Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12
12 J 1 ! I i Want - Ads Want ass r-ee-etred at ay timr, ta linn proper rlnaslfleatlon meat -presented before 12 elork fo tka tttiilM edition fcetore Ti0 t'rltck af pre v lone enlnn- !, a. 4 Sender riltlo... Waal ado received after enen neare will aave taelr flrat Insertion heading; "Too Lata to Cl'r." Ultra apply to either The Dnllr ar Bandar Bee. Alware total ela worti to a llaa. CASH BATE TOR WAJIT ADS. REUl I.Alt CLASSIFICATION Oae Insertion, 1 1-3 rents per word and l rent per word for each snbseqnent Insertion. Each Ineertloa mad oa odd days, 1 1-2 rrali per word, fl.BO per llaa per month. Wait ada tor The Bee mar he left at any af tho followla- drag stereo oao la yoar "ooraer drnsralBt" they are all branch offices for Tho Be and yaar ad will be Inserted Jaat aa promptly aad oa the mm ratea aa at tho mala offlee la The Bao bnlldlaa, Seventeenth and Farnam atreetai Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Berenek, 8. A.. 1102 8. lfith St. Peyton Pharmacy, M M. lbitt St tlanaf.M I V a cm n W UflA11 N ttti. Betnle Park Pharmacy. d and Cuming, Blake-Bradish, $816 Sherman Ava. Csughlln, C. R., 6th and Fierce Sts. Hlnterlong Drug Co.. Hat Ave. and Far- ham t Crlsaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 8. 16th Bt Cermack. Emll, 1264-6 8. i::th fit. Ehler, P. H., 1802 Leavenworth. Foster at Arnoidl, 218 N. 2uth bt rvln J. J 1914 NI Mth Ht Fregger Drug Cc, 1302 N. Wth St Ureen't Pharmacy.' Park Ave. and Pacific Greenough, C. A., 1"6 8. lWh St. Greenouli, CI. A, 10th and Hickory. Httvrtnn William Wll VnrniilU St. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, Mil H. 29th AM, Holat, John, 1M N. liiih bl. Huff, A. L., 2SI24 Leavenworth Bt. Johanson Drua; Co., 24th and Spalding. King, H. 8.. 2238 Farnam bt Kountie place Pharmacy, a04 N. 24th. Mares. Fred U, 201 Central Blvd. Patrtok Diug Co., 1624 N. Mth Bt. . Lathron. Clmrlxa E.. 1224 N. 24th Bt. Goldman Pharmacy. 24th and Leaven worth St. K,niL nru fn Mth a.nd Amea Ave. Hchaefrr'a Cut Price Drua- 8tore. lth and Chicago St a. Hrhaerrr. Auc. N 18th. Bchmldt. J. U., 24th and Cuming St WmirPharmacy, 40th and Cuming. ANNOUNCEMENTS Robertson's Restaurant 313-15 So. ltith St., (basement); cool, light, sanitary, tiulck service, popular prices. For ladles and gen tlemen, labia U note ainner Bunauy. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight pas encer. J. R. Kennedy. 104 8. 13th. D. ml. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns, 316 S. lfith, upstairs. MONEY 8w 1 -Phone Do LOAN LOW i Hums to I Bee Bldg. Joug. 2J01. UNION LOAN CO. 8. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 3768. 1316 Farnam. OLIVER A. HALL. ACH1TECT. announces removal of his office to 520 City Rational uank mag. rnone Doug. 4SJ6. GW STfTETJ)S lawyer, has moved . VV . OlXXXjUUiS, nls offlces to jog. 828 Brandeia Theater Building, law practice. General J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., JFJtXR emoaimers, 1614 unicago. u. 165D, B-l&, DAVID COLE Creaniry Co. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIR WORKS. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477 IfliTM NTTTrrT.Ti Home Consumere' IlBtiibuter. LUXUS THE BEER YOU LIKE. JU24 South 24th St Douglas 1899. Red t32; Independent A-14J0. - ,i hauuakp van Storage. Pack. move, store and ship H. H. Goods. D. 1496, THE HOME FURNITURE JCO., 80 per uem iea nan omKiia prices.ixtn ana L bis., eoutn omana. CISTERN cleaned without removing the water; an rum laaen trom walls and bot tom by our new vacuum cleaner: demon. atratlon free. Call phone Douglas 728. Vac uum cistern t-o. WE wish to acquaint the publlo with the following facts: There are Imitation sap- phlres of quality superior to ordinary glass, Dut having no relation whatever to the natural or mexican wnite sapphire which Is appearing in the market To .distinguish these from our Mexican white sapphire, we suggest hydrofluoric acid teat. This reacts on glass, but has no effect on Mex ican white sapphires. To Introduce this gem we are selling 1 or m days at 13 per carat, guaranteed 100 years. Delong Jew- iry lo., eua racuaxue liiug. nooa An fiore niovea 10 zis ho. ixrn - we do your framing at half price; full line ' oua. LADIES' PARASOLS recovered and re-1 paired; all kinds of supplies. Western Ura-I Dreiia Co.. lt-zt Farnam. Red 7178. Ladles' and gents' shine parlors. 220 S. 16th ILER GRaVND HOTEL Finest In the west, -bth and Howard Sts Turkish Baths Public AUCTION SATURDAY, Sept. 10. 1910, 2 P. m. Dowd-Miller Auction Co. will a.-1 1 m tha highest bidder on above date at their Auction House, 216 and 218 S. 18th St., Omaha, Neb., the following articles: i v averiy Electric car, model 21, guar- anteed In good running condition, except that it "as no tires or batteries, original price. $!j0. 1 Waverly Electrio car, model 22, nearly new naileries, wnicn cost yjuo; tires new except one, In Kood running condition; original cost $1,050. 1 Waverly Electric car, model 22, been run i years, batteries been uxed one year, urea new, except one; gooa running con anion; original cost, xn-o. 1 Pope-Toledo Touring car. 60-horse power, 7-pasHenger, tires nearly new, 4 cylinders, equipped with magneto, original cost, $4,000. This car la high-class. In the be.-t ot condition. The above ears can b aeen Friday and Saturday at our auetlon house. We will also sell to the highest bidder $5,000 of high grade furniture, most of It new; S good pianos anu auu nign-graae pictures con signed to us by the Rose Art store. We sell consigned goods on commission Lerythlng put up must sell, VIRGINIA DARE wine. 76c a large bottle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE, 622 N. 16th St Oouglaa tiU. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Kei.ce Cheaper Than Wood. Lasta a Lifetime. . 107 N. 17th St Phone. Red $14. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. A. JETkib, 1308 Douglas St PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga viui v-u.. iin aim Allien, w. lis, x-101. B VRGAINS ,n watchoo. Jewelry, eto. iJ-lilVI-ii. O kTtedmHji'o Loan Bank. South lJth St., cor. Douglas, Tel. D. 6326. Eyes tested; glasses, glass eyes fitted B. F. Wurn, 442-6 Brandiea Bids. ICE FOR SALE w a can lurnisn gooa. clean loo In rnr. load lots, f. o. b. Omaha. Call Shackleford at uickey lor price, uougias BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 1 ltl4 FARNAM 8T.. BOTH PHONES. Sherwin-Wiluama paint $1 tj a gal. Va nishes from $1 50 to $4 50 a gal., all brands ct white Irad. $7 60 per luO lbs. Low prices In wall paper, glass, giaxiug and fi timing. FOR RENT Office room. Kl located on top floor, facing court. 370 square fe-t. in Cludini! vault rentii for $.5 pec tntnth. THE BKli BUILDING COM PAN I. ANNOUNCEMENTS tc'ontlnusd I ED. R0T11ERY SchlltS No. 1 Kuli line ot liquors and cigars Cf In eotmerllnn. Ill S. Hth ot. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Makes tho Best Auto Top9 for tha pries. All kind auto work. He pairing In wood work. Iron work. Beat painting In tha city. Send In your cars. 7314. 1MU and arney b. WRITE for fiat of automobile bar gain a. H. E. Frederlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILE OOGGI.E8. Kc to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 !" 66-HORSEPOWER automobile; owner going abroad. Address E 73, Bee. Wit.T. .n fmifi hl-rh rrede automobiles at their auction houne. 216 and 21S South 18th at . Saturday. 2 o. in.. Septemner. iv, 1H10. Cars can be seen Friday and Satur day. Antn rcnsiJrino- Moat completa plant .All 10 uepairiDg . the w,t. diamond Tires, 2d-hand curs, storage. The raxtnn Mltchell Co., 2010-11 Harnty. D. 7281; A-2011. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead storage. W'm. Pfelffer carriage Works, 26th and Leavenworm. 1907 FIVE PASSENGER four cylinder Franklin touring car; cost " t','1' ,tr", f,-r ?L'a Omaha property or Kimball county land. mis omaha National Bank Hldg, BARGAINS Will sell four hluh Krade automobiles at their auction house, 21(i and 218 South ISth St., Saturday, 2 p. m., September 10, 110- tars can be seen Friday and buturuay. 4.-i- T-ij' "iuTTrTiTV ntn it cuuiiiit oet our prices now, ANDREW MURPHT & SON. 1412 Jackson. Motoreyclea. Wrife for llstt of used motorcycles, We carry a full line of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSCH Y MOTOR COMPAW X, Council Bluffs, la. Tjargaina in TJBe(J (Jars 6efo Council Bluffs Auto Co.i 510 Pearl. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGEeTADt 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. Public AUCTION Dowd Miller Auction Co.. will Bell to the highest bidder, at their auction house, 216 S. ldth St., Saturday, 2 p. m Sepcember 10, laio. four high grade automooiles In good condition; can be inspected Friday. BLACKSMITH shop and tools doing good business. A five-room residence. A fine business opening for tha right man. Price, $1,800. Nowata Land dt Lot Co., 668 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 11. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Just entering Nebraska. Wo have a limited amount oi siock tor aaie. ii v uo. Agents wanted. Caaady Co., Fiscal Agents, l,wnri', Ulh..4D Dox" Umftha- O. D. C. CODDINGTON. 220 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real antate. PASAnV' Co- real estate loans and UAonu A insurance. List your prop erty for sals or rent. Uulck returns. 8. W. corner 14th and Douglae. Tel Doug. 1620. FOR RENTx-Offlca room. 622, large room on fifth floor, N. W. corner of building, especially 'I tied for architect There la 4&t ao.uare ieev in nis space; i per muuiu. thu tusiu uuiLUinu uuufAfl I OQDEN HOTEL for rent; furniture for -I sale; 90 rooms, bo roomers, u. m. ivimDau, Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE Small restaurant doing fine buslnens; good location; a bargain if taken t once; poor health reason for selling. T. L. Aula, Hampton, la. RESIDENT sales manager wanted in your home territory - with 1300 to KiOO. Salary $100 to $126 monthly. F. G. Jann, 614 First NaU'l Bank Bldg., Omaka, Neti. I ... . FURNISHED flat of seven rooms for tale cheap for oasb. 1 17 South lMth 81. IS. 000 STOCK general merchandise, best of reason. Address today, interstate Land & lnv. Co., Marmarth. N. D. STEAM LAUNDRY for sale, poor health 1 only reason. Address today, interstate Land and lnv. Co., Marmartu, N. D, M V.Af market for . sale: oroad location: i wt rmr.n rnr aeuinv: nun, una ror rent. inquire of Ohio Knog Co., 41 Pearl St., Council Blurts, la, WE want an honest, sober young man with $1.0u0 as manager for Omaha and 1 '.nirir-ll Itluffn- Yftit kiiouM tnnlia from i1:.n to $Su0 per month. No risk. Money secured. Address K-tl. cara lie." MEAT market for sale qn easy terms, or will rent same with slaughter house and pasture for ono year. Get busy if you want a good buslneso cheap. Address Box XU. Jefferson, la. 1 HAVE placed three men in a business within the last few days that pays them from $500 to $1.UW net each month. 'Inert,! IS yet a cnance xur you u yuu nave irutu $30u to $tvo. O. C. Melton, Merchants Hotel. FIFTEEN - ROOM FLAT; bargain if taken at once. Phone Douglas 683. oOOD coal and building material business doing $160,uu0 to $20u,tXA) a year. 'Kards well iotaid; good equipment. For further In formation, write a. iu uee. IF YOU have $600 to Invest and will call and see me, your fortune is made. o. c. Melton, Merchant s notei FOR SALE or tiade stock of hardware. $3,000. and building $3,000. Prefer cash, hut will consider traue tor aman rami, .-.kick new, building aa good as new. Y 47, Bee. FOR SALE De Haven's drug store; good stand, stock and sales; terms easy. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Restaurant and Confection ery; good town ot aoing gooa Busi ness. Reason ror selling, oilier Business. Address Y 242. care Bee. LET me Incorporate your buslneaa; good ones easily obtain money selling their share; am helping otners. why noi you 7 proof a, what has been dons. Promoter, 610 Paxton block. FOURTEEN rooms, modern, close In, full of roomers. Harney 6828. CHIROPODISTS ROY. Farnam St. Douglas 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO., Carpenter, paperhaugtng. brick work, etc.. low prices: an tlaf action guaianleod. Phona Harney tiaraey xuiu. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY, Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone, factory, 8. all. otflcs phone W. 8930. Tile. jl liUX O cravel. Schroede gravel. Hchroerier-Hum- phrey Roofing Co.. 67 Paxton Blk. Tel. VAN VALKENBEHG Bros., plumbing, hearing and gas filling. Web. 867. 170 N. ttth St DANCING 1 MnliAND'S Dancing School. 15th aV 11 I ney. lMions M.,n. and Fn , 8 p. in. Phone I Doug. &A4. Private lessons dally. DENTISTS BAII.ET MAC K. Id floor, ration D. W. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service tetectlvi gc. Hip . bonded. 42S-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319; Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. MT KARBACM HLK DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 821 8. Hth 8t. Tel. Doug. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall Wo and tl.uo. Sherman 4k McConneil Drug Co., Omaha. KAN1TAT?V HAIRDRESSINO pailora'. DAiHHJUll Marlnello massugs for good complexion. 601 Paxton Blk D. 4i7L TRY Maglo Roach Powder. Douglas 1370. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. Tel.. Web- ster 2771. EDUCATIONAL Y. M. C. A. WTnttnP erTinnT. HPRMS kivynvui, ,m..w NEXT MONDAY EVENING w Big Rally. All Men Invited. Twenty-Eight Subjects. FEES VERY REASONABLE. 10H FALL TERM BOYLE 8 COLLEGE now open in the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Business Course Including bank In. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng Th.B,v.'TLw i. r.,,1. Anmv for It. ii mv i," i, . k , liui.. omJu. -, , . Mosher-Lampman collegI T 1l - J . . 1 D,.tlnn.. Ukna... hand. Penmanship and English. Nona but axoerlenced teachers. Day and nlsht ses sions. Most interesting catalog published In Omaha. Send for one today. . MOKHKR A UMPMAN. 17th abd Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutes, Fur- I naces. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts, OMAHA STOVE REPAltf WORKS, 1206-8 Dougla St. Both Pnones. FLORISTS HESS & 8WOBODA, HIS Farnam Bt A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Doug. 1258. J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. BRANDEIS Cut Flower Depti new store; WANTED Cook and second maid; refer new shop at left of Foyer in theater Bldg. I ences. Call H. 1754. 114 S. 38th Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. EXPERIENCED salealadlea wanted. Raphael Pred Co.. 13th and Farnam. WANTED Lady solicitors can make $3 to $5 a day; experience unnecessary. Room 801 Karbacn Bldg. WANTED Four women to take orders for under skirts, goods sold at whole sale to advartlaers. Good salary. Rigdleys, 1417 Douglas. WANTED Experienced saleswomen in women's waist department Apply Superin tendent, Brandeis Stores. , Factory and Tradea. .SLJ ffi ' vwi-"- - GOOD opportunities for young ladles de siring to learn millinery. Apply at once to Mlas Downey, 1518 North 24th St., Omaha. WANTED Experienced bindery girls A M .ill.. rA .114 Uth Sit finish.. Vnh . ..,. r, ; WANTED-Tw-o experienced -saleswomen 111 nuiueii 9 aiiu viiiiuiro a nunc ui-iai tiu--iii. tltt-piy Dupe-liiieiiu-Biii, 01 auueia ovuiw. Moosekeepers and Domes ties. WANTED Girl to help with baking. 1806 rarnam ttt " WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wages paid. Tel. Doug. ins. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. $20 per month; ooard and room. baniord I Hotel, 19th and Farnam Sts. - WANTED Experienced housemaid general work. 1341 S. 2th. for GOOD girl for general housework. Spencer street Mi WANTED-Competent girl for general nousoworK. irione narney siv. can u South Sitli street WANTED A. good girl for general house work; no washing. 3229 Harney bt WANTED-t-Experlenced housemaid. Mrs. Barton, Aiiiiara, ixt it. 3tn ot ii. tiar- nay 36. COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. 2315 Burt St H. 1U26. t inii-9 wivn-n tn toko wnrir Hnina- stamping holiday novelties. $1 to $4 doxen. Work guaranteed, ineners, su Airar.ueis Thtater Bldg WANTED A glil for general housework. 106 & 36th St. COMPETENT girl for general housework: three In family; references dequired. Mrs. James Richardson, 8564 Howard St. Har. 9uV. WANTED a good girl for general house work. No washing, good wages. 3b:u f ar nam. WANTED Competent second girl; small family; best wages. Mrs. W. T. Page, 101 N. 39th bt. WANTED A good plain cook; references. Call at 2507 Cass St. WANTED Girl for general housework must understand cooking. Apply P. Schwartg. 336 Harney St. or Nebraska Clothing Co. WANTED Good strong girl or woman to help me generally with housework and care of small children; no laundry work; must be or aooa ampoHiuon ana reliable: no objection to colored girl If sarlxfactory references are given; $8 a week. Tel. Benson 318. EXPERIENCED second girl' in small family. Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton, 210 H. 82d Ava WANTEIV Girl for general housework: no washing; good wages. 615 Georgia Ave. GIRL to assist with housework. 2590 Man derson St. WANTED Compel! nt girl for general housework; three grown people In family; one who can go home at night preferred; good wages. 407 Dodge. Tel. H 147. GIRL for general housework In small family; good wages. 1326 S. loth Ave. WANTED Girl to do second work. 137 S. ttth St. WANTED-Capable girl tor general housework. $6 a week; small family. Tel. Harney 3375. 1123 S. 3:d St. WANTED Elderly woman for house keeper nn a nearby farm; two adults; Im mediately. Address U Dodge St., Tel. Harney 349. GIRL for general housework, no laundry work. Apply after ID a. m. Tuesday, Sept. 6. Mr. Vlnnonhalcr. 3540 Hame. Tel. H. 1037. GIRL for general housework, lilt Dodge jTei. Red UUi. HELWANTEDjFEMALE Housekeepers and Itomeatleo Coa't. WANTED Oil I fur general housework; three. In family. L-::t S. 1Mb Ht. WANTED- Competent Dodge St, Tel. It. 141. muse girl. 3002 " GIRL "for general housework; good wages; 4 In family. 31M N. 20th. WANTEIe-Woman to work tor husband s board. 21 N street. South Omaha. Tel ephone South W ANTEl A girl that Is able and willing to do the work in a family uf three grown up and one child. iM South 4"itli street. Telephone Harney 4335. COOKS, housemaid and girls for general housework. Mrs. Stubb, 1M1 Farnam. WANTED Girl for housework. 3610 Far- nam street. W 'ANTED Girl for aeneral housework: pJsce permanent and good wages. Refer ences. Mis. E. F. Howe. lut3 Ueorgia avenue. COOK wanted. Mrs. Frank Colnetser. 118 south 2bth avenue. M1DD1J3 aged woman, housekeeper (no Incumbrance). Good home for the right party. Call after t p. ni. nt 3319 Burt St. WANTED Woman to do washing. 14 North 22d street. South Omaha, WANTED Immediately, a middle aged ,a(ly f0P housekeeper; no letters answered, - .w - m Hickory street. WANT girl or woman for general house- Iwork: no washing: wages M a week. Call or address 1210 Park Wild avenue. MIDDLE aged lady for light housework. IT. Pendergast, 8012 Avenue H, Council I Bluffs, la. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 1510 Nrih 20th street WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1341 South 20th street GIRL for general housework. 6135 Daven- luort atreet NUR8K wanted. Mrs. Harry F. Wllklna. 118 South 25th avenue. WANTED Second girl; no washing; good wages. Mrs. J. T. McUee, Harney t74. 432 South 38th avenue. WANTED A good girl for general house- ?orf; goo.l pay; family of three. Apply iNortn am street. WANTED- A housekeeper for two fn family. For particulars address Box 28, Hooper, jNeb. MAID for areneral housework: two In family; no washing; city references re a uired. 144 N. 38lh Ave. 'Phone Harney GIRL for general houxework: no cooking. 28W Capitol Ave. 'Phone H. 6153. WANTED A nursemald to take care of child 2 years of age. 104 South 86th St. GOOD, strong girl for general housework. Apply 4108 Davenport St. Tel. Harney 2ut WANTED Comnetent girl for general housework; good wages; small family. Mrs. C. B. Rustln, 205 8. 37th St. Tel. Harney 2036. WANTED Nurce girl at once. Neumayer hotel, Council Bluffs, la. GIRL for general housework: no wanhlna-. Mrs. J. W. Squires, 203 Story St., Council Bluffs, la. 1 WANTED Girl to assiBt with housework: one who can go home at night preferred. 541 S. 81st. 'Phone H. 3881. WANTED Good, reliable girl or woman. 20S4 Blnney St., or call Webster 62. WANTED A cook and second girl; good wages. 624 S. 20th St HOUSEKEEPER, three in family. aDDlv Sunday any time or week days after 6 p. m,. John H. Martin, 1811 Missouri Ave., South Omaha. GIRL for general housework in small family; good wages. 422 N. 31st St GIRL for general housework. 2007 St Mary's Ave. GOOD competent girl to do cooking and general housework. Apply 206 8. 32d Ave., or 'phone Harney 206. housework, family of I tnree; mgneat wages. 3o6i Howard St, GIRL to helD with housework. 110 S. Mth St EXPERIENCED chambermaid: wages $' per week. 123 S. 26th Ave. 1 GIRL for general housework, family of two. nlce place- bm Dodge., ih0ne Har- , -.y 1751. WOMAN for general housework, small home, two In family. Apply 2610 Franklin. WANTED An experienced white cook In private lamiiy. jn. itn St. WANTED Girl or woman for nenera.1 housework at 2017 Manderson St. Easy place; reasonable rates; no children. Tel. Webster 1954 WANTED Girl to helD with housework 110 S. S4th St. .- WANTED Girl for Keneral housework J In family. Mrs. Thomas W. Hazen, 105 So, mm. rnone w. WANTED Girl for general housework f,"11' fam"v ula"v Apply 118 N. 23d i . nunc oumu wa. YOUNG airl to assist with housework, Apply 2014 N. 22d St. COMPETENT cook In familv of ihr. Ll O. Will Bl. .WANTED Good Klrl for areneral hniia. woik. Apuiy am r. mm. lei. K-5967. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Widower farm, two In family, wants neat, refined. competent. American housekeeuer. Prnt... tant, age 25 to 36 years. Good references re- "".u uiihimju, can ai aiercnants hotel. Omaha, September 14, 10 to 3 o'clock WANTED Good girl for Keneral hnu- work; no laundry; references required. $7 to ngni iiariy. vti jass. lei. Harney 110. WANTED Girl for general housnwnrir weusier. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at e.. wary s avenue ana seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable noaraing places or otnerwise assisted; Icok lor our iraveier s aiu at tne union station. WANTED Transfer girls: must h is years oi age or over. Apply superintend ent, oranaeis -stores." GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must be 16 yeaia or older. Apply WANTED Makers and preparers In the millinery departments of F. M. Schadell & (Jo , ion iiougias r-r.- W ANTED Transfer girls and cash girls must bo 16 years of tige or over. Apply oupennienaeni oranaeis otures. WANTED Experienced talloressas and seamstresses lor cloak alteration room Apply Superintendent, Brandeis Stores. WANTED A LIMITED NUMBER nw GIRLS f OR TEI.EfHO.NE WORK. A1-' PLY OPERATING DEPT. NEBRASKA iULbrnUAEJ l-O. WANTED Competent young women 18 years or more as caxhiers. Apply Super Intendent, Brandeia Stores. GIRL for cleaning and pressing curtains; good wages; steady work. 2H07 lavenw-orth. GIRL for presning skirts: good steady work. 2907 Leavenworth. wages; WASTED-Cashier and dining room girl; wages, $!0; board. '. A N. W. Lunch Room, Mlxsouri Valley, Iowa. WANTElv Competent dyer for feathers and hat irimminKa. Apply Superintendent, Biandela Stores HELP WANTED MALE Bars. WANTED Tranafer boys and cash boyn; muat be 16 ytais or ever. Brandeis btoits HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoi ontlnned. WANTEI-Offloe boy 1 to II year of ae. Apply Siipertnlendent Biamloia Stol es. W A NTED -I'O Y, MI ST UK NEAT AND OVER IK YF.AIIH OLD. AI'PI.Y MKLC11ER Illtl'U CO.. 17TM AND FARNAM. WANTED transfer boys and caxh boys; muit be 16 yoars of age or over. Apply Superintendent Brandeis atorus. WANTED Several reliable hua. Western Union Tel. Co., tU S. 1.1th St. BOY wanted to learn sheet music busi ness. A. Ilospe. W ANTED Strong errand boy. 1 A. lar Co., 414 8. 14th St, Omaha, Neb. Med- LICENSED elevator boy. ard St. Call 1.M3 How- Clerical and Office. We can use several bookkeepers, stenog raphers, otfice clerks, saJesincii. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN KEF. A BtlND ASSN. INC.. 7U-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 rs.) WR want a man who Is able to take charge of a small office force and a-sslst In the management of the biiHlnesy, at lib eral salary. Must be able to Invest from $5,000 to 7.000, which will give you suffi cient Interest In the business to guarantee you a very handsome yearly Income. Ad dress G-7B Bee. YOUNG MEN STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law; evening session only. For further information, address. Secretary. 701 N. Y. Life. TeL Douglas HW. YOUNG man with some knowledge of bookkeeping, who Is able to Invest l,f. for position with a large corporation. The book work Is very simple, more a matter of keeping an accurate record of ca-sh receipts from soveraJ different branch offices. Good salary. Address H-77 Bee. Factory and Trndea. Drug Stores fsnaps). Joba. Knlest, Bea bldg. BRICKLAYERS wanted Immediately on new Morrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wages, 65 cents per hour. Apply on job Immediately to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED A boy desirous of learning the printing business to start In holding copy. Apply composing room, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men presaers and tailors In women's cloak alteration 'room. Apply Su perintendent, Brandeia Stores. CARPENTERS wanted on the new Mor rell Parking Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wages, $4 per day of ten houra Steady work until February. Report Immediately on Job with tools to Collins Bros., general contractors at Slouz Falls, 8. D. TAILOR WAN TED H. Livingston, 80. 14th et v 10 WANTED A good Granite Letterer. Good wages and steady Job for a good, general workman. Address, J. C. Larkin, Norfolk, Neb. WANTED Young men with experience In drapery department. Apply Superintend ent, Brandeia Stores. WANTED Bushelman. One who can make pants and vests. Steady Job. Roy Thomas, Rockwell City, la. YOUNO man to learn drug business State age, experience and salary expected. w. A. flel, 18th and Farnam. TRUNK n-.aker wanted. Frellng & Stelnle, 1803 Farnam. WANTED Poultry grader; iniiBt have experience. F 74, Bee. WANTED Young man with exDerience as floorman. Apply Superintendent, Brandeis stores." tlaoaUaaoaan. WANTED Railway mall clerks Omaha. Examination November 12th. $ao0 to $1,600. freoarauon free. Franklin institute, dodi. m T, Rochester, N. Y. EMPLOYMENT FOR MEN AND BOYS who are capable and well recommended, THE Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. desires to help you get the work that you wunt See about it at once. Room 319, Y. M, C. A. Bldg., 17TH AND HARNEY. WANTED Competent soda dispenser references required. Harlev Drua Co.. Lin coin. Neb. WANTED Registered drug clerk, ref erence required. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln Men. CHAUFFEURS ke JRK business; practical Instruction. Nat' I Auto Training Assn., 628 Brandeis Theater Bldg WANTED Drug clerk. Address, E. H, Doi t, Auburn, Neb. WANTED A man to drive a route: a-ood salary; advancement made according to ability and length of service. Alamito San ltary Dairy Co , 1812 Farnam. YOUNG man of some excellence In drua store, tor a or 3 nours a aay. iwz C uming HELP WANTED MALIC ANU i'gHALB SOLICITORS Wanted Ladies and irentls men to canvas for an up to date DroDoal tion; big profits; money every day; agents averagea 86 daily in Kansas Ultv. Call to day. Arcade Hotel, between 10 a. in. and 12. C. L. East. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea aad 'Wagons. WAfiftMS Buggiea. etc. Will sell you linuwo better grade of work and for less money than anyone else In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam street. GENUINE St Eskimo dogs. 2213 Charles HORSES, mutes, vehicles, harness. Burt. (Rear.) CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condl tlon; almost your own price. Go see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. PONY, harness, rubber-tire runabout; pony fearless of motors or street cars; any child can ilde or drive him. Can be seen at 1507 Yatea St Wagon Umbrellas Wagner, 801 N. 16th. Dogs and Pets. BIRD DOG for sale, 1 year old, In good shape to put In the field, at a bargain. W. B. Fuerst, Battle Creek, Neb. HANDSOME, large yellow head parrot; talks plain; great pet; large cage; $15. 2130 9th Ave., Council Bluffs. L-19.13. LOST AND FOUND LOST Wednesday -'A cameo brooch carved head, between public library and Capitol Ave and 24th St. Reward If ie-tun.i-d to US N. HUi St. LOST From 624 Park Avenue, some Jewelry, consisting of a diamond cIuhut ring, neal ling, garnet ring, sapphire ring, of pearl studs und cuff buttons and a number of other articles for which a suit able reward will be paid if returned to the alKjvt address. The Teddy Bear fcff? gffi LOST Ladies' gold watch, nam on caHe 'Phone lilxeiibaugli, Douglas 436. KLEANWfc.LL Pantorium; RntlHfactlon or no charges. .'718 Ruggles. Web. 2ua. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plLt- 50c postpaid; samples free, bnar man McConneil Drug Co., Omaha FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cregnion Mi-uioat coiiege, inn and Uaven port 6is-i special attention paid to cnntliie- meni c-r. . , uy cohrKe prolessors. j-uone Douglas Utl7. answered aay auu nigni. BEST nerve bncer for man. Gravgii Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box. postpaid Sber uiau 4k MoC'--i:i..i vi ug Oo., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Ht 1.4 lit A I) tlliUM. McNKY 1.ANEI SALARIED PKoI'I.E. WOMEN KKKl'INO lit l Sri A M Ollt KKf, wltliout security; easy payments, entices In w principal cities, "iolinaii, room tU New York Ufe lllilg. NO Mi lt K HIGH HA 'I KS. CHEAP MONEY NEW COMPANY. NfcW PUN.'. This Is a new flim organised ty tho LEADING BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA TO LOAN $10 to $500 to any honest person owning HOU8E imi.n ci mii s. pianos, etc.. or hold- $$ Ing a salaried position at the rate of $$ $$ 10 P E It CENT P E 11 Y EAR. $ 1$ JUST THINK YOU PAY M $$ $1.00 Interest on $10 for one year. l 11 $2.50 interest on lo lor one year. t ti ia im i,ii.itHt on B,u for olio year. $ ($ ALL OTHER SI MS IN PROPORTION kaky MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $1 TT . - . . . . . ... . - . . $ Keasonanie ApprsiKeiTieiiv v oro.. t$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. $$ u Room 204 V. ithnell Block. $$ $$ N. E. Cor. lilh & Harney Sts., 2d Floor. $$ U Phones Douglas 5045; A-1W6. $$ Cash Quick on Easy Terms We loan money on household goods, pianos and teams without removal, for long or short time, small and easy payments. $1.20 is the weekly payment on a $50.00 loan for 60 weeks; other amount In the same proportion. Call on us and let us explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private and reliable. Courteous treatment at all limes. Mull or phone applications receive our prompt attention, , State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Block, 1S11V Dodge SU Phona Douglas 2406. IWJJ!!tf5!lMH5W WWttWWW ft tHEAl' 1AJAINO. U on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. $ You Borrow ft $10.00 you pay back $11.00 $$ $25.00 you pay back $27.H) $$ JoO.OO you pay back $54.00 $$ No other charge. it OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., II Room 601. Brown Blk., 207 S. lth St. $$ Cor. Douglas St. Dnugliis SWti. A -2036. $trivttm$us$rtttmttmtttt mmanmtiata C1LVTTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN. CO., Room 7, Crounse Block. Corner ntn ana Capitol Ave. Opposite rosion ce. Both Phones Doug. 1366, A-U06. TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co., MONEY 508 Paxton Black. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-1411. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLAT AU, xu -gSftJk AN OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRESS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 216 HOARD OF TRADE BL.DO. Second Floor. 'Phone, Doug. 2295. rJ A TTLW --I - an auoru kind of loan from private party. (59 New lorn L4r Bids. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrio vacuum system. 309 8. 17th. TeL D. 1559. EXP. Delivery Co.. offices 16th and Day. en port Sts. Warehouse, 2207-09 lsard St OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Ueonae. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tem plars." 1818 Capitol Ave, LARGE front room and board, private: Hanacom Park; Harney 2230. BEAUTIFUL room with board; fur- nlshed. 2787 Capitol Ave. LARGE front room, two large closets and lavatory; walking distance, near car line; also smaller room. Dixoeiient board. 70 & 29th St ELEGANT rooms and board. 2639 Call- fornla Bt Tel. Doug. 615L ROOMS and board. 611 N. 20th St Doug las 6268. LANDON Newly opened. Douglaa 7931. 611 8. 14th 8t THE ROSE. 9020 Harney. Nice, clean rooms with good board; home cooking. DESIRABLE board and room; 123 S. 26th Ave. 710 South 18th. Furnished rooms with home cooking; rates reasonable. SINGLE and double rooms, with excellent board: steam heat and hot water. 2610 Har ney. Harney 2947. FINE rooms, and board; home cooking. 2610 Dewey Ave. ELEGANT, large parlor, for several gen tlemen, with AJ. board. 2223 Howard Bt ROOMS for desirable parties; new flat 108 N. 20tll. VERY desirable rooms, Capitol Ave. with board. 1818 THE Llvengood; rooms and board, $4-60 and $o.uv. ksu soutn ntn et. SOUTH parlor, with or without board; moaero. uu uuukiu. FIRST class room and 1021 Howard. board; modern. MODERN furnished rooms with or with out board, iim uougiss. FIRST class room and board, near t4tb treet car Una 16 par weak. 3 N. Od at BOARD and room. 1226 Dodge St 6C52. Red NICELY furnished modern house; pri vate lamny; gentlemen, tvii Davenport FINE rooms and board; home cooking. 2610 Liewey Ave. NICELY furnished front room and good home cooking. 316 South i6lh s'reet. PARLOR for lady, with board. 2406 Cass. FOUR modern rooms, close In, on car line; prices reasonable. Phono Red 6477. NICELY furnished rooms, new, modern flat. Ideal location; price right 214 N. 26lb St. Doug. 6452. FURNISHED room In private family, for gentlemen. 2618 Capitol avenue. TllOOMS with board. 1702 Farnam 8t. Tel Har. 2673. Furnished Rooms. ROOM suitable for two. 409 B. 26th Ava FRONT Farnam. room, modern; gentlemen. 1201 NICELY furnished modern rooms; reason able, 2SJS Furnain. l-'lut X FURNISHED rooms for light house keep ing; modern. 2316 Douglas. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 606 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished modern rooms. 626 S. 17th Ave. FURNISHED basement room for gentle man. 1510 Caoltol. ONE modern sleeping room. 2210 Harney. ELEGANT front room, nicely furnished, walking distance, modern; reasonable price. 3J0 North 20th. No sign on house. CLEAN, strictly modern furnished rooms. Also suite light housi-ki eplng rooms; good location. 21u6 Cass street. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; private home In one of Omaha s best neighbor hoods. 2923 N. 17th St. Phone Webster 69h9. VERY desirable rooms, private ho cry gertlninen orly; walking distance. 2l2i Louglas. ryier i EIGHT-ROOM furnlihed hous. West Farnam dtMtrlct $t4 per month. Telephone Harney iwi- FRONT room, all modern, with house- keeping lauuui, win imi unrurinniied or rurrinneu i" -ui- wo r. ,in m FRONT room, modern, suitable for one or two. Telephone Douglas totf. vat Far uam St OFFERED FOR RENT Knrnlatieil Room t ontlnned. RonMH, bIiirIs and en suite; telephone ii, I gas for cookltui IIS N. 1th. WELL furnlshel rooms; ISth St. modern. (17 A. Elegantly furnished rooms for gentle men only, $1 50 per week and up. 121 liar ney. Phone 'Harney lwL SEPTEMBER 1. clean, well furnished room for two gentlemen In new St. Loult flat, walking distance. 1900 Jones St. O. M. E. hauls-trunks. Phones D. U. A-2R11. THREE rooms In modern house for two gentlemen, on tha car line. Phone Web Kler '.1. NEWLY furnished front room; modern, down town apartment. Phone Doug. 2x4. BEAUTIFUL front room, all modern; $1 per month. 2648 Chicago St. 'Phone Red 6826. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for two gentlemen. 2424 Jones St Tel. Doug. 45M. NICE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen; also other rooms besides, tit N, 20th. SINGLE front room, rery reasonable If taken at once. 2716 Dewey Ava ROOMS with private bath, hot water, all times; large room suitable for two, $3.60; another room, $3. 26i Harney St FIVE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 1326 8. 23d St ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. KM 19th. Tel. Douglaa 6367. THREE large rooms; modern, $21 810 8 t3d. References. ROOM for one girl at $3 week. Laundry privileges. 2627 Harney. WE have room for ono man at $1 week. 2627 Harney. FURNISHED front rooms, private family. 613 N. 25th. 'Phone Red 6315. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern; good location. 40J 8. 25th Ave. Tel. Red 7643. MODERN, well furnished rooms, walking distance; private family. 2307 St Mary's Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. 2211 Farnam. FURNISHED rooms at 2227 Locust St Tel. Webster 3349. ROOMS for desirable parties in new modern flat on car Una. 808 No. 20th St. NICELY furnished front room suitable for two gentlemen; strictly modern, on car line. 1508 N. 17 St. NICELY furnished large front roonfc suitable for two. 201 a 25th Ava 726 8. 18TH ST., modern furnished rooms for gentlemen; very reasonable. T- NICELY furnished south front room foe I ladles; also other rooms; with private family. Tel. Har, 6667. 2628 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished fTont room, 217 S. 25th St Very convenient to business NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen, close in; modern. Telephone, hot water. 706 & 18th St FURNISHED rooms, modern, suitable for gentlemen. 408 N. 13d. Board if desired. SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family; modern. 813ft 8. 20th. NICE furnished front room with bath. 1123 California 6t NICELY furnished southeast room, easy walking distance, in modern house, very desliable; gentlemen only. Apply 60 8. tula Ave. 'Phone, Red 7966. nnoM.q with nrivata bath, hot water, all times: lame room, suitable for two, $3.60; another room, $6 1608 Harney St WALKING distance, rent reasonable; large room and alcove well furnished. For two or more respectable people. Furtiace heat, bath, plenty hot water, both tele phones, also large parlor with bay win dows. Nice place for party with piano, no objection to practice or music. 2563 St Mary's Ave. Leavenworth car one block. CLEAN, furnished rooms, well oared for. 220 North Mth St TWO nice front rooms, walking dlstonoe. 617 N. 20th St. LARGE front room, first floor, separate entrance. 117 8. 25th Ave. FURNISHED rooms In modern flat everything new; en suite or single. Seoond floor, 402 N. 16th St THREE finely furnished rooms, suitable ' for three or six gentlemen; rooms have large closets; cool in summer; furnace heat in winter; gas, bath, hot and cold water; ample porch and grounds; both telephones; ice water; walking distance; reasonable rent; Come and see Ikm, 806 S. 20th SU Telephone Douglas 779. ROOM, with alcove, modem. 820 8. 124. WANTED Two or three fumlehed house keeping, north of Dodge, west of 18th; pre fer private family. Kosker, 1909 lsard St WEST Farnam district near 16th street two blocks trom Farnam oar, for lady only; modern, well furnished room, with small private family; references. Bell phone, Harney 4643. FURNISHED rooms, board If desired; teacher preferred. 2306 Grant St Tele phone W 2636- $18 LARGE, well furnished rooms; choice neighborhood; bay windows and use of good piano. If you will be perma nent and want a nice homelike place In walking distance, with fui-nai-e heat Ras, bath, hot and ice water, both 'phones, come to 2563 St. Mary's Ave., one block from Leavenworth car. Smaller rooms, $10. No housekeeping or children. , WANT two or three gentlemen for steady rooms; good loct tlon and handy to car; references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings. 2611 N. 19th Ave. FURNISHED rooms 18th. Web. 1410. for rent 2011 N. ONE nicely furnished room, modern. 266S St. Mary's Ave. TWO furnished rooms, modern. 11th St 1456 . COOL east front parldr; modern; private home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; $2.M a week. 822Vi ta. 20th. , Phone Red K-27. SINGLE or double rooms, nice and clean, prices reasonable. 1908 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms for rent; both large and small. 1918 Capitol Ava TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, EN3UITHJ OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, In the West Farnam home; every convenience; must be seen to be appreciated. 0-465, Bee. DOUBLE and single rooms fon yleeplng. 1G09 Howard. 2d floor. WELL FURNISHED rMmi, strictly mod ern. 2417 Jones St. ij . ""? 1 EAST front parlor,jfmodern; private home- clean bi d; to qiil.trgerilluman; $250 a week. 8--" S. 20th. Red G227. NICELY furnished rooms; close In; mod ern. Telephone; hot water. 706 6. ISth St. SLEEPING rooms, clean, cool, and mod em. 1U Cass. SINGLE room. Mary's Ave. $10; modern. 2565 St SINGLE worth. rooms, modern, 2016 Leaven- NICE, cool rooms for young men; reusim able. 618 S. 22d St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap rent. 2118 Douglaa St. TWO large front rooms, modern hnuxe. arranged (or housekeeping. 1618 Davenport St. ONE single, large room for men only. 214 S. 20th St. MODERN rooms, with or without boanl. 410 N. 23d St. ONE large room for gentleman. 317 261 h St. NICELY furnished front room for rent. 1324 Capitol Ave . Id floor. SINGLE room for rent to lady or gentb--man. 6U4 S. th St. VERY desirable room: fine walking distance. 118 tt. 25th St lotauuu, : I 1 1 'W I .1