Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    Fhe Omaha Sunday Bee'.
vaozs on TO T.
VOL. XL-XO.. 1:1
Political and Social News of the Old World Reported by Special Cable and Correspondence
Plan Will Come Up After the Lords'
Veto Matter is Off Hands
and Settled.
Old Custom of Free Service All Right
- for Gentry.
Too Many Members Dependent on
Their Own Time.
lndoabterily 014 Guard Will Maka
' Fight to Praserrn the Old Tra
dltloaal Castana of
LONDON, Sept. 10. (Special to The Bee.)
The payment of member of Parliament
will bo one of the live Question of British
politic after the lord' veto ha been dis
posed of. The British Parliament I one
of the very few national legislative bodies
which serves without pay. In fact I can
Dot at the moment recall any other.
This may' have been all right la the days
of restricted suffrage and pocket borough
when only the gentry were supposed to be
sent to the common.
But there Is a steadily Increasing number
of the members of Parliament who must
be secured at an income at least sufficient
to live on. This Is particularly true of
the Irish and labor parties most of whose
members are -without means. Thanks to
the Irtsh-Amtrlcans, the Irish party Is
able to take care of Its members, and up
to a short time ago the labor party,
through an assessment levied on trades
union members, met the expenses of Its
members of Parliament. The courts have,
however, declared this assessment Illegal,
and the labor party Is facing a crisis.
Why ray Is Demanded.
It will result in. determined effort to
adopt the payment of salaries to member
at Parliament antr there is little doubt that
It will be successful. The conservation of
the British pubtio will delay the merit able
for a time perhaps and in the meantime
the labor men are devlBing mean to meet
the crista
The proposal of the railway servants is
that a central legal defense fund should be
. formed for the purpose of "carrying to the
highest legal court any test case affecting
the fundamental principles of organised
labor." Such a fund 1 so obviously neces
sary that it Is surprising that it ha not
yet been instituted. For example, practi
cally the whole cf the cost of recent liti
gation on the political application of the
trade union fund has been borne by the
railway servant In the Osborne case. But
the decision Is one which affects every
trade union and the railway servants were
. fighting the battle of them all. A small
union could not have faced the coat, but
the establlnhment of a central defense fund
would make the motto of the trade unions
in really fundamental questions, "Touch
one, touch all."
Oae af the Arguments.
Reynold's Weekly, organ of the trades
union, says: "The old system of financing
labor members was a necessary , stage of
development, but It had its defects and its
weaknesses. In the future we must pro
ceed on new lines. It Is not labor members
alone who must be paid. In every party It
ought to be possible for the people to put
forward any candidate they please. The
, true solution Is to be found In the proposal
of the Furnishing Trades federation,
namely, universal payment of members by
the state."
festival of Umpire,
The Festival of Empire, which has been
postponed owing to the death of King Ed
ward until the summer of 1911, promises
to be of an even more elaborate character
than had been originally contemplated, for
It Is now felt that the 'festival will be of
. increased use and value as an "at home'
to the visitors from the "over seas domin
ion" who will be In England for the coro
nation of King George.
' In Its main details the festival will be us
originally contemplated, but its scope will
be enlarged, especially as regards Its visual
Instruction in the various aspects and in
dustrles uf the "overseas dominions." The
courts of these dominions will be made an
Important and mure prominent part of the
festival. With the assistance of Lord
Btrathcona a scheme lias been drawn up
wfttakhas received the hearty support of
the high commissioners of the self-govern
ing dominions and has been forwarded to
them by Jlielr respective governments.
' Remnant of the Ma Handred.
The death of Miss Florenco Nightingale
calls to mind the fact that of the rank and
file of those who took part in the Chaige
of the Light Brigade at Balaclava, only
thirty-two are left. Of these, twenty-two
are lu necessitous circumstances. The old
est is to, and but for philanthropic effort
he and his companions would have had
their last days overshadowed by want.
'It Is thirteen years since Mr. T. II. Rob
ens established the Balaclava Light Bri
gade Charge Survivor's Relief fund. At the
banquet then held seventy-two men al
. tended, and It a as discovered that several
of thorn were spending their last days In
wolkhousea. forgotten and neglected.
In the Intervening years more than half
lhe heroes have gone to their rest. The
work of aiding these veterans, It need
Hardly be added, has lost sympethlser
and supporter in Miss Nightingale. The
money which goes to these old heroes Is
well epeut. They are sent weekly pensions
by post and when at length the "last post"
sounds each of the old men receives a de
cent funeral.
Fewer Battles More Bachelors.
Commenting on the declining birth rate
Dr. llurrls. medical officer for Islington
health board, remarks in a report Just Is
sued, that young men in the middle and
"tipper middle" das of society "sel
fishly" pustpono marriage so that they may
liv In a mut e luxurious manner, have more
amusements, and have more money to
spend on holidays. They like the pleasuie
of ladies' society, but they forego its nat
uiai corollary marriage.
American Catholics Aroused Over the
Coming Consistory.
Ireland, Karlr, Itrssrilr, Maldooa
and O'lounell Are Mentioned la
l.le with the Office' Plaa
May Bestow. i
HOME, Sept. 10. (Special to The Bee.)
The consistory to be held at the Vatican
will be of peculiar Interest to American
Catholics, because It has been reported at
Intervals In the last fortnight Pope Plus
would appoint another cardinal In America.
A number' of names have been mentioned,
among them Manager Thomas F.Kennady,
rector of the American college lo Rome;
Archbishop Ireland of Minnesota and Arch
bishop Farley of New York.
For some time rumors have cropped tip
at various times which had for their pur
port that another cardinal Is to be ap
pointed to the American cardinalate. There
has been much speculation and other names
have been mentioned In addition to those
which I have quoted.
Archbishop Muldoon of Chicago and. Arch
bishop O'Connell of Boston have also been
Manager Kennady Is a figure standing
prominently In the forefront, both lu af
fairs In the Vatican and in Catholic affairs
in the United States. He keeps in as close
touch as possible with the latter, and Is
well known to many leading American
Catholics. N
Manager Kennady Is the person in Rome
through whom audiences with the pope
himself are arranged, and it is ttvys that
he has become personally acquainted with
many Americans. He Is a man of scholar
ship and of great personal talents, and It
moreover, well known that he is one
of the prelates In whom the holy father
has great confidence.
strike at Barl.
Terrible scenes of Hot and bloodshed have
occurred at the Italian town of Barl, on
the Adriatic coast, following a general
strike among all classes of workers. The
strike is the direct result of a considerable
increase in the price of -corn and in house
rents, and the townspeople rose in masses.
Thousands of the . poorer people, unable
to meet what they regard a the fresh ex
tortions of the landlords, had had notice
to leave their dwellings within twenty-four
hours, or to suffer eviction. With this
possibility hanging over them, and, driven
to desperation by hunger, an angry mob,
7,000 strong, marched through the streets
and practically forced every business, pri
vate and municipal,, to come to a stand
still. Tramcara that continued to run were
wrecked and the conductors , and drivers
roughly handled, and shop whose owners
refused to close them were plundered and
In some case burned.
Police and soldier who had taken up
position In-public andXither bonding ware'
driven out, and the building were set on
fire.1 The property of unpopular landlord
was. visited with special severity; many
house being broken up and burned. '
There was constant firing In the' street
between the mob and the landlords, and
five people were shot dead. Thirty sol
diers and about fifty civilians were taken
to hospitals, many of them being danger
ously wounded.
Priest Murders Priest.
The authorities believe that a tale of
great dramatic Interest and romantic de
tail Ilea behind the recent murder of Father
Meneghello, parish priest of Vlcenxa, who
wa shot to death by another priest, Angelo
Meneghello "had obtained Tirapello's sus
pension on the grounds of misconduct, in
subordination, and lack of mental balance.
Tlrapello appealed to Rome, but when his
appeal was dismissed he determined to be
revenged, and waited behind the altar with
a rifle until his victim emerged from the
sacristy. (
The congregation was panlo-atrlckeA, and
the assassin took advantage of the con
fusion to escape to the open country.
J ..
Irish Win with
Cunard Company
Their Influence, Evidently, Secures
Concession to Continue Stop
ping at Queenstown.
DUBLIN, Sept lO.-tSpetlal to The Bee.)
The decision of the Cunard Steamship com-
pany that all their steamers with the ex
ception of the Lusltania ana Mauretania.
should resume calling at Queenstown on
their easward voyages, may be directly at
tributed to the powerful influence exerted
by the Irish party on behau of the south
of Ireland port.
From the mc merit that Queenstown was
abandoned the members of the Irish party,
both collectively and Individually threw
themselves heart and soul into the matter
and they nave never missed an oppor
tunity to press home the interests both
of Queenstown itself and of the whole
Irish business community.
From this it seems that the Irish party
ramifies in more than a political direc
tion. It has the good of Ireland at heart
and overlooks nothing which might tend
to promote the prosperity or progress of
the Isle.
It will be remembered that only a few
month ago Mr. Redmond, who was ac
companied on the occasion by almost the
entire party. Introduced an Influential de
sire deputation to the postmaster general
on the subject and that Captain Donolan
also organized deputation to the Cunard
directors and to Mr. Hitchcock, the Amer
ican postmaster general. Captain Dono
lan In particular la to be warmly con
gratulated on the present result, lie has
been a tireless watch dog of the Interests
of his constituents, and his Influence and
popularity wfth his colleagues largely ac
counts for the keen Interest which they
manifested In the matter. .
Tares dor lee Ulna an stick and
Chief lnes Waodea
GENEVA. Sept. 10-tSpeclal to The Bee.)
- A bull fight under novel conditions took
place in Geneva. As the police would not
allow the wounding or killing of the ani
mals, the toreadors used glue to stick their
darts, and the chief toreador uaed a wooden
German Emperor Promptly Complies
with Request to Send Army
Officer There.
Looking:, of Course, to Better Trade
Relations in South.
Arouses Question as to William Defy
ing: Monroe Doctrine.
No Secret that (.real Uermaa Nation
Embraces Every Opportanlty to
Promote Good Feelln with
Heath American Coaatrles,
BERLIN, Sept. 10. (Special to The Bee.)
The United States may find a threat to
the Monroe doctrine In the fact that Ger
man officers are to reorganize and bring up
to the highest possible state of efficiency
the army of Braxll. The request has come
from the big South American republic for
the loan ofa general officer with a full
staff of subordinates to do this work and
It has been very cheerfully complied with.
Whether or not Uermany ever Intends to
seriously challenge the Monroe doctrine Is
a question for statesmen, but it Is a fact
that the kaiser is keenly Interested In South
America and loses no opportunity to in
crease Germany's prestige among Uncle
Sam's wards. It was with pleasure there
fore that the request of Brazil for assist
ance In reorganizing its army along German
lines was readily, not to say cheerfully
Kaiser la Well Pleaaed.
The kaiser la greatly pleased over the
very cordial letters received from King
George of England on the subject of the
crown prince's coming visit to India.
The kaiser has expressed his particular
wish that hi eldest son shall not be re
ceived In India as crown prince of the Ger
man empire, but as someone who Is to see
and learn the greatest amount possible in
the time at his disposal.
Faed Between Emperor aad Dike,
The feud between the German emperor
snd the duke of Cumberland is of long stand-
tng, and can) be well understood when It Is
remembered that the duke would have been
a king, had not Prussia annexed Hanover in
the time of Emperor William 1. It Is said
that Francis Joseph of 'Austria hopes to
heal this breach, and to persuade the .hos
tile parties, who are kinsmen, to" become
friends.'' Thla tale ha Teen heard before,
but will hardly be believed till Brnest.Aug
ustus of Cumberland has bee to Berlin a
a feted guest.. It, ha been .asserted the
William would willingly have "made it up"
long ago, and restored the duohy of Bruns
wick to its lawful ruier keeping Hanover,
owing to circumstances beyond control. The
couple met at the funeral of King Christian
IX. of Denmark, when the duke plainly
showed he had no wish to come to terms.
German Horse Breeding;.
In order to Increase interest in the breed
ing of thoroughbreds in Germany and thus
better provide the best possible mounts for
his cavalry the kaiser has overcome bis op
position to horse racing, and is considering
the question of owning a tew race horses
' Germaa Births Increase;
The statistics of the movement of popu
lation In the German empire in 1908 have
Just been published. The excess of births
over deaths was 897,662.
As compared with 1907, the birth rate per
1,000 of the population has 'fallen from 33.2
to 33 per cent, while the death rate has
risen from 18.98 to 19.1 per cent. For the
first time for many years past the decline
In the death rate has been checked, al
though the decline In the birth rate has
Hotel far Stadents.
Celebrating Its hundredth anniversary, the
University of Berlin Is to establish a stu
dent' hotel, thus Introducing a feature of
American university life rare in German
Saxon King; to Slant.
King Frederick of Saxony, Intends to
make a tour of Egypt and Nubia next Jan
uary, In the course of which he will gt on
a shooting expedition. ttis oruiner ana
sister. Prince Joha.m and Princess Ma
thllde of Saxony, start at the end of Sep
tember on a tour In Palestine.
Cooks May Whistle.
A Berlin householder brought an action
against a tenant for the disturbance caused
by the latter permitting his cook to whistle
and sing while at work. The magistrate
decided that it la legal for ' servants to
whistle in the kitchen.
y School Teaeher Fined.
A schoolmistress has been fined $70 at
Stuttgart, for compelling a pupil to do
physical exercises as punishment.
Chinese Prlnee 1)1 wards Ills Pigtail
After Two Months In
PEKIN, Sept 10. (Special to The Bee.)
Prince Tsal Tao, the chief of the Chinese
military mission, which has spent two
months in visiting America and the prlncl
psl European countries, has cut off his
pigtail. The news was received with de
light at Pekin by the officers of the Chin
ese army, who feel sure that the prince,
who Is their commander-in-chief, means to
give them permission to follow his ex
Flfteea- ear-Old Wlsi Khedes
Scholarship far Wark la
CAPE TOWN, Sept. 10.-(Special to Tha
Bee.) A student named Jsn Hendrik Hof
meyr has Just established a record which
Is probably without parallel In modern
times. Although he Is only 18 years of age,
he has graduated B. A. at tiie Cape uni
versity, wltli first class honors in classics.
He has been awaided a Rhode scholarship,
Vi will not prjmd to Oxford until UU
Prince of Wales is Sought by Several
t heater aad ('wrswall aad Kirn Heot
laail Won Id I. Ike to Be "Irene
of this Historic Invrsll
tare of Title.
LONDON, Sept. 10 (Special to the
Bee.) The fact that the Prince of Wales
Is to be Invested with his historic title
wllhjn the principality has aroused Chester
and Cornwall, snd the demand is Insistent
that he shall be formerly Invested as Duke
of Cornwall and as Earl of Chester In the
city of Chester. Scotland may also ask
that some at least of the Scottish titles
helrby their heir to the throne shall bring
him to the north country for the ceremony.
Thus it is possible. I might say, that his
royal highness may be the center of at
traction In a erles,of historic pageants.
The title of earl palatine of Chester is one
of the oldest held by the heir to the throne.
After Norman ruled as it was by earls for
a hundred and sixty-seven years, and when
John the Scot died In 12.17 without male
issue, the earldom was seized by the crown.
King Henry III gave It to his son. Prince
Edward, on his marriage with Princess
Eleanor of Castile, nni the new earl the
nrst or the royal earls of Chester made
his public entry Into his county palatine,
and In Its ancient metropolis received the
homage of officers and military tenants.
A scene In the recent Chester pageunt
represented Prince Edward's solemn entry
into the city on July 17, 1356, and his being
welcomed with much respect and enthus
iasm by a great concourse of nobles,
clergy, and citizens.
Victoria's Private Opinion.
The question is already being discussed
as to what aotlon his majesty will take
in the matter of private diaries and cor
respondence of his illustrious grandmother
for the long period of her widowhood. A
tiny glimpse Into these secrets has been
permitted to us through the medium of
Lord Esher, who could not fall to come
Into contact with the later records of
Queen Victoria's "life when he was engaged
in selecting for publication the letters of
her wedded years. It has been assumed,
without doubt, but with much likelihood,
that the king wl'.l sanction the preparation
of supplementary volumes, giving for the
first time a reliable picture of the last
forty years of the great Victorian reign.
Biography of Edward. VII.
The gossips are disposed to predict the
future still more precisely by assuring the
publlo that bis majesty will shortly sanc
tion the preparation of a book containing
the letters of hi august and lamented
father. On this point It may be as wellrto
ay at this stage that no one Is In a posi
tion at present to disclose the mind of
King George on the subject. It may. be
stated with every confidence, however,
that his majesty will not authorize the
publication of' a volume having reference
to the life of the late king as prince of
Wales," and aa prince of Wales only. There
will be an official aocount of the life and
correspondence of the late king for the
whole of his life, and not for a portion of
it only. From this it follows that there is
no likelihood whatever of anything being
done in this direction for the next ten
year, it may also be addffd and the
point is lmportanti-that the late king did
not keep a diary, even In outline.
tassel's Mantficence.
Sir Ernest Cassel, who has given the
magnificent sum of $1,000,000 to perpetuate
the memory of King Edward VII, was one
of his majesty's oldest friends. He was one
of the last to see his majesty before he
died, the object of his visit being to re
ceive certain Instructions from King Ed
ward, which he has already faithfully car
ried out. This money which he Is now
presenting Is not the first sum of this mag
nitude he has given out of his private
purse. Eight years ago he gave a sum of
$1,008,000 for the erection of a consumption
sanatorium and a year later be gave $300,
009 for the Investigation of diseases of the
ey for the natives of Egypt His private
benefactions are countless. His fortune Is
estimated at about $100,000,000 and yet he
commenced life in a Liverpool office at
$3.75 a week and has entirely himself to
thank for the magnificent fortune Which he
has created.
Princess Mary a Typist.
.rrtneess aiary nas recently learned to
typewrite. There are trj women typists at
tached to ahe secretarial staff at Marl
borough house, one of whom, at the prln
cess urgent request, instructed her royal
highness in the art of typing.
The princess proved an apt pupil and de
voted herself so ssslduously to her work
that after a few" weeks' Instruction ' and
practice she was ablo to work a typewriter
at quite a fair rate of speed. Her royal
highness during her holidays at Balmoral
will assist In the typing of some of the
more private correspondence of King
The Princess also Intends to learn short
hand, and Is keenly looking forward to
helping Queen Mary regularly with her
correspondence, when the1 royal family. set
tle at Buckingham palace. Princess Mary
Is the first English royalty to have learned
typewriting and It may be also noted that
her royal highness was the flrat royalty
to open account at the Postofflce Savings
bank, which the princess did on her' tenth
Extra Levy Will Be Made an These
Landlords In A as-
fritlla. , v
SYDNEY. Sept. 10 (Special to The Bee.)
Land legislation continues to be pushed
through the commonwealth and state Par
liament. I'nder a bill now- before the
federal house of representatives for a pro
gressive tax on unimproved values, ab
sentee landlords will be charged extra In
'pounds throughout without any exemption.
I The premier estimates that the land tax
will produce $5,000,000 revenue during the
current financial year. In New South
i Wale Parliament baa passed a govern
ment bill providing that the conversion of
homea'ead selection and settlement leases
into freeholds shall be at the original capi
tal values, and Instituting other crown
Furnishes Harvest Field for the Pick
pockets When Worn by
Rich Parisians.
One Wealthy Wife Tried it and Broke
Her Leg.
Paris is Disgusted at the Number of
Statues it Has.
Stuck I p la Memory of Every vrt
of .Nobody aad Have' H rally .
Become Almost n Pabllo
PARIS, Sept. 10. Parisian pickpockets are
reaping a harvest through the prevalence
of the hobble skirt. Realizing that women
wearing these freak skirts cannot walk
rapidly, much less run, thieves have beeoma
very bold in their depredations upon women
A necullar rase which 1 have at hand
Illustrated nt only the truth of this, but
shows that slaves of fashion sometimes suf
fer greatly for their vanity. Mme. Detrtero,
wife of a mining engineer, is In the hos
pital suffering from a broken leg and In
ternal Injuries, while the police are search
ing for a sneak thief who stole her hand
bag and purse.
YJotlm Breaks Lee
While alighting from a taxlcab In front
of .the residence of a friend In the Boule
vard St. German, the hobble skirt retarded
Mme. Detriere's movements, so that she
fell and was badly hurt.
A pickpocket, running up, snatched her
handbag containing her purse. At the time
no one had seen the theft committed, and
as It was not until the victim recovered
from the faint into which she had fallen
that she became aware of her loss.
Mme. Monelrey of Engheln is another
victim of fashion' decree. She, is suf
fering from two broken ankles, the result
of a fall which, in turn, was occasioned by
a hobble skirt. A number of other ac
cidents have taken place, but I do not have
tha names at hand.
' Too Many Stataes.
Paris is very much worried over the
question of it statues. They are far too
many of them, and they are getting almost
a publlo nuisance. Nowadays statues are
stuck up to all sorts of nobodies In Paris.
A second-rate politician has only to have
been dea4 "idrig enough, and he is sure to
have at least a bust, with the usual ac
companiment of speeches describing the
great political work of the departed al
though,- as a rule, it . Is necessary to look
up bis name in books of reference to see
what he did and why he did rt. -It
is this to plentiful supply of political
statues which is causing the outcry.
People don't mind them to literary and
artistic celebrities, but why put up a bust
to M. Durand because he once made a
noisy speech from the extreme left? Also
some of these statues are very ugly. So a
well-known municipal councilor, M. 1e Cor
belller, proposes that all the political stat
ues should be swept clean out of Parts fjind
placed In a ring all around the fortifica
tions. As there Is another Idea to turn
the fortifications into a sort of huge cir
cular park Inclosing Paris, the statue Idea
would fit In excellently and the defunct
politicians would look very well spread
out at intervals of every 600 yards or so.
Mastard Pots "Make Trouble.
The diplomatic talent of France and Ger
many has been engaged in clearing up an
Incident that began in a tradesmen's Joke.
Many German tourists who travel In the
heart of France were horrified to find
that an enterprising manufacturer's busi
ness seal had carried him, as they imagined,
too far, and that he was selling mustard
in earthenware pots fashioned to resemble
pigs, while the lids consisted of helmets ex
actly the same In shape as those worn In
the German army. The tourists, says the
Chronicle, complained to their govern
ment, and friendly representations were
made in Paris. It was then ascertained
that the mustard pots which constituted
the bone of contention were of German
manufacure and bore the words, "Made In
Germany," on tha bottom. The diplomatic
representations were promptly Investigated.
and therexplanatlon offered by the Frtnch
government olflclals show that the cause
of the complaint wa sinnocent in its con
ception, even if the effect had been to nc
caslon some resentment. It appears that
the pots were made on the suggestion of
French mustard manufacturer who had
been pestered for some time by a represent
ative of a German earthenware factory.
The suggestion was made sarcastically, but
the traveler promptly booked an order
for 16,000 of the pots, and the mustard man
ufacturer found himself obliged to recog
nlze It as an honorable transaction.
Watch for the President.
In a few days M. Fallleres will pay an
official visit to Berne, the capUol of the
Swiss confederation. He will naturally take
presents with him and bring others back
In exchange.' Among the latter the Swiss
have appropriately Included a chronometer
as a specimen of their greatest national in
dustry. But it will be no ordinary trine
piece. It will be. Indeed the most wonder
ful watch In the world. It is, to begin
with, a perfect charonometer, with a dial
six feet in diameter, but its aize Is not Its
only wonder. The face is a circular
flower bed in which nothing ' can be
seen but anemones, pansles, violets
and asters. The Roman figures on the
dial are marked In flowers, and the hands
are narrow beds of flowers. They duly
revolve and point the hours. All flowers
In the wonderful clock are growing in
mold in boxes of the required shape. Thus
containing blossoms forming the hands na
turally revolve on pivots. The flower
chronometer will be placed in the garden
of the palace of the Elysc. Whether the
head gardener will consider It with approval
is uncertain. Watering the flowers of the
chronometer, for instance, will be a tick
lish Job..
Marh-Seateaeed -Marderer.
A much-tried prisoner in France Is one
called Grand, who, if the guillotine ever
has its way with him, will depart this life
with more death sentences pronounced on
a. in than any recent criminal.
Norway Lays Plans for the Great Con
be la Hoth Heeplr Plpns aad Mm pie
la Her time Anion Those Who
.Need aad Appeal to
Her l.ave.
COPENHAGEN, Sept. l0.-(Speclal lo The
Her.) Norwegian churchmen are Jubilant
that their Invitation to the International
Council nf Christian Endeavor to hold the
next European conference In 1912 at Chrlstl-
anla has been accepted. Already plans are
being outlined for the reception and enter
tainment nf the thousands of delegates who
are expected to attend and It Is safe to
tay that the conference at' the Norwegian
capital will be a most notable one. King
llaaken Will take part In the conference
Crops la Sweden.
Swedish crops are better than last year
and well above the average. Reports to
the Agricultural society that the average
for the twenty-six countries Is unusually
high, winter wheat, barley, oat and sugar
beets being particularly good.
Qnrea aad Salvatloa Arnr.
f The sged dowager queen of Sweden Is
patron nf the Salvation Army which, owing
to bar stiport, hss had considerable success
In Sweden. At one time short of actually
wearing the uniform she was an out-and-out
member 'of the Salvation Army and
contributed largely to Its funds. It Is re
lated that one dsy she heard of the Army's
conversion of a blind woman and Immedi
ately ordered her to be brought to court.
Queen Sophia Is Idolized In Sweden for her
simplicity and sincere piety.
Real Sailor Kin.
A sailor king In every sense of the term
Is King llaaken of Norway, who recently
celebrated his thirty-eighth birthday, for
he served a severe marine apprenticeship in
his youth. In the Danish navy cadets dur
Ing the first period of their service have
the same work, rations and quarters as
ordinary seamen. So the king, during his
first nine months on the Danish training
ship, Dronnlng Louise, had to take his turn
in waiting on his messmates and Jn washing;
up the dishes after meals. This rough train
Ing has proved a valuable asset In his
government of a democratic race and King?
Haaken has been popular with hlB people
from the first days of his reign.
- Women Sailors.
Women sailors - are employed In Den
mark, Norway and Finland, and are often
found to. be excellent mariners. In Den
mark several women are employed as
state officials' at sea, and particularly In
the pilot service. They go out to meet the
incoming shipsi they climb nimbly out of
their boats; They show their official di
ploma, and they steer the new-oomor safely
in the harbor. It Is the same In Finland,
. Insane -Woman' End.
It Is feared that Mme. Kaslavska, the
Russian delegate to the congress for pub
lic and private oharlty, Vho attempted tx
assault the chairman, Commendatore
Poano of Rome, and one of the French
delegates, la hopelessly Insane. The sub
Jest under discussion was the-participation
of women In publlo charity, and Mrs.
Booth-Hollbergtiad Just concluded a very
successful address on the work of the Sal
vation Army for the benefit of women. Dr.
Lode of Paris, then began to spenk, but
Madame Zaszlvska, who had been long
very anxious to say a few words, began
to grow Impatient to be heard, and would
not wait for her turn. Exclaiming that the
chairman was preventing her frond speak
ing, Madame Zasxlavska produced a long
dagger and, rushing forward, tried to kill
him and Dr. Lede, who was standing be
side him. Dr. Lede was slightly injuied in
the hand. It was appearently the mad
woman's Intention to kill herself, but, after
a short struggle, she was overpowered snd
sent to a hospital, where fhe will be kept
until arrangements have been made for her
removal to RubsIs. This poor lady, form
erly tried to kill M. Caslmlr-Portlcr,
president of the French republic, and Herr
Munsterberg, Burgomaster of Berlin. Five
years ago, moreover, when the congress
was being held in Milan, Madame Zas
xlavska created a scandalous scene.
Strange Disease
Kills Lunatics
Unknown Malady Advances with
Frifrhful Rapidity Through a
Spanish Asylum.
MADRID, Sept. 10.-(Speclal to The Bee.)
An unknown diseaso, which advances with
frightful rapidity has broken out In a
lunatic asylum In Vallabolld. Death In
some cases ensues within a few minutes
of the first symptoms appearing. Five of
the patients died In a few days, while
three others who have been attscked have
been placed -tinder observation. The post
mortem examination has failed altogether
to' reveal the cause of death. The only
external sign is a red spot, resembling that
caused by a sting, on the face or neck,
and It Is believed that the outbreak Is
caused by the bite of an Infected Insect
The suddenness of death and the absence
of any post mortem findings In these rases
suggest snake poisoning and consequent
spasm of Ihe heart. It Is at present Impos
sible to say whether the disease Is a new
one or an acute poisoning resulting from
the bite of a venomous Insect or reptile.
Nltaatloa Hemalas I aerified and ro
ller t'oatlaae to Maid Hoaars
far Arms.
CALCUTTA, Sept. 0.-8peelal to The
Be.) The situation in Bengal continues
unsettled. The police raided a number of
houses in Calcutta recently. A large force
surrounded snd searched the house of Ku
msr Mltter, a former deportee. This rsld
Is said to be in connection with the alleged
Importation of arms from London and
Parts. No arms were found and no arrests
were made. Borne coi respondence and
papers, including letter from Mr Morrell,
Mr. L upton and Kir Henry Cotton, were
seized. letters from Mr. Kerr Hardy and
Mr. Hilairo Belloc were examined, but loft
Capital of Pro-Catholic Country
Thinks He Should Supplant Car
dinal Merrv Del Val.
Churchmen and Government Officials
So Express Selevs.
Think He Lacks the Ability to Deal
with- Situation.
.Nomadic Jurist la Inuaary Demand) '
Halsc In Salary from Two ta ,
Thre and a Halt Hollars Per
Month High Prices t
VIENNA, 8ept. 10. (Special to The Be.J
The conflict between. Spain and the Vati
can Is being followed closely in Vienna.
While Austria is now the most Calholla
country In Kurope, there have recently
risen many Irritating questions of chuxchi
policy which may develop a situation which
would place this .country In pretty much
the same attitude as Spain toward tha
Vatican. Churchmen and government offi
cials here are hopeful that Cardinal Ram
polla soon will succeed Cardinal Mery del
Val as papal secretary of state. It Is be
lieved that Rampolln, who Is a keen diplo
mat could speedily straighten out all tha
tangles, but grave doubt is felt as to del
Vul's ability to do it.
Looking; for a Baby.
The police 'of three countries, Bavaria,
Austria and Hungary, are engaged In
trying to trace a baby lost in curious cir
cumstances. Two years ago a man ap
peared at a Munich police station with, tha
Infant, a boy, who he said had been left
in his charge by a woman who has not re
turned to reclaim the child. The man, then
disappeared, leaving a false nam and ad
dress. It was afterwards discovered that
he was a Hungarian and the father of tha
child. Negotiations were then opened with)
Hungary with a view to the baby's expul
sion as an "nndeslrable alien." The offer)
of a wealthy Munich manufacturer to adopt
the child, though strongly supported by,
the Hungarian police officials, was sternly,
rejected. The negotiations occupied two
yeaj. Then the -child's expulsion was at
length determined upon, and tha Infant waa
sent .to the frontier. An Austrian gen
darme next conveyed the child to Hungary,
There, however, a Hungarian policemaji
mysteriously lost him.
I aconveatlonal Archdaka
Archduke Louis Salvator of Tuscany la
quite as unconventional as his brother
Johann . Orth. He ha the same taste for
the sea, holds a master' certificate, and
spends a large portion of hi time cruising;
on his yacht When not yachting, the arch- -
duke lives on an estate he has purchased,
in Marjorca. He goes about the island
dressed like a peasant, with straw sandal
on his feet, and wearing an old flat cap
wltha long vizor. Despite his eccentricities.
Archduke Louis Salvator is a man of un
doubted talent, and has published soma
contribution to the sciences of botany and
natural history which have won him
place in the Institute of France.
Marriage Make Seneatlon.
A sensation has been caused throughout
Austria by the announcement, that a few
days ago the marriage took place in Lon
don of Count Johannes Clary, the only,
son of Prince Clary of Aldrlngon, with a,
young Bohemian girl named Hospodar, tha
daughter of a shopkeeper. The prince 1
a scion of one of the oldest mediatised
Austrian families.
Gypsy Jadare Wants Mora Pay.
Johann Hamsa, the Judge "of the gipsy
camp outside Grosswardeln, in Hungary,
has applied to the municipality of Gross
wardeln, that his salary should be in
creased from 12 to 13. W a month. Tha
gypsy magistrate says his duties have be
come more arduous.
Somewhat Old.
A witness In a police court in Slyria
asked if he had any brothers, said that ha
had one, but 'that be had died 140 yeara
ago! The witness explained that his father
married In !Tu9 at the age of 19, and tha
following year there was born a son, who
died when a few months old. The father
married again In 1820, at the uge. of 70, and
the witness was born the year following.
The witness himself waa bora 69 yeara
Swearlngr by Machinery.
At Arad, in Hungary, M. Schwarz, a
gramophone dealer, has been made to pay
)6 damages for slander, uttered by hi in
struments. Annoyed by the singing of girl
In a dressmaker's workshop, he turned on
a gramophone, which used the strongest
oaths. 1
Wicked City of Paris ladalaes la a
Bass Wagon Fnaeral at a
Hapld Gallop.
PARIS. Kpt10.-(Speclal to The Bee.)
Paris has Just seen Its first automobUa
funeral. Not only the hearse, but all tM
carriages following It to the cemetery were
gasoline-driven, and many have been the
comments, some half-mournful, many
wholly cynical, at the Innovation.
The procession moved at ao rapid a rale
as to scandalize the majority of good Paris
ians who chanced to see It "as if the dead
did 'not already vanish- quickly enough!"
exclaims an old-fashioned chronicler. An
other declares that the next Inconoclaatlo
innovation will be an areoplane funeral.
(alls aa Italians, Swiss- and French
la Take Important Official
TEHKRAN, Bept. 10. (Hpeclal to Th
Hec.) tlovernment contemplates Inviting
Italians and Hwlss to flit posts In the
gendarmerie. French In the Department of
Finance, and Egyptians in tne Department
of Jutslre. The Egyptian native code la
based on the Napoleonic. The allocation of
the forelgnet, however, 1 tenativa.