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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1910)
4 THE BKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SKITEMBER 10, 1010. WW TUP Store Open Till 10 P. M. Saturday Evening Other Evenings at 6 P. M. You'll Find Satisfaction In "RENWICK SYSTEM' Gofhes for Men The New Styles for Fall are the Best Business Suits that Ever Sold at a Medium Price. : "Ilenwick System" suits are known as high quality business suits that will give practical service. They represent the best in men's ready made clothes. They are extremely well tailored and the styles and patterns are strictly correct and up-to-date. You can find just the suit you need at Dran dcis Stores, for 315, $18 and $2 School Suits (ah fQ Boys Boys' All Wool Combination Suits The best of all suits for boys' school 'wear. Every suit has two pair of knickerbocker pants, al the service of dQ PA two suits, for. . . . vtftllv Hoys' Blue Serg Combination Suit Boys' complete uit with extra pair knickerbocker pants to match, all wool, a mfk reinforced seams, uj """""' tf TT rViva Full UVIirht Knlrkrhnekr 'K Kttltm f.. Hhrn1 Wjtar Worth up to $3.80 and $4, at $2.50 Rni' IVnll Marie Hrhnnl Nuita Pull wAlehtn vprv snnrtnl MEN'S TROUSERS W are showing an immrnM new line of Men's Old Troupers. In new fall patterns; the bet material, per 5.98 to $5 v ' r s r I J v I $L& . mil XtrfihZv'' at $1.08 NEW STYLES in the Famous ROGERS-PEET and HIRSH WICKWIRE FALL CLOTHES FOR MEN Here are the best hand tailored clothes that skill can produce. We are sole agents in Omaha for these superior suits, and we are showing the clev erest new styles for fall, $21 to $35 BRANDEIS SIORES-Omaha a TWO BIO SATURDAY SALES Leather Bags Toilet Cases A great purchase of the new motor bags of fine walrus and goat seal the newest shapes, fitted with purse, mirror, comb, brush and lewder case. Scores of these have itf ' f ? tllUilflfll IVilt IllU'UUUU ill "11 (f. , J'- V window special CJ9 Your initial in hand polished brass free with each of these bags Saturday. Misses' fine imported Leather Shopping Bags, special 25c AN ENTIRE SAMPLE LINE OF TOILET OASES In this sale are International comb, brush and mirror sets, In sllvVer, genuine ebony and ebonite; also men's traveling sets, women's manicure sets, in quadruple plate and ebony; also men's shaving sets, tie holders and whisk broom holders. The most complete line ever seen In Omaha very special Saturday only AT ABOUT ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICES. Any of our beautiful necklaces, worth up to $4, at. . $2.00 All the fancy white stone Hat Pins at reduced prices. Solid gold cuff links, scarf pins, brooches, bracelets, rings and lockets, specially priced. A Great Special Purchase and Sale of Women's eSCS Hundreds of stunning new cotton dresses, in fancy cotton voiles, marqui settes and dainty foulards; all those clever new 1910 ideas with cuff skirt, kimona sleeves, etc. They have been much ad mired These Dresses Are Worth Up m m a AA a4 r NO And $20.00 Each ... v w GREAT SALE OF FINISHED PILLOWS Beautiful hand embroidered Pillow Tops, in the' new poppies, roses, grape and vio let patterns, "worth $3 and $4, at mm $14-9 TIIK MOW NKT AM) SI I K WAISTS New arrivals in stunning de signs shown for the first time Saturday, at 13.50 and f3.0S , I llliACK TAI'I- KTA M'AlsTH Tweniy dtf ferrnt styles and erry one a clever, rretty Idea for fall, a sperlal price . t ill ' L hmi if Here are the New Styles that will be Worn by the Best Dressed Women Suits for Fall "We place on sale Saturday the very new est arrivals in women's stunning plain tailored suits for fall. These are all authoritative styles in newest fall fab rics and colors. They are high class suits in every way. A (ftfr A A splendid group to sell Jft F fill f mm w v v at STUNNING TAILORED SUITS, at $35 Ultra stylish, new autumn tailored ap parel, many are individual models by prominent New York designers, scores of sample and odd gar- fifcrtf" A A ments, a very special II II W mW W W W V group, at EXTRA SPECIAL SILK EMBROID ERED SERGE DRESSES Fine silk embroidered French serge dresses, the new shape sleeves and skirts with the cuff effects. We show them in all colors and in Women's and Misses' 6izes Saturday SMART CHIFFON PANAMA SKIRTS Cut with the new effect over the hips with a new style pleated tlounce eiteel, for Saturday's special selling, at $5.00 NEW SILK AND STREET DRESSES The Mandarin alaevea, cuff bottom aklrts, etc., made of pretty meaaallnes and chiffons, at $22.50. $25. $35 NEW LONG BLACK COATS That promise to be mure popular than ever this season plain tailored and fancy, at $25 and $35 BILK PETTICOATS A high grade taf feta, wide tailored, turked and strapped flounce with under. drape, at $5.00 CHILDREN'S NEW SCHOOL DRESSES Sailors, Peter Tom klns, RusftlKn blouse, etc., In aeries, cash meres, cheviots, etc., $2.98 to $10 Saturday, Specials in Drugs and Toilet Articles B0c Pompellan Massage I Go Daggett & Kamadell Cream 86c Sanltol Face Cream ... tBo Colgate's Tooth Powder 25c Rublfoam SOo Pebeco Tooth Pa te .., t5o Bplro Powder ., 1. B0 Oriental Cream .... 60c Hajr'a Hair Health 39 15 18 .......39 ........18 $1.09 45 fl.00 Klnnejr'a Hair Tonic 75 We guarantee Rexall Hair Tonic, 50. 81 10c Williama Shaving Soap 5 15o Llauotone Soap 5 1-Jb. 90 Mule Team Bora' . . . .v. ; . 10c Jap Rose Soap ............. ioc shinoia 25c Bottle Hydrogen Peroxide..... - KUBUER GOODS. 75c Hot Water Bottle 75c Fountain Syringe , 2.26 Fountain Syringe .' f3.50 Marvel Spray PHOTO DEPARTMENT. 7 Tubeg M. Q. Developer 1-lb. Hypo . . : . We do developing and finishing. 9 7 1 9 49 49 51.59 52.75 25 5 In Our Hair Dressing Dept. r Second floor New Store GREATEST SALE OF ; CLUSTER PUFFS EVER HELD IN OMAHA Cluster Puffs, $2 values $1.19 Cluster Puffs, $5 values $2.48 Cluster. Puff s, $7 values $5.00 Quster. Puffs, $8 values $6.00 Cluster Puffs, $10 values $8.00 Washable Hair Roll 50c Two extra large size Hair Nets, 5c BRAND EI S STORES Men's Furnishings for Fall Advance showing of Manhattan and E. Sc W. Hhtrts for fall wear. Exclusive patterns in both lines, imported oxfords, French flannels and madras shirts. In plaited and plain bosoms, French turn (4 rn n ffO rn over cuffs. Prices J1.3V IU d.9U Men's Negligee and Outing Shirts A manufacturers en tire sample lines, all sizes. Shirts worth up to rQ $1.00 and $1.25, In all new fall patterns, at...... 31 Men's Silk Neckwear In four-in-hands, string and teck ties, all new fall patterns 25c and 35c 19,L values, at , l2l Men's f 1.50 and f2.00 NegUgee Shlrta-r. nn QO Plaited and plain bosoms, at ....... .1 wW UUU VOX Fall weight in Munslng Union Suits. 4 ft p-a Men's and Bpys' Hand-made Sweater Coata Plain and v-"VJ "t $uu 10 jiu.oo Men's and Boys' Wool and Worsted nnA QO Sweater Coats worth to $2, special TV I dull 901 Men's Fall Weight Underwear Shirts and drawers, slightly soiled in transit from. the mills, r worth 75c basement, per garment, at 13C SAUSON ASKS DECORATIONS W&nta BmiieM Hotuei to Put Forth Farther Exertions. FLA3 TO DtPS ESS VISITORS Will B Well LUfcte far tha Aaks far Prkr Deooratloaa In Daylight DiapUx. Bamson la eaillng upon all Omaha to aa BUt la making tha visit of Ak-Sitr-Ben aneata moat cordial and to slve all vial- ton the baat Irapreaalon poaalbta of Omaha. To thla and tha board of governor! Is oalllns upon all to be ready to decorate their plaoes of business and to make a real dty beautiful during the carnival weak. To this end Samson la sending out the fol- lewlng notioa to tha buslneaa Interests of Omaha: To tha Bualneaa Intereata of the City: Daring the ten day from gepamber 28 to Ootober It Omaha will entertain more than 1M,0iM vlxltura. It behooves us to prenent as attractive a front aa possible to these gueats. 1 Tha street deooratlons of electric globe and tha many buildings especially lighted la the same way make the effects very beautiful after dark. What we have always lacked In the past has been some uniform scheme of decoration for the streets and buildings In the day time. If the merchants In each block would co-operate and airree on some general plan for their building fronts and also to extend across the streets It would be of greut ad vantage from an eaathetlo stanpolnt. We have been much crltlolaed in the paat far an apparent lack of public spirit in this raapeut. We believe the bualneaa men will see It la to their own advantage that their individual place of bualneaa la not behind that of their neighbors, or of the city aa a whole, when we are at home to our friends. Aa to the general cleanliness of tha streets, the city will do lis part and we know It Is unnecessary for us to aak every one to co-operate by seeing that all a-andsea are In the beat condition poMlble. Show your publio spirit your Omaha Bjart t decorate. SAMSON. - OLD SWITCH TRICK IS WORKED ON WAYNE MAN lXaasls Oamfla'emee Mem Hie Meaey a Caaat la Vllaa naaaed. T. Danlalaon. a gentleman of Swedish feaoant who halls from Wayne, Nab., waa aUKac himself namea at tha police atatlon this morning. Ha had arrived on an early BnsrniBg train and had betaken himself acrua the street to a thirst parlor. On the way over be. encountered a couple of men wfeo charged him wlth-havlng found a pock tbeok widen belonged to them. tanlelaon, tn denial, handed tbem his roll fo.- Inspec tion They aulckly examined it and apper eatty satisfied handed It back. A little later Danlaleon axamiued his money and found that Instead of his tie he bad a fl bill rolled -mini a wad of p(rr. Plumbers Are Busy with Plans for Co-Operation " tseaalejBB aj Part of the Funds Hare Been Col leoted and Help it Expected from National Body. Actual progress toward the co-operative Journeymen plumbers' supply house which Omaha Is to have has been made, and It Is reported that a' part of the fund a! ready has been collected. Because of the fgjet that the war between the master plumbers and the workmen la still at a bitter height the journeymen are being very quiet about their plana and are ex tremely reticent. The national association will back the local movement and the fund can be raised with no great difficulty, ac cording to the Journeymen. , The plumbing altuatlon la complicated by the fact that the largest of the master plumbers refuses to take sides with either party. Ha hae must of the larger Jobs that are to be done on hand and hires union labor to carry out his contracts, but he refuses to do anything actively for the master plumbers. The establishment of the co-operative supply store, aa haa been proved in other cities, will give the workmen a chance to bid directly on thi work and cut out the shopkeepers profit. The benefit will be shared between the Journeymen and the consumers. TORKLESON NOMINATES HIS FELLOW COUNTRYMAN Hermaa Petera Telia Story ( Have Ostkesbsrg Ranrhsaaa Ad dreaad renveatloa. Ole T. Torkleson of Gothenburg Is among the western Nebraska men now bringing "a little bunch of stock" to the Omaha market and taking home some spending money. Mr. Torkleson la one of the atock raisers who takes an Intereat In politics, and Herman Peters of tha Merchanta telle the story of how Torkleson nominated a countryman for senator In a convention some years ago, which always movea Torkleson to say: "Ay never med apets on repbullo conven ston before, men ay tank ay hev so gud rlti to med apets for Sweed mans von ust lev on Mansota aa gankee feller hed to mak speta for Irish mana har. Ve got pile sen mart Swede faller ' levin on Dawson county aa down esten faller what ualen hog everting, and they akoll run lak h 1 'souse me, mester chalrmans. Daa har Swede faller hem can run blsneaa on Wash ington yuat so val any mans, and ay vant nomlnaahun ham rite har." "Then aomeone threw Torkleson out," says Peters. "No sar bay ylmlny ay yumped out," aaya Ole, with a laugh. BITCH IN WATER BOND SALE May Hare to Wait Until Present Liti gation is Out of the Way.' QUESTION OF POWEIt TO SELL John L. Webster Holds tha Board Haa Complete Authority ta Collect the Money and Abo ta Spend It. The passing of the order of the Water board authorising the Issue of bonds for ,G00,U00 will not put the bonds upon the market until some of the litigation now In federal court la settled. The actual pur chase of the water works will probably have to wait until the courts have disposed of a number of claims agalnat the corpora tion. In authorising the president of the board, M. T. Barlow, to proceed to advertise the bonds the Water board signified Its Inten tion of acting without further authorisa tion from the council. The power delegated to the board for pur chasing the plant Is a spt clal privilege and has been construed by John It. Webster, tho board's attorney, as complete author ity to collect the money and spend It. Home questions have beeu raised by other mem bers of the city government as to the right of the board to go aheau without the pasxlng of an ordinance by the council for the Issuing of the bonds, but Mr. Web ster holds that the control of water funds Is entirely within the Jurisdiction of the special body put In charge of the water af fairs and the city attorney will probably agree with him. A much more serious problem for the city to 'settle will be the actual sale of the bonds when they are put upon the market. The city offers 4 per cent payable semi annually, but It Is said that municipal bonds are not being seised upon with any surprising avidity by New York brokers. Omaha had some experience earlier In tne summer with New York capitalists who had contracted to buy 10,000 worth of municipal bonds and crawled out of their bargain on a technicality which, according to the city attorney, waa an obvloua sub terfuge. The only reason known tor their action was the tightness of the money market, and the water bonds may meet the same obstacle. Persistent Adveiliatug is I TTTload to Big fteturna FREE MELONS FOR THE BOYS Y. M. C. A. to Ulva a reed at Booms Satarday Night for Wovklaar Bare. the A free watermelon feed, vaudeville show, mualo and mottng picture entertainment is to be given the Young Men's Christian as sociation boy a Ketucday night at 7:30 P- m. The working boys' clasa la the one Which la In line for It. and the invitation to them reada to come tn tbelr working clothea Orchard Farms Safe Investment 7. . Buckingham Says that Land is the Best Place Yet to Put Honey. "Big Horn Basin Irrigated lands are the safest and best Investments open to in vestors at this time," said J. E. Bucking ham, assistant general passenger agent of the Burlington, who recently returned from that section. "Here the water right are perpetual and everlasting. The land la rich and very productive, producing all kinds of grain and root crops, apples and small fruits, and the farmers In this locality do not need to wait for rain, but can turn the water on and off of tbelr crops at will. "Remarkable progress has been made In this great rich valley during the last three yeara. Three years ago the only Inhabitants between Grey bull and Worland were the engineers surveying out the ditches and a few workmen here and there, together with several prairie dogs and coyotes. Today, with the advent of water running through theae completed canals the very best crops are growing where good farmers have set tled, and have given their crops the proper attention, and the entire Big Horn valley from Qreybull to Worland Is lined with new houses, new barns, new orchards and growing crops are now to be found on a good share of these valley lands. "There are yet however, a number of good farms open to Investment and while the purchaser must pay more for theae lands than he would have had to pay three years ago, there Is now practically no risk to be run because the valley Is established, and the settlers are thick, and an Invest ment can be made today on a much safer basis than three yeara age. "The commercial orchard proposition Is growing Into Immense proportions, and this furnishes a field for Investment to the small investor who can pay down a small amount as' first payment, and make pay ments monthly or quarterly and thereby secure a small tract of this rich land that Is sure to very greatly Increase .In value. "There Is also opportunity tor the In vestor who desires 40s. sue, lflue and Bectton tracts, but these are being rapidly picked up and will soon cost far more money than they could be bought for today. Tills valley haa a great advantage over many othtr rich farming communities for the reason that coal and oil of very high grade are found In the Immediate vicinity of these farms, and a large number of nat ural gaa wells have been brought In in the vicinity of Baaln and Qreybull. where the people of these towns and the farmers are also using natural gas for fuel and lighting purposes. This rondltoln of af faire la aure to bring about Industrial ac tivity within a short time, and thereby Insure a splendid borne market for all of tha home products raised on the local farms and orchards." N We IUedleirelmai11edl! when we gave our printing order for the present number of THE . POPULAR MAGAZINE. It is on sale to-day. Already the demand is so great that we cannot fill all our orders. We didn't print enough, although it is the biggest edition we ever sent to press. It will be out of print in a short time. If you are a regular reader we are particularly anxious that you get . this special Western r NemlbeiB which is an unusually good issue in every respect. It contains the first installment of a great new serial by Emerson Hough, as well as stories by Dane Coolidge, Rupert Hughes, C. E. Van Loan. F. R. Bechdolt, R. A. Wason, Louis Joseph Vance, A. M. Chisholm, and others. Get yours at the nearest news stand or you'll miss it altogether. 0 The key to the situation Bee Want Ads. UJ)Wu(Ul "Tha mtigiaoi fuaos-a-msajfA rMgoaina, ' FIFTEEN CENTS AT ALL NEWS STANDS I.