Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1910, Page 8, Image 8
f i s Want - Ads Waal ads received at r time, "at fa iRiar proper riasetflcatloa preseated before 1 3 ' o'eloeei aa., far h edltlea aad before 7 tSO o'clock af prevloa cvralas far inornlig aad Saaday edltleaa. Waat ada received after ik aoara will are their flrat Insertloa aadrr the heading- "Tea Late to Classify." flatea apply to either Tke Dally Sunday Bee. Always eoaat al ward to a line. CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. ItEULLAtl CLASSIFICATION Oae laeertloa, 1 1.3 eeata per -ward aad I cent per word for each aabaeqaeat iaaerttoa. Each laaertloa anada odd day a, 1 1-2 eenta per word, fl.BO per Una per moath. Htil ada far The Bee mar he left at any af the followlaaT dro etorea oae la roar "corner dragsrlst"-they are all breach offleea far The Bee ad roar ad will be laaerted Jaat aa promptly and aa the aaaae ratea aa at the mala office la The Bee helldla, Sereateeath aad Faraam atreetai Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A , 110 8. ISlh St. Peyton Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St. Penson Pharmacy. Meneon. Nab. Hernia Park Pharmacy. S3d and Cuming. Plake-Bradlsh. 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughllii. C. R., tit ht and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Hlntcrlong Drug Co.. list Ave. and ar nam bt. Ci-laaey Pharmacy, 24th and T.,ake. Cooney Pharmacv, 2223 S. 16th fit Cermack, Emit, 1264-6 8. 13th St Ehler, P. H., 202 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th St Freytag, J. J., 1J14 N. 14th 8t. Frettger Drug Cc. 1302 N. 16th St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Pacific Greenough. O. A., 100 8. loth St Greenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. William. 22u Farnam St. Hajiscum Park Pharmacy, 1501 S. 29th Ave. Ilolat, John, 624 N. 16th Kt. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King. H. 8., 2238 Farnam 6t Kountze Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 24th. Mares, Fred L., 1019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 1824 N. !4th St Lathrnp, Charles E., 1324 N. 14th St Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth Sta. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Amea Ave. Sehaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sta. Schaefer, Aug., 1631 N. 16th. Schmidt, J. if., 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH AND FVNEHAL NOTICE I ETERSEN Maria M., aged 89 years 2 months, September 7, 1910. Funeral from residence of ion, August Petersen, 3011 South Fifteenth street, Frl oay afteronon at 2 o'clocki Interment, Laurel Hill cemetery. Frlenda Invited. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO. UNDER TAKERS. mbalmers, 1614 Chicago. D. 1659. B-1169. Edward Johnson, Successor to B ARKETT-J OHN SON TAILORING CO., are now ready to render the best of tailor ing service to their many frlenda and pat- I oiin at their new quarters, 2D FLOOR CITY NAT'L BANK BLDG. Robertson's Restaurant "t"g (basement); cool, light, sanitary, quick service, popular prlcea. For ladles and gen tlemen, labia a note dinner sunauy A ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas- ' senger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 S. lain. D. 2997. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns, 316 S. loth, upstairs. MONEY "O LOAN LOW RATE. In auma to suit 110 Bee BWg. 1'hone Doug. 2Mi. V N ION jLO A N CO. 8. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 37(3. 1316 Farnam. OL1VETR A. HALL. ACHITECT, announces removal of his office to B2ti City National Bank Illdg. Phone Doug. 3293. G. V. SHIELDS lawyr. "has moved S-'S Uianduis Theater Building. General law practice. DAVID COLE Creamry Co. LYNCH BROS. Att REPAIR WORKS. 170S Ja'ckaon St. U 1477. r . 11KNKY HORNUNG. plumbing. 1822 Farnam .JOHN NITTLER i"0;8''' LUXUS THK BEKn YO,T like. A-AUO 3224 South 21th St. Douglas 189. Red 3SU3; Independent. A-H20. MAGGARD Van 4 Storage. Pack.' "ove- store and s lp U. H. Ooods. D. 149. B-2428. THK HOME FURNITURE CO., per cent less than Oinutia prices. 24th and L bis.. South Omaha. "TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS," one or one million. Stenoirraphers furnished -'the LetterologHt" Officex 6ui Paxton Hlk. and s2" City Nat l. Bank Bldg. Tel. V. 5feS-!4l LADIES' PARASOLS recovered anil r.. c alrud; all kinds of supplies. v'etern Urn rella Co.. 132 Farnain. Red 747H. Ladles' aud genta' shine purlortr. 220 S. 15th ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west. Wtli and Howard Sta. Turkish Baths Public AUCTION SATURDAY. Sept. 10. 1110, 2 p. m. Dowd-Mlller Auction Co. will sell to the highest bidder on above date at their Auction House, 21 and IIS S. 18th St.. Omaha. Neb., ute following articles: 1 Waverly Elsctric cur, model 21, guar anteed In ijoou lunnlng coiiclltiuii, except mat It nun iu tires or batierleb, uilglnal price. ;co. 1 Waverly Electric car. model 2i, nearly new baitenes. which cost JW; tiiea new. except one, in nood running condition; uriainal com. tl.OuO. 1 Waverly rJ.cctrlc car. model K. been run 3 eara. batteries been ui-ed one year, tires new. exctpi one: Kood running con uluoii; orlKlnal cost, $su. 1 Pope-i'oledo 'louring car. CO-horse power, t-passeugrr, tires neany new, 4 cylinders, equipped with maKUvto. original cost. I4.OO0. This car Is hlgh-clnss. in the bet of condition. The above cars can be seen Friday and Saturday at our auction house. We will alao soil to the lilgnest bidder &.000 of high Kiede furniture, most of It new; 3 jiood llanos and 2O0 high-grade pictures con signed to us by I lie Rose Art store. Wa sell consigned goods oti commission. lCerythlng put up must sell. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 75u a large botlleT KLfclN LlyUUR HOUSE. 422 N. liilh lt. liouglaa Ho70. DOUGLAS Priming Co. Tel. louglas 044. ANCHOR FENCE Co. Iron and W ire i'ence Cheaper Than Wood. I.uata a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th bt Phone. Red 114. GOOD MERCHANT!' LUNCH. A. JUTES. IJiii Douglas St. 5 UT. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Dru Co.. Jtth'aml Amea W, lit. H-iol. BA1(1 1NS -. Jewelry, eta iiVU-VXi.-3 Kriedinaii . Hank. South 13th St., cor. luiugias. Tei. D. 61:5. l-(.ii tested; glassea. glass eye 'fitted. LVL-?''' Wur"' J- brandies Bldg. ICE FOii SALE We can furnish good, clean Ice In rar Ina.l lots. f. u. b. Ou-lia. CnJI bheckleford ,4a Dickey for prUe. Douglas lit. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued ) HAHKEU UltOS. PAINT CX)., I', FARNAM ST.. BOTH PHONES. Sherwlu-Wllliame paint, II 43 a gal. Var nishes from II 60 to 14 50 a gal., all brands of white lead, 17. 60 per 100 lbs. Low prlcea In wall paper, glass, glaslng and framing. FOR RENT Office room, 623, located on tup floor, facing court, J70 square feet. In cluding vault; renin for 13 per month. THE P.EE BUILDING COMTANI. KI KOTHFttY "emits n- CjU. J. UCilVl line of liquors and cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill H. 14th Bt. AUTOMOBILES DRUMM0ND Makes the Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds auto work. Re pairing In wood work, Iron work. Best painting In the city. Send In your cars. IStb and Harney Sta WRITE for Hat of automobile bargains. H. E. Frederlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 25c to MM. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 8. Kth. Anfn Tfpnnirincr Mot complete plant AUlOXvepairing )ntnewef,t Diamond Urea, 2d-hand cars, storage. The Paxton Mltchell Co., 2010-16 Harney. D. 7281; A-2011. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead atorage. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Works, 25lh and Leavenworth. Public AUCTION Dowd Miller Auction Co., will sell to the highest bidder, at their auction house, 216 H. 18th St., Saturday, 2 p. in., September 10, 1310, four high grade automobiles In good condition; can be Inspected Friday. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs. Ia. I REPAIR smashed autos. mud shields, leaky radiators. Herman Kunde. 711 8. 16th. Bargains in Used Cars 6e,1ttor Council Bluffs Auto Co., 110 Pearl. 1907 FIVE PASSENGER four cylinder Franklin touring car; coat new 12.800 without glass front or top, which are Included, at 11.260. Will trade for clear Omaha property or Kimball county land. 1018 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Anrn Pnintino- "MURPHY DID it." AUIO X aiming Uet our prices now. ANDREW MURPHY SON. 1412 Jackson. Motorcycles. Writn for list of used motorcycles, " We carr ry a full line or rnotor- cycle parts. NKBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. MEAT MARKET for sale. Address Crsw son Bros., Macedonia, la. BLACKSMITH shop and tools doing good business. A five-room residence. A fine business opening for. the right man. Price. !l,0t). Nowata Land t Lot Co., 663 New York Lite bldg. Phone Red IWi. ' FIFTEEN-ROOM FLAT; bargain If taken at once. Phone Douglas 6113. TEN ROOMS, strictly modern, best loca tion, full of roomers. Doug. oJ18. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for aale. DIVIDENDS. Agenta wanted. Cafcady Co., Fiscal Agents, S. W. Corner 14th and Douglas. Omaha. Tel. Doug. UUO. a. D. C. CODDINGTON, 220 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. PAQAnY Co - real , estate loans and jf.&u A Insurance. List your prop-erty-for sale or rent Quick returns. S. W. corner 14m and Douglas. Tel Doug. 4U0. FOR RENT Office room, 52!, large room on tilth floor, N. W. corner of building, especially 'ttied for architect. ' here is 1 suuara feet In this space; 140 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. MERCHANT tailor business for sale. Ex ceptional advantage. Location one of the ueat In 'Omaha. Establisned traua. New full stock. uner nonrtitldeni. immedi ate possession. D. IS. Bee OGDEN HOTEL for rent; furniture for sale; Do rooms. 50 roomers. C. tu. Kimball, CrunciliBluIts, la. FOR SALE Small restaurant doing fine business; good location; a bargain it taken at once; - poor health reason for selling. T. L. Auiti, iiunipton, la. RESIDENT sales manager wanted In your home territory Utn $300 to 160u. Salary 10U to 125 montiuy. r G. J ami, 514 First .Nat l bank Bldg., Omai'a, Neb. FURNISHED flat of seven rooms lor sale cheap fur cash. il South lHtit SL $2,000 STOCK general merchandise, best of reason. Address today, Interstate Land & lnv. Co.. Marmarth, N. D. STEAM LAUNDRY for sale, poor health only reason. Address today, intexlaie Laud and lnv. Co.. Marmarth, N. D. GOOD coal and building material business doing 15o,uuo to l.-ou.uuu a year, lards wed located; good equipment, for further in formation, W rite B. 70 Bee. ( WANTED Partner with ITiOU at once; can make back capital In 0U days. C 71. lie. IF YOU have IC00 to Invest and will call and see me, your fortune la made. O. C. Melton, Merchant's hotel. FOR SALE or trade stock of hardware, H,tO0. and building 13,000. Prefer cash, hut will consider trade fur small farm. Mock new. building as good as new, V 47, Bee. FOR SALE Da Haven's drug store; good stand, stuck and sales; terms easy. Councrl Kiurf. ""WANTED Bids on palntlLg 3-story hou-.e. I Apply 531 S. 25th Ave. ' FOH SALE Restaurant and confection ery; good town of 1,200. doing good busi ness. Reason for selling, other business. Addrees Y 242. care llee. . WE COLLECT claims for loss, damage or overcharge on freight shipments against all railroads. Write us. Freight Claims Company, Metropolitan llldg., Minneapolis. 1,1.4 in imwuwi.i. JVUI 1 . -, " ; ones easily obtain money selling their shares: am helping others, why nut jou? Proofs, what has been dune. Promoter, 010 Paxton block. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam St. Douglas 6197. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO.. Carpenter, paperhanglng, brick work, etc., low prices; satisfaction guaranteed, r'liuu Harney itxii; Harney 201u. VAN VALKENHERG Bros.7" p7u7nbiiiir healing and gas filling. Web. i.. 17u9 N. 24th St. OLD ROOFS' r,,aJ,1; 8Ule' T1,' JIjXI lJJl Oerivo 8chioe-.lei -llum-phiey Roofing Co, XV Paxton Blk. Tel. D. ACJ. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL B'Pl iVf a- 'il II D A tal V aj g v g win inn , Our vatfti proof concivu bluvki arc u-tr-anteei. i'i.ona, factory, b. fcui, oitictj pnonu W "Jlilis . DANCING MORAND'S Dancing Sohool. & Har ris). Lessons Mon. and Frl., 1 p. in. Phone Doug. 2.4. Private lessons dally. DENTISTS BAILEY 4s MACK. U tloTrT Fi7onU V DETECTIVES Omaha Kecret Service Detective age. Inc., bonded, t2-t pazton blk. V. 1119; Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. M7 KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, Ml 8. 24th St Tel. Doug. T114. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON compleslon wafers make clear, white akin. By mall 60c and 1100. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. SAKTTAT?V hairdressino parlors DAXNIIAIVI M.rlnello message for good complexion. 601 Paxton Blk. O. 447L TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douglas 1370. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. Tel. Web. ster 1771. EDUCATIONAL ' 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIGHT Sessions Complete Business Course, Including Banning. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Coursa. Complete Telegraphy Course, and all English Branches. The Year Book !s ready. Apply for It H. M. BOYLES, President Boyles Building, Omaha, Nebraska. . . Y. M. C. A. : NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS NEXT MONDAY EVENING Big Rally. All Men Invited. Twenty-Eight Subjects. FEES VERY REASONABLE, Mosher-Lampman ulegb Unexcelled courses In Businessi Short hand, Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night sea slona. Most Interesting catalog published In Omaha. Rend for one today, MOSHER & LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Streets, Omaha. Neb. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur naces, Combination Warm Air and Hot water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPA1B WORKS, 1208-8 Douglas St. . Both Phones. FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Doug. 1258. J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. BRANDEIS Cut Flower Dept.; new store; new shop at left of Foyer In theater Bldg, HELP WANTEDFEMALE Aveata aad Salesladies. EXPERIEN C K D salesladies wanted. Raphael Pred Co.. 13th and Farnam. WANTED Four women to take orders for under skirts, goods sold at whole sale to advertisers. Good salary.. RJgdleys, 1417 Douglas. WANTER Lady solicitors: can make 13 to 15 a day. Experience unnecessary. Room 301 Karoacn Biug. LACE curtains hand laundered, 25c pair. can uougias s.zi. Clerical aad Office. WANTED Bright girl to attend office by new real estate firm Just '. embarking Into business. Must be able to use typewriter (Smith-Premier), and one good In figures preferred, although no bookkeeping to be done. Must be accurate, small wages on tart. Answer . In own handwriting and state- wages expected. Address ZYX, Bee. r'actorr aad Tradea. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng; prices reason able. Oppenheim Parlors. 313 McCague Bldg, GOOD opportunities for youni? ladles de siring to learn millinery. Apply at once to Miss Downey, 1518 North 24th St., Omaha WANTED Waist and skirt girls at 806 8, 29th St. . ', , WANTED-Experlenced bindery girls. I, A. Medlar Co., 414 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb, lloaseker pers aad Domestics. WANTKD Kuraa for C-vear-old child references required. Mrs. J. C. Coll, 354 Harney St. . W ANTED At once, a good cook; highest waes paid. lei. Doug. ilti. GIRL tor general housework. 601 S. 2Jd. Red 4iv7. . WANTED Girl to help will) baking. lJOli arnarn ml WOMEN needing good home, small wages, to assist in light housework. 'Phone Deuglaa 5044. WAN TED A good, reliable girl for gen eral huuseworlc; cooking plain; permanent p. ace to right girl. raj nam Bt. GIRL to aaalat with housework and cook lug; one who will slrep at home preferred good wagta and car lars paid. Call JJU N lJth St. WANTED Housekeeper by widower .arrner; oerman preieriau: tluee inlldien axes 1. lo, i. Henry Kngle, North liend. reo. WANTED Young girt to assist with huusewoiK. I'll C.icago bt. WANTED Girl for general housework. 2fiU t absier St. GIRL for general housework. Telephone WV-bster 4030. Mrs. S. S. Swift. GOOD washerwoman. Kin aj.d Farnam a Is. Hamilton Cafe, WANTED A cook; Wo per month; no wasniny. 2118 S. Ud Ave. DINING ROOM GIRL. 10b N. 25th St. WANTED Good girl for general house sum; no washing i'ur ironing, call between lu and 12 a. in.. < Burt SI. WHITE wash woman; must do good work. Monday preferred; good wagea 'Phune Harney 6217. WANTED A good, competent grrl for ' 210 s jtu st. ' ""ou I V)l Nil girl, who would work for small I wages. Phone W. 4901. COMPETENT girl lor general housework; I two In lamily; good wages. 3UJ9 Dodge St. GIRL for general housv work, two in family. 125 South 4Jd atreet. Tel. Harney 2oo4 WANTED Girl to work (or room and board ui lor small wagns and go home nights. .14 Jackson street. WANTED Good gin ior general house work; wsges !i per week; no washing. Ap ply 33U8 Harney St. GIRL for general tiuuscwork; small fam ily; light work; good home lo right party. 1920 Capitol. WANTED-A girl for second work; big wages for competent girl. Call al sle Sec ond Ave., Council iilufl. la. GIRL fur generul housework, csgo St. 30.7 Chi- WANTED a girl for genersl housewotk :n iimuey bt Pbuii Wo. 1015. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Hoaeekeepere aad Uomeattea Coa't. EXPERIENCED cook and house maid to take position by September In - family of four. For Information apply He South nth St WANTED An experienced maid for gen eral housework. IjO S. . 40th. Phone Har ney 36. GOOD girl for general housework. 1S04 Spencer St., phone Webster 621. WANTED Experienced dining" room girl. $30 per month; board and room. Sanford Hotel. 13th and Farnam sta. WANTED Experienced housemaid for general work. 1341 8. 24th. WANTED A e-lrl or middle-aged woman for houaework; family of three. 821 Georgia avenue. Phone Harney 4405. WANTED At once, competent nurse girl. 3002 Dodge street . Telephone Harney 1411 GOOD washerwoman for Monday morn ings. Inquire 621 South 21st avenue. WANTED Good girl for general house ork: waits. M ter week: no washlna. Apply Hainsy street. WANTED Housekeeper for man and wife. 2704 Mandereon street Telephone Webster 1954. GIRL for general houaework: call Satur day between 2 and 6 o'clock. C. I. Oauies, 204 10th avenue. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A good girl for general houae work; no laundry work; 136 a month. 710 North 38th street. COMPETENT maid for general house. work; two In family. 1405 Farnam street; Mrs. Brown. WANTV.n nlH n In hnililivAplf while attending school, for room and Doira, ma csm street. lfli naruey vim. GIRL for general housework; 1302 Park avenue. Tel. Harney 3305. GOOD girl for general housework. 212 Spencer street. WANTED A competent second girl; fam ily of three. Apply 124 South 31th street A GIRL for general housework. Douglas 443) at 610 South 22d street between St. Mary's and Howard. North 32d avenue. Mrs. B. M. Morsman. GIRL for gxneral housework. Call at 620 South '6'h ave.iua. WANTED Gin for housework. 1610 Far nam street WANTED Oomoe tent arirl for general housework. Phono Harney 870. . Call 119 South 37th street. iii ur miuaie-agea iaay iw geucii housework. 2680 flpauldlng. WANTED Young girl to take care of baby and go to school. 2708 Lake street or phone Webster 4666. GOOD elrl f nr hn,iuwnrlr mnnA Apply at 1812 Lothrop street WANTED Girl for general housework: small family; good wages. 1339 South 35th avenue. Telephone Harney 2SXH. WANTED Good, reliable elrl or woman ior general housework. . Call Webster 52. COMPETENT srlrl for vaneral houaework: soou wages, jurs. lq i'tgau, ret. weDsier 4624. 4810 Florence boulevard. WANTED A good girl for general House work; no washing. 3229 Harney St. LADY for general . housework; two In family; good wages. Mrs. Charlea Black, 3809 Farnam street. Phone Harney 342X , COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family; no washing; best wages; 829 Park avenue. Telephone Harney 1430. GIRL for general ' housework.' . Mrs. C. Hantlng, . 624 and , Military avenue, phone Benson 156. , ..... ,.' a . i WANTED Experienced housemaid.. Mrs. Barton, Millard, 123 N. ,38th St Tel. Har ney 86. ; . I GIRL wanted to assist In housework; four in family; no children. Call 'Harney 2317, or call at residence, 3032 Marcy st WOMAN for general' housework; no wavhing;. two' in family; city references re quired. 144 N. 38th Ave. Phone Harney 669. WANTED-OIrl for generar housework In family of four; no children. Call at 312 Kamne bldg. Phone Doug. .2163. WANTED Experienced second girl; small family; highest wages. 305 S. 38th St SERVANT girl wanted at 2251 N. 19th St Good place. V GOOD cook; no laundry. Mrs. L. C. Nash. Phone Florence 223, 520 N. 38th St COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. 2316 Burt St H. 102G. GIRL wanted to care for child. Apply at store, 113 N. 16th St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 2-th St.. South. Omaha. GIRL to help with housework and chil dren. 2448 Manderson St GIRL to assist with housework; no washing - nor - cooking; one who can go home nights.. Ml Central boulevard. Tel. Douglas 6890. COMPETENT felrl for general housework; family of two; good wages; references re quired. Tel. Harney 4140. Ill S. 38th St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. 202!) Dodge St . . LADIES WANTED to take work home; stamping holiday novelties. 1 to 14 dosen. Work guaranteed. Trlebers, . 315 Brandels Theater Bldg EXPERIENCED second gill, 607 8. tlj St. Harney 3009. WANTED A glil for general housework. 100 S. 36th St. COMPETENT girt for genersl housework: three In family; references dequlred. Mrs. James Richardson, 3564 Howard St. Har. 907. WANTED a good girl for general house work. No washing, good wages. 3621 Far nam. SllacetiaueoBB. TOUNG WOVEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street. whero they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for eur traveler's aid at the Union station. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must be in years or older. Apply lieiiiiM Omaha Bag Co. GIRL for cleaning and pressing curtains; good wages; steady work. 2007 Leavenworth. WANTED A LIMITED NUMriEUVp Fori TELEPHONE WORK. AP PLY OPERATING DEPT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls; muxt be 16 years of use or over. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED Girls to wait on tables; must be 16 years of age or over. Apply Sweet land. Brandels Stores. GIRL for pressing skirts; good wages; steady work. 21W7 Leavenworth. WANTED lu girls to work In cracker packing department and 6 girls to work In cake Icing copartment. Apply Iioae-Wlles Biscuit Co., 12th and Davenport. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, Ralrsnea aad Solicitors. EXPERIENCED furniture and carpet salesman; good wagea. Address S. 67, liee. I WANTED Drstrlct manager; im secur ity; pa;er men, solicitors, helneis, lo. rodner a-id waller. Call Commercial Hotel, Suuili tinialia. Dare. WANTE1 office boy 16 to 18 years of age. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED trsnsfer boys and cash boys: 'must be 16 ytrara of sn or over. Apply Superintendent iiiandeis sioias. HELP WANTED MALE Boys 4'oatlaaed. ROT wanted to learn sheet music busi ness. A.' Hospe. WANTED Strong errand boy. 1. A. Med lar Co., 414 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. LICENSED elevator boy. Call 1511 How ard St. Clerical aad Office. WK can use several bookkeepers, xtenng raphera, office clerks, salesmen. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC., ibl-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 Yrs.) TOUNG men for government service; best opportunities In years. Bee Mr. Hoff before noon. 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. YOUNG MEN STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law; evening aesslon only. For further Information, address. Secretary, 701 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas 67. WANTED Immediately, several bright young men, under ts. for railway mall and postal services. Excellent salaries. Better than commercial pursuits. Exams. In Nov. We can fit you in time. H. C. Hoff, 201 Old Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A POSI TION, IKXVT FAIL TO SEE THE LEAD INO REFERENCE BUREAU. WE HAVE 3S POSITIONS TO FILL TODAY. DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND LET US PLACE YOU. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU. 674-671 Branded Bldg. Factory aad Tradea. Drug Stores 'snaps). Jobs. Knlest. Bee bldg. WANTED First class engraver and watchmaker; good wages and permanent position to good man; position In my store a Fort Dodge, la.; address me at Hums, hotel until Thursday evening. Mack A. Hurlbut Jeweler. BRICKLAYERS wanted Immediately on new Morrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wsges, Uo cents per hour. Apply on Job Immediately to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Fulls, S. D. WANTED A boy desirous of learning the printing business to start In holding copy. Apply composing room, omatia Bee. (- CARPENTERS wanted on the new Mor rell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wages, t4 per day of ten hours. Steady work until February. Report immediately on Job with tools to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls, S. D. TAILOR WANTED-H. Livingston, 10 So. 14th St. WANTED A good Granite Letterer. Good wagea and steady Job for a good, general workman. Address, J. C. Larkin, Norfolk, Neb. WANTED Bushelman. One who can make pants and vesta. Steady job. Roy Thomaa, Rockwell City, la. YOUNO man to learn drug business. State age, experience nnd salary expeoted. W. A. Plel, 18th and Farnam. TRUNK maker wanted. Frellng & Stelnle, 1803 Farnam. Miser tlx . WANTED Railway mall clerks Omaha. Examination November 12th. 1800 to 11,600. Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 196 T, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Competent soda dispenser: references required. Harley Drug Co., Lin coln. Neb. WANTED Registered drug clerk, ref erences required. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks, required. Best paying work within reach of poor man. Wages up to 120 weekly. Small capital starts shop. Few barbers take apprentices. Demand increas ing. Write for free particulars. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. CHAUFFEURS egtSSoffi: business; practical Instruction. Nat l Auto Training Aasn., 028 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED Experienced man to blacb and set up stoves; good wages. Address P 66, Bee. : WANTED Experienced man to make shades and lay carpet Address P. 66, Bee. WANTED Drug clerk. Address, Dort, Auburn. Neb. E. H. WANTED A man to drive a route; good salary; advancement made according to ability and length of service. Alamlto San itary Dairy Co , 1812 Farnam. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE 'Horses and Wagooa. WAfinNS BuBie et- Will sell you llflUUO better grade of work and for lesa money than anyone else in Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam street. HORSES, mutes, vehicles, harness. Xr:) Burt (Rear.) CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price. Go see Johnson-Danforth .Co., loth and Jones Sts. PONY, harness, rubber-tire runabout: pony fearless of motors or street cars; any child can tide or drive him. Can be seen at 1507 Yates St. Wagon Umbrellas Wagner, 801 N. 16th. Doas and Pets. BIRD DOG for salo, 1 year old. In good shape to put in the field, at a bargain. VV. B. Fuerst, Battle Creek, Neb. HANDSOME, large yellow head parrot; talks plain; great pet; large cage; 115. 2130 th Ave.. Council Bluffs. L-1933. LOST AND FOUND LOST From 524 Park Avenue, some Jewelry, consisting of a diamond cluster ling, seal ilng, garnet ling, sapphire ring, i.el uf pearl studs and culf buttons and a number of other articles for which a suit able teward will be paid If returned to the above address. The Teddy Bear ? 11U0 REWARD. Lost, Friday, aiamond Horseshoe pin. No questions asked. H. K. Harthun. 1417 Doug las St. i'ei. Douglas 3.54. LOST Ladles' gold watch, name on case. 'Phone Hixenbaugh, Douglas 4J3U. LOST. Pocket wallet containing consider able money on train No. 2, Norm Western line, between Missouri Valley and Omaha. Heluin to lice olflce and receive reward. KLEANWL.LL Pantorlum; satisfaction or no charges. 2718 Uuggles. oo. 2AC. LuST Saturday morning at 2tlh . Blondj Sis., a silver inoli pockci nook ulaiuond ring and oia.ici; 1'U.ii wu.. picked 11 up return und 45 reAaid and no questions askcu. N. -itii. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF i'lLI': t'ONES best leiu - edy ior iiciiius, uiccuo-b oi in 'irj-.nng I ILEa. 'Oc postpaid: ijinplts fict.' .iie; man at McConnell Drug Co., Oiual.a FREE mtdlcal and suislcal neauiiem 8i Liegluon Medici collect, li:h ana leaver pull al.; special attention pa d in ctniiin..--inent cases; all irtjinieni supvrcis-t. n culiege professors. Phone .'Juugis, ..i';. La-U answered da) and nirfnt HEfT nerve ln'cir for :,n. fa: Nerve Food Pills. II a box. postpaid fciier i.,aii 6i Aio(:-".;,-ii urns .u . oir.aiia : MONEY TO LOAN ItLAHV M CHATTEL. IMUIttlWmsUiVaiUMWfJiiJMMIIMWJSJIUJfl II CHEAP LOANS II on Furniture. Pianos , Salary It 14 , L'U till i ,v l 31 tiO.oO you pa:, nack til.O) I) iS w you pay liai-k t-T.iv II !(4 Vo.i'J oil ;. buctt ..t.w t ft No other t-hurge. il ,11 OMAHA FINANCIAL Co.. t ill Room jil. Brow n Hlk.. 20 H. lcih M. l U for. Duuglas Si. liounlas Zj'A; A-2u.:i. M i -MlfMUtJl.lil MONEY I.OA NED SA LA It I ED PEOPLE VMEN KaKPING HOl'SK AND OTH ERS, without security: sjsy limits. Offices In principal cities, luin.aii. rum 'HJ New lork Life Uldg. MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattel IWU3.sU.UIfl4mIWIIWWltM8IW? . NO MOKE HIGH HA1ES. M II CHEAP MONEY II I NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. M st This la a new firm organized ty the II '$ LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF ill OMAHA TO LOAN M II 110 to 1500 W 1$ to any honest person owning HOUSE- I II HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, etc., or hold- II II Ing a salaried position at the rate of It II lo PER CENT FKK YEAR. II JUST THINK-VOU PAY M II 11.00 Interest on I0 for one year. It II 12.60 interest on t.:5 for one year. U II lii.uO Interest on $M for one year. II It ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION II II EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. , 11 II Reasonable Appraisement Charges. I It INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., II It Room 204 V. lthnell Block. It It N. E. Cor. 1.-th A Harney Sts.. 2d Floor. 11 Phones Douglas 5045; A-1306. It Mt$4ttti4UMeM.smmttttimmstttttutt Cash Quick on Easy Terms We loan money on household goods, pianos and trams without removal, for long or short time, small and easy payments, 11.20 Is the weekly payment on a 150.00 loan for 50 weeks; other amounts In the ssme proportion. Call on ua and let ua explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private and reliable. Courteoua treatment at all times. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12. Arlington Block. 1611H Dodge St Phone Douglaa 2466. CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. Room 7. Crounso Block, Corner IRth and Capitol Ave. opposite postorrice. Both Phones Doug. 1356, A-1356. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. 508 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-1411, DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1514 Dodge. Tel. Red 6611 AN OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRE&J OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 216 HOAKJJ OF TRADE BL.DQ. Second Floor. 'Phone. Doug. 229S. CHATTE-L loans, salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 659 New York Life Bldg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrlo vacuum system. 309 8. 17th. TeL D. 1559. EXP. Delivery Co., offices 16th and Dav- snport sts. W are h ouse, 2J07-09 I: Izard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aud Rooms. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tem plars." 1818 Capitol Ave. IjARGE front room and board, private; Hanscom Park; Harney 2230. BEAUTIFUL room with board; fur nished. 2787 Capitol Ave. LARGE front room, two large closets and lavatory; walking distance, near car line: also smaller room. Excellent board. 709 S. 29th St ELEGANT rooms and board, fornla St. Tel. Doug. 615L 2639 Call' ROOMS and board, 613 N. 20th St Doug las 6268. LANDON Newly opened. 611 S. 24ta St Douglas 7931. THE ROSE. 2020 Harney. Nice, clean rooms with good board; horn cooking. DESIRABLE board and room: 121 8, 25th Ave. . 710 South 18th. Furnished rooms with home cooking; rates reasonable. - SINGLE and double rooms, with excellent board; steam heat and hot water. 2610 Har ney. Harney 2947. ' FINE rooms, and board; homo cooking. 2610 Dewey Ave. ELEGANT, large parlor, for several gen tlemen, with Al board. 2223 Howard St ROOMS for desirable parties; new flat 308 N. 20th. VERY desirable rooms, with board, loll Capitol Ave. SOUTH parlor, with or without board: modern. 2111 Douglas. FIRST class room and board; modern. K21 Howard. MODERN furnished rooms with or with out board. 2101 Douglas. FIRST class room and board, near 24th street car lUie 16 per week. 2936 N. 22d at BOARD and room. 2225 Dodge St Red 6C52. . NICELY furnished modern house; pri vate family; gentlemen. 2407 Davenport FINE rooms and board; home cooking. 2610 Dewey Ave. ' NICELY furnished front room and good home cooking. 316 South 261 h street PARLOR for lady, with board. 2406 Caaa. FOUR modern rooms, close In, on car line; prices reasonable. Phone Red 6477. NICELY furnished rooms, new, modern flat. Ideal location; price right 214 N. 26th St. Duug. 6152. FURNISHED room In private family for gentlemen. 2618 Capitol avenue. i ROOMS with board. 2702 Farnam 8t Tel Har. 2673. Fnralaaed Roosas. ROOM suitable for two. 409 8. 26th Ato. NICELY furnished modern rooms; reason able. 28i Farnam. Flat 2. FURNISHED rooms for light house keep. Ing; modem. 2315 Douglaa. TWO furnlahed rooms for housekeeDlns- 605 N. 17th. V NEWLY furnished modern rooms. 626 S. 17th Ave. FURNISHED basement room for gentle man. lklO Caoltol- NEW'LY furnished, modern, front room suitable for one or two gentlemen; private home In one of Omaha's best neighbor hoods. 2D23 N. 17th St. Phone Webster 69s9. VERY desirable rooms, private Imm.. I gertleinen oi ly; walking distance. tA I Douglas. Tyler 1226. EIGHT-ROOM furniihed house. West i Farnam district, 1U6 per month. Telephone j llarno 1oj2. I FRONT room, all modern, with house i keeping und laundry; will rent unfurnished Or jutiorntu lo buii. uud e. fun et. l O. M. K. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611, A-2611. FKONT room, modern, suitable for one or uu. Telephone Douglas iM. 2038 Far iiatn St. Uc.l.L furnished rooms; modern. 617 S. iSili i-l , i.j ruit'y furnished rooms for ga:itle t.ic . j;h)', 1 W) per week and up. 2621 Har lnv. Phone Harney lsiOL SEiTEM BEK I. cle-in. well furnlnhed rooui fur two gentlemen in new St. Louis fiat, Hiking distance. I960 Jones St. I ROOMS, single and en suite; telephone j sua gas for cookin. Ms N. 17th. ! THREE rooms In modern house for two : gentleiner, ui the car line. Phone Web- I Her K is. ! NEWLY furnlshei front room: modern, l down town apartment. Phone Doug. t:4. ' BEAUTIFUL front room, all innilen; 7 ; .er inoiitli. :5ls Chicago SI. Pnone Red C826. l'l'i:.V!Slli:i rooms, suitable for two gentleiiien. Zl-l Jones nt. i el. Uoug. 4isl. : NICE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen; also oilier rooms besides. M:i s. ' 20. Ii. SINGLE front room, vcrv reasonable if takvn at once, til Dewey Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoosit rostlssrl. ROOMS with private bath, hot water, all .1 l.r iA.,m nlfal.tM fnr two. 83.60: another room, 13. 26i) Harney St. FIVE furnished rooms for light house keeping, lia S. 23d St. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 19th. Tel. Douglas 6367. 3M I. THREE large rooms; modern, 121 810 S. 23d. References. ROOM for one girl at 11 week. Laundry privileges. 2627 Harney. WE have room for one man at II week. 2S27 Harney. FURNISHED front rooms, private family. 613 N. ittth. 'Phone Red 6J15. vrwl V tttr-nimhA ritnma. modern: gOOd location. 40S 8. 25th Ave. Tel. Red 7543. . . ... , i v .. . 1 1 a, . . v. ..t fmims walking distance; private family. 2307 St. Mary a Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. 2216 Farnam. FURNISHED rooms at 2227 Locust St Tel. Webster 3349. ROOMS for desirable rartlea In new modern flat on car line. 306 No. 20th St NICELY furnlahed front room suitable for two gentlemen; strictly modern, on car line. 1508 N. 17 St. NICELY furnished large front room, suitable for two. 201 8. 25th Ave. 728 S. l.TH ST., modern furnished rooms for gentlemen; very reasonable. NICELY furnished south front room fof I ladles; also other rooms; with private) family. Tel. Har, 5667, 2628 Capitol Ave, FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, 217 8. 25th St Very convenient to business. NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen, close In; modern. Telephone, hot wator, 708 S. 18th St K7TS21-1 STPk rnnma tnrtftArn. Suitable for gentlemen. 406 N. 23d. Board If desired. ranm suitable for two: urivate family; modern. 813H S. 20th. NICE furnished front room with bath. 1123 California St NICELY furnished southeast room, easy walking distance. In modern house, very desirable; gentlemen only. Apply 609 8. 2jIB Ave. 'Phone, Red 7966. rooms with Dtivate bath, hot water, all times: large room, suitable for two, $3.60; another room, 13 2608 Harney St WALKING dlstanoe. rent reasonable; large room and alcove well furnished. For two or more respectable people. Fu rYiace heat, bath, plenty hot water, both tele phones, also large parlor with bay wl-v dows. Nice place for parties. Piano and no objection to practice or muslo. 2663 St Mary's Ave. Leavenworth car on block. CLEAN, furnished rooms, well cared, for. 220 North 19th St TWO nice front rooms, walking dlstanoe. 617 N. 20th St. LARGE front room, first floor, separata entrance. 117 S. 25th Ave. FURNISHED rooms In modern Tat everything new; en suite or single. Seuood floor, 403 N. 16th St. THREE finely furnished rooms, suitable for three or six gentlemen; rooms have large closets; cool lit summer; furnace heat In- winter; gas, bath, hot and cold water;- ' ample porch and grounda; both telephones! Ice water; walking distance; reasonable rent; come and see tUsm. 60S S. 80th St Telephone Douglaa 779. ' ROOM, with alcove, modern. 820 8. 124. WANTED Two or three furnlahed house keeping, north of Dodge, west of 18th; pre fer private family. Kosker, 1909 lxaxd St WEST Farnam district, near S6th street, two block from Farnam car, for lady only: modern, well furnished room, wltii small private family; references. Bell phone,' Harney 4643. - ' FURNISHED rooms, board If desired; teacher preferred. 2306 Grant St Tele phone W 2635. . 1 18 LARGE, well furnished rooms! choice neighborhood; bay windows and use of good piano. If you will be perma nent and want a nice homelike place la walking distance, with furnace heat, gas, bath, hot and loe water, both 'phones, come to 2568 - St Mary's Ave., one block from Leavenworth car. Smaller rooma, 110. No housekeeping or children. WANT two or three gentlemen for steady rooma; good location and handy to oar; references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings. 2611 N. 19th Ave. FURNISHED rooms for rant. 2011 N. 18th. Web. 1410. - nNR nicelv Burnlahad room, midam. aux St. Mary's Ave, TWO furnished rooms, modern, 146 Uth. St - COOL east front parlor; modern) private home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; 12.54 a week. 822M fs. 20th. Phone Red 6227. SINGLE or double rooms, nloe and -clean, prices reasonable. 1908 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms -for rent; both large and small. 1911 Capitol Ave. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, BNSUITH OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, in the West Farnam home; every convenience; must ha seen to be appreciated. 0-466, Baa. DOUBLE and single rooms for sleeping. 1609 Howard. Id floor. WELL FURNISHED rooms, strictly mod ern. 2417 Jones St EAST front parlor; modern; private home; clean bad; to quiet gentleman; $2.60 a week. 822Vi S. 20th. Red 6227. NICELY furnished rooms; close In; mod ern. Telephone; hot water. 706 8. Uth St SLEEPING rooms, clean, cool, and mod ern. 1811 Cass. SINGLE room, 110; modern. 2666 St Mary's Ave. . SINGLE rooms, modern, 2011 Leaven worth. NICE, cool rooms for young men; reason able. 618 S. 224 St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap rent 2112 Douglas St TWO larsa front rooms, modern house arranged for housekeeping. 1618 Davenport Bt ONE slnrla. larsa room for men only. 214 6. 20th St. MODERN rooma, with or without board. 410 N. 23d St. ONE large room for gentleman. 217 SL 26th St. NICELY furnished front room for rent 1324 Capitol Ave.. 2d floor SINGLE room for rent to lady or gentle- man. 604 S. 27th St. TWO furnished rooms with or without board; on car line. Addreaa 1437 N. 20th. Phone Webster 3458. LARGE, nicely furnished rooma. bath and all modern conveniences; walking distance or Harney line; private family. 2j2 N. 26th. SINGLE room, furnished, modern, private family. Douglas 1900. Gentleman. 240? Davenport. VERY daslrable room: fine location; walking distance. 218 S. 25th St. GOOD sleeping rooms within walking dis tance. 218 N. 19th St. FRONT room. modern; gentlemen. 2301 Farnam. FURNISHED room, new furniture, walk ing distance; gaa and bath. 531 S. 22d St Hotels aad spartmeats, THE BACHELORS 20TH AND FARNAM. KUKOPEAN I'LAN. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen. tlenien. THE CHATHAM, 110 a Ulri St GEORGIA HOTELloiVsriHTU KT. " i X r r