TTTK rWATTA SrVPAV BEE: SETTOiT.ETi 1'. IM Council Bluffs V A 1 1 f p Minor Mention Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Bank Swindler Goes to Jail Oovern Bi Fruit Show Federal Jadgps Eennj Dispute Crex ; Cjuau of "GnbtUked"' Xea. New Orleans Men Planning Exhibit hack in !in i i oher buildings tin Conuxutt?e Fo.raiuis.tes Simulations Louisiana Boo-i it Fn;t Sao- tisvls. drug. Ths Oar barker shew for hatha. I Con-sana. und-T-eker-. Pimi jax j t FAUST BEER. Al RnOKR BUFTET. j F'cturs framing, J-neen, kaxinio tempi, i Woodnng Undertaking; mmpuir Tt. B9. Lewis Cutler, funeral director Phone jr. i ea Berwick first for punani. s. Aia.n. rrH IXCHACi naiat. jLsTAa. rai twAPi Hudleson Bnadvay studio new nxauun Bl w Broadway. WI CAJUtT. XiLT EXTRACT. J. A tail Co.. inl West brosxiwagr. Have your giss j final ar rwpeirwd-by J. W. Ttj, optician, U Brass way uffie wttb Geoige tjej nar. . rOR RiNT rive room ttage on Mim- ' inwin iu rv-ei iptii cunuiuon, city wait nit wtno, lieorge iouer. Km Broadway. Yesterday being Friday oniy one coupe IGUXT HOLTS 'I5HT SZSSI03 i Present Resources of Southern Stat. re fnH Iw Kiii C m r t rrali llnrlM l Darkrt at an Earl Jidge T. C. M linger ..f Lim-iin. who is finishing ip the September im of 'edera, court for J hI- Smith MrPwii. took decisive -ten last evening to expedite mat ters. He ordered ::ie attorney- in "ha siut of V L, Tiuinr unnvt Cte Individu. of t;,B Frank Aog-ixti Invest ment company, a i.'oiorndo corporation, to j he ready ti html a mnit W(in of tne j court in t Jif ioie thai - migiit be ' -nnrioded lonuni. TnHir aa the e - had th courage to appiy tor a marnuia j "n dav 'if the trial and Judge M inn-r is license. They wra H- ti. BR-Hf-int. aam , iMTTnaini to ji'iu imiiatlnt Sim ..f ttir O. pancar. J yaara uirt. ut n.,nf j . pa.!-l, u!ai !y Mr. B irhajin of iimajia. wti. m Ioiikiiik :t"r inter!i th plaintiff. (emurTii a Iltt anil nii- il, an 4 Oa lncoiiu an atlnn tn the diatrnrt onurt aaanm . Brim Kjrtn UJ enilt a aiaJire u ; atl tnat 7rr?ia(m wrmr -if tftt jurvrnm alaimad to b du for Ui? rniai uf a build- miant ,iav mail M-ial rnirax'mfni fm ina ai U02 H-r r-. imana. j .., V1BS. j 34.,,, mrnatri. "Duu-h" Hail and Jamaa attn w-ra ,iB,tlnt a., ,,f tilRm fi)llnd onlv ne taKen into cuatody bv tn p(lfa iajt mum nd field for invtiaucm. Ti -tm rv- i He nad mmte r-lni-in.nt.i let offlnera auapect tnnti of nunnwtiun witn to "fend a pi-aant evenmii wnn fr;-mi.i. Ua rooiwry 01 tiaa aainon ai 1 wanty-r.nt . but Uiac lie nri and Bnoiway un tne mtftn tamDer Jn. mven :or nie UTai tu 1 . wi uibl up wouia uiTinri run tvrvimii ut ! 1 pleaearea in the imprest mi txia court. Tie Harry C. M;ller. caanier of the rWintn! Om'u National ban a. and Mra. Miller wvl Irava ihla evenini frir the eaat ui enmv tae' tint a-tun Mr Miller haa uuim in fixir yvara. ltiev wid tm anwnt a nrnnth. wo yr'.U wiait New Vora. fcUimon. fhiliiaemrua, kad Mr. Uliier'a Duytiood nome in Jtarne. Tha IMiili-e depart.Tient yesterday rei-aive.1 ' erdan from t-'ie War departmetit to turn ver Oecar Bamett. We own iiaiT ae aerier wnn recent:y left nia cummand at F'jrt Riimeil. to tne eummunilins oij.c-er at f n tjmana. Bamett haa nut teen oun tei'tfld wnn Uie Ltielt of tne Ih.iMi from tne Furt Riiaaail oaymuater. and tne lot:ai of fl ue ttif iroer waa tiien 1ven ror ren:ned a. 7 X n cli-fc. BJ" agreement .if tne mturnrvn. mainini; e.iun- caees wil nut lie i :.-d to a Jury. The Jury had heen summoned to hear t:ie auit aavtiined f'ir trta. f.nliia-ni. the present ileailnu. hut Jid M inser dl. cnaiaed them and einaimnii memlwrs .f Uie petit panel n..t enxaaed on ;he remain in .ae The cane on tnai ia of i-nniaderable !o-a( inttreat n airuuni of trie pnmim-nce uf tne derenilanLn- I t K" Wanna n.i j )t wul oniy receive ui a uauat 9t reward. 1 v.uf-t. ,. i- . . ., ' 'HItedt of, aui ,j Biui ixm Tha meat market of 9. 3. Frohm. '01 . A . Broadway, waa reported to tha police yea- ; AU.f- evw1" '"'V ib- '.arday murnuwe aa baetna; been entered by j ""ed mime minln proapet'tur w'lo hl u-ltu-a d'.ir ria me o.lit. wiien nearly a , heid out ailurtna puemhiUtira if in tlut Aie to Apply at Kortictu tarsi Conyrest. T"ie -) -ihihifir an' I :'o.r ?iae for Trif .i!.nna. Ii.iriruiturm -rmaree reeter-tav '-o:net - .ta a .r!;. T'ie r.mmiT:ee ,1 cMmpn-ei if NV. 5 Ke-llne Huip:t . A a,l,i.. i.eoi-a? F Ham:.t.n and E. H roollf'e. but they ha tiad :he a vria.ii .it La:i hrai :i and P'i iiwm if the Ames Ar; 'ilt irai -o!e n fur-na- a:n the rules wrm !i will nvern ail -if the .( ai-tments .if tne r'jilnw- :nn sr ttie r-jlen rnr- :n!ia xn.liitii'. j 1 mpff.t:nn in jiien to the woal.l jnieee ; uner :ee plat!. i-.a. ! mui he a member in rmt ian.nin .ji t'.e .af.onaj Hiinruiinr a oiiavea. tin.y hia-iM.i '01 :nh t'.r- wM ' f'li -: nirneo b' trf in-r";iTeniIe.t. an.t a: h t .iiiUir o- r iiti In :r,r ..n"i hmniiii a. i.i a::at-.i 11 t ipt and a.i.ire ::ier!o. ami oe i4ni-..t-ifi uit. niim 41M '-ecuiau im .-ove nij vxnituta a." 1'itind nerem. Ka. n exn hm.r w ll en" . n flo..r PA'i. not to , t-et for tr-cT!y ninnrfi.n a:i.t . ; 01a -x flih-L.-! aithil'il .-r;t. r .1 Ine ii:llf. F'ir 4rai e 111 "tr - '!i( ji .ni :e ' 'ih. . w.l he .-"tiT- ir .a; :-'oi. T 1 a.i exmhiror m 10 ueir 'o -i r " :ner exhihits i,ir 111 ni.'-a. ir 'ir .itner-w-ae tile I'h.iia" na.i ne tn per . ina; :.wt Ur f:Hir -iia.'e. ucn .'iiaj"aei :o ijuv ;o t:ie entire space isl h" i:ie ; For a.1 int-f-e n In th Fdui Hiinnal I hmid na itn- :han that .if a ."iKra t-r ' lei .-Ufe-i in rj;e ..i . ;:im .-riara- siia.l he ; ;-r .j'La" :..o -f f'mr pac. p ir a. 1 adve-'..!rK -nn e 'i.iioie --f he Kdui-sfonei b'liiuirnf inn '"iii.- nail le w .'enll pee sil.iar foot of f!mir UHe. Entr ft ftir . :nbi ..r tie an ( foilnwn: !-"rr "anoa.! io t": for f'fy 1 trnt. or Tini i.-ai" oa.l x pniv t'.. :oi a. I bx and jjia'.e dirmaw 'imier fifty Nn. C: ''r 41 ..t ier '- n-ee. I? A.I Apniirati'.nn 'or im.-e orist he on file wnn r". Reed, oiie.-r.tend ni. i'oun fcl ,ff. la., on 'ir -w'nre ontier a. ; Rue ro h aapit. a:t.nn :n it he im- paiped h- run ti for memrerin .1 :e of 1 and for entry le- under r:i.e No T. Apiini-si.ofin f .r aii .it.t!ina paie mu be a. i-impained hv lenoeit ..f at eaer i i rnilMftl HfCM CYOt HII TUCIO per "nt of -he total -rnre for unrh pai-e I UUU ill! Lin til CA I LM I 1 InClfl teeired. reaiani'e of the amount to tie paid h-foew ihe ofntnf of the ex;visiion. that side of Tnth atreet." j "T,ie r-tv novertmeei haa aheroutely no i 3LaH WTlO Picked Bank PTeSldenta aS 1.ire to hlork the eatahileliment of a oranrb puetoCrt-e on South Tenth nrt, aaid Couni-llman Jowph R. Hummrt TVir- i day momma;, 'and Ue idea that wa are onpoeina 1' le a misunderetanrtinat. I waa j the one who introduced a motion into tna committee of the whole whu h led to a res olution bein paaeed Uy the council. The Zasj Xaxks' Pleads Gmlry la Hurry to Eeceir Sentence. The e.ret commiinn iLnn received from tile officers of tiie irUi s Punnrtia Exinai Ion cnminn ' at Nt 1 tVmhi came yeer-ita.- i"onrr-Tiiiiic (he extcnieve ifiecraphu coreqrindence cinntitH witu tne enica-ce- : ment of J" It t of floor nmcf at the third annual j;.omimn of the National Hon. c'.ilt-.irai rtintrr at I'ouncil Bluffa tins fa 1. In re'ation to the exhibit to he maUe her the iet:er neei'-e "eMterday says. Our exruhit con.-iet 1ir-nciT1ailv of phofoitrapes of .ew Orleans nd U4mlwnna scenes and ihe html.'! decorated wnn uouia iana pa. ma and -M.iee n.Hnis. a some ... our ynne:iiai products, eurh ah rra 'oi'on. cane. corn. oe M...ji-ri toi- iiua ana lv will include iniiennr jared V zanders. Mm . nr Vartin i3inrtian. I'.iiur man T r Thompson of tiie exe'iiii,-e com mittee, and 1 !m:rnn -am Blum .f tne iiuiolnt;' cnnn:iT--e. and our pr.ara:n wll nritide. "if ooesihie hi to arrange, an rbi'-omrd terpi;con lect'.ire. 'I he main Gh'ect of (his exmbii wtU be ?o demonetraie sionni re.-.i:nirton aa the ininral Mnnt for , to uae tha street If neceeaary for a depot ne sV irid i'ana.i.a exinnution. nllt that waa not meant to cover a caa The exhibit, the letter states, will be in f chane of Robert 'ilenK. curator of the , Laiuinvtile Slate museum, who la a. so the president -.if the coni;resa for Laima- , NSW T'iRJC, ept- 3. -Rihbarth. the j hon merchant, who said ha picked hank , preablent to .w'nd'.e heca isa f ey were 1 oe eaaneet wame mmm nmamiel to tfai department haa been inniri"i oniv 1 . : T-mha this aftemmin m await sen ten. a to pr-v-nt a b.u,din which coma beyond ,!n that I he obtained lnana on represent art on he po rfr 1 tdar nlv ,-hared that he r"f ri a fnim :-e lr-ant.le .Na.lertai hsm. he admtrte4 w ben s -t ed ttiat tna tnial im to rr-w M-r-aiin i-, t l.iaeCT and 'lier ban as wituid atittoaimate Sfo ws a statement :n whuh he waa conf!r-ned hr he haiiaa. F"om tha Tret ha ref-ised i permit his f-tends to f bail fbr him or to retun counsel and the osi.y thins ha w:shed he said, waa a apeedy senten. e. His Ief! .( the cornp'ate ni'nci er f" cothea. aond manner, a letter hesd and a Siise list of aaea: attrarteil wde attention. Tha man bad mi personai rices A nCTipelllnii amiutmn to become a mil lionaire bad drtren him into srtet-ulation. he said, and Wa.1 street had swailowed a. I his steilns. the uroiierty !lne. The idea that our leaal department is oin to biot:k permanently he erection of the Tmon Pacific buiidlna or an: 01 her buildinc ;s fooush. and e would have no motive for such action. We onlv sk that the new postofflce be kept hack inside the prop-r-tr !lna so that the stret will not be .iisflirured. ' The excavations have been made for a hul'rtina: that would reach out to tha edge of the vadiict. almost twenty feet beyond :he m-ipenv line that haa bean ooaerved hv otner builders a.ona there. " sa s City Entttneer i'ri. "and the citr oniy aaa that the ordinarr rulea of hulidin be ore served. There will be tin dispute about It uniess the railmad shows an obatinate de sire to occupy a part of tha street with lha huildina" that It is eremma for a purely commercial purpoee. Tt waa tirrs the r-ht Ladles, yen are melted to ca.1 at our waa returned acainst him roda-r. and tn the ( star dur!n the demonstration of r-ile nnurt of specis; sssslona ha pleaded g il'ty Hot Blat Ranw. I'wniinwirlna Monda .-. hn-!"r afterward. 1 "nn'mler !. and eontjnuea ail week. F C. Admph R.hiia.-rh haa been a slnauiar pr-anner Altnnuad he Indictment to which rV.l Hardware 16 North Main. t. o.. Ml Broadway and 3The House That Saves You Moneyf VICP" lana. fie le't'T states tiiat tiie ex.iusition com pany has uie-n.-d a ' rinch otlice :n 'Jmaiia. to oe Knoo n an the . ort.'ia "stern Bureau, divieiun of promotion, in charge of J. B. Ha nest who w ll ai.w be at uie exposition at I'ouniul Bluffs from the oiwnin to the close. The tone of t:ie correspondence and tna metiKHl of transacting husineaa indicate that the New ircanj bieisters are not go ing to let anything go hy default. like thia. W"e expect that there will be absolutely no rmuhle about it. as the rail road ta disposed to he reasonable, and. ac cording to information wmcn haa bean given me. it snll have no dlspoattlon to try to pre-empt this ground. ' X T P!umbln Co. Tel. Sf Xht, S17v?. STAND CN SUBSTATION "e I trtft Hi M'nvurv a ...4 1 e .. . AAV m m mm f a a, , m. . ..j Mflu n,n.-F.rui -.1 u.iiiT-TT hi I ax I M3 Mhr 1 FOR Y. W. C A. SUNDAY wagrin load of stuff waa earned away forty penmen. When they left they auei 1 -oiurauo. In tha course of Ume the Iowa Uxik a new heavy single hamnaa. Tha wir I men were, induced to form an incinera';ion ! waa dona be .ocai tougha. wnu ma police I under the Saws of iroioradi. known aa the rapes to bring U just! ce. j Frank Augustus Mining Investment cum- '- Urk weather I. ijeneru r. Test la enjoying a t'sji Ts .. wi . ,k . . . from hi. eon. Lieutenant F. C. Teat, who Pn ' The rj"", "ney waa won: BInf'a to Om.lM Las-al baa been stationed tor tlia last two years exhaaated by Tanner and hia aaa.K-Utes. " at eanuua points occupied by the military , and another ma.l amount was advance-L Miss starkweather, the general wretarr service in A .ansa, doing special wort for' but wnen it ' for Iowa ,.f rie v...m tv .men . rhnm-iin to Lhe pro epei't 01-a or the company. Thetr defenna in the ne pr.ispet tora went tn iii-.ivi vinmL tn wmne.:uun wnn iuhm . . . bulldlna- ud tba conatruction of telegrapn . " " '"a pay stiak waa ver mucn llnei. He baa been granted a three months' , ln dimui tiie Iowa men ref ueed to advance furlough and at its expiration will return 1 any mora fund to nnt rnar-ment. wmcn ra now locausu ax tnvaatmant " " w preswnt atUon in that Kartha w leewian has bewun sn c ' Don in tha d'strtct court anainst the umana , dul 'ar uni of w,i.;i at Council bluffa Street Raiiwa eomparTy ! '"vnkipnunt work. - incurring debia a.mosi to recover tLiaa damages Cor personal m-jentJrejy for labor amounting to aoout fc . UTarpUmSit l" " a -ttlement wub tha invest- wart with a jerk whila ha waa enueavor- m"ut -o"P"V. Tanner procure.! the align ing to enter it," throwing him to tne mtnt of a. I the claims to himself and round and causing him ernoua and ailegod brought Bull in the Iowa federal court fr"yrerdayU,doe. nTrter thrl""-1 .k knoiders of Ule oident occurred or where. company, tne three gentlemen named. In polio court- yesterday morning Pat i Th" la lai geiy of the nature ol y Brteo. under arrest since Tuesday for ; depoeiuone taken in i.'oioradu. but yester- L-ewia r naa. waives atuuninatinn . uaj- ine plainaff had two uf the defendant M-ia hari f ne the eesnrf tiiee ono.e Lull . T " . . o tno witness stand for a iuuu and niei- wc!it:on. has ar-ived in i'iiuiu-iI Bluffa I. M. Owe la aaid J. U. Haas as el Dw. rLare They re st Opposed, bat Are It WrsUwaiaie. "I am not against the l"iuon Paiafic rail road tn any way. nor am I opposed to the . building of a branch pnstofTice." aaya Conn- j oilman Charles M. Davis, who introduced i tne resolution into the counal. "but the ! and beg-in her w o it of completing the pre- Lnion Pacinc. Just UKe ever'biMlv eiae. naa . liminanes for t:ie jriranixauon of the local ' got to respect the building ordinance of j hiancn. S'le ta ked to a.i of the nig.i school the city and will not be allowed to build j gir's a er the a-ow-mtny yesterday morning. ! outaide the line. The reasons why it should j pi ke at 'he kensingt.ui .f 'he First Pres- ; not be allowed can be seen eaunly enough j byterian rhuix'.'i and held a nuinner of ' am jf 1 can uo anything to prevent it they I parlor meetings. It has been decided Im .,ii not be disregarded. The property own- ' hold the general meeting lor .irgajusaUon . ,n a.t narts of the city ought to Da j me weea from lUin.iay 1 e)t ,,,, r,rjl, Unr, M ,nal the streets ; t-reparanona .lave been .-ompieted for uie .,. ...- r tn ft U 1 U U all C :at general ma.s meeting :n the vihurcnes. D. . It VeetiaaT at l edar ralla. Mrs T T. Ptichne'l. rti nreeident-iren-ersl of the national order of the L"autrhters of American Revnniion and registrar of the Tow chapter Mrs. Ixmaid Matx-a. re gent of the local chapter and Jars. Thomas Meiea.f. sr . vice state regent, will attend the uf the Iowa chapter at Cedar on t otohT 5. The delegates will h selected at the meeting of the ltn-a chap ter to be he'd at Ihe home of Mrs, V r Dodge on Thursday afiernuon if next eit. This will give the Council Blufla chapter five voice in the state meeting, and it ma turn out that Council Bluffs will he selected aa lha piaoa for holilliig the next stale conference. rotonel John " anlJu I ninatln. Out in the croes-examina- ' " Irevluu meetings, no effort will be! 1 and waa released' don by their attorney. A. L. Preatua of ' ma1 o raiee money and no collections wifl j bonds. Tba action waa taaen at tha sug-i gesuun of hla attorney. C O'Brten aacurwd thai bond rrom Jaal. Ma la aoruawd of artaaklng r nea; Avoca, they made a creditable showing in with metal knuckJea, which ha denies. 1 , . Frtaa. who had to b gent to the hoapital. , thrtr .wn for- wh,ctt " " rUiar hi SHU axhibmna- a badly bruised and , "trengtbened by their testimony ln their iwoiisa face) and eeverai fractured teetn. , own benaif. The luinnaii oniy haa three William Siuahar. who wandered awav depuaiaona and three witnesses and tht from hi a noma naauijr a monu agu. aod. case, wul moat probably rwacn tha lur tor whom tha pa ilea in a duaen dues haval ton(.nt been looking, surprised hia parents by j coolly walking una tna noma last, evsmag aa uaoaaoernadl ouimunt baforo. Aft ulna ho went upstair and began reading his Blbia. H-hMe matte na axpianaunn of nia nniRinp ana appeara to oe in a nor- , mai ouodlUon. wiifcuut any recollection of . t leariaa: Title ta Hess eat ead Hewalrew whicn will lie iieid artemtMin at "! ."0 at First P-esny -ertan cnun h. A fine pi.igram ban been aiTanged, irh spe cial mueicai features. There will be a number of interesting speakers who anil present the work m its carious phases. Aj uniform appearance, but it is especially necessary in a bumntfsa street. : and the Lmon Facific will have to crowd Geo. W. Klein Cplmntrnng, Fomiture R pairrxl anil KefiuistieU. Feather Krnoyateit, Mirrors Ut-piaiexl, and all kinils of mattresa work done. B4irh 'Phones. 19 o. Mam SC Council tUaf'v "Have It Done Right" Stewart Stoves 1 i These Stoves Are Mads to Last if be taken. purely. It ik fur educational purpunea j. tha noma last, evsmag . , "Jnr. fi, m,iATT0RNY ERROR LONG AGO MAKES LAWYER WORK NOW Wiley Willisana Ma Ida Ceal Yard. j Armed with a huge forty-four call line re- i volver and erased by intoxication. Wiley Williams, an Omaha necrn, invaded the; ham of hrettek a ooai rari on douth Main street at duas last evenlnir. and chaed out all of the men after announcing that he waa in charge of the place. Sir krettn telephoned the police, but the negro had 'eft after ranaauKing tae ham office, aiien the 117 ;a. A. CLARK a co.- EORSIS, CATTLE AND iilJ tlL 1 Uil HOUSEHOLD FUSJSnUii Ajrs sjrr csattzl uctotjbxtt at on-sLaxr ran vstjax bvatss. TaauLj Tears of Saooa garni Bnaliiawa. CORSER UllN AAD BRfXVDMTAT. OVER 4MEUIC.4JS EXPRKSJ. LOAN HONEY OH - . aaejWjdSjasalfc? J " '"T . r v-it-iswste ak Part ( oul Md wiUiama was ca;.t it rt at Tw. ir.h sVora has Dawn reasavwd by fi-wnda !n Latter Isae litsrsfn. ' . , . , Uun aty tha Jfi. r. Warts is serloiiaie til - ' A.twrseya. reet and Broadway, while appar-niiv at Riverside, CaL Mr. and Mrs. Wails' I waiting for an Omaha car. lis waa still left Council Bluffs In. August for Caltfor-j Tn" ntuaapprehensiun of a name and! armed with the revolver, which waa found mav wiui ui o remaining inere ; augntiy ouasperung it naa reu Hired tha to ha a ail the chambers ioau.-d wtt:i long W4"lD " r""isiu. am . I owner of a UlTie hnnutui.1 in -r..inll I shells He m i ,ocl.. threatening to kill, and w.ll , 1 11 si un 1 m ansi'aiiil Silas 1 1 isa ion s 11111 rnr mi sn 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 it n Mnf hMKilll WHmm Iib l,!1) hura mn.l I ta e I port snceivad yiawsiusy confirms tha rears! BlufSs U begin in action in tne district of hla friends Uuu. tna auuuiera California . court to hold tha title to the property oil mats would sat prove beneficial t dim. i .hlh ,,.,,, ,. ,. Aa aeon aa hs recover eutfimently tw be! whlcn pim;hJMHl many " ants to travel Mr and Jars. Walts will: held pesceaoly. ret'irs to Council Bluffs. The suit was instituted by Sine Hansen Success from stsrt ta finish 1 the yerdlct against A. D. Robinson and the heirs of ui uv lusuauu uiuo m efieeaing Ul. m. r. lUHU.'U wil.l IOI1H ' 11 ctia; ed with . a .11 ha-'s a hetir- lng in pollie court this m.irnini,'. The police officers saw Williams waa .it" a dan geroua mood and waa oniy waiting for the slightest provocation to commit murder. A. Mann a newest and bngniaM offering ' mv,u """". involve tne nue " Ptnsey, ens- Ptnaertun Gin." " at uie to lots IS and Ut, In block Central sub Lhany theater dundae". ma tine and night, division. Wilding died about twenty years 1 ne nue impossai una aa s tnrougn and i through msiudnuna, but It's not. It is wnat 1 " Isaving ten chiluren. In 11 his prop- , tne critics termed it, a muMcai melodrama. ' erty was divided ln aeoordance with his cam ing a oompany Who know how to wear! ii h , . , styllaa clothes, looh uretty and Slug and 1 n"-tntl1 rrtn 10 ot daniw to a nioaity. atiss Laverne. who arcn. The property included the lots In piaya the utla roie of -pinkey." has several . quastion, which were aoid, when the estate ongntwid catch, m usu al number j wu w Haoaen. Ths BAisrd of Education will hold a ape- . , cai swssiiin this afternuan fur the purpuse " w al uu" lunt"tur that the error in of inspecting tae Twenuach avenue auooul I spedlng tha Wilding name crept in. The building, wmcn has had Hint very material ' - .i. ,,,, .. . addittons made to its euuinratini and rwim , " """" uapadty. Ths work has been dona by Coo- partition spelled the name "Wildes" all tractor J. J. Hughes and waa ail finished j the way down and it went thus upon the iLooTyc-r The improvanla Th ' inuliaue new piumbing and neaiing plants, 1 ered until tt waa too late to correct it new buleta and aew apartroenta in tne I without a special court action. Rather than basement for manual training. It is to in- : . , . , . spect these sew tauiga and see how they !ncur ta, crouhl lum snorneys agreed to are working that uie board, has decided to ' permit all of the heirs to use their names make the Journey to the building. i aa -Wilden " instead of the proper "Wiid- v. ZiZZ ZZlrZT'! rm "-r 1 in.- All of the ten children mamed and buroaiid and unmediataty served him with 1 hum of her intencuan to apply for divorce i "nee the date of the settlement uf tha ee after - he was arremed on tna charge of tat e three of ihem have died lnteata.a. no tnentiun of ths fact that her h unhand is "' discovered the error that waa sup In JaiL indicted for robbery, but bases her . posed to have been covered up twenty t" 'r,' Z'J " secured an attachment covering lias of his ' sen property Hence the necessity of pay aa a switchman which waa due him at digging up the old papers and beginning tae Ume of his arrest. Tiiev wee marc " . . . , . In this city Dcmrr IS. Use. aod a.T, ,h "uU tu'"t ",! U reuuir-d Asaist cnild, whoee cuanoty she asks. She aino ' nt Cnusry Attorney D. U Rosa, attorney asks for all of t-'ia liousehuid furniture be- ! ftir Hansen, a lot of research and hard kinging tn their home, . ,. . ,f work ta hunt up ad the facts necessary to Fred Waasim. ehsrged with appropriating . . potatoes aaleged to belong (o the Wl, J clear the utie. i-nool for the Deaf, was exunerated ln a i bearing: before Justice Cooper veeterday. ( For Orst elans work, first class goods and when he showed that the puiatHW sii . r Vm . grown on land he had bought of H. li. M - I nr,r" Ms-onic Tern- Ilea, and that the UiHtiiuuon f aimer bad. H J ,na lteet and best waj p. anted hia land be mistake. Harry Wh.te, 1 paper and paints. It pays to see him Crsc so empeive of the si tne.i. was arraigned 1 1 Uie same rime charged with r'ciouxiv 1 m . aeeauiung Wasaem when ne found him dig- ; sswste rrssarm. king Btaaxnea os hia own land. Both cases; These trausiers were repoited to Th Bee were finally dismissed at the request of tne F!da'. -eptemoer 3. by the Puitnwattamie a, r. Againar tne protest or Justice County Abstract company of Co ooper. who declared Whits ehouid kavei, J. oimyeuy ui yo bees punished for his aftaca upon i issi in. ! Biurr,: which he denounced aa exceptionally brutal, i tJ W. ?tahl and a:fa to Charles L. Tha Jurv in the case sf Jess. 4oree,ai.n 1 Crewdaou. lot i oi.x'k '.a in Mom whoaa. dauabier iZL iZZJ? mg"ds ado. to -Council Bluffs Is,. breught as a"Tion to have him declare i ' V . ,, ... . ' n'm oeciarert Amv C. Rxed to L,xsie Ewing. lot 1 r uriied a -ct ,0., L aonoin"- . , C(K.nrBJ1 , o. lo ,:.mniJt rwurned a ertuct that ha was of unwound Hmf'a. la. w d - mud. iJorenaon. who bad frwuoeerie w ", -w ,. .. . i , ,." " rijuentiv wan- Thomas A- .lark to A. Liecaer. lot f,7l;. Ln! k m" na "nsin-d j. O,o. k 4. in Pterxe . suod. lu Coun- for hung periods without erwnmunicarmg ell Bluffa lav w d ..: ia wit hie ImJtnjr nesWw ,a le,miP, iLuaiMar Jon oat on and wife to A. i. BHrw man s year. The strongest evidence! Decker, hit J. bkn-k 4. in Pierce that he waa of awaound mind waa eon-( subU. ta Council B.uff.-i. la.. 4. c d.. 1 raise is the letters sent ta his itaiMrhtart from far erwe- Dewmars. one of which ex-1 Four tras-fera. total (K.l pieioeu on suuusw, xp aornaul bv deeiar-i mvawit m New Tsrk with a e.,r... ' af mscksrei in. Tes. morel, at cents WANTTEri a neat, ciean. nimbie-flngered gir's to pack and wrap .-anuv Jonn Woodward Co.. "The Candy Men." - J. STEIN'S CcaL Wood, Hay and Grain. NEW LOCATION, 708 BROADWAY PHONES 1153 HARD COAL $9.75 ALL KINDS C? SOFT AND STEAM COAL ON HAND Stewart Magnet Range $29.50 Sea l ?a;n2,ii D.i Sihn.a $1 Per7esk are our snvH'ial term? on the Stewart Magnet Rantre Council C.J0 dill pica lea. is A -i urkeX hr L-wnmsrs. The (ur haa rlrls "f th.'eld oTTn " TZT IS easts per do, aew Pancaa. flour tesiave srenerty tnieraeta here Ir i, lrt cents par package, sranberries. lha first that he sill smt be enprtved ef hia l berry ef the season. M) easts per quart, sweet la as inaaas hoatntai smhout. further pro- ,t P"" osaket: peara. .M ornts per pecgi peach aa. 3t cenxs per saasei . wax beans. , eensa per pound We alas aava real hums arss. . made breed. : sauui. Codfisn, Ui cants ssch. Ties BtaeexUtw nasi CeTfee seeseaT Cake's Hot Blast steel Ranges cuw en essiasscrsuos sf sur stars. Hut Meruits and ouffea served fas. PCD Vol Hard ware Cav. MM Brosdwar- iSoMlra Ritlv. fausr SI par sack. Coffee has advanoad. but we still asil ths New Turk roast st aenta per pound. Bartal Ai "r. Its) West Uroedwai Phone IS. Vj 'e' sJ- tV Sixty From bixteen to ThU store olfers the strongest line of men's ultra fashionable wearing apparel to be found anywhere in Iowa or Nebraska. Our clothes are always different, but it's a good form and good taste difference. Our trade increases and our busi ness grows only because our heart's in, and our minds on, everything which makes this store the acknowl edged leader ln Styles and Values. Fall and Winter 1910-11 Suits and Overcoats now on display and a care ful comparison will be decidedly to your advantage. $10 to $4 Joe Smith St Co. Clothes of the Better Sort. Council EI of? a, Iowa. '' v.- i i- r ti, ' 1 ' J' e- 4 v. - "'..V'-".' ' .- ' .i." i ' I '" '"" " ' " - in, i Tne Best Base Burner on Earth We will dfMivr to your horne a Stewart ra.3sT or Bn. Burner for a small payment down, balance $liX) pr wefk. We will let yau u.-h it for thirty day and if for any fault of the stove it don't give satLsf action we will rfuriil your money or exchantre stoves. This offer stands jrtxxl for but a short time. Come in and let nu show you the best line of Ranges and Bae Burner on the market. Jl IIMIHi ,!., S 214-218 Broadway, Council BhlTi, Iawew 1