TTTE BEE: OMAHA. TITIT?STAV. SEPTEMRETJ t:. 1H10. NEW PLATTE RIVER BRIDGE Wagon Bridgt to Shorten the Distance to the Sooth Platte. POLLACK AND ' DUFF BUILD IT Will Pa at Great Bra-fit. Kape-lally ta Aatamnblla Ownffi, Waa w Haa t Drla Via Loalarlll. AM ,v , JlUUlvJlkU4 Special A I a I p """V, at S IMC On of the hisses t wsgon brldsss In Nebraska la bains projected In the east ern part of the atate. the plan being to place It over tae Platte river at Malta-mouth.- In all probability work on the new- structure wlll-beatn late this fall and an attempt made to finish it before t..e fall, trade of Dext year. T. H.' Pollack of Fiattsmouth and It. A. f)uff, of Nebraska City are behind ' the plan and propone tnat the stream be bridged at a point Just seventy feet from the Burllnct. tl railroad brldRe. At this tolnt It wimld take a structure over 400 ftet ton to cross the stream as It widens out here before entering the Missouri. In detail the' bridge would have four eighty-five foot spans over the channel and a trestle span on each end of thirty two feet- A sixteen foot roadway would be on the space over the channel and a ten foot over. !' trestle spans. As there is not a wagon bridge over the Platte nearer than Ttulavllle It would nndoubte.ily be a positive blessing to the farmers In eastern Nebraska and could easily be made to pay on the toll plan. A drlva of twenty-five mile could be shortened for the' farmer living on the south side of the Platte and winning to come to Otnitila."1t would also make easier the' handling of grain from one aide of the river to the other. Residents of Plattsmouth, Nebraska City and other floutli Platte towns are In high- glee oves the prospects of the new bridge, aa It will put them In much closer touch with, taw irvotropolls of the state. It wl.i make bnt'a forty-two mile drive front. Nebraska' City to Omaha, arfd It Is proposed to evolve a plan to keep up a splendid road all the way. Bank Building Changes Hands Omaha National Trad- Its Old Build- i tag for Money and Farm " Land. Official announcement Is made of the sale of v the. old Omaha National bank) building to a syndicate headed by 8. 8. Bromley of Denver.. The announced price la $110,000. Of this, part Is paid In cash and part la 800 acres of Colorado land near Brighton in Weld county. All this land Is under cultivation and la irrigated by the Farmera' . High Line and Brantner ditches. The tract la about thirty miles nort.i of Invr. II la announced that the building will be remodelled and held for Income bring ing purposes. Practically all the present tenants except tha bank are expected to remain. Tha Omaha National will, ot course, move to its new building at Seventeenth . and I'arnam streets. Tha Omaha end of the deal was handled by. Vloe President Buchols of tha ba..k and J. W. Fitzgerald real eatate agent. Special Sale of Untrimmed Hats lit, PiU'll Hundreds of elegant satin shape?, nil ready to trim. These are in new styles of mushroom, turbin, large sailor, etc black only. Scores of different designs that have been sell ing at $1.50 and $1.75, AQ.f Thursday in our basement, 51 riff KID GLOVE SALE Women's 2-Clasp Gloves German lambskin and English wiilkintr doves black, white, tun and brown all sizes. r- c- ' ' Fittt- - desired special for Thursday, at, per pair Women's Kid, Mocha, Chamois and Cape Gloves Black, white and colors wortli, up to $1.50, bargain LQp square, at, per pair Ul $1.00 Women's Fast Bl'k Seamless Hosiery 17ic pr. This is seamless fashioned hosiery, spliced, heel and toe regular and out sizes also lisle thread hosiery black and colors, worth up to 35c, pair, at, pair All Silk Moire Ribbon at 15c Yard With fancy Dresden stripes, all Bilk, satin messallne and all avtllc taf fetas all colors, up to six Inches wide and worth' " C up to 35c a yard, at, yard XC Special Sale of 20c and 25c Handkerchiefs at 12 l-2c 1 Women's sheer, all linen Armenian lace border handkerchiefs, also fine shamrock lawn with dainty hand needlework corners, hemstitched borders, at, each lawjjC BRANDEIS STORES ALL METHODIST MINISTERS OF CITY. AT CONFERENCE Meetlaa- at Fallerton .Will, Mare t'haaset la Pastorates Than fa Tea Veara. ' ' , i , Upon the opening of the Methodist con ference at i'ullerton, Neb., Wednesday, to which all tue Methodist ministers of Omaha have gone, It was learned there will be more changes among the clergy men this year than have occurred In a long1 time. It Is announced the changes In tha various pastorates will reach a greater number than In any year during tha last, ten, years. There will be six changes recorded for' Omaha. , Bishop John 1. Nuelsen departed yes terday fot the conference, after a flying visit to tin clly. From the conference at i'ttUerlon. : he. ... go to the South Ne braska conference at York. - Bishop Nuelsen has been in Omaha only a few this summer, Ills labors aa director of missionary work in foreign languages and Kngilsh in Minnesota, Wis consin and North, Dakota having kept htm away. He spent some time, with his family at Madeline Island, Lake Superior, ' however. ' "Thre, are, many, other calls on my at tention," ht said at tha Hotel Loyal yes terday, ''and I dolnot expect to be back in Omaha, save for hurried visits, before Thanksgiving. "Among, the conferences I must attend are tha Northern German conference at KMrbault, M1nn,.' the Bishops' conference at Wasklngtoa, l. C, and meetings In lialtlmore, Cincinnati, ew York and elsewhere." , -. . Y. M. C A. HAS COURSE i IN AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP Taaeae fcewly Arrived Praple ' ' ' Iktl Tktr M7 Become " . Jtotaeallaad. So PLAN TO UNITE CHURCHES Methodist and Presbyterian Churches at Schuyler May Be One. OMAHA PRESBYTERY MEETS No Definite Action Takes, as Matter Is Left In tha Hands of Dr. H. M. V. Draden with Power to Act. Two changea In the pastorate of Presby terian churches were announced yesterday by the Omaha presbytery after the regular fall meeting held at the North Presbyte rian church. At the meeting, whose first session was held' on Monday, one of the most Important topics takon up was the proposal to amalgamate the Presbyterian and the Methodist churches at Schuyler. On this no definite action was taken. The changes announced affect the Third church of Omaha atid the Presbyterian church of Valley. At the former Flev. F. P. Ilamsay will shortly be installed. The pulpit has been vacant for some time. Rev. Henry P. Gray is to leave the Valley church, his resignation having been ac cepted by the presbytery. The Investigation of the proposal to con solidate the homes of two creeds lit Schuy ler was put In the hands of lr. R. M. L. Uraden, to whom was delegated "the power to act." This matter was laid before the presbytery by Individuals connected with both the churches affected, though neither Institution has tatten official ac tion. ' Mar Abolish Sunday School. Little beyond routine was done except for these matters, but the North Pres byterian church of Omaha was given per mission If it saw fit to discontinue Its (Sunday school on Twenty-fourth street.' i The meeting of the prosbytery was at tended by forty-eight pastors and elders from the twelve counties about , Omaha embraced in the jurisdiction. Today's ser vices were opened by prayer by Rev. T. H. McConnell. Rev. J. C. Wilson has been elected moderator for-six months and Rev Julius K. fichwari, pastor t.f the German Presbyterian church, re-elected stated clerk for tfiree years, the tenipoiary clerks serv ing the presbytery being Rev. Thomas H McC'or.nell and Rev. J. : Frank Reed. At the conclusion . of the sessions the members of the presbytery were guests at the building fund dinner given at the Ger man Presbyterian church. Tha educational' department of the Young Men's Christian association has forty-six members In its claas of American cltlsen shlp, which was 'started three years ago to teach foreign born cltlsens the English language and the essentials of American Institutions. The class s under the direction of W. li. Nichols, who teaches men ranging in age front , 47 to 60 years and In nativity from Sweden to the Philippines. No feature of tha educational work of the association is so popular, and the aim is the training of men to take places In the commonwealth. The direct instruction was originally in tended to enable men to speak and write enough Engllsh'to pass their examinations for naturalisation papers, and it was im possible to do that properly without giving unadvertlsed Instruction in tha way to vote and think politically. LIVE STOCK RECEIPTS WAY UP rest ftblpineat Received at Soata OataJia Indicate Record Week. Receipts at the stock yards of South Omaha Wednesday continued to bear out the prospect of a record breaking total at the end of the week. The shipments were as follows: Cattle, 11. too head; hogs, 6,31)0 head; sheep, ta.OoO head and eight car loads of horses. Prices held firmly, It was re ported, to the quotations of the day before. TO ENTERTAIN THE PAINT MEN Osaaaa ta lka Haadred and Fifty af Then tha III a a. la Wka They . .. Stan for Saart Tim. One. hundred and- fifty of the paint and varalah, roan of the 'country mfil arrite in Omaha Sunday, September M, In a special train via tha Uurliugton. Tha paint men are oi, their way from Chicago and eastern points to Denver, where tha aifiual con ventlon - of the association la to be held tills' year Their stay In Omaha on the trip out will be a bar twe hours from 2 to I p. m. Dur ing that time some of the business men of tha rlty bava arranged for a little auto aiobile ride to show them the town and give them th correct Idea of Omaha's an A MaralaaT laaaw la not to have Buckhn'a Arnica Salve to cure burns, sores, piles, cms. wounds and uloera, Sttt, - For aala by Beaton Drug Co. LllXUry and Economy.. Dry cleaning is the only known combination of luxury and economy. A luxury Insofar - aa It keeps your garments in top-notch condition and appearance. An economy Insofar aa it preserves the newness .and pro motes the longevity of any garment thus materially reducing the yearly expenditure for clothes. But It re quires equipment, ability and exper ience to do satisfactory Dry Cleaning, and In that connection the name Pan torlum is mentioned without further comment. WE CX.ZAV avd ruti : Ladles' Suits for V1.7S to 9.85 Ladies' Skirts for 7So and 11.00 Iiadles' Jackets for . . . .fl.00 to 1.60 Ladles' Cravenettes for 1.50 Ladles' Waists OOo and Up Ladles' Gloves ....10c to 85o MEtTS OI.OTHINO CABETUX.X.T . . HANDLED TBE "AltTORIUIti 1513 Jones Street HIT XXX FHOSB "Good Cleaners and Dyers" Fall Vuar1Hy Style UtM.k 2c -Including B JJ f any 1 Be tattles' Home Journal Paltrm. jfgr 1 N 1 in Black Silk Vaists HKKK'S THK I1KMT Il.MUJAIN THAT KVKK CAMK TO TOWN. A lot of 100 handsome black silk tailored Waists. Mucfi hotter made and a finer grade silk In them than in many one sees at higher prices. They are made of a rich, soft finish taffeta, open front or back as you wish. Tailored styles with tucked front and sleeves; one style has tucked yoke and three box pleats down front with row of hemstitching on each pleat. Newest up-to-date Fall models. The waist complete for as little as material In them alone Is worth. Take first pick of Vi VVO' them Thursday, at '. . . , 4 sit; ' m a f, j asm a at a-J rtT iss boys' School Suits A Sale The - 2 PAIItS KMCKKR l'ANTS WITH KAOII OITK1T Tou save )ut 11.50 on f-acli purchne Thursday. Stores lurcly have such clothes as these lens thnii $5.00. Hy a timely deal mid a stroke of good for tune we are able to show vou strictly ull woo), hand-tailored suits In the very best styles, either In Scotch mixtures or worsteds, at a great reduction. suits are well lined and all seams are rem rorcea, mses ir to veara. Douhln-breHHted conts and two pairs Knickerbocker pants in medium and heavy weights. We offer all three Birtnflnli Hnnrlul. Ht BOTS' SWEATS OOATS, FINE TO BOHOOI. WEA They are all wool, ...... .. u...t . . i...A..ti i foniur fnut atviA funrv colored boi-'ler edge, colore, oxford grey, silver gray, brown, red and SI. 00 $3.50 navy, 14 to 16 years, at i n a i i i n i i I 1 i i i a Renaissance Scarfs and Squares A sample, purchase of very handsome pieces. Squares rft SOx30 Inch, Scarfs are 64 and Tl Inches long, values are up to 2.25. the patterns are )tit superb. Our special price Swiss and Nalnsoak Embroideries IS and 87 inch goods. Flounclngs and Corset Cover Kdges tn elaborate patterns, all new, fresh goods, worth 3e to soc. at. yard flfio WOatXIf'B AiL XjHTEK HANDKERCHIEFS with hand-embroidered corner, the usual 26c inmllly, for o The Sale of Hih Art Pictures oonTTjnrxB'AX.1, this wotk Every home with any pretenne of refinement will welcome such pictures that make up the sum and substance of. this week's sule. They are re productions In Csrbons of the world's masterpieces, representing the works of the -old artists. We can sell these pictures now at . half usual prices. yThey come In small and very large IOC tO t3,OW m m cent DisoouarT ok Ax.1. rxAxuia ra week. m At $2.50, 33.50 Pair The man who wears an "Ouimoil" shoo CANNOT ho talked into some other make. W would aa soon change his NAMK ns change hus CHOICE. There's something to the leather-there.' "something" to the style-that makes IiAST year's buyers buy 'em THIS year. An "Onimod" is nn old friend with a new face continually. Fall styles iert ones scores of ready now. REGENT SHOE GO. 'em vVMiliM.lili vr-i'iv-f F Ajtencjr for Ir. Heed's tHisltloned Av f Soled Shoes for Ien anil omen y n5T.' ' iTT m .lAMV 2t).1 South l."th Street. - LAST BIG PEACH SALE Last ehBre- to buy peaches cheapnow season almost over. We offer fine freestone peaches, all sound fruit, at per crate. 73 Fancy Italian Prunes, per crate 91.15 Bonnott's Big Grocery ITEMS SPECIALIZKW FOR THURSDAY ONLY. Bennett's Breakfast Cof fee, a lb. can for ..45c Bennett's ' Ideal Coffee, pound for .flBo Bennett's Challenge Cof fee, pound - 16o Tea Sifting: per lb. lao Teas, 5 He kinds, assort ed, lb. . 48c Teas, 18c kinds, assort ed, lb. .iij ., 38o Bennett's Capitol Pepper, .'.4 lb. can for loo . . and 6' stamps. Spanish Olives, large quart Jar-for , Boo Hulled Beans with chtck- g en, per fau loo H Cornsneal " yellow or y white. 10 lb. sack 18c ijaisiiiSuBxni'ni'Hiaa'a::;! Cheese, full cream, per pound 86o and 10 stamps. Rolled Oats, six pounds for 860 Kels Naphtha . Soap, Mix cakes, for ........ 05o Hen Feed, lb. ..... l&Vie Chick Feed, lb ,3o Bennett's Capitol Ex tract, bottle 180 and. 20 stamps. E. C. Flakes, three pack- . ages, for .860 and 10 stamps, . Diamond Crystal Salt. 14 - lb. sack for 80a Monarch -Cut Asparagus, large can for 86o and 10 stamps. wimmmmmmm: Beeded Raisins, pound package for ,...18VbO and 10 stamps. Marshall's Preserved Bloaters, can 8O0 . and .10 stamps. Safety Matches, 3 dosen boxes for 860 and 10 stamps. Noodles, large ' package for 100 and 10 stamps. Tea Garden Preserves, 40c Jar.i for 30o Peanut .Butter, two Jura for - 30o ami 10 stamps. i Queen Cider vinegar, a quart bottle for ..30c 11 Prize Offer j jSpecial Copy The Daily Newspaper Club offers a series of prizes for the best advertisements as to the value of news papers for a National advertising campaign. COPY SIZE REQUIUHMENT9 Must be -submitted tober 1st, 1910. All advertisements to be made up 70 linos D. C, and to be submitted In the rough tpen or pencil) with layout attached, type ilies and illustrations to be In dicated. SUBJECT The use and value of news papers In a publicity cam paign, effectiveness, low ness of cost, value or repe tition, Influence on the re taller, etc. PRIZES Firse Prize Second Prize Third Prix Ten Prizes 126.00 16.00 10.00 1.00 each, and honorable mention. Advertisements winning prizes to be the property of The Dally Newspaper Club and any others that are desired will' be purchased. . AWARDS Awards will be made by the Execu tive Committee, and printed in the pa pers composing The Daily Newspaper Club. The Daily Newspaper Club E. J. PRESTON, General Manager. 863 Pulitzer Bldg., N. Y. City. Just a Moment, Please, : Ybii! t0 li lt's tothln.s; unusual for rs to show a nice shoe for women, but Just now wa arevf(trlnR a new dark brown kid, high top, lace shoe, made of special prepared leather, vegetable tanned, that neither draws or burns the foot, a soft, flexible outer sole, .with a light, soft cushion effect inner sole. ) The Ideal shoe for the nuraS- or saleslady; noiseless and com fort personified. . These shoes come in all sizes and widths, at the one price It will be a pleasure to -us to show them to you. , Drexel Shoe Co J 1419 Ftxnam Bt Shckct Git tha Original tnd Ginulnt HORLICK'S MALTED Ml LIC The Food-drink for All Agu.C For Infants, Iuvalidt, and Growing children. Pwe Nutrition, up building the wholebody.' Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted gram, ia powder form. A quick lunch prepared in minute. Take bo snbstitiite. Ask or HORUCK'S. In No Oomblno or Trust u is Oil? !JjBS iJpQ IS ?! if if n i! atrTfsaasjai. rvTi I - i t 2 1 n 1 . 1 i n. ' 1 n 1 u j a I A R' ILijfLP WANTEDFEMALE H H I Beautiful Autumn Neckwear We've a stunning assortment tc'S offer Lustrous Silks rich as old wine and as sparkling. StrlpeV neat figures, brocades and OrleiP tal patterns In all the new Autum nal colorings. Men who appreciate I classy neck fixings pronounce ours a notable showing. ... Great line at 80c. X most extraordinary Una at $1.00 Tom Kellcy Co. 315 U. 16th Tom 8. KsUay John JSoQuiUaa 0 p55 Roliablo "1 Dentistry lp Tali's Denial Rooms Good Health Demands Good Teeth To keep yours sound and white give them scrup ulous dally care with a dentifrice that both polfahea and preserves. ma Dr.EX. iGRAVE5 SuNf(UL0j HKA LTH saAwrirui. At All LOW RATE EXCURSIONS Sept. 20, Oct. 4 and 18 VIA mm South Southeast Stop-over Privile(s 25 Day Rat urn Limit Tkkats far thM Eacursteas an aa at Law Rata to Maay FataUa ia Alabama, Florida, Georgia Louisiana, Mississippi North and South Carolina Tennessee and Virginia For Ml rarocaUrs AaoraM P. W. MORROW, N.W.P.A,LN.R.IL, CUcaao X E. DAVENPORT, D. P. A. L. & N. R. It, St. Louis WANT AD wtU rant ..iaV Taoant housa, (111 tkoas yaoant rooms, or ssoars boaxdars oa short, at vary small aeat'ta you. Try It IIUTKLS. OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CO AMU ERL1N ' 1K TIG,' BATHING. FISUSU, SAILING, tmCHESTHA, TEX MS, GOLF. I f I'niiiuo bps food Culslna 'KORTKKSS MoNKOK, I-aruest niill- tsrv Host on th Atlanilo l.'oasl HAMPTON KOAla, Hie. Kandezvoua of lha Natiuii s 'ariuis. . HpecUl Weekly Hates June to Oct. Booklet st t'lilcsgo. flock tsland & l'sciflr and Valash Hnllroads. Or adlresa QUO. T. ADAMS, MOK. rOavrEda MOHilOE, VA.. . LOST AND FOUND LAST 1UEPHERD d: VallOW anil arhlta WAKTSTk. . ' , striped. Aoswara t nam rst fbooa Trlar Varaam St OFFERED FOR ffENTT. Bai kla Ha tiaaa HOUSKKEEPINO room enai atas 1 1 T.I 111 ti ti WANTED-1 QOUMwork. ctt C4KL, for al noysa, tins t rust U. TL 1 WASHiawl amy; youaa e Wabstar 'UM. j WANTBO- sooa sun, sniurci ( A faliabls OOoki,,. Dial SUI. UU G1RU ror tOlRL, tor ntrnty Auki. GRBSMOLD ; DETROIT, MICII. rcd fuatal, Fres. M. A. Hliaw, Mgr. - I12&.0UO expended In rewodeitaa. furnishins 'nd droorauntf. 1" roouu, iUi hot and told water Lain nearby, and up prr day. Km rooms tub and shower unlit i-uculalliiK ica aalvr. tl (v and U r r dav 1 - Nawast and flnaat rafa In tha city, with- ' tka most besutitul aicciruai louiuala la ; A merit. Our iscilliUa for hlch elans ser ve ar unesvcptiousl. and similar to tha I bolala ta New , York. You can pay I doubl our rates tor your sccoiniiiodstiuua. but ywu eaiutwl sal anytuUig ttotlar. BUS TO OBT I OANObaTAil FOR SALal doing a coot bluitai r uass requlrU car b. Ct. TOR 8aJ stock la aooiS lis N. Mia b AtOOatlNQ a k.rn.1. I A. Klo 1 .... wan rentao. aaloda Thursday is Home Day. Don't forget the list of Homes in the real estate dealers' list. Now is the time to buy your home. Watch tomorrow's Bee. Omaha real estate Is Increasing In value so rapidly thst to purchase now means a big profit a year from now. Don't let the opportunity slip by, get a piece ot property today. .Mak.; - u payment of a few hundred dollars down and the balance like rent. A large list of good values will bo found advertised for sale la Thurs day's Bee. ' ... , , aaaaoia4 . at-'l a.. . frsaaa,. ri. j ' ",aHlut floor rmnf; rsOL lii-M. SALE Will sail you of work and sa in dosha tain St wason, . r. atiar.j .0. chasp. a. and Jacksoa. IHK. Wf bar. L.T N KTB. HA ILU, NT. sstAblishad W'1,; dous aoousJ kaa.i v? tuil Una of bus., buainaaa ot -Vyl rsisoo for Mtua. ... AADuaottoa. S1 furthar In- rotnTa"! -ZJZJ' WKN " - " trad., fun), and liberal upansa 1KAV.1.11U laii iwa BOOKKKkFKH for brajia off! - . It filtiMAM'SL nrafap axnavl. ttbslr WartA. V . - "'I IS I... .. . a,,,. M.kH.i... Lone fly oai . .-ui . . ets a-n.i. k... I 1 '4