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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
Bee Omaha' Sunday at on WEATHER FORECAST. For Nrbraska FMr and warmer. For Iowa Klr and warmer. For wr-athor report eo page 2. NEWS SECTION TA.m ova to bzoxt. VOL. XL-NO. 13. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMRKR 11, 1010-SIX SIX Tl ONS-T 1 1 1 JtT V-KI 0 1 IT PAGES. SIMILE COPY FIVE CENTS. The WELCOME TO THE 'PAPAL DELEGATE Seventy-Five Thousand People Attend the Euchariitic Congress Held at Montreal. IIRST OPEN AIR MEETING HELD Ai Elements(Are Consecrated Members of Assemblage Fall to Knees. ONE HUNDRED BISHOPS PRESENT Sermon is Delivered by Archbishop O'ConnelL CROWNING " INCIDENT IS TODAY Great Proeeealoai Will March-United Choirs of the Cltr Are to Join In the llif In-. MONTREAL, Kept. 10. -A throng of 75,000 people assembled on Fletcher's field today for the first open air ceremony of the Kucharlstlc congress. Archbishop Farley of New York, who presided at the ceremony, drove out to the place of assemblage with Archbishop Uruchcsi. On his arrival he was escorted to the temporary chapel, where he headed the march. When the papal legate. Cardinal Van nutelll, arrived at the foot or the mountain, escorted by a mounted squad of Hibernians, a set of chlmea which had been placed on tha mount rang out welcome. Arch bishop O'Connell was about to mount the pulpit when the legate arrived. Uls sermon. In part, follows: ' The archblshp bowed to tha legate, who, with the lay chamberlains, T. H. Kelly of New York and M. De Martlgny, pro ceeded to the altar rail, lie a mo ment In prayer, then ascended a throne .opposite to that of Archblrihop Parley. Tha Immense crowd forced Itself within every inch , of apace otiMlde the uilre lines, which were tightly drawn eur the altar and the pulpit Thousand were an equal throng gathered beyond the street car lines. At the consecration of the elements . the vast asacmblage fell on its knees. The legate quit his throne ami knelt at the foot of the altar directly behind Arch bishop Farley. One hundred bishops were assembled. On the right wore tha United choirs of Montreal, all male voices, men and boy a, ' and a band of fifty piece. , Chief of Police Campeau said his men had enforced tha regulations firmly and experienced no difficulty In so dolnir lie was sure, he said, that the force would be able to handle the crowds that will gather tomorrow afternoon for the crowning In cident of the congress, vue Kucharlstlc procession. . Sermon of Archbishop. ' . 1 Archbishop O'Connell In hl sermon ' said, In part: When, ages ago, this fair portion of the earth - rose above the subsiding waters, the eternal Ood from the glory of tha heavens smiled upon it. For. He knew ' even then that On this day and in this place the great ones of tha world would gather here around the altar of His love to offer Him, hidden beneath the Kucharlstlc veil, ' all the homage of their hearts. Age be fore the sons of men built their habitations on tha banks of this mighty river tha all- seeing eye of God beheld reflected from '. this majestlo stream the gleam of Jehovah's banners and today's long train of triumphal procession bearing amid hymns and anthems the great sacrament of His presence. Cen turies and centuries before the city of Mary bad ereoted Its . glorious cathedrals the peons of praise which we raise here under the blue dome of God's great temple of ' nature had sounded their echoes aloft to . tha very throne of Ood; so that before the : inhabltanta of , thW beautiful city had framed the laws by which it is governed, or planned the spacious streets through - which we now have passed,. God's favor had reated upon this place and Hi bless ings had descended over it. . When, on the and night before Christ's passion In the dim supper-ciiamber of the ' Pasch, the Son of God Instituted the blessed sacrament of Hla love. He kne full well that we here present today should bear In our loving arms In triumphal pro cession the mystery which then waa con ' cealed amid retirement and poverty. And tli us today we take our place In thla ma jestic scene with the consciousness that we are fulfilling the plana of God and realizing tin. eternal designs of Jesua Christ present to His mind uu the eve ot Hla great passion. Truly, It heaven and earth are filled wltn , God's glory, tin Ice sacred la the spot sancti fied by Ills sacramental presence. And privileged Indeed Is this people to whom the King ot kings Himself haa come today t aa a friendly visitor. Moaat a. Second Tabor. During these historic days, when the Son of God is a nation's guest, heaven itself surah la very near to this people. And this fair city which haa become a sacred khiine of God's presence Is teeming with Uis graces and benedictions. Look around you and consider well the full beauty and tho. fuller significance of thla wonderful scene. Nature and grace, earth and heaven, are blending here all their varied splendors. For the moment tills royal mount la become a second Tabor and tne very heavens havo opened above this hal lux ed place, where the angel of God de scend In client adoration around the throne of the Holy Kuchurlst. What tongue cf man can voice the senti ment of laith which at this moment fills to uvtrtloHiiig each Catholic soul l.ere pres ent, revealing the presence of the Son ot God under the veil of 'the Eucharlht? As truly as on that first Christmas night the under child of Mary lay within her loving arms, as truly as a hen m JuJee He sat upon the hllNnUs and taught the people lUe woiidritii ot God. as truly as when lie liealed th leper and fed the mul titude m1 gae xiclit to a, blind, aa iruiy vneti ai last lie was raised ai blced liolotauvt twlxt eartb and heaven; Just to truly ia Jesua Chiut eur King with us and before us. Uiere in the sacrament of ill loe. . The limo Is too precious and too sacred to Jii !n fruitless questionings. There Is plenty of time for scientific inquiry and . iru'ioly mental Investigation of th how and ,j v.i www a Mwiiutriiui uriitmgs with Wen . Jwiuy t. only hear the omnipotent words v (w wv.n j t vivm. i nwiui iiiiii oreaa and wine into hla own body and blood. His word I truth and his power omnipotence, .tuoj we hear only hie word and our hcarta bow down before the miracle of Hla power. "Title U my body; this is my blood." ICIther Ood is not Ood at all and the (Coulinued on beevnd I'age) Wright Scores a BullVEye in Bomb Contest Aviator Drops Fresh Egg from Height of Eighteen Hundred Feet and Hits Target. BOSTON, Mass.. Kept. 10. The practical use of aeroplanes as Instruments of war is to be further demonstrated today at the Boston-Harvard aviation meet at Atlantic. Riding as a passenger Tilth Charles F. Willard In his Curtlaa biplane, Captain J. C. Stekel. V. B. A., planned to take rifle shots at targes on the field while the machine was In motion 200 feet in the air. Captain mcKni m one oi mo xoremuai Buryaiiuoioi In tho country. A special bomb 'dropping contest will be arranged for the last day of the meet. The missies will be fresh eggs Instead of plaster of parls bombs and they will be dropped from an elevation of not lees than 1.S00 feet. Two trophle have been offered for this contest. The first Is a cup known as the City of Boston trophy offered by Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston. Another cup. pre sented by John Hays Hammond, is the second prize. Each aviator will be allowed three eggs. Brookln was the first aviator to make an ascent this afternoon. He went up In a Wright biplane, carrying Wilbur Wright. Wright dropped a bomb, scoring a bull's eye. Glenn H. Curtlss went up for a speed pin in a Curtlss machine, but on the nee end circuit Ills engines became disabled and he was obliged to make a glide, binding safely 100 feet from the water. Among those present was Charles Taft, son of the president, who has been a con stant attendant at the meet. Chanler Drops v Out of Sight Friends of New York Artist Refuse to Discuss Reports that He and Wife Have Separated. NKW YORK. Sept 10,-Robert Wlnthrop Chanler, who arrived here yesterday from Paris by way of Montreal, has left this city and his whereabouts are unknown, except possibly to some of his most Intimate friends. At Ills study on Fifth avenue he was In consultallon with several friends yesterday, but he refused to discuss the report from Paris of his separation from his wife, Mme. Llna Cavalleri. w horn he married little more than two months arto. P.eports of the differences .between the Chanlcrs have been frequent for weeks and when It waa learned that Mr. -Chanler had put the ocean between himself and hla wife it was stated that they had separated for good.- ' " ' Mme. Cavalleri, who Is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. Is at her summer home near TroU-hli, in France. It ia reported from Paris that Mr. Chanler settled his entire fortune on- hla wife and that from henceforth he will seek to derive an income from his painting; to which art. his friends say, he is going to devote him self entirely. Peace Prevails in Nicaragua i General Rivas, Commander of . Last Armed Force Opposing Estrada Regime, Surrenders. MANAGUA. Kept 10 The last armed oppoaitlon to the new regime under Gen eral Kstrada, the provisional president. had ceased with the surrender of General Fernando Maria Itlvaa with 1,000 men u-id loven cannon. lllvas occupied Bluefields bluff for the Mad flu government, and after the fall of the latter proceeded to Greytown, where hn nfferri to Hlirrenrier nr. mnriillnn l... was guaranteed the life and libertv nt I himself and ills troops. To this the gov- eminent, agreeu. David Arellano, who waa arrested and Imprisoned by former President Zelaya for having led a street demonstration at Gruhada in celebration of the ele:iit -of President Taft, will leave for the United States on September 14. Club Woman Will Run for Congress Mrs. Frances E. Beauchamp of Lex ington, Xy., Aspirss to Seat Once Occupied by Henry Clay. LEXINGTON, Ky., Sept. 10. Mrs. Frances E. Beauchamp of Lexington, state president of the Women a Christian Temperance Union, and widely known In women's club circles, announced today her candidacy for congress in this the Seventh congressional district The principal plank In her an nounced platform Is directed against the liquor traffic. Drummer Gets Among the best of the vacation store tl'.at has been going the r minis km tol:l by an Omaha man, just returned from an extensive tour through C'lforn!i and oihr western states. Among a party which ho met traveling together was a church dig' nitary and his wife, on their way to some Episcopal gathering. Uoth were corpu lent and very dignified, but none of the Pullman enjoyed a Joke better. At dinner tho dean complained of distress in his htoiuach, and confided to ills wife, whom he addressed aa "mother," that he felt .. - I.. m Ka nll.l I. .thixm l PUIS IB " lu . .. '".'' a to uggebted that she would prepare the ru- tomaiy iriusfeird planter, but the dean hatiily protested. In the nit; lit. heating her huxbuii'l tosciu, in his berth across the aisle, and thinking ot hia remark at the dinner tab'., she hastily repaired to the diner, fixed a Rood strong plaster of decided drawing qualitl . applied It, and again retired. Next ii'ur: 1 FINISH OF THE MAINE CAMPAIGN Both Republicans' and Democrats Claim Election to Be Held Next Monda. AGREED THAT STATE IS IN DOUBT Wise Outsiders Refrain from Making Any Prophecy. PREFERS TO WAIT FOR RETURNS ! Many Changes in Voting; Constituency Tnrini Tap Yr TWO COMPLETE TICKETS ARE UP luisrfrnrr .Vol No Mrooar, flat the Liquor ttaestten la One of the P ra mount lnuri. AUGUSTA. Me.. Sept. 10.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Not fur a generation has eo fierce a political battle been fought In Maine as that which practically came to a finish tonight. And it has been a great many year slnoe thera has been ko great a doubt os to what the result will be until the votes are counted Monday night. The republicans claim they will elect Gov ernor Fornald by a cafe, though perhaps reduced majority, and will return an un broken . republican delegation to congess. The democrats are claiming the elec tion of Col. Fred W. Plaldat as governor and say they will capture tha First and Second congressional districts. The wise outsider 'refrains from making a prophecy, but Is Inclined to regard the democratic claims to be most likely to be borne out when the returns are In. For thirty jeara Maine has been ao stead fastly republican that politicians ceased to be uneasy about Its vote, one way or the other. But In the last few years great changes have taken place In Maine'a voting constituency. laanrsrency ot Mrong. Insurgency Is not as intense or, powerful in Maine as In other states, but the causes which have produced It elsewhere are act ively telt here. Together with dissensions and counter currents in the republican fold, I it. has been strong enough to force the re- tlrement of so long potent a political fac- tor as Senator Hale, With these forces and others at work, the election on Monday will undoubtedly have national Importance that? Maine'a elec tions have lacked for nearly a generation. This election's result will fce.the forerun ner of what may be expected at the No vember elections In other Males. In 1894, the Year when the great reaction against President Cleveland's administra tion . begun,' the republican plurality -was 30,117 lu a total vote of 99.717. Two year later the republican-' reached liielr high water vote with a plurality of 48,24 In a total vote of 116,94t. Then began a gradual recession. - In 18U6 a remarkable falling off set lit when the republican plurality for governor was only 8.061 In a total vote of 130,790. . . . . . - ... Two years ago. In 190S, it. fell still lower and In proportion to the whole vote the loss was still greater.. In a total vote of 139,819 the republican plurality for governor waa only 7,264. . Llqaor Qaeatlon Not an lasae. The issues which are having this effect are . mixed. They are partly state Issues and partly national. In Maine probably more than anywhere elae, atate Issues, even in a campaign In which representatives to congress are elected, .assume an inordinate Importance. This Is because Maine has long been a prohibition state and yet the prohibition question is as burning an Issue as ever. The democratic organization la making It a principal Issue and It la likely that it will have a very considerable effect on the elections, but for a curious reason which does not appear on the surface. Five years ago the republicans devised a plan of enforcing the law over the heads ot local officials. An act waa passed creat ing a atate enforcement commission, with power to send ita deputies Into any part of the atate. This law, the republicans argued, would put a atop to liquor selling. But not only haa It not done thla,' but It haa served to irritate a large number of surreptitious liquor sellers who heretofore have been ward workera for the republicans. How large a factor the illicit liquor era form may be Judged from the fact aenera form may be Judged from the fact that there are several thousand arreata In Maine yearly for selling liquor, and that these arreata are only a fraction of the total amount of liquor selling going on. Theaet Illicit dealers are all more or less miexd In the . subterranean . channels of politics and exetr a atrogn Influence. This enforcement act forma one of the chief Issues of the democrats. They as sert that prohibition la nil in Maine; that dives have multiplied; that arreata have Increased; that social drinking clubs have sprung up; that liquor expresses have multiplied; that the right of city, town and county to Ita own police force regu lation has been taken away, and thatonly one county has so far consented to pay the expesnes of the enforcement commis slon, all of the otner counties refusing. Plaster Intended for Preacher - ng anxious inquiries elicited the In'orn.a lion that the dean had passed a verv com fortable night, with no stomach trouble to annoy. "A mustard plaster ia an excellent rfinedy," contentedly si g lied hla wfe. "Mustard plaster," gasped the dean. "I didn't have on any mustard plaster." At that moment, from the dressing room, bolted a traveling man, purple with I age and emitting a flow ot profnlty amaxlr.gly picturesque ar.d complete. After fighting the air for some momenta In a vain attempt to decide upon the guilty party, he became auffclently articulate to shout: "Some fool put a mustard plaater ou me. and It'a burned clear through!" in the roar of laughter that greeted this Information, "mother" aubslded In the cor nel of the aeat; and the dean regarded her with an expression that Indicated he had "good one" to hold over her head for thu rest of her natural life. N. U. This was not the local dean. I J " J 73 ONE MORE VOTE. J, I ilia, 'Jehx I Js fell . -rfeVife. rii k: ill g fr , Mi . . vi i i ' v rT...- -i Er ROAST FOR BANK EXAMINERS Comptroller Tells Subordinates They Are Not Doing Their Duty. FAUUBES . ..CAN BS 'AVOIDED None tToold, Have Occurred t Last Few Months Mad Examiners Feend Real Conditions 63x1st- i In a; In Banks Visited. ' ."ASHINGTON. Sept. 10. Cloae on the heela of the radical shakftup In the ranka of bank . examiners, by which twenty men on Thursday were anirtea 10 new fields, Comptroller of the Currency Mur ray today announced he would make a personal investigation of conditions lit all examination districts. The comptroller In a statement addressed to examiners said In almost every iase of a national bank failure since I have been comptroller the Insolvency couU have been averted had the national bank examiner deter mined the true condition and reported hla findings' in time for me to force a correc tion In the administration of the bank'a affairs." Condemning the excuses made by bank examiners In practical.y every caae, Mr. Murray, aald he had .been compelled to undertake a personal examination of con ditions In every dlatrlot ao a to ascertain at flrat hand why an examiner is unable to discover impending disaster in the af fairs of a bank. He will be accompanied and aaslsted by Oscar u. teuing. lor merly a national hank examiner and now chief of the divfalon of reports In the comptroller's office. After citing that examiners or failed banks had offered excuaea that they had been unable to learn in advance of a bank's true condition; that officers and directors of banks would not correct con ditions brought to their attention or any one of another dozen reaaona, Mr. Murray, In hla statement, saya: "The comptroller also desires to ascer tain why some examiners are capable ot correcting, while they are In the bank, all the conditions subject to criticism, when other examiners are either unable or un willing to accomplish like results and only report their criticisms to the comp troller's office. "Many of the examlnera atate In their reports of examinations forwarded to the comptroller's office that it Is a hardship not only on the examiner, but on many of the members of tae directory of coun try banks, to ask the varloua boarda to meet with the examiner during the prog resa or at the cloae of the examination. "The comptroller is of the opinion that a board of directors which will not or cannot meet with a representative of the government for a short time twice each year to go over in detail the conditions which he finds and reporta to it, la com posed of members who are not doing l....r duty In any sense of the word, and It Is now proposed to find out whether or not the hardship complained of by tne examiners really exists." They are looking in The Bee for rooms. If you have one tell the people bout It through these want ad columns. They rent rooms. They rent them quickly. They secure good paying people for tbem. Call Tyler 1000 and a cheer ful htal'f will attend to jou. , . x -T . I f TT.L VTA1T A LITTLE YfTiiLE ) I " TOOR" POLICY qJ , .. .. . . . i.ocai jveau as vieta y .ut uses aiusu Coming and Going in Omaha "" President Diaz Unlocks Door of New Y. M. C. A. Head of Mexican Republic Opens Structure Built Through 'Efforts of Former Omaha Man. MEXICO CITY, Sept. 10.-Vlth a sliver key Pretddent Porfirio Dlas today un locked the new home of the Young Men's Christian . association, the dedication ot which waa the chief feature of the day'a centennial program. The building is a five story stone structure, occupying a corner of a block and extending half a block on ooth streets. . Accompanied by the members of the sablnet, high Mexican officials and visitors to the celebration, the - chief executive passed ' through the building and In augurated each department. He rolled the first ball down the bowling alley and shot the first ball across the bill ard table. The Institution of the Young Men's Christian association work In old Mexico was undertaken something oyer ten, years ago by Ueorge 1. Babcock, formerly of Omaha. Mr. Babcock left the local Young Men'a Christian association for the untried field after demonstrating his executive ability here first In the educational depart n.ent and later In administrative work. In Mexico ha succeeded from the start and In addition to establishing the work in Mexico City, he la laying the foundation for Its bpicjQ over the republic. Mr. Babcock la a Nebraska man, having lived at North Loup and being a graduate of the University of Nebraska In tho class of U94. GRAIN FIRM BACK ON MAP W. II. Merrltt mad Company of Chl . esgo Settle with Creditors aad Reiime Business. CHICAGO. Sept. 10. The grain commis sion house of W. II. Merrltt V Co., which was placed in the hands of a re ceiver last April, overcame Its financial difficulties today. An ofler ef composition made by William H. Merrltt and Eugene I Merrltt, co-partner in the firm, was accepted by creditors and approved by Judge Kenesaw M. Landia In the United States district court. ' The concern's liabilities were estimated at $19'i.0ix. Ita aaseta are said to be 100,000. Kidnaped Boy Mysteriously Returned to Grandparents YORK, Sept 10. Although . little Mlci.uel Hclmlca, the 3-year-old son of Dr. Michael Scimlca, a prominent Italian phy sician, Is today vafely in the hands of his relatives, after having been held for nearly three months a captive by Black Hand kidnapers, the abductors ot the boy have no far escaped the police dragnet set for them, when it waa learned that the Utile fellow was about to be returned to his guardlana. Fifty detectlvea of the Ital ian squad had been tor hours watching railroad stations and the vicinity and Dr. Hcimtra'a home in Manhattan, in' expec tation of trapping the kidnapers, when the lad mysteriously turned up late Itt.-t night at the home of Dr. cimlra'a father-in-law, Dr. Michael Detrolla, In Brooklyn. The p. .lice had heard that Dr. Ucimica waa trying to raise 17,000, which had been de manded a a ransom for the boy. Dr. rk'iinica today, hoaevvr, denied that he had paid a cent fur the return of the child. 0U1TE HANDY WITH WEAPON Mrs. Krauss Shoots But Does Not Want to Kill. - WOUNDS A 105 ANGELES BROKER Alleorea a lromlae to Marrr. that If Wnm Not Kent and that nor ' rowed Money Was Not Returned. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Sept. lO.-Mra. Will lain Krauss, wife of r. Krauss, said to be a well known educator and physician of Memphis, Tenn., shot and wounded Frank lin H. Griffith, a mining broker of this city, today. Mrs. Krausa charged that Griffith ob tained money from her and failed to keep a promise of marriage. Mrs. Krauss Is In Jail. She alleged that Griffith had promised to marry her as soon aa she was able to obtain a divorce .om Dr. KrauHs. but that ultimately he had refused to do so or make any return of the money she had advanced. "I'm a good shot and I did not aim to kill him," aald Mrs. Krauss. "It was the first tlmp I ever shot at a man. 1 only tried to ahoot him through the aim." Mrs. Krausa was cool and self possessed when taken to the police station. Griffith claims that Mrs. Krauss repre sented herself as a single woman and denied that he had taken money1 from her. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Kept. 10. Adding an other sensational epiaode to a sensational life. Mrs. Daisy Turney Krauss. wife of Dr. William Krauss of Memphis, this af ternoon shot and wounded Franklin H. Griffith, a California mining broker at Los Angeles. The shooting Is said to have been the culmination of trouble between Mrs. Krauss and Griffith, growina- out of . . . ., , - - , his alleged failure to give her the value of money received In a business deal. Dr. William Krauss Is one of the best known physicians In the aouth. He left Memphta to become dn&n of the medical de partment of the University of Mississippi at Vlcksburg, .but resigned laat year after one year'a service and resumed practice in Memphis. One ot the most sensational documents 'ever filed In the local courts was that in chancery by Mrs. Krauss on No vember 11. 1909, In which she charged Dr. Krauss with cruelty and trying to kill her, and asked for a divorce. Dr. Krauss an swrred several weeks later, making many sensational countercharges. The divorce suit haa not been tried. Griffith was mentioned In connection with Mrs. Krausa first when ahe went to Loa (Continued on Second Page.) Much mystery surrounds the circumstance of Hhe child's reappearance. It waa said at the Petrolla home that a telephone mes sage was received during the evening that little Michael would be found walking on Fifty-fifth atreet, Manhattan. The Pe trolla'a drove in their carriage to that lo cality, they aald, and spied the lad alone on the sidewalk. The boy uttered a cry of Joy when ha saw hla relatives and was soon snugly wrapped up ,ln the carriage and on the way to the Petrolla Brooklyn home. I'p to this fore noon the boy had not been taken from the Petrolla home to hi? parenta on the lower east ride on Manhattan. Lieutenant Van chrls of the Italian squad declared that he know'a the Identity of the boy'a captors and arrests in the case are considered prob able. Dr. Kclmlca settled in this country in l'.KXl and aoon built up a large practice on the eaat aide. Ilia prosperity waa believed to have aroused the envy of blaekhanders and to have prompted the kidnaping, COLONEL SCORES ACTS 0FR10TERS Formr President Denounces Lawless ness and Lawbreakers in Speech at Columbus, 0. WORDS OF PRAISE FOR UNION MEN Says Would Join Body Himself if a Workingman. LAW AND ORDER MUST PREVAIL Censure for Policemen Who Mutinied During Strike. AUTHORITIES LOOK FOR GOOD Maror Marshall Declare If Raoae -re-It's Wnrde of Wisdom Heeded, Labor flush Will Knd at Oare Troona Stand tinard. COLVMBl'S. O.. Sept. lO.-Comlng today to the arena of the street care strike rlota which kept Columbus In a state ot disorder for w.Hkr, ex-Prcsldent Rooaevelt In a speech here denounced In strongest terms acts of lawlessness and men who committed them. s The state capit mI la still being guarded by militia and Colonel Koosevelt himself was escorted by l'nltd States troops, from the Columbus barracks. As the strike Is still .on, J. C. Metcalf, chairman of the llooaevelt reception com mittee, asked President Taft to assign regu lar troops to guard the ex-president today and the president consented. Colonel Koosevelt waa met at the station by the regulars and state militia and com mittees representing the chamber of com merce and citlzcna of the city. Ha pro ceeded at the head of a purade to the park, half a mile from the station, wheie lie de livered his speech. Mayor George Marshall occupied a aeat on the platform from which Colonel Roose velt spoke. It has been announced that after today Governor Harmon will withdraw hla control of the situation here and the municipal government under Mayor Marahall will have full charge. Introduced by Mayer. On his arrivnl at the park Colonel Roose velt waa Introduced to Mayor Marshall, whose handling of the car men'a strike here haa been criticized lu certain quarters. When the two men shook hands there waa loud cheering. The crowd, estimated at between ID. 000 to 20,000, wildly cheered him when Mr. Roose velt declared that Iawlesenesa should be crushed and that he would join a union if he were a wage earner. The crowd cheered also when he declared that a po liceman who mutinies (thirty-three of them having mutinied In Columbus during the strike I stands on a level lower than that of the professional lawbreaker. Tho aud ience was made up largely of workmen from tho shops and acorca of the union street car striken. The colontl tvas taken to the union ils tlon after his speech and left at :C for PUiaburg. Mayor Marshall, after hearing Colonel Roosevelt's speech, said: "If hla words of wisdom are heeded this gtrlhe will end at once. Peace and good order are now being maintained In this city and this ia the time to compel arbi tration. A special aesslon of the legisla ture should be called at once to enact a compulBory arbitration law. In the mean time . the people of Columbua should ex press themselves in no uncertain terms." Colonel Roosevelt's Speech. Colonel Roosevelt's speech was aa follows: "Before I came 10 Ohio I. of course, knew of the lamentable conditions which had continued for so many wceka here at Co lumbus. As soon as I entered Ohio, and ever since, 1 have been from time to time addressed by letter and even peraonally on both sides, asking me to come to Columbua and apeak. 1 will say frankly that I did not like to come here, but I llke dodging still less, and so I have come. "I notice I have been advertised to apeak on the subject of law and order, and ao I shall. But 1 shall also speak on Justice, for exactly what is the duty ot all good cltixens to see absolutely and without re serve that law and order prevail, It Is Just as much their duty to aee that JuaUce pre vails. ' "The first requisite to the establishment of Justice la the establishment of law and order and woe to the man. public official or private citixen who falls to realise this fact. Ana especially should we bhor and 1:1 - " " v""ul"-1 ul Public aervant who ror ai ny reason fails In his dutv In thi. regard. We must equally condemn the pub lic aervants and ourselves, the people alaa are aa responsible aa the public servants. Second Duty of Cltlaena. "If we atop content with tha mP. .-u llshment of law and order. w fail ... further duty, which ia by thoroughgoing Investigation to find out whether Justice haa been denied and injustice committed and then to use the whole power of the government to right any wrong that haa been done. "Now, at the outaet let me say as clearly aa possible that I do not and cannot under take to say what the exact facta are for thoroughly reputable citizens, writing me on behalf of the two sldea. fairly contradict each other. But there are certain k,. polnta directly applicable to your present altuatlon which can be laid down without hesitation. There Is no question whatever, but what many acts of violence have been committed. Including bomb throwing, and the use of thut weapon the worst, the meanest, the basest and most cowardly type of asausslns dynamite. "Now. the flrat duty of the government authorities, high Hnd low, from top to bot torn, la to put an end to the reign of vio lence and dlsirder, to check and punlsl, every crime of lawlessness. No excuse can be accepted for any government official who fails to do his duty lu this regard an, I no excuse can be uoepted for any private cltlxen who fulls not merely to passively but actively to perform tho prime duty i t good citizenship In Joining with the author Itloa jn helping to jiut an end to'ucb an Intolerable condition. Warulujt to Roth Slilra, "I call your attention tu what Judge Siter did a yeitr ugo In the due of tho atrlking miners In southern Ohio. Tho employer aprllcd to Iii in for an injunction unalimt the u. In. is. He d'cllmd tu grant it, but be should get authoritative information us to whether they are true or faliie. I aloua uutl Corporations rceaaary. "Of course to dlnmiss men fur asking for an of wages would be nueti an In famy that I can hardly believe It occurred, but you should find out definitely, Tu Uia-