Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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' SUve B0t Frtn It.
' waa rutxea augtnOruu Ce.
Tea TOM FttaUag e the Tlmaa.
Deei Ury Cleaning of garment Twin
City Dn Worka. sul South fifteenth.
9c W. B. Blstir, Tentlst, haa offloee
t 0i-0I Cttx National Bank Building.
Oppvaaalm Xalrdreeeln- radon mora
:i-7-l-t-l Cltr Bank Bldg. 8apU U.
Xa the Dlvoroe t Coart Harriet U. Joy
l is filed suit for divorce AgnlnM (tank E.
4 atta. J. ft. Maatok, Osteopath, will oc
lupjr suite ;o;-704 City National bank.
1 after September it.
Whaa Tea Kara TClde, wool or fur,
brln- .hem to 1. 8. Smith A Co. Highest
l;-cea, honest treatmen . 1214 Jonea 8U im the' Neb, Savings Loan
Aoa'n earn per annum, credited seml
anuually.' 1100 to 15.000. Hui Farnam
ftret. Board of Trde Building, Omaha.
Bailors to iteev The regular monthly
meeting of the Omaha Builders' exchange
will bo held Tuesday evening at the es-
change rooms. An informal program will
be given and refreshments served.
Sheriff Brailsy tSlek Sheriff Bralley,
a ho leturned Friday night from a three
elks' vacation trip to California, arrived
home lok and haa been since confined to
his home. Ills Illness Is not considered
serious and ho will be out probably in a
few days.
Blkhorm Wants a Wall The village
board? of Klkboro baa filed a request with
tha Board of County Commissioners asking
fti t a railing be placed along the top of
. the concrete retaining wall now under con
struction south of the railway tracks In
Kl shorn or build the wall four feet higher.
With tha wall as it is at present there Is
danger of teams going over.
Bteigst la Obstreperous C. B. Btrelgel,
who runs a drug store at. 924 Douglas street,
was fi.ied $24 and costs this morning In
polloe court for Interfering with an officer
in the discharge . of his duties. Saturday
night Officer Rinn went into Streigel'a store
'.o make a couple of arrests. Htrtlgel
shoved the men wauled out of live back
.floor and turned out the lights. At the
IKiHro station Btrelgel acted like a crazy
mail and threatened to, whip the whole
(tvpartment. Streigel'a store la now closed
lip by order of the chief.
tig Dorriok In stalled One of the big
gest derricks ever used In Omaha has been
placed by the James Stewart company for
use on the rew Union Pacific headquarters
building.. The !'"oni la ninety-four feet long
and the stationary pole from which it
swings stands Just 100 ftcet high. The der
rick Is of wood construction, but the com
pany has another ninety foot steel one
coming. Foundation work Is going steadily
and the Stewart company expects to
take hold of tha work where the Mardis
company leavea It some time next week.
C. W. Williams f Uanls Takes
the Calef Cap mm Award
f Merit.
C. W. Wnilama. general agent of the Mid
West Ufe Insurance company of Lincoln,
haa ,won the Calef cup. given as the first
prise for the winning essay at The National
Life Underwriters' association. Tha Calef
cup is presented each year by the National
Association of Ufe Underwriter, and the
convention of 1810 was held at Detroit last
week. Mr. Williams was delegated by the
Nebraska Life Underwriters' association of
Omaha to compete for thla prise, and the
members ace bigklyi gratified to have . him
rapture it. The subject of the essay was
"The Appeal That Persuades in Soliciting.
This Is the second occasion on which a
member of the Nebraska LJfe Underwriters'
association of Omaha haa carried oft the
prise; C. V. Van Tuyl having won In 1194,
and Is now a member of the Minnesota as
sociation. The second prise, "The Ben
Williams Vase." was won by F. A. Hilton
of Detroit, and honorable mention was
made of W.' A. Wright of Buffalo.
Y . E. Ady, general agent of the National
Life of Vermont, haa been the national
chairman of the prise essay committee for
several years.
Fayslclaa Rtserts KUyd Deaerty Did
.Net SaotaJa Krartere tar
Badly Dimi4.
Dr. E. C. Abbott, who is attending Floyd
Doheily, tha man hurt at the automobile
track Sunday, when tha Mason car over
turned, stated Monday tliat the man's In
juries ara not aerloua as was at first be
lieved. First reports had it that Doherty's
Ny- C'Olll
4 tiJn
- collar bone bad been broken, but In addi
tion to bruises all over bla body and one
nger thrown out of Joint the only In-
Jury he sustained was a badly wrenched
set ot ligaments and muscles about bis
right shoulder.
Doherty, who halls from Detroit was ta
ken to his rooming house. 2121 California
street after the accident. Henry LeFrents,
the other man in the car, who lives at
1U North Eighteenth atreet, came through
with only a wrenched back.
, Although a thorough anamination has
r.ot been made. Free I and Brothers and
Ashley estimate the damage to the car at
about $30. The rear part of the car, the
chain and tha steering gear received the
brunt of tha fall, and tha body doea not
scent to be injured to any large extent.
Bla; Atteadaaee Bra rw Torek (
aevra Baas i Jacob ( karrk '
Opeaed as Hear Speerhea.
The opening of the new Torah of the
Chevr Bane Jacob church was held at the
church. undy evening at . After the
ceremonies of auctioning off the Important
letters of the Torah, the friends and mem
bers were tendered a reception by the
church. ' The committee In charge ot the
affair was A. Colin. E. Jacob, Harry Bern
stein, air. I.teman, Mr. Markovlts, Mr. Llm
sky, Mr. Uroaaman and Mr. Goldstein
Speaking took place Just before refresh
ments were served. Rabbi Limsky speaking
about the Torah. Mr. . Barman, super In
tendent of the Jewish school, aieo talked
of the betterment of the school and having
as many of the Jewish children In the city
attend the achool as possible.
. The Tellaw Peril
Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes
a hen Dr. King's New Late Pills are taken,
Guaranteed, ttc For aale by Beaua Drug
o. -
Marrlagra Lleai
The following Marriage
been issued:
Urease have
Nam and R-eldrnce.
Harry Emanuel. Des Motnea, la...,
Itosa Weiaer, Deo Uolnaa, la ,
Patrick arlffin. South Omaha...:..
Nora Horgan. Oinaba
Harry U. Edwards. Omaha
fedlla Jeasen. Omaha
Anton Httnon. South Omaha
Anna Barea.-JkMjih Ouiatua......
vJoatHh Juraoek, Mouth Omaha
An.alle Matulka. Omaha
William K. Carey. Anlu. Ia
Est Slropaun, Bra lua, la
Theodora Frederic . Omaha
Mae titribley. Omaha
llalph C. Naali. Weed v Ilia, Pa
Marie A. BurWv. ocltajlar
.... X
.... ai
.... M
.... S
.... n
.... u
.... si
.... H
.... a
.... o
.... 21
.... n
Commercial Club Sayi Member Are
Too Buiy to Accept
tkaraeteristlo Letter of Arrrptaare
frova Maa; Scribes Have Hera
v Received tarlaa They Will
Be Mere with Bella On.
ifamson's Invitation extended to Uncoln
Commercial club for the last Ak-Sar-Ben
Initiation at the den Monday was given a
cold turn down and Samson a friendly
Intentions received a bucket of cold water.
The Commercial club sent a tcegram or
regret saying ita members should not be
present owing to the "pressure of busi
ness Incident to the greatest state fair
In the. history of Nebraska," which fair
was held by the Nebraska State Board
of Agriculture and came to a close last
Nebraska editors, to whom invitations
had also been sent were well represented
at the Den lust evening. The following
letter Is a fair sample of the way most of
the newspaper men of Nebraska feel toward
Ak-Sar-Ben. It Is from Albert K. Qulnn
of the Plattsmotith News-Herald, who rays:
"Hamnon, Most Noble Lord: Your royal
commands have been received and strict
and Implicit compliance will bo made on
our party. We-shall arrive in your most
beautiful city on the day and date set for
your most puissant majesty, and we will
travel Incog that the common rabble may
'.ot know wo ara heading for your strong
hold. That you may know us upon our
arrival, and you alone, know then, we will
wear upon our face a clean shave and
upon our body one clean shirt, borrowed
from a frltnd. Lie ink spots upon our
nose and hands will be erased and a few
other distinguishing marks will be con
spicuous by their absence. Hall to thee,
most noble lord. We start upon our long
walk this day In order that we may not be
late for the grand revelrie."
New Bogus Scheme
of Charity Work
Woman Secures Jobs and Then Selli
Them to Other for
Good Sam.
A new way to work the charities au
thorities has been discovered by a South
Omaha woman mho has establtahed a small
employment bureau by making the Asso
ciated Charities clerks do the work. he
applied at the office of the South Omaha
branch and elaborated a tale of pitiful dis
tress. Although she was rather portly and
well fed in appearance, she declared her
self to the starving, and insisted that In
spite of her poverty she would take nothing
but help towsrd getting work.
The charity workers took her to a restau
rant and the proprietor offered tier a
chance to work. She made excuses for the
day and dlsappesred. The restaurant pro
prietor was ajigry and reported to the of
fice that he had been deceived, but the
very next day she reappeared and said that
the seoond girl was a wonderful worker.
The charity clerks Insisted that they had
sent but one woman and the girl who ap
peared on the second day waa questioned.
The girl confessed that she had paid the
original applicant $1 tor the chance at the
Job and had supposed that ahe waa a reg
ular employer's agent,
Motor Races for
Ak-Sar-Ben Week
Directors Plan to Have Some Fast
Events While the Crowds
Are Here. ' '
Preliminary steps were taken on Monday
morning by the board ot directors of the
Omaha Motor club looking to the holding
of an automobile race meet during tha Ak-
Sar-Ben festival. Tha plans are vet in a
rather chaotic state, but it is the Intention
of the club to hold a two or three-day
event, timing the races so they will not
conflict with the public events of the fes
tival. The races will, of course, be held
on the Speedway association's new track.
A commlttee'of the Motor club met last
night with the board of governors of Ak-
Sar-Uen. At this conference the dates and
other arrangements for the meet were de
cided. Flynn Starts
to Clean Streets
Will Undertake to. Make Them More
Attractive for the Fall
As a preliminary preparation for the Ak-Sar-Ben
festival Street Commissioner
Flynn has ordered a gang of men to work
clearing up the grounds and a special offi
cer hes been sent to warn builders who
have ciutteied up the streets that obstruc
tions must be removed If possible before
the days of the parades. The numerous
new buildings and ex'.enslve alterations
that have been going on all summer have
put the streets In an unusually unattrac
tive condition, saysMr. Flynn. and only
co-operation from every builder will put
things in proper shape for the fall cele
bration. Little Change
in the Recount
Shallenberger is Now Forty-Five
Votes Ahead in Forty-Seven
81s precincts counted Monday morning
made little change in tha standing ot Gov
ernor Shallenberger and Mayor Dahlnian.
The governor gained two In the third pre
elnot of the Eighth ward and on in the
third of the Ninth. Mayor Dahlnian gained
on In the first of the Ninth and three in the
fourth of the Ninth. Thla makes Shallen
berger total gain forty-five In forty-seven
Toavsa fro a Ewalera Hlea Pier
Series Uaaaes la Waak
WASHINGTON, ept U.-The third an
nual tournajneat of the - I'nion Printers'
Baa Ball league opens today at the Amir
loaa leagu park. The first gam wlil b
played between the printers ot Washing
ton and Philadelphia, The other clubs of
the league are Boetoa, Chicago, Cincinnati,
Denver. Pittsburg and New York.: At least
two gaane a day lll be piayed hereafter
to determine the t pographlcal baa ball
supremacy of tha country.
Gets Big Check
and Then Arrest
John T. Murphy of Denrer Cashes a
Check Intended for Another
If your name were John T. Murphy and
some morning the mall man brought you
a letter addressed to sour address and
containing a fat check made out to your
order would you cash It and appropriate
the proceeds or would you start out on
a diligent hunt for ano her John T. Mur
phy for whom tha letter and check might
by Intended?
John T. Mu'.phy of Denver, to whom
such a letter actually came, chop the
former of the two alternatives, and as a
result is now languishing in Jail In Omaha
charged with taking from the malla and
cashing a check belonging to another man.
Unfortunately tha letter in thla case waa
intended for another John T. Murphy.
The man waa taken by United States
Marshall Warner Saturday In South
Omaha and had his hearing Monday
before United States Cnmnmlsstoner Ander
son. He was ordered confined here until
Judge W. H. Munger returns to the city
and Issues an order for hla removal to the
Jurisdiction of the Colorado courta.
School Teacher
is Cut by a Lad
Phillip Mitchell Has Knife Up His
Sleeve, Which He Proceeds
to Use.
Thillp Mitchell, the colored terror of High
land school In South Omaha, was brought
before the Juvenile court Monday morning
charged with having resisted punishment
by using a big pocket knife on his teacher,
Miss Burt. The boy had been called up
for some minor offense. Up his sleeve he
carried the open knife and when the teacher
started to punish the boy he dropped the
knife into his hand and slashed at his In
structor. He did little damage, Miss Burt's
only Injury being a slight scratch. Judge
Sutton sent the boy to the detention home
for two weeks. If he shows further signs
ot Insubordination he w'll be promptly
sent to the Kearney industrial school.
Bound Body of
Man in River
Strangely Wired and Weighted
Corpse is Taken from the
Wired heavily and with two brake irons
tied on it, a body of a young man wan
found In the Missouri river near Bellevue
Monday afternoon at S o'clock.
The body was that of a white man, about
30 yevrs of age. five feet eight Inches It
height, weighing ISO pounds, and smooth
face. Ha was dressed In a dark suit, and
a white soft shirt with tie of the same ma
teriaJ, and new shoes, size seven or eight
The county coroner of Sarpy county ha
taken charge of the body. As yet no clue
to the mystery has been found.
Prank Hoaarh Telle of Area Over 8ab
terraaeaa Hlver Irrigated by
Great W'lla.
"The south plains of Texas form a re
gion which in potentiality surpasses south
ern California. Our country, within a few
years, will be greater than the newly opened
Imperial valley, an it is only a question of
time before, with the work now planned
carried to completion, it will have left be
hind In Importance the orange groves of
Frank Hough, a real estate dealer of
Plainvllle, which lies seventy-five miles
south of Amarlllo, Tex., made this state
ment Monday at the Merchant, hotel.
"By this development," he continued, "thi
middle west will benefit. The south plains
lie over a subterranean river, and getting
mater is only a question of boring. We art
opening wells at Plainvllle after going thlrtj
feet The first, giving 14,000 gallons a minute
Irrigates 10 acres. Over at Portales fifty
one such wells are running now. Neat
Plainvllle, one five-acre tract this seasoc
yields fa), and that's but a sample. Mucl.
of the middle west's development Ilea In
the south.
Said to Be the Haadsomeet Ever Pab
llsked ta Adtertlae the
The handsomest booklet ever printed
about Omaha has Just left the presses
The booklet has been prepared at the in
stigation of the publicity bureau of. the
Commercial club and a limited number
will be given away here by that Institution
Others 1H be used outside for advertising
The booklet Is noteworthy because It In
cludes many views not heretofore printed
In such a publication. An artist haa caught
a remarkable good view of The Uee build
ing, the city hail and the Brandels theatei
building, the fronts of all three aborning
clearly. Another good print is of the city
sky lines from Fifteenth and Douglai
streets. Other views are of the Field club,
a sale day In front of the Thomas Kll-
Patrick store on Douglas street, a grout
of residences, including George A. Joslyn's,
Mrs. Ben Gallagher's. Dr. A. F. Jonas and
J. H Millard.
All of the photographs, taken mainly by
Schonefeld A. I'nvermght, are new. and
several ot them have been copyrighted.
The booklet Is printed by the A. I. Root
It is a perfect food for any person as it contains all the dements of
which the body ia composed. Mad from WHEAT. OATS, RICE
and BARLEY, it provides material for growth. Its tendency is laxative,
coruequently useful in cases of constipation. Upon this food life could '
be sustained for an indefinite period, as it U a food in just the right pro
portion to sustain all the Lfo force, of the system. Ask your Grocer.
Yob Break
Year Classes
You need them all the time.
Bring the pieces to us. We will
dup'lcate the broken lens, to mat
ter where the glasses came from.
We ran make a new lens eiactly
like the old, with only the old
piece to go by. Many times the
work can be done while you wait.
But you ran always have them the
same day. This is a point worth
remembering If yon wear glasses.
Huteion Opiical Co.
213 South 16th St. .
Unexpected Wealth Palls to Three
Local Persons.
evs ( mm that t harlea Iledberg,
Bridge t'arpeater, Waa
Thought Poor, Die la Fall
Heirs Get fBOO.OOO.
Four Nebraskans, three of them Omaha
residents, are heirs to liw.vw !"
through the discovery of the death of an
uncle In New York City. The lucky four
.... a. .VI Thlrtf.
are Mrs. Jennie bmiin, i-"i.
sixth avenue: Mrs. Carrie Perry. El Cass
street; Charles Hedberg. 201 Brown street,
and John P. Hedberg of the town of lax-
ton. A fifth co-heir is Kev. v. eu-
beiK ot Minneapolis.
These five are nephews and nieces of
Charles Hedberg, a New York bridge car
penter, who met his death by failing from
brldae at Yonkers. It was suppoeeo. ojr
his fellow workmen that Hedberg left noth
ing but ,a reputation for making speeches
on slight provocation, but his effects re
vealed title deeds to a great deal of real
estate, worth, at a conservative estimate.
The property includes a large farm near
Lakeland In Florida, four building lots in
Elmsbord, Westchester county. New York,
and extenaive tracts of school land In
Texas. Besides thfd, according to the New
York t?un. he had a "great deal of money
in the bank.
Hedberg came as an orphan to this coun
try and had little communication with his
relatives, who knew, nevertheless, that ne
was in America. That he left so much
property was as much a surprise to them
aa to anyone else. Hedberg lived quite
simply almost miserly. In fact and aside
from his propensity to make speecnes,
which gained him the tltlejof "The Orator,"
was in no wise distinguished from fellow
bridge workers.
The fall which killed him waa only
twenty-five feet but he fractured three
ribs in the region ot the heart, and broke
4 leg so badly that It had to be Imme
diately removed at the knee.
Attorney Alvln F. Johnson represents the
heira and will soon leave for New York to
prove up on the estate In behalf ot his
llenta whose claims are undisputed.
Negro Holdup
Man Arrested
Detectives Get James Peterson, Who
Held Up Restaurant Fri
day Night
Detectives Davis and ' rattullo and
Policeman Regan, Monday " morning, ar
rested the negro who held up and robbed
the Metropolitan restaurant at lil8 Capital
avenue, Friday night. The prisoner gave
his name as James Peterson, loOS Burt
street He was Identified by the pro
prietor aa the one who had committed the
Love of Bicycle
Causes Downfall
Youth Who Cannot Leave. Them
Alone Goes to the Indus
trial School.
Roy Gill's longing foi a bicycle has landed
him in the Kearney Industrial school. One
week ago he was taken before the Juvenile
court charged with stealing a bicycle, but
as the bicycle was returned to the owner
in good condition, the boy was given an
other chance. Monday morning he was be
fore the court again on the same charge
and he admitted having atolen a second
bicycle. The lad Is only It years of age.
live aa He Steps oa tar and His
Foot le tenant Beaeath
the Wheel-
R. W. Anderson, wnu is employed as a
motorman by the street railway company,
and whose home Is Just north of Florence
was the victim of a street car accident on
Monday afternoon. Anderson was attempt
Ing to board a car at the corner of Thir
teenth and Pierce str-ets when his foot
slipped and befure he could recover his
balance, the car wheels passed over his
foot, mangling It terribly. The Injured
man waa taken .to St. Joseph's hospital.
t fcV s
New Fall Overcoats, Cravenettes and
Now one mn
fooled, his wife
She had
been using
her favorite
baking powder.
Wouldn't think of try
ing anything else, be
cause mother always
u! ed it," or some similar
excuse. Hubby said shewas
prejudiced. He figured if
Calumet, the new baking
powder, selling at a moder
ate price, could be so successful, there must be some goo' in it. So he took a hand, and
bought a can of Calumet, emptied the can containing her "favorite" baking powder and,
filled it with Calumet.
That evening, unsuspecting the trick, Wifey prepared and served som of her famous biscuit
piping hot, temptingly browned and puffed up to airy lightness, they were even more delicious
than visual. Hubby, after considerable difficulty, succeeded in convincing her that the basis
of the improvement was Calumet Baking powder. And so"an ever
lasting friend for Calumet was made.
This truthful little incident simply proves that tha honiewif Is oftirnes prejudiced
against all baking powders except the one she ha been nsing for yean. She
imagines that no other kind can possibly be as good. This is a mistaken impression.
A trial ot Calomel will prove that it is purer, more reliable; it ha a greater leavening
power than any other baking powder made. And it is moderate ia price.
Your Grocer
6 4
isaiYiU i.TZaXSw
HtSHkHM. " . .."
ia t. vneroni
rarnaat sic y-a ......
housework, ci
GIHL, for s
taouse, ttne id
gukl is. t el.
- i
aay; young e
iwebsur ita
good wage
A reliable
leookli g eiai
Igu-i. tU. Fa
OIRJL for g
lOlKI. for
IHaraer tucm.
doing a goo
BJUIia; rem
oeaa raquirli
care bee. Co
roa sa
stoea la guo
lablisbed mi,
Make your
a earfcAin. i
A Mo. 1 cool
eu reared.
TOR HA1J6-A "'""- HiawetAA, N la.
established oaraees snop -oUlg M eunual
Ran-; irn.loi J" Use al oust we,
business of JLsfraeeoa for eeuing.
. k r
a t raaeoa for
csnaeeuoa. Brrll l furth.
hod see
e. ia
rnd Tuesday a"" ?,?ni K"rd'
.Came and
English Slip-Ons
The new "Nebraakg" garment are a combination ot correct
style, superb quality and faultleta tailoring; yet their prices are tha
smallest at which such garments ran be produced.
Our assortment is now complete, and In saying "eoniplne"' we
mean that we are ready to show you every style and fabric that will
be worn this season by the best dresser everywhere.
We want you to at least take the time to soe them, that you may
make comparisons with any similar priced garments In town. You
will find tha sort of coat you want here, at anywhere Irotri
$10.00 up to $25.00
'Tes Honse Of e'
High Merit." '
HT. Au;lSlTl I
1 - - " .
Will Guarantee It Ask Him for
mm powde
Racaivad Highe.t Award World's Par
ood reposition, Chicago. 1907
r - a Psj
"- ' I-"' - I y-t
VDST 8HEPHERD dog: yellow and white
atrimtrf. Answers to umt Pet. Phene Tvlar
- , - Lt ,
Thursday is Home Day.
Real Estate Dealers have prepared a
list from which you may select a home. .
Lok over the list.
Buy a home.
Own your own home
It does not take much capital to buy a piece of real estate on the easy
ttrra plan. You make a payment of a few hundred dollars down, and tlte
balance like rent. ' '
In the real estate columns of Thursday's Bee will be found a great many
choice bargains advertised for sale on easy terms
selection now while the prices are low.
IJT r CH j' si mv- w ' '
Til VLUKU ealeamaa. prefer exptfrl-
eld1 auced etar man. euiuainled with Nebraska
trade. ie, and liberal espouse aeeouot.
TKAVaXINtl aaiestnaa. leather goods.
SIM ead esieies. v ) '.J
noottfc. h-k-VKR for araue) tftae. large
- . ti
eiogat or aa
j. (keeping gj.
roona.. tew
frelsoed. ia
floor rooms-
lom. ujirur-
'0 N. Mta.
Will setl yoa
of work and
so in Omaha
kiam St. . .
vT. r. fcr.J
a. eheao. A.
end Jaoaaea.
R U. pn tau.
L,t Nr-tH
. uui at
with rufrbar
lhair worth, Aleu , ' "i alo.a' UT Yl
re. With up
h can miJZJr' of(i.r-r.: V!
mxh m rzz" -