Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 7

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i .' i I, L i i i. , . . ...... -. i
Rousing Saturday Specials
Ladles' and Oilldrea'a Furnish
ing at about HALF.
Women's Muslin Gown, Comblna
tloo KalU and Chemise, that told
to $1.50; slightly soiled, to close
Saturday, at 49
In Underwear and furnish
ings. There's more than
mere price savings, there's
unbounded quality satisfac
tion in these offerings.
tiown. Combination Suits, Prin
rem Slips and Skirts Regular
values to $3.50, on sale Satur
day. . 08s 1.50 and 81.08
Women's Knit Indervests and
rant 45c values; white and
medium weight, at 23
Women's 2.V Gauze Vests Regu
lar and extra styles; on sale Sat
urday, at 12 H
Ladies' Wool Shawls Values to
$1.50. choice 40
Come In black, white and colors
Extraordinary bargains.
Ladies' Mercerised and Lisle, In
plain gauie tare or embroidered;
all colors; values to 75c; choice,
at 15t 25
Women's Seamless lllack Hope
lse ciality, on sale, 3 pairs 25
Children's School Hose Regular
J 6c qualities; black only; light
or medium weight, sale. 12 H
Children's 15 Hose Black, tan.
light or medium. 3 pair... 25
Ladles'. Misses' and Children's
AU colors and styles, on sale at
Ladies' Neckwear
Fancy Lace CoVUrs Regular values
from 50c to $3.00; on sale Saturday
In fle lots, choice
25. 40. 75. 08 and $1.50
New Veilings
A Bin, w Line of Fancy Veiling.
Chiffons, Etc. Just received, very
special values, Saturday, at
15. 25. 75 nd OS
Grand Ribbon Sale
fine Ribbons on Sale, yard, 19c Plain silk taffetas,
fancy print warps; extra heavy gros-graln rib
bons, worth to 50c k yard, all at one price, per yd.,
now at ". 10
You can't afford to miss this greatest of the
season s ribbon bargain event.
Special Handkerchief Sale
A great clearance of ladles' and children's handker
chiefs; big assortment for selection, at-about hair
regular wholesale prlwa. Handkerchiefs that sold
from 6e to 50c each, at 2H. 3. 4. 7. 10.
12. 17 25
The Best Shoe Offerings in Omaha
Men's and Women's Shoes, in patents, gunmetal, suede and viei kid, all made by first class sli
j.i i i mi i i i y- i i .
men, iitteu wita giik ana eewea on me uooujear welting macnine.
than $3.50 and a few $4.00; wile price :
Men and Women's shoes, in patents, grin metal
and viei kid; no shoes worth less than $3.K)
and a few $3.5Q values; sale $4-98
Xyue worth less
price .
Boys' Youths' and Little Gents' Shoes $1.19
in most all leathers, values un to $1.75. M
Boys' and Youths' fhoes, nearly all
leathers; values up to $'2.2')
Misses' and Childs' shoes, values up to
$2.50, in two big lots, $1.50 and
Child' and Infants' shoes, values up
to $1.10; in two lots 75c and
Furnishing Specials
that evidence the superior
bargain giving power of our
great buying organization.
Men's Silk Ties Made to sell to
$1.00; all the newest shapes and
colors, at 25 nd 40
l.OO and S1..10 Shirts, 40c All
standard makes, with or without
collars, all fall patterns, and
worth to $1.50, at 40
$2.00 and 'J.SO Shirts, HHo Sam
ples and floor stocks of the fam
ous Griffin brand shirts, the
very finest imported fabrics
newest fall, 1910, patterns and
colors. at OS
$2.00 and $2.30 I'ajanuta, OHc
Pongees and mercerlxed madras.
In all colors; finest quality.
l.OO Night downs, 40c Outing
flannel or muslin, with or with
out collars, cut extra long and
full, sizes up to 19.
$2.00 I n Ion Suit, Hc Pine
quality goods, in best known
makes, to close.
Men's ItalbrlKKnn Shirt or Draw,
ers Values to $1, all colors, on
sale, at 25 35 and 45
Mon ti jSuspeiidorst Worth to $1
per pair, on sale in three lota,
t 25 30 n 40
Importers' Sample Lines Men's
Fine Hosiery Fine mercerized
and lisle, In medium or light
weight; all colors, 25c to 75c
values; In two lots
at 12 and 25
.Men's' 15c Sox In black and col
ors: full scam less; perfect; three
'pairs, for 25
Mothers' and Children's Day
In Our Busy Cloak Department you
can't afford to miss one of these Children's
Bear Skin Coats, all sizes, 1 to 6 yrs., all
oolors, well worth $4.00, Saturday. . . .$1.95
Children's Fall Coats and Jackets Values
to $7.50, all sizes, 2 to 12 years, on sale Satur
day, big assortment for selection $2-95
Children's New Fall Dresses A showing
that leaves nothing to be desired, all styles,
all colors.$1.50, $1.98, $2.93, $3.98, np to $10
Notice Drug Specials for Sat
urday. farg Site Pompelan Massage Cream for 4o
l 60 Oriental ('ream for fl.OS
2 be can of Coryllfsla Talcum Powder at three ran for.. 86
26c slse pur Hydrogen PeroKld at three bottle for...S6o
11.00 slse pure Hydrogen Feroxlde. itra size, for 85
10c Hhlnola Shoe Poll nil for So
lflc Wllllnma' Shaving' Soap at 6e
10O Jap Koce ami Palm Olive Soap and fifty different
brands of 10c and 10 Toilet Soap, all in one big lot
at two barn fur.; , IBa
Pifre Imported Castile "oap, in t-lb. only at. lb too
12.(0 Wellington Syringe and Bottle, guaranteed for
five yearn, for S3. 00
tl.60 Marvelous Whirling Spray at
Omaha's Greatest Sale of New Fall Suits and Dresses Saturday
1,000 BEAUTIFUL NEW TAILOR SUITS Nearly all samples submitted to us
by various New York manufacturers, many of the $3o values, d grjp 7 C
all newest fabrics, colors and desitrns. all well and artistically k H jLi
finished, all on sale Saturday in one great lot as shown in lGih
St. windows the past few days.
Seldom, if ever, has such an opportunity for bargain getting been offered.
if J
$22.50 Silk and Wool. Dresses, $14.90.
200 of these beautiful new designs: Taf
fetas, panamas, serges and fancy wool
dress fabrics made to sell at $20.00 to
$22.50; magnificent bargain at sale
price .$14.90
Beautiful Evening Gowns,
crepe de chines, taffetas,
broadcloth, chiffons, etc.
Clio icest assortment
shown in Omaha for selec
tion, $25.00r $30.00, $35.00
and up.
Let us show yon the CROWN
100 new ones just received for
Saturday's selling. They stand
alone, supremely best, at the
price, unequaled at ... . 825.00
$5.00 Silk Taffeta Underskirts, $2.95.
All staple and evening shades in Simoud's
best taffeta, 700 of them here to select
from ..$2.95
Rain and Auto Coats in all the new
shades, silk rubberized special. .$12.75 yJ
t ii. . i i: i i: I
oee me spieuuiu une or f
cancul .".and seal plusli
coats, all the go this sea
son at : $20.00
You must see them to ap
preciate their beauty.
The choicest Assortment Values in Omaha FUR COATS, FUR SCARFS, FUR
MUFFS, FUR SETS anything you want at less than you exjiect.
. -1 t 11 II'
New Fall Waist Styles
The most complete, most beautiful collec
tion of the new fall style ideas it ha ever
been our privilege to offer; all at exception
ally moderate prices.
$5, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15, Up
A Splendid Saturday Special $5.00 Silk
and Net Waists, all colors and sizes your
choice $2.95
Blanket and Comfortable Sale
Saturday in Our Famous Domestic Room
Blue Bell, our $7.50 11-4 strictly all wool
Blanket; all day Saturday only two pairs
to a customer, at, each $4.48
11x4 Brown, No. 1324; regular price $6.95; strictly all
wool; very good colors; pairs limit, pair, $3.95
White Star, No. 40; regular price 3.00; 2 pairs limit
per pair, at... $1.05
Frankfort, 11x4, worth fl.25; mill made comforts.
each. 65. 75. 85. $1.00. $1.25. $1.50
$2.00. $3.00 up to . .$12.00
J Exquisite New Designs in
Fall ; ;
Never before have we shown
such magnificent assortments
or such enticing values.
Oved 2.000 Trimmed Hats
All new ones now berefpr your
selection embracing all the
most beautiful and practical
Ideas of the season.
Hmall liars and Turbans Stun
ning new ideas in Immense
assortment $5 to $20
I.rfe Pletnre Hatt Elegant
imported creations and equally
beautiful adaptations from
our own work rooms that
show art in every line; match
less at $10 to $150
Special bargain tables of un
trimmed and trimmed hats Sat
urday at great price saving to
Extraordinay Bar
gains Saturday:
In China Department
Chop Dishes With' beautiful
floral centers; lustro tinted edges
values to f 1.00, on sale, each,
at -. 0
ThUi Blown Tumblers Very spe
cial, at 6 for 20
Spun Brass Kern rushes With 7
Inch terra cotta liners, Saturday,
at j... 89
Heavy Fruit Jar Rubbers Best
10c dosen quality, on sale, three
doxen for 20
Genuine Welsbach Mantles; up
right or inverted, 2 for. . . .15
Earthenware Preserving Kettles
4-qt slxn with ball, on sale, 20
The new fashions in
gotta make a perfect
figure absolutely neces
sary; for this reason a
perfect fitting,' stylish
corset is a most Im
portant part of the
toilet. '
R. ft G. Models fulfill
every requirement, of
the most exacting
Model No. 60. shown.
here, is la accordance
with the very latest
decree; medium high
bust, extra long back
and skirt, for medium
figures; sixes 18 to
30, at..... .$1.50
Every Pair guaranteed
Extra Specials in Our High.
Grade Linen Department
..' lot, Saturday's Selling
Heavy quilted Tahle Pads,
54 inches, round or square,
' bound ready for use, worth
$2.25; Saturday, ea. $1.50
Hemstitched Satin Damask Tow
els; extra large; suitable for
dresser or bureau scarfs, worth
30c, Saturday, each. 19
Heavy Fringed Bed Spreads Cut
corners; full sixe; assorted pat,-
1 terns.-worth 11.25, Saturday
each, at.. $1.50
Full Site Bed Sheets; made from
heavy, strbng and durable mus
' lln, worth easily 89c, Saturday,
"?eh" 4t 59
Liquor Department Specials
Maryland Rye and Whjte Corn Whiskey, 6 years bid; on sale, full quarts $1.00; gallon, $2.5Q
Rye and Bourbon Whiskeys 8 years old; best
known brands; full quarts .$1.00
Per gallon -$3.50
Winchester, Golden Sheaf and Uer's Pure Rye
Whiskey Bottled in bond full quarts on
sale at ,... , . . . V. : . . .$1.00
Saturday For Wash Boilers
)4-os. sol lil cupper, extra largs. heavy
Wanh Boiler, No. 7 lir, woortm
. handles, warranted five yaars; for
only $3.35
No. (t sixe, solid copper, worth $4 So.
only $3.50
No. elie, extra large, worth f.vun,
only i-.M-Tft
.- If you need a wash bollar get one
now and save $-.00.
Heavy copper bottom Wash Boiler,
tlia highest grade made, block tin.
worth I.'. 50. only U9
No. t slxe 91.49
Extra large No. 9 S1.5B
To. S hsavy galvaalMd Wash Boliar
(or To
No. 1 galvanized Wish Tubs only.45o
No. 2 galvanlxed Wash Tubs only Sfio
Extra large galvanised Wash Tuba
only ...650
Wauli Boards worth 50c, glatia, bras
enameled or sine 89o
1'arlor Brooms ., ...,.85o
Cotton Mops .....10c
Mop tstiiks loo
Willow Clothes Baskets 750, a&o. S3o
0 Clothes Pins. 8 boxes 100
low ft. -Wire Clothes klne S5o
Hi allied Clothes l.lMes, cotton .... lOo
$1.60 Barney ft Barry Boiler Bkaus
for ,...tto
Iximewtlc Wringer, guaranteed three
years $3.75
Bicycle wringer, ball bearing, Knar-
anteed three years $3.S8
Folding Wringer Bench, worth ij.bO
t $1.05
Tha Old Reliable . W estern Washer
at , $
The Round American 15.00 Washer
t S3. 98
110 00 Washing Machine on aale $6.SO
Glove Sale
KID OfVKR, 4).
Sample lines and samples of a
prominent importer. Cape
Gloves, HuMle and Wack Kid
Gloves, in all sices and colors,
regular 75c, fl and .
$1.25 values, all at AQ
one price Thursday .
Greatest glove bargains of
fered in Omaha in years.
II lbs Best Granulated Sugar fl
41-lb. sack Bevt High Patent Flour. 11. 36
It lba Best Whits or Yellow Corn
meal U
I lbs Oood Japan Rice :5c
a )bs Fancy Japan Hand Rice 35c
lba Heat ttoiiea tsreamasi uiimfi.:o
ho Beat Bulk peanut duller, per id. ioc
1-fb can Assorted Boups.
Jellvcun or Jello. per
i c
n. .
Tha Beat ImelU: Macaroni
t lba Best Bulk Laundry Starr
Larae Bottles Assorted Pickles. Wor
cester bauco or Tomato Catsup, per
bottle IWe
Rolled Breakfast Cornflakes, per pkg.Tc
t packages Yeast Foam 10c
Best buila Crackers, per pound 7c
Fancy Assorted Crackers, regular 11 He
sellers, per lb luc
Kxtra Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per
pound I2c
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, Jar lb. ... Site
1 Dairy Butter,
Speca Prices Saturday. Big Grocery Sale. Big Reducing Sale.
Fancy No. 1, Country Creamery Butter. I Fancy Full Cream Wlsconala Crem I Neufchatel Cheese, each Tc
r V t
per pound
Fancy Full Cream
.Sue Cheeae. per
Toung American I Fancy Full
Cream- Brick Cheese,
.lie 1 Fancy Wax or Green Heana, per lb.
Cheese, per lb iOc l pound lScJFancy W a or Green Heana, per lb. . . ,4c
!, Try HYIBEIKIS'": First rs
Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes,
S bunches Fresh Radishes
i Heads Fresh Deaf Lettuce ...
4 Bunches Fresh Beets
4 Bunches Fresh Carrots
Freh Turnips, per lb...........
1 l.arge Boup Hunches
Fancy Lima Boans, per Quart...
Fancy Cauliflower, per pound...
Fancy Hubbard 8quash, UVc,
i l-arge Culan.
. . .2Hc
. . . . . oc
. ..Ifec
2 Heads Cabbages
irean I'amnlps, per pound..,
ljirne Ekk Plants, each T ViV 'and! '. . . &u
1 bummer Siiuashes for t0
1-3 llu.hel llaskets Green Toniatuu' '
for Pickles irt
ii'e lymuiow, i-t uuviiai Basket
New Hony, per Rack .' 1 7 t
Kb. "-l" ionuu uiua J lums, per
F?"7.k r'0'1,"'-d''.' ' BlWsrta ' Fr'eWton
. ... u.v. 7&c
m i ssiyi m Wy s vv y, -vm v v r w-' . wv ww w -tf VywVi yyrewwryy ...ryy 'Oi swgVWsjeaaTjWf?!
Feng- Kee, Wearing Coat of Mail
Fleet from Tong Enemies.
OrtMtal U Mssabot- r
a Is Followeet fc 'AaaaaalM !
Oa Lmm Tav la Was Oves
Marster ( Ctrl.
rong Kee ts wearing mi tot of chain
mall and he's avoiding public places, lor
tho baekrlre of tho great tong war which
has been waged for more than a yarln
Chinatowns east and west has atruck Ne
braska and there is a pries on Fongs
Fong reached Omaha from a ranch sot
far from Crawfotd yeaterday. was soeu
by local Chinamen at tho I'nion station,
and Immediately disappeared as thoroughly
as ho eowld. aided by the members Of his
tong. or secret society, the guey tUnga.
If Otnaha had enough On Leongs to fur
alsh a body guard, and Fong they put
tha family name first in Chlnaie had
money enough to hire gunmen to protect
him. he would feel safer. Tbea he would
not venture from his hiding place unless
there wars three or four armed retainers
with him.
But Fong hasn't tha money. He has
bee lapovoriahed by the tong war and
driven frosa pillar to poet, and now ho must
take his chances with only his 44 to aid
him and the machinations of bis society,
tiwidataliv. tha 4t would stand com pen
non with any gua thai was ever drawn
a the plains.
Will Probably Bo Killed.
Ia spite of hia precautions. It Is not tnv
troKaKl that room will bo tho forty-first
victim of the war that has depleted the
forces and tne escheuuers oi too swey
Biags. the On Laongs. the Hop Sings and
the Kip Slogs ! the Wat few moatha
la M. Terk Boston. Phllldelphta. Chl-
aa4 Beaver aoa rranoiaca lbs tanas
Involved have set their crack highbinders
to work, and the toll of dead has mounted
in a manner that has astounded ths all
but helpless American police.
The war, like a good many such affairs
which has been waged ever since John
Chinaman came to America to washes
waahee, started over a girl.
War la Over Slave eirl.
There was a Slavs girl in San Francisco
fifteen months ago. Utile ban Fuey. The
missionaries rescued her. She belonged to
a Suey Sing man In San Franclaco. but an
On Leon promised the missionaries he
would marry her and keep her from the
terrible slaveiy of the Chinese quarters.
He took her to New York. Then three
Suey Sin. a appeared from San Francisco
and demanded, the price of ths girl.
Her new protector refused to pay. One
morning the girl was found stabbed to
death la her room la Molt street. New
After the faahlon of ths tongs, thers wsre
reprisals. Suey Slag roea being shot down
to siom tor iu iimmw v. u aui, wuv
was ths froerty of On Leung. Other
cities became involved and allied tongs
were drawn in. an old dispute oa ths Pa
el fie coast being reopened. To date, the
dead in all quarters Involved number forty
Fong was a Denver Chinese, running a
storo ostensibly, but making moat -of his
money as tribute levied ea Chinese gam
bling dens and loterlea
' Takes l flight.
For the good of his health, he dropped
from sight and turned ranch cook la west'
era Nebraska. Then tho wireless with
which th Chinese transmit secrets how
they do It la beyond tho white snai
brought him word that tho On Leongs
had found bis hiding place and dispatched
a gua eras, pbsiag as a peddler, to "get"
Foag would have gone back to Denver,
but that would have meant jumping into
the fire, so be Is trying to find safety la
Omaha till tho trouble blows over.
Charley Torg, who runs the Quoeg
Chong store st Ml South Twelfth street.
merely smiles when i-e s asked about Fong.
The yelWj man. not noted for his votubtl'
it aa aay topts tales s a uokiug to a
boeom friend, dotao't like to talk of tong
affairs to r-nybody but his fellow membera
Walls may have ears. Charley, when ap
proached, retires Impassably into the rear
of his store, which is as typical a bit of
orientalised interior aa may be found la
Pell street. New York, or Cum Cook alley,
aa Francisco.
Death Salletlaa Oat.
The walls of tha store are plastered with
red placards, covered with Ideographs.
They may be prayers and they may be ad-
erllbeuients, but there's a chance of there
being among them a notice that ths blood
price has heen posted on Fong The
hite man can't tell and what If he does.
asks the Chinese. In the big quarters they
post the warning death notices on ths bul
letin boards for ail to read.
When he gets a cbaacs Fong may slip
away, possibly south. Tnere is a chance
of safety In Mexico and Central America,
and it la no blghiy difficult feat for a
Chinee to slip beck to the United State
if buslneas oalla
But whil he' la th slates he'll lay low
and pray to hi -Joes and bis ancestor with
a much fervor as a Chinaman over put
In a plea to the supernatural powers fur
protection. Where he is won't bs discov
ered easily even by th tong enemlea H
may be in a laundry, and ho may not
Keeping that a secret Is 'part of Fong
preparations for continued Ufa
Trylasj Get Aid.
Mean while he trying to gat help from
th Buey Sing chieftains ta Saa Francisco,
Denver or New Tork, and also from Mock
Duck, the Hip Sing leader. Identified with
th Hop .Bings of Ban Frnncisco. Mock
know Denver as well aa anyone In the
oantry, and Fong knew hi at there. ' They
were. It 1 said, associated In the gambling
bualaeaa Be that a It may. It Pell street.
New York, th headquarter of Mock Dusk,
la almost a Important ta Fong as the near
est big fiuey Ling lodge at 12 Peii street
Publicity Gets
Money to Help
New Concern
Over Fifty Thousand Dollars Haa
Been Offered to the Commercial
Club for Iayestmeit.
Considerable local capital has been dis
covered by tho Commercial club which I
seeking industrial Investment and which
will be placed In the small concerns which
need capital. Th coming forward of this
money I to result of published taUBmnu
to th effect that the money was needed
by industrial companies of the smaller kind
which wish to locate hero or to expand.
Half a doxen were named as examples of
what is before th olub at all times. Some
thing Ilk t5u.0u0 has thus far com to the
urfacs and activ negotiations ars oa for
its application.
Even with this amount." says a club
bulletin, "th club I not in position to take
car of all th propositions before it Every
man who has shown up with money so far
A SbaeXlaa leres
with both parti es wounded, demands Buck-
ien's Arnica Salv. Heals wuunds. aoree
burns or lajurlea Sc. For aal by Beaton
Drug C
haa had something like a doxen attraotiv
plaees shown him where he may put it.
"This Is tfork In th right direction for
300,000 population, and If more Idle money
can be , turned into these industrial chan
nel, Omaha's population ten years bene
will surely show it Th ciub has may
opportunities, especially for young men
who want .to go Into business for them
selves or into partnership with some ex
perienced man."
Some Os Had Tbrawa Soaae af the
; riald la tho Garbage Barrel
She Set oa Fir.
Mrs. Andy Morrison, aged 62, living at
1M North Tenth street, wa badly burned
about th fac Friday afternoon. She wa
burning soma garbag piled in an old
barrel, but it appears some on had pqurvd
sow gasoline in tho barrel and th flame
scorched her quit badly.
Th key to ths situation Be Want Ada.
Balldiaa- Peraslle.
Andrew Koisk. Ninth and Frederick,
frame dwelling. C00; Kdla A. Nelson. Vtlt
Davenport, fiame dwelllnr. tl.-iW, B. A.
Wilmoi. 9016 North Twenty-third, fram
lwelliug, JJ.utt.
A.yers Cherry Pectoral
Ail Keclal Disease cored without snrgica lfv
operatioB. No Ctloroform, Ether or other to-
era! anaesthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
to last a L1FB-T1ME. J'sxauiHaTioN rats. 11
wtm roa book 6m files and rectal diseases with testimonials 11
DSL K. K. YAKWT. X24 Be Bxttdteg. Osacba. Nebraska fl
The Cheapest Way
to Iron
There is no otber means of Ironing clothes that approaches
In co no my tho t
Gas-Heated Iron
Even the gas range, which for economy and comfort sur
passes any device for applying heat to sad irons from the out.
side, la not nearly so inexpensive as the Gas-Heated iron. All
the heat is within the iron. None of it goes about the room.
There is not a particle of expense excepting for heating the
actual surface that is being used. That expense trifling as
it is begins when ironing is begun and ends when ironing
ends no "firing up" In preparation for ironing, and no re
making of fire at its close. You attach this iron to a gas-light-ing
bracket iff any room of your home and remove it readily
when desired. The one Iron takes the place of several of the
ordinary kind, because It remains at the same temperature
despite continued application to damp clothes. The steps this
saves you should mean the cutting down of your ironing time
by a third.
Pries, connected, $3.00
Persistent Advertising is the lload to Iiig Returns
The Bee's Advertising Columns Aro That lUmL