12 THE BEE: OMATIA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1010. cONNELLTALKS TUDAIRYMEN "ells Them Thtj Must Obey Rulet or Close Theirflacei. KORE CARE IS CASE OF DISEASE 1r. Coaaell Deales tfcat He I Itr---' In Any of the Larger Dal rles,' bat U la tat or of pasteurisation. I'alrymrn who carry fcn the retail milk rade In Omaha met In the council cham ber in the city hall Wednesday nUht and t ere advised by Dr. Connell of what the: lew regime In dairy Inspection experts of I hem. The ordinances of the city and the:' ules for regulating dairies which have' en glvtn out by the national agricultural, experts must be strictly adhered to, and the health commleiiloner ma particularly strong In hla condemnation of the prac-1 ice of refilling bottlea from the waon. Contagious diseases that break out In the famillea or among- the employes of dairymen mfit be cared for more strictly than ordinary eases and every possible precaution taken to avoid the contamina tion of the milk. Dr. Connell denied that he wai Interested In any dairy or In the retail business of selling pasteurisation machine. He Is, however, strongly In favor of having all milk pasteurised as a preventive measure. Knme of the dairymen took the oppor tunity to reiterate accusations against the commissioner on the' score of favoring large creameries end desiring to drive out the little retailer. The commissioner only de nied the assertions and continued In his lemands that the milk sold In Omaha must le produced under the most sanitary con lltlona possible. Lo, Poor Indian, on a: Joy Ride Vlany Braves In to See Wild West Show and to Blow In Their Money. Scores of Omaha Ind Winnebago Indians wme In from the reservation to see the vild west show and they took In both th.? ii ado and the afternoon performances. They came In with money, too. The re all shops were full of them and Lo the Ich redkln was seen out Joy-riding In an utomoblle hired at the rate of It an hour. There were eight of them In the car. In their eagerness to see the parade, two Iraves riding on a Sixteenth street car aearly fell out the wlnd;w so far had they iwung themselVfS out. One of them, John Thin Wolf by name, grunted several times is his fellow bloods went by. "Him think him heap big noise," opined Tohn of a chl f who rode proudly by In glistening wui paint. A burly brave, followed by his no less burly sUHW, tolled patiently up the stair way Into the tower of the New York Life building to get a view of the city, because he could not reconcile himself to riding In the elevator. After ho and his wife had surveyed the broad expanse of city, to be seen from the tower, they calmly started thrlr long walk to the street, twelve floors below, ' When Merit Wilt. When the medicine you take cures ds. ae. tones up your system and makea you feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before. That Is what Foley's Kidney pills do for you. In all raaes of backache, headache, nervdusness. loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general weakness that la caused by any disorder of the kidneys or bladder. Hold by , I druggists. GREETING FOR NEWLYWEDS rrleada of C. I.. Ilowllnat Decorate lila Office In t?te Bran del Itnlldlna-. "Office closed. Business suspended. I've Just been married." was the sign that greeted C. L. Bowling, manager of the Potlatch Lumber company when he re turned from Wlnfleld, Kan., writ re he had b-en to get married. f The bride was formerly Miss Uach.wl Noble of Wlnfleld, nnd the wedding wns held September 20, there. When tho couple arrived in Omaha, C. L. and his bride came up to the Office and found themselves stared In the face by the huge sign over the door and rice leading in a trail to the desk W the new Husband. Tho desk Itself was decorated with all manner of rattles, teething rings and like hardware and adorned with huge bouquets of flowers, the gift of the office men to the bride. A Horrible latk results from decaying lungs. Cure coughs and wcaU lunss with Dr. King's New Discovery. 50c and $100. For sale by Rea lon Drug Co. JETTER BREWIMG CO., rksuNa.! .Otk asi YSUeU South Omaha. Nebraska OOSIITaai' BimnOTtlli Omaaai scao r. urxft. '" 13S4 Douglas treat, faoaaai SoagUa 1642. lao, A-la South Omahai Waft. JSTTZB. 503 SU rbons Bo. 8sa lad. r-ISM Coeaall Blaffsi S.KO. aUCaTXLXt 1013 ataia Sh Bota Vaoaea, tm ported Mats, Oowms and Wraps for oar Opening How Shown la our Windows xrtxl Monday la our Ores rail Opening Be the Displays The Greatest Sale of the Year RE. Three Big Bargain Lots of Silks Fine all wool Bilk yarn, dyed Mescalines and satin Dlrectolre In 43 different color ings, to go under Mar quisette and voiles worth 75c and $1.00 a yard, at, yard 59c French Bilk plaids, Persian Bilks, bordered crepes and printed crepe de chine regu lar price $1.00 and $1.25 a yard, at, yard, 69c Fine yard wide black peau de Sole, dress taf fetas, In colors and black, Marquisettes and printed gauzes, etc., at, yard 98c Manufacturers Remnants & Small Pieces Warp Silk For petticoats, trimmings, mllllncrry, plllowtops, etc. on bargain squares. All the larger pieces, up to 10 yards, at, yard 25 All the shorter pieces, according to size, at, each, 25 15 10 5 and Main Floor. $1.00 and 7fJc Foulard Silks Silk Scarfs, In Persian, Dresden, Jacquard and two-tone jardlnere bordered patterns, printed chit patterns, at, yard GO and 40 fon. 2 yards long, at, each. .69 Remnants of New Goods In Our Basement Fine Ginghams, new fall patterns; nurse striped seersucker on bargain square per yard, TjCDC Such fine double fold bleached muslins are seldom offered at such a low price one yard wide, perfect mill lengths, at, yard ". Fluffy Outing Flannels with fine warp, the new plaids, stripes and checks. There are no better outing gi Fancy printed yard wide comfort sllko llne remnants, O I at, yard 2l One big square plied high with all kinds laces and embroider ies, have been mussed at the regular count ers; Friday on base ment bargain 11 , 2V flannels made, at, yard. Black and colored mer cerized sateens, ' rem nants in full bolts to buy from, at, yard. . . ,12ic Yard wide fleeced back flannel ettes, with smooth "top for Bice warm house, dresses; bargain square Qlg at, yard OJt 6ic Heavy shaker and mot tled flannels; Friday from the bolt 10c grade, at, yard Various lots, all kinds, cotton goods, includ ing apron and dress gingham, all short lengths; fore- I U 12V noon only, yd. square, yd. , Remnant Day Specials on Our Main Floor Remnants and Sample Pieces of Allover Laces In crochet, oriental, filet and fancy effects various kinds; white, cream and ecru Vs to 1-yard lengths, 4 at, each ..lUt-tlt 18-inch Embroidered Flouncings and Skirtings Fine embroidered nainsook and cambric, also corset cover widths, excellent designs many worth 30c a yard, at, yd.. . 18c French and German Vol. Laces and Insertions at 5 c ..5c Also linen torchons, cluny curtain laces, etc. worth 10c a yard, at, yard O DA Tttl A IMC : U A TO r.ffJC Second O MJ.M.M..M.lJmJ 111 11-a.llV VlVSVSJLSaJ Natural Wavy Hair Switches 22 inche9 long; $4.00 &i values, at. .. The Madam Josephine Boyd Cluster Puffs $5.00 values, Floor Two extra large Blze real hair Nets; 25c values, at, ). two for uoj OUR ANNUAL FALL OPENING Begins Monday, September Twenty-Sixth We invite you and your friends to be our guests on this important fashion occasion. We will exhibit our own importations of Parisian hats, together with gowns and wraps selected personally by our own for eign buyer. See the brilliant window displays of imported ap parel in our 16th street and Douglas street fronts. BRANDOS STORES n H 4 m 4 u wrmrm-m:.trm'm- aT TmTnTYnXT - ' innr The Fall Style Hook and. any 16c Ladles' j Home Journal pattern for 20l Three Great Nine O'clock Sales FRIDAY m0 is ' M kj fa i Cm) 2 .M LAWN DRESSES at REPP AND LINEN SUITS, at LINEN DRESSES at -.. $1.00 $2.00 $4.00 a I 'as a B P N i B Here's the one that will put a quietus on the entire wash garment stocks. A sale planned to make a clearing absolute and final. Just three lots and each at an insignif icant price. To give all ample time to be here we start the sales at NINE O'CLOCK. None on sale before that hour. LAWN DRESSES! WASH SUITS I LINEN DRESSES Just fine for house wear; balance of sum mer stocks, values to $6.50, light colors, all must go quickly; your choice si.oo Repp and Linen Suits, also some long linen coats, all best colors; entire stock values up to $17.50 reduced to 2.00 Handsome one-piece dresses; worth up to $20.00. The season's newest styles, all suit able for Fall wear choice $4.00 DBCBBIirO SACQUES Any white and colored lawn dressing- sacque In stock. fTOaf values to $2, to go at col- KOTTBK IIBXHCI T.lirht ored percale dresses, nicely mnde, all values to Cl AO , rn . . ID1.UCT IIIIIUV, All values $3. GO, to go, at A RARE BOOK BARGAIN Life of D. I. Moody By His Son An authentic autobiography of the great evangelist. These are the regular $3.00, $4,00 and $4.50 editions, In cloth, leather and full leather bindings.. Just a little marred from handling. Friday price Fill DAY BARGAIN H il B LACK SILKS Very good quality all Bilk black Surah, a twilled Bilk for waists, dresses, roats, etc. does not crease easily and Is a most dur able silk; every yard 75c quality, for 29c I Fit IDA Y I HAROAIXl BROADCLOTHS Black and colored, fine finish cloth of splendid weight; compare it with any $1.60 line anywhere, shown in black, navy, red, wine, bordeaux, brown, green, QQ etc., 45-inch; special, yd."0 I An Embroidery Commotion Threelots of beautiful embroidery Edges and Insertions, a big pur chase of pew,' fresh, clean goods from the bolt. They vary from two to twelve inches wide and are worth twice our Friday prices. EMBROIDERIES Worth up to 10c a yard, at, . . , . .5 EMBROIDERIES Worth up to 15c a yard, at . .7W EMBROIDERIES Worth up to 20c a yard, at . . . 10 Beauty - Pins Gold plated, plain or stonS?et, 2 to 6 on a card, worth "S5? at, per card . . . .5 Women's' '"Handkerchiefs, plain white, lace- trimmed, and fancy , colors, values to. 10c each, Fri day special, at 34 Ribbons, all silk, best shades, 3 to 6 inch goods, heavy, durable ribbons, extra values, at ,.10 Linen Laces, serviceable linen tor chons, edges and insertions, for undergarments, values to 10c, at, per yard 3 ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms in curren; social usage engraved in the best manner and punctually delivered when promised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210.1212 HOWARD ST. ' PHONE D. 1604 Corsets Nw Arrivals J. CJ-.50 for Friday and Saturday MPX-tvPX A big shipment bf fine new corsets Just In time for Friday and Saturday crowds. These corsets are re presentative of the newest Fall Models. We know they are absolutely right and that they will please you. The trimmings are rich and dainty, the tailoring perfect, the materials the best. Just as the most fastid ious woman would expect. These models are so constructed as to Impart graceful long lines to the figure, giving a subtle fash ion plate trimness to which all well gowned women aspire. In fact, the newest gowns and suits are modeled along these lines and require Just such corsets as these for a foundation. 1 Our corset experts can be of greatest assistance to you in the selection of the corset suited to your in? dividual need. China Store Makes These Friday Extras Syracuse China Dinnerseta, lfto pieces plain jihlt decorated or white and Bold, worth (30.00 set, jUBt ten aeta to sell, choice 914.98 ranoy China 1.000 pieces. Vases, Plates, Placques, Celeries, etc., etc , values to 12.50, at 98o Manlcura Trays of French China, handsomely decorated and sold plated, worth to $1.00, at 390 ToUet Sata, S pieces, Towder Boxes, Hair Receivers and Tray, white and gold decorations, $2.50 values, at. per set 1.85 Xrovalty Cow Shapa Creamers, 25 cent kinds, for 100 fi Q n B B H y u a Free of Ben .$1.30 Capl . . . 2uc Clial pkg.. . lie sack, 18c Ben gpMSBPirrwsa-rjna-, Only two things are neces sary to preserve forover the life of your hair; pood sense in buying nnd Rood judgment in applying Wonder Dand ruff Cure, your barber knows how to do it. Single applica tion 15c. 10 oz. bottle $1.0). Best Sporting .Page I THE I Fun PSE I Both I D239 Ball Leagua ano I Scores Amateur Flour, Pride nett s, sack . . . Coffee, Bennett's tol, lb. pktf. ... Coffee. Bennett's lenge, pound Uu Pepper, Bennett'a Capi tol, U lb. can ....loo and stamps. Tea Sittings, lb. special Cornmeal, 10 lb. for n&lflnv Powder. nett s Capitol, & pounu cap for $100 . 'and 100 stamps Extracts, Bennett's Cap itol, bottle for ...18c and 10 stamps. Table fyrup, ran 12Hc ' and 10 stamps. Cocoa liars and Fruit Wafers, pound 12c Spanish Olives, pint Jar, large, fur 5!a0 peanut Butter, large Jar for 2c and 20 stamps. Hen Fred, lb JHo Chick Feed, pound ..3c Monarch Cut Asparagus for 25c and 10 stamps. Capitol Oats, 2 pound package for 11c and 10 stamps. Capitol Pancaks, 2-lb. package, for Ho and 10 stamps. Cheese, full cream, per pound 25c and 10 stamps. Hullcl Beans, with chicken, can 15c Macaroni, Star and Crescent. 3 pkgs. 25c and 10 stamps. Seeded Raisins, pound package for 12VaO and 10 stamps. Bala OalUard rare Olive Oil ciosm this week. Gallon caa for 2.751 half jraUoa eaa S1.45; quarts T5c Peonies Should be Planted This Fall ! 9 B n M I Do Your Feet Hurt? Here's What You Need H ): fa Handy household helps In the Hard- L. ware, It v111 pay you to look up while shopping tomorrow: y Open Coal Hods, open style, 17 Inch; . R fr 850 0 Ziawn Bakes, you'll need one for y weeds and leaves soon, 40c kinds, B at, each 89o M $)ornb Brushes of rice root, usual 10 cent kind for 6o A Btove Blacking Brushes, beat 20 cent t kinds for loo R Perfection OU Heater for . ...S4.98 J 3So Pad Xiooka for 80o Sapolin Stove Pipe Enamel for . .160 D Cut Your Living Expense to the Minimum In Bennett's Grocery. Read the Week End List. Decorated Havllaid China Plates, T Inch size, with each three pounds of Bennett'a Best Coffee, for fl.OO or the. Havlland China plate with each pound of Tea, assorted klmla selling at. per pound 680 Lima Beans, with chick en, per can 20c Argo Gloss Starch, six puckaices for 25c Diamond C Soap, eight bars for 5c Karo Table Syrup, per can loc And R atnmnai Hartley's Currant Jelly, mi ur diuck, jar 25c Underwood's Sardines and Tomato Sauce, 2 cana for 23c and 10 stamps. Wiggle Stick Bluing-, 3 for ISo and 10 stamps. Oherardllll Chocolate. lb. ran H5c Package Flicka free, and 10 stamps. Snlder's Pork and Beans two cans for 20c and 10 stamps. Jap Hice, 7c quality, 5 pounds for 25o Horseradish, bottle loo and 5 slain ph. tthimni rf.iu..!.. ..til v. ... .. i . n Mm. h.f,tr. IVtnh., V nt h in v mi r real- dence. If in Oinalia or Council Bluffs. Our Special Tall Catalog-aa U Worth askinr To contains planting; Instructions and iiescriitl..ns of all of our beautiful peonies Uet it now ind order early. So so aead puatava. T. W. MENERAY CRESCENT NURSERY COMPANY, House Sllpoers of aofest vlcf kid with one strap: three strap patent vamp Tv..l ".,i. .n,,,..r. nh rntilier heels.. Threa different k luls. each a boon to tender feet. $1.25 end $1-75 shoea. at ao WOMZK'S TAX.X. A9 WI1TTBB BOOT1 We will have for Friday a quan tity of smart new styles In women s high cut shoes, patent rolt for dress wir and sturdy calf shoes for business. Have them In button and lace styles, all widths, sizes 1 to 7. New short vamp effects. $3.60 values axaa tCHOOL IHOEI OX TUB BaXOaJW TABLES A Jot of misses' and chll dri?s odd lots of new patent, vlci and calf shoesT aizes $ to 1JH. broken lota from $1.75 and $2 50 Huae. closing at ..4o flAYDEil friday HAYDEs IS REMNANT DAY IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM Another carload of these fine Milt Ends of all kinds of Cotton Dress Goods. Everything In Flannelettes, Outing Flannel, Velvettas, Per sians. Ginghams, Percales, Prints, etc. This Is the best lot we, erer got hold of. They will be arranged according to values In 5 lots on large squares and tables, as follows. .2 V4 5 7V4 10 12tt Irish. Scotch and German Linens, remnants of 2, !H and 3 yards lengths, worth from 75c to $1.50 yard, placed according to value In 5 lots, at, yard io 25 39 49i 59 6,000 Remnants of all kinds of Toweling Crash, etc., worth from 7V4c to 18c yard, at, about ,..HALF TRICK 2,500 yards of Remnants of Sheetings, Muslins, Cambric, Long Cloths, India Llnons, White Goods, etc., at, less than- HALF PIUCK UEMXAXTS OK HIGH GRADE WOOL DRESS GOODS Fancy suit ings. Serges, Lansdowns, Henriettas, Batistes, Nuns' Veilings, Tailor Suitings and all other kinds of weaves too numerous to mention, graded according to value, in 6 lots at. per yard IS 1) 25 39 49 59 AT 2:30 r. M. All the remnants of the high grade Wash Goods that accumulated for the past two weeks, worth up to 59c, will go on sale, at, per yard 10 Splendid Silk Bargains Friday A grand assortment of plain nnd novelty Silks, including Poplins, Taffetas, Jaquards, Striped Louisiennes, Gieeks nnd Fancies, of every description, regular values to $1.00 a yard, on sale, Friday, at, yard 38c and 29c $1.25 SILKS AT 68c Yard wide Taffetas and Novelty Silks in light aiid dark shades. A choice lot of bargain values to $1.25, at, yard .....68c; All newest weaves and col oring included in these. YARD WIDE BLACK TAFFETAS,' heavy dross quality, worth to $1.25, at, yard 75c and 89c BLACK PEAU DE SOIE in 36 inch width, chiffon finish, to $1.50 values, at, per 5-ard 89c and $1.15 In Our Domestic Room Suit Department Always a busy spot because of the choice bargain offerings. These specials should make it unusually busy Friday: Children's Bear Skin Coats, worth to $3.00, in all sizes 2 to 6 years, at, each $1.98 Children's Cloth Coats, made to sell to 5.00, sizes 6 to 14 yrs.; at, each ..$3.98 and $2.98 Ladies' and Misses' Goats, values to $15.00, matchless values, at, each $2.98 to JJ 10.00 Misses' Sweaters, regular values to 12.50, on sale, at ..$1.50 Wool Dress Skirts, aobby new styles, regular values tc 7.50, t $2.98 to $5.00 $1.25 Black Underskirts, at 69 Ladles' Short Flannelette Under skirts, '75c values, at S5 Baby Comb and Brush Sets, worth $1.00, Friday, at QQf Soft Sole Baby Shoes, special val ues, 85 69 59 45 25 Curtains and" Draperies Some Friday Snaps In ODD PAIRS LACE CURTAINS Worth up to $10.00 a pair, Irish Point, Filet Net. Cable Net and Brusselett, on sale,' at pair $2.95 ODD LACE CURTAINS That sold to $3.50 a pair, while they last, Friday, at, each ; 39 RUFFLED NET AND MUSLIN CURTAINS Values up to $3.00 a pair, on sale, at, pair ' 98 MADRAS FISH NETS AND GRENADINES In colored, stripe and allover patterns, values to 60c a yard, at, yard 10 ROPE PORTIERES Slightly soiled, Friday, choice, at '.....98 - 50c and 75c Articles Friday 25c Large Enameled Water Palls; 4 tie Parlor Brooms, one to a customer; Rice Boiler; four quart enamaled Berlin Kettle; No. 4 Tea Kettle; 3 quart blue and 25c white enameled Covered Bucket; enam'l'd Cuspidores; Colanders'; Wooden Chop ping Bof Is;, galvanized Foot Tubs; and Sugar Boxes, all on Bale at 25 cents each. -i-,-,-.l-rwliiruljLruiri.in,xrt.rt.-n-jx Special Hid-I7eek Grocery Sale SATURDAY Sample Dresses An im mense purchase of manu facturer's samples, all new choice styles in silk poplin taffetas, pongees, foulards, etc., made to sell to $25.00, choice, ut . .; . See Window Display. $9.90 KKLrrTBY HAYDEfl'S F!RST?AY3 Seasonable Furnishings at Bargain Prices Men's Heavy , Fleeced Underwear, also Jersey '- ribbed, the regular 75c quality, garment ...-39 Men's 85c Suspenders . . . . . 10 Men's 2-00 Union Suits, medium weight, in all colors and sizes, a suit 08 Men's f.1.50 Wool Underwear, shirts or drawers, in all sizes, on sale, at 75 Boys' Fleeced Jersey Ribbed Un derwear, 50c garment values, Friday, for .25 Boys' $1.00 Outing Flannel Py Jamas, on, sale at , 49 Boys' f.1.251 Wool Sweaters. 49 Ladles' Union Suits, medium weight, 75c values, at . . . .40 Ladies'. Men's and Children's 15e Hose, all sizes Friday, at, three pair for .25 Men's and Boys' Shirts, good fall patterns, values to $1.25, at, each 49 and 25 Men's Work Gloves, values to $1.25, all kinds, at 40 We are always fighting; the high cost of living. It paya to trade at Hayden's and help the cause along. PECLaX 7Z.OVK BALE 48-lb. sack Best High Orade Patent Flour, every sack guaranteed; trust price 11.76 our price S1.3S 18 lbs. best Granulated Sugar.. $1.00 9 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Ont- mftal for l5o S lbb. choice Japan Rice. ...... .26o Corn Flakes Breakfast Food, per package ..6Vio Choice California Prunes, lb 6o The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg .60 OH or Mustard Sardines. can....4o Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, per .package TVc Graham Cracksrs, extra speolal, ner pound 7V0 The best Soda Crackers, per lb...7u lbs. bulk Laundry Starch 25c 8 bars Diamond C or Beat-'Em-All Boap for 2 Co Three 10c Lavsllne for ...,10c BUTTEB. CHIESB ABD EOO BPCI.aI. The best No. 1 Creamery Butter, per pound 320 Two Grand Bargain Events MONDAY Rugs and Carpets Greatest bargain opportunity ever known in Omaha: $30.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x 12 size, on sale . .$1G.98 $15.00 Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size, at ...$9.75 9x12 Art Squares, seamless, on sale, at ....... .$3.25 And Many Others. The best No. 1 Country Butter, nor pound .Soo The best No. 1. Dairy Butter, per pound JiHo The best Full Cream Young America Cheese, per lb 2u0 The best Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per lb 2O0 The best strictly Tresh Egg, nothing finer for oUc; our price j!7o 4-baakat orates fancy Italian Bins Plums, the last of sale, crate, 91.1a H-bushel baskets (h-aan Tomatoes, for pickles 17HO H-bushel baskets Blpa Tomatoes, for canning aso BIO VBEBK VXOBTAS&B 8AXB Sweet Corn, per dozen 10c 8 bunches fresh Radishes 60 1 fresh Cucumbers 60 .H-bushel basket fresh Ileets 25c H-tUahel banket f Kith Parsnips. ,tr,o H-bushrl basket frenh Currots. , . ,25c 2 heads fresh Cahtmge ..6c Fancy Wax or ;r't'ii Beana, lb..i.4o Une pound Is equal to two quarts. Jersey Kwert 1'i.lMtoes, per lb.,.i!V4o Fancy Red onions, per lb Jjtyo S bunches fi-enh I'nrsley ..60 Va-busliel bakft fuuey Ripe Toma toes fur 250 -- BTOt TmA. a la. Blst St. mm an. A Council Bluffs. Iowa