Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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Fiimne of Early Cablet Favoring
'the Balls.
Fine Weather Ha Mad Coaalrr Ac
erptnce', Iswrreose, While the
('tla Demand la
l.tkl Taker Slow.
r OMAHA. Sept. 12. 1910.
Li erpeol and all European market
i-howed firmness on the rly rhles. Thin
rtuourgd buyer nd sentiment favored
i hit bull old for a turn.
Tradei predict a atubbnrn wheat market,
with rallies, tout shipment from primary
point are rery llacht and stock are a
heavy pressure.
Corn continues heavy and on the decline.
Tine weather ha made country accept
ances Increos. while the consumptive ie
mand l light and offerings find alow
takera. -:. "
.Strong , cabled kept wheat values well
above yesterday's closing level, ('ash de
mand wa brink and offerings found ready
taker. a sentiment ruled rather bullish
and some further raliy la likely.
After an early break the corn market
firmed up and held steady at about yester
day'i values. Early selling wa met by poor
support in the part of buyers
Primary . wheats receipts were 1.262.0ft)
bjsl.els aJtd shipments were fi!-2,ono bushels,
aralnt receipt last yenr of i2,(;00 bushels
and shipment of 191. WO bushels.
Primary corn receipts wrr ans.000 bush
els and shipments--were 1,179.'0 bushels,
against receipt last year of 8S.ljrO bushels
boo snipments ot 4i4,iw rjusnei.
Clearances were 18,000 bushels of corn. BOO
bushels of oata. and. wheat and flour equal
to i,(KO bushel-. , ,
IJveipool closed i to $. higher on
wheat and d to) nrr on corn.
1 . Oma bmi a ah Irrlcee
WHEAt-No.- Z hartl. X'tf QtlOt; No. S
hard, MUcall.OO: No. 4 hard, Kiitonlsjc; re
jected hard. fc&fjftvcj No. 2 spring, 6Vto''j$J 00;
No. 3 spring,: OuVtCOSto; jju. 2 durum, 84u
Mc. ,
CORN No. .-1 white, M&Ar; No. 8
while, .TWof'O't; fto. 4 white, 4to4jrl0c; No.
1 yellow. 4'v&f'0cr-No.' 3 yellow. 4:tViSf&0e;
No. 4 yellow. 4'4'J4e No. I, 4S'yff:iOc; No.
J4!Ms(&b0c? No.- 4, . 48VtHc; no grade, f
)ATRNr.t white," SlHrl air; tandard,
ll,4'631.- No. a White, Xt'iMfy;; No. 4
white, ofi3l'.ic; ln. yellow. SOMilc:
No. 4 yellow, 3rVT"eJ
BARI,KY-No. 4, HfiSic; No. 1 feed, R4r.
RYE No. 2. 7SH'3T3,ic; No. I. UWW.W.
Carlos .Kaveripta.
i Wheat. Corn. Oai
Chicago 74 S54 109
Minneapolis ..:.....-.,;;.-. .'. .303
Omaha HO 38 14
, Uuluth lil
Keatnrea '! , ilka IradJag mm Clsln
Prices wh the Board of Trade.
CHICAOO repf -f-Bxport sales and
hlgner cable aent Wheat prices upward to
day. The close wit at, a net suvsnce of
ic to !4ft Corf) finisfie to 'ale UP
and oats uwhnrel to Jc higher. Latest
quotation ' tof --'prpvfslofis ranged' all tne
way from ot'oj.Slfoe Recline tQ the same as
last night.
Pacific L'tni Exports ttf ROO.OfiO bushela of
wheat to' Frahoa'w'ere,'c,onfirmed. but the
reported ewrigemeitf forty bpatlnads for
Rotterdam: for American porjs on (he At
lantic was beikved tlere.'to refer to corn.
The market. altliouh nki-voua thioughout
the day, rnaintttllirij a, tvvel above that of
yesterday, during tbe enfli-e s sslon. . .This
condition "-wag due primarily to unexpected
belter prloea m Europe vnd these in turn
were largely, the result of a reversal of
predictions for, Jarge , shipments this week
from Black sea sorts. "-Aside from these In
fluences, i. fairly Imfortant factor In the
buying today waa the IdeA that Chicago is
now the towent market in sight. The close
was at nearly .'the beat, figure of the day.
lieeemberf (luctuated between (1.001.00
and ll.Oli. wHh the last sales WuSa up at
tl.007,. , .'.', , - .
Reportrd ralna In Iowa and Nebraska and
, much colder weather -it these states led to
bulllshnesa In the corn pit. Decern bej- var
ied from 0iJfilH-nd 'ked strong c up
at Blc. X)tarVJltl'Vlt.t WPa hlP:
ping derrlnnd bring light. No. -yellow
closed at J'nWo.' ?-:'" ' 'i -
In oats .the- clnatl; wtta firm in sympathy
with the strength of Corn and wheat. De
cember sold from 84tirS4ite to MTttySfic and
finished exactly the Mmi as I set night ut
t4HM4ie-'- -''W- -.v
Hhtpper ntf outside packer mild Janu
ary dellverlea of Inig products- with a free
band. In the end "pork1 wan B2Hto 0U5ZVi'
lower: lard, unchanged to 17Mic down and
ribs off Wise.
Chicago Cash Prioea Wheat, "No. t red.
veVte; No. id: tif!iV: No. 8 hard. ctr
11.00; No. S Jiard, 1sc; No. 1 northern
spring. I1.123l l8li; N. t tinrthern siirlng,
11. tons 1.14: No. 1 prlTTw. SOfill.OO. Corn: No
!. 53V4'&;3Vci N6. S. S'iv; No. 2 white, S3p
Kic; No- i white, 534ii".S'e: No. 2 yeflow.
13'iffTMVc: No. 3 yellow, 53Wc Oata, No. 2.
12c; No. 2 white, 34ii35i4c: No. 3 white.
M4ff33c; No. 4 white. 33Ji34o; standard,
BUTTER .Bteady; creameries, 245,C8c:
dairies, 'Mplic, - .
EQQ8 ilecelpts. 6.188 ' cases; market
steady; at mark, cases Included. 17HU c;
firsts. 22n; prime firsts, 24c.
CM EKSC Steady; daisies, lM4e; twins,
14H'(n&c; young Americas, l&VjaitSc; long
horna. lftJWloi'.
POT ATOKS Stead: choice to fancy, 75
fe7Sc; fa'r lo good.'--tirxji 70c.
POULTRY yulet; turkeya, ' 18c; fowl.
13Hc; springs, 13c,
VEAtyOulet; M to 60-lb. wts.. 898Hc;
0 to 85-lb. Wts.. 9Hc: 8a to UO-lb. wis..
lm.Ohia. ...
Chicago Receipt Wheat. 74 cars; -corn,
If4 oars; oata, ICO Oars, Estimated tomor
row: Wheat, 64 cars; cum, 3M cars; oata,
114 car.
Leading future ranged as follow:
Articles. l Opsn. High. Low. Close. Yea'y.
' 87V -' M
i 0l!l 0u4
1 0tii 1 06W
I i
97V.I 96"4
1 00', 1 1 oos
1 ouv.i wwt
il- fl
. -1
'n-i iiiii'ik
19 7i
1 36
18 30
IS 10
18 86
18 9
) ts
19 42Vs
18 33Vi
18 7Vs
17 .'H
12 I7H!
12 45
11 0
10 47 H
12 87W
12 4?H
II 4
12 35
11 80
ii eo
II 47,
11 80
10 70
10 t7 10 IjJ'-i
10 &2H1
11 ICa, 11 60
11 30 11 22U 11 26
11 30
I 7H 57V t 57H
; "
No. 2.
Cash a
notations were aa follows
FLOUR steady.
winter patents. 14
1.05; winter straights,. 4.1'ki4.80; spring
straights. ; Bakers, nsxjs.i; .
KY E No, t. 74a
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4S-Jr4c; fair to
choice maltlug. M72o.
SEKIKS-flm. No. 1 southwestern, S2.6B;
No. 1 norihwesteru. $2.77. Timothy, I..0UJ
8.O0 Clover. 310 OOti 15.25.
PROVISIONS Mma pork, per bbl.. 119.80.3'
Lara. rr 1W lbs., 112.42V Short riia
sides (loo -wo. Ill .OtViiU.CSS- Short clear aides
thoxert), l3.1V,a 12.28.
Total cleavaiues of wheat and flour were
eqial to bu. Primary reeelpta were
1.262.OU0 bu . coniared with 362,000 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
t4 cars; curn, J.D cam. oats, 114 cars; hot;,
10.0U0 head.
Kansas City Grata and Prvvlsloaa.
cember, :4'i',4e, sellers: Mav. i oc.-a
X2. sellers. Cash, unchanged- No 2
hard. fS'tc-h 0?; No. 3. sctm 00, No. 2 red
1 0OSl ; No. I. 51)9c.
tH)RN Uecembor. 4V4C sellers; Mjy
53Sc. bid.- Cash, unchanged to So lower-"
No. 3 mixed, 64'rt54Hc; No. 3 mixed, tac
No. t white, 54c; No. 3, b3c. '
OATS Unchanged; No. I white, 33y30s
No. I mixed, UsrvJc.
RYE N. I. 73S.
HAY I'nchanged; choice timothy, 113 50
t 14.00: c)ioo prairie, 112. 2Mi 12.74).
HUTTEK-Creamery. 2c: firsta, SSo; sec
onds. 23c; packing stock. 21So.
EUUt-Extras, 3uc; firsts, rJVc; seconds,
IHc, '
- Receipts Shipments
Wheat .. 262 0n
Corn .. 23 (ioo 3f,
Jats .. 16.000 12.0UJ
HiaaeaeviM utrmeva MM-B.W1.
MINNEActJ", pt. 2i WX IT AT s-ep-leinber,
$1 0tev: IVmbec, 1.11; May.
11 16s.. Cash. No. I bard, ti l': No. 1 north
era. H.I991.ISVs; No I northern. II ;rj
HIP1; No. t aorthorn. fl tbvj I Mt.
k -liOUR-IVat llwu. Ik. tout tw. aocoutl
- . 1 a K . .
patents, S Jo,, n: frit clears, $3&ti4on;
""na rienrs. $2. .vwi 2 so
FLA X -filled. tJ !.'.
COKN-No. 3 vellow-, fdViVSc.
OAT.-No. 3 white. 3'-"14'!i.:.'tC.
It YE No. t Rfoii'Ht . 1 THE I.HAIM BELT
Showers Are Predleted for the F.osl
ra Part at Nebraska.
OMAHA. Sept. 22, 110.
A trough of low pressure extends from
Manitoba soulhwestward across the Mis
souri valley to the extreme southwest, and
unsettled weather prevails from the Rocky
mountains east to the Mississippi river.
Hams are falling this morning on tne north
ern I1ih)' tnounui.n slope, and througn
out tne upper Missouri and upper Missis
sippi valley as far south as Nebiaska and
Iowa. The rams are moderately heavy In
th Dakota and wr'trrn Minnesota, but are
light and scattered in the other sections
name 1. An area of hinh pressure, accom
naled by a very decided tall In temperature,
has a pp. a red lit the extreme northwest, and
this aiea of high pressure will move down
Over the valleys during the next twenty
four hours, and the Indications are favora
ble for continued unsettbd and showery
weather In this vlcinltv tonight and Fri
day, with slightly cooler tonight, followed
by cooler Friday.
1M ljo. lrios. ljn;
Minimum temperature . . 65 M r,7 50
Precipitation T .00 .00 .00
Normal tempersture for today, 61 degrees.
In flcj.'iu-. ,n precipitation unit M.uin j,
13.71 Inches.
I.ef .ii-ii . -orrcponding period in 1H
.33 of an Inch.
Ileficlency corresponding period In im,
2.37 Inches.
. A. WKI.FII. Isl Forecaster.
' and Wheat Keglnn nalletla.
For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four
hours ending at a. m.. 75th meridian time.
Thursday, September 22. 1J10:
Temn. Raln-
Stsilons Max. illn. fall.
Ashland, Neb S2 Hi .04
Pt. cloudy
Pt . cloudy
Pt cloudy
I t. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Auburn. Neb Kt
ll kcn How. Neb. 71
Columbus. Neb... M
'ulhertson, Neb.. 7f
Kairbiirv. Neb... ss
Fairmont, Neb... 79
.r. Island. Neb.. 7i
Hartimton; Neb. 78
Hastings. Neii.... 7
llolrlreue. Neb... 70
Oakdalc. Neb si
Omaha. Neb 0
Tekainah, Neb... 83
Alta. ia.
Carroll. Ia. ......
Clarlnda. la
Sibley, la
H:oux Cltv, la.
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at a. m.
District averages.
No. of Temn. Rain.
J'lefrirl. fetation . Max. Win
Columbus, O
Louisville. Ky.
Indianapolis. Ind..
Chicago. Ill
Ht. Louis. Mo
Ihs Moines, la....
Minneapolis, Minn
Kansas City, Mo..
Omaha, Nob
Light ahowera were scattered over Ne
braska and Kansas within the last twenty
four hours and rains are general In north
ern Iowa, the Dakotas and western Mlane
aota this morning. The weather ia silffhtlv
warmer In the corn and wheat rerlon west
of the Mississippi river and slightly cooler
east of the river. L. A. WELSH.
Loia! Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
Quotations of the nay en Yarieos
Cmmodltfea. ,
NEW YORK, Sept. 22.-FLOUR-FteaJv;
spring patents. S.40ru5.75; spring clears, 4.3
to 4-60. winter extras No. 1. t3.75&.Xl; wlu
ter . extra No, 2, $ Kansas
straights. 14. 80ft 4. 90. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good, !4.20("4.2u; choice to fancy, S4.30
CORNMEAL Steadje; fine whit and yel
low. 1 l8l.4f.; coarse. tl.351.40; kiln dried,
.WHEAT-Spot market, firm; No. J red,
1.047e, elevator, and 11.05, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 northern IMiluth, ll.23Hc. f. o. b..
Bflnat. Futures market waa again firmer
today and about sic hlgner on more bullish
cable newa and a better demand for- cash
wheat, both milling and export, besides
liberal flour Krtle. the closing figures c
r1... September., closed. lUpSkliUeoemhir, ,
ll.OSir-; M;iy, 11.12c. 7
CORN Spot market, steady: No. 2. 61He,
elevator, domestlo basis, to arrive and 6lo
t. o, b., afloat. Future market was with
out transactions, closing VlVko net higher.
September closed, time; December, 69'ac;
May. t'2'4c.
OATS Spot, market, easy; new standard
white. 39c; No. 2 white. 3SWc; No. I. S8V4c:
No. 4. 3X0. Futurna market was without
transactions, closing 'dlJV.c: net lower. No
vember closed. 38?c; December. 40c; May,
42ic: July. 42V;. .
HAY Quiet; prime, ,1.10; No. 1. 11.06(5
1.07H; No. 2. 9Tciitl.oO: No. 2. 7fcH0c. .
HIDF.S-Qulet; Central America. 21c; Bo
gota. 22c.
LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts. 22)
24c: seconds. 20fo22e; thirds, lSi&20n; rejects,
lfi 17c.
TALLOW Firm; prime city, hhda., 7T4c;
country, 7(fi8M,c.
PROVISIONS Pork, ateady; mess, $23.50;
family. 2,V0OCa26.0O; short clears, i2.26igi
2S.75. Beef, firm; meas. 1 00x'l.50; family,
tlB.uO4i"j0.00; beef ha ma, 122.00$ 24.00. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs ,
154iisc; pickled hams, lityitlbc. Lard, easy;
middle west, prime, $12.7avl2.8fi; refined,
easy; continent, $13.20; South America, $14.00;
compound, $11.004111.25.
HITTER Firmer; creamery specials
3Vic; extra, 29c; third to first, 244f28c;
dairy, common to finest, 23Q28c; process,
s -cond to special, 23 a 27c.
EGOS Steady; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby hennery, white'. 38 40c; gathered
while, 30fa36c; hennery brown, 30iI"32c;
gathered brown, 28i(r29c.
C H EESE Firm; state whole milk specials,
15Vul7c, state whoie milk fancy, 15c;
state whole milk choice, 14tjlfc; state
whole milk good to prime, 14dil4Vc; atate
whole milk common to fair, ll&13Hc; skim,
full to specials, 12Mi I24c.
POULTRY AUve steady; springers, 15(9
TSVtc; fowls, lc; turkeys, 12gl5e. Dressed
dull; western oroueis, i.-g.-xo, iowis, ll'j'ff
17V4c; spring turkeys, 20i27c.
St. l.ools Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 22. WHEAT Futures,
higher; September. &c; leuember, 1.01
tll.OUs; May. $l.06. Cash, firm; track,
No. 2 ted. tMcftll.M; No. 2 bard. 98c?U.08.
CORN Futures, higher; December. OO
fijOc; May, 53--c Cash, lower; track. No.
2, My; No. 2 white, 5.V&5640.
OATS Futures, steady; December, 33Vc;
Mav, Sil'c. Cash, weaker; track, No. 2,
iJ'-c: No. 2 white, STkh-Vh;.
FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents,
$5 00i5.50; extra fancy and straight, $L2"ifj
4.80; hard winter clears, $3.40jJ3 SO.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 97oft
HA Y Firm; timothy. $12.00giS.OO; prairie,
$12. 00ti 15.(10.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower; jobbing
ty). Lard, lower; prime steam. tlJ. lVii
12 X. Dry ilt me&ts, lower, U.eJ, in
shorts. 12Tc: clear rib, lewe: short rlears.
13c. Bcon. lower; iKixed. extra short.
14Sc: clear r:bs. 14-i.c; short clears. le.
POT'LTHY Firm; chickens. 12'-c; sortnr
12V,e: turkeys. lSic; ducks. HHo- geese, Sc.
Bl'TTEK Dull; creamery, i.9-.vSc.
EOOS Steady at 22"c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour 7 100 8 200
Wheat 83 000 5.'0ft
Corn 21,000 0i
Oats , , 37,000 33,000
Liverpool Grata Market.
dull; No t red western wheat no stock;
futures steady: October 7s4d; December,
7s 5Wd : March, 7s 5Ud.
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, Ts
Ed; futures steady; October, tsfiSxd, Decem
ber, 4a 7iI-
MilwaskM Grata Market.
MILWAUKEE. Sept. 22. WHEAT No. 1
northern. $1.13tfl 14; No. 2 northern, $1.09
1.12: leceniber. $l.O0".
CORN No. 3. 63c; May, (4'c.
OATS Standard. $4S'!t.c.
HARLEY Sample. 70nr73',iC.
Dalata feral a Market.
nn.l'TH. Sept. n WHEAT September,
tl 14S: I'eceniber, H 14: May, tl-14.
WHEAT Nu. 1 northern. J1.14S; No. 1
northern, II lo&l l-S.
PoorU Markat.
PEORIA. Sept. 2J.-CORA Lower; No. t
yellow. 62c; No. t yellow, 62c; No. I, S3e;
No. 4. 6I0.
OATS Lower; No, I whlta. t4H; No. t
whit. 34C
Baak Clear Toga.
OMAHA. rVpt 22 -Hank rleariaga for
today were 12.640.1141 and for tho corre
sponding data last ear 42,45, 2M3ii
17 XO Ml
1 4 88
12 80 52
20 78 50
13 H4 56
14 82 52
36 82 50
24 W K2
19 .80 1 B
Market Unrespon$iTe to the Develop
ment of Frevious Day.
C'loalaaj Toae Heavy, with Hasall
(haage la Price -Writtrs Train
men's Demand Arouse I o teres t
Among reela tors.
NEW TOI1K. Sept. Si. The stock market
started the day with a show of dlsap
IMiintment over the unresponst venes of the
outside demand to the developments which
were considered favorable yesterday. The
Mlinif sola railroad law division paused out
of the field of active Influences during the
day. but later action of the stock market
was legarded as making encmiraging re
sistance to the force of the realising move
ment. Some confusion of reports regarding
the action of Iindon bankers toward tbe
cotton bill of lading dispute was a factor
In the late irregularity of the market. The
closing tone wa heavy, with only narrow
price changes.
Opinions of the Iron and steel trade po
sition continued unsettled end weighed on
the market. The professed confidence in
maintenance of prices seemed to disappoint
a hope that decisive steps were In contem
plation which would awaken demand and
renew the declining activity of the trade.
Reports that trainmen of western rail
roads were formulating demands for a com
prehensive Increase in w ages, directed at
tention to another phase of the railroad
problem, which Is associated intimately
with the steel trade position. The official
of the railroads are candid In admitting the
embarrassment of contending with de
mands for increased wages tn view of the
high cost of living.
The cotton bill dispute Is the only serious
menace to the promise of uninterrupted
ease In the money market.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $2,4X,x.0O0.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks neie as follows:
Sales. Low. Close.
li.friO 6.1 H 42 '4 L'S
1,300 J'1 18H 8H
4.-0 Al f t74
en l ii4 Li
100 21 S il't 21
M V.
loo lui I'll loi
l.flOO 13t, llnV, .K
MM M M 2St
2nn 2 ; SI 4
inn 3 4
.M0 1S fi"
S0O 10U Mi l'-O
1.H00 ios I'XH v
I.HOfl 76, 75 7S
4in liot 1KH4 nnn
too a n as
11 104 104H 1W4
,m 71 ' T6 v
2M n Si
inn n t( 4
Tno '14 leyj 148
1.000 12 . 121V,
: 72n
tOO SO J9'4 2
1.700 131 131 HI
Allis-fhtlmert pM
AmtlicKnistiMl CYpptr
Amoriran Agricultural
Am. Bset Sugar
American can
Amarlran C. A F
Am. Potion Oil
Am. H. L PM
Am. Ice &rurttta
American blnaeed
American Loeomotlrt ....
American a. R
Am. . R. pM
Am. Stael I'ouniirlM
Am Suiar Rflnlnt ....
American T. St T
American Tobarea pfd
American Woolen ,
Anaconda Mining Co
Atrhlism ;
Atchison pfd ,
Atlantle Coast Linn.
Baltimore ft obis
Bethlehem Steal
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific .........
Central Leather -
Central Lsathar pfd
Centra! of New Jersey....
('hewieeake Uhle
Chti-ato a Altsn
Chlras O. W., aew
C. O. W. pf
Chicago N. W
C, a. a Bt. r
C, C C. St. 1,. ...
Colorado Fuel iron....
Colorado eV Southern
Consolidated Oaa
Csm Srodueta
Delaware aV Hudaen
Denver a Rle Orande ...
n. a . o. pro
I il tillers' securities
Bee 1st ptd
Rrl 4 ptd
General Eleetris
Great Northern ptd
Great Northern Ore ctfs..
Illinois Central
Interhorouffh Met
int. Met. pld
International Harvester .
Int. Marina pfd....,
International Papar
International Pump '.
Iowa Central
Kanaaa City So
1S 13 134
714 '1
25 17'S
43 43V,
' 32(4
144 . 144
1364 im
H- 55
100 144
!, 12S
ft. 700
tot - H4
t - -
. 1
' 314
' l-4
K. C. So. ptd
Laeledt Oaa
300 100
Unllarllle oV N. -
Minn, a t. Loala
10 4
1. 8t, P. .tJe- M....
l,Uo .134 - 1324 1-VI1
tto ti Tn a -J
i--. . Mfc
400 .. 63 .U14 .53
M., K, T
M.. Ka T. pfd
Mlaaourt Pacific .....
National B.ecult
National Lead
.... 114
62 U 51
N. R. It. of M. M pfd...
N. Y. Central, x-dlv....
N. Y.. O. W
Norfolk Western
t.flnu 111 112 111
. 100- 40 40 -40
M0 . 117 . K . . H
tnn 45 6 r
14,l 117 11 .114
0O - 23 30
1,700 1 128 12S
100 107 .107 10714
100 13 S3
M.DOO 143 141 142
100 30 30 40
North American
Northern Pacific
Partflo Mall -i.i
People' a Oaa
P.. C. C. Jk St. , U........
Pittrburf Coal
Preened Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Steel Spring
Republic Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Uock leiand oo
Hock laland Co. pfd
St. L. a a. F. 3d pfd....
11 31
tt (3
40 44
St. Loula 8. W
St. l 8. W. pfd
100 54 54 55
14.2ts 115 114 114
400 13V 28 2.1
Slose-Mieffleld 8. a 1....
Beuthern Pacific
Southern Railway
Ho. Railway pfd
Tennessee Copper
Texaa a Pacific
T., 8t. U W
21 n
61 63 (2
33 82 33
9 W
!3 ti :i
52 tl 60
T., 8t. b. w. pfd
Union Pacific
41,5110 147 1K5 1M
500 41 1 01
300 34 -' 34 14
(ft.ano 7 7
Union Pacific pfd
t'nited Siatea Realty
United States Rubber
t'nited Stales Bteel
no iis im iiaso
400 44 46 45
I'lJn Copper
Va.-Caro. c&emical
100 5114 U4
100 1 1(
100 S 15
100 44 - 44
500 S3 42
l.lDO 4 4
W abash pfd
Western Marylaad
Weettnshouea Sleclrlc ...
Weatern Union
Wheeling a U K
Total aalea (or the day. 111,000 shares.
Loadoa Cloaaaj Slocks.
LONDON, Kept. 22. American securities
opened a fraction higher today, but quickly
turned easier. Prices ranged from abov
to below parity at noon.
Coneoli. money... 40 7-11 Loulevllle A Nash. .117
do account 80 41., K. AT...., 42
Amal. Copper 044 N. Y. Central 117
Anaconda Norfolk A W M
Atchison 11 do ptd .. 1
to pld 101 Ontario A W 42
Baltimore A Ohio... .ltrl'4 Penneylvanla 4A
Canadian Pacific 15 Rand Minea, 44,
cheeapeake A 0 71 Heeding T:
Cktcafo O. W 44 Southern Ry..... tn,
Chi., Mil. A St. P. ..12 de pfd !,4v
n Beora 1' Southern Paolfic tl(
Denver A Rio U 11 Union Pacific
do pfd o pfd una
Erie U. g. Steel m
do let pfd 44 do pfd in
do id pfd MVjWabaah 1:
Orand Trunk M o pfd .,
lllineis Ctetral tiU Spanish 4e 1
S1LVKR liar, steady at 24 U-1M per og.
MONEY V4 4 Per cent.
Tho rato of diatount In th open market
for short bill i IS '01 per cent; for thro
months' bill, 2 13-lwu27a per com. .
Local eearttloo.
S dotation furnished by Burn. Brlnksr
o.. 44 Omaha National Bank building:
B 4. Aeked.
Bee trice Creamery fd 44 11 Tel. Lo. t per eea. 1 54
Cudahy Packing Co. 5a M
l Ut Nat l axns Side. 4a. Itst ion
Columbua, Neb., t L k 1M4 M U
Denver O. A C. per cent Botes 111 t lv
Kalrmeat Creamerr r'd 14
IBU Cen. On., oil sabs 44
lewa Portland 1st 4a 44 10
Iewa Portland 44 ts 4J - ee
Kaa. O. A . t per' sent pfd. Wk-ktta M let
Kanaaa City (municipal) 4 14 104
K. C , M. A O., eem 14 . 4s
K. t.. M. O.. pfd 14 M
K. C. M. A O. 4a. 1451 41 74
R. C M. A O. 4. 1M1. tteau 4 41
Omaha Water C. te. 114 4 lei
Pmeka Water Ce. 4. 1 fre
-Omaha A C. 8. S. R. pfd 4 per sent 44 41
Omaha A C. B. St. Kr., com 70
Omaha C B. St. Fix. 4a. 11 el et
Csiaka u Ry. 4a. 114 44
Omaha A C. B. R. A B. pfd 44
tmon Coa. Co.. with bonus 44
talua wck Yards gtack. Omaha 44 M
Baak at Frasr Stateateat.
PARIS. Sept. 13 Th weekly statement
ol th Hank of Franc ahow th following
change; Increaa.
Note In circulation 39.O26.0ii0 francs
Treasury deposit &.lf not) franca
General deposit 2n.176.0iO franca
Gold In hand 1.476.000 Trano
Sllvsr In hand 1.476.0U) franc
BUI discounted .rs,ou0 francs
Advanr Increaard I.625,0u0 f 1 ancs
Treaiarr Blateateat. .
WASHINGTON, rlept. a. The condition
of tho treasury at tho beginning of husi
aess today wa follow:
Trust Fund 5old coin, .. 29.!S7,eX; llver
dollars t48.V47S.0u0: silver dollars of l.vsl.
t-l,6on.aio: silver certificate outstanding.
44!, D74.J00.
General Fund Standard silver dollar in
geaeral fund. 4,73i.is4, current llabilitlea.
H.2B.K1: working bslsnce in treasitrv of
fices.; in hanks to crerllt of
urer ot the I n ted Staie. -.:, ,.v T; eub
'. silver ci'iu. lui,.-.. iVs in. nor coin.
:';n.f7l: total balance In general fund.
New Isrk Moar market.
new York, sept ?: monky-oh cii .
12 p.r cent: ruling r.te. l per cent. do,
log bios. I per cent; offered at 1 ier cent.
Time loans dull and easier. Sixty daj s 3S
per cent and So days 4 per cent; six months,
44j per cent.
sctnal business in hankers' bills at 4 r&i
() for M-dav bills and at 4 !sii:. for de
mand Ciimmcrrl.-il Mils. HMtMM'e,
peh cent
SILVER Rar. MV. 'Mexicsn dollars. 44c.
RON I S Government, steady; railroad, ir
regular. closing quotation o:i bonds today were
os follows:
8 ref. ts. rv. .. l("i Int. M M 4's
do Coupon
ic -i ,n te w
ion, d" 4 ni
lOl V K f 1st J 73
f. 8. He. r
do coupon
t". 4e. ref ......
dO Crupnn
All a--hal lt It.
Am. Aa.
t'41t t. S dh. 4
lit A N. nl. 4e .
T7 M. K. a T. 1M 4a
S3 1
Kill, e, ti,.
Am. T a T. rv. 4a..IiHMo. Pacific ....
Am. Tobacco 4
KON. H. 11. of M 4W. 4V
du a
Aitnour a Co. tt4,s.
At'i a,.n ten. 4e
lo CT. 4s
do cv. &s ,
At. C. U let 4....
bnl. a (Mn 4a
do t,s
do S. W Sue
Bra Tr. rv. 4e . . .
on of Oa. 5e.....
tn. lieather fee
c. of N. J. fi.
Chee. Ohio 4e.
tin ref. 6a
Clitcaso a A. im
C. H, eV g j. 4a ...
do sen. 4a
104 "N. T. C. f. Jl4,....
.4 do deb 44
I". N. Y . N. H. a It.
I V, c its 144
10"4 N. a W. 1st c. 4..
H!, do cr. 4s r. ... n
So. Pecific la ino
i!4 .1o 3 TH,
tl n. . u rftt. 4...... :.,
ns pnn. cr. Jv-a Uli... "a
m dn con. 4 1iii
N Readlnt fen. 4i , S
111 St. U S F. ff. 41 1W
10i, do fen. ts 7i
S3 St. ., s. W. . 4s... 74',
lit (!.. l.t fold 4 II
!-4 Seaboard A U U.
7l '4
7 '4
S1SS0. Pac. rol. 4e
C. M. a 8. P. s 3'i
da cv. 4s
do iKt ref. 4
C. H. I. a P. c. 4 741
. . . .
... 7Sv,
dn rff. 4e 90 So. IUIIwav tin
Colo. Ind. 5a 77' do sen. 4s
Colo. Vld. 4l 7 Union lMrlflr 4
C. 8. r. a e. 4ts 7t da v. 4.
n. a H. cv.
: dn let ref. 4.... 4
U S. Hut.her se... 1024
D. R. O. 4a
do ref 5s
Pistil lore' as
Krle p. I. 4a
do sea. 4a
do cv. 4e. ear. A.
do eerlea R
Oen. Klec. cv. 6a
III. Cen. let ref. 4a.
Int Mel. 44.
Bid. Offered.
tl" I s. meel 3d is 104
i0 s.-(ro. them. .i
MWenesh lt 4a
71 do let a ei. 4e.
S Western Md, 4...
4.M4 W. Ble.-. cv. is
USt'la. rvntrel 4e...
t744 Mo. Pac. cv. be...
stocks ,ere:
Anial. Cupper
A. Z. U a S
Arliona Oom
B. J C A g. M
Butte Coalition ...
Cal. a Arliona....
Cat. A Hecla
Copper Kanse . C
Mat Butte C M. ..
Oirotuc CVtn
Urnnbr Con
Greene Csnanea . .
isle Royale Copper.
Kerr Lake
Lakt Copper '.
La Salle Copper ...
rioalng: stocks.
22. Closing quotations on
. 41 Miami Copper
. M Mohawk
. 2 Nevada Con
. 11 Nlplialrlt Mince ....
. 4 North MiiUe, ex-div,
. 13 North Lake
. 1 Oeceoia
. 61 Parrott 8. A C
.643 yulncy
. 14 Shannon
. Sfi Superior
. Superior B. M
. 11 Superior A P. c
. 4 Tamarack
. JJ tl. 8. C. A O
. 4U. 8. 8. Ft. A M...
. Jl do pfd
. ' Vtah Con
. 33 Winona
. 4 Wolverlns ' ,
H '
Now York Corb Market.
Th follow! a e quotations arc furnished
by Logan r Bryan, naemhara New Yorlt
Stock exchange Slfi South Sixteenth street,
Bay State Oaa St rtoldfteld Delay....... 3
Butte CoallUun l"Oresne (nanea
Cactus 1 Inspiration
llilns .... 71-4 lrnee .'.'
Chief Coaa 1 Nevada Ooaa tu
Fractlen 3t Newheuee 70
Davli-Daly 1 1-lltOhie Cwpper 111-14
Ely Central 41 Swift Pkf. Cs 101
Kly Cone So, Seara-Roel.uck Co. ..157
fcly Witch 11 Superior A Pitts 11
franklin llTonor-ak Mining.....
Olroux fVTrrinlt. Opper. ...... i
Ooldfleld CVina ' North Lake 1
Qildtleld Florence. : . :' Bos e ml a ft
New York Mining; Storks.
NEW YORK. Kept. 22, losing quotations
on mining stock were:'
eAllce ..JOO ;tdme do 1'
Brunawlck Con 13 Little llilef R
Com. Tunnel stock.. 21 Meiiren tl
do honda I... 14 -irrtarlO 323
Con. Cl. A V..t.. 10-Onh4r ...... "
Horn Silver 17 , Sutidard 10
Iron Silver :..170 Vellow Jacket M
"I'ffered. " o 1" '
1 will r
Bank of England Statement.
LONDON, fept. 22. rThe weekly state
ment of the Bank of Kngland shows the
following changes: "Total reserv. do
creased, 599,000; circulation, decreased,
18,000; bullion., decreased, 417,748; other se
curities, decreased, ffco.OOO; other deposits,
decreased, 214,000; public deposits, de
creased, fS42.O0O; note reserve, decreased,
0.',000; government securities, decreased,
fcWt.OOO. The proportion of the bank' re
serve to liability this week Is 63.36 per cent;
last week it was 63 43 par cent
BUTTER Creamery. No. 1, delivered to
tbe retail trad in 1-lb. cartons, 31c; No. 1,
In 30-lb tub, 30c; No. a. In 1-lb. carton.
2Hc; No. 2. in 40-lb. .tubs, f7c; packing
stuck, solid pack. 22c. dairy, in fr-lb. tub.
233:4c. Market change every Tuesday.
CHKKSB Twins, lac: young America.
lc: daisies, UVio; triplet. 14o; limbarfer,
lee; No. 1 brick, 14c; imported Swiss, 12c;
domestlo Swls. 14c; block Swiss, I2o.
POULTRY Dresses broilers under t tt
ftc; over 1 lbs., 14u; ben lie; cocks, loo;
ducks, 11c; geese. He;, turkey. 24c; plgees,
per do., $120; homer squabs, per 4.. $4 40;
fancy squabs, per dog. 1S.40; No, L ar do.,
M OD. Alive: Broilers lit; oyer 1 lbs., lie;
hens, lie; eld rooster, 4c; aid duck, full
feathered, lc; geese, full feathered. 10c;
turkeya, 20e; guinea fowl. 2o each; pigeon,
per dog.. Wcihomen. per do.. $1.00;.quah.
No. 1, pr do., ll.M; No . aer dor, 40.
FISH (all frsn Pickrl. Uo; whlu tun,
18c; pike, l&c; trout, lie; large crapplea,
20c; apaniah mackeral, lac; eel. 14c: kal
doek. 12c;. flounders, lie; gra catfish. 14c:
bullheads, lac; roes had, Jl.oo ear.; shad
roes, per pair. (Sc; frog lege, pe dog., iuo;
salmon. 16c. .
Beet Cutsr-Rlb: No. 1, W4c; No. 1, JJUc;
No. 3, 8c. Loin: No. 1. lfio; No. , 12c; Sa.
, c. Chuckki No. 1, cNo. 2, 6Hc; No. 3,
c. Round:- No.. 1. 1e;No. ., c; No.'2,
6WC. 1'iaie: No. L 6c; .JHo. 1.. 0o; No.
FtUl'lS Orangea: Cal'fforuia Valencia.
all sises, per oox, bo.vstdo-a. eutona: jjmo
nlcra, extra fancy 3A. Vise, per box, $,'60;
ra, extra fancy 3A.ise, per box, ; 60;
elr.e, per box, li.aO; choice 400 six, per
1, tu.uO; KO sis, per box; $7.00; 240 sli.
per box ! Bananaa: Fancy select.
Its) e
er buncil, w.aiflifcw, auoiw, uuuen, 9Z.19
i 75. Cantaloupes: toioiauo nocky jrords,
1 also. 41.74: 46 atandarda, 42.16. Italian Blue
Prunes: waaningiou. per rrs,t, 41.20; In
lots, per crate. 411. Feaoe-aa: California
Ealway. per 20-lb, box, 7vc; in lots of 26
or more, per box, GSc; Colorado Elbertas,
rer 20-lb. box. 0c; in lots, per box, 7e.
'ears: New York Kelfer. per bu. bsk., $160;
California B. Clalrague,- per box. $2.86; la
lota, per box, $2.76. Apple: Home-grown
cooking, In bbl.. $4.fij4.60; Missouri Jona
than, in bbls., $4.2tKa4iO. new Oregon per
box, $1.74; California Uravensteln, per' box,
42.10. Grapes: California Malagas, per 4
bsk. crat. 1 50; California lokay. per s ate,
$1.60; Concords, home-grown, jjer 4-lb. bsk.,
27Si30c. 'Watermelons: Texas, Hio per lb.
Dates: Anchor brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkg.
lu box, per box.
V'KCiLl'AllLi'J i'uiaiowsi Early Ohio, la
sacks, per bu.,; New Jersey white
slock extra fin quality, per bu., $116.
Sweet Potatoea: Virginia, per bbl., i7i.
Onion: Large yellow, in aacks, per lb., c:
Iowa, tmall red and yellow per lb., 2c;
Spanish, per crate, $1.36. Garlic; Extra
fancy, white, per lb., 16c; red. per lb., 14c.
Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per do. $1 ca
Celery: Michigan, per do, bunches. Kc.
New, ier lb., te. Tomatoes: Per bsk.,
60o0c. String and Wax Beans: Per mkt.
bsk., 76c. Cucumber: Per mkt bsk. iO
C75c. Lettuc. Extra fancy leaX, per do.,
45c. Par!ey: Fancy home-grown, per do,
bunches, Sue. Turnips: Per mkt. bsk., ttc
Carrots: Per mkt- bsk., 40c. Beet: Per mkt!
bsk., 36c.
MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, per
lb., 2c, California No. X, per lb' Ue; Cali
fornia No. I, per lb. 14c. Hlckorynuts:
Large, per lb. 4c; small, per lb., tc. Cocoa
nuta: Per sack. f00; per do,, 48c. Honey
New, 24 frame. IS 6.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 22.- BTANDAItn
COPPER Quiet; pol and futures, $12 10
to 41Z so. innon, iirm; spot 06 Zs fid
future. 4:56 15s. lake, locally, llS.otrf
12.75: electrolytic. fll.s;S91l.i2t; easting.
$12 12Vt 12.374.
TIN Uulet; spot and utures, 4V14.47H to
$36.00. London,, strong; apot, U7 7 gU'
l.KAI-wulet; $4 37t4,40. New York;
$4.awi4 30, Eaat Bt. Louiaj London, tot,
tl2 Ms 9d.
SPKI.TEjH Quiet; $5.50t,0. New York;
$.-.!!,;..". East St. Lout; London, spot,
23 7s 9d. -
IRON Cleveland warranta. eft In Lon
don. IxK-ally iron wa quiet. No. 1 foun
dry northern. $16.5031.40; No. 2, $16 25n
15.75; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern
oft. !15.7M126.
ST. Louis. Sept 22 MTTALB Lead,
dull. H30, Sgelter held at (5.a. .
Tsrseslise Market.
Firm. 74Vc Kosin. fu-m; tp F. W Usui. tit.
U, $4. 44)4 H
Fat Cattle About Steady, with Feed
er Slow aud Weak. t
I l-arge Raa of Sheen anil l.amba,
While Demand Holds tp He
morkably Well aaa Prices
Remain Aboat Steady.
PtlfTII OMAHA, Sept. 22,
rthr. p.
I? -1 --
Cattle. Hosts
Off t lal
M "ttdrtv ...
Tucsduy ..
edni s.lay
ilav this week.. :rt. 44o 1K.71I m'!
Pame days lat week 40.2M li.o.H l.i.wt
Same i ecks ano. -37.ti.Vl li.M4 lii,t;
Mmr ilnyt H d'ki o..ti.l 'U.1 !l.lM
fame days 4 neck ago.. 17,311 111.61'i
amu day last year 30.iU la.ieO
The fullowing tablo sllows to -irreipts
of cattle, hose anil sheep at tioutli Umaha
for th year to dale, aa compared with last
year: Ul'i l.t Inc Ivc
Cttle S1S.719 TIR.l'.w 100,.i2l
Hogs 1.r.2k.4 1.77K.iTJ 247, tiS
Sheep ....... l.bsl.M 1,2'XI,H1'1 420,i7i
The follow mil lable iuia tne averaw
PUces of hoga at Buutn Omaha tor the last
several days, with comparisons:
Datea. 110. i9ta.).jii.:jtKi7.iWtl.iyOu.ln4-
Pspt. 13 .. 14 7 M, . 1 4 4j h no; t ?li ft SI
"pt. ... a ; mi . t ( iT Mi r. iti i M
Sept. 1S...I .;,i I or.1 a M! ! I 0i 8 14' 0 l
MS.I Mi ti S4 5 M! . l Sj,0
t 92UI 101 li SOI 6 Mi ( HI ! l
18. . .) I i4 t s; ft 7H tl t l
I 9 IV O -; n in " ,1 - --'
! $m I 6 Mi ft 72 l.2 4 33 ft 71
I ,3 1 I V, 1 it 731 6 Oil 5 S 5 Mi
I 47'al S 151 (i S7i . S4 4 12i i 30) 0
in. .. n
71 S C7l
li2 .1 x 43 1 1 in a Mi e 141 b S3, 0 76
Receipts and disposition of ilv stock at
the Union Stock Yards, South llmalm. Neb.,
for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock
p. ni. yesterday:
Cattle Hogs.Sheep Horses
-.. M. & St. P 1
Wabash 1 1
Missouri Pacific 1 2
I nlon Pacific 49 14 3!
C. ft N. V., east 1 6 .
C. & N. W., west.... 44 21 48
C St. P. M. & 0 1 7
C. H. & y.. east 2 2 1
(.., H. & J., west... .117 13 15
C It. I. A P.. east 4
Illinois C'ential 1 3
C. U. W 13..
Total receipts ....21S 73 105
Cattle, llogs
Omaha Packing Co 7;9
Swift and Company 1.6.v
Cudahy Packing Co 1.0-11
Armour A Co 1,2-24
hchwari Co
Murphy Shippers
Cudahy from fit. Paul
Henton Vansatit & Lush 603
Stephen tiro 6d
IUI1 A Son 216
V. H. Lewis W
Huston A Co 21
J. R. Root A Co 4
J. H. Bulla 44
U F. Hum 15
U Wolf 1J
McCraarv A Cai ey 4i2
8. Wertnelmer 124
H. K. Hamilton 12
M. Hagerty M
la Rothschild A Kreds,. 42
Mo. A Kan-Calf Co 134
Degan 6
liaKer A Cauley 27
Kline A C 32
Other buyers 7,835
. Total .. 9.092 S.SB5 . .25,862
CATTLE Receipts ot cattle were very
liberal for a Thursday, although not so
heavy a last ' week. The total for the
four day shows a falling off of close to
2,000, head as compared witn last week
enormous run. As compared with a year
ago there Is a gain of about 8,000 head in
the four days.
Considering how. late It In in the week,
the demand- for beef steers holds up re
markably well. Desirable kinds of killers
werd fully 'steady and sold 'quite freely at
that. The big bulk of the receipts' chanKed
hand In very fair season In the morning.
Cow and' heifer were also in ctlve
demand and the market on that kind of
stock wa if anything a little stronger than
yesterday. It wa In fact a splendid mar
ket and entirely to the liking of seller.
The only black spot In the cattle market
was In the feeder trade. Heavy feedera, as
noted before, 'have been In much smaller
demand this week than usual, with the re
suit that cattle have been accumulating In
the hands of speculators, while prices have
been working lower quite rapidly. Heavy
cattle are all Of 25 69c lower than the
high time the early part of last week and
slow at the decline. Ught stockera have
been In better demand than th heavy
cattle, but they, too, are lower.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, eV5.76rfTr7.75; fair to good
beef steers, .1.7r9f).76; common to fair
beef steers, $l.50fi;6.76; good to choice cows
and nelfrs, 14. 26 6.25; fair to good cows
and heifers, S3.4otS4.25; common to fair
cow and heifers, $2.5003.40; good to choice
locker and feeder, t4.40r41.00; fair to good
tockers and feeders, $4.O054 40; common to
fair stockera and feedera, $3.25(34.00; stock
heifer, $3 00414. 26; veal calves, S3.5fsa7.00;
bulls, stag, etc., $3.00(6.00. .
Quotations ten range cattle: Choice to
prime beoves, SJ5.OfS6.50; good to choice
Jieeves, $5.25ti5.76; fair to good beeves, $4.50
165.20, common to fair beeves, S3.70iji4.40;
good to choice heifers, $4.0043'&.0; good to
choice cows, S4.00fcj4.ti0; fair to good grades,
S3.4Myti3.90; canners and cutters, $2.S5'r?S.26;
good to choicu feeders, $4.60i3.S0, fair to
good feeder. $4.264.73.
Representative sales:
Vs. Av. Pr. N. Av. Pt.
12 ...16t 40 14 1434 7 25
4 0 25 15 It I 46
4 I'O t 76 S 420 4 00
5 710 4 74 21 1147 4 40
M. Ormsby Wyo.
24 steers.... 736 4 25 6 cow 6'. 4 15
11 Bteers ... 80 4 60 3 teer....13.'7 6 65
70 teer....1247 6 75 13 steer.. ..122 5 76
46 teer....10H7 6 20 49 steers.... W 4 00
22 cow..... 50 30 heifer... 771 4 15
27 steer. ...1001 4 60
C. N. Alter Wyo.
fl steers.... 873 4 35 57 steer.... 790 4 15
10 cow..,,. 834 S 0
Edgar Bolce Wyo.
50 steer.... M UO 175 steer.... 929 4 60
44 steers.. ..1014 4 40 :0 steers.... 972 4 30
Carpenter & Nlmms Wyo.
12 heifers... !a0 4 50 145 steers.... 1133 5 10
H. C. Paulson Wyo.
50 steers..., W0 6 16 26 cows 1060 4 0
16 cows 952 4 25 7 steers. ...107 4 50
J. Aubry Wyo.
27 cows 863 S 70 ( steers. ... 650 S 90
16 steer.... 77 4 So
William Hastings Wyo.
16 steer.... 910 4 66 12 cow 1054 4 45
E. Meredith Wyo.
2 cows 9i8 4 70 6 ter.... I0 6 10
13 steer.... 8S4 6 10 33 cows 929 4 25
C. Fredericks Wyo.
17 cow 852 3 86 9 cows 81? 3 50
A. Klrkbrldge Wyo.
14 steers.... H2 4 70 10 calves... 226 S 25
10 cows 746 S 00 47 steers.. ..1134 4 70
24 cow 1000 4 00
P. C. Watt Wyo.
10 cow 932 S 25 3-1 feeders.. 996 4 45
E. Olln Wvo
10 feeders.. 904 4 40 13 rows 90
W. C. Sullivan Wvo.
20 steers.. ..1026 4 65 21 steer.... 820 4 40
15 cows 979 3 45
Diamond Cattle Co. Wyo.
46 steers.... 905 4 60 34 steer.... 906 4 25
33 cows 906 S 80 33 heifer... 924 4 60
15 feeder.. 937 S 76 34s feeder.. JS 4 60
H. A. Andrew Wyo.
86 feeders. .12S ( 00 41 heifer... 780 4 40
!4 cows..... 977 4 2 12 cows 901 4 00
A. H. Heasman Wyo.
21 steers.. ..1075 5 50 44 feeders.. 439 35
M heifer... 753 4 70
F. H King-Neb.
47 feeder.. 1150 4 HO 33 feeder. .1009 4 80
12 cow 970 3 60
L. Rayer Neb.
16 feeder 10S3 4 70 10 cows 950 3 20
B. E. Retebener Neb.
12 heifer .. T66 S 35 13 feeder.. 924 4 55
14 calves... Mi 176
F C. Reeves Neb. '
24 feeder.. 1067 4 40 13 cow 980 3 90
J. n. Klne Neb.
15 feeder.. 940 4 26 SO cow 949 S 90
J. B. L!ter Neb.
12 feeder. .1111 4 66 Meow 860 S SO
24 calve. . . 3tt 4 60
Thoma Johnston S. D,
68 feeder.. 80 4 SO Y heifer... 657 t V
64 y'rllng.. 4 46 147 ew 843 S 40
44 heifer .. 77J 4 26 ,
Johnstone 4V Sons S. D.
46 cow 3 60 JH calve... 308 5 00
75 calve... 214 28 ..... . ,
A. 8chuh Mont.
44 (leer.. ..103 i 00 lot steer. .. .10.11 IS
94 feeder s..1V1 S 00 feeder. .1031 4"
22 steers. ...10M 6 25
Mi it is -Huyrr ptustied the sstne bearish.
tei-tlf-M thai h,-A fa.i,ipJ llinlr itiMrs'luni
throughout the week today n,l the insrket '
broke nhotit dime as a result Nobmlv I
e.Miicd to want hogs ery bndlv and move- I
mrnt ws slow and hnltlng fnwn start to J
rinlsh. Light weights were about the only
offerings that esred the decline noted,
good lights moving at generally sieady
Hest baron hogs on sal brought 9 10
compared with the ssme top f vrterd:iv.
Heavy bogs sold around 4.Sn:A with
mixed gradt- at or near $ 50.
K01 the four days thl week trade h
been In verv unsatisfactory condition. Re
ceipts hnve been moderate, but this phase
of Ihe msrket failed to ert anv stimu
lating Influence iiKin demand and prices
hnve slumped lndl. Net declines amounted
to fully .W, heavies and rough havloa suf
fering more than bscon grades.
Representative sales:
Ve ! Va 9. e
14 34 It" I en 11 ... 4 4
1 ST! 40 a, 1 si j;,e . . I
J j: ... 4 " o !7 g I tn
It 110 ... 4 m c.s . Is ... 4S
40 14 ... I 14 44 .24 ... 4 41
.1 14 id l ... 4,1
11 (34 ... 1 IS '1 S ... 44
M 1!0 l 1 V 45
J44 o je s rut :4i 4.'-
40 S?4 ... Mi 74 JM ... 45
1 $" 110 t :-. S 37 ... IV
44 Si-, ... 15 7 ;.!7i 10 4 4S
6l J71 0 I ,) 14 ?- ... M
r. . 4 ld !1 1"0 t 4
1 .24 tn IS . 40
Ol. ....... .73 ...-It) 4 14 ... t 44
3 .171 10 t .V. 4.., 171 ai t a
44 ' ft IK li 24
4 ?. 1J0 US Si 2S7 4" I !'
47 Sit ... S7, 54 ... S
4 fUS kO .15 11 ?7 ... I :
r, r ... is ro J14 ... 70
M J17 M 35 34 15 ... 4 k
26 3M 80 I 40 67 SSI ... I 4
S f tl 4 4,1 41 tOl ... 4 10
M . 3M KO I 41
SH KKP-Another irood sls-d run of she-p
and iHmbs and unother broad demand from
all quarters, left the situation In the sheep
barn much Ihe same as It was yesterday.
Only a few odd and ends were left over
from yesterday, so thn actual offering
consisted almost wholly of fresh shipment.
-Much of th tuff was lute In arriving.
however, and fut Btrinss. both sheep and
lambs, were not very plentiful.
Trnde opened on a generally steadv basis,
good wethers selling as hli;h s $4.20. with
bulk of good ones around $4') Hest fat
ewes are quotable up to $3.85, with fnlrly
good k nils at $3.50 and less. The propor
tion of good fat yearlings lately has been
hardly large enough to try out the scale
of pi-Ices, hut choice handy weights are
safely quotable up to $i.MV Oood 1'tah
lambs brought as much as ST "U yesterniiv.
Indicating an ettreme quotation of $7.10.
Viewing the market a a whole, good fat
heep are pretty close to steady for the
four days this week, fat lambs ruuy higher, and common heei nd lambs
untvenly lower.
The wider snreart In feeder values Is
even more notlceahle than that In tho fat
stock branch of the trade. The more de
sirable kind of feeders have held tip
splendidly, bttt light, thin grades hsve
been seeking lower level dally. Current
prices on best feeders are little different
irom those of last Friday, whli very light
lambs and common or trashv cheep nre
selling at bargain figures. Decllnea on the
latter class ot stock hnve been uneven, of
course, and no definite reductions are quot
able, lnnuirv from country section, both
direct and through yard traders, has been
nrnad at all times and bulk or oirennais
went to the scales on day of arrival.
Quotations en Oram Stock: Good to
choice lambs, M.7547.10; fair to good lambs,
$i.5tVo"ti.76;. feeding lambs. $1.10frt.35; handy
weight yearlings, f.; heavy year
Una. $4.600504: feeder veerllngs. S4.9fVrio.30;
good to choice wethers, $4.0tV&4 25; fair to
good wether. S3.7fV(4.f; feeding wetnera; breed! ewe. 44. 44 ".: fat
wes, $3.4S.f; feeding ewes. $2 3f.jfS.6t;
cull aa k-ucka, $i.eTl.ed.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Price.
656 Utah lambs ;.. 63 7 00
340 Utah lamb, feeder 3 u
249 Ctah ewes, feeder 99 I 26
lis Vtah ewes, feeder 9
373 1'tah ewes, feeder 9S 10
125 I'tah pirns, feeder ,....45 Oi)
1H6 Utah lambs. feeder 41 4 60
174 Wyoming lamb, feeder 42 6 34
176 Wyoming iamb, feeder 43 6 35
362 Wyoming lanil.s, feeder 48 6 eti
745 Wyoming limb, feeder 47 6 86
1!66 Wyoming lamb, feeders S7 4 60
306 Idaho lambs, feeder.... 67 6 26
3f4) Idaho lamhs. culls 86 $ 36
361 Idaho lamb, feeder 53 6 26
70 Idaho ewe...:. 90 $0(1
111 South Dakota yearlings.fdrs.. 71 . 6 36
348 SoOth Dakota lambs, feeder 4$ 6 80 .
m fiontn uakota yeaning, lara., (J w
8t;2 Idaho ewes, feeders 62 2 90
391 Idaho ews, cull 76 1 90
316-Wvoming lamb, , feeder 46 6 00
549 Wyoming ewe HI $ 75 '
373 Wyoming wether.. 105 4 06
634 Wyoming wether 106 4 05
643 Wyoming lamb, feeder 1)4 e a
362 Wyoming lamb, feeder 68 6 25
363 Wyoming lambs feeders 64 6 26
;134 Wyoming lambs', feeders 48 6 tJ
718 Wyoming lambs, feeders 49 6 00
248 Wyoming lambs, feeder 87 2 75
349 Wyoming ewes, feeders 87 2 75
349 Wyoming lambs, fedexs 49 6 90
361 Wyoming lambs, feeder 49 6 90
7 South Dakota lambs feeders.. 46 6 35 1
262 western lambs 62 6 60
SH9 Idaho lamhs. feeders 49 6 90
397 Idaho lambs, feeders 43 6 SO
285 Idaho ewes, feeders 93 S 26
312 Wyoming ewes, feeders, culls. 88 2 80
360 Wyoming lambs, feeders 33 6 26
352 Wyoming lambs, feedeis 63 6 26
Iteniaad 'for Cattle glow Hog
Irons itheep Weak.
CHICAGO. Sept. 2. CATTLE Receipts,
5.500 head: market, slow: beeves. S4.9tyoS.30:
Texas tsrs, $3.f64i6.00; wetern teer, $4.40
i7.10; Btockers and reeder.; cow
and heifers, $2.26ti.50: calve, $7,004(40.00.
HOGS Receipts, 13.000 head; market,
strong, 5i610o higher than yesterday; light,
tilOfya-9.40; mixed. $K. 309 40: heavy, $8,204
8 25: rough, $120)78.40; good to choice heavy,
$S 40C49.25; pig, $6,404(9.30; bulk of sale,
$8.6ffl9 00.
8HEKP AND LAMPS Receipt. S3,0fK)
head; market, weak; native, $2.6fV&'4 46;
western, $3,254 40; yearling. $4.25.70;
native lamb, $5.25(67.00; western, $5.&7.00.
Kan Cltr I've stork Market;
ceipts, 8.(ki0 head, Including 1.200 southerns:
market, steady to lie higher; dressed beef
and export teer, $7.0Of(i8.00; fair to eood,
$.ri.40iJ7.00; western steers. $3 7nru7.00; stock
era and feeders, S3.504t6.10; southern steers,
$3.86ff6.(i0; southern cows, $2.75Ht4.00; native
cows, $2.7r4 86; native heifers. $3.7iVy6.afi;
bulls. S3.2r(M.26: calves. H-iwn8.ri0.
HOGS Reoelpts. 5.000 head: market, steidy
to 5c higher: bulk of sales. $8.85i9 26:
heavy, 8 7f(i9 06 : packer and butcher, $8 90
ft 20: light. $9 00i'9 40.
SHEEP AND IjA MBS Receipt. 17.000
head: market. 15o to Sfxi lower: lamb. $ 00
fi)4 80; yearlings. $4.7615.40; wether. $4 fiOiU
4 50: ewes, $3.75PH.25; stocker and feeders,
St. loots I.tve leek Market.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 22 CATTLE Receipt.
7.000 head, Including 3.500 Texan: market,
steadv: native shinning and export steers.
$7 00(ft-.10: dressed beef and butcher steer.
S5.75fl8.00; feers under 1 on1 lbs., $4 007. 00:
stockers nd feeder. S3.75itni.sri: row nd
heifers S3r1T7rtl: esnner " 5rVS'3 10: htiUs.
S1200T5.00: cslves. $-.0(Ya41.60; Txs and I"-
dln steers, $3 75tr7.50; cow and heifer. $3.10
4 50.
HOGS Receipts, zsno bead: msrket
stesdv to 5c hleher- tH gs and lights 49.V0
? 40; peckers. 48 gftfl-J.M: butchers and best
hMW, lflfS r..
SHEEP AND LA MRS Recelnt, 1 PftO
heed; msrket. stesdv: native mutton. $4.00
d6: lambs. .ftW": ct'M and buck,
$3 75(47 3.26; tocker. S. S.Vf?.i.7S.
t. .tesenli I.lve 8tk Market.
celnts. 2,000 head; market ateady: steers
$4 5vjl7.50: cows and heifers. $2.60(34.00;
calves $3 0(ft 00.
HOGS Receipt , 4 000 hed; market slow,
lower: top, $4 30; bulk of sales. $8 6tv& 10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 6.000
head; market slow; lamb. $6 .OOftl.OO.
rattas Market.
N1?W YORK. Sept. 22 fOTTON-Spot.
closed dull; middling uplands, 13.40c; mid
dling gulf.- 14.15c; no sales.
Cotton futures closed firm. Closing bid:
September, 13 83c; October. 1SSV; Novem
ber. 13 24c; December. 13 ! Tsnosrv, 13 24c;
Fehrmrv. 13.28c; March. 1J.S.V: May, 13 J7c;
June. 18.3f: July. 1311c.
ST. IXjI'IS. Sept. 22 COTTON-D11II
middling. 13c Sate, non. Receipt. 478
bale; shipments. 6 bale; atock, 418 bales.
Col fee Market.
tures closed ateady; net unchanged to $
point lower. Sale. 63.760 bag. Closing
bid: September and October. .80e; No
vember, 8 8.'; January. 83n; February and
March. 844c; April. 8 6c; Mav. .7c: June,
steel July, 9.00c; August. (03c Bpct cof
fee, steady; No. 7 Rio, lie; No. 4 Santos.
USc; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, HWH
agar Market.
NFW YORK, Bent. tl-SCOA R-Raw.
teadr: muscovado, 84 test. $74c; centrifu
gal. 86 teat. 4.24e; maliaau M tot, $.40:
refine augar, steady.
F. A. Apnew Thinks Time Has Come
for Union -with Omaha.
Weddlaa al Andrew C. Walker of
Mason f it. Neb., anil lls Marlt
W ier W ill lie SoU-iualard
F A Agnets, tormri l a stiona pix,iirm
of annexation iu South tminiia. is on of
ti e many nlio is no, in -favor of ihe Im
mediate union with Omaha, in a letter to
The Hee hv ive niuvh of ihe prevailing
st nunitl.t aiuuiig- huadieds of voter I la Uia
city. Iti 11 Alt. Agnew say.
M e gaiti iiiiicli iuot, than ft tose. Wlul
some u; the office hoMris niAy he pneJ
luose f 011) the ptifilic crib we ll gttln
nun u by b Itisr a part of a nletiMpoiitau
i-ity. It still tend lo inwease the propeity
antes and It Mill also tend to bring targe
lnwni'w to this part of Omaoa, lor
while the trackage Is ptatlchllv exhausted
in tunaha, there is room for a large
amount ot it uoin here and with the prom
ised assistance of the Omaha Commercial
cub many enterprises will 'be located
among us that -will never o.mie while they
naxe to advertise their location in South
Omaha Instead or Omaha. If we are nmde
a putt ot Omaha the big enterprises tan
then adNertise a hem: located in Omaha
and 11 will tend to Increase business with
us greatly. Omaha will give us a fair deal
slid v llli (he retention of our prenent high
sciinol. with a police court down hi'ie. Willi
an itanlstaiit oily treasurer down here and
niiii a Just and equitable portion of the
taxes laised In this, portion of the city
for our own use we will gam much more
than we will lose. .
I suppose we cannot blame the office
holders of Hie city for fighting against
annexation, though it la pronator that most
ot them would gain 11101 in the end than
they would lose for the time being.
'fnere seem to be a very strong dedie
on the part of the masses of the people
of South umaha outside the office holder
lor annexation to Omaha and they feci
that the tuiio Is now at hand for that end
to be accomplished, and that It, will be for all ,,f us in the end. No candidal
n any ticket will be iltlier asked or al
lowid to take aide on the question utile.-
they do it of their own accord for we do
not want tu emlwmss them with a que- '
tion that ia strictly nun-polltlcal and ,ma
which concerns til of us without reference
to party, in the past I have been ono of
the most strenuous opponents ot annexa
tion, but like thousand of others l hav
changed my mind about it. I believe it
will be to the highest Interest to all f
its to be a part ot the oily ol Omaha and
go forward as one great city working to
gether with a common Interest-
While Ouiuha 4m- building up tremen
dously we are standing: still. Why not
become a part of Ihe booming city of
Omaha and catch the impetus to a great
and prosperous future t u
It I my opinion that we hav many
thing to gain, much noire than We will
lose by a consolidation with Omaha.
IValker-Wler Wedding Tonight.
The wedding of - Andrew O. W alker of
Mason City. Neb., tn Mlsc Maud Wlet will
be celebrated at the horn of the bride
parents at 8 o'clock this evening. Th cere
mony will be one of the most elaborate In
South Omaha thl year. Already a number
of preliminary functions, such a shower
of various kind, have been tendered to
the bride. Among these one given by
Miss Mary Cook, 1110 North Twenty-fifth
Btteet, was one of the most pleasant. Thl
wa enjoyed Saturday, September 17. About
twenty-five young women atended and pre
sented the guest ot honor with iriany dainty
gifts of linen. Ml much es
teemed and haa spent ' herT entire lit In
South Omaha. 1 ' ' '
Mr. R. A. Carpenter of Billing;, Mont.,
arrived In th city a day or two ago to be
present at the ceremony.- Mr. Carpenter
will be remembered as the vlfa of a former
olty clerk of South Omaha. -
Dr. R. L. Wheeler vIV perform the cere
mony and the young people, will make their
home at Mason City, Neb ',( ...
Magic I'tty' Uoselu.
Alex Golden of Whitewater, Kan., is
visiting his brother John and family.
The city treasurer Is expecting; the pub
lication ot hi annual report within a few
James McKnany expects to start for a
visit to Ireland durlug the first wiek of
Mr. and - Mr. - Hlt1ms Jetter 'have re- '
turned from a vinlt.of two week t,u Ther
mopolis, Wyo.
Mrs. Charles Cla'pp 1ms returned from
a visit of one month through Illinois and
other eastern statu. 1
Mr. D. L. -Holme entertained th
Ladles' Aid society of the Presbyterian
church yeaterday afternoon.
George Katenac was arrested on a petit
larceny charge yesterday and was turned
over to the Omaha authorities.
Wanted Three orfour untiii rUstied mod
ern room In private family by three adults.
Addre L Dee of flee,. South Oniaha.
The finance committee', of the Presby
terian church will meet' the buliding com
mittee Thursday evening at Brewer chapel.
'Phono Rell South 868, Independent b'-lKttf
for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city. William
Jetter. . ...
Irene, two-months-old daughter of Jes
Stern and wife. Forty-eighth and W street,
died yesterday. The funeral will be held
today. ....
John Berg was arrested by th special
officer of the Northwestern railroad for
petit larceny committed on the memlses
of the company. u
The Board of Fir and Police commis
sioners have given a hearing In th case
of Officer Jacob Small and have th de
cision undor advisement..
Pennant lodge, No. 286, Ancient 6rder of
United Workmen, will have a olas Initia
tion and smoker at Shanuock hall, Twenty
third and N streets, Thursday evening.
I.ost Gold watch and chain ' In toilet
room of Club saloon, 410 N. 24th Bt., Boutit
Omaha. Liberal reward, no (iuestioa
asked, a owner value watch ua a present.
Leave at Saloon.
Daniel Henricks of Maxvflle, Ohio, who
has been visiting hi sou, J. C. Hendricks
Fifty-first and y streeta, ha returned to
his home. Hi granddaughter, ' Anna, who
accompanied him- on ol trip west will
remain In South Omaha.
Mr. Jacob Wllrnrt, Lincoln. I1L, found
her way back to perfect health. tibo
write: "I Buffered with kidney troubl
and backach and my appetite -wa very
poor at time. A few week ago I got
Foley' Kidney Pill and gave there a
filr tiUl. TLaji -gave . m graat rellf, '
o continued., till now I,in again In
perfect health." Bold by all druggists.
- Dry Goods Market.
NBY YORK, Sept. 22-Rulne. In drs
gingham for spring ha been very large
Borne converter are offering finished
J:ood at low price to reduce stock. Th
fibbing trade holds unusually well thl
period of the year. Yarn are quiet and
print cloth In moderate demand. Sub
count staple print are being ordered
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. Bept 22-HAY-No. 1 upland.'
$12.00; Kansas, $13.n0; No. 2 upland. $11. un
packing $8(10; alfalfa. $13.00. 8traw: Wheat"
$;.0o; rye, $7.00; oats, $8.00. . - '
Wool Market.
BT. LOl'IS, Kept. 22 -WOOI-t'nchanged :
territory and western medium, 1823c; fin
medium, 174TJOc- fin, 14ftl7c.
Herbert B. Gooch Go
Broker and Dealer
sisvAXM irvOlUO aroo a
asaaa rrto., l Bear of Traa am
4u Vaoae. Saj. a 11 ga. 4V-444
AL4aT SMB aava4a.o MWOgOl
- a -
Th Harris Trust 4 Saving Bank, $04
Dcarbora St , Chicago, haa laauad a book
let ntitld "Bond tor Safe Inveatmant,"
Intended for the use of person planning
to invest in bonds for tho first time. It
aim Is to explain In simple term th pur
pose of various classes of bond end to
Indlcet th value of bond a suf invest
ment for Individual aa well a Institu
tion. Cople niay b had free upon ro