Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Tire-Omaha Daily Her
Entered at Omaha postofflc a econd
a4ass matter.
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Ialty ie iwunntit Hndv. one year. .$4
Dally B and Sunday, one )r
Evening 'pee (without Sundayi. vr wek.r
Evening J' w!'h Sunday), per tk--l"f
Sunday bee. one yiar I-
bauirriay n, cne year 1 00
Address all complaint of lrrKulriti
delivery to -Jty Circulation Department.
Omaha The K 1Kiililng.
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New j t'ork-Rontfia llul-llUi No. M Wast
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Communication lelatirg to news and ed
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Remit by draft, express or postal order
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Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of
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Pta'e of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss:
Ueorgs 11. ri chm;k.. ti-eaurer of The Hea
Publishing Company. being duly sworn.
say that the actual nuniue! of full and
complete copies of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bea printed during
the month of aiiiciiki. 1Hu, was as fuuows.
1 4M70
1 42.490
1 48.470
4 42,510
It 46.700
II 43,480
It 43,350
10 43,600
, .42,800
. .42,540
, .40,000
. .42,800
. .45,330
. .42,730
. .42,720
. .42,640
. .42,730
, .39,900
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H 43,640
21 43,280
14 43,460
ti 43,300
7 43,490
21 40.100
It 43.880
10 43,440
II 43,990
II .....43,200
1 : 43,100
Total 1,329,730
Baturaad copies 14,287
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Daily average 48,433
. ... Treasurer.
Subscribed in my - presence ana sworn
to before me this 1st day of September. 19W.
Notary I'muu'.
Subscribers leaving the city tem
porarily should have The Bea
nailed to them. Address will be
changed aa efts) aa reineted.
It is
always bard to convict a
And yet
club may
Even a politician could not work
a feed wire for something to eat. ,
i - - T
Mr. Clark of. Missouri is still champ
ing his bits over that speakership.
- '
It is about time to adopt a new code
for a safe and sane foot ball season.
We shall sonn see how well those
New York old guard have kept their
Temper your' conservation or con
. lerve your temper; .either will do no
The "merry bells" to the small
boy's ears are not those that call him
to school.
Senator Julius CaeBar Burrows may
now take time to name the Brutus of
Colonel Roosevelt completed his
trip without drawing a single spark
from Chancellor Day.
The next thing we may expect from
Frof. Jamas' spirit is for it to take
to the lecture platform.
The aviators are demonstrating the
truth of that old saw, that "whatever
goes up must come down."
Now, we are asked to believe that
Prof James really did come back. Oh,'
very well, if you let It go at that.
Surely it cannot be that Kroh man's
moraW views aa . to Sunday theaters
have In any way been affected by fi
nances. "What U Mr, Plnchot's business?"
asks ft, reader. I If we knew his ad
dress e would suggest that you write
and ask him.
Fearing the perlils of a high wind,
Waltef Wellman refused to undertake
his flight across the Atlantic ocean
while. ' the conservation congress was
In session.
I " '
San Francisco is puzzled over a
child of 8 who speaks nine languages.
The wonder in a city as cosmopolitan
ts that is how a child can keep from
speaking nine languages.
W&en Theodore Roosevelt awoke
the pWblle ronscience of this country
he got as much thanks from certain
Interests as dad does when he calls
the boys out of bed at 5 o'clock on
a frosty morning.
Th$ .closing of the State fair with
new records for attendance anl inter
est Is a matter of congratulation to all
of ua. It shows that the people of
Nebraska have something besides poli
tics on their minds and that business
In the state has not gone into a serious
We are curious to know, we repeat,
something more of the mental pro
cesses" of the jury that acquitted Lee
O'Nell Browne. The only parallel at
present recalled Is that of the Omaha
Jury which acquitted Pat Crowe after
be ha lu effect confessed, and ex
plained later It believed Pat had lied
ben hs owned up to the crime.
A Victory for Dencfncy.
Governor Patterson of Tennessee :
has been at the feast of
too Ions;, and It was the ominous!
handwriting on the wall and not the j lues were being obscured by partisan
good of the democratic party, that lel(nd factional feeling, so that few peo
hlm to withdraw as a candidate forlP'e- if. Indeed, any. looked for any-re-election.
That Is perfectly plain to thing approaching a unanimous re
anybody who has a primary knowl- i port, but everybody had a right o ex
edge of the school of politics In which, Pe at least an orderly outcome. The
Patterson has for years been a past- J divergence of views as to the Issues
master. He withdrew because he involved has been great In the public
knew that certain defeat would over-, mind, as accurately reflected in the
take him if he staid in the race until committee's mind, but that does not
the people could reach the polls. He
withdrew to save himself from an of
ficial repudiation as great as has been
the unofficial repudiation which the
decent people of Tennessee have given
Patterson invited all of this when
he pardoned the murderer of former
Senator Carmack. the one his boon
companion in politics, the other his
enemy. He there and then Invited
the righteous wrath or the people and
without' regard to party lines, popular
sentiment turned against him and had i laws." As corroborative evidence it
he persisted as a democratic candidate' quotes the tail-prece of the amend
for his third term as governor, nothing, mnt. which reads:
could have saved him from over- Persons of foreign birth who shall have
whelming defeat. His nomination, tn
the first place, was irregular and un
popular; made by his state committee
and not endorsed by his party. He
had hoped this tide of resentment
against him would abate and for
"democracy'" sake, the people would
forget and re-elect him. bat instead of
abating, the tide has steadily risen
higher and higher, until In Its over
flow at the polls he perceived his own
Republicans, together with decent
democrats of Tennessee, deserve much
credit for moulding and maintaining
this sentiment against this governor,
who, defying every element of polit
ical and legal decency, took the law In
his own hands and turned out of
prison a cold-blooded murderer for no
other reason than that he had done
the bidding of his liberator. And it
Is not at alii certain that the repub
licans will not, despite Patterson's
withdrawal, reaap some reward' in ad
dition to It at the polls, but; if they
do not they and the other decent ele
ments of the state have achieved a
distinct victory in the elimination of
Patterson from public life. They have
done Tennessee an everlasting bene
fit. Korean Mirysten and Japan.
Most of America's Interests In Korea
are missionary. It becomes a matter
of trlfe interest, therefore, to this
country what ultimate effect the an-j
nexatlon of Korea by Japan Is going J
to have on foreign missions. But this
Interest is shared also by other coun
tries if they have any missionary in
terests there. The Presbyterians and
Methodists are carrying on most of
this work, and they had outlined plans
for this year to secure 1,000,000 con
verts from among the natives. . Al
ready it seems as if they are certain
to be disappointed, for the peculiar
Korean ' mind, even tempered by the
refining Influence Of Christianity, has
been considerably upset by the loss of
its national Identity. '
The fact is this, according to some
accepted authority: Many Koreans
had strangely counted on some vague
Influence of the Christian missionaries
to prevent annexation by Japan, and,
more than that, actually to oust Jap
anese control from the Hermit King
dom. Of course, the more Intelligent
Koreans and the Japanese never
thought of such a thing, but unfortu
nately many of the natives are not
very Intelligent as to such matters.
Now they see themselves under Jap
an 8 dominion, and it is reported as
literally true that large numbers of
Koreans are withdrawing from the
Christian church. This, of course. Is
to be regretted, for Christianity In the
orient means progress, and the people
who embrace It enjoy larger and better
lives. It will take some time, there
fore, to cope with this situation, but
It, of course, will be done.
So far as Is known, American mis
sionaries kept their hands off the In
ternatlonal relations, pending the an
nexatlon. and the late' Marquis Ito of
Japan, who conducted these negotia
tions, so testified, despite some ulterior
pretensions to the contrary by others
less enlightened and less disposed to
tell the truth than the. "Grand Old
Man of the New Japan."; The present
situation is not without its problems
to the American churches.
The Balling-er Committee.
So far as the public Is concerned, it
probably would not matter one way
or the o'her what the Ballinger-Pln-chot
Investigating committee reported,
for the people as a whole undoubtedly
have had their minds made up on the
different sides of this controversy a
long time. It is regretable, however,
that things have taken the course they
have. It Is remarkable that any re
port , from the committee should be
given to the public before going to
congress, the body which appointed
and authorized the board of Inquisi
tion; at least until such a course was
approved by all members of the com
Whether any satisfactory report
could have been made, under the cir
cumstances, or not, it does seem that
a satisfactory method of making the
reports could have been agreed upon.
It ts exceedingly unfortunate and un
becoming that the democratic and In
surgent members of the committee
chose to pursu the course they did.
and that the republican members could
not hsve brought about at least enough
semblance of decorum In the proceed
ings as to give them the wplght to
whim their dignity and cnatacter en-
titled them in public estimation.
It was apparent long ago that real
justify the present situation.
Is it a Disfranchising: Amendment?
Entering the discussion started by
The Hee as to the impending constitu
tional amendment, endorsed by the re
publicans and rejected by the demo
crats, the Lincoln Journal takes issue
with the assertion that "If adopted It
will disfranchise a large number of
foreign born citizens who have been
exercising the suffrage for many years
as duly qualified voters under existing
declared their intention. to become cltiaens
romformably to the laws of the United
States, nnd are at the taking effect of this
amendment, voting, may continue to exer
cise the right of suffrage until such lima
as they may have resided in the state five
years, after which they shall take out full
citizenship papers tn be entitled to vote at
any preceding election.
According to the Journal this estab
lishes the plain intent of the amend
ment to be that no present foreign
born voter shall be disfranchised by It
until he Is eligible to enfranchise him
self by becoming a full-fledged citizen,
and the Journal Insists that the
amendment applies in practice only to
the foreign born yet to come. But It
is only obtuBeness that prevents it
from seeing that enforcement of tta
restriction must disfranchise many
present voters. It goes without say
ing that under the proposed amend
ment foreign born citizens, whether
already here or yet to come, who fall
to take out second papers at the end
of five years' residence will thereafter
be disqualified to vote. It is also a
matter beyond dispute that a largo
number of foreign born citizens who
have been exercising the suffrage for
many years as duly qualified voters
under existing laws have resided In
Nebraska five years, but have not
taken out their second papers (and
some of them cannot take out second
papers), and that these would be dis
franchised. The proviso of the
amendment also refers to those who
have "resided in the state" without
taking into consideration residence In
other states, and also without taking
into consideration time that may have
elapsed after acquiring residence i&
the , state tefore taking out first pa
pers. If a foreign born citizen who
has been exercising the suffrage In Ne
braska under present laws shall have
resided here part of the five years be
fore taking out his first papers and
then makes every reasonable effort to
get his second papers, there would
still be an Interval after the expiration
of the five years during which he
would be disfranchised.
It would have been so easy to have
made this restrictive amendment ap
ply only to foreign born citizens ac
quiring residence In Nebraska after Its
adoption that It is amazing how such
a complicated and confusing piece of
verbiage could have passed muster
with any body of law-makers.
Lincoln la Just now presenting the
very edifying spectacle of business
men being driven from city service by
reason of the fact that they are en
gaged in business. An alderman, who
is a grocer, has to submit to an order
that he may not sell to city employes;
a member of the library board is com
pelled to resign in order that he may
sell supplies to the board; a member
of the park board resigns that he may
be permitted to continue in the bus!
ness of selling material to sidewalk
contractors; newspaper men who are
members of administrative boards are
challenged because their papers pub
usn city aaveniBemenis; trie mayor
himself is found to be an object of pos
sible suspicion because he happens to
own a building in which is located a
pool hall. None of these men are ac
cused of grafting, nor Goes it appear
that anything in their business rela
tions with the city are other than cor
rect In every respect. It Is simply a
further manifestation of the unreason
able length to which the effort for
"purity in polities' can be pushed
Omaha can well afford to let Lincoln
work out Its own salvation in matters
that affect Lincoln alone, but we are
not to be denied the amusement this
present situation affords.
The opening; of the Young Men's
Christian association building in Mex
ico by President Diaz is a notable
event and a splendid triumph for this
great organization and the Influence
of the Christian church which Is back
of it. So keen an observer of public
affairs as Porflnlo Diss could not be
mistaken in his judgment of such an
institution. He must see in Us work
much of good to his people and coun
try or he would not give so generously
of his time and sympathy as to liter
ally open the building opening It
with a sliver key and bowling the
first ball and shooting the first bil
liards. It is also worthy of note that
a Nebraska man, George I. Dkbcock,
trained In the Omaha Y. M. C. A., is
at the head of this great work In the
Latin republic.
In the death of Vt. John A. Enan
der the editorial profession of the
country lost s a strong member, whll"
the Swedes in America suiier the loss
;of an advocate whose ability has al-
ways been exercised in behalf of Rood
government and progressive cltlren-!
chip. Dr. Enander was very well
known throughout the west, and es-'
peclally in Nebraska, where his serv-j
Ices were such as gained him much
distinction and left the public his
Samson's call to the citizens of
Omaha to prepare for the coming of
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities is timely and
should be heeded. Omaha today pre
sents a most attractive appearance and
could welcome and care for the
throngs if they were to arrive on the
evening trains. But this fact should
not prevent anybody from doing what
may be done to add to the city's ap
pearance. It will do no harm to keep in mind
the fact that the report on the Bal
llnger matter has still to be acted upon
by congress, no matter what the ful
mlnatlons from the democratic end of
the committee may be. The present
noise is simply made In behalf of the
campaign the democrats are booming
In hope of capturing the next congress.
la It Time to Weep f
Pittsburg Dispatch. J
The democrats polled so few votes In
Wisconsin they may be wiped off the bal
lot. Is this the beginning nf the end?
Nothlnic Doing.
Kansas City Star.
James J. Hill found there was nothing
to do but send Ms corps of trained koV
ernorg back home.
Handy on HI I'lns.
Washington Star.
Mr. Roosevelt has shown an Inclination
to sidestep the responsibility of pointing
the dlHtlnctlon between a progressive and
an linrtirgent.
Interpreting the Alans.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
A Nebraska zephyr blew the water out
of a well forty-two feet deep, but as the
supply was Immediately renewed the drys
claim that the omen Is favorable.
Amenities of Porta.
Boston Transcript.
The author of "When Johnny Coines
Marching Home" has Just died. We trust
he made no provision In his will for the
man who adapted the tune to "A I,it'.le Bit
Off the Top."
Idllna at the Open Door.
San Francisco. Chronicle.
The open door to China does not aem
to let In many American goods nowtdnya.
Our exports to that country during tho
first seven months of the prevnt yeir
compared with the corresponding period cf
1909 showed a decline of over 3,uO0,WJ.
The Lost, Located.
I Washington Star.
It was thoughtful of somebody to an
nounce the whereabouts of Mr. Bryan. He
seemed quite loat t the shuffle. He Is In
Arkansas booming jlhe Initiative and refer
endum. That was (popullstlo doctrine only
a few years ao,i but like other doclrlnea
of UuU-patarnlty, U, now has many demo
cratic friends; and "he .would be a bold man
willing to say that the republicans are
Immune. The puislc of the day In all sec
tions la found In the question of who's
who, and what's what?
Hardenca Old. -lnner at the Fore.
Indianapolis News.
Strange as it may seem the great In
surgent victory In'. New Hampshire Is In
no small degree due to the work and the
Influence of one of the most distinguished
members of the Ananias club ex-Senator
Wlfliam E. Chandler. Mr. jChandler was
charged by the founder of the club with
deliberate and Unqualified falsehood."
And lo and" behold, this hardened sinner
turns up as one of the leaders of the great
reform movement in New Hampshire, ub
the stanch and effective friend of progres
sive policies.
The Very Latest I.auanage.
New York Tribune.
The very latest thing In universal Ian
guagea appears to be "Veltlang, a
prospectun of which waa lasvnd In Wash
ington a few months ago. It has an al
phabet of twenty letters, only five of
which resemble those of the Latin al
phabet Jn appearance, but with differ
ent sounds. Aa this alphabet Is equally
unlike the German. Russian and Greek al-
phabeta, the prevalence of this lanRuace
would necessitate the relegation to me
scrupheud of every linotype, typewriter
and font of type in the civilized worlJ.
The Invention of ecientlflc languages ap
pear to have much the same fascination
a was formerly exerted by the squurlng
of the circle or the problem of per
petual motion...'
Our Birthday Book
September 18, 1910.
Francis E, Clark, endearingly called
"Father Endeavor" Clark, founder of the
Christian Endeavor society, wa born Sep
tember 12, 1851. Hi father' name wa
Charles C. Symmes. and he wa orphaned
at the age of I and adopted by hi uncle,
B. W. Clark, whose name he assumed.
Hannl Taylor, diplomat and historian, is
69 year of age today. He waa born at
Newbern, N. C, and is a lawyer by pro
fession. He wa L'nlted State minister to
Spain, special counsel for the l'nlted State
government before the Spanish Treaty
Claims commission and before the Alaska
Boundary commission.
Joshua Levering, merchant prince and
phllanthroplrt of Baltimore, Is 66 year old
.today. He ran for president on the prohi
bition ticket in 1N96, and 1 prominent In
charitable organisation.
Moat Reverend John J. Keane, archbishop
of Dubuque, wa born September 12, 11.19,
at Ballyshannon, Ireland. Hla title la Arch-
blshop of Damascus, although he I In
charge of the ee of Dubuque.
Carl J. Ernst, auditor for the Burlington
road at Omaha, wa born September II,
1864. at Ooerlit, Prussia. He wa formerly
with the company at Lincoln, and ha
served on term aa regt of the I'nlverslty
of Nebraska.
Thomas F. Stroud, manufacturer of dump
wagon. I (6 year old today. He was born
at Atlanta. 111., and began hi present busi
ness here In 18M. which ha grown to large
proportions, now under the nam of F. T.
Stroud Co.. of which he I president.
)amt P. English, county attorney, waa
born September 12. IV, at Kenosha, Wis.
Ha wa educated at St. Francis seminary,
and ha been practicing law alnc lhsO.
Alfred J. Latey, superintendent of dallvtry
In the Omaha poetofflce, I celebrating hi
forty-aecood birthday. He wa born In Salt
Iak City. I'tah. and went Into the postal
service In lv5. rd ha been supertutondent
of delivery slue l&m.
Around New York
BJppl oa ta entrant of Xlfa
aa Sesa la tba Graat Amsrlcsa
Metropolis fraaa Day to Day.
Cheer up! A rainbow of hnpe srclies the
fistic horiion of the Caucasian nice. The
i "knell of dmrni" sounded at Itenn waa a
false alarm a Sierra pebhle rattling In a
tin cnn. Kesioratlon of white supremacy
is only a matter of a little time and train
ing If the rlRht encouragement is offered
-...... tllrBnt ... flKt;e hnors and
emoluments, owing to the masculine ccn
ceit that pugilism was one branch of hu-
man activity, muscular and vocal, which
woman would not care to enter. In this
In other conceits mere man gets the merry
laugh. Woman looms large In the mJily
art as a recent demonstration In New York
proves and from which while pugdom
draws a inaKnuiu of cheer. The feminine
wonder is Mrs. Ida Van CIhushcii, pictured
a "a handsome young A mason," with
quite a record as a vocal combnta-nt, hav
ing given Colonel Itoosevelt, when presi
dent, a few warm verbal rounds. Mrs. Van
Claustten made a business call on the offi
cers of the United, States Mortgage and
Trust company. The company had some
of her money and she wanted It. The offi
cers fulled to dig up, or down, and trouble
bruke loose on the spot. The World tells
what huppened: "Her first victim was Vice
1'resldent lirewer of the trust company.
As tho fight experts might put it. she "Just
plastered him.' He was reduced to abso
lute 'grogglness' when a young clerk Junied
in. lie got kicked under a desk. Second
Vice President Carl U. Rasmus was the
third to 'get his." A right hand hook to
the Jaw knocked the banker flat on his
back. she downed the trust com
pany's special officer. It finally took the
combined efforts of all tho men to stay
her swirl of mighty blows and accurate
punches. When it was all over, Mrs. Von.
Claussen, her handsome eyes aglare, her
gown stained, her fists still clinched, de
fled them to dare have her arrested. None
called a policeman, and with her shoulders
squared arid defiance In every motion of
her walk as nhk departed, she got Into a
taxlcab and returned to her hotel." Heno'i
laurels are fading away.
Herr E. Hcyman, a German Jewelry
dealer, who has Just reached New York
from Bremen, has the laugh on several of
Collector Loeb's customs sleuths, When
Herr Heynian'a liner arrived at Its pier he
was one of the first to place himself in the
hands of the Inspectors,
The customs man assigned to Inspect his
belongings suddenly came upon a blue bag
that could easily hold two quarts of green
peas. The bag was full of brilliants, and
the glare of the first hajidful he fished out
almost blinded the customs Inspector.
"Diamonds!" he called out In consider
able excitement.
He motioned for assistance and more cus
toms men came up and put their hands In
the bag. Then an appraiser hurriedly sum
moned, took a look at the stones.
"Beads, that's all!" he said.
All In all about a dozen bags of the glit
tering brilliants were brought to view.
"Suppose they were diamonds, what do
you think they 'would be worth?" a by
stander asked Herr Heyman.
"About $1,000,000,000,000," he answered.
"Yes, in stage money," murmured the
Herr Heyman paid 150 duty and left the
pier with his glittering beads.
Philip Bernstein, boss of a Job of elevator
installation In the Fourth National bank
building, waa struck by a bag of cement
that fell on him as he waa working at the
bottom of a shaft. He cautioned the men
above to be careful, and went on with hla
work. A few minutes later Bernstein,
stooping over to adjust some wires, felt
the breath knocked out of him a second
time. "Hey, you!" he cried to the men
above, picking himself up. "D'you want to
kill me? Be more careful with those ce
ment bags!"
'This ain't no bag It's me!" spoke a
voice beside him, and he turned and found
he had been Joined suddenly by Louis
O'Berg, one of the workmen. O'Berg had
fallen through the second floor and landed
on BeniBtelna back. Hla head was
scratched a little. Bernstein sent to a drug
store for some liniment to put on his back,
and remained on the Job.
The disturbance of the nerve centers of
New York by Colonel Roosevelt's rewlnnlng
of ?.he west brought quickly from belfry of
genius a Bpecilio of great power and com
fort. The Inventor Is Henry Wellington
Wack, the same who championed Dr. Cook
for the regulation legal fee. Mr. Wack
salutes his work of art, "the Brooklyn
cocktail," In these words: "The Brooklyn
Is the nearest approach to the ambrosial
nectur of the gods that the magical com
pounder of liquid, ventricular Inspiration
. )l ii u a fQ, tiril1 1 l.-u.l fn, ,1,a Dii.'aturw sca.I
' . ,,,, , th ' !
a velvet flame and pumps Into one' stom
ach with a merry laugh. It sharpen the
appetite and the wit and dull the edge
of malice. It send worry scampering down
the alley of the past. When the Brooklyn
become our national drink, rlche and
poverty will dance a can-can on the grave
of trouble."
Here Is the recipe:
"Three part gin, one part French and
one part Italian vermouth, one-half or one
third raspberry syrup. Embalm in a shaker
of cracked Ice and shalte the very life Into
It. Serve repeatedly, amoklng cold."
Colonel Hoeaevelt's Asaaalt on Graft
at Chicago.
Chicago Tribune:
Nothing Theodore Roosevelt ha done In
his public career haa been more significant,
more timely, nor more courageouly right
than hi peremptory refusal to sit down at
a publio dinner with William Lortmer.
Any man who clings to a public office
when hi election I shadowed by fraud,
at Lorimer ha clung to his high office of
senator, deserves the daggering rebuke he
has received from Mr. Roosevelt.
A bide no thick that It ha withstood
four confession like those c! Holstlaw
White, Ileckemeyer and Link hardly will
flinch from the brusque treatment of the
Hamilton club. It may be doubted if any
thine less imperative would have been
noticed. Mr. Lorimer doe not withdraw
Mr. Roosevelt ha set an example which
might be followed to the general benefit
If there wa lea complacent acceptance
among men of career and personalities
like Lorimer' there would be a good deal
less unclean politics and unclean busi
ne. Honorable men should not be led by
an unthinking good nature Into giving so
cial recognition to men whose artivltle
they know to be hurtful and dangeroua to
the public welfare.
Huoteveli'i Aatonlhln Vla;or.
Philadelphia Leader.
How flesh and blood can endure th pro
tracted ordeal I an enigma. Roosevelt
dearest foe must admit that hi physical
resiliency I almott superhuman. Quit
apart from tha quantity and quality of hi
forensic effort, tha manifestation of vigor
Involved In thl atonihing pilgrim's prog
ress outdoes any similar activity of which
there 1 authentic record alnce th labor of
lobbied with Technical Ralea and I
Red Tape.
Chlcaan Hecord-Hersld. I
Prof. Pound's convocation address on the
"l.w and the Teopl" l full of pith and
I suggestion. It lll repay analysis. Just
now, however, only one point In It con
, corns us the statement that Americans
re a law-ridden people In many respects
snd a "lawless" people only In a limited
The charge that e are Indulging In ovrr
leglslatlon Is often made, but that Is not
what Prof. Pound means by law-ridden.
He thinks that give our court too
much to do and our executives and law
makers too little. At the same time we
so regulate, gag and entangle our courts
by technical rules and red tape or etiquette
that they cannot do any part of their work
efficiently. What Is the result? Not "law,"
either Judge-made or legislature-made, but
litigation, conflict, delay, waste, uncer
tainty, chaos. In other words, excessive
law leada to lawlessness. Just as cruel and
draoonlan penalties lead to a riot of crim
inality. To some extent our system of government
makes us so dependent on our courts, for
we have given them the power of annulling
legislation as unconstitutional and of re
straining executives and administrators by
Injunctive writ. Nowhere In Kurope do
the courts pass on the work of legislatures,
arut nowhere has the Injunction flourished
as with us. But, leaving fundamental ques
tions on one side. It Is certain that even
under our constitutions, state and national,
It Is possible to eliminate much of the red
tape that paralyce courts and much of
the needless division of power that mili
tates against administrative efficiency.
We can unite the hands of adminlKtrative
agencies and Insist that matters of policy
are questions for legislators and their con
stituents to settle. Public Opinion has
amended constitutions "by construction"
and will continue so to amend them. Public
opinion can effectively . fight the evils of
technicality and delay, of abouse of legal
power, of perversion or straining of or
ganic provisions of law. Public sentiment
creates the atmosphere in which judges
and lawmakca live and think, along with
other human beings, and to public opinion
we must look for progress and evolution.
Will the Hub shift Gaat, Weat or
Month f
World s Work.
One of the moat Interesting results of the
orsus will be the determination of the
center of population It has been loitering
in Indiana for a generation, unwilling to
leave the state of pawpaws and popular nov
elists. There are Indication, hovi'VH,
that the mysterllousj point may have been
attracted toward the west and south, nnd a
bare possibility that the'er state
will be at last forsaken. It is certain that
there has been a remarkable growth of clty
populatlon In Texas and Oklahoma. It Ik
already clear, too, that the increase of city
population ha not been so rapid at in the
previous decade. The biggest and the most
cities are in the east.
It would, however, require a Jump of
seventy miles for the "center" to clear
Indiana, and only once since the census
began ha so long a Jump been made. Be
tween 185u and I860 the point passed over
eighty-one mile. The average ten-year
trip is thirty-seven miles, but In the las,
decade, 1890 to 1900, only fourteen mile
were passed. Always the movement has
been toward the west, the path following
closely the thirty-ninth parallel of latitude.
It waa Just 130 year ago, In 1790, that the
center of population waa first located on
the eastern shore of Maryland. Ten year
later saw it eighteen miles wast of Balti
more. The next decade witnessed the ac
quisition of the Louisiana territory, a fact
which betrayed Itself in a southern trend
of the point during the year 1WW and. 1K20.
Then it resumed its movement due west,
marking spot forty, fifty-five and eighty
mile apart. By 1860 It had reached a spot
twenty mile aouth of Chllllcothe, O. Then,
at first with a slight northward tendency,
It passed on for It sojourn near Columbus,
The census makes no effort to show tho
oenter of political power, but it may safely
be concluded that this also ha not moved
toward the east during the decade past.
Ilonefolnes la the Awakralsg
Amrrlras Mind.
George Harvey in North American Review.
The American people still have tne
power. Tneirs also is tne respoiujiunn.
Are sign visible that they are evading
It? Rather the reverse. Neither of the
great political partle I unified In pro
posing remedle. One apparently Is rent
In twain. But In that ract lie no caue
of alarm. The true algniflcanoe Is to the
highest degree encouraging. That great
problem cannot be resolved In a day, a
month or a year, I a patent truth that
demand recognition. But vastly more
Important 1 the certainty that. In thl
country, they cannot be resolved at all
except through the application of the best
Intelligence of all the people.
Hence the hopefulness In the obvlou
awakening of mind throughout the land.
Already we perceive a growing demand
for more competent representation In con
gress, for higher standard of fitness in
all public official, for closer attention to
publio duties, for greater efficiency In
every direction. Thl can only mean that
acts of those in temporary authority will
be more sharply scrutinised and that the
people themselves. In order to pan dis
cerning criticism, will attain better under
standing. Surely, when we consider fur
ther that independence and fairness of
Judgment are the offspring-, if not, Indeed,
essential concomitants, of intelligence, we
can find In thl arousal no cause of mis
giving; rather, spring of hope and faith
In all that pertain to progress and ctvll-liatlon.
New York Gity
Atlantic City and other Ocean Resorts, including
Asbury Park and Long Branch
You can be ticketed through from your home and get the benefit of
the Low Fares by asking Agents to route you over Pennsylvania
Lines or by communicating with
Aaara W. M. KOWUgD, Tra. Fut AgV.
SIS Olty SaUoaai Bask Bid., Omasa, Mas.
On the hottest day In the year Xe Yoik
authorities received bids for the removal
of snow.
Three footpsd set upon a faimer and hf
whipped the lot of them. It I safer t.'
tackle the city man. who relies more upon
the chance to yell for the police than I.
put up the best fight there Is In him.
David n. HIM 1 7 years old. HI frten,!
In Albany look nolle ofthe annlversa'-v
and wished him much happiness He Is
In good health snd a huy man at the bar.
Six yearn sko he took leve of politic ss
an active factor In the game.
A special Carnegie medal is due t.i two
member of the Volunteer Life Suing
Corp of New York, who risked their il e
In a half-mile swim In East river to rescue
a wooden Indian from drowning. So Ur a
laugh and a cigar sign , Is their .le le
D'Annunslo, the Italian playwright n,l
novelist of far from savory reputation. na
recently asked to define the difference hr
tween a man's first loy n"' bt lust love
"The difference." said the Italian. Is tlmt
he always think hi first Ime hi las:
and his last his first'
Mrs. Flora L. Potger. who died r,vritl
In Kast Orange. N. J.i left the most of her
large estate of a million dollars to Tuskc
ge Institute. She left urn of l(t, ,.,(;
to a number of orphan asylums and or
phan' home. She ha been r'"tnlteitt i
many year In charitable wo-k
Papa F.lklns expresses great f .in"; , , ...
the persistent efforts Of pencil p 'iir- i..
marry his dauahter Kfitberlne. .'.
Italian DuKf of Abruczt. .The senium -i
there Is no more truth 'fn the present im
port thin In those he denied two jenrs
ago, and sighs for a rest from the Sis-ltv
Six generations of the Burnsteln famllv
attended the wedlng of Abraham Puinteln.
22 years old. and Miss Bertha Phlffmar
20, In New York City lant Sunday. Miss f,
cilia Hurnstein, 101 year old. wa the senl i
member of the party present. She I" tna
great-great-great-grandmother of the .bride
It Is the desire of Mr. Ann Roberts,
who for a year acted tha frwtej- mother
of King George of Knglnnd, to go from
her home In Poultney. Vt.. to England to
pa the remainder of her life there. King
George ha made It a point always to see
Mrs. Roberts haa lived comfortably, and It
la said he will see to It she return to
Lo Angele is to have a home for young
women, to be built by William A. Clark,
the copper magnate, formerly United State
senator, a a memorial to hi mother, Mary
Andrew Clark. The home will cost $.V.-
10. A site has been bouitht and around
will be broken this month. Mr. Clark
plan I to provide a home for young work
ing women, especially those employed In
departmeut store and offices, who will be
required to pay a moderate weekly rental
for apartment.
"I think I'll Bend a ton of coaj to every
widow In the district. How Is that for a
"Purty fair. But what If the other candi
date send coal to them as ain't wiodw ai
yet. They control the votee." Coni-w
"Do you think a memory for dates helps
a man?"
"Sometime," replied Farmer Corn Teasel,
"But not when he Is selllna sorlne- chick
ens." Washington Star. i
"I don't see hdw you can manage to
keep these women's union together as
long as the present style of hair draeainu
'What ha hair dreaaln; to do with th
union?" .. .. ... , ,
-Doesn't it make all the places wher
women work "rat ottlce?" Baltimore
Cupid paaned a railroad station and n.
moved his hat.
"Know anybody In there?" asked . hi
friend. Hymen.
"No, but that place 1 a great Institution.
Mora kissing goe on In there under the
excuse of boarding departing train than
anywhere In the world." Chicago New.
The aalo of the high Drlced and hlirh
powered car had been duly effected.
i ne purcnaser nesitated a moment.
"Aren't you going to open Bomethlna-?"
he presently Inquired.
"Certainly," the agent replied.
And he opened the throttle. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
"I'm afraid," ald the friendly adviser,
that your speeches havnn't enouch itlnirar
in them,"-
"You are mistaken."- iVoiled Senator Hor.
ghum. "The trouble 1 that people have
become so ued to highly spiced remark
that they don't notice mere alnaer. What
they want I cayenna pepper." Washington
"The position of the Gumbovlea aa lead-
era In society leem to be aasuted."
"Indeed yea. He ride In a 1911 automo
bile, haa been operated on for appendicitis,
hla wife ha the hay fever every aumm-jf.
and their eldest daughter haa trouble wltn
tho customs inspector every tlmo she come
bbek from Europe." Chicago Tribune.
W. D. Nesblt In Life.'
IShe will not wear
- a hobble skirt; she
ay the atyl Is much too .
pert, and that no woman of good tast
would so deharmonlse her waist; besides,
hs &ya ahe think the tyle will last
for but a little while, because to any
one It seems the fad 1 going to extremes.
Whene'er her hobbled nlsters pass he onlv
Iga and say: "Ala! How can a
lady of good sense Incase herself In that
pretense! Just her trip and wobble
by! Would I appear In that? Not I!
And how the horrid men-folks tare at
her a ahe goea her and there! Oh,
If she knew Juat what they said I
Idea the style I awkward, too,
know ahe'd blush a rosy red. He
I don't care If they claim
'tis new." And ao ah care
fully explnin her preference
for fuller train, and for a
petticoat that' wide, and .
will not b with giggle
eyed when she Is trip
ping down the street
Beside you
ee hc ha