THE TtEK: OMAHA, TITESrUY. SlTOMBKR 20, IfflO Rourkes Lose in Tenth to Sioux. White Sox Win Fifth Straight Game. Athletics Are Losers Jj -h ; , t r , - ' Pi i.-lMEv lM; 1 TENTH .Ticux Win After Tyiner Score in the Eighth Innin;. 1IXAL RESULT 13 SEVEN TO SIX .i Annnreutly llnrhra liaut In .i- tflxlh !ealoa with Kit Itnn, !'. VpMinrta Itenent the ' Trlrk Later. . . jl'X. CITY. Sept 1J. Th Sioux de ....ud Omaha today fn tli. tenth Inning. . c ,i e: ' PIUUX. CITY. i.lR. II. 11 O. A. ... 0 1 i 11 1 I 1 3 1 0 0 u 3 1 0 0 2 Ardreaa, 2. !l m, lb M.V1S, If. v.i'lin, 3b. lamer, c. uoley, ef 'lown.- lia:nniond. p.- ..f Neignbois. ff -.' llHK)f',-W."l-. .'. Kilroy. p r 1 man. p W ch, Yf ..., 0 ....v 1 ......II 1 11 4 0 7 3 I) 0 2 2 u 0 0 0 I ; K. I 01 Total .. 40 T U 30 U OMAHA. All. it. 4 a. i i i i a i o 3 0 0 u A. 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Ursl jn, 3ti. ... i-in cf JX.1.0J10V!', rf Kiggir, ltv ..., lb. ..... iwi mi t , ;3b. .. i.naavc. a. .. UunoltiK. v. ... C.idlnari, c. .... ivepy, p. . ..... inr, p -Acuck. ... blnars, p. .... & 4 u u 1 l Totals ..............37 turn itn!tel for Wo.iley . In the eighth. Noua out when wlnnlPR run wan inadet Untied for Muter In the eighth Sioux city o o o t o 1-7 Omaha U. 1 o 0 6 0 t t 0 ti Twiebwit hlu: giuUln. itellly i:i, Neih bore, King, Keeley. Home run: Myera, Keelay. .sacrifice hl'a: Morlarty. Kigxert, Uiabani, Xnravex. Stolen baae; Keie. louhl playa: Mer to Andreas; Kneave to Uraiiam to Kane; Graham to Kneavee. Him: Off Kllroy. 10 In lx Inning: ttt Hammond. I In two Innings; off Keeley, ! In aevan Inning; off Melter, 3 In two In ning! off mower. 3 In una Inning. Flint ta on ball:: Off Jvllroy, 1; olf Freeman, t; off Kaeley. 4; off Milter, 2. Struck out: lty Kllruy, 3; 4j- Freeman, 2; by Hammond, 1; by Keeley, i; by Melier. 1. Wild pitch: Klirey. Hit by ultohed ball: Kllrny. 1. Tim.-' 3.10. iimptte: Clark. - Attendance ClIAMPa UE!4TKi TIIKKK TO OXK rartklaaj Hold the VUltura t. One Scratch lilt. LINCOLN, SepU lSOno ncratch hit wa all that Dea Mirr -Could make off Farth Ing tblH arteriiuun and they were beaten, t to ft 'Score: ' i LINCOIN. All. R. H. PO. A. E. Jude, If Gagnler, as Cole, cf Cobb, rf C.icknian, 3b.... Thomas, lb Waidensaul, 2b Kruger, o Farthing, p.... Totals 4 110 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 1 3 1 11 0 6 0 v I 0 28 3 -27 13 DES MOINES. , - -AB. R..' H. PO. A.E. Colllgan, 2b.... .1 2 0 Bschant ......S-l 0 0 0 0 0 Claire, ..',.i..,,".'Z2 .'0 ' 0 ; 1 2 , 0 Nlehoff. 3b 3 . J) .0 2- i. 0 Curtis, It. 3 -.l;. '0. 2- v0- 0 Dwyer. lb, v 0." cl 10 V 1 Mattfea. KAV?;Ii J ' 0'- 4 1 Kellv" if ''mrffZit? V 0 0 fl....0. ClemrntUlg-C....! '2 ,0 0 3 0 - 0 Hueston. p. ,,.T..J t ' ! J Hersche ;,..,.-erI 0 0 o 0 0 Totals..'. 27 't 1 ' 24 10 3 Ratted- fbr'Colllgan In the- ninth. ', Ratted for Clmmonn In the- ninth. Ratted for Hueston fn the ninth. Lincoln 9 '1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -3 lies Molnea .v,. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Three-base hit: Jtl'del Twe-base hits: Cobb, Kruger. Double, plays: Weldensaul to tlagnif'r to Thuma; pagnler to Thoinaa Left on- basee: Lincoln, i Sacrifice hits: Cole (2). StrucH out: By Farthing, 6; by Huektih7S. Hafl'g.-nn balls: Oft Farthing. 1, off Hueoton, 2. I'awHcd ball: Clemmons. Time: 1:20. Crnplre: Wood. TOPEKA IS ttlOPEl) AUAIK St. Joseph lernrra Two Haai l Nosa far Visitor. 8T. JOSEPH, Sept": 19.-Topeka was un abi to hit jonnson today and waa shut out hit by- St Joseph. Score: .TOPEKA. AB. K. II. O. A. E. .... 4 0 1 0 Persoh, cf Thomason, if.. Becklsy. lb... Riley. rf Welfll,' 3b .!.. Stoffer. .'.,.. People .... Agnew, 1 O. C.lffcn, il,.;... Maxey j....., Toty .y.. ... 4 0 .... 2 0 .... 3 0 .... S 0 .... 2 i .... 3 0 8 4 0 .... 3 0 .... 1 . ....29 0 JOSEPH. AB. It. i .... 4 1 I 0 .... 3 1 4 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 3 1 3 0 3 3 0 0 H4 O. 1 0 11 3 0 4 ST. A. 0 Powell, -Jlf.,4... Fox, 2b...,.,... Jonea. lo. McCheney, cf Reilly, 3b..,,.. Corhan. ss HHEUMfflSM WEAK KID KEYS &THIN BLOOD Not only ! la the Uood the great tiourishirg source of our tysterus, but equally ,aa itnportaut i its work of rcmoviug the waste of oxodired tis sues which i have ben consuturd in force au4 bodily heat. Thia waste is filtered ;out through the kidneys. When, however, the kidneys become weak and unable to perform their regular duties, the waste is allowed to remain in the circulation, soon forming'ttric acid which destroys the greater portion of nourishing elements of the blood and leave it weak aud acrid. This imperfect blood deposits Into the different muscles and joints the uratic impurity with which it is contaminated. Then the pains and aches of Rheumatism commence. The gritty formation which uric acid causes collects in the joints and pro duces the aches and utiflness which alwaya accompany the disease. Like wise the muscles are coated and lose their elasticity, while the continual irritation to the nerves produces swell ing and inflammation of the flesh. a. a o. cures Rheumatism in the only way it 13 possible to over come the disease; it cleanses the blood of all uric acid poison and strengthens the kidneys so they are enabled to properly filter out the waste, S. S, 3. is not only the best ef blood ttrifiers, but a fine tonic. ' Book' on free to all who write. IS,WIIT SlTECmC CO AUaata, 8a. V j Standing of the Teams. WKST. LEAGUE. NAT'L LEAGUE. W. L. pet. I Sioux Clty.l'sl M AVi1' hi'-ago .. Denver !'3 J .in,w Vnrk Lincoln ... !) M t'.v J'lttshui g Wichita ... tr Ml phlla Omaha 77 75 .&'( 'Inrlnnai I St. Joseph. 7 .4l St. l.ouls. I es Moines M CO . 4 1 r. ; Uroi.klvn Topeka .... 40 113 .Ml) Boston ... W. 1. IVt. 41 , 7t 57 .rA7 7 (.7 .r.; 7 .b"7 w .:t .rm M 71 .4K 47 M .34 A.MICH. LEAGUE. I AM EH.. ASS '.V W. L.Prl.l W. I. Pet. Phlla 94 43 .Hftl'Mlnneup a .ItH M .) ew iorK. is UN .bi.( I nlrHo Ki 7. .MX lernlt .... 7S HO .0. Columbus .nr. n .641 lin'iiin .... 7 m .;.:.:) m. Paul.... M 7s .640 Cleveland . 61 74 .M Kan. CItv.. hi 79 .Wi Wash TH .4.111 Milwaukee.. 74 M .4."7 Chicago ... 64 SO .412 Indianapolis AN 93 .413 St. Louis.. 43 96 .31J; Louisville . fs 101 .S;3 Yraterdar'a Hranlta. WKSTBHN I.'KAUI K. Omaha, t; Sioux ,'lty, 7. le A)oln-s. I; Lincoln. 3. K. JiMcpli, t; Toprka, 0. W li hita, 'i; I cnver, u. A M IiKK'AN LKACJl.' I WnshlnKtim, Detroit, ti. Philadelphia, 4, ( lev. land. -o. New York. 0; Chicago. 1. Hoaton, 3; St. Loum. ti. NATIONAL, LKAG1 K. t.'hh uko-Brook h n nmv nni mm. . .. . weather. M. iAuls-.Ar York lamo postponed; cold weather. l incinnati, 2; Philadelphia, 4. I'litmnii K-Honton game pomponed; cold weather. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. l.oulHllle. ; Columhu'a, 2. loledo. 0, lndiaimpoiia, i. Kana ( lt, J; m. Paul, 3. Milwaukee, 4; Mlnma.x.lls, 1-). Game Today, WcMtel'll 1...I.UI1 lltii-.l... .. ri. .. "Pen Moines at Miuoln. bi. Joseph at lo JJ pcKa. Wiumta at Denver. I Artierlean itt;ue-r i.imili l h.n t Cleve l lanu. ie ork at Chicago, ItoHlon at St. 1 , lAdlln. .Mi 1 1 on. 1 1 Keague Chicago ot llrooklyn, M. i-ouis at .sew York, inclnnatl at Pnil ailelphia, I'ltlxhurg at lloalon. American AsHoclatmn I-ouIbvIIIo at Col, ioh:do at Indianapolis, Kansas City at St. Paul, ;.lilwaukeo at .ttlnneapoils. Goodrich, rf.. Frambca, c... Johnaon, p... Totals ao 2 7 n 10 0 BiUtcd for Ulffen In ninth.. Tl'k 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0-0 M. Jow ph 0 'l 0 L 0 0 0 2 Thrte-btme hit: Jone. Tvb-baa hits: Goodrich, Powell. Stolen baxea: jonea (i Ke lly. Sacritice. hlt.t: Fox. Corhan. Uood rlch. struck out: Uy Johnson, i; toy Gif fen, 2 tnno on halla: Off Uitfen, ?. Time: l:Ju. I'm. ne: Hackell. Phillies Defeat Reds Four to Two in a Qaick Game o j Local Win Only Game Played in Na- tional League Otheri Postponed Account Cold Weather. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19.-ln a quickly played game" Kere this" afternoon Philadel phia defated Cincinnati. 4 to 2. Score: , PHILADELPHIA. ' CISOINNATI. AB.H.O A. B. AB.H.O. A. . Tltua. 'rf 3 1 I OBaarher. If... I 1 44 stnsba, 2b.... I 1 3 I Lobert. 3b... I 10 11 Uataa, cf 4 110 bltoblitiel. Ih. I 111 u Mas, If..... 3" 0 0 Mttrht:i. rf '. 4'1 0 0 Oraat. Ib... I H' APsakert. el... 3 0 0 0 0 -Ba'-osfleMi lb i 11 v Pkbeian. t, 3 1 0 n.lan. as.... (ei J Uhcan. 2t 4 0, 0.1 (T - -SS'i" IM I .1 ToUla.,....M I 17 it (Mlnr .0 0 lo H I 17 It HIHar 0 00 . , ( "Clat 1 0.0- 4j -' Tatals 134 It .3 Batted for Oanpar In thai seventh. Ratted for McMillan In the ninth. " ' Cincinnati 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 u-ij Phlladelphlai ...3' 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 Hits: Off) Caspar, In six lnnlng; 'o(f Fromme, 0 In two innings. Two-bane hit: Resrhen. Three-base hit: McLean. Home ruim: Mitchell, Rates. Struck out: Hy Caspar, 2: by Fromme, 1; by Moren, 8. Rases on balls: Off Uaspar, 3; off Moren, 4. Time: 1:25. Umpires: O'Day and Urennan. Hooper Heat Wahoo. HOOPER. Neb., - Sept. . - 19. i Special.)-"-Hooper and Walioo were opponent on the ball field yesterday and for the first time in the years that they have played against each other Hooper was the victor, 4 to 0. The main feature of the game was the work of Koutt. .the locals' pitcher, ha strik ing out fourteen oT the Walioo sluggers and allowing them only two singles. Only four ot the visitors got on bases, two of them reaching second and none third. The fielding of the locals was great, not a aurptcicn of an error being' made BKninat them. Score: - lt.H.E. Walioo 0 0 0 0,J"0 0 0 00 2 2 Hooper 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 4 6 0 Rutterlea: Wahoo, Anderaon and Johnson; Hooper, Routt and Cook. Struck out: Ry Anderson, : by Hcutt. 14. Rase on balls: Off Routt. 1. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Rob ertson of Scribner. lVgtnnlng Tuesday the annual exhibition of the Dodgo County Stock Show aKxocia tlon take place for a tour days' run. and during each of tli efour days Hooper has a game on its nanaa Tuesday with Tel basta. Wednesday with Dodge. Thursday with Knydi-r and Friday with Morse Rluff. The game of Wednesday with Dodge will be for blood, as they have the advantage in the number of wins played between tne two teams tnis season. Cleveland Helens,- I'aar Player. CLF.VELAND, Sept. 19. In order to get within the fortv-player limit act by the National oommiealon, the Cleveland baae ball club today released four players to the Columbus club of the American asso ciation. 1 hey are Catoher Harry Remis. who has been one of the club's regular ca tetters tince 1'J, anil three recruit. Pitcher RJley of Lima, O ; Outfielder Shot- ten of W heeling. W. a., and Catoher Fohl of Akron, O., all secured by draft this summer. AUTOMOBILE STRIKES A BULL Wife sf Cedar Rapids Sheriff Tbrom front Car by Force of Collision and Badli Hart. WATERLOO. Ia.. SepL 19 An automobile driven by Sheriff Shores, containing his family, while returning from Cedar Rap Ida lata laet night, collided with a bull near La port City. All the occupants except the sheriff were thrown out, and Mrs. Shores was badly hurt about the head and shoul ders. She was hurried to the hospital here In another automobile. CROWDS SEE CARDINAL PASS Many Throne Street mi Wlnnlnesi a Prelate Proceed Cathedral. WINNIPEG, Man.. Sept. 19-Cardlnal Vannutrlll, the pope's representative at tha recent Eucharlstlc congress. aa given aa ovation upon his arrived here thia morning. Crowds thronged the aidew?.:ka as the cardinal passed on hi way to tit Rou'.fir cathedral, a here he was presented with religious and civic addresses. .Heater Connlr Organisation. PIERRB, 8. I)., Sept. 19 tSpecial Tele gram.) A petition, with a sufficient num ber of names having been filed with thi governor asking for the organisation of Dewey ceunty, ho has fixed Tuesday; vamber S. as. a date .for an alert law Ko - i fan ! organisation . . Paralataat Advertising ta th ftead in Big Return SOX WIN -HFIil M lAiGlil New York Defeatid by Score of One to Nothing. RUN SECURED IN THIRD INNING Beason'e Record Tied Three Stolen lias rive Raaa o Ball re. Strlkeoate Gltkt Baae Hit. CHICAGO. Sept. 19. Chicago tied lt eauon'o record for coniiecutlva victories heie today. wIiiiiIiik It fifth straight name by defeating New York. 1 to 0. The ale of teond Hanenmn French and Flrat Hae man Candll of Chhago to Montreal wan an i.ouiiced. Bcore: CIIK-AdO. NW YORK. AH. H. O A K. AB.H.O A.E. I.i rj. 3b 4 1 1 1 It.. . .(Mr, I 0 0 (Wnltr, rt... '.Irloaii. rf... J 1 I A u IlKi-e, lb... , "nnhi-rty. III 0 I ii V-Knht. m . . h.iiiiai-d, cf. 1 0 I A MMpnrt. 2b.. T'armt. lb... I 1 t MVrtu, (I .Mullen. Ik... I 0 11 9 l Au.tln. lb... Mlnrk. c I 1 7 t Hl'rliter, c... imnnteaii. P.. I 4 (UulliD. p.... 4 t I I I 1,111 1 4 I I 4 4 1 S 1 0 1 (lit i I 101 Tnlla 18 I 7 10 0 Totala S 4 IS Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I New ork v o w o v v v v "v Stolen l.asea: Wolter. Knight. Parent. P-aKea on balls: Olf Olmstead, 2; off gulnn, 3. Struck out: Hy Olmotead. ; by Qulnn, 2. Time: l:3i. fmplrca: ligiin and Bherldan. 914. I.oula llvfeata Koiloa. ST. IOCIS, Sept. 111. Bt. Loui defeated Ronton In the opening game of the final acrlea todav. Mitchell prevented the vIMlom fiom getting a hit after the tourth Inning. Bcora: ST. lot ii. BoavoN. All H O A.V. AB.H.O. A S. TruMdala, Itii I I t UOarilnar. ib..l 0 110 l orrlilon. 3b. 4 0 1 II U Hooper, 0 0 Stone. It 1 Oil) li3ptkv, et... 4 110 N'orlhan, rf..4 4 11 udiahl. lb 4 1 11 1 lliiCI. rf .. I 1 0 -J tinir, aa... I I I W'alla., as.. 3 1 I 4 uLcwia. If 4 10 0 llilnii,, lb. ... I Oil aPuriail, b...l V 0 1 I hllilfar, a I t til I 0'arrlin. 1 Wllrl'tll, 4 1 0 UWoo4, p... I 0 1 1 Totals 31 10 17 1 0 Totals. .....17 1 24 11 3 St. Louis 2 1 0 0 0 11 1 ' tloston 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Two-base hits: Htahl, Northen, Speaker. Three-bane hit: Wood, bases on balls: Off Mitchell, 2; Oft Wood. 3. Struck out: l,y Mitchell, 6; by Wood, 7. 'lime; 1:44. Umpires: o Loughiin and Connolly. Athletic l.oae Five to Foar. CLEVELAND. Bept 19.-Cleveland won from Philadelphia a to 4 today. .Rlandon, the Texas, league 'recruit, outpitching Mor gan. Lajole got three hit In three times at hat. each being a hard drive. Score:. CLEVELAND. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O. A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. Ilo'nhorat, 16 4 1 II 1 Lord, If 4 1 t 1 0 Callahan. If.. 4 11 i Oldrlnt. et... 10 10 0 Jaikaun, of... 4 1 i OColllna. 3b... 4 113 0 Lajola, lb..., I III Oliaksr, lb 4 0 0 1 1 r.aaieny, rt..l 110 tllavla. lb 4 III I I Turner, lb... I V V 4 0 Murphy, rf... I 10 0 0 Psrkenpa', aa 2 1 0 1 OBarry, aa I 10 4 1 Land, c I 0 4 1 OLtvlngston, cl 0 3 4 o Ulandln, p... I 10 4 uMorgan, p.... I 0 110 -Mclnnis .... 1100 Totals a I 17 II lLapp 1 0 0 0 u Totala It 0 34 II I Ratted for Livingston In ninth. Ratted for Moigan in ninth. Cleveland 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 -6 Philadephla 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 14 Two-base hits: Blandln, Lajole. Davis (5. Lord, Barry. Tnree-bane hit: Jackson, leases on balls: Off Rlandin. 1; off Mor gan, 2. Struck out: Uy- Rlandin, 2. Time: 1:38. Umpires: Perrlne and Dineen. Ghsrokees Ge t " Lack at the Sox Game at Plattsmouth Goes to Indians . by the Soore -otjl'ive --. - to One. V - .7 .' v .. . - y . ,-i PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Sept. 19.-( Spe cial.) The Cherokee Indians defeated the Plattsmouth Red Box t Plattsmouth by the score of 6 to 1, through bonehead play lng and errors by Plattsmouth. Southpaw Cdnnors pitched -the second game, ' but -this Indians got to him fo rten hits. Connors struck out nine men to Chouteau's three. The features of the game were the batting of Chouteau, Rumler, Van, Droege and McCauley, the fielding of Schemniel, Hulse Kolpln, Mason and Beal. Score: CIIEJROKSB INDIANS. PLATTiMOt'TH. AB.H.O. A .. AB.H.O. A.E Hulas, ss a o a i BmI, cf 4 110 0 Hobartson. lb I 1 I 1 0iirn... mm i l a i Kunilar, c... 4 14 4 iFltr'l4, 3b 4 0 10 Kuipin, id.... a 1 a a "McCaular, lb 4 111 I Van, lb I I I 1 Herald, lb-e.. 4 111 Gantry, cf.... I 110 0 paisraon, olb I 0 i I If.. 4 0 3 0 4 Maaon,- if..,. 3 V I 0 avhsmmsl, rf 4 0 I 0 1 Mann, rf 3 0 10 C'bouteau, p.. 4 I 1 I IK'onnors, p... 1 10 0 Totals I 10 17 II t Totsls 31 t XI II uiiei-okee l o o o z o i o o 0 Plattsmouth 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Two-base hits: McCaulev. Chouteau (21 Three-buae hit-r Robertson. SacrlLlee fly: Mann. Stolen bases: Gentry. Lenapah, ivrohKe, eai, jucuauiey, Peterson (2) Mason. Rase on balls: Off Chouteau. 3; off lonnors, .. struck out: Ry Chouteau. 3: by Connors, 9. Double plays: Hulse to van, i mine to Robinson to Kolpln. First Dase on errors: cnerokee, 4; Plattsmouth 1. Ift on baet: Cherokee, a; Piuttaniuuth a. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Read. t PIJ1KKS DRAW OCT BLANK Ranger Defeat Team Third Tim la Thia Fashion. The Rangers defeated the Updike for the third time with a shut out by the score of 3 to 0. Nelson had the Millers at his meicy, allowing but three ccattered hits and whiffing tnirteen. Raker was not far behind In the strike outs, getting nine, but was touched up pretty lively, the Rangers getting nine. Hadley and Langer weie the hitters, Langer setting three and Hadley two. Hadley's playing at short was pretty, he figuiiug In two out the three fast double piays pulled off by the Rangers. The Rangers have no game for next Sunday. Call Webster 2297 after 6 p. m. Score: L'PDIKES. RANGERS. AB.H.O A E. AB.H.O A E. Knas, rf 4 10 0 OSflir. 2b... I 1 I 1 Hwwtck. lb.. 4 0 I 0 OKJUon, lb.. I 0 1 I LlKla, aa ... 114 INHaon. s ... 4 10 10 (iroMmsn. lb 4 1 3 ll-ansar, at... 4 1110 Brscrofl, lb.. 4 1 o SHadlsr, ss... 4 3 I 0 Jobnaou. a.. I 1 10 0 lioarmu, lb I I 1 0 0 Murphy. If.. 41 ODurkla, rf... I 0 0 Mrgusde, cf I 0 I 0 OJaffiiaa, rf... I 0 0 0 1 Uvkar, p.... I 0 0 3 V H. Nat'm.lf4 10 0 0 A. Nyat'ni, I 0 11 1 Totala II 3 14 1 4 Totala 33 0 17 II I Updikes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 Rangers 201006 03 Two-base hits: Hadley, Beecroft. Stolen base. Ediaon t2), Hadley (2), Lissla. Hit by pitched ball: Nelson, 1; Raker. 1. Baa on balls; Off Nelson, 2; off Baker, t Struck out; Ry Baker, 9; by Nelson, 11. Double plays: Nystrom to Overman; Hadley to Sigler to Overman; Hadley to Overman Time: 1.10. ST. YVES HAS CLOSE (ALL. Flrat Motoreycla Raee Searlr Has Fatal Hesalt. PASSAIC. N. J.. Sept. 19-Henri St. ... lao Marathon runner, narrowly es caped death today in his first professional motorcvcle race at tha Clifion iti.iiinn His macnln collapsed when h waa riding OS miles am nuu, uu araggea nim tflv length of the grand aiand St. Yves was attempting to casa Carl Ruden. a veteran when lis miscalculated distances, scraped tne grand stand and snapped his cnain. 11 1 ji control of his hand. tiara, the rront wheel awerved and dished. Still clinging to the machine, St. Iea slid with it th length ot tha grand atana, aua waa pnaea up ror aad. in siead it turned nut that lie was only siitiiiico anil BH-cevcueo. Vanderbllt Horn- Win. PARIS. Sept. 19.-W. K. Vanderbllts Reini.ari at Lnngchampa today won the I'll i noyai oak. a a-year-old event, warm ili tko. at on mil and save furlenga . Jaek Clark Defeated. ' ' NHTW YORK, Sept. lt.Waak U Krasnar dsteated Jack Claix ef Australia ia str:.i, hosts In a on mil match race touay at tno vnusDurg cycle tia.k in Newark awramer a uui ws 7:U aad 1.31. Joe Lotz Cuts Must rd Down at Plattsmouth Omaha Semi-Profesiional Team Helpi River Playen to Victory in Tournament. llATTBMOUTH, Neb.. Bept, 19. (Spe cial. ) The last day of the base ball tourna ment brought out a crowd of over 750 peo fle. 100 rooters coming from Tabor, la., to ee Plattsmoutli win the deciding game, Plattsmouth and Tabor having each won two games. Tabor usvd T. Johnson of the Nebiaska City Mink league, one of the lead ing pitchers in that league, while Tlatts mouth had. Joe Lotx, Omaha's best seml professlonal pitcher, plattsmouth carried off the honors by winning the game, 3 to 0. It was a Jllcher a bsttla between Lotg and Johnaon, Lots striking out sixteen ymen to Johnson's nine. Loti old not allow a hit. while Johnson allowed but three, Peterson getting two. Score: I'LAVTHMUti'lH. TAHOH AB.H.O.A.K. AU.H.O.A B. Bsl. cf 4 0 1 0 0(1. Joh'a'n. lb 4 u 4 1 0 iroi. as... lid IK. Joh'a'n. cf 4 u u llag'rald, 2b ( 1 I UK'nd'b'fh, lb I 0 0 1 0 IW. 8huiir. c I 0 10 I V 1 IHall, Sb 3 0 3 1 u 0 OT. Jolin'a'n, p 3 0 i) 1 1 1 U. snuller, rl I 0 0 0 0 I VBarbour, of.. I 0 I 0 0 1 Hums. aa... I 0 1 I l Mcvauler, lb 4 0 Harulil, .... I o 14 l aiarasn, lb. ) a Maaon, II.... 4 o J tota p....... I u o bmuaail, rf. 1 0 0 eon nma, H.. 1 a Touia ...m in Pla; tHtnoutn ;, Tabor U 0 I Totala I 0 17 0 I 7 I .; 10000020 0-3 . .00000000 0 U Ud'unlav ami llerolii. Hui.a: Droege. Two-base hits: Peterson t2. Stolen bases: lroege (2), McCauley and ilerold. Sacrifice hit: Fitzgerald. Rases on bulls: Oft John son, t; off Lots, o. Struck out: Hy John sou, ; by Lots, Hi. First base on errors: Plattsmouth, 1; Tabor, 4, Left on bases: Plattsmouth, 1; Tabor, 2. Umplie: Fabtr f i ,nul. Time: 1:40. Union won third place by defeating Man- ley, 8 to 7. The features of the game were the batting of Keilhley. AlcKean, Graves. O Rrien, Krecklow and Fahnestock and ths fielding of , Bauer, McICean, Jenkins and Rockwell. Keithley gut a home run. Union used three pitcher and Manley two. The Plattsmouth Red Sox defeated the Cherokee Indians In a fast game, 6 to 4. Tha game was won , in the third Inning, when McCauley singled to center, soorlng two runs. Connors had eleven strikeouts and five assists, while Gentry had six strikeouts. Score; PLATTSMOUTH. CHEROKEE INDIANS. AB.H.O.A.B in u m i L- tlal, cf. ft tin oil ul. . i i' i i Dmes. ss. .. 4 I 0 4 OHobertstin ,lb 4 1110 flttewsla, lb I t g lltumlar, cf... 4 0 1 0 v, lb 4 114 1, 2b... 4 14 0 1 Hcruld, c.... 4 0 10 4 OVan, lb I 0 I 0 V Pettraon, lb. I 1 1 3 lLaaapah, If.. 4 0 0 0 0 Maaon. If... 4 110 li'hbuieau, c 4. 0 t 1 0 Mann, rf.... 4 10 6 OSoancar. rf a l l a i Conrors, p.. 10 0 1 ousniry, p. ... 1 0 1 I 1 Totsls S3 10 17 is a Tni.i. i, a ii a Cherokee Indians ... 1 o o 0 0 1 0 1 14 Plattsmouth 1 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 -( lWO-base hits: Mnnon anri MiiIba Ktnlan bases:-Hulse, Robertson, Lenapall, Droege, iioiiiiii, mci Buiey ana Connors. Sacritice hits: Van. FiUiKerald. Rases nn hulls! (iff Connors,,!; of Gentry, 3. Struck out: Ry Connors, 11; by Gentry, 6. Double play: nuise to van. Hit by pitched ball: Ry Con nors, 1. First bsse on errors: Cherokee In dians, 4; Plattsmouth, 3. Left on bases: Cnerbkee Indians, 4; Plattsmouth. 7. Um pire: uarney RardwehY Scorer: qross. Time: 1:30. ' ; ? ... - - King.e'' is v .Realfor Work Cornhusker ! root Ball Coach Will Find Promising Bunch of Play ers to Greet Him. LINCOLN, Neb.,-Sept.' 19. (Special Tele gram. ):-;oach "King" Cole will arrive in Lincoln early Tuesday morning after spend ing three months on his ranch in Montana. Cole writes that he is in the best of health, and anxious to take up the work. Hun dreds of students have arrived in Lincoln to be present for the opening day of regis tration. Foot ball men are among the first to arrive and It is estimated that fifty men will ask for suits on the opening practice. Manager Eager is Jubilant over the out come. The return of Wolcott was assured Monday when tha husky guard arrived and announced his Intention of registering. In dications point to an exceptional freshmen team and already several promising first year men have asked for suits. Eager has a big force at work on the athletic grounds constructing the bleachers and mowing the weeds. 1IOLLVS VANO.I 1H AMERICANS Good Game la Won by Former, with Score of at to S. The Hollya won from their old rivals, the Americans, by the score or to 4 at Vinton street paik yesterday. The game was fast and snappy, except tor one bad Inning. The tioilys went alter tne game rrom the start, securing one run in the second and fifth each, knocked Broadbeck out of tho box In the sixth and pushed six men across the plate. Adams succeeded and pitched good ball. ItlL'Key or tne iiouys was rather wild, but pulled out of some bad holes. The Americans secured their runs In the sev enth. A hit, a walk and a couple of well placed bunta did the work, but the Holly settled down in time to save the game. Falconer a throw from deep center, catch ing a man at third, and the playing of Rapp at second were the features. Qlbson, the former Holly catcher, caught a good game. Score: AMERICANS. HOLLYS. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O A I Danny, rf. .. 4 0 0 0 OFslronar. cf. 4 1 1 1 0 W Hartan, c 4 1 Hupp, lb I 0 Stiarsr, lb... I I Traiy. If 4 0 A. Har.tan. rf I l a 1 1J Kelly, 3b. 3 1110 I I ", 2b. 4 0 4 I 1 1 0 OGIhaon, c . I 1 0 1 1 OOP. Kelly, lb. 4 0 10 0 1 0 OErickaon. If.. I 3 I 0 0 1 0 OStacb. rf I 0 0 0 0 3 1 IM'And'wa. at I 1 1 I 0 4 1 H.ckay. p... 4 10 11 000 Denlaon, lb.. 4 0 Snilih, as.... a 2 Broad back, p I 0 Adania. p.... 1 0 Totals 10 I 17 10 Tata la It 711 I i p. Kelly out, bunted last strike. Hollya 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 8 Americans 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 o Two-base bits: Hickey, Smith. Sacrifice hits: MrAndrtws. W. Hachten. Hit by pitched ball: W. Hachten, Tracy, tiioson, Stech (2). Rases on balls: Off Hickey. 7; off Broadbeck, 0. Struck out: Ry Hickey, I; by Rruadbeck, 3; by Adams, 3. Umpire: Hawkjna. HILL MERCHANTS BEAT (IBS Walnat Men ltv Farcical Victory Over Connrll Hlaffa Nine. Tha Walnut Hill Merchant beat the Council Bluffs Cubs Sunday by the score of It to 3. Tha gam was witnout any featuras, except the Merchants' batting. The Merchants want to play the White City team next Sunday for a good purse. Score: Merchants 4 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 10-l:t Cubs 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Latteries: Merchants. Burns ar.d Gillespie; Cuba, Payne and itinera. Rambler Getting; Chesty. Th Whit City Ramhlrra defeated the Swift Prtdts Sunday at Fort Omaha in a fast game by the ac-or of 7 to I. Tli fea- i turen of - th game were ins all around playing of the White City and the base lunuing of Probst of the Whit City. Th White City cleiin to be cham pions rf th statea of Nebraska and Iowa t th average age of 13 playing tweniy flva game aad winning twenty-four. Th Whit Cltys will piay th Walnut Hill ll.rali. ,1. . A ftondav' at Fart nmiha Tha arm: .... R HE I W. C. R ...... 1 O 0 0 0 0 7 lu 2 ! Swift Pride.:.. 0 W 1 0 0 0 1 1 0-3 J J ; Oat'erie: Karbouskl and Hollander;! Islaiigl and Vanoua. Umpire: liruwu. i COLONELS ARE SHUT OUT Liebhardt Denies Visitors a Single Run Durin? Game. SENATORS SECURE TWO SCORES Hit and K.rrors Are Responsible for Hans Made by Coin mhos One Tno-Baas lilt and Tea Mrlkeoa. COLUMBUS, Sept. 19 Liebhardt shut out Louisville today, 2 to 0. Rlchter pitched excellent ball as well, but a hit and an error In the first and fifth Innings allowed a run to score. Score: OiLl'MlH', LOII8V1L1.K AB.H.O A S. AB.H.O. A.E. Perrlnf. aa. . . 3 I 0 I OMrara. lb... 4 0 10 1 0 Hlnrhm'n. 114 1 10 Cltohlnson. as 4 1 1 1 1 Congalton, rf 1 1 0 0 nsnnirj, rf... 1 0 I 0 0 O'ftourfca. ib.ll 1 I IDi.vlr. lb 4 1 0 1 1 rMwell, lh...S A 0 I'K'iilth. If 4 I 1 A 0 Writtn, lb.. 1 Oil OAllen. r 4 1430 HcllU. cf.... 4 0 4 0 dPIrbarins. rf. I 1 V 0 Arbonaat, c. . 1 0 7 0 IMl-. lb. .. 4 0 13 0 Llalliaritt, p. 1 1 0 I iKIrhtcr. p .. I 0 14 1 Totala ft 27 I 1 Tolala II I 24 1.1 4 Coiumhus 10001000 a Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-baae hit: Congnlton. Struck out: Ry Liebhardt, 7; hy hlchter, 3. Rases on balls: Off Liebhardt, 2; off Rlchter, 2. Time: Umpires: Hayes and Chill. Indlnnanoll 4Vlna Auln. INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 19.-Indianapolis made It two straight from Toledo, win ning 3 to o. score : INDIANAPflLl.-. TOLEDO. AB.H.O. A. It. AU.H.O.A K. O'Day. cf 0(0 OHallman. rf .l Ills w.uiama, lb. 10 5 1 uHrchman, lb 1 1 4 1 0 Krane, rf 4 1 0 0 fi Krsenian, lb. I lilt M rr, lb 1110 (illlikman. If.. 4 110 0 K-nilull. If... 10 10 Vllurnn. cf I 1 0 0 II Kcrna, c I 0 4 1 (IHutler, 4 1 1 V CofleY, aa..., 1 1 1 1 OF.lwert. 3b... I 0 111 Murch, 3b. Mera, p... . 1 0 1 2 Ii Hartley, r... 3 1 ft 0 0 .1111 Ollaikctle, p .. 1 0 ft 1 0 Jmnea, p 0 0 0 1 a 29 6 27 12 U-Zllir. 1 V 0 0 0 Totsls. Toudi it 7 34 11 1 Rutted for Raskette in eighth. Indianapolis 01200000 3 Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-biise hit: Hlnchnian. Three-ba hit: Keenc Struck out: Ry Raskette, n; hy Mers. 3. Stolen base: Coffey, lilt by pltcned hall: Murch. Rase on balls: Off Men, 2. Hits: Off Uaskctte, 6 in seven innings; off James, none in one inning. Sacrifice hits: O'Day, Williams, Kendall, Hlnchnian, Burns, lime: l:ib. Umpires: weauige anu Owens. EASTERN CLUBS OBJECT TO SECOND GOLF ASSOCIATION Movement to Form Another National Organisation la .Not En coarased. BOSTON, Sept. 19. The movement among some of the western and northwestern golf clubs to withdraw from the United Slates Qolf association is receiving very little en couragement among the eastern clubs, ac cording to announcement made here today. A circular letter outlining the objects ot the proposed organixation was recently mailed to all the golf clubs in the country, but the eastern clubs at least have not re plied to it, while the officials of the United States Golf association, now in charge of the game, refuse to comment on it, W. C. Fownes of the Oakmont Country club, Pittsburg, and uncle of the now amateur champion, said today: "It Is a move by some of the western kickers that has no reason back of it. There is no room for a second national association." Before closing the amateur championship at tha Country club the officials of the Colled States association accepted the re port ot the special committee, on a set of rules to govern , bogey competitions. These rules will b presented to the annual meet ing of tho association, which has been called for at Chicago on January 11, 19R. The Skokle Country club ot Chicago has been made an active member of the as sociation, and the Nashville Golf and Coun try, club an allied member. ATTEI.L AND WOLGAST MATCHED Jimmy Griffin Announces the Two Will Get Together In October. SAN r'RANCISCO, Sept. 19. Jimmy Griffin, Manager of the Broadway Athletic club, announced tonight that he had matched Abe Attell and Ad Wolgast to fight twtnty rounds here on the night of October 31. Uilffin stated that a referee would de cide the contest and that if there was any Interference on the part of the authorities he would be prepared to meet It. Attell ,s at present In Milwaukee and Wolgast is at his home in Cudlllac, Mien. Arrangements for the match were made by wire. WORLD'S RIDCOltD BASE HTEALEH William N. Zimmerman of Ctlea Club Holds Record. UT1CA, N. Y., Sept. 19 What is believed to be a world's record for stolen bases dur ing the last nineteen years was made by William N. Zimmerman, the Utlca right fielder, who atole 107 bases In l:tfi games. He finished the season with a batting aver age of ':. Zimmerman has been drafted by the Atlanta (Ua.) club. Rifle Practice la Schools. WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 Attempts are being made by the national board for the piomollon of rifle practice to have clubs organized in the public schools for rifle practice. Circulars are being sent to public school boards throughout the country sug gesting the organisation. Pennant to Wllkeabarre. ALBANY. N. Y., Sept. 19. The 1910 season of the New York -state league closed today with games at Albany and Utlca, the other olubs having concluded their schedule yesterday. For the second consecutive time the pennant goes to Wllkeabarre, Pa. Vanderbllt'a Laulrre Win. PARIS, Sept. 19. The Prix de la Marche, for 2-year-olds, IV 0. distance seven and a half furlongs, was run at St. Cloud today and won by W. K; Vanderbllt'a Laplere. In tho Prix des Chantepcen. a selling race for 30e, distance ten furlongs. Mr. Vander bilt's Sampietre, finished third. Merchant Killed by Aotomohlle. WATBHTOWN. S. D., Se.pL 19. Christ of Vienna, a hardware merchant, was discovered dead under his automobile near here this morning. It is supposed he attempted to tllmb a strep hill and when near tha top the motor stopped and the automobile barked up, going into the ditch and overturning. the high i ainw i Pure Rye, and its enormous sale, have A Irs ne th ii r., J.v;n ! 1 i i m . I t J uioimcio ju WiC wona. xoc in a V) if given terntpry.mind you; butof the whole world. k!ll At First j sviinaMaiax . V hVA!, HMWavJf. LSfclnf . ,1 Farrclls Defeat btorz Triumphs Syrup Makers Win, 6 to 2, Through Probst's Good Pitching Sunday. The Htnrg Triumphs with their noted twirler, Joe Lots, In the box were humbled by the champion Farrella yesterday before a big crowd at Vinton Street park. The core was to 3. Probst' twirling shone brightly In a game that proved a disappointment In the field ing line. The little fellow was In great form, the Triumphs solving his twisters for but one tingle, that of Hall n In the opening Inning. Lots, an ex-Farrell twirler, developed a streak of wildness la the sixth and a spec tacular steal ot. home hy Dick Kennedy, and an error by.. Mclesn on Atkin s hard drive clinched, the contest for the syrup makers. From this Junctuia.. Trobst' work bordered on the sensational, he retiring the Triumphs In order during the last half of the game. As In former games, the Triumphs began by scoring In the first. Hall hit safely, was advanced on Durkee's sacrifice and went to thiid on an out. Drummy was hit on the arm and essayed a successful double steal with Hail, which netted the first tally. McLean whiffed. Lots betsan strong In the first two In nings. In the third the Farrella evened the count. With one down, Atkins pulled a safety to right. Erickson whiffed, and on a hit-and-run play. Croft singled to right, Atkins reaching the platter on some fast foot work, aided by a momentary fumble by B. Coe. In the next round the syrup makers took the lead, humping Lotx' offer ings for two more runs on Kennedy's single, Woodruff's double and a sacrifice fly by Timer. The Triumphs made a bid in their half of the fifth when they scored on three successive miscues. Lotx suddenly became wild In the Farrell's half of the sixth and planted the ball in the back of Ken nedy, Theur and Probst in rapid succession, filling the bases. Kennedy stole home while Lota waa 'attempting to regain his steadi ness. This play totally unnerved the Storz team and Atkins' hard drive to Mclean resulted in a series of wild heaves which netted two more. After that both teams were set down In easy fashion. The score: TRIUMPHS. KARRKLLS. .AB.H.O.A.B.: . AB.H.O.A.B. Hall. lb.... llli vAdklna, lb.. 41010 Durkea. lb.. I I 1 Onnrkion, If.. 6 0 1 0 0 C. Cos, c... 4 0 14 0 OtYofI, cf 4 I 0 0 1 Prummy, lb 3 0 I 1 yultler. lb.. 4 0 13 0 0 McLean, aa. . 4 0,1 1 IKarnedy, 2b 4 1 1 4 0 F. 4 1 1 OWood'ff. ss.. 4 1111 Ii. loe. rf.. 4 0 0 1 0 Kannadr. c 1 0 10 3 0 rot. If I 0 0 1 OThlars, rf.... 110 0 0 Lola, p 10 0 1 OPiob-t. p.... I 1 0 0 Totsls 1 1 27 II 4 Totsls 3! 1 27 17 4 Farrells 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 fi Triumphs 10001000 02 Two-base hits: Woodruff, Croft. Struck out: Ry Probst, S; by Lotx, 12. Hit by pitched ball. By Lotg, 4; by Probst, 3. Sac rifice hits: guigley, Durkeo (2). Stolen bases: F. Quigley (2). Drummy, Croft. Um pire: Phllbln. Lexington Racea Postponed. LEXINGTON, Ky., Sept. 19 Rec.iuse of heavy rain which flooded the track, the opening of the fall racing season In the west, scheduled for today, was postponed until tomorrow. Attell Not Matched with Wolgast. MILWAUKEE, Sept. 19.-Abe Attell. who ia in Milwaukee, denies having been matched to fight Ad Wolgast, lightweight champion, at San Francisco on October 31. Cobs They They're They sacrifice looks to quality. Whether you're a "fan" or not. you will like Cobs, the most popular cigars in America. 9 for 15c Cheap in price, crude in looks, but their taste will lurpme you. Buy Cobs (you will know them by the green package) and test Cobs. Smoking is believing. You'll join the Cobs club and have your friends join, too. Really, it is worth your while to now Cobs. nowl Don t permit substitution ot imita tions There's nothing "just the same." Cob, an Beparataly wrapped to retain thaar . stisiaal Irnhneaa and lo avoid breaking. Invest in a "Vest-Pocket Edition" of Cob. Sc for packet of 3. I. LEWIS CIGAR MFC. CO.. Makera. ia Iarat inaependent Cigar r sctory in lllll!l!IH!li:rillilllllHHI!illlllllli!!lllllll!!lll ALLIEN BROS. F rom the beginning: we have particularly to family trade, on account of medicinal qualities of this whiskey. The wonderful nutritious values nf rirLV Bottled in Bond100 Proof Class Clubs' Bars and Cafe'i ASK FOR IT Clarke Bros, & Company, Drnnt i n w-k.v ."""T dlatllLra la th world iaaaaaiaks low i Begins Practice Today Officials and Coaches Outline Plant for the Fall Foot Ball Campaign. IOWA CITY, la., Sept. 19. (Speclai.) What the student body at the State Uni versity of Iowa believes to be the nucleus of a new movement here In athletics, and what la considered by thou directly Inter ested in the foot ball prospects of the sea son to be the pre-eminent factor In certain success on the gridiron In 1910 was the ar rival of the team of coaches last night In the persona of Manager Kellogg, who will nave complete charge of athletics, and Coach 1 In why. who will run the foot bail team. The policy of the gridiron managers as outlined Sunday afternoon at a meet ing of representative officials and extended plans aired for the next three months' work. Roost la the word which character ized the entire meeting, and everyone want away feeling that a rejuvenation of spoils was surely due at the state university this lull. Coach Hdwley'a first impression upon the members of the team was a fiind one. He Is admired for his vim and push and everyone feels certain that he will bring good things to pass. He spoke briefly of the new rules and urged a new policy with regard to getting men onto the field. "It's an official's game this year," said Hawley, in speaking of the new movement in foot ball. "They are the fellows who will have the trouble above all others this season. 'The forward pass will cause them the greatest difficulty, and their docisious certainly will be confuting to the spec tators when they come to penalize a team." ('oath Hawley spoke a good word for the new Idea of three lines ot defense, and contemplates experimenting Immediately with thia plan. With the Morningside game only ten days distant, practice starts Tuesday on Iowa field. What the number of men In the squad will be nobody knows, but It Is car tain That enthusiasm Is running high and a good bunch la looked for. Iowa, Is going after Northwestern hard this year' and will fight -the whole season to get In shape for the Missouri game. Little trouble is con templated with the Drake aggregation this year, but the strength of Washington uni versity at St. Louis and the Iowa Agri cultural college Is yet unknown. Four Men Killed; Orders Withheld Operator on Ohio & Iron Mountain Road Fails to Transmit Them to Men. CAIRO. Ill,, Sept. 19. Four men wera killed and two injured in a head-on cll llsion between Mobile & Ohio and Iron Mountain freight trains seven miles uorth of here, near Reach Ridge, III., this morn ing. The dead: CLAUDE ROLLINS, engineer of Mobile & Ohio. A. CROSSNER, fireman of Mobile & Ohio. W E. STEVENSON, brakeman Mobile & Ohio. i- in i .-. "i -!'. ' .:,) " - !n!iiiiiiiitiiii!i:iimi !HHilll!PIfH arwsrvsk ill a'i r have made a hit. are the nine that win. diamonds in the rouqh. Get a package NEWARK, N. J. th world IlilHi CO., Distributers catered made . S Distiueri t v ; ; I : ; i 4