v i V 5 Former Sta.e Senator Aryaes ia Fa- tot of Conoliditica of Citaei FLEA TO SOUTH OMAHA PEOPLE AMlrin tfce Oppoaltloa e4 ete Oat Rnronl Wk the Meve Will Be Ii-lnl ta the Prop erty Osvavra. The rtmpiiri f .r ihe union of tie two Orrahss is taknm "n cmsviiraljle headway in Soutn Oman. wtire the initiative waa :aken. Business m-n and property uwneii in tna parkin center are moMnj wlta vigor to 111 ami tnat a proper reprenta- two- may be hat and the (juration be voted. on at the romirnt election. Petitions aali 1ns; tliat Me jjeUn be submitted are) be in prepared, and will be filed in due tl.ua, so that the eier'Win may be ordered. In a'ipion of the aiiprxiaod consolidation. Senator L. C. Gibson maaes cue tuliuwlng aia'.emer.t: "pernaps ono a vm.d not delight In tho distress and sadness of his fellow citizens. Oat one cannot help but be amused wlta the resolution" cmung from the ufnee i.uJui or sii.iy agtma of tha said oi'icc liunlers' meeting whli n was beid In the tuoma of the organization known aa the Commercial ciub In Soutu Omaha U deplore tlie fact that annexation was btlna; ataied and la felicitate eves tlie present deplorable lji.itii.ul cundttlon of South omana. but n-ore panlcula.-ly aa to their own personal satisfaction wits the salary they draw or tha pricea they get for tha material tney furnlan. "Honestly, t waa tha beat comedy of errors ever perpetrated on a long-suffering public, Modesty preventa me from offering their names, but reed the account offeraU by their able penrll-puaiier. "There were federal officer, dty offlcera and ecfiool board offlcera. I am advised that one prominent office-holder tearfully remarked that his campaign for the posi tion he holds had cost htm good money and he would never aubmlt to being pried looae mithout a f I (lilt. I don't blame him. They adopted several resolutions, the first one deploring repeated aaltaUon of the (luna tion. I would remind them that the present condition making It possible to aubmlt the question to a vote of the people waa a legislative enactment of their own making, or at least acquiesced In by them, aa a bill waa offered at tha sama time which would have been equally beneficial to both el ties and was apumed by them, they preferring the present bill. I pretend to say that the stagnation in bunlneaa which baa been ap parent to everybody since that time would not have existed If the Contract offered for consolidation bad been adopted instead of the meaaure now existing. Met ree,?e ta Iadlvldaala, "Their second resolution refers to 'certain Individuals' without authority who have been carrying on negotlatiuna in Uie city of Omaha endeavoring to have the annexation question submitted. "I infer their reference to certain Indi viduals simply means those not drawing salarlea or acting aa agenta to supply those who do draw the salary and I presume they mean by unwarranted that they who profit by tha system were not first asked to give their sanction. "Their next resolution it-cites that the businesa and commercial Interests of South Omaha have expressed Uiemaelvea against annexation. "I would remind them that the only argu ment aver offered against consolidation from a businesa man a standpoint baa been civic pn.te, love of home, and a protest againat toiling one'a Identity. I agree with them in this one statement, aa there ia no other logical anrtitnerrv against the iaeue. I would remind themi however, that the bird leaves its nest when it fails to keep It clean, and to my notion the time has come when South Omaha can better afford to lose Its much cherished name than to continue under the mismanagement being perpetrated, and particularly by our last city charter. These changes, and there are many of them, were written and con reived pure and simple by the same Indi viduals whp organized Uie so-called Com mercial club and who comprised the per sonnel of the individuals who offered the felicitation and enthusiasm at the last antl annesatian meeting, the report of which In ffcil can be found In the South Omaha Democrat leaia ml tha RriMiat, "I would suggest to you, thoughtful reader, that as yon prise tha morals of your home fireside and children that one of the moat reprehensible changes made waa the repeal of that section of the char ter which formerly provided for the ap pointment by the governor of the tire and police commissioners to the preaent condl l on which now makes this board elective. Tin oretlcaJly the proposition may look r'-Kht. but under the present practices in South Omaha it ta pernicious. If you don't Wileve it come with ma for aa hour and I w ;i convince you. 1 'Tha additional enlargment of the ex V penaa of the city printing of about fs.000 per year surely could not be of any bene fit to anyone, except It might be to tha one who conceived It. "The change which eliminated the Board of Review for taxation purposes making the present duties of the tax commissioner only that of a copyist Is a change that was not made for the small home owner. Their next resolution red tee that there ia not tha least semblance of doubt but w.iat tha votera would defeat the question. "Nay, my dear office holder, you are wrong. I believe that patience has ceased to be a virtue and I am quite aura that you know that your protest cornea from tha fear at loaa af gain, about the aame feeling; . that cornea over tha man wbo stands at tha bar af Justice. Sfawvaaerat la Pepalar. "Seriously I am- Inclined to believe there are a majority of tha good citizens of South Omaha, who now favor consolidation under an enactment which would not de prive South Omaha of any of her present vested rlghta I furthermore believe that a majority af ear citizens have coma to a final conclusion that there la more to this question than that which pertains only to tha office holders and supply agenta "It the reputation of an Individual amounts to anything, how much mora Is a dty department on her reputation. Did you ever stop ta think and consider the causa for the growth of any city, or the reason why ana location Is mora valuable than another. Did It ever occur to you that Investors either In manufacturers or those making personal Inveatmenta depend largely aa tha reputation of the city In which they Invee. "Pa you believe that the population, bonded Indebtednaaa. character of the of fice holder, conduct of the buainesa, or the consolidation of any interests where they are Identical is always beneficial Do you knae tfcat Commerdai ciub of Omaha docs things Do vou know that twenty-seven large manufacturers have been located la (he city of Omaha dur Is. the last year at their behest? Do you realise that with our superior trackage facilities and the aid of this Commercial club. South Omaha could largely incnaase her population and volume of business Way not eocuuder this question from a etaadrotnt af facta and benefits to the w.mle. tatnrr ti'nn frem purly personal Interest. U C. GIBi-ON. Malt'f af A Sr.fTH oMA HA. N-b.. Sept. 2a To the E.iltor of The ??. It has ben cirrer.tly rr.oited that one of the leading office hold era of Soii-h Omaha haa. in the heat of the iromer.t. si, id that the people who are in favor of annexation to Omaha are neither Ttitied to a fair election or a fair count on the Tii'stlon. That surely la a funny i.K-trne for a sworn official representative if the peipln to advance. Home of the hottest antl-annexatlonlBts want to prevent the etrsulatlon of petitions 'ailing; for an election on that queation. They are scared to death for they know that the sentiment In South Omaha la simply overwhelming for annexation and will carry tremendously If voted on. Our forefather f jusSt for the right of petition and it ia a pretty late day In the history of the world to try to ffevent what the revo lutionary soldiers fought and died for on many a battlefield. .4ome who are opposed to the circulation f the petition came from countries where thn right of petition la forhldden. and either they or their Immediate ancestors came to thia country to escape the tyranny of such govemmenta It now comes In poor grace for them to try to prevent what has been considered a God-given rght for more than 13B years in thia country, and to try to Russianlse the free Inatitutiona of America, Toura truly. F. A. AGNEW. Omaha Danes to Attend Meet Two Hundred and Fifty Member of Brotherhood Leare Wednesday for Quadrennial Meeting. Two hundred and fifty members of tha Danish Brotherhood of America will leave Omaha Wednesday via the Rock Island en route to Fresno, CaX, to attend the quardlennlal meeting of that organisation. Tha train will travel there over tha tiock Island. Denver A Rio Grande and the Southern Pacific lines, arriving In Fresno Monday morning at S o'clock. The meeting place of the eastern mem bers la Omaha. All thia week tha mem bers will be gathering here preparatory to going out Wednesday. At present the of flcera of the association are in Omaha for a preliminary meeting to arrange d Mails oi the big convention and go over accounts to submit to the meeting. Tha list of of ncera la: Supreme president. H. H. Vogt of Davenport, Ia; supreme vice president M-ertln Larsen of Racine, Wis.; supreme secretary, J. Mlchaeleen of Omaha; su preme treasurer, R. Rasmus Ben of Chi cago; supreme trustees. H. Gydesen Of SL Paul. F. Petersen of Council Bluffs and T. P. Nielsen of Seattle. JURY FOR LINCOLN TERM uaea Seleeteel from Xea Reelatasj at Dlffereat Place Over ataraaka. The following ta the Jury drawn for Lin coln at the coming term of federal court over which Judge T. C. Monger will pre side: A. A. Arter, T. W. Adams. Columbue; H. S. Barnhart. Peru; Lon J. Berg. Keneaaw: Roy Bit-bee. Arlington; C. M. Black, North Bend; H. L Boyd, Bladen: C. H. Bonney, r'airbury; John Brut, Omaha; Adam Brady, Columbus; Samuel Burns, Jr.. Oman a; Charles W. Chambers, Table Rock; Janea Cleary, Grand Island; Frank Clements, Eagle; George Collins. Glenvllle; Bruce Enslow. titeinauer; J. W. Erwln, Blair; Longren Folda, Clarkson; James Forsytlie, Omaha; F. E. Garrett. Hastings; John F. Gordon. Wiener; Herman Uehulse, Jr., Grand Inland, liana Johnson, Loup City; Morris Kates, Lincoln; Daniel Keller. Lin. Tolnt Bert Lewis, Tekamah; D. C. Leaeh. Huxley; E. E. Lincoln, McCool; August Loerke, Stanton: W. B. Martin. Albion: Jacob A. Maxwell, Fremont: S. S. Nelson, Newman Grove; Henry Nejddis;, Madison; J. E. Philips. Omaha: Homer B. Robinson. Columbus: Ed M. t-pear. Genoa; hamuel Htury, Tekamah; Jacob H. Sanders, Ash land; Chester J. Tracy, Loup City; Robert SIobs, North Bend. BIG REWARD FOR LOST CROSS Mrs. C. B. Keller, Waa Lawt THaket Sat with Elrvea Game, Offers 2SO for Ita Retarau A diamond cross containing; eleven fine atones loat by Mrs. C. B. Keller of Twenty-first and Cass streets last Monday night will bring a reward of $350 to tha lucky finder. The brooch was probably dropped from Mrs, Keller's waist while sba was boarding a street car Monday night, and when ahe waa crowded In the Jam that got on and off the cars at Twentieth and Dodge during tha confusion caused by the viaduct accident when tarifflc waa badly muddled. The cross was concealed on Mrs. Keller's gown by her jacket and she did not know of Its loss until she reached home. The reward will be given to whoever returns the Jewels and no questions will be asked. SEPTEMBER BRIDE'S SHOWER Mrs. K Skoa Hlatt Gives Ltaea la Haut af lira. Ray W. Phillip atsuraay. Mrs. Kenneth Hlact gave a linen shower Saturday afternoon at ber boms 4511 Grant street. In honor of Mrs. Ray W. Phillips, a September bride. The luncheon table was decorated with yellow dahlias and yellow ribbon. Those present ware: Misses Grace Berger. Elsie InhnrfA. Jsiiie Ervin. Theckla WIckstrom, Gertrude naury. .iinyr. "lurtKia, Katie Connell Anna Redfleid. Mayme Hale u,. rr . . Irene Vannoy. Mesdamea Ray W PhllllDs, Lee Goaselln. Evelyn Hall. Kenneth Hlatt! ALDRICH TO SPEAK IN OMAHA Rrpabliewa Caadldato far Geveraaf WJ11 Deliver Addreaa at Craiarktoa Hail Wtaarsaay Bvaalaux. Cheater H. Aldrlch. candidate for gov ernor on the republican ticket, will speak to Omaha voters Wednesday. Tha meet ing, which la to ba held under tha auspices of the Douglas county central committee, will be In Cretgbton hall at Eighteenth and Dougia. Judge Ben g. Baker, eonnfy chairman, will preside over tha meeting; and all the candidates for state offices of tha republi can narrv will ha nmuiit th. . - . uw awil. making-, however, will probably ba the ex- elusive duty of Mr. Aldrtch, la whose honor the meeting- will bo called. FORMER OMAHA WOMAN DIES Mrs. E. A. MeyerdlaeT After Laws; Ulaeae af Csasaap, tloa at St. Paal. Mrs. E. A. Meyerdlng of St Paul. Minn., after a long Illness, died la tha hospital at that city last Thursday night. Tuberculosis was tha cause of her death. Mrs. Meyerdlng was 3 years old. She Is survived by ber husband, a prominent phy sician of St. PauL She waa a daughter of Mra J. Milton Stiay of 1628 Chicago street, and la ajults well known In this city. Sate w,e41ela. ear (kdsiea. Foley Honey and Tar la a aara aou affective medicine for children aa It doaa not contain actatae or kanaful drura j Get only tha (an ulna Foley Hooey and I Tar la tha yeilew naoaaga. Sold by all I oruggia" TO BtlL-3 -PU50 FACTOR! Schmoller dt Xaeller Company Plans Bij Plant W. H. SCZDIQT.IJTl EETUESS H03CE PreeteVat af Caaapaar Bark trass Earapa aae Steps are Take ta bat Fartary Site far Paaterr for He are Oatpat. William H. Schmoller. president of the Schmoller A Mueller Piano company, re- I turned from a two months' trip to Europe Friday and In connection with his return the company announces that It la open for negotiations for a factory site or factory with a capacity of 5.00 pianos a year snd room for enlargements of the works. The new factory is to build the make known as the "Schmoller A Mueller" ex clusively, this make being valued at POO. thus making an output of n.508,') the first year. Two hundred snd fifty to 309 men would be needed for the first year. One of the main requirements of the new Ite Is that it shall have trackage facilities, aa the company is handling a large per sonal mail order business of X.0OO planoa besides supplying over 160 wholesale agencies In Nebraska, Iowa and South Da kota. If pcssible tho company wishes to settle in Omaha, but may be obliged to go to Ralaton or soma other small town near here. One of tha chief reasons for the need of a new factory is that during tha last year the company has found Itself at times as much as thirteen car loads of planoa be hind on Its mail order business. Orders have been filled by thia department In Cuba, Hawaii. Haiti. Mexico, Canada and one from Nazareth. Palestine, during tha last year. MISS EVA LANG BUYS A PLAY IN WHICH SHE WILL STAR Parrtasri Dramatised Tersloa at "Teea of tka Stores Caaatry" far Bar Owa Tae. Miss Lang does not propose to end her days playing leads with a stock company, be that company ever so good, nor tha parts she has to enact tha best that may be obtained. She feels tha promptings of an ambition to go out and show tha world that she has talent and ability of a proper sort. To do this, she has contracted for a new play, now under construction by a well known dramatic writer, and to be delivered to her at an early date. It la to be a dramatisation of 'Teas of tha Storm Country," the popular novel by Grace Miller White. The play is being made from tha book by Rupert Hughes, and will noon be In Miss Lang's hands. This departure by Miss Lane does not Imply that any change Impends at tha Boyd, for It Is understood to ba her Inten tion to conclude the work of tha stock season there, and take her new drama on the road next season. The play will be offered In Omaha soma time during the present season at a data to ba determined on later. NEBRASKA AND IOWA PATENTS Mea Wis Are Rtwaraet for Havlsg Perfected Sanaa lsves tioaa. Official list of letters patent for Inven tions issued from tha United States patent office at Washington. D. C, to Inhabitants cf Iowa and Nebraska for the week ending September M. as reported from the' office of W 11 lard Eddy, solicitor of patents and counselor In patent causes, &U Paxton block, Omaha. Neb.: Robert Chadwlck of Lexington. Neb., train ventilator. Daniel S. Dlllenback of Hastings. Neb., coipilng for neckyokee and vehicle tongues. John M. Gamble of Burlington, Ia self locking ticket window closure. Joseph Karmann. Jr., of Stanton, Neb,, band cutter. Albert H. Neller of Fairfield, Ia,, coupling for pipes, shafts, etc. Bennoni Phelps of Hawardan. Ia, picture exhibitor. Micajaa L. Poulter of Stockport, la.. clutch. William Schumacher of Readlyn. Ia., door latch. Samuel A. Steadman of Manchester, la-. nerkyoke center. Theodore J. steen or St. ram, -en., ouna fastener for harneaa Albert J. Swanson or Stockport. Ia,, auto matic music leaf turner. Andrew J. Wtlfong of KnosrvUla. Ia., ex tensible mail box aupport. TEAMSTER COMMITS SUICIDE R. W. Reymolde Takaa Pataam eaa At tempts ta Hide Faet that tt Waa (Hrlf-A stasia latere. Robert W. Reynolds, teamster, who Uvea rear of 1310 South Tenth street. Ilea In St- Joseph's hospital, following an at tempt at suicide Saturday. Reynolds, wbo Is married, and haa a wife and child, la said to have been drinking heavily and gambling. Last night he came home about S o'clock and told his wife ha bad been poisoned. She evidently gave little heed to his tale, for It was al most an hour later before tho police sta tion waa informed. When the ambulance. with Dr. Bishop, got to tha place tha man was unconscious and ha was at ones taken to tha hospital. His breath amelled of carbolla add. Tha police give no heed to tha man's statement that ha was poisoned. They believe ba made It to deceive his wife and to account for his losses. SCHWAB LOSES A BIG BET Steal Masnasvta la Fareeel ta Drop Fifty Dalian ssl Bay a Drink Wham Ha Mlaeee Gaeae. Charles M. Schwab, who passed through Omaha twice In tha las., two weeks. Is one of the best Judges In tha world of the spaed a train Is making. It ta told of him that several times, both In going and coming back, ha spoke up and offered to bat tU or SI'S) on tha speed of tha train. and almost always won. On a bat of S&0 ha Judged tha train to ba moving- sixty- seven miles an hour, and when tt w measured accurately with a speedometer It was found to be going exactly aixTy-elx and one-half mllea, Tha drinks were on Schwab. As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as tha Injury Is received, and ob serving tha directions with each bottle, a euro can ba effected In from two la four day a For sale by all druggtsta. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A baby daughter waa bora to Mr. and Mra Forest Richardson yesterday morning. Fred Ftaher la visiting in Omaha with his brother Mr. F.aher makes his home at Anaconda. C. C. Roeewater. general manager af The Baa. returned yaeterday frem a vacation of several months. Rev. a. D. Tyner. rector of St. Andrew's church, and wife an n ounce tha arrival af a baby boy yesterday. Mra Jaanette K. Chambers has returned from a visit at Hot spnnit, 3. D . where she spent a fortnight wiia her daughter, Mra S. B. Jones, She ia now with her W. T. Chambers, at axsa Bun street. c has TheSraith The Thing To Do Jl MM mid Mf el the last number of The Ladies' Home Journal Ever)' boy and dealer was sold out. ONE MILLION 450 Thousand Copies almost a million and a half are printed a a The Number Out Today lO Cents The Curtis Publishing Company Philadelphia Ml Tfr-9 Wyj 1 ; ' jUI j w ' l J r 1 1 '9 lvs3t :i (MODEL 10 just been Mr"- Grand Prix. over all competitors at the Eras Premier Typewriter Company, l...'Jt....aenaa - r . 1 TP nternational t If yon loaa year pocketbook, ambrella. vatetL mr torn other article of value, Uie thing to do as to follow the example of ma or other peon la a&4 advertise without delay In the Loat Ad Poind column of The Bee, That to what moat people do when they lose nrtlclasj of value. Telephone aa and tell yonr loaa to all Omaha la a alnejla afternoon. Hid VISIBLE) if ir awarde It i d the sells xposition Syracuse. N.Y. Branches Everywhere. Put It In The Bee of THE SUNDAY BEE Is anxicasly awaited by those who are tpecially d interested in lands, tha j sort that bay and sell and encourage others to do likewise. 0