Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1910, Image 9

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Eosalm Toque, by Louison
Things You Vant to Know
Th FlRht of Ktewiit.
r .
I f
. i y
V ill' "
' ' i V i V "In.
TMa AAsrostoeit-e oo
tACH immw mom th err
Like, to otii . But ,miu cox ,
I CArt'T TXft Moatf.'
1 I J
1'i.L AVAIL WttL OP HOUR OFSg....-.
BUT T-L- MB. , AA. MOO ,
4k fcMArwtH, ftMUfttt;
TUB. 0 TMWIt 1 CAM &uKkO .T,
l0 I QAAi-lX CWIOT te!)
TO tiiet TWg, CA6 HOM1
Ths. soque, by LwwtsAn, Is a style which, small silk turban of last winter. On this
large Irani' the drapery Is tightened to
FarlH milliner are extending to uw with
much uwdn this tajl. It In a large, draped
shape, the eutcome of jtha closely draped.
form on Interesting bow at one aide. The
material la of sstln. In a new shade of
Tired Business Mao
Telia mead Wl!l Hew
port Frooescloa ' Would
- Form la a Soots -y Columa
"Don't you think ' a Labor day parade
would have been a gnod Idea for those
overworked society people at Newport?"
aaked Friend Wife.
"I suppose euob ' a ; procession would
maroh . la a serried sooiety column," re
sponded the Ttred Business Man. "Tour
plan &4ea you credit and confirms the be
lief, started by your ability to Hve beyond
ou meaoa, Uiat you were intended to be
a smart setUr. Instead Pf a table setter.
Why, with w person of your orlsliuillty at
thaA azcius)- place there wouldn't be .a
piteous cry .for unmhln- to relieve the
ennui. - ; . : r " ' ,
"Just 'see how '(. s(eratety hard they
hal. .had t there tUU season, with not
a bovitv to nourish their weariness on
but one -affair a, , moonlight bath and
danoe. How bars, the mighty sensation
ortttofctnr -tailsa ; when that is the
bvsl they can puUf Why. to betrin with,
the. Idea of dancing to the open in com-fortabl-bathlns;
suits Instead of the less
niudast Wid tlshtly tacsd ball room gowns
is ' almost sensible and can hardly be
olassed as a food summer society freak.
"Aad as for b&thinf in the moonshine
that's merely imitating John D., except
ing his bath yields Internal revenue.
"It waa not Ilk that In the olden days
when there were plenty of good publklly
stonts like monkey dinners, dog lunch
eons diamond disappearances, musical
comedies Our lawn parties, others too
numerous to mexKlon. Heaven only
knows how they - would have staggered
through this season If It hadn't been for
Eleanor Bears' press agent. No wonder
those poor, tl red-out Newporters gave way
under the strain of trying to keep awake
with toothing to-do. l.lfe for them was a
Pennsylvania tunnel one long bare.
"It's just possible In a deadly season
like this that one could break Into the
front page by fainting at a dance or tak
ing ,a one's bed as the result of the dally
grind of nothing at all. Still there's no
reasott te believe this drudgery wasn't on
the square. There ought to be some law
creating a society department, like tho
labor department, and have It send in
spectors. sround to dances to prevent
frag lie debutantes and ponderous chaper-
Tva i a. atj kmgi Ak A 'mto ! !
(Hart, mm PK&&s,'r jooua wuckt !)
Via mouu atMC.THAT
-rwT Ml SKU. A4AMC. tTO Vt(.
witmchjt mo4 , erxt , 0 covt. .
mmmm. . n ik km nuM Tunu an tm wduuj au m h imatisi
J low do you manage wnen
visitor simply won't go?"
I brinj out tbc lamUy photo
ons from dancing more than six hours In
a night.
"One can Imagine the wearying existence
they 'lead, almost the life of a alae. hav
ing to wake at 11 o'clock in the morning
instead of remaining there until lunch
time, making a meager breakfaat out of a
cup of chocolate and a roll in bed. sup
plemented by several 'dosen rolls on the
floor in an effort to keep the hips toned
down, thus makiqg the floor a hippodrome.
"Then follows the iong. tiring day of
lunches, naps, motoring, naps. teas, nsps,
dressing, dining, chattering, being bored,
dancing, altting them out, moonlight bath
ing, receiving proposals, accepting some,
rejecting some, trying to reduce flesh and
falling. They certainly need a labor pa
rade. "It ahould be be headed by the I'lamond
Tiara Carriers' union followed by the La
tiles' lerolletle Garment Wearers' union,
the Monogrammed Stationery Engineers of
Coups, the Heart Crushers' union, the Co
tillon Leaders' Sodality, the Little Brother
hood of the nich. the Home Wreckers
union and the Fatherhood of Bond Snippers.
The lHsrupttd union might march In sep
arated files with a lawyer between them
carrying a banner Inscribed: 'United we
stood, divided we re-marry.' But It would
be a shame to ask these poor overworked
people to parade on the one day they can
rest. SHU, they might send out their bank
books, jewelry and automobiles to represent
"Of course, it's silly to speak of thetn
as unionised." said Friend Wife.
"Why Every season we read about
the uniona of great fortunes,' replied the
Tired Business Man.
(Copyright. JMO, by the N. T. Herald Co.)
Lut lis Nevelty.
Many stories are told f a certain section
of the south where the Inhabitants are
noted for their longevity, but none better
illustrates the view the natives take of the
matter than this:
"Your father must be getting pretty well
on in yeara," said a couain from the city
to a farmer.
"Yes. pap's nigh on to ninety."
"Health good?"
"No. not jest now. He ain't been feeling
himself for some time back."
"What seems to be the trouble?"
"I don't know. Sometimes I think farm
ing don't aree with him any mors." Sep
tember Lippincott'a.
Tts key ta the situation Be Wast Ads.
Saturday The last three days have been
very exciting. We left Mrs. Dickson's
and I came to Aunt Harriet's for a day
or two before I go home. Tom escorted
ua back, aa It was on his way to New
York. I had answered some of Jim Con
nors' letters and mentioned that we ex
pected to return at that time and be was
at the boat landing to meet us. Tom ws
terribly Irritated, but I didn't mind seeing
him there in the least It seems to me
thst th men I know ars always ,so sur
prised that I know any other man than
themselves. Jim said, when he gut a chance
to apeak to me a moment alone, that he
had Intended coming over to apend the
evening with me, hut, of course. If 1 was
go'ng to have somebody else he would
stay away. As soon as Tom got an op
portunity he said If I was going to see
that fellow that night ha had some letters
he would write. We all walked up to
the house In silence. It was very de
pressing, as I didn't want te hurt any
one's feelings. Tom has a way of not
saying a word when any other man Is
usually a hasty departure. His shtitude
says. "Work away, "my. good fellow; I
don't have to." He had the advantage
over poor Jim this time, as he was stay
ing at Aunt Harriet's for that night, and
as we went In and he prepared to carry
Ik ti'
1NG." wltto me at the same time, which always
goads the other man to desperation and
my suit case upstairs for me Jim and I
both felt as though he was my husband.
It was like the time 'we bought tooth
brushes together. 1 should have liked to
praise Jim by making him feel like my
husband In some way,, but there waa
nothing I could do except say I would
telephone him. But I did that more af
fectionately than lots;. of wives I know
would have. Tom was frightfully aggra
vated about htm that evening. He didn't
mention him at all. I wonder if he
would be. anything like Mary Whiting's
husband? Joe Whiting is perfectly de
voted to Msry and she is crasy about
him, but men admire her a great deal,
and one man got so devoted, that she
got quite excited about it. . She thought
she ought to tell Joe. - Mary has such a
wonderful character. She didn't' care a
bit about the man, though I thought he
was awfully attractive. 80 she told Joe
that she really .was afraid Mr. Ham
mond was in love with her. She was
very nervous about It. and even admitted
thst , she might have encouraged him a
little without knowing It. She said Joe
laughed so he almost rolled on the floor.
She had put on her new tea gown and
had the lights dim and everything.
Tom went to New York the following
morning and Jim came and spent the
next evening with me. He Is so impul
sive and Insists on my marrying him.
There is a childish simplicity about him
thst Is most appealing. One could almost
imagine marrying him because he would
be so dreadfully disappointed if you didn't
do as he asked. I waa afraid he was
going to burst Into tears after a while.
He reminded me of Anna Evans' little
boy, who wanted a wooden horse one
day when we were in a toy shop. It
The National Association of Stationary
Fi'gineers will meet In Rochester tomorrow,
while the International Union of Steam
Engineers convened at Denver yesterday.
These organisations have been laboring for
years In the direction of greater efficiency
In steam engineering. For several years
it looked as if steam, perhaps the great
est benefactor the human race has known,
nd which has contributed more than any
other one mechanical force toward human
progress, was doomed to an enforced re
tirement to the Umbo of things which have
outlived their usefulness. After the ad
vent of electricity and producer gas, engi
neers everywhere predicted the time when
they would take the place of steam, which
had a full century of Almost unchallenged
sway. It was found that the electric lo
comotive had many advantassa over the
steam railroad engine, and that the only
hope of steam was that the cost of elec
tric Installation would retard the general
doption of electric motive power for many
years to corns.
It also was found that in marine en
gineering ss well as in factory practice.
the use of steam was a wasteful and
costly method of deriving power from
coal and other sources. Everywhere It
seemed sgreed that steam was tottering
on the brink of its grave, and that shortly
the boon of yestarday would be the for
gotten thing of tomorrow. Even railroad
presidents wers wont to predict that In
a half century steam locomotives would
be aa much of a curiosity as the old
John Bull in the Smithsonian Institution
Is today. But now it seems that all
thsss predictions and forecasts are to
be given the Ha by steam. Rome months
ago the subway company of New York
found thst Its power plant, which was
thought to be large enough to meet all
the requirements of the system for many
years to coma, already was proving in
adequate. The problem of Increasing the
power generating facilities of the plant
became a pressing one. To tear out all
the compound condensing engines of this
plant and to substitute nigh pressure tur
bines, therefor was believed to be out of
the. question. It has been demonstrated
In engineering practice that a low pres
sure turbine can utilize the exhaust
steam of a noncondenslng engine to great
advantage, but it had never been suc
cessfully demonstrated that such a tur
bine could be hitched to compound con
densing engine. The subwsy authorities
concluded to try the experiment of In
stalling a low pressure turbine with a
compound condensing engine of ethe re
ciprocating type.
The result of this experiment has proved
to be one of the most epoch-making events
of the engineering world ire almost a cen
tury. It has shown that the low pressure
turbine can drive more power from the ex
haust than was given by the reciprocating
engine. In point of fact, when the low
pressure turbine wss hitched with the
compound condensing engine. It was found
there was an Increase of 1M per cent In
power derived from a given amount of coal.
In other words, by utilising the exhaust
steam under the old methods, the power de
rived from a pound of coal may be multi
plied by two and one-half. It is difficult
te overestimate how much this means to'
the engineering world. When such Installa
tions become general It will result In a
vast saving of fuel.
But with all the saving effected by the
new method of Joint reciprocating engine
and steam turbine installation, which
method represents a higher degree of
energy utilization than either producer gag
or electricity can show, much yet remains
to be desired. This is shown by the state
ment that even with such a new utilisation
of power as the subway people have made,
more than one-half of the energy in the
coal still Is permitted to escape Into North
river. It la lately announced that a Rus
sian naval engineer haa invented a new
process of utilising all gases arising from
combustion, which makes him able to con
vert fully 90 per cent of the energy in his
fuel into power. The method by which he
obtains this desirable end is Interesting in
the extreme. He first takes all of the
gases coming from the furnaces and cools
them from a temperature of about 3.&00
degrees to something like 1.800 degrees.
Thus cooled, he passes the gases into a tube
with a water spray, where they again are
reduced in temperature to about 660 de-
seemed too bad that just because he was
a few years older he should hsve wanted grees. After thus being treated the gases
a girl Instead of a wooden horse. I told j become super-heated steam and In this
I form are Introduced into the boiler Itself.
1 where they are utilized with the steam
i otherwise made, In driving the cylinder.
While not yet tested under work-
I "-vFaka, I
ing vomlltons, It Is bellervl by many tint
this Russian engineer has solved at last
the problem of energy utilisation. If his
Invention proves to be the suc-ers he be
lieves it to be, the results will be moie
fsr-reachlng than Anything that has oc
curred in the engineering world sluice the
time of Watts and Btephenron. Under
present engineering practice the vtillsa
tliwi of hi per cent of the eneigv i-onlained
In the fuel used is about as intK-n as ths
averago establishment ran hoe to do. Ths
other iW per cent of this esiergy is abso
lutely wasted. If the Invention of the Rus
sian works well we may be ustns the M)
per cent and wasting only the W rr cent.
This would so affect the conservation prob
lem as to remove fuel from the c-Wss of
th'ng demanding the pressing at'onuon
of the conservationists, it also will over
come nearly all of the trouble experienced
ss a result of the smoke nuisance. Thers
will be no occasion fur chimneys to fac
tories, as the Russlsn intends that his
boiler shall be a chimney! one.
The use of oil as a fuel In the operation
of steam engines Is rapidly being proved to
be more economical and more efficient than
the use of coke. A significant lesson was
taught recently by the experiments that
have been made with the United States
irulser Cheyenne. With coal as the fuel
used, the steaming radius of this vesstl
was 1.D00 miles. Bliu-e the Introduction of
oil burning furnace it is found that ths
steaming radius has been increased to J.cfO
miles, if this ratio were kept tip on all
the war vessels of the navy It would be
an efficiency hitherto undreamed of. Not
only has the Introduction of oil aa fuel In-crcattt-d
the steaming radius of the Chey
enne, but it also has it a faster
A crusade Is being waged by the steam
engineers of the country against boiler ex
plosions. At the present time these ex
plosions occur at the rate of about two a
day throughout the SU working days of ths
year. In thirty years In Oermany, ending
with ifti". there were seventy-two fewer
boiler explosions In the entire empire than
there were in the United Stales In the year
IWi alone. There were only on-t wenty
seventh ss msny fstatlttes connected with
boiler explosions In Germany In that time
than there were In the United States dur
ing the year. This ratio Is maintained also
in the factories of Great Britain, showing
that American boiler explosions are mors
the result of carelessness than of necessilj .
Not long ago a boiler explosion occurred
In a factory In Canton, O., the results of
which were unusually gruesome. The body
of one of the victims of the accident was
hurled a distance of more tfan Sfrt feet.
It passed entirely through a house, break
ing through the weather-boarding at both
sides as If It had been a cannon ball. Ths
body continued on Its flight for fifty yards
after having pierced both walls of the
When a boiler explodes it is not an In
stantaneous action, but a serious of actions
following In quick succession. First there
is a small . hole opened at the weakest
point, and the explosion takes place through
the extraordinary tension of the gas In Its
anxiety to get through the hole at once.
The energy in a cubic foot of highly
heated water is equal to thst In a pound
of gunpowder. In a boiler with 110 cubic
feet of water space and ft) cubic feet of
steam space, the total energy amounts to
122.On0.Ouo foot pounds. If this were ex
panded directly In driving a 10,000-pound
steam boiler It would be enough to hurl It ,
into the air more than two miles.
Several of the journals of the engineer
ing profession devote considerable spars
to a discussion of methods for the pre
vention of boiler explosions. Those dis
cussions take the form of correspond
ence school lessons in boiler operation. It
Is pointed out that much of the danger
done to steam boilers In through careleas
firing at times' when the boilers are not
in actual operation. When a factory is
fired up In the morning before beginning
operations It is usually uone by the night
watchman, not by me engineer force.
The watchman knows but little about the
principles of boiler operation. There is
a movement on foot among the engineers
of the country to have all state legisla
tures enact laws requiring all operators
of steam boilers to be licensed before
they can qualify as engineers.
Tomorrow national Bankers' Association.
Extremes Should be Avoided in
the Furnishing of a House
him I thought he was perfectly sweet
snd he got furious snd said I talked to
hltn as if he was s girl. H was so at
tractive when he said thst I couldn't help
telling him so. again. He finally left In
a fearful rage.
Items oi Interest for the Women Folks
Rev. Marlon Leroy Burton, the new pres
ident of Smith college, who begins his du
ties October I and who has Just returned
from a year's travel abroad, during which
he studied European educational Institu
tions st close range. Is enthusiastic over
the mors universal demand for college
training for women, says tne Boston Her
ald. "No one can aay how much greater Abra
ham Lincoln would have been had he had
ths advantages of a college education,"
said Preaidsot Burton.
"I believe that in this modern age every
boy and girt should be trained for college.
It Is a fallacy to assert that In many in
stances valuable tlma is lost In college.
That Is not snd never ran be true.
"The women of foreign tands are realis
ing mora and more the value of a college
training- and, in common with college
women everywhere, are progressing In the
dealt s for better physical trailing, realis
ing that with good health ooirres ths power
to work mentally. The women on the other
side have their college sports just as the
boys snd girls srs trsined for college from
very early youth, while abroad a college
course is more of ths naturs of an event"
Those cushions thst are made up . all
ready for chairs that require loos cushions
are a great convenience. They are sxr
neatly mads and nloely , tufted., and the
material is so good they can be sold at
tl 60. I suppose the cushions ars tnade up
from remnants. As there sre many shapes
and colors to chooas from almost everyone
may get suited. The materials are brocade
in one and two tones, reps and, plain cloths,
Crep de chine twenty-seven Incite wide,
of excellent quality and "endless designs,
can bs bought at tl a yard. Beautiful
floral and satin stripes on plain back
grounds ars included in the display Just
ths right thing tor making up UU
abls scarfs, light wraps, etc. There are
also all-over floral effects, both larga and
small, which will answer splendidly for
separate waists, whole gowns, draperUs
and trimmings for evening dress, lining
thin coats, hat trimmings, fancy work and
a dosea other uses thst will suggest them
selves. Fruit stains on linen may be removed
by pouring boiling water through them.
Stretch ths spotted part over a bowl and
pour the boiling water on- the stain. It may
bs necessary to repeat thi treatment sev
eral times In order to remove the stains
entirely. Tea and. coffee stains may bs
radicated by the same method. The sooner
they are taken out ths better. Wins stains
may also be r moved by ths hot wster sp
oiled in the same manner.
Bead fringes matching ths costum ar
Ksa on smart gowns,
Two extremes to be avoided by a woman
who Is furnishing a room, bs it a chamber
I or formal reception, are confusion of colors
'and monotony. If there were any rule
I which might be laid down, homely houses
j would cease to exist, but one can only give
'generalisations. Be It said, however, that
1 a woman will find It more than worth while
'to buy wall papers, upholstery materials
.and the like at places where the salesman's
taste can be relied upon. It l a pity, when
spending money, not to get the best results
from it and this Is possible only when one
has professional advice or unusual natural
A color scheme being arranged for .the
living room ol a simple houne is chiefly
brown. The room Is square, and has a
mantel piece. The wsod work Is plain, and
painted white.
On the walls is to be put a plain paper,
almost cafe au lalt In shape. . It has a
decided crepe finish, which prevents the
surface being flat and entirely differen
tiates It from cartridge. A couch and three
side chairs are to be done in a silk and
linen material, striped In self colors, which
vary from brown to cream, ths whole hav
ing a moire effect.
So far the scheme is utterly lacking in
design of vlvedness and If continued would
jglve a most uninteresting room. Relief and
color will be intioduced by the use of a
printed linen, tba design of which is bold
In execution, and carried out In dull blues,
old reds and very little gren. The ground
of ths linen Is coffee color, and has a tiny
sel-pattn suggestive of old rhlnts.
Wers ths whole room done in this the
eys would bs positively daxxled. but it Is to
bs used on a large chair which Is entirely
upholstered, on a cushion for a black ih
bench, and for cushions for two wicker
So is ths brown furniture lightened, and
that the walls may not be sombre the linen
will bs employed as window hangings, go
ing straight to ths sills, finished at the top
with short valanees.
This room is an excellent exaropl of
combining plain effects with bold patterns.
Striking as is ths linen, ths coffee color
grbund "binds" it to the prevailing brown,
so that all harmonise and do not conflict
This is a point to be remembered In all
furnishing that while striking combina
tions are desirable, there must be one color
which la dominant and to which ail others
must conform. ,
Uf I.qval Wit.
Tho story is told that Judge Story and
Edward Everett were once the prominent
pen-son age at a public dinner in Boston.
The former, ss a voluntary toast gave:
"Fame follows merit where Everett goes."
The gentleman thus delicately compli
mented at once arose, and replied with this
equally fellclous Impromptu: "To whatever
height judicial learning may attain in this
country, there will always be on Story
higher." September Liplncott's.
Perfectly Safe.
A man In love with himself generally has
no rivals. September Llpplncott's.
Some day baby "will grow up
end have mjo4 of hM own."
"Yea, but hell go and get mar
iied,ao what good.wiU It do fcinUf-