THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SETTEMBEtt 2... mo- 9 i r Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska L . A li DONAQGE OUSTER HEARD Arj-aaieaU Are Xade Be fort Supreme Court Saturday. tie lord ha J to-" pi ace tn veer with tv Mr. Luc sar.r in a rrv ;-tt r rver. and M ss Ada '1 J . ".he ' leather of fir-on c- 7 e'v " ilva'.ed her j!:nc a th a a.1 jraio read n :.':,u;jt;: Uetdodists ecsy at tore 5ebruka CcrJerence CofiUaaes AmiTial Smioa. IU , C053TH AFPXAE3 FOX trews that Petltlevw grid) e Stat lliw of Artiaa awd that It hal Prt that Laws Were lelaeeL ADOPT RESOLUTIONS:...,.,, XI&SIOSAKT WOiLS IS ESSTSTIAL , ,"B: V . ; t ri v-.e-.r ty mark af a 1 1- 1 oew P.-eled aad All 'eatr Opt lee (! date re ta4nr. north rum. Nb. (Fron a 5'afT CorrMjort t : ipeciaLr The f?llui-a- re..j.t..-- LINCOLN. Sev- S. priaL T Ie-, ad p-.d by tre W N.hraska rr.virrer to the petit-' ? -f the attorney gen- t rz nosr In es.a i.eri e-n: to oust Ch.ef '4 Police Jhtt J I.":- m nsx m rr-t" hj of Crri'i from o lice was art -.led ia sa.ocn tv ruarerr. ceurt this mmiiit. W. J. : a er corJer- ftt rraM Pmrkra T latt ta MetBera Jrwrlt' Hesse Mode by Putm. Jewelers was to buy erre arti-e a watch. a1 t in pavm-sit a d-af. pur7jm-"i to No drawn by t Hirt hirf P.e , r me-trav i eteee f.-r a so-r hat ianrr b rw'-i1! th - I e"r a charr Tlx rai ral irM o ; that bi arrested ho had T'e a quantity cf jewe'ry a his oi noy-m h;-fc an later "dent Ted fcv )weir In ho had taken the pur- PotsmJ drafta is ; Tot cf S GOLDEN JUBILEE OF NEBRASKA LUTHERAMSM 1 M. Kakao af Oaaaaa DUn .tlilitnar? Udmt a( rial rta v a-'-o rva: : v a t rr,ni: aptartr. for t-. chf b4 W T. ijtvm,. TVrnM for th I f Ul U It aaa taJ,4 tn of tho a: tP-Ty altera". w!-e!! u fiS-a u-rT Si- 1 .tn n r.t-r axi.1- .-.f t a-t:- n a!' r--.. ' o 1 ii!ii:vM TOP.X. Nt . Sjt ?4 ar:iJ v Ti 'in Mi i if.-:.t :iv Is tk ET3:r!..-t:l IEATRJCE. Neb fpt- .rc!Bl cf!jrrh to fcrri" tiro- and rn Ty.jTr atfta Frt-iay rrmirf ot tr Ert- rnuiJ tr-T-'rarr- on wa a'r icai Let aynod wa la t aaturo of taa ui an4 it.j (i- r-eakr u . aJTeraarT aa t.U bt stark 1t V Pojin of TJ-.-oIn :at " Jjfaa at!n:v-ary of th a-US-urnii'T jfiit of t!- Nbraa Anti- tnv of tutraruro In Noraa. aaloon !.ti F.v. r. M fc" Ttr otn;c lUrM a avrJ T K'i'i at tfrat ?et?r j in th va r.x a hani'Mt tu b:4 at -fr-tia. ' t-t i-.-rnr ti A.-.Ti- pnbc cf Oraha ha faf.rf an4 B5-to4 , pjT'r ' lt" r- i Tra-.M-raJ ha:i bui.d nr to wforc tho :m cf tf-o at a-vi Cx'l'tr,T rmrat Fr-rr: t.o fart this copfwaiff 1 r'.'4 rir ord.naj of tvj city cf jmaia br j W ia1' rJl ! ' 1 Ntrt corfro. nitr p-opl (itt pnr.:ttlrf t i of brjor aftr tv hour i , . w , . ! it i ta:o-ai3. but jcS la cct tho caae. ! of I o'clock at Blit. T?5 ptn-T a$ i ra-fy' ,r,;ifn Mm ( th narr harinf ca-J th roerio m4 acior th prr-!:ona cf tie Sakett i u S rr- t at Nbraa i a- to :a tht . it u th. Ijc rrm-'. la. tirt prrrlo fof th reanoa! cf j ." ' r",9 a """" forr- erracja ia the r.'.t ahea th-r! drlt frtfas. I Vr.errr fc .t r-ao Tad. br tf;jaa bjt on. bnt oit aT a' bn t Mr. CofJJ: arrt4 that :ha pttltn t'i ) aar.r j; -w?-ar that w. pjb;- a- w pff froc, H wfcl tfc. tx. that ta -) fVjJ u- n,J.:-a . ta'r '. chafial tala taa. patraon tho court aouia ef to .ri t-o a in faror -f t-( Aftr th btn-un. th, rrar ' 3 arn4 ts tha 1t1 ef a po'p cvurt. tryastr oouon lw that w i " -.w- -.-....j ; tiBjTrjtT irare aa ea-;n-d and acrtin tha condi-.joaa. au tiwot on ipot!- A draft for WS from tha Boo Cod-. trtram- ha haur. b ar.aivrsarr ar-j It vu rotcd tg lj KtauaDai ixi to ttt and a draft for Ea from ie cca-i- , cyn cf ;r. board of form raijurtonf vti'mlnm la Sra-h rr-. h. n,l nwMr,. r ' - u?q of KM u aao tsa4 for ia B mta- laaU'a nam has aot Rt. U. M Kuhr.s ef Omaha o IT cf Luthran!va !a Nebraska" Rr. 'H W. Kuiin. airr af tn apkor. a ra::d on October li. XS4. to take m--t p of tho a-ork la tunaha. Rv. J F Kh Tia oo of th pofr travilrs; miaMocarW c-f Nebraska, aha tc?k chart of th arork to wi arecent and car a brief ad- (i:ea. A 3 imma were a.o dejvered by Kct St. U Meack of Onaha aad Rt. R A Whita af Tork. A Bropooiu-Mi re.a:!T ta th ebiitaoa of the fl.m InvolTtm Riatsc City ax 1 &irprle aa brourtt cp. but so actios u taJtea. Tn pre-sdest a as latrcteM to lau th a rm aarll. V- raJ arnea at mf ena-0 that if ored ToimJ a-er taiwaooM BDa reoervea delivered by Rev. W. A. Manen. D the eirt beard th caa It aa-jVd Rrst b 1 br th trea-rarer of th eprJerenT ot y., wrk of t1 rteavds. This makes iro in tiioJ 1s mlMtf,ca. both bom acd feraffm. church at tar, for th. reared prer., ., , hmrrr tTrai isiitt.s; otcrrn vr.r-w them ad- Etnnarr tor It to determine that tha pr sotsa vm It a a'ed had aid )M) Jor mcr reaJly Soea ao aad U-at th Barnes aUcad to b roanlr haaaaa of - i . ni:r a-4'. Thes were irtroa-jcj ana wozn .w... 1 bar ta b oro-iea I dreaaad the cocferecce. Dr. J. W. Jen befor tha coart eoaid boJd Chief Doaaha . M&o a-vdlty ot derallctlon 9t duty Th attorney ra-oed that tha pew board aad t mayor ha autaortty ta i ia-r a tha chief of police aad tn tha parJUoe It la nt held that these parttea bar rafuaad ta boar com?' air. ts. Th attorner rerai ara-aed that th aup-rem emrt haa yariadlceoti ta hear th caa and that tha Sackett law was coacted ta fore ofadala ta do their doty by th . V 74 T ta " it llikt (Ka ' M f Mf fO?t" af tha ks'Jor had permitted th viola Boa laws of Naaraaka. Th ra:a of tha podea board provldad for th aofammaiit or tha law by tha chief of poiic aad tha chief is charted with ,Ttoia,aa this rula. For tha-t reaaan th attorney a-eaaral arruad the court ahoaid aaaufn Jvriadlctloa of th caaa. Tha court haa tha naottoa to nnder aonaUaratloa. cf Kansas Citj. Mo. reprea?nt:rn tha Book Concern, announced that th sai wars CXt.0 wllr!) was aa lncreaa of X. 00 for each or t for iaat year. Carl Anaersoo. from t.-.e Colormdo coa feraaca. Ralph M FaaTiii. from th Des Motncs ccr.fereoc ar.l Dr. Robert plerca Hnnoa of the Southera liitsois cooferecca were atsaojnced aa transferred to this conference. iruman K. Raasotn aad Gecra VV Abbott arere transferred to tea north Necraita N H User. Kent Clifton. John W. Paxton acd Jaaies R. eaaference on triai. A. Jeffords ' At conference the r.--. of the rj;rin tder -s acd H?'.' " 'vere coet-aned At th eenc!ta!oo of : . -vort of Fier. W. B Alexander. U vi.- -omr'eted a term of at i years ia th York d.strtn. B J w- Marsh, om behalf of th fartors. who I have served tinder his leadership pra- sented him with a ( ft of fo'd coins. WUliajn M. Bah of Dover. N. H . addressed the assembly 'a the morale- Ib th afternoon one hour was de voted to the anniversary cf the Wotnaa's Horn Missionary society. The prindpaJ feature ws aa address by Mrs. Tib ion tn the city of Omaha. Rev. M- . Troiei.. p-es-.deat of Mid aad i-vUeje. at Atccisca, Kan.: Rev. W. T. Ka- ' r--. " r.d secretary of th kbje ooU;. ' acd Rev. Mr. Neibi. a returned nsrsatoaary j from MahjenbwU-f. wr heard- In addre9e. 1 Tha Woman s Missionary society closed its convectloo at noon es:erday by ct tnc the ofneers. President. Mrs. Roy M. Balder of Beatrice: vice presldeat. Miss' Maae Martta of Hickman, record: n secra iar Miss Maod Martin of Hicktoan; exr- respond; ng secretary. Mjss Lycia Beaacr ot ' Tstaa; treasurer. Miss Elisabeth Haaa of Da ota City. Mrs. Roy M. Badaer aa elected deenLe t to the reneml ooovention u ba h14 at; Ixuisvi;:, Ky.. tn May. 1S1L i AJien of Des Moinea Ia the evenins; at i CnRfiRITIFC riWICU -DIICUCC-I o clock was th anniversary of th Freed 3m; th were admitted tcLo the mrn Aid society. Th addreas was by N. E. Bottcm and i rres-.dent Docaa ef Ley unlversttv. Var- advaaced to th 1 shall. Tea. aoo were advanced to tha fourth year. U 1 or orcamxation W. Parker. G. W. Malr. A. J. May. Ai- leaaTJe frad Ctajniriain and O. H. Wts arer ooaUaoed In tilnj years studies. C. H Chader. Kcnry French. Haroid Mile aad OrVen H. Rjcbersoo were graduated rrom tha eoefereoce couraa of scidlea and elactad ta alders" orders. Vfbraska Cm Tkm apiicatioa of th Nebraska Tele phone (nncanr for a modifleautoe cf the Injunction taaued by th ant re me court aa-ainst It taklec over three Independent rompanl or miiicctlcf with them, ha bea denied. Th court gave out It de cision thtt afternoon, bat did not file aa optfnkML m areeks agw the Indeepnoeot systaca of th state eocnirrd tha tnjuncUoa v prevent th Nebraska cooapacy from tah tnr over the Plants ft boocht at PaotlUon. Nebraska City and Platismoutnk The nit was hrou-ht at the laattcatloo ef ta orfkxaJa of tM lndaepodeat aystasa ay Lb attorney aanaraX. Later the Nebraska company aauflht to hare the order aaodl , fd ae that It eould coonaot n its long d:s4AOce line wrth thaa eoiTipanlas U aoncht paadias; Che triai ef tha caa oa ita ssertta. Ttia tta cxatrt rafased te do. Tta ruprame court haa appointed tha toaowlsdr' bar comicUsanoo: W. U. Ander- boo. secretary. Lincoln, resvpoolatad: J. H Eeeier. North Plaue: R. A. Batty. Maat IeO. C. r. Rearla. FaKa Ctty; cOorg W. Shiaida, Omaha, , 1 Ncoraaka karainst Chax".a Knaf p. cfcarsed Th foCeartcar cosnsnsitae M appomted with abootlac his wife with attempt to Wilt J. Maimer. Henry C. I w hi: th above proceed:.; were tak'.nc RaJph M. Fa:aa wera ad-' piac tn th main church, the Evanre'-ical membrh:p and to j church wa occupied with a larje assets- Car. I Asierscn.! tiaf devoted to th discussJca cf cet are aa fliow second year. Barrett and nuued into deacon's ar Eraru H. Haynard. Chartea 8. Hawiey. for boy- work. This meetinr apooint-d Marjaret Ashfard. Hora-r; Ee:y3 Ea.u Lunsi Jt. Jtcverxje ana J - . nraafr- i comtTuttee cr riv to form. 1st "atardav ia rleas Day, and Yeeia ' Cawt ReaavetlT Lata j with tarleaa f-aeietlra. LINCOLN, Neb Sept. S4. ! Special Tele- j STam. Sorority pd-es aniwunce-i todavy 1 cf Methodist Beys' a p'-anfmont. Laoco.n: Nta Lisns. Linco'n: AUc DUTEICT COIBT AT KiDIM la ssaal tXaore Dttm Craated aad leveraj. llefaaew. MADISON. Neb, Sept. it. (SpedaJ District court convened yesterday afternoon ft& Joda A. A. W:ch pressdiac. and. ad journed tola Teninc until Septenber IS. Th Jurors ware dismiss' d unn. January mi. Tha caaa ef John M. Dtaeec akainst Rich ard H. Wat kin, which tha coort has had under adrlaetsect sine the Jane term, was for the defendant. This was a case ia which Diacen sought to recover aoic S3l.eM too Klsaiona oa Land aajes alleged to have bees earned by nirn Th case cf the state of was WMitlnued axtU th next term of court, bond beina: f jrd at CM. Th damsg case of Joseph Kaxse tfiiut the Northwestern railroad eras dirsuAsed. The action of Margaret Genakow vs. TTisabeth Harden resulted la a Judgment tor M C. Garrvtt. In this caa M. C. Gar- I rett recovered tn a Judgment against Will- CANDIDATES FDR flFfiRFFS lua Herd en. one of the he rs of Charles r to draft raaolntleoa la memory of Judge Lake, deceased. W. & Wakeiey of Omaha, B. E. B. Kennedy of Oman, E. T Wa, ran of Nanraaka. Qty aad & P. Oray ef Fremont and C O. Wbedoet of Tavasaasaai te Hel Auoraey OeeeraJ Ttaoapaoa will go to Waahinartoa about tha first of toe month and will aorrar ia the supreme court ef the Vnitad Scaxes la tha cace wheraia the ataie of Missouri la sees.'. tig to ka ieered a dedsioa ef th lower court which enJeUsad th putting tsto effect the S-eect rale law. Wtil there Mr. Tbompaoa will look ever his cfT. ca, staa up the force that he will ha veto work with, aad g-etnxt t the work k Is expected te da aa aoiicnar of the na- Uoaal treaaary. te wrtiicfc place he was ra-,w t by tha president. After ' ' " to oe Visit Jewels Haas. After this th attend-cr partors were taken to th Mothers Jeweis' bom In atitomotfclea and cao-riaa-ea. where th buildicrs and grounds were Inspected and an cf th progress of th children was wltneseed T. s-ng-a and Farthlcg. Aurora. Dit Harphaa. Linccln. ' Louis Kiipatrick. Ashiand: a Lambert. Grand Island Martha Qu. Lincoln; Man R.ctenbah L4tyco.c. Helen Aihod. HJea sorensoc Omaa: Beatrice Stewart. Oajah. Helen Thomas. Tekamaa. ' Kappa Alpca Tnt: Helen Blisn. Omaha: Ruth Bridenbauch. Lincoln. Marearet j Green. Tork. Mag Hann. Wayne; training of th children was ilii.-strated by example wkch astounded the to whom th processea wer new. j en thusiastic did th delegate become that thev cai'ied oa Rev. Johnson, an o!d avonie oi tnis coareresce. te stand apl at oca of th room aad ail th other ! threw money at kim until the Toor wasj strewn with coin. When a half dorn of th little "Jewels" had gathered It all into a hat la counted out abo-H V Nothlna- but th highest cf Praia for the management. utidr Prper- La-raa Hainr. Lincoln; EUxaoeth Westdn. ea trice; Augxat Houston. Tekamah. TVsa McCoL Logan, la. DeJtat Zerai Roae Bergman. Liccoio: ; Irma Calfcoaa, Asklaad. j Chi Outft: Agne Anerbura. Lwco.a: LeaJ Boaker. Tetuumah: Veraa Coryell' Norfolk. Ovl Coryell, Norfo.k: France) reiers, uro: flora Shumway. Soctt s il Bluff: Alio Cullen. Lincoln. Deita nH V'MA u- M rege; Laura Cunningham. EHmwood. la ; Florence Frost. Lincoln: Anna Hermaasen. Intendent purlock and the tra ner -a the : a.rny; Ella M on-. son. Lincoln. Irene musical department. M:s B-err.i. wer xl Kansas City. Ladlle Reeder, Colum-, heard oa every aide. Many present pro-lbu- Cora rnruo. Bir: Elia Nelson. Kear- i Bounced th hour spent at the bom th moat abeorbtng la interest of the confer ence. This horn Is on of th reeorniaed ney. PI B Phi: Mina Clark. eK.arney: Ger- ! true! Davis. South maha: P-acfcaei Kri- beeevoiencea of th Methodist Erscorai ; log. Perd.aJ: Ruth McMillan. Falls City; church and is national in score- It was llargaret Mansfield. Lincoia: Floreivc founded here twenty years ago bv iheiMasoc. Omasa: Laura Pratt, Lincoln. Ger Woman s Missionary soc-ty aad aow i trad wuig'ey. Valentine: Jen'M Sher-, wna property worth -S j raden. Omaha: Mary Spauiding. Uacoin: ' i Haxel Ttompaoo. Tork. I Herden. deceased, whicjj Judgmect was sat isfied when the estate of Charles Herden waa aeid at referee s sale.. Divorce waa granted ui Aanic Me' en Macisoa. the was aso decreed trtie to the property and th defendant waa caised from Isterfenng with her enjeyment of th AS MANY AS EVER AT PERU COMMEgtClaL till OIT BOOSTING ealer Clasa at tate Will tea tale w Tias Bef re. r-nt!y aroomtad that Mr. Thoecpaoa will rerura ta N braaka about the middle of th meath and atteed ta soma more baameas tor the state la a legal way. tr rteveatlsa T tbssau A. V. Johaaoa, state firewarden, has written a book entitled, Ttre Prevention Text Book- for us m the aeaooss of Ne hfasfca. The book la bow la the hands af the printers aad arm be amlated among the teacher free of charr. iBaaiaeaw Mea af HldrrBe Call at rw"1 ekaol ; Tewaa la Trade Territory, e Stadeata ' HOLDRKGE. Neb.. setw it iEna! Tei- - I egram. The local Commercial ciub fx a j g i wi:r booceg trip up into hign hne rERV. Neb . Sept. :. SpeoaU After j temto-y yestfrday fr.r.g a far wer: as -' eaamtnlng the re.-orda for credits it ha Curtia. T?i paj-ty eor.slsted of nea-iy lit been found that th number of candidates jocaJ businesa men and employ and occa for graduauoa In the senior class is larger . pt-l a special tram of f-wr coaches. Stops separated from her bubaad. George L1- if" an ia any previous class graduating frwn I vaninr from t -J -tv to Pftv m-.n jte wersl ward Scat, disicsaed lie action and paid . tt t.rtr.. T.. total ember of students made in ea.-h ef the towns. Benrand. Smits- j reg:tenng in the nvrmal potats to as lare i fsid aad Eusa en uie way io Curts and the rests. Sarah E. Rader was freed from her hus- j" er.r jllmect year as in anv fcnwt at Eiwood. Moorefied and L-omi on to and given th!Tf I bead. Aibert E. RaJer. custody of tha children. Mrs. Grace B- Paal was separated from her husband. James E. Paul aad gien cos tody ef the chiidreo. ret am trip. F. A. Deaa, W. p. Ha!', and Ftllj1rg art some cf t'.e changes in toe, Rev. C. li. Bennett spoke at eeca of the House, Hotel and Ottlcc Parnlshenu rchard ' Wilhelm qt4lt)-15 South 16th Street Special Display stermoor Mattresses We are just in receipt of a carload of and for this week axe nag a special display jhowicg- them in striped Mercrixed and all the Taxious Art Tickings. These mattresses are made np special to weight, 45 pounds, and during this special showing we will give you tout choic of any of the Art Tick 0 stermoor Mattresses that Ostermoor sells for $18.00, at $15.00 each. French Edge Ostermoor, weighing 60 pounds, Art Ticking in one or two parts, Oster moor ' regular $30.00 mattress, special this week, at $18.50. this Celebrated Patent Elastic Pelt Mattress Kitchen Cabinet (Like Illustration. Here is a kitchen Cabinet with cab inet top. latticed doors, ba.e- is ar ranged with cup board, drawer and flour bin: a!o moulding board; top is covered with alluminum finish metal: is 26 in. deep and 41 in. long. Satin walnut finish Sells reenlarlv at our sp'l. price. Chiffonier (Like Illustration.) Special value Made by one of our representa tive manufactur ers of select quar ter sawed white oak; golden pol ish finish; has double swell front top is 32 in. long. 22 in. deep; mir ror pattern plate. 20il6 in, regular selling price 26; cial prioe. 20 Jcvm Very Special Prices On Some Odd Bed Room Pieces Golden Oak Cliiffonier $21.50 $34. Golden Oak Chiffonier. . . -S24.00 $.36. Golden Oak Chiffonier. . . .$29.00 $22.50 Mahogany finish Chiffonier. SIT $18.50 Mahogany finish Chiffonier. S14 $40 Mahogany Chiffonier S29.50 $4o. Mahogany Chiifoaier. .. . .$35.00 $43.(" Mahogany Chiffonier S36.00 $45.fX Mahogany Dresser S37.50 $24X) Mahogany finish Irresser. .$18.00 $22.50 Mahogany finish Princess Dresser $13.75 :55.':iO Golden Oak Dresser S23.75 $34.0 Mahogany Dressing Table. $25.00 $33.00 Mahogany Dressing Table. $21.00 2T.r Mahogany Dressing Table. $20.00 $32.00 Mahogany Dressing Table. $20.00 $20.uu Golden Oak DressingTable $16.50 $52.00 Golden Oak Dressing Table $39.00 Lace Curtains The Newest of Styles at as Low a Price as is Consistent with First Class Goods. Nottingham Curtains in dainty styles, pair. $2.95 Fancy Net Curtains, both white and Arab. pr. $3.75 Scrim Curtains, with inser tion and edge-from -on sale, up $5.00 Window Shades We make them right, from the bet cloth on the best rollers. Get them from us. Bedding Our naw bedding department has some very special offerings. All Wool Blankets, full size, in grey, plaid and white, per pair.-at .$4.95 Cluny Curtains in all color?, np from $9.50 Portieres A new importa tion of high class silk por tieres in all the newest col ors, krinkle silk, per pair, at $22.50 Duchess Lace Curtains. Arab color, pair $5.00 Duchess lace Curtains Ivory color, pair ..$8.75 j 42-inch Madras in white and i Arab, new patterns for bed j room curtains, yard. 39c j Extra Fine Comforters, full size, all colors, with border, covered with silkoline, each, at $2.75 Crochet Bed Spreads, for full size bed with fringe, eut corners, each $1.75 Royal Stafford English China cup and saucer, in white with gold edge. Set of six sups and saucers $1.80 faculty: W. T. H urje-.iy jt. foraverly of tn Wea.eyaa ! Kitru ia ire chair cf Tt divorce case ef Frank H. Beeij pt ssoai aa-i a; r ; A. Rjssel against ka wnfe. Mrs. Rosa A. Beels. came' r'foru principal at Adams .at ear. uo This aTern via oa rMir.a r f r.n.ff t.-.- atsrstant VTrit-t .r in cr.v ftcal .-ine F State "uperiDteodesit B..hop has andorsed I r. '' H-atn. aho ha. a fe::.'. .h,r. , ,r.- p.acea. The Coomercit pieces aad several parjed the eirjrsi'jc Although rain ftll djring th stof at seve'ai of th ikm. a a arm welcome mas extended th H-- car. Trie groom was a form, ressdeot of West Pont aeir.c for r nrr.e asnstant tj It. v'o Ur.s state ee-innaa at tnis ti. p jbMcallon and caa set apart Navem ) ber 4. as "fire day." waea programs ar ta be gtvea la th varmu schools, spe cial attention birg given to Tre drills. Doctwr'e Ueeaae Revoked. The board of secretari af the Mat Ecard of Health haa rcornmended that the hoeaa to practice sr.edicin he'd by It. W. H. Johascn of Ltscuia be revoked It Jornsoa as some tin ago coatcted of ;of this anion the ptaintiff is required i,i'J iepirticfin of t: I'Uvcstr of X- drgrite t th pewc a "ng the a- I Jceeph Grand Island Railroad company cub band ef thirty j is pJhing tr rr;.rs of th read aa rap- l f HMCtV 1 . m vt .f and fsmnv of . r - ' ........ . I the Metho-i st Etic--al cr?urcr. of ti: enr i left fr padtia "ai.. fre th'T exreet to nu tieir home, hoping that cr ange Mm place the nlv make taeir fjture ciai io the health ot fiwm u-lv, and ire to pay V 2 per wee apply oa the cc-sts. Botn Biaiotiff and drfendant apfared :c court and testified In their tta btiiif . alac Mrs. McNeai -I ferrJ as a tnesa f.jr ; th drferdant. In the tae of state of Nebraska vs. Stan- J ley Arr.iu wn. the defendant secured ir Ve bond ia the sua cf fl.n. bat the' lrtsra-unc aa unlawful opera t: -m resulting ' stl'l in the custody of the efficra. ta the death af a eun nomas. Th case) Tt marriage contract ef Mrs Ea Wtll is aow ia the eupreene court. Th board , Johannes Peter 'if was anculed. ts of secreranes met tooav and after heari-t J defendant defaulting aad the cu:..d ef ice aes-ameat from th attorneys for th a- . rRi:l given to the p.air.Uff, the cefedr ait t- br tka. takes ne u h.f. a. tit Mara I p. HUMEjLl'T. Nev Se?t. fer. declined to coatiaue tr rase, but t: 4fJ that th license should be revoked Tre reecmMiendaUoei ef t- serretarte n g"es to ir.e Stat Board cf Hea th fo-t-c-cer aeiioa. CARL LAWRITSON SHOOTS HIMSELF THROUGH ACCIDENT pay tie cota. Mr. Lyii On mm was gritted a iiwrt from her hoshand. defaulting Th action of Farm P lrre;i fr a ditfrr fm her t jjbacd. A'oia. a T. Bwaed y th ;f altkout prjruJ:c at ; er a rests. asi-tar.i ) .-.( ess -s'.ip depa-ttieat . Mix Mrrtle Ferg.T-o. g-.i-a:e of Arcea. la. becomes j Wji"l and W M of tne d stie Tnce departmeat: ' dent cf Salem, acre H-sa Me'1a tlctlvia aa ass last ilr a supervisor in mi.-ic in tne Lincoln city Sthooia wn'l upernrf in tne training arrMx. HlW Weoster. ri I .ate of the Iowa ;a:e normal. bcionie a critic teacher In th t-alaing -ooL Among; ir itrprvc cirtefiia ur.Jer const-j---t):.n at rcrma! is a oeautif jl fountain in tr.e center of t (ixgu. a hu-s 's f ha a ten-f t t-'t. t j feet i-f mater tnC a tr-'Bi b.ttera fifjre. The r,w :wi-j?trjL lu-i;dir.g i. rspid'y reaiir.t o.'rr.i.etmn arj all! he ra4 for o.tii"i January 1. It mill c-etain a swimm'ng vl in te tasemet. 'lii "I1 cjtrflete the eriipmeat fot p. j a tra.mng. -ia j will pro- e to be tn J thetr tnf se: Hl'JlB. il.l "T a! rs jfciicaas are bus Trakmg tar.s fr a V ra:!-' t. t r.eld - -. i m rr'TiNjs n trie tidly b-j-rej ah.-ut m mrm to this t i-ce T' e il irr.t-'dt band the f a. e a--l rards an l rre'y es-ap-.J Vs-' will meet the canii'iite ara tt.mK r tour inx taeir .ie wten tne latt.r's a -i m -u'of Ricrarls-jr county witr th crd. (i'.f'.t fire ry a splash '. ca; ce staking a lantern. Tc t. sas bei-. taken fr:.ra oi.e n.a.ruB t anotrer, sfier 'lark, and the expe.sno set fire to the T :-a cxr. wilcj as cox.petc.'y dtro ed. BOO Mi IOIM1 r tin 1 10111 JURY FINDS IT WAS SUICIDE oa of (kief Clerk la serilrsd. rat's Offlre at tlrlask Sir! IVratsi at Kb H ooae. . J" REOE. Ne. Tt- :c -..-peiaJ Tel esram I Neas las J jst rn lecrived aer trat Carl lA-itJ-.n. B.e f Chns Law rt'.aei ef ! cttr. n JeeTal y s-ot arl ki id ttiay at il-Cok. Tne j ir. Kin fainer is isiief clerk : u-.e di.-.ien -.-perttteodeat at Euriirrtoo he4-4ai -, ia i-at city. Te era '.a.! uarle c Mw ntsoA. i f ins; aidttor f r t- BurJrg ton aal has f . many 3 ear aita c tie -reu.lien resided la this ce-mty. Eshlbltloa !! Oaeaa. CKETE. Neb . e. Zl ?r--al 1 t c.xc-e ceWeee cfeed lt week w-ih a !a:r attee-laac in a l rtfwrtrvn? iran Us: er "a Tfcars-iiy af"raA.ii th V.' tie Wrmee. l"ir'l a-iat.Hi h'.4 t v-rv pieasaat re!"", f' t :!..- cu-Wr.e asl (a tae r TwfslT-lilk tsmudl lade Friday. ALBK'N. Neb.. ; n-Tr &-cre cvrty fair came u a ucceasfi c'-j Frvdar. For tenry-:x sears i:s ia:r has seen aotei f.r its tt.a and th rro-wds it r la tae irjtter f at tendanc aad unetj and q-ia :ty of ea 1 !oit. this xear was far ahea-1 f ar.v prvvtoja record made bv aaaonat on. fh woiderfu! exhibit of he-ea cattl arM hes eo-- rated that the farmers oaa taad and ato-'k ra.ers of P-oor i.-ty are Tr Jury abreavst T the ttmea is th rac tj toe---ove breeds in ail etcfc A bail gaas betaeen Sj-a.ldirg a-.-l Petersterg was w-a oy th former bv tcmie of X t. i. ernvr KUj eaberger Conarresa-raa 1-atta n-id M t.tiey. caivtidat f.r attrr, rette-al were anvsrc t'e cis-.tor. weirea tive fvertoe i:.itni.( aa aodreas ea i'frjTJt'i-il aubjecta Ta- S'e o--r. -tt erairi Reterwed la faae of aire. Beedle ef 1114 rear, Feaad Dea Ta-aday. HOLl RE'IE. Neb.. Sept. U-.Snecia! Te' ea am. A f;r r ,n --jt '. mx-e than e.gnt jt t .lay ari af'.e' a ci e in vestigau n ot i tie clrc j-nstanc eoo recrrl ait.t t"--e llre.i' uagedy Teadai. Cervrrr' J-j-r returned a verdict t-.a- ilr. 1". rveed met deata at her a hi-a a as o-tfsp.Tel of eni ef tn leading suiistsi men of Ue Ci.ur.t? . failed t fir-l sssyrr'ng in.-rtm.-rat r.g against the aecried attrry. Tn erd ct rt :th t:.e aapr-wai of tr peop. RKPVELICAN CITY "n of ti hxrdesv rair.s tr,. ee-ti.Ki nas U I ttr a !--. tine carr lt Bignt r.a.-!y tao and a r.a.t f i-. It it-. s-j stad t".at t.-e gr-jr.d at rteti mc-"t f f ".. atva there is v estimate as t.e amount -4 -.i it wi'. dc tne fsntjer wvo a -e ju:tin in ane-at. 111'ua. tT.I'T I -e-jieruir lrt .ir-.r- ebrm.k. c .elee. ! s'ead. -n cf Ho', li K 'rr-iaTeid f Ti'RK-cnile vt..i- s; Kent-!; azd f-aW-m. was iss-ir; in H:--i.Mt t'-s ' M s- t.taat'.n Nx-I M tine ctit se-e r. - '- r.i. en rcrt.: i Kemas. from 'jn tn.ri netl a- o no, l T; .rMi 5 c- emng r .. i . to tne Pri.ij j'inee. iir r t m tr ai &EfM j. etfuvaun country ia Be cctkcJ and he a . 1. in T Rrc t"; a' i-s Hi . si.J W - Sa-an .r- the fsture. t-r si'jcr.r-l at Fort la: dreas sjnei 1 nuilji ftei-r.i:n at Tel. th Mt a-i h lH9vki ries.', .vrT pr,'y--v. f-.-n ' v.'xdsard .- A J. Ber.att c-fficung. ra aoid c-ui i ' ena. e f-d ant PERl'-'Ao't ra -eri fe-s.i-.ed in tne. t,.;tte-r aid eig husiress W!-e t-r-i r.e riur''n de-ot wuicn -u ie v' 1j.1L " . it In !ae! poe-sit,-.-ea f j-r. :in ... tnutr,; of a v- St.r. The e-dr V . ,iwri '... e.j ,. iaei t-.ip.-ncnt t.f m.Tter. , rcrijus attark of nr--T'V t- c---. .: FAIRFItl-ls-l". J K-r.-.- ..f Uie C-a t v.- leg and wn. erit" a ft a! f r tre.i '"uert i cm a. a romian inet -s -,ir. a vn 1 Bent. a.nful ax-vi at a dji-,r. a srtx, I'EP.l'-K-r. W A T ler wf the Mf". -the naenr. tr m : f,t.r er . c ur. h is atteswr.; c-.cV t in Y-.rk 'ef r.ard being eered lee.o tie first .oinu FAIRFIUl.l --T .at arreaxe ef a-at lever WHed loiter at ih ef tne -ear and wirn t(e ground ' or.jif'.i. a-ed ail! j in'e the airter ir. i.,na.d cone uoei. NEPRASKA CITT Charles aad Miss Mahei cireee-rood both ar-d 1. and ea:ni:n llfrani. Ia . aa their low catjie ta t-ts city .. est er la and wer muted :a mam - BEATRWK Ti fuae-ral -rvnc- r er t re a -4 of tne Laie Mti 1J IL vaT. t-i ae. T- ti-llv '.ntei '.r At a r--er.t i. l a i , - 1 1 1 if:., at Peru I prac- , f-' m return. ' te'. o.-re-r-'-e a a i j u ia l.v t .:n -t -renrtniiiu m t-'.e Nerr.ika c--r.ference. ' F.!i'.HU.l' - v Hnnkl..'r a. r- -ii n.a. 'thii -T-dt?s a one ew ui a-or c c -e .r.fwinttr d a roa-1 r u. .ich Bi.p- I Bed 10 be o-e of the foir-Ucced si cie 1 A i'ltvi e.Jlii-'; eesued i'r R was sen slv ir! tl. Intruder i'V(J re-acef ii! aav uaharned. t In Iremoot. at 1 married ccupe w KMC. I-tliCH The funeral of Vaade L-jio-e !!'. dajg-hter of Mr and air. Alfre-1 1 jr. wu tekl here on Thursday. lr H J. Sealey off.eiat'ag interment waa na-Je in W 1 e er cemetery. The cer s vei i torn March .4 1-eC. at New luondon. , lad . aad died at her home in Leigh cf a cernplw-atu-n cf d"sases oa September 3. aged ears. FLTr.lCE V.'ord was received her j es terlay from Area. Aiberta. iiuila. that sent Woods, th f- lioa a no ku.d Hector Murray, a f rmr t more resident, at that pUce Ausruat 2. bv str.klng him .r th head a whisky bottle has heen cap tured. Tee of u:a eocr.aniof-s who were with rim at t -.e time f-t strues: M.rray acre a-u tactn i.h r.irr CALLAWAY T i'a;.aay far tt's rk has Ueen th h-t tn tn-e ustar of the oramutioa s ! : the weather has t--c inreaien-r., ail weeU good croCs . iave tr--sent r.rh day. resteenay aeir.a a re--.d ireae r'J v -fv rorJe . et ,- t- grounda Exmhits in ah , c .- tv rave L-a letter ever before tr etcet-'on of hogs rHR' -L--f t-s'e-s are t.t Ne-rr-ara c-- n i v a-a.iar-iiig a cun Suivia. -.os c venti m to reid la Peru, r-ep-te-nor it to tufef 1 Tr.e prt-ani nt been l?.i an.i trie ce:a!n th eaa-e .f .en f. ina'. -rs: spectat-t who wl.l ptt at tne t-oaventn. Amag te ar. 1 t 11 14. Harm 1 .f Nasnvi.t Ter.r. : L. ' far tte""iK-. Unvcfn. Crerg ij Wa--ae on-ar.a P-of. J A Barer. l-rcon. M.r-i ca-et rtri-rr. Lia-oln. and Rev. J H Sa)- bury. Auburn. Hl'Mfcu.iLl -T "r ar e Po.'. no d ni (ared from BaiersfVid. al.. recently, caaing- mucn iiirw to H-mldt re -save, returned home after beins ijcated m a ! Fraactsco. aad was sr. el tn-re by young ' wife Tr )'ini man mia-1 was ten- ' poranly uaia-aaced asd h could gt no; eir4aaatija cf tre i,ief acticeis Th co-rne .am beca to Nehraaaa thia leek in from temporary aberauon. a aad -red aay from bom Wednesday and waa nvi tomd onul late Friday, when aha stag gered up to the far-r.r.ovive of Fred ttai kut. thre mites south of this caty. rts had been out for fony-r-nt hours or more, tttnly cd and during tn stormy weather a.thout food She fe'l exhausted at the farmhouse, where she socght f..r s-meth;r. to eat rhe a a brought to tiiia city and nven meiksl treatment but It : feared tnal are w-.n not recover. LEl'lH New a received here yesrter da of the death of Mrs Joseph Kilns v. a no t a seed kit m an itra.ia ;.orvitl. where are bad gone to undergo an ooera tvon ea thaa taa weeas ago. Marv K Hohta born on a Colfax cocaty farm January lv.j .-h waa married to Jo serh Kims. y on Julv 1 is) . Mj jS 9-r. cld by her hushar.c. her farerta Mr ard Jlrs Karl Hobea. and several brother a Th funeral win he neld at tr Congresa ucnai ctJrrti tundar afres-nooa and Will be .n cca-s of the P.oyal Neirhbors lodge, of which tr deceased a aa a meai jr. FREMONT The dwelling house ef Wfl liarr. E. Smails. comer ef EVvesitb street and N;e avenues too f. re in ttv csiitr fr.m defect ;n an open f.r-4a' ahort 5 "asT " emrg ard though tr. b as waa corf-red to th baaemect srrvok T..ed everv room f th larce reavdene sni t- damage from ft c ie aa water st't be t.ear4 to es-ti-rate. Tt.e loss sr-'l probablT reach B. m4 j, coered y m-s-ira ne. ir Oeo Ta rare for e'eraeey. FR-.SIONT. Neb. See it , ;ec- al ". I. H.-ward Was KHesM t. te vears ia the tee tart "yewterda. aftera a ilea t"n' c '. tarty a t Mm.l hsu. Oa Fl.a evening, tasi'o tsv a j a guest of t'niuned 1. J tiatt. ' f.e it.- res sc-rat two via ' at tt f a.r wvs Hm cl laaua eo wsv died here He-ineadar. wer t--M jest eiae Coevd jcted by Rev. J. K. la'is. REPt"RU-AN )'ITYiVstw w .orn of u, o--k. rajiaiiti . n-'e. tn ad-irea tn of RepitHi-an t asd iw.wn ia the .-pe-a nous Tuee dav everaag. i-ptemt-rr IT. HI wi'..-T-ftM 1 -raper. ana ct Mr T'iroa r.iant. A aaul airs I . K -tr.r. B a e. j . ... . . . tn t b- J-.g Thomas ua a pita ft tn:t t. teas, was married Ttursdav at Nebraska . f-er sue. ierr iri teefi t-1l;.et-u iti'it of iwsaing- a forred al ''' to klun Virginia Rotbisa of erd- , tr.e members . rved f-rlr famtlse ia t-e M-s hc tr if! oa M Hx'Tir mia r farm near town up"a t-ov-v. a Kere tr.e Li-r.uuet a nte , UAH Aril as rs .--.n.e r..u. an4 lU , Vlr yM ,h 1 .r-esi VAeneslay evenifu wit'i a Iri- e . v. l. -j tnrr-, a... , state auiitor who died ura yeara auto TORkv Thursday evening t?. Grand A rm Ivric stroke aid till r"rr.i:n i:rrcr.s-vocis -,rh little hc-i -A r-c'-tr r Mr and Mis faults aer a-T.-sas: tNe er ettet-s aad f -ve -vsn V ears resided in t.-wn. er -lna ire s-sccesful fr ::t ef their farm latwrs RFPt"Pl-I"N ITT-T weraNer .-f rr.e i4l Mivutk cd-r ant tueir (aaiilles 'e'y e-1 a bruet a -1 grauvl -! 1 t ir e T'iroa r.iant. A je-U! neeti.-g or t-ve (asarwJ recepcosj tS th pe-rlora ef Gay-1 The Ksjr ta the fttuatjos. Be Waal Ada. of Ner-. Lard UI Una ard FAIP.FIt.lJ tai'-ast ba -Slxtv-five rarVtds cf r- ca l aJv aad Miss 'n Jur. lit The ar-horv OT " a auo-oer ar( Hastiaaa the last day ar twa. The t aarriag at tr kom cf t&e bnd ester- va ET Pv l VT-I- P been vsed bvtwrea Fatrfiek! J Marr- L-ir-rn of Frf-swi! were ueu'ed in I Brash Col Dead Hair Lc hair is dead hair Aay hair s rot fitTii.y a'tacf ei to the a rain la use less ir.i if lef aiid U lie ta.r rupt I'. growth a-d hea'ta by cl'-gg rg t e a:p iwad va:r never cviuei ha-a i - llf It '-I'l t-e removed by groua brushing, t a-p maaaage or r.ajTrsr.joir g l"u have r.o f-er of pu ui.g . . sound hairs without your knov.rg 11 If ti. hair is failing uut. if t. ecaip itches and dar.draff fnr.s t ere la me- V :-1 arorg atrh your -ap A r 'ar. r.a?r ail scalp mee:c.ce sr.ould L- appnei fxei.')r:iv to niase aur t'.at th ace l 1 free Ir.feriK.n. aevdruff and f. el se Waiv t e hair ofier.. tren rub 1 e sxalp . ijp'rousi y witn A a. Ie-a Yej wi.l be surprised t3 t-.m quick .y your hair wnl te restore. to good health. The persistent use of Waverlrk to stimuunte hair grtrato. stop ttc-.irg. dand ruff aad scalp ir.fetw-n. tceher mitn freiuefit brusr. irg retruv dead matter ard ie-w ir.e ')"i.g' aie to gom. ia belter tisn a.! tr, r.a'.r lcica or renew er yoj can buy Waveai.x-k i we" icesr-v n ti.u d e glst and i appiurd by the test Barbers ibl 1t dreaaera A fre sample t-ji t -of snay asvured by wntirg d:r.-t t v tne M'.rer t . r n I . NEfcRA. KA C1TT Mra Gjs K lae. the I irtu ss-.ea. aad aesdin ten cenis :i e.,-. ef the Republic aad tne Worrea s Reoef ro-iw he:d a slnt sesatoa ia boaor ef a r.r aer of veterans 1 the etr in a' tesoaae of th Methodist Eptsco&ai coa fereac. he '"real ear age a eteran s as-v.via-ioa aaa vrgaa sed ia the Netvea-a oj. t ereavce wna aaout forty metraer At tu tin (ner are eaviv ae. e left and tla-v wer a" leeaem. Comrades P c. Joeiasoe of Tu-usn-n. Ri.toi of Nora i resavua of StUio Crnmm-h a ait of 1 a: veraitv . aca. aad Warfiid of l.iint.a w!f of a snaa re-lccog here, etna suffer- t cr stAsr.pi to ry postad aad laca.rg.