Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14
TITE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1010. 14 GRAIN AND PRODUCE M&R&ET Spot Wheat Movei Down Half a Cent on Cablet. COEN WEAKER AT THE START When Ik Forecast of Frost Cornea from the Middle States Prlees Take AdvanceFrost .lew a Ignored at Flrat. OMAHA, Kept. . 1910. Spot wheat ruled steady to Ho lower. Liverpool cables tame lower again and no improvement was noticeable In the cash ismand. Exporters are not reporting any improvements In the foreign demand. Corn was weaker at the start and values tased off early. Later, with the forecast for frost throughout the middle states, pi ices advanced. Frost news was Ignored early In the corn tiddeH, but Influenced buyers later on the w.despfesd forecast for cooler twinperature tonight Shlplng demand showed more anivlty and may be of a sufficient volume to ratine, a rally. Offerings of cash wheat found buyers n-thcr inclined to hold their bids and a Uiop In values of He resulted. The gen eral sentiment continues bearish and only temporary rallies are expected. Primary wheat receipts were 1.309,000 bu. I v. . . . . iiji AiA K . . .ifana( r.. aim eillfJIIIvm in " riC ... ,v vu., . - ceipts of 1,49,000 bu. and shipments of Hftj.OUO bu. i'rlmarv corn rerHnte were 778.000 bu. and shipments were 581.000 bu., against receipts Line year of 671, OuO bu. and shipments of 2K 4M hn ( iMj-mrAi aver, none, nf corn, none of outs and wheat and flour equal to 217,000 bu. Liverpool closed Id lower on wheat and um nangerl on corn. Omaha Cash Purrs. V.'HEAT-No. 2 hard. 9u',V8!94c: No. I haid. tWiiMc; No. 4 hard, 8)vcjM4c; rejected hi d. 3i4oo4c; No. 2 spring, 9c4J$1.0l; No. 3 i-prtng, Hotiytl inf. t ORN-No. I white. B4'5iu4'4c; No. S white, UWai'w, No. 4 white. 6G4t53v,c; No. 3 co.or, M.,.i44c; No. 2 yellow,; No. 3 yel lo, 6lt)6.:4c. No. 4 yellow, 6l(!f614c; No. I. l.iMr.; No. 3, 61VaWc; No. 4, 0O44jlc; f.o grade, 4747i61c. . OATH-No. 2 wnlte, iWiftZZc-, standard 81' e31V; No. 3 white, 814t'.lH4c No. 4 white. 3o , 4c No. 3 yellow, 3t4i304c; No. 4 yel low, -9441 Mc. HARM.Y-No. 3, 65c; No. 4, 60S3c; No. 1 fetd, BtaoXc; rejected, 524)56c. LITE No. 2, beaiic; No. i. 747&a Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 123 671 196 387 40 23 36 Ill If. U i$K. RYE-No. J. 713714c h RAN In 100-lb. sacks, clears, tm.&o. WEATHER IX T II K ORAIX BELT Probable Frosts la Kxpoeed Places Predicted for Raster Nebraska. OMAHA, Sept. 9. 19H The area of high pressure, accompanied by a wave of cooler weather, referred to In the previous report aa moving down over tne central valleys from the northwest has spread over tne entire central portion of the country, wltn Ita center now over the Dakotas. A very derided drop In temperature occurred last night In tne central valleys and lake re gion, and light frosts were general through out the upper Mississippi and upper Mis souri valleys, with killing frosts in west ern North Uakota. Temperatures at below freeslng prevail over Wyoming. Montana and the western Canadian provinces tnls morning. 8u far as shown by our reports no front occurred In Nebraska. The area of high pressure Is moving siowly eastward over the central valleys, and the outlook Is favorable for continued cool weather In this vicinity tonight, probably followed by slowly rising temperature Saturday. Prob able frosts. In exposed places, are pre dicted for eastern Nebraska tonight. 1 he Weather will continue fair in this vicinity tonight and Saturday. 1IIU. jml. l!t. 1!' Minimum temperature.... M M Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 68 degrees. Deficiency lu precipitation since March 1, 12.64 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period la ltvt. 1.64 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period la U03. .(3 of an Inch. U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, Friday, September 9, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln Stations. Max. Mln. fail NEW YOUKSrOCRS ANDBONDS Market Continnei Liitleii and Oblivi ous to All News. chioago Minneapolis tin. aha Du.uth CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS Ken. to res of the Trading; and Closing Prlcra on the Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. . World's shipments, xi ected to be tne largest on record, proved a i eavy load on wheat prices today. The cloie was at a net decline of 4c to e4c, aiinough other grain was on the rise. Corn at the wlndup was Vn Ho -higher to c low er, oats 4c dearer to a shade oft and provisions unchanged to loo advance. 'i he closing hour and the first thirty min utia of the session were the weakest pe i iuiIs of the day In the wheat pit. An ele ment of weakness was found In millers' leiunts confrmlng statements that winter wheat acreage was being greatly Increased. Iiicember fluctuations ranged from 97c tl. (i frl.oi, with the close Wo to HtfVkc otf at el. 004? 1.004. A general weakening occurred In the do mestic and export corn trade. The main leu. son was that free weather prevailed on the northwestern edge of the belt and that Hunt was officially predicted for tonight In the leading corn states. Vessel room has been chartered here for 1.000.000 bu. The lie. ember option sold between 664c and &VJ, closing firm 4o to 41i4e up at 66Vk$ ',.!. casn Dusiness was aepressea early, but became active and advanced later. No. 2 tellow closed at 6744W7c L.'g sales were the order of the day In the oats pit December varied from 3444 U.o to 36Va4?364e and finished Vbc higher at Wo. Provision dealers gave a bullish construc tion to the government report on the num ber of hogs being fattened for market. Pork closed S to 20c more expensive, lard up 2c to 744!flOc and ribs unchanged to an auance of a dime. Leading futures ranged as follows: Sky. Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear twelve-hour Ashland, Neb.... 68 49 .00 Auburn, Neb 72 61 .00 Broken Bow, Neb. 63 47 . 00 Columbus, Neb.. 67 47 .00 Culbertson, Neb. 63 48 .00 Falrbury, Neb... 72 61 .00 Fairmont. Neb... 17 47 .00 Or. Islam NeL.. 62 48 .00 Hartlngton. Neb. w 40 .ou Hastings, Neb.... 65 48 .00 Holurege, .., M .w Oakdale, Neb 63 38 .00 Omaha, Neb 67 48 .00 Tekamah, Neb... 67 43 .w Alia. Ia 67 88 .00 Carroll. Ia 68 87 .00 Clarlnda, Ia 68 44 .00 Sibley, Ia 64 S3 .00 Sioux City, la.. 66 40 .uw Minimum temperature for period ending at S a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGE. No. of Temp. Rain- District Stations. Max. Mln. fall Columbus, 0 17 Louisville, Ky 19 Indianapolis, Ind. 13 Chicago, 111 28 St. Louis. Mo 13 Des Moines, la... 14 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 19 The weather Is decidedly cooler through out the corn and wheat region, and frosts were general In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys. In the Minneapo lis district heavy frosts occurred at five stations, killing frosts at four stations and freeslng temperatures were reported at thirteen stations. Rains occurred within the last twenty-four hours In ail except the Omaha, Des Moines and Minneapolis districts. Rains In excess of one Inch oc curred as follows: Columbus, O., 1 Inch; Vlncennes, Ind., 1.04: Mount Sterling, Ky., 1.30; Williamsburg, Ky., 1.80. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather bureau. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations VALE OF EXCHANGE SEATS LESS Good Promise for Crops In Crop Re port Responsible for I'ndertone of Firmness Corn Rises on Frost Reports. NEW YORK. Sept. 9 The contingent ot professional board room traders which has made up the recent stock markets shows a dwindling In tendency. The dlseourag ment of efforts to move rrices proved too much. Ustless Indifference to every vari ety of news developments becomes more and more pronounced. That the stagnation of the stock market is not expected to be merely temporary Is shown by the general reduction of office and clerical forces which Is going on amongst brokerage houses. , . The price of stock exchange seats Is fall ing, as another Index of the low ebb to which purely stock market operations have fnllen. The meager dally transactions are made up in large portion of transactions between board room members themselves, and upwards of half of the total Is con centrated In two or three stocks. The good promise for the crops found In vesterday s government report on iralni was responsible for an undertone of fair ness In today s market. The sensitiveness of opinion on the crops was indicated, how ever, by the rise In the price of corn on the official predictions of frosts In portions of the corn belt tonight. Yesterday's unfavorablo copper statistics were reflected In a decline In the London price of metal. Copper Industrials were almost Immovable In New York. Forecasts of the currency 'movement In dicated a decrease In bank cash for the week of not over $3,000,000 compared with estimates last week of 110.000,000. Business for the day made a new low record of activity for the year. - Bonds were steady. Total sales,' par value, $1,503,000. United States bonds were unchanged on fOll and leaning quotations follows: galea. High roln. Iw.tKtt; total balance In general fund. $.'l.tI.Mf. REPORT OF TltK ( I KtRltfl HOt'SF. Transartlona of the Associated Banks for the 1'eeau NEW YORK, Sept. 9 Bradstreefs bHnk clei lns i port for the week ending Sep tember 8 shows an aggregate of S2.2."9,W. o as against 12,390, 127.000 last week and U.426.ool. UO0 In the corresponding week last 'car. the following Is a list of the cities: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. Number of sales on stocks were as 84 60 . 40 92 66 .90 86 60 .30 S2 62 .40 88 68 . 40 74 44 .00 60 34 .00 80 66 .20 66 44 .00 Ai tides. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I tiept... 9oS4ift98 96T95H 96V, Dec... 1 0014 Vi 101 I 100 l OO&Hll OOH's flay.;. 1 06, 107m 1 tuiVijl vi-.,! 06Wa Corn- III Kept... 167 pVt 6741 67 671 67H lec....fSH'Ul 66HI &W MftitfW & Cuts- III 1 Sept... I S2HI 32HI 32 32HH 32H Deo.... 34V6V35 !' 34tf 4 35 S4T May... 37-8 38 38141 3T5. 37T438 377 Pork III I Sept.. 20 10 20 36 20 10 20 27S4 Oct.... 20 20 20 40 20 20 20 27m 20 15 Jan.... 18 67Vi 18 80 18 67ft IS 72V 18 67H Lard 1 1 1 Sept... 12 32 Vi! 12 374 12 3241 12 36 1 12 27 Oct.... 12 3f I 12 35 12 Z1V, 12 S2 a 274 Nov.... 11 72Vi 11 16 11 74 11 70 11 7U Jan.... 10 80 I 10 824 10 774 1 10 774 10 76 P.lbs 1 1 1 Sept... 13 06 13 06 11 90 11 95 11 95 Oct... 11 76 11 80 11 724 11 774 11 674 Jon.... 9 86 9 86 9 80 9 85 9 824 Y- Cnsh quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $4.40(3 6 u; straignts, ji.rao w; spring straights. l.i(TM.u; uakers. fj.oOflo.Jo. KYK-No. 2, 734c. BARLEY-Feed or mixing (old), 65$ 61c; good to cnoice malting (new), htiqwc. SliEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern. 12.72 No. 1 northwestern, $2.84. Timothy, $7.00 9. va. ciover, iiu.wriu.oD.. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl, 20.76 zi.uu. iara, per iou ids.. 112.S0. bnnrt ribs. sides (looxe), IU.6oi812.O0; short clear aides tboxed). 112.25&12.&0. Total clearances of wheat and flour were oqual to 217.0HO bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Ilradstreet s, were equal to 1.511. (00 bu. Primary receipts were 1.308,000 bu., compared wun i,o,uw du. tne correspond' tng day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 143 cars; corn, bil cars; oats, 180 cars; hogs, i.uue neaa. Chicago Cash prices Wheat: No. I red, WVtrH4c; No. 3 red. 95974c: No. 1 hard 9?V(i41.O0; No. 3 hard, 96diWc; No. 1 northern spring. 11. lie 1.18; No. 2 northern spring, SUSui 1.14; No. 3 spring. Sl.00ffl.16. Corn: No. I cash. 67'4'R374c; No. S cash, 664M4c; No. 2 white, ti7'niijf.7o; No. 3 white, ;Vt 67e; No. 2 yellow, 67V,ift67i,c; No. 3 yellow, 57574c. Oats; No. 3 cash. S0e; No. 2 white. 33434'4c; No. 3 white, Sl'SfirSSc ; No. 4 white. 31Vg.1J4c; standard. 33VQ34c. BUTTER Firm; creameries. 244ffS0c; ' dairies, 2Si"i!7c. KOQS f rm; receipts 6 333 cases, at mark, cases Included, ltiffHc; firsts, !lc; prime firsts. 23. CHEESE Steady; daisies. lWe; twins, 16ihl!i4c; young Americas, l4gicc; long horns. ItidilKVc. POTATOES Firm: rholce to fancy, S&ft SSc; fair to good. liiifOc, POULTRY Easy; turkeys, 18c; chickens. 14c; springs, 134c VEAI-Steady; 60 to 60 lit. wts.. g4c 6ft to 85 lb. wts., 9tt94o; 85 to 110 lb. wts., 104fl04c. Chicago Receipt Wheat. 123 cars: corn, 671 cars; oats. 159 cars. Estimated Tomor rowWheat, 142 cars; corn, 647 cars; oats, U0 cars. of the liar on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. SeDt B. FLOUR Quiet : prlng patents, S6.40ie6.76; spring clears, $4.36 t)4.60; winter extras No. 1, 3.763.90; winter extras No. 2, $3.50(93.66; Kansas straights. I4.80ii6.00. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $4.10rT4.80; rholce to fancy, $4.35&4.45. L'ORNMBAlr-steady; One white and yel low, $1.401.46; coarse, $1.35(21.40; kiln cried, $3.45. WHEAT Soot market: barely, steady: No. 2 red, $1.64 elevator; and $1.044 f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.21 f. o. b. to arrive. Futures market was irregu lar, but on the whole aulet and steady to day, until the last hour, when reaction! oc curred under predictions for big world's shipments this week. The close was to g net lower; September closed, $1,044; December, $1.07; May, $1.12. CORN Bpot market easy: No. 1 corn. GT4c; elevator domestic basis to arrive; No. 2, 64"ic; f. o. b. afloat Futures market was without transactions, closing "4c net higher. September closed 664c; December, 64tc: May, 6t4c. OATH-Bpot market steady: new standard white, S7c; No. 2 white, 874c; No. 3, 874c; No. 4. 37c. Futures market was steanv. closing 4c to 4c net hlghet September closed 37Hc; December, 404404c closed 404c; May closed, 46 Vic; July, 42Sc HAY Steady; prime, SM241.16; No. 1, $1.10; No. 2, $1.00; No. 3, 8&c. hops Dun; state, common to choice. 190, 2022c; 1908, nominal; Pacific coast, 1903, lGh loc: 1908, nominal. HIDliS Steady; Central America. 2fe: Bogota. 2046214c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess. 124.00 $24.60; family, $25.O025.6O; short clear. $22.50 (lUt.w. ueer, nrm; mess, $l5.ooi&.60 family, $19.0020.00; hams, $22.0024.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 16fc'18c; pickled hams, MHtflSc. Lard, firmer; middle west prime, $12.60rn12.70; refined, steady; continent, $13.10; South America, $13 76; compound. 111GHc. TALLOVV Firm; prime city, hhds., 714c; country, 7Vi8c. CH EESIk Steady ; state, whole milk special, 156174c; state, whole milk, fancy, 164c; state, whole milk, eholce, 15c; state whole milk, good to prime. 14414)tc; state' whole milk, common to fair 104Jjl4c: skims, full to specials, 24&3124c. BUTTER Steady; . crtamery specials 32(&.324c; extras, 31c: third to firsts $14t-ua; extras, 304310 ; third to firsts, t44t)'294c: state dairy, common to finest. Uttiae; process seconds to specials, 234j27c western factory, June make, 2324c; west ern Imitation creamery, 344.360. EQUS Steady ; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, white, 284)83c; state. Penn sylvania and nearby hennery, gathered white, Kti30c; state. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, brown, 28fo3oc; state, Penn sylvania and nearby gathered brown, 260 28c; fresh gathered, extra first 26826o; first. 23Ai24c; second, Ti&22c. POULTRY Alive, easy; springers, W43 17c: fowls. 17c; turkeys. 12oil6c. llmuH steady; western broilers, 17(a30c; fowls. 14a ll7Sc BPO'lt IUIKOB, AMtfdUV. AllU-Otitlmrrs pfd Amalgamated Cooper American Agricultural .... Am. Bet Sugar American Can . Amtrtran C. A F., ex-dlv. Am. Cotton Oil American H. A U fd Am. Ica BMurtttes American Unaeecl American Locomotive American 8. R Am. B. A R. pfd Am. Bteel Foundries. Am. Sugar Refining American T. A T American Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic Ooaat Line Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Bteel Brooklyn Rapid Tr., ex-dlv Canadian Pacific Central Leather On. Leather pfd, M-aiT... Central of New Jereer Ohee. A Ohio, ex-dlv Chicago A Alton Chicago Great Western 1;. a. w. pfi Chicago A N. W C, M. A St. P C. C, C. St. L. Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Consolidated Oaa Corn Produts Delaware A Hudaon Denver A Rio Orande D. A R. O. pfd Dltllllara1 Securities Brie Erie lat pfd....' Krle td pfd General Electric Oreat Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfs.... Illtnola Central Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Harveater .. Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa City 80 K. C. 80. pfd Laclede Oaa LoulaTllle iwaanruie Mann. A Bt. Louis... M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M M., K. A T at. , K. A T. pfd Missouri Pacific National Blacult National Lead, ex-div N. R. R. of M. 2d pfd New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Pacific Pacltic Mall Pennaylvanls People's Oaa P.. C, C. A Bt. L plttaburg Coal Preaaed Steel Car.. Pullman Palace Oar Kali war Bteel Spring Reading Republic Steel 1 Republic Bteel pfd...V. .... Rock lalano vjo..... Rock laland Co. Pfd.. Bt. L. A S. F. td pld St. Louis S. W s 1. . W. Pfd. Sloee-Sheffleld S. A Southern Pacinc Southern Railway 80. Railway pia Tenneeeee Copper Texas Pacific T.. St. L. w T.. Bt. L. W. pfd Union Paoltio Union Pacific pfd united Stales Realty United States Rubber United Stales Sleet U. S. Bteel pfd Utah Copper Va-Caroallna Chemical ... Wabaah Wsbaah pfd Western Maryland Weetlnghouee Bleotrlo .... Western Union Wheeling A L B. ...... ... Total sales for the day, Low. Cloae. 104 7. 600 2.060 "ioo 100 3.600 400 6,400 100 600 100 1.4O0 1O0 iiooo '"ioo '"400 63 374 "44 a 214 8H titt 11 T 134 t2 44 I 214 64 5T4 117 134 4314 7 4(1 12 224 184 11 364 4 109 41 117 1344 S24 New York Chicago Ritston I Philadelphia St. Louis Kansas City Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis OMAHA New Orleans Cleveland Detroit Los Angeles Louisville , Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul , Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Atlanta Providence Portland, Ore Memphis Richmond Fort Worth Salt Lake City Washington St. Joseph Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane Toledo Rochester Nashville Hartford lies Moines Peoria Norfolk New Haven Sioux City Wichita , Grand Rapids Syracuse Augusta. Ga Birmingham ........ Springfield, Mass . Kvansvllle Dayton Oakland Oklahoma Jacksonville, Fla.. Portland, Me Worcester Little Rock Knoxvllle Wheeling, W. Va. Charleston, S. C... Chattanooga Lincoln Wilmington, Del... ....I 14.9 .... 4.9 1.0 17.0 .6 12.11 3.4 42.9 16.4 8.61 40. 1i iS'4 4 1034 324 84 4 1024 '734 'i4 2. 10O 724 714 1.000 114 114 I c l,oo 100 1294 134 129 1JT4 600 W4 29 26 164 424 V 00 1244 1234 100 100 00 !4 K4 41 00 400 20 184 484 64 100 10 100 2 100 '206 100 1,600 400 " 00 100 600 200 3,400 100 too a4 '244 'ioii '624 "in" 14 1104 'ii" 1134 28 1284 104 100 40, tOl) . 200 'i.'ido 400 200 31 1304 I 'i4 634 4 114 44 64 "iii W4 'soti "63 " 60 804 1104 'a" t ll4 274 1274 104 34 tl 1374 39 "r" U 3 Mobile 1 T' 1. .. Davenport Wtlkesbarre , Kalamazoo, Mich Fall River Cedar Rapids .... Sacramento New Bedford .... Springfield, 111.... Macon Youngstown , Fort Wayne , Helena Fargo, N. D Columbia, S, Akron , Canton, O Lexington Krlo , Sioux Falls Rockford, 111 Qulncy Bloomlngton, 111. Sprlngliefld, O... Chester, Pa South Bend, Ind Lowell Blnghamton Jackson, Miss . .. Decatur, III Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb.... Vlcksburg, Miss.. Jacksonville, 111 Duluth Soranton, Pa Houston Galveston York, Pa I. 6. mo 1124 1R4 1.600 24 34 no 200 27,700 200 41,200 100 00 200 too 234 44 1064 14 S4 ll 44 68 14 354 234 4M4 1M4 14 74 11 464 6a 14 364 100 M 161,200 shares. 874 194 1074 1034 26 734 1WII S24 108 300 724 284 t24 464 1484 1134 7o 284 63 124 134 16D 284 704 t4 K4 424 31 1404 1234 684 128 18 48 64 U4 4 84 14 274 1 e4 1414 234 1M 304 1 63 112 604 14 1104 894 64 64 1184 274 124 104 3 1 S3 16( 30 1884 234 M 4 t . 34 24 66 66 1114 224 604 W4 14 4 2214 484 1064 1 234 474 114 454 67 14 8.M4 42 57 424 44 $1,242,251,0:. 2JU.77,(JUO;. 1I3.8I0.(KI 123.478.000i 6i",3O2.0ii0. 4ii.857.0OO 39.244,000 41. 666.01 3H.O".'4,00o 33.610.0o0 24.4H1.00I 16,085,0001 1.S. 14.214.OK) , 16.106.000 13,767.000 12,186,000 9.992.000 10.712.000 10.137,000 9.617,000 7,794,000 8.374.000 8.177.000 7.00.(X 4.746,000 8.761.000 3.861.000 7.013.000 6.464.000 6.1,0( 6.764.000 6.618.000 6.400.000 4.781.O0O 6.399,000 4.020.0J0 4.069.000 8,530.000 8.538,000 2,754.000 3.O52.0OO 3.342.000 8,141,000 2,300,000 2.138,0001 2,738,0001 3.100,000! 2.7iW,OOOl 2.027,000! 1,180,000 2,006,000 1,627.000 1,723,000 2.007.000 8.691.0001 2.364.000 2.014,0001 1.782.000 1.7&4.0OOI 1,240,000 1.637.00W 1.443,000 1.326,000 1,663,000 1.433.0OU 1.217.000 Llll.OOOf.. l,137.00ii, 1.497.0001 1,2(,000 1,226,000 260,000 946,00O. I,J4,000 768.0)0 1.089,01101 793,0001 . l,70H,(00i 926.000; 919.000: 692,000i 6X2,000! 820,000 972,000 688.0H0 674.000 874,0001 683.000! 721.000 583,0001 715.0001 482,000 44.000 406,000 680,0001. 800,00i. 486,000 403,000 298.000 . 185,000 . 360.000 . 3. 834. (Mli 2.303,0001 29.966,000 17,075,0001 848,000. 13.0. 18.9. 19.3 8.9 26.8 15.4 8.0 12.8 8.9 9.21 63.5 7.8 ".' 3.9' 9.0 io!2 9.2 3.0 U.6 14 20.1 6.2 9 7.21 21.8 26.4 8.0 3 21.6 K3.7 26.9 28.9 9.3 54.4 2.3 15.1 "6!i 3.9 0.8 0.4 S6.6 4.8 OMAtiA LIVE SfOCIi MARKET Cattle Receipts Are Liberal for Fri day and Values Are Lower. HOGS TEN TO TWENTY HIGHER tiood Light Stork Is Hcarre and Bay ers Bid t p rrices Sheep He celpts for Week Hundred Forty Tkoaissd. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 9. 1910. Receipts were Cellle Hon. Sheep. Official Monday 15.0(13 2.f 28.12 Official Tuesday 11.0:6 6.9(4 bl.249 (-uncial Wednesday 6.BW t.sti z..' (.uncial inursday 4.30o 4.w Estimated Friday 1,971 2.7HO 12.190 Same days last week.... 40.619 2S,6. Same days 2 weeks ago. .28.206 31.116 1224 Same days 3 weeks SK0..29.M64 21.9V) 6o,Vi3 Same days 4 weeks ao..2.U73 33.372 65.80il Same days last year 29.876 26,322 64..U5 The followlnu tarie shows the receipts ot rattle. bos and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dato. as compared with last year: 1910 JSOS Inc. Dec. Cattle 737.4S1 656.563 60.918 Hogs 1,45,425 1.T38.M1 253.416 Sheep 1.400,271 1,081.874 318,307 i lis following table snows trie average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several dsys, with comparisons: aJvani'Hs isiihUik fruiti a dime to ' anil evtii a (Hiarirr in exltetne rases. Volume of demand was limited, however, and alter the more uis-iil onlrie hud been filled, buyers fur bmh locol and oiitld Interests lull, leavliis: fully half of total receipts for the Isle nvirket. Shippers were the prin cipal patrons of the erly market, and ad vsncs noted were doubtless prnmHed by the very light run Unit was yarded. Late trade was almost n uneven as fpen Ina business, but was murh lower. In a Reneral wsy. a Isrite portion of the advance was lost, prices dropping to levels about oc higher than those of yesterday. The final clearance wns made on this basis, but de mand was backward and movement slow. Good, Hunt hoars were scarce, selected ba con grades selling as high as $.4.r-. Some thing prime would have made possible a higher top, but prime loads were lacking. Heavv hugs moved Hround $S.itiu90n snd j good mixed of medium weight soin at v iw n.25 or better, ntilk ranged from $(.90fn' 25. as compared with yesterday s puik qj ss.itwr 9.1'.. Ttepresentatlve soles Detea. lllC. iaa.lS0i.lJO7.lO6.190S.1904. 2.1 36.8 0.9 14.1 14.6 7.8 21.9 14.4 17.11... 19.1 30.9 8.9 i 7.3 46.61 14.8 62 35.7 . 61.9 . 20.2 . 10.6 . 35.2 . 28.1 . 27.11.. 9.9 .. 72.7,'.. 9.8.. 2.8.. 21. 1 .. 7.6 19.9 2.3 ". 'ii'.i "u.i 6.6 6.4 22.1 13.6 20.6 12.7 10.8 10.2 81.6 36.4: ...... 23.6 6.1 10.8 Not Included In totals because eompar Isona are Incomplete. "Not Included in totals beoause containing other items than clearings. Aug. SL.. Sept. L... Sept. I.... Sept a.... Sept 4.... Kept 6.... Sept. 6... Sept. 7... Sept. 8.... Sept. 9.... I 78 6 72 S 13 I 861 I 621 R 13 & 47l 6 17 6 86 IS 23 9441 7 77 631 S 731 B ( ? 821 6 46 -S 844 7 80! 431 S 67 8 R.'(U 7 671 Ml S fiti 0241 I 6 611 6 761 6 67 ! 6 231 & 2o 1741 7 871 I 6 811 & 761 6 87 1 6 2.) 9 0641 7 93 61 5 8S 6 R8 6 381 6 23 8 91 I 7 92 6 64 I 6 90) 5 3o 6 8) 9 014! 7 89 6 60 5 82 ( 6 Si B S No. 75 6 64 6 27 V 4 44 64 (8 6!i IiO..... 87 12 60 (4 ..:.. 2 at... ii 07 62... 8undar. Receipts and dlsDosltlon of live stock st the Union Stock Yards, South Omana, for twenty-four hours endlna at 2 o'clock vea- terday ; RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. A St. P Wabash Missouri Pacific union Pacific C. A N. W., east C. & N. W.. west C, St. P., M. A O C. B. A Q., east C. B. & U.. west C, R. I. A P., east v... K.. i. & p., west Chicago Great Western Total receipts.. 1 ' 26 3 1 37 76 1 4 1 21 U 'j 8 'i 46 29 10 46 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 367 474 468 12 1S4 1.603 6!5 638 778 1,670 A? ...M , . .30a . . am ...2113 ...330 ...8.(2 ...365 . . . 2W ...31 ...S'ZV .. .320 ...312 ...31) ....'7 ...JK4 ...? ...3110 ...206 ...2d ...164 ,ae ...241 ...2(0 287 Bh. Pr. 1M I 86 at H ... K Ml Iii ... I 86 ... I 85 ... 14 ... Iti ... I to 811 I so I so ... 1 to ... no ... M ... I W 320 I Hi 40 t K 200 I 95 ... I to ... I 16 40 00 00 W 00 No. U... It.., 37.. 36... 4... 43.. 61... 8.. 8.. SI... it.. 1.. IV... au.. M.. ."... u... 70.. n.. 6... 76... 71.. 76.. 13. A. 360 SS 8:' 22 2.A 2W 3.H) 2(MI ISO 237 Ml 2K !.. 274 377 246 27 2;i4 -in 2W 314 23 l .202 8h. Pr. 80 00 .. 00 .. 00 .. no 00 00 00 . 024 0o ot 06 Kt 05 06 1 Id 30 to 30 30 l 40 43 14,386 London ClosloK Stocka. -,xti-ww Rnt. S. American securities opened higher today. During the f rst hour the galna were lost on light realising. At I1 the market was quiet, with prices Kanaaa fltr Grain and rrovlalone. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. I.-WH EAT Iecemper, 9Sc, bid; May, $10241.024. Cash, unchanged to lc lower: No. 2 hard lo lower; No. 2 hard, 97(-$102; No. 3, 7fj $4c; No. 2 red. 9i4cti$1.00; No. 3, SsV&Wto. I OltN September, doc ; Ieember. 634fJ er; nay, one, oiu. . inn, uncnangea to 4c higher; No. t mixed, 6uc; No. 3 mixed, 65c1 No. 1 white, 60; No. 3. 58-tr4 58c. OATS t'noiiunged to He higher;' No. 2 white. Sn.fi3bc; iso. 1 mixed, Sl4c UY K No. 2. BOrJiMc. HAV Unchanged; choice timothy, $14.0rvj l w; ,-m.n v iu.v, PVU'LTnv-rlrro; chickens, 124c; springs, 134c; turkeys. 19e; ducks. 114c; geese, aac. til l I rti v reanirrj , fiir; nrsta, 7c; see onde. 26-; packing stot k. 22'4c. KGGS Extras, 26c; firsts, 224c; seconds. 11.4c Receipts. Shtpm'ts Wheat, bu 2.W.O0H 147.000 Corn, bu IS 00 44. OW Oats, bu 3.1X10 4.000 Mlnneaptolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Spt. .-WHEAT-Sep-teniber. $1,004; December. $1. 114311 114; Mav. $1,164: cash. No. 1 hard. $1 if, No. 1 Borthern, 1 11 a 1114: No. 2 northern, $107 Ul 10; No. $ northern. $1.041.074. FLAX Closed at $2.el. IDRN-Nu. 3 yellow, WHc. OATS No. I white, 3246K4C. FlAJl'U -First patents. In wood, f. o. b. Minneapolis, S5.j06.7O; second patents, $6.30 at. I.onls General Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Sept. I.-WHEAT-Fu-tures, lower; September. 97Hc; December, $1.0MT1 004: May, $1.0t4. Cash, strong; track: No. 1 red, $1.01 4& 1.04; No. S hard, $l.004 1-064. CORN Futures, steady; September, 864c; December, 544c. Cash, steady; track: No. 2. 5nc; No. 2 white, 5954c. OATS- Futures, steady; tie pt em her. 304.P? December, S34ti334e. Cash, steady: track: No. 2. 31c; No. 3 white, 36 ' 004c. RYE Firm; 78c. FLOl'R Firm: red winter patents. IRfln t?650; extra fancy and straight, $4-2554.60; nsrn winirr izirmiw, eo.viia.mi. SP;EI Timothy. $a.3O(U9.50. CORN MEA L-33.15. BRAN Irregular; sacked east track. 9,ft 9Sc. HAY Steady: timothy. 114 0(ff1BM' prairie, $12 ay 14.50. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: lohhtnH' $21.50. Lard, higher; prime ateam, $U.95( 12.1.-1. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, $13 25; clear rigs, $13.25; short clears $13.50. liacon. higher; boxed exta short. $14.75: clear ribs. $14.75; short clears. 113.00. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 2745j314c. EGGS Higher; 32c. Receipts. Shipments. r lour. Dois s,i4u Wheat 73.400 Corn, bu 62.UU) 00 Oats, bu 69,500 3700 from unchanged to higher than yesterday a fsew 1 ui . .o.... London closing stocks: .. 11H IXlUUITllie .-saan .. tost Mo.. Kan. n Tex.. .. 444 N. T. Central .. Norfolk Wool.. .. M4 Ho pfd ..10SV Ontario Vlmt... ..1064 Per neylTanln ..lMKand Mines .. 16 heading .. tn southern Rr 4o ptd . ltd Ho. Paciriu .. . 304 t'nlon Pacific .78 do pfd . 34 L 8. Bteel . . 414 do pfd . It Wkbaah . 174 do pld .131 gpanlab 4a.... firm. 24 4d per ounce. wiakiu'v wniw Der cent. The rate 01 discount In the open mar ket lor short Dins is ..... ot discount 1.1 months uuie V"1 New York Money Market, NEW YORK. Sept 9. MONEY On call easy at 1402 per cent; ruling rate. 14 per cent; closing bid. 1T4 per cent; offered at 17(. ner cent. Time loans weaker: sixty days, 3i per cent and ninety days 44 Dor cent: six months. 44S44 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-tV per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8330-' 4.8340 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8610 1)0 r demand. - Commercial bills, $4.8Zrn.83'4c. SILVER Bar, 634c; Mexican dollars, 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. steady. Closing quotations on Donas today were as follows: U. 8. ref. Is, reg....l01 int. M. M. 44s 24 do coupon 101 Japan 4a 8S4 V. la. reg 1014 do 44 Ms do coupon 1014 K. C. So. 1st 4a.... T24 V. 8. 4a. re 116 L. 8. deb. 4a 1M1.... 2 do coupon lli LAN. unl. 4a. 74 Allla-Cbal. lat to... T64 M. K. AT. lat 4a.. S7 Am. A(. 6 1004 do gen. 44a 4 Am. T. A T. T. 4e..l0OHMo. Pacific 4a 77 Am. Tobacco 4a 74N. R. R. of M. 44s Mi do a 1064 N. Y. C. f. 34a 88 Armour A Co. 44.. 2 do deb. 4a 6 Atrhlaon gen. 4a M4 N. Y., N. H, A H. do cv. 4a IOU ct. e .'....1334 .10814 N. 4fc W. lat 0. 4s. M4 . 34 do cv. 4a M . No. Pacific 4a 101 . 2 do Is 714 . WHO. 8. L. rtdi. 4s.... 24 . 82 Penn. cv. 14a 1SL6.. 864 .106 do con. 4a 101 . M4 Reading (en. 4s S 121-S Bt. U 8. P. fa. 4s 4 Cbes. ft Ohio 44a...lu4 do gen. to M do ref. (a St L 8. W. c. 4s... 734 echVago ft A. ivia.. t.v, "do 1st goia es o C. B. ft Q. . 4a t64 Beauoerd A. L 4a. do sen. 4a HSo. Pacific e. 4a. C. M. ft 8. P. ( 84s 14 do er. 4a.. C. R. I. ft P. cot. 4a n do 1M ref. 4a.... do rfg. 4a it 8o. Railway to... Colo. In4. to 75 do gen. 4e Colo. Mid. 4a 4 t'nlon Pacific 4a... '. ft 8. r. ft e. 4Sa m do cv. 4a.. Omaha Packing Co.. ewirt ana company 873 Cudahy Packing Co 113 Arymour dt Co 346 Murphy (shippers) Benton Vansant A Lush.. 15 Hill A Son 223 F. B. Lewis XI J. B. Root A Co 141 J. H. Bulla 28 L. F. Huss 39 L. Wolf 68 McCreary A Carev 7 8. Wertheimer is H. F. Hamilton 118 Sullivan Bros l Lee Rothschild 77 Other buyers 282 Totals. I..2.334 2.811 17.892 U. jlI Keceipts ot ua.iiiv were very - erai tor a Fnday, niaxuig toe total lui' u live oaya ia,W4 neaa, as against eu.ultf head tor tne same tune lui week ana i,.o licttd fur the same period a year ago. 11 will oe noted from this tnat wnlie receipts are not quite so large as taut week tney are almost lu.uoo head larger than tor the corresponding days a year ago. It Is a typical Friday's market this morn ing. Packers had ail laid in liberal sup plies of beef steers while the runs were large earlier in the week and, as a result, were not especially hungry for additional beef. Under such conditions, as might be expected, the market was very Blow and a drug from start to finish. Buyers, in fact, did not care very much whether they se cured any more cattle this week or not. and their bids were generally lower on all kinds. Cows and heifers were very slow and dull and accordingly weak as compared with yesterday. While the offerings were very light, it took considerable work on the part of sellers to make a clearance. This late in the week there is never a very active demand for feeders, and while strictly good cattle did not show so much change, light and trashy stuff was very hard to move. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $7.00(38.00; fair to good beef steers, 6.00g7.00; common to fair beef steers, $4.o0(5.00; good to choice cornfed heifers, $3.604.60; common to fair cows and heifers, $2.60(33.50; good to choice mockers and feeders, $4.76600; fair to good Blockers and feeders. $4.004.76; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.25(24 00; stock heif ers. 13.2564. 25; veal calves, $3.60(0)7.26; bulls, stags, etc., $3. 2686.00. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $6.00(fi6.80; good to choice beeves, 6.4OiZi.U0; fair to good beeves. $4.60 (&5.30; common to fair beeves, $3.754.50; good to choice heifers, 4.2oo.OO; good to choice cows, $4.004.6o: fair to good cradea $3.6O4.00; canners and cutters, $2.50f5;3.40: good to choice feeders, $4.903560: fair to good feeders. $4.ft034.80: common to fair breeders. $3.254.20. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. HH KKT Muklnir allowances for ttuF usual week-end shrinkage In sheep and lambs re ceipts, today's supply was relatively large. In the neighborhood of forty-five doubles were received, giving a five days' total 01 fully 140,000 head. The big end of today s run arrived In feeder flesh, however, and It required more or less sorting to shape up bunches suitable for killing. Inquiry for all classes, both feeder and lat, was reason ably active and generally steaiiy prices were paid from the start. Feeder buyers were by no means as plentiful as they were at mid-week, but reserve orders furnished an adequate outlet and anything at all desirable moved In good seamm. Trade during the week has been In splen did condition. The table of receipts and the list of quotations tell the Btoiy most forcibly. Despite the fact that the big barn was almost over-tujied at times, de mand has been easily ample and very good clearances were made on the day of arrival. Values have been well sustained through out, current sales appearing little different from those of a week ago. Some weakness developed on the very thin, common grades of feeders, but old ewes claimed most of weakness, other kinds of half-fat stock going at fully steady figures. In fact, the demand for feeders has been the ruling feature of the trade and is no small factor in stimulating the demand for stock bought on killer's account. Quotations mi grass stock: Good to choice lambs.v $6.60ipG.75; fair to good lambs, $6.1b(JM.oo; feeder lamus.; liandy weight yearlings. $5.0U5.3G; heavy year lings, J4.6Otr6.0O; feeder yearlings. $5,004(6.30; good to choice wethers, $4.2Otf30; fair to food wethers, $4.0054.20; feeder wethers, 4.0OQ4.80; feeding ewes, $4.2&'(!4.75; feeding ewes, $3.00&.3.65; fat ewes, J3.76Sj4.25. Representative sales: No. Av. 1391 Idaho lambs, feeders 66 146 Idaho lambs, culls 37 938 Wyoming lambs, feeders 66 146 Wyoming lambs, culls 42 241 Wyoming ewes, feeders 93 6W Wyoming ewes, feeders 86 500 Wyoming ewes, feeders 96 250 Wyoming ewes, feeders 96 226 Wyoming lambs, feeders 43 351 Wyoming lambs, feeders..... 61 164 Idaho lambs, oulls 69 104 Idaho lambs 66 779 Idaho lambs 66 j UlUII t el.tHKKI. lit'TTKK-Vreauiro, No. 1, dellveird to the retail trade In 1-lu. cartons, Uv: No. I, In 30-iu. tuba, .No. 3. in l-lb. tailons. Hoc; No. t. 111 wi-lb. lui.H, 211'. packing stock, suliu pack, Zo; uuny, 111 tuMo. lues, 2jsj Almkpl iiiaiigt'M eveiy Tueauay. ttlfc.l-.rtK ivtnis, lit'; ytiung Americas, u4c; dalaioH, l."-4i , triplets, iB"u; liuilieigt i, lc; No. 1 brick 184c, Imported Swiss, 31c; uomehlio r. !., 24f, blink. Awies, Uc. POULT It a burners unut-r I lbs., 20c; over 2 lbs., lee; hens' loc; cocks, 10c; Oueks, lec; geeee, lot, tuike, 26c; pigeons, pur tlus., $l.-u; homer squabs, per do., $4.uv; fancy squabs, per dug., 3.60; No. 1, per do., I3.VU. Alive: Li onel a, ltc; ovei 3 lua., 1, hens, 11c; old roosters, be; old ducks, lull tvaineieu, Ivc; geese, lull leatheied, 8c; turkeys, 20c; guinea fowls, Jc each; piut-ons, per do., otic; nomeis, per dos.,, equabs. O. 1, per UOS., et.ov, liu. a idi uub., ciw. r isll tall rroaeit Picket el, 12c; wulte tlsh, 17c; pike, ioc; trout, lie; laige dap ples, 2Vc; epaiiisn mackerel, lfc, oel, Iac; haddock, 13c; tiuundeis, Uc; green catfish, lHc; buffalo, 8c; Halibut, He; white perch, He; bulihetfdd, llic; roeoiiad, $1.U0 each; shad roes, per pair, tmc, flog legs, per dog., 30c; salmoii, liiv. Beef Cuts Rib: No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 134c; No. 8, 6c. Loin: No. 1, 16c; No. 2, 14c; No, 3, Ve. Chuck: No. 1, bLc; No. 2, ovuc; No. 3. 6c., Round: No. 1, 84c; No. 2, 74c; No. 3, 04c. Plate: No. 1, 114c; No. 2, 4,sw; No. 3, 44c. FRUITS Oranges, Californlu Valencia, all sixes, per box, $5.0tHi;5.26; Mediterranean Sweets, 2&S sixe, $3.00; o.4 sine, $2.50. Lomuiis, Llmonieia, extra fancy, euu sixe, per box, $7.00; 3MI sice, per box, $7:50; choice, b00 slxe, per box, $6.o0; 360 size, per box, $7.u0; 240 slxe, boa per' box less. Banamtr, fancy select, per bunch, $2.20tj2.50; Jumbo, bunch, $2.76 U3.75. Cantaloupe. Colorado Rocky Kords, 64 slxe, $2.00; 46 standards, $2.50. Plums, Cali fornia, red, per 4-basket ciate, $l.i. Italian Blue Piunea, Washington, per crate, 1.2j, In lots, per orate, $1.10. Peaches, California .always, per 20-pound box, 8uc; 'n lots, of twenty-five or more, per box, 874c; Colo rado Elbertas, per 20-pound box, MX'. Pears, California Bartlett, per box, $3.00; in lute, per box, $2.o&; Oregon and Utah Kloonlxb. Beauties, per box, $2.50; In lots, per box, $2.4ti; Washington Bartit-tt, per box. $2.76; m lots, per box, $2.00. Apples, home grown In bbla., $4.O0w4.o0; new Oregon, In boxes, $1.75; California Gravensteln, per box, $2.10. Grapes, laiiiorma mniiKai, ier e-nnsKet crate, $1-50; Concords, homo grown, per S- pound basket, 021130c. watermelons, Texas, 14c per pound. Hates, Anchor brand, new. SO 1-pound packages, in box. per box. $2.0o. potatoes. 111 sacks. per bu., $1.0Kt!l.l0. Sweet potatoes. Virginia, per bbl., $3.75. Onions, laite yellow, in eacks, per lb, 3c; Iowa, small red and yel low, per 10.. zc; opanisn, per crate, $ Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red. per lb., liic. LK plant tancy Florida, per dux., $1.00. Celery, Michigan, per dux.. bunches, 36c. HOME GROWN VEGETABLES Cab bage, new, per lb., 2c. Tomatoes, per bas ket. &0ni60c. String and wax beans, per market basket, 75c. Cucumbers, per market basket, 60fci75c. Radishes, extra fancy home grown, per dox., bunches, 20c. Lettuce, ex tra fancy leaf, per dox., 46c. Parsley, extra fancy, home grown, per dox. bunches, 30c. Turnips, per market basket, 40c. Carrots, per market Dasket, ouc. ueets, per market basket, iOc. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts, black, per lb., 2c; California No. 1 per lb, 17c; Cali fornia, No. 2, per lb., 14c. Hlckorynuts, large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb, 6c. Cocoa- nuts, per sack, $6.00; per doxen, ,G6c. Honey, new, twenty-tour frames, it.'io. do cv. to. A. C. L lat 4a Ral. A Ohio 4a do (Ha do 8. W. 3MS Brk. Tr. OT. 4a Can. of O. to On. Leather to.... C. of N. J. g. to. Console, money.. do account Amal. Copper Anaconda Atrhlaon do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio. Canadian Pacific. Chesapeake ft O... fhifd G. W.... rhi.. Mil. A St. P. De Beers Denrer ft Rto O.. do pfd Brie do lat P'd do 3d pfd Grand Trunk llllnola Central .. SILVER Bar. .'14 ...33 ...1134 ... Ms ... 14 ... 404 ... :.4 ... 84 ... 71 ... 224 ... 63 ...1144 .. ja4 ... M ... 894 ...ll4 ... 174 ... Z4 ... 3 D. A H D. A R. O. 4s.... dn ref. fie PlellUeiV 6a Brie p. 1. 4a. do gen. la do cv. 4. ser. A. do eartee B Oen. Elec. cv. to.. III. On. lat ref. 4a. a Mo. Int. Met. 4tta 74 Bid. Oflered. 74 do lat ft ret. 24 tT. 8. Rubber s. tl V. 8. Bteel 3d to. 484 -Cm. Oem. 8'.4Watwah 1st to 71Vk do lat A a. 4s. . 70 Weetern Mi. 4a... 4 Weet. Eler. cv. &. 135 Wla. Central 4a.... Pacific t, to 04 ... t ... MS ... 44 ...106 ...74 ...101 ...103 ... 64 ...103 1 ...1034 ta. 4 ...1('4 ... 34 ...84 4 D34 rate three Local Becerltles. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker 1 A Co 449 Omaha National bank bulltlng; a. 1M0. Liverpool Grata aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Sept. f WHEAT Spot dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; futures quiet; October, 7s 44d; December, 7s 4T1. March, 7s 64d. CORN Spot quiet; old Amerloan mixed. 5s lOd; futures easy; September, 4s 84d; October. 4a 844. Mllevaekee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Sept. e.-FLOCR Dull. WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1.154jl.l5; No. 3 northern, $1.12491134; December, 1.001004. OATS 3444335c. BARLEY Samples. fOg'Tlc. Alma. Neb., Lt. Cudaor Packlnj Co ... . ... , Rank fi dC. W.,' 'V.r. K.h.. Klec. U to. 134 . R. I. ft P ref. 4a. 1W4 10.300 1 ynirmonl Creamery pi 37.700 ; Kairment Creamery com H.dTSUIto Pree-a Iowa Portland Oement lat to... ....... Kanaaa Oaa Hec. .1 f' een pfd.. Kanaaa City loc u.. m.. K. C 6. "I omah. Water Co. to. 144 o00. ft &";:'". "t Omaha ei C. B. U Rr . com Omh. C. B. . Kr. to, 1821 Omaha l. Br- '? Pacific T. ft T. aa. 187 Seoktne Inland Kmp. to. 1IM fnion Stock Tarda atock. 0m. .... tsited Mr !.. lJ Trt-Cltr aallway ft Usht DalatB Grata Market. DVLl'TH. Minn.. Sept. 9 WIIEAT September. $1 12S; December. $1.T; No. 1 northern, $11-4. No. I northern, $1.0740 110S, Bid. 7 M 0 8 lw 107 It 8 8 74 84 83 7 ' 'ii" 4 lli u Aaked. loo M4 10 t 88 14 loo lial 84 74 M S84 44 1 a lu H4 e M J4 Boston Stocka aad Bonds. BOSTON, Sept. 9. Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: Adventure 4 Michigan 44 An ion a Com 14 Miami 184 Alkiuei il'sMohaws ....48 Atlantic 4 Nlplaln 104 Calumet ft Arli 18 North tKitte Hn Calumet ft Herla. . too ce',!a Ie Centennial 17 Old Dominion 88 Ci.nD.r Hanaa WO'lHlo 73U Daly-West 4Hay rona 18(4 Kaat Bulla 7 Shannon 4 Flrat National I -! Superior Copper 474 Hancock 14 Superior ft fine ton.. Hancock tl! Tamarack Mtt Helvetia 4 t'. 8. 8. ft Rf Indiana 1"4 o pfd 48Vi lale-Koyale liUtah Cona ts, Keweenaw 3Wolverlne 1234 Lke ( oDoer 84 W Yukon Gold 4 Uasalle 10 Boa ton ft Ely 14 MaiiechuaelU 7 Bank leetrlags. OMAHA, Sept. t. Bank clearings for to day ware $3.iH6.0(M.34 and for the corre sponding date last year 12.660, 713.3. Treaaorg Itatement. WASHINGTON. Sept. 9. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business todsy as as follows: Trust Ponds: Gold coin. $891,266,669: silver dollars. $46.6:. 000; silver dollars of HM), $3 631.0110: sliver certificate outstanding, HnS.UW.CO0. New York Csrh Market. The following quotations are furnished hv Loean A Bryan, members New Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth Omaha: Bay State Oas 8! Inspiration ... ... Butte Coalition 184Utroee Cactua 14 Nevada Cona Chlno 164Newhouae Chief Cona 14 Ohio Clipper Fraction 4 Ray Central Oavla Daly 1 6-14 awlft Pk. Co.... Fly Central Seare-Ruebuck Co. Hly ( oni 80 Sliver Pick Kranklln 1"4 Superior ft Pitta. Oiroui (STonopak Mining.. Uoldlleld Cone 84 Copper ... Uoldlleld Florence... $4 Norm Laute Uoldlleld fleJey 4 Bohemia Oreene Cauanea 4 York street .... 74 ,..$ 18-1 .... Jos, .... aa 14 .... t(4 ..1(14 .lb .. a .. 114 34 .. 4 .. 84 Bank of Germany Statement BERLIN, Sept. . The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany the following changes: CaHh in hand Loana ,i.n.r, Kiinfi n annara sliver aotiars in 11 uscounis general fund. $6.j.lS; current liabilities, (Treasury bills. $47 343.745; working balance in treasury of-iNotea in circulation ficee. $32.05(1. Is4; In banks to the credit of ilieixislts the treasurer of the United States. $36,623.- Gold In hand $44; subsidiary silver coin, $20,2m$.(U4; minor I 'Increased. show Decrease, I.110.0UO mark 25.5.'.iO mark 22.Ct2.uu0 mark 6.im1.o mark W W.OO mark .ur2.0u0 mark 10.OM.ooO marks Pr. 6 40 6 00 6 35 6 10 2 90 2 65 1 50 3 50 b 60 6 16 6 25 6 26 6 70 4 76 2 60 3 10 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 90 8 75 3 40 t 26 6 45 60 t 86 t 40 6 40 6 40 6 66 40. 6 66 6 40 Allouea Amal. Copper A. Z. L. A a., Arlcona Com. . Atlantic No. At. Pr. No. At. pr. (80 1 86 t. 1200 5 IS 2 786 3 80 16 1108 6 28 1 838 4 00 1 1010 3 26 1 830 4 16 1 1(120 6 25 t 880 4 70 1 8I 00 t 1185 6 00 COWS. $ IK IN $ 814 t 80 1 806 I D 1 876 $ 80 1 887 $ 00 4 e6 3 80 I HO IM 1077 $ 86 t 878 t 00 1 1018 8 70 I S30 3 00 11 106t 80 ( Ml $ 18 HEIFERS. 1 610 I 16 11 674 I to t 628 3 26 3 800 1 10 BULLS. 1 MM I IS 1 1400 t 56 t I860 I 40 1 1480 I 65 CALVES. 10 303 4 75 2 330 8 AO 1 330 6 T 1 ISO 75 1 80 6 75 8 15 1 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDKKS. $ 75 8 60 1 827 I 80 , WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 12 cows 045 15 cows 706 47 feeders. .1096 12 calves... 157 19 cows 916 31 hnlfnrs... 757 25 feeders.. 915 11 feeders.. 853 10 cows.. 19 cows.. 6 cows.. 18 steers. Dixon Neb. 3 steers. 922 937 . 928 .1167 3 26 3 30 6 45 6 23 3 40 4 30 4 60 4 35 3 56 3 85 2 26 4 65 19 cows 992 4 25 13 cows 940 t 75 26 feeders.. 946 4 80 40 feeders. .1090 6 20 7 heifers... 961 2 60 32 cows 840 3 15 8 steers. ...1032 4 50 17 steers. ...1111 6 25 11 heifers... 713 3 3o 2 bulls 710 3 20 16 steers. ...1075 5 3S (7 steers.. ..1122 5 36 James 13 steers.. ..1118 6 50 3 steers.... 976 E 00 3 cows 10H0 4 10 Elkhorn Valley 11 heifers... 600 3 00 Platte Valley 23 steers.... 913 4 00 23 steers.... 835 3 50 J. Jaoobsen Neb. KI7 4 60 2 steers. F. O. Durand Neb. 1018 4 45 33 steers.. ..994 4 46 3 60 Johnson Neb. 4 30 8 heifers... 630 00 4 cows 993 3 20 Waldron Neb. 3 40 15 feeders.. 800 833 Idaho lambs, feeders 33 100 Wyoming ewes, feeder culls 70 626 Wyomlnk ewes, feeders 80 644 Wyoming ewes 100 191 Wyoming ewes 99 1.10 Wyoming ewes 99 864 Wyoming ewes 98 269 Wyoming ewes 87 449 Wyoming ewes 93 39 Idaho yearlings, oulls 76 310 Idaho lambs 66 277 Idaho lambs , 68 167 Idaho lambs, feeders 60 79 Idaho ewes 98 350 Wyoming lambs, feeders 66 343 Wyoming lambs, feeders..... 66 18 Wyo. lambs, feeder culls.... 46 352 Wyoming lambs, feeders..... 56 431 Wyoming lambs, feeders 46 367 Wyoming lambs, feeders 66 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKBT Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Slow, CHICAGO, Sept. 9. CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head. Market, steady. Beeves, $4,804 8.40; Texas steers, $3,754(6.00; western steers, t4.5ord)7.20: stockers and feeders. $4.0O(iiv3.20; cows and heifers, $2.4O.g.60; calves, $7.00 9 25. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head. Market, rather slow at early advance.' Light, $9.25 9.85; mixed, $8.600.70; heavy, $8.40ir9.60; rough, $8. 408. 66; good to choice heavy, $8.66 41 0.50; pigs, $8.40(g9.50; bulk of sales, $8.75 9.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.000 head. Market, ateady. Native, $2.854.60; western, $3.X'y"4.55; yearlings, $3.75g5.75; lambs, native,; western, tb.ati.w. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Sent. . CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,000 head, including L200 southerns. Market, steady, uressea Deer ana exporr. steers, $7.66Cfl8.1&; ralr to good. sb.owBvj.oo; western steers, $4. Sots'?. 40; stockers and feed ers, $3,254626; southern steers, $3.85(&6.60: southern cows, 1.8604.26; native cows, $2.60 4)4.76; native heifers, eJ.t.7b; puns, J.2W0 4.10; calves, $3.758.00. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head. Market, 00 tn 10c hlirher. Bulk of sales- 0.2:f9..: heavy, $9.U4i-9.40; packers and butchers, $9.30 4f9.66; light, $9.604j.9.66. blllILr a iJ ijAmrjrv zieceipts i,wi 11 emu. Market, strong. Lambs, $6.264p7.O0; year lings, $4.604j.2o; wethers, $4.004.60; ewee, $3.6o4.36; stockers and feeders, $3,006)4.60. St, Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 9. CATTLE) Receipts, 4,500 head, (including 1,800 Texans; market, steady; native shipping and export steers, $7.6f'(j'8.10; dressed beef and butcher steers, $7.0tKu7.66; steers under 1.000 Ins., $6,0047.00: stockers and feeders, $3,754X5.75; cows and heifers, $3.504i.75; canners. $2.60a8.26; bulls, $3.2&4J5.25; calves, $5,0049.66; Texas and Indian steers, $3.5036.60; cows and heifers, 13.50ftl4.7S. HOGS Receipts, 3,500 head; market. 100 to 16c higher; pigs and lights. $9.704f4.ko; packers. $0.40449.65; butchers amd best heavy, tltOKi;9 80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.200 head; market, strong; native muttons, $4.00 4?4.25; lambs, $5.50ry6.75; culls and bucks, $3.00(f3.60; stockers, $3.00474.00. Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 700 head; market steady; steers, $4.50 4j7.25: cows and heifers, $3.00416.00; calves, t4.004f8.00. HU(irt iteceipts, .w neaa; marsei o'triuc higher; top, $:i.!40; bulk of sales, lUlOlrtlbO. HHEEl't Anu LiAM lis iteceipts, l.tiuu head; market 104716c higher; lambs, $6.26 6.76. Boston Closing- Stocks. BOSTON, Sept. 9. Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: 42 Mohawk C34 Nevaada Con 36 Nlplialns Mince .. 164 North llutte 6 North l,ake H. ft c. C. & S. M. 134 Old nonunion Butte Coalition 18 Oereola Cat. ft Anions. 674 Parrott 8. ft C t il. ft Hecla 546 (julnry Centennial 16 Hhannon Copper Range C. C. . 65 Superior Eaat Butte C. M.... 7 superior ft B. M.. Franklin 10 Superior ft P. C... Olroux Oon 4 Tamarack Granbr Con 82 U. S. a ft O Oreene Cananea 'i l'. 6, 8. H. lale Royale Copper.. 20 do pfd ... , 4 l ull Con. , 10 Winona ... , I84 Wolverine . M.. Kerr Lake lAkm Copper .. Miami Copper 48 :.4 S4 84 an LT U4 72 4; 4 114 bA 3F4 3X4 44 23 4 '4 1 20 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept . COTTON-Spot., closed quiet: middling uplands, $14.00; mid dling gulf. $14.26. Sales 8.468 bales. Cotton futures closed very steady; clos ing bids: September, $13.76; October, $13.09; November, $13.03; December, $13.06: January, $13 04; February, $13.07; March, $13.14; May, $13.16; June $13.16; July, $13.15. LIVERPOOL. Bept. 9 The following are the weekly cotton statistics: Imports all kinds, 80,000 bales; Imports, American, 23,000 bales; stock, all kinds, 302.0UO hales; stock, American, 216.000 hales; American forwarded, 61,000 bales; total exports, 1,200 bales, ST. LOUIS, Sept 9.-COTTON, lower; middling, 134c; sales, none. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 9 METALS Stand ard copper, easy; spot and futures, $J2.l(1ji 12.26. London, quiet; spot price, 56 10s; fu tures, 56 6s. Lake copper, locally, $12.76(cP 12.874; electrolytic, $12.50rff 12.76; castlnii, $l2.2fo 12.50. Tin, easy; spot and futures, $24. 264)25.60. London, dull; spot, 162; fu tures, 168 6s. Lead, dull; $4.40414.50, New York; $6.30(fK.86; EM St Louis. London, spot 12 8s 9d. Spelter, quiet; $5. 40m 6.60, Mew York, sb.swo.iib, .ehlbt bu ixmis. Lon don, spot, 22 17s 6d. Iron, Cleveland war rants, 49s 6d in London. Locally quiet ht. uiuiB, aept. . mc 1 al,o xeaa. firm; $4,324- Spelter, strong; $4.36. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Sept 9. DRY GOODS The demand for gray cotton shows a lull. with values easy, rams 01 the coarser grades are MiO, per lb. lower la the central, markets, but spinners are holding ateady and are declining, contracts being at the prices current lor spot mercnanaiae. io- mestlCB are quiet. 01 ng name zor spring nnntlnua to sell well. Carpet wools have been selling more freelly. Domestic wools are qulnet in ctua market Now York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 9 Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: Alios IT LeadTllle Oon. Sheep Co. Neb. 33 steers.... 730 Cattle Co. Neb. 3 40 18 steers.. 85 steers.. 6 cows... 6 steers.. 6 calves., 6 cows... 3 steers.. ..1126 4 00 935 3 75 20 cows 5 cows 12 feeders 4 cows. .. 3 cows. " cows... JO cows... a cows... 157 steers. 67 steers.. 36 steers.. 3 cows... 19 steers. 10 cows. .. 7 calves. 4 steers.. cows... calves. 1 cows. .. 2 steers.. , 951 V. , 925 248 . 733 S. C. . 816 . 8-J0 J. . 767 . 616 3 50 3 50 961 811O 875 8.S5 ..180 .. 950 611 950 3 10 2 steers Heryter Neb. 3 90 1 bull... 3 70 2 cows. 8 70 WYOMING. 3 36 11 feeders 3 65 10 cows... $ Ot) Edgar Boice Wyo. .. 921 4 65 66 steers.. ..1006 ..1019 4 50 34 steers.. ..l'47 ..1049 4 60 19 steers.... 59 WESTERNS. Carl Mahlum Mont. .. 83 3 76 1 cows 1016 Waller Enerson Mont. .. 6M 4 40 12 cows.... .. 796 $ 15 6 steers.. . . 2M 6 25 William Enerson Mont. ...1067 4 75 6 steers. . .. 816 3 25 9 cows.... 210 6 50 I Man Howell Mont. Ulii 4 lo 3 steers.. 740 4 4) . offerdahl Mont 10 steers.. ..i3 3 ( scows..., S cows 640 3 25 HOGS Hug trsue opened up 3 80 3 40 3 40 3 15 3 86 3 80 4 60 4 50 8 90 716 900 904 728 4 00 3 75 4 4 76 3 60 ftlonx City Live stock Market. SIOCX CITY, Sept. . (Special Tele gram,) tA 1 1 iwceipis, euu neaa; mar ket steauy. 1 loots iteceipts, z.iuu neaa; market DC higher; rango ot prices, $a.049.2o; bulk of sales, $8.tvo'uv.uD. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western mantels jtmnruny ; Cattle South Omaha St. Jobeph .. Kansas City St. Ixiuls Chicago Totals 2.300 700 3,000 4.5IK) 2.UU0 Hogs. Sheep Z.XU0 17,900 2.-1I0 2.200 3,500 10.U00 1.500 2.000 2 am 10.0UO ..12.600 20.700 83,600 Brunswick Con Com. Tunnel stock do bonds Oon. Oal. ft Vs.... Horn silver Iran Silver Offered. t . U . 1 .140 . 441 .U UtUe Chief Mexican Ontario Ophlr .......... Standard Telhrw Jaokwt .. I .. T ..135 ..326 ..140 ..Ui .. 46 925 6 00 930 4 00 fin shape, sales that were made early showing Evaporated Apples and Dried Pralta. NKW YORK, Kept. 9.-EVAPORATED APPLES Firmly held, with fancy quoteo at lOVaile; choice at 8fifi4c: prime at 84 S4c: common to fair at 64i4c. DRIED FRUITS Supplies of prunes on the coaat are comparatively small and firmly held, but demand Is quiet, and II is reported that there has been some selling at slight concession. Quotations ranue from 34'dlOo for California fruit up to So to, and from 5(34c for Oregon. Apricots, unrhanged; choice. 10VnH4c; extra choice, Uiil24e; fancy, I24il34- Peaches, ateady; choice, 7'i74c; extra choice, 74474; fancy, Kit 84c. Ralitlns remain firm, with loose muHcatels quoted st 3471540; choice to fancy seeded. fc''Cic; seedless, 44't54c; London layers, $1.?125. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. . -COFFEE Futures closed steady at a net loss of IDiiX) points. Cluhlng bids: September. 8 30c; October, 8 25c; November, 8.35c; December, 8.40c; January. 8.45c; February. k.49c; Mari'h, 8t4c; April, 8 67c: Mav, 8.69c; June, $0c; I July, 62c; August I63e. gufrar Market, NTJ7W YORK. Sept 9. SUGAR Raw. steady; Muscovado, 89 teat 8. 860; centrifu- al, 96 test,; moiasses sugar, ss test, .61: refined, steady; crushed, 6.S&0; granu lated, 6.16c; powdered, 6.26c Omana Hay Market. OMAHA, Sept. 9 HAY No. 1 upland. $13.00; Kansas. $14.00: No. 1 upland, $12.00; packing, $10.00; alfalfa, $14.00. Stiaw: Wheat 16 00; rye, $7.00; oats, $8.00. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. . WOOI-Qulet; territory and western mediums, lK'uJc; fine mediums, 174jCOc; fine, 144il7c HOSPITAL ATTENDANT IS WELL REMEMBERED Henry Marker Leaves Ills Possessions to the Man Who Cared for Illni. Written on a little slip of yellow paper, the writing scarcely legible because of the trembling hand of the writer, the last will of Henry Mackay, who died several months ago in the county hospital, has been filed for probate in the office of the clerk of the county court. Everything possessed by Mr. Mackay has been left to Charles Camp bell, one of the hospital attendants, who was kind to Mackay during his last lllnem. When he was taken to the honpita! Mackay had several hundred dollars In Ills possenslon. This was kept for him in the office of the hospital. After all expenses have been deducted Campbell wilt receive a neat little sum. FAST WORK ON HILL DEPOl Ulg Cement Piles Rise as If by Magle and Large Force Ifnstles Work Along;. So fast has been the progress on the new Burlington freight terminal that the con tractors will begin setting the big steel beams which are to support the main floor where the heaviest strain Is to come. Cc men piers have risen as If by magic on the site of the new building and the hope of the contractors that all this work might lo finished before cold weather set in is likely to be realised. The grading work on the driven ay and entrance to the terminal Is progressing well and soon Omuha will see a new street where ones old Eighth street wa. i