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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1910)
v THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1910. MRS. LIARR1M AN BUSY W Oil AN V- Rumors Are Current that a Long Vitit it Contempbted. VAST ESTATES WELL MANAGED Alt af Wldw of Former t "Ion ru tin. PmKril S to Krro the Property Completely lat-rt. Some Say Fever and Some Say it is a Bullet Wound PANAMA BOOSTS LXP0S1I10S City on Isthmnt Proposes to Have Big" Show of Its Own. Ranald Vanderbilt Confined to His SOW GOING AHEAD WITH WORK Room and the Tongue of Gossip it Wagging. NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-Sieclal Tele gram.) On the anniversary of the death of ths lata E. H. Harrlman, the rumor lit again current that Mrs. Harrlman la worn out by the tremendous responsibilities Im posed on her by the great fortune left by ber husband and In shaping hrr affalia so that aha may take a long rest and re cuperate. When It la considered that fur the past year ahe has capably managed a alreet railway and lighting plant and a hotel In Georgia, a gold mine In South Dakota, an Iron mine, a dairy farm, a bank and a road building company in New York, a blast furnace In Pennsylvania; given final judgment upon huge flnanriul transactiona 'n Wall street, besides direct ing an army of workmen at Tower Hill, at the aame time being an old-fashloncd mother to five fatherless children. It Is not strange that she should feel the strain. Her Bole Aim. No woman of the present generation has taken ovvr the control of such complex business affaire aa did Mrs. Hirrlinan. Yet aha baa approach! her added duties with quiet reserve, and determination. Her sole aim, covering the' laft year, appears to have, been to perpetuate the things under takes, by Mr. Harrlman for his country and -sea. One of hetl first acts was to lift lha mortgage on 'the building owned by the Boys' club, at Tenth street and Ave nue A. This cost Mrs. Harrlman $133. CM). A canvas of a number of the properties of which a controlling Interest Is now vested In Mrs Harrlman shows that not so much aa a single $12 clerk has been dis turbed from his living. In fact, wages have been increased where possible, and In several instances, businesses are being conducted without may profit whatever from purely sentimental reasona on the part of Mrs. Harrunan. In the manage ment of the vast estate she has had the valued aervlcaa of Charles C. Tegethoss, twelve years associated with the late Mr. Harrlman In a special confidential capacity. . A permanent broker In Wall treat today stated tbat Mrs. Harrlman had not withdrawn a dollar of capital from the great railroad and Industrial en temrlses Identified with the name of Harrlman. . . . r , Kept Property Iatact. With the exception of Mrs. Harrlman's disposal of 4.818 shares of Guarantee Trust company stock to a. Morgan syndicate re organising that banking Institution, and the sale of holdings In the Equitable Life In surance society she has retained. It Is un derstood, her stock In Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Wells Fargo, B & O., railway sureties companies, National City bank and other corporations. In her attitude to the Wall street prop erties, ' Mrs. Harrlman has received the counsel and "advice of Charles A. Peabody, who was Mr.-Harrlman,' s confidential law yer. eVr. Peabody :' Is president ' of the Mutual? Life Insurance company. Mrs. Harrlman .has found no time for a trip to Europe this year. Her yacht, Sultapa. , a masssl pj-afWgyXwlsh others owned' by., the millionaire set, has been In com mission, alnca July 1, at Morse's basin. Bay Ridge, but Mrs. Harrlman has taken only two cruises In her, ohe to Bar Harbor and one, to Newport. , Tbe old . crew man the fe yaoht and ttielr wages have gone on -Just the same as If the boat was the busiest craft in these waters. NEW I-ORT, Sept 11 (Special Telegram) Doctors Austin Flint and Harry J- Knapp, who are in sttendance on Reginald Vander bilt. denied with htat and In most positive manner a story printed In New York that Mr. Vanderbilt Is laid up with a bullet wound inflicted by the husband of a young society w oman at whose house in Kay street Mr. Vanderbilt was a frequent caller. They declared the story false throughout. Mrs. Kedinald Vanderbilt and Mrs. Fred K. Nelson, her mother, have gone to New York to attend the funeral of Frederick Oeuhard. Mrs. Vanderbilt's uncle. Conse quently they could not add to. the Indig nant denials of the physicians. Friends of the stricken young millionaire chai acterized the story as malicious and witnout the slightest foundation. Ever since Mr. Vanderbilt became 111 a week or so ag.i. gossip has been bu.-y wltn th cause. Announcement by the family and physicians that he had been stricken with typhoid fever fai.ed so far to satisfy the incredulous. It was declared that the fever was the only ailment. Access to him. even by his Intimates, was of course Impossible. The woman whose name has been dragged into the case Is young and beau tiful and a favorite In the set to which Mr. Vanderbilt belongs. Her father has in of fice In the Wall street district, and h- r husband Is wealthy. Confidence that ...hatantiai n.t,.r. nothing of the kind occurred is varmly professed by frienda of all partiea involved and In support of It thoy point to the appearance today of the young woman and her husband together driving. Another phase of the was that the Indignant husband and several friends waylaid Mr. Vanderbilt at night cn the country road leading to Sandy Point, hauled him film his automobile and severely thrashed him. Husli cables to the family were aent al most Immediately when Mr. Vanderbilt ns stricken down. His mother, Mrs. Cor nelius Vanderbilt, the Countess Zjchenyl, his sister, and Alfred G. Vanderbilt, his brother, were summoned In this way. The brother gavo up hit coaching plans in England and has since arrived, and it.e others are on the way. lfe to lie I. orated! oa the Rslsi of Old Panama, Destroyed by Pirate Moras a Foar Ilawdred Years At. Rawn Estate Cues iCHANLERPL'ZZlES NlWYUKK tor Vast Amount of Insurance Tbs key to the situation Bee Want Ads. 'ft- CAPTAIN BILL TO GO BACK ON THE FIRING LINE Leader of Texas State Raaa-ers Finds Revenae Agent Too Tame a Job far Him. AUSTIN, Tex., Sept. ll.-Speclal Tele gram.) Captain W. J. (Bill) McDonald, who resigned from the command of a State Banger company four years ago to accept the office of state revenue agent, will again become a member of the band of fighting mea with whom he Jserved for more than a quarter at a cenuiry. Preparations aVe being made by Adjutant General Newton to reorganise the Ranger aervlce. A place will ba made for Captain MoDonald, and it (' Is probable he will bs given back his old command. The veteran frontiersman Is anxious to get back "on the flrlngV line." There was not enough excitement in bis present job to suit him. Another thinu. that worried him Is that he was obliged to lay aside his "shooting Irons" when he quit the rangers to take the Job of state revenue agent. It did not occur to him when he accepted the appointment of revenue agent that he would have to cease carrying pis- 1 tola. He continued to wear them for sev eral days after hs had received his ap pointment. Governor Campbell heard of It and called him into his office. "Bill, I hear you are still wearing your runs, sekl the governor. Admiral Young is for a Navy Yard Wanti Some Point on the Southern Coast Designated Where Warships May Be Handled. MOBILE, Ala., Sept. ll.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Admiral Lueien Young, U. S. N., commander of the Pensacola navy yard. While here gave some very valuable informa tion concerning the need of a first class naval yard on the southern coast, one capable of repairing the largest of naval vessels. "There Is not a first class navy yard on the southern coast," said Admiral Young. "When I say that I mean a nevy yard capable of caring for the largest vessel of the navy afloat. . "With the completion of the Panama canal It is Imperative that there be a flrft class naval yard at some point along the southern coast line. Pensacola, in my Judgment, Is the most logical point. When It Is considered that there are 3.000 miles of coast line from Chesapeake bay to the Rio Grande controlled by the south, which is as large as the combined coast line of the north Atlantic and the Pacific and there Is not what could be termed a first class navy yard In that area. the situation Is immediately grasped. On the north Atlantic there are first class navy yards at Kettery, Me. ; Boston, Newport, New London, New York. Phila delphia, Norfolk and Washington. It is up to the southern congressmen to get busy at the next session of congress and to the south to wake up to her possibilities and natural resources. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 (Special Tele gram.) While New Orleans and San Fran cisco are fighting desperately for the Pan ama canal exposition In 1S15. Tanama Itself is grlng ahead with an exposition which will mark the completion of the great work of Joining the Atlantic and Pacific. For Its exposition Panama will have one supreme exhibit which no other city can have. It Is the canal Itself. The Worlds fair will be situated on a beautiful plain three miles northeast of the city of Panama. This plain runs down to the sea beach. A feature already provided for Is "Panama Vienna." or old Panama, the city destroyed by Pirate Mnrsan. The picturesque ruins of the ancient city, its walls, towers and arches, are In as good condition t-day as they were after Morgan finished his work, 400 years ago. The space within the walls of the old city w ill be transformed into a veritable Coney Island. The object of the fair is to entertain and Instruct the many thousands of visitors who will come from all parts of the civil ized globe, and more Important still, to provide a permanent mark that will mean a new era In the business life of South America. The fair buildlnas will be 'of with a view to their further use for business purposes. It Is planned to have In them everything that a buyer could see If he took a trip to the I'nlted States or Europe, thus reductna- the cost to merchants snd permitting a larger purchase. Everything that experience can suggest for the entertainment of visitors will be provided, and an opportunity will be af forded for the world to learn the vast re sources of Panama, much of which remains to ba. developed. There are thousands of seres of rich virgin soil, that under the direction of skilled American or European rarmers. would yield fortunes. Two crops of staples are grown each season. There are vast belts of timber and gold mines that have not been properly worked, in other words, Panama remains to be dis covered In aji Industrial way, and visitors to the Panama World's fair will be af- loraea every opportunity to learn what the country Is like. Sums Aggregating Hundred Thousand Dollars Asked from Companies in Which Policies Were Held. r CHICAGO. Sept. M.-A fight to collect H05.000 In accident Insurance held by the late Ira O. Rawn, former vice president of the Illinois Central railroad and later preel dent of the Monon Route who was shot to death at his home In Winnetka, was begun here today by attorneys for his estate. Proofs of loss were forwarded to the var loue companies together with affidavits of Identlifcatlcn. The question of who fired the shot causing death was not considered. If the companlea resist payment under the policies they will raise that question and seek to prove that the former railroad of ficial committed aulclde. J. F. Dammann, Jr., counsel for the Maryland Casualty company, will represent all the Insurance companies In the legal fight It Is ssld he will depend largely on testimony offered at the preliminary hearing In Social Set Unable to Fathom Marital Troubles of Young Man. QUARREL WITH WTJE DENIED Report tbat tbe Scion af tbe- Aators llaa Tamed Tortane Over to Cav alerl and Is Allowed Small Monthly stipend. NEW TORK. 8ept 11. (Special Tele gram.) No problem has so puxxled and in terested New York society and stage land In a long time as the exact marital rela tions of Robert Wlnthrop Chanler, scion of the Astors. artist, politician, and all round "good fellow," and his wife, who was Mme. Llna Cavalieri, former operatic star. When the annoucement was made a few days ago that Chanler had suddenly come to New York, leaving his wife behind, coupled with vague talk of a Russian prince and a rich American, there was a mild sensation. This was followed yes terday by a atatement to the effect that Chanler had made over his entire fortune to his wife who kindly allowed him tX a the criminal j month for expenses out of the $25,000 a year cases against Frank B. Harrlman. John M. Taylor and Charles L. Ewing. charged with graft In the Illinois Central car repair af fairs, to decide whether thers was a motive for suicide. Rawn's name frequently has been mentioned In . the trial as having owned stock In companies which had car repair contracts. Banker Morse Goes to Dungeon New Yorker's Treatment in Federal Prison Said to Include Harsh Treatment r "Why, certainly governor, you know I Could not get along without 'em" The governor told him It was In violation sf the law for . him to carry weapons. "But. governor. I wouldn't know what to do without these gtins; If 1 didn't have them oft somebody might throw me down and take my tobacco sway from me," pleaded Captain McDonald. He discarded the weapons, but It waa several months be fore he quit wearing the belt. for medical and family use buy your liquors from Kosenfeld Ll'iuur Co., ,iU S Main SU tole tberk Hrtorned. IDA -UKOVB, la.. Sept. 11 Speclal ) The Grain Shippers' Mutual Fire Insurance association 'of this city today received from the postmaster at Ames a letter which had been missing for over a month. The letter contained a check for S.M07 from F. O. Martin of Floyd, la., and was In a pouch stolen from the mall st Ames on July . The thieves burled the pouch. In the ground sfter taking all the currency they could find, and the pouch was Just found and dug up by the secret service men a day or two ago. The letter containing the check had been opened, but the thieves were evidently afraid to attempt to cash It. ATLANTA, Oa., Sept 11. (Special Tele gram.) More Information regarding the confinement of Charles W. Morse, the fomer New York banker. In the "cooler' solitary confinement, has become known here today. Despite Warden Meyers report to the government to the contrary. It has been learned that Morse was put In soli tary confinement and kept on a diet . of bread and water for two days, and having been taken out of the dungeon, hs col lapsed In his cell and had to be carried to the hospital ward. It was said today by one connected with the federal prison that Morse after being taken out of the cell was a ghastly sight and had aged fifteen years. His mustache had been shaved off, and he had to be carried to the cell. The offense for which Morse was put In the "cooler" was that he received money from persons on the outside and had dls triDuted it to a few prisoners who are to be released shortly, to help thera get a new start. He had given some money to an other prisoner to give to a crippled Italian boy about to be released. The prisoner was seen slipping the money to ''le Italian boy and when questioned where the money came Irom, admitted It was Morse who was supplying It Morse was then sent for by Deputy Wsrden Harrison and confeased to having money. He was then ordered to face the wall." a method of punishment much dreaded, and upon his refusing to comply with the order, ass sent to th dungeon and there kept In solitary confine ment for two days on a diet of bread and water. More Graft in the Illinois Central Labor Situation Grows Critical in Great Britain Four Classes of Workers Are Involved and Rank and File Disposed to Regulate- Leaders. LONDON. Sept. U. (8peclrJ Telegram. ) Labor disputes are developing rapidly In Great Britain. Hitherto the leaders have generally dominated the course of events, but a peculiar feature of the present crisis Is that the rank and file are disposed to regulate the loaders and take affairs Into their own hands. Formerly the danger of Industrial war was considered to lie in the spread of organisation; now Is It seen to spring from the breakdown of organisation. Four classes of workers are Involved, They are the northern shipbuilders, the Welsh miners, the employes of the Great Northern railway and the cotton spinners of Manchester. The particular body of shipbuilders concerned are the bollermakers. Overthrowing their leaders, they voted two to one to tear up the arbitration agreement In force between them and their employers, The latter retaliated with a. lockout. The Welsh miners and the Great Northern railway men are also In revolt against their leaders and their arbitration agreements. The situation Is almost Identical In Man chester, where the operatives of the Oldham mill are on strike, and the employers are declaring that unless consent is given to arbitration by next Monday they will de clare a general lockout to begin in October, RECENT ORDERS FOR THE ARMY Movements of Officers of the Forces la I'ncle Sara's Flghtlng Corpa. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Sept. ll.-(Speclal Tele gramsArmy orders: Captain Wlllard A. Moiorooit, Fifth cavalry, will report to Colonel George K. Hunter, Seventh cavalry at Fort Riley, Kan., for examination for promotion. Captain Walter C. Babcork, Thirteenth cavalry, la relieved from duty at the general hospital. Fort Bayard, N. M., and will proceed to Fort Huachuca, Arts., for duty pending the arrival of his troop. First Lieutenant Shelley U. Marietta, medi cal reserve corps. Is relieved with Sixth cavalry at camp of Instruction, Fort Ben jamin Harrison, Ind., and will return to his station at Fort Des Moines. First Lieutenant Henry C. Wlerbower. medical reserve corps, will proceed to Fort Ben jamin Harrison. Ind., and report to com manding officer of the Sixth cavalry for auty. i aptain riooert l. Goodwin, acting Judge advocate, relieved from duty, De, partment of Vlsayas, and will Join his regiment, the Fourth Infantry. Major Ed ward K. t-chreincr. medical corps, and First Lieutenant Frederick H. Mills, medi cal reserve corps, upon abandonment of Fort Walla Walla, Wash., will proceed to Boise Barracks, Idaho, and Fort Missoula. Mont., respectively, for duty. Changes In duties of officers of slrnal corps: First Lieutenants Shelby C. Leasure I ,raclorB- Ulelr purpose apparently being and Walter H. Smith are relieved from ! onljr to etnd we" w,tn th officials, who and will pro Charge that Officials Built Fine Houses Out of Material Stolen from Company. CHICAGO. Sept lL (Special Telegram.) A new avenue of graft In the Illinois Can tral railroad was opened yesterday when It was disclosed that some of the officials Involved In the car repair frauds built luxurious homes at the expense of the road and almost entirely without cost to themselves. Detectives working under the direction of William J. Burns found thst. several fine residences for officials during the last few years were built of materials stolen out rig from the Illinois Central. The con iraciors am uie work tree. It Is said be cause they were Interested In Ulinola Cen tral contracts. Investigation developed the fact that thers was no graft bv th. he had given her, and that he had left her. Mrs. Cavalierl-Chanler denies there has been any quarrel while Chanler refuses to discuss the matter at all. Two Stories of tbe Affair. Two stories of the sffsir are current to day. One Is to the effect that Chanler Lorimer Quits Hamilton Club Correspondence Shows He Received Three Invitations Before He Accepted. of of CHICAGO, Sept 11. A terse note resignation from the Hamilton club. which he had been a member many years, was the reply made here yesterday by United States Senator William Lorimer to the action of the club president, John H. Batten, in withdrawing his Invitation to the Roosevelt banquet Thursday night While Senator Lorimer urged that his resignation be accepted immediately, it Is said his friends on tbe club board of gov ernors probably will refuse to vote Its acceptance. The correspondence from President Batten to Senator Lorimer revealed. It was shown today, that the senator was to have been one of the guests of honor at the banquet inis correspondence also showed that It had been the hope of the club to maka the dinner notable as a harmonious oc casion at which all factions of the republl can party could break bread togeteher. At leasi inres invitations were sunt Lorimer, each urging him to attend the banquet and to the last of these hs sent his acceptance. duty at Fort Wood, N. Y. ceed to Fort Omaha for duty. Canlain Reynolds J. Burt Is relieved from duty, at Fort Omaha and- will report to the chief signal officer for duty. Major John K. Cree. coast artillery corps, has been re lieved by the president. Leaves of absence: (Major Hugh L. Scott, Fourteenth cavalry, three months; Captain Sherwood A. Cheney, general staff, extended one month: First Lieutenant Edmund L. Daley, corps of engineers, two months; Second Lieutenant Hugh H. Broadhurst, Fifteenth cavalry, two months and ten days. ' A Reliable Mrdlrlne Not a Nareotle. Mrs, F. Marti, 'St Joe. Mich., says Foley Honey anil Tar saved ber little boya Ufa She writes: "Our little boy contracted a savers bronchial trouble and. aa the doctors medicine did not curs him. I gave htm Foley's Honey and' Tar ia whk'b I-have great faith. It cured tbe cough as " as the choking and gagging spells, and he got well in a Short tlma Foley's Honey and Tar has many tines saved ua much trouble and ws ara aver wthout 1. In the houaa." bold by ail druggists. Haralar Fire I. amber Yard. PGDEN, la.. Sept 11 tSpeclal.) Burglars caused a serious fire Saturday night which destroyed the lumber yards of the Ogden Supply company, caused a panic In the audience at the opening of the new Tre loar opera house and during the excitement got away with SM0 worth of Jewels and watches. The firs, which It Is commonly believed was set by the burglars, broke out st 0 30. When Pie theater audience saw the flames through ths opera house windows a panic ensued, but all got out without Injury. During the excitement the show window of the Ikes Jewelry store was broken and the contents of the window was stolen. The loss In the firs Is $1.M with K.000 of Insurance, i-uuui uo mem Dig services In case there should at any time be a tie In bids. This evidence will be Introduced next week at the hearing of the charges against Frank B. Harrlman. Charlea L. Ewlng and John M. Taylor. The case today was under adjournment to Monday when Fred Peck, formerly bookkeeper for the Ostermann Manufac turing company. Is expected to conclude his testimony. Iowa Cbnrrk of God Meets. IDA GROVE. Ia.. Sept H--(Speclal)-The Iowa Eldership of the Church of God opened Its meting here Friday night with an address by Rev. A. E. Schwenk of Alns worth. Is,, on "The Glory of the Church." The business meeting took up most of the day Saturday and there were several ad dresses by prominent visitors. Sunday President W. E. Kelley of Shambaugh. Ia. win aenver the principal address. Sunday afternoon the delegates will be taken for a trip Into the country In automobiles and will visit Hayes Chapel, a country church ol this denomination. Tbe Gratltado of Elderly Poopl. Goes out to whatever helpa give them comfort snd strength. Foley's Kld- t ey Pills cure kidney and bladder diseases promptly, and give comfort and relief to aldsrljr people.' Sold, by all druggists. INYADERS WIN VICTORY German Maneuvers Bad with Advaa taar la Favor of tbe "Baa. slan" Army. PREt S8ICH-HOLLAND, Prussia, Sept 11. The imperial maneuvers ended touay with a grand exhibition of powder burn' Ing by the artillery, machine guns and In fan try that continued for three hours, along a sixteen-mile area. Ths "Ted invaders, theoretically ths Russlsn army, with slightly Inferior forces, won. cutting off one division of ths "blues," the German defenders.- When ths firing ceased Emperor William assembled 300 of the higher officers and gave them a forty-five minute criticism of the opera' tlons. The commanders of both armies reported officially that they were greatly assisted on the first day of the mimic warfare by the observations made by ths crews of ths dirigible balloons. al reply came over fmm his harry home In Pans to get the trustees of his Income to pay his wife the HS. s er he settled on her by sn ante-nuptial sgreement and which the trustees refuse to pay. As a matter of fact, according to this story, he Is still very mu -h In love with his beautiful w-fe and she has promised that If he'll come bck with the annual in come she'll love him as much as she ever did. If not more. Meanwhile the beautiful singer wife of Mr. Chanler has been balked by the six hard headed financiers who were placed In charge of Robert W. Chanter's heritage when his father and I'ncle Delano died. The practical Americans who are in charge of the Chanler es.ste received the copy of the ante-nuptlal agreement with a great many cynical smiles. They tabled It It Is still tabled and the hard headed gentlemen of the trust fund declare they won't pay a cent to Cavalieri. agreement or no agreement, unless some American court orders them to do It. Here's Another Story. Mrsnwhile the cables say that she has gone cf mooning with the rich Russian, Prince Dolgoroukl. and the Chanler family say she hasn't. They admit she got all of Bob's ready money before he came away, but they declare any wife does that. Another story ia that a family conference over the affair was held today at Staats burg. Duchess county, New York. Those In attendance were said to be his brother, former Lieutenant Governor Stuyvesant Chanler; his sister. Mrs. Richard Aldrlrh; his sister-ln-lsw, Mrs. William Astor-Chan- ler, "Sheriff George Bob." his wife and his lawyer, Sidney Harris. The conference. It Is ssld, decided to take steps to set sside the agreement transferring Chanler's I" come to his wife and the Chanler family lawyers were advised to consult with ths Gould fsmlly lawyers, who have, througl. the turgid married llf of Frines Anna become exrert In such mstters. and take such steps as will get Sheriff Feb out ol his difficulties. Business Houses Replace Shacks Trinity Corporation Tears Down 180 Tenement Houses in New York City. NEW YORK. Sept. 11. tSpect I Tele gram.) Within a few wreeks ths Isst of ths tenement houses owned by ths Trinity cor rorstlon will be torn down and In their places will be erected modern buildings. Since January. 1W, when the Trinity cor poration was charged wtth maintaining un sanitary tenements, 1M housea of tb.s type have been torn down and have been re placed by eight new modern mercantile buildings aggregating an outlay of H.SOo.XV. The Trinity corporation, with the excep tion of seven tenements. I now practically free of all such possessions, and these will be torn down In ths nesr 'future to make room for other large improvements thst the corporstion will make. A Total Beltnoe of the functlena of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, la quickly disposed of with Electric Bitters. 80c. For sale hy Beaton Drug Co. MEETS DEATH IN FOREST FIRE . William Norton, a Dakota Boy, Is Be lleved to Havo Lost His Life In Montaaa. DEAD WOOD, 8. D. Sept U- (Special.) Word has been received here from Setser, Mont, telling of the death there of William Norton, a Deadwood boy, who waa burned In the forest firs In Montsna last month. Norton's mother, Mrs. Thomas Norton, sho resides here, was notified by ths sheriff st Setser that several bodies had been recovered and one of them Is believed to bs young Norton, although ths mother still hopes that later word will disprove this. Young Norton bsd been Uvtng st Setser with his wife and went out to fight the fires, sine which tims he hss not been seen or heard from. Hs was ZJ years old. A contract has been let by ths Consoli dated Power and Light com ran y to Mullen aV Rourke, local contractors, for sn addition to ths big plant at Pluma, ths work to be commenced st once. The addition will cost about HO. 000 and will bs used as a trans former house, making It possible to control all I ths circuits from Pluma and doing awsy with ths small plsnt of ths company hers In Desdwvod. When you havs anything to sell or ex change advertise It tn Ths Be Want Ad columns and Kt quick results. .Lad The First Twice - a -Month oumal Now Out 10 Cents A COMPLETE Magazine of over so pages, giving the latest and smartest Paris autumn fashions for girls and women, all shown in pictures, with the newest hats, blouses and dresses in their original colors, direct from the foremost Paris workshops a With 230 Fashion Pictures Our Boys Are Everywhere THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY PHILADELPHIA Delivered to any address on request to ERIC NELSON , 1618 Capital Avenue