The Omaha Daily Bee Our Magazine Features Wit. horn or, fiction, comic pictures, hast af entertainment Instruction and amusement. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Showers; colder. For Iowa Tartly cloudy. For weather report see pa?e 2. VOL. XL-NO. 80. OMAHA, MONDAY MOHNIKO. 8KITEMHEU 1910-TEN PANES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Mrs. Shepherd is Determined Upon Her Right to Vote Question of Suffrage May Rend the Hollywood Episcopal Church. ALDRICH MAKING TOUltqFEUnOPE In Paris, While En Route to Italy, Senator Talks of Politics in United States. Something Always Happens on a Vacation Trip OBSCURE ILLS ALL HAVE WIDE liAiNGE Nebraska Reports Eight Deaths from Infantile Paralysis to Census Bureau at Washington. DISEASE MAINLY AMONG WHITE! SEEKS Br v FOR WODNDElVAUT One Hundred Thouiand 1 Nm age Suit Ag-aimt William Walling. LRXA. GRUWSPAN THE PLAINTIFF SILENT ON INSURGENT' QUESTION Charges the Millionaire with Breach of Promise. PROMISES TO PROVE HER CASE 8ay Her Wedding Belli Rang for Anna Strumky. LETTERS TO GO INTO COURT Letters of Baralna; Thirst to Kin tlons Siot Lore Tell of and Affrc t'nder food. NEW YORK. Sept. 25. (Special Tele gram ) William English Walling, million lira. author. socialist and settlement worker, husband of Anna Strunsky. the noted Russian authoress, will summon to the supreme court Miss Anna Bertha Oruns pan, a French girl, to compel her to tell where, aa she allege. Walling promised to marry her. Walling Is a grandson of Wil liam II. Engllnh of Indiana, who once ran for vice president. Walling says he will prove to the court before trial that the young woman's claim of JIOO.OOO damages is without basis. He says he will exhibit a large bundle of letters which Mls urunspan penned to him while they were simply good friends. The letters arc in French and show. Waiting's attorney says, that Walling never intended to make Miss Urunspan hla wife, but 011 the contrary, If there was any thought at all about wedding bells, they originated In the mind of the plaintiff. ' According to Miss Urunspan's complaint, young Walling was engaged to her at the time of his marriage to the Russian author ess. She says the engagement was made 'n France. Met la rarla. Walling says he met Miss Urunspan In Paris five years ago and befriended her. when she came to him and begged him to Intercede for her brother, who had been i rested aa a revolutionist in St. Petersburg. It was because he succeeded in freeing him, Walllng'a lawyer says, that Miss Urunspan became infatuated with the millionaire. When he married Miss Strunsky, the young Frenchwoman followed him to this country and brought ault for 1100,000 for alleged ; breach of promise. Motion for the examination of the plain tiff before trial will be made within a few Jaya. It la nald that an Interesting bundle of Uttera will be produced In the court when Ihe case is called. Extracts from letter from " Urunr-imn follow:' ' f". "To be near you und never to leave you would bo the absolute Ideal. It la true that 1 have no right over you. Vou are my lit ntlacUir, my superior; that is. It Is my duty to submit to your will und not you . .0 mine." 1 In a letter written July 13, 1906, she says; "But now you are ao far from me; and no more think of her who loves you, of her who has a thirst to ki:s you. 1 know you Juii't love me, you bad boy, but unfor tunately 1 isn't say the same, for 1 feel a , . not ' charm when you arc at my side- love never love without being loved, and do nut be with r-.... ennnt ml will not understand you. "I send you a thousand excuses, dearie, you know that I wish you no evil. It Js at myself that 1 am angry, tor 1 have for you only gratitude and appreciation; Uod knows that you have done only too much for me, but 1 lack courage, little fool." MOVEMENTS OF THE ARMY MEN Major IU)iri Helloed from A il Jo tan t General's Ueiwrtoiesl to Uu to MmllH. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Sept. 26. (Special Telegram. ) .my uruvn. .wujui : la relieved from duty In tlie adjutant gen- trai's department upon expiration of oreseht leave and will proceed to rort Baker, relieving Major John W. Kuckman. Coast Artillery corps, who, being thus re lieved, upon expiration of any leave of absence granted him will proceed to Manila for duly. Major Henry H. i.itnry. Coast Artil lery, la detailed to fill a vacancy In the adjutant general s department, vice Major 1. A. Haynes, adjutant general, j an(1 Wtnt on to the whirlpool without mis Coast Artillery corps, w ho Is thus re-1 lMp j.-ve times the barrel circled the lieved from duty. First Lieutenant U. 11. Jordan, Coast Artillery coips, now in command of the United States army mine planter (General Samuel M. Mills) will take station In New York. City. captain James B. Mitchell. Coast Artil lery corps, is relieved to the Flghty-second company and placied on the unasslgned list. Captain Will I,. Pyles, medical corps, ! - -upon the expiration of present leave, will1 Mondell Must Take Long; Rest. proceed to Fort MacKenxie for duty. J CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Sept. 25. (Special.) Leaves of absence granted: Major H. P. Word from Newcastle today states that O'Connor, Medical corps, five days; Fust ' Congressman Frank W. Mondell. who is Lieutenant loiiald P. McCord, Medical Ke-1 suffering with a nervous breakdown,, is serve corps, three months; First Lieuten- . resting easy. Hla condition does not show ant liuncau Klllot. Eightii cavalry, one j mucn improvement and the physicians be mumh; Colonel Edward iu. Drase. assist- j eve u w, he neCcssary for Mondell to ant commissary general, present leave ex- ' ,ake a rt ,Ie may not ie able to lenuru one nicntn. Present Wave of three months granted Captain James Totlen. Coast Artillery, Is! amended so aa tu direct that the leave take effect at such dat as Ills ker be spared by commanding gener Philippines; Second Lieutenant Ambrose K. Emery, Twenty-seventh Infantry, one month ; First Lleuunant Myron 11. Bow dish, 8'cnth cavalry. tw. months, effec tive upon l;U arrUal In I'ntted States. DAIM UIIDTC ClfMIV nifv run civua VI l rrtlrt ; ram j-j-ie village "cutups" of Hobart Called Oft and ! celebrated the marriage of Frank Thayer. Will Sustain a Ultt Fiuaa. ' local business man. wlt.i a demonstra- rlal .oa. ! tion that Is the talk of the town. Thayer i la a member of the local lodge of Elks, and SIOUX CJTV. la.. Sept. 25. -(Special Tel-j w Inn h readied home with h'.s bride, a egram.l The final day of the Interstate delegation of Eks was wailing for him, fair attracted W.fu) people, despite the cold ' wi.h a costly dining service. This calmed and' threatening wiathtr. Tills year's at-1 any suspicion Thayer might have haJ, irai Ik.ns wc lUu Lent ever thoan here, ' and when he was Invited to attend an im bul Hit ralu Thursday and Frid.iy caused ' portant buslneas meeting of his lodge that 4 hla financial Iom to the fair management. The race horses weie shipped to Sedalia, Mo., and ColumhUK. O, where big meet lugs are In ptogreas. The autoiulble races cheduled for today will be held Monday. NEW YORK. Sept. (Special Tele gram.) Holy rood Episcopal church Is badly rent by the demand of the women of the congregation for equal suffrage in the parish, and by the refusal of the rector to give them either votes or a voice In the government of the church. For months Mrs. E. Shepherd, a promi nent member of the flock, has been argu ing that since the women are really more closely allied to the church work of th parish than the men, they should be given a vote, not only In the selection of pastors, but in the expenditure of funds. Rev. Stuart Crockett, the rector, differs with Mrs. Shepherd, contending the church should be run by men as It always has been, and despite the efforts of the women under Mrs. Shepherd, he has been a bin to oust the old officers and place In office wardens and vestrymen who are all antl sut'fi agists and are expected to turn down every proposition that even looks like "votes for women." ' In consequence, It Is said, the trouble has come to the unfortunate point where many j arlshloners, once the best of friends, are now very ceol when they pass each other on the street. Meanwhile Mrs. Shepherd has by no means given up the fight. She claims a majority of the wives and daughters of the parish are behind her, and she Is so deter mined to win "votes for women" at Holy rood that even the peacemaker whom Bishop Greer sent tip there In the person of Archdeacon Nelson has been so far un able to set the matter right. Mrs. Shepherd says nothing will settle It but a victory for her side. Hector Crockett, content In his present victory, has nothing to say at all. New York Facing ' Great Labor War One Hundred and Twenty-Five Thou sand Skilled Laborers May Be Thrown Out of Work. NEW YORK. Sept. 2n.-(Special Tele gramsTrouble in the building trades, which has been imminent for some months, has reached the stage where a disastrous fight between employers and men may be gin next week. The action which has brought matters to a head was the distribution of a letter to day signed by President Frank E. Conovcr of the Mason Builders' association, direct ing the 200 members of that body not to employ bricklayers affiliated with unlona which have upheld the Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International unions In their flrbt against toe flrw F: T. Kcsbit A Co. j This letter and matters leading up to It I are to be considered at a mass meeting of bricklayers In Urand Central place at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, lines In the fight will then be drawn and the fate of probably more than 100,000 building trades workers for the Immediate future will be settled. The action of the employers, according to President Conover, Is predicated on the proposition that In calling a strike on the resou i.rm m ..nvM,rn, wie.r agreement. Ji me iockoui is aeciarea it will tie up building operations In New York and throw 125.000 men out of work. Through .Niagara Falls in Barrel Lead Makes Trip in Three Minutes Without Injury with Exception of Scratches and Bruises. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Sept. 2G.-Bobby . i ea(. D Niagara Falls, Ont., Yesterday j maJo a through whirlwind Rapids In , m barrcIi sorting from the Old Maid of the ! Mist landing near the cantilever bridge. ! Except for a few scratches and bruises Leach, who claims to. have made the trip several times before, was unhurt. Leach entered the rapids at 3:57 and went through them In three minutes, riding the tremendous waves smoothly. The great i wave caught the barrel and hurled it clear i . tho water. but it righted Itself nicely whirlpool, keeping to the outer edge away from the vortices. At the south end of the pool It was caught In an In-shore eddy and floated In close enough to be caught with a pole at i:0S. The only one of the barrel navigators to be killed in a similar trip was Maud Wil- j Hard, who suffocated In her barrel on Sep ' tembcr 7, 1901. She was In the whirlpool for ' five hours. 1 participate in the coming camalgn. HiiThayer Plays, Down on HOH.MlT, oki. Sept. 25. (Special Tele- ! night, he consented, telling his wife that he kould soon return. - At the club rooms Thavtr was seised ! and dressed In wiilte pajamas and a wig of toaraj black hair put ou his head. Then Declares that the Tariff Problem is An Old One. DISCUSSES THE COST OF LIVING Something that Applies Hfre as Veil as Abroad. OTHER COUNTRIES COMPLAINING Contends that I ader a, Protective Tariff This Has Become a Great, Powerful and Prosperous Nation. PARIS, Sept. 25. (Special Cablegram.) Senator Nelson W. Aldrich talked freely of the political situation In the United States when seen by a correspondent, en route to southern Italy. "I am on my way to Alx Les Haines for rest and recuperation. And I will not have and have not now any Interest In politics whatsoever," he said, when asked his opinion on the strength shown by the Insurgents In the recent primaries. "You are more of a business politician than a practical politician," It was sug gested, and he replied: "It Is strange, isn't It, that there is only one popular conception of a patriot and a man who loves his country and la useful to It? What of the men who en large their country's commerce, who make prosperous cities grow, making for progress, wealth and all the benefactions of Industry where poverty -rlcken vil lages were before? Oannot men who in vest, who give brain and care to progress and development of the city that makes ti.e state, or atatea that make the nation, be aa loyal and aa parlotlc and as great In their nation and as Interested In Its real and substantial welfare as the veriest demagogue that ever ranted In public or in print?" Coat of Living World-Wide. When asked about the cost of living In its relation to the tariff. Mr. Aldrich said: "That has been answered often. In creased coat of living is not a problem peculiar to the United States alone. It Is world wide, and la being agitated In Germany, France and England. It is doubtless due to the fact that everybody desires to have better food and clothes and other things than what formerly con tented the various classes. "Goods sold cheaper abroad than at home has caused the question In all conn tries. It is due to the fact that aU manu facturers in all countries would rather sell cheaper abroad upon occasions than to ac cumulate atock at homo and have to aflut ; down their plants. "Germans complain of German goods aold cheaper in Rio Janeiro than in Ber lin, and the French, of silks sold cheaper In Algiers than In Lyons, where they are woven, "The fact Is simple anu plain that under a protective tariff the United States has become great, powerful and prosperous. 1 hold no brief for anything or anybody except that fact and that is all I care to say. Women Who Fly to Doff All Skirts Mrs. Raich Puts on Pants and, Like a Bird, Sails Aloft Through the Air. NEW YORK, Sept. 20. (Special Tele gram.) Togged out In riding breeches, a leather coat and with a very fetching veil about her head, Mrs. Bessie Raich made a fine flight in her aeroplane at Mineola to day. Starting from the Aero club house, she began to soar after a run of only 200 feet along the ground. A thousand spec tators cheered as she arose 100 feet, sailed across the aviation grounds jOO yards, then alighted and flew back again, making a perfect landing. "The first woman aviator of New York," as Mrs. Raich is known, received a second ovation w hen she descended. She was com pelled to flee to the garage to escape being carried on the shoulders of the crowd. "I know that it was more my woman's skirts than anything else that caused that accident when I tried to fly some days j ago," said Mrs. Kaich. "So I doffed the 1 !-..- ... ..Ill I , j "" ue3 '0x aree that for f short mht no uriici (lie 7i a a ctvi iimue uy Min&ieur Or professional here before. "Hereafter I'll fly in breeches. I sailed 1,000 yards today and next time I'll make It ten miles." lusprctor for Wyoming; Militia. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Sept. 25. (Special.) Captain V. K. Hart, supervising quarter master at Fort l. A. Russell, will be re tired at once on account of disability, and will be appointed instructor of the Wyom ing National guard. Captain Hart will bo the first Instructor the state troops have had since the outbreak of the Spanish American war. He will make his head quarters In Cheyenne. a Stunt Not the Regular; Bill lie was lifted to the back of a small mule, adorned with bells and spangles, and led by two Elks. By this lime nearly the whole ;Hipulatlon of Hobart had learned 1 that something waa going on, and when ' a brass band began playing and marching J down the strtet, followed closely by I Thayer and the mule, the excitement of thu ;eoitt Vnaw no bounds. Alter marching round tile public square the procession tovk, Thayer and hla mule into a drug store and let both dr.nk at the soda fountain. Then the crowd made Thayer ride his mule up the long sthlrway to the village bandstand. Thayer, how ever, refused to make a speech. It was after midnight when he was allowc to go hornet 1 I 0' I left my pocKet took' -on the ta"ble ut the hall I 111 have to hurry if we . J ' l ' You can. tell that T Nov I wonfev What's Keepmr t0 UVv Him tSJs time? From tha Chicago Evening Post. CONVENTION OX WATERWAY Rivers and Harbors Confess Meets in Washington in December. NOTABLE MEN WILL ATTEND Commercial and Other Organisation. Interested Are I'rged to Appoint Their Delegates at Once. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Seft. 25. (Speclal.)-The seventh annual convention of the National Rivers and ' Harbors congress, which will ha- held Jp WvbtnKtiJierpbj g. and 19, -will undoubtedly bo "the moat Important ! gathering the organization has ever held. It will find the executive and congress In harmonious relation upon the great salient features of waterway Improvements. The attendance Is already assured of the most prominent men in public life. Including the president of the United States and in all probability the ex-president, Theodore Roosevelt. It la now high time that all commercial and trade bodies interested In waterway Improvement should be making up their list of delegates to the National Rivers ond Harbors congress. The conven tion promises to have an enormous attend ance, and accommodations for the visitors to the national capital will be. In great demand, especially as the date of the con vention will be In the week of the reas sembling of the federal congress. Subjects of vital Importance to this great body of waterway enthusiasts will be discussed, the intentioa of the officers and directors of the congress being to make the coming convention more truly representative of the wrote people than ever before, If such a thing be possible. Hinds Kleetlon Popular. The election of Asher G. Hinds, who was narrowly saved from the democratic tidal wave In Maine, will be generally pleasing to old members of the house of both parties. Unquestionably a man of ability, In the extre lly responsible position of clerk at tho' speaker's table Mr. Hinds, while displaying a rare and accurate knowledge of parliamentary law and prac tice, showed he was a fair-spirited man and never led the speaker or the presid ing officer for the time into error. Demo crats generally spoke of him as a "very decent fellow." That he will be a useful representative both parties freely admit. Conaressmen Who Hove Been In Jail. When Caleb Powers, nominated for con gress by the republlcana of the Eleventh Kentucky district, takes his sent in the house, his district being overwhelmingly republican, he will not be the only man In high public position in Washington who has been in Jail for alleged crimes. Powers, as is well known, w 'S for years In prison i Charged with complicity In the murder of Governor Goebel, and later pardoned by Governor Wilson. Justice Horace II. Lur ton of Tennessee was Imprisoned nt Co- i iliiiinir the civil war. He was ! 'i-.eni.ral John H. Morgan's raiders. with whom ho was captured on their venture Into Indiana and Ohio. General George W. Gordon, representative from the Tenth Tennessee district und commander of the United States Veterans' association, spent sjme time in a northern prism! after his capture at the battle of Franklin, whrre, leading his brigade In charge of the Union (Continued on Second l'ane.) Did you find anything yester day? The owner is no doubt advertis ing for It in today's Ece. Read these little treasures. They will iost you. They are interesting reading. If you don't find whtt you are looking for here, drop an ad in to uight's Bee. See how quickly yau hear from it. Kverybily Head Bee Want Ads. I Plastings Man, Fighting Fire, ( Meets Death F. W. Raney Killed by Falling Wall of Burning Presbyterian Church. 1 HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. 26.-(Speclal Tele gi am.) Fire late this afternoon totally destroyed thet First Presbyterian church, the costliest church building in Hastings. The fire cost the life of F. W. Raney, a volunteer fireman, who was killed toy a falling wall,". Mr. Raney was the. father, of William Raney," Voider of a Rhodes'' schdl arship, who was to have started for Ox ford tomorrow morning. F. W. Raney was working with others long after the fire had been discovered and was standing near the west wall of the building when it fell at 7:30 p. m. The clHirch building, with equipment in cluding a $3,500 pipe organ, represented an Investment of $49,000 and was Insured for about $18,000. The flames were discovered at S o'clock by Organist Reea while he was rehearsing for the evening program. Smoke was then coming from the basement. De spite the best efforts of the firemen and of many volunteers the fire spread rapidly, and within an hour everything was burned except the corner tower. The trustees met tonight to arrange for temporary quarters and a movement to re build probably will be started at once. The building was erected In Some of the church officers believe tho fire started from escaping gas. It has been reported that a noise like an explosion was heard In the basement about 1 o'clock and the fire may have smouldered since that time. HERE WOMEN GET RIGHTS Widows and Maiden, of Maine Town Are tilnd to Bevel In Slnsrle Blessedness. NORWAY. Me.. Sept. 25.-(Speclal Tele gram.) In one place In the United States at least widows and maiden women are in favor. Nor is there talk of tax. on bache lors. One hundred of the largest and most tender herring Is the annuity offered to all the widows residing within the confines of the town of Pembrooke. It Is a time-honored custom and its origin Is beyond recall of the oldest inhabitant's memory. But the custom is faithfully obeyed and t the end of the year's run about fifty women claim their share. The weirs are town property and tho law providing that 10.000 herring be taken from each season's catch and returned to the lake is rigidly observed. But whoever of the I.sTiO residents of the two towns may find himself deprived of his share, the widows are certain of obtaining theirs. John Le Farge is in charge of the fish ing and he sees to it that every house holder gets all the herring he Is entitled to, always with an eye to It that no widow Is overlooked on the extra hundred. "It is pot charity." he tays. "The way we look at it is that large, tender herring Is about the best the town can offer w.tu out chaise, and In the old days, it must have been quite a help to a woman wliosa husband died to have such a quantity of eve:- ready food on hand. Tho custom it honored and no one cares to break it." Battleship Nebraska Wins Honors at Target Practice . him in Saa Fiaucitco when lie arrived i .'ruin China, wts too much for him. POT.Tfc' MOCTH. Va., Sept. 2V- Special ; ship Minnesota, shooting at a target 10) j Mr. S hvtab went to Saa Fiancisco to on Te!e;iam.) The Cnlted States battleship , feet lontr and twenty-five feet high from I lain from the prince the contract to build Minnesota, which is participating' In tho , this olttante. shot It ' all to pieces. Sharp ! thu nev navy and has he n wining and giat war game at the southern dr f , Hi.ootiiiij showed that the crack gunner dining the Chinee mogul ever since. He grounds, bids fair to he crowned the quc-;u of Minnesota could blow the vuln. rjblo i came in Mr. Schwab's pilvatu car. It was of ths kcat in the American navy. Her center section of a battleship off in the reported tonight 11 at Schwab had closrd a s! ootlng has been auperb and. aitl.ouga, ; face of t!ie sea at this immense distance. coMtact to bmld the new ships, amounting ti e tores have not yet been reckoned, tha Toiiay'v honors went to the third d'vis- j ;o vl8,0t),c('). cnan.j :onsn;p is proosoiy us. i ne recoras of the Cnlted Etate. battleships In this mimic war came, sn it is i.iid, will put the American navy ahead of the world for mai ksiiiannh.p. The taigets have been shit at from a distance of lO.Ooa yards, which is a feat no other nation has at - tempted, aid every one uf the division did splendidly. The United States battle- ELMER E. BRYSON A SUICIDE Body Found Sunday in Unfrequented Part of Hanscom Park. POISON HELD MEANS OF DEATH Insanity from Financial Loss Thonsxht by Police to Hare Been Cause of Act Waa Head of Maltlns; Company Until May Elmer E. Bryson. tor many years a prominent cltUen of Omaha, killed him self with poison in Hanscom park about 6:30 yesterday afternoon. The body waa found a block from engine No. 10 In the Mouth slda of Hhe pal'V, !n an unfrequented spot. He waa last seen by some children wandering In the park about S o'clock, alone. Hla death is attributed to poison be cause of a white powder seen on his Hps and face, when the body was found. Mr. Bryson'a residence during the ab sence from the city of his wife and son. Llston. was at the Georglu hotel at 1307 Georgia avenue. Tho family home la at 1142 South Twenty-ninth street. He was about 50 years of age. The police 'believe that Mr. Bryson killed himself because of Insanity brought about by personal financial loss, tl Is said that he had been speculating heavily and unsuccessfully. Mr. Bryson has been a man of varying wealth. He was presi dent of the Gate City Malt company until last May and dealt considerably for a time In real estate. He was Interested In politics and was a republican. The deceased was a familiar figure In Omaha becuuse of Ills striking appear ance. He was tall and spare, with hair partly white, and partly Jet black. The body was removed from the pork by Coroner CroBby, who will hold an in quest. MORE VICTIMS IDENTIFIED S.nies of Four Mora of the Dead Are Learned Three Bodies He main Unidentified. DENVER, Sept. 2.'.. W. G. W. Martin. general agent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad announced the fol- I tlms of the wreck on that road near Clay ton, Kan., yesterday: O. E. JACOBSON, Phlllipsburg, Kaa. MR AND MItS. MYERS, ltiverton. 111. S. H. MAYER, Defiance, O. ZElGLEXt. young girl, Stratton, Colo, Three bodies. M Martin said, remain to be Identified, making the total number of dead eighteen. , W. J. BRYAN AT SPRINGFIELD Democrat Criticise, the Speeches of Theodore Roosevelt While Latter Wa. In Kurone. SPRINGFIELD. MV... Sept. 25.-W. J. Bryan In a speech here Saturday devoted much time to the speeches delivered by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt In Europe. Referring to the ex-pretident's utterance said: "Tills utterance is un-American and coining from an ex-presrldent places the peo ple of the country In a wrong light, as no one stands with him.". Bryan left here tonight for Pueblo, Colo. ion, coniuiig or tne isetjrasKa the Uioi gii and the Rhode Island. It is expected that! i dl Islon practice w ill lie completed tonight I and tl at target practice w II lie through j bv Monday evening. The first and second j division have finlrhd their division urac- .tlce. Tho second squadron, consisting of the third and fourth I runs tu make. divisions, havo two Colored Race Mortality from Thu Source Very Small. NINE DEATHS ARE FROM LEPROSY Dread Scourge Claims Few Victims in United States. NO CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER 1 f'.iaht Fatalities from Glanders. Poor, teen from Anthrax, Fifty-Five from Hydrophobia, Rlahty-Mx from Lend Pol son In v. WASHINGTON, Sept. 25.-(Spv!.-il Tele gram.) There were 5fi9 deaths from ncute anterior poliomyelitis, or Infantile paralysis. llfl from pellagra. flfty-fle from rabies, or hydrophobia, and nine deaths from leprosy In 1!09 In the death registration nren of con tinental Vnlted States, which comprise! over sr per cent of the total population, according to the census bureau's forth coming bulletin on mortality statistics for 1!W submitted to Census director Ihirand by Or. Cressy V. Wilbur, chief statistician for vital statistics. It Is reported that of the W9 deaths from Infantile paralysis, Bo were of white and only seventeen colored persons. The deaths from anterior poliomyelitis numbered, as follows: California, twelve (one In San Francisco); Colorado, six (one . in Denver); Ohio, sixteen (one In Cincin nati, two in Cleveland); Pennsylvania, seventy-six (eight In Philadelphia, eight ir Pittsburg, one In Scranton); Washington, five. For the nonregistration states there wer In the registration cities only deaths num bering as follows; Alabama, two; Ken tucky, two; Minnesotu, eighty-two (twenty, one In Minneapolis, fifty-three In St. Paul); Nebraska, eight; Oregon, two; Tennessee, two; Texas, two; Utah, three. The bulletin states among the rarer di seases included In the epidemic group may be found some whose occasional occurrence awakens more Interest and popular fear than many hundred times as many deaths from more accustomed causes. Among these there wers during the year WOO three deaths from typhus, seventy-nine deaths from smallpox, two deaths from plague and nlno deaths from leprosy. No deaths occurred from Asiatic cholura or yellow fever. In the second subdivision of the class of general diseases there were compiled eight deaths from glanders, fourteen from anthrax (nalignant pustule), fifty-five, from rabies (hydrophobia).- tbtrty'-t)tht'.'fnrn actinomy cosis, trichinosis, etc! 11 from pcllagio, eighty-six from -lead poisoning and five from occupational poisoning. PROMOTERS OF THE FATAL INCUBATOR SHOW FINED Heaths of Three Battles tit-salt In As ses. luent. AitKrescatlna; Over Two Hundred. LOUISVILLK, Ky Sept. 25. Fines and costs aggregating Wi were assessed against Ir. H. K. Snyder and his Wife of Pitts burg, Pa., who conducted an Incubator show at the state fair last week In wh.cli three babies died, by Magistrate Dacher today. The doctor's wife was fined $1 ,nd costs on nine warrants charging the same offense. Twelve warrants against the two charging wilful Injury to the three babies were dismissed. Mits Lena Heffner, one of the three nurses, testified that when any of tho babies died, they sent to a hospital In Pittsburg and secured a new lot. She fold of a trip they made from Columbus. O., to Pittsburg for three babies, when the supply they had gave out. CONDITION OF THE IOWA BANKS Small In Business as C, im ps red with the June Iteport t. Comptroller of Currency. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 25.-(Speeial Tela- j gram.) The abstract of the condition of the national banks of Iowa, lncluxive of reserve cities, as reported to the comptroller of the currency at the dose of business on I September 1 shows the average leserve held i at 15.8s per cent, as compared with It; 04 , tf llt june L,oaris und discounts decreased from 1103.042,275 to 1101,333,612, gold coin from .',."l,Uil to 2,t!i0,723, lawful money reaervt from 7,787,118 to S7,377,2UJ and Individual de posits from $1)8,421,213 to W.iMMT. Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Mel bourne, route 1, John R. Hopkins, carrier; no substitute. Movllle, route 1, Vincent Mc Mason, carrier; Herb Irish, substitute. Newton, route 1, Earl E. Simpson, carrier; no substitute. Ottumwa, route i, John H. Klcfer, carrier; no BJbuitute. South Da kota Redfleld, route 2, Charles D. Bullock, carrier; Wilbur Hill, substitute. j TOUCH OF HIGH LIFE 1'rlnce llmilii of China Close. V4N,MIO,o0 tuutraet with Ki'bnub suil Collapse.. PHILADELPHIA, Stia. 20- (Special Tel egram.) On his arrival here from Beth Ichelm, where ho had be'n Inspect ,n the utiii w)iIh of Charle M Schwab. Prince. Tai llsuin, brother or tun leg. nt of China, collapsed and had lo be assisted ;o Ids hotel, it Ik hum tonight tiiu hospitality bl own him by Mr. Schwab, who nrtvarri Heul K.tute Man Dead. SEWARD, Neb., Sept. ' 25. (Special Tele gram W. F. Schmidt, a prominent real t: late dealer of thla city died today of In testinal trouble. .Mr. Schmidt, who was a (member of tho Masonic fraternity and tho Suns of Herman, haves a wife and five I children, Cwo bjiis and tin no daughters.