10 Omaha Takes Easy Double-Header from Topeka; Cubs Defeat Pirates; Tigers Blank White Sox THE BEE: OMAHA; MONDAY. SEPTEMBER i. mm. BOURSES TRAMPLE TOPEKA Omaha Tribe Takes Both ndi of ft Doable-Header. HAKE SEVEN RUlfS EACH TIME CoolerHea.Wnltewaened First MmIm Get Only Three Haas la the VeeoBd ;, KTB. Omaha. 7; Topeka, Omaha. 7: Tdpeka, 1 Both ame In the 1 Omaha-Topeka douhle header yesterday1' were gathered In by the Potirkes In one of the best batting exhibitions they put up this season. Every Ronrke and nearly every Cooleylte hit In one or both gamea. Hchoonover and. Acock were the bright and shining lights !n the batting end of the game.' In tha flratgame Schoonover poled out two two-naggers and one three bngger In four time up. and Acock hit for two singles and ft double In five times up. Melter. twirling the first game, allowed the visltora only flva hits. Only two To pekans wera able to get an far as second and and not one went to third. Melter had almost perfect aupport and the Kansas ag gregation ;went the put out route In the one-two-three order. Three To-nagra la) One laalaar. Omaha scored, three Tuna In the second Inning. Tbrae slngjes, ,wo, walks, a man hit and an error did the work. The fourth run was made by Schaortover In the fourth. He batter ft two-bagger to left Held and came home on error by Thoman.ion and Feoples. Three mora were made In the eighth on a single followed by three two baggrra. Topeka scored' first In the second game with three runs. In. the third arid for a time things looked bad for the locals. But In the fourth, fifth and sixth Innings the Rourkes picked up a batting streak and landed on Haiber' fo rnlne hlta, bringing home seven men. Score: . i Score first game: OMAHA. . AB. R. o. 3 i E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 A cook. 2b King, cf Schoonover, rf Rlggert. If .a.. Kane, lb ....... Morlarlty, Hb .. Kneaves, as Oundlng, .... Melter, p Totala 1 0 t , 0 -4. "' a 32 TOFKKA 7 12 27 U AB. R. H. 0 0 0 0 o. 2 1 7 S 2 0 2 7 0 A. E. 1 1 Persch, cf .... Tlnmiason, If Heckley, lb .. Hlley, rf Welsh, 2 ... Stoffer. 3b .... Peoples, as .. Shea, c Fugate, p 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Totala Omaha 1 Huna .. Hits .... 0 6 24 12 0 1 1 0 0 0 110 4 -12 k'u OOOOOOOOO-fl hub 010101022-6 Two-base hits. Schoonover (2). Acock, Rlmrert. Three-base hit: Schoonover. Hist base on bulls: Off Melter, 1; off Fugate. 6. Struck out: By Melter, it by tugate 7. Stolen bases: Rlggert. .Kane, Morality. Sacrifice hits: King. Morlarlty. Welsh. Left on bases: Omaha, 10; jfopeka, 4. Ihmble Dlav: Riley to Welsh. Umpire: Huskell ell. Time: t:. . Second game: OMAHA. AB. I ........ 5 4 ........ 6 ........ 5 BII. PO. A. E. 2 12 1 110 0 1 10 0 2(00 1 7 0 0 2 2 3 0 10 2 1 10 10 0 0 1 1 B .87 8 3 BH. TO. A. E. 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 10 1 0 0 2 10 2 4 2 0 0 111 1 1 '1 0 14 10 2 0 8 2 11 24 15 3 A cork, 2b , King, cf ' Schoonover, rf Rlggert. If Kane, lb Thomson, 3b . Kneavea, aa ... Cudman, e .. Rhodes, p .... ' Totala ... ... 8 34 ,7 TOPEKA. Persch, cf Thomaaon, If Reckley.. lb Riley, rf .... Welsh. 2b .. Stoffer. Jb . Peoples, as . then, c Barter, p .. . Totals Omaha - Huns Hlta ....... 4 6 5 S 4 4 4 4 4 3P ........0 0 I V 0 3 1 4 1 3 2 S 0 7 0 -12 Tnpeka Runs . 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 03 2 0 8 2 0 2 1 1 0-11 Hlta T-haM hits: Thomson. Klggert. first bsss on balls: Off Rhodes 1. off Barber 4. Struck out: By Rhodes 6. by Barber 3. Stolen bases: Rlggert, Kane, Cadman, Thomsson. Sacrifice hlta: King, Thomson, Rhodes. Left on bases: Omaha 8, Topeka 10 Double plays: Thomson to Acock to Kane; Barber to Shea to Beckley. Wild pitch: Rhodes. Tlma: 1:45. Umpire: Has kell. " (es of tho Game. Today's ama will be the last until Sep tember JO. when Omaha opena with Sioux City for th lust four tjames on the home grounds. Today Is' ladles day.'' The RourUes ' weia' In -a bad hnle In the fourth inning of the second game with with only , one .out and three Topekana on bases, but Rhodes held thorn to two little Infield gioundoia for the outher two outs and no one scored. With a man- on first and a an on third. King baited an, aauty grounder Into Bar ber's hands, Rurber couldn't make up his mind which man h'e wanted to put out and while he was holding the ball trvlng to decide, everyone want j-al. He still held tha apher .svhoo Jtke) umpire woke hi up. Rlggert and Kana wnrked a douhle stenl to perfection n. the first game, . Rlgnert scoring fr6m 'third 'and Kane stealing aeoond- Jack Haskell had mine deslclons con tested bv the ciuwd and was the recipient of omre abuse yesterday 'than In any two games he haa umped In omana. tma sea son, i .... , : i- Melter and Rhodes each sent only one man to first on a free pa. In tha Xlrst game only seven' Topekans saw first. Five went down' on slgles. one on an errors and one on a wslk. Thomaaim-' was back' -In- the game with Topeka after a aojouta, at Cleveland. Out of a total of forty hits In the two camea Schoonover, Kiggert. Acock and Thomson were the only ones getting more than a single. 1 CHAMPS DIVIDE lMltHl.li- SESSION W ichita Win First, Bf Loses second hr Blit Hcore. WICHITA, Sept. II Wichita and Des Moines divided a duuble-hradar this after noon. The first went tJ Wichita, & M 4. and the second t'. the visitors, 12 to 3. Hard hitting in a higi) wind was responsi ble for the scorei in the lat game: Score: . WICHITA. AH. K. PO. A. E. 00 Mlddleton; Tf... Pettlgrew, rf,.,. WrBiersll, 3b.... Belden. If Koerner, lb Hughea, "lb....', -iimldt. ss.,... 'lemons, c Durham, p...... 4) 0 0 4 2 0; I 1 u I 3 4 . 4 S " S 0 v. Totala.. 10 27 U , 0 D1JJ MOINES. r ab. n. 10. A. E Colligan. 2b.... Claire, ss Ni.hofr, 3b..., Curtis, If Dwyer, lb...... Mttick. cf.... Kelly, rf. ...... teminons, c.. Blersdorfer, p tiuston. p..-.- 4 1 4 2 8 -aeaa.aa.aaj (4 ... I TotaJa, I U H U Standing of tho Teams "j WEST. LEA OCR. NATL LEAOCF.. W.L.Pct. W.UPct. Slojx Clly...M 60 .KM Chicago W itt .K lenvei WW ..; Ht tabors- ...74 M ,5 Lincoln ......to C .in.'ew York ..72 U .8 Wichita 78 "7 .R.1H Philadelphia 91 6J .512 Omaha 72 71 .("3 Cincinnati ...M 7 .4! St. Joseph ..Mil .44H St. nulls' ...M 75 .416 Des Moines.. 81 ft .41N Brooklyn . ...fl 7 .'i Topeka 3s M Boston 4 .MS AMER. LF.AIll'K. AM EH. ASSN. W.LPctl W.UPct. Phllapelphla W 41 ,aa Minneapolis . 54 .47 Boston 76 M .51 1 Toledo 83 .Mti New York ..." M .5M Columbus ....M .640 letrolt 75 M .573 St. Paul 78 74 .614 Washington 69 73 .4471 Kansas City 77 75 .MT Cleveland ...Wt 72 .44 Mllaukee ..71 K2 .4H0 Chicago f,l 7t .Xl Indianapolis rtl W .403 St. bouls .... 2 .309, Ixiulsvllla ...87 86 .375 Uiari Today. WESTERN LEAOl'E. Topeka. 0; Omahi. 7; aecond game, Tnpeka. 2; Omaha ". Lincoln, 0; St. Joseph, 2; second game, Lincoln, 6; SL Joseph. 0. les Moines, 4; Wichita, 8; second game, Des Moines, 12; WSohlta. 8. Sioux City, 1; lenver, 0; aecond game, Sioux City, 2; Denver, 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detroit, 2; Chlciigo. 0. Cleveland, 3: St. Louis. 0; aecond game, Clevcalnd, 7: St. Louis, B. NATIONAL LEAGUE. St. Louis. 8; Cincinnati, . Pittsburg. 2; Chicago, 6. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indianapolis, 3: Columbus. 10; second game. Indianapolis. 6; Columbus, 0. Toledo, 2;-Louisville, 0; second game. To ledo, 11; St. Louts, 10. ... Minneapolis, 4; Milwaukee. 8; second game. Minneapolis. 8; Milwaukee, 1. St. Paul, 2; Kansas City; 0; Second game, St. Paul, 1; Kansas City. 6. ' Veaterdnr's lleinltn. Western Lesgue Topeka at Omaha. Lin coln at St. Joseph. Pes Moines at Wichita, Slnux City at Denver. American league St. IrfMils at Chicago, Cleveland at Detroit. New York at Boston, Washington at Philadelphia. ' American Association lnrtlannpolls at Columbus, Toledo at Louisville, Minneapolis at Milwaukee, St. Paul at Kansas City. None out when winning run was scored. Des Molnea 00 01 1000 24 Wichita 00003000 26 Ieft on bases: Des Moines, 7; Wichita, 11. Sacrifice hlta: Pettlgrew, Hughea (2). Colllgan, Dwyer. Blersdorfer. Two-baee hits: Dwyer. Nlehnff, Middlcton. Three base hit: Curtis. Stolen bares, Westerxll. Shmldt. Mlddleton. Belden. Hits: Off Blersdorfer. 5 In four and one-third In nings; off Huston, 8 in three and one-third innin rn.,hi. ri.. rniiivn tr Clalr ' Struck 'mil: llv Di.rhnm 2: hv Huston. 3.' Bases on balls: Off Durham, 8; off Blers dorfer. 6; off Huston, 1. Time: 1:50. Um pire: Hurlburt. . LINCOLN A!D ST. JOB BLANKED Good Base Running-, Errors and A o Bainrbed Hlta Responsible. ST. JOSKPH. Sept. 11. Both St. Joseph and Lincoln were shut out In a double header here today. Good base running won the first for St. Joseph by a score of 2 to 0 and the second, errors by St. Joseph and the bunching of hits by Lincoln, gave the visitors victory,. 4 to 0. Score, first game: LINCOLN. AB.- R. H. .800 .8 0 1 .4 0 2 .3 0 1 .40 0 .401 .3 0 1 .20 1 .3 0 0 PO. A. E 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 7 2 0 R 2 1 6 4 0 ISO Juile. If.." Oagnler. as Cole, cf Cobb, rf Cnckman, 8b Thomns, lb Wledensaul, 2b... Kruger. c. i. Oelst, p Totals.. ..., 0 JOSEPH 7 24 14 3 :'. H. PO. A. E. 13 10 14 1 0 1 11 1 0 1-0 0 0 1 2 S O 0 3 4 1 12 0 0 0 2 10 0 0 2 0 ll 27 16 0 0 0 0 0: o-O 1 0 0 0 1 -2 Stolen bases: ST. AB. R. Powell. Fox. 2b. If... .... 4 1 .... 4 0 .... 3 ' 1 Jones, lb.., McChesney, Cf. 0 0 0 Kellly, 3D Corhan, ss... Goodrich, rf. Frambea, c... Kaufman, p.. Totals... Lincoln .... St. Joseph . 23 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 hit: Powell. Two-base Powell. Jones. Relllv. Cole. Sacrifice hits: Rellly, Kaufman. Gagnler, Cobb, Double plays: Corhan to Fox; Powell to Fox; Wledensaul to Thomas. Struck out: By Kaufman. 2; by Gelst, R. Bases on balls: t ff Kaufman, 1: of f Gelst, 3. Umpire: Clark. Time: 1:55. , . Happy Hollows . Are Champions Club Ball Team Trims Gas Company, Nine to Nothing and Becomes Sat urday Afternoon Champion. The Happy Hollow club ball team de feated the Omaha Gas company's ball team Saturday afternoon by the score of 9 to 0. The clubmen pounded Klsenhart for eleven hlta n six Innings for a total of four runs. He was replaced by Kelly, but the club team had their batting clothes on and re fused to stop until they had annexed five more pearlies off his delivery. Eastman was the boy with the "big stick," getting four hits out of five times to bat. The Happy Hollow team played errorlesa ball and aev verat plays bordered on the sonsatlonal. Durkee accepted eight chances without a wobble, making some very difficult catches. This practically decides the championship of Saturday afternoon teams, as the Gaa company's team claimed these honors. Scors: HAl'PY HOLLOW CLl'B. OMAHA OAg CO AB.H.O.A.E. AU H.O.A.K. Llnlnsar, ct. 4 Hall. 2b 4 Itutaae, lb. .. 8 1 v uglllott. lb.... 2 0 2 1 1 110 Barr, If 4 I 0 0 0 4 I Er k. on. c-ib 4 0 111 0 I "Sp'lnun. 2b-c 4 2 4 0 0 4 1 4 w.yulUy. lb 4 0 II 0 C 1 1 Kally. aa-p... 4 1111 0 I obi.-hart, p-aa I 1 1 1 0 110 Mullen, af... 3 1 I 4 4 8 4M.LVouih. rft0 0 Kaalman. sa..6 Drummit, lb. 4 K.wulajey, If 4 llatenalt'k, p. 6 IMiihln, rf . . I Smltb. c I Totala 3 14 t7 14 Happy Hollow Totals .....12 7 24 4 I 1110 10 14 Omaha Gas Co..... u 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 00 SOD AND bUN BtAT DENISON Athletic Clou Falls Victim to Gas 4 lab Mm, lj- Moore of Five to Two ' Saturday. At the Rod and Oun club diamond Sat urday, the Dennlson Athletic club went down to defeat at the hands of the Rod and Gi.n club by a score of 5 to 3, ' While the Dennlsons touched up Fletcher for nine sale hits, ' they were unable to solve his delivery In pinches.- Hachten, for the Dennlsons. twirled an- excellent game, save the fatal Inning In which the Rod and Gun club scored five on hils by Prentiss, Fletcher and ' Dow and costly boots by the Infield. After that tha Gun , men wcra held In safety, securing but two bingles during the remainder of the game. The baiting of W. Hachten and Tracy. who secured seven of the nine hits made by the Dennlsons, featured the com et Score: Rod and Gun iM-nnlnon A C. R.H.B. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 o J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 8 8 RESULTS IN THREE-I ' LEAGUE j Davenport and Toledo Play Klevea. l-nlna Tlo. UAv-sroKT. la., Sept. lL-Davenport tied the score in the ninth, a two tagger by Walsh bringing In a rim. The game was called at the end of the eleventh cu ac count of dai kneys. Score: R.H E. I Duvnpoi: 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 12 4 1 Peoria 2 000020000 08 7 HimriU-s: Pennauce, Archer and Walsh: Cilhe.t Hnd Aimuascn. - i 0 WATKRUX). Ia., Bept U.-Shaner ill wild but waa saved by spectacular fielding on the part of Reldy and Leard, Waterloo winning the game, 8 to 1. Score: ' R He Waterloo .. 2 0 8 1 1 2 8 -8 12 1 BlounUngton 0 8 8 8 0 1 8 0 81 iTCUBS DEFEAT THE PIRATES Locals Take Game by the Score of Five to Two. . VISITORS BLANKED AFTER SECOND rittabarft-'s Two Raas Made to IMk lasla-airicaat Visitors fJet Twelre Hlta a-a Compared to Mae -by Opooaeats. CHICAGO, flept. lL-Chlcago regained Its had of ten and oo-half game In the National league race today by defeating Pittsburg 6 to X before ft record crowd. Score: CHICAGO. PITTS BTTRO AB.H.O.A E. AS H O A R. T.rm. 2b 1 1 10 Onrrn. th 1 1 1 4 SherkaM, if.. 8 4 11 OCampbsll, cf. I 0 1 0 1 Hulnwn. cf.. 1110 Orisrks. if.... t 0 Sielnfeldt, lb 4 1 I I OWacnsr. as... 8 It 2 Z'm'rman, as 4 0 1 t dMIliar. b.... 4 14 4 0 Tinker, aa.... 9 0 li Hyatt, lb.... 4 1111 Chanra, lb... Ill ewilaon, rf... 4 1 Archer, lb.... t 4 1 1 Ooibaon, e . 4 4 I Sohuita, rf... Ill oramnlta. p.- 2 Kling, c 4 1 8 1 McKachnla.. 1 1 Coi. p 4 0 10 Totala t I Totala 14 in I at Hatted for Camnlts In ninth. Chicago 0 0 11 1 0 11 -8 1'ittsburg 1 1000000 0 3 l wo-base his: Evers, Schulte, Clarke. Hyatt Bases on balls: Oft Cole off Camnlti, 4. Struck out: By Cole, 4; by Camniti. 4. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Rigler and Emnlle. Cardinals Win Sec-Saw Game. CINCINNATI, Sept. 11. St. Louie, won a seesaw game from Cincinnati today "by a score of hto 8. Caspar was batted hard at all stagea. Golden s wild nee camo near losing for the Cardinals. Score; v, . ST. UUIS. CINCINNATI... AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A. E. HUMina, 2b.. t 112 lBMchar, If... 4 1 4 it Kills. If 4 2 Mnwrey, lb. 8 1 Knnetrhy, lb 4 2 Evana. rf 1 Etresnahan, a 3 0 Phelpa, c. .... 0 1 0 t Mlllor. rf.... 10 10 0 : 0 ilHnblltiel, !b. t 1 0 2 OMItrhell, lb.. 4 2 4 0 I 4 OCsraart, cf... 4 0 1 I I vMrLaan, e... I 1 I 1 0 4 (,l.ubrt. lb.... 6 4 110 I J 'J McMillan, asl 0 2 1 I 'JOaapar, p....! 21 0 .4 OTlarka 0 0 S O Abbott, cf. Hacaer, as Unlden, p.. Harmon, p oakea .... I 1 4 1 3 1 1 0 1 rl 0 VKoth 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals.. .14 ltn I i Totala 17 U 27 II t Batted for McMillan In hlnth. flatted for Uaspar In ninth. """ ur uuioen in pevenin. .Louis ' 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 1-8 0- Cincinnati 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 Two-base hit: Konetchv. Three-hase hits: Lohert, Kills. Hits: Off Golden. 8 in six Innings; off Harmon, 2 In three Innings. Stolen bi.nea: Mowrey (2), Konetchy, Bescher, Lobert .2), Hoblltzel, Miller. Double play: Hugglns and Bresnahan. Left on bases: St. Louis, 6; Cincinnati, 12. Baae op balls: Off Golden. 8; off Harmon, 2; off O as par, 1. Struck out: By Golden, 3; by Harmon, 2; by Gaspar, 6. Wild pitch: Gas par. Time: 2:36. . Umpires: Johnstone and Eason Crowd Attacks : Fight Referee Policeman Saves Official at End ; of Boxing Match at Osthoff - Hall. " - Enraged at the referee's decision in call ing the main bout a draw, a score of spec tators tried to attack'the official at Osthoff hall Saturday night. Policeman Walker saved the referee from, injury by Jumping t,q his side and warding off tho assailants. The trouble grew out of the match . be tween Kid Spady, colored,. and Tom Smith, tvhlte, which was a ten-round go. Friends of the negro flew to their feet, when the pfflclal called it a draw. They contended Spady nearly had his oppoaent out, for tha count, and ahould have had the decision. There wera several preliminaries and a bat tle royal, won by, Arthur Davis. , . . . Auto Mark Seven Times Lowered De Falma's Circular Track Record for Mile Shattered Oldfield Holds it Now Made Second. Trial. ' ST. PAUL, Sept 11. Ralph De Palma's world's automobile clicular track record for one mile was broken seven times at the state fair track here yesterday afternoon. De Palma, Kerscher, Burman and Oldfield all lowered tha mark of M.80 seconds aet by De Palma on the same track one year ago. but Oldfield succeeded in making the beet time of any of them, the new record being; 48.25 seconds. Eauh man was given' two trials at the record. Oldfield made a aecond trial and although a tire came off near the finish ha made the distance in 60.80 seconds. , ... ATHLETIC RECORDS BROKEN Flamrea la George Bonhagr Redaeoa Mile Ran. , . NEW YORK. Sept. 11. At Travera Island yesterday the annual senior championship contests of the Metropolitan association of the American Athletic union were marked by the breaking of three American records In the five-mile run by George W. Bonhag of tha Irlnh-Amtrlcan Athletic club,' and the failure of Melvln W. Shepperd to get away at the start of the first trial heat of tha 440-yard race. Bonhag practically led all the way in the five-mile run which he won easily by a fifth of a mile In 26:0H, a new American record. The former, record was made; by E. C. Carter of the Now York Athletic club In 25:234, on September 17, U87.' Bonhag today made tw.o other Ameri can, records In the same race, the. first be' Ing 20:11 for four miles, beating 20:15 made by tbo late William Day twenty-one years ago' and the four apd-one-half mile record of E.' C. Carter made. twenty-three years ago. Carter's time then waa 22:6948, but Bonhag romped past the" mark In 22:45V. BOWLERS "SECURE COLISEUM Prealdeat rad Secretary of Aaaerlcaa Coagreaa Slga Leaoc. - ST. Il'I8. Sept. 11. -Robert Bryson of Indianapolis and Abo' Iaiiigtry . of Mil waukee, president and secretary, reapoc lively, of the American Bowling congress, signed a contract here yesterday for the use of the Coliseum from January 21 to Feb ruary 8, 1911,- for the next bowling tourna ment. ' Meetings of the executive committee of the consrress will be held on Jtnuarv ?i mH a. The convention meetings will be held on January 28 and 27. Secretary Langtiy estimated the entry feea will be 83.',000, which nieana a cash price, fund of tX.OOIL. Eight diamond ! m",H'" ,W,H 'Included In tha cash prises bvvicim - 1 1 1 uu,,mi una aiamona ' medal' 11 " "P"1 that t.OOO Individual .Dtrles will be made. . , .; . T7rTt7TS WINS SVAftTTlT VATfTT ! A"-3 WiOlS oJL&UJ-aiV HATCH j.Nevtr Jersey Slllllla Officer Makes Heat f linmplnnahlp Coalest Iran, ' SEAGIRT. N. J.. Bept. ll.-LJeuunant Col- 1 onel Tewes of New Jersey won the Saaalrt ' ninn.ki. . .1. j "-""-" "ere mrruajr ujr a. acute 01 Iflt uui or a pOSSIDle 208. Sergeant Stedle, .United States Infantry, waa aecond. with 13; Corporal Rolf. United States Infantry .third; with 182; Captain Kemp, New Qra fourth, with 181. and Captain Pfait. 5ew Jersey, fifth, with ISO. Greatest Field of Golf Starters in Game's History Two Hundred Serenteen Starters Will Enter Contest for Amateur Cham pionships at Boston. BOSTON, Sept H.-rThe first drives over the country club links were made yesterday by nearly ten score of the leading amateur golfers of tha country In the final practice rounds for the supreme test of the year next week. 'The field of atarters for the amateur championship la the largest In the sixteen years" history of the United States golf association, with SI? entries ancf prob ably almost as many starters. Although tha first pair will drive off from the broad tee on the western edge of the polo field at 8 a. m. Monday In the preliminary round It will be nearly aundown before the laat pair makes Its getaway and moonlight before they roll down through tha last puts. Tha play on Monday will be at eighteen holes only, the first sixty-four to qualify. Toledo Takes Doskle-Headerf LOUISVILLE. Sept. 11. Toledo won both games of a double header today from Louis ville, by better all around playing. Score first game: UlllSVILA TOI.KDO. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E Mrrara, lb... 4 OHallman, rf., 2 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 i 0 Hobtnaon, aa. 4 1 Stanley, cf... 0 Doyla. lb 4 0 Huthaa. If... 4 1 Allen, e 4 1 Ptrkartns. rf. 4 1 Msa, lb.... I , 1 H'chman. 2b. a I 0 ftflttrns. If... lZisn. cf 4 1 e Freeman, lb. S OPIek. 8b. .... I 1 Batler, aa 4 OAbbott. c stasia, p 1 0 0 4 OYIntllnc. p.. 4 1 Ukort, p i o o i 2 Totala.... .34 13 27 14 4 Totals 13 I 27 19 4 . Louisville fl 4 0 0 0 Toledo 3 0 112 0 0 0 00 0 1 1 o-s Two-base hit: Hallman. Three-base hits: Burns, Butler. Bases on balls: Off Slagle. 1; off Lakoff. 6; off Tingling, 1. Struck out:- By Yingllng, 2. Umpires: Chill and Owens. Time: 1:45. Score second game: L01!I8V1M,K. TOLEDO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O..E. Marert,. lb... I I OHallman. rf.. I KoMnaon, aa. 8 1 0 1 iR'rbman, 2b. 4 Stanley, af... Poyle, tb Huthaa, If... Relllr, e.... Plrkerins, rf I 4 l-S O.lBurna, If. 1 DZInn, cf.. 0 V 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 I 0 1 2 1 0 e Freeman, lb. ( C OPIek. lb.... 0 4 0 Butler, aa.. 8 I OAbbott, o... Maae, 2b. His'b'th'm. p l t o Blohter, p... 2 0 0 I OEtatrk, p... 1 OJamea. p... 1 t I 0 0 0 0 Mi'Oirthr. cf 1 Totala 81 11 27 18 iKIwert. lb... 1 . Hickman ... 0 ,'. Totals 37 12 27 11 3 Batted for Zlnn in eighth Louisville 03600110 0--10 Toledo i 1 1206000-U Two-base hit: Butler. Three base hit: Butler. Struck ouU By Rlchter, 4; by Hlg glnbotham, 2: by Esslck. 2; by James, 3. Bases on hulls- Off Hlgglnbothnm, 2; off James, 1: off Rlchter, $. Olmplres: Owens and Chili. '. ' 1 ' Colambus Beat Indianapolis. COLUMBUS. O., Sept. 11. Columbus won the first game from Indianapolis, by a score of 10 to 3. Iadlanapolis got six runs, all after Columbus mfieJders had missed chances to retire the' side. In the second Men allowed but', four hits. Score first game: : INDIANAPOLIS. ' ' 1 OObVMnt'g. AB.H.O.A.E, AB.H.O.A.K. O'Day, ef 4 Williams, lb. 4 Harden, rf... 4 Oarr, lb " 4 Aflllts&n, IR. 4 McKsa, e 4 Coffer, aa.... 3 Keena, lb ... 4 Link, p. 1 Olaaa, p 3 0 4 4 orerrlnr. lb... 5 1 14 1 0 4 0 1 TH-chman. If. 3 3 10 4 1 2 . 4 ..OConsaUon. rf 8 10 0 0 114 0 Q Vl 0' oiowna. zx 13 0 OOdvell. cf.. 2 1 1 I 1 ) lWrstten, lb. 1 8 VVrterbar, aa... 1 !0 T CSriach, c... 1 0 0 J Urbhardt, p 0 1 2 4 0 1 4 0 8 I I; O 1'0 mi ' - t rt-Totala 33 10 17 II 0 Tnf.la It 1 Nil I ,, Indianapolle...M.,..i 2, 0 l 0 0 0 0 3 Columbua. J.-Jij 2 0 2 l 0 S 10 -Stolen bases:- OdweilrlZ), Downs 2), Per rlng. MllUgan. Saortflce hit: Wratten. Sacrifice flies: Wratten V2), Carlsch. Two base hltsi . Hlnchmaai, -Carlach. Three-base hit: Coffey. Base on balls: Off Llebhardt, l; off Link, 3; off Glaae 1. Struck out: By Llebhardt, 4, Hit hv- pitched ball: Gerber, by Link. Httas Off Link,' 3 In two and one third Inning; pff OlasevT In five and two thrds Innings. .UmplreSr Weddlge and Fer guson. 'Time: 1:62. Score second game: I ;COLUMnUS., ' ', INMANAPOUS. i AB.H.O.A.S.""' AB.H.O.A.E. Perrlng. lb... 4 0 13 I dOTiar. cf....6 13 0 4 H chman. It. i 0 2 4 Wllluma 3b. 4 1 t 3 0 Vinaiton. rf 4 Downa, lb..,. 3 Odwall, tf.... 4 Wratten. lb.. 4 Oarbar, as... . I ; Arbosaat, e. . 4 ' Packard, p. .. 3 stramnlal, p. 1 Carlach ....! 0 10 BHarden. rf... I o t v i 1 1 8 SCarr. lb : 4 1 II 2 0 6 1 A iMIIIIsan. If.. 4 1 2 0 0 1 I 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 1 Kern a c. ... 1 4 Irviffajr; as.. . SKeena, lb.. 4 3 I OWers.', p. l'O O i .. ; Totala.. .14 7 17 IS 3 Totala 33 171 144. Batted for Gerber in ninth. Columbus , 0 0 v e 0 0 0 00 0 6 0 00 Indianapolis 1 C.Qt 0 0 stolen hsses: OdwelT I2r. Coffey. Sacri til. CO' fice hits: Williams. Harden. Two-base hit: Arbogast. Three-base hits:- Oday, Keane. Bases, on balls': Off Stremmel, 1; c.i Mens, 8.. Struck out: By recJkard, 2; by Strem mel. 2; by Men. 1. Uts: Off Packard, 6 lit alx and one-third Irinings;; off Stremmel, 1 In two and two thirds Innings. Umpires: Ferguson and Weddlge. Time: 1:37. , Millers Win and Lose. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Sept. 11. The home taam won the first game of their double healer this afternoon with Minneapolis. 8 to 4. In the second 'game. Manager Mc Clottky tried out Selbert. a Hate leaguer and the locals lost, 6 to 1. Score flrt fame: MILWAUKEE. MINNEAPOLIS, ' . AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E. Randall, rf... 2 3 4 4 lClymer, of... 6 1 0 01 Charles, !b..l 3 11 Barry, lb '4 1 11 1 VAiiiter, aa.... 1 OCravath. If... 4 1 5 0 4 1 Dt-iroff, If I4wla. M. .. Clark, 2b:. Span car, cf. Brean. e.... Bchardt, p.. 11 0 ORoaaman. lb. 3 1I 0 114 1 O'Neill, rf... a 0 1 0 13 1. OFerrla, Jb.... 4 0 12 0 t 0 OMrC'm'ck, 3b 4 1 1 2 1 0 OSsnlib. o 3 1 8 3 1 1 4 cLallTelt, p... 4 3 1 1 - I Totala...... 10 37 11 4 Totala 2 7 3114 7 Milwaukee ,. 8 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 -8 Minneapolis' :.. b 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 04 Two-base hits: Randall 12), Lewis. Sacri fice hlta: Handall, Clark (2), Schardt (2), Altlxer. Stolen bases: Charles, Altixer, O'Nell. Basea on. balls: Off Schardt, 4; off Lellvelt, 1. Struck out: By Schardt. 6. by.Iellveit, 4. Umlpres: Bush and Hayes. Time: 1:50. Score second game: ' MILWAUKEE. MINNEAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E.' AB.H.O.A.E. Randall, rf... 1 4 4 lClymsr, cf... 4 1 1 a 0 Charlaa. tb... 3 0 OAltiiar. a ... J 0 Barry, lb '. I 4 0 oeraah, If... I I Decroff. If..l 0 0 4 0Roa,man, lb. 3 3 Lawls, aa 214 0O NeJII, rf... 2 0 Clark Sb..... I 0 2 2 OParrla. Ib-tb I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 Spai.cct. fL; 0 4 4 I Mccrm'ck, 2b 1 1 Marahall, c. 2 1 4 0 oOwena. Belbart, p.... 2 0 O 4 OHuihea, p. 0 4 1 0 Bum. 3b.. ToUla 21 3 14 U 3. Tctala U t 14 I 1 Milwaukee 0 0 0 1 0 01 Minneapolis 4 0 0 1 1 06 . Two-baae hlta: Rossman, McCormlck. Three-base hit: Marshall. Double plays: Lewis-and Barry; Clark. Charles and Bairv. Base on balls: Off Selbert. 4; off Hughes. 2. Struck out: ' By Selbert. 3; by Hughes, 4. Wild pitch: Hughes, Selbert. Umpires: Bush and Hayes. Time:. 1:10. FIELD ' CLUB BEATS Y. M. C. A. ClatMnea Tako Oae.fllded 'Contest by .Sears of Fifteen to Oat, The Field club won a one-sided game from the Young1 Men's Christian assrx-lat on by the- score bf 18 -so 1 at the Field club grounds Saturday afternoon. Lyons, who opened as pitcher for the Young Men'a Christian association, suffered a severe laceration of a finger in the flrat Inning and was supplanted by Nelson. Adams, who ' pitched for the clubmen, put up an Invulnerable line of twirling. Me Andrews of the Field club got two three-base hits and Abbott got three single. Rust urn caught for the Field club and Overman waa b ickslop for the association. ' t.oaii Defeats James In Tennis. DEL MONTE8, Cat.. Sept. ll.-Melv!lle H. Long, challenger, defeated George i. James today for the toast lawn tennis champion ship. The Pacific Coast championship In woman's singles wss won by Miss Msy Sutton, who detested her sister, Florence, by a score of 8-0. 8-2. 'Tha key tooths situation Bee Want Ada. road Ui Slg Kalurua bT. LOUIS LOSES TWO GAMES Cleveland Blanks Locals in First and Also Takes Second. MITCHELL TWIRLS ONE-HIT GAME Closing; Session Wtada t o with Score, Seven to Five, and Total ot Sixteen Safe Oaea Serared. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 11. -Cleveland took both games of a double-header from St. Ixiuls today by scores of 2 to 0 and 7 to 8. Mitchell allowed but one hit In the first game. Score, first game: 8T. lM'IS. CI.KV8)!.ANr. AB.H.O.A.E AB.H.O.A K Tmeariale, b 4 0 0 2 rtOraner, If.... 4 4 0 C 1 orrldun, as. 2 0 til !'orall, Ih... 4 I 0 Stone, if 3 4 1 tt Turner4 b... 4 1 S 0 Northen. rf.. 4 6 2 0 nijnia. tb. ... 4 I I t 0 Hartacll, rf... J 1 II 0 OKaatarlT, rf.. 4 .) a 0 Newnam, Mi. 3 4 II 4 OBIrm'ham, ct 3 3 McDonald, tb I 0 0 1 1 Knatipp. aa... 4 14 11 Kllllfer, e.... 2 0 2 1 Olanil. c 4 1 '0 Mallojr, p.... 2 0 14 0 W.MItrhell, p 4 1 110 Totala 1 37 11 1 Totals 25 T it 1" 3 Cleveland 10000100 13 St. Louis 00000000 00 Two-bane hits: Knaupp. Stovall. Bases on balls: Off Mall.iy. 1; off Mitchell. 2. Struck out: By Mallny. 3; by Mitchell, 8. Time: 1:42. Umpire: Evans. Score, second game: ST. IXH'IS. CLEVELAND. AH.H.O A.E. AB.H.O.A.r. Tn.Mdale, Sb 4 1 1 J Illranar, If ... a 3 4 0 0 Cnrrtdon. aa.. 4 0 P 3 jtinvall, lb... t 1 IK P Stone. If 3 2 3 4 HTurnar, Jh... 4 0 t 0 0 Northen. cf.. t 1 1 0 lilJol. tb.... 8 3 2 3 1 Harlaell. rf... I . 0 l l Kaatarlv. rf.. 4 1 0 fl 0 Newnam, lb. 4 111 1 Rlrm'ham. cf 3 1 t I '. McDonald, lb I V ! S (i Knaupp. aa... 3 114 0 Stephen... c... 1 0 4 2 eu.nd. c 3 114 0 Lake, p 4 1 1 1 lKocatner, p.. 4 0 0 3 ) Totala Jl 7 27 14 c Totala 31 27 ' 2 2 Cleveland 10030120 07 St. Louis 20000030 0-6 Two-base hits: La.ioie, Graney (2). Three base hit: Stone. liaes on balls: off Lake, 2; off Koestner, 6. Struck out: By Lake, !; by Koestner, 7. Time: 1:37, L'mplre: Evan. Sox Dram Cypher. CHICAGO, Sept. 11. A base on balls to l. Jones, a scratch hit by .Mclntyre and an ?rror and Crawfords trlpple, gave Detroit to in the first Inning toaay, and although the visitors could not score off Olmstead thereafter. Detroit won, 2 to 0. for Mullin was invincible, giving but two singles. Score: DETROIT. CHICAOO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.r.. I. Jonm. If.. 1111 0 French, 2b... 112 2 0 O Loary, 2b.. 3 1 2 .1 7,el(ir, as 2 0 12 0 Mclntyre, cf. 2 1 I C ILord. lb 4 0 0 1 0 '..lawford, rf. 4 1 2 0 OMaloan, rf... I 1 1 0 0 Rlonai t, !b 4 1 1 3 otolllna, lb... 2 0 10 1 0 IMal.. aa 4 111 bZwIlllns, cf.. 10 0 4 0 T. Jci.t.. lb. 1 0 .4 ) bC'tioulnard. if 2 0 4 1 0 T. Jci.i hnud c. hnudt, c... 3 1 4 0 'JBIork c 3 0 7 2 0 Mullii.. r... TcUla.... 2 0 4 4 .lOlmalaad. p. . 2 0 T, 2 1 Dousherty .. 1 0 0 0 4 18 7 27 14 '3 Totala 17 1 37 12 1 Batted for French In ninth. Ootrlot 20000000 02 Chicago 00 0 00000 00 Three-base hits: Crawford, Schmidt. Sac rifice hits: Oleary (2), Collins, T. Jones. Stolen base: Zeider. Double plays: Choul nard, Collins and Zeider. Left on buses: Detroit, 4; Chicago. 3. Bases on balls: Off Olmstead, 1; off Mullen, 2. First base on errors: Chicago, 1, Struck out: By Olm stead, 7; by Mullen. 3. Umpires: Kgan and Sheridan. Time: 1:40. HAPPY HOLLOW MATCH STARTS Qualifying- Ronnd Played Off for Sannders Trophy. The qualifying round of the match play against bogey for the Sherman Saunders' timepiece at Happy Hollow club Saturday was played off. Eight players qualified. In the semi-finals for the Burket prise, B. M. Tandy won from A. P. Murtogh, 3 to S. In playing off the tie for fourth place In the Rogers' competition, E. A. Nordstrom won from R. Bturdevant, 2 up. Following were the scores: H. R. Wells. : "own. F. W. Parr, 2 own. E. A. ' Nordstrom, 7 down. R. H. Finley, .7 down. I. T. Bartlett, 7 down. W. E. Shepard, 7 down. W. C. Sehopp, 8 down. H. P. Murtogh. 8 down. , DRAWINGS. A. R, Wells t9i vs. I. T. Bartlett (9). E. A. Nordstrom (6) vs. W. C. Sehopp (18). F. W. Parr (18) vs. W. E. Bliepard (14). R. H. Finley (18) vs. H. P. Murtogh (16). Fairfield Ends Season. FAIRFIELD, Neb., Sept. lO.-(Speclal)-The last game of ball for the season, played between Alexandria' and Fairfield, re sulted 8 to 1 In favor of the home team. Out of thirty-four games. Fairfield has twenty-five to Its credit for the season. News of Leper Headed Here, Scares Depot Report that Greek Escaped and Started East Causes Watch on All Trains. Some little excitement was caused at the Union station Saturday evening by the re port that a leper who had escaped from the authorities in Salt Lake City was liable to arrive In Omaha on his way to New York, where he 'was intending to take a boat to Greece, his native country. John Kekas Is the name of the patient, and he waa for some time in charge of friends in Salt Lake City because neither city or county authorities would assume the care of him. Finally he escaped from the tent where he waa being kept and although no reports had been heard of him he was hourly expected here. As the time of the escape was Wednesday evening, he has had time to set past here and into Chicago, where the health authotl tiea are looking for him. Their fear now la that he caught a night train the same evening he broke out from the tent and Is now past Chicago on the way to New York. All trains from the west were fruitlessly searched yesterday. THOMPSON CLEANS UP BIG FORTUNE DOWN IN MEXICO Five Million Dollars gald to Be Lin coln Man's Profit on Male of Hla Railroad. GAM BOA. Mex., Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) David E. Thompson of Lincoln, former United States ambassador to Mex ico, made a snug profit of to.OM).000 out o( the aale of the Pan-American railroad t. i the Mexican government, according to a report current at the general offlcea of that road at Gamboa. Mr. Thompson bought I the Pan-American road less than a year ago. NO LICUORS FOR THE H00 HOOS i Tnra Down a Proposal to Permit Wiaa to Be Hrried at the .ta. naal Hasasrl. SAN FRANCISCO, Bept. Il.-t8peclal Tt-legiam. . t lit Hoo-Hoo, in annual con vention yesterday turned down a proposal to permit tn serving of liquors at their ban quets. The vote was decisive. Thomas Griffin, a booster from Taroma, made tha proposal, but It waa defeated overwhelm Ingly. About S00 lumbermen from all over the country . are In attendance at tha convention. Princeton Men Intercollegiate Tennis Champs Mathey and Dell Defeat Evans and Goodhue of Yale by Three Sets to None. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 11-Deane Mathey and B. N., Dell of Princeton yesterday afternoon 'won the Intercollegiate lawn ten nis championship in doubles, by defeating In the final round 'it- Evans, jr., and K. Goodhue of Yale by three Bets to none. Score: '6-L 6-1,' 8-4. The Princeton pair held the advantage throughout. Yale won the singles cham pionship this .morning. The points on the Isaac 11. Clothier cup, for which the tour nament was played, now stands: Pennsylvania, 6; Harvard, 6; Yale, C; Princeton, 4. Benson. Dr. and Mrs. 1C. A. Mason have gone on a short visit to Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. P. J. Flynn spent last Wednesday visiting wlLI friends in Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. Wilcox have returned from a few days spent In David City. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Smith returned from a three, weeks' visit in Medford, Ukl. Mr. wnd Mrs. Carl Meyer have gone to Peru, Neb., for a visit with relmhes. Mr. and Mrs. Trotter and daughter have tatken tne fti;er home tor the winter. The Eporth league held a buMness meet ing at tne church last Thuisduy evening. A number from Benson went to Lincoln to attend the state (air during the week. Miss Kinnia Went of Beatrice, Neb., lr a guest at tne home of Mia. Frank Berry. Miss Nellie Keller has gone for an ex tended visit with relatives In Hockport, Mo The Methodist Ladies' Aid society met at the parsonage last Wednesday afternoon Dr. L. T. Greelee of Oklahoma la visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Robin son. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hiiffke have moved Into their, new home on South Clifton av enue. Mrs. Ben Morton left Thuraday morning for Kansas City, where she will visit relatives.- Mrs". Charles Norton has returned from a .hreo weeks' visit with relatives in Chi--a ju. Mrs. Frank Hansen and daughter of Cal ifornia .are gucata at the home of P. F Hansen. Miss Zella Campbell leaves tomorrow foi Pittsburg, Pa., wheie she will visit with friends. Mrs. A. H. Heyden entertained at dinner last week In honor of Mrs. No rills ol Omaha. Mrs: T. A. Wilcox and son i.f Richfield, Ida., is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mia Wilcox. Mrs. 11. J. Grove and children have re turned from a visit In Armour and Kansas City. Mo. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lawsun and Mr. und Mrs.' Lee McClelland spent a day last weel at Lincoln. Mrs. William Butler and daughter havv returned Trom a visit with relatives In LI llott. Neb. Mrs. Henry Thomas returned to Bensot. the last of the week, after a week'a stay In Lincoln. Miss Minnie D. Rosacker of Benson and Mr. N. Thompson of Omaha were married last week. Mrs. L. J. Corbaley and children returned last week from a few days spent in Cedar Cteek, Neb. Miss Margaret Truckey Is at the Meth odlst hospital, where she was operated o for appendicitis. Mrs: 11. J. Zimmerman gave a family dinner party on Monday in honor of Mra Zimmerman's birthday. Mrs. W. G. Harris of Blair, Neb., has been spending a few days viBlting with hei mother, Mrs. John McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. William SsJmmerman and Mrs. Raber have returned home from a week's itay on the ranch. The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid society wilf meet at the church next Wednesday after noon. Lunch will be served. News has been received from Loa Angele of the death' of Fred Hansen, who is a brother of P. J. Hansen, living in thlt place. Mrs. Percy White of San Francisco. Cal., arrived last Thursday evening, to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Lowe. Miss Margeret Griffith leaves Mondny for her home in Ohio after an extended visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Davis. Mis. Henry Born of Platlsmouth, Neb. and Miss Margaret Strong of Santa Rosa, Cal., have been guests at the George Knell Iioiiie. Mr. and Mrs. Burton and Messrs. John William Zimmerman of Oklahoma City spent a few daya last week visiting at tha Ehlcrs home. Master Gerald! and Tom and Misses Helen and Klizabeth Gates have returned to St. Francis' school after spending the summer In Benson. The Presbyterian Christian Kndeavor sn clul and business meeting will be held at the home of. William Beckmeyer next Wednesday evening. Mr. George Almond of southern Mexico gave a free lecture on Mexico, illustrated with stereoptlcon views last Monday even ing at the Auditorium. Lima Fith, Emma Sundell. Minnie Solut, Dugmar Westagard, Bertiia and MlnervH Oratx are- Irvlngton young people attend ing the Benson high school. MIhs Mable Leslie of Council Bluffs. Ta., and Mr. Charles Leslie of Crescent City, la., have been guests during I lie past week at the home of J. L. Corbaley. Hans Knudson had his ear bitten off Inst Monday while feeding his horses. On of them grew vicious mid turned on him, otherwise no Injury was received. Mrs. J. C. Wilson entertained at dlnnet last Friday evening for her daughter. Bertha. Covers nere laid fn:- Misses Stiger, Lina W'asliburn and Madeline Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Mills of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Schultz of Omaha, have been guests at the J. F. Beattle home during the week. Mrs. Lawrence Fay of Harlan, la.. Miss Mamie O'llanlon und Mr. Gun Urban of Omaha have been yuesis at the home of Mr. and Mis. A. S. lluth. during the pnst week. Benson public schools opened Tuesdaj morning with an enrollment of 670 pupils, sixty in the higli school. Hixty-fniir In the eighth grade and the rent In the louci grades. Mrs. A. C. Zehner of Dallas, Tex., gave a lecture at the Presbyterian rhnii-h latl Wednesday evening on "The Workings of Local Option, as Tiled Out In Several Southern States." The churches of God of Nebraska are holding their twenty-fifth annual state conference In this place. In addition to the business KecKirn's. three preaching spi-vicm1 ure held each day. r Family Trade C has. Stan. rsjli isiMIBB njuw ijagi.sjinusarassssBjnjwina : 1 12CI, Udepeodeal fi 126U COliMlU' CLUB IVltfcT S1ARTS Forty-Six Golfers Qualify in Three Flights Played. FOR CHAMPIONSHIP ROUNDS Draw la Made from Uualltlera tot Kail t hamplonshlp, Wbleh (pe' Immediately and (loses Ortulirr Trn. Forty-sU players look part In -the, fall championship juallf Ing- fottnil at the Cti,:p try club Saturday. There vei (hire flights played, sixteen uunllfying each In tbc first and second flights and fourteen inllf ing In the third flight. .1. r. Magee. R, . T. Burns and II. I.. Hammer leading . ''trie respective groups. Medal play governed tlie tryout. ' It was announced the first round must be completed by September !!l. the second by September 21. tiie third by Oi loher 3 gnd the fourth by th-totier H. Follow tug are those who iiualltled: ' FIRST FI.iGHT.' J. P. Magee . K. H. Haines :.J Blaine Young (.J Dr. K. N. Conner... '.'-' John W. Heulck... s; C. L. Deuel a J. 11. Ralnn 87 ' J . It. Buiier Ralph Peters T. L. Davis...:. A. V. KlMHler H'i,S. llctle W. J. K.iye !0 A. A. MrClure., F. K. Wllhelm ii.Rsynmnd Low,. SECOND FLIGHT. . ... . :i .... 1-4 . ... '.' .... !4 .... vt . . . .... XI UK R. T. Burns 14' K, M. Fairfii-id. K. A. Cope. I!5 vv . f. 1 iu i ns K. A. Ciulanv. Jr.. yi.f. A.il-'rv. J. R. Scohie !i; II. I,."- Lemist... W. A. Uedh-k.. D. M. S'lnHiiiiiia!er.l-l G. W. Wattles US' 11. A. Tukey ,..i"l . . . 101 r.. ii. ii'amie ;;, c. c. doom h,. Al. .Morsman, J 111, I. A. Coles.. THIRD FLIGHT. G. L. Hammer Ki.' .. T. Un.ls.cv.. J. M. Balitilxe m: W. It. Huberts. C. S. Montgomery. ULij J. C. French... .."11! . 1U . . 1 1 h Clarence I'elei s. . ,.lo,.j Lieut. Haskell 1 1.1 Guy Furay phi L. W. Wakelev IJi G. M. Hlhl.le in? T. J. Mahonev : J. A. McShauc IlljM. .V. Hall..." l.'b This Is the draw: CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT. J. P. Mag. e plays F." 11. Gaines. R. M. Peters plays A. A. McCluie. W. J. Foye plas T. L. Davis. John W. Redlck plays C. I.. Deuel. .1. B. Ralnn pluya J. H. liutler. F. K. Wllhelm plays Raymond Ljw, ' A. V. Klnaicr plays S. Hette. Blaine Young plays F. N. Conner. SKCOND FLIGHT. R. T. BurnH plays );. M. Fairfield. W. A. Redlck plays D. M. Vlusonlialer. K. H. Sprague plays C. C Giurge. K. A. Cudahy, Jr., plays T. A. Fry. .1. It. Scohle plaa H. T. Lemlst. K. M. Morsman. Jr., plavs I. A. Colea O. V, Wattles plays 11 A. Tukey. K. A. Cope plays W. L. Burns. THIRD FLIGHT. O. L. Hammer plays L. W. Wakeley. W. B. Roberts plays T. J. Mahoney. Bs plays Guy Furay. J. M. Baldrlge plays ,1. A. Hall. G. M. Kibble plays Clarence Peters. Lieutenant Haskell plays J. A. .Methane. J. C. French plays Bye. Z. T. Llndscy plays C. S. Montgomery. FOUR ARE TIED AT FIELD CLUB Match Play Asrnlnst Honey Brings Tie for I.aat Place. Four players tied In the match play against bogey for the Adams cup at the Field club Saturday. Those Involved Itl ' the tie will have to play off the tie so that one man drops out aa the entire num ber la seventeen and only sixteen may qualify. Those whose scores were tied for the six teenth place were, 1. L. Dougherty, J. A. Abbott, R. R. Russell, G. F. Wilson. Following were the scores: Handl Score. cup. W. N. Chambers, even 83 1 A. G. Munro, even 9.'. 14 L. D. Carrier, 1 up US 0 D. L. Dougherty, 8 down 97 13 Jack Sharp, 2 down !K) . 6 C. M. Richards. 2 up 4 11 C. G. McDonald, 6 down 102 18 H. C. Frlshie. 6 down H2 8 M. H. La Douceur, 6 down M . 1 J. A. Abbott, 6 down 91 2 J. B. Porter, 4 down ;t ' 10 R. R. Russier, 6 down 9S 14 J. W. Parrlsh, 6 down M . 12 G. F. Wilson. 8 down.... 101 ' i;, J. B. Lindsay, 3 down M 1 H. S. Culver, 1 down 82 7 A. H. Clark, 2 down.. is) 5 OTHER SCORES. C. A. (loss, 7 down. 102; 1. J. Dunn, 7 down, 92; F. C. McCoy, 7 down. 10(; J. H. Conrad, 7 down, 99; A. W. Scrlbner, 8 down, 101; H. C. Sumney, 8 down, !, '1:. W. Stol tenberg, 8 down, 107; K. M. Martin, 8 down, 102; I). K. Palmatler, 8 down. 9fi; A. C. Nicola, 8 down, to, J. W. Tilison, 6 down, 103. Oakdale m Winner. OAK DALE. Neb., Kept. 10.-1 Special Tele gram. Oakdale won today against Nellgh, by a score of 2 to 1. Batteries: Oakdale, Kay and Stringfellow; Nellgh, Pennington and Kennedy. Cobs have no nicely pointed ends, but endless good points quality and economy. You can guard against substitution by insisting upon the green package. .9 for 15c "VEST POCKET EDITION" Sc for packet of 3 I. LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO.. Maleri. Nawaik. N. J. The Larsaat Indapandenl Cisar r actor T in tbe world Alien Bros. Co. Distributers. It's a shame to spend loc I gjJ for a cigar when you can ! buy its quality equal for . J ff aTt. SaoDlled hi l-JriJ'Ai,- Phn.f . U hvi I i ? ' ' f i VI iZi COBS Mil