Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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last se&ton and thoM Immediately nrr"1. Senator Buiketl gave many specific
Instances where the democi atlc doctrine of
tnt rights had stood s.iieiHy in tbe way
of progress slong the line "of better la
He Instanced the railroad control bill.
the' child IHtKif Ibe ponta.1 savings
htink law. tbe prV" lew to regulate the
Issue of stocks and bonds by Interstate
carriers, and others. "
"Led by Bena,tor flelley, -the democrats
hae on ait tfiene measures taken the tom
Hon tha federal government haa no right
to pass Hern 'r t tblam tlx m; and only
one Km maverick' from that ramp voted
for tha postal Having bank In tha senate.
Senator Chamberlain of Oregon. He hai
been lnsirlrrted to" vote for' It by the people
of hl dtalft' when-a republican legislature
elected hlra. j'. f
tipmilm ot Baalaees.
"When 'tfley ' talk of- greatly lncreaae-1
expenses, ' pornt t"4 the fart that twenty
time more good wortt la being dona by
thto nation today man m tha case under
tha democratic almintMrtlon. The t'nlted
Mate haa traveling men representing It of-
flclsrly 'la every nation -on Ctith,
and our rjaoplw. ara reaping tha benefit.
I'uilng diocratlcdy" J.'iuO.flOn Mia men
were chasing their shadows mid going home
discouraged 10 a. r nust.and a pallet of
mra iv, he!r only hop at that time was
In (he republican parly, .and they took
advantage t I lie oiiawe, to una their
ballots to .change .ibe., hldeoua condition,
In November, 11. . Tha .democratic party
had made the people .so. ppor n thone
almost foigottei) dAys.tha'a.UK' swallowed
Mark ilatma and the -standard with
out. ever balling a aye; ami .today there
la no coujary (n tha- world whera opr
port unity 4 ao wide and bright for all
tha 'poor folk of tha earth aa In the
Vn'tid Btatea."
'" -.iVii'tyVf ' Keanaftfirans.
In Ills laurodutuery- remarks- Colonel- Mc
Cullough said that never In tha history of
thin country were peopla ao deeply and
vitally concerned In public question as they
are today. "The opposition is striving to
make It appear that here in Nebraska we
ara concerned only with local Issues, and Is
trying to "pin us dow n to one single Issue,"
aald Colnpel McCullough. "We cannot and
must not .overlook the mora Important and
significant Issues settled In November.
The higher duty before us Is to choose con
grensmeniwho will stand for our Interests,
and to elect members of the legislature who
will elect a Cnlted States senator. On
these depend the question of whether or
not the republican party Is to be allowed
to continue In power and further develop
tha gieat policies that have worked so
effectively for the welfare of the country.
"President Taft Is championing all the
policies Inaugurated by Roosevelt and he
must hava tha support of the congress and
tha people to bring them to a successful
Issue. Tha republican party Is today tha
party of teal progress, and Is not reaction
ary In ana sense. It has always been rti'
champlonfof tha policies which have lfuKed
to tha advancement of human liberty, "and
the forwarding of better social condition.
Even 110 it is engaged In clearing away
alt the dead timber that would Impede' Us
progress (long wise lines."
Colonel tc-;u,1uh- Incisively pointed out
the Inconsistency of the alleged backing of
republican: Insurgents by the democrats, and
instanced 1th case of Congressman Norrls.
' While valiantly leading hla little band In
so-called Insurgency, ha received the un
stinted apVlause and encouragement of the
democrat!; but when he Is renominated, wa
find out there is up against him a populist,
who served in congress without doing any
thing thivt anybody can recall; and the
leader of! the democracy la backing th
opponent ot Mr. N orris, because in that
way ha hopes to split tha republican party
and win out. Wo hava a similar example
in Douglas county, where the only good ex
cuse that can ba offered for th election
ot tha democratic candidate for th senate
is that he may than ba abla to secure mora
garden seeds for hla constituents."
Colonel 'McCullough also dwelt at soma
length orf tha conditions prevailing, when,
the Wilson bill was in operation, and con
trasted them with tha unexampled prosper
ity ot today, with tha highest wages pre
vailing everywhere. "W had much better
hava high price and good wages than low
prices and no jobs," tie said, which- ex
pression caught theyaiidlahce right where It
was listening. Ha also emphasised tha fact
that Roosevelt and Uompera have both un
qualifiedly Indorsed Senator Burkett as a
man to be; depended on.
Candidates Introduced.
Following Henator Burkett'a apeech,
Chairman McCullough felicitously Intro
duced Judge $utton, th candidate tor con
gress; F.;iY'Wad aX-vA. C. Pancoast,
candidate for Ota, state Senate; . Frank C.
Best, F. B. TuokeA H;ncle Bill" Christie,
M. O. Cunningham and Ed. Leederi candi
date for! th house; and then mad tha
three Johns Lynch, Oramt and Trouton
atand up and greet tha audience a candl
datea for th county board, "and they are
men who, can be depended to atand tru,"
aid McCullough. James Rait, candidate for
county attorney, waa a)4 Introduced and
then Chairman Ben S. Baker of the county
central coftitnlttee made a happy and sharp
little talk on the need for work to elect
tha tickets Ha urged republicans to atand
for their town eandldatea and quit trifling,
nd hi sentiments were heartily Indorsed
Through It all Congressman Hitchcock
held down): a modest seat la tha gallery and
bad a chance to gain some part ot a liberal
education in republican doctrine and feel-
(Continued from First Tag.)
with Joy 'and exultation In contemplating
.he w-encs'of th last fakir day.
Your erfrinenca w'lll be. able to recount
to th Holy Father the success, which haa
crowned this congress from beginning to
end; under th adrolrabl foresight and
guidance Of ita sealous and beloved arch
bishop. You will tell his holiness of th
nantfeatationa of faith, and the outpour
ing of CJfithollo devotion which have
marked Ita prog res. You will speak of
th s solenn and public processions
through tjT street of Montreal, not only
without lot or hindrance, but with th cor
dial approval and co-operation of th civic
authorities, and tha piety and enthusiasm
of Its davpted people.
You wilt tell him of th lov feast w
enjoyed a a family of children assembled
around our great spli'ktfal father hom
w recognjied and revered n the person of
your eminence, his worthy representative.
Abov all, you will maka known tha un
compromising loyalty of th faithful to
Christ our Lord, to Hi church and to Hi
vicar on -rth; and I am aura that .th
august pant iff, as an expression of hi
benevolent and gratitude, wttl not fall
to bestow (with a loving heart hi apoatollo
benediction on th beloved arcjiblalrop ot
this dlocas. hla clergy and people, on
th hierarchy and laity of thee Canadla
province o conspicuous for their sturdy
faith, and particularly on all who have
devoutly participated In these glorious fes
Mrs. Jaoob WiliuerL Lincoln.- IU foun
bar way back to ptrfect health. 8h
rrltea: VI suffered with kidney trouble
and backache and my appatit waa very
poor at llmaa. A few weeks ago I go
Foley's Kidney Pills and gave thm
fair trial, They gav m great relief,
o continued, till bow I am again
earfact heaUh." Cold by all diugslsta.
. . : 7
Potatoes ..
19 It..' 1M3S
jKf.WJ VU.ol&
mm 1.T
I.M V31
,V7 ' e oi
S.;i.M9 j.(i7A.;si
zm.2i 2.tii.ii
.Krt.i. . a.WI.MW
H6.3iri U.S
l.4.i " 1.4K3,7i
4.T.J1H 44.n
49. Mt 47. 10
21(1. if
40,Cl 793,740
T.K97 tl
M.MH. e4.M..16)
. 11.2
177. SOS" 194.K30
Flux iwed
Grata seed -
May anil aiiaiia
Broom corn
Stock in any copany..
Ptosk In Nat l, banks
In stHte tnk
Property In ln. Cos...
Prop. In franchlne cor.
Property of pine iln".
Property of ex-P. tel.
and tel. Co
Office furniture and
Capital Invested by
grain brokers
Credits pot other listed
All other property
Penalty for refuxlng to
Rallreiart property
Pullman company
Private car lines
.t39.9&8.tn9 Hit 138,60?
Model Road Completed.
CENTRAL CITT. Neb., Sept. 11,-fpc-clal.)-The
mile of model road being con
structed here under the direction ot N. P.
iMidKe, the government expert, detained for
the work. u completed yesterday, and l
exciting a great deal of favorable com
ment. It starts at the north limit of rhe
town and crosses the Burlington track.
Although the road builders labored under
difficulties during the recent heavy rains,
tha model road la already so baxd. that all
kinds of heavy hauling is being don over
It. and the 'drainage Is so perfect 'that 1f is
alreadv easily traveled in the we4ttit kind
of weather. A survey I being on the
road authorized by the county board Justjproposd ir any gentleman would offer him
wmi of town and work on this will be ! self as a candidate against me to allow him
pushed forward at once. Mr. lodge will
superintend the work on this county road
unltl he receives orders from the govern
ment to proceed elsewhere. - .
Nebraska ew . Nole
BKATUICE Charles Mlllerof Wymore
was arretted and lodged in. Jail at that
place today on a charge of robbing the
home of Paul Acton of about tlO; worth of
goods reecntlv. The stolen projierty was
recovered bv Sheriff Schlek at Steele City,
LYONS The funeral of Louis Chiisten
sen, "who dlrd'wo days ago of heart fail
ure, was held tpday-midrr the auspices of
the Odd Fellows lodge. Rev. B. F. Pear
son preached the Mrmun," Mrv Christenserr
was born in .Denmark, and was" nearly U
year, pld" He- leaves a - wife . and ' three
children , ' i -' ', . ' .';'
TM.'MIKEH-The management of the
j.vt.. rniin(t- rit- Iiuh '.r(ilj.f4 In nilx a
little of politics' wth the annual show. . C.
ate for governor, has been Invited to
peak on-Thursday. September-39.. the sec
ond day of the' fai'r, and hits accepted the
nvitatlon: Mayor- James c uawman .of
Omwlm. democratic candidate for governor.
has been invited to noeak on tne oay roi-
lowlng, but up (6 this time his reply Mas
not been received.
CrJNTRAL CITY Extensive Improve
ments' are shortly to be made- by the
episcopal church at this place. An option
i a been secured on the lot west of Ine
present church biuldlng Jut north of th
T. B. Hord carageC nd when tha btu'ohtfa
la made the hotuie on this property will be
moved off. ahd- the present cborch butmmg
111 be greatly enlarged, or else an entirety
new edifice wDl be built of brick or -tone.
CENTRAL CITY Dr. E. A. Benton of
this place has Just received notice of the
death of a brother In New York state at
the ripe old age of 96 year. Another
brother of Dr. Benton died two year ago
at the age of 96, a sister died at tha ace
of M. his mother at the age of St. and his
rather at the age of 75. and he nas two
brothers well up toward the century mark
still living. Dr. Benton thinks that this Is
a pretty good record of longevity in one
faimly and Is quit pround of It.
, (Continued from First Pag.)- f
i : : i v ; 1. I
black lines - showing Colonel 1 Roosevelt's
travels since he left tha White House, over
Africa. Europe and America.
Tha colonel said In part:
"I bavo 'always liked Pittsburg. I think
that Pittsburg represents In many respects
an epitome of the American peopl. Jt has
the characteristics of our people developed
to an unusual degree; energy, power, tore,
een business Intelligence,, rigid Industry,
immense versatility of mind, all of th qual
ities of a vigorous, masterful peopl. I
wish I could atop there, but there are cer
tain American trait which you all posses,
that are lees desirable. As a nation, w
have some time seemed drunk with ma
terial prosperity, as a nation we- have some
times tended to think only of these, aa a
nation we hava some times taken a hard,
material short sighted pride in being merely
practical and not dreamers.
t'rrat People Hart City.
Th short sighted men,, timid men and
tha men of sordid mind always . turn, when
such a work aa that which this association
haa don under Mr. English, has been ac
complished, and say; 'You ought not to do
that; you hurt Pittsburg.' Th peopla that
hurt Pittsburg ar th peopla that ar cor
rupt. It was my good fortuua to hava a con
nection with tha beginning of tha inquiry
In this city that developed th axtraordl-
nary crookedness. At th time I waa
president, and after soma correspondence.
on of two of your representative ojtjsens
cam to ma and said that they had ivry
reason to believe that an examination ot
certain banks would disclose ay acandaloua
connection between certain busineaa men
and certain politicians to rob th city. And
they asked me If I could not hava th
bank Investigated by a man whom I knew
to oe airaigni ua nuntti, a mmia i cer
tainly could. So I asked th Treasury d
partment 1 didn't tell anybody what waa
to ba done, where I wanted to asa th man
but I asked tha Treasury department to
give me a man whom they knew would ba
straight. 1 got tha man. And han I sent
hlra here.
CI tee mm Iaelgent.
"And I waa very much amused over one
little Incident. An acquaintance, almost a
friend of mine. In political position cam to
me and said that he understood-, that som
visionary peopl were trying? to oaus
trouble and triad to influence me to take
action against worthy cltlaena. He hoped
I wouidn'o do it, I told htm h could be
sure that I would Join him In seeing that
no' woithy oltlien waa scotched and that I
would expect ' hlra to Join with ma
to ae that 1 got at every crook that
I possibly could. Well, aa I say, my part
was merely a very slight part, but I think
I may say. Mr. President, th Investigation
made by Mr. Nesbit for th national gov
ernmant flrat opened th way to discovery
of th corruption. You hava put nearly a
cor of men in the penitentiary or In Jail
You hava - got confessions from about
double that number. You have a number
of others under Indictment. And ' I want
to point out another thing aa a matter of
Just pride. You have not only got tha poll
tlclans, not only got th small man, but
you got th man higher up."
Whea Merit Wlaa.
When tha tnedioln you take gura dis
ease, tone up your system and makes yoa
feel better, atronger and mora vigorous
than before.. That la what Foley'a Kidney
Pill do for you. la all aaaea of backache.
headach. nervousness, loss . .of appetite,
sleeplessness and general weakaesa that is
caused by any disorder of the kidney or
bladder, bold by aU druggist.
Tenneuee Democratic Leader Would
Heal Partv Rupture.
State Welfare of Orataalaalloa l)f
mant Vvlantarf Aeajaleareaee la
WUhre of Political Raeaalea by
Klvlaa; I'p Third Term.
NAPHV1LI.E, Tenn.. tept. 11-In a
scorching statement Governor Malconv-R.
Patterson last night withdrew hi candidacy
as the democratic nominee tor governor
of Tennesaea. furnishing a sensational cli
max to a long and bitter preliminary cam
paign. The governor had already served
two term In office and had announced
his candidacy for a third terra in com
pliance with the wlMhes of tha state com
mittee, which declared him th democratic
nominee without opposition. The opponents
ot the governor declined to enter a primary,
preferring, to submit th matter to a con
ventlon, and th governor. In order to avert
the threatened split, withdraw In the Inter
est of harmony.
In a signed statement given the Associ
ated Press tonight the governor says:
"I became a candidate for governor for
the third term, contrary to my. personal
wishes. Conditions have arisen, however,
which appear to maka my further candi
dacy an Injustice, both to my friends and
the democratic party.
Proposition to Opponent Rejected.
"When" tha opposition to rve assumed th
shape . of a refusal to enter a primary
called by the state executive committee, 1
to select his own method and time of nomi
nation with an equal division of officers
of election. There was not and could not
be the alightest excuse to refuse this if
the party waa to preserve Its organlxatlon
and not disintegrate into schism and fac
tions; but the proposition was rejected. I
wts declared the nominee for governor
wltlmut opposition and since then I hava
offered to yield my nomination so aa to
test anew whether I waa th choice of the
majority. ,
"But to the minds of my ungenerous op
ponents all things were fair as means to
the end of my political destruction. Even
then 1 did not believe that any considerable
number of democrats could be betrayed
from their allegiance, but now It seems cer
tain that tha continued appeals to passion
and credulity hava found a lodgment which
neither tact nor persuasion can change, and
that so long as I remain a candidate a
considerable number of democrats will not
affiliate with the party, and while not large
comparatively, It Is enough to Imperil dem
ocratic success In November. I do not wish
Hi - said-, that my desire for office Is re
sponsible for this condition, or aa furnishing
an excuse to endorse a republican candidate
by . the so-called Independent democratic
convention soon to be held In Nashville.
"My conclusion Is that I can best serve
my party and state In this emergency by
voluntarily doing what my enemies have
ao persistently demanded. I therefore re
turn my nomination to the democratic
Ogleby Kills the
Man Who Eloped
With His Wife
Borrows Revolver and Going: Out on
Man Hunt Wingi Frank
'SOUTH BEND, Ind., Sept. 11. (Special
Telegram.) After he had eloped with Mrs.
Zella Ogleby of South Bend, Frank Kanoux
waa shot and killed at Kankakee, 111., to
day by John L. Ogleby, the woman's hus
band. Ogleby Is in Jail at Kankakee.
Kanoux had been in South Bend several
months, but h went away in the company
of Mrs. Ogleby ten days ago.
The'Cglebys agreed to separate, but the
huBbamd brooded over the affair and yes
terday he declared to friends in .this city
he would kill Kanoux If he "could find
him. "This is going to be another Harry
Thaw case," he -told Daniel Hhort.
Ogleby disappeared yesterday- afternoon,
It is supposed, after learning of the pres
ence of his wife at Kankakee. He was
believed Insan. After he learned that
Kanoux had become acquainted with his
wife his condition became more serious,
He threatened to kill the man and stole a
revolver from a saloon In this city. The
theft waa detected and the gun recovered.
Ogleby had terrorlxed residents of the
West End section of the city so that they
felt relieved when he separated from hla
wife ,and the two went In opposite direc
tions. When Mrs. Ogleby went to Kanka-
ke In company with Kanoux her husband
was taken away by his father, a prominent
attorney ot Tipton, Ind.
Ogleby was not seen again until yester
day when he cam back and declared he
was looking for the man who had broken
up his borne. After finding Kanoux he
shot him.
Ogleby Is JS years old and his wife is 27,
Kanoux waa IS.
Cotton Mills Men
See Fair Business
Manufacturer Generally Are Finn in
Demanding: Full Pricei for
FALL RIVER, Mass., Sept. U. (Special
Telegram.) Th curtailment by th mills
her this week has been th heaviest of any
ot th year. More plants were shut down
tha week of July 4. but tha Fall River Iron
Work company plant was In operation all
that week except the holiday. The lmme
diate pro a pacta ar that ther will not be
anything like as heavy curtailment again
this year. This depends, of course, upon
the events In tha cotton . goods markets,
Cotton haa gone off In price until It la a
last possible to figure the mills out almost
even in making narrow goods at prices
quoted here. On local quotations, wide
goods figure even and a little better at local
quotations. The demand for goods here has
weakened and there has been a softening
In tha prices offered.
Manufacturers generally ar firm In de
manding full prices. Th total curtailment
this week Is estimated at over 3UQ.00O pieces,
fully two-thirds of th dty'a normal full
production of goods of all sorts. Fifteen of
th cloth manufacturing plants were abu
down tha whole week.
Ta etaiala Poetofflea gltea.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Aeelatant Secretary H 11 lee Satur
day appointed Richard Fouvehy of Kansas
City, Mo., to examine and report upon tha
various sites offered to the government for
public building in th following Nebraska
cities: Fslls City, Aurora and Wahoo.
Colonel Jamea P. Low of the supervising
architect's office haa been aulgned to ex
amine sites offered in the following Iowa
cities: Maquoketa. Washington, Uiiunell,
Perry and Charles CI IT.
' Iowa
tCont'nuetf Hum First Pag.)
about making the- sama speech as In the
past and discussing the ssme questions as
he has discussed at other times and make
votes thereby... What .he says causes no
controversy nor hard feeling. The plan is.
if not Interfered with, to keep the governor
un the stump practically every day until
the election. They believe that if tills can
be dune he will have a very handsome ma
jority. The democrats hop to divert his
attention, but probably will be unable to
do so.
it Is expected, alao, that ther will 1e
a gVeat deal of discussion of an Issue
which has arisen over the attorney gen
ernlship. Senator George CossOn, ' th re
publlcHn nominee, stands for the better en
forcement of all laws fcnd for maintaining
a hsh standard of efficiency In th public
service. He Is the author of certain law
which have had the effect of putting
crimps In the fast and Joose methods which
have hitherto prevailed In some parts of
the city, and while this has caused some
local 111 feeling It Is a position which has
generally met with favor, his opponent,
Charles E. Walters.' favors a return to the
old policy of permitting each elected public
official decide for himself as to how far
the laws should be enforced In his particu
lar bailiwick. There Is a sharp issue be
tween them. '
. It Is alao possible that Clifford Thome,
who represents the Iowa farming and
shipping Interests In the matter of secur
ing better freight rates, will do some speak
ing, aa also, will . Winter Dewey, his op
ponent. The issue here is not ho clearly
defined, but It Is known that there is to
be a very hard fight put up on Thorne.
Aside from this there wlli be little speak
ing In the campaign, Th state committees
ara dull places. The candidates are very
quiet. The legislative-, fight Is not ap
parent. The newspapers of the state are
saying very little isWt policies or candi
dates. It is the most remarkable situation
ever known in the state.
Flht tor Prohibition.
The most Interesting ' little side fight of
the pending campaign Is one between prohi
bitionists as to the best way to secure
change- In 'the constitution, whether by
offering an amendment to be voted on by
tha people, or hv securtng a constitutional
convention. The , respective .f actions are
rnahlng Into tha newspapers to present
their views and In -the meantime the legis
lature Is being '-fixed up- -io that neither
method will -stand . a glioet ot 'a show. It
is known that assvrane have heen se
cured from 'the governor which will make
It impossible that either plan will get
through the next legislature, and it Is be
lieved that no matter which candidate is
elected the prohibition movement - will be
checked. ' - ' '
Auto I. labia la the near.
Attorney General Byers, In response to an
inquiry from '.he county attorney of Greene
county, has rendered decision that It Is not
necessary. In "order to' Comply with thj
Iowa law, that automobiles curry lights cn
the rear. U is Sufficient ' if they carry
lights at the side which show red to the
rear. In ' soma places' in the state the
uto owners have experienced trouble over
this question. ' "
, Newspaper Publisher Returns.
Gardner Cowles of the Register and
Leader and wif returned from Europe
Saturday. They nver4) gone three months
and visited Ireland, '-Scotland, England,
Holland, Belgium. Jffajtce, Germany, Italy
and .Swits0rla6d.t'VneV tvei-e accompanied
by State Senator Saavkslnger and wit of
Lisbon, Linn county, Iowa. They enjoyed
their long journeyvbut 'most of all enjoyed
getting home. - r- .
Oppose Coileae Classification.
The Iowa Methodist Episcopal conference
has fixed the place at. the annual meeting
for next year t Fairfield. Invitations were
received also f rora , Oekaloosa and Newton.
President E. A,, Schell of Iowa Wesleyan
university read his , annual report to th
conference, which then raised 12.750 for a
new heating plant for the college to re
place the sixty stoves now- In use. In his
report Dr. Mchell vigorously, 'condemned
the proposal of the . State Educational
board to classify ther colleges of the stats'
on the basis of the amount ot endowment
In hand. . -
Frost Did ot Damage.
Despite reports which' were received of
light frosts from various parts of Iowa the
last few days It fa stated that no damage
was done. The change to. a warmer spell
or weather has made It certain there would
be very little danger from this time. The
farmers are reporting that their outlook
for a good corn crop. Is good and that the
ears of the corn In, the field have filled
out excellently, t .
Express Case la All New.
The movement of Attorney General Byers
for a reopening, of the matter of-express
rate In Iowa came as a surprise to many
persons, as this la the first ttm in th
history of the attorney general's office that
Independent Initiative1 was ever taken In
matter of such Importance and upon the
broad ground of the duty of the attorney
general to represent the peopla In all mat
ter affecting their trelfare. Action would
not have been taker!" In this manner now
but for the belief that In no other way
could . a caa bar got properly before the
railroad commission with assurance that It
would ba prosecuted to th finish. The
showing made by th attorney general Is
regarded generally as on which will bring
out all th facta. He bated his action
largely upon th dactslons recently made In
Illinois where tha commission haa ordered
a sweeping reduction In rates.
Dr. Front Leaves Iowa.
Dr. Wade H. Frost of the United States
marlne-hospUai service, who haa been In
Iowa six weeks making Investigation of the
epidemic of Infantile, paralysis, left this
evening for Washington and does not ex
pect to return. Tha bureau will, however,
continue th Investigations elsewhere and
especially in the marine laboratory. Dr.
Froat attended th meeting of the Amerl
can Public Health association In Milwaukee
and reported Informally on the Iowa, epi
demlc, stating that from every part of th
country ther Is great Interest manifested
in the movement of th disease.
raaaied tha .Official Tagi,
Prosecution was commenced today by the
pur food department ot the stats against
E. E. Wentx. a miller of Mitchell county,
for having changed th figure on th ship
ping tags fur feeding stuffs. He had
raised the weight Indicated on tha taga so
that a larger amount of atuff could be
sold under one tag than otherwise. He will
be prosecuted both tor changing the taga
and selling stuff without paying ths license
Maar Rehearlaca Ara Asked.
Ths supreme court docket for the Sep
tember term Just Issued shows inat lir
yers hav aakad Uia - court in fifty-flv
cases to reverse ar court's decisions Im
mediately, in th face of the fact that not
a single rehearing waa granted at th last
term. The number of "cases tor submission
at tha next term Is said to be smaller than
usual. -,..
Mrs. Scot! Dire.
Wis. Mary'S. Scott, widow of the' late
Colonel John Scott, died this morning at
tha Victoria hotel from nephritis, at the
age of "2 years. She had been sick for
soma weeks, ' 8as leaves on dauc&tar.
Mary Avis. The body will be taken to Ne
eds, for Colonel Hcntt was lleu-
enant governor of Iowa.
Postal ltrrella lrp.
Deeplte fair week, with ail of It attend
ance Into the city, postal 'ecelpts for the
month of August show a decline over one
ear ago. For this past month they to-
aled C'3.T5.M, a, id the same month oe
ear ago gve a total of fM.TRS.lL which
Is a loss of S1.0&.A0 for the year.
Jla riaht Rates.
Latest developments in the fight against
the express companies In Iowa, with the
end In view of lowering the alleged high
rates within the state. Is the Joining ot
legal forces of the Iowa State Manufac
turers' association and the state of Iowa,
the latter being represented by Attorney
General Byers. Conference between that
attorney and George A. W rlghtman, sec
retary of the association, .today resulted In
a mutual agreement of continuance of the
Iowa Xerrs Motes.
RICE VI LLE Frank C. Rice, the founder
of this town, If dead at his home In Park
Rapids, Minn. He was a prime mover In
the development of this country In an
early day.
CRESCO A hog selling for flS.K Is what
Arthur Rttcker marketed. It weighed
pounds, and .was sold to local buyers, it
waan i long ago when cows and even
horses could be purchased at this price.
MARSHALLTOWN The Western t?rocer
Company Mills has leased six (arms of over
1.200 acres, on which It will raise sweet
orn for the canning department of lis
Plant. The coin nan v this year had Wt)
acres of sweet torn on leaded land.
IDA GROVE-Prof. Harold Thomas. no
of the University of Michigan, but formerly
coach or the Ida Grove foot ball team.
came yesterday and will spend a week he'e
visiting old Irlends. t'ossibly lie may g.M
time tj look over the foot ball sqund while
LOGAN Fifty hlxh school rrnnlls and a
number of out-of-town guests were In at
tendance last evening at a party given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank (lamer. In
honor of their daughter Dorrls' seventeenth
birthday. The guehts presented Miss Dorrls
several girts of sterling silver.
CRESTON Engineer Mlk Tray, one of
the Rurllngton's old timers on the middle
division, was taken 111 on his train Friday
morning, between Agency and Ottumwa,
and died soon after reaching Ottumwa.
Death Is thought to have Oecn caused by
a ruptured blood vessel in the head.
CENTERVI LLE While the owner was
away from home thieves entered the houne
of James Seals, five miles south of here.
taking fl.lbs from an oak chest and stove
oven, where It was secreted. The money
represented Seals' savings. He is 70 years
of age, a bachelor and owns 600 acres of
MARPHALLTOWN A boll on her nose
caused the death of Bessie Buriitt, aged 25
years, of general septicemia at M. Thomas
hospital Fciday. The young woman began
to suffer with the boll early last week and
Sunday the boll was lanced. Symptoms of
Diood poisoning began to develop Tuesday
and the patient grew rapidly worse.
TABOR A number of Tabor residents
have recently lost valuable milch cows
from a peculiar ailment that Is quite pre
valent throughout this part of the state
and Is commonly called the "mouth dis
ease." The affected animals have such
sore mouths that they refuse to touch food
or even water ami waste away and die.
CRESTON Three palra of the ring necked
pheasants were received here yeKljday.
Creston sportsmen were delighted wliTi the
beauty of the. birds, and have them on
exhibition for a few days, before turning
them loose, as the law rcuuires. The birds
were all spring hatched, and all such are
to oe turned loose by tnose wno nave
charge of them.
SHANNON CITY Arrested on a charge
of veterinary practice without a license Is
the predicament that F. M. Edwards, mayor
or Shannon city, faces. The grand jury ot
the August term. Ignored the charge as the
offense Is not Indictable, but Edwards was
brought here before a Justice of the peace,
where he pleaded "not qullty." He will be
given a hearing September 19.
LOGAN In the Wanker case against the
Upper Boyer river drainage district for
$7,000 damages, the Jury returned a ver
dict for IJ.R. for damages. In the case or
Iowa . against O. Wright, charged with
maintaining a gambling house, the Jury re
turned a verdict of guilty. In the case of
Iowa, against Frank York, for selling lla
ours, a verdict ot not guilty waa reached.
' MARHAI.LTOWN Thomas Wlndle of
Plttsbura-. Kan.. Has been appointed assist
ant master mechanic of the Iowa Central
by Master Mechanic William Gill, who suc
ceeds C. E. Gossett, aa the head of the
mechanical department of the road. Mr.
Gossett recently left the Iowa Central to
become master mechanic of the Minneapolis
& St. Louis, with headquarters at Minne
apolis. OELWE1N Rev. J. J. Tatum has ten
dered his resignation aa pastor of the Bap
tist church of this city. It came rather as
a surprise, as he Is Just now completing
a handsome new church and It was sup
posed that he would remain here. His
resignation is to take affect the day of
the dedication. He has been here two
years and a half and has been very success
ful in his work as a pastor.
MASON CITY-S. C. Culver of this city
was painfully Injured last night at Sher
fleid. He was engaged in moving a house
and a heavy weight fell on his hand, pin
ning it to a block. The pain was so In
tense that he gave his hand a tremendous
Jerk, leaving two of his fingers pinned be
tween the blocks. He came to this city,
where surgical attention waa given the
CHARLES C1TY-A horse was scared to
death here yesterday. Irving Wilts was
driving a I-year-nld horse and met a
house moving outfit. The horse was fright
ened at the sight and a friend wanted to
lead the horse past. Mr. Wilts thought
the colt needed this experience and he
took out hla whip and Insisted on the
horse going by. The animal plunged Into
the air and fell to the ground dead.
Governor Vesaey and Other Officials
Will Attend Opening; Exercises
HURON. S. D., Sept. 10.-(Speclal.)-The
South Dakota State Fair opens here Mon
day. Exhibits of stock and machinery are
now on the grounds are exceedingly large
and everything will be In place Monday
forenoon. Superlntendenta of various de
partments are giving personal attention
to arrangements of displays and already
each department gives evidence of Increase
In exhibits over former years. Monday has
been designated at Beadle county day and
Governor Vessey with state officers, mem
bers of the legislature and other disting
uished personages will be here. Special at
tractions have been arranged and the ay
promises to be one of unusual interest
Crawford Pioneers Meet.
DENNISON, la.. Sept U. (Special.;
Crawford county old settler's day for 1910
was a marked success. Th gathering was
held In th publlo park, and th day being
fine, the turnout waa very uarge. The ad
dress delivered by Congressman Walter I,
Smith of Council Bluffs dwelt on the pio
neer days of southwestern Iowa and
abounded In things to entertain. The cltl
aena of Denlson furnished tha best coffee
free to all. The last Wednesday of Au
gust waa made the stated day for th
futur meetings. Ex-Mayor Rollins was
made president fo rthe coming year, and
N. L. Hunt, secretary. Ther was a baby
show, th amusing Incident of which was
th demand of the Judgea to have fifteen
minutes to leave the grounds befor th
prixe winners were named, and th chair
man announcing tha fist prise baby wrong
only to find his mistake after tha child had
teen held up for admiration to th peopfe.
ttoata Dakota News .ates.
OELRICH8 The Atwell bank and the
Oelrlchs State bank, hava been consolidated
and in the future will be conducted under
the name of the Atwell bank, articles of in
corporation having been secured from the
state authorities. Th officers of the new
bank ar President V. C. Atwell: vice
preoldent A. P. Tlelebein; cashier, MUs N.
V. Smlthson.
H CM BOLDT Arrangements are nealv
completed for a farmer's fall festival
September JO. ti and ti. A fine ptugram of
storting and other events for the amuse
ment of the thousands of persona who will
be in attendance will be provided. There
alao will be an elaborate exhibit of farm
products and live stock, snd fine premiums
win be given tnoss making in peat ex-
, hlblta.
Kills His Rival,
His Sweetheart
and Himself
Harry Harvetson of Bedfield, S. D..
Unable to See Woman Accept At
tentions from Friend.
ABERDEEN, S. !.. Sept. 11 (Special
Telegram.) Harry Harvesson, a young
dental student, at mldnlKht Saturday night
at Redfleld. 8. D.. shot and killed Miss
Dale Klsef, 20 year of age, fatally wound
ed Dr. r. E. Cllnlte. then cnt a bullet
through his brain, dying Instantly. Harves
son and Cllnlte were rivals for the hand
of Miss Klser. Cllnlte had culled on the
young woman and was departing v. hen
Harvesson appeared and shot Cllnlte
through the liver and lungs, then shot Miss
Klser through the heart and placed the
revolver to his mouth and took his own
life. Cllnlte and Harvesson, who were
room mates and fellow students In the
dental department of the University ot
Minnesota, had been warm friends. Miss
Klser was the daughter of W. C. Kiser, a
prominent business man of Redfleld. Both
Harvesson and Cllnlte were Masons, mem
bers of the same lodge.
Minneapolis and Ht. I.nala Trala Snitch F.nalne at Fort
FORT DODGE, la . Spet. U.-( Special
Telegram.) A headon collision between a
Missouri A St. lxniU east bound freight and I
an Illinois Central switch engine In the
railroad yards In this city this morning at
:50 o'clock caused the Instantaneous death
of A. T. Keeney, a Missouri A Bt. Louis
engineer, and painful but not serious In
juries to Engine Foreman George Eaton of
the Illinois Central and the day brakeman
of the Missouri ft ft. Louis train.
An open switch caused the freight to
enter the Illinois Central tracks. The Mis
souri & Bt. Louis engine left the track and
was turned around and demolished. Only
the front of the Illinois Central was
Keeney debated his fireman's call to
Jump until the engines met and was then
burled under telescoping freight cars.
A derrick used in clearing the wreck fell
on a workman Injuring him badly. Several
passengers on both roads and Omaha meat
trains were held up many hours here.
Supervisors In Muddle.
LAKE CITY. Ia., Sept. ll.-tSpeclal.)-The
Board of Supervisors of Sac county
Is having considerable trouble In connection
Vi-lth the construction of the lurge county
drain No. 29, near Auburn, and nine mllea
southwest of Lake City. A thirty-six Inch
tile manufactured by a Sac City firm has
been found to be unable to sustain the
earth load, and after 980 feet of these had
been laid they were found to ba all broken.
Experts from the Ames college have been
on the scene In the Interests of the super
visors and the cement company, and the
fault seems to be In either the thickness of j
the tile, or In the methods of manufacture, i
Ther are 4,000 feet more of the same sort
of tile on tha line of the drain, but they
will not be allowed to be placed. The tax
payers concerned are up In arms and
are demanding that the board look out for
their Interests. There are over $2,500 worth
of tile in the drain and the total will ex
ceed 168,000. The Board of Supervisors has
now advertised to let the contract for
glazed vitrified clay tile, and seems disposed
to do the right thing in ths Interests of all
parties concerned.
Skinned from Head to Heel
was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when dragged
over a gravel roadway, but Bucklen's
Arnica Salve cured him. 25c. For salo by
Beaton Drug Co.
Former Governor W. A. Richards of
Wyoming Is the guest of Judge Leslie. Gov
ernor Richards was general commissioner
of the land office during Roosevelt's ad
ministration. E. 8. H. Voorheea of Omaha Is at his
fishing quarters and hunting grounds on
Cedar river, eleven miles northwest of
Krlcson. Neb. He has a fine house and
plenty of room.
C. W. Morton left last night for Boston to
visit his daughter, who Is In school there.
Mrs. Morton haa been In Boston for som
Your kidney trouble may be of long
standing, It may ba either acute or
chronic, but whatever It Is Foley's Kid
ney Remedy will aid you to get rid of
it quickly and restore your natural health
and vigor. "One bottle of Foley'a Kidney
Remedy made ma wall," said J. Slbball
of Grand View, Wis. Commence taking
It now. For sale by all druggists.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham'sVegetable Compound
Milwaukee. Wis. "Lvdla E. rink.
ham's Vejretable Compound hag mada j
me a wen woman,
and I would like to
tell the whole world
of it I suffered
fromfemale trouble
and fearful pains ia
my back. Ihad tha
best doctors and
ther all decided
that I had a tumor
In addition to my
female trouble, and
advised an opera.
tlon. LYdia E.
Pinkham a Vegetable Compound mada
me a well woman and I have no mora
backache. I hope I can help others by
telling- them what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has done for
me?' Mrs. r.iuixluax, 833rirstSt,
Milwaukee, Wis.
The above is only one of the thou
sands of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by tha
llnkham Medicine Company of Lynn,
Mass., -which prove beyond a doubt that
Lydia E. Pirham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate dis
eases of women after all other means
hare failed, and that every such suf.
ering woman owes it to herself to at
least gire Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.
Lie Compound a trial before submit,
ting to an operation, or gitlng up
hope of recovery.
Sin. Plnkharu, of Lynn, Mas
tnriUta all ilck women to write
her for adrioe. She baa jrulded
thousands to health suul iter
svdrloe Ls free.
..,.,,.......1,. 'l!.Jlr?.l..fl-U
The Weather
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
... h4
... M
II a. m....
da. m....
i a. m....
S a. m....
9 a. m....
10 a. in....
11 a. m...
i n-Kn....
1 p. nt....
1 p. m....
J p. m....
4 p. m....
5 p. m . . . .
A p. in....
7 . m....
. M
, 71
, 1
, 7i
. K
. Ki
. ?f
, Tf '
, 43
l.ocnl Record. .
OMAHA. Sept. 11.--Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding period of the past three
years: 1!10. 90. l:T.
Maximum temperature. . . S.T R 1.t J
Minimum temperature.... M TO M .M
Mean temperature "S M "8 , i
Precipitation 00 .( "
Temperature and precipitation dcpsrturfi
from the nor-nal at Omaha since March-1.
and compared with the past two years:
Normal tennvmture
Excess for the day
Tnt.U excess since March 1 4
Normal precipitation 14 Inch k
Deficiency for the lv 14 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .. .10.13 Inched
Deficiency slnc March 1 12.!1 Inches
IVflclency for cor. period. !!., I. 0 Inch
Ivflclency for cor. period. 1.S5 Inch
Lame back conies on suddenly and Is ex
tremely painful. It is' caused by rheuma
tism of the muscles. Quick relief Is afforded
by applying Chamberlain's Liniment, oA
by all dealers.
We want any person who aullci- with
biliousness, coiiMtipat Ion, imlie-iton or
any liver or blood ailment,- to try oui
Paw-Paw ;IUs. We KUrniiie the."
will purify the blood and put th llvei
and stomach into a healiluui condition
and will positively cure hliloosne
and constipation, or we will refuhd youi
HOME REMEDY CO.. Phlla.. Pa.
Baltimore and Chio Rai road
FOR THE . ,,
44th National Encampment
Grand Army of the Republic
historic battlefield route.
UBEBAX. ITOfOTIM to visit tha
varloua battlefields, .
BVrZCIAX. TBAXN leaves Chicago 10
A. M. Saturday, September 17, pass
ing through Harper's Ferry and
along the historic Potomao River
in daylight.
WHITS OB OA-XA for full particu
lars. W. A. F&X8TOXT
Traveling rasaiigar Agent,
B 44 Clark gtraat,
South End 16th Stree
FOOT! FOR Waas and nervous m
I MVU K UA who find thlr power ti
NFRVFK work and youthful vlgoi
HblXIbJ gon a . reault of over,
work or mental exertion ahould takt
will maka you eat and ate it and be
man again.
II Bog, Boxes ft SO by MalL
Oor. letb and Dodge sjtraeta.
owl xaua oo,
Cos. lth aaa Borui Omaha. Jra
Fred Postal, Pres. M. A. Sliaw, Mgr.
1125,000 expended In remodeling, furnishing
and decorating. 100 rooma with hot anil
cold water bath nearby, 11.00 and up per
day. 100 rooma with tub and shower bath,
circulating ice water, 12.00 and up per day,
Newest and finest cafe in ths city, with
th most beautiful electrical fountain la
America. Our facilities for high class ser
ve ar unexceptional, and similar to tha
best hotels in New York. You can pay
double our rates for your accommodations,
but you cannot get anything better.
18th and Song,
las Streets.
Tel. Douglas 1041 1 Indep. A 1041.
i Mats. 10c, 28c 6001 Bight 10o, SSo, 600, 780
Beginning Monday Matinee, tha Artist
Without a rear
la BUs Amaslnf Feminine Oharaotarlaa.
tlons. Wearing Latest farlsiaa (towns..
Mat. Every day, 8:18. Every night, S:1S
"The Leading Lady," musical com-,
edy with company of thirteen peo
ple; Weston & Bernard; NVUlard
Simms; Lewis McCord & Co.; Tue
Meredith Sisters; Ernest I'anUar
& Co.; LeClalre & Sampson; Po'e
ti Uno; Klnodrome;,Orpheum Con
cert Orchestra of Fifteen Talented
Artists. Prices: Matinee, 10c and
23c; Night, 10c, 25c and 60c.
Omaha vs. Topeka
Sept. 10, 11, 12, 18.
Vinton btreet Park
Sunday Sept. 11, a Games 1st Called
2 P. M.
Mondav. Kent. 12. Ladles' Day
Game a Called 8:45
apcUl car leaves lSth at r'axaam, 8iS0
"4 If'"