I. J.-.M.1-' AMI KM KITS. AMI K1IKT. AMIJKIKI.TJ. AMl'RMKTR AMI KMKT AMI 'IKMHNTI, J At the Omaha Theaters T UK plot of "The Third lre -Is built around a youth, the on of a man who I a great octal and financial power. The father disowns his Hon on dis covering he haa married girl hnni father haa gained much unpleasant, rtolorlety In police annals of New Yoik. The girl haa mad a gallant struggle to win the reapect of the world through her fine character and natural ability. The young husband, disowned by his father, corned and rebuffed on every hand by lila frlMidx. who aert that he haa made a mistake and that his marriage Is a mesalliance, resorts to drink and dlKslpa tlon. Tha story deals with a crime which, by reason of the quick. Impulsive judg ment of the police heads, results In fas tening the guilt on an Innocent man. Finding they must make good their first suspicions, they bend every effort to the ons end that of fastening the chain of guilt on their victim. The method of the police department, together with the owerful Influence of the press, are vividly cuown. 'or the first time on any stage the audience Is treated to a visual demon stration of the workings of the detective department of a lange city. The cast of this remarkable pluy Includes Sarah I'sd den, George Manner. Jack Kills, Charles Hill 11 allien. William I'lnkham, II. 11. Foreman, Margaret Drew, Krancta lionn, Helen Castla Kills, K. A. Eberle end others. "The Third Degree" opens at the Brandela theater this evening for a stay of four nights, with a matinee on Wednes day. A brilliant bill win be presented at the new American Music hull. Miss Adelaide Kelm, who Is well known and popular in many of tha principal cities of the coun try where ahe had starred In stuck com panies, will present a laughable sketch, entitled, "Miss Bright, Decorator," which contains many humorous situations and U brimful of sparkling dialogue. Willa .art oit Wakefield, "entertainer to New York's )," will offer song readings at the piano with that anie gracloua per sonality ami w tnsoinenvsa that have en deal ed her to the hearts of thousands of theatergoers, lier song. "Ten Dirty Little KliiLfra" always arouses and touches 'the heartstrings of the audience, while she alngs other numbers equally us good, Another unusual act will be Moiib. U. Molasso's sensational pantomimic produc tion, "i'arls by Night," In which the lead ing role will be portrayed by Mile. Mina Minar. The pantomlne la Intensely real istic and startled even blase New Yorkers when It was first produced there a few months ago. ' Charley Case, "The Man Who Talks About his Father," has a new lot of funny stories, and he tells them In such an orig inal way that the audience Is in almost contlnous laughter the whole time he Is on the stage. Another unusual feature will be the William O'Urlen Troupe which comes here direct from an all-seanon's engage ment at the New York Hippodrome. One of their many feats Is to shoot a girl out of a large gun. Nevins and Gordon have a mlrth-provoklng playlet called "tattle Miss Manicure," In which will be Introduced Miss Helen McMahon. "The Original Scare crow Girl;" Harry Mayo, for over four teen years the tenor of the famous . Um pire City quartette, will sing the latest popular ballads, while Keough and Francis, In "The Ward Heeler," a witty sketch of political life, and Harry De Clair, a skilled Juggler, will complete the program. ueorga ueuan, Kngllsh character actor. In "The r-lgn of the Hone," will be one of the strong features of the new bill at the Orpheum, beginning matinee today. Mr, nooan is supported by a company of seven capable players. The theme Is that of the lore of children, a common passion shared by an Italian ditch digger and a banker. Mr. Ueban's portrayal of Fletro Massena, whose Ho.sle has been killed by an aulo- n.nUI I.. .ui! i. m i . .nunc, m m. uiumpii 01 artistic skill and a fine study of Italian mannerisms. To get ma outiecl, the Ideas, the very costume of tils Italian costume, Mr. lie ban literally Jivea me lite or a railroad luborer for weeks. The story is prettily written and staged. ine other members on the bill Include Lillian Ashley, singing comedienne and mimic The Imm-esaiori MU:s Anhiu left In other cities Is that ahe Is "a charm ing bit of femininity, with physical charms -plenty, a pretty face and a pleasing man ner of telling lories." Oeorge Lyons and Hob Kosco play harp and violin, respect ively, while Mr. Lyons adds to the act with his vocal numbers. Th Five Olynt plers present twelve scenes of "living stat uary" from the masters. O'Brien Havel and Bessie Kyle hava a sketch by Will M. Cressy, "The Office Boy and tha Type writer," a skit designed for laughing pur poses. Dale and Boyle have a singing and dancing number. Delomore and Darrell offer "The Kehearsal," which Is a travesty on averydays scrtiee "behind the scenes." Weutworth, Vesta and Teddy Is the name of a new acrobatic act In which a clever canine performer la Introduced. "Brave Little Girl" and "See, I'm Late." are the new klnodrome views received for the week. Daily matinee. "The Lion and ttZ Mouse," Charles Klein's play. In which the money devil, as represented by John Hurkett Hyder, gets hls'n. Is to be the bill at the Boyd theater tills week, beginning with a matinee this afternoon. The Woodward company has faithfully rehearsed the play and .will be found giving a fine presentation of It from the very first. Miss Lang ought to be very weet and convincing In the role of Shirley Hosmore,, the girl who defeats the money king, of whom all alee are afraid, by merely being a wect. sensible girl. Mr. Bellman will get his best chance In tha role of Kyder, a part that has enlisted the best efforts of soma of our best actors. Mr. Harris will have the juvenile role of Jef ferson Hyder. the son, this week, and the others In the company will be well be atowed In tha cast. A very handsome pro ductlon haa been provided, and Director Brown looks forward to a very uccessful week. The faniom twin comedians, the Lyman win oniiom, win appear at tha Krug '"' o'ir cays, starting with a matl ure today. In "The Frlse Winners." their latest musical comedy. This company, with Its musical equipment, numerous mechanical and electrical effects, together with one of the strongest casts today iu musical comedy, comprising a pretty chorus, dancers and comedians producing original novelties, win give one of the most pleasing entertainments if the on. l Tie WORLD'S BEST VAUDEVILLE MATINEE DAILY Frr. 8 : 1 .1 fW.2.V-30c."5c. Matinpe 2:1.1 25o MUSIC HALL 18 th and Douglas Street Omaha's Thiatir Beautiful! Telephone : Douglas 101 1; Independent A-IOII Telephone or Mall Orders ilven Prompt Attention. ..COMMENCING TOMORROW MATINEE ENTIRE CHANGE OF BILL. A DRILLIANT ARRAY OF REAL HEADLINE ACTS The Distingulahed French Actress, MLLE MINA .MIXAK, in "IPAMS BY NIGHT" THK DRAMATIC SENSATION' OK THE SEASON. Direct from New York Hippodrome. Wm. O'Drion Troupo NEVINS AND GORDON IN "LITTLE MISS MANICIKE" AMERICA'S FAVORITE ACTRESS ADELAIDE KEIIV2 & GO, In "MISS BRIGHT, DECORATOR." ADDED ATTRACTION" WILLA HOLT WAKEFIELD "ENTERTAINER TO NEW YORK'S 400" HARRY MAYO Of the Empire City Quartelte. KEOGH AND FRANCIS In "THE WARD-HEELER" ' THE KEELERS GYMNASTS. SPECIAL FEATURE CHARLEY CASE "THE MAN WHO TALKS ABOUT HIS FATHER." II AY"1 EVENING BIGGEST & REST SHOWN IN TOWN FAREWELL APPEARANCE JULIAN ELTINGE The Marvelous Feminine Impersonator AND 8 OTHER STAR ACTS. MATINEE DAILY Entire Lower Floor and Balcony 25c u , L , , . ,, - ' ' ' T'1 '' "' ' "" "' J" SS"M' 1 '" " L '" ' " " ' 1 " " " L jij. ..mi .i . . ) ... .IJI III III " Hi mi Ml' " ' ' - - , the Girl." "The Girl Question." "A Stub born Cinderella." etc. This statement moans niui.li. Among the best known ot the songs, which number fourteen, are "One Little Hoy Had Money." "You Can t Be a Friend to Everybody," "When I Feel Like Loving," "If All the Moons Were Honeymoons," "I Don't Want a Million Dollars." "Whose Little Girl Are You?" "Nothing to Do but Nothing," "I'm Going to Steal the Moon," and 'Honeymoon Trail." The production Is handsomely staged and mounted, the costumes worn by the principals, show girls, chorus girls and "ponies" being of rare originality and attractiveness. The cust is headed by the favorite comedian, Louis Kelso. Mr. Kelso in assisted by such well-known fun maker as Fred Wyckoff, Arllne Bollng, Carl George. Clara Dalton, Charles Seagravc, Lew I-awson. Irene Caldcr, Rose Gildca and Laura Castle. "Honeymoon Trail will be the attraction at the Krug the half week commencing Thursday, September 22, wi(Ji Saturday matinee. A funny two-act comedy entitled "Two Isaacs" la the offering of the "Bowery Burlesquers," who are to appear at the Gayety twice dally all week, starting to day. The title fairly Indicates that a He brew character ' is portraying the stellar role, which haa been given to Ben Jansen, who for many years has endeared himself to the patrons of extravaganza house. The first act of the play has to do with the day's run of a New York department tore, while the second act Is laid at a ummering place near the Hudson shore. Wherever the plot permits, clever speciali ties are Introduced. A character of equal Importance Is that of ,"Tody Coughdrops," which will be prestnted by Miss I,;nr!o Frellgh "Madame X-cuse Me," a travesty on "Madam X," will be the special fu ture of the attraction. Especially the no table court room will be portrayed with all that oould be placed In a travesty. The vaudeville section of the program Is exceptionally brilliant. There will be a ladies' dime matinee daily, starting to morrow. BRANDEIS Omaha's Leading Theaters REAL A1TRACTI0NS QUALITY ALWAYS TONIGHT Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday POPUI.AK MATIN XS, WEDJTXSSAT. I VKE2TKY B. KA.RKI3 FfcESINTS THE BTAKTLIITO DRAMATIC DOCUMENT, THE THIRD DEGREE PRICE S5o to $1.50. MATINEE SSo to 91.00. AK-SARBEN ATTRACTION WEEK STARTING BTNDAT SEPTEMBER fl5th ' MATINEES WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. THE X.ATJOXINO- MU8ICAX. BASE BALI. TARCE MY CINDERELLA GIRL Direct from SSO Nights at tha Whitney Theater, Chicago; PRICES 880 to S1.50. MATINEE SSo to 91.00. sea- One of the distinct novelties of "Honey moon Trail." and one of the most pleasing Natures of tha performance, la the really wondertul aanrmg numbers put on by ths teu little darning "broilers," who are known as "Ned Wayburn a Dunclng Prowuiea." The music of "Honeymoon Trail" Is the catchiest and most melodious of all the Hough, Adams and Howard suc cesses, and when It la remembered tl at tbla trio wrote "Thj Tim the Place and KLAW & ERLANGER GET JOLT SHUBERTS GRAB DENVER Great Syndicate Wakes I'p to Fact that Somethlnir la Doing ta the West Just Now. Just what the harvest is to be not even the wisest ot prophets haa yet undertaken to state, but recent moves In tha theatrical world In the west Indicate that something Is coming off. The Klaw & Erlanger syn dicate suffered a body blow last week when the Denver theaters passed Into the control of the Shuberts. Peter McCourt, who has held the Broadway and Tabor theaters In Denver for many years, has always been a staunch Kiaw & Erlanger man, but he has now disposed of his hold ings to John Cort, which means that the Shuberts are to control In Denver, and that the Klaw & Erlanger people have no place there to exhibit their wares. In ad dition t6 the house named, the Shuberts are building a new "theater In Denver, which Is to be opened In February, or at least Is so promised, and this means that the .Colorado capital Is to have an over plus of houses. The Klaw & Erlanger folks seem to have aakened up to the fact that something Is doing out west, for Marc Klaw left New York last Monday on the dead run for the Pacific coast. It being his Intention to re form as far as possible the circuit In thv west. It is high time that this firm did something to protect the interests of man agers who have stood loyal to It through all the years of fighting and who have kept their faith In face of the growing In surgency. If much is saved irom tne wrei-'a of their "syndicate" In the west It will be because they are alive to thy fuct that something must be done. Just before starting from New York Mr. Klaw delivered himself of the following flapdoodle ahoVit what he and his asso ciates have done for the western managers and for the show business In general: 'Ulr, Frohman and ourselves have long ago appreciated the Importance and profit In this great northwest territory, but In obedience to a policy mapped out by us many years ago, whenever theaters were offered us at any point or section where we represented other persons we Invariably turned over the letters and applications to the parties whom we represented. In that way we enriched and built up several men In that territory by sending to ehera the biggest money-paying attractions In the world, t-ome of these foolish fellow began to believe that they drew the money In stead of Mauds Adams, John Drew, 'Ben llur.' 'The Kound-Cp.' Billie Uurae and the many other attractions that tilled their playhouses. They were not nearly aa wise as the average railroad man. who knows that when his freight cars stand empty on a siding he cannot make any money; that be must have the precious freight to make BOYD- 4lh GIG WEEK Douglas 1010 And ' Company MISS EVA LANG TODAY S:30 TONIGHT 1IL WEEK CKARI.ES KLEIN'S GREATEST PLAY THE LION AND TilE MOUSE MATINEES SUNDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY. .Uta T3nnr NEXT WEEK THE CHRISTIAN. 25c Our 25c 0 V ...ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE... THK DISTINGI'ISHEH CHAHACTKIt AITOK 6)ISI? PIE PAN AM) II IS AHSOCIATK PI.AYKUS PllKSKNT, THE SIGN OF THE ROSE An lmpwsMive and Absorbing Study ot Contrasting High and l,ow Life Typos of A Great fit jr. i SON'S OK ITALY Mr.' fieorRiPTJoljnn. LYONS MOSCO The Harpist and The Singer. THK FIVE ...OLYMPIERS... A EtllOPKAX AUT NOVELTY C'CRIEN AND HAVEL Assisted by MISS IlKSSIK KYLE, Pi-entlng "The Office Hay and the Typewriter," I5y Will M. Cressy. DALE & BOYLE In a Tuneful Swaying lilt Culled "The Itelle and The llenu." Lillian Ashley Singing Comedienne nd Mimic. Darrell & Delmore Scenes Itehind the Scenes. VYentworth, Yesta and Teddy Somewhat Different Acrobats Introducing the Champion Acro batic Canine. iirsioDR-Oiviii; Presenting" Orpheum Animated Photograph? ORPHEUM CONCERT ORCHESTRA 18 TAI.ENTEP ARTISTS 18 'PRICES MATINEE Any Fart of WEEK House SSo, Children lOo. DAYS Hifht ouly lOo, SSo, 60c Sunndays SViW I Matinees Vft jn ? f W 'I't Hf gratia iiiissi 1 Tl i 1 1 1 mi i i m IT IT'S AT THE AYETY ZT'S GOOD 8?53E Marie Swansoa HARPIST 53 South 27th Street Telephone, Harney lOSB Mr. and Mrs. Morand School DANCING and PHYSICAL CULTURE ror Children Will Re-open on Saturday,, Oct. Sth AT 3:00 V. M. SIX MONTHS' TUITION, $10.00. Call at 15th and Harney or Tel. . 8964. them pay; and a ma.nat;er with theaters without attractions Is Just as helploss as a railroad with empty freight cars. 'When a few ot these little theatrical 'tailors o Tooley street' got together and decided thtit tliey would dictate the terms and conditions under which attractions should play in their theaters, the stars and attractions promptly declined. Now that is where the deluded manuger got fooled. These attractions could be moved to other parts of the country. Hut, alas! since these geat northwestetrn cities have emerged from the swaddling clothes of a mining camp the playhouses could not be log-rolled to any other section to meet the attraction. They had to stay right there. As a consequence, we recognizing the bene fits to be derived therefrom, have deter mined to run our own theaters hereafter In Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Portland, Butte, Victoria, Vancouver and any other points in thet west and northwest that we may find necessary for our plana "Mr. Charles Frohman will be affiliated with us In all of the leases and owner ships. My first stop will be In Seattle, r'rom there 1 expect to go to Spokane for a conference with Spokane business men. From Spokane 1 proceed to Portland and then to Victoria and Vancouver, after which 1 shall pay a visit to San Francisco and Los Angeles. "We have represented that section ot the country and furnished them thtlr best at tractions for nearly a score of years and know pretty well what they want and what they will support. Many of these local managers have absolutely bilt up a money credit In our attractions. A big theatrical enterprise like Maude Adams would come Into a town, pluy to t-i,0n or IJfl.UOu on the week, the local manager depositing that in his local bank,' together with the advance sale of the next attraction that was com ing along, and amassing a big enough bal ance to borrow considerable money on It. Uf course the public never knew that the attraction took Its share out of lhat be fore the week was over and the bank would not feel that aa much as it might ordi narily, because the advance sale ot the In coming attraction would cover some of the draft on the preceding deposit, fco you see we have been furnishing the bone and sinew of theatricals out there, both by booking theaters and by seuding our own best attractions." HISS JEAN WALLACE Teacher of Piano. studio soa Barker Blook Devoted to Strictly High Grade Bxtravagansa and Vaudeville TWICE DAILY WV MAT. TODAY Joe Prtig Presents THE BOWERY BURLESQUERS The Show That Made Extravaganza Paznons. Headed lay the Bright Light BEN JANSEN & LIZZIE FRELIGH Xn the 90th Centnrv Musical Ravlew, TOO MUCH ISAACS" tone VAUDEVILLE tons J1KSEK, QUID & FITZ Encore Winners THE ALPINE QUARTETTE BROWN, LEE ftGREEN'Cwd' BPECIAL FEATTJPEt The loudest langh la Omaha; travesty on the Court Room Soene of Alexan der Blsson'silUiniU WtUtC'l wonderful play HIAOAItl, H MK and entitled by us . Sear Reader: Congratulate me for having picked another winner for the en buIhk, week. This one is distinctly a "Oi,ASH A" show. The satire on "Madam X" is the funniest thing ever staged. E. Xi. JOHHSOH, Mgr. Orayety Theater. Evenlnga and Sunday Matinee 160. 85c, bOo and 75c w.. Mats. 15c & 25c LADIES' - fr At Any Week TICKET! Bay Matinee. 3 The Borglum Studio Mr. and Mrs. August M. Borglum will resume Teaching about October loth at an address to be announced later. A Department of Sight Reading and Ear Training will be added to course of Piano Instruction. EOT h H a MONDAY, SEPT. 9 $3,200,0002? INVESTED CAPITAL $7,000 DAILY EXPENSES WPri 6 Bl ARENAS ' 0CJV3 ?0 i mi r ir Din. i iul i'ulbi vaa k i uiiuvl ri'i nitnn arae-Aiiri 1; fyiffiMti 5J "T " &V 125 ru. ACTS CLOWNS CONTINENTS 3MiiEs:::r. isnociCT" f tlU HLAdlOSa si horses ar 10 ACRES V..T. sssj sne xnimii ALL FRICE BIGGEST RICHEST STREET! cHn,ivDiiAir PARADE EVEtl SEEtlls'?!!.W;!l 1AMMUUX AMD RKslVI. SLATS OJf SAI.R SHOW SAX AT BEATON Drug Store, 15th and Farnam Sts. ECliy 15.25-75 WATINEE TODAY 10c and 25c r KVEHYBOIIV GOVS TO THK KKl THKATKK FOUH DAYS CO.MMEXC1NQ MATINEE TODAY THE PEEHLESS B,YIVaA.M TWINS And a Dig Company lo a N"w, Morry MiiNical Show THE PRIZE WINNERS THI'IISDAY, FKIDAY AND SATL'RDAY MATINEE SATURDAY First and Only Time at Popular Trices, the Merriest of Musical Comedies HONEYMOON TRAIL By ADAMS. HOUGH and HOWARD, With LOUIS KELSO ml 55 - Singers, Comodlans and Dancers - 55 Exactly aa Presented 223 Nights at La Salle Theater, Chicago. Next Sunday-"THE THIEF" : soar sr sac xixiszr OMAHA, THTJRSDAT, SEPT. 93 D. Show Grounds alst ana Paul Sta. Aavanos sale of stats will open In Myers k Dillon's, 16th and Farnam Sts., at 9 A. M. on day of show, Positively no extra oaarge for early reservations. THE FEATURE SHOW OF THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION AND U THE TWO MONTHS SENSATION OF d r GREATER NEW YORK GITY UNITED I n Young ind old are Inrited to frerJr mrdi tha m.1nJin r VI Tralni at the Rsilrosd Sution, to observe the miking o? our Frontier En- Campmeat at the Show Grounds, and at tea o'clock to gather and witnets fl OUR BIG FREE OVERLAND TRAIL S FORENOON a STREET 5 PARADE 3 A Tremendons exhibition appealing irresistibly to all true Americana Th only en tertainment of its kind on earth. FnarlaM, Famous rronuer kookq jiidors, Seonts, Trappers and Tion- Barbaric Indian Brayes and Bansws. Wild u ii,m. Our Champion , JLr"? I S lfl 2L-- i..lt V- '' U. I tll MJ . " whether or I TV I MJ BO" ,0,, eulr,a 1 I 9 c s7 oar afternoua 1 1 If 1 WW Vnleet we mis- Use, It will sand son tiell- roelf, heltr- ikelu-r to tue ipajlur .won male and fe male Crack Shots. Backing Horses, lxng-- nd BnfTakws. Klnifl and Qni-ons ot the LarisU il aster and Mistress Ktjnnstrlans, Wilderosas Coniliota, UblTalrles, Perils, Adrrn tures and I'as times. An ab solutely and aenaine, original Vest era Konnd-up bhow, such as e o n 1 d be or- n i a a H nn where els In the universe, and con ceded fr"n erery standpoint and by everybody who has seen or heard to be RFYflNIl THF PHWIRIIITY OF IMITATION! THE AMUSEMENT TRIUMPH OF THE ERA! A SHOW THAT MEANS SOMETHING! Brln ths Ladies nd Children, or let them corns alone they will find us poilte sod thoughtful lor their comfort anpleure-to see lt Pictures of real true Western Life and Thrilling Scenes ol Prairie Activity. Thev will bs Intereated, Amused, Amazed and Instructed la Never-to-be-forgotten Measure. Door, open at I p. m. and 7 p. m. for FREE INSPECTION OF OUR roWHOY AND INDIAN VILLAGE. Grand Sra4 TkJtets on sale at ths (roundi continuomly, from 9. a. m. to 9 p. m. , ACKISSION. 60 CENTS. CHILDREN 25 CENTS i i -j ; t .... A Tu. I liisfita BDQir fUl 1UU1BU VlKUnW UU mm-t'-wt InMktl In tha iicnw.w 2D II TWO PEBFORMMCEf Tl fill MIR OR SHINE VHCOP LAI WAR WHO OP! 8 P.M. i a THK BEE'S AMUSEMENT .COLUMNS AKE THE BEST. J i