11 4JJ - HIE r.KE: OMAHA, TliriiSDAY. SKITKMUEK 15, 1010. CHAN A5D PRODUCE JllRtET Wheat Has Weak Start Because of T - T" a T I oi;i oi XipQiv vemisa, FLOOR DEMAND FALLS OFF -r. narkri ia ljraMr aad Hall, ease kt, a,,, Brara Umla I I . " CMAll A. Sept. 14. 1S10. Th". r Po"l'nefnanil for the cash i""' decline id Llperpo gave ho wheal market a weak etatt. The light rlpia are offset by unfailing off In lln floor demand. Clearing weather and the iorccaat for ris ing temperatures wan War future In the coin liade. without killing frost It ia c.m- Hear, foreign advices and erv j.oor cash ;m,i(l, ve wlira a week innp In spite of the llicht rwluu, 'iHi, offerings were ?r" mf'"H lrsscy and dull -nn mi, more favors lilt- furecast r . ""r" confluence and support was int ro rni-oi the decline. Primary wheat receipt were 1.113.on bu. and shipments were, fcVWC bu., against re 't year- of UC3.0O bu anil ahlp menta of Kfrj.nrti i rimary corn receipt were 742.000 bu. and shipments were 4ii.ofW bu.. against re- elpta last year of 737.OU0 bu. and ahlpmenta of i mn j)U ....... Cleat knrea mere lo.of) bit. of corn, none of oata and wheat and flour equal to .) bu. IJverpool closed 1'41 lower on wheat and Vj,d lownr on corn. Oanaka Caik rear J WHEAT No. J hard. SS'ctll.nO; No. t taid. Itvu'c; No. 4 hard, ftivwu!-: reiected bard. 5VjMc; No. 2 aprliis, . MVaWu; No. 1 Spring, K,V,i!m... JOHN -No. a white. , WVuolV; No. 3 White.: friPAriMc; Ngt 4 white. WV; No. 2 yellow, bttttykc-f No, 3 yellow, i.l4-:.2lc; No. 4 ye-, il$nitcr No. 2. 6l'a5c; No. I, SIViWc: No. 4. MV'lc; no grade, iluK: DATJ-No. white. 3t'.ilV: standard. l4iilK-No. X white, liU4r; No. 4 whit. .JHVJflttfV; No. 3 Kciluw. aoVeWsCJ No. 4 yellou SjVuJO'vV RAR.LEY.-No. 4. 60(j3c: No. 1 feed, 6if rejuavi. fcyfrnne. ... RYE No. 2, 75 76c; No. 3, 74'a75c. - Cartel Keeelsts. Wheal. Corn. Oata Air.'M 4ti 122 ...,......4H ... . ... .rr... ..-.-... I . , Jt 5s 7'id; futurea October. 4a 7Vd. dull; September. .4. W;tTHKR IN THE 4.RAI HKI.T ladlrelloae foe I eallaeed 4 l4r aa41 Wapaaer Tkara4ar. OMAHA. Bept. M. 1V10. Temperature are ome nat lower In the eitreme upper Mlanouri and tipper MisMe elppl alli. and cooler weather la (eneral In the lake reitton, Ohio valley, atid thioiixciout tne ea-i. rn rtatet. It w liriuy warmer In the lower Mieeouri valley and west to the mountains, and teniperaturee are ellahtly higher neneially throughout the weet. Kainx were neneral within the laet twenry-four hours In the Ohio valley, lower lake region, the Atlantic atates. alone the (Juif cuant. and throughout the soth weet. and continue In I tan and Nevada this morning. Phowers occurred aln-e the preceding iort In the middle Misslnaippi. lower Missouri valley, and west to the mountains, hut were very light and widely scattered. Kxccpt that It Is generally clear aloud the northern boundary, cloudy weather prevails over the entire country, ajul the Indications are that It will continue cloudy or pailly cloudv lu this vlclnltv Knlgi.t and '1 iiuryday. with slightly warmer l'huraiiay. ;.iio. is--.. l!n. laui. Mliiimuni temperature M b tj& to rre.-i.itat;ou ik .a .on Normal temperature for today, M degdesa. llic.fi" oi , i i ,( uiiiuii iii March 1. ij inches. Defici.iic. corresirandlnc period ia 190, .S3 of an Inch. Oaf ii l-i-.i-y vjjrreepondint period la 1S01 l.bl Inches. . A. WEIvSH. lxcal Foracaaur. ra mm . W heal Realea Ballatlai. For Omaha. Nab., lor tne twenty-four houra endlni; at a. m.. 75th meridian time. Wednesday. pptemher 14. l!)10: OMAHA DISTRICT. 'lamp. Kain- Ptatlong Max. VUn. falL SEWIORESrOCKSASDBOSDS Market Affected by Profit-Taking on Recent Rite. BASKING ANXIETY SUBSIDES Moaey I tiaaea W ark Kaeler Bolb la Kris twrlt mm 4 lalaad al raa Rrasrt Uesaaad for Farm Mrtaes. jnl.nrse ,ver dollars cf IW el er certificates outstanding. tienernl Fund Standard ller. dollars In general fund. p. T,i,l4; current liabilities, K.74.ll: working balance In tieaeury offices. .lOii..W; In hanks to rrdt of treasurer of toe I nlted Pistes, X'i.7S1.h; suhsiUlsrv silver coin. Il.i."n; minor coin. tt..l-l: total balance la general fund. $KS..l,lul. Ashland. Neb Auburn. Neh t4 Coiumbiia, Neb... M 'ulhertson. Netr.. 70 Falrbury, Neh.... Fairmont. Neb... R3 Or. Island. Neb.. 65 Ilartlngton, Neb. M S'hlcato .... flinncaputls I 'niaha -niluth ' tHICAC.O?tfRAl!f AMD- FROVISIONi " r - - Feat area ( Ihr TrUlsg n4 Closlas Price -mm the Board of Trade. CIUCACk), Sept. 14. A prominent local aiectilator Was credited with having picked up through the commission houaca today 2.UJ0.0U0 bushels t wheal. The story pro id need a temporary relapse, but bearish feeling news that poured In all day re sumed control and caused a net decline of (Cif rl'orn closed to lc down, oata -icnanea to 14c advanoe and buar prod u-is varying from a tfaJn ot 6c to a. loss of a dime. Acute weakness was re Potted m the Rus sian wheat trade. Increased acreage and Improved Qutlook In fields were hearu and there was a, break- In bth cash aud fu tures Vinnifif. Llnuldatlon bv bears and anllinj orders by the Owners was the general order or the day u4 some of them were.ottho larger BAd -more Influential sort. Receipts sHowed a decided falling off, out tne i act was deprived of much signi ficance w-fien contrasted with effectual figures' that exports from tfte United States to Great Biitlan during: fa-t month were only a little more than half of the total of a year ago. The close was weak at nearly the lowest point of the vision, with December at JHHtrSKV a loss of Tsc toSWle as compared with twenty-four hours pre vious . The- range Wfce from Stc to ic. Fine weather fur th irapld brlnrlng of the corn crop tq te safety line made that grain weak. ' . December fluctuated be tween 6le and 4c eioaing jo. net lower at fc4Vc Omm edrn-ws eing offered at very low prices east.' Vith the tone weak. o. 2 yellow clo'aed at mVfyHae. Oats after! a srewressed starred eveloped sui prising firitmees. . December sold from 4Sc to 34V.C and finished- t the latter figures, a net Rain jf e. , '; - Declining. jrtutitatUJns or . nogg weakened provisions. "Jr the end .porls was 10c lower to 6o higher, lard 2"tc up to 10c down, and rll a 2o ciuMipe-,40 (ticket Mora expen aiVe. LJJng futures .ranged as iollows: M 65 tl Sb 64 ul 64 4 ST M nl M .0 .00 .00 Ct .to .( .00 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 An .00 .00 .00 .10 U0 for PkT. t'loudy t'loudy Cloudy Cloudy t'loudy Cloudy Cloudy Ft. cloudy Ft. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Ft. cloudy Cloudy Clesr Cloudy twelve-hour NEW YORK, Bept. 14 The stock mar ket torlsv had to bear the burden of pri fit-sharing on tne ne ot rsieinay and was aiiected accoi dlnslv. An considerable a movement after the prolonged period 01 J apathy and llstlessness was not to te sh lejtlecled by the long-suf tering profes- l. sional o Dei a I or s. Politics continued to oc cupy a large snare ol attention, but there was a disposition among some of the lrger financial powers to defeat the ex ploitation of the stock market aa a field or (he expression of opinions on political prospects. The subsidence of anxiety over the baby ing position of the country provided a sub stantlsl substratum for the confidence that is growing up. This was manifested In the reception accorded the news af the rejection by tha London conference of I foreign bankers of the validation plan for American cotton shipments. 1 he re sources of the domestic money market seem now so assured that the extra re quirement thus Implied causes no anxiety. Money continues to work easier both in New Vork and Inland. Chicago reports a renewal of demand for farm mortgages on 1 the part of the Insurance companies, with ! Intetest rates marked down from to 6t per cent. -1 Bonds were firm. TotsJ aales, par value, Cl.tmo. I'nlted States 2s declined u per cent on call. and leading quotations follows: Ssles. Hlfh. Low. Close. ee lark Mower Market. NEW VORK. Sept. 14. MONET tin rail, easy, ll7! per cent; ruling rate. 1 per pent; rloslpg bid. 1" prr cent; offered at l' per rem. Time loans, easy; W daya. ' tit per cent and 90 days 4ti4' per rent; ( months. 4lt per cent PRIME MERCANTIUR'PAPER-i's to I per cent. STERLING KXCHANUK Firm, with ac tual business In hsnkers' bills, st 4 tii 4.M'4 for dsy bills, and at 4 ViO for de ntand. Colon errlsl bills. S.V0 4 SS SILVER-Rar. iJite. Mexican dollars. 44c. BOND,"!-i:ovcrnmrni. easy; rtlliotd, firm. quotations on i.onns tvJJ. were follows: 1S tni Ms: . tt . "i M-i.iipn ......... . ss-Vi !" do lt '' lnitK. C. S. 1M U ... KV IIS t, Sea 4l ttmi- M III I., ft N. i on. 4 s'i 74 K. ft T. 1st . T ...Ki Do sen. 4US v 4.IVSMo. rselflr 4l. . . . . . r. in smpiM V. s. Uml0wm e reiipon , f. S. U. r in cmipen Allls-fhd. Ul to. Amer As. t Am T. A T. c, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Yard. Well Filled with Cattle from Western Bang-e. HOGS BREAKING AT ALL POINTS Fat l.aasHe 4 omasaad Steady Trices, While Fat Hheea Are Weaker aad Feeders Tea to Tereaty l.owrer Tkia Taeaday, BOLTH OMAHA. Kept 14, 11. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. tifficiat MonuAv lo.i&l Official Tuesday Kstlniute S mnesda.v... ll.JiJ ID7 7.7S4 6.71 "1 4f.2ki 4o.10 4 calves . . Ki calve. ... Gould W calves.... 1". calve.... JW 6 V t steers. ... Kl.I 4 C 1" steers. ... ft Pleselnger Colo 4 2fi 6 cow s w 4 a S heifers... C10 4 4. 4 00 J I Tob. U Co. Number of sales on stocks wero as Rainfall. Hustings, Neb... 7 Holdrege. Neb... 70 Oakdale, Neb 7 Omaha, Neh-.... at leKainan, jseb... 70 oi Alta, la 67 .. 47 Carroll. In 71 41, Clarlnda. Ia a hi Sibley, la U Ai Sioux City, ia.. W il Minimum temperature period ending at a. nv DISTRICT AVERAGE. V ' No. of Temp. Dial riot Station. Mai. Mlo. 1 oiumnus, o 1? Louisville, ivy..... IS Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 Chicago, 111 24 Ht. iouls. Mo II l"es Mo.nea, ia.... 14 Mlnnca)olls, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha. Neb....... 19 The weather continues cool over the entire corn ana wneat region. Moderate rains were quite general in tha Louisville dis trict, and light and scattered showers oc curred In the Omaha and Des Moines dis tricts. L. A. WELSH. Liocsj Forecaster. Weather bureau. NEW YORK GEVERtL MARKET 70 52 .00 M b4 .30 74 64 .00 40 .00 71 M .00 M 60 .20 M 40 .00 72 6 .00 W 62 .10 Quotations oa Vartoas Allls-Oiaimsn Hi Amsimniaiea Coepsr JO.t'O Anwrlcsn Aarlcvllunkl ... I,:u0 Bm( sasar ... 11. Hw Csn M ir ft r r t'otton oil 4so H. ft Li dM.... M.UOO Ire escurlilss Unssea i0 Locomotive ... It s. ft r toe s. n . pts . r sugar Rsfinloi. Tel. ft Tsl Tobsoo pfd . .... Woolwl IMnlng Artlolea.t Open:) High. Low, ' ' Cross. Yea'y. Weaul I - . Ins j t 1 . ec. Wi'uV' Alar Wllteli -v.orn Sept. Deo. May OSVts-, i-'Pt. Dsc. I01 a Sept, Ijtrd Sept. Oct. Nov. Jan. Rlhs Sept. Oeu Jan. I ! I I 1S-104S 104V10W .. 6S',, 6SS M14 647 ' 5.r, 54'. 66SW5 i;h 2000 :-7H 12 16 ' 12 Y 11 w 10 66 fl 7 11 46 6 18 I7W 11 m 10 66 11 70 20 10 ' 1 to la 20 11 12Vi 42 OTi, 11 WHO II 7H 11 X74 6H 664j 6S' H'i', I 20 13H 20 10 U 30 12 2S 12 30 11 ti 14) 11 V II ) 70 S3M to1 20 U 20 10 II 40 12 22i 12 22V 11 11 72H 11 i0 v'no. I. 'ftxh qu pLOl.Il hogs, No. t. luotatlons wars as follows It bteady! . wlatar nstenia ti iw ' wimer airaignis. .ioi(T4HO; spring .Alii, e.nxin-N Dasera, RY K No. 2, 73o. I1ARLEY Feed or mixing. 6H94c; good new. 70Wn73Wc. SEEDS Flax,. . Ko. 1 southwestern. 12.70 jso. 1 north wrererrtt I 82. Timothy. tS KKis , 75. Clover. HO.Oito.lS.OO.' r fltu VISIONS Aiess Dork, ner hhl mu T',,''"' P"r '" sii.sh. snort ribs sides (loos). lllJB'.fll.TS. Short clear sides tboxedl. HJ.2i4il2.&0. Total charknoes o,f wheat and flour were eo.,1 to bu. . Primary recent, w.r. 1 11, . 1 k , . . - .ii..v- ., uiinwig WUn 1.0ZI.UUI1 bu. corresponding day a year ago. .r, -tFm ior- noiiorrow: wneat, .in care; com, sae cars; oata, 74 cars 1 imago vaaa mces Wheat: No. 2 red . e-. . . .-u. - 1. -iu-"t; no. I hard I fxa100; No. 1 hard. Mi,v7c; No. 1 north t era spring. 1.12rl 14; No. I northern spring 1 i wsbi-u; ,o. 1 spring, i omm.u. Corn: No. f i an. o.sin-r-,,o; iso. I caan. 66c; No. white, 6'V: No. i win to. .4,feoc; No. yellow. W,Jf4Wcr No. 1 yellow, fcoWSotic. Oatsr No, 3 white. S4SASc; No. 1 white. rn .m",-,c, q.. a wmce, a-Tjf-4e: standard : iUTTEK eady; creameries, 24V&13C ) .dairies. E27e. r.t.us steady ; receipts. it.7j6 caaea; at 4 mars, rases mciuueu. jejiie; firsts, lie "l prime firsts. Be. I'H KKSK Eaavt 4aJslea trftlltUe- l. litililc; young Americas, 16lDac: long boms, I6jtl4c. POTATOES Easy: choice to fancy, ga POLLTRY-tMeady; turkeys. lc; fowls, lS'ic; springs 13c. . VEAL Steady; 50 to t-pound weights, IT ' t '".'"DOU,d weisiiia, St'of'sc; a to liremiflj ' 1 . 1 1 1 . 05p lMc. Car lxt Receipts Today: Wheat. 83 I at I M , . "I II. ni 'M.r aai 4- ai ! 1 1 7 ,l",,u,";',; "neat. cars; g !(, it cars. r Mlaaeaoalla Orala Market. uin.vxroi.is, sept. It. WHEAT . , v .fo, lie. -em her. tl 1V May, $1.1;-B115'; cash: No. 1 haid J ll " . r V T . ''' .o. z north Jai.wTi.a-.o.- J northern,' tl WStf Kl.AX-f'loaed at $.,.7 'URN-Ntl. .1 yellow; hitr f.NTt4-io, I white, JirSic fl V E No. 2. Tltr71V. h RAN- In Id. lb sacks. U :a FlA.M'lt-Flrst patehts. In wood Mlnaearstlia. H: aecmid t6 40. -first Clars. U.tUo4M; 1 li.6Wu4.(l. , . . , . , f the Day Commodities. NEW TORK. Sept. 14 FLOCR-tlulet : spring patents, Io.ft6.75; spring clears, 14.36 iu.w; winter extras no. 1. W.7He.Wi; win ter extras No. 2, 13.604jS.6; Kansas straights, 4 8ttj40. Rye flour, steady; Mir Jo good. 4.2uu4.25; choice to fancy, 4 atxtf 1. W, CORN MEAL Steady; flna white and yel low tl-4o.1.46; coarse, 1.361.0; kiln dried, 13. 4o. WHEAT-Spot market Irregular; No. 2 red, tlM, elevator and 11.034. tr o. b. afloat Owing to bearish cables and for eign news, wheat declined lc, but was stesdier near the close on commission house buying and export talk. The close was barely steady. He to o net lower; Septem ber closed. eUBVa; December, tl.06; May, 91.114, CORN Spot market weak; No. 2, OtVi. elevator basis to arrive; No. 2. 3Vc. f. o. d., atioat. futures were without trans actions, closing He to He net lower; Sep. tember closed, 64Sc; December, 60c. un rspoi market steady; standard white, new, 38Ve; No. 2 white. 89Vic: No. .S1Teiea.4, 3St. VutuVes wete without ransactlons. closing unchanged to Wc higher; September. SSVc; December, 4fcc; May, 43xc; July, 43c. MAY Quiet: D 11 me. H.121.1fi- No. 1. $1.10; No. 2. 11.00; No. 2. 860. HIDES Quiet: Central America, mit: Bogotai H4fij2H4e. hwb-Dun: state, common to cholca. 190, imi2c; 1, nominal; Pacific coast. Ili9. Ilka 16c; 19t, nominal. PROV18IONB Pork, steady: mesa. tZltO 4JM.U0; family, 1X.002.00; short clear, $22.60 D'J4.o. Beef, rirm; meas, 115.00c&'15.60; fam ily, $lOmSJ0.O0; hama. ulOOaat.OO. . Cut meats, steady.; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., lfxttlSc; pickled hams, 144j lie. Lard, easy; middle west prime, $l2.60ti 12.S0; refined, easy; continent. $1100; fcuuth America, $13.76; compound. llllVc. TALIAJW uulet; prims city, hods.. 74c: country. 7VS8c. MUTTER steady; creamery specials. ii S1Vc; extras. 11c; third to firsts. 24Vi "'t : state aairy, iuiuiuu 10 finest ZV,rSc; process, second to special, 24 27?; factory, June make, 23 Mi 24c: factory. current uiaav, mvk, nuiuiiion creamsry. 24t25o. CHE Eg Hi steady; atate, whole milk, stx- elnla 1.rtl7c; state. Whole milk f,M i. atate, whole milk, choice. Uc; state, 'good to prime, mjivw. atate, common to fair, 10Vjl3c: skims, full to special, IVs&llHo. EUUS steaoy; irean gut tiered, extra tirsi, wg z"c; state, iirst, uv-4c; sxate, onda. 11&22C. POULTRY Alive, weak; spring chick ens. l4(Ui4Hc; lewis, liaise; turkevs. 1243 15c. Dressed. Irregular; western broilers. 17i20c; fowls, IsVttfWWc: spring turkevs. 2530c . Amerlci AtTierlvan A mertean Aineiiran Amwiriii American Amsriran Ameiicsn Amsriran American Amsrleaa Amerli-an American Amertran American Anaconda Atchina Atchison I4 , Atlantic coast Una .... Baltimore ft Ohio Bsthlrham Steal Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacing Csntrml Leather - OntrsJ lamther pfd Central of N. 1 Chesapeake ft Otto .... Chicago Alton Chleaso Ot. Wast Ctilssa-o OL West. pfd. . Chi. ft N. W t'hi,. m. st. r C. C. O. ft St. L. Dole, fuel ft iron Colo, ft SoettMrn Corn Products ronaolldated Gas Delaware ft Hudson .... Isner A R. U Denvsr ft R. u. p4 .. IseiAiiars' Securities RriS Bri 1st pfd Brie 2d pld General F.letrlc Oreat Nor lb TO pld .... Orsat Northsrn ore ctfs Illinois (enlrai Intsrtooesush-llet. Interburouf h-Met pfd .... international Harvester ... Inier-Martne std International Paper lntarnettettal Pump Iowa Central K. C. RouUiarn K. C. Southern pld Laclede Gas .4 UnilsTllle ft Naahvllle .. Mlna. ft fw L. M . R. P. ft 8, lit. M... M.. K. ft T XT, K. ft T. phi Missouri Pacific National Biscuit National Load N. Ry. a 11. M pM...... Nsw York t'entral N. Y., O. ft W Norfolk . ft. Wsatern Norte Amorlvan Northern Paellle- Parlfle Mall PssmavWanla Fsttple' oaa Pitta.. C. C. ft ft. I..... Pittsburg Coal Prssaad steal car Pullman palaos Car Rallwar atael tprlng steadins Rspublle Steal .. Kepuhlla Steal pfd Hoi laland Co Rook laland 0. pd St. L. ft S. K. 64 pfd.... St. Louis a. w St. Louis 8. W. pfd Moss-Shefllsld S. ft. INN Boutheni PaoMIc Southern Hallway Soathars By. pfd Tsneiaaas Chopper Tsxaa ft Pad! 10 : Tol., St. L. ft W... Tel., St. L. ft W. B44 .. Uulou f acine Union Pacllte pfd t'nllsd Stalas Realty .... I'nlted States Rubber .... Called Itiatae Steal , lotted States Steal pfd... tltak OOpper Vorrlnla-Cmaoltna Cham.., Wsbaah Wabaah pfd Wasurn Maryland Wsstlnshouas Electric .... Western Union Wheeling ft Lake Kris... Total sales for tha day, 100 uo "ioi 100 I.VO ,ono ?ef (. 40 us 45 74k s l W4 11 i lit 1 - 10 ii& ' rr. 76H IPO IS 11, too luo l.aou 146 4 44 74 41 II "ii" !4 47 1174 lSt 'jiit n iw lots r u 14V, 14ilH Amer, do as Armour ft Atrhlaon re do ct. 4a do c. bm At. C. I.. I B. ft O. ' do , do 8. W Br. Tr. cr. C. of oa. fct Ontral Leath. U "t . of N. J. fen. C. ft O. 4Ws.... do ref. C. ft A. H C. B. ft 4. J. 4a do sn. 4a. 1st 4a. IVsa nN. Ry. et M. 4 . lTi ..Un.4 N. Y. C. an. Ss 4a.. C do de. 4 .... ." 4s... N. T.. N. It. H )w . a 1?4 .104 N. ft W. 1st eon.4a ! . 1"4 do ov. 4 va . psvaafcn. PacltK 4a ...,..lfS rs do "lt . en, o s, L. rfd .. J: . l!l,pe. rv. , tll- H 10i, do cen. ...... s.l'124 . :tS Reading sen. 4a H im 12? si L. ft t. V. 1. 4s W ll . es tV ""s Vi st. L P. W. eon. 4s TJ 44 do 1st told 4a Mt S Sraboard A. L. 4a- 70 S7V So. Pac. col. 4.... 1 M lS II M 1,000 ""poo J 00 soe n.mt 100 '"ini I.M0 l.m 10 HKl) l.SnO 14V 1I1H 714 tl t itvi iS us 14 14 "os 71 7 " 14 ii iii" lliVh 44 IJ 1T 100 as it ' trio 100, iooii 440 144 141VS " too iii" l.l'JO Kw. IHh '"ioi "sits 'ui tOO 11414 114 300 tivs 41 Lo iS nt i, o ui m l.tOQ 41 40V4 sue i;ii : M 47s 1,14 1MW. 114Hi tUO MS 1.100 1S4S. US 4.PU4 107 Vt 10 r t m 17 17 100 US (4 0 1414 11 H ii. tui "ioi 'si'vh ii il.OO UV4 t PO ti K 4014 lVi 4 1"4 47S "4 lH 1"S 17 101 Vi 41 117 1U S3 V .i W'4 s ieu4 111 1V4H 274 '4 1 t 104 v ISO 144 28 v a 44V, 144 1" ;t . H'a lVk lf ju4 71 V 27 43 Vh 143 11a 44 IS) lli 7V. . 15w 10 40H WV, 4 4t lMVt u 131V4 31V. 41S 113 41 U4i lilVk 444, S7Vi 4c Vi 114 124 T4 104 W 14 44 10 H 41V 141 Vi 44 x4 too 16.104 loe mo 1.KV SOS '"iii M.404 1W luO 1"0 11. PU suo POO l.c 100 1.H0 '" WO 67 114 tz M 1444 'aivi 11 Hi 71 (444 74V4 114 V, 41 44 11 7 47 llK MV ITS 14 'ii" 144 Vi v 71 4 4a 114V, 4 17 M 'ii' 41 47V4 .hW'a 74 .1S .ioe aa lat ft r 4a... s . S V. . Ruhbsr M ... lot . 14 V. 9 Bteel M 5S....1IH . Va.-lr. Chsm 5s.. P . Wi Wahaeh lat 4a 10 . 7:v do lat ft 4a.. . 70 West. Mi. 4a 44 . SMtWest. Rise. cv. 4sa.. isvt .114 Wis. Central t ?i . P4V, Mo. Pacific la .44. C. M. ft 8. P. a. d 4a M do C. R. I ftp. c. 4a 7' de let rsf. 4. do Ird. 4s -... M4. Railway 61 Colo. md. is 76t do sen. 4a Oolo. Mid. 4s 1 nlon Psdfle r. ft 8. r. ft es. 4a ' do cr. 4s. Il. HUT. er. 4s. V. ft R. . 4a do rsf. 4a Ulstlllers is Krta pr. 1. 4s do pea. 4a do cr. 4s ear. A.., do per. B Oen. Klsc cr, 4a... 111. On. re.-4a... Int. -Mat. 4V,, Bid. Three dava this eekl0' IS 470 14.13 Paine days last week IS1" W frame tlavs 3 weeks sgo..3.1.M& 17.411 M.!-. Kanie days 3 weeks sg.t. .-:4.(ti7 Hi. US! eV.S Same days 4 weeks ago.. 25.322 11 45.21 lame das last yest I4.WJ I 9(6 U. 'l'he following table shows the receipts of csttle, hogs and sheep at Houttl Umaha for the year to date, as compered with last year; 1910. 1. 1-- lec. battle 7S8.407 I74.1M Hogs l.oot.i:a 1.7S2.9U abO.I.O c"-rp . l.olo.J. l.lU.JWt Ol." 1 The following table shows the average 41.. pra-es or hogs at South Omaha tor tne several days, with comparisons: I Carpenter Idaho. ti ieedets.. 1 40 I 9 heifers... tti I "0 . hei'ers.. W 11 etiws 714 .1 0 2 bulls M5 1 1 bulls ' Z 1, Hi .:. ftuyers in Hie hoirOaids ham .mered the market without mercy this morning. Receipts were moderate, con sisting largely of heavy hogs, but local values are loo high us compared with east ern cost, packers assnt, and todav s de moralised trade is only a full reckoning which should hare been distributed over the last few days. In a general wav. prices were right around 2.V lower than those of yesterday, but movement was alow from the slart. and declines uneven In both rilviMons. De mand from all sourcea was backward, shippers purchasing n few loads of the best bacon hogs on sale during the early hours. A sreater degree of nctlxitv developed as the morning advanced, and prices Im prove' somewhat under the influence of better competition. Several snles that were made a i hour of two before noon oppeured to be no worse than 2T''i.1fo lower. Heavy hogs moved around v . with me dium weight mixed at or near fA!4. Light bacon grades made a top tf 19 :'S, us com pared with yesterday" high price of 19 SO. Uocd light kinds were scarce, however, and sslea wrie scattered. Ne. 13.. ! 40... Dates. I 110. .ilVAw.illos.,lW.!lM-ileJ6.,lH- Pept .. bept. I.. Kept. I... oept. ... dept. 10.. tept. 11.. bept. U.. oept U.. sept. 14.. 17141 7 17 tKia, 7 M 11 7 Kl oih T s UM I as. 27' 1 i 7 W I I Ml 1 . e 171 0 A si on s w( i KM J a (Vl) Wl 8 1 . J tsl I Ml l ' . t Ml 6 Ml t 17) t Ml 71HHeileM I 1 hAi 4 iwi a Hi 61 TV 7 W M 6 ?, i "I 1 48 Bundsy. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union htock lards. Motith Omaha. Neb., lor the twenty-four hours ending at 3 o clock yesterday: ... RECEIPTS-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. Boaloa Cloalas Mocks. ROSTON. Sept. 14. Closing quotations on stocks: Allues Altai, Ctopper A. E. L. ft Arlt. Cera Atlantic B. ft C. C. ft 8. at. Butts Coalition .... Cat. ft Arizona Cal. ft Hscla tBBKennlal Copper Hangs East Butte C. M Franklin Olreux Con Oranby Con Gieana Cananea ... Isle Royals Kerr Lake Lak ODppar Lasall Copoer Miami Copper Asksd. 41 Mohawk .... 44U Nevada Con 14 Nlptaalnt Mines. 114 North Butte ... , 4:4 North Lake ...... . lKVaOld Dominion .. nivhOaaola 44 Parrott 8. ft C... 646 Qulncy , 14 Shafinoa , MVkS-upertor , . 7 Vt Superior ft B. M , lev, Superior ft P. C. , 4 Tamarack . IS n. s. C. ft O... , 44 v. a. R. ft . 21 da ptd , 44Vtah Con . 15 I'tah Cbpper .... . 10Vt Winona . 144 Wolverine :::::::: SI ... lev, ... J4H ... 4V4 ... 14 ...1U ... 13 ... TIH ... '4 ... SO ... IV, ... 1P ... 41 ... MVi M. ... 44 .... Vh ..44 ... 1H ....121 C 41. ft St. P. Ry.... I W abash H. K 3 Missouri Paclflo Ry.. U Union Pacific R. K. . . 3 C. Ac N. NV. Ry., east .. C. aV Is'. W. Ry., west S C, t5t. P.. I. O.... 7 C R. Ax Q. Ry., eaat. .. C. B. ft g Ry., west .222 C. R. 1. P., esst 2 C. R. 1. A P.. west'... 1 Illinois Central Ry Chicago Great West.. 2 At. ...141 ....SIT SaO ....n ... no ....o ....175 .. . .271 .... ... IM ....JSi ....74 .... fso . ...J0o 1M Boaloa topper Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan Rryan, members Roston Stock exchange. 315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Adventure Artiona Cam Alloues Atlantic OJumat ft Aril.... Olumet ft Hecla.. CVntannlal Copper Range Daly-Weet Baat Butts First National Hanoock H. Ivstla Indiana Isls-Roysla Kevweenaw Lake Copper LaHall laaiaachusaus . t4 Michigan . 17 Miami . 41 Mohawk ,. tvtj .Mppieatnf . ttv, North Butte .440 Osceola .. 17 Old LMrnilnloo . l7V4Qunlcy . l74Ray Cons . 7V4 8Bannon Iitftapertor Oopper.... . ! Superior ft Boetoa. 5 3. Tamarack 11 L. 8. 8. ft Ret. it da pfd IV, flak .Cone 34V, Wolverln , 1V4 Yukon Ool.. 7V4 Boston ft Ely.., Ce. . 44 . . 44 . kH . V .1 . (444 . 74 . J-V4 . 0V4 . 4. I7S Totals ...i 433 DISPOSITION S' 1 2 2 lo 1 13 1 i 4 M :ars. 41 Ka i 63 1 175 14 19 Omaha Packing Co.. Kwlft and Co Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour ft Co.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 39 .. .1.419 ...i,a4 44a. l.ej l.fsC! vr.4 l.uw u 7W 1.9i 1.701 2.No5 1.484 ... s ... r:4 ...liiv, ... lit ... lv. evr Vork Mlslag Stocks. NEW TORK. Sept. 14 Closing tions on mining stocks: " Alice ITS Leadville Coo , Branrwlck Ooa 7 LiltU Citler ... Com. Tun it Mailcan do bonds 14 On tails ' Con. Cal ft Vs. ...116 Ophln ... Horn gllvsr 44 Standard o Iran surer 174 Tallow Jacket , Offered. quota' .. 14 .. 4 ..lta ..124 ..ltt ..m .. 44 Baak Clearlagra. OMAHA. Sept. 14 Bank clearings for to day were liWa.7S3.8tS and for the corre sponding date last year. 12. 547, 4K. 14. x OMAHA CE!4feKA.;af ARKaC. Ma.Mt anarat. 38 Vi 41 n 4 KV4 4s 1444 34 Tl MVi 444 114V, 44 444 17 44 4i ST. turee, Mc; red. t. Laala Geaeral Market. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. 14. WHEAT-Fu-lower; September, 97c; December, May, 1.0&'4. Cash, firm; track: No. ll.oo-ul.04: No. I hard, ll vrvai ot CORN Futures, lower: December. f.JTie- May, 6ViC Cash, lower: track:' No. ft. 4&v4 itl&oc: No. I white, &t?n84c. ca 1 rv tjjwer; itecember. nv4e: Mav. JeSc Cash, steady; trsck: No. 2, Be; No. t 11 lie, acwfi ,viv,c. RTE-Hlgher. 7Sc. KLOUR-Steady. Red winter na tents. to.(i0ijS.60: eatra fancy and straight, t4.26 4. ho; hard winter cleans. 13 40QJ M. SEKD Timothy. 14 bOVlU.00. CORN M BA L $3. 15. BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track. K'SSftc. HAT Steady; timothy. 114ttal&0: oral- rle, 112 00 14o. 14At4t.il Nl 4 IV)I-. H KM P TWINE-7V4C PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: iohhlnr 121.60. Ijtrd. higher; prim steam. 1U.350 12.05. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed estra shorts, 13V; clear ribs, UVac; short clears. liSc. Itacon, lower; boxed extra aborts. 14'c: clear rtba, 14Sc; short clears, 14Tc POl LTRT rirm; chickens, 12c; springs. 12c; turkeys, 19c: ducks, lie; geeee. 9c. BI'TTER Quiet: creamery, JtrSOSo. LOOS Firm; 22 'rC. Receipts. Shipm'ts 1.300 14.100 73.(100 4t.sU (VO.Vin 4K.100 44400 ta.eOD Iadsa 8tex-k Market. LON'ION. Sept 14. American securiUes after opening a fraction higher today eased off. Then covering caused a reaction and at ttoon the market was steady, with values ranging from above to fc below yeeter day'a New York cloaing. Console, roeoey.. s 11-M Louisville ft N 141V account sa, K. ft T 41 Amal. Copper 4 N T. Central liVt Anaeoada '4 Norfolk ft W PM4 Ateklson .'. WIV do ptd pi de ptd let Ontario ft w 41V4 Baltlmura ft Ohle. . . .lu4 Pennaylvanla 84 Vk Car.adlaa Pacific lWv,Hanl Mines i.. t Cliaaapseka ft O T4 Reading TIV4 Chloago O. W 14 Southern Ry 14 Cat., MIL ft St. P...1M de pfd 44 ... 17 VJ Southern Paclflo 117 ... 414 Union Pacific 1744. ... T4 da Ptd T4V, ...IT V. I. Steal UTa ... 444 de pfd IX ... 4 Wabaah it ,.. I7V4 de pft 14 ...111 Spautsh 4a U Flour, bbla. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. ... Oata, bu. .. f a b patents, lo ai scond clear a. Kansas Clip Grain and Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. Sept. 14,-WHEAT-De reinber. oc. bid; May. 11 WV,. sellers Cash: Silc lower; No. t hard, 98cftll.0i; No. 1 SrlWc: No. 2 red, 99c11.01; No. I, V.&IOQX.. (XRN December. lv'8ilh. sellers; May. 54fs4Tr. sellers. Cash: Unchanged: No. 1 mlied. 55Slii.Vc; No. 1 mixed, MjWc; No. 2 white. 5c; No. t oMac. OATS Unchanged; No. 1 whits. J&Qeac; No. 1. mixed. -'j.v. K v f -No. 2. SUllSoC. HAY Unchanged: choice timothy, lltio 14 00: ' choice praine, lliwi. BITTER-Creamery. 2c; firsts, I7e; aec- nnde. 25c: packing stock. I2W EXJOS EJttras, 2uc; firsts. 22Vac; seconds, ltc. Receipt a. Wheat, bu 7.)0 Corn. bo. lo.OOO Oaia. bu 11.000 1 reoRf a". Market. ' Frta Sept. ll-('OUN-Usrr: N., mhiM u.t. x: .a - ,.u..u , -. - . iLow,JP'i.i?- 1 vlf 1'; No. 4, &4,c. while. 34c. Na. "w. et',e; ro. a. snKi.r; O D -Unchanged, No. 2 whhe, Sijjik-; atandard. Wl if I r . .. . "Mir.urioi. Kent IV vt ItlkAT SDOt- ull; No.- I red weatern winter, no el.x k' futures easy; CKlober. Is3ad, lecember. s '.!: March, 7s 4d VX'KN opol easy, old Amerioea aoUed, Shiptn'ta. IMOno 4;. out ?.0iw) Mllwaake Grain Market MILWAUKEE. Sept. 14.-FIni-Dul1. WHKAT No. 1 northern. tl.Ltylll; No. 1 northern. II Ka3l.ll. leceraler, PaAaC t ia Tt 3..atiiC. JiARLKY-Samplee, T14J74C ft Bow a. P Denver de pfd rle da let pfd Se 3d ptd Oread Trunk..... Illfnots Ostitral.. SI LV ER Bar, steady at 24Hd per ounce. MuNEY Mil per cent. The rate ot discount in the onen market for short bills is 14 per cent; for three momne dius, zvt per cent. Lacal Seearltlaa. Suotatlons furnished by Burns. Brtnker o.. 449 Omaha National Bank building: Alma. Keb , U. Is Cudahy Packing Co. Is City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 4a. 1414.. ColumawS. Nab. . L 4a. IM.. C. R. I. ft P. raf 4a, 1PM talrmotit Creamery ptd Fairmont Oeamery. eoas Hydraalla P I Brick, earn.... Iowa Portland lat 4a Iowa Portland Id Bd. 44 41 10 1T 11 48 PI Kan. O. ft B. 7 per earn prd. WichKa S Kaaaaa City R. ft L. ia, 111 41 Kansas City 8tih Tarda 44 Kanaaa Oily (municipal) 1S4V4 Matratmlltan Ry . K. C. ia 1111 P7V4 Omaha Water C. as, 114 44 Omaha Water Oa. as, 1P44 44 Omaha Oaa aa. 1411 34 Omaha ft C. B. Ht. Ry. pfd 4 par seat 41 Omaha ft C . 81. rty.. coat Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry. la. 1411 PT Omaha St. ly la. 114 Pactfl T. ft T. la, 111 44 Spokane ft Inland Bmplr la. 111.... 44V4 t'nlun tteck (arts Stock. Omaha 44 Trl-Clly y. 4k ihl 44 Aakad. 14 44 JUS tl 44 100 44 19 4.V4 47 V, 11 4 4V, 44 V, 1 St lt 4 V4 s M f 26.764 BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, dellrered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 22c; No. 2, In 10-lb. tubs. He; No. 2 In 1-lb. cartons, tM. K.- n S I. MO-IK . , OClz. na.liln. 'IJJlstock, solid pack. 22c.. dairy, in tXMb. tubs. ltj-4c. Market changes every Tuesday. C H KEtt K Twi na, lKc; young Americas, UVc; dalslss, lVrc; triplets, UVsc; Umberger, 14c; No. 1 brick, IHc: Imported Swiss, iCo; domes tie Hwtsa sue; block gwlse, 22c. POULTRY Dressed broilers under 1 lbs., 20c; over 1 lbs., 14c; hens l&c; cocks, lOc; ducks, 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys 24c; pigeons, per dos., 11. U; homer stiuabs, per dos., 4.u0; fancy suuabs, per dos., $1.60; No. 1, per dos., 13.00. Alive: Broilers, lie; over 2 lbs., 12c; hens, lie; old roosters, 6c; old ducks, full feathered. 10c: geese, full feathered, lftc- turkeys, 20c; guinea fowls 20o each; pigeons, iwi uvi.i sot;, uuoicra, per uos., o.vv; squaoa. No. L per dos., 11.50; No. 1 per dos., 40c. FISH (all froxen) Pickerel, 12o; white fish, 17c; pike, 15c; trout. 17c; large crapples. 20c: Spanish mackeraJ. 14c: eel. lite: had. dock, 12c; flounders, lie; green oatfiah, 18c; Duuoeaaa, 10c; roeqnaa, i.w each ; shad roes, per pair, 50c; frog legs, per dog.. Hoc; Simon uk. Beef Cuts Rib: No. 1. lie; Na L livin- No. I. c Loin: No. L 14c; No. . 14c: .' I, c. Chuck: n. 1. 4c; Na f, tvio; No. J lc riouna: no. a, S44c; imo. I, 7 Sic: No 1 iSa Flats: Na 1. Huo- Na t 8. twc. FRUIT & Oranges: California Valencia. all aises, per box. 16.oni6.2a. Lemona: Llmonlera, extra fancy, 3o aise, pr bo, 17.00; WO aise. per box, 17.50; choice, 100 alse per box, -", aw sum, per box. 17.00: 240 else, too per bos leas. Bananas: Fancy aa. lect. per bunoh. U.2&:.f0; J am bo. h...TT 12.754t3.7l. Cantaloupes: Colorado Rocky Foraa, oa iw. t.ie, so aiaouaraa, 11.26. Ital ian Blue Prunes: Washington, per crata Li; In lots, per crate. 11.15. Peaches: Cali fornia Saiways, per 24Vlb. box, J0c; l0 i0 of 25 or more, per box, 7?4jc: Colorado Bl- bertns. per rears: New York Bartlett. per bu. bsk., 1 lowa.76; California B. Clalrague. per box, Um; In lota, per box. H7o. Apples: Home-grown ctwkina ln bbl.. $404.5; Missouri Jonaulan bbla.. 4ail; Oregon, per box. 11 7 California Gravensteln. per box, tin Grapes: California Malagas, per' r.1"' crata 1: California Tokay. "pVr irVta: 11.50; concorae, Home-grown, per 1-lb bak 26o27Vo. Watermelons. Texas. lVt Wr lb! Dates: ai ujsuiu, new, ju Sa in box. per box. 12.00. " VEUETABLKS Potatoes: Early Ohio m sacs a, per on, , nw Jersey white stock, extra fine quality, par buT. in? 8weet Potatoes: Virginia, per bbl.. Jio, Onions: Large yeUow In sacks, per I h Al lows, email reo ana yellow, per lb in Spanish, per crate, 1115. Garlic: Extra . l,ll. rr IK It... . t,gg lav. . .1 iiiuui a. v. w Krey Packing Co.... L... Murphy, shipper "... W. B. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant A Lush 152 Ktepliena Bros 174) Hill & Son 435 F. B. Lewis 1X2 Huston Co 197 J. B. Root & Co 4:44 J. H. Bulla 11 L. F. Husx 10 L. Wolf R2 McCreary Carey tws 8. Werthelmer 6M H. F. Hamilton 13 M. Hagerty 17 Lee Rothschild 210 I egan 29 Baker A Polsley.... Tl McConnaughey 1 Missouri-Kan. Calf Co.. 61 Other buyers 1,267 Totals 9,229 1,175 24,102 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were liberal sguin today, 4.-9 carloads being reported in. This brings the total for the three days up to 30,682 head, as against 33.371 head for the same days last week, and 24,68 head a year ago. In spite of the large runs the market had a good, healthy appearance. Buyers. In fact, were out In the yards In good season In the morning and the trade If anything onened earlier than usual Desirable killing cattle commanded steady prices, and the market was fairly active, as packers all seemed to have liberal or ders. At the aame time Interior to com mon grade were naturally neglected to some extent and the feeling on anything of that description was weak, aa la apt to be the case when receipts are large. Ooods cowa and hellers also commanded about steady nrlces and tne trade was reasonably active. As was the case with beef steers the Inferior and common kinds were rather slow and the tendency easier Good feeders were sought after, and tne buyers got down to business very early In the morning. Thus the market was active and tha better eradea chanaed hands very freely at good steady prices. Common andJ trashy kinds were naturally slow, the same as they are most days, and the tendency, If anything, was downward. Quotations on native cattle: Oood to choice beef steers, 17.OU4J4.ou; fair to good beef s tears, ea.vU4r7.Ou; common to fair bee( slesus, e-svu4).w; good to cooice cornted belfers, 1.1 501. 50; con Jam to tair cows ana heifers. 12.5uwS.eO; goo J to choice stackers and feed era. 4.75i 4 uu, lair to good a Locker and feedera. 14.14.75; common to fair Blockers and feedera, 13.2o44.v; stock heif er. 43.2524.25; veal calves, 14.su42i.lai; bulla stags, eta- M.26434.t. QuotaUons oa range cattle: Choice t4 prime beeves, 94.0vVaiO; good to choice beeves. lo.4otj4.U0. fair to good beeves, H CP5.10; common to fair beeves, 13.7oS4.54; good to choice heifers, t4.25T4.00; good to choice cowa. 14.O0Cr4.tb; fair to good grades, 13.50tj4.00; cannera and cutters, t2.ott4jl.40; good to choice feedera 14.90&4.S; fair to good feedera M.lOwHM; cowinoa to fair breeders. iloCP4.24. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Na A. Pr. Ne, Av. Pr. 14 443 1 M 44 127 t 44 Km 1 . t 314 4 4 81 (42 4 1 30 105 7 40 it 10U 4 7 - 44 lit I 44 " w n;T r. rt m o Kits rt-a B aa th. P. No. A. h. Pr. in n yn ti i I ,Vo M 2PS M I 7S I n , 71 :1 4 Ti t 44 41 : ... I 75 I i ;;i mo 1 I 40 e v li 40 no mi r;i ... I : !! W 1 3d I 71 M 571 ... 7 . :i so in 3 7 44 :1 ll ) 3 70 l 174 40 3 HO . 1 70 44 ill SO 3 U . 71 4; 2hI pi id ft I 7-j 71 . ?: 44 I 10 fl I 7i 7s .J ... f . I 7n 11 :j 44 m 4 71 44. 24 ... 3 11 0 3 75 7 IQfi t"0 Ii 3lIEEP-Iii the neighborhood of 4.V0IW head of sheep and lamoa arrived today, giving a total far the three daB of fuily U3.0uu head. Receipts are still running Inrgcly to feeders, almost three-fourths of this morning a run cciiHlatlng ot mis class of stock. Oood tat lambs were scarce and moved readily at much the same prices that pre vailed yesterday. The percentage of fat lieep was fully itbrra:il. with old ewes more plentiful than wethers. Buyers insistea upon a cheaper list of prices, however, and the bulk of offerings ruled weak to some lower. The movement In almost every branch of the trade was reasonably active after ship ments were shaped up In selling lorm. anu midday clearance found a large portion of the hotter classes, both feeder and fat. In second hands. Feeder buyers were tslking early that with such liberal receipts they ought to be able to fill their orders at a little less money and tne feeling early was weak on bjth feeder sheen and lambs. Poxsibly some bunches may have sold a trifle lower. but the buying demand was so good that It was Impossible to force prices down to any material extont. and the offerings chsnged hands aa fast aa buyers could get at them. Most operators were quoting feed ers as steady or very close to steady as compared with yesterday. Quotations on grass stock: Good to choice lambs. 16.606.85; fair to good lambs, W.2M3S.6O; feeding lambs, 15.ij..j-6.35; handy weight yearlings, K.iS'o'o.dO; heavy year lings, I5.lo4jjr5.50; heavy yearlings, M-Ma 5.00; feeder yearlVngs, ..i.Oufflo.a); good to choice wethers, 4.10ii4.3r; fair to -good v.ethers. 13.jxyq4.10; feeding wethers. fct.SW'rf 4.20: breeding ewes, 14.OW-4.50, fat ewes, 13.5tkii4.0O; fyeedlng ewes, 4V.7oHj3.4y. Representative sales: No. Av. AH Wyoming ewes KM llj western ewes, feeders W 3110 Wyoming ewes, feeders 107 lo47 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 52 2. & western ewes, feeders 81 5ol Wyoming wethers, feeders... K! 2;4B Wyoming wethers, feeders... V9 230 Wyoming wetwers, feeders... W Mil western ewes, feeders ki 2bi western lambs, feeders 53 319 western lambs, feeders 52 125 Wyoming ewes, feeders 107 3. (4 Wyoming lambs, feeders 414 3s Wyoming ewes, feeders 94t). Wyoming lambs, feeder culls 319 Wyoming yearlings, feeders. IS Wyoming yearlings, feeders. 209 ewes, feeders 4M ewes, feeders 1M ewes, yearling feeders culls. 216 ewes, yearling feeders 300 ewes, yearlings feeders 555 ewes, yearling feedera i9il ewes, yearling feeders S5I Idaho lambs, feedera bTORYOFDR. RUSTIN'S DEATH More Deposition! Are Taken ia the Insurance Hearing. FINANCIAL RELATIONS ABE TOLD Marlla Meier Tells f llearla e Pistol Khol. tat 5aa He Did .! Hear Aayoae Strream After toe !het. All (he evidence tlx slate brought out to siipiHirt Ahbm Rice's story In the trial of Charles K. Davis is being taken In deposi tion by the attorney ft the insurance) companies fUhtlng the accident Insurance suit of Mrs. Frederick Rustin. Uiiiiiitng Wedneetlay morning the de fense started a long array of witnesses, the first lc!sg Ueorrw H. Hanson, a saloon man whom Dr. Ruslin got to take Abbie Rice to his homo the Sunday before the tragedy. Hanson said the physician In structed him and llio Rite woman to paas as man and wife beforo the servant in the llustln home, who was the only person In the house besides the three dinera Mrs. Clara Ulraaoii" testified to the five day's stsy at her place of Dr. Ruetln and Abhie Rlre. a visit which concluded the fternoon before the shooting. Mrs. Ulea son also told ho Ahble Rice came back to the house that night and how she made three attempts to get the Ruttln home on the telephone. A. W. Ijirson, foreman of the Omaha A Coui-.cll Bluffs Street Railway company, told of lils boardliiK an ea.t-bound Fainam car at Fortieth street the nlht of the shooting at 11:10 or and of Ahble Rice's entering the same car. O. H. On stoot. conductor of Uie-cer. gave less cer tain evidence to the same effect. Martin Meyer, next-door neighbor, ot Dr. RuKlin. told of hearing the shot and denied that any scream followed It. Luther Kountze wan called to testify to financial relations between Dr. Rustin and Abble Rice. Mrs. Gleason's testimony also covered this point and she rehearsed the arrest of Abble Rice at her place next day, telling how the "Rice woman gave her among other things, a check for 1500. signed by Dr. Rustin. TIUs Is the famous check which Mrs. Oleason threw In a waste basket at the suggestion she thought of Police Csp tain Dunn. On the etand Wednesday Mrs. Oleason said she misunderstood the police official about doing away with the check. In the afternoon the testimony of Dra Lang f eld and Toward was to be taken. In the last few minutes of the morning session Dr. Lord testified, expressing nis emphatic belief that the man he saw at the corner of Thirtieth avenue and Faroam street about the time of the murder was Davis. S4 Idaho lambs, feeders.... luO Idaho lambs 3-7 Idaho lambs, feeders.... S52 Idaho lambs, feeders..... 667 Idaho lambs, feeders 171 Idaho lambs, feeders... . 101 Idaho lambs, feeders 850 Idaho lambs, feeders 2x Idaho lambs, feeders 247 Wyoming lambs, feeders 63 Si 3d 78 77 84 US 64 74 75 77 77 69 00 62 60 60 60 59 51 60 60 39 feeders.. 11 40 34 steers. 4 cows... 19 heifers 67 steers.. US .. 541 .. ftk ..122 5 60 4 75 4 K 00 6 50 44 steers. 22 oowa. . 23 steers. 71 steers. 12 steers., 630 . 961 .1144 ..1200 , kta 4 0 1 10 6 00 I 50 4 56 67 steers II cows., W cowa, (Vki yomlng lambs, feeders 45 1 Wyoming lambs, feeders 45 155 Wyoming lambs, feeders 35 350 Wyoming lambs, feeders 54 707 Wyoming lambs, feeders 53 J Wyoming lambs, feeders 37 4!9 Wyoming t wes 94 444 Wyoming ewes 107 6f9 Wyoming wethers 1)6 636 Wyoming ewes 95 M2 Wyoming wethers 9 InSi V yomlng lambs, feeders 65 Sl Wyoming lambs, Mrs., culls 4 1115 Idaho lambs, feeders !' Su Idaho Samba, feeders 47 143 Idaho lambs 174 Idaho 136 Idaho 171 Idaho 71 Idaho 210 Wyoming 675 Wyoming 3 feeders, feeders. lambs, ewes 93 lambs, feeders 41 lambs, leaders 47 yearlings, feeders W lamba. feedera 59 145 Wyoming lamba furs., culls 59 429 Wyoming lamba, feeders 75 1025 Wyoming lambs, feeders 54 2W Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. "1 101 Wyo. ylgs.. wetha and ewes. 7 535 Wyoming ewes, feeder 87 Pr. 3 56 3 50 1 75 15 2 av 4 25 4 25 4 25 3 15 40 6 20 2 40 6 00 1 25 6 25 6 15 6 15 1 25 1 25 4 25 6 10 t 10 6 20 6 25 C 40 6 40 6 50 40 t 35 6 40 35 6 76 6 45 6 45 6 10 6 75 6 25 6 25 6 10 6 20 6 40 3 50 1 75 4 35 2 t5 4 30 26 6 7n ti 10 6 00 6 35 6 t5 1 to 05 b 85 4 90 25 6 26 6 85 35 6 00 4 35 1 25 TWO YEARS' SENTENCE FOR SUGAR SUPERINTENDENT Ernest W. tierbracht, Who Was Una Tided of t'onaplracr to Defraad, Meat Co ta Prlaoa. NEW TORK, Sept, H. Ernest TV. Ger bracht. former superintendent of the Wil liamsburg refinery of the American Re fining company, who . with Charles R. Helke. former secretary and treasurer of the company, was convicted last spring of conspiracy to defraud the government by the underwelghlng of sugar, was today sentenced to two years in the federal peni tentiary at Atlanta and fined 15.000 by Judge Martin in the United States court. After Imposing sentence -Judge Martin granted a stay on appeal and fixed bail at 125,000. Sentence on Helke, who has been called "the man higher up," Is still pending. The conviction of Helke and Gerbracht was In a large measure brought about by the testimony of Oliver Spltser, former dock superintendent, who. following his conviction and a Serving ;of a part of hit sentence at Atlanta, turned state's evi dence. Spltxer was pardoned by President Taft. ant: Fancy Florida, per doa "ti m Celery: Mlcnigan. per dos bunches. Jfc HOHlHBUn vtUETABLEal Calw bat. New. per lb.. Sc. Tomatoes: Per bak toowic. String and wax beans: Per inki' bsk., 76a Cucumbers: Per mkt. bsk im 75c. lettuce: Extra fancy leaf! r',2a 45c Parsley: Fancy home-grown, er doa bunches. c. Turnips: Per mkt. bsk Carrots: Per mkt. bak.. 0c, Beeta-' p mkt. bsk.. ltc. "' MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Block lb.. So; California Na L per lb.. I7C- 'ciTi fornte No. 2, per lb.. 14c Hicim Larga per lb.. 4c; email, per lb., 6c. Cocoa- nuts: r er eocs, w wi; per aos , tec. Honev New. 24 frames. 1 IB. oney. Ness Oswkt Her Market. OMAHA. Sept. 14 HAT No. 1 upland. lu; Kanaaa 114 : No. S upland. Ill 00. packing. 110 uo, aifalfa. (14 oa. lit raw: Wheat, 14 09. rye. . oata 09. Pera'.atent Advertising la the Road to Big Rot urn Tar Car Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan aV Bryan, membere New York Stock exchange, lis Souta cUx teen m j treat Omaha: Bar State Oaa 11 Inselratlea I Butte cealiuaa lv,Laraaa jt fartee lSN.a4a Owna . lXNarbwsa 7i . IV, Oh la ttoewer ta: . 44 Kawktae Usamiea.. 11 IT-UKar I "antral ja. . i swin ps- c ins ksare-Ruwauik Ca.,.147u . 1V Sllw kins Cealtt.. at eupencr a ntta iu faino , Chlet Ooata.. Fraitlan fela-Uelr . glf Central fly t'ona... Sir Witoh . r rank Its .. Otrout OoWOalt Uotenald Oeienelt Orwtne One , Fteeanc. . 4 V, T.I Mt Trlnltr C 1 Nana Lake 4 Bohsesie 446 Mlnlag. v 44 4 Treassrs Btaaeaaeal. WAgHINQTON. fp. 14 -The condition of the treasury at the beginning of buei less today was aa follows: Trust Funds Uwid ooiu. 4a,ui,t, 4Ulvr dull art, Metal Market. NEW TORK, Bept. 14 METALS Stand ard copper market dull: epot and futurea 111. lot) 11.25. London, market dull, spot 455 Is 9d: futurea 155 17s td. laxke.. locally 112.75ltrt; electrolytic, 12 50tjll.76. and casting. 112.26112 60. fin. easy; spot and futures. $34.2642 34.15. London, weak, spot 1.4: futurea, 1157 7 Cd. Lead, quiet; 14 37V 4.42Vi. New Tork; 14 224 27H. Eaat 8t. Louis. London prlee. spot, 13 10s. hpelter quiet; $6 50tr4 40. New York; $5 .aV.. East St. Louis. Iindon, spot. f3. Iron, Cleve land warrantee. Id in London. Ixnally quiet fT LOCI 8, Mo. Sept. 14. METALS Lesd. quiet at $4 3wjp4 .224; spelter, higher at $6.44). Waal Market. ST. LOt'lil. Sept., 14. WOOL Steady; territory and weateru mediums, laSic: f.aa I'sdiuiua, U.evci fiat, 44. Coffee 4k Tlneen Neb. ...lflbil 4 70 12 steer. ...1057 t 25 J. M. Anderson Neb. .. 914 1 70 steers.... 953 4 90 N. 8. Rowley Neb. .1044 ill S bulls USO $ 60 P. Hlntx-Neb. T calves.... 247 6 00 1 steers.... W $90 I cows 829 I 70 $ calves.... IS) iW R. Afnspakr Neb. 2 feeders. .1070 IS 11 cow a 9R9 $ (0 16 cows 4N0125 49 heifers. sa6 4 20 10 heifers... 442 1 40 $ calves.... 176 7 00 17 mixed... 241 6 26 John Carl Neb. 4$ feeders.. 737 4 30 steers.. M SIS 4 10 R. C. Rlnsman Neb. IT feeder.. (26 4 09 ( cows 162 1 26 M. Rail Neb. 14 oowa HI IK XI cows Ml 4 10 J. M. Rentier Neb. 17 cows 105S 4 10 23 feeders.. 916 I tt Spear Broa Neb. SO cows 1010 4 (5 50 COWS 1040 4 4 20 cows 1052 S 6 J. L. Tlndahl-Wyo. 10 feeders.. 1104 S 15 10 feeders.. 1071 6 15 J. J. Chrobels Wyo. 12 cow 887 4 05 24 feeders.. 1004 4 60 F. E. Jamas Wyo. feeders.. 597 4 40 7 calves.... 271 t 60 C. Rugg Wya U cows 954 $15 6 calves.... 222 $ S3 Edgar Bolce Wyo. 8S steers.. ..Ma) 4 85 tts) steers.... 911 4 at II steers.... ' $ 95 42 steers.... $ 4 40 tt steers... 14U8 4 40 46 steer.... 1017 $00 T. W. Matthews Wyo. 16 steers.... 11 11 4 94 1 steers... .13 $16 I helfers...l0M 4 7$ Young Bro-Wyo. 11 steers.. ..1202 6 26 16 cows 114 $60 11 cows sVl $ 85 37 belfers... 654 $ 40 41 steers.... 604 4 M 2$ steers.... M 1U $2 steers ... 9e7 4 40 J. F. Bock Wyo. 61 cows 9.TJ 4 10 1 bulls 125 $ 64 $ steers. ...1122 $ 96 I ters. ...1(4)4 4 75 J. Green low Wyo. 11 feeders.. S IN 7 cows $11 $60 T. S. Steel Wyo. 11 feeders.. $21 I 09 U feeders.. 624 4 60 11 heifers... 50 1 40 1. cows 827 3 60 48 cows.... 751 $16 ti calves. fJS 2ff" I calves.... 12$ $ 75 T. O. Phillips 8. D. 14 steers ... 91 140 10 steers. ... MM 4 70 14 steers.... 652 4 70 21 heifers... 4 26 14 heifers.. 9il 4 70 J steers.. ..1150 6 X6 J. Soake A. D. 22 steers ... 91 4 76 12 belfers... CM SOS 15 cows 9b $ 45 C Mllberg-8. 1). $ heifers... 730 $ 94 11 rows $40 $ SS W. Youngberg-S. D. 10 calves... HO 1 U 12 heifers... $2 S S 11 feeders.. W l Otto Anderson 8. D. II t,eedaro..lv7 tW $1 cows..... $24 )K CHICAGO 1.1 VB STOCK MARKET Desaand for Cattle aad "beep Steady Hogs Slow. CHICAGO. Sept. 14. CATTLK Receipts, 17.000 head. Market steady. Beeves. M i 1.36; Texas steers, !3.70(uii.M; western steers. $4.4ft37.00; Blockers and feedera, t4 0OitU0; cows and heifer, 12.2534.40; calves, 16.75 j26. HOGS Receipts. $4,000 head. Market slow at decline. Light, ta.1069.i6; mixed. !fc.35ia 9.40; heavy, $8.159 20; rouifh, $8.15'if 45; good to choice heavy, tx.4fxfi9.20; pigs, $8.3018.40. Bulk of sales, $8.508.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 35.000 head. Market Steady. Native, 12.754.60; western, $4,256156; yearlings. !4.75f(;..70; native lamba $6.2566.70; western lambs. $5.2581.00. CALLS ON COUNTY FOR HELP G.'W. Wattles Aska fur Moaey to Pay Kxpenaes of Dean Reeeher to Prlaoa t onfereace. G. W. Wattles has asked the Board of County Commissioners for an appropria tion of $100 for the purpose of partly de fraying the expenses of" Dean G. W. Ueecher on a trip to Washington, D, C, during the meeting ot the International Charity and Prison Reform association. Mr. Wattles says he has undertaken the work of raising SJ00 for this purpose and he asks the county to furnish one-half. With the great interest taken by Dean Beecher and such men in the charities and prison reform movements of the country, it would be td the good of Douglas county, Mr. Wattles says, If they could be sent' to meetings such as the one soon to be held. St. Loals Live Itoek Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept, 14. CATTLK Receipts 7.2U9 head. Including 0u0 Texana. Market 10c to 16c lower. Native shipping and ex port steers. W.OCxfrH 00; dressed beef and butcher steers. !7.x7.60: steers under 1 ion lbs., toOOoTOO. Blockers and feeders, $3.5Vg 6.75; cows and 'heifers. $3.267.00; canneis. $2.6003.25; bulls. $3.2585.25; calves. $',.00-49.60 Texaa and Indian eieera 13.50tti7.UO: rnvi and helfera $3.2644.60. nous ttecelpta, 6.103 head. Market steady to 16o higher. Native muttons, $4 00ft 4 35; lambs, $6.0fi4l SO; culls and bucks. $3.00 05 50: stockers, $2.00-t4 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S 800 head. Market steady to 16c higher. Native nmttons, $4 00&4 95; lambs, 16.00-go 90. culls and bucka $3.4ua3.50; stockers, 12 00-84 00. Kanaaa City Live kloek Market. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 14. CATTLK Re celpts, 17,000 head, Including 1,700 southerns Market steady to 10c lower. Dressed beef snd export steers. $7.tta 00; fair to good, !6.0Ui).i6; western steers. 14.60vif7.J0; Blockers snd feeders, 13.4lXa5.70: southern steers. $3.75 tio.06: southern cowa, $3.00434.25; native rows, 11' 6O04 25; native helfera. tJ. 50a 7.10, bulls $3 2.Vfi4 25; calves, t4 0ou8 25. HOGS Receipts. l.Ouu head. Market 2Dc to 40o lower. Hulk of sales. 18 0r9.30. Heavy, 1876015: packers and butchers, $9.109.40' Ught. 19.20iii9.40. SHEF.I' AND LAMBS Receipts, 14 000 head. Market etady to weak. Utah lambs $7.00; lambs. ti.2tVa'7.00; yearlings. $4.756,40; wethers, $40004 40. ewes. $3.7542.4 1)0; Block ers ana leeaers. tu.tsat.uo. Soa4h Dakota News Nates. ABERDEEN Mr. A. T. Gould, a pioneer of Hrown county, residing here since Vtoi, died at her home near Mansfield, aged 6$ years. . ABERDEEN M. M. Quhln, the republi can nominee for county superintendent, has been appointed superintendent by the board of county commissioners, to fill the vacancy caused by the recent death of County Superintendent Ole Jorgenson. ABERDEEN Arrangements have been completed for a "corn school" to be held In Aberdeen November 29 and 30 and De ember 1 and 2. Four Inatructors from the South Dakota State college will be In at tendance, and all phases of corn growing testing of seed, selection of good ears foi planting, etc., will be gone Into. " ABERDEEN In the inlunction rax brought by certain cltlsens of Aberdeen restraining the city couucll from com pleting the purchase of a quarter section of land for park- purposes, Judge J. If. Bottutn of the Tenth circuit, acting for Judge Frank McNulty. extended the tem porary Injunction until the regular term ot court next month, when the rasa will be heard by Judge McNulty and final action taken. toffee Market. NEW TORK. Sept 14. COFFIf Futures closed steady at net advanoe of M 624 points. Closing bids: September. 8 50c; October, 1.65c; November, 8ioo; Deoeir.her $75c; January, 8.83c: February, tt&c, March, 8.se; April, .89c; May, 8.9ic; June, 195c; July, $.94c; August, 8 98c Spot market firm; Rio, No. T, lOHQloSr; No. 4. Santos. UMfUSc; mild firm; Cor dova. HVul3c. I. Joeeak Live Utax-k Market. 1 ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 14. CATTLE Re eetpta 2.600 head; market steady to shade lower; steers. $4.6o7 50; rows and heifeis, 12 604)4 00; ealvea 13 orri 00. HOGS Receipts. t.ouO head; market $M2 6nc lower; top. $9.40; bulk of Bales, $8,764 9.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. $09 bead; market steady; lambs, $4.60a4.76. toek la aigbt. Receipta of live stock st the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 11 6 700 45.y 1 5o0 6,0M :t 17 Iu4 11 041 7 i 17.014) 24. Ot) Xo.OijO South Omaha H. Joseph Kansas City.. St l-ouls Chicago Totals.. Cotlea Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. COTTtJN-Spot, closed quiet; 10 points lower; middling up lands, 13.75c; middling gulf. 14.00c; sslea, 7.54 bales. Futures rlosed barely steady. September, IS. 49c; October, 1299c; November, izirec; Decern oc r. iiii;c; January, 12.90c; February. 12.9:1c: March. 12.98c; May, 1302c; June, 13 00c; July. 12.9UC. STV-sLClCTri. Sept. 14. COTTON-Closed steady; middling, 13Sc Sales, none; re ceipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 507 bales. I a war aad Malaaaes. NEW VORK. Sept. 14 SUGAR-Raw. steady; muecovado. 89 test. $ 86c; centrifugal 96 test. 4 36c; molasses sugar, 6$ test, $ ic; refined steady: crushed, 6.85c; granulated, 6.15c; powdered, 6.3. Herbert BaGooGh Co Broker and Dealer OKI , 118 eaea mt Trtoae a la. Msag. oan taa av4k4 4-. $a4Va4UXa alUOBJl 44aM4T aVA . 45. 000 a. 400 r,.M my .mm wmm XATaV