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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
IK A Notable Showing of the. New Fall Merchandise TTTK ("WATT A' SUNDAY BETC: SEPTEMnF-R IT. 1M0. All the Extreme and Popular Novelties in Autumn Dress Fabrics KxcIumvo stylos and Die newest foreign mannish suiting; ever shown in this city. 54-inch materials, rough weaves, camel's hair novelties, imported tweeds, French vigourenx suitings, stunning weaves in Theodora suitings as showu by New York and Paris houses dress $4 Ar goods section, at, yard vl I" $UU0 Theodora Broadcloths In 'A different shades, shrunk, sponged and ready for the needle. Street shades $1.75 and $2.50 Evening shades $J.50 and ijJ.UU New Black Dress Fabrics $1.'J3 novelty black dress goods bought in a special lot, giv ing you the benefit at one-half their worth F ( black dress goods department, per yard U Chiffon broadcloth, medium and dark colors, also black. .$1 New Dress Goods on Bargain Square A special collection of French and American manufacture semi:storm serges, Sebastopol, Armure weaves, French taffetas, Kspingle, Victoria suitings, broken weaves, cheviots and diagonals, including a fine JQ PQ- lot of panamas, at TV-Utli See our Special Ad on Women's New Fall Apparel on Page 6, N-ewa Section. a KL J? A rv Store Open Every Evening Until G P. M. Except Saturday Evenings Until 10 P. M. Our Great September Sale of Blankets Brandeis Store show a greater variety of blankets than any store in the west. We are devoting additional space this season to our bedding departments, and have been planning this big September sale of blankets for. manV months. We have bought thousands of blankets very cheaply and you will save money on every pair ypu buy at this sale. Scores of seeial lots now on sale at special prices. 1C Superb Styles in the New Fall Silks All the scarce Persian and Cashmere pattern silks our special $1 satin Directoire Persian . silks are shown in 37 distinct styles. The col orings are suierb and these correct style silks are in a class by themselves. Stunning French Satin Barred Silk Plaids The Scotch Tartan Persian effects, satin barred and self tone combinations, for Monday 0Q 75 pieces at very special price, at, yard. .OiJC Marquisettes for Dressy Gowns This is the Bilk in vogue, beautiful evening and pastel tints, etc., new blues and place combinations. 42 inches wide. Our special Madam Butterfly will CA fc absolutly not slip, at, yard $1JV pietf Yard Wide Messaline Directoire Brilliant finish, made from pure Italian silk, ceil, roBe, lilac, Nile, Carmen-, Bois de Rose, Argent, Culvors, Melon, pink maize, Carlo, new Faince blue, Chamois, Reseda, Russe, Havanne Marron, Oris de Londre fl and all the evening tints a 11.50 value, at, yard. . P1 Two Black Silk Specials 36-inch black Brandels Special Dress Taffeta, Peau de Sole, Satin de Rine and Directoire Messa- fjO " line black only, at, yard QC Our $1.00 black celebrated Sappho Imported silks regular price $1 yard, at, yard ......... 59c The Most Wonderful argains s Ever Offered in Omaha The New Fall Designs Specially Priced Fine Embroideries 127-inch fine French batiste flouncings and skirtings elegant designs in English eyelet, floral and Japanese cf- CQ fects worth from 7,")c to $1 yard, at, yard JC 18-in. and 22. in. Fine Flouncings (SL Skirtings Fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric flouncings and skirtings; also corset cover widths choice designs in English eyelet, floral, blind ahd openwork effects many' worth C oOe a yard, at, per yard mJC Fine French (EL German Val Laces, Insertions In the daintiest, new designs many to match worth lOt! yard, at, per yard JC A Showing of tho Season's Best Novelties in Fine Laces and Dress Trimmings All the latest novelties for fall and evening wear: New trimming laces, allovcrs. New bands, new lace and fancy mesh nettings. Novelty braids buttons, etc. In the new Persian, Cashmere, Metallic, Headed, Embroidered, Multi-colored and Egyptian effects. Mi ew Fall Linens Kly 1,000 extra heavy pure linen table cloths hemstitched ready for use $3 values, at, each $1.98 200 extra fine round thread German linen pattern cloths, size 72x72 $2.25 values, each $1.69 Finest satin finish table damask full 72 inches wide good 1.00 values, at, yard t.. 69 Double satin damask, made of finest flax, -worth $1.39, at, per yard 98 100 dozen beautful Irish linen napkins, worth up to $3.00, at, per dozen $1.98 Pure linen guest ttfwels, scalloped or hemstitched ends, worth 60c, at, each . . . . : 25 Pine imported satin bed spreads, scalloped with cut cor- ners $7.50 values, at, each $4.98 Thousands of samples fancy linen pieces In drawnwork, cluny, Irish and Renaissance lace worth up to , $4, at. each $1.98 Wanted Help We require the services of competent saleswomen in women's shoe dpartment and women's waist section; also cashiers, seamstresses and transfer girls. Apply Superintendent. BEGINS MONDAY AT BRANDEIS STORES Bought the Entire Retail Rug Stock of an Eastern Concern That Was Retiring From the Carpet and Rug Business This is by far the most extraordinary rug sale Brandeis ever made. A prominent eastern retail store decided to discontinue the handling of rugs and wired Brandeis for a cash offer on their entire stock. We bought every rug they had at our own figure. . v i If is so well known that Brandeis Stores always buy for cash no matter how great fhe stock or how high the quality, that some of the biggest bargains in the country are offered first to us. i . No store but Brandeis could offer such bargains. The greatest chance to buy fine rugs at reduced prices ever of fered to the people of Omaha. ' We Devote Practically Our Entire 3d Floor ta This Sale. More Space Than Was Ever Given To a Carpet Sale in the West 85 Clerks to Wait on You No Crowding No Delays 3) $30 Axminster Rugs $-f Wilton Velvet Hugs, at LI , All are 9x12 rugs, full bordered. We have pever: offered such a fine group before at this price. Better patterns and better grades. Finest Hilton Rugs $ Sxl2 and Vorfhio $50, at All seamless, richest and most elegant patterns, highest quality of "Wilton Rugs made, copies of ex quisite Orientals. 14 BRANDEIS STORES 9x12 Granite Art Squares All new 'patterns, they are worth as high as $5.00 each, a big assortment, QQ $21 Brussels, Axminster and Velvet Rugs, at .'.'All room size pigs In desirable floral, geometri cal and Persian designs. Much admired in our windows. Axminster Rugs, Worth $3.50,at $1.59 These are 27x60-inch rugs, in a large variety of patterns, worth up to $3.50, Jj i q big bargain, at .... vli3w Imported Mohair Rugs Fine grade of imported mohair in plain colors: 30 by 60' inch size 36 by 36 inch size $3.98 36 by 72 inch size $4.98 Axminster Rug Strips $1.98 4 'yards long, various colors and designs can be used for hall runners, etc., '. each, - at Fine Oath Room Rugs These fine bath room rugs are all washable, fast colors. 36x72 or 30x60 bath - 27x54 or 24x48 bath rugs, worth to 3, at. . , 98c rugs, worth to $2, at . . We have a trreat many rugs in larger sizes than 9x12, which we have priced specially: also hundreds and hun dreds of rugs in lots too small to advertise, at bargains correspondingly great. T 21 Special Bargains for Monday In Our Basement Fancy striped, checked and plaid outing flan nels in the best quality money can buy. De sirable lengths of light, medium and dark colorings on special table, rVotf at, ier yard V 10,000 yards of regular 10c fancy outing flan: nel, in mill lengths light, medium m j, and dark colorings, at, per yard .... U SC He Fancy outing flannel rem nants, sutable for making comforters, at, per yard New double fold Persian flannelette pretty, new designs, at, per J2C Fleeced flannelettes for house dresses and kimo nos these are 27 and 36-inch goods, worth 12V4c and 15 i A q yard, at, yd OjOOC Heavy mottled and Bhaker flannels, In 8, 10 and 15 yard lengths, on 1 bargain square, yd. Ozl Fancy yard wide sllkoline remnants and 3 6 Inch wide cotton challles, a t special counter, yd. wgC Dress and apron ginghams good grade, fast colors, 3ic will go at, per yard la Hairdressing Dept. 2d Floor, Sale of Cluster Puffs Cluster Puffs $2.00 values for v 91.HO Cluster Puffs $6 I values for. $2.48 J Cluster Puffs $7 values for. $5,00 Cluster Puffs $8 values for. $0.00 "Cluster Puffs $10 values for. $8.00 Washable Hair Rolls at ...50 Two extra large size nets for. Help Wanted We require the services of young men with e.xper fence as floormen, men's pressers and tailors for cloak alterations, young men In drapery department, also trans for boys anil cash loys. -Apply 8uier1utentlrnt. BRANDEIS STORES J PROGRAM FOR BANKERS 01) I ' Prominent Men Are JDn for Important Speeches. MEETING ' C0VESS, TWO DAYS Prrsldrnt W. J. Wkrlptea Makes the Oprnias AdJren ttill M. Shaw Will Talk Several Officer . to Ba Elected. TB program rrcpared for tha convention of the Nebraska Bankers' aaoclatlon, which meets In Omaha September 27 and 8, haa trhoduled the principal addresses to be gin with the annual talk of the prenldent of the. association, who Is W. J. Welpton. Leslln M. tihaw, former secretary of . the treasury. Is to be heard Wednesday even ins, the second day, following the annual dinner at the Field club. Daniel J. Riley of Dawson, president of group one. Is also on the prosiam for response to a toast. - Tuesday morning following- the prealdent'a address, Victor McLueas of Omaha will apeak on "The Legal Department of the Association." That afternoon will be heard S. H. Burton, auditor of state, on "Hankers and the Banking Board." Alex ander D. N :?, financial editor of the Hventng fust of New York, follows with a tslk on "The Future of American Banking." Wednesday morning Henry W. Tates of Omaha sieaka aa doea John D. liaakrll, president of the Farmers and Merchants bank of Wakefield. Two Speeches Wednesday. Two addreses are also scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday, one speaker being Kduln Irvine Haines, editor of the Western Hanker and recently editor of the Ameri can Hanker, lie Is to talk on "Cultivating the Small Depositor." The other Is Joseph Chapman, jr., vice president of the North western National of Minneapolis. His theme . la . "Banking and Agriculture." Immediately after this session those who are members of the American Bankers' association will be called to order by the vie president for Nebraska, S.'K. War wick of Alliance. v This meeting is to nominate a member of the executive council of the American Bankers' association for Nebraska, a vice president for the state and a member of the national association's nominating com mittee. The entertainment program of the con vention Includes spending Tuesday evening at ,the Orpheum theater, "delfgutes being guests of the bankers of Omaha , and South Omaha. The Field club dinner will occupy Wednesday evening. Center Street Up to Council County Commissioner Sayi Road Im provement Work Lies in ' City. Regarding the request for road Improve ment on Dodge and Center streets, made by the Omaha Automotive club ta , the Board of County Commissioners. Commis sioner Plckard says. the Center street Im provement will rest with the city council as the portion upon which improvement Is ahked lies within the city limits. Only a part of Dodge street road from Fortieth street to Happy Hollow Is outside tha city limits which are determined by Forty eighth. Mr. Plckard says the board 1s now negotiating for the paving of iHidge from Forty-eighth, to Fiftieth .and that the re mainder of the road Is now in good condition. C0UNC1LMES FAVORHOSPITAL Dr. Connell'i Plan for Issuance of Bonds is Endorsed. SHELDON AND ' HUMMEL " TALK Commissioner Declares IB0,O0O Wcsld Par for City Hospital mad . Cob-tag-tons Hospital Homme! t hinks More la Needed. Health Commissioner Connell and two councllinen each declared a bond Issue would be needed for the erection of a city hospital, and tha councllmen both expressed high favor for the plan. Dr. Connell an nounced that a fund of $00,000 would be am pie to fulfill the needs of the city. "Fifty thousand dollars from city bonds would solve the problem of Omaha." These were the words of Dr. Conuell. .The phy sician recounted the need of a' contagious hospital, city hospital and county hospital separate from the county poor farm. "There la such an urgent need for the city hospital that of course the city will make a provision for It when the rlty jail la re built next year," said Dr. Connell. "But So fur as , the contagious 'hospital and the county hospital are concerned the city or county will have to vote JfiO.OOO bonds." It was the health commissioner's Idea that the bond Issue In the foregoing amount would cover all the cost for the remodelled city Jail, with hospital provisions, the con tagious hospital and the' change necessary to siiarate the county . hospital from, the poor farm. Dr. Council explained bow. In the re modelling and rebuilding of. the city Jail, provlslun could be made for a male and fe male ward with an operating room between, which could - be conducted by the reguar corps of police surgeons, and a single trained nurse. . He declared there were a number of cases coming under the atten tion of the police surgeons, which properly should be given more attention than the first care they received from the police surgeons, which now la all the care many of them get '. "The city needs , a oontagioua hospital very f badly," said Councilman Sheldon, chairman of tha finance committee, "and I for one would be very willing to present to (he voters a chance to issue bonds to erect one. , . "Strangers in the city have very Inade quate protection If they fall sick and when the council condemns buildings for use as contagious hospitals It Is liable to suit from property owners In the neighborhood. When diphtheria or scarlet fever breaks out we should not be confined to quarantine for suppressing the disease; we ought to have some way of segregating the cases. I will help the scheme aiy time." Councilman. Joseph Hummel is also in favor of a city hospital. "There Is no doubt about the need of one," said Mr. Hummel, "but the practicability of the plan la, a different matter. For one thing, I believe that JiO.OOO. is a very low estimate of the probable cost. A site convenient any whereould oost at least 1:0.000 alone, and the' other expenses would mount up very rapidly. But the virtues of having one are easily seen, and If we can do it we ought to' Death from niood l'oloa waa prevented by t. V. . . Mo., who feealctt his, dangerous uihiihI with Bticklen'a Arnica Palvc. L'3c. 'or sale by I Beaton Drui.' C. ..uoiia,. .tit...... . "8i you. want women to voti' ' ,"l have .rtcvlatx il . iu self t'i that "ffcct," said JM keen Doliiici.m "And. J suppose you want to see a wo man i-irileu to tii- uiilc (,n not. ,iwhI: "Xti. After they lntv held a few nphitcd conventions 1 don't think any of them will have ujutn peisonal popularity among the member to secure even an Indorse ment. Hut there's no reason why they shouldn't all vote for me as their champ ion.'' Washington Star. Shriners Get "Devil's Slide, " Near Ogden New Goat, a Steep Eock Incline, to Be Used Instead of Old "Hot Sands." Instead of the once famous method of sending the new Shrlners "across the hot sands" for an Initiation stunt those unfor tunates are hereafter to be sent sliding down the famous "Devil's Slide" in Weber'e can you. The first trial of the new Initiation goat is to be made at the grand bout sched uled for September 15. The slide, as it Is called, is a troughlike natural rock formation 300 feet long and set at an 'anKle of 45 degree.- from the ground. For many years It has been an object of scenic Interest on the Union I'aciflo railroad. Its situation is fifteen miles from Ogdt-n and forty-five miles from Salt Lake City on that road. Tho slide Itself is not on the l"nlon Pacific right-of-way, but the only access to It at the bottom Is. The road, however, has glwn the Hhrlners permission to erect a building there for use In their Initiation Munts and to kepp things during the year. it is not known whether armor plate Is contemplated by the Shrincrs In that sliding Iprocepa or not, hut the suspicions of most of the wouid iira is Thai the on y cause ror that newly erected bulldlni; Is to use It aa a fiint aid to the Injured hospital. 1.M Kulali temple Is stationed at Kalt Lake City and the present head of It is C. W. Murr. It is undei stood that Fred A. I Hlne, the imperial potentate of the Khrin IciK, will bo on hand for the first Initiation at the Devil's J-'llde. of a' witness, ' "if you have ever been In dicted for any offense against the law?" ' I never have, sir." "Have you ever been arrested on a charge of any kind?" "Never." "Well, have you ever been suspected of a crime?' "I'd rather not answer that question." ' "Ha! You would rather not. J thought so. 1 Insist upon your answering It. Have you ever been suspected of a crime." "Yes, sir; often.. Kvery time I come home from a trip abroad the customs Inspectors at New York City suspect me of being a smuggler." Chicago Tribune. i l 'lNual.-J.l.-e. l: I " 9 f 9 ould Nut Deny It. "I will nk uu." aid the laayrr, mho was trying to throw doubt on the testimony Here is a goiaen opportunity ir miller who wants to make a c(i and , ... , . . . h.r. m.nnrtuliltV 1 looms large and where the rapid settle ment of tha country WILL. MAKE H19 KORTLNK FOR HIM. ' Buhl. Idaho. Is the market point for ; 0.000 acres Carey Act land; the richest ( Isnd that Use out of doors. 1 here, is i heap electric power gained from ta falls of the Hnaka river. Thre are Of , cf farm produce of every description. Everything Is favorable. Please V LITE i ME AT ONCK. ,. . . I Ton can satisfy yourself about . this If you will write to me at onra. I can send you a booklet showing Jl.BT WHAT THIS SUCTION- HAS TO DB- i PliND ON; Juki WHAT IT WILL D'J .. .,'!. . - . . It rS.tJI r t.l II 1 VH . V. I I IB iw, , - nothing and may mean a fortune to you, i Address ! O. M. MoQXTOWjr, Secretary BUM. COM XXAGZAI. CX.UB, Baal, XAako. , Our Young Men's Shoes We can meet the Young Man'g fancy In Swell Footwear. We've some very radical stuntg In Fall Shof8. iMost of theeto very Natty Young Dressers keep their eye on thia Shoe Store for the right bhoes, ami we always deliver the goodn. There are shoes of black and handsome new, colored ltatheiH. Freak, awing and ' straight lasts, military beela dioi tois, perforated tips, vamps, etc. All the swell iiess that can be worked Into a pair of shoes. $3.50. $4.00 "! $5.00 We've a blooming garden of Shoe smartness, that Young Men will fully appreciate, and we deem It a pleasure, to show our shoes FRY SHOE CO. TBB BOSKS Ifltb and Douglas Mtrweta. r J