Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1910, WOMEN, Page 2, Image 32

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i Coming: of Colder Weather Starts
Bounds of Social Calls.
"Wealallasra, EnsjasjesuesMS Remoi
BT OfiM Inmrlklx ti Talk
A host This full.
I will not buy your auto.
'Twill com ma far too mum.
Unless you throw In something,
Po the man threw in a clutch.
PI. Paul I'loneer Press.
ocll f'aleadar.
fONDAY Mr. and Mri. F. A. Nash, ho
party at wranaeis tneater; ansa ntw oti
Namara. theater party at Orpheum for
Miss Conklln; Hrlflge luneneon at i oimiry
Tt'ESDAY Mr. and Mm. (Jenrge Micieei.
dinner at Ha.ppv Hollow for Miss Cunklln;
Kappa Alpha Theta dinner. MM Zola lel-
lerkar; Iodine day at Field club and
Happy Hollow.
"WEDNESDAY Mri. Edwin T. Ewobe,
; luncheon at Country club; Mrs. Harry
Kowley, afternoon for Mies Conklln.
' Lde day at Country club; Dinner-dame
j at Flfild club; V. W. flub picnic at
I Hanscom park.
I THURSDAY Mrs. I). E. McCarthy, lunch
eon at Field olub for Miss Marlon Honn
tag and Miss Mary Walker; Indies' day
at Flid club and Happy Hollow; Panc
InK party at hod and Oun club; Young
Womto'i Christian association recaption
to naw secretaries.
OTUDAY-MIss Olive Baker. Friday after
noon Bridge club.
BATURDAY-Weddln of Minn Caroline
Conklln and Mr. Arthur Cajacnbs; week
end dinner-dance at Happy Hollow. Field
and Country olube; Dancing party at Kuil
and Gun club.
Legitimate ua a topic of conversation
weather la alao an acoredlte'l tuflmTic o In
aoclal life. For Iratanc.x last wcv'.i no
tloed a revival f a ,'ourUsy h. !i l ui
baon of late neulecUd by
Omahana, the aoclal call. Not only hs
the punctlllloua made her round of formal
calli, but the leaa formal have. Indulged
In the little vlaltt. Impel us was i,len
thla aplrlt laat week bv tlic fait thai
entertaining wag no' prjvnient.
Again weather and the return of tha
traveler haa given new Interest to the
olub entertainments nn.l the of
those giving or attawllnir dinner parties
at the country cluba la .srger for tl.e last
week than for aoma t'.me.
The Country club la tb flrat of tbe
oluba to announce the clone of the sum
mer aaaaon. The table d'hote dinner-dance
Saturday evening will be the laat of the
eaaon. Luncheons will he served for the
benefit of golfers, but after Saturday
the table d'hote service will be closed for
this season.
At Happy Hollow Thursday evening- the
vaudeville entertainment to lie given ly
Omaha talent may be considered as a
warning that the season s ..-loso la ap
proaching. Weddings, those celebrated and those
announced for celebration In the near fu
ture engagement announcements and
1 rumors of engagements continue to be of
primary Interest. -
An announcement of special Interest,
both because of the popularity of the
; young woman and the prominenoe of her
; family, was that of the engagement-of
Miss Ruth Moorhead, daughter of Mr. and
' Mrs. George Park Moorhead, to Frederick
: T. Wing of Chicago. The wedding yytll
be celebrated In the late autumn.
The. wedding of Mr. Frank McCaffrey
; of Omaha and Miss Mary Flynn, daughter
1 of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flynn of Boston,
1 will be celebrated In St. Leo's church,
Boston, at 10 o'clock Tuesday monun,
September ST, and several Omahana w'll
be Included In the wedding party. Mlis
lleon MoCaffrey and Miss Cecilia MoCaf-
frty are already In the east and will re
main for the wedding. Mir. an 3 Mrs.
Owen McCaffrey. Mr. Will McCaffrey,
who will be hla brother's beat man; Dr.
L. B. Bushman, Dr. Henry Fttsglbbons,
Dr, J. Frederick Langdon and Mr. Kdward
F. Leary will leave with the groom Sep
tember SO. Miss Flynn, who vlsUifl tn
Omaha last summer attended Trinity
college, Washington, O. C, as a olansiriHt
' of a number of Omaha young women s..rl
during her visit here made many oilier
friends among Omaha people.
Brh year a number of Omaha people
pend the winter months in Europe enjoy
ing the unusual advantage of study and
travel. Mrs. David A. Baum and Miss Mar
guerite Baum will leave Wednesday for
New York City from which place they will
sail September 14 on the steamer Princess
Irene. Miss Baum will attend the Floren
tine Schools for Girls In Florence, Italy.
Mis Shelton, who la one of the principals
of the school, will sail on the same steamer
. chaperoning several pupils on their way to
Europe. Mrs. Baum and Miss Baum will
remain abroad a year, Mr. Baum Joining
then next summer.
Another prominent family Is planning to
leave next month and spend several months
at the European winter resorts.
A number of graduates of Brownell Hall
had planned to spend the coming winter
broad, but this trip has been deferred to
another year.
Others of soolal prominence from this
oily who will spend tbe winter In Euiopo
re Miss Mildred Lmnax, who Is studying
tnuslo In Berlin i Miss Marl Mohler, In
Parts, and Miss Mary Lewis Wood in
Mra, J. M. Metclf and Miss Rose Coff
roan will spend the winter traveling In
At the Clubs
At the Country Cla.
Mrs. Hughes will entertain a party of six
t luncheon Monday.
Mrs. C. J. Hmyth will entertain at lun
cheon at the Country club Monday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Smith entertained ten
guests at dinner st the country club last
evening. Other reservations for dinner were
made by Mr. K. K. Bru"e for seventeen
guests; Glen Whsrton. six; John Redlck.
six) Frank Hamilton, five; E. Lte McShane,
four; Harley Moorehead, four.
At the Field f'luh,
Mr. K. D. Van Court had twelve guests
t dinner and Mr. Gould IHets. eight.
Mr. and Mra. 8. F. Miller entertained a
party of twenty; Mr. B. F. Marshall,
seven; Colonel D. E. McCarthy, twelve; R.
C. Johnson. Dr. B. W. Christie, elg-ht; Mr.
J. K. Rugg. four; Mr. K. W. Bock, ten;
Mr. H. C. fhears. three.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Twamley gave one of
the larger dinner partlee at the Field club
last evening. Their guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Dr. W. H. Sherraden, Mr. and Mrs. J.
I Twamley. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sunder
land and Mr and Mra. W. V. Bennett.
Mlse Beatrice Cole entertained at a danc
ing party at the Field club last evening in
honor of Mle Carolyn Conklln. Supper
was aerved the latter fart of the evening
and the guests Included Mlases Carolyn
Conklln, Frances Gould, Bertha Hultfeld
Rh ' MrKamara. Delia Jaccvbson. Mensrs.
Arthur Cajaroba, Fred Co. Andrew Clark,
Fred Bhearer, Ie Vreose, Dr. Delaney,
Roy Mr. and Mr, t.ail Laugdon,
Mr. and Mra. 'Frank Roberts, Mr. and
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Mrs. J. B. Good and Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
At Happy Hollow.
Dr. W. O. Henry had eight guests; Mr.
Carol, Belden, ten; Mr. G. N. Sumner, four;
Mr. Halleck F. Rose, four; Mr. R. L. Car
ter, three.
Members of ths Royle club had luncheon
together today at Happy Hollow club and
those present were Misses Jessie Spence,
Lucille Patterson, June Qreevy, Louise
Northup, Nell Carpenter, Eileen Patterson,
Grace McBrlde. Corlnne Searle.
Mies Lets Moore entertained for Flor
ence Pearson of Bloomlngton, 111. Covers
were placed for Misses Florence Pearson,
Amy Gllmore, Grace Connor, I-eta Moore,
Mrs, Emma L. Moore. Messrs. Douglas
Bowie, Henry G. Myer, Zl finer and Wayne
Miss Eloise Jenks entertained at dinner
at Happy Hollow In compliment to Mlas
Margaret Elston and Miss Nathalie Ott of
Ksnsas City. Covers were laid for Miss
Elaton, Miss Ott, Miss Nannie Page, Miss
Jonks, Mr. Jack Baldwin, Mr. Taylor Bel
oher, Mr. Walter Steel, Mr. Jack Day.
Mr. and Mrs. E3. A. Benson were hosts
of one of the ' larger dinner parties at
Happy Hollow last evening, entertaining Mr.
and Mrs. A. T. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby, lit-, and
Mrs. Robert Dempster, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Peters, Mr. and Mrs. George Payne, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Webster, Mr. and Mrs; C. C.
George, Mr. and Mrs R. W. Breckenridge,
Mrs. Henry Van Glesen, Miss Bessie Allen,
Miss Alexander. N
Wedding Beils
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Smith announce
the engagement of their daughter. Flor
ence K., to Mr. Edgar A. Flke of Omaha.
A pretty wedding was celebrated at 5
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, when Miss
Leta M. Davis became the bride of Mr.
Frank B. Dexter. The ceremony was per
formed In the home of Rev. Mr. Feldman
In the presence of relatives and Intimate
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter are now on
an eastern and Canadian trip for' a month.
They will visit In New York and BoBton
and will reside in Omaha.
Personal Gossip
Dr. C. H. Ballard haa gone to Portland,
Ore., for a ten days' visit.
Mrs. Gold of Milwaukee Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. H. Shellieimer.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Urandcls and child
ren are now at Oberaminergau.
Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Coulter have returned
from ten daya at Manltou, Colo.
Mra. F. C. Beat haa returned from Den
ver, where she spent the summer.
A son was born Friday evening to Mr.
and Mra W. P. Warner of Dundee.
Miss Belle Robinson has returned from
a visit to the Pacific coast and Denver.
Mr. C. 8. Montgomery left Saturday even
ing for a short stay tn New York City.
Mr. and Mis. Fred Whittemore of Lin
coln are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gould Diet.
Mlas Helen Mackln, who spent the sum
mer at Lake Shetek, Minn., has returned
Mra. Ralph E.-Sunderland and aon. Dean
have returned after an absence of several
Mlas Verna Hayes haa gone to Lincoln to
resume her studies at the University School
of Music
Muses Ruth and Mayone Thompson have
returned home from a month's stay In
Mrs. J. M. Talbot has returned from
two months' vlalt In Denver and Colorado
W)i ltifcs.
Mitts Katherlne Moorhead Is , expected
home thla week from a summer spt-nt near
Ul. A. L. Stokea, who haa vpent the
summer tu Europe, In expected home Hep
tember U.
Mra. George biulrei and suae have ie
turned from a month's vinlt at Clearwater
laka, Minn
Mr. and Mrs. Casper E. Yost have re
turned from a summer spent at Watklna
Glen, N. Y.
Mrs. Edmund Burke and Miss Margarita
Burke of Alameda, Cal., are guests of Mr,
and Mrs. J. G. O'Connall.
Mra. Alexander McGavock and daugh
tera have returned from a three months'
visit on the Pacific coast.
Mra. V. W. Ward left yeaterday for
wwatern Nebraska, where she will spend
two months visiting friends
Mrs. Uei iiiuiu Towle of Mtxlco City Is
the gu.-ai of Mr. Towle's parents. Mr. and
Mra. K. H. Towle of South Omaha
Mr. Ward F. Palmer, who haa been
spending two weeks In Omaha visiting bia
mother, returns to Montana today.
Mr. Claudu H. Robertson of at. Louis Is
jvlsttlng hit mother, Mrs. John A. Demp-
later, and hla ataUr. Mrs. H. C. Myers.
Mr. R. K. Sun.lerUnd and family have
moved Into tlivlr new home recently com
pleted at lWi routU Thirty-seventh aireet
Mis C. L tfheperd of Texai Wana. Ark.,
who Is the hoiuie guest Of Mrs. R. K. Hr
rls, expects to leave for her home today.
Mrs. 8. A. McWhorter of Geneva, N. Y.,
formerly of Omuha, is spending a few days
as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Me-
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McKltrick and chll
dren left last week for St. Louis and Kan
sas City. They will be away during Sep
Miss Diets and Miss Nina Diets of Un-
coln are visiting Mrs. Lc-onora Diets Nel
son. They expect to leave soon to reside In
New York.
Dr. A. A. Holtman has returned from St.
Paul, where he was called by the death of
his sister, Mrs. George Schults of Great
Falls, Mon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Borglum, who have been
spending -the summer In Europe, will sail
from Liverpool September 24 on the steam
ship Celtic.
Mr. Wlllard Butler arrived Saturday
morning from Hannibal, Ma, to spend the
week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J.' H. Butler.
Mr. Howard Ruahton and Mr. George
Black, former students at the University
of Nebraaka, will leave soon to attend Har
vard university.
Mrs. T. C. Van Buren and Miss Letltla
Van Buren have returned from Fredonla,
N. Y., and other eastern points, where they
spent the summer.
Mrs. Louise Jansen-Wylle has returned
from St. Paul, where she has spent the
summer In study with and as the guest of
Madam Hesee-Spratte.
Mrs. John T. Stewart, 2d, and children,
who have been spending tne summer at
Went Hampton Beach, Long Island, will
not return until October.
Miss Gertrude McCarthy, who has been
spending her summer vacation with her
parents, Colonel and Mrs. D. E. McCarthy,
Washington Social Gossip
New York's Influence in Capital is to Be More Than Ever Demon
strated During the Coming; Season Some of the Women Who Are Re
sponsible for This State of Affairs Some Personal Notes of Interest.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 10. -(Special to The
Bee.) The approaching social season In
Washington will show the, peculiar fact
that society here. In season, Is dominated
completely by New York. Washington has
practically lost control of Its owu society.
And with the approach of September Wash
ington begins to shake out fine feathers,
preparatory to the opening of a new society
era.' There Is a rapid waving and swishing
of feather dusters, where withal to make
spick and span and inviting the houses
wherein the season's- entertaining will be
In full sway. As a fine example of the
White House it is now shining In all its old
time K'ory, hsvlng Juat passed through a
period of renovation.
All these preparations for. the gay winter
to come are not confined to residences
alone, but to the fashionable thoroughfares
as well. The avenue of the presidents, or
of the ambassadors, as Sixteenth street Is
being called by soma of the most ambitious
of its residents, has exchanged the old, gaa
lamp posts, which ror years illuminated Its
length for gorgeous electric globes, topped
by spreading eagles, which give to the most
Imposing of Washington's beautiful avenues
new air of distinction.
The news of the reeall of the. Swedish
minister, Mr. de Lagerchsnts, which haa
Juat been made public, la being received
with sincere regret by the many Mends of
the minister and his attractive family.
The minister and Mine, de Lagerciants
came to Washington In April, 1907, a.nd their
two daughters were presented to society
the following year. The minister and his
family sailed for Europe early In the sum
mer, I 'ntll a successor shall have been 'ap
pointed, the legation will no In charge of
Mr. W. A. F. Elkengren, whose wife was
Miss Laura Jackson.
To get tack to the very Interesting topic
to which I alluded In the previous para
graph, anent local society being dominated
by New York it la well to say that a con
sistent effcrt has been made to maintain
the social leadership of the rapltal In the
hands of Waahingtonlana, or of such for
eign residents as have so long been Iden
tified with this city as to cause them to be
regarded as local citlsens. But the New
York clan la much In evidence, and It blda
fair to Increaae. While moat of the mem
bers of New York families have a place In
the Four Hundred they are not of the Four
Hundred. They have created a circle of
their own that takes a cosmopolitan air.
There are the Perry Belmonta, whose bouse
will be thrown open to a select aggregation
of people for a christening toeat late In
October. There are the Edaon Bradleys.
whose activities during the next season wll
be even more striking than those of the last
two years.
Mrs. Chaunrey M. Dene', sponsor of the
aalon and tateier to (he IntellectuaUata of
Washington life, will bring about the first
entertelninenta that will be looked upon as
the actual launching of the ealon Id Wash
ington. She hss confided to soma of bar
will leave a week from today to resume her
stud lee at St. Mary's college, Notre Dame,
Mra. Hairy Hlrkmler and two children
have arrived to he the guesta of Mrs. nirk
mler'a mother. Mrs. Joseph Allen, and sla
ter. Miss l.uella Allen.
Mr and Mra. Lewis f. Heerl ami Miss
Msbel Ralronibe are at Wiesbaden, tier-
many. Mlas Balcombe expects to sail for
thla country In October.
Mrs. K. A. Cinlahy and dsushtera. Mlas
Alice and Mlsa Florence Curlahy. are ex
pected home today from a summer at tli-lr
cou.Hry home In Mackinac.
Mra. H. .1. McCarthy Is visiting her psr
ents In Chicago. Monday Mr. McCarthy
will Join Mrs. McCarthy In Chicago and
they a III go to New York.
Mlsa Helen Weston of Beatrice Ik the
house guest of Miss Alice McCullough. Mlas
Weaton la returning from a summer ao
Journ at the Wisconsin lakes.
Mr. and Mia. Oeorge Roberts, formerly
of Omaha, who have been spending the
summer at Marhkhrsd, Mass., are now at
Perrln Road. Brookline, Mwsa.
Mrs. Thnn'sa J. Rogcts and daughter,
Mlaa Mary Alice, have taken the house at
8M North Thirty-eighth street, formerly cc-.
cuplcd by Mr. and Mra. Louis Naah.
Misses Elizabeth, Anns and Alice Fry
have returned from a three months' sojourn
In Europe. They were met In New York
by Mr. T. A. Fiy and Mlas Daisy Fry.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lake and children
have returned from Milwaukee, where Mra.
Lake has been visiting her parents and
where Dr. Lake has befn since last wepk.
Mra. Victor Coffman haa given up her
house and haa been visiting her daughter,
Mis. E. W. Dixon. She leaves soon fur
Florida, where she will spend the winter.
M. H. J. .Hcannell left last evening for
a.- extended eastern trip. After going to
!?t. Louis and Washington. D. C, he will
visit New York and other esstern points.
Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Hammond of Salt
Lake City, who has been taking a trip
around the world, are the guests of Dr. and
Mis. J. C. Hammond, enroute to their
home In Salt Lake City.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Brldahan of Den
ver arrived this morning to be the gueala
of Mr. and Mra. Edwin T. Swobe. Mr.
Btldahan will return Sumliiy. but Mra.
Brldahan will remain some time"?"
Mr. T. H. Matters, Jr., will leave next
Sunday for Boston to meet his mother,
Mrs. Matters, and Miss Matters, who are
returning from Europe. Mr. Matters will
resume his studies at the Harvard law
Miss Margaret and Tressle Hearholzer,
who have been the guests of their aunt,
Mrs. Emma Petersen, left Friday evening
for their home at Huntington, W. Va. They
will spend 'home time at Chicago and Elk
hart, Ind.
Mrs. Russell Harrison and daughter. Miss
Marthena Harrison, of Washington, D. C,
who were called to Omaha by the Illness of
Mrs. Harrison's mother, Mrs. Alvln Saun
ders, will leave In two weeks for Washing
ton, where they will be Joined later by Mrs.
Miss Claire Helens Woodard, who has
been visiting her brother, Mr. James Wood-
I ard. In Roundup, Wyo., and who has been
I spending the last two weeks among the
Canadian Rockies, is expected home Mon-
day. Miss Woodard Is accompanied by
Miss Margaret Neary.
Senator J. H." Millard and Miss Jessie
Millard and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Critten
den Smith and family, who have been
traveling together In Europe this summer
recently were In Cortena, Italy. Mr, Mil
lard and Miss Millard expect to sail from
Italy for home September 16. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith and family will sail from France
September It.
For the Future .
Mrs. D. E. McCarthy will entertain at
luncheon Thursday at the Field club In
honor of Mlas Marlon Bonntag and Miss
Mary Walker of Bvanevllle, Ind., guests
of Misses Hammer.
Mrs. Edwin T. Bwobe will give a lunch
eon Wednesday at the Country club for
her guest, Mrs. Lester B. Brldahan of
friends that some of the guests she will
have at her home throughout the winter
will be new so far as the United States is
The Chinese minister Is now the object
of rumors. He Is now In Mexico to attend
the centennial celebration, and gossip has
it that he will be returned to Tibet, his
former poet. It Is also believed that
Mr. Chou Tru Chi,' who will be principal
aid to Prince Tsal Shun, who will visit
this country soon, will succeed Mr. Chang
Yin Tang, the present minister. The
prince and his suite will arrive In San
Francisco on September IS and will tour
in the United States from the Pacific to
the Atlantic. He is a brother of Prince
Tsal Tao, who visited here lest spring.
Teaa Tao. who visited here last spring.
These Chinese princes are brothers of the
prince regent of China, and Prince Tsal
Tao Is the head of the army, and his
brother. Prince Tsal Sun, Is the head of
the Chinese navy,
One of the odd thtnga about New York
and New Yorkers In Waahlngton If that
generally many persons are credited to that
city when they never stopped there except
for visits. Moat of the people hall from
a comparatively short dlstanoe from the
metropolis. Massachusetts giving the great
est number of them, Ohio, Rhode Island,
Pennsylvania and Connecticut following the
close mark. The fact that these persons
find New York's society as much their
own stumping ground as In their homtj
towns, paaaes them as New Yorkeis,
Of these there are any number. The Lara
Andersons, the Secretary of the Navy and
Mrs. Meyer, Senator Oeoige Pt-abody Wet
more, Secretary of State and Mrs.- Knox,
Mrs. Levi Z. Letter, Mrs. Herbert WaUa
worth, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boardmau,
the Robert Tatteraons, Mrs. William Dra
per, Mrs. Nicholas Anderson, Mr. anil Mrs.
John Hays Hammond, Representative and
Mrs. Huff, Representative and Mrs. Nich
olas Longworth and a host of others, who
hall from a territory bounded by Philadel
phia to the south, Chicago to the a eat,
Boston to the north and the Atlantle ocean
.to the east, are all, offhand, looked upon
as New Yorkera.
The British ambassador and Mr. Bryce,
who have been at Dublin throughout the
ausnmer, have departed for a trip to
Panama and South America. 'After )
month or more they will go to England
for several montha' stay in their own
home and not return to Washington until
the last of December. The firat day of
the year at the White House la the great
attraction for diplomats and they try to
all be here at that time. Rumors are
afloat again that Mrs. Bryce will not re
turn here, but will be succeeded on Jan
uary 1 by another British diplomat.
Margaret Boulter, piano and organ, 6U
Mo ('ague building.
Mrs. A. H aster
ExcUisive Mi liner y
Fall Opening, Wednesday, Sept. 14
Grand display of ihe latest and correct styles in trimmed
hats. 1 he most ashicnabe artistic designs. 7 he latest
novelties in the millinery line direct Jrom Paris and New
York. Dont Jail to visit our elegant store Wednesday.
221 N. 16th St Hotel Loyal Bldg.
Moi lie it's
for the reliable
Hair Goods
Thla Is not the only concern In Omaha
which sells hair goods. In fact there are
ever so many which carry a swltcn of hair,
a puff or two and a few curls and claim
they are In the hair business and It's in
Just these pluceo that you can't get your
money's worth. They don't know how to buy. They don't do much busi
ness and their stock is dilnpltnted and out of style.
This business is like all others. If you want the best you must pat
ronise the concern of responsibility the one with a reputation. In
Omaha that concern is Monhelt's Our 20 years In business here makes It so.
Our 20-lnch Wavy Switches regu
lar selling price 12.50, C v
Our Cluster Puffs, regular
. price 18.00
Large size Natural Hair Roll, ran
be wauhed and combed,
for ""
For hair dressing, hair work, electric facial and
scalp treatment, chiropody, manicuring, call on
Write for free cstalogue B.
mall. We specialise in toupes for
Now In Its Now Homo Facing: the Lake Front Park
The finest building of Its kind in existence. Housing the largest and most thoroughly
quipped of all institutions of Musical Learning. Containing Music Hall and Theatre,
offering students unsurpassed facilities for practical training and public appearances.
The Strongest Faculty Ever Assembled In any Musical College.
School of
n rk:..... R.iUi..
it: S. " ...- z:,yV:
vis? 't?
"v"y': 3 i,iii,ii
immi i'i,'wiiMtrtiinrir ft iritani isl
Z44-74-I Mlcsitaa BmUnrd Founded 1867 Season Begin Sept. 12th.
CUcst , DR. F. ZIEGFELD, Pres.
NOTE Applicationa for all (47 free and 150 partial) Scholarships will be received unto Sept. 1st
W y
18-lnch Coronet Braid of fine t All
quality, 16.00 value i.vv
Our special 28-Inch, S-ounce. Wavy
Switches, pure convent hair, ex
ceptional goud value, JQ QQ
Two real large size Real 9r
Hair Nets "v
1411 Farnam $t root. Phone)
Doug. 1535 for appointment
Send sample of hair when ordering by
men. '
All Branches of
School of
A Significant Recognition by
The Metropolitan Grand Opera Co. of New York
To DR. F. ZIKGFELD, President: It rives me great
Pleasure to Inform you that the Board of Directors of the
letropolltan Opera Company, in recognition of the serv
ices rendered by the pupils of the Chicago Musical Col
lege to us during our last season's stay In Chicago In con
nection with our "Parsifal" performances, have awarded
the opera school of the Chicago Musical College two free
scholarships, for which I beg to enclose check for 11.000.
1 am very glad to add my personal acknowledgment of
the good work you have done towards the development
of music In your city, and assure you of our good wishes.
Yours very truly,
ANDREAS DIPPEL, Administrative Director.
He Does Get Caught In
if he wears one of
' Shower-Proof Suits
Made of all-wool cravenetterj cloth, they turn
water like a duck's back. Rain can't wet or
spot them. Nothing can fade their colors.
SUITS are the ideal clothes for all kinds of
weather and all kinds of uses every day or
Sunday. They're sanitary, hygienic and perspiration-proof.
Wear like iron yet they're
dressy and always look well.
Just the thing for the boy who likes rainy
days, and will be out no matter what the
Make your youngster's next suit a PER
They're brimful of satisfaction and service.
Take him around to the dealer's today. He
will "show" you.
Look for
in the clothes you buy
i-i v 1 1 "
"Tr 1. 1 1 1 H
That's what they call onr
Cushion Sole Shoes. And
those who have worn them
say: "There's more real com
fort to the square Inch In a ,
pair of these shoes than any
kind they ever sw."
It's tbe only real cushion
sole shoe on the market, hand
sewed, .which makes It flex
ible and easy made on a
broad foot form last which
allows the foot to rest square
ly on the sole as It should and
not on the uppers as most so
called cushion sole shoes do.
We have them for both men
and women
Men's 95.OO
Women's fJ4.00
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Favrnain SL
will rent .iai vacant house, flU t
those vacant rooms, or a soars
boarders on short, at very
small eoat to you. Try It.
a Shower
r 1 '
i :
f i
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