Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1910, WOMEN, Page 3, Image 33

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! T
Are Doincr
Personal Notes from Gotham
Season fot UigTition at Hand and the Flitting of Society Leaden to
Etuope i Already Taking Many An ay from Newport Falm Beach
and Sulphur Hot Spring Get Some Polo and Other Exntementt.
Recent Censui ii the Subject of Much j
Comment. j
CTOBER Ii, ? and J7 hav
tHH-n named a the date for
Or annual meeting- of th Ne
braska Ktat Federation of
Women' Club. Thl post
ponement cf tha mtli;
seemed drisbl twiuH TfcaniMh, the
town nhlrh t to entertain the fedtra
Uon. has large iias.onary conTnt.on
on the dara Immediately preceding those
srlginaJlr chosen for th club convention.
October 11. 1Z. 1. and th double enter
tainment would be a severe tax upon
their hospitality. The two weeks' post
ponement waa decided upon both to re
lieve the Tecumssh hostess anu to
avoid conflict with two other tt meet
ing that of the Library association and
that of the Daughters of ivebecca.
The date were definitely decided upon
Thursday, when the president of the K
braska Federation. . Mra. Frederick V.
Cole, met with the president of the Te
cummh Federation, Mra, A. L. Apperaon
and the chairman or representative of
the varlou state committees.
Tb nresioent of the general federa
tion, Mrs. Philip N. Moore of St. Louie,
bad arranged to spend one day at the
tat meeting and It I hoped that In
spite of the charge In date he U11 may
be able to meet with, the Nebraska club
Program of tb meeting will prob
acy be read within the Beat two week.
Tb public I invited to Join with the
association member Thursday evening in
welcoming to their new positione the new
ecrstarles of the Young Women' Chris
tian association. Hiss Lilly M- Strong,
general secretary; Miss Flora 8. Keener,
assistant eecretary and educational Jl
recter; Miss Ida H. Melcber, business
secretary, and Mia Gertrude Sly, di
rector of domestic arts and assistant
director of domestic sclents departments.
The members of the board of directors
ana the secretaries of the association
will receive during tbe hours from to
1 'deck. Mrs. J. W. Wtckersbam I
chairman of the social committee which
baa charge of the refreshment.
The ranee Wllllard Women' Chria
tian Temperance union will bold It an
nual business meeting and election of
oncer Wednesday aftemon at X:"0
'clock In the home of Mr. T. R. Ward,
mi Wirt street.
Outline for Home Kconomic club of
the state ar new completed and will be
ready for distribution. It la hoped, within
the next two weeka. Prof. Rosa Bouton
of the stats farm, who has had In charge
the arrangement of these important out
lines, and the state president, recently
considered the final arrangement and the
books are sow In the hands of the print
ers. The outline Include both sugges
tions for the formations of club for the
study of bom economics and suggestion
for such study. The outlines will be
sent to each of the affiliated club and
the Horn Economic club.
Mr. Fraocl Everett, president of the
Illinois Bute Federation of Women'
Club. 1 visiting- in Lincoln.
Tba president of the Iowa Federation.
Mr. Julian W. Richard, represented the
Iowa club women at the conservation
congress In St. PauL She and bar hus
band motored to tb Minnesota capital.
Mrs. A. O. Williams of Nellgh, who waa
on of th Nebraska club women at the
congress, write most enthusiastically
of the meeting, especially of tb program
f Woman' club day. Wednesday.
Mr. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of
the woman suftrag party of Greater
New York, ha addressed letters to all
district leaders directing them to call
meeting next montn for th. purpose of
electing delegate to tb party conven
s kt t,w
Ike I'ohlle t.rserallr Pre-
sasse It to Be i beech
BT MARGARET WATTE IE I'EYSTKR rndoljh of Philadelphia, the star wrt;,. f np r-t ,V(irk ,
NEW YORK, S;t. to The ' rid. n horses oman of s"-i4r. edd4 to her i
lies The season for licratlon is close at .laurel f n in tlje stet plert.ase and sm-;
haad. Just as soon r the summer season I khan inme by tie extraordinary ar.d
is officially ended r,orle of mnrxr sndjuul'iue ftst. for a tf raptaliiin a
leisure bt-pn to travel or to establish them-'jHilo tm and letdinc to ihfrjr a ell. '
selves in soms country resort, hi' h has j Cunventh n in eo,u-stnerine attire as lore
rt.hion s seal of nftrcnal a a suiUfh -e tKO .-r -id M r lisnj ..!ph In rt
plare for the fall. Virgitna Hot Sprlnirs o;in tl, ,he ,,f ridin. .!. r3i s
is a favorite resort Just as soon as the ( JK.t t-r the ord.t.ary t.abil. nor j ft j
Newport seison clows. In fact, the Hot. divided ,-kirts. but b.ntsth a Kmg-ekirlfd :
rpnngs rat reen wen patronised an sum- rulav y cat she :f t-orduroy rlrtii
M:V YORK. Sept . Special to The
B AH churchmen havs been Interested
in the census bulletin reoently Issued, glvln
church statistic. The' were 1M.U0 Christ-
It fcas been f.-und to W an equally j breech's. cut only a little fuller In their . tan rr ini'''1'' in h" l"",ted beside I
delightful place at all seasons. Mr. and , ,me, worn l y men ri.leis. An-
Mrs. 8tuyvea;jt Fi?h leave soon for Hot
other Jaunty ef'ect is her w.umr Is 'a
1 (M Jewish rabbis, and tney Increase at the'
rate of nearly 4.0(i a year. Tlwir averase
Pprlrgs. having decdel to rive up their I ombrf ro of ,M f. 'ping brim. Miss Randolph ' '"'' " "", m"" rnany 'ft-
visit to Newport this summer. They had!wtR rhost.n t.a,,tBln (lf Narratansett for U" um ' "d th,-r aB f'"1 ,0 I
planned to-epend a few days with Mr. andlpj(,r fot,Ft., team. j them In 1K0S a total of fW.tvrr.r.KT. Haptlstg
Mr. Harry Lehr at their Newport home. land MethvWIist hat more than hK lUm i
I Polo for women be-i.n on'v a few wetKs ! " ministers In the oovntry,;
It will iKOn be time for palm fc-ach and hark -to I ei.-t. on Alien., lrwhw. not ' ,u' to ttHir rrr' Ur" nulr,br of minister;
flit tin time for those who have winter 1 onlv Mis Randolph, but Mis Klcan-.r Sears ! ,n he country, and their israe number of
eT In Georria and Alabama. Plans al-'enteied a game. There was a third eques- j """all churches, especially in rural districts,
ready are beJns made for neit w inter ! trt. r.r,. l.o .id tr. i..n u, . i,., 4 I There are in Manhattan and Brooklyn
season in town. Mrs. Arthur Murray Dodge
will again be In charge of the Junior Cotil
lons, the first dajice to take place at
6herry' on Tuesday, Iiecembcr t. The two
succeeding cotillions will be lieid on Janu
ary 1 and February ".
The Metropolitan dances, which are de-
nald Brook of Newport, but M:ss Rajt
I several scores of rririKer whose salaries
dolph's feat of capturing
quite unrivalled.
For feets of skill and courage on horse
bat k she is Jerles,. Riding a circuit at a
full gallop the while she balances an ejus in
spoon is one of her "stunts." Raclnir to
Urned especially for the girl not jet out one ena c; thll f!eW dismounting, threading
but who are expected to be presented tojB redle. remountlna- and tearing back to
society within a year or two, will be hld j Ule starting point Is another. Brooks,
as usual at Sherry , the dates chosen be- ldche, n(5 t,arb T jr fenr h,ve npvt.r
ing IVcember 28. February 25. and April 22. h,.ld anv ,error t;v hfT Ulf daueh.
Th Cinderella, exclusive dances for girls 1 ler of p s p Randolph rf Philadelphia.
su iiwvw wwn out tevrrsi eemwons, are to
take place at Pberry s, December and
January 2fi. Mi. Henry Fairfield Osbom
is In charge of this series.
president of the Point Judith Country club.
I'uke Frar.i Jcef of Bavaria, who has
game stands j 'C'M'J m' r- fhe highest salary
ever oitrea a mimsier to preaeni in .New
York, and given out in a public call, was
UMitKi a year and a )ouse. offered last year
by the Fifth Avenue Prebterian church,
and declined. Several ministers receive
nri.(ifl0 a year, and there are a doren or more
w ho get lli.01. These salaries are the
highest in the world. A minister in Lon
don w ho gets S3 WW is near the top. In
New Y'ork he is near the bottom.
Salaries et So snail.
The government shows the average sal
aries of ministers in cities having 300.900
population and over for the principal re-
One of the private danoes to which the!1-11 Anting in this country for a month.
going 10 sail lor nome next monm. j ne
duke is now in California, but later this
younger net is looking forward is that
which will be given by Mrs. CJeorg? Jay
Gould to Introduce her daughter, Miss
Vivien Gould.
But between now the he.ght of the sum
mer season and the winter cave ties there
is long interval, during which many
trip will be made to Virginia. Hot Springs.
Tuxedo, Lenox and other country resorts,
and when ociety will turn from the rather
more conventional diversions of the formal
season to country life and sports, in which
the open air horse shows take a prominent
Two thousand invitations were issued for
the wedding of Mliss Helen Liepenard
Alexandre and Bayard Cushing Hoprrfn.
which took place today at Lexon. How
ever, owing to the udden death of the
bride' father, a change In plans was made
at the last minute so that the ceremony
wa witnesed only by relUve and nearest
friend of the two families.
The handsome and dashing Miss Emily
lis-lou bodies to be: Baptist. ll.T-O. Congre
gational. II MH-thodi;t, $1.67;; Presbyter-
Ian. Ptotestart Episeoj at. n.TS, Re
formed. ILs.; Roman t'athol.c. ''M. stid
Jewish rsl-tos. l.4.l.
CiiMous'y in Hipli't. Me'hHl,t and Pre-
brtehtuh. all bodies that are df ided north:
and south, ministers In cities in the south
having popuatiois exce.1!n W.W receive;
higher average salaries' than do mlr lMei ,
of the same denomination In tbe north The
figures Just gixen fur the bodies rsrrvj are1
for the south. Those for th str bodies j
north are tJ"& a year lower, th I'rrshyter- ,
lan being flhM lower I
In the ssme bodies In the smaller cities 1
and in th districts ministers' saltir-;
tes run away down, the B:itan average In i
the south l-etng tTl4 a ycr Colored l'ap
tists In the south f-TT a year
, In actual money reaelved Methodist mm- 1
isters get most of all tlMlr .alrles amount
ing annually to $lf..lsf .Ki. The Baptist I
receive the next largest sum, tlOX'U.fl'it'. the
Presbyterians get T.10."JiO: the P.omsn .
Cathulics lAi.Tn'.'HiO. the EtlsrK'PHllans K?;.- ;
W; the CongregatloruHllsts M.lf-4 IKKl, tlie 1
Reformed gl .CSTAKXt. and the Jew only '
t'UI. I
It is estimated on the basl of those i- j
ritirts that in IMA the sum of IJUO.WP.WO is j
being paid to minister of the I'nlied Plat's
it: personal salaries and that congregational
expenses, missions and extensions Invoke
n outlay of this year of ta0tt,i0.K mote
These outlay are Uigfc than ever before.
Th annual report of the Church of Eng
land Missionary' society states that the In
come actually received during the year wms
I1K.711.6:.. The total amount a variable
aga-inst the year'a expenditure was
tlSt.ulfi.TTi. The society hss now stations
aud 1 European and colonial mission
aries. The native communicant now number
MP.S74. compared with i.57 in the previous
year, and tbe total number of native Chret
ien adherents is 3a.S8S, against Xi.tSS in
lUist and
The euciety is maintaining J.7:.5 cminaries
and rhools, and its native teacher and
scholars number The mission hos
pitals contain I,fxa beds, and during the jeir
27C7 in-patients and 1.1W.3X6 oul-patietiU
were treated at these hospital.
month he is going into the northwest to do ! Friends of Miss Warren and Mia Sear
some hunting in British Columbia. He will -are tr1ng to arrange the match. Miss
reiurn to New York from Canada nd sail Warier., who is a niece of Robert Goelet.
from this city about the middle of October. Is the admitted champion swimmer and
He is very fond of outdoor sport, espe-j walker of the season. It was said today
cially horseback riding. For two year he tnat the long wim Miss Warren has been
was commander of the military riding
academy at Munich.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. lhexel. jr., when
they return from Europe in the early
autumn will live In the house on Fifth
avenue which was a bridal gift from George
Gould to hi daughter. J. Armstrong
Drexel. who assisted his brother a beat
man at the wedding in PL Bartholomew'
church, will lie their g-uest in October, when
he will be here to compete in the inter
national aviation meet.
A swimming; match between Miss Con-
taking are in preparation for her match
race with Miss 8ers. ;
Miss Lenore Cobb and Robert Amory, Jr.,
will be married at the Church of the
Messiah on September 30. The bride will
enter with her father, Henry Ives Cobb,
who will give her in marriage. Phe will
he attended by the Misses Mary and
Katherine Amory, slater of the bride
groom, and other bridesmaids. Cleveland
Cobb will assist a best man and Candler
Cobb. Elliott Cobb, Amory Leland. N.
George Minot, George S. Wc st. and Arthur
E. Hutchinson w1H be ushers. Afterward
VTS DstBrni,
stance Warren, the daughter of George Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ive Cobb of lffi West
Henry Warren, and Miss Eleanor Hears, is Fifty-ninth streL the bride's parents, will
a possibility that has thrown Newport into I Itive a reception for relatives and intimate
a state t more than mild excitement. I friends.
Thl Institution li tbe only one
In the centrml m 'est with separate
buildings situated in their own
atrple ground, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering it po-Bsible to
classify caaea. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The other. Rest
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe-nurBlng.
1 w.
1 k. rT: 750
Just a Reminder
It is mo generally understood that Rubers Credit Terms are decidedly easier and that our plan carries with It so many features for the
convenience of our customers, that it seems hardly necessary for us to dwell upon the subject constantly but at this season, when there
are so many drains on the family exchequer, we think, you should be reminded that it is unnecessary for you to do without ALL the Com
forts of Home.
IlMjAihK, with us, terms tan be made according to your needs and wishes. We
make special terms for your special requirements. No harsh fixed terms at Rubel's.
Our payments are always easier than the easiest elsewhere.
Mrs. Olaf N. Guldlin, chairman of th
household economic committee of the Gen
eral Federation of Women' Clubs, whose
home I in Fort Wiyna, Ind., say that
ninety-five out of every on hundred
women marry and presumably hav homo
of their own. She say that perhaps no
tat ha as many domestic science olub
a Illinois, every county having from one
to eight club affiliated generally with tHe
farmer' institutes.
Domestic sdenea. It seem. U not the new
study most people think it. Mra Milan L.
Ward, who reostitly died at Ottawa. Kan.,
at the t off 77. began to teach do
mestic science to 17. Three year before
that ahe tarted th public library in Ot
taw. Che waa state regent and national
secretary ef the Mount Vernon Ladies
association, which ca preserved the noine
of General Washington. Sh married Prof.
M- L. Ward ia 1BU. and In IMS moved to
Kansas, where her husband was en of
tb founder of Ottawa university, and
for many year its president.
One source of income fur the Washington
Woman' Vote tor Women club I a cook
book, .th publication of wluvh I )ova,.d
upon by th politician a a political trik
"Rut truly," says Mra De Toe. preside"
ef the state Suffrage aseoctation. to an
Interviewer, "be nut Judged our motive.
It' a very good cook book. W maJ It
all ourselvea. It embodies th beet efforts
of some of th best 000k in tb Wat of
Washington. It contains, beside chapter
on scientific Infant feeding and diet far
th sick and ag-ed by three of our leading
women phyaiclana. wbe ar also membeis
of our association, a section of camp eook
sry by Dr. Cora ftmltb. Eaton, and a dis
sertation 00 th fireles cooker whion is
my own humbl contribution."
Loul D. Bra del has bean engagwd to
help defend th offioer of tb Women
Trad Vnioa leaajue ia New Tori. who.
with Mrs. O. H. P. Bslnaor.t and Miss
Ines MllhoUaad. are being- d far dsra
agea (or th aid and comfort that tho)
gav to th striking shirt waist gtria.
Th stau beadauarter of the United
Stsie raus-taer of XLX state of Ne
braaka. which dosed for tb summer, will
reopen B-ptwniber U. The next meetting.
which wtU be a "Real Daughters Daj',"
will be held early in October.
The member of the luoal union of tbe
Woman Christian Temperanoe union are
most pleased at the result of Uie eerie of
meeting at wnlck tbe national lecturer,
Mra. A. C. Zehnsr. spoke while ia Omaha!
As aa ImmedlaU result the membership of
e h union ha been IncresMd. n addi
tion to tbe public meeting, previously an
nounced. Mrs. hiiar spuk Friday after
gtooa at a meeting ef tbe West &Se Vnlwa.
bold in tbe heme of tb president, Ml
T. KV Brady. sM Poppletoa avenue. Mrs.
tehner went from Omaha to Seward, where
'ie sp4M.t at a trailar w w of metln.
When yu aav any thine to se'.l or ex
Changs averuae la Tbe Be Want Ad
culua I and get uack results.
This Extension Table
is made of selected
quarter sawed oak.
It is of the new ped
estal design and h
heavy carved claw
feet The top Is made
of specially selected
material of quartered
oak. particular atten
tion having been paid
to the I 1 u r
rich flaky tiraln so desirable In table II.OJ
tops. Kubcl's special sale price
Our Prices
re Lower
Thaa the
Our Terms
Are Kasier
Than tlse
Else here.
IaVOCXXKB Thi rocker 1 niiinil , jji y 1 sij i" "
te beaten for solid comfort f V'''
The frame 1 extra heavy an. try : 7"fcl
f,V!" tered oak. - In appearance, it 1 h fV -tv'.' '
f exceptionally handsome. It is 1 V'r i'v'-'-J!.' ' J
'"' upholstered in th 4T" ' "
- ' best grade of lmlta- -g. ai -. f
. ?V. tion leather. It has : i t'M'- (
"julLlw KH.Qi really carved orna- iWal iJ -
. - -A. TT r1"srvA mentation: has 1 1 17
.LTLJ. I f...JLZzZ:ZZZZ pleated front and 11 11 iTj's
aawaaaaKMunmsHnMi pleated edres on back f !'-' ,
rj r iilugL-i iul t j set of upholstering. tjM- t'-yS;.J. ,
Fnrni- : 4J
ture -
Ilils Kitchen Cahinet lias two larc
flour bins, with ball-bearing rollers,
two drawer for cutlery, two work
board, the top is conveniently fitted
as shown in illustration, has large
glass door compartment for dishes.
These cabinets are beau- m r
tlfuiiy finished in ra-in I fl i j
'ir V?i.l,M B I'et..- - - -
Rubei's Steel Range Special
The grandest range on the market at the
price, has every new feature. It has a
large six-hole top, extra large oven, and
high closet, exactly as shown. All beauti
fully ickel trimmed. The range is made
of heavy gauge blue steel, requiring no
blackening. Every range r- g
guaranteed. Rubel's sale J tjf
ft, ,
BUFFETS We offer an exception
ally large and exclusive line of buf
fets in golden oak or early English.
These buffets are made of selected
quarter sawed oak. This buffet spec
ial, one of the many we are offering
tills weeit. is of excellent o'orkmai.
shlp. It lias large linen drawer and
lined drawer fur silverware Fitted
with shaped French 0 C
betel piste mirror. th J
ai a. le price.
llllf'll 1 S I I el
1 11 1 r w wvvw'V'-v'W'-wrv """r "w v -- ci uai hit
- - - - - H t k 1 1 B H X JL " M M -r f IJIIllTIUBkl
. - ICJy
Tbla massive Library Table la maue
of solid e.ak. finished In Esrly Eng
lish. It has1 book racks at both ends,
and Is fitted witn large draw en.
Thla table is easily worth fk f
from tit t 1:0. Kubei J.3
sals price
S; special
Frame suDstanuauy made 01 fceiectea nolid oak. Higttbi 4ol
lsh finish. Either in goldt-n or Early English. Thcyaie u;
holstered in the be-st grade of Chase leather over a full steel
spring construcuon, guaranteeing service and tomforL It
is easily convened into a large, comfortable
bed, free from ridge. Rubel's sale price,
Thla bed Is unusually large and mas
sive, stands 18 Inches high, 1 made
of heavy two-Inch tubing, with laige
ornamental tasting has four coals
cf enamel, baited on, all colore. We
alao l ave them in the beautiful Ver
ms Martin gold-hroiixe finish. This Is
an esiclaily deMgnfl tied arid we
buy fifni in solid carload and rs
therefore able to sell
them for the extremely
low price of
ora.esS lose:
FreeX'- Free?
$6,759 PabHcity Contest
Through a sexial arrannoment
with Ihe manufattureia 'f IMsimhi
we n-prewnl, we will distribute
OTer fl,T.KI HIKE In taluahle
lirUve as an edicrtiwinent.
Balloon Puzzle
Take any number from one to
fourteen inclusive. Io not use any
number more than twice, l'lacn
one number In each of the eiKht
rircle or tmlloon and one in ren
ter aquare so that when they are
added rtcriMrDdirularly or horizon
tally, the total will make 27. For
the neatest correct answer we will
Cite absolutely f roe the B500 Pi
ano. The next will receite a Lady's
Gold Watch and a manufacturer'
check for $137.5(1. The next will
receive a Gentleman's Gold Watch
and a manufacturer's check for
B 1 37.50. The next will receive a
Set of "IloRer's" Fruit Knives and
a manufacturer' ' check for
137.50. The next will receive a
Morris Chair and a manufacturer's
check for 8137.50. The next will
receive a 'alr of Gold Cuff Button
and a manufacturer's check for
S137.50 The next will receive a
Lady's Gold Brooch and a manu
facturer's tbexk for 9137.50. The
next ten wil receive manufac
turer's checks for B137.50. Tbe
next ten will receive manufac
turer's cliecks for 123. The next
ten will receive manufacturer's
c hecks for BIOO. The next ten will
receive manufacturer's check for
$75. The next tc-n will receive
manufacturer' checks for S50.
And each correct answer will re
ceive a manufacturer's check for
$25. All contestants will receive
free a piece of music whether
puzzle is correctly solved or not.
In rase of a tie identical awards
will be made.
AH prize winners will be noti
fied by mail, and ail prizes must
be called for within ten days from
I'loaing of contest.
Any one check will be good only
on any new piano carried by our
bouse. Checks will be sent dii-ect
to tbe contestants by the piano
manufacturer's advertising; depart
ment, made payable to Tbe Ben
nett Company. For many years it
has been a question where adver
tising money could be spent so
that the greatest results would be
received, and know bow to place
large advertising contracts for the
year. This has not only been a
problem that has confronted the
piano dealers, but the man-fac
es well and only of late
have our manufacturer
out bow the best results
be obt-ined for the least
amount of inoucy expended. We
have a sjiecial arrangement with
the manufacturers to siwnd over
6,750.00 in an advertising way to
make our Line of piano belter
known in three or four weeks tliau
it would be possible in any other
way ia the same number of ewi.
(Some manufacturer prefer spend
ing larce amounts in maeaziue ad
vertising; and easrerti periodicals.
Other employ the world' streatest
artist to whom they pay large
sum of money. Think or the large
amount rath-t en ski is paid whea
he Is employed to travel over the
country and demonstrate piano.
The manufacturers from whom we
purchase pianos believe in giving
these lar(re sum of money direct
to the piano purchaser. We now
inaugurate the greatest contest
HU is-J
v--SitaT " ' f ' . j
3X-' '; f
lady's Gold Watch.
20-year g-uaranteed.
Gentleman's Gold Watch.
20-year KUarantecd.
Ladie' Solid Gold Brooch.
This chair with large cushions.
ever advertised by any piano cov.
cem in tlie world. bend your
answer on this or m separate piece
of paper. Kee that your aaswrer Is
mailed at once and be sure yoa ad
dres llano Manufacturer'" Ben
resentative, Mr. Owenhouse,
The Bennett Co.
16th and Harney Sts.. Omaha
LarKet I scalers ot High
Grade 1'ianos in the West.
Rush Your Answer Today
iSend by mail or bring to tlie llano Isept, of The Bennett Co. (third
floor). COXTLST CLOfcKS MOMlAV, 0 I. M, bElT. 12th, 1010.
151M513 5
m "
' 8
V 1 a. - . I
A. sat Mutnurt stal sffU. In t add srsat.
trad nau.ujr at imuuuM ata Iurosala ruling, loss
ik th UttttA Ail tinu mmisiiI arfiv 1 1 sri 1 14 aXsar aaaav
Comer 10Lh d Pa-a s utt,
The Bee Prints the News