TTIE BEE: OMAN A, FRIDAY. raPTEMRET? 0, 1010. OFFERED FOR RENT Hel and Apartments onttaaed. tOrOK HOTEL-l3th and Dodge All out Ida cotil rooms, special raiea by lha week. MADISON HOTEL, thoroughly mod-in. Jloee In; quite and humellka. Doug I7i3 01 fe Slat and Chicago. Brunswick hot nl, Doug. St.. outslde.rooms. Housekeeping llootnn. .. . i ! fti-nrn heaie 1, 4-ronnt Cent-nl Apaitment TWO nice room furnished complete fur i fl,t- """mrr. tU. winter. more. Refer housekeeping. No children. 814 foutli I Henils-Carlbct g, 312 Brandels Thea- Isth. Phone Harney FOUR large modern roonia, hot water at. $13. im 8. 25th Ave. a rooms, 171 U'tvcn worih. 11": references wchanged. Tel. evenings. I)oug. A 43xl. Apartments and Pint. CO OR CU DEWEI AVK, i tooma. all modern, close walking distance. 8Ji. Clover Realty Syndicate. Ul-ii city Natl, liana Bldg. CENTRAL A PA HTMKNTS. IP TOU want aomethliiK Bond and per manent will pay you to see those (-room, team heated flats. - Reference. Demls Carlberg. 212 Brandeia Theater. FOUR-ROOM W abater KM. modern apartment. let. FOR KENT and 7-room, modern (lata. Tel. Webater U3H. -ROOM apartment, new brick flat, fit per month. 2018 Davenport 8t. TWO new flata. let and 2d floor; ( rooma each; all modern. 1037 8. 24th St. TWO 3-room flats; hot water and steam heal. 122. Martla Block, 16th and Webster. FOUR-nOGM Douglas 17(12. flat,. 1128 N. 17th. Call 6 AND C-ROOM flats for rent; very cosy home. Douglas bfM. 13th and Caatellar St. MODERN, -room flat, 1550 N. 21st St., IIS. CONRAD VOL'NO, Doug. 1571. 40K Brandels Annex. Untarnished Rooms. PARLOR floor, unfurnished for house keeplng; water and gas. 2003 Dodge street. ONE room for lady, with board. Cans. 2 406 Famished Ilouaea and Flats. ELEGANTLY " FURNISHED -room home; beat of West Farnam district; on or before Oct. 1. Address C 3. Bee. i-ROOM, furnished' house, West Farnam district, 68 per month. Tel. Harney 1002. Hoaeea ad Cot4aea. MOViV! TM ANFAV HnTTRR , . FOR RENT-M for two furnished rooms JU6t Completed, CUOlOe V-rOOm,!'0' housekeeping; furniture for sale. 2068 . (Woolworth AVItlilla' nhnn ll.rn.v J I- mouern nouse, corapieve in every detail, oak finish through out'.; 2821 Jackson St.; key ut office. $45. It. H. LAND1HIY0U, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2151. NEVOTTAGES"FOR KENT Look at Nos. 17I7-2u Kprague St., two brand new 6-room costages, strictly mod ern, including furnaces, combination lights, hardwood floors, fine plumbing, choice lo cation. $2u and 4U7.&0. Pavne. Bostwick & Slater Bole Agena, Sth Floor ,N. Y. Ulo Bldg., . FOR RENT Office room. 211 and 220; nice suit offices located In northwest cor ner of building. The larger room is parti tioned ao as to afford two private offioet and reception room, and is provided wlta vault . This makes a good combination of rooma and baa been occupied by Insurance eompany; may be rented for f51 per tnonto. TUB BJK1S , BUIWJlNll COMi'ANlf. I-room, modern except furnace, 1311 Leavenworth, $22. V I . . ?-rooni, modern except f urnq, fpiBnlfy ti& StL, $10.00. ... U-room, modern, suit, I tamlllea. 32ta S, 13d Ml., 137.69. -room, modern, 2411 Burt St., 130.4. k-room, mooern except furnace, lJiM Park Ave., KW.00. t rooms, K22 Rees St., 17.00. BemisCaiiberg Co., 312 Brandels Theater. STEAM HEATED. Central apartments, i handsome, I-room Chicago flats, modern, fine finish hard wood, steam heat, shades, ranges, free hot Rater, Janitor, fireproof stairways, walk It distance. For people who want good, permanent homes. Summer, one 123, other (2a. Winter more. Pays to see these, can save $30 a month. References required. Bemls-Carlberg, 212 Brandels Theater. UOViOt FOK iBMT. KOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. lta 124 N Y. Ufa JbUdS. Red IstA 'HALL COTTAQsX conveniently located at fta) North Utb 8u, sear busloesa oentar, i per BBontav Key next door aorta. BIX ROOMs), MODERN, lance. Inquire VU Burt Hi. walkUfl dia- OMAMA Van 4k Biorage Co.. pack. moa tor bouaeheld goods: storehouse, lUw-M N Itch; fflee. Mi k. 12 lk (. Tat, Douglaa Uaa HOUSBUOLU OOOD packed, forwarded, heap freight raves; moving and storing. Kxpraaamen a Delivery Co. Tai Doug, ibm 7-ROOM MODERN, NEW. Dodge tit., doe In. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., US New York Life Jdldg. Tel. Red 11K9. FOR RENT Nine-room, furnished house, Hanacom park district. Hut water heat, Telephone tioulh 2340. I ROOMS, very nice, Wth and Lothrop. rooms, 2M1 (ipaulding. W. It. 4JATES. N. Y. Ufe. D. im. TH AND BL'HT. 1 1 blk. to new Cathedral, east front, 1 blk I car lines; decorate to suit, 40. O'KKEFK REAL BSTAThS CO.. lOla-16-17 N. Y. Ufe. Doug, or A 2132. 2T0S Howard Modern, nearly new. T-room. j -4 oak floors and finUli. 'Ptiuue Harney a ,11. roll RENT. io B na hi., li-r., mod., 175. J22I Harney St., 7-r.. mod , IW. 24ut S. 17 tli St., t-r . mod.. 50. N. Tth St.. -r., li. HADltA, so N. Y. LUs. D. 4334. Evenings; D. 443a EIGHT-ROOM bouse, all modern. yjlU N. 2d i, C41 on door aouth or 'let Webster sell FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern except heat. lis. 27 U Decatur at. Webster 3711. B-rootn, modern brtck bouse, uorth pari of city. 4-room apartment city aater. 111. -room apartment, 131 Clark, 110. One atore building. 11U Clurk Ut., IX. ' C. M. UACHMANN, 4J6 Paxton Blk. Pbouea; Office 0,-MH. .Reaideuo D. eta. HHTTRFS " P" th city. Cr,B Bj;, c. Bee Bldg NEW -room modern house, 2311 S. 12th St., M. Reference required, luqulr UH Martha St. 'fhoue Doug. 67UB. SEVEN-ROOM, all modern brick house; good repair, fcuh and laaid. 130. Turkuig ton. 6U3 Bee UUlg. TWO 6-room. modern cottages, very nice, beautifully liwated. 719 South 37th ctrett. Phone Webeter MM. -ROOM house, suitable for two families; electric lights, gas. 3U2U Evans; close to LKidge ear. Key next door eaat. Phone B-7U. Council Uluffs, la. rent. MODERN -room Caldwell HC house. Inquire 2614 FE11R1N Exp. 4k Storage. Ull Cap. D. 2139 . I, VJ 'VT l.rnm mnl.rn hitn.. . combination fixtures; east froul, i3d and Webtter at, per monin. w C M BACHMANN. 43S Paxton tuock. NEARLY new T-niom house. All modern: pear ear una. bu im. atn v- House, flats. Uarvln etro (4 ieir . 1 u l-KOOU house, modern, furnace - heat. U Fow'er Ave. Paved St. Call We. idn7 OFFERED FOR RENT lloaara an Catlnan i CoaClwa4. HOUSE. Ins. Rtngwa.t. Utandjtt TO. Bid. 410 X. 22d -rwim modern; very delr.ible, fin locution, $47 50. l.iGll i'-Iti OM H-'l Kmrn-t it. All modern. Call Double. 17'.i. STEAM H EATED. You can SJV J) to J"S an hlrh tnd tir. NEW, 6 room house ; Harney IV. cheap rent. Tel. Store nad Offices. T 1 J A C K A 0 VTVH O I'EKTY We ofl'er for nnt t lie on itory and basement brick Flore room nt U14 Furunm. This prop erty hua trackage facilities ia rour. Applv BEE BUILDING CO., 17tb and Fa mam. LARGE plesstnt soum and east frost office. ifte aod Harney. aV A turtle. 11108 Harrev. STOREROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner lith and Douglaa Sts.; room 28x70 feet. Possession given about Sep tember 1. 1910. CITY NATIONAL, BANK. FOR RENT Office rooms. HI and 320: de sirable suite of offices on third floor, with nuith and ft exposure. A wide corridor extends around the attractive court to theee offices affording easy access to this place f hiiltiecM Rent for suite B2. THE BEE BUII.niNO COMPANY. Unequalled Opportunity Grocery and meat market, with fixtures complete; no efrual Tiynrd Work. Apply 220 N. 2,'ld Bt. OFFERED FOR SALE Firaltar. NIWRLT new Faultless Malleable range, used about a year, cheap, Ui. Harney U27. DOWD-MILLER Commission Auction House, 214 and 218 8. 18th bt. Sell high grade furniture on commlesion. If you have furniture to sell oonxlgn to ua. If you want to buy, attend our auction each p. m. FOR SALE Cheap; parties moving Inta smaller quarters; iron beds, dreesers, rock ers, bookcases, davenport and rugs. Phone Doug. 4I12. 2U2i Dodge SL " " ' SIX showcases. 1U08 Farnam. EVERYTHING almost new, ti-hole range, lartre oak heater, mission plate rack, drop leaf table, clothrshorse, MlriKer sewing machine, best window shades. Tel. D. 2463. ataalcal laitrsntsta, FINE upright piano; latest style, . HIS. Owner leaving city. 1811 Cass. Typewriters. BUT an L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter. B. K. Swanson Co., Distributers, xai Farnam bt. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxchanga. 1UU7 Farnaaj. Typewriters for ItentBwtJ52; 1216 Farnam 8t, Omaba. Bllsoellaaeoaa, DRUO at cut prices; freight paid on sit lis urdars; catalogue free. Bheraaea 4k 1 Conn oil Drug Co.. Omaha. Web. . FOR 4ULK-.St ana seouno-band bllllar sad pool tables. We lead the world la ehiaj lar fixtures; eaajr payrqanu. lruoawlc. C.)llndei, J H. 1Mb C SAFES Overstocked .with, second-hand safes, all rices aod make; bargalaa American. Siuu,lv jCo,., lilt Farnn Ut, WR HA VK en band a number mt IBS barrels which e will sell foe M cents eaea. T'feey are fine for rain water o- nshea. Call at preee room, lie PubUshtaa C. About et feet of Inch diameter No. 9 gauge, galvanised pip, with four 4o-lne elbows and T. Tbta waa used for veotliat Irg purposes, and pip I In good conditio a. The Hee PublUfaln Co.. 17tb and Faraam. HALL'S sates, new. td-baod. Ult Faraaoa. Filter, filter repairs. Ml Howard. DUMA FOR SALB Secondhand Cookson heater. W horse power. Apply Be Building Co., Omaha. - .. - - FOR SALB-Full-blooded. single comb white leghorns, old and young; cheap if taken at once. Phone Douglaa 1921. 409 Bancroft. R A Lee. ... I GOOD heating boilers for eale, as we have to put la larger ones. Inquire Sister Superior, Bt. Joseph's Hospital. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandeia Theater, h , niei-e Hrni4-I- Tiimh, HM PATENTS t. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red IW. WILLARD EDDT, registered praaUUoner V. - Pat. efioe, UaPaatoa Blk. . 291. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPT. Massaae treatment, nervous debility. Dr, Margarita Halloran, 226 Neville Blk., D. 7761. MANICURING, shampooing, chiropodist, Phuna Webster 4i97. SWITCHES 31.50. Mail orders promptly tilled. K B- Poellot. 2U4 Harney. D. 6178. C;l,o from eomhlngs. I1M. Mrs. S, owiii.uooMll,M m NtTm, D MRS. EGGER8. prlvau confinement home. 1116 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Tele phone Dougias IU.X Whitman 'ft CANDIES Always fmsh. Order A M Alrhr Dutii CO ervlee. ,7li, 4, Karnac KfAfSNETIG rtment. Huh. Smith, STRICTLY private home for confine. menu; excellent care; babies for aduuiion. 2MI Davenport St JOSIH WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book store; prion IX M. TOU NO WOMHN earning t Omaha as strangers are tavlted to vtslt th Young Wemsn s Christian assooletina building at seventeenth St aod St. alary a Ave., where Uey will be directed to suitable boardlag plaee er iherwlM asalslad. Luuk fr au traveler s el at taa UtMt Latum. 1HK SALVATION AKMT eollulia eai-etf tUilng. la taot. anything you do not oead. We collect repair and sell at 114 .V uta L, for cost f aallection. t lb worths lvr. Call 'pbeue Duugla iltk aurf wageaa 111 U HINDOO TABLETS will build, treogtbea. tfc. BELL DRUO CO. bra. SHAMPOO, massage. Ada Steels. 1609 Howard St. Second floor. WIC-i loupe If Urirrita N Uia u an t4 FRUNZE SLOCK. PRIVATE MOMS during nflnmeet; kabie for doplloo. Good Samaritan Man. kariura. 1 tal Ave.. Council Mlutfa. I a. GROW new hair by using Mine. Prayer's Adellght Hair Food. Megeath Stationery Co. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, bathe, salt glow and aiaaaaga. It D"dV St., opposite pustofflc. 2d floor. Tel. Doug. 7tx. WE rent and repair all kinds of sawing machines Ind. A-16'3 Doug. lw'4. Nk-URAaKA CYCLE COMPANT, lutU and Harney Sis. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rltteiihooae. Room Sol Old Boston Store Bldg.. 4tn floor, elevator entrance. Lv S. lotn, M AflMF.TTfl Treatments. E. Brett, n7i PERSONAL t Continued. A HOME foi women during confinement. We find home for hahies hhse mother cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. l,ee. tOl I Bancroft St.. Omaha, Nth 'Phone Douglas I 1K1. MAMA -lailiilirrfl' ' Kir,- MM) PRINTING Hee Bldg. Entrance on Court. LEW W. KA13EK, Printer Z kiw-haU pig A -3524. Co., Vj a. litb. Ind. HONC IND. A -JSje fni good prlntln l ft:.nti .o.. mm su. a?. MILLER & JAM1E80N. 1212 Doug. Both phones. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITI.K. PETER JESSEN."jR.. Tel. Douglas 2291 PUBLIC Stenographer, 308 Bee bldg. D. 2)04 ItKAL KtTAlK IHCAI.EH. MRKD ABSTRACT CO ... Set. IH; prompt trv ice; get our prices, got Hrandels theater REAL ESTATE TITLE TRXTST CO. U0I-2 City Natl. Bank Building. BENJAMIN R K. CO.. 477 Brandeia Ridg CITY PROPERTY FOR HALE, 8-Room House Corner Lot KOUNTZE PLACE $5,500 The southexst corner of 18th and Emmet St., a fine, new, completely modern home, on beautiful corner lot, with streets on both sides paved, permanent walks and steps all around; fine shade trees, lawn and parking; full basement, with laundry room; beautiful porch, nice reception hull, good parlor, din ing room and library or don, kitchen, large, thoroughly equipped pantry and rear entry on first floor; the finest of quarter-sawed oak finish; all walls beautifully decorated; three larpe bed rooms, with extra lari?e closets and bath room, on second floor; oak floors in all the bed rooms; white enamel finished mahogany doors. This house wus built for a permanent home and la right from top to bottom. Don't fall to see It Owner will sell to responsible party oh very reasonable terms. Norris & Martin, Doug. 4270. Web. 4G38. 623 Bee Bldg. $100 Cash buys a good 4-r. house near Lake St. and 27th. House not new, but In good repair. Fine east-front lot. Here Is a ohance to get a home at a bargain. Price, $1,350. JN. Rasp Co.. 689 Brandels Bldg. Dong. ' 1663 A-266J. BRAND new 6-room house near east aide Hanscom park ear, 2.900. Harney g&ii. Dundee Homes Just finished, one of the neatest bunga lows In this district; large living room with fireplace, large dining room and com plete kitchen, oak finish downstairs and boam ceilings, tinted walls, three very nice bed rooms and bath second floor;' best HOT WATER HEAT, full cement . basement; everything complete and. very attractive Insldo and out; fine view; 15, 2W. Can make very reasonable terms- Have another, earns arrangement, but a little-larger, and stucco finish, with garage; Rudd Instantaneous hot water heater and other Improvements, for 66,600. - Farnam 7 rooms, all modern, hot water hea,t,' pak finish, very well located and cheap at $5,2u0. 31,250 cash to handle. BeniisPark I rooms, all modern, with hot water toeat, fine oak finish; good south front lot on Hawthorne Ave.; built but one year. Got to leave Omaha and offers at 26,000. ANOTHER An excellent house with large grounds, with location hard to beat; particular on application, and picture at our office; now offered for first time for 110,500, and a good man with 33,000 cash and 3u0 a month can handle It. Glover Realty Syndicate 1219-22 City National. Douglas 8963. $3,500 Buys a S-room cottage on Pa cific street near 13th; has gaa. elty water, sewer, hot water heating plant, cement walks up ' to and around the houae, large lot 60x132.' This la the cheapest "close in" property offered. . . The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 297. . 212 . So. 17th Bt. Note Our New Location. $4,200 Will Buy 31,000 cash, balance easy. 3631 Davenport, 7-room house In good repair; modern; hard pine finish; shaded. ' Perrine & Wolcott, Exclusive Agents. Douglas 7901. Suite 840 Brandels Theater. RARE BARGAIN For sale, by owner. 2-story 5-ioom bunga low, located on the northeast coiner of 19th and Sanderson Sis. Strictly all modern, has beam celling, paneled walls, plate rail. and window seat In dining room, also seat in living room, all finished in oak. Kitchen I. flniuhu.1 In vwllnw titim ulth mini, riikiira Has large living room, dining room ami kitchen on first floor and t bed rooms and bath on second flour, with trout and rear stairway to same; hua full baxement. Priue 32,9u0. 'Phone Douglas loud, Ind. A-16U$. YOU WILL BE SORRY when you find those two choice cottage homes at Nos. z-i-'S ami x-tu Bo. xitn st i in Crelicnton's First add.) have been sold lMik at lhm today before ynu are too lain. 6 rooma each, all modern except heat, hardvtood floors, fine plumbing, choice district, and we can sell them to you on very easy terms. i Payne, Bostwick 8? Slater Bole Agsnis, Din r loor jm. x. L.ite Diag On Your Investment Over 10 Per Cent. Cloe In nw cottages, modern, leaed by year. Inquire Douglas 4JJ4, or atiO M. V. L. Hldg. BY OWNER (23 8- 2Sth Ave.. T-room cottage, water gas a,nd sewer attachment for l.atn; smal .liar: convenient to all car lines; T nun uios' walk to 16th and Farnam; lot 3nlJv ft.' street and allay both paved; lot alone worth 31.900. I am leaving city and mus ell. PHo. 33.400. Inquire at 1911 S. 34th bt, REAL ESTATE vity I'noi'Knrr fh i.k. ' " (Continued ) RALSTON , SUBURBAN "Independence Route" Only 4T min-iteir frm the rttv hull. Omaha. Healthful lcD-aton. tor the family, where the boys and girls can !iel rny for a home. You can make a! living from the start on a small tinct of urouml In the suburbs of Omaha with A few ciiwu. A flock of chickens, A KMi'den patch. And some small fruit; ) ton i continue rentmu tne rest or your AZn, ,f ..' ,Vn,rv ly QU""PrS "" RALSTON ACRK! offers special advan tages not otitainnble else where. UAL- ! dl'l ,M AUfU- .InU. V. , . . D . I u I ...1 that thilvlng nianufacttiring suburb with electric car service, electric llirht and power, telephone, church and evh'ol priv ileges. You can Secure 2, 5 nr 10 acres, do snme fall plowing and get ready fur planting Some fruft In the sprtng. This is your opportunity to get a start. mull cash payment, bulnnce easy. Shimer & Chase Co., Agents?- ' City and Suburban Property. Fire, Tornado nnd Liability Insurance, 309 South 17th Street, Both phones. 4220 FARNAM STREET 7-r. all, modern, newly paved street, south front, best oak and maple finish, 23.500. Terms. , . . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE. CO. 1015-16-17 N. Y. Life, Doug, or A-2152. WILL exchange double frame flat, walk ing distance of town; renting for k per month, for vacant yioperty, or what, have you. f. o. ivi;;.' et co.. 70S N. Y. U Bldg ., .Tela. D 2204, A 4340. FOR SALE 8-room house, strictly mod em, built less than two years, 2 minutes' walk from car llne. tm business street. Call at 221 N, 1st St.; Tel. 227 Ind., Council Bluffs. Happy Hollow SITUATED IN Dundee ; On the south side of TJnderwood avenue and between Fifty-second street and the Happy Hollow club. Is one of the most Beautiful, best Improved, highly restricted and finished residence districts of any city in the west. , Plats, with nrlces. noiv'readv. The urlcea are low, terms reasonable. Look this addition over at once, as it Is an ideal location for a. home, and abso- uteiy sate ror an investment. GEORGE & CO., ' City National Bank Building. GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There Is a large space Jvst off the court 00 ground floor mat win . be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant This location Is rear Farnam street, convenient to -maia entrance of building. , p UWK HCIWI, l,liuili. Don't rent before looking, THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. R. W. Baker. Suot . . ' - irth ad Farnam. TWO fine lots. 40x124. . water, sewer, gas. cement walk, Hhade ' trees, fine location. 31.300 each. Douglas. 28S$,: A 83!te. . SEE HER; ; HOME .BUYER. tuuiT'a tuv. rrcnRA lAnbin when you can buy a brand new, - well built, strictly modern -home of 7 rooms in first olas's. location dw good- oonier' lot IT'S WORTH YOUR'WIHLB TO BEE if, Walkup Real-Estate Co.. 375-79 Brandels'.Bldg.l'yrr0"3 "A i3- CHEAPER TlfAN RENT. 2602 N. 20th St. 6-r,., modern, except heat; close , to .car and school. 3Q0 or 3300 down,, monthly. Priced, aa low as upon cash basis. D. 4224. , -, Evenings: W. 6670. NEARLY NEW 7-room house, all mod ern; good neighborbqod,. close to 24U fit. Una. Webgter 12W.. ... ...... . TWO LARGE LOTS FOR 3600. . These lots are In good location near car: houses In this locality rent well- Adjoin ing lota are held from 3700 to 31.000 each. Nowata Land ft Lot Co., 60S new York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. BRAND new 6-room cottage, modern hut heat; well located; on north side; very easy terms; ask us at once. P. O. NIELSE-N & CO.. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg Tcls. D 2201, A 4340. 14 rooms, rent 340-; water rent paid; no boarders; excellent . proposition for ladx Red. 7235. , . REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAN O FOR SALB - . Arkansas, A GREAT BATtGAIN. ARKANSAS FRUIT AND STOCK FARM mo acres, s muss irom .waiaron, us acres n cultivation, acrea in meadow; 4 acres n apple orchard, also other fruits; good 3-rooin house, smoke bouse, barn and out buildings, rine wen gt good water. All land not tilled Is covered with good pine and oak timber. This la a fine fruit and' stock farm; the range cannot be beaten In the -country, stock water In abundance This place can be bought' now -for 31.U0I and la a bargain. Terms to suit. Write or call on Jobn D. Baker, Waldroo-Scott Co, Arkansas. . Canada, - SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In the glor ious fruit district southern British Colum bia for 310 cash and itt monthly, without Interest- Annual profit. 3uu to (1.U0O per ere. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, fishing, boating; delightful, warm climate; chuich. school, postuffic, store, big sawmill; daily train; cloa to marketa; unlimited demand for. products. Writ flulck for maps, photos, free information. Weat-Kootenay Fruit Lands Co., Dept. D.t Drawer 10a7. Nelson, British Columbia ENGLEBRECHT 4 RAVER. CANADIAN & LOCAL REALTY, 1710 Farnam iBee Hldg.) D. 4479. Colurada. COLORADO LAND. I have 3,000 acre of Improved and unim. roved land for sal at from 310 to t2& an acre, within from one to ten miles of town; 11 good Ullage; write me for particular U. U. UM.A.N, BUVIJMA. VuLO- lews, IOWA FARMS For bargains In Iowa. farm land, writ or call on Iowa Land Credit company. Mason Cil. Ia. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated list of Madiaon county farms, from 30 acrea up to IVtO acres, alt prices, good liberal terms. See Madiaon county before buying. Best all around county In the aiafe. Addrea J. O. SHR1VER. Winterael, la. CHtrala. A FINE 10-ACRB PEACH ORCHARD la Ontario, Cal., value 3&0u0. to trade for good Minnesota property about same value; con. aider Dakota or Sioox Falls. Several fine California orange grovea, from Hu.OiO up. Sale and trade Have one called the finest place In southern California, price 2120(mul Beautiful property will pay big returns also. If yon have eastern property to irsae ror soutnern unmorma. Sana descrip tion. Trade effeeted anywhere. Faithful personsi attention given to your matteia Insurance, salts, iradea, rentals. Invest ments, elc Reference furnished Jam. 4 M Van Deuacn, tog Wraley tildg . Pasadaas. "I- at ACRES Fineet Orenge lend Fresno. California, 31.S00. F. 3 Bee. REAL ESTATE flRM AMI ItA.Nt ll l.tMl PIIHMIK UVmlmiert.) Florlrtn. FLrtRinA-tVVe have millions of a re'. ? Floi'Hl.i timber, cut over, farm and coloni sation :aiulj. I-.efore picrchsinn irtot f ir K.crldu H- K-itt.' Journal. Hi harnaint nice homes: we ran suit you. National Hialtv Ageic. acksuatlle. Kla. MIsnmHttt. l4f-ACRE farm within M miles of Mlnne- polls. tlx miiea from the county seal; has Ku acres under cultivation, balance tmihef imI pasiuie: all high land:- price (IS per acre; one-half cash, balance on tav terms, itnid l iiltiJ mi main traveled ioml, one mile froni school. ln-.a is a baialn and l!l bear ihe most strict In v eatiMUi toil. Kor fui i her particular writs M. . Ruthac tord Co.. l rincetoii Minn. See me aoput Minnaota farms of a.1 Je- scrlptlons. They are uriced rigat. THE HONiiST LAND MAN H. T. ULLLla. WABaCA. MINN. EASTERN MONTANA LAND. Three tei-ltun tif Dawson county land In one block at a baigaiu if taken In the next Unity day. These are teani-pluw ec tious. other lends si bargain prices. No belter time to buy lands than light now If you aie looking for Investment or a good farm, write tieoige C. Hayward. Uleudlve alrsaonrl. IN MISSOURI. WO acres. 12S miles southeast of Kinui City; K6 acrea fine bottom land In cultlva ucn. nalaucs four pastures, nicely 'wat ered, fine two-story trame house; good tenant nouae good barn, cribs, etc.: all fenced wuh wlrn end board; 1 mile to town, school and cnurcb. ror quick sale iU per acre: no tiade. GEORGE KUMHF. 203-2US Kheidlei 'ldg., Uruaa City. Mo. Aeora.t.. 12,5U0 Acres in Nebraska The bent equlpcd, ln-si pi)' ait ranch at the price in the atutc. price fiO.UOO, easy toi-me. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. KiS N. Y. Life Uldg. 'Phone Red 1999. no at at OaWoia. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Do you want to buy a good townslte? We bave it just fresh from toe government with perfect title. 120 lots now surveyed and about 30 of them aold with about VW buldlngs now completed in the town on a railroad that has six dall trains, with ex cellent service. This tuwnsite includes 164 acres of the very beat of second bottom land with fine timber for parka and also a fine stream of water running through It; fine openings fur almost all kinds of busi ness, especially a bank, hotel and elevator. A grand bargain It aotd In thirty days. Ad dreaa Powell Land 4 Loan Co.. Powell Stanley couutv. 3. D. SECTION of Oregon county, Bouth Da kota, land for sale. This section baa tim ber, runnlnc water fed by springs, lota of bay, 6u acres broken. ISO acres can be plowed, all fenced, one-half mile from school, three Iniles from one railroad town and six mile from ancther; goo soil and U.e very best ail around farming and stock raising section In Gregory county. South Dakota. Call on or write to Cbarlea Mllnsr, owner, Fairfax. s . "THE IDEAL HOME" Ol- 40 ACRES, sltusted lu the Dig Sioux valley, four miles suth of Castlewoqd, the county seat of Hamlin county. South Dakota, 440 acres of deep black luuin, under yearly cultivation; 1(0 acrea iu pasture and 1U0 iu the beautiful .pring-fed Lake Florence, with ita aylvan scenes and sparkling waters, deep and pure and filled with fish and game in season and nearby la the home, fourteen-room house, Inrg barn, two granaries, chicken bouse, hog house and woven wire pasture, corn alio, machine bouse, small barn and numerous small buildings, all In good con dition, with windmill, three wells and cis tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove Price, 325,'juu. on good terms, by M. J. Rus ted, CustleWOod. s. D. MONEY MAKlMu 400-acre corn farm out from Sioux Falls; nine-room house., two atones, hardwood finish; barn i by 44; other buildings; large grove, orchard with apples, black walnut trees; ail can be cul tivated; fenced and cross fenced; telephone; rural mail; 310 per acre under - price for gulck sale; crops never were better. Write me at one U. A. Sitviua, owner, Sioux rails.. 4s. l. - ;. '; - . WHY PAY HIGH KENTT ' Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota; stn paying high rents; own your own farm, spend the money for your improvement tpat you are paying in Iowa In high rent We own twenty quarters of laud here that we can sell you for i-6 to liu per acre on terms you can't beat; li.uO to ll.wHi down, balance on payments at I per cent Come bere before the snaps are all gont. For full Information writs Dixon Bros., or Bank ot neneca. Faulk -ounty, t. a. -FARMS IN THE CORN BELT An improved quarter section In Gregory county, S. D., 41 miles from Burke. IH miles .from Gregory; all fenced; small set of improvements; SO acres under cultiva tion. Piice 340 per acre. 160 acrea, one nclle from town, Tripp county; price 339 per acre. A half section, 1 miles from Wlttea: price per acre. A half section 4 miles from Carter; prlc 310 per acre. A nice half section miles from Dallas, 3 miles from Colomb; price 335 per sore, T. F. HARRINGTON. Bell 12 Iowa Bldg . Sioux City. Ia. QklaSosaa. m ACRES, 300 level; 200 crop. 100 hog light; two bouses, wells, spring, five-ton scale, shop, four mules, four horses, six cows, seventy-five hogs, tools. Price, 914 OOu Three smaller farms rent nr sell. Owner, William Rarlck. CJitford. Old. WyiulnaT. 30,000 ACRES JUST OPENED. Carey Act lands at Wheatland, Wyo. Obtain a home now tbat'i sure 10 producs aod double In value betore paid for. Plenty of water now on the land. Also selling choicest farm lands in Iowa colony, near Cheyenne. . Great alfalfa and grain crops grown here every year. Healthiest climate, purest waier, good markets. For excursion rales, valuable maps, laws, write Uartung Land Co., special State Agents, Cbayenna, Wyo. WUssuls. 30 ACRES LEVEL LAND. 28 cultivated, balance pasture. 6-room bouse, large barn. ebicken house, spring and trout brook on farm. 3 miles from station, school on land U.aOO, easy terma. Tom O. Mason, Island City Bute bank, Cumberland. Wis. Miscellaneous. flA VP) TOll A TAKM KUR SALS OH TRADE Or do you want to buy oner Make your want known through THE UI4 MOINE CAPITAL. Ihe want medium ol Iowa: Rate: 1 cent a word for each Inser tion. 4 canla a in. 70 centa an Incb. Cir culation. 41,000; laraeat of any Iowa daily Give us s trial. Addrass The Capital. Laud Dea Moines. Iowa. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owner and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 103 First Ma;ionai Uiink Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment C 4,300 lo 36.000 on home in Omaba. O'Keef 3UaI Esiat Co.. JUS M. . ui Douglas er A-llil. OARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. Y. Life. 3bM to 3100.000 on improved property. No delay WANTED City loan Peter Trust C WANTED City loans and warrant, f amain emit 4k Co.. 1290 Farnam Su W, 1100 to tiO.006 mad promptly. F- D. Wsad, W'ead Uldg.. ma and Farnam, SWAPS FORTY acrea clear land In Oregon; fruit country Want vacant lot or euuuy in eoi- taice. Nowa'a Land A Lot Co., oil New Ycrk Life Bldg. Phone Red 1W9. TO SELL OR EXCHANGE Corner lot 30x100, near car line. Call l.'U Harney St- WHAT have you In southern California to exchange for Omaha property? J-26. lie. SAFETY RAZORS GILLETTE bisdes resharpered. 36a dosen. tto half doxen, tVfcC each Mall them I tiarvey 4k Co., Box 7t7. Omaha. Neb. WAN i tj 1 0 BUY BKS'V PHtCH paid for second-hand fur riiure. ciil, tloiuuix anu snoee. I'huui Ouuglas M.i. , . SECOND II AND clothing end shcs. John. the Buyer. Hi N. 17th St. Ilolh Phone. WANTED To buy good watchdog, llu.nn Llnotypo I'jo, KJVJ Jacks ill St. WANTKl To bdv. 3 or 6 room modern house, north I'att of city, give full de tails. Address K 22, liee " ft iTTAH!1; houses and income ptopcrty, have cash ciftomi r; also want cottage to reil on 'payments. Western Ural 1-staie Co., 411 Karhach llk. Phone lied 2i0.' or A-3t-4;. TRANS MISSISSIPPI I.ADIF.8 CLOTH ING STORE lays hiahest prices for party, afternoon and evening drsse. Hed 4410. A MINIATI'RK or larite govern- ea cnit Must ie in good condition, t all l 40 W. O. W. Plug., or address Y-4K, Ile. AS YOU read this ad, so will lliouaaiid.i j reud your want ad, If it la in The U. WANTED '0 ntNi We Are Getting Numerous Call ror Houses or All SlMa List with Vk NOWATA LAND AND IXlT fO, Q4 N. V. Life Hldg. 'Phone Red IW WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN desires place to work tr board while attending school. Hoylc Col lege. Doth phones. AT LIBERTY, moving picture operator who 'indcretands his business. Phone I "oug hts 7ri96. RRICKI.AYKH would like to have Ht.auy work In Omaha; twenty years' experience. Address Y 241. care Hee. POSITION as housekeeper by refined Catholic lady. In city. Phone South lcia.i. WOMAN wants day work. Tel. liar. rlS. WHEN answering advertisements in The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention tuo fuct tnm vim rcHd the Ad In The Bee. isned today; GOVERNMENT NOTICES NOTICE. United States of America. Distriot of Ne braska, unmliH Division. ' ; Whereas, A libel has been filed In the district ooiirt of the Unites tftutHs for the District of Nebraska, Omaha division,- on the 12th day of August, lmo, by F, Howell, United Stales attorney for the district of Nebraska, on behalf of the sai l Ui lted Stales, as libelant, aiialnst one hundred and fifty thousand (more or lesj Ice cream cones, and praylnK tbe usual rrocess and monition of the court, that alt persons Interested in said one hundred and fifty thousand (more or less) ice cream cones may be cited to appear and answer the premises, and that all dun proceedings being had the said one hundred and flfiv thousand (more or less) ice cream cones may be decreed to be seised tor confisca tion and condemnation, und that the same may be condemned as being adulterated In violation of and within the meaning of the act of congress of June M, lWfc. and thai the same may be disposed of by dean uo tlon or sale as the court may direct Therefore, In pursuance of suid moni tion, under the seal of said court to m directed and delivered on the 12th day of August, 1910, l do nereoy pv notice gen erally unto all persons having or pretend ing to have any right, title or Interest in laid one hundred and fifty thousand (more or less) Ice cream cones, to appear before the said court. In th city of Omaha, In said district, on the 12th day of September, 1910, next (if It be a court day, or else on the next court day thereafter), at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the said libel and to make known their allegations In that behalf. Dated at Omaha, in said district, this 17th dny of Auauat. 1910. vm. f. Warner, u. s. Mar shal tor the District of Nebraska. A Is to S . RAILWAY TIME CARD t'NION STATION TeMh aad Mercy. ' I nloa rkrllle Leave. Arrive. San Fran. Overland L..a 8:15 am all:30 pm China & Japan, F. M...a 4:10 pm a 3:45 pm Atlantic Express .- a 8:45 am Oregon-Wash Limited . .a 4:00 pm a 6:10 pm imu Angeies L,lniued.,,.aU:45 pm a :u pm Denver Special .a 3:47 am al2:30am Colorado Special ..all:48 pin a 7:42 am Colorado Express....,... 3:60 pm a 4:60 pra Chicago-Portland Spe...al2;&0 piu a 8:20 pm cur in nan ivocal a :io am a :w pm Grand Island Local. a 3:30 pm a 10; HO am Lincoln-Beatrice Local. bll:40 pm b 1:20 piv Ibluuiiu at Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:50 am al0:20 pm Bioux- tiiy Lwtu - a 3:46 pm a 8:28 pm Minn. & Dakota Ex a 7:UU uin a :15 am Twin City Limited a 8:46 pm a 7:20 am EASTBOUWD. Omaha Express a 7:ul am a 12: 36 am Cuicago Local a 12. uo pin t i:M uu Colorado-Chicago a i:lil uiu a K:ia uui Ctntaau Special a pm a 7:.s am Pacific Cuasi-Cllicagq.. 8;u2 pin a j:-a pm Los Angelea L4ilUleu....a .M put tU:U pm overland Linn leu alii piu a 3:46 am Denver Special jui;4ii am a :4 am Can oil Local a 4:x piu alu;uu am aiaii a 8:2 pm WaXBOUND. Llncoltv-Chadrui- a i .m uin all:00 am Norfolk-Boreateel a 7:50 ain alu.44 pin Long Pine-So. Platte....b 2:1a piu o a:it0 piu rlaaiings-ciuperiur b 2:1a put u 6:20 pm Deadwood-Hot Spring. a 8:od piu a 3:20 pm ca per-Lander I J:u iui all;i0 aiu Frtu onl-Albioa b b-M put a l:iw put tsitcaao, Hock Island asil Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltu.,..ai2:3 am al0:80 pm Iowa Local Pass.. a :3o am a 4: JO oiu Chicago Daily Ilx a 7:42 am a 2:4u am Chicago L.ooal rass uiu:m mil U10:i9 put Des Moines Local Pass. a 4:00 pm aU:0 pm Chicago bxpreas ., a :u pm a l:iu piu Cnlcagu Limited .-.a :ih pin a 6:W am w ui. The Mountaineer a 2:60 am a 7:06 am Chi. -Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a t:4 uui a 6:4. p a COIU. Ol I.BI. J..S-J pill V.OV 1U OKI. fc Tex. KxpiesS.,..a h.M pm a 1:20 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd. . . .ulu:40 pm al2:31 pm Cktcago, Alllvakee at St. Paul Overland Llmiteu all:4J p:n a i.iJam Omaha-Chicagu Ex. ,...b7:16am b 9;AI am Oinaha-Savanah Ex. ...c 1:16 am c 9:ji am Colo.-Calil. ii-x. a O.wu pin a 3:20 pm Colorado Special a V:6iaiii alj:;cj pm Pcrry-Oinaiia Local ..,.b 6'le pin uil;uu pm Illinois Central Chicago Exprest a 7:00 am a 3:46 pm Chicago Limited a 3:00 pm a s.UO am Miiiti.-at. raui r.r ocwam Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 3:uu pin a 8:00 am Cbi4-aaYo Great Weaieru Chicago Limited.. 8:43 pm .". Twin City uiiiutea ii:(in t i:h im Twin City Lxpress a 9.00 am a 8:30 pm Chicago Express a 8:40 pm Missouri Pacific K. C. & St. L. Ex a 9:20 am a 7:15 am U. C. & at. L. k-x piu a 6.u0 pm V abash (Jm. -Si. Louis Ex a :) pm a 9:2a a hi Mail and Express a 7:30 am all:la pm Sianb'y Lcl (.from C U ).b 6:00 put am Uurlliigluu Station Tauth A. Masoa, Barling ton- Leave. Arrive. Denver and Cullfornia.a 4 io pm a 8 46 pm Puget bound ixpress-.a 4:iu pm a:4opm Nebraska puiins .a am a .10 pi.i Black ilills ,.a 4.10 piu a 2.46 pin ..b 1:20 pm al2.1i pin ,.ull:2u put a IM) am ,.a 8:20 am a 8:10 pm ..a 9:16 am a 6:10 pin , b 9:0S am Luicolu Mail KurtiiMest Express Nebraska points ... Nebraska Express . Lincpin Local LJi.tuln lAjcui .a T.iti pm a 7:o pin Sahuvler-PlalUmoulb,,b 3:06 pin b!0:20 am i ll luincuth-iowa a 9:18 am a 6:50 am Uellevue-llattamotth ,.al2:!W pin a J. 40 pm Culorado 1 .nulled .......all:2j pin a 7:00 am Chicago Special a 7.15 am all:06 pm i. hicaKo' Kxpiefc a 4;2i piu a 3:5o pm Chicago Paul Express.. a 6.30 pm a 9:u0 ant lowa Local a 9.15 am alu.Su am Cieston-lowa Local ... a 3:30 pm alO DO am St. louis Express a 4:90 pm all. 45 am K. C. & St. Joseph al0:45 pin a :4n am K. C. A hi. Joseph a 9:16 am a 8:10 pin K. C. At St. Jooeuli a 4.30 pm Webater Stlusi IStk aad Webstar. Missouri Pnclfle Auburn Lodal '-...., (.blcago, It. f ...b 8:M)pm bil l! pra I, Minneapolis a Omaba Situx City Express .. Umaha Ical Huux City Pasaenger. .Twin Ciiy Hjtiisengfc. SIouk City Local ..... ,b 1:00 pm bll:45 am v ii.2u pin b 9.20 pm ,.b 6 30 am ,.c 8 36 am , .b 6.55 pm b 9:1 am Emerson Local ia) Daily, lb) ueiiy except bunuay. (c) Sunday only" affairs a r sou 1 ti John Rut, Burlington Lmp Tender. Killed by Fast' Train. ENGINE STRIKES' 5IM AT CURVE Annual Meeting f Library Hoard Held, at blch Former tlfllc.rr. re Hr-l:lrr,lrd-e--l.l(tlit llruls trstlon i'aesdnj. Jihn Ruts, lamp tender for the Chlcag-i, Bui littKtoii A Qulticy railroad, s In- r," ,, K1"p" "ruufu.iy nucrnouu on too company traoks at -Thirty-ninth and Ahojt 4 n. m two naisenarr ). in. (l Passed that point. The last train crew rf!.-coveted th lxdy of Utiis. and h train i stopped and. word rent to the local officials of the road. Hut had evidently been hit by the first tmln which passed. The wheels hud not parsed dl-. reclly m-er him. He wss round -l'-ng on the south side to the track on tht siding near whcli were Ihe lamps- of the wltch which he had been tnatriing. Me had n tan of oil njid had evidently tvepn' woi'Mng at th time. The tvnek mukek u ihort curve near the place und It is 'fhowfrnt the fast niovlnif ttaln swept ntiitmrl 'th cilrve. ftilklng. him befoie he had tlmn to get on I of the way. Ti e deputy coroner. J. I,. L.-i'Ktn. took chaise of the liod An inquest will mobuhly be arraugod. The funeral- has' not been nvrannod. RuU la of Polish nationality nnd r survived by a widow and son.. The hitter Is ?& )fata ut age. Ruts was past mlddlr life. ' Itrport f l.llrir Board. The South ' Omaha ' l,ibi aiy board held Its annual meeting Tuesday night, and listened to the reading o( the anmtrtl report of tire librarian and tlivi pmoecdod to the election of officers. All the old off leer weie re-elected, Mis, G'fice J'lnnell, who has had chhrge of the library dining the year, mentioned many lhtrroatlTig Improve ment in the library and the equipment. -During the year the bokrd' -(ie;uled In the book fund lliti.G, u the building fund. Including light, heat. Innltor scrvlre and pair, 81,625.12; in the' SdUiry .fund,. 3J.177.:5;' for supplies, 3T'2.94 and for miscellaneous expenses, 39 15. This--makes n total of 34,711. ' " '."'. During the year 4l.-'!2ti uooits were lonmd for home usei This Wa not quite so larite a number a.i' In the picvlous years. More Interest was taken In the Ylohomian hool;s. Many irlfta were "letelved. Among them, wer seventy-five, oc,,'iii'e Ixiok in the I'o hemtnn lanBtmgoT!'''ltt''tl1bWyg' '""Ptatutes. Chambers' enoycluppdla.'-eind a number of valuable reference books Including bound copies of the current magazines. The library was frescoed throughout, and numerous steel stacks were erected. The lll,.a.i Inul Iftl- l,.l,M K.' 'fktffr .-l.lnl. ten were later lecovered. On the whole tho year was counted most successful. Presbyterian . F.ntertalanirat. Tha Presbyterlun ciiurclt has oumpleted a program of excepilonul merit to be given In Highland park Friday evening, Septem-- ber 9, for the benefit of, the church bujldlng fund. Tickets hay ,nen sold, for 11 each by the membersh,p Th progrkm will con sist of a drill by the Hbherhlan Girls' Gym nastic club of Omaha, which at the recent exhibitions of th Bohemian turners proved to be its most attractive card. Further a fine company of weigtit-lll'tlug gypinasu will present an act. C. . W, Martin of Omaha will exhibit moving picture -of real ' life which he lifts taken on his own rexpon-' rlblllty. Tlfese picture are exceedingly In- -terestlng from the fact that they represent actual life of many quarters' pf The world. Franek's band will also be present and fur nish music during- the Urllls arid, for all need ot the evening. Other features will ' make the evening- one well wortl) th Mm devoted to It. The public Is cordially In vited to be -present and assist ihe church UUUUllli IUUU. . y Rrgislratlon Aery Light. Lea than fitly, on the average, was th . total registration Tuesday In each of the several precincts of South Omaha. Tbe total registration for the day reached a possible 700 In the city. lo thla' the demo cratic registration had a slight load. All " figure are estimate in this respect, - a only about half of the boards returned tho book to the office of the city clerk ye- ' terday. Mr. E. M. Godfrey, for a 'number of year one of the prominent dealer in ( jewelry In South Omaha, died at the home pf her mother at Ninth and Locust street, Omaha, about 10:30 jp. m. Tuesday, Septem- ' ber (. She had been In business In South Omaha since the death, pf her husband several year previous. She. had been HI for three or (our months, o that she oould .. . . . H,- l.. U . . . 1 1 V. I. .4 been seriously Impaired, for , three year. The funeral will be held at 3 p. m. today from tha residence of her mother. Dr, K. I.: Wlular will have rhsi-ie. Th horlal Is to be at Laurel Hill cemetery. . Manic Clly Gossip. Lew Etter and wife have returned from a visit to Exoelsipr Spring. : E R. Irflgh has returned from a two weeks' outing at '1'orOnio, Can. Mrs. L. Parish will entt-rtuln the women of Woodmen circle No. 6V at a kenslngtun tea this afternoon.1- J Frank Lambert, wai arrested yesterday on suspicion of a number of forgeries for various small, aiuounts. ... Mr. J. L. Duff, 1628 Mlssuurt Avenue, will entertain the Presbyterian King's Daugh ters Friday afternoon, Officer Paul MacAuley, reports a strenu ous chase to get all the -youngsters back Into their school - work.. ; - A. Miss Katherlne .Aauott- cJf the South Omaha public library ha returned from a visit with relatives ilv "Denver. i Mrs. J. M. Henry,. Mr. I- L. Van Sant snd Mrs. Will Green visited Lincoln Tues day and Wednesday for the state fair. ' The Ladles' Aid society of the West J nusnioil win meet ijue ULieruoun mi 0111. N. Johnson, Thirty. elKhth und L, Slruet. 'Phone Bell S011II1 888, Independent F-lfn1 for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt delivery to any part of the city'. William Jetter. We wish to express our thanks to kind friends und neighbors who arinlsled us Id the hour of trouble, nnd fur tli beautifui floweis. Mr. J. K. Neiinan, Mi. and Mia, W. G. Neiinan. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Camp bell. . The Shape Maker Haye you read of th hap maker? You can now see them at Flynn'a. To those that don't know, we wish to say that the shape maker In Hart, Shaffner 4k Marks' latest victory In th clothing line. It's a suit for the young' fd' lows, covering from the school hoy up to the young man In his early thirties. The name covers the ld a nicely. It's worth seeing, It's worth your cunsideiatton. We believe we are the first In Nebraska lo show the shap maker suit, and we are first In lots of other things. First in quality, first in economy and ever striving to be first In the esteem ot the customer You'll know piore auout this when yuu sea our new fall Hue. Such an army ot good things has not been placed before the South Omaha people before. We have bar gains in dry goods, children's clothing, bed ding, notions; in fact, all over this store, gnd a bargain with us don't pieau Just a aheap mine; It means something that will stay a bargain after yoj get home. Let us show you. John f'lynn A Co. Wan Merit Wins. When the medicine you lake cures dis ease, tones up your i-ymem and makes you feel better, slronrt-r gtid more vigorous, than before. That is wliut Foley'" Kidney I'llls do for you, In all cases of backache, headache, nervousness, 1o-s of appetite, sleeplessness and geneial weakness that li caused by any dlsordsr of the kidneys til bladder. Sold by 1 druggtgtg