TTTE BEE: OMATIA". MONDAY. SP'lTrnER 19, 1010. f n wS ep 1000 : 11 ii Want - Ads Want ads received at any time, bat to insert proper clnsaltlcatlon be presented before IS o'clock (or the rtrnlnic edition maA ,b't'!Z Ti3 o'clock at wrrvlone , morulas aad Knuilar edlttoa. ' ada received after sock t't their rirat Ineertlon ara.tat "Too Lata t- ClaaaUr- Rate, applr f elt.rr TM aadar Bee. Almn wr to a Una, CASH It ATM roil WWT-A?,A. HEGILAH Ct-ASSiriCATIOIf " Insertion, 1-8 cent, per ' rt.t per word (or laacrtlna. aeh lnerlesv " RO dd days.'l 1-8 rents per prr 11a ver month. Want ada (or Tke Bee- J at anr of the following; r" ,,, ey ae la oor "corner Bee are all lraach office I ' " aad yoor ad will be er,e'1 ' " promixlr aad oa the earn ",.,, the ...-.In office I. Vmm Be- b"". Seventeenth aad Farnnne streeie Albach, W..C. 40th and Farnam. Beianek, 8. A.. 1102 8. ISth -Peyton Pharmacy. J20 8. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, 1Nd. ,,,, Hernia Park Pharmacy. S'd n'u Blake-Bradinh. 216 Shernian A ve. Caughllt.. C. R.. 4th "id fierce Clifton Hill Pharmacy. Fa Htnterlong Drug Co.. Oat Ave. and r nam Bt. , v. Olpsey Pharmacr. 84th ann Lake. Cconey Pharmacy. 2223 8. .Win St. Cermack. Emll, 1264-6 8. lh ,t Ehler. P. H., 3803 Leavenwort n. Fonter & Arnoldl. 21S N. ', 8fc Fr.ytag. J. J., Mil N. 24 th Kregger Drug Co.. 130J N. Wth St Florence Drug Co. Florence. dQ Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and r" Gre.noufrh. O. A.. 106 8. 10th St Greenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. William, 2920 Farnana su ) lanacom Park Pharmacy. laOi B. 29tn Holat, John. 824 N. lth St. Huff. A. 1. 2924 Leavenworth 6 t . Johonaon Drug Co.. 34th and Spalding. King. H. 8. 2231 I Fai nam St Kountae Place Pharmacy, fX,- "l Mares. Fred U. 20W Cantral . BW Vairlck Drur Co.. 1624 N. 24th Bt Lathrop. Chailea fc.. 1S24 N. 24th tn i:ni.imi,n Pharmacy. 24th nd u Leaven- orth Kta. ' . - haiato(sa Drug Co.. 24th and Amet AVi. Mi haefi-r'a Cut Price Drug Store. lth ana Chicago Sta. Schaefer. Aug., 2631 N. llh. Kchmldt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DUATJI AND FUNERAL NOTICES MARTIN-Wllllam Wlsner: son of Mrs. Marie iMarUn. at Be levue, Neby bept. 17 Funeral from th residence Monday at I p. m. interment, Bellevue. ANNOUNCEMENTS' J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,; eiiibalmers. 181 Chicago. D. 1659, B-NWI. SAVE YOUR ; , EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., 209.211 So. 16th St., 17 YEARS IN OMAHA Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted t Civil Knar., paving, sewer ). 1. ViiWtk ,,t0, Hrandels The ater D. t-W.' Ifi IW Art Store moved to 216 8. 1Mb; ivVJOXJ we (t0 yuur framing at naif price; WE CARRY A full line wt art goods. FOR RENT Office room. 623, located on top floor, facing court, 47v square feet. In cluding vault; rents lur - iwr muuiu. lilE BEE BU1LD1NU COMPANl. t,.n DflTIIPUV Schllts No. 2. Full EsU UUiUU"! lino of liquors and iluais Cafe In connection. Ill a. 14th bt CONCESSIONS The Friend Coursing club Is celling street conce!iuns for the dog races to be held October 44. Two na tW I stakes 44.000 In purses large crowda. Co. -union men, come aim kci ine iiiuney a.. Auu ll 1 Kchmldt l'rlfnfi. Neb. AUI.I vmo . I- Vi i ii V' Lliiuor House, full measure mid pure goods, our motto. Emll liaiikcrC'Pl'op., 1223 Chicago Bt B. F. Wurn, Optician, 44S Brandels Bldg WANTED Good, clean, up-to-date con tensions, shows and percentage attractions for the big race meet ana carnival at Mlnden. Neb.. October 4 to 7. 1910. No gambling devices or immoral attractions will be tolerated. Write Val Jensen, set-te- tary. MONEY to loan on eastern Nebraska farina at 5 per cent. L. J. Healey, sol N. V. L. BMg , Omaha, Neb. PRACTICAL nursing. 608 N. Slut. D. 6769. ICE FOR SALE We can furnish good, clean Ice In car load lota, f. o. b. Omaha. Call bhackleford t Dickey tor prica. Douglas 279. r- I'MHHL'LLAS recovered and repaired: every kind of repairs. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO.. 1S22 Farnam. Red 7471. PAIMXHt Milliner, SJ21 Seward St. Tel. Harney 20ut. .. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas senger. J. R. KenueUy. 104 S. lilli. D. 2. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire r euce Cheaper Than Wood. Laata a Lifetime. 20i N. 17th t Phone. Red 111. OLIVER ' A.' HALL. ARCHITECT, announces removal of his oftlce to art City National Bank Blag. Phone Doug. 129L r yy - TT-tT r ""O LOAN LOW MONEY 'fhone Doug. tMi. UNION LOAN CO. FRANK BARKER. AL. BARKER. UKO. HAKKKK, JR. JOS. BARKUC BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., ltt FARNAM ST. BOTH PHONES. Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes, while lead. Keystone, glass. mirrors, brushes, brass polishes, lubricating oils, wall paper aod window shades, glazing and framing. 1 OLGUA8 Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa let, ; ; rrTTT- KObCrtSOn'B lieStaurant ijVhr 16th St.. (basement); eaol, light, saultary, quirk teiviue, popular prices. For ladies and gen Uvmen. Table d'hote dinner Sunday. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklna, Ui &. Uih. upstairs. Bl?flATKM ln waichea. Jewelry, eta. -VJ.VUlVJ.i0 Krtedmaue Loan Bank, kuuth 11th St, cor. Douglas, Tel. D. 6135. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) B. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. 1768. 1311 Farnam. DAVID COLE Creamry Co. LYNCii BROS. yl$n&ASD REPAIR WORKS. l"l Jackson St. D. 1477. MAGOARD Van Storage. Pack, move, etor and ahip H. H. Goods. D. 14. U-242S. MONEY to loan on eaatern Nnhraska farma at Dcr cent. L.. J. HEALEY, 801 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FL'RNITVRU CO., Twenty-fourth arid U Streets, South Omaha. GOOD MERCHANTo' LUNCH. K fV A. JETES. IMi Douglaa 8t u WX. I 1 Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D3813. ILEll GIIAND HOTEL Finest In the west. 16th and Howard Sta. Turkish Batbj t.rnl1 Kfi and supplies; largest stock. rvA71IVO AMATEUR F1NISHINO. Best work. DEMPSTER, 1215 Farnam 8t AUTOMOBILES Run Your Auto Into a Telegraph PostT Bump against a street car; smash up your auto "All repairing and Painting at no-klck prices." DRUMMOND MTH AND HARNEY STREETS. 500 OFF ON A STANLEY STEAMER . IN GOOD CONDITION 2050 FARNAM STREET. CALL DOUGLAS 4226. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASES and CASTINQS promptly repaired. ALL WORK QUARANTEKD. BKKTSCHY MUTUK tUUfAIIIi . Council Bluffs. Is. TYPE "D" 1907 FIVE-PASSENGER four- cylinder Franklin touring car: coat, . new, 12.800 without toD and windshield.- which aPe now included, or glass front; will trade for city property or western land, loll NEW YORK L1FJS BU1LU1NU, 66-HORSEPOWER automobile; going abroad. Address E 73, Bee. owner AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead storage. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Works. 2&th and Leavenworth. BARGAINS in Used Cars Council Bluffs Auto Co., 610 Pearl. Auto Rpin1rinir MoBt complete plant AUl X;ptllllU5 ,n theweBt. Diamond Tires. 2d-hand cars, storage. The Paxton Mitchell Co., 2010-16 Harney. D. 7281; A-2011. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Frederickaon Auto Co.. Omaha. Auto Painting g? did it- ANDREW MURPHT SON. 1412 Jackson. Motors rclea. Wtm to for list of used motorcycles, ttiliw w, carry fuli nne cf motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel D. 3367 Sales Manager Wanted SALARY tlOO TO 1123 MONTHLY. THE SALE OF OUR PRODUCT FOR which there Is general demand among merchants, farmers, schools, etc., now greatly Increased by state laws recently passed and other conditions, necessitates opening a distributing office In unoccupied territory. We desire resident sales man ager, well acquainted, of good character. who can superlntendt sales, deliveries, ad vertising, collections, etct, with 300 to f00 to carry enough atock to nil orders. Malary lino to $125 monthly; extra commissions: office and other authorised expenses; no canvassing; position permanent. Address F. It. Jahn, Mgr., Suite 614 First Nations Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. LARUE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount or stock lor sale. DIVIDENDS Agents wanted. Casady Co.. Fiscal Agents. S. W. Corner 14th and Douglas. Omaha. Tel. Doug. WJO. i FOR SALE A well established hardware rana iravment Dusiness, sales tor 1900 si most 150.000; expenses very light; located In one of the best amall towns In Ne- crasKa; win sen or iraae tor western land good reason for selling. Address Y 212, Bee FOR SALE Confectionery, cigars, news stand and light grocery: a bargain; party leaving city. ian io turning bt. 1 wapii a rename man with isoo aa man. ager for a business that will pay him from .ruD to tl.OuO net each month. Your monev Is absolutely secured. See me Sunday or Mommy at aiercnani a notei. o. C. Melton Room 6. I WANT A LIVF, MAN to loin ma In n enterprise that will make us both rich In side of five years If he will devote hla whole time to the matter and work aa hard aa I will. He must have VSOO to IToO to Invest. The business Is straight profitable. In volving no risk beyond time and expenses anil should begin giving big returns inside of two or three weeks after starting. Ad dress P. 121. Bee. e REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE busi ness for sale; old establish firm; property for aale In all parts of the city; large num. ber of buyera and live deals on hand to sisrt with. For sale cheap. Might trade Address A. 124, Bee. I HAVE money making proposition for right party to Invest liOO to 7u0 and takt active part, either aa Inside or outalde man: will guarantee over 840 a weeek. Ad dress 8. 122. Bee. FOR BALE Harness shop and tools and ' lesse on complete machine stock ari tools: i will Invoice about $4.700. can red,,,-, ,WeJ, to 31.5001 Located In one of the bvst county sst towns in Nebraska; population abo-u 2.6O0; last year s buainnsa rales were 11,200, only shop in town. Machinery Is run by gasoline engine; will sell ressonable. Kunce A Grayblll, David City, Neb. FOR SALE An old established bakery. 1419 N. 24th St.; must be sold at oace. with or without fixtures. BUSINESS CHANCES iionUnue.. LET me Incorporste your bulnes; good ones easily obtain monty selling their shares; am helping othera. why not you 7 proofs, what haa been done. Promoter, I0 Faxton block. O. D. C. COPIMNOTiiN, 23) Board of Trade Bldg., business chanies, loans In surance and real estate. HAVE fme location In Council Bluffs for second-hand store, hardware or general store, barber shop or shoe store, clothing, pool room or retail business. F. V. Kniest, d42 Bee Bldg., Omaha. FOR RENT Office room, 622, large room on ftftli floor. N. W. corner of building, especially fitted for architect There Is 4iJ square feet In this spare; 40 per month. THE BEE BUID1NQ COMPANY. CASADY Co., real estate loana and Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. Quick returns. S. W. corner 14th and Douglas. Tel Doug. 16J0. A GOOD shoe shop for sale In Nebraska. County seat town. Address Bee, Y Jtui). Ladiea' and gents' shin parlors. 220 S. lMh FOR SALE. Small Quantity stock of incorporation paying high annual dividend. Address, V 11, Bee. UNUSUAL opportunity to get In a paying business, only S200. Investigate this. 21s Brandels Theater Bldg. Hoomlna- Houses for Sale. 22 ROOMS, modern, close-In, full of roomers. 1622-24 Burt. FURNISHED flat f seven rooms for sale cheap for cash. 717 South llh St SNAP If taken at once, modern l-roora home, close in, furniture new. Terms to suit buyer. Douglas 2463. ROOMING houses for sale, S to 12 rooms; prices from 1300 to 1600. Tel. Red 1369. 12 ROOMS, modem. fine location for bargain If taken boarding; cheap rent; soon. 1617 Cass St. NICRI.Y furnished modern 8-room house; , full of roomers; will sell cheap if bought at once; parties leaving city, Burt ROOMING-HOUSE: full of roomers. 1017 8. 11th st 14 ROOMS: modern: rent. 140: water paid. t-none Red 7235. TWO flats. 10 rooms each, close in. bar gain. Apply 715 North 17th Bt TWELVE-ROOM modern flat full of roomers: fine location: age reason for sell Ing; walking distance. Bargain if taken soon. Red 7808. ELEGANTLY furnished rooming house. best location; close in. 115 N. 20th St A FIRST CLASS elegantly furnished rooming house doing a large business. Best location in the city, lor particulars telephone Douglas 3986. TEN ROOMS, strictly modern, best loca tlon, full of roomers. Douglas 5318. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROl. 1605 Fajnam8tDouglas6487. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY.. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone, factory. S. 801; office phone. W. 2930. OLD ROOFS "(Tleds Slate. Tile, gravel. Bchroeder-Hum- phrey Roofing Co.. atf Paxtoo Bla. Tel D. 6023. USB BEAVER BOARD in Place of lath and plaster: American Supply Co., 1112 farnam. DANCING M v a o j-'sa ij viua) iiiwi, iMi.ii vs ney. heaBonu Mon. and Frl., 8 p. m, Pbont Doug. kh4. jrTivat lessona a any. DENTISTS BAILEY MACK, d floot, Paxton. D. 1036. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age, Ine bonded. 428- Paxton blk. D. 1319; lnd. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS MISS 8TURDT. (21 S. 24th 8t. Tel. Doug. T114. EDUCATIONAL Y. M. C A. GYMNASIUM CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 19TH 11 FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE now open In the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Business Course Including bank ing. Complete Shorthand aad Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Year Book Is ready. Apply for It. H. B. BOYLES. Pres., Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. ST. ANDREW'S school for boys, 41st and Charles. Fall term, September 14, Rev. F. D. Tyner. 3848 Charles. H. 2383. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA- ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. FALL TERM-FOURTEEN WEEK8. FRENCH. GKRMAN. LITERATURE1. PSYCHOLOGY. ORATORY. ENQL1SH GRAMMAR. SHORTHAND. HOME NURSING. CLASHES BEGIN OTTOBKR 11. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white akin. By mall 60c and 1100 Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. "vid'UM CLEANERS rented. Tel. Web ster 2771. CtWai-ir HAIRDRES8INO PARLORS Take Martnelio manages for a good complexion. 6ul Paxton Blk. D. 41,1 TRY Magic Roach powder. Douglas. 13T. CHINA and water color studies for rant. 818 City Nat l Bank. 'Phone D. " FLORISTS HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAHUE, 1807 Far. D. 1001; A-10U1. L. Henderson. 1511 Farnam. Doug. 1251. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000 BRANDEIS Cut Flower Dept.: new store; new shop at left of Foyer In theater Bldg. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-1208 Douglas St.. both 'Phones. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Agents mm Salesladies. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Raphael Pred Co.. 13th and Farnam. WANTED Experienced saleswoman in women's neckwear and hosiery depart ments. Apply superintendent Brandels Stores: WANTED Experienced saleswomen In silverware, combs and leather goods de partments. Apply superintendent, Brandels Stores. Clerical and Office. WANTED Girls to wait on tables. Apply Sweetland, Brandies Stores. Factory as Trades. WANTED Girls to work in shoe factory. Apply F. P. Klrkendall St Co., 11th and Harney Sta. WANTED 15 Experienced Dressmakers. Also: ; 10 Girls for Plain Sewing. Good Salaries. Phone Red 3927 or A3927. Housekeepers as4 Domestic. WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wages paia. xei. j-foug. nil. WANTED Experienced dining room glrL 120 per month; board and room. Sanford Hotel, 19th and Farnmm Sta. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. 3229 ttarney Bt GIRL for general housework. 8019 Paolflo St. Telephone Harney 8631. GIRL for general housework. Til S. 17th Ave. , J a WOMEN to do washing and Ironing on Tuesday. 'Phone Harney 2078. WANTED Two girls, competent cook and maid: sisters preferred, good wages, small rami I y. Apply Rlcharoson Drug uo. GIRL for second work. Mrs. J. A. Sun derland. 1029 S. 29th St. WANTED Girl for housework, small family. Apply 829 Pine St. Doug". 1044. LAUNDRESS wanted for Monday. Wm. Moncrleff. Tel. Harney 4420. Mrs. WANTED Girl about 15 to help with housework and care of child. 4224 Doug las St GIRL for general housework, must go home nights. Address Mrs. J. Gordon, 843 S. 22d St GIRL to do dining room work, experience necessary. 2214 Douglas st COMPETENT colored woman, wages. 16.00 per week. 20a 8. 13th, upstairs. GIRL for general housework. Dox, 4924 Chicago St Mrs. W. H GIRL for general housework at 2912 8, 24th St Three in family. Tel Red 8jU WANTED A washerwoman for family washing, apply at once. Telephone Harney 4829. GIRL for general housework. Apply at 1WJ6 Park Ave., or call Harney hdu. EXPERIENCED housemaid to assist with housework. Tel.. Harney 2271. GIRL for general housework, must be a good cook, private family. 20Z3 Douglas. GIRL for general housework In small family; good wages. 1326 8. 30th Ave. GOOD girl who can cook for general housework at lot ft. 2btn Ave. GIRL to stay up nights - with children, lei. Harney 6276. MAID for general housework, must be good cook. Tel Harney 100. 212 8. 34th St. WANTED Experienced cook. ! W. Griffith. Phone Harney 8188. Mrs. J GOOD cook and second girl. 2013 Doug. las fit' WANTED Girl aa competent cook. 124 8. list Ave. WANTED Good second girl. Harney. Harney 990. Call 8501 WANTED School girl to assist with housework for room and board and car fare. Inquire 1311 S. 30th Ave. Tel Harney WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, good wages. Call at 1339 8 85th Ave. 11. 9"4. WANTED A competent girl for house work, no laundry work, good wages, liar ney 3192. I AM an unincumbered widower; went a good housekeeper for light housework and assist In store, n. J. moss, xoveiand, la. WANTED Girl for housework. Ave. Harney 3365. 1302 Park COMPETENT girl for general housework family of 1; referenoes required. Mrs. James Richardson, 3564 Howard St Tel. Harney 907. YOUNG girl about. II years old wanted to take care of 24 years' old child and assist with housework. 4046 N. 17th St. . WANTED Exnertenced housemaid. Mrs. Barton, Millard. 128 N. 89th St Tel. Har ney 36. WANTF-A girl for general housework. IV el Kin d. WANTED Girl for general housework two iii famllv :j South list avenue. Phone Harney 14CS. LADIES WANTED to take work home; stamping holiday novelttea. 81 to 84 dosen. Work s-uaranteed. Trlebara, 816 Brandels Theater Bldg WANTED a good girt for general house work. No washing, good wages. 8621 Far nam. SCHOOL girl to room, small family. work for board 2A54 Douglas St. and COMPETENT maid for general house work family of two. Mrs. Byrea W. nilh, 1631 Harney Bt HELP WANTED FEMALE Hesiekerreri aad Dosses ties Coat'd GOOD girl for general housework. 1904 Spencer street. Phone Webster 621. WANTED Competent cook. 411 8. 38th 8t COMPETENT girl tor generai housework: small family; good agea. 112 North 88th Ave. I'hone liar. zt33. COMPETENT girl for general housework. small fsmlly, small house, good wages. hone H. 1487. COMPETENT girl for general housework. small family, good wages. 112 N. 38th Ave. Phone Harney 26.12. WANTED Competent girl. general housework, good wages, no washing. 1906 ttinney ft. . GENERAL girl wanted: rood wares. 115 8. 25th Ave. Tel. Harney 1326. WANTED, by young widower, competent housekeeper, age 22 to 35; nice home; good wages, taaress m ros, Bee. WANTED A girl for genera housework: two in family; good wages. 2029 Dodge St A MAID for general housework. Mrs. C. B. Black, 8X09 Farnam. Miscellaneous. TOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union Station. GIRLS For overlooking, checkina- and folding; must be 16 years or older. Apply tie mis urn ana nag uo. LADIES Make sanitary belts at home material furnished; 112.60 per hundred stamped, addressed envelope for particu lars, westviue Mrg. CO., westvllle, N. J. MORE ladles to decorate pillows at home: experience unnecessary, tan zwi . 13th WANTED Experienced salesmen ln men's furnishing goods and men's hat de partments. Apply superintendent Brandels stores. NEW YORK art embroidery firm wishes hustling salesman on commission In Omaha and vicinity. Address Y 268, care Bee. BATTLING FOR THE RIGHT" The life story of Theodore Roosevelt. Up-to- date. Great money maker. Liberal terms. Outfit free. Universal House, 364 Wabash Ave., Chicago. WE HAVE A GOOD SIDE LINE BTAPliB AK1 K.LG, POCKET SAMPLE GOOD COMMISSION. ADDRESS M-210 BEE.' THE BIBLE In symbols: fstet n fall and holiday book on earth; one agent averaged 820.00 a day last week; ui- ,, 50 per cent commission. Write today for free outfit. Nichols & Co., Napervllle, 111. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE busi ness for sale; old establish firm; property for sale In all parts of the city: laree num. ber of buyers and live deals on hand to start with. For sale cheap. Might trade. Address A. 124. Bee. . WANTED Experienced fsce brick shad- ers, sorters and handlers, waxes 82.00. 12 2.1 and $2.50 per day of nine hours, steady employment. Come at once and bring this nouce wun you. -rne Des Moines .Clay Mfg. Co., 634 8. W. 7th St., Des Moines, la. Mosher-Lampman "Jg Unexcelled courses in Business. Hhnri. band. Penmanship and English. Nona hut experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most interesting catalog published ln Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. 17th and . Farnam Streeta. Omaha. Nab. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, salesmen and Solicitors. AGENTS wanted to sell the Mclntn.h rope making machine to farmers; rapid seller. Write Mcintosh ti Russell. Fair. field, la. WANTED Al clothing salesman: must furnish good references. Raphael Pred Co., 13th and Farnam. ANY GOOD TRAVELING MAN Can add about 325 a week to his present in come with our products as a aide line dur ing usual spare time. Those with more time can make more money. Write us for particulars. The Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, O. . I ; wain ieu- cxpenencea can ay salesman who is acquainted with eaatern Nebraska trade; must furnish references and bond- Address J 98, Bee. GOOD PROPOSITION FOR CANVASS. rna iv it ni-r nir pitv. qat . r. COMMISSION. OMAHA ART AND FRAME CO., YW . 1I1H Si'. Bora. WANTED Several reliable boys. Western Union Tel. Co . 212 8. 13th St BOYS Pigeons easily earned, distributing circulars. Squab Farm, 3330 Camden. Web ster 4141. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores 'snaps). Jobs. Kniest. Bee bldg. WANTED Experienced ruler, one who is familiar with all kinds of blank book loose leaf ruling; must have some knowl edge of forwarding. Address J. H. Welch printing Co., Des iuoines, la. BRICKLAYERS wanted Immediately on nsw Morrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wages, 65 cents per hour. Apply on Job Immediately to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls. 8. D. CARPENTERS wsnted on the new Mor rell Packing Plant at Stoux Falls, 8. D. Waes. 84 per day of ten hours. Steady work until February. Report Immediately on Job with tools to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls. 8. D. WANTED (A competent registered pher- madst; registered in Iowa. Address Dell G. Morgan, 142 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. TAILOR WANTED H. So. 14th fit Livingston. 108 WANTED Experienced bushelmen and assistants In men's alteration room. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. ' WANTED Aji all around blacksmith. Good Job for right man. Wages. 81,00 per day; no boozers need apply. Address J. W. Vannoy. Fallon, Nevada. WANTED First class tinsmith snd sheet Iron worker: good wages to right man. Apply Great Western Cereal Co., Fort Dodge, Ia. WANTEI Gordon press feeder at once. Lew Raber, Printer, Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mall clerks, Omaha. Examination. November 12th. 3"00 to 81.600. Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 196 T. Rochester. N. Y. CHAUFFEURS , business; prsctlcsl Instruction. Nst'l Auto Training Assn.. 629 Brandels Theater Bldg 600 MEN, 29 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric rail ay motorinen and conductora; 860 to li0 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately f ,r applicative blAAa. Addxtsa. T 111, car Osbaoa Sea. HELP WANTEDMALE Mlaeellaaeons -t'oatlaaed. WANTED Chicken pickers; 3 dry pick rrs, 1 scald picker; steady work. Richard Webber, Sioux City, ia. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; deniHtid greater than supply; will equip you for your own shop or steady position! in lew weeks; can earn expenses; don t delay; particulars free. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 S. 14th St. WANTED A bright young man aa clerk with some experience In the shoe business. Address H. F. Gumpert. Fremont, NeK LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Wagoaa. WAGONS Buicsi. etc. Will sell you tY-tlAJVO better grsde of work and for less money then snyone else ln Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam street CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condl lion; almost your own price. Go see Johnson-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones Sta. Wagon Umbrellas Wagner. 801 N. 16th. FOR Jersey Neb. SALE Thoroughbred 3-year-old bull. 2736 Decatur St., Omaha. SHORTHORN CATTLE. We will offer for sale on September 27, 1!10, 40 head of Scotch and Scotch Top cat tle. These cattle were selected for breeders from different herds, our ohlert helnr In get the beet Individuals with breeding. Some oi inese were nrea and raised on the Col lege Farm, Ames, la. Write for catalogue. FERGUSON A HOWELL, Rowan, la. FOR SALE Horse, harness and buggy at Bargain. Call Harney 2238. Tracks. THE Brown Truck Mfg. Co., builders of trucks of every description. You cannot name a truck we can't make. We want jour work and will bid right to secure It Office 1511 Harney. Tel. Doug. 2964. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear n K LEAN WELL Pantorlum; satisfaction or no charges. 718 Buggies. Web. 2603. LOST Pair Shurron glasses on Dundee car or at 16th and Farnam. Saturday afternoon. Reward for return to Bee office. LOST Small yellow dog; wore red leather collar, with bell attached. Reward If returned to 2H06 N St., So. Omaha. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 50c postpaid; samples free. Sher man St McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sta.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, 81 a box, postpaid. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS, miwnOTifeuistmiwtu3ii tiU MOKE HIGH KATES. M CHEAP MONEY 88 NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. 88 This is a new firm organised ty the $8 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF SOMA HA TO LOAN 810 to 8500 It to any honest person owning HOUSB 18 HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc. or hold- 88 ing a salaried position at the rata of 88 8 10 PER CENT PER YEAR. It JUST THINK YOU PAY $ H .w interest on iu ror one year. 88 83.50 interest on 2b tor one year. 81 88 foo Interest on 950 for one year. 8 88 ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION 88 88 EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. It II Reasonable Appraisement Charges. 68 88 INDEPENDENT IX) AN CO., 88 8 Room 204 Wlthnell Block. U N. E. Cor. luth & Harney Sts., 2d Floor. 88 tf Phones Douglaa 6046; A-1305. 88 t8mrnin888iWetww3Hti6irtnnmiw Cash Quick on. Easy Terms Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy payments; 31.20 Is the weekly payment on a 850 loan for 50 weeks; other amounts In the same protortlon. Mail or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Blk.. 1611 H Dodge St. 'Phones Douglas 2466 or A-2465. 3nWWWW6W33833Wt3MW333mmilllt 8 88 88 88 88 88 88 CHEAP LOANS. on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. You Borrow 610.00 yoi pay back 311 00 823 00 you pay back 87.00 $50.00 you pay back M.OO No other charge. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 81 U Room 501. Brown Blk., 207 S. 16th St. 88 Cor. Douglas St. Douglas 286, A-20J6. 88 nimmtt$t3ststttsm:sstt mmmmmtrm CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room 7, Crounse Block. Corner 14th and Capitol Ave. opposite rostornee. Both Phones Doug. 1366. A-13u6. MONEY I TO LOAN. Come In let us explain low rates to vou. Reliable Credit rv 508 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-14li' MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH. ErtS, wttnout security; easy payments. unices in ou principal cities, aoi I man, room 812 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT b W. C. FLATAU, 1514 Dodra. Tel. Red 6613. AN OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRESS OMAHA. MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 115 HOARD OK TKAJJK BLDO. Second Floor. 'Phone. Doug. 2296. CHATTEL loans, salary loans, ever kind of loan from private party. 559 Nen York Ufe Hldg MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 309 S. 17th. Tel. D..1&9. r- ' EXP. Delivery Co., offices 16th and Day enport Bts. Warehouse. iyi7-09 Itard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tern plsrs." 1818 Cspltol Ave. LARGE front room with bath; home corn, forts; home cooking; rates very reasonable 81 South 2itb bt. TWO large rooms, suitable for four, with board. 114 8. 19th. mc it rooms with or wiiMut euatC lUii Caaa, OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms-Continue. ONE single furnished room, with board; also large furnished room for two; refer ences; walking distance. 1918 Cass St Phone Douglas 1476. DESIRABLE rooms 1Hth first class 1 board; reasonable. Close In. 618 S. 19th St. NEWLY furnished rooms and board for 2 or 3 gentlemen in private family; all mod ern; board the very best 816 N. k1 street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. with board. 10W Georgia Ave.. 'Phone H. 6397. DOUBLE1 rooms for vouns men: avoid lent board. 1818 St. Mary s Ave. ELEGANT room off parlor with board: ladles. Call Harney 2118. LARGE, beautifully furnished room. 1 large closets, lavatory; also smaller room; nome cooaing. uw ueorgia Ave. PARLOR for lady, with board. !4oi Cass. FURNISHED rooms and board. 1012 Pa cific NICELY furnished front parlor, with of' without board, jnivate family; close to two car lines. 1.V13 N. 19th St. HIGH class table board mav he oh- ' talned by a few residents of the HaiiBcom park district. Call Harney 1251. BOARD and rooma: modern. 12X ft sr.K St Douglas 628. TWO laree front rnnmi mliahU fne f.n gentlemen. 2610 Dewey Ave. MODERN rooms with nr lihnn, xn. 2212 Mason. NEWLY furnished suite of rooms fot two. three or four; board If desired. 108 N. 22d St. tel. Red 6367. Furnished Hooma. i FOR RENT Nloely furnished front room, 1 H7 8. 25th St Very convenient to business) SIX I.AVtnHL wall fiirnlih. choice neighborhood; bay windowa and! use oi goou piwo. ii you win be perma nent and want a nice homelike pUce la walking distance, with furnace heat, gas. hath hnt and lee .l.r hntk ' i come to 2563 St Mary's Ave., one block from Leavenworth oar. Smaller rooma, TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS. EN8UITM OR EINGLfai, for gentlemen. In the West Farnam home; every convenience; must kd seen to be appreciated. 0-466. Bee. EAST front parlor; modern; private borne; clean bed; to quiet gentleman: a week. 822V 8. 20th. Red 6227. LARGE front room with bath; home comforts; home oooklng; rates very reason able. 818 South 25th St FIVE rooms, modern, at 4416 Farnam. NEATLY furnished rooms for rent 821 8. 19th St Red 6063. ROOMS with or without board. 2011 Pierce St lnd. A-3708. FURNISHED rooms and light housekeeD Ing. 608 N. .21st St. . .,.., , .,,,,.1 VERY desirable rooms: ' floe location i walking distance. 218 & 25th St . FOR RENT t rooma, 1141 N. 17th. 314 'Phone Webster 5517. . FURNISHED room, suitable tor two: pri vate family; walking distance, 330 N. 33d, Red 667L NTCfTT.T furnished rooma In nriv. Ily. 602 S. 24th St FOR rent, nicely furnished rooma, S. 18th st 811 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and rax. nam. TWO large nicely furnished rooms, suit able for four gentlemen. 2577 Harney. ELEGANT front paxlor room reasonable, private family. 1618 South 10th St. CLEAN housekeeping and slseplng rooma. 1411 Joaea. t corner sunny rooma, private family; na children; block from I car lines; gentle men preferred. 2401 North 23d. Tel. W. 6430, NICELY furnished room; gentleman pre-. f erred; strictly modern. 631 So, 28th. TWO large first floor, adjoining, rooms, suitable for doctor or other professional; also nicely furnished 2d floor front room for two young gentlemen or ladles, and on small room, top story. Ail modern and close ln. 681 8. 22d Bt FRONT room, modern, private family; walking distance; excellent neighborhood. 618 8. 27th St Harney 606. NICE, large furnished rooma, 1208 Bar ney St FURNISHED room, strictly modern. 628 8 17th Ave. Telephone Douglas 1447; A.-3337. LARGE front room; modern, 627 S. 30th. Douglas 6469. TWO light housekeeping. 1010 Darcport -modern. Douglas 1679. CLEAN furnished rooma, wall oared for. 220 North 19th street THE BACHELORS, 20th and Farnam. i 1 VERY desirable rooms; tine location: walking distance. 218 8. 26th St O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phone D. 611, A-861L SLEEPING rooms and rooms for light housekeeping. 71i 2d street NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod. ern. 1018 St Mary s Ave. 808 N. 19th 8t, large front room to gentleman; modern; private. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, pri vate family; 640 South 19th. Phone Douglaa 7111. , r, NEWLY furnished rooms suitable for two. 824 South 20th St WALKING dlstanoe, rent reasonanla; large room and alcove well furnished. For two or more respectable people. Furnace heat, bath, plenty hot water, both tele phones, also large parlor with bay win dows. Nice place for party with piano. No objection to practice or music 2M3 St Mary's avenue. Leavenworth car one block. : FOR RENT To one or two ladles, one or. more furnished or unfurnished rooms tu Bemls Park district; half block from Har ney car line; light housekeeping If -desired. Price 86 to 88 for one room; 89 to 112 for two rooms, according . to furnishings and privileges desired. References re quited. Tel. Webster 306C BLEEPING rooms for one or two gentla men. 61 N. 21st Bt. ROOM for nne tl 7K - tnw n sew 1 1 ' 1 .w. wv, Taw Leavenworth. PLEASANT rooms, modern: walking dls- , tance. 678 8. 28th. FURNISHED rooms for colored man and wife or men. ino S. 16th. Douglas 4729. II per week; heated basement room; gas furnished; 6 blocks from postofflce. Jol3 Chicago. , 8TRl'TLY modern, up-to-date, newly furnished rooms, good location; board If desired. 8 N. 2,'d Bt. Tel. Red 6367. TWO strletly modern furnished 0T W. loo (4. - Taj, jar&ay. lUfc rfi! is i I 1 i -1 1 1 IT