Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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You will find the newest new
things assembled here with a.
grace and a style, and a refne.
ment to please the most fastidious
Clever modifications of the Paris
Hobble Skirt effects have first favor
ns well as the chit. HO-ineli nnnt
lengths. We are csiecially anxious that you
tee our latent triumphs in suit selling at $33.00.
You will find in them all the beauty of garments
ordinarily costing a third more.
Then We Feature ts This Week's Attraction
In tils YJLl Annas.! Untl fl
man-tailored models In novelty iT'JL
elusive man-tailored models In
hasket and Irish homespun, at 2n.OO. The
assortment also Includes cheviots and French
serge models. Slipg rang 32 to 38. Other styles In splen
did variety, at $29.75.
r ni YOTfi pfenrt
own an
Are You a Slave
to an old, germ-breeding, antiquated desk, which to work upon
makes labor an effort.
Our Desks and Chairs are found in the largest and best
equipped offices in Omaha.
Our salesman will call, show you designs and quote you
prices If you wish.
Omaha Printing Go.
924-28 Farnam St
Douglas 346. Ind. A-3451.
miss men for membership In or for pro
posing to join a union would be almost as
bad. The union Is Just as much a necessity
of pur modern Industrial system an the
corporation Itself. Roth must obey the
law, but each Is a necessity. Under mod
ern conditions. It Is ofttuncs absolutely ne
cessary that there should be collective bar
gaining on the part of the men and this
can only come through the union.
'1 am honorary member of a union my
self. If I were a wage worker engaged In
manual labor. I should certainly Join the
union. Union men have no right to force
other wage workers. Into the union. As
was so well set forth In the admirable re
port of the anthracite strike commission,
such action Is as gross a violation of right
as Is the so-called 'secondary boycott.'
"But it Is equally an outrage for the
employer to discriminate against the
unions and to fail to work with them In
a spirit of cordial good faith on both
sides. Moreover, If your ar Titration law
Is not of sufficient strength, make it
more stringent, and If it is unconstitu
tional, amend the, constitution. But d-.
not wait to remedy any present wrongs
until the constitution Is amende.
"The state and the municipality have
power to force any publla aerlce cor
poration to do what Is right If tlMty choose
to exercise that power and It Is '.he busi
ness of the people to aee that they so
Get All tkn Pacts.
"In conclusion,' friends, your duties aro
twofold flrst, at once, and without iul
ocation or hesitation,, to enforce ' oder,
suppress violence and sec that the l,iw
la obeyed In letter and spirit. Second, as
soon as this result has been HChleve-J,
turn at once to the grrai question of jus
tice and exert your whole power to find
out the fact, treating any refuil to five
you all the facts as a confession of
guilt. If Injustice has been done exert
the whole power of the givernuuint to
see that It la remedied forthwith and if
ta.ere la any effort to prevent and If the
attempt to remedy is obattucted, sen to it
that there s not only a remedy out also
a punishment and take steps that w;'l
effectually prevent a repetition of the in
justice. "You people of Columbus are face to face
with one of the crises whlqli time to time
In our American life demand the exerbis
of the highest qualities of good citlsenship.
It Is your Immediate duty to secure law
and order, and once this has been done It
becomes your even higher and more presr
lng duty to see that Justice full and com
plete is guaranteed alike to the employer,
the employe and the people as a whole."
RoMivrit Will 'loot 'lex as.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Sept. 10. Colonel
Cecil Lyon, chairman of the republican
state executive commune. Mho Is here
conferring with the local republican lead
ers, announced today that ex-President
Theodore Roosevelt nut tour Texas next
March. Colonel Lyon will meet. Colonel
Roosevelt in New York next January and
the itinerary for the latter will be arranged.
(Continued from First Page.)
whole universe Is mere fictlun or these
words are true, lie-who doubts mut take
his choice... We stand with God's eternal
promises, sublimely confident and perfectly
sure tnat what He tays Is true.
oh! Catholics let us begin today to fully
realise thi enormous treasury of grace con
tained In tho central act of the church'
worship. Even one holy mass offered In
one place in all the world would have in
itself such value that all the wealth and
gold of the earth would be but meanness
and destitution compared to It. oh! Catho
lics, stop for a moment and think what
would bur Uvea be today ir the priesthood
of Christ a ere extinguished upon eaitii and
sever again till the end of time the eucha
rtstlc aerifies should be offered upon our
altars, ' How destitute would all the world
seem then. What could the Inventions of
man ever 'produce to fill the aching void
In our hearts . thus created. The . very
thought makes us shudder. Thanks to
God's Infinite ' goodness this awful ana
thema will never come upon us. ' :;
Statement of Father Bernard A aughan
laaae Big Seasatlon.
MONTREAL, Sept. 10. (Special Tele
gram.) Father Bernard Vaughan. one of
the foremost preachers in England, who la
attending the Eucharistic congress here,
has caused a sensation by his utterances,
that bids fair to create a furore in church
circles. He predicts the ruling of the
United Btatea by Catholics, maintains the
Koman Catholic church Is the only one
that lives up to the laws of Qod, and
says I'rotestanlsm is disappearing. In an
interview today he said:
"The empty cradle and the empty church
theee are the greatest problems of modern
life. Kaclal suicide and religious suicide
act and react upon each other. The Koman
Catholic church stands alone In its en
forcement of the laws of Uod, concerning
marriage, and the Koman Catholic church
has no complaint to make of empty pews,
."From whst I hear of conditions In the
United States, the Catholics will soon con
trol that country through-force of numbers.
Christian fecundity - Is fighting sterile
paganism, and the battle for the posesslon
of the world will soon be narrowed to the
Catholic church and the destructive forces
of agnosticism. Protestantism Is disap
pearing. -
"Men and women who hesitate to bring
children Into the world because of not
being able to support them are but offering
a weak excuse tor their sins. To me noth
ing Is more contemptible than those mar
ried women who shake their fists In the
tare of Ood, saying, 'We ignore you and
despise your laws.' '
"The feverish rush for pleasure b lead
ing them to the paganism and destruction
of Carthage, of Phoenicia, of Qreec and
Home. Women no longer want the troublu
of rearing ohlldren. Children Interfere too
much with their pleasures and figures."
New Deinaad far Waseca.
He then touched upon woman's fight for
equality wlUi men and did not hesitate to
say womep would be the loser,
"The new demand for woman's equality
with men will necessarily lessen her power
11 the triple role for which she Is moat
llteJ, that of mistress of a home. tha
.railing mother of her children and. the
tueen of her husband's heart. Today tvo
, aeeks to be aggressive abroad instead
A remaining on the defensive at home.
i lien she opposes man she must go to the
..ail because man . la stronger. In any
aiuggla between them the survival of the
.nlest and consequently the mi digest will
Cuine about, lit the arena of public life
womep haven't got a chance with men.
Alen are stronger mentally aud physically
and women ca.inot compete with them...
"1 trunk it is a grand tiling to see a
woman taking In washing, and she Is far
better off than her richer sisters who spend
their lim ; taking in men. It Is an uj
fortunute thing that women have to work
for their living today, but It seems to be
a ncce;aiy economic condition of the
that Father Vaughan's statements will
tsuse a hug sensation throughout this
country" and Cunada, Is evidenced by the
many Harm discussions already started.
I'trsistent advertising In The Bee Is the
ruud to Llg Returns.
Tarlfal Tenth.
"I ainM-ttl (o Ur. Veiliy, whose truth
rulues nobody doubts," sid the uutrxia
hostess, with a glitter in her eye 'Mr
1"' 'ou V1;1"" supply my boarders
Khh bud butter
The others looked eager attention to se.
how Mr. erliy would get out of It.
"Madam," he answeied wltn a bow. "ti e
truth on whlrh you compliment ine forces
me to declare that your butter la one of
your string point."
Will Exceed Those of Any Prerioui
Year, Though Expense Was Larg-e.
West Mar-ola One of Mast Paaalar
Place la l.aaeastvr Caaatr Dir.
la Kxalhltlon Pair Gressdi
Order (ioa,
(T-Yom a Stff Correspondent.)
state fair board haa heJd an all-day meet
ing, winding up the business of the week.
It will be Impossible for several dny to
give out the report of the earning and
expenses, but the Indications are the net
receipt will surpass the receipts of any
previous year, even though the expenses
have been unusually heavy.
The total attendance this year was 1S0.
114. against 79.935 In 1909 and 111.800 In
UOS, up to this year the bauner year.
T..e crowd wan more numerous on
Wednesday, Pahlman day. but It might" be
Incidentally remarked that the aeroplane
had been booke dfor flights that after
noon, following the fall of the aviator the
day before. On Wednesday 44.440 people
passed through the gates.
It was apparent that the people 'who
visited the fair went home satisfied that
they got their money's worth. The local
papers condemned the boot blacks for In
creasing the price of shines to 10 cents,
instead of 5 cents, but the visitors did not
seem to mind that Increase, though there
was objections to the way some of the
rooming houses robbed their victims, with
no very great protest so far ai heard from
the local authorities and papers. One
party who paid fl for a room on Monday
night was held up for $3 for the same room
Tuesday night. Instances of this kind were
reported numerous, though if they cared
to pay the price most all of the visitor
eould have secured rooms somewhere. The
Information bureau Installed by the com
mercial club was of great benefit to the
visitors. In that the bureau funrlshed
callers with Information regarding places
to sleep and eat.
More people yore drunk on the streets
than usual and the disorder at night was
general along O street. A crowd of boy
and young men took it upon themselves to
Insult women or strike them with patent
noise maker. Two or three of the young
rowdies were knocked down by escort of
women and one plate glas window was
broken. A carryall did a thriving business
between Lincoln and West Lincoln. The
driver walked his team up and down the
streets soliciting trade and about once an
hour he carried out a load and brought
back a load "loaded."
The order on the fair grounds was good
and visitor were well cared for. The em
ployes at all times were courtQous and ac
commodating and kicks were not numerous.
Answer of Plattsmoath Company
The Plattsmouth Telephone company and
Its officers today filed In the supreme court
an answer to the petition of the attorney
general for an Injunction to restrain them
from turning the property of the company
over to the Nebraska Telephone company.
The answers set out that the Pl&ttsmouth
company was not a competitor of the Ne
braska companny and neither was It sold
as a part of any conspiracy, but Instead
to extend the business of the Nebraska
company. It Is also In the answer that
the suit was filed for the benefit of the
owners of Independent telephone companies
and not In the Intercut of the people. The
attorney general. It says has not been given
all the facta In the case hut has been Im
posed upon. The answer set out that the
Independent anscclatloa has entered Into
contracts to prohibit its members from
competing with each other or getting Into
the territory of each, other; that it was
threatened one time that If it did not Join
the association there : would be Installed
In Plattsmouth a competing system. The
company asks that the Injunction asked
for, by the Independent companies be de
nied. , .
Opposes Team to Shoot.
Adjutant General Hartlgan Is opposed to
sending any more rifle teams to the na
tional rifle shoot and has so. set out in a
report to Governor Shallenberger after a
thorough InvesUgation of the question.
First Three of Series of Nlae Games
Will Be at larlnda, la., Pair
Next Week
CLARINDA, la.. Sept. 10,-t.Speclal Tele-
gram.)-FallB City, Mink league pennant
winner, and FVemont, pennant winner In
Nebraska State league, will play a series
of nine games opening at the Clarlndo. fair
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Septem
ber 14, 1 and 16. The remaining game will
be played at Fremont and Fall City.
Forecaster Formerly Located at Mens
fits- Is Advanced to Reapoaal
ble Position.
SIOUX CITY, Sept. 10 (Special Tele
gram.) Following on the heels of the pro
motion of Local Forecaster Harry O. Geren
of the United States weather bureau to be
district director of the weather service In
Houth Carolina, with headquarters at Col
umbia, comes the announcement today that
,'. D. Reed, whom Geren succeeded hers
ln.'.t May, ha been made assistant fore
caster for New York City. Mr. Reed haa
.eo In the Insurant business here the past
fe-w month.
It, 1010.
Gains 46 Votes
in 42 Precincts
Recount of Yesterday Includes Sec
ond of Eighth and All of the
Tenth Ward. . v
Governor Bhallenberger had a net gain
of forty-six votes yesterday in a recount of
forty-two precincts. This change In his
relative standing with Mayor Dahlman
represents an average gain of about on
vol to each precinct.
The forty-two precincts In which the re
count took place Included all precincts
from the First ward to the Second precinct
of the Eighth ward and all of the Tenth
ward .
On the original canvas the same precincts
gave tahlman S.9TS and Bhallenberger Vol.
The recount gives Dahlman S.STtO a loss of
twenty-slx-and Shallenberger 777-a gain
of twenty thus making a total gain of
forty-six In the recount of the precincts
Democratic and I'opallat Organisa
tions Are to Arbltihte Differ
rnces la Mlth district.
BROKEN BOW. Sept. 10 (Special Tele
gram.) Judge J. R. Dean and W. J. Tay
lor came together today and mutually
agreed to submit their difference to the
state committees of the democratic and
populist parties. A written agreement to
this effect was signed by both candidates
for congress from the Sixth district and
forwarded to the chairman.
Secretary Geortre Wells Makes Ex
haustive Report on Conditions.
Kstlaiatra Wheat Will Kaa at Laaat
Twentr.Three Basnets tori Crop
at Yet Made Carroll's
l.llwl Cane.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOI.NK8. Sept. lO.-tSpeolal Tele
gram.) Secretary George Wella of the
Western Grain Dealers' a.-wclatlon, who
has made exhaustive Investigation of Iowa
grain crops In connection with hi office,
declares that the value and quantity of
small grain In Iowa this year will far ex
ceed that of last year. He estlmatea the
average oats crop at forty bushels to the
acre and wheat twenty-three bushels. While
the corn crop has not yet been made, he
believes that It will be of good quality and
at least as large a last year.
Goveraor'a Libel Case.
It Is expected that on Monday next the
district court will be called upon to decide
when the trial of Governor Carroll uniler
his Indictment for criminal libel will be
started. The Jury has been called, but a
number of other have tight of way
ahead of the Carroll cam. The local Doll-
tlcal Influences are all for an early trial
or uie caae, but the attorney are said not
to be urging the matter except formally.
(Continued from First Pass.
Angeles a couple of year ago. His name
a as aJan mentioned conspicuously In a legal
bat-tie between Dr. and Mrs. Kraus at
Vlcksburg, where she had Dr. Krauss ar
rested, then dropped the case, and charges
wer openly made that the relationship be
tween Griffith and Mrs. Kraus was too
Mr. Daley Turney Kraus has always
been regarded as on of the most beautiful
and accomplished women of the south. She
la a nlec of former Governor Feter Turney
of Tennessee and belongs to one of the best
known families In this state.
Chines Htadent Arrive.
.VN,nRANCI3CO' "T1- 10 The steam
ship China arrived today from oriental
ports with a delegation of slxty-slx Chinese
students aboard. Theee students an a trait
?. H'ond annual Installment which
China Is sending to this countrv t-'--
four ;esry course In Amerii-sn unlver-H tie.
.Omaha's newt.
Plant "Restores"
Clothes Ilodernly
Dresher Bros. Inaugurate New
Era of Master Cleaning
and Dyeing of
Shop When Running Full to
Employ Fifty Expert
Blar Premium List Is Hnpplrmrnted ky
Racing sad Other Feat ores.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Sept Mi (Special.)
The large purses and many premiums of
fered by the twenty-ninth annual Custer
County fair, commencing here Tuesday of
next week, haa brought In plenty of fine
racing stock and all kinds of Interesting ex
hibit. The fair promises to exceed It usual
standard of excellence, while the racing pro
gram, which Is nearly complete, will com
pare favorably with any In the state. The
speed program with accompanying purses
Is as follows: Green running race, V;
green trot and pace, $100; half-mile run and
repeat, 175; 2:t7 trot and pace, $300; H mile
running, 76; 2:46 trot and 1:40 pace, $150:
S-year-old . running mile. $S0; free
for all trot and pace, $300; half mile
running and repeat. $100; running mile
and repeat. $ti0; pony race, $G0. A (-horse
relay race will be run Thursday and Fri
day with purses of $25 and $50 In addition
to this there will be a wild west show,
aerial trick work and contortionists. At
night there will be free street shows and
theatrical attractions. The educational side
of the fair has not been neglected and
the displays will be worth seeing.
Central City Shoves Blar Growth.
CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Sept. 10. Spe
cial.) Stvom unofficial source It Is learned
that wh4n the census report for Nebraska,
which Is to be given ont shortly, appear,
It will show that In Merrick county during
the bast ten years there has been an In
crease of about 1,000 In the population, and
that practically all of this gain has been
made in Central Cty, where the population, I
will have jumped from 1,571 in 1900. to
slightly i under- ?,$n0 for the " census this
Hprlng.. Thus Central City has shown an
increase of considerably more than 50 per
cent, which Is especially gratifying In view
of the fact that the "boom" here seems
to have Just commenced and that numerous
building project are In prospect, and that
also the new college addition and other
additions just outside the corporation lim
its may eventually come Into the town,
making another large Increase.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair and warmer.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Actually' slops wind, dtist, heat, cold and rata.
Should be installed In every door and window opening.
They sava fuel and do away with ther need for storm windows.
U is partloulacly important to lmunava old. build
ings this way.
1614 Harney
Stolen from the,, barn of W. H. Plummer. In Lewis township, Pot
tawattamie county, Iowa, on the nUrht of September 7th, 1910, one
set double Concord harness complete, with collars, split back straps
sewed traces, plain Concord hames, left hame of one harness slightly
bent on top, one blind strap riveted into blind. A reward of $26 wlil
be paid for the recovery of this property. A reward of 1 100 will be
paid for the apprehension and conviction of the thief, said rewards to
be paid by the Pottawattamie County Protective association.
Wire information to T. F. McCAFFRKY, Sherrlff of Pottawatta
mie County, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
n .
Keaater Reslaas Membership la Or
aaalsatloa Whlrh Withdrew
CHICAGO, Sept. 10. United States
Senator William Lorlmer this afternoon
resigned his membership In the Hamilton
club of Chicago, of which he has t.een a
member for many years. Senator Lorl
mer' letter of resignation was sent to
the club following a two hours' confer-'
ence with friendn Avar fnrm.r iw.i. I
Roosevelt's refusal to attend the club
banquet If Mr. Lorlmer were present.
7T 1
jtw nwvm S a, m 52
fwJ2fSfJ-y a. m 61
? "VI 7 a, m 51
lTl yimmJ ' -. 8 a. m 58
IJ L Ji$ . 0 a. m 5JS
Jl T3tJa3j tf 10 m M
VI Jfe'fe iS 11 .- m M
v)nlv i p" m'.!!'.'.!!'.;;;i;'. !
iWlJULo. 2 p. m 70
'lTirwjHu p- ni 71
I vi Z p- m 'I
"V-jT-J Bp. m 71
MnTjir ' 6 p. m 70
7 P' m 88
Don't Put It Off Another Day
hot water heater or base
If you exnect to have vnur f urn nr. aAam
burner ready tor winter now is the time to get your order in. It wlU taki '
a few days to do the work. Why not get busy now? ,aK
th r.-rti o vvy'vvv pounas win ao tor a while, but several order
tho same kind will make some one wait. If It 1 you It will be your own
ir your old furnace leaks gas we can fix it or put in a new one. .
Our new furnaces, the Vai-val. Eo.iinF . n.r
radiators ?"0t " h'at thB ClA rovma from ymir 'urnace with hot water
heatlng'Sr" cooking Tnk Hea,er8 and everything used in connection with
2 'jrnones: Doug. 960; A-3621. 1206-1208 Dowlas St.
Old time "cleaning and dyeing'' ha
been supplanted bjr the Improved "clothe
restoring ayatent now offered by Cue
thresher Pres., In their specially built.
really metropolitan establishment at 22 11-
I (III Farnam street,
The garments ef men, women and chil
dren, a weH a lace ourtalns, gkrvea, furs,
plumes and even rttga, may now be bought
.0 their "early glory" by expetm, and witb,
.nethod absolutely "up to now.1'
In -this iiei.' "Dresner" enterprise all
Aork 1 undi. Immediate supervision
jf a noted An cleaner and dyer, who
. practically mist; work In men's
A earabtne L-. noted la one depart
ment, and u itnen's In aoother.
Every device . ill simplify, broadon,
or exped.te complete "restoration" of
a garment, has-been brouglit Into use here,
and It la doubtful whether a more thor
oughly aq-atpfied establishment may bo
found In any other American city.
In the "restoring'' ef a man's suit, for
instance, at a tfMo-ga of ll.M, the suit
traverse lt,09 quara feet f working
space; through hatf a dosen distinct de
partment and througU the '---.Is of oraf
fifty operative.
Work don her will receive uvu, . of
Inspection; the grade most be Mgh enough
to become untveraally known thfougttaut
the west on abort order.
The Dreaher Bro. have also a thoogirk
for the transient, a traveling man, for in
stance, may eome to thl establishment
ana take a bath without charge whlk
awaiting the suit that la being "restored'
In another part Of the shop.
As the working space and number at
employees would indicate, an linmenat
"out Of town" business will be transacted,
and those at a distance sending In wort
to the amount of J3 or over, will hare ex
press charge prepaid one may.
Firm believers In sanitation, the Dreahert
have built this establishment ''as clean al
a creamery." every part is concrete ol
glatw, every operation as "germlcss" a
can be; while the building and equipment
have been constructed as fireproof as mod
ern architecture allow.
The telephone numbers, Tyler 1300 and
Auto A-KS5, should be clipped from thl
announcement and pasted somewhere
handy, for lreshersa "battleship grey"'
wagon will be everywhere In evidence and
service Is as speedy aa man can offer.
The garment you've relegated because
of an off color, or because ef their being
oiled, should bow be brought out and
''battleship grey" wagons be telephoned
for Immediately.
,Try It the new "clethes restoring" ay,
tern It Isn't a bit mere ceUy, but It's
vastly more thorough.
Anu besides, your work will be entrusted
with Dresher Bros., and that mean every
Loaalaa; Ajrlonltral Paper
of the West, Aathorlty oa
All Matter Pertaining to tho
Km or Raaea. SI a Year.
"Thar Osm and Gold Ax Palrly
- old.'
Ryan sella stationery to people who
... marry, ,
Buy It of Ryan and don't stop to
The Fall Wedding
I at hand and we would direct your
attention to our STATIOaURT SB
PABTatBJIT. You should buy of us,
Our stock I new and elegant.
Our workmanship In unsurpassed.
thir prices are right.
We have what you need.
i it a oovaLs8TS
"Byaa" oa the article mean qoallty
., avaiy partlole.
Indictments Returned la Connection
with Kllllna of Witness la Mght
lllder t
EDDY VILLE, Ky.. Sept. 10. Eight men
were indicted here yesterday for the i
murder cf Axion Cooper at Lemaaco
about a month sen. Cooper waa a tenant
on the farm of itlllton Oliver, a wltnem j
In the coming night rider trial, and It is I
claimed that he waa killed as the result or
a night rider plot.
bterrl Thief Seatenced.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. (Special Tele
gram.) James tlordoi:, a boy who wa
arretted at Pleasant. in. la, the other duy
for stealing a bicycle of Robert tlale of this
city, was sentenced to thirty da in
jail tod iy by Judse Walden.
The key to the altuaOon-Bee Want Ads.
CAX.I, DOUG I. A 8 1061
Aik for our special Kali Catalogue of
I'seonlr-s anil other planlM
Psoas I Bell, 37a,
Denlse Barkalow
Geo. M. Redlck
1911 Packard "Thirty" Touring Car
We beg to announce the arrival of our 1911 "Thirty"
Demonstrator, Same now on exhibition at our salesroom.
Vwho owns y
R ONE" )
Exclu. . , upholstering materials, es
pecially Imported for Packard Cara
Electric Garage Company
2218-20-22 Farnam Street
Slst aad At. A..
OoojioU muffs.
lad. 613.