S. Egarskl,
Miss Eftle Wooidridge. Steamer trunks.
marked Paul w. Lester, Miss An-
gelo Ankney, H. Daugherty, R. R.
Jones. Box marked "Lunay," Mr. Clarence
Carr. Sample trunk marked A. E. Hart,
No. 21 LU-Chicago. Cheat marked John
Collin. Dress suitcase marked E. S. Tag
gard, Orrle Holland,' John Green, H.
Thicket, G. T. Peebles, W m. Hazard, H. H.
Budd, 11. B. White, W. W. Williams, H.
Rankin, D. J. Rankin, E P. Coleman, H. C.
Pariah, M. Flynn, Mike Ross. Canvas
telescopes marked Ray Van Bauer, E. Col
lins, G. Buttler. J. D. Cordoba. E. F.
Andrews, C. G. Gentry, bearing Southern
Pacific interline checks Nos. 713. i4ot34.
74i!M; O. S. L. Interline checks Nos. 8&j6,
17W41, ImjOUi, 1Di204, 201034 and W7161; O. R.
& N. interline checks Nos. 82541 and 127081;
C. &. S. W. interline checks Nos. lntttlt,
227204, 22726S, 230679. 8036i, K)478, 326630
and local check 600621; D. & R. G. C. O. D.
checks 18&1 and 1663; C, M. & St. P. C. O.
D. check 122t0; S. P. L. A. S. L. Inter
line check 141304; C, St. P., M. & O special
check 6340; A., T. & 8. F. special checks
Nos. 4M061 and 403146; C. & S. Interline
checka Nos. 607620, 641300 and 641416; North
ern faciiic special checks rsos. ."i.jayn and
623uuo; Orand Trunk special check 712121;
Nevada Northern No. feioo; C. & W. I. C. O.
D. 6134. Also &. pieces of miscellaneous
articles consisting of guns, bundles, blank
ets, valises, trunks, boxes, chests, watcllea
and musical Instruments not marked.
A. TRAYNOR, General Baggage Agent.
CII1CAUU live: stock market
Demand for All Claaaea of Stock la
CHICAGO, Sept. 24. CATTLE Receipts
estimated at 6u0 head; market., steady;
beeves, t4.KOnt6.30; Texaa ateer, $3.7iiii.u0;
Western steers, $4.407.10; stackers knd feed
ers, $4.t6.00; cows and heifers, $2.2&6.60;
calves. $7.00(9 10.00.
HOGS Receipts estimated at 6,000 head;
market, steady; light, $a.l."UK.ll5; . mixed,
$6,4649.60; heavy, $S.J0Ctf9.35; good to choice
heavy, $6 5ous 36; pigs, $S.6tu.45; bulk of
sales, $Si6iv20.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts estimated
at 2,0u0 head; market, steady; native, $2.6fa
4 45; western, $3.2tVQ4.40; yearlings, $4.7&i
6.75; lambs, native, $0.2fc7.26; western, $0.50
t. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 800 head; market ateady; steers, $4.60
tj7.M); cows and heifer. $2,5046.00; calves,
HoGS Receipts, 1,000 head; market
steady to loc lower; top. $9.36; bulk of
tale. $S.60U9.G0.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. KM head;
market steady; lambs, $&.0o7.00.
toek la Blakt.
Receipts of live stock st the five princi
pal western market yesterday:
cattle. Hoga. Sheep
South Omaha
St. Joseph ...
Kansas City ,
St. Lous
Totals ....
.. 600
... 600
l.SJO 13,600 (.500
Moit Kindi of Cattle Show Decline
for the Week.
Fat aad Feeder kee Have Baaed
Off m Little, W kite Fat Lamb
Are Mrssger aad Good
Feeders Steady
. . . Cattle. Hor. Sherp.
Official Monday 12 2M 1,253 41.H7
Official Tuesday 10.779 4.8 2S.KY6
Official Wednesday 11,461 4.R70 17.746
Official Thlir.H.v a iw 1 M 7111
Official Friday ...'".WW Lord Z.'an .'o7)
estimate Saturday 17 2,040 3E9
ai .. . " ZZl
sm uays tnis week. .. .42.208 Zl.llo i:w.wu
Same days last week. ..42.064 23 .49 149,141
ame days 1 weeks ago..39.i 2.1.SDS 142.M8
hame days 1 weeks ago.. 40. 6S3 81.797 103.649
Same days 4 weeks ago.. 23.349 16.735 123.69S
bams days last year.... 12, 720 12,912 1U2.S48
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, bogs snd sheep at South Omaha
for ths year to data, as -ompsrad with last
Var IMA lnf T)S.
Cattle) aw ia sm 7.17B
1,63.262 1.7H4!S42 261,590
8neeP 1.690,234 1,289,508 400,728
ine following table show th svsras
price of hog at South Omaha for tb last
several dava. ith 1
Data 1 mo, J mjg. imog, I19Q7, i06. 106. 11904.
8Pt 16...
I R6H i 06 I W
8841 I 061 S41 S 901
C 091
6 Ofi l
4 121
6 17
t 14' 6 6f
6 29 8 65
6 $2
6 S3I t 14
t $ t 80
6 30 i 61
6 til $ 5
6 29 6 75
I 6 78
pPt. 1..
Kept. 17..
Sent. 18..
8 101 1
I 14
f 84
Spt, 1...
6 7s
t 11
6 73
t 64
eept. 20..,
Sept. 21...
Sept. 22..,
Pt. 23..
8 47
1 41
I 17
8 121 87
8 10 81
8 44
8 12 7
8 16 1 75
6 89
t 90!
Sept 24..,
Maxaln.. - J ... . ,.
, , Disposition or live iiucn i
ine Union Htnu a-. , - c..k nm.h, fur
twent v.four k 1 . . ...
terday: "mun" v ' v "'
C, M. aV St. P....
cattle.riogs.sneep.ri r a.
Missouri Purl fir.
... J.
C. A N. W., east.
C. & N. W., west.
C, St. P., M. &. O
C. B. & Q west.
C, R. I, P., east..
Total recelpta 1 82 I 1
Omaha Packing Co i
Swift and Company 102 506
Cudahy Packlnir nnmnanv in
Armour & Co 6S2
ecnwarts-Holen Co 107
Murphy (shippers)...; 838
Totals 142 2,085
CATTLE Receipts of cattle today were
extremely light, there being nothing on
aaie to make a market. For the week re
ceipts foot up over 42.000 head, being the
heaviest run of the year to date with one
exception and larger than a year ago by
arouna 10.000 head. In spite of the large
receipts the market aa a whole has been
in very fair condition on most kinds of cat
tle. Beef steers especially have been a-ood
sellers all the week. In suite of the fact
that receipts were so large range cattle at
the close of the week are not to exceed
looxihc lower than one week ago. Strictly
good corn fed beef steers nave been ex
tremely good sellers and they commanded
steady or very close to ateady prices. The
half-fat corn feds, on the other hand, are
10ft 15o lower than last week.
Cows and heifers were snlendld sellers
all the week. Under the Influence of large
receipts price DroKe during the first of
the week, but the decline ha been rnenv.
ered so that at the close the market Is
wnere it wa one week arfo.
The most noticeable change In the market
has taken place in the feeder division.
The country demand throughout the week
has been very light for heavy cattle, which
up until this week have been the best sell
ers. Under tha Influence of the decrenad
demand snd the heavy receipts prices broke
viry Daaiy, so that at the close of the
week heavy cattle are around 2640o or
SOdiSOo lower than the' high time ten day
ago. The decline in tha market has had
the natural reault of bringing in more
Duyers, so that at the close of the vuli
the cattle are all cleaned up, with pros
pects favorable for fOte market opening
out In a good healthy condition next week.
Ldgnt cattle, which were more or lean
neglected during the. last several weeks,
have been In very good demand this nrk
and the best grades have shown but very
nine LimiiKe as regaras values. The trashy
and Inferior kinds have naturally eased off
In sympathy for the break on other kinds.
As a rule operators on ths market are
looking for a good trade next week.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, $6.757.75; fair to good
beef steers, $5.75(56.75: common to fair
beef steers, $l.50&.75; good to choice cows
and heifers, $4.25fi5.25; fair to good cows
and heifers. $340rti4.26; common to fair
cows and heifers, $2.50fi3.40; good to choice
stockers and feeders, $4 40.00; fair to good
stockers and feeders, $4.004.40; common to
fair stockers and feeders, 13.25Q4.00; stock
heifers, $3.0S'4.25; veal calves, $3.60to7.00
bulls, stags, etc.. $3.00.00.
Quotations on range cattle: Choice to
prime beeves. $6.006.50; goad to choice
beeves, $5.2566.75; fair to good beevew, $4.50
65.20; common to fair beeves, $3.7064 40
good to choice heifers, $4.003j'vOO; good to
choice cows, $4.004.60; fair v good grades
$3.4O3.90; canners and cutters, $2.35,t 25
good to choice feeders, $4.S0QO.30; fair to
good feeders, $4.25(34.75.
Representative sales:
A. M. Hotch kiss Mont.
29 steers.. ..1095 4 60 W cows 881 1 SS
23 cows 930 S 60 26 heifers... 935 4 60
12 steers.. ..1273 5 30 11 cows 750 1 20
5 calvea... 320 4 26
8. P. Kelaey Mont
12 cows 943 4 26 oows 743 1 nn
7 cows RSI 1 60 12 cows 90 4 25
10 steer 1100 1 90 22 steers.. ..1135 4 70
10 steers.... 931 4 40
F. J. Coll-Neb, N
10 steers.. ..1030 4 25 14 cows 932 1 90
U cows 964 1 35 7 bulls 1248 1 50
, , Q. Q. McCrary-S. D. W
16 heifers... 621 4 00 7 steers.... 791 85
J. J. Underwood Wyo.
23 feeders.. 1012 4 90 26 heifers... 895 4 60
HOGS Th tendency to hog values was
If anything, a little higher this morning'
Receipts were very light, however, and
with trading erratic and rather quiet it
was pretty hard to locate a general aver
age. Practically everything on sale carried
plenty of weight, bulk of offerings selling
around $S.35C(iif.uO, steady to a nickel higher
than yesterday. Late trad was dull at
figures no better than those paid yesterday
About the only hogs that woulo come under
the head of lights was a load of highly
mixed animals, averaging 208 pounds. They
brought $6.90. the best price paid.
Recelpta for the six days this week iriv
a very small total, but light runs were ap
parently ignored by all classes m .,,.-.
from start to finish. Present prices are
much lower than those of a week ago net
declines amounting to 4CKji45o. Light hogs
have been scarce, with the result that
heavy grades bore the brunt of the decline
noted. Bearish conditions surrounding tha
. .. . , . .......1.1 - . . ...a
L uu'wufl ijuiiii ana uncertainty In
provision circles have been the main rea
sons for the unsatisfactory trade lately
Ma. a. . Pr. No. AT sh
17 140 I 15 M lit ... I 45
61 3 240 I 36 4 J7 40 I 46
67 '1 ... ISO 10 IkW ... I s
60 126 ... 1 10 3 2m) . f, 1 4
66 SM 46 W 6 276 ... I W
61 ll M IM si lv 00 I 50
47 tut 10 I SS (4 27 t,K) t 60
44 IM 40 t 16 U Ir,! ) M
41 lul 10 16 ti W 19) u
2 IV 120 I li ft) 2rt6 tuO U
41 thi ... IW M mi ... M
4t 160 120 I ti t M2 W I is
M t ... I 40 U t. ... so
6 170 M t 40 T Ml 40 I 0
0 0 40 I 40 (2 iss W I to
64 HU) 40 I 40 71 tot ... N
SHEEP Nothing fresh was received In
the way of sheep or lambs todav. leaving
the market practically baie 01 effertngs of
any description. Yesterday's clearance was
complete, despite the dull tone to trade
Between 00 and 75 per cent of the week's
supply of I:t9,0o0 head sold for feeding pur
poses, fleshy lambs and good sheep going
back Into the country at figures little dif
ferent from those listed last Saturday
Volume of demand l as been ample at all
times, final clearance each day finding only
a few odds and enda unsold. Strong
weight feeder lambs moved around $4.25.
with a string of choice shearers aa high
as $6.60. Feeder ewes with good mouths
were taken In lieu of breeders at or near
$4.00. but choice breeders would safely sell
at $5.00 and better. Feeder ewes, proper,
are hardly quotable at over $3 40.
Light feeder lambs and common feeder
sheep have been uncertain sellers through
out the week. A lot of thin stuff, lacking
In quality, has been coming lately and has
had to sell at big reductions a compared
with last week's close. Inclines sr hardly
Quotable, of course, but the bulk of poorer
kind of feeder show an average elumo of
SotTTSc. each day's price sppearlng a llttls
lower than those of the previous one.
Fat sheep opened lower, but Improved
little toward the latter part of th week
closing barely steady to around a dim
lower In spots. Bulk of good ewe have
been selling around $160, with bulk of gov)
wethers around $4.00. Th call for fat
lambs has been brisk from start to finish,
with the result that today' quotation ar
fully as blah aa those of a week ago.
Quotations on grass stock: Good to
choice lambs. $.7tVfI7 00: fair to rood lambs,
$6606.75; feeding lambs. $1 103615; bandy
weiant yearling.. $5.15.y 60: heavy year
ling. $4.an4r6 00: feeder vearltnr. 14 eoflS.SO;
good to choice wether. $4 0oi4J5; fair to
good wethers. $3 75i4.fl0: feeding wetners.
$3.5tK84.16; breeding ewe. $40iH: fat
wes, $340a3.75; feeding ewe. $2MJJ.40;
cull and buck, $1 601 .$.
Representative sales: .
No. At. Price.
064 Idaho lambs 74 7 00
7K Idaho lambs 74 7 00
42 Idaho ewe 11 00
U) Idaho lamba, feeders M 40
241 Idaho lamb, feeder M 40
25 Idaho lamb, feeder, culls.. 54 66
Kansas City fltoek Market.
ceipts, 1,000 head, Including 100 southerns;
market steadv; native steers, $i.26j.0O;
southern steers, $3.SO4i5.0O; southern cows,
2. 754.00; native cows and heifers $2.i&tf
d.7o: stockers and feeders, $3.1iVh.60; bulls,
I3.40ii7 4.25; enjves, $4.60ii8.60; western steers,
$1 5-(t7.00; western cows, $2.75ti6.00.
HOGS Receipts, 1,000 head; market
steady; hulk or sales,; nrwm'J.'
$.7rii9.00: packers and butchers, $8.9rtf9.20;
1 1 , . . ,n.n nr
SHEEP AM) LAMB9 Receipts, 1.0M
neaa; mnrxpt steady; muttons, .vm-...
lambs, ID OrVyB SO; fed wethers and "
lings, $4.00iijo.40; fed western ewes, $3.76
St. Louis Live Stock; Market.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 24. CATTLE Receipts
1.000 hesd, including 400 Texans; market
steady; native beef steer. $6.0068.10; cows
and heifers. $3. 50.(7.00; stockers and feel
ers, $3.7566.85; Texas and Indian steer.
$3.75(87.60; cows nd heifers. $3.104.!o;
calves In carload lots. $6.0068.50.
HOGS Receipt. 1.600 head; market 10o
higher; pigs and lights. $9.2fVa9.0; packers,
$8.2569.50; butcher and bet heavy, $4,000
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.000
head; native muttons, $4. 004-35; lambs,
BUTTER Creamery. No. L delivered to
the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, Ho; No. 1
In 30-lb tubs, 30c; No. !. In 1-lb. cartons,
29c; No. 2, In 60-lb. tubs, 17 Vic; packing
stock, solid pack. 22c.. dairy. In 60-lb tubs.
216 24o. Market changes every Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins, 18c; young Americas,
lVjC; dalsias, UVfcc; triplets, latoo; limbsrger.
Use; No. 1 brick, US Vic; imported Swiss, las;
domestic Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 120,
POULTRY Dressed broilers under 1 Iba
10c; over 1 lbs., 16o; hens 16o; cocks, loo;
ducks, 16c; Reese. 15c; turkeys. Ko; pigeons,
per dos., $1.20; bomer squabs, par do,, $400;
fancy squabs, per do., $3.60; No. L per dos.,
$3.00. Allvs: Broilers, 15c; over 1 lbs., llo:
bens, lie; old roosters, 6c: old ducks, full
feathered. 10c: neese full feathered 10c?
turkeys, 20c; guinea fowls. 200 each; pigeons.
per qox., ouc; numere, per uui o.w; squans.
No. 1, per dos., $1.60: No. s, per dos., 60c.
FISH (all frosen) Pickerel, llo; whit fiah,
18c; pike, 15c; trout, 17c; large crapples,
toe; bpanish mackeral, lsc; eei. 18c: had
dock, 12c; flounder. 12c; greea catfish. 18c:
i,llhjnla 16a: roesbad. 11.0ft each: ah.i
roes, per pair, 65c; frog legs, pel doa, loo;
Salmon, lav.
Beef Cuts-Rib: No. 1. lttfo; No. S. 13V
No. 1, 8c. Loin: No. L 16c; No. 1 Sc; No!
q av Chucks: No. 1. 64o: No. 1. Wc: No a
6c. Round: No. 1, lc; No. 1, 7o; No. 3,
6V,o. Plate: No. L 6Vc; No. t, 44o; No.
1. 4wC.
1TRIIIT3 Oranges: California Valencia.
all sixes, per box, $5,006)5.25. Lemon: Llmo-
nlera. extra iwncy uv size, per ooz, 7 00;
$60 size, per box, $7.60; choice U0 slxe, per
box, K.oo; aw siae, per uox, ai.uu; 240 six,
60o per box Itss. Bananas: Fancy select,
per bunch, $2.26612.60; Jumbo, bunch, $2.71
ti3.75. Cantaloupes: Colorado Rocky Ford.
64 lzs, $1.76; 46 standards, $2.26. Italian Blu
Prunes: wasniiigioif, per erts, $1.26; la
lots, per crate, $1.16. Peac-n: California
KaJwava per 20-lb. box. 76c: in lot of 31
or more, per box, 65c; Colorado Elbertas,
Per W-IU. uox, ow, ill IWM, mr DOX, 100.
Pears: New York Kelfer, per lu. bsk., $1.50;
California B. Clai rogue, per box, $2.85; In
lots, per box, $2.76. Apples; Home-grown
cooking, In bbls., $4.0064.60; Missouri Jona
than, In bbls., $4.2664.60; new Oregon pf
box. $1.76; California Gravensteln, per' bos.
t-2.10. GraDes: California Malaaaa. nee a.
bsk. crate. $1.60; California 'iokay. per c. ate,
27Vi630c. Watermelon; Txa, lo per lb!
Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkga
In box, per box. $2.00.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio, la
sacks, per-bu., $1.0061.10; New Jersey wttlt
stock, extra fin quality, per bu., $115,
Sweet PoUtoes: Virginia, per bbl., $2.75.
Onions: Large yellow. In sacks, per lb.. Jc:
unions, s rvttvTw. JD
Iowa, mall red and yellow, per lb., 2c:
Spanish, per crate, i.3u. Garllo: Extra
fancy, white, per lb;, 16c: red. per lb., 16c
Ebb Plant: Fancy Florida, per dos. $L00l
Celery: Michigan, par dos. bunches, 36c.
bage: New, per lb., 2c. Tomatoes: Per bsk
6060c. String and Wax Bean: Per mkt
bsk., 75c. Cucumbers: Per mkt bsk 61
676c. Lettuce. Extra fancy leaf, per Jos
46c. Parsley: Fancy home-grown, per dos.
bunches, 30c. Turnips: Per mkt bsk.. 16c
Carrots: Per mkt bsk., 40c. Beats: Per mkt!
bsk., 85c.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black per
lb., 2c; California No. 1. per lb., Mc; Cali
fornia No. i, per lb. 14c. Hlckorynuts:
Large, per lb.. 4c; small, per lb.. 6c. Cocoa
nuts: Per sack, $5.00: per dos., 85c Uonev
New. 24 frames. $1.65.
Quotations of the Day on Various
NEW YORK. Sept. 24.-FLOTTR-Steady,
With fi m J n H I n a ' anHnv -.afn ir.--.
b.ett; winter Btralghta, $4t3Vri4.40; winter
winter extras No. 1. $3.&'tt3.86; winter ex-
t rn r Nn 9 tt gitfiW L' - i
" - i w -"1 i xv S1 1 ss0 $911 sa, IK 1 IB,
S4.Sisfi4.90. Rye flour, barely steady; fair
to good, $4.0064.20; choice to fancy, $4,256
t'ORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel
low. tl.40fll 45: coarse (1 'V.-l. I in- l.lln J,.
$3.35. .....
.,v,HEAT-SPot market, easy; No. 2 red.
$1.044, elevator, and $1.04 f. o. b., afloat
No. 1 northern Duluth. 11.23H, f. o. b.,
afloat. Futures market was weak all
morning and about He lower, Influenced
by easy cables, big world's shipments and
an absence of export business. The close
was 4c to Vc net lower. September, $1.04
PL- cosd I1-OH4; December, $1.07i
10713-16. closed $1,071.; May, $l.i3 closed
$1.12; receipts, 9.600 bu.; shipments, 5,001 bu
CORN Spot market, ensy; No. 2, 61c,
elevator, domestic, basis to arrive, and
61,c, f. o. b., afloat. Futures market was
without transactions, closing V(je lower
September closed 6lc; December, 69'Ac; re
ceipts. 109.126 bu.; shipments, 7,606 bu
tAT8r"t8,otvmiirk,"t' teady; new standard
white. 3c; No. 2 white. 3!Hic; No 1 38Vc;
No. 4, 37c. Futures market was without
transactions. closing unchanged to Uc
lower. November closed 3!iTc; December
4oc; May, 4;tc; receipts, 61,868 bu,
HAY Dull; prime, $1.10; No. 1, $1,060
1.07V4; No. 2. 95c6$1.00; No. 2, 75SROc
HOPS Quiet; state common to 'choice
19m. 194121c; 1908, nominal; Pacific coast.
iviiti, iwn, nominal.
LEATHER Steady ; hemlock first 2
24c; seconds, 206i2c; thirds, 186'20c; rejects
liii 17c.
PROVISIONS-Pork barely steady; mess
$3.00; family $J5.0Wi26.00; short clear 26
f 23.75. Heef, steady; mess, $16.0i5 16 50
family, $19.006'.0.00; beef ham. $22.0i6'24'm'
Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14
lbs.. 15618c; pickled hams, 14VyiU5c Lard
steady; middle west prime, $12.(K(fi290- re
fined, steady: continent, f!3 a); South
America. $14.0"; compound, $10.87HtMl a
TALLOW Firm; prime city hhds ' 7Tie.
country, 7siVc. '
POULTRY-Allvej steady; springers, 16
15Hc; fowls. 15ijit;; turkeys, 12W15C
lr eased, dull; western broilers, 17fi20c"
fows, lH4'(i7Hc; spring turkeys, 14617c. '
Kt. l.ouls (iii-eral Market.
ST. LOl'IS. Mo., Sept 24. WHEAT Fu
tures, lower; September. 9ic; December
$l.tiVS1.01; May, $1.0. Cash, steady
track: No. 2 red, 97ch$1.04; No. 1 hard Wc
till.Ort. ,
CORN Futures, lower; December. 33c
Msy, fc. Cash, weak; track: No. 1
SJHc: No. ! white. 34',4c
R YK Nominal; 78c.
FIX)lTR Firm; red winter patents, $5 otVd
5.5o; extra fancy and straight, $4 Zu"4 80
hard winter clears, $.r4oti$.60,
SEED Timothy. $S.0n6.5O.
BRAN Steady; rncked. east track, 7e42
HAY Steady; timothy, $12.00619 00; prai
rie, $12.H0fd 15.(0.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing
$J00. Lard higher; prime steam. $12.r?'
lirv salt meats, lower; boxed extra short.
$'2 374. clear rlba, $12.62'; short clears!
$U7li. Bacon, lower; boxed extra short,
$14 12V; clear rlba, $14.12V; short clears,
''im'Ai L T R Y Steady; chickens, 12Ho;
springs. 12Vc; turkejs, 1MIc; ducks, lie;
seese. 9c.
BlITTKR Quiet: creamery, bMj29Hc.
EGG .- Heady; 22V-
Receipt. Shipment
Wheat, bu 107.OW s2.7o0
Flour, bbla "0 6.S00
Coi-h. bu 64.WM
Oal. bu 83.100 $4.au0
Little or No Adrance in Wheat Dur
ing Lait Week.
Weakness $ Cora I Proaaaaeeal aad
Caaa Valaea Droa a Fall Ceat
Rearlasi Reports A re
OMAHA. Sept 14. 1910.
Wheat value for the week how llttls
or no advance, and market conditions ar
heavy. Foreign buying has been disap
pointing, while domestic milling demand
has Improved and been a su:tlnlng feature.
Northwestern markets ar showing ths best
With clearing weather forecasted over
th corn belt,- with no prospects of alarm
ing low temperature, th corn market rule
very heavy, sentlmsnt Inclining to ths besr
I.owr cable In wheat and the large
primary movement which ha been large
for some time, together with heavy world
hlpmvnts. gave wheat a weak tone. Cash
value were easier at He lower.
Weak neaa In corn wa pronounced to
ward th close, cash balances losing a
full cent. Bearish report were numerou
on the condition of the growing crop.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,071.00
bushels and shipments were 554,000 bushela.
against receipt last year of 1,440.000
bushels and shipments of l,278.friO bushels.
Primary corn renmnta were 631.000
bushels and shipments were 471,000 bushel,
against receipts last year of 639.000 bushels
and shipments of d.0oo bushels.
Clearances wsr fts.000 bushels of corn,
none of oats and wheat and flocr epaul to
120,000 busheJ
Liverpool closed W3Ht lower on wheat
and unchanged to Vd lower on corn.
Omaha Cash Prleea.
WHEAT No. I hard. 6c1T$l.0l; No. 1
hard. 94S99ic; No. 4 hard. r7WT95c; re
jected hard, 4Ha87He; No. S spring. 96
tW; No. 1 aprlng, 9C-6W4V
CORN-No. I -whlta, 49iptto; No. 1
white, 494S0c; No. 4 white, 48H4j4o; No. 2
color, 4Mnk)Hc; No. 1 color. 497r0c; No.
4 color, 48S84c; No. I yellow, 49(R60Hc;
No. $ yellow, 49S60c; No. 4 yellow, 4ff
tjo; No. a, 49O0c; No. I. 49Htj60c; No.
4, Hfic; no grade, 44947H
OATS-No. t white. liH32o; standard,
ma32c: no. a wwts, iivs2c; No. 4
white. KHtverilc: No. I yellow. MWSOlc: No.
4 yellow, loti 30140.
BARLEY No. 4. 465c; No. I feed, 68
RYE No. I, 7ffTtc; Nc, I. 713720.
Carlat Receipt.
Wheat Com. Oata
Chicago 77 894 123
Minneapolis 808
Omaha 61 (1 83
Duluth 191
Kaasas City Grain and Provlalea.
December, 97o bid: May, ll.02 bid; cash
unchanged to lo lower; No. 1 hard, 98c
$1.01; No. 8. 96c1.01; No. 8 red. $1.001.01;
No. 8, 6c$1.00.
OATS Unchanged; No. 1 white. 331350:
No. $ mixed, 82-5330.
RYE No. I, 76C.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $13.50
1400; choice prairie, $12.2M12.60.
BtrrTEK creamery, zsc; nrsts, o: sec
onds, 23c; packing stock, 11V4C
CORN December, 48Tc, sellers; May, 63c
bid: cash unchanged to Ho lower; No. 2
mixed, 64fft64Hc; No. $ mixed, 53(g4c; No. 8
whJte, 63HB,b4c; no. , 6i"iW03o.
EGGS Extras, 86c; firsts, 26c; seconds,
Wheat .. 236.000 165.000
Corn 16.000 16,000
Oats 18,000 2,000
Osnaha Hay Market.
OMAHA Bent. 14. HAT No. 1 upland.
$12.00; Kansas, $11.00; No. 8 upland, $11.00:
packing, fa oo; airaira, m oo. straw: wneai,
$6.00; rye, r 00; oats, 18.00.
On October 15, 1910, at the United States Land Office, Bill
ings, Montana, the government will offer the remaining unentered
lands on the Crow Indian Reservation, consisting of 8UU,000 acres,
at not less than $2.00 per acre, one-fifth cash, the remainder in
four equal annual payments without interest. No residence re
quired. LOCATION: These lands are located near new growing towns
on the Burlington Route between Hardin and Billings, are all
close to market, and a portion of these lands will come under
the proposed high line canal. The remainder of these lands
are valuable for dry farming and grazing.
ACREAGE ONE CAN PURCHASE: 640 acres is the largest
amount that can be purchased by any one person or by his
agent. If interested, write today for map and further particulars.
A. D. S. Peroxide Cream
For Particular People
Psrtlcular people who value their ap
pearance take a great deal of pains to
keep the skin soft, clean and healthy, as
It not only retieciS one s pnysical conui
tlon, but It Is a key to one's character
latlca. A pimple on the end of the. nose
would make a beautiful woman appear
grotesque, while a soft, clear skin lends
attractlveneas to a plain looking person
and generally denotes cleanliness.
"You know Southern women usually
have wins complexions, and I suppose I
wculd be telling secrets to say that these
exquisite complexions In Mobile are due
In a great many cases solely to the use
of A. D. 8. Peroxide Cream,'' says David
8. Bauer, druggist of Mobile, Ala., and
member of tha A. D. 8. National Formula
Committee. "It has a large ssl here,
snd Is universally like by both women
and men."
To keep the skin at Us best all the
time to keep It clear, flexible, smooth
and to givs It ths glow of health It has
been demonstrated that the beat prepara
tion for that purpose Is A. I. 8. Teroxid
Cream, because It contalna a small amount
of Hydrogen Peroxide, ths great healing
and cleansing sgent.
This is ons of tha leading preparations
made by tha American Druggists' Syndi
cate of 13.000 druggists, snd is safe, harm
leas and will not grow hair. It heals the
skin whsn It Is sore, chapped. Inflamed or
scratched. It makes a rough, unsightly,
dark, pimply skin clear and white, and Is
a mild bleach.
It makes an Ideal massage for wrinkles
and fills out ths skin when It droops In
flsbby sacks; It Is very pleasant to use
Hell Drug Co.. 1318 Farnam.
H. 8 King. 34th and Farnam,
Haine Drug Co., 1410 Farnam.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Am Av
J. H. Merchant. 14th and Howard.
Jno. J. Freytag, 1814 North 34th Street
Th Christy Pharmacy, 34th and Lake.
Johanaon Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding.
S. A. Baranek. 1402 South 14th street.
Cba. E. Lothrop, 1334 ti. 14th 8tru
Featares af tbe Tradlaaj aad tloalaa;
Prices aa tha Board af Trad.
CHICAGO. Sept. 14. Alleged fear of
Canadian competition even wild the Import
duty of 25 tenia a bushel wa a new bug
bear today for wheat owner, and taJk
of euch a possibility acted a a last straw
and there was much liquidation and at,
unusual amount of ahort selling accord
ingly. The close waa at a net decline of
He to He, corn showed a loss of Ho to
H" to He at the finish and oats He to He
Ths end of trading left hog product all
the way from loc higher to 20c lower.
ITimary recelpta of wheat were nearly
600.000 bushels more than last week. There
wa no export business and milling rail
waa poor. Larg shipment eemed prob
able Monday and Liverpool and Paiia quo
tation cam lower. Aa if to add to tha
woes of the bulls, discussion developed a
to what might ba expected should greater
foreign demand not arise- for Canadlar
wheat. Borne little comfort wa derived
however, from a belief that the visible sup
ply total will fall short of a year ago
when ther was an Increase of 8.1S6 0O0
bushel In America The fact waa noticed
too, that northwest receipt this week
were only 4,01! cars, against T.B26 ths cor
responding week twelve months previous
Such consideration Induced a steady tonti
at the clora December ranged from 99-Ve
to $1 00H to $1.01. flnlnshlng c net lower
at 99Hc
Short selling from Influential sources'
weakened corn. December fluctuated be
tween 61Hc and 61Hc and closed c to He
down at 61He to 6lHc. The cash dmnand
was dull. No. $ yellow closed at 53y'(K8Vo.
Oata eased off with other grains. De
cember varied from 84Hc to Itc. and in
the final trading waa He to He off ai
34Ho to 84c.
Because of limited Inquiry hog products
sagged. Latest prloe showed pork un
changed to 2oc off, lard unchanged to lSo
higher, and ribs at last night's figures to
6c to 7Hc below.
Leading futures ranged as follow:
Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. Closal Yes y.
Wheat I I I
Sept. 97HI 7H HI 96T 97
Deo. 100HH,100HH tl H 1 00H
May 1 OtV 1 OX, 1 OOH.l 06HH 1 06
Sept. 63H $3H 51HI 53H, M'
Dec. 61H5JH 61H 6lHMVuHi 61H
May 54HUH 54H 64H 64HwH 5H
Sept i 63H
Dec. 84H 14H 14H 34H'tfH 34-
May 87H 87 87 37 87
Sept. 19 00 19 16 18 80 18 W 19 00
Oct. 18 85 18 86 18 70 16 70 IS 65
Jan. 17 95 17 96 17 M) 17 90 17 80
Oct. 12 50 12 57 12 42 18 66 18 40
Nov. 11 60 11 00 11 62 U 60 11 55
Jan. 10 60 10 tW 10 62 10 60 10 60
Sept. 11 52 11 62 11 62 11 00 11 60
Oct 11 20 11 26 11 16 11 26 11 82
Jan. 52 9 62 9 42 50 50
No. 8.
Cash quotations were a follows:
FLOUR Quiet; winter patents, $4 MS 5 Or.;
winter straights, $4.00rq4.76; spring straights,
$4.704.76; bakers, l4.6tXJ5.75.
RYE No. 8. 73o.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4&364e; fair to
choice malting, 6SQ71c.
SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern. $2 64;
No. 1 northwestern, $2.76. Timothy, $7.00
9.80. Clover, $10.0tvai6..
PROVISIONS Mees pork, per bbl., $19.80
919.56. Lard, per 100 lbs., $18.70. Short ribs,
sides (loose). lUOOtfll.TS. Short clear sides
(boxed), $11.76(913.25.
Total clearance of wheat and flour were
equal to 102,000 bu. Primary receipt were
1,078,000 bu., compared with 1,440,800 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
70 cars; corn, 376 cars; oata, 99 cars; hQgs,
25.000 head.
BUTTER Steady; ct-eamertee, ' 24328c;
dairies, 23tt7c.
EGGS Steady: recelpta, 7,370 cases, at
mark, cases Inoluded, 1720c; firsts, 82c;
prime firsts, 84c.
CHEESE Steady; daisies, 15c; twin.
14&15c; young Americas, 15&16c; long
horns, 1516c
D. Clem Deaver, General Agent,
1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
- - j
Is not sticky or gummy, Ilk glycerins,
and will prove soothing to the. face, hands
or any part of the body.
You can get A. D. S. l'eroiide t'leum
at any A. D. 8. drug store.
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Lswk to " ' , "
Dnrttbrs n ii in ai
H. U Pribbernow, 16th snd Vinton St.
Forest dr Fenton Drug; Co., 86th and Q
Streets, South Omaha
Schsefer's Cut Price Drug Btoras, ltth
nd Douglaa
Schaefer'a Cut Prlcg Drug 8 tor. 324
North ltth Street.
Schaefer'a Cut I'rlc Drug Btoras. 3401
N Street, South Omaha
Beaton Drug Co.. 16th and Farnam.