Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Slav iMt rust xt.
a r.rt. re a ax-sea a rand Co.
.Tag Tuns rrtatts to u TU
3e Dry Qmnf of garment Twin
HIT Lye Works. 4il soui.l Fifteenth. (
9n ST. aisser. Ttut, har gl.lm
-. II rl. Natnn: Hank fl.l..lll- i
OnpeaastaE IalrltwMa ?rlore mov
lSs-7-t-l-lfl CUt . B-1. llldg. SepU li.
Str. X A. sYaslca, u-.nia;;i. n il h:
eupy suit Ti--7'i4 City ai;uiul bans.
AfTer Seiitemiter .IS.
WTie Tow, At I:ih, wool or fur. j
brtn nem to J. 3. 3miu: Ci H:gust
P bv honest Uii June SU 1
Tn Be. " Barings a ioaa A as a has '
maute it ti!'ih ,ii:i, :.rnilies to o 1
U.sir htmn-K mm., t 4rnaMi d::eet. Board
. rade building. mia.m.
The Aamsa Fawu Soap. ,niinn tne
inlitiy of BntmiciH -.neater, will fnr
mally open JKumiA ,-. in it up"int .nent
and iTitorlnr aiecamtlnn tii
iitio miup in
auit unxuo.
' ail Kaa 3iow Joo T nl N. Bnm
wil, lormmy Hmmmi tur iuy aiiutu.
ba rakou a poifltiun urn ,iial aai' tts H. tt. r'rwtriuiison Aat.i.nuuii
eumpany. ii . tmmi ml i ri:oaniavd aa
as a of t
a mst a.rcmfji in Ilia O ialnoa
'tvsiBvst PlTUIs Bonson yio- i
cliwt has oun Hvidwa inu im vot.nn ;
arocTnats wltn two aoparaio puUtng ,
1 area. Tins- was tn by ttio Board of;
Count7 CiiiiiUisstunora uiwn rwurt ut
OUaens of uia orocinct. who said utbt
"a sat of Juupb and nlf-rda of ierr. n '
was not abla lo hniulia Uia bailuta uf Uia
1 1
700 yolera.
Chlaiaa aHadouaa aiilM Seventy Chi-
Tosday vonlns' on tiioir war tu Boston.
a ad othar aojitarn poinu. wiiero they aro i
to attend achoul Uia coininu year. Thi
oriantal eolloaja boys aro aomina; on a :
op octal train. Ulro aloopors. diner and '
tutSKi rar and !U probably hav a yall
organised by tils Urns they roach umiiii
from Ban Franotsoo. They arrivo mx &.m
on tho Union Pan fie and tart a Uia North
woatarn oast at o'clock.
awJk avUaBiiax Baal SUU a Tho dost
tot' tha sals of tha OmaA. National bank
building on Thlrtoonrh straot haa bown
OWHSSlfl'llwatod Slid tho nnlv rtilne HmI irlnr '
tn aum'.is; at tha papers la a onaflrmae j
tlnn af the aaie, from taa Colorado and. I
a teles i am being sspocted hourly. Cntll
Una tn rerolyad moae ounnectod with the j
sals rafusa to dlsouaa uis subject and ;
dsciins tav -statsj tho terms of Uia ea- j
onangaw which la batwaen tha building'
and. a traot of CaiaraUu lautd.
Haatsi O peas duo tem Iter 2a haa
set as Uia opening data of tUa now
?sw Zark psaaangas atatiun uf Uia Paua
sjrtTaniav Una by aamiiel Moody, general
pssaanger tramo mauagsr of that roeJ.
Il promises) to ba one of tlta big events
In tha history of tha eaaxern railroads.
Inettatlona have boon sent to all tha pas
senger ofSulaia on t..a roatla In the United
States to si. laud Uia opening. After the
forma I trios of tlta opening are aver a
luncheon to the railroad men and tha die
UagulaJiad vuMtors present ia to ba given
at Oa Waidorf Astoria.
Runaway Auto
Knocks Man Down
John Salv Seriooalv Iafnred whea
Calorcd Bay Starts Xichias in
- SLai Kight.
,Tohn ,PaJitM JU3:ilw .strset. a. taamatar ,
' W Uis employ at the Oman E Joe tno Lgnt
company, was seriously Injured By a run
away aulomobilw aaturday aftertuion tn
front of Faxnaiu straot. He sustained
a etratnad baca and Internal Injuries and
la ln at. Joseph's hospital under the care
of Cr. T, T. taama. Tha auto bsiongsd to
Mlss Bell HUmoaul and was standing In
front of the Hamilton flats when It was.
according to an y wltnea. J. N. ygaard, ;
atartstl oy a cuiorea ooy. u. ran east on .
Fern street and afTer sinking and
knocking down Taiy. who was with a Una-
man dlstrlbuong pulse. It book to Uia side-
wtlS; climbed the .ugh terra,-. t J and j
was srraaaeil. NVEaard aa.d he aonka to
Uie bey. nut Ba replied that he knew what
he was doing, and before the man was
aware of what was occurring Uis mauhms
UU started on its wild run.
mfe kHWia -mr t aUsurwm.
Folsy's Honey and Tar Is a safe
an. i
afT active medicine for children as tt
does nut aoatAin opiates or harmral drug
(iet only Uia ganulns's Honey and
Tar ta tha y allow pannage, told by all
rl Cans. Wudera WaawSase. Will
3 eld laaawrtmat Drill taw Medal
Big Beetle; Held.
aasch cajnp 2,i. '.il. Mouern Woodmen
of Amwrt.' ,;a,i .t .p.niuid .neeting fr Uav
Blgnt. The naJt ri.iai u exemplified un
a indlciie. tne eo.-uti oour agar
wet pauMei. Insti uiiientai mustr was ;
renuereri. aiiu eeerni m.hih tka siven or I
Uia member '--a int t j-at rrituty evening I
In Oi-tuuar taa uiemuera if t:.e isam win)
fur waicb ttit: t-vnp 'ins orfervu a find, i
aiauai to the Oest ur Ued man.
FsatwrasU I slaa wf a
Moudamin lodge N.1. Ill will gtvs Its
opaaung uanue M the imiin on ednee
de v evening., sepromoer il. at ITraxwuily
Haiti aUgiuesnUi and Harney.
Trie f araHsr.
On next Thursday evening. iiniia v'ourt
iara- .iasa -it ' , andTuaiea. iiia" M-nZ
aner aiatar Laev ot Un.tun will na.ala.
ur rz worn. ini!ne,iiMjM.v ..i-er
court clo
will us served.
tuUuwoU by a sioai dauca.
&aral laatra.
. UHU- -u;,..- ssaV, Ni a aemt.v resulted In ths raising
Tar. lay reignt. Beptemlier 11 Retresn- :of avO.tNt for the endowment rind, and with
manta. Tuendav a.ani. i-epieniber Jl. tne tr)la nucleus Uie wnt has been t-amed
r airu "uf J' , . to m. tnt at different
aiunia unOll Curther notice. times, uut is now being conducti-d on a per-
'mancnt basis through ths eCf'irts of Dr.
' " re
r-ereciirre ,-astie o. aja. tne (tnyi
Hlsniaotlera. wil r. a arsnd hall len-
lenioer l ar rVainrnity i.e.1. Signieentn , made financial secretary and will devots
and Harney rfreeta. Hiariiandera and their hia entire time to building up that 2 tne
I.i.naa are moat .-orai-ly mvited. Lnduwment ftmd. jamea J. HUl haa pledge
t, u. s. ' the tnteitutinn lu.:vm conttngent on the
Omaha lodge JC I will have two ranill- : raising of
dates tor uie -first degree next Friday j air. Hill has agreed to permit tl0.w of
''!odg Nu. IS will havs on. caadi- ,n" l b"Jrn at on.-, for the
daia fur uie dgre tomorrow even- erection of a ieni-e hail, and the uuavatlun
t"g- (or the hasMnipnt for ths foundation has
fl,:TaZruei,.v. M WeaWv bn completed. A. gymnasium and
uvvrian aucaiuumeiit No., t wiU hava;ao-ial ha.l to oont sW.uW Is tha second build
eevea . anuiuatea rr i.i. Patriatcnai degree ' mg to be reeled, and ths excavation for
""ai tl.uu.'wg.,,-m-ungs h..d dur-i1" btn'nt mnJ Muru
tug uie iaet e. uie fuiluwuig i Lriuisiua, hr completed this fail, so that In tha
v" were elet-ted to (lie gr-iou ,o.iMa. 1 Hir1ng aitive work on the auperstrui-ture
" "" w" -""" lotuoer is:
C a. rtaumgardnw aad tneirge K. Turn-
stale iuds Nd. Is. L. V. Crum and WH-
liaui (hiemuiaii, Jr.
n.a. on .o.ig aa H. FVedmaa and
a s Clara.
WaaKia. No 1M. Edward eton- N a
Lunuarea en 4 J.ina A. V. ung la.e owsa as sew uis s.i . -- r Thoma Hbandan. Stat a attornev of
Beiuain likiae No. SX. CUnuin eiler and ' department. He Is a gradua: of HanUine !ake a awflnits form rnr a conssdsraol Johnson awmr. snot and allied Harry
e- Hoie.n. . university and Coo a hia master's degree at I perto. Ona theorist afsr another ftnda : Thetaer la Vienna. HI. Ths trouble be
J t r ' il.t y everuns tna renreaantartu ... , - rweea tne tw ssefi la said ui nave n mm
tu grand !...!. i.d wulZ wl
meet at odd Fi. we nad at tne close ..r
toe meetiug oi -V.. X Sur tile uuriai ...
pi.poee.1 ameudroaiita to i;,e
or the c-aaO .!.- in !
vsued tur at uis '"li-s
" X irking the Bfyiaainj of
tie School Tear.
f"r L" ar1ety s
Here iuU
It t wlal I intfl e
Owevwtfee. t Pre. Peptl
R'-.tra!i.iri a. '. mrntv if
Iii ac'.oruarioo nu:i a . v pi.-wl Dv -no
oajjwatiir. t.ji Lnivwiii; af NbraaKA
mw inriuil ma r'tiluinn coii4fa:
T.i m. iatf I'Hii'si" iTinrw 'nail!! hi t;i
'ier -if masTfr uf ai-a ami loitar nf
giiiius'ipuy. r may ba purauetl without
Tc ''uilraa tf i-t! wd li-ncwi la a 'mir-y-a-
:o.iri Vadlna ta Ule .lpr jf
ai-fieior fjf ir.i r ha:hplor -if ar:MTr.
TMo k rri' r. )iiB ia a fuiir-vaar ciur-
raitlntf tn ins dHfrw of haA-nfliir uf arts or
bachfMir yf wn-nro and ttn university
ttNt, i-ertifli t.
Tho iulloo of ar!r lituro 'lmiudina
rai a-rlruiurai. forrv anil fninn homo
oronumu a nun ia a iour-vcar viiirw
leailin tu me .Ipbtoo of b-lip:ii of scIptic".
T'le collvan of nninr!n is a four-yfar
oui o iradiiia to tno dr- of bai heior of
w-pntro in onainrtnif dvll. irirli-ai. me-
''natural. aar-ciit'irai. ati a i y
ai ademli'-enmneenna oiurae.
Tho oniiovo of law la a threo-vear oouraa
eadlna to tho doaroo of bachelor of 'aw.
A .-omhlnod acadomu a vourao to!
tho d-re f hai'hotnr of arta in four rears.
! and to the daar-e of b-helor u '.aw in six!
Tho roiieaje of medl.ine is a
coui - e a.Una- to tho dcare of
four-year i
dii.tur of
bachoiorw on area and trie dear-o of duvtur i
uf me1iclno. I
Cniler autlmrlty vested in tho Board of j
univenoiy aisu inuiuu vi.r ,
ftllowtnB; srhiHjIs and departments :
me sen mi i or pnarma-y ortera rwo anu
thrse-yesj- aourses; a. so a fuur-yar course
leading to the decree of bachoiur of science
ln pharmacy.
Ths srhool of fins arts offers Instruction
in drawing, paintins. wood caj-rtng. modal- t
ing. etching, assthetlca and the history of
art. I
Tho school uf music. afBllaAod with the I
univenuty. offers Instruction tn ail graaea
of Instrumental and vocal music.
The school of agriculture Ijs a secondary
srhoui training primarily to practical farm
The summer session la an sight weeka
omiree prtmarlly for teachers.
The school or supenntenrienre is a snort
term In which the leading school men and ,
womsn of the state study the problems of '
school onranlsailon ar.d adminiatratton.
The Sehraeka Experiment atation and
tlta experimental sub-stations at North
P'a'te. Valentine and Scot ra Bluff are In'
charge of Uia board of regents.
Ins university extension department
gives all persons, who ar unable to for
mally attend school, aa opportunity through
onrrespnnderice courses to Investigate ail
problems that ooncern ths citizens of Ne
braska,.. Crst-chuMi lecture and musical tal
ent at the moet reasonable raias ever mailt
to the people of this mate: furnishes Ne
braska high schonls with debating material
selected by expert denature at aerial
Ths. extension oourse tn tits philosophy
of education as offered by Dr. Wolfe la I
nrovhisr except lunxUy popular. He Umltei
:lio class In this oourse to twenty-fly In 1
numlier Amuns those who pealstered for
this work last week are Superintendent T adnrmiarrative werk ts that In most oases
H. Perca. Tlldsn; Supers teudent B. E. ! ther Is no chance to deal with ths parents
D11!. -Wllber; 3uprrtntendent F. B. Kuns. ! at aU except In most siipwrflclal and gen
Wllbwr: Principal . E. Lrrermore. Com- mi matters. Tha Absoluts confidence with
stock: and Superintendent N. A. HoiuwO. j "!eb average parent turn over his
Madison nmln" to college la starfflng. When a
Prof. Caldwell', correspondenc. course on 1 P"""- demand, the special attention
tnB Tjfe and Times of Lincoln.
Still leads 1
.11 others In Uis number registering th
for Amng those who renisfer-d last week
i i. . vc tt it tau.
.- , ,. u 1
mn- Klintv. pe,ncipaI Ejlth Woo,lbum. j
" --Img fact familiar to th.ase engaged tn the
' theuy. M-.a EUtjImhIi Sversun and Miasi ".
I " , - , . , i collegiate movemtnt that a very large num-
class on "Ufa and Times of Lincoln now
numbers over fifty person
Dr. George E. Condr attended the Na
tion! Conservation oongrese at St. Paul
last week. He was honored with the
prastdancry of the sssoeiatlon of Stat Con
servation Cummiasians of the T'nited
States. He was also chairmiui of the
oredentlaia oomimrtee and the committee
waiting for Colonel Roosevelt. He did It
tn a masterly manner and had tha au
dience worked up to the right pitch for the
"man of ths strenuous life."
Taker t'nllesT llsealag.
Tha annual address at ths opening of!
Tabor Ciileaw. Tsbor. I, will be delivered I
Tuesday aftarnoon. September 12. in the j
college enapei oy uie nev. a. a. neap, ox
Whiting la.
indicatlona punt to
the largest auend-
anc tn year
A.l the meofls oi raoor college wno are
near enough to uu ao are lnvuea to aiienu
the opening sxarciss. Tusaday. at 1 p. m.
Teas It wita iwvrl lew la -
atrwiilsera aaal Largst Caaawasal.
Daoia Weidavaa university will open its -
'fall term ot sthool Monday. September IS.
.-"Ince the closs of the college tn Jun
.,- i f ,h- ,.,i , t,.r,- !-.
Ident Kerf.ait has avcompllahed a great
'deal of work !n the line of building un tho
'endow meat fund. In tha work bef ire com-
' mencement exXrcisee a campaign uf seven
j. p Jenkins, f.irmerty
presiding aider of
district. He haa
v. .. ,.- r.,r ni-
,-n be
ves-sity at Uie beginning of the mil fa.l
i'T" fc
) Thaw ba baea a number of ohange on
the faculty of tha EaAiea Wosteyan since
. . . .... . . . w- .
- ' "T"" ' "
"'r- Isann tn latter InstlUk-
au Mr. Teanpi has bee engaged in much'
- u,. ii,P. r . . l-.- B.n :
. . ... . .
o cue ' no.eei
.aiul will bavs uuaige uf aiuiugy. ii grad-
m ilwrjn. 1r he ws.e in the
ii Ko.n:o-y and ir"n g-sduaMon
. -FWow " in Chli-sgn iniversitv
r ir 'lie second veer. Tr F-d i Hlrk.i
t;, -ne.r f in ;an-.
.aa.--w. n - im :wut- "I cm -irMi r M ,
whsrw ho r rtM htm mastor n Jrrw
and tiHik hia diwior'a la"o n Jithna
:n niTratT .ftr l.'irliiiii !n M..n
. imiiiif. ri!.. riilio fur a few vj-a ho wni
:n Br'ln 'or f'lt-Iiar t,ntr ind -nrBl an-rmdary rtlnnln as dotw.o-aeio. Tlta eii
rt ai io't a pooitii n in tho Cnir-rwty of iowon arw imt qiMto auro of Its mnts, ri
I v wiuKn. whiT" ho ha h-n f.w tho last amuna otudotita who havo noarly roavhod
thi aro P-"f. Willis r. Huntor will tho aduit ta(. to oornndarr srhonir
;!-avo i'a- of th vtnitii dopaitznont of 1 fho olortlvo y'm ha "prndueM a frit
h i '.nrA atoi-- of M .imv. Ho :a a rradu- ' deal of unrot anrt 'jnsotTlemont." condition
ato nf tho Bnstnii tmoorratorT of M itc. tinavoidabio. whor topils aolert th" ;tud
whpro hp was tl-p adntant tr two or throo 1 1 thoy nt to pi and discard tn.o
-oor. Mir E.!i:h T T!la;1m ha.t boon j wtiich thoy do aot :lk. "It must ba i-on-pia.
at tho head of tno art dppai tmrnt. fowood.'' ha sontlm. "that tho rosiiita of
' An adifit'.cnai -ir:i-r 'ia hoon pta.'d In i much of tho ertn.-ariunai work aro far Troni
'ho lin-carr-nont ..t .-omm-ivo In tits pcrann j aatisfactorr. Onr pupita aro not aroll
uf Hrn-r W. John, wtio a a fnwltiare from ! trainod. and ono of ho htof roona ! tho
ithw l"niority of Wonma. j Pir work conslms in tho fid that 'i.s
The .1i-prtrTnpnt .if asu.ouro haa so ur-! a ' achools aro tryn to do u aatirn. Thoy
n-w mutii. Rjiph M. Cuiialaa la to fiiilo !
' tho det;n:p of tno itthle'lr rimth thrmnh '
fie rrt:a!e on tiio foot ball fld in the
fall and n h prin tho other department
of aihiatK-a. Mr Douglas has had mui lt j
In --'nrhin and he w)!l ha-
nn oxr-eiif-nt material wth which to amid ,
; up hia f'Mithal! eleven for this season. '
j P".f. Warfleld and Mlaa Billth Xnble.
; f.irmer members of tho faculty, who haroi
: been wav on a year lea-a of ahoenro. will
return tu thi-ir reepetivo lutiea with tho
begtnnina of the term.
Ptei.lent Iverfout atat-o ihat tha outlook
fur a larger enrol: mont ia uettor than at
any previous siartino; out of tho fall term.
HlfetiER EDtCATKII ri)B WOtll
flea, for ratpr
rapratiam of
ra pll aa4 rhwai.
June jf"n erai pr-nrtplea aro formulated
ln i" Nnrli American Rsvisw by Marlon
TaitMM. ileon of women at tho Chtraifn unl-
erity. tn securo a better undorwandlna; j
between the three factijra in the eduratloa ,
dlHouaeea tie nrobiems that confront the1
'"hipated alrl or tho ono aojulrins; edura- j
tlnn. whoso prma havo no avmpaihy withj
,.r .rx..m. or n.... -o,.. ...u -"-I
puamsea tho need of Intelligent co-operation
oexween roiioaa amnonaeo ana women i
students to ohnitn tho best reoulta. 8hol
pleads for a strengtTsanlng rather than a
weakenlna of tho family tie as a result of
hlRher educatlrm. After gtiing a number of
examples to show ths rest rain ;a tBat yet
rest heavi. upon cailsga woman because
of Hial or parental ideas, sha srrttss:
jrT othar ireaea mioht ba csted. Kach
would seam to has-) lta Individual aspects
and be a problem by (taeif. needing Its own
peculiar soiuuon. unless one were content
to generalise to the extent of saying that
If the prtadpts of filial obedience or filial j
rverenoe or fillai affeottna were elsee ita j
proper recognition nad applied rsgardle
nf ail other considerations, no problem at
all would exist. But no one la sole to take
en extreme a view at Uia pi1 'went rime. and.
Indeed, it ia not necessary. There la one
factor that Is common to all the casea. and
that ia the Ignorant parent, for. after alt.
st-IHshneaa ln these esses may be explained
as the result of Ignorance. And tha solution
reels with the elimination of ignorance on
the pert of Uie parent,
"It la just bera that, a mistaken poilry
on the part of tonss responsible for Uie
methods of the school has too often pre
vailed, rt ia trtte to say that Uie school
and the family do not oo- tolerate with suf
ficient srnjnathy and Intelligence, and yet
tha effort Is not always made. How often
ona hears such remarks aa 'If only w did
not have to bother with the parents we
enuld accomplish something-.' or 'if only
there weren t a faUisr and motner anme-
ehtng cosild ba made of child." , But cer- j
tainiy when It eomee to students ef eulleaej
age the great wonder of those engaged In
COIiesjo Ul.l.-T n. 11 ' mr- ..
the Interest ir not tna wisnom or tne pei--!
ents. A knowledge of home conditions and
I traditions would throw light in dark places.
nd yet 't is often Impossible to make
""ectlon with the parenu There are In
general two reasons fur this. It Is strtlt-
ber of college girls are daughters of parents
who have had very limited education of a
form! character. They look upon Uie col
lege with awe and regard ths college of
ficers with reverence. They have no back
ground of experience to uss ln bringing
them into close snd advisory rekaUons with
their daughters and the new life. And, of
I cnuraa. Uia lapse of ttrni simply means a
mM mjier power tn on-operata actively
In ths new educational proces
I "Other parents turn over their children to
' the college because of indifference or ab- j place.
' sorptiun In other Interests. Ths result in all i Another haul wu made of John Gotenal
I nf these oases la likely to be that which has! and ten foreigners at iJotenal's pool room
'already been described. The parent iaiat Twenty-sixth and M street Some of
quite at a loss to know what his child needs
and the process of adjustment la one of
Irritation and disappointment on both aide
"There is. however, no reason why an at
tempt should not be made by Uia coir
rgw authorities first to seeur at least til.
lf intelllsent co-oneratlon
i of tii parents throughout tha daughter's
i cMnfr coiir d to courage
, hM. tQ gracify hpr parents la any tntsrset
jr may ,how u, her actlvlUea. even though 1
; K. im,n.n.r.iu ud tn
, . . tn hmr M M mak. u,-- tnt
in giving- nor ins new opponuni.i mcy
liave a deep and vital concern ln the out-
i come. livery college officer feels A thrtll
. )Ml M ,nd , n(tw nmm ot hl, responsl-
, ... .... , , .
. .,,,.
, n ' . . . . T.
: reccgnlaes that m spue ot ma eaucauonai
shortcoming ha can by eo-ouerauon with
the college authorities mak a direct oon
LT.buuun toward hia daughter's welfare-"
'Newel m SeheSitwtlM eaJtty few fa.
rtety la the ,,!,,
I Prof. T'.iomaa 3. Baker. Jl rector of Tome
.-cuoul Cor Buy Port Deposit. Jd.. anarply
l . ru'i isea the elective system uf studies in
a paper oitr.tnbuted to tns
Evening Post. Ths writer ob-ei-ve. ,t lie
luiiwt inai there la "mora interest at the
pi-esent time in what' ssuuatl amidren
aidy Than -how' they study." In his
opinion -the greatest boon that could
pob,y cm. t our h.Hi. would be to
onange in empnaaia lies aie uw many
schoil coursa. there is toa much alien-
tlon paid to varied aumcuut. there is nmre
than enuugn consideration of ttie varvtng
needs i Imaginary or real) of tna different
el ass us of ounils from different gradee of
aocietv and there ia aut enough
' - . .
give to the quality of the w,-k that is
lone by the pupils." T Ml much stress, be
Ibinas. ia puausil upun variety, ansa quai -
.iy is tha essential. "Many super- i
x:waiu and school nrtncipai- he say I
ui.auume " if iu .vaie. " i
"ar coiulnuauly on Uis search for aovel-
Uea s that ona educarloeal thaary follows '
aiuituer in such rapid succession that tne!
- " LT
plan uf wont In the av-notas sannot pnssihly
taks a definite form tor a conssdsraot
- --wom, -cog w.n our
scnuui It ta tha of ths wntar
Inal taa enlaf ohleMloa E.i the .w u n
I ,..K,. .i.. i ., .
' ' -
i guacy tat lb ouuresa of atuar. bug ratnar
'n the failure .f trie pupils to- In well
the worn -Mat is now ae'isr'ed to thin. We
"i d well afford to throw nrrNiiirt nnrti
of ert n-at iwial therr which 1 mi
cur-ant and devote iur at'emmn ti per
fw.m plane b'- which greater thiirouah
oese greater irnimT and greater in
dustry on the part of the pupils could bo
Prof. Baser rewards the elective system n
aro unahio to do e'orrthlti thoy attempt
n tiorowi oiannoi . and ten reotlt ia
that tho n what misfit bo callad the'
thmireUtai sub) errs is not aatlafactory. .
,!a ths raanln along prax-tlcaj 'Inoa is of j
auunmi vamo. ,
4 n" P,"r flows aot auDmit tno dmaila
of ht" m remedying tha ovl! oon-
P11""' ""t outllnoa a arnnrehensive
rf'rn P'n in thrvm sontancea: 1
"Educauora sfemild construct a rational
curriculum and Inrlet iiron all chlldron fed- '
lowing tha .nurse, which they lay down.
It Is said that school children do ant like
aorao of tho subjects they ar- now compelled
to study. Tills sort of objection should
carry vary little wajhb It Is prohabio that .
somo of tho moot eajuahle parra of a cnursa j
of study may be ths least attraoMTs to ,
yiuna srudenta. Too strons; an effort haa I
been made of lata years by tea oh era to j
maw tho wtuhas of Uia students. Thar ,
havo been too many set rich quick' ed- j
ucarinnal schemes. train! rut that Is j
worh haVne; ran be obtained without vtg- j
orrrua work and every puui that toachers .
may think an.' whlcfi haa lor Its object the
(Heasinaj of ths children, rarner than their '
devstopmont. should b oondemned as per- i
mcioiis. tf ths buys and airts aro to bo I
allowed to srudy merely what thsy like. '
wo can hope for Tory Uttla that !a perman
nentiy helDfui.
"Tha effort of Uia teacher and the edu
cational theorist should aot ba ln the 01-
nacUon of mailing Uia aourses of study eas- i
ior. but rather In ths direction of Improv
ing the conditions which surround the prep
aration of the pupil's work. Tha teaching
should ba aa effective as possible. The
distribution of ths work should ba very j
oarefully planned, an that a pupil should 1
never ba allowed to undertake a oourse. j
for which he la not Tally prepared. Ex-1
actness and thoroughness should be ln- I
stated upon. If these conditions are fill-1
filled, there will be much less necessity of :
elective courses of study."
iku.kib svu( rum wou.
Larsjely Ineseasesl
A ttew
idisjea as Ea- I
Tale Tear.
Beilevus oollago begins its twenty-seventh -year
this fail with fine nrospseta. A largely i
Increased attendance is assured. Ths '
faculty In the main remains as last year.
Dr. Char'ee K. Hoyt. Dean Robert S.
Calder and Prof. Oscar Schmiedel, highly
valued members of the faouitT- have de
clined positions In other institutions to re
main here. Dr. Oeorge Hamilton, son of
Uia well known American painter of that
name, and a graduate of Oxford university,
has acrwnted the chair of Latin. Prof.
William NIcholl. an alumnus of ths amies,
and a graduate of Princeton seanlnau-y.
with graduate work hi Ertlnoorough uni
versity, comes from- Hastings college to
taJu Uia chair of edaeotlon In bis alma
marer. Bert McCoy; captain of tho Drake
university foot ball team. Oa. and ntmbw
of ths Ail low team for that year. Is on
Uie ground ss director- of athletics. Tile j
trustees have approved tha new department j
In dumeauo economy, to- Che headship of
which Miss Helen Pierce of the University
of Wisconsin has been called.
Gambling Raids
in South Omaha
Police Get Fortv Ken from Two
Jointa aad Confiscate "Evidence."
! ranked Boston by only l.2ef and the pres
As ths result of a whoteaal raid of gamb-Jextt can sua leaves St. Louis ahead by 1B.H4.
ling places In South Omaha by the police There was but slight chang In Uia rate
Saturday night, twenty men were arrested ' of pin areas ln the two cine St. Louis'
and puvced under chars. Tha blue coats got j Increase from IBM to 116 being 19.4 and
a haul of ten men from the pool room of j Boston beating that by two-tenthe of one
Dennis Cushing at Twenty-fourth and Q per cent.
street several barrels of beer snd a
gambling layout formed tha evidence found
ln the room where tha men were taken.
, Cushiug was charged with
running Uie
j tha prisoners got out on bond
The old. old story, told times without
number, and repeated over and over agitln
for Uia last M year but It la always wel
come story to those In search of health
There ia nothing in tha world that cures
roughs and oolus aa quickly aa Chamber
lain a Cough Remedy, sold by ail dealer
Pepete. ths U.uuu- lureador of Sevills.
, was killea at aiaunu m a uuii ugnu
Dr Jnmrvh Holmes, formerly cnirf of
m- tecnmHogie branch of me geotoav-al
survey, lies taken tns oath of aa
director of the new bureau of mine
I imln Georse Cnswed haa set November
aa uie data for the hearing of Uie audit of
ths KLJe nomination expenss account uf
for7ner Congressman Joaepn C. dibiey.
The virulencs of tns choiera In the south
east section of lta.y conunues to manifest
itself, tner being eignt deaths tn eleven
new caaea re pelted during twenty-tour
Cum ad Vandclsen. a cenumartan. for
mny years a vesart owner and captain on
the !reat Laaes. died todav at ma hum
near Joiier. He sailed the threat Laaas for
sixty yes
B. P Tiibot. a retired cspttahet. shot
and killed nimse f in his aoarunenta in
Sen Fiauciecu. He :ert a note saving oe
I Da nu relatione ana leaving nia oouy tu a
; RmmmnuM rrMM. tU. mMrt Fnni.h
i titma H- wa, &wn Decern rr
, 18. UCA He was a grand officer of tne
; legion f uonnr and a member of t:ie
! r
I J?" T Mcu- ofy'
, Lu mx:v memoera of me dlpioinaiw corps i
, and uciai amiiaaea.liTs anil commiaaioneia
i to Uie t-enisnntai ut inuependence osieora-
The Pnited slates squadron comprising
', the CsUf.irm Coluradu. Pennes'tvaula and
Waaiunguin arrived at Valparaiso from
t-niranute. reru. i ne squauroa ia unuer tiie
I eommand of Rear Admiral lilirs B. Hirtiir I
- lt , tak pmrt m u,. chllmu Csntcnmal
I orleoration. 1
) William OUver Radrerd. see of William'
starttur. a auiiiuasire mining man of
" f'"'"'. .ximmitted suievia m Los
j,seles Be taking cyanHla of poiasatum. A
meaaagw wae eft for Mrs j .. Buach.
Bd isuutn ieffersnn avenue, gt. L-iuia in
whick sne s rafia-red ta a "th only girt I
aar kived. '
; xnm . .j, .,, uB tI1. i
i dan ef 'he orruisi art of the 'a.ner
' T-ruaa- Thei-aer. Ths fainer Is a
t somn.iaaiooer. The aoa fiad uot.a
sii-u- f.- a retreat l.Hi .U to- ..rtti.--
I as la a..egw is oao saad ta ois panar.
1 fWT
aiAXINO SIA5LY B0Y3 Tnming th bo.l.v of the boy m well as tha rcind ia a recoirni led
essential of mosiern education. Our system of training combines the refinement of
home life with the semi-mi!it.iry diuripUe. Ia eighteen yean of successful work this Acad
emy haa developed tha minds and bodies of many boys who have become Manly ilex
Our Academic Standards are hijh.
Our Classics and Scientific courses prepare for all colleges.
Oxor Commericial coursea prepara for business Jifa.
Our Athletics are carefully supervised, Gymnasium fully
ail outdoor sports. Athletic facilitiea extensive.
We aim to
tha habits that
Writ for
Head Master.
HI I .a I
i as I av I
1 TTiT 1
A SCHOOL FOR CERXS wtta ail the advantages of K astern, acbaola. Certificates admit wlthont
warni nation to WHeler, Smith, Vasaar, CnlTrity of Chicago gad 3tw Cnlversitflg. College, Prap
araxory, Collesrlatn, Acadamia and Intermadiate) so ursa.
BKSiTUxa a co truss: cr coluigk. EXPTaRIJENCED ostrcctchi vs domxstic sctence.
Artg and Crafbs. Special coarse Art and Xiwit, Kaato Department nndnr snper-vlaion of
Prof. Max Lado-w, formerly director tn 3 tarn TJniywrgJty af Music. Berlin. Xadv FYnnch and
G-ermn teachers. Haaitafal srirroandinira. Well equip, Pd cTtnn aaium and atadium. nnder expert
eneed apwrrlaloti. Indoarr and outdoor baakot balL Tennl court. AU glrla tn. apeeiai chrys of
Hons Mother. Tear book ssut upon requasC To Rigat Re. A. L. WJUsun. Prwaldeut af Trustees-.
Xiaa MAnden, Prtnolpal, Omaha, Neb-
Pwawlsnrloai ewnweced ay Cewssa Be
re Howi larrsaae ef Twtstr
Per Ctat t Past Tea Tear.
tVASHTNGTON. Sept. U. The population
of Boston. Maaem husett. is a"TO.5e6. an In
creas of 10S.S9& or It f per cent as compared
with .. In ISO".
Tonight's annnuncement leaves Boston
the fifth dti' In point of population In the
Oil ted States. A decade ago St. Louis out-
sits an-wasled.
b:' croup, coughs or colds ar Instantly re
lleved and quickly cured with Dr. King's
New Dlncoverr- 50e and SLde. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Petly itia lolly
To be mto and
ovr! anc holy.
A listly share
G( L jieori7'l far
Will nake yesi
'm sad isily.
There's a rreah nat
ural flavor about ctr
Tomato Soap which
gives it a quality all
its own.
The spicy effect of
the real tomato at its
best -just as it hang
ripe and perfect on the
vine is retained in
And it is hermetically
sealed; antl sterilized by
heat alijne; so that it comes
to you as pure and inviting
as if you had just made it
There is nothing- else
like it.
21 Linda 10c a cart
Ju.xt tdd kttf wmlsr,
trtmf la m boil.
There's s keoa ia
year kiiahm waiuag
tar fsnlisll'l iLmut
joarra Cmfmu
Cueoea 3 I
Look far that
rd inH wfaitsi
la bar!
Kearney Military-
build up a sound bodyf develop character and creata
make the Boy the Manly fn.
Elustrateti Catalogue
Nebraska Military Academy
you went through a certain routine eery day, and you learne l more or
leaa of the contents of a great many beaks. But even as a boy ynu
felt that something was larltlng. and rtT growing to manhood you
saw very plainly where your schooling failed to prepare you for Ufa.
Where were the weak places? Figure lt out. aad look around for a
schoor that will give your boy the training you. missed.. First, you
needed individual attention. You thought and felt differently from the)
boy beside you yet the teacher treated you aa tf yau were mental
twins. Ton found one study easy and another hard yet she nver
seemed to realize that every bny's mind ia constructed just that way.
Yau lived one life in the schoolroom, and a totally different life out
side. Vui a't your school days have been more helpful If study
hours and d hours had both been influenced by men who nder
stood you, sy pathtzed with you. and believed in you? Public schools
cannot do th kind of work. Prtvai schools have fewer pupila and
more teacheiv xnd can do it. A military srhool doeg moat of ail. since
it developes a dot physically aa well as mentally. Sdirh a military
school exists ln Lincoln, Nebraska. For Information, address.
B. D. HAYWAED, Superintendent,
Phones: BL1 IVX Auto, mi.
Located ln Omaha's beautiful suburb, offers:
VUL COLUUiLlIK COC KsnJi leaaina Uj the degress B. A, a. 3.
and Ph. B..
XORM.X COCBES leading to Sat Teacher's Certificate
Hcrgular axadetnic and Soeciai Couraas for those oat candidal
for degree.
MtslC, PAdTDIG ATO DRAM.ITIG AKT Uught by speclailsta.
kOt a MOUtlU KfcJsIL'ILNCK lULiJ. Good equipmuut. Faculty
of eightaen exnerieaced dacatora. Plaaaant suclai Ut. auucaaaf ul
alhioUca aad debating. Madatraui expeaa.
(sUOU TftOtXX.1 sEKVltlC Omaha's new seen la boulevard sntara
th cuileg groundav
UifciAL X)R OSt-UL PATOOItA. Far enough away for students
to bo on their own resources iq tha thick of coiiega comnatlUan. yet
within a few minutes trolley ruig of boma.
VlftlT TUJ6 CULUtiK personaily or TELEPHONE th president's
ofTii;e oouth 1794 3.
ST. AI1DRE17S SCHOOL ffJl 5 5f. J.'""
a sat acaxooa. voav aor
ta aad Bags saausat wwrsk Biaisnsa pre ear fa ta aulvsewlty. IaaUetdami
sttsaBsa aSoraa aaa saaigiaaa traiaia.. its Msstsra ss aateessttr srMujMaX
FaU ssna searins aws. 1-st.a. AWe. a. A. Iryaer. aoa rtm. asm "---i.s ."
(jicalia. rase staae Us I
t.iSi6ttri aUitary isadta
I Tewciier t ever ten bey
Lyceum Coure. a as if si m
t asan. aarau
Business College
Tha W1Q
kia Salary
Wee, wfia s meulaiMal
W ujier o,i
SSartaasa as
iS Kf9trnry.
arts. tlta r"sa iii 11 in
a fl OaS a Sulti I naa I
Sramlvaiaa. has rlwanxal OS
BVususata ta Waal ato
TseerMte. a
W eir
auas awed
Eat 1S53
Off 4frre l.'SOT 3 t, Unttln, 3Mn
1 Odsbb Sent. rti nnau.
auapirs. uuarsiitaee lucrau. M..
noma. Beet aaaociation. r-iu arhieue Vraa
eanaa- atassugra 'sasara.
Mum oar
u. w Du sunvuia. Tm-ff. Mo.
est your young pampas to
as kiaasa
m u 11 us reauaj-aeiw tear
uiuu snx:
A TrsAAsst saaaitjr at ao-wiaiiai
Isiatruccor fur i
Kearney, Neb. L LrrXl I
: 1
Lew its pen a Beat
rail Tars Oven Sent. UtU. Head tor
otaa-atiar. taaug i.i.i.i -.TV i T.. rr Lm
fja OeUlas a Teste,