Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheat Reipond. Bemdily to the Early
Bidding of the Traders.
Hk'"l U Helped gosae by tka
fttreagtb la Carm tii Also by
Mahter Ree-etts Weather
Mag. lafavarable.
OMAHA. Sept. 11. 1110.
AV'1 rP''l readily to the earl;
bidding, whKh ran value up 'nc from Sat
urday a clotting prices.
With light receipts at rrlmary points,
liquidation inmi over lor ths time.
cooler temperatures over the corn belt
forced values higher and should unfavor
able weather et in a sharp advance Is
Wheat waa helped some by the strength
In corn and higher receipt. Liquidation I
leaa pronounced and with the higher pres
ence of cash wheat, a reaction ta predicted
1 rom these levels.
With lighter rc-elpts than were expected,
and a very unfavorable weather map which
shows frost In South Dakota, and predic
tiona of front In Nebraska and Iowa to
night, com trader easily advanced price
Vc to lc higher.
Primary wheat recrints n 1 B1 000 hu.
and ahlpmenu were . bu., agalnit re
ceipts mat year of 1.6;.00Q bu. and shlp
tnrnta of 1.23O.0uO hu.
Primary corn receipts wera mn.ono bu. and
snipnients wera bu.. agiilnst re
ccipts last year of 642.0itt bu. and shipments
of 1M.000 bu.
Clearances wera none of com. 1. 000 bu. of
oat and wheat and flour equal to 131,000
. DU. . ,
Liverpool closed 4 to d higher on wheat
ana aa lower on corn.
Omaha Cask r1c.
WHEAT-No. S hard. tv.4ill.00H; No. 1
hard. a99SVc: No. 4 hard. fciif04c; re
Jected hard. nCtiOuc: No. t surlng. K6rn1V0l
No. S spring, rl.0u; No. 4 spring. WW-c.
TOHN-No. X white. 644i'c: No. I wmie,
S4u.V4c: No. 4 white. 6.ViiMf; No. 1 yel
low. aHiCMc: No. I yellow. 52852H". no.
4 yellow, M'itr&ac: No. t. WtltlV. No. S.
6&..2Wc; No. 4, Wf-lc; no grade, 47V4
OATS-No. 1 white. SUJflSlc; standard.
l'1i31e; No. S white, 3I0.11HC: No. 4
.white. KO'au-Ho; No. 3 yellow. 301430c;
- No. 4 yellow. 2SVtffr.
BARLEY No, 4. eOfottJc; No. 1 feed, 66
LSr; rejected. 62'8'V.c.
RYF.-No. 1, 7537e;Tlo. .
Cartas Relta.
Wheat. Com. Ost
M (M 10
53 42 11
tm i . A f .a ....... I . . O . , - . A 1
CK tober. 4 M. steady. 7.
FLOUR Winter patients, steady. m.
WEtlllKR l TIIF. liRtlV BELT
Rial a
la aiaat far
Teaerat are la I
This Vlelalty.
OMAHA. Sept. 12, 1910.
Another nave of decldedlr cool weather
spread down over the upper valleys and
eastern Hneky mountain ipe during Bun
day afternoon and night. And temperatures
i re much lower this inornina In the upper
lake region, ipper Mississippi and Missouri
vaurya ana mest to the mountains, r res
Ing temperatures prevail In western Minne
sota. North lakota and eastern Montana,
and killing frosts are reported south aa far
a the northeastern portion of South Da
kota, i ne coot aave is accompaiuea ny
an area of high preasuie over the upper
vallevs. and conditions are faVorable for
cooler' weather In this vicinity tonight, and
frost Is predicted for the eastern portion
of Nebraska. The area of high pleasure
will probably move eastward over the val
leys during the next twenty-four hours,
and a rising temperature In this vicinity
Tuesday will follow the cooler tonight,
with fair tonight and Tuesday.
Temperature and precipitation aa com
pared with the last three years:
lal. !. lSua. 107.
Minimum temperature ... Ml 68 9 69
precipitation T ,M .00 .00
Normal temperature for todsy, 7 degrees.
Deficiency iu precipitation since March 1,
u.w incnea.
l. Inches.
1.26 inches.
L. A. WKLSH. Local Forecaater.
corresponding period In
corresponding period in 101
tsra aad heat Biglsi Ballatla.
For Omaha, Neb., for tn twenty-four
hours ending at a. nv. 7fth meridian tima.
Monday, September 11.
' Temp. Kain-
Ftatlons. Max. Win. fall., Neb.... W 49 .00
Omaha ,.
Duluth ...............
Feat area of lae Tradlag; aad Clnalaar
Prleea the Board af Trade.
- CHICAOO. Sept. 12. Indlcatlona today
pointed to art oversold' condition In the
wheat market. Prices were considerably
i more responsive to strengthening than to
'V ilepresatng Influence. A firm tone pre
7 vailed at the close, which waa at a net
advance of He to 7c. Latest quotations
showed corn to lVc higher than Sat
urday: 'data up Hfirc, and hog products
varying from 20c gain to -'4c loss.
To nartisana of an upward turn for wheat
the most significant factor waa that north
western recespte today were less than one
third as large as a year go. Bearish news,
such a the breaking up of the drouth
In foreign eermed to be more than offset
by the effect of firmness in the corn mar
ket here. Cold weather In the north was
the reason for the strength In the coHrse
grain. December wheat ranged from Kttc
.to ll.O0Wol.0uV ind closed 4ti'c to 7c
, up. at ll.wv
- Reappearance of low temperature, with
forecast of frost in some state tonight,
. advanced corn prioes. . December fluctu
ated between 6Tc and teVrtwic, closed
.. steady at osVfitdo. a net gain of itic
to lc. The cash market waa firm. No. i
yfllow closed at 670Uc.
Speculators In oats began to pay atten
. tion to J,he smaller marketings from the
Interior. December sold from . 34?c to
tvsSSHC closing at'36'4c. a rise of HSSc
compared with faturday. '
, . Lard led the advance In provisions dur
ing the greater part of the session, i al
though pork In the end scored topmost.
Pork closed Sc to Utc higher; lard gained
2 V to 17c. and ribs ranged from KSc
dearer to a decline of the same extent.
Leading.. future ranged as follows:
Auburn. Neb W bo .00 Cloudy
tHr ken B'w. Neb. bl 40 . 00 Ciowly
C'olumbua, Neb.. 74 45 .00 Pt. cloudy
t ulhertson. Nb. 71 4s .00 Clear
Falrbury, Neb... l 61 .00 Cloudy
Fairmont, Neb... KJ 4.1 .00 Cloudy
Ui Inland. Neb.. 75 44 .00 t. cloudy
llartlngtun. Neb. 74 44 .ov Cloudy
Hastings. Neb... W 4:1 .J0 Pi. cloudy
Holdrege. Neb... 71 4i .00 Pt. cloudy
toakdaie, Neb.... W i .M Pt. cloudy
Omalia, Neb 83 60 .00 Cloudy
Tekamah. Neb... 7 47 .00 Cloudy
Alia, la 70 44 .W Clouoy
Carroll, la W 44 .00 4'loudy
ClHrliula, la K0 64 .00 Cloudy
Hlbley, la 63 41 .vi clear
Bloux City, la... 70 .W Cloudy
tNol included In averages.
'Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
Eettle of Rock Island Preferred is
Taken Quickly.
Bead Deallaa I.araer aad I c rea e 4
Aassher af laaaea Are Traasfrrred
with ArtMlty Mostly la
(eralatlve llaaa.
NEW TORK. 8ept. li-The news Inclden'
of the day In the finanotal markets was
re-sale by Kuhn. Ioeb Co. to Phelps.
Iodge 4k Co. of the Rock Island pre
ferred stock which waa purchased from the
Pt arson syndicate In Julv at a time when
demoralisation threatened the stock
market. The reception of the secondary
transaction by the stock market was In
marked with the electrifying ef
fect of the announcement of the first.
A comparison of market prices thn and
now may account for the difference In the
sentimental effect. Rock Island preferred
then touched 64. while today It rose to
("iV a rise from Saturday s closing price
of S'. thus leaving a narrower margin for
the expression of Improvement. Price
In the general list are correspondingly
higher than when the Rock Island deal
acted as an arrest to threatened demoral
ization. Bonds dealings were larger and a greater
number of Issuea were delt in thai late' v.
but the activity was mostly In bond of the
speculative clas The tone was regular.
Total sales Sl.7s.noB.
I' nl led (States b- nds were unchanged on
and leading quotations
Sale, nigh. Low. Clot.
eneral fund, h; m.JS; current liabilities,
I MV.T.'.. Working balance In lieanrv of
fices. U2.rM, in Iwink to cieillt of trens-
liter of the I'nlted States. Itrt.M.VOtJ. snb-
sitirv silver coin. -'0.l4i S.4; minor coin.
Il.i !r7; total bnlaiM-e In geanrl fund,
rc.:iJ 4j. ' -
UlaAaiA Ll.t sroCi dlAKlitrtenh,ryKbr.y
erv allrv was rreqvintei ry
ers, however, and trading;
started In active fashion a soon as the
Muff cuild be tiat"'d up In selling form
J Mail vrd flledi with t nl4 brokers a!s
KeceipU of Cattle Smaller Than Uual jp t f1gI11i,fI, i't""!! 'Burglart Get Awav with Fifty Thon
Number of sales
on stocks were as
No. of
District. Stations.
Columbus. Neb.... 17
Louisville. Ky..... 19
Indianapolis, Ind.. 12
Chicago, 111 K
Lies Moines, la.... 14
Minneapolis, Minn. 30
Kansas City. Mo.. 24
Omaha, Neb 19
-Temp. Rain
Mas. Min.
AIII-T)lmr pr
Amatsunated Copper ...
Amtnran Africvlasnil
Am. Bet Sugar
American Can
AmerUan C. g: F.
Am. Cotton oil
Amtrlcsn H. A L. pro..
Am. lis seruri'tlss
Amsrlcsn Lluseet)
Amerlcsn LoromiHivs ..
Aaiertrsn S. a ft
Am. t). a R pM
Am. 'Stsel Foundries....
Am. Sussr Refining....
Amsrican T. a T
American Tobarco pfd..
American Woolen
Anaonda Hinirif Co...
Atchlton pfd
Atlantic Coast Una
Hmmnr a Ohlu
Hethlaham Steel
brooalrn Rapid Tr
riniil tn Pacific
Onlral Leather
Ontral Uealbsr pfd
Central of New iersay.
heeapeake a Oslo
Itncato A Alton
Chicago Oraat Weatern.
C. O. W. Pfd
10 Chicago a N. W
.00 C, M. at 8t. P
.10 I C, C C. at. L
Colorado r. a I
Colorado a Boaibara...
ronaolidated Oas
Corn Products
Delaware Sc Hudson
Decidedly cooler weather prevails this
morning In the northern and western por
tions of the corn and wheat region, and
freezing temperatures are reported at fif
teen stations In the Minneapolis district. I Denver Rio Grande
Showers occurrea wiinin xne last twenty- i D. R. O. pfd.....
four hours in the lake region and upper I Distillers' Securities
Mississippi ana upper Missouri valley, Ert
ti.ilva. 111., had 1.10 Inches.
Local Forecaster, Weather bureau.
1.440 IMS '- s ' '
" jiiii i'4 tj
u- n its
svo l 12
4,tKI TW 41
" 4i i i
M0 SV, S3S
U0 4 S
1.700 UTS
i,'i"j ios ioss
too 2
t.000 74 7oi
4.200 11 10
U0 13' U
"Cim i 'ai
i!ooo w iv
1,100 4S4
M0 144 . 144
1.700 IMS 1US
" loo tov 'sos
't.ioO 130',
.Sew Tark Menrey Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. U.-MOVEY-On call,
easy at per ent: ruling rate. l per
cent: clnamg bid. l'a per cent; offered st
1 per cent: time loai s, easier: sixty days,
JVa4 per cent: ninety days. 44U per cent;
six months. 4H1' per cent.
per cent.
tual business In bankers" hills a 4 vjass
4 Ki0 for slxty-dav Mllw and at W.SIO for
demand: commercial bills. M K."j4.K3S.
SILVER Har. 62Vf Mexican dollars. 4c.
RON I ft Government, ateady; lallroad.
Irregvlar. i
Closing quotations on bonds t'.xlay were
a foilow: i
1M lnt M SI. 4S ... 'S
w.l Jinan ta "
... li'S do 4S Vi
... 11S K. C. So. tat 7JS
... tin U. . l. 4s iwl i"iw
...,11 I.. N. Ulrl. 4 . ..
M. K. T 1st ta... STS
....l'l do gen. 4S"
4a..lW'Me. Paalla 4 77
.... SB S. R. R. of M. 4S-
....M'tS. T. f. . IS S
KS a 4e 'S
n X. T.. X. H. H.
! CT. U-'a
1 Jj. W. lit c. 4a.... !S
'.', do c. 4
N No. Pacific 4 I'S
t?S' o fs
SO a. L rhls. 4 :s
l'Pnn. c. SS HIS... &"
10S o cnn. 4e 1
' Rea1mg gen. 4n "
12 St. L. a. F. f -e
r oS sdn gen. r.a s
l ,V U S. v. c. 4s.. II
kt 'do lat gold 4a SI
M Srahoanl A. L 4a.... 7s
7S So. Pac. col. 4a S
do t-T. 4a s
ao lat ref. 4a 4
V. . ref. 2a, res.
do coupon
t". 8. la. reg
do coupon . ...
V. . 4a. rg
do coupon
AJIie-Tal. lat 6s.
Am. Ag. oe
Am. T. A T. er.
Am. Tobacco 4. .
do ta
Armour ft Co. 4Ss. .
Alrhieon gen. 4a
do e. 4a
do ct. ua
At C. U lat 4a
Bal. d Ohio 4a.
do S. W. 3Sa
Bra. Tr. cr. 4a
can. of Oa. !
On. l.eather .....
c of N. J I. us...
Chea A (Wilo 4S
dt. ref. 4a
Chtraao a A. li..
B. y J. 4a...
do gen. 4a
C. M. r. g 3S S
c. k. i. a r n. 4a.. -it'i
do rfg. 4 r ? Railway 6a.
1 olo. Ind. 5 "4 do gen. 4
Colo. Mill. 4 s t nior, Pacific 4..
C. A s r. a a 4Sa 04 . do ct. 4
ft3 I Alma. Neb
S do lat A ref. 4e..
.'S V. S H wooer a
S I'. B. Steel 2d So...
C Vs.-Csro. Chem.
XSUabaall lat
71 S 'lo 1,1 4a...
70 Western 61d. 4e....
So Weal. Elec. cv. Oa.
1;4 Ma catitral 4a ...
On. lat re!. 4a. M(Jlo. Pac i. ....
Met 4',a , 73
4. A H r. 4...
D. H 1. 4a....
do ref. fa
IHMIllers' .ia
Frle p. 1. 4a
io gen. 4a
do cv. 4a. ear. A
do eeriea B
Oen. Klec. cv
.. 74
. .liU'S
. 101 s
.. 94
. .1"2S
. JS
on Monday.
aeea aaal l.aaeik ITU-es gteadj ta
troag, vrltk) the Traae Artla
na All Kinds at Carreat.
J1.U0 SS,i"-fI
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 12, W10.
Revs pts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep
KMtirtnt Jaondav 10.017
faine day last weeK 15. "3 Z..
cSame day 3 npckn ago...ll.MH
,-aine nay a weeks ago. . . 10 3, CJ
.line day 4 weeks ago... V.-'M .v'
Same da last year 11.447 Lii
iiie foiioaing tatle shows the rcipt
cattle. liog.i and sheep at South Oniaba lor
the year to dat-. as compared wiiu last
year: istio ling mt.
Cattle 747.742 fc.07 W.o
Hogs 1.4W.iMi 1.7i4.lii3
Sheep l,4J,7a3 l,iW7,H6 3JS.x
i.. .olluwln' table shows m v'r,'.!
,11 Ices of bogs at Scuts Omaha tor tr.e ia
everal daya, with comparuauus: .
Date. I lau. la.W.lV7.11o-l'u luH:
Sept. i...
eiept. ...
.-ept. i..
8epL i.
Sept. ....) a ul 7 S I V' t il ' I f.
Sept. 10... I y livsi 7 61 l I l ' ?' -J V
fepL 13... I i', I I 71, 6 bo! a J'JLT
I tfJSI 7 87 , 4 63 6 61 6 ! I .
ic-jv, 1 a iu t ui 6 'l Si ? iz
Onsi 7 !, 61 l Sl lZZ
s Hi I : a bl I " !
to strong figures.
Strxng weight lambs sold stra'sht for
feeding purposes st 6 & and better, string
with killing tops moving at and around
K 46. Llah4 feeding lanil.a of goKi qjality
runged1 from i(n.Io. Feeding sheeai mild
at the same strong prices that pievalled
last week aa a rule, lsl kinds going at a
eiy narrow spread aa compared w itb fat
ato k quotations.
Inquiry from packers was equally brisk
and prices well sustained all along tlu line.
Pat laniba an Id straight at IK 70 at,,) ethes
brotisbt as much as 14.40. Indicating a mar
ket easily firm with last week a close. Uood
fat rmcs sold around H"iu4 0n, but sorting
for fat classes was a little mure pronounced
in this blanch of the trade, as many of
the ewes that are coming carry big feeder
ends. Yearling, either feeder or fat, were
relatively ."Carve.
.Quotations n grass to k: noon to cho ci
laiotis. KiVryU so; fair to good lamhs. Ik l.vtf
t 60; feeding lambs, $.'. 7M 50; handy-wetght
yearlings. 16 16t!-i.50; heavy yearlings, 14.004
00. feeder Yearlings. tviOOiuft SO; good to
choice we4hers, I-t t-tl4 46; fair to good
wether. M 0tJi4 Si; feeder wether. U H
4 : breeding ewea. 4.2Sr4.7t: fat ewea. U &i
4,4.16: feeding ewes. aJ,iir60.
Representative sales;
No. Av.
26t Idaho lamba fit
147 Idaho lamba 190
41 Idaho lamba, culls til
J60 Idaho lambs SO
3.5 Id.tho lambs (1
1-2 Montana wethers and ewes..p4
UJO Montana, wethers and feeders W
171 Montana wethers and feeders !7
241 Montana wethers and f-eders Pi
land Dollara Worth.
Receipts and dispooillon of live slock at
Ihe I nion otuck Urdu, fuulll ouiiina. li
weniy-lour hours ending at I o'clock es
iei ila ;
Bid. Oflered.
Local nerarltlea.
Quotations furnls'.ied by Hums. Blinker
Co., 44 Omaha Natiohal Bank Imllding:
n a. AaVed.
U. 6a
CXidaTh fStHltig CO. ...i 7S
Cltv Nai l Hank Bide. 4a.
!7S Neb. K. U
TS 1
lp' Fairmont lreamery pfd
2JS fsirnmnl Oeatnarr. com
104 I Hydraulla Prea-ed Brtck. com.
3U0 i Iowa Portland lat . 4e. ......... t.
r-.a. Iwa V.rf.llanrl ?d ta
II Kan. O. B. 7 per cent pffl. icoua r'
I2S Kanaaa City R. A U f.. I V13 I
45 I Kanaaa ty Stock Yards... i....'
Hi i Kanaaa Cite imunlrlpall 1"S
119S Metropolitan Ry.. K. C. 6a Mil....
7n ; Omaha Water Co. oa, 1914
IPS Omaha V. ater Co. Sa, 1S44
1.2S ! Omaha Oaa it. 1917
... 1"0
... 107
... li
... if
... 7
too IST, 2SS
1S Omaha C- B. Bt. Rr
1(4 ' Omaha & C. B. St. Hr
tm Omaha 8t. Ry. 6a. I14..
5a, lf..
Articles ! Open. I I'.lgh.l Low. Close. Sat y.
1 j's 1
OOVjI 1 064,
n7Sj M
5S i6i44i'T!577a'oH
68 'J
.W i.tat I
lept....l W, Wli,,
. Dae....t 1 OUHH IWSi
. May.. .11 vVi HMI
,Corn I t t
Sept...j7 jt'Hi 67SjJ,
' Dec....i6f;iifS. .VAatTi.'l,
May. ..(us tt'S! 6 1
Oats i- i I
Dec.... 35'. VTi'x M Mfi
May...iS- SI So 384iiiS! 37T
Pork i i i i
Sept...! ?i 40 io j T7Ui ai m
Oct. . . .j ao So 10 50 I :-o S7ij 20 45
Jan....) lb so is 87H1 la bO IS
Larti 1 1 1
30 3I4
la M)
12 42Vgi II 6". 1 12 424! 12 5
Oct..., II t7Si 12 47'i 13 Cal 12 45
Nov... 11 Kiwi 11 62-.i 11 72-i 11 82m 11 76
Jan.... 10 H7V! 10 S7', 10 M'i 10 S3 10 (C."-i
Jibs , 1 1 . 1
tept.v 11 15 j 11 K I 11 80 I 11 2l4j II 96
Oct.... 11 75 I 11 77V 11 724 11 75 I 11 75
Jan.... j WSat 2Vw 87w 11 W I 67Vs
of the Day
NKW YORK. 8ept. 12. FLOL'R Steady;
spring patents, 15 404 6. 76; spring clears, $4.35
&4.00; winter extras No. 1. 13.76431.90; win
ter extras No. 2, 3.60X06; Kansas
straights, I4.swn4.a5. Rye flour, steady; faar
to good, t4.3su4.25; choice to fancy, 14-30
CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel
low, $1.4tVgl.46; coarse, $1.36 1.40; kiln dried,
HEAT Spot market firm; No. 2 red,
11.04 elevator and I1.04 f. o. b, afloat; No.
1 northern at Duluth, 11.2CS f. o. b. Laat
prlcea showed Ho to c net higher. Septem
ber closed fl.04; Ieceniber, 11.07; May,
$1. 12S. Receipts. 28.Wi0 bu.
CXRN Spot market strong; No. 2 corn.
Jso ievaior.' Jomealio - tjasls, to -ar
rive: No, X 06 He f. o. b. afloat.- Futures
without transactions; closing, He to lc
net higher. Spot closed 66 We; Deoember,
iV-c: May. 66'jc. Receipts. 39.375 bu.
OATS Hpot market firm; standard white,
new. 3hHc; No. 2 white, 3Sc; No. 3, Sac; No.
4. 37V-, Future market waa without trans
actions,' closing Sc to c net higher.
September closed 3fc; Deoember, 40SC,
May. 43V; July. 43c. Receipts, 39,650 bu.;
shipments 1.800 bu.
HAY-IHill; prima,, $1 .lCHfia.15; No. 1,
11.10; No. t 11.00; No. 1. 60c.
HIDES Dull;- Central America. Ao;
BogotH, atiVoalHc.
HOI'S Dull; state, common to choice,
1!W, 2ofiic; 1508, nominal; Pacific coast.
1SW. W1I60; lel, nominal.
FRO ISIONS 1'ork. steady; mess. 123.60
fr24.(o; family, t-o.(.&3).U0; short clear, XU.50
6J4.51'. Heef. firm: meaa, llo 0-yl5.50; fam
ily. 119iiJi.00; hams. tiHygrHM. Cut
meats ateady; pickled bellies, in to 14 lbs.,
lMiloc; pickled hums. 14H315C iArd. firm,
er; middle west prime, Il.oVa)12.90; refined,
firm; continent. 113.15: South America,
113.75; compound, HWUUXc,
TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hhds., 1c;
country. "Htlou.
BCTTF.H barely steady; creamery spe
cials, 12432Hc; extras, 11c; third to first,
14Hft29c; state dairy, common to finest. 23
'oc; process, second to special. 24ro27Hc;
factory, June make, 23Vo24c; factory, cur
rent make, LjUc; itniiaUon creamery, 24
fciac. ' - -
, CHEKSB-Steady; state, whole milk, spe
cials. Iitfil7c; state, whole milk, fancy, lie;
state.' w hole milk, choice, 14Sc; state, good
to prime, 14il4Vtc; state, common to fair,
10Mil3Sc: skims, full to special. 2HS12HC.
tUUS steady ; fresh gathered, extra
first, Sf-tik"; state, first, 34j'24c; state, sec
onds. 21'ii2-.c. ,
FOl'LTRY Alive, easy; spring chickens.
lc: fowls, lftc; turkeys, VHqluc. Dressed,
firm: western broilers, 17'ii20c; fowls, Ib'y,
lie; spring turkeys, 36c.
I. I.oais Ueaeral Market.
ST. LOLIS. Sept. 12.-WHEAT-F"Uuie4i
hlgiier: Septemlwr, S7c: December. tl.aS
V.w'i may. elf".: raw. nrtn: track No.
Krle lat pfd
Krl Id pfd
General Klectrlc
Ureal Northern pM
Greet Northern Ore clfa
hllnola Central
Interhorough Met
Int. Met. pfd
international Harvester ...
Int. Marina pfd
International Paper
International Pump
leva Central
Kanaaa city Bo
K. So. -pfd.:
Laclede Oaa
Louisville Nashville
MJna. at. Lou la
M.. 8t. P. A a. . M
M., K. A T
M.. K .A T. pfd
Missouri Pacific
National Biscuit
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. 14 pfd.. .
New York Central
N. Y.. O. A W
Norfolk . Western
North American
Northern PacJflo . ..........
Pacific Mail
Pennaylvanla f.,
Peoola'a Gaa
P.. C C. St. L....,
Plttaburg Coal
Piewed Steel Car
Pullman Pa lac Car
Railway Steel Spring..
Reading 1
Republic Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Rock laland Cv
Hock laland Co. pfd
St. U A . F .Id pfd
St. Louis 8 W
81. L. B. W. pfd
Slofe-gheffleld S. A I
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway
So. Hallway pfd
Tenneeeae Copper . -
Teiaa Pacific
T., St. U W
T., Si. UW, pfd
inlon Pacific
tn.on Pacific pfd. ea-dlT..
t'niud States Pealty..
I'nlted Statee Rubber
I'nlted Slates Steel
I g. Steel pfd
I' tail Copper
Va. -Carolina Cbemlcal ....
W aba ah pfd
Weatern Maryland
Weetlnghouee Electrls
Weatern talon
Wheeling A L E
Tsui aaiea for ta day,
26 "a
ing 141S
1.I0O in1
& 64Vi
"iod -
100. 40
41.300 H4W
14l4, 14JV,
14 124V
4' 64U,
124 V
pacific t. t. a, i' --v;
fDOtn t iniana r.ini'11 ap.
C . M. & St. i'
AlKSMHIII 1'llClfiO ....
t'nioii 1'acitic
C. Al N. W., east...
C. & N. W. weft
C, St. 1'., M. At O.
C, ti. c Q . west...
C, h I. & ft, eaat..
Illinois Central
. 1
t 1
. 1
15 27 27
4 5 1
1 . 2
30 93 37
6 26
( 4
3 HO
4 2Ti
4 26
4 l
rillf'A4i4t I.IYK T(lt K MIMK KT
Ireejaaatl fur (atlle and Hogs Weak
Nheep ateaaly.
CHICAOO, Sept. 12 CATTLE Receipts.
36.0011 head; market weak, 10c to :c lower;
beeves. 14.7&-iiK30; TeTa; steers. 13 7S 90:
nestern steers. 14 kjru'.lO: snickers and
feedtara, It oiVdO 10: cows and heifera. 1.' 211
40; CHlvea, tH.7ritl9ai
Trace af ' 4 rlaalaata Left aa
Ike Pol Ire trewltkesl a t lae
Iaaare4 by lae K areas
SEATTLE. Wash.. Pept. lt-(5old bullion
valued at 1S7.". part Pf a" consignment of
1170.000 from the Washington-Alaska bank
of Kalrank . to . the. iirater.Horton Na
tional bank vf Seattle on the steamship
Humboldt as stolen In transit. Lead waa
substituted In the strong boi that contained
Discovery of the theft was anirminced to
day. . The stolen gold weighed 1M- pounds.
When it left Fairbanks en a Tvkon rtver
steamer for l'Awson and White Horse, the
gold was contained 1st three) wuodcQ boxes
and was in the care of the Alaska Paclf
Exptess company 4 .When the aoaes wera
optned by the Canadian, etiaiom cfflcera
at Iaason the gold bars wera found to ba
as stated In the express company's papers
The boxes were opened again at lh
I'nlted Slates assay, of floe la Seattle Fri
day noon and the. theft was discovered.
One contained pigs of lead Instead of gold.
The seals ot the .boxes wera Intact, wben
they reached the assay office, 4ttd it was
evident that the .robbery had been com
mitted on board ship. .The gold was In
sured against loss by the express compaay.
field Molea fMeaaaasrr.- , -
The boxes were at the assay office Thurs
day morning and remained there until the
HOOS-Kecelllts. itl.tksj head. tillrkct .,nl. nf the mnalaaaa arrived nail dat la
ran l aMjakiice, niKiiie, a a"li I" 1", iniaru.
I.8r.(vil0 li0; heavy. lS.tiriiO.75: rough. Jt 0hf
Omaha Packing Co....
.Nwu and Company..
I'udaliy backing Co ..
Armour cx Co
Scnwarlx-itoieii Co....
V . B. Vansant Co
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 61S
4 .M
2. Ml
nm in
391, , 40
94 M
l A
...k 1144k U 11414,
4.100, u4 iMi
100 I34a U Si
I nlon Stotk Yards Stoik. Omaha
Trl-Clty Ry. A ilght i.m.
ev York Mlslag Quotatlona.
NEW YORK. Sepi 13 -Closlng quotations
on stocks were as roiiows:
Alios : l'
Rrnnawlck COB T
Com. Tunnel stock.. It
do bonds
Con. Cal. A Va. 1)
rtui 11 ot.Kr 4J
Iron BUrer 176
eLeadellle Con.
Little Cole! ..
dphlr. ,i -
Yellow Jacket .
.. 10
.. 4
. 1J5
Denton, Vansant dn Lutth 3W
stt phens lirus ' 9V
Hill ci Son bi; -
K U. Lewis 47
Huston & Co 1M
J. H. Bulla JiS
L. II. Husr K0
McCreary t Carey 4K3
S. V ertheitner 262
H. K. Hamilton 345
Al. Hagerty 22
lA-e Kutnschild 113
Mo. Kan. Calf Co 31
Sol Degen 87
Other buyers
Totals 8,877
H: good to choice heavy. lMw.75; pigs
s ,.tmi.; duik of aawe. rusehson
SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipts. 40.000
head, market sttady; native. I'..7.Vu4o6.
western. 13 2Tii4 50; yearlings. 14.77.ifi.7ri;
lambs, native, 15.2C47 Oil; western, I6.2&-4
Kaaaaa City I.Ito Stack Market.
ceipts, 23000 head, including l.iaiO south
erns; market ateady to 16c lower; dressed
beer and export ateers. IT.ntMjfl.iu; fair to
good. 16.0WaH.75; western steers 44 75a.'7.00;
stockers and feeders. S3.4Vsrf.0i; southern
steers, 13.00j6.00; southern cows. !J.604Jr4 2f:
native cows, 12.75i4.75: native heifers, 1305
4jo50: bulls, IS.ib'gHOO: calves, 15. 761.00.
HOGS Receipts. 3.O11O head: market lc to
loc higher; bulk of sales. 19 604iO.mii: hea-v
10. 40419 00; packers and butchers, I9 GM9 80;
light. i6Vo9.5.
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 14,000
head; sheep weak; lambs strong; lambs.
h.l-fl7.(Ni; yearlings, I4.7W&4.26; wethera,
I4.0v-a4 5O: ewes. 13.7W4.30. stockers and
feeders, I3.0(i-u4.40.
1,796 23.135
were quite
Baak Clearings.
OMAHA, Sept 12 Bank clearings for to
day were 13.007.743.33 and for tne corre
sponding date last year 63.
. M0
114 1
S 304
Hi tH
U' t
61 'a
No. i..
Cash uuotaiiona were as follows:
KLOl'K Steady; winter patents, 14.409
8.10; straights, 14 lOSrl.90; spring siralghta,
e4.K-n4.h;. bakers. I3.v0u.".10.
RY K No. 2. 73c. v
ItAICLKY Feed or mixing. iJiiioJc: fair to
choice malting, TtViTZv.
SEED I'lax, No. 1 southwestern, 1267;
Niv. 1 northwestern. 12.79; timothy, 16.2iJ9.00;
clover, 110 Otrlt 16.00.
PROVISIONS Meaa polk, ikt bbl.. JjO Ttf
21.00. Lard, per loO Iba., 112.0.7. Shun ribs,
sides, knee, til ioti 12.00. sliott clear sides,
boxed. 3U.2.'4a 12.50.
Total of wheat and flour were
CilUal to 1JJ.J0O l,u. P.-iiiiarv rM.iita w.-r
I.KStl.008 bu. compAKd Willi 1.iiOO bu ther '0"Sil.ot; ISO. 3 hard. 9c4ll06.
cutiesponding day a vear ag". The visible CORN Futures higher; December, 54 Sc;
supply of ivlieat in the l ulled Stales in- v" ScV: "sh. lower: track No. 2, uoiW
eluded l.MA.oiio bu for tha week. The amount '5'1; No- whita. B'i'vfioSc.
of breadstuff on ocean passage included a 1 r uiures nigiier; taecember, Sy.e;
sieany; iracg .no. X, 31
Til jO'C,
140 rarsl bona. 12 0"8 hrad. It Y K Lower, rc.
f Chicago Caxtt f ra veheat: No. 1 rod. ' r "-A)llt -Steady; ted winter patents. !.' 00
'c; rso. 3 red. aliV-; No. 2 hard. ".!, '"r lan-.j uno siratgnt, e-t.ouuH.oV;
s.tcwii on;, no. 3 hard. Hi.-uMc; No. 1 north
aiti s4ng, ti 1491.16: No. t northern spring,
tl.13ijl.15; No. 3 spring, tl.lbiil.14. Coin:
Ne. 2 eah, 57o; No. 1 cash, ,"t.'7c; No. i
while,. i7tei67,c: 44. 3 white 67i57Sc; No.
1 yellow, i71iifc: No, 3 yellow. 574i57gc.
isais: o. r cusn..jic; No. 3 white. 34fiK
No. 3 v bite. Pt33Hc; No. 4 whit
ataiHl.ird, a334V.'
4 144 143 144
HI II so 1 so
' 100 J4 It 4
It, POO 4 (414 4S
4 114M, 11S4 11
6so 4SV, 44 44
oo 6Sa as 64
o i;i it i 4
1,100 MV 36 SAH
04 44 m 44 44
177.100 share.
vi uirauiiuii on ocean passage included f -" ' " .urm-!
.asJ.uuu bu.. Estimated receipts for loraor- - May, cash, stead
M'W: Vhcr. 9 cars; rprn, 4i cars; oats, '31 '; No. 2 white. S4l2is
lU'TI Kit -Muadj ; cieametic-a
dalrne) So27c.
EfiGS Steady; , i-ecelpts 7.473 can;
i hard winter cle n a. 12 403 0.
SEED Timothy, t 7&4H.SU.
I CORN MEAL 13.13.
r PRAN Dull; sacked, east track. 9u4i9Sc.
1 HAY' St ady; tlinuthy. l4.0vu 19 50, prairie,
112.0041 14.50.
I'I!OVIIONS Pork. hluher: tohhins
JHaaJc; I fcl.Jn. Lard. ln-Micr; prime .-team. 112 IZWl
. 1.' t- 1 "ry rsn intatj. sieaay; boxed, ex-
Lasdos tttack Market.
LONDON. Sept. 12. American securities
opened a fraction lower today. Then light
covering steadied prices and at noon the
market was firm and from c below Sat
urday's New York closing. Canadian Pa
cific was exceptionally firm a.nd advanced
2V4 rolnta.
wl-ltL. A N 14S
.4 4-la M.. K A T Uw
... 46 N. Y. Central 114
... 4 Norfolk a Weatern Mv,
...141 do, pfd. 41
...1M '4 Ontario A W eaters . 41
Balllmers A Ohio ..! Pennaylranla 44
Canadian Pacific ..iaS;Rand Mines 'i
Cheaapeaka A Ohio.. ;4 .Heading
n. U. W 221 Southern Hallway
r . at. A St. P l-' do. pld 53
Ua Beera 174, guilt barn Pacific ,...114(
D. a R. O ia loion facifia in
73 00, pta
H14 1. g. a
44 do. pfd
13 Wahaeh
17 '4 do. pfd
l&lt Spentah Poora
SILVER Bar steady at 24Hc per ounce.
MONEY V'Jic per cent.
The rate uf discount In the open market
fur short bills Is 2 13-liy(j2T, per cent.
The rale of discount In me open market
for three months' bills U 2 ll-lcV3 per cent.
Cor aula, money .
Curiaola, sccouat.
Amal. Copper ...
do, pfd.
do, pfd.
do. lat pfd. ...
do. Id pld. ...
Grand Trunk ...
Illinois Central
BUTTER-Creamery, No., i, deUvered to
the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 3c; No.
in 30-ib. tuos, lie; No. t1 u 1-lb. cartons,
30c; -No. 1. in so-lb. tubs; &ViC. packing
eiockV.solia .patlultti:; ,da4iov. in borlb. tuba,
aJajMc, Jdarket changes aiy J,usday, . -
CHEESfc iwiua, lbc; Vouns; Auierlcaa,
19Wc: aaiaitsi. lit; triplets. tfMjc; llmbsrger.
lie; No. 1 brtcfc, lVc; Imported Bwlaa, sic;
domeauc Swats. 24c; block. Swiss. 23c
pOULTRi' Dressed' broilers Under 1 Iba.
nvar X 1US.. iac: DMil UU, CIKU, ivu:
in ducks, 16c; geese, 16c; tutktys, 26c; pigeons.
lo !per dux.,; homer sttuaua, per ooa., st-ov;
i fancy sguata, par dos., tUM; Ne. 1, per doc.,
13. M. Altva: Broilers, lec, over 1 lbs., lc;
I hens lie; old roosters. c; pld ducks, full
iV !f! uathered. loc; geese, full feathered. Sc;
. . 1 . a . au nea iuwis. cw catu, uianua.
ier dox.. 00c; nomers, per dos.. 13.00; squabs,
No L Pr doa.. 11-60; No. 1 par dos., 60c.
FISH tail tYxen Pickerel. 13c; white
fish. 17c; Pike, loc; trout,' 15c; large crap
mes 20c; Spanish mackerel. He; ael.- lsc;
haddock. U; flounders. Uc; green catfish,
TZ.. i,ffaio. 8c: halibut. c; white perch.
ic; 'bullheads, 16c; rueehad. U-OO each; shad
roes, per pair, m, n . - aw.,
fneStB-RJb: No. 1. 14C; No. X i3c;
No 1. 8c. Loin: No. L lui No. 1. lee; iso.
1 c Chuck: No. 1. Mac; No. , c; No. 1,
. Bound: No. L IWe; No. i. lc: No. t,
c. Plate: No. J, o; No. I. 44c; No.
FKC'ITS Oranges: California Valenclas,
all sixea per box, fu.6oQ5.25. Lemons:
. 1., extra fancy. loo else, per box.
t .ui- ai'ji aixe. ocr box, $7-50; choice, JuO sixe
nr 'box K60; 300 slxe. per box, 17.00; 240
iaae 50c per box less. Bananas: Fancy se
lect.' per bunch, 12.2i82.oO- Jambo, bunch,
X2.754i3 75. Cantaloupes: Colorado Rocky
Fords.' 64 aixa, 11.75; 45 standards, 12.25. Ital
ian Blue Prunes: Washington, per crate,
i in Iota, per crate, ti le. Peaches: Cali
fornia Salwaya, per DO-lb. box. 70c; In lots
c.f ft or more, per box, 67Soi Colorado El
St Jr.. rr avlh. box. (Wc. Pears: New York
Sartlett per bu. bsk., t2.204j2.75: Cslifornla
H Clalrsgue, per box. 12.S&: In lots, per
hox 12.75 Apples: Home-grown cooking,
in fibls t4 0"i4.50; Missouri Jonathan, In
bbis USn 4 50; new Oregcm. per box, 1.75;
California Oravenateln. per box, 12.10.
rsraDea" Calift-rnla Malagas, per 4-bsk.
V.. II 60; California Tokay, per crate.
'11 M- Concords, home-grown, per -lb. bsk..
7S .LA,. - VV.K
f'A'l il.t.". Keren! .if callle
miHiHruta this niurninat aa compared wltd
picvious weeks. Aixoiding to tne advices
rom other points It wouiu ioo au 11 .
came went eisewbere today, as ruoel
iriaikeu had large runs. It was untortun
aie mat audi was the case, aa excessive
tx.eipie at cnlcago and Kansas cuy oroae
mete markets aharpiy, wltn the result mat
the traue hete waa Inlluenceu 10 aom e
lent by the weakness prevailing elsewhere.
Buyers ot tat callle were alow aooui gel
ling out into tne yarns anu me mui
was well advanced betore very much busi
ness was transacted.
Feeder buyers apparently paid no atten
tion to the weak markeia reported from
ouier points and tney were out In the
yards early In ma morning, and dealraois
Kinds of iceders conimanued steady to
strong 'prices, inferior, as a matter
or course, were run sougtil after to such
au exwnt. but. a.uiv;triey sold about steady
iMtli iaet week. . . .
. When representatives of , the packing
houses realty get down to business
St. I.oais Lire Stock Market.
.VlXi yX1" Stpt' -CATTLE-Recelpts,
13.800 head: market steady to 15e lower; na
tive shipping and export steers. t7.0tn 00:
dressed beef and ariw? u
15:474 iXiTsUtvit.iL'
ei Vjc" i I aiuicra, DUIIS. calvee, 15.offrt.25; Texas and In-nfe-
$; cows and heifers,
HOU-S-Recelpts. 6 000 head; market stead v
pKKm nd "stl,!'' $9 "9 75; packers,
riana ' bu,c,lerH n "'at heavy, 19JS5
check up the Ingots. It is supposed-that the
gold was stolen on the Yukon steamer, be
tween Dawson and While Horse pr on tha
steamer Humboldt, between, Skagway and
Seattle. The gold was to the purser's cabin.
It Is not customary on giud shipments to
tske Flatssrate precautions against, robbery.
Detectives working on. the ca say they
have no clue. The robbery , waa much Ilka
one four years ago, In whlol 13.006 con
signed to Seattle by the Washington-Alaska
bank of Fairbanks ovrr the VoKon rivet -Skagway
route waa stolen (rom a wooden
strong box.' lead being' substituted. .That
theft was committed by. Boboy MUler, night
wstohman on A Tenana river . stcamsr.
which was carrying the. gold Iron Fair
banks to the Yukon steamer , that, was ta
convey It to White Horsey.' .' . .. .
Miller concealed the gold in. his atata
room, got It back to, Fairbanks and ac
creted It so well that after, hi A arrest on
suspicion, the owners of the' bullion, wore
glad to make terms w ith him. . He waa
promised a short prison sentence If he re
turned the gold and he produoed 150,000,
alleging that tha other $19,090' had been
stolen from him. .
SHEEP AND I.AB9bm. .oa
head; market strong: native muttons. S4.4M
4 3S: lambs. tlOOWtl M: enll t,. .1.
nmito; stockers. t3.2Sfj4.00. '
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. Sept. 12. CATTLE
Receipts, 4.000 head; market, slow; steers
14.60(i7.25; rows and heifers, t-'.60Oo'-calves.
Unnj6.O0. v.ou.
HOOS-Recelpts. .1200 hesd: market 10c
higher; top. 1990; bulk of sales, tt.20t,9.S.
Btie.r.r- apiu LAMBS Receipts. .(u
uou, aai siow; itmM, t4.6043i.7S.
the ti .nth rin".!.. .
timrket nn killll.aT Ulltle WBS lust gOOU St Innru
aa tha market ou feeders. The fact that Kansas City.'.'.V.'."
up.lies ot killers were so much sinailer'st. ,oui8.
than lias been the case on .mommy 01 c'hicagu
made buyers rather anxious 101 . auiicn
and they cleaned up everything deairabie
at good, steady to strong prices.
W hiie they were late In getting started,
when the trade was once under way It waa
fairly active and the big bulk of the cattle
changed hands In good season In the morn
ing. Thla was true not only of beef steers,
but of cows and heifers as well.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers. 17.00Je.OO; fair to good
beef steers, d.ott7.0o; common to fair beef
steers, t4.5ojuv; good to choice cornfed
heifers, 13.50 4.60; common to fair cows and
heifers, 12.5oi;3.50; good to choice stockers
and feeders, $4. 7&''u6 00; fair to good stockers
snd feeders, $4003475; common to fair
stockers and feedurs, $3.2cj4 0o; stork heif
ers. t3.2o4j-t.2:i; veal calves, $3.50(2,1.25; bulls,
stags, etc., t3.2u4a.Ot.
Quotations on range cattle: Choice to
prime beeves. tti.00.; good to choice
beeves, t4O3.00; fair 10 good beeves, HO
(Cfo.30; common to fair beeves, $3.764.50;
good to choice heifera t4.26tr5.O0; good to
choice cows, M 0044. 65; fair to good grades,
43 0O414.OO; canners and cutters, 2.DO3.40;
good to choice feeders. 14 9050; fair to
good feeders. 14 304.90; common to fair
breeders. 13.234.26.
Representative sales:
la night. '
Receipts of live stock st the five principal
western markets yesterday: . '
Cattle. '
.... 4.000
.....13. OK)
Mrs. Busch Does
Not Claim Title
"Only Girl He Ever Loved," Sy She
Does Not Enow Kan Who Com
mitted Suicide.
s. Sheep.
6.3oo to,70 7i.:m
toffee Market.
NEW TORK; Sept. 12.-COFFEE-Futures
closed steady. Last prices were b22
points net lower. Sales, 100.000 bags. Sep
tember. 8.10c; October, J.lf.c; November
8 20c; Deoember, g.25c; Janusry. 829c; February-March,
1.30c; April, 8.33c; Mav, 8.3Tc;
June. 8.36c; July, 40c; August, 8 41c. Stot
coffee, steady; Rio No. 7. lOHfrlOVsc
Santos So. 4, ll4c. Mild coffee, steady;
Cordova. lli,trI5He.
. 7li4a
. II
. at
:l'i'(j-.'3c; ,r shorts. l.l'c; clear nhs, 1314c; short
clears, iir. uacon, sieaoy; boxed, exlri
al 11101 is, nc; ctc.-tr rms, 14
Boetoa Slocks.
BOSTON, Sept. 12. Cluking quotations on
xtocks weie as follows
Allouei .,
short clears.
mark rases litcltlied. HrtlKc: firs'.s.
prli'ie firsts TV. i Ol LTR4 r irm ; rhlckens, springs,
CHEESB-t4.d : daisies. K'-4c: twl is 1 ..ViV'i.'-w , "' Ke'' KV , ,
UVato'Iit: voui.g America!-. I.tol6ac: Ion.! . " t fi-K. ,Y; creamery. 27-g31',c.
ho,r. li -.L.- i i .-""m, r.-sc.
POTATOES Firm: iholce to fancy. H'n '
t fair to good. IHifc.
. roVLTRV-Jisy, turkeys, lie; fovla
springs. lJc.
VEAL Steady; 50 to Mb. wis.. 6i8V. C
to ifc-ib. ats.. J: fi to ll Mb wt-'. . IV
tjiosc. ,
Car Lot Receipts-Today: Wheat. 90
cars; corn. ll cars; oats. 109 cars. KsU
mated Tomorrow; Wlirat, t cars; rjrn,
45a ran; oata, 140 uais.
F'our. libls
.'l.e;it. hu.
t u n, ' bu. . .
:.s, bu....
14 4-'
125 .
Kaaaaa 1 Ity Urala aaal Pre vlsleas.
'KANSAS CITT. Sept. 12 -Wll EAT-De-cwoiber.
. sellers: May, tl u:i, r.c, (-l.
ers; cash unchanR.d, Nu. 2 liaru. 97c'i
tlOJ'i; No. 3. 96ce;ttl01; No. 2 red, 9m.iptl.laj
i. 903990,
CORN iHsceraber, 63K4ii3Sc. sellers; Mav.
kiiS-jr4e. sHIeit: cash uiuhange,! to ic
higher; No 1 mixed, io1; No. 3. iilc; Nu.
Vblt. C.Mc; No. 3. aSn.ic.
tlATS I'nchangedt No. 1 wiute. 30lc; No.
4 mixed. 3v34c.
. RYE-No. I. n-C.
HAY I'nehanged.t choice timothy. 113.50
gjl40S: choice praul). 112 00.
lH'TTEIt Creamery,- 24V-; firsts, S7c; sec
ejnda. packiug stock, r.''te.
KUOS Extras, firsts. 221ac; seconds,
Ik. .
Reel)ta. Shipments
Amal. Copper ..
A t. L a
1 Ariiona com. ..
M. A C. C. A
Butte Coalition
Cel. A An acne.
t el. A Hails..
Mnpmrnt . ' rentennial
12.100 Topper Kange C. C
31.0A) Kaal Utte t . at...
70?0o Krankl.o
41. "AO 0,rw,, ,'lon
, tiranby Cos
I Cteene I ananea ...
lfie Korale t -upper
La Salle eper
Miami Copper ..
MlaaraMtlia Urala Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. 8ept. 12 WHEAT; Kerr Lake
Sepienil'er. 11 10; iiecember. fl 11; May, ' Lake Copper
H UV vasn: jo. 1 nari, 11.134; No. 1
northern. tl.llVtlil.114k: No. 2 northern.
fl.OJValjlOOV. No. $ northern, tl.0i",y l.OsV
FL.VX 4,'losed st 12 77.
COUN No. 5 yellow. 33'i4il4c.
OATS No. 3 wlUte, 32lV32'lc.
untVln lui.lh ka. ka ll SA
FLDl'K Fust patents (in wood. f. o. b. ! Omaha
Minn.ipolisi. !5.50k.Yit); second patents I Bar mate Gas
3ru 1.50: first clears. 13 9ilvj4 10; second i '" Coalltios
clears. r2BOtU2.9a
4! Mohawk ... 44a
J's Nevada Con 2"
SN. pi. sing Minea lit
. .. 14t North butta :S
... 4 North Lake
I.. 1314 Old I win 1 11 ion 24
... la-aOereula lrt
... (a I'arroii 1. a c 11
...4i4 Uulncj '.I
. T. ...... w. .
A1 Riimmm a.. I
T U. M
K'l, Superior a P. l' II",
4 Tauiarark .-4
:i mv. s. i'. a o ,
t. 8. s. H. a u . .. -s
tlSt 4o ltd 4s
4". I tah en 44
16 V. Inona
W WoUeruie ....
1 :i,iZ7Vic. Watermelons, in per in.
w ! Dates: Anchoa. prann, new, m i-id. pags.
in brx per box, li ou.
VV(;ETAi;LES-litatOje: Ea.rly Ohio. In
sacka per bu.. Il OWol W; New Jersey white
stock' extra fine quality, per bu.. 11 .15.
?iveet Potatoes: Virginia, per bbl.. 13.00.
onions' Large yellow m sacka. per lb.,3c;
Vowi small red and yeliow. per lb.. 2c;
KnaSish per crate, tl.35. Garlic: Extra
facy white, per lb.. 15c; red. per lb., Kc.
lea ilant: Fancy Florida, per doz., l.oo.
relerv Michigan, per dox. bunches. 30c.
bage: New. lr lb.. Jr. Tomatoes: Per bek .
LroOOf String and wax beans: per nikt.
h,k. TEc. Cucumbers: Per tnkt. bsk., 5o
17,. lettuce: r.xna ...j -
:; - Ti.ralev: rancy nome-siuwu, jht aos.
tmnclfes ioc. Turnips: Per mkt. bsk.. 36c.
C?iiu:' Pe mkt. bsk.. toe. Beets: Per
"vVsCJ-aANKOrS-Walouts: Black, per
ih , aT- ialifoi'iiia No. 1. per ib.. 17c; Cali-
v per 10.. lau. nicKorynuis;
ir lb. 4t : small, per id., be. i.'ocoa-
' t .-.-.I. 11........
.ma- Her sac.. -
:i fiaim-s. S3.W.
Metal Market..
vrw YORK. Sept. lf-Siandard cop
per: Siiot. tl215"il2 20,
ew Yark larb Market
following quotations
by Logan toryan
futures. t!2.L'
jl2 25. London, steaoy; poi. 1
futuea. 5 3a 9d. 1-ake. locally. $l2.7o4l
12(171,; electrolytic. 12.504i 12.75: casting.
11 " iiiii 12.50. Tin. quiei: -pot. K3o.iV4i3o.i3;
futures, 1U.5..43 25.70. Loiirkm closed tirm;
, fir- futures. 153 12s 6d. Lead.
quiei: s,k.V. t4 4ot,4 50 New York
East St. Louis, ioouo". ,e"". " -Spelter,
quiet; spot. KVeOa-oO New Yora;
it-e,K."T-. ..,et St. Lotus. iiiiuoii. a vi.
17s M. Iron, c leveionu ounanie,
re furnished! .144 In London. Locally, the market was
members New York 1 quiet. No. 1 foundry northern. tlsOOii 16 25;
Ko A. Pr. No. A. Pr.
il 1124 4 45 44 Vf 1 14
4 iltlO I 40
!..'. 445 I 16 . 9 1011 1 M
416 I !3 1 1S0 4 40
1 -1140 3 4i .
...' 444 S 60 14 744 1 71
14 1.... 417 Z H 1 734 4 16
IS, Hi 4 s Tf.
1 1160 3 5o 1 1310 4 00
J S5 4 M 1 1 SO
4 t K
t 7.V 4 4 4 76
1 cow 950 2 4o
12 stiers.... 71i 4 25
2t steers.... ii.i2 4 90
20 cons 1041 4 10
4 calves... 3"0 6
19 liarlfers... 7n0 S 60
21 steers. ...110s 5 40
8 cows H53 3 !Ci
7 cows 7. 3 75
4 calves... 2;i0 5 .
25 feetlers.. 413 4 8.7
3 heifers... 5V 3 4
9 heifers...
9 steers. ...1024
9 heifers... 748
5 COW S Wio'
9 feeders.. !"!5
1 bull
19 cows....
10 cows.
11 cows. ..
13 heifers.
742 .1 60
9M 4 05
9. . I 4 30
13 cows...
5 bulls...
2; steers.... 795
2 heifers... 50
11 heifers... ;H0
9 heifers... 477
2 feeders.. t.V
1 bull H0
11 cows..
e cows. .
21 feeders.. 1031
19 feeders.. M7
3 15
3 45
4 40
4 75
3 36
4 00
4 35
3 05
irx 3 0
No,- 3 40
5 10
4 25
Wheat bU. 3!;v
Col'S. bu 44.6
Oats bu , UvuO
l.lveraeMl Grata Market.
" 14 F.RPOOU Sept n WHEAT Spot,
dull. No. 3 nel meetern win let. no strnk;
futuraas steady: Ct tober. 7a4ld; December.
;sd: Mareu, 7a 5d
CoHaN Spot. . old Amertt an mixed.
1 hum
I hial C'ooaolidatad
Iw.ia Kalv
Bl central ioniolldaled
W.f wiu-h
U Inapiratloa
la Laroae
la Nevada Con
164, Nearhoaea
l'el'hlu cjpper ......
. 42i, haaliiov coalition
. l a Rev lentral
. J w.ft Pkg. Co. ..
US Seer.rloeliitrk t'o
i: . Silver n.k
12 METALS Lead,
ti .36.
l.'t Silver King Ceai.lionlll
4'. SAP.
44"!nHn Mining
lii;itily Caplfer ..
4 N(HTS Lake A
4 , bvhrmia
l.lkle Kataply uf Urala.
NEW YORK. 'Sept. 12. The visible sup
ply of grain III the I'nlted Mai. a. Saturday.
September 10, as compile"! by the New
Y'rrfc orotluce exchange ait follows:
Wheat. .ei 0u0 bushels; Increase. 1 M Oou. :
Corn. ? 9t.t0 bushels: intrek-e. 21i. iu. ( oddfield Con
Oats, I7.7tv0o9 bushels: lnrrjise. l laOOX ! Ueidtieid Kloaeo.a
Rye. 255 uuo bushels: Increase, "eitnv i.oianeid liar .
B;iey. 1.;S.0110 busnels: Increase. ?.".tJ. I Creene Cauan.a .
The visible supply of wheat in Canada :
1..SI Satuidav wa Il,7sj,0u0 ao increase of. Treaaarr blaieaaeat. -
909 00 bushels. I WASH1NOTON. Sept. U.-The condition
. 1 of the tnaaury al the beginning of bust.
rear-' a Market. ness today was as follows:
PEORIA. Bept 12 CORN Sieadv No. Jj Trust Fund-Ooid ciln. 10.21 B: silver
yellow. ' c: No- l- fli'c; No. t 54lc; no I dollars. . t4J6.125.tS4l. sliver dollars of lOJ.
grade. 51c. , t;ijuw: sliver certificates outstsndlpg,
o.kTS I'nciianeed: No. 1 ahlie. Ii4j34c; ttsj.irs 000.
No 1 ahlie. 3oVit',e. j Oeneial Fund'-Standaxd alUer dollars in
3X5 polui aixieentn neei v 115 5c4jl6 Oil: No 1 southern and No.
; 1 southern soft, tlo TMrjlti 25
ST. LOC IS, Sept
i'1 ' quiet. ' 14.30; spelter.
's ,
, tot too Market.
U NEW YORK. Sept 12,-COTTON-Spot.
: , jcl s. d tnilet, 10 points loaer; middling up
I'fc'ellands. 11.9tk; middling gulf, 14.16c. sales.
3 317 tales.. Futures closed tviiet. t losing
ki.i.- s.ritihr. IS. otic: October. 12.AK-; No-
4 2-".
3 K0
s tr.
4 &
P. Clarey Neb.
llii 3 40 3 cows WS 3 35
9i3 3 N.7 1 cow i"0 3 00
2 steers.... Sr0 2 75 3 bulls
2 heifets... 3 "0 9 heirers... 7:)
2 bulls W) 3 So 58 feeders.. 9x3
2 steers.... 126.'. 4 75 4 steers.... 920
T. heifers... 609 3 15
13 feedeis.. 7:"2 16 heifers... 74
2. feeder.. 1152 0 65 1 calf 220
HOOS Ught receipts or hogs
equalled by a limited demand this morning,
and while the inarkei ruled higher and
movement waa active, a larger supply
Mould have met with different treatment.
Hulk moved at prices mostly 15c higher,
but three or four loads that came tn lata
found buyers very backward, the market
closing weak and dull.
.-Snipping waa very small, almost
all of the hogs going lo local buyers. Light
aeigiila wore scarce and prime lighia were
lacking. The best bacon hogs on .ale sold
at 19 00. a hlch pi Ice waa also Saturday's
top. Heavy hKs moved around 19.1ug9li
and mlirti yiades ,,f medium aeigut
bioughl ti.25 and belter.
Representative aaies:
fan) 3 35
3 -0
4 7u
3 25
1 90
4 54)
a ere
- Tr Goods Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. 12.-The week opere1
with a more general collection of small
orders than for some time. Finished goods
In Jobbers' hands are in light volume, and
shipments and orders of staples are being
rushed. Gingham mills snnesr to have
full winter season ahead at low. prices
Drills and sheetings show strength. Staple
prlnta wera in more demand than for aav.
eral months.
Omaha Hay Market.
..?H.KVA- P'- "-HAT-No. 1 upland
til. 00: Kansas. 114 00; No. I upland, 112.00
packing, 110.00; alfalfa. 114 00. Straw
Wheat. $ 00; rye. $7.00; oats. 18.00.
" Rusrar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. Sept 11 Sl'QAR-Rnw,
steady; Muscovado. 69 test. 1.86c; centrifu
gal, 96 test. 4.3k; molasses sugsr, 89 test.
1.61c; ref'ned. steady: crushed, 5.85c; granu
lated, 615c; powdered, t.lnc.
DENVER, Sept 11. Following tha ties?
of an address said to have ben found on
the back of a photograph among the ef
fects of William If. Radford, tha fan Fran
cisco millionaire mining man. who com
mitted suicide at Los Angeles Friday, Mrs.
Nellie C. Busch, who says she Is "the' Wife
af George Kingsbury . Busch, wealthy
brewer of &t Louis, waa located hark to-
26 6ti n,Kht at the home of ker .brother-ln law.
14,Oflol jonn uoog, jr.. tuw rvasi . miriy-iounn
street. '
Radford before killing; himself left a'mee
sage for "Mrs. N. C. 3usch, ; S343: South
Jefferson avenue, 8L Louis,' tn whjeh she
was referred to as "tha qnly girl, ever
loved." The address glyen la that ol
George Kingsbury Bugch. , , ; 1
"I know no one by the name of Radford,"
said Mrs. Busch when the fragment of the
measage had been read to her. "Mr. 'Rad
ford may have met rha when I waa ilhgla.
but I do not recall the occasion. . cannot
understand his having left any auca mes
sage. I think It terrible that I U,ld ba
drgwn l:ito such a thlnf v'' '
"1 have not been . In Los Angelas (or
eight or ten years, when. J wag thare. with
Mr. Busch. At that tima 1 -met many
people, but do not recall meeting Mr. Rad
ford. As a matter of fact I never heard of
the family. I do not see,, how he ieould
have a picture of me I har 110V had any
taken In yeara." 1 '
Mrs. Busch has been here about a month
and said she expected to remain here soma
little time, when Mr.fBusch Js exqeted to
coma on from St Latu.
Weel Market,
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. 1J.-WOOL-Ptehdy;
territory and western mediums
lfc&Sc: fine mediums. 17S20c; fine, 14ifil7c.
Police Take (barge at Yaatbfal
Trsant Mark Worry la
Merle Daggert, 8 years old and pre
cociously blight and winning, spent Satur
day afternoon at tha police station when
his mama supposed he was at tha Mt.
Loretto school for boys on Esst Broadway.
Merle came with his mother from the4r
home In Dee Moines on one of the morning
trains, reaching the school about noon.
After dinner Mrs. Daggert went to Omaha,
leaving her boy' In the car of the sisters
who were to assume the responsibility of
care and education. Ten minutes after his
mother was out of sight Merle ran away
from the school and got lost before he
found the Hock Island passenger station,
where he expected to get aboard a train
and beat Ilia mother back to Dee Moines.
A kindly, pol(ceman found him and took
uiiu i iud mauun, wnere ne tola or getting
separated front I. Is mother at a railroad
depot and of ber going to Omaha without
him. His mother returned from Omaha and
Orleatals Coaae lato t' a Ileal States Dls
raised aa Faahloaaaty Dressed
- f
SAN DIEGO. Sept. 12. A brand new
trick for smuggling Chinese acroba tha
Mexican line Into, this country ' directly
under the noses of tha Immigration officers
has coma to the attention of tha local
officers. '
For some time It Is said certain law- '
breakers have made a practice of loading
Orientals into automobiles and carrying
them Into this country dressed In articles of
clothing, designed especially for women
of ultra fashionable tasts and further dis
guised by means , of automobile , goggles,
picture hats and wide flowing vella. Ac
cording to Information which has come
Into the possession of Immigration officials,
numerous alien Chinese bavs beea
smuggled Into tha interior, togged out as
Joy-riders, durhng tha last fear weeks.
Laborers Meet Death la Cat Throsgb
Solid llsst la New, , ,
NEW TORK. Sept,. 12-At least nine
laborers were killed outright toda and ten
others were injured In tha e4las of an
when she foand her boy missing from the 'over-hanging shoulder of rock from abovg
school and the sisters under the imoreaalun !the western mouth of tha old Erie tunnel.
Jhe had accompanied her, aha was frantic, fwhlrh connects tha Erie terminal to Jersey
Her anxiety Increased when she found he Clty with the westward divisions.'.
For several years .the Erie has been work
lng at .the gigantic task ot carving aa
open cut 1 or na iwaaruger naias inrougo
leember. 12.97c: January,
11 t.-i 1-.U7.. Uanli n (t.C MV
ga 1 l -ta , r .-u 1 li.i i ...-. .
uiUOwi; June. 12.5c: Jui. i-0e.
r,1 eT UJl Ii. Sep 12. COTToN-Cn-
ik, jchanged, nilddUng. lltc; amies., none. ,
Mllavankre Urals Market. -
MILWACKEE.' Sept. 12 -FU)I R-Dull
WHEAT No. 1 northern. 11144J1.15: No.
t northern II. 121 13; December, 11 UUV,
OTS Jf-tJooV--.
bJ RLE Y Samples. 6i672je.
Iluia Mailer Markvl. .
KLU1K, 111 . Sept 12 BI'TTER SJ.
Na 4a. Sh. Pr. No 4 So. Pr.
r Ml ... ISO i ium, b la
Ml au l:. 44 Si tit
H ! l:o 4 1; i -.' w is
i", 1SI ... I 14 4") (il w IX
4; ..12 ... I 14 44 141 )
. U . XT.) tail I n
44 S"" I 15 44 I' ... S 4a
U.... ... I ... 15 264 44 fl
42 -"I .. Hi 74 4 4t
44 i :l I I " 2.4 M la
!4 . ... I H at ft :! I U
i.j I.i 1: I li 74 .; 4w 4u
42 .tn 138 I IS 74 I7 4S I 4)
lj ii 4 '.ti aa u; ... tn
v ... I x 31 ft ... 1 ea
ei... n4 ... t Zi 4 at ... I 4e
nau aiso ran away rrom the Creche. A
general polke ala'm waa sent out which
leal to the discovery of the little fellow
curled up in a seat at the Rock Island
station waiting for a train. He had got
the solid rock of Bergen hill, whlrh In soma
Ispots Is 800 feet Mgti. The cut YM opened
SHEEP Demand for all kinds of sheep
and lambsashoas n'; a'ja'.ement In spite ui
tue fact the aupp.y continues liberal. An
oinnr big rui.- as yarded thla morning,
trttl half of tbe vunt auiving u feeder
aboard a stret't car and told the conduct, .r I fur travel not long ago. but thaie still rs-
a winning story about bis mother waiting mains the task of hawing a common portal
for him at the' depot and getting lost when ( for the old tunnel gnd the new cut out of
she permitted him to go out and buy some the ledge where thuy will meet west of the
candy. ' I boulevard. It was there that the fall cams
'.. . 1 1 today.
irsa nnti by t are.
CHARLES CITY. la.. Sept. 12.-4Special
Telegram. i A tramp, who gave ifii cam
of Gordon, aaa run over by an Illinois
Cenfigl freight train earl' this morning.
Both legs were cut off and ha Is dying
at tbe hospital. He sayr he has a sister
In Springfield. Masa
Persistent advertising io The Bea la the
road to B g iUUuraax
Herbert B. Coooh Go
Broker and Dealer
asaba Offla . lit Bear ad Traae aUAa
aTaawa. xeomg. sail lag. ai 1.
eaaeaVbg 4WBI aVAaMgJia gtaOM
an ttatal at Arm