Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Democratic Members of Committee
Giro Oat Opinion.
Join In l.rncthr DUranloa of El
dnf at the Iteceat HearlsT
Representative Mtilo riles
Uplaloa of tlU Owa.
turn thriu (o Senator Fletcher, who will
have them printed and filed.
The members then adjourned to meet at
Washington, December, $.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Sept. M.-'-That
Richard A. Balllner has not been true to
the tnmt reposed In him aa aecretary of
the Interior, that he la not deaervlnic of
public confidence and that he ahould be
imkpd by the proper authorities to resign
hla office."
The foreeolnn lutni up the findings of the
four democratic members of the Balllnger
J'lnchot congi esalonal InveatlKatlng com
mittee, which were made public late yes
tcirlay. The republican members leaued no report.
An Independent report was given out by
Mr. Madlaon, the Insurgent republican from
Kansas, which declares aleo that Mr. Bel
linger I'should not be retained, that he waa
an unfaithful trustee of the people's In
terests, an cnomy of conservation," and
that the charges of Ulfford Plnchot should
be euatalned.
Tlieae findings will be printed and filed
with congress.
Tho decision of the four democratic mem
bers and Mr. Madison to make the reports
publlo followed a aession which waa un
usual, three republican members. Senator
Sutherland of Utah and Representatives
McCull of Massachusetts .and Denby of
Michigan, refusing to attend the meeting,
vinaiiv irtn chairman of the committee.
himself. Senator Nelson of Minnesota, left
the committee room and failed to return.
Vniinn iv notice that a meet-
in. n,iirl ha hold In Chicago on next Tues-
day. The democrntlo members adjourned to
meet again in Washington on December a.
Representative OUle M. Jamea .of Ken
r inrLv. one of the democratic members, an-
1 that all the democrats would re-
fuse to attend the meeting of which Senator
f Nelson has given notice, lha repuniicans
. will then be In the same position that the
' democratic members and Mr. Nelson found
themselves today.
Itetnocratle Ktndlnae.
Summarised, the democratic finding de
clare that the evidence ahowe:
"That there waa no conspiracy against
Mr. Balllnger,
That Clifford Plnchot and L. R. Glarls
were faithful trustee of the peoples In
I "That Mr. BalHngw's conduct on certain
7 occasions was intended to and did have the
effect of deceiving the president.
"That Mr. Balllnger'a action In having;
clear listed' the so-called Cunningham
Alaskan coal lands and ordering them pat
nted showed bad faith.
"That he advocated a bill to validate
Alaskan coal claims alleged to be fraudu
"That hla action In acting as attorney in
cases pending in the land offloe while he
was commissioner was reprehensible.
"That he helped to force the Cunningham
coal olalma to a hearing before the gov
ernment waa ready to proceed.
"That he encouraged insubordination in
the reclamation service and condoned lm
nroner official oonduot in that connec
Numerous official acta of Mr. Balllnger
are attacked. High praise is given Glf-
ford Plnchot, former chief forester, and I
' R.' Claris, former chief of field division
- of the general land office.
Madison's Coaclaaloaa.
Mr. Madlson'a conclusions are:
"That the charges of Messrs. Claris and
Plnchot should bo sustained
"That he has been unfaithful to the pub-
3 11c Interests."
"That in the matter of the Cunningham
coal lands he waa not a faithful trustee of
the people's interests.
"That with regard (o the reclamation
jfci service he has taken action tending to-
M -Wards Its disintegration.
A resolution adopted by the democrats
and Mr. Madison provided for publication
of the findings. When Senator Nelson left
J the committee room Senator Fletcher was
A made chairman pro tern and members pro-
f ceeded with their work.
The findlnga of the democrats and Mr.
Madison also were filed with the secretary
of the oommlttee. Mr. Madlson'a report
also was filed with Mr. Sleman.
Reasons for Not Attending;.
Senator Sutherland and Representatives
McCall and Denby, when summoned to ap
pear at the committee room, made the fol
lowing replly:
In view of the refusal of the minority of
the committee on Wednesday to postpone
action until the memDera or the committee
V known to be coming could arrive at Minna-
I epulis, and their evident purpose to attempt
1 to make ine acimra 01 ins imi.umy me or
ftclal action of the committee without con
ulceration and their refusal to discuss thi
evidence at the former meeting; and In view
of the fact that at the former meeting they
promulgated to the publlo their decision of
the case which had no validity whatever
as official action and yet amounted to a
conclusive pre-judgment of the case aa far
aa said minority were concerned, we insist
upon an opportunity fox the full member
Hhlo of the committee to decide the case
which waa committed to them by law and we
. must therefore decline the Invitation of th
. gentlemen assembled to meet with them
Itenaoa for Immediate Report
Secretary Sleman of Washington, D. C
remained In the committee room. Senator
k Fletcher of Florida was made chairman
v pro tern. The resolution offered by Senator
1'uicell of North Dakota waa then adopted
bv the five members. It follows:
Wliorcttrf, This committee, pursuant to ad
journment, 'net at 10 u'tlook this day with
(.hairman Nelbjn In the chair and six mem
bers present. iiuludtiiK the chairman, and
; Whe.-eus. There are three other membera
of the committee, to wit: Senator Suther
land and Representatives Mi Call and Denby
in the city and In the building In which
the committee Is met-lina, and
V herons, All possible etfoit has been
made without effect to Induce said mem
beis to attend the FesMons of the commit
tee, und
Wheieiis. The chairman withdrew from
the committee room and failed and neg
locted to return after more than four
horns' absence, and has abandoned any
connection with ;he committee at this
meeting and has arbitrarily, and without
liny authority under the resolution creut
ihK the committee, or a vote ot the com
mittee Kiven notice of a meeting of the
cnmitutteM in the distant city of Chlcako,
on Tuesday, September 1U, and is attempt
ing to force an adjournment to said city;
row, therefore be it.
Resolved. That under such, circumstances
It is the duty of those present to make re
ports to conuress of their finding In the
matters sunniitled to the committee, that
Ola via' Charges Attains! Balllager
ftbonld Re stained.
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. lO.-Mr. Madison's
conclusion ara:
"That the charges made by I R. Glavls
against Secretary Balllnger should be sus
tained; that In the matter of the disposition
of the Cunningham coal lands Mr. Balllnger
was not a faithful trustee of the Interests
of the people and did not perform his duty
such manner aa to properly protect
such Interests.
That the charges made by Mr. Plnchot
should be sustained; that Mr. Balllnger'a
course In the administration of the Depart
ment of the Interior has been characterized
by a lack of fidelity to the public interests;
that this has been shown in his treatment
of the Cunningham coal cases, the restora
tion of the waterpower sites to entry with
out Intention to rewithdraw and in his ad
ministration of the reclamation service, the
alter resulting In unnecessary humiliation
lo the director and tending towards the
disintegration of the service. He has not
hown himself to be of that character of a
friend to the policy of conservation to our
natural resources that the man should be
who occupies the important post of secre
tary of the Interior In our government and
ho should not bu retained In that office."
A summary of Mr. Madison's findings
"The Investigation resolved itself Into two
blanches, the Ulavls and Plnchot.
Glavls charged that Mr. Balllnger had
been an unfaithful trustee of the people's
interests; that this was more particularly
demonstrated by his conduct toward the
Cunningham coal claims.
Plnchot Charged Dad Faith.
"Plnchot charged that Mr. Balllnger'a
course as secretary of the interior had been
chnractcrlxtid by a lack of fidelity to the
publlo Interests; that he was an enemy of
the policy of conservation of natural re
sources; that this was more particularly
evidenced by his restoration to entry of the
waterpower sites withdrawn by Secretary
Garfield and his conduct toward the
reclamation service and the Alaska coal
Mr. Madison then described Alaska as
the last great natural storehouse of
natural resources that to a large degree
belongs to all the people of the United
States; that the secretary of the Interior
should guard them against both fraud and
monopoly." ,
The Cunningham coal land claims were
then described, Cunningham being referred
to aa "the promoter of a plan whereby he
and his associates were to prove up the
land and then as one mine by
means of an association or corporation. He
waa to have one-eighth of each subscriber's
stock for hla services tn prospecting land
and managing the deal."
The findings declare "that strong evi
dence was produced that this plan was
adopted and acted upon by the subscribers;
that the Cunningham entries can be can
celed for fraud if vigorously prosecuted by
the government; that the claims contain
from M.OOO.OOO to 90.000.000 tone of coal."
The composition of the Morgan-Guggen
heim Alaska syndicate Is given and de
clared to be "an association organised to
exploit Alaska."
Entered Iato Option Asrreemeat.
The findings of Mr. Madison declare that
this syndicate entered into an option agree
ment with the Cunningham claimants In
1907 whereby said claimants organised a
corporation capitalised at $6,000,000- and con
veyed -one-half the atock to it for 1250,000.
The coal lands of. the Cunningham group.
were to be deeded to said corporation. The
report declares:
The evidence fairly shows that the syndi
cate aimed at the monopolisation of the
oennng nver coal neias.
In December. 1UV7. Mr. Balllna-er. aa com
mlssioner of the general land office, at the
request or ex-Uovernor Miles C. Moore of
Walla Walla. Wash., a Cunningham claim
ant, ordered the Cunningham claims to
patent. Previous to this order the UuKKen-
nelm option agreement had been made. The
olalma had gone to entry, but patents were
being delayed. All Alaska coal claims were
undur suspicion of being fraudulent. The
order under such circumstances waa wrong
ful. Qlavls, who had a few days before
been Instructed to investigate all Alaska
coai claims and who was given a formal
notice of the order, protested against it and
me oraer 1 was revoaea.
After resigning as commissioner Mr. Bal
linger acted as advisor and counsel for the
Cunningham claimants In their attemot to
omain paienis. tin preparea a lengthy arn
aavu tor uiarenee (Cunningham and ore
sented It to the secretary of the Interior
and commissioner or the general land of
fice In an attempt to explain away the for
mer affidavit of Cunningham's and the en
tries In the Cunningham Journal, both of
which had been secured by Ulavls and were
most damaging pieces of evidence against
the claimants in possession of the govern
Mr. nauinger vioiateo no statute In so
doing,- but he did violate the moral obli
gation which was upon him not to at
tempt to embarrass the government In an
effort to conceal the entries begun while
he was commissioner and which it waa
his duty to aid In good faith while in office.
The ac of May ai, 1908,. permitted a con
solidation of coal clalma to the extent of
2,560 acres, where the locations had been
made In good - faith. The construction
placed upon, the act by Messrs. Pierce,
Dennett, Kinney and Clements, and seem
ingly by Mr. Balllnger, would have con
doned all agreements to combine in viola
tion of the act of April 28, 1!M. The Pierce
decision had that effect. Through the ef
forts of Glavls .and Henry M. Hoyt this
decision was reviewed by the attorney gen
eral and reversed.
In the summer of 1909 H. H. Scliwarts,
chief of the field of the general land office,
endeavored to force Glavls to report on the
Cunningham coal claims and go to trial
or hearing In the proceeding to cancel the
entries, without an examination of the
clalmr to ascertain If the Improvements
were being made In a manner to Indicate
that the clalma were being operated In
common. This was an important circum
stance in the government's case.
After Ulavls waa removed from charge of
the cases James M. Sherman, who waa sent
to succeed him. reported that he waa right
and the field examination was made prior
to hearing.
Dlaeaaaea Plnchot Charges.
Mr. Madison discusses the Plnchot
charges and the question of water power
sites and their withdrawal by the govern
ment In order to prevent monoply. He
were th"se which arne out nf the Cunning
ham clalma and the restoration of the
water power Mtes These had to do with
the conservation of the natural resources
of the nation. Mr. Ttalllnaer, on one aide,
nnd Mr. Pinchnt and Mr. Garfield on the
other, orrupv entirely opposite positions to
ward that policy.
Mr. Balllnger was willing that the Cun
ningham claimants should obtain their
patenta without InvesJgatlon, although the
slgna were prominent and he must have
been aware of them, that they were travel
ing toward the Morgan-Guggenheim syndi
cate and monopoly. He waa willing tn
throw the power ltwa along the streams nf
the west Into danger of acquisition by
those who would monopolise them. He
could see no danger In returning them to
entry and only submitted to their rewlth
drawal because other men, alive to the
real danger, protested and denounces his
Mr. Madison discusses conservation and
the necessity thereof, also declaring It a
crime to permit the natural resources and
waterpower sites "to fall Into the hands
of thos who will monopolise them and use
them to the enrichment of the few and the
Impoverishment nf he many."
Th report continues: "Mr. Plnchot be
lieved that the pollcv nf conservation was
being attacked in the very place where
a friend of conservation was most needed
and hla acts have been Inspired by the de
sire to protect the policies to which he Is
"I regret that I am compelled to arrive
at a conclusion different from the one which
was arrived at by the president, for whom
I feel the highest personal regard and re
spect. We have had before us many wit
nesses and have a vast amount of docu
mentary evidence and have had the oppor
tunity of testing the credibility of witnesses
In the most searching manner, and after
hearing them all, I have arrived at these
The full renort of Mr. Madison makes
about 26,000 words.
fair. Not an art that he committed Is
1 1 aught with the sltKluest suspl- lon. We
believe that his whole service In his
official capacity was actuated by a sincere
ove lor the public good. He was a faithful
public official, he was a Juxt officer, he was
viallant nnd courageous defender or the
public property; he was an enemy and Im
placable foe to the land grabber and
grafter; he was the obstructor of the
schemes and machinations of conspirators
attempting to selr.e the public domain. He
dared to lie insunoriiinate. It sucn he was.
In the interest of his country. It was that
character of Insubordination which Inspired
the men of other days who laid the founda
tions In this country for an enduring people.
it would De uifiicuit to give too mucn
credit to Mr. Gifford Plnchot for the work
lie has done In the building tip of our na
tional forest system. His part In this work
would have been Impossible had he not
been moved by an enthusiasm which over
came all obstacles.
Mr. Balllnger. soon after taking office as
secretary, declared such withdrawals were
without authority or law, although there
was much authority to uphold Mr. Gar
field's action and restored the lands to en
try and exposed them to the danger of
ultimately, without any restriction as to
their use. falltr.g into the possession of
those who would monopolize the power.
At the time of the restoration he did not
Intend to re-withdraw the lands, hut on
account of protests from those whom he
said had an exaggerated idea of danger, he
re-wnnarew me lanos in surriclent quan
tity to protest the sites.
He made to Senator I.a Follette In a
letter, as a reason for restorlrg a larse
II members of the committee be author- j portion of the land, the statement that the
Ised at any time before the convening of
the next session of congress to prepare and
flUi such reports and findings as they de
sire. Mr. Graham then moved that the mem
bers of the committee be authorised that
the findings be given out.
Mr. Graham presented the report of the
democrats and It was adopted by a vive
voce vote.
Mr. Madison then moved that both re
ports be filed with Secretary Sleman with
instructions to have the same printed und
copies tiled with the secretary of the sen
ate and the, clerk of the house of repre
sentatives. Puiyuant thereto copies of the demo
cratic npoit and the report of Mr. Madi
son wen- filed wltli Mr. Sleman.
M . i'uicell ni'ived that if treui clary tile
aiaa did not file the reports he should re-
reclamation service haa recommended the
restoration of the laud to the public do
main. Thia statement also was made In a
letter to the president. Th evidence be
fore the committee allows that the officers
of the reclamation service protested
against the restorations.
Mr. Balllnger's course toward the di
rector of the reclamation service since
he has been aecretary has been such as
to destroy discipline and harmony In the
It appears that Glavls has been effective
In the acompllshment of results. He pro
tested against and prevented the patenting
of the Cunningham claims when ordered
to patent by Commissioner Balllnger. Ho
secured a reversal of the Pierce decision
construing the act of May. 2H. l'.W, and lie
prevented the commencement of hearing
to cancel the 'unnliigliam entries until a
field examination had been had. Glavls.
Heiirv H Hoyt. Horace Tillard Jones und
Andrew Kennedy are deserving of commen
dation by the people of the countrv.
The queatlona which ahould determine the
fltntas of Mr. Balllnger as a public servant
Charges Agalnat Balllnger Were Well
Konnded Plnchot is Landed.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Sept. lO.-The
democratic report Is signed by Senators
Duncan tT. Fletcher of Florida and William
H. Purcell of North Dakota, and Represent
atlves nille M. James of Kentucky and
James M. Graham of Illinois. It says:
After a careful, thorough and, we be
lieve an ImiMirtlaJ examination of the
whole record we feel constrained to make
the following findings based on tne evidence:
That the evidence does not snow mat mr.
Balllnger drew up an escrow agreement In
tho Watson Allen matter and we exonoraie
him from that accusation this relates to
an agreement providing for the future con
veyance of lands not yet patented or proved
That the evidence does not show any con
splracy against Mr. Balllnger and that the
alleged conspiracy had no existence in lact;
that what has been reterrea to as a con
spiracy was merely the efforts of certain
persons to thwart and prevent the secre
tary of the interior and the officers of the
general land companies from accomplishing
what those persons nenevea to oe uie
fraudulent transfer of valuable public prop
erty ftom the government to certain pri
vate Interests and to- prevent the making
of radical and injurious changes in the
management of tho reclamation service
then in a high state of efficiency.
Plnchot and tilavla Kfftclent.
That Gifford Plnchot and L. R. Glavls
were faithful and efficient agents of the
government and the people, devoted to their
work and conscientious in tne aiscnarges
of their onerous duties and In the renuitlon
of their valuable services : that their pro
tests and actions restrained the ortlcera of
the Interior department and prevented the
consummation of a gicat publlo wrong and
that their conduct throughout waa wholly
In the Interests of the people.
That in his statement ot sepiemoer u,
1909. to the president, and in other corre
spondence and communications to the pres
ident Mr. Balllnger has been frequently
uncandld,- that he has, on a number of oc
casions, been guilty of duplicity, and that
his conduct In the premises was Intended
to and did have the effect ot deceiving the
That Mr. Balllnger, whlie commissioner
ot the general land office, "clear listed" the
so-called Cunningham- claims on Insuf
ficient evidence and under circumstances
which convinces us he was aware of the
existence of other material evidence which
he did not call for or consider and which.
If considered, should surely have prevented
the clear listing of the claims, and we find
that In so clear listing said clatms Mr.
Balllnger showed either a lamentable want
of capacity and competence or such a. dia
regard for the rights of the public as
amounted to bad faith.
Favored Fraudulent Claims.
That as commissioner of the general land
office Mr. BaJlinger prepared the Cale
bill, that he appeared before a committee
of the house of representatives in advocacy
of said bill, and that h then knew una in
tended that said bill, if it became a law
would have the effect of validating the
said Cunningham coal claims and other
coal claims in Alaska, which claims were, 1
In fact, fraudulent because of non-compliance
with the law; that after resigning
as commissioner of the general iand of
fice Mr. Balllnger resumed the practice of
the law In Seattle, Wash.; that he became
Interested as an attorney In cases which
were pending In the general land office
while he was commissioner and that In at
least one case he received compensation for
his services and that such conduct was
highly reprehensible.
While Secretary Balllnger claims that be
cause of his professional connection with
some of the claimants he turned the con
sideration and control of all Alaska coal
claim matters over to Mr. Frank Pierce.
his assistant, we find from the evidence
that he did not in fact do so, but on the
contrary. Improperly continued his connec
tion therewith and from time to time was
consulted by his subordinates nnd gave di
rections with regard to said claims; that
he aided the movement to force the Cun
ninghom claims to a hearing before the
government was ready to proceed, and
properly produce Its evidence and placed
the management of canes In the hands of
an Inexperienced young attorney, with full
knowledge of the Importance of the cases,
both with regard to the great value of the
property and the fact that they were the
first cases of their kind, and there being
hundreds of other Alaska claim cases, they
were, in a measure, test cases.
Esroaraged Insubordination.
That he encouraged Insubordination In
the reclamation service by trying to dis
credit the director or head of that service
in a general way. and by Issuing orders
direct to subordinates in said service with
out consulting or cummunicating with the
proper person or , persons In charge of
said service.
That he condoned highly Improper of
ficial conduct on the part of Mr. Perkins,
head of the Chicago offices of the reclama
tion service and instead of reprimanding
him, or of asking for his -resignation, as
recommended by the director and chief
engineer, he retained him in the same of
fice with Increased power, directing him
to report to Director Newell. whose
authority he had already overriden.
Under these circumstances and In view of
the findings which are forced upon us by
n consideration of the evidence, we are
under the stern necessity of making a
further finding:
That Mr. Balllnger has not been true to
the trust reposed In him as secretary of
the Interior; that he is not deserving of
public confidence and that he should be
requested by the proper authority to re
sign his office as secretary of the Interior.
Mr. Dawler, assistant attorney of the In
terior department, the report says, "tes
tified only concerning the so-called Dawler
i memorandum, prepared by him at the presi
dent's request, under the direction that he
should write it 'as if he were the presi
dent.' " It adds:
Mr. Iwier's partisanship, his violent,
offensive and Irascible demeanor, his evi
dent lack of frankness and his confessed
animosity towards Mr. Glavls, detract
greatly from the value of his testimony.
Nebraska Mens Notes.
HUMRODDT Rev. John It. Asllng.
two years pastor of the German Mctnodist
church, has boen tnansferred by the con
ference to the charge at Macon, Neb.
HUMBOLDT The city library Is now in
charge of Mrs. James K. Liggett, who
takes the place of Mrs. Tina .Crawford, re
sinned, after a continuous service of eigh
teen years.
NEBRASKA CITY-Muyor Jackson haa
appointed Dr. Frank S. Mai noil, Frank Mc
Cartney and Dr. Claude Watson as mem
bers of the public library board for a term
of three yeurs each.
NEBRASKA CITY Word has been re
ceived of the death of A. J. Pennington at
Clayton, N. M. He was a resident of this
county for over forty years and went
south because of his health.
NEBRASKA CITY The bodv of Misa
Margaret Welch of Julian, who died in a
hospital at Council Bluffs, where she had
gone for treatment, was brought to Julian
Friday evening for Interment.
BEATRICE Miss Louise Braun. a
former Beatrice resident, and B. H. Don
ton of this city were married at the bride s
home at Syracuse. Neb.. Weinesdav last.
The young couple will make their home
at Powell, Wyo.
BEATRICE A farewell reception was
SCHUVLER Lou A. Mlchaelson. who
used to be in business In Schuyler, but who
moved to Odessa, Wash., about ten months
go, lias returned and bought out the res
taurant and Confectionery store of Russel
Siglcr, taking immediate possession.
tendered last evening to Rev. J. R. Houer
of the United Brethren church, who leaves
in a few days for Lincoln, where ho will
assume his duties as conference superin
tendent of the east Nebraska district.
BEATRICE Announcement was received
here yesterday of the marriage of Miss
Laura Julia Grable, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Grable. former Beatrice resi
dents, to C. S. Hammet, which accurred
September 7. at the bride's home in
Greeley, Col. . ' '
NEBRASKA CITY The Inatittita for the
blind will open on Seotemhei- 14. There
Piomises to be an enrollmunt of seventy
or more students. Superintendent M. C.
Abbott has had the buildings all over
hauled during vacation and mndo many Im
provements and changes in them.
NEBRASKA CITY The.- Inter-Ocean
Shirt comuany will close their shirt fac
tory hero and the M. E. Smith Co. nf
Omaha, who have an overall factory here
have decided to put an addition to their fac
tory and add a shirt-maklna dennrlrnent
and take over all -of the hands employed by
me aeparung company.
REPUBLICAN CITY-Harlan countv la
gaining quite a reputation as a melon grow
ing nisirici. joi oniy is uie local market
supplied, but tons of fine, large ones are
marketed In other towns In the valley.
Parties near Republican City have grown
melons for the market for several years
and find them a very profitable crop.
TECUMSEII The Tecumseh Chautaqua
association will Incorporate with an- auth
orised capital stock of tao.Onn. The name
will be changed from the Tecumseh Chau
tauqua association to the Johnson County
Chautauqua Association of Nebraska. Offi
cers, unaer the incorporation, will be elec
ted at a meeting to be held In the near
NEBRASKA CITY Elder G. I. Wright
of the Methodist church, who was a candi-
oate ior governor on tne prohibition ticket,
has filed his primary expense account with
the county clerk, showing that he expended
10 cents for a ride to and from the capital
building where he filed his nomination
blank. The filing fee was paid by the
state prohibition committee. - " :
BEATRICE The Knights and Ladles of
Security met last evening and elected these
officers: N. M. Harsh, president; T. D
Davis, first vice president; Mrs. Mary
Harsh, second 'vice president; Auguata
Soli wars, corresponding secretary; Harriet
Davis, financier; Hoso Busey, prelate;
rancis McCllntock, conductor;. Alfred
White, guard; Harry Collier, sentinel,
Emma Kahnen, musician.
BROKEN. BOW County Attorney Gadd
Is after the reckless automobile. driver and
calls attention to section 6249, which re
fers to passing a restive home or other
t'raught or domestic animals. The penalty
under this section is not to exceed K5 for
the first offense nor more than $60 or im
prisonment in the county jail not exceed
ing thirty days for the second offense.
TECUMSEH-Word comes 'from Miss
Mabel Ward, daughter of former County
Treasurer John Ward, who Is now at Coiiv
Wyo., that she Is recovering from the
effects of a runaway accident she was In
ten days ago. Miss Ward was thrown out
of a buggy and her skull was cracked
from ear to ear. Her hip was bad-ly broken.
The bones had to be put together with
REPUBLICAN CITY-Thomas Williams,
son of D. K. Williams, a retired merchant
of this city, and Miss Ada Boon, were
united In marriage by Rev. Haskins, pas
tor of the Methodist church in tills city
Wednesday evening. The bride and groom
left on train No. 15 for lowu, where they
will stay for a short time, after which
they will go to Denver to make their fu
ture nome. ,
NEBRASKA CITY The large launch
swastika, which, was brought iere from
Peoria, 111., several years ago by Sterling
Morton and used as a pleasure craft for
one season and then sold 'to a number of
citizens, nas been sold to F. M. Wisdom
or tti-ownviiie, wuo took the boit to that
place, and after overhauling It will uS'fc
the same as a ferry, freight and pleasure
boat. It la one of the largest luunciits on
the Missouri river.
CENTRAL CITY-John Copeland. the
man who created some excitement early
In July by mysteriously disappearing fidm
his home on the Brannan tarm In Mead
township while hts wife was away on a
visit, has returned, and la at present with
his wife visiting friends in Schuyler, with
the mystery of his departure as much un
solved as ever, the only Information he
gives out being that he has been west
looking over the country.
CENTRAL CITY Harry Holmes, a young
n an who has been working here as a
painter, being employed on the Union Pa
cfie depot, and afterwards on the new
Farmers' State Bank building, met with
quite a serious accident Friday. He at
tempted to board a Union Pacific train, but
missed the et.-ps and fell under the train.
A lower step on the coach struck him In
the head and shoved him from under the
wheels, which, however, passed over part
of his left foot, severing the great toe. He
was n!so bruised about the head where
tne car ste;..-i struck him.
Plachot la Landed.
As to Gifford Plnchot the report says:
Mr. Plnchot is so well known to the
American people that it Is unnecessary to
refer to his standing, but it cannot be
out ot place to rite a few of the presi
dent's woids concerning him.
Quotations from the presidents letters
follow and the report continue:
We do think these encomiums deserved.
We believe the evidence shows Mr. Pln
chot to be a man of high character, of fine
honor, of stainless integrity and of
patriotic purpose.
We indorse lots commendation by the
f resident and we agiee wlih him that Mr.
int hot s ties, re was laltiifully to serve tne
American people to the best of his ability.
As a wilnea he was prompt, frank and
House, Hotel and and Office Furnishers
rchard & WMhetai
414-10-18 South Sixteenth Street
Lace Curtains
The newest styles for fall are now being shown in our drapery department.
Duchess Lace Curtains, in Arab color, at, pair $5.00
Fancy Scrim, with insertion and edge, at, pair $6.75
Duchess Lace Curtains, in ivory color, at, pair, from $7.50 to $27.50
Fancy Xet Curtains, in new styles, at, pair, from $1.45 to $12.50
SCRIM We show n complete line of plain and fancy scrim, in all colors nnd widths,
ranging in price, at yard, from "J0c to $1.25
FANCY NETS Fancy nets will be popular this coming season. Beautiful, new styles
are now on show prices, per yard, from 'J5o to ' $1.50
CRETONNE Both foreign and domestic grades, in colors to fit into any surrounding,
both for hanging and upholstering. 'Prices from, per yard 25o to .$3.50
The New Bedding Dept.
A complete line of high grade Blankets, at pair, from 83c up to $21.50
We call special attention to our half wool Blankets, at, pair .,. .., $3.75
Comforts in the daintiest patterns, all colors, at each, from 95c to . . ... .... . .;$13.50
Our $3.00 Sateen Comforts will interest you. '
New fall designs a most extensive showing. Sale" agents for W., K. Oowan & Co.
high grade solid mahogany furniture. For the living room library bed; room and din
ing room. - . i
Special display and sale of Brass Beds, Box Springs and Mattresses; ..s&fc'kiiia;
Flanders Furniture
(See window display.) -We are sole agents for Berkey & Gay Furniture Co 'p. high
grade mahogany and Flanders furniture.
We invite you to see our special Berkey & Gay rooms. . Flanders furniture is made for
the living room, library and dining room comes in oak, finished a soft brown color.
Inspection invited. . , . f'
Specialize in
For Men
We offer you suits that are practi
cal for business wear. The class of
clothes that outlast a season of hard
wear but are still dressy enough for any
occasion.' These suits suggest the own
er's prosperity . and prove his good
ers-Peet Suits
Hirsh -Wick wire Suits
We control these lines in Omaha
because they are the very best hand tail
ored clothes for men that are made in
America. The new fall designs are ex
tremely attractive Refined patterns
for the business man as well as snappy
styles for college chaps, at
$21 to $35
Men who Want good business suit at a
medium price will be full satisfied with
Renwick-System Clothes
Here are clothes that are good
This Illustrates the sort of business suits through and through, classy in style and
we are featuring th., ..a,on at r
Brandeis Stores $15, $18 and $20
rail suns 10 uraer
The days are coming soon when
the above will be a "moving pic
ture" of the man In a summer
Yes our new 1910 Autumn
Suitings are arriving. Want to
have first pick of them?
Every garment guaranteed per
fect in fit and style.
Tailoring Co.
SO-Oa Stoatb KUtssBtsi i
Ksar Karoass.
Obi Dollar Per Year.
I ' ' - m'ijr 9
I .'j'.' ".it f;tf.'fi"
I r;V "! ;
I "-l,ilBI--,BI"B,-i"""1
f j
iFln THE
Saorling I
Page j
Unique sea food Culslna
KORTKKSS MONROE, largest mili
tary Vonl on tlip Atlantic (.'onst
HAMPTON ROAUS. th Rendezvous
of Die Nations Warships.
Special -Weekly Rates June to Oct.
HookletN at t'tilctiKo, Rock Island &
1'arlflc and Wabash Railrosrta.
Or ail.lreas OEO. T, ADAMS, MOB.
III fllU5,.ft,
"Twelve. rtoriej
of solid com fori
EunnpEANnjiN $1 SHUp
10 H
ai r k- uis
Full PEE I Both
Base Ball League m
Scores Amateur