M TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY MX: NKITI.Mni.U 11. 1!M0. You ) Find Your Opportunity, in the JS!ew West A D ark, Stuffy Flat; M cJ' D o You GcrM That H ? yVhy Dont You Get Outdoors? - . ' - ' Where the children can get fresh air and play amid flowers; and grow up with a bit of moun tain scenery to inspire their lives and yours with something better than any city can inspire. .. , The Golden West Abounds With Just - Such Opportunities Where you will find 10-acre patches that bring in from $500.00 to $2,000.00 per acre clear profit, and you don't have to work much harder than you do now. he Western hand-Products Exhibit at Omaha January 18 to 28 1911 Should Interest You Because the exhibits will be made up by communities in those wonderfully productive states Colorado, Wyoming, Utah; Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and California, and will be in charge of men who can tell you all about the various sections, what these sec tions have done for others and what they can do for you. r ; ' '"- , The Omaha Bee and The Twentieth Century Farmer wish to convince the people about the wonderful possibilities of the West, and they are backing up the Western Land-Products Exhibit because they realize that an exhibit of this kind will show people more of the real truth about this wonderful section than any amount of pure talk; and their real interest in the upbuilding of this empire is due to the fact that they realize that it is upon the West that Omaha must depend for its future progress and greatness. ,m!7Z,LZZ'' , - ' - ...... . , , ' r'"'" -' "" H lr : p7 1 'aBMMWiili" .. . . . j , iiMaaiiMiagiM" jm , , . . .. . .. ... . . """BWBnBafciB'j m-r ' " ill iiiiii. i I. -;- m- 1,1 11 .1 L. 1. 1 IP Y 7 t A '7- V