Bee. Omaha' PAST BIZ WANT ADS pass TO EIOafT. Sunday WAMT-ADS 2 i ( m vol nl-no. 1.-1. i ' . " . " ' . - . ' ' ' " . " f Want - Ads Will ads received at aar tlm; lasara. yrtiMt elaaelflcatloi asast prose a ted bafara It a'elarst far ha aala edltloa e ""J" Tiao clack af previa erra wrili( liulir tdlU""' ",n received altar rack kati their flrat laerrtloi be.4ln. "Ta. Lata t C",fJ;ilr , Hate, a.alr f Tk luiir Baa. ilniM ' ta a li.a. WAWT ; " .nOa REOILAH Ca.ASirCAi"- , l.acrtla.. 1 l- crate !.e.,ar.t aat ar war far rack . laaerttoa. Back laaertla . dd daya, 1 X- rate r llaa aar aaaatk. . . . ... jrrr . will III lor -i a ipw . at aar af ha follawlag r"t. thr aaa la aae "ri Bca ara all fcraack ffleae t . aid year will ' it raaatlr aid aa tka aaaaa lUM, tka il. alflaa I. Tka Baa ereateratfc a ad ririana '"" Albacfc,1 W. C. 40th and f arn" Beranek. S. A.. 171 M. th Pay ton Pharmacy. 72 8. 16th Benson Pharmacy. Benson. ! ruining. Bemia Park Pharmacy. nA and '-' Blake-Hradlsh. Hit 8heritn Ave. C.tighl.n. C. R., Ui "i,f,ir1Lutary A Clifton H1U Pharmacy. M 'ul"S Far Hlnterlong Drug Co.. Hat Ava. earn St fc. Crlseey Pharmacy. 4th arwt La Cooney Pharmacy. tOi 8. Bfc Cermack, Kmll. 174-4 8. 18th St Ehler. P. H., Qt .Leavenworth Poster Arnoldl. 213 N. ', bt FT.yUr. J. J.. 1914 N. t4t J'i irar Drua Cc. 1301 N. ?u Plorenca Dru Co.. Kloranca. f,,"paojfla Oten a Pharmacy, park Aye. and rw" OreenouRh, O. A., 106 . 'UlV,, Uor. Hayden, William!' 2!W0 rariiam 8- Holat. John. 4 N, Wth St. Huff. A. U, 1M4 Lv,nortll "V Johanaon Dmi Co.. 94th and Bpaldln. Kln. II. 8. U38 Farnam 8t Kountie Placa Pharmacy. f-Tl.JY Maraa. Trad U. 201 Cantral BJyd. Patrick Dru Co., 1624 N. "k Lathrop. Charlaa fc.. 1HI4 N. Mik Goldman Pharmacy, I4tb 4vnd LT" warm bib. , . Dcnaeirr 'v. Chicago Sta. . ... Bchaefer. A.. 11 N. Mth. Brhmldt. J. H., 14th and Cumlnf Walnut H11U Pharmacy. 40th and Cum!n OK ATM AM) rtVKKItAL. NOTICES i.-ijacir I'hariaa I. Aentember 12, 1910, i ...... - k. him. nf hla narenOi Mr. and Mra.' W. H. KWwel. 1 Plnkney utreet. . .. Funeral from home Sunday, September la, at 1 o'clock p. rn. Interment Falrvlew cem etery. Coun.ll Illuffa. Friends Invited. MARRIAUK I.I(KSES. The followliib' marriage llcenaea have kMn laaued: ' Ninu and Residence. Age Roy R. Lamb, Norfolk :'4 Florence Cronk, Norfolk 1! J Pit MM Mathery. Anita bophle Petersen 27 Frank BoKoca, South Omaha 23 Mone Jo.lelt, South Omaha 23 Al-.-Irl Liullk. South muha 2S Caihtrine Morek, South Omaha Henry A. Hill. Omaha U Lillian Taylor, Omaha Bl Vll Davis. Florence 21 Mvnle yhlulev. Florence 20 BIRTH a AND DliATHS. uirthaH. II. BishoD. 431J North Forty fhnt. boy; Oeorge C. Seagard. 1717 North rhlrty. third, giri; jviannuB weiinrii, ruij ninth and t enter, ooy. Deaths Mary Overman, Crooklon, eara. . ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,; mbalmers. 1614 Chicago. D. 1SJ9, B-114. COAL At rut prices. ALL kinds we aav you ixlc to $1.50 a tori (juanllty and uallly Btiaranteoi. ROSEN HLATT'S Cl'T PRICK COAL CO. 1223 NICHOLAS ST. BOTH 'PHONES SAVE YOUR EYES C0LUMBLN OI'TICAL CO. ' 209-211 So. lGth St., 17 YEARS IN OMAHA Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted I P CiMnL-lvtl Ensr.. paving. -r. vll,-ug. etc it biandcU Tue- ater D. 4JBK. MONEY vHrH??; 'Phone Doug. UNION LOAN CO. UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired: eery kind of repairs. WKSTEKN UMBRELLA CO.. 1822 Farnam. Red 7rl. ELEVATORS REPAIRED frelrh, n... seoger. J. H. Kenua. iH at. Uita. D. 5al. DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Douglas 644.' Robertson's Restaurant '-,J (baaetnent); cool, light sanitary, uuick service, popular prices. For Indira and gen tlemen. Table d'nole dinner Sunday. PIANO playera repaired. Walker. D. 170. RALPH'S MACHINE SHOE REPAIR ING Solea aewed lie; nailed 0o; bar Is ;ic while you wait 10 mlnutea; absolutely fma wora. 611 & 16th St. COAL AND LL'MBER GEARjJ.' Let us show lou in new cut undvr. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT :o.. U17 Farnam TWENTY per oent less thn Omaha prices HOME KL'RMTt'RE CO.. Twsnty-fourtb aud L ktreets. Soutn Omaha. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. A. JEli-i. ie0. Douglas St 5CT. UAOGARD Vaa Storage. Pack, not, sloie ul ahl U, H. Gowda, ft Hit, aVitlj ANNOUNCEMENTS Contlnui d ) HARDWOOD LUMBER BUSINESS CHANCES ONK PIECE Oil A CARLOAD- OAK, POP.LAR. ASH, HICKORY, MAI'LK. HACMWDUD. LON GF1R TIMBERS. 30 to 70 KT. WAGON, SLED & JMPLKKMENT STOCK. ALL. SIZES, ALL ORADKH, ROUGH OK SURFACED. OMAHA HARDWOOD LUMBER CO., OMAHA. NEB.. WANTED Good, clean, up-to-date con cessions, nhnwN and per cemage attrac tion for the b a- race meet and carnival at Mlnden Neb.. Oct. 4 to 7. 1010. No Humbling devices or' Immoral attraction il he tolerated, write, vai Jensen, Sec'y. Flltera, filter repair. 1110 Howard. D3ail 1LER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the weat. Turkish Baths 16th and Howard 8U KODA KS "d supplies; largest stock. iVW-L7-rVli-0 AMATEUR FINISHING. Best work. DEMPSTER, lilt Farnam 8L B. F. Wurn. Optician, 443 Brandels Bldg. ICE FOR SALE Wa can furnish good, clean lea In car load lota, f. o. b. Omaha. Call Bhackleford & Dickey for price. Douglas 271. LYNCH BROS. VkatinnVnd REPAIR WORKS. TO Jackaon St D. 1477. ANCHOR FENCES CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper Than Wood. Lasts a Lifetime. I0V N. lTth St. Phone. Red 114. FRANK BARKER. GEO. BARKER, JR. At. mnKrn .ins. BARKER. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 1H FARNAM ST. BOTH PHONES. Sherwln-Wi llama nt ntl and varmsnes, white lead. Keystona. glass, mirrors. hmahaa hraaa nnlinhes. lubrlcatlllK Oils wall paper and window shades, (lazing and framing. MONEY to loan on eastern Nebraska farms at t4 per rent. L. J. HEALET. 801 N. T. L. Bldg., Omaha.. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING, Arklns. all 8. 14th. u nstalra ED. ROTIIERY ffjtf clgara. Caf In connection., ill 8. 14th St i FAMILY ' I-,lfl"or House, full neastire nun nil rt. inon. our mniin. Emu llanaen, prop., 1223 Chicago St PRACTICAL, nuking. MS N. Hat D. 6769. BARGAINS ,n watches. Jewelry, eta. DAU.KiajJX& VTiedrrian., Loan Bank. eoutn inn au, cor. uougiaa, toi. v. siz. 8. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. res. 1311 Farnam. DAVID COLE Creamry Co. OLIVER A. HALL. ARCHITECT. announces removal of hi office to &26 City .v.tionai wank Blag, fnone Doug. I?OSR Ar' Sor moved to 211 8. lth i-ivyKjij we framing at hall price; WE CARRY A full Una of art goods. FOR RENT Offloe room. 623, located on lop floor, facing court. 370 square feet In ciuning vault; rents for IJ6 per month. THE RKB BUILDING COM PA NT. AUTOMOBILES Run Your Auto Into a Telegraph Postl Bump against a street car; smash up your auto "All repairing and Painting at .w-ahitK prices. DRUMM0ND UT1I AND HARNEY STREETS. Special Reduction on Used Automobiles We are now' quoting: reduced prices on a well selected ' line of used ears, and will show you some of the greatest bargains you -ever saw if you will call at our store. All styles. All prices. H. E. Frederickson Automobile Co., , . 2044-4()-48 Farnam St. . . BARGAIN Seven-pusHenger car, 111 use only four . ! months: owner leaving city. Address M-13j, nee. 1 AUIO and carriage painting, icpalring and iiiiniiiing; dead stomg Urn. l'felffr Carriage Vtuikav i'itU and l.eavsuworttt. BARGAINS in Used Cars6"" Council Bluffs Auto Co., 61 Peart Auto Repairing i'$.?SZlftm$ Tires, Id-hand cars, storage. The Paxton Mltchell Co., 2010-16 Harney. D. 7DU; A-lull. CHEAP Chalmers-Detroit, in good condition; cost, new, $3,600, will sell or trad for city resl estate or farm land; must be clear. Ad dress O-l 37. Bee. BABCOCK summer body ELECTRIC COl'PK with r rat lass condition. A uiap for some one Address K 164. Bee AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repalrvd. ALL WORK GUAKASTfcKU. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council muffs, la. . AUTO 'DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA.' ' Auto Paintins " "Vphy did it.- njiiuj, Gt our prices Boar. ANDREW MURPHY SON. 1412 Jacksoa. FOR SALE Brush runabout, nearly new; will sell i-uean if taken at once. Addresa JL 146. lir. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER AUTOMOBILES (Cr-ntlnued.) W. L Huffman Auto Co, 2025 Farnam Street We have the following ued car that we will close out at a bargain: 1 Auburn E-nassenger touring car, with top, 4G0. 1 lntir-Siale b-passenarer touring ca.r, with tua. (Has been used as a demon trator. 1 Anhut 6, demonstrator, i 5- passenger. 1 D Tamble, demonstrator, 4-cyllnder. o-pafsenger. 1 Regal, slightly used, 4 cylinder, (-pas senger. 1 De Tamble roadster, demonstrator, 1000. 1 Hupmoblle demonstrator. Let us show you these rare. Thev are real bargains. Will trade for unincum bered city property. W, L. Huffman Auto mobile Co. 2025 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE. DOWNTOWN location; call for and deliver your car, $3 per month. Tel. Douglas 434. WRITE for Hat of automobile barcalna H. E. Frederlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. Motorcycles. Writ a for liar, of used motoroyeles. "liiu We carry a full line of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANG EST AD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel D. 3367. CIGAR, confectionery, lunch room, light grocery, uooo uving rooms; rent rea sonable. Cheap for rash. Webster, 618C. G. D. C. CODP1NGTON. 220 Board of Trade Bldg.. business ehanoea, loans. In surance ana real estate. WANT party who can 'Invest tr00 to $2,000; salary $100 to $200 per month at home town or in oince. Aaarea x 117, care Bee. FOR SALE Confectionery, clgara, news stard and light grocery; a bargain; party leaving city, uau sus turning 01. FOR BALE An exclusive agricultural implement business, block will invoice about $10,000. Real estate about $6,000. Net profits for past ill yeara over $7,000 per year, hooks ana complete record of, busi ness open to Inspection of bona fide buyer. Terms, cash or part cash and note with good security. No trades considered. Write for particulars. Address 1 3 La. care Bee. 1- HASAT.Y Co- reaI Joans uaoaut insurance. List your s and your nrnn erty for sale or rent. Quick returns. 8. W. corner mn ana i.ougias. lei Jjoug. la&X FOR RENT Office room, 622, large room on nttn iioor. in. w. corner or building, especially fitted for architect. There Is 4ii suuare teet in mis space; u per month. THE BEE BUI DING COMPANY. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents, B. w. corner Mm ana uougias. Omaha. 'tel. Loug. id.u LET me Incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling their shares: am helping other, why not vont Proofs, what has been dona. Promoter, llt rasion oiock. FOR 8ALE An old established balt.rv 1419 N. 24th St.; must be sold at once, with or witnou: nxiures. WANTED Omaha Jobber or manufacture er'a agent to handle In Nebraska and ur rounding territory line of foremost temper ance beveraaea on the market today, liur Itzen Malt 1:0., Minneapolis.' GASOLINE cannot explode with "safety vent" on your can, motor boat or automobile. Gasoline Safety Appliance Co 1 neian Bldg., san ranclsco, Cai. IjOW PRICED atock elated for move. In formation 1 the very beat. Send VI and ge particuiara. 11. o. King, 106 W. 61st St lew york. FOR SALE A line of general merchan dise In a good location and a good trade. i-or particulars addresa Bui U'. Ericson Men, LADY portlier, to have charge $3U required. Address C 173, Bee. offic, WANTED Wideawake partner with $000 nr roou; money maker and salary beside. Aauress u 1.4, uee.' FOR SALE A moving picture show wit fit; good machine, piano and chairs. All arianged ready to put up. Inq.itre 626 Bee minding, umaiia. ACTIVE partner wanted for office busi ness. established 1 months, can easily be made to pay iju a day. small investment O 16 Bee. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of s'ock fo - aa'e. DIVIDENDS. Agent wanted. Casady Co.. F.scal Agents. H. W. Coiner 14th and Douglas, Omaha. Tel. Doug. 15JU. $126 for one-half Interest In a paying busi ness; Investigate. $16 Brandels theater. WANTED A store In town of 1.6ta In habitant or over for a moving picture show. Address 626 Bee Bldg., Omaha. I- REAL ESTATE business for sale or trade. Established two yeara. Fine chance for be ginner. Address E 175, care of Bee. I HAVE money making proposition for right party to tin eel $jo to $750 and take active part, either as inside or outside man; will guarantee over $40 a week. Address S-ia. Bee. YOUNG man of good character, able to make a amall Investment, can make ad vantageous connection. For personal Inter view address N-136. Bee PARTNER willing to Invest $501 In good paying buntneaa; some office experience preferred; moderate - aalary and a share ol profits from start. Addreaa W-133. Bee. CAPITAL furnished for meritorious en terprises, stocks and bond sold on com mission. Facilities for incorporating and reorganisation of companies. For particu lar. Johnson A Co., Bankers. Madison A La Salle. Chicago. FOR SALE Only drug store tn best town In Idaho. Apple district; location adjacent. Bank and postoffice. No saloon. - Council Ivut Co., Council. Idaho BUSINESS CHANCES . (Continued. - We want to buv a aood. clean, un-to-date tmk of furniture located In Nebraka, Wyoming or Iowa. We hnve the cash. 13,600 to 116.000. We have several rood stock of General merchandise, located In small twn near Omaha, and about the state, which can be bought for cash or trade for reaj estate. wortn the money. 11.000 to 12.ono. Established Omnha concern, wants aoung man to Invest above amount with them. They offer position and salary of $100 pel- month to right party. Here Is your chance! viei ousy. . $3,000 TO ANT AMOUNT. We have a party who wants a first class grocery? And will pay whst -It Is worth. But knows his business. Wants lo cation In northern part of Omaha, In good neignoornooo. $.1,000 to $10.0110. We have a man that la alive, and got the money, who wants to buv Into, or will buy outright, either a good commercial business. a livery stable, coal business, wholesale fruit nr .nl.hln ilnr. Io In Omaha. IS. 300. Country Newspaper office. Consists of entire up-to-date plant. Doing good busi ness, publishes two papers, has good cir culation. Good chance for a Good Printer! We have hundreds of business chances. n the rltv and all over the country. We have Drug stores. Furniture. Undertaking. and all kinds and sties. Call and see our lists, or write us. If we have not what you want we will get It for you. . : l.' r i r i it r i ' rnnniwrnviH 220 Board' of Trade Bldg. WANTED Capahlo man with $5,000 cash o establish- permanent local store, both wholesale and retail. In well known staple line: $200 a month and all expenses and lib eral share of profits: large and well known nouse, established many years, offers ex cellent opening for steady, competent man. i-avorame imestment; clean, high clas business; right man should make $1,000 a year or better; large future prospects. References required. For particulars ad dress Box 10. care Nelson Chesman & fe.. St. Louis, Mo. $fi CASH. $a per month, buve 40 acres. Post yourself on Central British Columbia, where farm landa are rhenD. oll fertile. climate auperb. Postal brings Information. iNecnaco valley Syndlrnte. Vancouver. a. v. NOTICE Is hereby given of the inenrnor. atlon of the Tom Kelley company for the carrying on of ahlrt making, selling men's rurnisninga. hTimclpal office In Omaha, Neb.. 815 8. lth St. Capital stock $10,000. to be paid In cash or property. Corporate existence to begin August &, 1910, and to continue zu years. Indebtedness or 1'abilitv not to exceed 70 per5 cent of the capital biock. uusimss ana affair, to be. oon oucted by president, secretary, treasurer ana board of director. WALTER R. FERrjlTtfO Incbrporating Agent, Paxton lilk., Omaha. A BUSINESS CHANCE. EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE, Ninety-seven Der cent of the men who tart In business fall. Here la a chance to acquire a half or a third Interest In an old esiaDiisnea, exclusive wholesale business n i me imkkk; per cent that has wrsinri tu m.11 aiurms. naving tne hlgnest rating, pavina a a-oori salary anH i,a,.r dividends. If you are the right man and can control lai.ixju or $40,000 and want a working interest, here Is an exceptional opportunity to get In on an Inventory , , . verJr opportunity given for a most ngia investigation. There Is a splendid $2,000 will lend you $2,000 under Certain reasnnshlA nnnHifi,,., agree that you may repay the loan from the dividends on an Investment which we will suggest., Continental Commercial Co.. cri. uvuii, mu,' PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY Book. Advice. Search and 'il,l?'I,', List of Invention T Itl jlj Send sketch or model for at-trch. Highest nest results. Promptness a' ured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat. Law 'r. 621 F St.. N. W. Washington, D. C AN unusual business ovportunity. Small general merchandise store for sale in N. E. Colorado, thriving town. Town has good schools and churches; three banks four general stores. Good farming country good crops even this dry year. Stock well selected, tjooa merciianruse stock and fix tures will Invoice about $5..VI0. Address, Y-ZbZ, care Bee. I WANT A LIVE MAN to loin me In an enterprise that will make us both rich In side of five yeara If he will devote his whole time to the matter and work a hard as 1 win. ite must have . in $750 to in vest. I lie business is atrulirht nrnfti. Involving no rtvk beyond time and uumiwi and should begin giving big return in side of two or three weeks after starting. Address P-121, Bee. CAPITAL furnished for manufacturing and mining corporations. Stocks and bonds placed throuah established clientele. The F. D. Mlnyard Co., Brokers, First Nat'l. Bldg., Cincinnati. MANUFACTURER of metal, aluminum and leather novelties, celluloid goods, badges and buttons, desires to establish local agency with established firm or In dividual, preferably with showroom: no In vestment in stock required; strong line; nroepect furnished: hearty co-oporatlon; liberal commissions; references required St. Louis Button Co.. Sr. LohIs. Mo. WANTED TREASURER As president of a progressive Omaha company 1 can place a man or woman as treasurer-secretary. Any honest person ullh knowledge of bookkeeping can qualify. Salary $30 to $100. Must deport rash se curity. Permanent position; chance for ad vancement. Give reference, atreet and phone number. Address 0-167. care Bee. HAVE made $8U0 tn lawt two months; can double amount If detail work taken off my hands; want reliable, trustworthy man with ordinary bualnesa eaperience, able to Invest $.u0, who will work together with me and share In profits; references exchanged. aAddresa F 16, Bee. lNlTEf WIRELESS, pref. I will sell 10 shares. Mai cash offer. A. O. Anderson, Petron, la. AUCTION $6,000 stock of gen. mdse. 21, years old, to be sold to the highest bidder at public auction. Tuesdsy, Oct. 4. 1910. For 01 her information write G. H. Kelser, Beresford, 8. !., or A. A. Barnes, Mer cantile Auctioneer. .Hawarden, la. MR. MERCHANT We can aell your stock at auction 'or special salea and give perfect aatlsfaction. Sales now running at Hudson and Beresford. S. I) A. A. Barnes' Salea A Auction Co., Hawarden, la., or Ml Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. PATENTS secured or fee returned. Illus trated guide . book and list of -Inventions wanted sent free-to any addreas. - Patents secured by us advertised free In World's Prugress. Sample copy free. Victor J. Evans A Co., 724 tth St., Washington, D. C FOR SALE "The McCord." the best and only 60-room commercial hotel tq town; eleotrto lights, hot air and good sample rooms; will sell on easy terms or rent for a term of yeara and aell furniture. D, tl. MoCord. tkhuylar. Neb. 25, 1910. BUSINESS CHANCES STOCK ISSUE WANTED Am prepared to undertake financing of high grle stock or bond Issue; terms reasonable. I'N DKR WRITER, Suite 417, no Wall St.. New York. FOR SALE Restaurant In a aod town; no opposition; will sell cheap If Sold In two weeks. Cook Restaurant. Cook. Neb. 1 FOR SALE The best home bakerv In Omaha: new bulldlnv and new fixtures and tools: best equipped ahop in town. Have other business. Apply 24th and Maple Sis., J. C. Jensen. $30 WEEKLY AND INDEPENDENCE 100 improved Hllo Gum machines will mnke you the above amount and only take two hours' time per day; small Investment Write Hilo Gum Co.. Inc., 123 W. 4th St, Chicago. CONCESSIONS for sal at Fort Omaha. Apply, Joe Stenberg, Ft. Omaha. Roomlagr Heasea for Bala. 10-ROOM home or rooming house, new; strictly modern; best location; parties leav ing city. Call at 2101 Cass. ELEGANTLY furnished rooming house. best location; close In. 116 N. 20th St. NEWLY furnished home In new modern (-room flat, irood place for roomers. A nap 11 taKen at once, xus nun. ROOMS, full of roomers: modern; close In; will sell cheap If bought at once; partlea going east. Tel. Doug. 67C9. 14 ROOMS: modem: rent. $40: water iald. Phone Red 7235. FOR SALE Eleven-room furnished flat 610 No. 17th St. A DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, new $20. 1748 27th St. Harney 3880. TEN rooms, strictly modern, best loca tion, full of roomers. Doug. 6318. 14 ROOM S. modern: rent $40: water paid. Phone Red 7:35. 12 ROOMS, all modern, will sell or partly lurmsn to suit buyer. Red iW'S. NINE-ROOM., nlcelv furnished, one block from postoffice: house rent $26; furniture HiO: leavlnar cltv: baraain. Phone Red 4590. SEVEN rooms furnished up to date. Will sell reasonable. Roomers pay rent; good location; rent cheap; call Z419 California St, CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. i506arnam8t Douglas 47, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OT.n ROOFS --P-raa; . ta. Tlla, ' w ' rr8Vl iiAhpAMiAP.Hiim. phrey Roofing Co.. 67 Paxton Blk. , TaL u. euH. USE BEAVER BOARD In plaoe of lath and plaster. American Supply Co.. 1111 r arnam. DANCING MORAND'8 Donclng School. 15th V Har ney. Lessons Mon. and Fri., I p. m. Phone Doug. frM. Private lessons dally. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective ago., Ins . bonded. 42S-9 Paxton blk. It. 111$ ; Ind. A-1811. CAPT T. CORMACK. 117 KARBACH Hf.K DENTISTS BAILEY MACK. Id floor. Paxton. D. Ifttf. DRESSMAKERS GOWNS and ladles' tailoring. 2715 Dewey. MISS 8TURDT, Bl 8. 24tn St Tel. Doug Tilt DRESSMAKING and alteration, first class work, prices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor. 2012 No. 18th. Web. 1410. INFANTS wardrobe, hand or machine made; table linen hemmed. Mr. Lowman, bit 8. 21th Ave. Dressmaking. 1065 St. Mary' Ave.. D. 4432. MADAM Ridley, fashionable dressmaking, also general lepairing. 910 South 11th St. FIRST-CLASS experienced dressmaker and alteration; all work guaranteed. Ty ler 1276. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mail 6uc and $ Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., omaha. S. & C. KNEETER, specialist in refitting ladles' sJlts. dresses and remodeling; 2d floor Continental Blk.. entrance . 16th and Douglas. Tel., Doug. 3742. VACUUM CLEANERS rented, ster 2771. Tel. Web- CIiovv HAIRDRESSING PARLORS uul,u'J Take Maiinello masaages lot a good complexion. 01 I'axton Blk. D. 17 1 TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douglas 13. CHINA painting, lessons, firing, order woik. stenciling. Mrs. W. V. Irwin, 2615 Blondo St.. Tel. Web. S4S. FINANCIAL WE WILL LEND YOU 12,000 under cer tain reasonable condition and you can pay the I2.0U0 back from the proflta of an in vestment which we will euggest. If Inter, ested, address quickly Continental Commer cial Co.. St. Louis. Mo. FOR SALEt-6 per cent to I per cent firsi laige aud small amounts, down town bus ne s properly. C. Wes.e Roberta, Cltisen National Bank, lo Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE $100,000 worth of gold to year I per cent semi-annual Irrigation bonds. Se cured by property worth ten times the Issue. Will divide to suit. Attractive dis count to principal or agent controlling trust funds. Might exchange part of listed stocks. Addresa p. O. Box 27$. Chicago. MINE PROMOTERS Investors want Facta. My pamphlet on Mining and Stock Jobbing gives them. Get cony and price. William H. Lewis, tth and Hill, Los An. gelea. California. WE WILL sell you twenty sharea of stork for $2.6u, take your note for the in ounl and let you pay the note from the dividends on the atock. In fact, we will agree that you never need pay the note In any other way. If you want an allotment on this basis, address at once Continental Commercial Co.. St Louii, Id.. SINGLE FINANCIAL (Continued.) CALIFORNIA Oil Stocks and Bonds are the best dividend payers on the market. for latest information write or wire J sines Shields Murrhy, Los Angeles, Cal. FLORISTS HESS SWOBODA. 14)5 Farnam St RRANDEIS' cut flower dept.: new store. THE ANNEX flower shop. Theater Bldg. A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-lOm. L. Henderson. 1611 Farnam. Doug. 1261. i. H. BATHL l6?lHarnsyj rougjas006 FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove rm pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat- era. Omaha stove neosir moras, lan-iaus Poti glas t. Both -phone. HELP WANTED FEMALE A areata asl galaalaajlaa. EXPERIEN C K D salasladlea wanted. Raphael Pred Co.. 11th and Farnam. WANTED One married woman In each town to act as our representative; doing business with merchants only; previous ex perience unnecessry; 60 per rent commis sion; devote all your time or part time; ex clusive territory; visit dry goods merchants, grocers and milliners; Intelligence and good appearance the only necessary requisite. The position Is highly rexpectablc. If you are a woman who can qualify and would like to make some money during your spare time, write us. The Dry Goods Re porter Co., 191 Market St., Chicago. AGENTS for "Klosflt" petticoat the latest cry In fashion; a petticoat that fits any woman like a e-love: has no draw strings; the patent gusset does the trick; agency means plenty of money. Write me for it. James A. Mean, Jti warren si., N. Y. LADY SOLICITORS Good position. Ex cellent opportunities. No experience re quired. State Furniture Co., S. W. corner 14th and Dodge. v Clerical sal Offlca. STENOGRAPHER, out of city, $60. STENOGRAPHER, must be rapid, $50-60. BILLING CLERK, $40-45. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR. $40-50. STENOGRAPHER AND BILLER, $10 wk. HT ENOCH AH PER, beginner, $6 a week. 3 SALESLADIES, must be good, $12-15 a week.- ' - ' - - CARSON REFER ENCEBUREAU 674-576 Brandela Bldg. WANTER TREASURER-SECRETARY As president of a progressive Omaha company I can place a lady as treasurer secretary. Any honest person with know ledge of bookkeeping ran qualify. Salary K0 to $100. Must deposit cssh security. Permanent position; cuance for auvaiue- ment. Give reference, street and phone number. Address P-168. care Bee. WANTE--Klrst-class lady stenographer for IJnoo'n. Neb; salary. WO. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1402 City National Rank B'dg. WANTED Treasurer-secretary. As pres ident of a progressive Omaha Co. can place a lady as treasurer-secretary. Any honest person with knowledge of book- j keeping can qualiTy; xaHry, $80 to $100; must deposit cash security; permanent po sition; chance for advancement: give refer ence, atreet and 'phone number. Address M 166. Bee. 4 Sleno. and private secretary Stenographer NO FILING FEE. THE CANO AGENCY. 432 Bee Bids. ...$65-$7 $ YOUNG lady clerk with experience. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam St. LADY for office; good penman. Box 263. P. O. U a a ae karate r a aal Doaseatlea. WANTED At once, a good cook; highest eages paid. Tel. Doug. 7776. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. $30 per month; board and room. banfurd Hotel. 19th and Farnam Sts. LADIES WAN 1 ED to tike work home; stamping holiday novelties. $1 to $4 doten. Woik guarantied. Trieber. In Brandei V heater Bldg WANTED A good girl for general house work; no waahlng. 12J Harney Su WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mrs Barton. Millard. 12$ N. Wth bt Tel. Hit. ney Id. WANTED A gl.l for general housewoik 104 a Mth St GOOD girl for general housework. Park Ave. 634 GOOD girl for general houaetvorx. Spencer street. Phone Webster oil. levi WANTED good neat housekeeper about 46 years. Box 134, Council Bluffs. GOOD girl for general housework. No laundry. Tel. Doug. 6767. The Bee printed more business announcements the last four weeks than any other two publications. It is interesting to watch these little treasures work and grow iNews Phone in Your Ad If You Can't Come Down TYLER 1000 COPY FIVE CENTS. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Hoasekeepers and Domeilln Doatd. COMPETENT girl for general housework. good- wages. 1813 lthrtip St. Web. 344t. WANTT.D Good girl for general house work. Mrs. Martha Relm, 1616 Spruce St. I.. 1 R 1 for small family. iid jsara 01. Harne ' 4462. WANTED Good girl for housework. Mra, Colt, 3A4 Harney St. WANTED Middle aged woman for gen eral housework. H. A. Walton, Ewing, Neb. GIRL about 16 year of a;e to care for two children. Good pay and good place. Ind. B-20H0. COMPETENT cook. No washing. 411 South 38th street. Telephone Harney 813s. WANTED A young colored girl to as sist with work. 312 North 22d. street GIRL for general housework. No wash ing. First-class wages. Tyler 1326. GIRL for general housework. 638 South 24th street GIRL for general housework, nice home. Good wages. 10A South 36th Ave. GIRL for general housework. Must be competent Family of four. 1609 Burdettei street. GIRL for general housework. No washing. Good pav. Mrs. A. '. Kennedy, 1024 South 82d. street. Harney 5606. WANTED Girl for general housework. Harney 31129 or H-1133. GIRL for general housework. 515 South 22d atreet GIRL for general housework. 36th street. Harney 519. 322 South GIRL for general housework. No wash ing. Mrs. J. C. MardK Harney 2079. WANTEI Givl for general housework. 114 South 36th avenue. WANTED Middle aged woman at 844T South 16th atreet. Douglas 7864. . COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family, good wages. 112 N. 38th Ave, 'Phono Harney 2632. . WANTED A girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge St. 1 GIRL for housework. 119 S. 37th St. Har ney 970. GIRL for general housework; good pay. mil Harney si. RELIABLE young girl to assist with, housework. References. -2221 Capitol Ave, Duuglas "872. WANTED Competent girt with refer ences, for general housework; three In fam ily. Mr. Mary Woodward, Tel. H. 1487. "WANTED a girl for general housework. Phone Harney 6448. 132 No. 42d St. "WANTED Girl for general housework, also girl to assist with baby. Tel liar. ""WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 2115 Plnkney St., Phone Web. 2701. GIRL for housework, no washing. No ob jections to colored girl who can go home nights. Mrs. Sam Goldsmith. 1708 Lake St. General housework girl, three In farn ' " . 3ith St.; Tel. Hur. 1222. Mrs. J. J. McMulIen. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply 35:15 Farnam. Harney 899. WANTED At once, one dining room girl. one cook and one chambermaid at once at Padley hotel. Oeildcs. S. D. BOHEMIAN or German girl for house work, to assist with cooking. Reference required. 2222 Howard St. WOMAN for general housework. Can go home nights If you wish. Good pay and home. With or without washing. Webster 456. WANTED Good girl for small family, good salary, no cooking. 2U131, Capitol Ave. WANTED Good girl for housework, two in family, good wages. 845 Park Ave. COLORED girl for general housework. Good wages. No laundry. 615 South 2Sth St. GIRL for housework. 3027 Chicago St. WANTED Good girl for housework. C.dod wages. Ill South 35th Ave. GIRL for housework. No washing. J. W. Squire, 203 Slury St., Council Bluffs, la WANTED Girl for general housework. 3011 Pacific street. Harney 3..:9. WANTED Girl for general homework. Call Harney 5513 or 1306 Park Ave. GIRL for housework. 3510 Farnam St SECOND girl, also one for laundry work. $120 Davenport St Harney 69. GIRL for housework. References. E. F. Howe. 1053 Georgia Ave. Mra. GIRL for housework. Manderson St. Small family. 2443 GIRL for general housework. 3i,th street. Harney 486. 102 South GOOD girl for general housework. PatteiMin, 323 North 3Hth Ave. Mra. lOmaha Bee World-Herald