HIE BEE: OMAIIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1910. V j Council Bluffs SUM DISMISSES HIS CASE Willing: Mabray Mike Unable to Prove Collusion of Local People. ' JUDGE SAYS EVIDENCE LACKING lonrt Rvpenteillr Ilrrlnrr (use With out I'oandallon hurt Mlnnmnliii'i l.nnrrn Dllrh It with ytnr Other. Th suit of Samuel Sutor, Casi Lake, Minn., flnanrlur mid hotel man. asalnst the Klrst National bank, Ernest K. Hurt, It prsldnt; J. J. Fplmller, Its mtililer, and Uenjamln Markn, to recover tf.OriO Inst by Sutor when he played the willing "mike" for the benefit of the Mabray Bng, earn to a precipitous end In the federal court at Council muffs yesterday afternoon when Sutor's attorney!, Robertson and Crawford, moved to dismiss It without prejudice. In the. complications that Immediately followed nine more- of the fourteen "mike" cases went the sam way. - The end came at 6 o'clock, after the court had ordered two brief reccrses to enable the attorneys for Sutor to find two alleged Important witnesses and had failed to do o, and after Judge McPherson had declared In the most emphatic language his opinion of the evidence that had been submitted to sustain the charge that the defendant bank and Ita officers and Marks had guilty knowledge of the plans and operations of the Mabray swindlers. Kurller In the day the court hud ruled that Sutor could not recover unless he was able to make a prima t, facie case of conspiracy. Involving the bank and one or all of the defendants. Scott Takes stand. Vp to 4 o'clock a continual string of the plaintiff's witnesses went on the stand and - told the tales of how the swindling opera- ( lions were conducted, but no attempt was made to connect the bank and others with the business until they put on Frank Scott of Pawnee, Okl., one of the Mubrayites, who turned state's evidence and aided in se curing the evidence that convicted the other Indicted men. Scott said he knew nothing of his own knowledge, but was told by Mabray and the others .that the Council Bluffs officers, one of the newspapers and many of the cltliena had been "fixed," and that Ben Marks was the "fixer." Scott was very uneasy, for directly In front of him at the counsel s table sat the venerable Colonel Stokes of Holt county, Missouri, who had known Scott all his life and who had been called to Council Bluffs by the defendants to Impeach the Oklahoma man's testimony. Scott waa to have been the star witness for the prosecution, by whom it was to be shown that Marks and the bank officials were in frequent secret conferences with Mabray and his lieutenants, but he seemed very much disturbed by the Intense ODen case of the Missouri colonel. He was thua only able to recall one Instance when be saw Mabray apeak to Marks and none whatever with any of the others. He saw Marks, driving along the road to Manawa one day, stop to examine a couple of coats hanging on the fence, and while doing so Mabray rod up and spoke to him, claiming lha coats, and Marks drove away. Court Ineeaacd. .After much similar testimony, In which there war Insinuations Indicating that all the olty and county officers and a large percentage of the reputable citlsens of the city had been "fixed," Judge McPherson losing patlenea, 'declared with emphasis; .""I will not allow this court to be made a smut mill. It's an Injustice to allow the publle oncers, financial institutions and , newspapers to be slandered by the gossip of this gang of scoundrels. Tou must make a prima fade case against one or more of these defendants before I will permit any more of the declarations of these conspirator to be admitted la, erl A fence." , After traversing for three hour through evidence showing only the swindling charaoter of all of the operations, by the testimony of many witnesses, who were I also "mikes," Inoludlng , Congressman J Thomaa Cale of Alaska, . who lost 98,000, ' W. H. H. Bedford, the Bolook, Mo., cap! tallst. who lost $30,000; William M. Mo Qrath, the Minneapolis lawyer-newspaper man who dropped $10,000, and several others. Judge McPherson again lost his patlenea Court gay Bait Falls. "I have permitted counsel for the plain tiff the widest latitude and let them con sume the time of the court by floods of testimony showing the character of .the swindlers In the face of the statement made by Mr. TInley for the defence that defense would not controvert this evidence, and the only evidence the plaintiff has produced here to establish a prima face case of conspiracy Is that one man says he saw Ben Mark atop ,to examine two coats he saw hanging on a fence and Ma bray came up and claimed them and Marks rode away, and the evidence of an other witness who says he saw Mabray icolng several times into the rear of Marks' leMdence. That same state of facts could ' l true with . me or with any person There is not one lota of evidence here con iitictlng the bank, Mr. Hart, Mr. Splndler, or any of these defendants with Mabray, Thi-te in nothing here to cause the slightest yuupielun In the mind of the most suspl clous person In this court room that Marks or ai of these defendants hud an under iiO. with Mabray." MrGrath Case firxt. It Mi iu plululy evident that Judge Me I'liervuti would vuslaln a motion by the dc fonso to dismiss that Attorneys Crawford am! Robertson, after a hurried consult Uon. forestalled! such a ruling by moving to Jimnliw the case without prejudice, an immediately to empanel a jury to hear th tue of MvCratlt against the name defend iMi. Heference to the docket allowed UUn case wad one of the last to be tried tunl JiMlge McPherson said: "Tou will try the cases according to the akxixmiieivt or 1 will diNtnisa them all." TI.Ij still further complicated the situa tion ami the attorneys maintained their standing In court bv divtiilssing all of the c.iseti penjlug between the Sutor suit and McUratfa's. Judge McPherson immediately uOJouined court, directing the I'nlted States n:arshal to have twenty-five additional jurors, all from outslda of 1'ottawattamls county. In the covin by 9 o'clock this morn-1"S- Am American King i the grear king of currs, nr. King's New l'ieoviy, the quick, sft. sure cough and old i Minod. DOc and S1.U0. For sale by lieu tun (.H'tlg.Co. '. prepare for un early- winter. Do your wull papering and pointing now. Kvery thbii 111 uo-tn-d.lte wall papeis and puititl 1 all be found at our store 1n the Masonic nn 1. ' t i Jenyen. ' V. ri mihina Co. Til. So. Night. llTtt )Vm i V iia frum WUaer. AVNK.: Nb.. Sept V-tSpecl:.! Tle-t;iwii.l- V isfier and Wn.' ii tall team m lrinlvl a &u.al, crowd ui t.e prk tr.l ; uttiiM'Mi lii u l J - - lie. V.'avue w n-l.u.ii- Uulteiir: Vtavi.i. Muivau jnj jjv. li.; Wuiii', vliaiU -11 J k-rk. Papal Delegate Faints During Big Reception Aged Bepresentative of Pope Piut Will Be Forced lo Curtail Activi tiei at Eucharistic Congress. MONTREAL, Sept. .-Carllnal Vannu telli, the aged representative of plus X. at the Kuchartstlc congress, fainted last night in the midst of a brilliant reception given in his honor by the, Canadian government. There were 4.00U persons In the gtat drawing room of the Windsor hotel, when Sir Charles Murphy, the secretary of state, caused the announcement to be made that the prelate was unable to continue the re ception. Half ton hour later, however, the legate said that lit was quite himself axaln aid wished to ltturn to the drawii, room. Hut lr. Uuerin, mayor of the city, advised him to abandon the reception and he was taken to the lplucopal palace. Several pnyslclaiis offered their services, but ti all the prelate said in broken English: "I am just tired; that is all. You wouldn't have a ycung man like me be tiighiencd In the presence of :uy colleague. Cardinal Logue." Cardinal Vannuteill had received, per haps, l,oo0 persons when he collapsed. He had Intended to attend a night service at Notre Lme and the structure was packed to capacityabout Ij.000 persons and 6,000 more were gathered outside when word came that the cardinal would be un able to be present. Monslgnor Bruchcsi also intimated that it might be necessary to cancel several of the minor engagements of the legate as it waa evident his strength was being taxed. The social features of the congress were begun this afternoon with a luncheon given by the provincial government. Sir Homer Uoutn, premier of Quebec, presided. Cardi nal Vannuteill, Cardinal L.ogue and Mgr. Bruchesl sat on a dais and about them arrayed in their purple robes, were arch bishops and bishops from all parts of the world. After luncheon a crowd of men and women, among them laborers from the streets, broke the guard lines and Inter rupted the progress of. the prelates from the main hall to the carriage entrance. The papal legate Insisted on standing In the midst of the crowd. He spoke for about five minutes, shook hands with the labor ers and gave his blessing. When he had gone the crowd tunned their attention to the other visiting prelates. BRIGHT YOUTH BARRED BY AGE Leslie K. Saal May Not Enter Annapo lis Becaaee He Will Be Twenty Years Old Soon. (From a Staff Correspondent.) FORT DODE, la.. Sept. 8 (Special Tel egram.) Because Leslie K. Sual of Carroll will be 20 years old one month before the spring examination for Annapolis Naval academy he Is barred as a candidate for entrance from the Tenth district, although he received the highest marks In the pre liminary examination here last spring. Romeo Jondreau of Fort Dodge was alter nate and. will get the appointment rouia iLaiu . KAlStS INDIAN WAREHOUSE Assistant Commissioner Abbott Says Omaha House is Best. SAYS RESERVATIONS ARE FINE Upturns to Vshlna-.n After I. eh 'lour Throaah Indian Lands, and Hectares Drnnrtment Work Is at Top of Perfection. (From a ita(l Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 8. (Special Tele gram.) K. 11. Abbott of Aurora. Neb., as sistant commissioner of Indian affairs, arrived In Washington yesterday after an absenco of some ten weeks, duilng which time lie has traveled about iM.ww miles, covering an Inspection of Indian schools, reservations, agencies and various other matters In connection with his office. His travels carried him Into portions of the country without the suites of the usual rail way travel; in lact, t,wu nines 01 me Dis tance traveled was on liorneback, upon bur ros or In stage coaches. Assistant Commissioner Abbott visited fourteen states wherein there are wards of the nation the Indian and returns ruddy and In the best of health, and enthusiastic over conditions existing In the country traveled, insofar as affects the lr.dian. During his ttour Mr. Abbott visited four of the Indian warehouses, those at Chi cago, St. Louis, Omaha and San Francisco. He will prepare shortly a report which will be embodied in the next annual leport to congress upon the general subject of In dian warehouses. Mr. Abbott during his tour has looked very carefully into the vexed problems of transportation charges as affecting locations of Indian ware' houses. In speaking of the Indian warehouse at Omaha. Assistant Commissioner Abbott said he found that warehouse In an up-to-date building and the very best in every particular that he had visited. Mr. Abbott also visited the Omaha and Winnebago reservations en route further west and reports that conditions upon these reservations are all more satisfactory from the department viewpoint than had been anticipated. "Everything upon the Omaha and Winnebago reservations in Nebraska appears to be running very smoothly and everybody is apparently satisfied," said Abbott "The new regulations made for the Omahas and Wlnnebagoes last spring by the department are most liberal and as free from obnoxious restrictions that have yet been attempted and the operation of these regulations appear to be working out to the satisfaction of all concerned and will doubtless be adopted as a model for future work upon other reservations where kin dred conditions exist" "Another matter worthy of mention continued Mr. Abbott as to conditions on the Omaha and Winnebago reservations, "Is that the 'practical farmers' appointed I by the department have accomplished much good. As a direct result this season It ap pears that the Indians are farming on their own account three times as much ,land as was under cultivation under their own personal supervision last year and crops . "Off with tba Old, sLei On with the New." 4ld if Ifs iif THE DELINEATOR have been abundant. The plan works well and the Indiana seem to hava become In terested and ambitious to reach out and put under cultivation new lands. In fact my observation has been that under our new regulations everything relating to the Omahas and Wlnnebagoes Is working out even better than we anticipated " ELMER THOMAS SEN0S LETTER TO THE POPULISTS Advises Tnem to Endorse C. H. rick for Governor and te Klaht nahlman. Aid. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Sept S. (Special Telegram.) A litter which Is being sent out from Omaha by Elmer E. Thomas to members of the populist state committee waa shown here tonight In which Thomaa advises the populists to endorse C. H. Aid rich for governor. The letter Is written on the private stationery of Thomas and in it he says that on the face of the' returns it appears Dahlman In nominated. He de clares he Is assured that Governor Bhal lenberger will not make the race and he tells the populists it Is their duty to se lect a candidate for the vacancy In line wjth their platform; 1 Thomas further says that he does not expect to be In the state when the com mlttee meets, then he goes on to say that the election of Dahlman would be a calam ity to the state and again urges th en dorsement of Aldrlch. The populist committee ha not yet been called to meet. Many school children suffer from const!-' patlon, which Is often the cause of seeming stupidly at lessons. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are an Ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle In their effect and will cure even chronic constipation. Sold by all dealers. BANK CHANGES ARE APPROVED Comptroller Approves Application for Change In Bank In Georgia, aad One la Booth Dakota. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. . (8polal Tele gram.) The comptroller of the currency has approved applications for the con version of the following banks: The Farm er Savings bank' of Georgia, la., into the First National bank of Georgia with 124,000 capital; the First State bank of Bowdle, S. D., Into , the First National . bank of Bowdle with 125,000 capital. The following rural carrier were ap pointed: Nebraska Route 1, L. G. In helder. carrier; Warren McDonald, substi tute. Iowa Cedar Rapids, route 2, John A. Raspllcka, carrier; no substitute. Safe Medicine for Children. Foley' Honey and Tar la a aafe and effective medicine for children aa it doe not contain opiate or harmful drugs. Get only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in th yellow package. Sold by all druggists. Trl-State Leaarne Close. - ALTOONA, Pa., Sept 8. Th Tri-Stat league base ball season closed today. AI toona won the pennant Lancaster was second and Willlamsport Trenton, Johns town, Harrisburg, Reading and York fin ished in th order named. nil f 1 theCut not the material, not the color, not the trimming that makes the new gown new. It's the cut that counts! And who makes the cut? Why, My Lady Fashion, of course, who runs just laughs at you over her shoulder, and lures you on. What My Lady Fashion says goes, and she is saying some extraordinary things this Fall. She tells about the new sleeve, the new skirt, and the new waistline in the one author itative fashion publication of the season the Big Autumn Fashion Number of 500.00 for you if you find her. See The Delineator. TRUE BILL AGAINST SIBLEY j .pertel Grand Jnrr C'harsree Him frill lonselrlaa to Brlfce Voters of Warren Coonty. WARREN, Pa.. Sept. S.-The srcll grand Jury which since last Monday ha been Investigating charges against former Congressman Joseph C. Sibley and four co defendants In connection with Sibley's nominstlon as the republican candidate for congress at the June primaries, returned true bills tonight against each of the de fendants. All are charjed with conspiracy to bribe, debauch and corrupt voter of Warren county. Besides Mr. Sibley, who 1 111 at his home In Franklin, th defendants are Frank H. Taylor, his private secretary; Oeorge B. Munn, David M. Howard and C. D. Crandall. OF SORE HANDS Skin Peeled and Flesh Got Hard and Broke Blood Flowed In Fifty Places "Single BoxofCu ticura EndedSuffering." :, "About eleven year ago I was trou bled with sore hand, so aore that when I would put them In water the pain would very nearly set m craay, the skin would peel off and the flesh would get bard aad break. There would be blood flowing from at least fifty places on each hand. Words ooirfd nerer tell the suffering I endured for three rear. I tried everything that I waa told to use for fully three years, but could ret no relief. I tried at least eight different doctors, but none of them seemed to do me any good, a my hand were a bad when I got through doctoring as when I first began. I also tried many remedies, but none of them ever -did me one cent' worth of good. I was dis couraged and heartsore. I would feel so bad mornings when I got up, to think I had to go to work and stand th pain for ten hours, and I often felt like giv ing up my position. Before I started to work momtng I would hare to wrap every finger up separately, so as to try and keep them oft and then wear glove over the rag to keep the grease from getting on my work. At night I wouldjhave to, wear glove in bed. In fact,. I had to wear glove all the time. After doctoring for three years, and spending much money, a ingle box of Cutioura Ointment ended all my sufferings. It' been eight year since I used any and I don't know what orehands'arenow.and never lost a day' work while using Cuticura Ointment. Thomas A. Clancy, 310 N. Montgomery St., Trenton, N. i Nov. 11, 1909." A slat ! set ef Cntlenra Bosp and Olntmaat tt efiao raflleteBt. rvaderlnt It th most eoaomleftl trastment tor aQnetlons of the skin snd Mia. Sol throuffUiiut the vorld. Potter Drug a Chflt. Corp Bale Props, 13 Columbus Art. notion. Ui. Dresher Bros. $50,000 Cleaning Plant will make your old clothes look new. Express paid on Incoming business over tl ai-2113 Taraam Street. Phone Tyler 1300. Auto. A2325. WONDERFUL CUR Free? $6,750 Publicity Contest SEE THAT YOUR ANSWER IS MAILED AT ONCE FREE, $500.00 PIANO Through m special arrangement with the manufacture of Piano we represent, we will distribute over 90,730 FRKE In valuable prizes aa an advertisement. CAN YOU SOLVE IT? Balloon Puzzle ODQ 000 Take anj number from one lo fourteen inclusive. IK not use any number more than twice. 1'lace one number In each of the eight circles or balloons and one in cen ter square so that when thejr are added perpendicularly or horiion tally, the total will make 27. For the neatest correct answer we will give absolutely free the 9500 Pi ano. The next will receive a Lady's Gold Watch and manufacturer's check for 9137.80. The next will receive a Gentleman's Gold Watch and a manufacturer's check for 9137.50. The next will receive a Set of "Roger's" Fruit Knives and a manufacturer's check for 9187.50. The next will receive a Morris Chair and a manufacturer's check for 9137.50. The next will receive a pair or Gold Cuff Buttons and a manufacturer's check for 9137.50 The next will receive a . Lady's Gold Brooch and a manu facturer's check for 9137.50. The next ten will receive manufac turer'a checks for 9137.50. The next ten ' will receive manufac turer's checks for 9125. The next ten . will 1 receive manufacturer's checks for 9100. The next ten w ill receive manufacturer's checks for 975. The next ten will receive manufacturer' checks for 950. And each correct answer will re ceive a manufacturer's check for 925. All contestants will receive free a piece of music whether puzzle Is correctly solved or not. In case of a tie identical awards will be made. 'All "prize winners will be notl . fled by mall, and all prizes must be called for within ten days from closing of contest. Any one check will be good only on any new piano carried by our house, Checks will be sent direct to the ' contestants by the piano manufacturer's advertising depart ment, made payable to The Ben nett Company. For many years it has been a question where adver tising money could be spent so that the greatest results would be received, and know how to place large advertising contracts for the v year. This haa Hoc only been a problem - that has confronted the piano dealers, but the manufac turers as well and only of late years have our manufacturers found ' out how the best results could be obtained for the least amount of money expended. We have a special arrangement with the manufacturers to spend over 96,750.00 In an advertising way to make . our lino of pianos better known in three or four weeks than it would be possible in any other way In the same number of years. Home manufacturers prefer spend ing large amounts In magazine ad vertising and eastern periodicals. Others employ the world's greatest artists to whom they pay large sums Of money. Think or the large amount Faderewskl is paid when he Is employed to travel over the country and demonstrate pianos. The manufacturers rroin whom we purchase pianos believe In giving these large sums of money direct to the piano purchaser. We now inaugurate the greatest contest The Bennett Co. 16th and Harney Sts , Omaha Largest Dealers of High Grade Pianos in the West. Rush Your Answer Today ' Send by mall or bring to the Piano Bept. of The Bennett Co. (third floor). COXTK8T CLOSKS MONDAY, 6 P. M., 8 KPT. 12th, 1010. ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS , All correct forms in curren; social.usage engraved in the best manner and punctually delivered when promised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 HOWARD ST. PHONE D. 1604 ETreeS t x, 8 iT2L4-'' FREE Lndy's Gold Watch. 20-year guaranteed. FREE Gentleman's Gold Watch. 20-year guaranteed. FREE Ladies' Solid Gold Brooch, FREE This chair . with . large cushions. ever advertised by any piano con cern in the - world. bend your answer on this or a pepurute piece of paper. Hee that your answer Is mailed at once and be sure you ad dress Piano Manufacturer'!," Rep resentative, Mr. Owcnhoutie, tare of