THE BEE: OMAHA; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1010. ... L! I t8 ESgg! i ' n.,-1-nil , , ,., . lam,, in. i ml - 1 Mtt,t OMAHA COLLECE STUDENTS Large Number Attend the Various In ititutioni of Learning. LIST INCREASES EACH YEAR t Blveraltr of Xebraska Serares the Largest Xinhfr Wall the 1alTer alt? o( Michigan Fallowa tloee la ae List. Omaha eaoh year (ends a large number of it young men and women away to complete their education tn all parti of the country, and this year will lend more than ever. The University of Nebraska secures by far the largest number of any of the colleges or universities, but other schools In all parts of the country will have their attendance Increased by the young folks of Omaha. Following Is a partial list of those who 111 so away to school year: Vnlvrrslly of Nebraska. Kdllh Match. l,fe Mattuush, 1 homa McCaffrey, Jacob Albeit. Arvld W. Anderson, John Anderson, KUen Anheuser, Juila Anheusrr, Arnel A. Unld, Neal A. Barber, Clara M. Barnes, Herman Haruch, btanley Beraneck, Muwki'd iiwrg, Mildred lievlns. Frederick Hinder, Morris Blish, Heien fillsh, Hasei Bonlne, i'aul Bradley, John Brain, Lster Uratten, Ieo Breen, Hoy BrowneU, Co Buchanan, r.axl Burket, Frank Bumsm, Hiram Burns. Musabeth Dusk, Muriel ' Hutlin, Violet Carlson, 8am Carrier, Harry Careen, Marlila Case. Annls Chalkln. John Chambers, Ben Cberrlngtou, Ralph Christie, Kalph Coad, Samuel Cotner, lyoulse Curtla, R ndall Curtla, John Cutrlght. Irving Cuttor, Calvin Davie, Quy Davia, Helen Davis, Blanche Deaver, Wald Dennis, Loulo Dodds, Thekla i:an, living Klson. Mae Engler, Hugo Knholm, Conrad l"n Fred Fernald. Knbert Fin ley. Anna McCague, F.orantna McOavock, Klla McCraig, Frederic McConnell, Ai,l Ktcvuilough, lloger McC ill long 11, Hum McDonald. Wallace Mcuoi.ald, Harold McKlntiey, Joel Mclafferty, J.ynn Malmqulat, Cella Malone, Mary' Melone, Harry Manter, Huth Mathews, Mabel Melcher, Coralle Meyer, Lucy Miller Hobsrt Miller, Thomas Mills, Avllda Muore, James Morrison. Benjamin Meyera, Julia Natfl. Barton Mash, Kenneth iNRoh, Helen Nation, Kdlth Neale. lyeon Nelson, Nora Nelson, ' Kdward Newman, Mayer Newmanu, Joreph Noon, Kuth ODetl, Justus Olson, Florence Oner, Alice Urr, Evelyn Park, Albeit Pattenon. Clara Peterson, Fanny Futcamp. William Randall, Huth Kaadolph, Jennie Hedfleld, KoUle Reed, Charles Hemy, Herbert Resner, Harry Rlchey, Mary Roebling, llrace Tlohrbeugh, William Roes, Elisabeth Fltzger&ij, Florenco Rush, William Frank. Alice Frv, Annie Fry, Dnlny Fry, Pauline OaA, Cteorge Oelb, Ruth Oould, George Oraham, Harold Oraham, Abe Green berg, Walter Griffith, Margaret Quthrle, Henry Hansen, Charles Hardy, Winifred Harm, l.ouls Harte, ' Lucy Harte, Verna Hayee, Wilbur Haynea, Nancy Haze. Karl Henderson, Mary Herbert, Becken Herman, Fred Heyn, Roslcky. Cleorge Rushton, Mabel HaJmon, William Handy, John Schults, balome Schwerlly, Frank Scott, Uarda Scott, Dee Sorlven, William fears. Htclla Shaw, Jasmine Sherraden, Claude Hhrum, Brvont Slmpeon, Edward Smith, cnuriea hlewart, Gladys Stivers, Verna Btockdale, Mary Sullivan, E. Martin Sward, F. Kwartslander, Ralph Bweeley. Martina Swennon, Samuel Bwenson, Monroe Hildebrand, HouiiiHon tfwltiler, Alice Hodge. Hearle Holmes, Helen Horn, Caroline Howard, F.rnest Huberman, J. K. Jaoobnon, Irene Jaynes, Alma Jensen, William Johnson, William Jones. Walter Kaubach, William Kavan, Clifford Kelrle, Alfred Kennedy, Walter Kenner, Marguerite Kent. Guy Klddoe, Thllllp Kline, . Kdward Kraua, William Krug, Ruth Lake, I'hllllpa Lehmer, I.teber Charles, Kdna Llndley, I.ovejoy Linn, Clarence Lively, Lynn Lloyd, Russell Lock wood, Marlon Lombard, Walter Loomls, Lewis Taylor, Willis Taylor. Gladys Thomas. Rowland Thomas, Lucien Thomas, Mayona Thompaen, Robert Thompson, Will Thompson, Terry Toney, Chandler Trimble, Mary Tucker, Dana Van Duaen, K. Van Noetrand, Kdward Vrana, Agnes Waldo, Margaret Waldo, Ralph Waldo, Clarence Walsh, Archie Ward. Alfred Westerfleld, Harry AVhtte, Reginald Wlldlsh. Margaret Willis, Doris Wood, Ira Wood, Rmlly Wood, Ralph Wood, Kdwln Woodbrldge, Orren WyatV Evening N jljfAjJ L.. Lj MWlMg - -- Saturday Special Sales Women's New One-Clasp English Walking Gloves All the leather shades, all sizes. Splen did gloves for practical fall wear regular 1.00 values ff special Saturday Women's Long Silk Gloves, double finger tips, black, white and colors, worth $1 pa!r..J50 Womn'i Short 811k Gloves, 2-clasp, black, white and colors, worth 60c pair, at, pair 39 ralveroltr of Michleraa. Kdlth Waterman, Louis Haller, i l.umlr Buresh, John Woodworrh, Otto Jones, Edwin Rosenberg, Harry Kulakofsky, Roy Mets, George Sugarman, Arthur Merowits, Jtymphua Worhculs, Paulino Rosenberg, Roy Crossman. Ed. Klrschbraun, Arthur Bowarflrd, Doano Keller. Jack Webster, ValTeralty ef Iowa. Ptella Wlllard, Don Plttman. Dwlght Long, lws State Ag-rlealtr.ral College. Dean Davidson, Lawrence Wilbur. Charles Hoffert. Wellesley. . , JIarrlet Blake, Nell Carpenter, Henrietta Oil more, Corrlne Fearla, Helen Rayley, Nannette Aiken. Reekfera College. Parah Ay res, Bernlce Thomas. Helen Buck, ' ' Chleage. Art laetltate. Lucille Patterson, Mabel McBrlde. June Qreevy, Anna Beutelle, Vaaaar; Mona Cowell. Crystal Edglnton. Smith College: ' Nellie Klgutter, Almyra. Breckenrtdge, Alice Woodworth, Myra Brekenrtdge, Helen Wright. Elisabeth Bweet, Wealeyaai. Mary Phlllppl. Luclle Hagep.- Mormal brhool. Sarah Craig, Lucille Wolfe. Mary Yates, Saatteck. Frederick Clark. Kenneth Reed, Percy Hall, Elbert Knapp, St. Mary, Notre Da ai. Irene McConnell, Gertrude McCarty. Nable Bare it. Ohio Wesleyaa. Milton Uhl, Frank Blsson, Amherst. Carroll Belden. Reed Petena, L'pton Lord, Robert Btout, John McCague, Drya Mawr. Carmellta Chase, Miriam Roe, Grlaaell College. Lloyd It. Adams, Louise Copeland. Chicago I'aiverslty, Robert Bavldge, Ida Gordon. Joy Clark, Helen Thompson, Cynthia McCague, Washlagtoa Colege. Qretchen WlU'mson. Clarence Wassberg. Coraell. Alfred Millard. Robert Shlverlck. Arthur Wakeley. Doaao College. Thornton West. Paul King. Ralph King. Harvard liUciiltf. Morton Hiller. Wm. Wllllama. Lyle Roberts. Albert Brogan. Hairy Ducher. Richard M Hunter. WUcoaela. Robert Arthur, Ruth Blrchard. Iowa Stato College. Katherlne Jones, John E. Chambers, E. C. Harte, W. M. Wilbur. Maaaarhasetta Teohaleal. Edward Montgomery. Evan Rogers, Armoar Iaalltate. Homer Carlson. Hober'. trehlow, Iothardt .Jensen, Jsmea Van Avery, Hugo Heyn. Charles Waugn, Hiram ballabury, Roger Kvaaa. HOSIERY SALE "Women's fine imported lisle and cotton Hosiery, allover lace and lace boot patterns, mercerized silk lisle, double soles, heels and toes, 1? Women's full seamless fine cotton Hosiery, all black and black with split Boles, ribbed tops, regular and out sizes, worth up tc 2Cc, at, pair 17ic Men's, women's and children's cotton and lisle finished hosiery, children's ribbed school hose, al so men's regular made hosiery, worth up to 26c, at, pair Hie' Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery at 69c and 98c All silk and silk lisle garter tops, lisle soles, heels and toes, black, white arid light colorson bargain square. ' Women's 50c Silk Finished Lisle Hosiery at 35c Extra special fancy silk embroidered boots, allover lacq and lace boot patterns, fine polka dots. , v i 25c All Silk Ribbon at 15c Yard All silk plain taffetas and messalines, Dresden-, striped and moire, up to 6 inches wide and worth C up to 35c yard, at, yard , , iJC Kilpatrick's Saturday Night FROM 8 O'CLOCK OX. Just For a Crowd. ALL Men's Fifty Cent 4-in-hands, new goods, new shapes, silk and crochet. (Except only solid blacks and whites.) 35c 3 for $ Make your own selection from the cases or "shelves.' Thos. Kilpatrick&Co. In the Past Now and Always. Reliability WOMEN'S FINE NECKWEAR AT 25c EACH Women's new Dutch and Middy Collars and Chemisettes, in crochet, baby Irish and Venise effects, lace y C 1 jabots, side frills, worth up to 50c, at, each awJC Special Sale of Corsets at $1.59 Each Medium and extra length corsets, in fancy coutil and ba tiste, all good models, worth $2.50 and CJ f CO $3.00, at vple OV Women's Medium and Light Weight Underwear Women's very fine lisle Union Suits, long sleeves and an kle length, fall weight, 75c quality, at, each JeXV Women's fine ribbed Sleeveless Vests, at each 12 W Women's fine sleeveless Union Suits, umbrella, lace trimmed knee 25 Children's "M" Waists, at, each .... D Special Sale of Comforters We offer a special bargain table of fine comforters, in all grades and all kinds. They are made to sell up to $3 and $3.50 each and are what are known as a fac tory clean-up , Once a year the factory that makes our comforters, sells us all their short lots, from 3 to 12 of any kind. This is how we can offer your unrestricted choice of this splendid lot Saturday, at, each You many never again get such a comfort bargain. $1.59 Saturday's Specials in Sweetland ExLt Vanilla Ch.colate Creams E,mr l? 10c Maple Day at Sweetland Maple confections all at 20c" a pound. Maple Penochis, Maple Cocoanut Balls, Maple Gems, Maple Cocoanut Kisses, Maple ' ' ' t Qlace Caramels , ..aullC Chocolate Bitter Sweets 29c lb. All pure crushed fruit flavors; regularly 40c lb., Saturday only, lb.. .5e7C BR ANDEIS STORES lfiSch00l ; Shoot Bucks The season is open in Iowa now and opens In this state Thursday, Kept. 15th To get a full bag of ducks, whether they be Canvas backs, Teal or Blue Bills, you need the right gun and the best amnunltion. Our . line of New Guns is the best in the state and we have the right kinds from J 15.00 to . $300. We also have several exceptional good values in Second Hand Guns soxqe. that have been shot only a few times and any one will give you perfect satisfaction. Call and see them before they are all gone. How About School Shoes? Have you bought them yet? If not, bring your boy or girl to us and let us show you the kind of school shoes we sell. They are made of the toughest leather, put to gether in the strongest man ner, shaped over the easiest lasts and sold at the most comfortable prices $1.75. $2, $2.50 FRY SHOE CO. THE BHOER1 Ifiih ami iUla Mrreta, n 1 T!!T-Tr."". ' L CLOTHINQ COMPANY Correct Fall Suits for (lien and Young EVJen t v and l.!ZH r Our stock of what Is bent in the new Fall Suits Is the greatest we have ever shown, which makes clothes buying easy here. All the correct models and new fabrics are here at a saving of from 13.00 to $5.00 on every suit. our new Fall Hat Is Hore and ready for you to try on. , or stiff hats. Ms B. SttUos'i, si (tea . The ftur.M Enema Still Htti, tt We show all tho new blocks In soft $3.50 Tms Brs. Cekirtttt Sell Hti, it $3.00 3.00 Tbt 6saritN Special, t S2.S0 kit, it 1. 90 Furnishing Specials Men's medium weight Underwear, in blue, brown or cream, 45. Men's Fancy Vests, In washable and flan nel fabrics, . regular $2.00 values, 08. Men's Union Suits In fall weight, a $1.50 value; special t 08. mjiamamv 0.J vvJ I Fred Cummins, Wilbur Haynea. Connell uray, , Other Schools. Colorado School of Mlnes-F.dward I Hall. Iowa State Aarlcultuiai College VV. A. Spthman. Oberlln Hath SheiJon. Chevy Chaae Annette Lady. University- o( Kansaa Ethel Aloacn. MUllaen Helen Cole. 11 1 rm Wig ham Kllxabeth Iarsen. Drake University Orvllle Andrew. Coiner Joseph Hurger. University of California Ld ward Burn- hm. ... Leland-Stanrora iiarry r raer. University of Missouri Wilson Heller. Lawrencevllle-l'aspar Offutt. i;nlverslty of Pennsylvania Lew Plxey. Wooster Milton Weeks. Yale Ware Hall. Monmouth College Klliabeth Charlton. Colorado School of Mines Edw. Hall. Notre name Harold McConnell. Radcltffe Anna Burke. Princeton Lake Deuel. University of Illinois Flair Duval. Hailcllffe Anna Hourke. Nebraska Wesleyan Logan rrultt RUSH FOR LAND IS UNDER WAY I.arae IV ambers Isvadint the North- west ta Searrh of Homes Maaf Seek Irrtaalea Laaale. Farmers In grsat numbcra are flocking to the northwt In search of new lands which are both cheap and good. The num ber coming from the farms In the region of the Missouri Is noticeably larger than In previous seasons. Another Interesting feature of the hjnme steaders rush this year is the fact that a large majority of the men looking for western lands are looking up lands under government Irrigation projects. A telegram received from D. Clem Deaver, K tJ MBA rMRTAINS OR EUOtfHttt C Go ho ' .. Original Genuine m tfai i iprr MALTED MILK! TheFoodDrinkforAUAitcs MCN KttJC, MMJ tXAM ECTJUlfcT.IB NWO Hot in any nik Trust rrT-Insist on -IIORLICK8- '""' Taka a akat) hosaa A Top for Every Boy at DREXEL'S Katnrdnv la ilwivi hnva' riav a' brezel's. Do not be satisfied with the ordinary boys' shoes. While you are buying these shoes get a real - boy's shoe the kind of a snoe mat stanas tne nam wear a good live hoy gives them. If our kind 'of boys' shoes cost a trifle more than the ordinary kind you win sure una mem worth mor.1 than the difference. We guarantee every pair of our boys' shoes to be satisfactory both to the boy and parent. Little gents' sizes q aa 10M to 13 Youths' sUes (Q or 13Vi to 2 : s5.d Boys' sizes ffq PA SVs to 6ft...: 74eJU Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 rarnun 8L ' i Jliquid ! L joy J)si sc ciiKT es,si Cvjatfij c3j CS Omaha Pure Food Center. HIBEEIt YOU LIKE HAVEA CASE SENT HOME eONSUMlRS DiaTRIhUTC J0HNNITTLER i2i So. 2Kb Street Dooa. teia' HCO 332 IND. A-14I0 mmm : w i Specials for Saturday ONLY 8 HOURS Telweea CHICAGO INDIANAPOLIS DAYTON .CINCINNATI Four Trains a Day I arlor and DiniCars b Dij -I tlace iU;plJl taf. br KijM ; For folders, rates, etc., call at any ticket office or address ' -' FU.VMi J. HEED, ... . Gen'.'l Pass. Agent. Chicago. Sylmar Brand Olives, In tins. at. 30o Monsonn Asparagus, Individual alia, at ..'..! aano Large bottle Lotus Vinegar (guaran teed pure'apple' Juice) V . 'ISO 25c bottle Keen Olives, large sire 15o i-h. tin Imported French Sardines, at i .'.'.i.1. . ir.. .. ' iOa Mustard Sardines Bo Henry reek's Imparted English Sau sage, regular prices 26c and 35c. at. special , 18 All brands of imported Macaroni, to day lBo 6 cakes Toilet Soap 3So 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes 8So 3 cans Dundee Milk BSo 48-lb. snck Lotua Flour Bl.BO 8 cukes Swift's Pride Soap .... BSo 3 sacks Table Salt I0o Tretzels. strictly fresh (bulk) per lb., at "o BT7TTSZL, ZOO aUKS CHEESB DSPABTBCBaT Lotus Butter (cartona) per lb... 33o Our best Country Butter (In aanltary Jars) per lb Sfle (Leave your standing order.) Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Eggs (for tAhl una) ner dosen 30a Dill Pickles, per doien Ue-SOo 1V Saur Kraut, per quart 10a S Neufchatel Cheese lOo 4k Blue Label Cheesa lOo la -Large cakes Waukeshaw Cheese 8So v Best Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb., '& at 300 0 Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb... BOo y rSUIT JJI9 VIOITABLB DEPT. V Xitra Special J 200 boxes Peaches (for putting up) f per box 70s ja Limes Jersey Sweet 2) Mushrooms Potatoes 1 Mint Srtlnach la Cauliflower Blueberries my Dawson Plums Michigan Crab Ap. Egg Plant pies to arrive. oorrna BEVAmmxaTT Courtney's Lotus Ankola Coffee, per lb 350 8 lbs. for $1.00. Tetley's lb. cans Sunflower Tea, sells regularly 36c, Saturday Spe cial 0o f) Huyier a to. cans vocoa, per can, at BOO ?V Huyler's Chocolate, per lb 35e Lotus Splcea, per can..' lOo-lSo-BBo Swrig (urWji (MVVy QwVi (JWOTTjg (JCSrvrJi Ci3urVi QvM.f who Is at Toluca. Wyo., at present shows the rush. The hotels and lodging houses at Toluca were crowded to their utmost with homeseekers, some of them actually sleep ing on the floor when, the morning train arrived and eighty more disembarked there preparatory to taking the train Into the Uig Horn basin. Two Men Urawaed at Maoaa Jaw. MOOSB JAW. Bankatchewan. Sept. . JoKeph La Inn, aged t. a bollermaker. ana John Montgomery, aged 30, a fireman, em ployes of the Canadian- Paclf.o railway, were drowned In Mouse Jaw river today wben their boat overturned. Balldlasr Ferantts. James Kund. 124S South Thirteenth, re pairs. 3.VI0; H. ii Putnam, ft North Twenty-XifUt, frame dwelling, U.&0U, WE RETAIL MANILA CIGARS AT WHOLESALE PRICES We have the distributing agency in Omaha for Cecillo Lopes et Cle, the leading plgar factory of Ma nilla. P. 1. The removal of the duty on Cigars brought In from the Phil ippines makes It possible for us to sell these cigars at less than one half former prices. Smoke a Philippine today and get a liETTEH cigar for half what you are paying for other Imported cigars. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Cor. 16th and Dodge Sis. Owl Drug Co. Corner 10th and Harney. 75c Bottle Olives 50c Bottle Olives 3C-0 '25b Bottle Op ves .. : loo 10c Bottle Olives, 8 for . ....... .350 Genuine Calbas Olive Oil, per quart at 700 8 year old Kentucky Bourbon whis key, per quart.. SI. per gallon ....S3 Home made Orap'e wine, red or white, per gallon 61 Call and Telephone Orders Promptly ruled. CACKLEY BROS. Wise aaercaants 181 H. lSta Street. Opp. Tostoffloe Both fUones H&YD 11 V CATC iiiiJlHIj Always in the Load Pork Roast, per pound 11c Hindquarter Lamb, per pound 12V2C Forequarter Lamb, per pound . '. '. 8c No. 7 Mutton Legs, per pound . . . ... . . .'. . . . . . . . ,7iC Mutton Roast, per pound1..... .., ..Gc Mutton Chops, per pound lOo Mutton Stew, six pound3 for 25c Rump Roast, per pound ....5c Boneless Rib Roast, per pound 10c Pot lloast, per pound . . . , f . ..,, . . . .8c and 7o ' Sirloin Stea per pound . . 12VO Veal teak, per pound . . ..... ... . ..... . . ... .15c Veal Chops, per pound 10(3 Veal Roast, per pound ................ ... .,..8c and 7c Veal Stew, five pounds for . 25c N6: 1 Hams, per pound .-. 15o Picnic Hams, per pound 12l2C Weather Just Right to enjoy good meat and the place to buy GOOD meat la at Baths knowingly we never allow tough meat In our market our. customers won't have that kind. We buy only the very choicest sell for spot cash, keep no book accounts,' don't deliver, and for that reaaon we can sell bet ter meats than others veil the in ferior kind for less money. Just a few prices: Pork Chops 18c I'ork Steak .lac Choice Hlb Hoast 16c and l;Vc Choice Kump Koast..,. Hilt Choice Pot Roat 10c. c, 6o Bib Boll : ........ ....6c Bath s Bperlal Home Kenaerea i-ara per pound Jos, Bath's Cash Market 198 1 rarnam Street. Telephone U. f?) Reliable Dentistry iyTaft's Denial Rooms HAIR BALSAM h . i l . I l TouUful Color. I W -ll JOtaMf P smn 4 bavir taviiiisf. txfim it bsvlx. ixrajjr TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Qa Dollar a Yeaf iiTl , I : av bee k' Xi x Tlr A TVTfT A nXsTl V