Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1910, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
Now 'Phono Numbor
All Depattmen's
For .WbrnsVa Partly cloudy.
For It wt- Partly cloudy.
For weather report see pas 8.
Reaches Home Where ;. - Tem
porary Chairmanship v '' .n
Waged During: Abseb,, '
Appeals to Peonle to Follow Uo Work
m -ry . ,... . '
or aetorm at Pittsburg.
All American Citizens Should Stand
Together on Integrity.
i I
! Tnoaeinil Mra Are Swept hr
of liaVmiilMn at the "till
srnshlp Ilallr" at Kipif
Ulan Hull.
t'olrnel Theodore Roosevelt, durlntr
his pre-e-.if trip, traveled. 5.500 miles.
lit" has one month to cnnimo in New
Yolk politics before making a southern
tour of 2,300 miles.
Seven months later he makes a south
ern and western trip, not entirely
huhedutrd at present, of approximately
10.009 miles.
f.'pon Ms present trip he has mada
t'lgliteeu formal speeches and 120 In
formal addresses.
A conservative, estimate of the num
ber of his auditors Is 6O0.000 persons.
Ills largest audleoce was at St. Paul,
Minn., 60,000.
The greatest crowd gathered to watch
him pass through the streets was at
On his trip he has met and talked
with seven governors, twelve United
States senators and more than twenty
In his addresses he has been received
with enthusiasm by citizens of New
York, . Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado,
Wyoming. Kansas, Minnesota. North
and Mouth Dakota and Wisconsin.
NKW YORK. Sept. 11.-With the return
of Theodore Roosevelt today from his west
ern trip the struggle between the old guard
and the progressives for control ot the
republican stats convention looms larger
upon the political horizon. Both sides have
beeu conducting a quiet, but effectiveKcam
palgn to capture delegates. Teh results of
Tuesday' primaries In New York, Buffalo
afcd ft Chester wll in large measure de
termine Whether the selection by the state
committee of Vice President She ran as
tcmporafyr chairman shall be ratified or
rejected 1n faveor of Colonel Roosevelt.
of the twenty odd counties In which dele
gates have already been, chosen, 112 . are
aid to be In favor of Sherman, while log
ave dJte4ji41HrVt ' '" " ''
l.itat Sneevb at I'lttsbars;.
PITTSBURG, Set. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Colonel .Theodore Roosevelt de
nounced "crooked''- politicians and dishon
est men of wealth In an address here last
evening at the exposition building. He
ashed that the people pursue the work
reform. Saying that those who hurt Pitts
burg are those who are corrupt.
During the course of his remarks the
colonel was cheered - almost frenxiertly.
When he said PlUsburgers first put the
wealthy corrupt business men In prison
stripes, the applause was deafening.
As If, inspired by, the reception given his
sentiments, the distinguished speaker ap
pealed to the people to place civic honesty
above the Interests of the party In the fight
against corrupt practices. He said on the
question of honesty all men should stand
Colonel Roosevelt) spent about five hours
here this evening and received tremendous
ovations wherever he went. He addressed
COP persona on one occasion from the
famous balcony of the old Monongahela
house, 1 where Clay, Lincoln, Garfield and
ether great figure In history spoke when
the nation was in deep trouble. He ad
dressed over S.000 persons In the exposition
buildings and this number was so limited
because the music hall where the meeting
was held could not possibly hold more.
Colonel Wildly Cheered'.
The colonel was wildly cheered by thous
ands of men, women' and children in the
downtown streets. People leaned from win
dow while others sat astride the tele
graph poles. Roosevelt was visibly
Impressed by the ovations.
The distinguished American arrived at
the Vnlon depot at 6:1? from Columbus. A
big delegation of leading cilliena, with
mounted police and soldiers, met the
traveler and escorted him to the Fort Pitt
hotel, where he was tendered a dinner.
amid much enthusiasm. A process.on was
then mad up.
Colonel Roossvelt spent a strenuous day
In Columbus, where. In Ms addresses, lie
severely denounced the acts of rioters in
the carmen's strike.
"You first put the wealthy corrupt bust
pes man In the stripes." the former presi
dent told the people of Pittsburg
"Men ot wealth, who after coining out
of the penitentiary. stlU had their wea?Ui
were sent to the penitentiary by you. You
have sent that man. the crooked man. the
big business man to the penitentiary Just
aa you sent the crooked politician to the
Colonel Roosevtlt appealed to the peo
ple of Pittsburg to place civic honesty
above party in , their fight upon cor
ruption. "When the question Is one of honesty, all
Americans should stand together." he said.
At the Conclusion ot his speech Mr. Roose
rlt hurried away to catch the 11:10 Penn
sylvania train for New York.
Colonel la 'festive Mood.
At Exposition hall a "dUaenshlp rally"
awaited the colonel's coining. Five thou
and men Jumped and danced and waved
their hats and yelled themselves hoarse for
several minutes as the guests ascended to
the platform. The baud struck up "A Hot
Time" and the colonel raised first one foot
and then the other as though to dance. The
crowd broke "ut anew. Women helped in
the ovation, too. for In boxes on either side
was reservation for leaders ot prominent
women's civic dubs and civic organisations.
It was five minutes before Mayor Mayes
and President English of the civic commis
sion were allowed to make Introductory
vcechrs. Over the stage from which
Colonel Koorevelt spoke was hung a huge
trap of the world on which were painted
M-v-Unued uu Billon
Kin; George Busy
with the Affairs
j or Government
I Instead of Shootin?, British Ruler
! Keeps Finger on the Pulse of
tho Countrv.
NPO.V, 8- pt. ll.-iS.,! ell! C'abl gram.)
. 1 "r "i'1"1'" tMl' m"r ' 1 ot hlg
'In shouting or other recreation at
r - ,.,, ,, t.atle u10.-K0 v u votes it to
'.government business and Is bicaking his
rccoid for Industry. In addition to the
ruuilnn consultation with the minister In
attendance a functionary claimed every
two week he receives with significant fre
quency leaders i.f each of the British
parlies, tn keep hi.1 fliitcr un the pulse of
the controvert))' ho to the future of the
TZTl iUnl '."i
the pressure.! lie cn I.I heiiaif of such an
agreement among Ihe members of the "veto
conference'' an can be presented to both
chambers at Westminster with a prospect
of being accepted In principle. 1 here is
rtason to think ..e is mailing headway.
According to a week-end rumor deserving
of attention, the king has become im
pressed with the Idea that the constitutional
i quoblkm- ought to be Ki ttled as part of a
j comprehensive scheme by w hich Parliament
could be relieved of a mass of duties which
I are as burdensome to Westminster as vex
atious to Dublin and Edinburgh, and by
which Scotland as well as Ireland would
receive laruu powers of local government.
Ha objects to tno word "compromise" and
uses Ihe phrase "constitutional readjust
ment on the basis of common Interests."
This Is not entl.ely reassuring to the
Irish, and Mr. Redmond declares that In
three monthes "we will either be discussing
tome scheme for taking away from the
Lords the evil powers they possess as the
result of an agreement at the conference,
or else In the middle of the most serious
constitutional struggle or the last 200
Canalejas Much
Perpiexjd Over
Petticoat Rule
Mother of. Queen of Spain Declares
that She Will Leave the
MADRID, Sept. 11 tSpeclal Cablegrams
One of the most curious developments In
the conflict between the Caiialcjaa govern
ment In Spain and the Vatican over the re
ligious orders is the reception given at the
Spaniah capital to the report that the queen
mother may show her disapprobation of the
tactics of the premier by abandoning the
country and taking up a permanent resi
dence in Austria.
While It Is thought extremely, improbable
that she will carry out this threat. If ever
it was made, there Is no attempt to dis
guise the belief In ministerial quarters that
Alfonso's mother is thereby responsible for
the special' bltlcraera of. . li)e-vUpute- and
Uiat If her personality were withdrawn ah
amicable solution might be brought within
ran Re. From Die .outset. H is said, she
counseled the king to override the ministers
and to throw himself on the Bide of Car
dinal Merry Del Val. It was her pleadings,
says the same account, that caused the long
delay of Alfonso in signing the speech
from the throne at the opening of the
Cortes. . -
Canalejas Is described aa "more perplexed
by royal petticoat Influence than by all
the red hats In Europe." He charges Maria
Christina with mtsrepresentating him as a
politician ana seeking a willful provoca
tion to the Vatican instead of being, as he
claims to be, a strict constitutionalist.
Indiana to Mark
the Years of Men
Killed in' Battle
Monument Erected on the Battlefield
of Antietam is to Be Dedi
cated. NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Indiana, the Hoosler state, Septem
ber 15 will pay lasting tribute to her brave
sons who fell in the battle of Antietam,
when Governor Marshall and other state
officials will consecrate the monuments
erected on the memorable battlefield to the
Indiana dead.
The dedicatory ceremony will be elabo
rate. Captain J. P. McUrew of the Capitol
police,' and Captain William Meredith of
the Treasury department, are arranging for
special trains to the battlefield from this
city and Baltimore, to accommodate Indi
ana residents of the two cities and others
who may go.
Governor Thomas R. Marshall will be the
chief speaker. Meredith Nicholson, the
Hoosler poet, will read a poem of his own,
written in honor of the Indiana dead. All
Indiana veterans ot the war have been In
vited and special arrangements will be
made for their comfort
Steps Looking to
Barring the Hindu
Secretary -of Commerce and Labor
' Nagel Takes the Weather Under
Telegram. Hindu immigration was the
subject of an earnest conference today be
tween Mayor McCarthy and Secretary of
Commerce and Labor Nagel. The mayor
ot San Francisco submitted an eloquent,
broad and emphatic protest against the
admission of this class of labor to the stite
of California, and the port ot this city, and
wtis told by the government officials that
the statmeut would receive the full con
sideration due the mayor of a city so
vitally- concerned, and the repreienta'lve
of the laboring class so essentially in
terested. Mr. Nagel stated that there would he no
announcement in regaVd to the complaints
filed against Hart and North l.i regard lo
the letter's overruling of the dcUlon of
Immigration inspectors barring Hindus
from entry to Ban Francisco, until vfter
his return to Washington. .
Mr. Nagel state that he had ben In fit
company of North during his lnsptiuii
here, and that he had advised North
against making reply to the rompU.cti
until after ' Nags!' visit litre.
Cardinal Yanutelli Thanks Catholics
of America for Participation in
Eucharistii Congress.
Promises Archbishop Farley to Pre
side at St. Patrick's.
Sermon is
Delivered by
Tbln Is Theme of Baltimore Prelate
In Speaking- of Encharlstic Cos
Kress at (.'losing of
MONTREAL., Sept. 11 (Special Telegram.)
Cardinr.l Vannutelll, envoy extraordinary
of Pius X to the Twenty-first International
Kuchmist congress at Montreal, declared
today that he could not recoil a more
pleasant mission than the one terminating
when he Imparted the papal benediction to
what will undoubtedly be the greatest as
sembly of Catholics ever gathered In North
"Tell the people ot the United States,"
said he, "that I have been deeply affected
by the extraordinary manifestations of loy
alty and devotion to the Holy See during
the Eucharlstlo congress, In which so- many
of the people of that country participated.
It is particularly gratifying to recall the
cordial attiude of those who are not of our
faith. The holy father will be pleased to
learn from me of the success of this con
gress." The legate wUl leave Canada on Thursday
for a tour of the United States, He has ac
cepted the invitation of Archbishop Farley
to preside at the consecration of St. Pat
rick's cathedral.
Sermon by Cardinal Gibbons.
Cardinal Gibbons ot Baltimore, address
ing the Eucharlstic congress in this city
today spoke In part as follows:
"The Word was made flesh and dwelt
among us." John L
It is related In the life of the Patriarch
St. Anthony that on a certain occasion he
received a letter full of filial homage and
affection 'from Constantino the Great. And
the letter was signed not only by the em
peror, but also by his two sons, Constan
tlus and Constans.
The disciples of Antony,' learning that
their father was honored by a special epistle
from the emperor were naturally elated and
filled with -complacency, and the venerable
patriarch, observing the exultation depicted
on thslr faces, remarked to them: "You
rejoice, my sons, because the emperor ha
written to me. But should it not be a cause
of greater astonishment and llah to -you
that, our Eternal ' Father,'"" the King of
kings and Emperor of emperor, has writ
ten to us by His beloved Son, and has made
us partakers of the divine nature."
And now, dearly beloved, assembled as
we are In this htutorio church, and at the
close ot .a most . consoling and successful
Eucharlstic congress, and after partaking
of the banquet of the Lord, should we not
rejoice with Antony in the dignity and the
Inestimable blessings we possess aa mem
bers of the Christian family?
Christ Crowned Kins;.
It Is customary for a king on the occasion
of his coronation to bestow some titles
and distinctions on a number of his most
conspicuous and devoted subjects. During
these past days you have crowned Christ
the Lord as your king, as well as your high
priest. . You have always acknowledged and
proclaimed His spiritual sovereignty over
you. . He reigns now over your intellect and
reasoning powers, over your heart and af
fections, over your imagination and memory,
and over the whole empire of your soul.
And I need not tell you, enlightened Chris
tians, that the homage you pay to your
heavenly king, far from lessening, rather
strengthens and purifies, enobles and
consecrates your allegiance to your tem
poral rulexs.
And what does ennst give you In re
turn for your loyalty to him? . Ah, my
Brethren, no earthly monarch can re
ward his subjects as bountifully as the
King of Heaven rewards His servants. We
know from history how uncertain and ca
pricious are the smiles and promises of
temporal rulers. No man ever served his
sovereign with more unswerving fealty
than Cardinal Wolsey served Henry VIII.
But when he lost the king's favor, well
could he exclaim in the anguish of his
soul, "Had I served my God with halt the
xeal I have served my king, He would not
In mine old age have left me naked to
mine ermles."
What title then -does Christ confer on
you for your allegiance to Him? He
creates you the adopted children and heirs
of His Eternal Father.
St. Augustin in his Immortal work, "The
City ot God." says that many rulers and
generals of Pagan antiquity desired to im
press upon their subjects, as well as on
themselves, the conviction that they were
descended from the gods, so that the con
sciovsness and recognition of their divine
ort-n might stimulate them to heroic deeds
and command the admiration of their fol
lowers. Thus Alexander the Great, Aeneas,
Sclpio, Romulus, and Caesar were regarded
as the offspring of the gods.
Children of God.
But while their titles were Imaginary,
you. as St. Augustin remarks, ran with
truth lay claim to the title of children net
Indeed of healthen divinities, but of the one
true and living God. Children of the Most
High, when temptations assail you, when
the demon attempts to ensnarl you in his
tolls, say to him: "Begone, Satan, I am
a son of God; I was born for greater
things. I am destined for heaven. I have
dined with the King. I have come from
the banquet of the Lord. The blood of
Christ flow through my veins. Those lips
which are purpled with the blood of the
Iamb must not be polluted. I have been
nourished with the bread of angels, and
with God'a grace, I shall never degrade
myself by feeding on the husks of swine.
"And when he shall appear, we shall
be like to Him, for we shall see Him as
He Is." We shall be like Him In jus
tice and sanctity; like Him in
Immortality; like Him In eternal glory and
beatitude. A the atom, sparkling In the
sunbeam, partakes of the splendor of the
sun, so shall we, basking In the eternal
Continued a Second Page.)
... .
. v - . -
From the Washington Herald.
Governor Carrcll is -Addressing Meet
ings in Many Sections.
. .
Democratic Candidate Will Make His
first Speech mt Slona" city .
Aelthrr Psu-ty Will Im
port Bnenkere, J
' (From a Staff Correspondent.). - . :
DEff MOIMEa, .8feliW'MT?hr
will be very little t epeaklngX In the. liivii
campaign, no importation of outsk-e ora
torical talent, very little use ot the litera
ture prepared by. the congressional national
committee, a little newspaper discussion
as possible and generally a very quiet cam
paign in the next six weeks in Iowa. . This
has been decided on, or rather forced upon,
the two state committees. Neither the re
publicans nor the democrats are moved to
any exciting or exasperating political
activity at the time. The candidates them
selves seem to prefer that It shall be each
one for himself and In his own way.
The democrats will formally start with
Claude Porter at Sioux City a week from
Thursday, and It is planned that he will
have a number of other speaking dates.
In fact the-demand for him eomes from
every part of the state and he will do as
much talking as possible. He will use the
same speech, with some slight modifica
tions, which he used four years ago.
Governor Carroll has already done a
great deal of speaking In his campaign
and Is accepting all imitations to address
meetings of every kind. He is almost the
only prominent republican who can go
sunshine of God'a presence, participate In
His glory everlasting.
How much more familiar and affectionate
ia .God's treatment of us than waa His
conduct towards the children of Israel,
though they were His chosen people! The
Jews lived under the law ot fear. They
were governed by fear; they were re
strained from vice more by the fear of
punishment than by the hope of reward.
You may search the Old Testament, from
Genesis to Maccabaeus, and you will very
rarely find the Hebrew people presuming
to call God their Father. They addressed
Him as their Iord and Master, their King,
their Ruler, their Judge, rnd Avenger.
Joint Heirs with Christ.
'Not so your," says Saint Paul, address
ing the Christians of his time. "You have
not received the spirit of bondage again
in fear, but you have received the spirit
of adoption of sons, whereby we cry. Abba,
Father. For the Spirit Himself gtveth testi
mony to our spirit, that we are the chil
dren of God; and If children, heirs also,
heirs indeed of God, and joint heirs with
Christ yet so If we suffer with Him, that
ire may be also glorified with Him."
My dear lord cardinal legate, two years
ago, almost to the very day. It was my
good fortune to take a part with your
eminence In the celebration of the eucha
rlstcl congress In London. And now it Is
also my distinguished privilege to partici
pate with you in this great congress of
Montreal. Your eminence will agree with
me that this city well deserve.! the name
Of Montreal, the King's Mount; Dor has It
not been dedicated this week, with all
possible splendor, to the King of ages, who
dwelleth on high! f
I know well how your heart has dilated
They are looking
in The Bee for
i If you have one tell the people
about H ttarougl these want ad
They rent rooms.
They rent them quickly.
They secure food paying people
for them.
Call Tyler 1000 and a cheer
ful Btaff will attend to you.
. VV - Y WWX .NXx. v-. "at V NsV XXX "X - X. X X X '
Just Supposin'
i Ax
is W 1 a XXV V X X - I N.
Sereno Payne Not
to Have Things
His Own Way
Forrter Mayor Aiken to Contest for
Republican Seat from Auburn
AUBURN, N. Y., Sept. 11. (Special Tele-
gtam.) Sereno Payne. ...chairman ot the
ways ,, mean committee and father of.
the Pa: e .tatlK fcaUV.ia aot-J ho cct'onW
to congress without a fight. . His opponent
is to bo former Mayor C. E. Aiken of this
city, who today permitted himself to be an
nounced as a candidate.
Mr. Aiken, a lifelong republican, beat
Thomas M. Osborne for mayor in a bitter
campaign.- He la a prominent lawyer and
has been connected with important litiga
tion. He favors revision of the tariff
downward, and the large number of In
surgents' In this district will throw their
support to him.
Mr Payne was noncommittal as to the
announcement. It Is known that for some
time he ' has been worrying about his
chances and that he gave up his Btumplng
trip In the west In order to mend his
Thaw Will Again
Seek His Liberty
With Attorneys, Slayer of Stanford
White is Preparing Writ of
Habeas Corpus.
NEW YORK. Sept. 11 (Special Tele
grain.) In the. Mattewean State hospital
for the criminal insane, Harry K. Thaw ia
making elaborate preparations to frght for
his liberty.
The slayer of Stanford White is working
several hours every day with a staff of
legal experts,, under the direction of Clar
ence J. Shearn, and within two months It
Is expected he will be taken from the
asylum on a writ of habeas corpus.
Ballinger Has no
Idea of Quitting
Learned from Executive Office at
Beverly that Secretary Will At
tend Next Cabinet Meeting.
BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. ll.-(8pecial Tel
egramsPresident Taft announced today
that he will attend the funeral of Lloyd
W. Bowers, solicitor general. In Boston,
H was learned at the executive offices to
day that Secretary Ballinger will attend the
meeting of the cabinet September 21, and
there is no expectation that he will resign.
There will be seversl meetings in Washing
ton that week, the members of the cabinet
being guests of the president at the While
house. '
More Contraband
Opium is Located
Federal . Officers at San Francisco
Find the Stuff on the Steamer
SAN FRANCISCO, Cel., Sept. 11. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The federal authorities
made another effort to break up the opium
ring today by confiscating a large quantity
of opium found concealed under the plank
ing In the engine room of the Steamer
China, which arrived today. A number ot
arrests will be made.
Frank Smith, a quartermaster of the
same vessel, was arrested for attempting
to smuggle silk ashore.
Assessment Roll for Nebraska Ready
for Publication.
Flgares Jim? Fourteen Millions ,
. Compared with Mneteen Mi
Antoaiobll Velars Lnrsjer
Carriages Beercase.
("From a Staff Correspendent)
i-LINCOLN, Pept. H.-6pciaj.) The grand
SwnerTt Yotl taf 11 ha been made-up
and the copy is now In the hands of the
printer that It may be published in the
biennial report of State Auditor Barton. The
total -asstssed value of all property In Ne
braska Is I412.13S.607, against S398,958,819 for
1909. The assessed value Is one-fifth of the
actual value.
While cattle show a slight falling off In
the total assessed valuation, hogs show an
Increase of approximately $1,000,000, due not
to the Increased number of hogs, but to
the Increased valuation. The value ot
horses has Increased nearly 12.000,000. Notes
secured by mortgages have Increased over
1700,000. Money on hand and deposit has
increased over $200,000. The assessed value
of automobiles has Increased almost M00.000,
or, In actual value, almost $2,000,000. The
value of carriages and wagons has de
creased over $2,000,000, Indicating that the
automobile Is coming into Its own. The
value - of wheat on hand Is worth over
$700,000 more than was the wheat on hand a
year ago. The value of oats Is slightly in
creased, while com and rye on hand In
value la below that on hand a year ago.
The value of potatoes on hand Is also very
much below the value of this product a
year ago. The value of poultry returned is
more than $100,000 greater than last year.
The patent right man evidently has been
working a little this year, because the value
of patent rights has been Increased $743. The
value of typesetting machines has decreased
over $7,000.
The following table shows a comparison
of the assesed value of every Item that goes
to make up the grand assessmene roll of
Nebraska tor the years 1909 and 1910:
Assessed Valuation.
' 1909.
Land! Improved $168,698,674
land, not impruvea
Improvements on lands. 15,136,2K7
Total land and im
provements ao3,00,045
Lots and improvements 6o.i6d.Hx3
12, 90S. 118
Notes secured by mort
gage 6.44A.6K0
CUner notes 2.603.17H
Fire arm 62.8W
Water craft 6.239
Patent rights 7.0u3
Steam engines S30.177
Safes 4ti.7
Typewriters 40,196
Adding machines 6.099
Typesetting machines.. 29.t4
Book accounts DS.IW
Money on hand and de
posit 6.U2.987
Money loaned 177,144
Judgments 29.12o
Money invested In tsx
sales 2S.701
WM 7"6
. 165.133
8'ii, 4.5
' 166.131
74 156
t4rt 9 U
226 . t 4)
Money paid on building
touk In corporations..
US, 248
1 1.9. I'd.
9.3KI J4
1.749, tf.S ,
J. (,75,978
149. a
69, 6
116. Mia
23, 5 'J
ITS. 874
4 415
l ash registers
Pictures and engraving
billiard and pool tables
Articles purchased
Manufacturing tools...
Agricultural tools
House furniture
Mechanical tools
Automobiles ,
Threshing machine ....
Corn shelter
Imp. on leased lands...
Int. in state lands
Nursery stock
property, pawn brokers
Propei ty, eating houses
Harness and saddles...
Franchises ,
Cream separators
Hewing machines
Watrhes and clocks....
Carriages and wagons
Bicycles t
Stands of bee
Oats ,
Kaffir corn
(Continued oo Second Pag- -
Senator Addresses Large Gathering
at Washington Hall on the Cam
paign' Issues.
Record of Accomplishment Blank on
Its Good Side.
Publio Good Canserved bv the Party
While in Power.
Prosperity Fellows Laws Knurled ny
Itrpiiltllt'swa In Pursuance of the
Pulley by Whlrh Party . --
Old Washington h'-tll tesouuded Saturday
night while ebullition u( the kind ot en
thusiasm tlii't used to characterise the re
publican moeUtms In the fighting days of
long ago. It was filled with citizens, not
all republicans by any means, desirous of
hearing United States Senator Burkett dis
cuss the matters of 'political Interest now
urgent in the public mind.
Senator Burkett was. In good trim and
made an earnest, cogent and Imrressiva
speech. He had the close attention of till
audience all through. Their good will for
the speaker himself was no less evident
than tlnir enjoyment ot his eloquent argu
ment and keen analysis of the conditions
prevailing in the country today. He took
for the republican party the credit to
which It Is entitled on the record," and
directed particular attention to the faot
that, as always, the democralc party to
day la banking on neeatlve acts; on carp
ing, faultfinding, Irresponsible damning
and gratuitous denunciation for success;
that it has no achievement of positive
character to appeal to for support, but
stands on the ground that the strict con
struction ot the constitution will not per
mit the congress, the president or tht
nation to take one single forward step
along any approved line ot progress.
Mo Bread Llue Now.
"We never have had, and we never will
have, a bread line In this country while
prices are high," said the senator, and that
thought was the keynote of Ills utterances.
Ha lauded the full dinner bucket as being
pi .-ferable at any time tu the traveling
armiea of tramps that made famous tli
dmociatlo era of the Wllaon bill, and In
sisted It is much better that many peopif
should be able to tide in automobiles and
luxury rather than la hayrack and
' In Ms opening remarks, after being In- ,
tioifuced by.T, W, Meullough, the eenatot
expressed himself a,gJa-i to sou so much
republican enthusiasm in Omaha; "for out
in the state," Bald he, "the democrats art
endeavoring to create the Impression that
Omaha . republicans are getting ready to
scuttle the wilp and desert the flag." H
thought the charge of traitor against Omaha
republicans that was being circulated so
persistently by the democracy ought to be
branded as a malicious llbol.
"The democrats are trying to make us
believe that Omaha republicans are not at
true to their principles as republicans ar
In other parts of the state and that Omaha
people somehow are different than the rest
of the people of the state. It I ever lost
faith in your republicanism, I want to
apologize for it tonight after this display of
enthusiasm and loyalty. The reflection that
your republicanism Is only ot the selfish,
sordid kind, that it is warped and controlled
by your local personal Interests, is an old
democratic trick) it Is a libel On your po
litical Integrity, and ought to be hurled
back at your detainers. 1 believe that In
republicans of Omaha are progressive, that
the people here have high Ideals, and want
the party to be progressive and stand for
high Ideals. The people always expect the
republican party to be square-toed and un
equivocating, high minded and progressive.
The republican party must shrink from no
duty, shirk no responsibility and must
stand for clean men and clean methods,
good lawa and the highest possible political
Difference Between Parties.
"I believe in the repubUc-an party because
I have faith in the men who make up It
councils. I believe In the policies of tha
republican party, first, bscaus they are
light, and second, because when written In
the statute books they produce good re
sults; while democratic policies are wrong,
and produce disaster when enacted into
law. The democrats may deny that repub
lican policies are right, but no man on
earth can deny that they produce good re
sults. If there is anyone Inclined to orlti-
else the republican party, let him go back
over these thirteen years since 1897, when
the republican party supplanted the de
mocracy, and contemplate what has been
achieved. Then let him ask himself th
question, 'What more could the democrats
have done?'
"Who can point to any doaen years when
so much has been accomplished? Where
are the mistakes? When were the people
ever so proHperous or the government so
glorious as today? Let some democratic
speaker tell us how the free and unlimited
coinage of slver without the aid or con
sent of any nation on earth, would have
bettered conditions; tell, us, If he can. If
his free trade doctrine of buying anywhei
on earth and selling wherever we can,
could possibly have made u more pros
perous than we are today. Let him explain
to us In what particulars th democrat
would have been more successful In the
Philippines and Cuba and Porto Rico than
the republicans have been. I want him to
tell our people of Nebraska If he think
corn would have been higher, or wheat
or cattle or hogs.
Herord of Twelve Years.
"I have been a member of congress fur
twelve years and each session has enacted
more legislation than lu predecessor. The
last seslon enacted more good, wholesome,
up-to-date, progressive legislation than any
two ot Its predecessors. Inspired by th
spirit of Roosevelt and driven forward by
president Taft In the flesh, every pledge
has been redeemed and every expectation
ri alised. The republican party can alway
be depended upon to do things. Kor fifty
years It has kept legislation abreast of the
times. It has been responsive to th ideals
of th people anfl 'Progress,' has always
been Its watchword." ,
Ckdng Into congressional history et the