TTTK BKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, PErTEMnETl 0. 1010. Rourkes Pluck Another Antelopes Too Slow for Sioux; Pirates Lose; Giants Play Tie Game FENTRISS BEATS CHAMPS Gave Dei Moinei Five Singlei in the Nine Inning?. SCORE IS ELEVEN TO TrLRtfc i it . u. ..ii'roln. ; Pi'oix City Hl(r( Ponnda 4et a Thrre-llaaaer and Ilia Mat 4.1 J'onnd t Hall I" nod Purpose. iimulw, llj" eMul'pe . 3- There wan nothing 'to It lnt Omaha, and mnMly Kan", at that. Fentress held the Champa te five little singles , and three run, only pne. of tft runs coming In on a hit. The Roiirkes battavl for eleven'" hits, Klggert making .homo run and a three larger. . Hlggert performed tha stunt yester day tht be lid a Rm 'Hh Wli hlta h r twe'weVks ago. ' Be elrclfd the femes nn a hit that dt.l hot leaye the ground. It wai one .of those long." low drives ir over the center fielder's head, and It rolled away down Into lha barnyard by the ijow, After four Inning, when he had allowed the Hourkes sixers' n 8v TUI1"' Hersche was taken out and replaced by biersdorfer. By th4' time, however, the locals had a aood sUu t and they could not be headed off. There Is one thing that can be said of the Kourkrs; If they ever do rt a start. It's all 4ff. During Ulers dorfer's administration Omaha added five hits to the six an marked up four more runs along with: 16 vn: ; ... Omaha brought 10 three runs In the sec ond, with me-out," Kane. Moriarlty and Kneavcs-slugWtl sucj.faly.-y, .". tlle bases. Onhdijig flew put to left.. Kentrets lifted a long fly, to ceur, but the wind was Btron.jwbo" tl'B alLhard to guage; It bounced out- ftf Mattlck'et hands and'Kane and MorlaHty scorM, Kneaves- going to third. KneaYet and Fentress then worked a two-time theft 'fo, the third tally. Fentress died at -second w hen Graham atruo kout. This started the scoring for the locals. Two more were run In In the third and two more again In the fourth. Tho two In the fourth were made after two outs. Hchoon over singled and -tallied on.Risgerfs three-b.-iKxer. In the slth iKng "walked and Klg gert cleaned up for two'niore with his homer. Another pair In the seventh put an ?nd to the carnival, f .Score: ' OMAJHA. A.a R. Oraham, 2b . 1 King, cf ....ffiii ' 2 Sciioonover, rjt.,.M'..:: .5 ' 2 Klggert, U,.;.:.,y.'.4' 2 Kane, lb .2 I Morlurlty,-' Jb. i..,. .8 1 K nev,-rev..ij) ,X - 1 (Jondliig. Oii'u..mvI 1 II. PO. 1 3 K. i 0 1 15 1 . r Ventres," ''-'-:' 0 ' ' 0 I " Total . Vv-V-v.'.'. v. .'. U'ltf 11 A An. K, H PO. A 0 r8 1 oiiiKan," V,,T..'.l i , 1 lehoff, 8b., ;v. 3 ; t t' N 0 t 6 6 2 0 0 24 Curtis. If Dwyer. lb... Mattluk. cC 4 . .,.-.:. ,.-3 iveuy , rf.,,... , 0 , 1 nons, t,..i;.rwi " 0 i. 0 he, p.;.t,..J.;J o 1 o I'lemmon Hersc Uiersdorfer, p .....,.! 1 1 Totals Omaha Runs... 0 3 2 2 0 2 2 0 I.) 2. 1 1 3. 0 -11 0 Hit Des Moll . Rune aits. .er. lit) 4 0 1 0 0 0 0-4 10 f 0 J 0 0 0 1-8 hit? ' RlusVrt. 'Home run: Three-bane Riggert. First base un balls: (iff Fen, i; off Hersche. 4; off Uiersdorfer, 1. Struck out: Hy Fentress... 3; by Uiersdor ter. 2; by Hersche. 1 Stolen bases: Kane, knAMVAl l-nfr..l Viuhnff tlvHm dan. riflce hits: .Riggert. Nleh'off. Left on taea: omsha, : Des Monies, 4. Double piaya: nneaves to urapani to Kane, Gra ham to Kane,- Kneaves to Kane. Wild pitch: Hersche. lilt by pitcher: Mat tick and Clemmons Time: l:3;i. Umpire: Haskell. .., . ' Motes of the 'dame. . Today Is ladiSs' day. ' King drew two' free' passes to first and scorod boih' times. The wind was .high nn4 the outfielders were kept on the -Jump, ganging flies. Roth Johnny Clouding i lilts were the same kind, and both were In the rame plaoe.-Texa... Icuguers out behind second. Clemona waa 1ased for several minutes when he was hit, .on the head by a pltohed ball, but M soon able to take his free base. - .. , -. ., j" There wli be m more games In Omaha after today tmtll September 26. A (.erles with Kloux' tjlt. 4om Mvtember 2ti to ti, will olofe h wannon on 1b. horn grounds. In the shsdeW ot the grandstand exposed to the full eep,o( the wind It was ac tually cold. . rDail" had. on his overcoat SUiil many others wishetl thejr had also been wise. , ; ; The Kncaves-rntre-ss ilpuble steal In the Seconal liappenec. because the pitcher sought to-, prevent a tally by stopping a throw to svenndt He jumped for the' tall to return It to the plate, birt failed to hold It and born runners were Bate before he could recover. t , (iltlZZLIKM TAKR PlTCIIERS DI'KI, ' Tl-ka Loses ly Nrort of Three to " ' KotulnK. ' DENVER.' Sept. 8-Denver won a pitch ers' battle- from Topoka ttduy, Ehmari shuttlnir out ihe visitor,--. Catcher Maxey s f Inner was hint In the ilKhth and he 're tired, e'eore: r ' TOPEKA. - - . AB. a. II. O. II. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1'ercn, ef 4 0 0 4 tteliiy, s 3 0 Helkley. lb ..4 0 Riley, rf 3 0 Veleh, 2I 3 0 Sloft'er,' 3h Harbor, ir Mnxey, c lliffen, p Mhea, c ... Totals 0 0 0 3 24 11 DKNVKR. AB. 1 R. H. O. A, K. 0 11 J 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 12 0 00 3 1 0 0 ' 1 6.0 0 11110 1 0 3 0 0 0 113 0 S , 4 27 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0-0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 MtMunav, Uml- Lloyd, 2b .... Fisher. If rltall. cf Lindsay, lb . Dolan, 3b .... Cranston, ss .. Caasldy, rf ... MiMunay. c !. h loan. p .... Totals "Aipeku .. Denver ....21 .00 ..0 0 Two-baae'-hlts: Dolan say.. 1 hrte-liase hit: Kliman. Home run: Casahly. r-acrlfu-e hits: Mi Murray, Khni.ui. Pasaol balls: McMurray, Maxey. Strink rut: Hy Klirjiati, 7; by Ulffen, 2. Bases on halls: Off fchiiian. 1: orf Olficn, 2. Doublo plays: Welch to rieekley (2). Perch Unas Mated, Lloyd to t'raitrton io Lindsay. Hit by pitched ball: Mi;M':ria.jr. . Left on bases: lenver. 3; Topeka, J. Time) 1:31. Umplir:' Shoemaker. IOl tTY III CIIKSj ITU HIT II rt rolu I. oars V.mmy t.aiue, Elht 4a loir, LINCOLN, Srt. 8 Sioux City bunched li!t In two Innings today and won a com I ai allvely easy game. 8 to 4. Score: LINCOLN. AH. R II. i 4 1 0 O. - i 3 0 8 0 7 2 A B. Jude. If ...,t.j, ;....,.. 4 Cocnier, rs ... J ...H role, t-r Cobb, rf Cock man, 3b . Thomas, lh Weldenaaul, 2b Kiuser. o Fox, p Totals .31 18 H 11 sroi'.x city. A 1 O I Andreas",' 2b Hirm, lb i .,...-...... i Mv. , If 5 Qiiiltln, 3b 4 Mll'er, f 4 Vuoiey, cf 4 N'-Ihl)im, r( 4 Hartman, as 4 KHroy, p 4 I 1 1 1 0. 1 S 4 1 0 1 2 I 1 ol 0 0 4 3 0 1 - I 0 0, 12 0 10 1 2 .1 1 1 0 o i o! - f. -I "l'fi4 1 1 Ml 0 0 0-4 1 I Titals I IJm-oln 0 sioux city Trine haa hit 00004003 1-N Andrea.". Double play: Thomas to Ga'!iler Left on l,ln- ra rlflre hits: Osg- inter i2). Cobb, Miller. JStnlen bases: An drens, Myers (2), (Julllln, Wooley. Htruck 'out: llv Km, 4; b Kllroy, i. Base on balls: Off Kox, 1; off Kllroy, 1 Time: 2:00. i L nipire: l lark. , I'. JOK. Wl IX THIRTKKJITH Wlehlta lllanked After OettlasT Three In e-oaJ. WICHfTA. Sept. . The game between Wichita and St. Joseph this afternoon was tied in tn third inning, and It ran Into the thirteenth Inning, when st. Josepn won, 4 to J. Score: WICHITA. AH. It. 11. O. A. Miiliileton, cf... 3 0 0 3 0 1-ettiKiew, if 3 0 10 0 Y extern), 3b 0 0 1 2 Davis, If 0 10 K. wilier, II) a 0 0 ll 0 Hughe. 2b 113 6 Stiiinldl, M 0 Q 2 4 haw, c .... 12 4 2 t-elden 1 0 0 0 0 rlKht, p 1 110 2 Isbell 1 0 0 0 0 Clemmins, c 1 0 0 5 0 Aitunison, p 0 0 0 0 0 Hnacklerord, p 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 42 S 7 30 17 Hnttexl for Wright In the tenth. Uatted for Altchlnrtn In the thirteenth. XT. JC)SKPH. AH. Powell ,lf i Kox, 2b 6 Jones, lb 6 MoChesnev, rf 5 Hi-illy ,3b 5 ioihan, ss 6 lioodrlch, cf 2 KiHmbon, e f tianilan, p 5 Totals' tti H. H. O. A. B, 12 10 0 10 8 10 1 1 1 1 0 0 14 0 0 0 116 0 0 0 3 6 2 0 110 0 0 1 . 7 -. 1 0 0 10 6 1 33 20 3 St. J.epli,...,.......2 01000000000 14 Wichita 000000000000-3 Ieft on bssesr St. Joseph, T; Wichita, 1. Sacrifice hits: Fox, Wright (2), Mlddleton, PeHlgrew, Clnmmons 12). Two-baae hits; Ueilly, Westersll, Pettlgrew, Shaw, Pow ell. Stolen bases: Fox, oUodrich, Hughes, Mlddleton (2), Jones. Hits: Off Wright, A In eleven Innings; off Shacklefnrd. 2 in twelve and two-third innings. Ktruck out: Hy Wright 8, by Hanifan , by Shackle ford 2.. Tlme: 2:36. Umpire: Graves. HKM I.TS IM -TIIIIKIC.t LBAGl'B Da Tea port. Roek Island, Ualiaqne and prlna-fteld Win., Sept. Frank Archef for Davenport, twirled t no-rut naiiic mtaniM Danville, blanking Danville 2 to o. 8eore: R.H.E. Davenport ...i.'o 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 2 Ianvilie - 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 00 0 1 Batteries: Davenport, Archer and .Walsh; Danville, Reynolds and Pierce. .' ROCK ISLAND, Sept. 8.-Rock' slland hit at opportune . iiiih-n, " wulie iiiooihniKton could do little with Lakaff. Score: R.H.E. Hoik Island.... X o o 1, U 1 0 0 ? 4 10 1 Uioomlngton .. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 8 2 batteries: Rock Inland, Lakaff and O'Loary; Rloomlngton, ' Prendernast and Wanamaker. DCIli yCE. Sept. 8.-Waish waa hit hard and Duutjiiuu w..u 11 to u. , bourn, HH E Dubuque S 1.1. 6 0 0 0 0 -ll 13 0 Peoria 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 4 Ratteriea: Dubuque, Parkins and Kelly and Hnuchor; Peoria, Walsh and Asmussen. WATERLOO, Sept. S. Clark utpltched Laudermilk, but irt-quent nais oy Waterloo ba.le- runners, oost .M, home team, the game. Score: , R.H.K. Sprlnsfield .... 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-S 4 Waterloo 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 02 6 3 llattrrlea;- : .Spripgfie.ld, .i Laudermilk and Johnson; Waterloo, Claris and Harrlnglon. CAMBRIDGE oXE, ARAPAHOE ONE - Two Pifrnna ' t'ounfy Teams 'Divide Honors-In' Oouble-Headeie. ARAPAHOE. Ncb.Kept: (Special Tele gramsIn the games today with Cam bridge, the visitors took the first.' Score; Cambridge ..03 10O30O 07 ..00006000 0-6 .a rayinioe, Hits: Cambridge,' t; A'rApahoe,' '10.' JBat- tories:. Cambridge, Hayes and - CaiToll; Arapahoe, Lallman and Wanwr Struck out: Uy Hayes, 8; by Lallman, 6. .Umpire; ferry. Arap&hoe won the second 'game. Score: Arapattoe r ." 0 0 0 1 ! 0 0 S 8 Cambridge 111 0 1. 0 1 0-7 liattertes: Cambildge, Hill and Carroll; Arapahoe, Reltser, Tanner and Warner. Home runs:. Jones, Hayes.' Umpire: Perry. High School kquad Reports Foot Ball Men Eager for the Fray Schedule is Almost Com ' plete. ' At the enthualastlo foot ball meeting Tuesday afternoon the Omaha High school, candidates were divided into squads of threy to report- to- Dr.- Vance for medical examination on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. The prospective sched ule has already been arranged and Is as follows: October 1 Red Oak at Omaha. October 8 Nebraska City at Omaha. October 15 Harlan at Omaha. October 22 Shenandoah t Omaha. October 2V-Sioux City at Sioux City. November 6 Open. November ls-St. Joseph, at St. Joseph. November i and November 24 (Thanks giving)' are yet open. New material for the squad Is at hand and after the candidates are examined practice will begin Immed iately. A rquad of sixty men, Including six of the regular players of last year, . was on hand fur tho meeting Wednesday. Practice wilt begin Monday of next week m the high school campus. CrcMghton Squad Will Be Husky Onp 'Kumber of Veterans Back for Prao j" tice and Some Good Players from Other Teams. A fool ball squad of forty hut-ky young men betan active trainina nn the I'reii-li. t!n university campus" yeuerday after noon. Owing to the excessive heat Coach I Miller ordered that the practice should be llht. Many of list year's team were in imlfdiTrt. although, the greater portion of the aiuad consIM of new men. Frank tjulgley, quarterback of last year's Dieta team, lias entered the law school and 1.1. p.csence on the team should strengthen the buck field considerably. Len and Mor-gaiilhalbi-. last year's tackles, are also back, and with "Slim" Hall, a 2'iO-pound giant, Crelgoton's line should be consider ably strune'er than In the past. I-evy, a fast end from the University of I Pliuburg. joined the u,uad yelrday after- j boon, and conies well ccommended from1 the east. , llaller , ..u . a halfback from St , and JftVCrihy. who 4 niiman vwjic-ac, aiiu ..l.v. ..-Lh I'. Iru. ,.' i for two years, have also announced their Intention to Join -the .aajtrruetlon on the 0 1 mil Ufiore inc elm or the week. ii : 0 oakdnle M ine. OAKD.M'.s.'.'Slt-b.. Kept. v ripe.-lal Telei , i ani.) -In l-hot r.evVn-innltig guin.a K lhY.V..V.rV oinii; Ckarwatet-i Crimea ajajAlberts, I CUBSTAKE HNAL FROM REDS at Cincinnati. LOCALS SECURE. TWELVE HITS Arrher, Mherkard and Ifofman band Three nasa lilts Tno-BaaTltera ' Are ferared by Nrhalte and KIIiik. CUKUOO, Sept. I-The Cubs made a clean sweep of the Cincinnati series by win ning the final game of the season here with Griffith's tern, 8 to 8. Score: CHICAGO. CINCINNATI AD n o A AB.H.O.A . Kv-ri, h I I 1 onench-r, II.. 4 1 I ft 0 Shwktnl, If., 4 Hnlmsn, of.. 4 St-lllf-ldt. Ib I X.m'msn, h. 4 Archer, lb. . . 4 l.uiti, rf... 4 Kllng. e...... I Hrvlbch, p.. I II 1 t 1 4 1 1 14 1 I I 4 IDS OMIIIer, rf.... 4 UHnhlltld. lh. i tiMltrhll, lb.. 4 IT'sokert, 1 1 . 4 "Mrln, e. .. I OLobert, lb... 4 SMnM.lltn, nl 0 1 t 0 1 2 I 0 0 o t o i Roiui, p.... 0 - rl-rks 1 p.... 1 Total!. .11 "1 J 2T '5 :Hnton, Total! M IMII ! Hatted for Rowan In second. 1 Chicago 3 2 0 1110 0 Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 03 Two-base hits: Schulte, Kllng. Three base hits: Archer, Bheckard, Hofman. Iliis; tiff Rowan, 4 in one inning; off Hen ton, 8 In seven- Innings. Sacrifice hits: Sielnfeldt, Kllng. Stolen bases: Paskert, Kescher. Double t.lav: lloblltxal to Mc Millan to Mitchell. Left nn bases: Chicago, I : Cincinnati, I. Rases on balls: Off Reui- hach, 3; off Benton, 8. First base on errors: Chicago, 2. -Struck out:' Hy Reulbaah, 4; by- Renton, 2. Passed ball: Kllng. Time: 1:45. Umpires; Johnstone and Eason. Pirates Lose to Cardinals. PITTSBURG.'' Sept.. 8. St. Louis won a game in Pittsburg for the first Ume this season, mainly through the good pitching of Harmon, who was given errorless sup port. Score: ... ' ST. LOUIS. - PITTSBURG. ' AH H O. A B AB.H O.A.E. Hiiftslaa, . ih.. 1 1 J l.SByrns, lb.... I 2 t 1 0 Kiln. If 3 1.1 Mowrtjr. 3b. . 3 0 I Kunetchy, lb 4 2 10 Rvans, rf.... SHI l'bli. 4 11 (m)i-. cf.... 4 .11 lUunrr, a... 4 '4 I Harmon, p... 4 6 0 u 0Cmibll. of. 4 I 0 1 OCIarka. If.... 4 114V 0 OVt'arrlar, as.:. I t 1 4 0 OMIIlmv ib.... I14IS 0 lb..., 0 I 1 1 0 IWIIann, rf.... 4 10 0 4 fanihaon, I 1 I 1 1 1 II Ferris, p I 0 1 1 0 MfK'ohnl. 1 0 0 0 Totala.. 32 1 31. t Whits, p 0 t 0 4 0 "Flynn 1 0 Totals II 107 H t Batted for Ferry In seventh. Hatted for1 White Tn nlhth. " St. Louis. ... .6 0 S 0 1 0 0" 0 04 Pittsburg .......;':..... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 Two-base hits: Campbell, Konetchy. Satritlce hit: Mowrey. Stolen base: EHis. Double plays: Wagner. to Miller to Hyatt, Mowrey. to Konetchy, Hugglna to Konetchy, Liases on balls: Oft Ferry, 2; off Harmon, 7. Hit by pitched ball; By Ferry, Evans. Struck put: By. Ferry, Wblte, 2; by Harmon, 2. Pasaed ball: . Phelpa. Hits: Off Ferry, 8 in seven Innings; off White, 0 In two Innings. Time: 2:10. Umpires: Rlgler and Emslle. Phillies Take Kas Game. PHILADELPHIA, Uept. 8-Philadelphia hit the ball hard today and easily defeated Brooklyn. Culp, formerly of the Pittsburg collegians, pitched the final innini; for the home team and retired Brooklyn In order. Score: ftliLADELPHIA.' BROOKLYN, AB H O AB.H.O.A K. Tllus. rf I 0 1 0. ODoildaon (;(. 4 1 4 4 4 Knaba, 2b. .,.4 1 Bstaa, cf I 2 Mtm, if 4.. i Grant, lb I 1 Dr-nafleld, lb 4 1 Dooian. as.... 4 2 I 4 Daiibrt, lb.. 4 I a 0 I 0 IWhnt, If ... 0 JO 4 I 4 OHummsl, ib. 4 1 7 10 0 0 IDalton, rf.... 4 0 10 0 .1 0'dl.einoi, lb... 4 0 0 1-0 1 0 OBtark, as 4 0 4 4 I 2 OUergan, .... I I CO 0 1 elktll, p I 1 1 I 0 0 0 . Totals II 6 24 II I Dooln. Miora, p Culp, p.. 1 0 Totals S3 It 17 T 1 Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Philadelphia 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 - Hits;- Off Moore, 6 in eight Innings; off Culp, -0 In one inning. Two-base hits; Mageu, Bates, Dolan. Three-base hits: Dau bert, Bates, Dooian. Sacrifice hits: Knabe, Bates. Sacrifice fly: Titus. Stolen bases; Daubert, Bates, Bransfleld. Struck out: By Bell, 1; by Moore t. Left on bases: Brook lyn, 8;. Philadelphia, 7. Base on balls: Off Hell, 3; off Moore, 1. First base on errors; Brooklyn, 1; Philadelphia, 1. Passed ball; Bergen. Time: 1:46. Umpires: O'Day and Brennan. Glanta Play Tie, NEW YORK, Sept. 8. New York and Boston played a tie game here today. The score stood 1 to 1 when the contest was called on account of darkness In the tenth inning. Score: BOSTON. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A. K. AB.H.O.A. . Collini. if.... t Hamoe, ib... 4 Oraham, lb.. 1 Shaan, tb,... 1 Ab'tlchlo, lb' I Sharp! lb-3b 4 Miller, rf.... 4 8wenay. aa.. 4 I 0 ORnodgraaa, If I 0 1 0 0 1 I llkl. lb t 1 4 I 1 1 uttarkar, cf.... I 1 I 0 0 0 Murrar, rf.., I 0 1 t I 1 2 OM.rkla, lb... I 1 II I I I 1 ODavlrn, lb... 1 4 0 2 0 I 0 OFlatohar, as.. 4 1 I 0 110 Myars, o 1 1 I I 0 4 4 Ouch lei, a 1 0 0 4 0 Hark, cf , 4 1 smith, a 4 1 Brawn, p..,,. 4 0 4 0 OWIltas, p 1 0 0 0 (i 0 4 Totals U I 10 14 I Totall IT I 10 II Boston 0 New York 0 1 00100 0-00 0-1 00000100 0-1 Two-base hit: Doyle. Three-base hits: Decker, Beck. Sacrifice hit: Devlin. Sac rifice fly: Wiltse. Left on bases: Boston 7; New York, 8. First base on errors: Bos ton, l;- Mew York, 1. Struck out: By Wiltse, 4; by Brown, 8. Bases on balls: Off Brown, 8; off Wiltse, 1. Time: 1:48. Umpires: Klem and Kane. De Pal ma Still Hold Hevord. NEW YORK, Bept 1. Theorficlal auto mobile record for one mile circular track la still held ay Ralph oe I'alma. who made it In Bl7 seconds on September 11, 1909, at Minneapolis, driving a Mat car. Although several split second watchea caught Barnev Oldfleld'a time at 6U seconds in his first trial last Monday at the Biighton Beach track for a new recoro, ana at seconds in a later attempt, the contest board of the American Automobile association an nounced today It would not let a record be cause it Is their rule that contests of one mile and under, up to five miles, must be timed uy an automatic electric or mechani cal device. laurel Defeats Chrrokres. LAUREL, Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.) The I herosee Indians were defeated here todav by the Laurel team In a hard fought twelve. limine game, it was one of the most Inter esting games ever played on the Iiurel grounds. Scoie: R. H Laurel ....1 0000001010 1-4 1 Indians ..-..0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 03 ( Batteries: laurel. Balrd and Wyman Indlars. Kolpln and Choteau. Struck out Uy Balrd, 9; by Kolpln, U Keoah Wins Another Block X 10W YORK, Sept 8 Jerome Keosh of Rochester, the present pool ciutinpiun, won tonight's block of 200 points the second played in the 600-point game for the world s championship from Thomas Hueston of St. Louis, the challenaer. Tonight's score wa.: Keogn, 23; lluestlon, 115, making the total i for two nights- play: Keogn, 40;.; Hueston, i 32.S. Keogh made the high run of the even- 'nH- r- ". . l. "-'" '" The final block will be plaved to morrow night. Base Hall Kills Dor. WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. Failure to estop a base ball thrown swiftly by his brother In practice today resulted in the death of Kdward W. Hoge. aged 12 years. The two brothers were playing catch while awaiting a match game between tneir comrades. A 7 " ' T" "" .'lUST foiling him as if hit by a bullet. Kaufman Takrs on Kublak. BALTIMORE. Md.. Sept. 8.-A1 Kaufman of I'ahfoi ma tnu Al Kublak of Micnlaau signed artlclra today for a aix-round box in.: bout to take place before the Armpry Ainletlc ctub Here September 1. "r kidney trouble may be of long standing, It may ba either acute , nx cnrouic, out wnaiever u is roiay a rvui ney Remedy will aid you ta get rid of It quickly and reatore your natural health and vigor, "One bottle f Foley's Kidney Remedy made me well," said J. Slhball of Grand View." Wis,. Commence taking it new. For sale by' .all druggists. : i 1 ' Penitent A4v.rtk.ns the Koad t Bl. 'JIteturns. . , ( . .. Standing of the Teams WESTERN DEAGCE. Pet. Sioux City... J Denver . Lincoln J0 4M 6 71 7K W 14 . Ml j '! : .4.01 .8 Wichita " Omaha tvS St. Joseph Des Moines , .... Topeka I AMER. LWBfK. ... 1 ... o 3X jjrtK NATL. LKAGCE. , , . W.L.Pcl. WLPct) - Philadelphia. fct 41 .67s rhlcago . K4 m 76 50 .00 Koaton it bl .b?i;i iiisoorn . . . . M.u Vrrfc ..TSIil.87U.New tork 70 62 .6i4 Detroit ......i2 68 Philadelphia. .f 1 Mn Washington. .61 71 4 Cincinnati ..M -r' Cleveland .. .58 70 .444 St. Louis 4! 75 :t. Chicago 4! 7". .;8:Hrooklyn 4 tb St. Irftuls 8 Ml ,8u2iHostn 44 S4 .JM NUB. LKAOUK. j AMER. ASS N. .W.L.Pct : W L Pct. Fremont ...,3 4R .fHMInneapolls...7 id . O. Island 69 61 .&i roledo sO .644 Columbus '.'..! 4S .MiO St. Paul 7 72 613 Kearney ....W 61 .532 Kansas City. .75 72 .610 Superior..,.., .54 64 .6'Mil waukee ...8 80 .4.9 Seward 48 fil .40Hndlanapills. .58 0M .4ol Red Cloud. ..47 HO .4;i Iulsville ,...o2.374 Hastings .u.4t 62 . 41 - Yrsterday's Resqts. WKSTKRN LEAGl'E. . Des Moines, 1; Omaha, 11. Sioux City, 8; Lincoln, 4. , St. Joseph. 4: Wichita. 3. Topeka. 0; Denver, 3. NATIONAL LKAOUK. Brooklyn, 1; Philadelphia, 8. St. l.oul, 4; Pittsburg, 2. Cincinnati, 3; Chicago, 8. Boston. I; New York, 1. Called end of tenth, darkness. AMF.RICAN LEAGUE. Chicago. 1: KL Loula. 0. Second game, Chicago. 4; St. Louis, 6. Philadelphia. 3: Boston, 2. New York, 8r Washington, 2. Detroit. 4; . Cleveland, 7.. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indianapolis, t; Toledo. i. Columburi, ; Louisville. 0. Second game. Columbus, 2; Ijouisvllle, 1.' St. Paul, 0; Milwaukee, 2. Minneapolis,, 6; Kansas City, 6. , KCBaASKA-LEAQUK. Orand Island. 7; Seward . Second gama Grand Island. 12; Seward, 2. Red Cloud. 8: Kearny, 1. Ilostlngs. 0; Superior. 1. Ciuni(ju, 14; Fremont, 4- - Oamea. Todar. Western Laaauer-Dea Moines at Omaha, Sioux. City at Linooluit. Joseph at Wich ita. Topeka at Denvtr.. National 1-eagtie i-iroosiyn at r-nuauei- phia, St. Looi at Plttshurg. American l-fteue ClliOttKO at St. IviHlls, PhiladeJphla at Boston, New York at Wash ington. Detroit at -Cleveland. American Association inaian pons at Toledo, -Columbus at Louisville. St. Paul at Milwaukee, Minneapolis . at ivansas tuy. Nebraska Slate. Lrt-ag1" Fremont at rew ard. Red Cloud at Superior, Hastings at Kearney, Columbus at isiana. ALTO RACERS WARMING IP Try Out the New Track and Find that it is Fast. tfESTMAN MAKES FAST TIME Indications Are tet Larare Nosnbe-r ol Enthnalasta W4II Attend from Western Una and Kast - ara Sajbraaka, . The Omaha Speedway company author ities are growing more optlmiatlo with every passing day as to the raca meet schedule for Saturday and Sunday. These men, who are old hands at the automobile racing business, realize that no matter how attractively their grounds are ar ranged, no matter how large their crowd, no matter how large we number of en tries, the meet which they are promot ing will be a failure If the track Ib not In shape for fast racing. And It la the excellent condition of the track whicn gives them Joy these days. All week rollers and crags nave neon kept At work on the track, and Just now it ia In splendid condition. The rain of Wednesday night did no damage to the track, and, on the contrary, had a tend ency to settle and harden the surface. If there are no hard rains between now and the. dates of the races some of the fast est time ever made on a circular mile, track may be expected. All day Wednesday the local drivers had their car on tha track tuning them up" for the week-end of racing. Otto Nest man was on the track again with a smal ler - car than he Is accustomed to drive. but again and again he mad tha circuit of tne rack In Just a bit over one min ute. One revolution he made a trifle un der that mark. With a larger car and in competition he seema In a fair way to establish a aet of records that will en dure. Nealman Goes Paat. In making his runs Wednesday Mr. Neatman was never forced to drive his car moro than three of four feet from the pole, which Is remarkable when one ia tearing through- spaoe at tha rate he waa going, -On the west end of the track one need make scarcely any deviation at the turns, but the east end is not quite ao perfectly arranged)! The new track Is wide enough so that five cars can Je started abreast t more than this nura ber start In any of the races It will be necessary to arrange them In two lines. Although entries -will be received any time up to the hour the racea start the committee expects to have most of the entries In by Friday morning, and at that time the programs will be put in tha hands of. the printers. A huge crowd Is expected for the races and arrangi nents are being made, to handle as many aa come. In addition to the local crowd the management has re reived advices from a number of the smaller towns In western Iowa and east ern Nebraska that large delegations will make the run Into the city In automobiles to witness the races. Arrangements have . I een made for parking the cars In ti.e paddock. International Autoists Meet Twenty-Five Thousand Dollar Purse Offered for Five Hundred Mile Sweepstakes in May. INDIANA PO LIS. Sept. 8. - Officials of the Indlanupolls motor speedway today i.l.n. an m , , , rtm,. 1 1 K ". " r , . . on May i, iu, tn wnicn American cars will be pitted against the best of Europe for a purse of in.OUO. The contest, as an- n,unced.'.ill be a COO-mlle International swccpsiaaes. The purse offered Is double any in the hlbtory of motor racing and Is d.vlded I iio ten parts, the driver whining first will be awarded 110,000, the largest prize ever of fered a motor race winner; aocond, ti.(Ot), tr.d on don to taiO for the driver finish ing tenth. In addition a trophy will be given for each jBositli-n. Entries will be limited to cars showing a record of at least seventy miles an hour. The cars inut be under tMu cubic Inches displacement and weigh at leist 2. Sou pounds. American Automobile aaaoc.a tlon rules will gover i1 ATHLETICS WIN ON ERRORS Mistakes by the Reds Apain Cost them Dearly, FINAL SCORE IS THREE TO TWO - ... ronr i iTo-nase lilts r oar narritir Hit tine Sacrifice Fir tin Doable I'lay Stolen Baa hr Waaner. ..rt!,.v, ROsTON, bept. 8. Again today errors by Iht locals gave Philadelphia the victory by score of 3 to 2. Krause returned to the game after a long absence and pitched well, although he was batted hard at times. Score: rillLADKLI'liU. BOSTON. AB.H. O A. AB.H.O.A K bard. If 4 4 Oldrlns, cf... 4 1 Colllna, Ub... 4 1 SMnaklm'n, rf 4 0 Vfuriell, Jk... 4 1 0 t 0 1 viit-akar. cf.. 1 4 I 0 10 1 2 1 Oil 0 1 1 1 6 1 10 1 linkir. Jb. Iaia. lb.. Murphy, rf Harry, aa.. Thomaa, e.. Iierrlik . Ltvinsetun, KrauM, p.. 4 1 1 "Riahl, lb ... "lwia. If... 0 0w.,i,.r, aa. ' 0 Knsle. b.., 1 lKIlnow, c. 0 SKaraer, p.., 0 u 0 Totals .10 ..4 0 .. I 4 .11 . tf 0 c 2 1 . 2 1 .31 I II II I Totala it 7 XI t 1 Ran for Thomaa In fifth. Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 12 Boston 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Speaker, Lewis (2), Thomas. Sacrifice fly. Stahl. Sacrifice hits: Krause (2), Davis, Urd. Stolen base: Wag ner. Double play: Collins to Barry to Davis. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 10; Boston, 5. Base on balls: Oft Karaer, 4; off Krause, 2. Struck out: By Karger, 8; by Krause, 10. Wild pitch: Krause. Time: 2.08. Umpires: I'errlne and Dineen. New Yorks Hit Ball llajrd. WASHINGTON. Sept. 8 New York bat ted Walker out of the box today and hit Relating hard, defeating Washington hand ily, 8 to 2. Warhop was a puxxle. Score: NEW YORK. WASHINGTON. A. H. O.A.E. AB.H.O.A K Danlela, If... I 0 4 0 0 Milan, rf ... J 0 10 1 Woltar, rf... 4 0 4 4 OKIIIilar. lb.. 4 4 114 t'haaa. lb..., 4 4 I 0 Oconroy, If... 1 0 0 II Knight, aa... 6 111 oiulaton. If... 8 0 10 4 UarUnar, lb., I 1 4 1 OtKaalar, rf...,4 I 0 I 0 Ora. cf 4 1 I 0 1 Mullrlda, aa.. 4 114 0 A ml I ii, lb... 4 10 0 lKlb.rl.ld. 3b. 4 1 0 I 0 Saeanay, a... 4 0 14 O Jiiflaub, lb.. 4 0 11 1 1 Warhop, p..,4 10 0 lBackandurf, el 7 1 0 Walkar, p.... 0 1 0 0 Totall 97 1117 4 IRolallnf, p... I 0 0 11 .... 1 0 0 0 An.niltb .... 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 34 I 2T 11 I Batted for Beckendorf In ninth. Batted for Relating In ninth. Washington .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 New York 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 08 Two-base hits: Wolter, Austin. Three base hit: Austin. Hits: Off Walker, 6 in throe Innings; off Hetsling, 8 in saven and two-thirds Innnlngs. Sacrifice hits: Stolen base: Knight. Double play: Elberfeid to Unglaub to McBrlcle. Ltft on bases: Wash ington, 5; New York, 4. Base on balls: Off Walker, 1; off Warhop, 2. First base on errors: Washington, 2; New York, 3. Hit by pitched ball; By Walker, Gardner. Struck out: By Walker, 1; by Relsllng, 4; by Warhop, 8. Time: 1:65. Umpires: Colli fluwer and Connolly. Tlaera Lose Aaraln. CLEVELAND, Sept. 8. -Cleveland again defeated Detroit, the score being 7 to 4. Kaler shut out Detroit until tne eighth, wnen he weakened. Score; CUliVBUA.NU. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A . AB.H. O.A.E. Oraney, If.... 4 stovall, lb... 4 Turnsr. lb,,. I OH. Jonaa, If. 4 4 0 0 OWImilv, lb 6 I 1 4 OMi-lntyra, cf. 4 1 I 1 1 Ol.lawford, rf. 4 1 J 0 0 OU'baary, lb.. 6 12 4 0 ulluta. aa 4 112) IT. Jonas, lb. I 1 11 1 k lBihmldt, e... I 0 1 2 u OWorka, p 1 0 1 1 0 OCaaay, e 1110 1 Lajoie, lb..,. 4 Kularly, rf..'4 Htrm'n'm, oft Knaup, a.,.. 8 Land, e 5 Kslar, p 1 Harknaaa, p.. 0 "Stanasa . I 0 ) ) V . 4 0 I) 0 0 Totala... ..31 10 27 1.1 'Dona van ; " Totala II 12 24 14 i Batted forWorks fa ninth. Ran lor Stanage In ninth. . Cleveland ,,...0- 0 0 3 0 0 1 3 1 Detroit .., .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 14 Two-base hit: Lajoie. ' Three-base hits: Craney, Birmingham. Bases on balls: Off Kaler. 2: off works, 3. struck out: By Kaler, 8; by .Works, S. Time: i:38. um- plies: u Loughlln and Egan. May Captures Twenty Trot , ' at Lincoln Winslow Wilkes Mare Stands Best in the Summary at End of ; - Fifth Heat. LINCOLN, Neb., Bept. 8.-(Speotal Tele gram.) Another .record breaking crowd witnessed the races at the state fair and close finishes were numerous. The track was in .lrst class condition. Results: 2:30 trot, PUrae SUOO: May 18 2 12 Dr. Igo 4 4 3 3 i Joe Ai en to t 14 4 3 'lime: 2:2!Vi. 1:201,, 2:20, 2;W, 8:21b. 2:26 pace, purse l,00o: Rob Koy.l v inner 4 8 111 Captain R a 11 6 8 4 Harry C 8 8 2 8 2 Colonel Davis 2 4 3 4 3 'lime: 2:lo-, 1:154, 2:16, 2:ls(4, 2:22. 'i'nre- ear-old pace, purse tM): Columbia Fire , i j Laay jean luta 2 Time: 2:18. 2:18v Trie last neat of the 2:15 pace postponed from Tuesday went to Foster, giving him tne race, Prinoe fcigur second, Ottawa Boy tnird, bpeea-on tourtn. lime: 2:lbVi. HARTFOltU (.K.tXU llKt'fIT HACKS Joe Boy and lllau Winners In Their lleauectrve Kvvnts. HARTFORD, Conn., Sept. 8. In the uranu circuit racea at Charier Oak para touay tne i.U pace wild the 2:14 trot were won respectively by jo Boy and Blsa, eacit in analgia heats. The 2:12 pace, with only three starters. was eaay for Joe Boy, Mine Wilcox taking second money and Dr. Fox third. 'I'he i su ing committee haa Uoclueu on Hie touowiug program lor Thurtuay: 2:2o trot; 2.WJ Char ter Oak, 410,iio purse; il.uu pace and 2:11 Hot. nummary: 2:14 trot, pulse $1,000: Blba, b, 111., by Bengal a Koniura, by Kremlin 1 1 Borvalilo, b. g. (Murpny) Olive t, br. 111. tuaiiatiaui 3 Orlean, b. It. (Ueiiyonj ,,,, dig HUKKy Harry, nr. ii. (.Kurieii) dis. ume: 3:114, 2:iu'i. 2:12 pace, pur; l,uu0: Joe Roy, blk. g., by Millurton-Miss Aeilto dreary) -; 1 Mike Wilcox, HI. g. (Upuykej 3 1 Lr. Fox, b. g. H aiiahani 4 3 jt Time: i.U', l.U'. IT. PA l 1. 11 AH E HESLLT Henry H. Takes 't wo Tvelv Trot lu Four Heats. ST. PAl'L. Sept. S.-Al the Minnesota ritate fair today tnouauiuls witneesau m races on a iig..tiiim-iat track, iim pate was easoy tne feature, K'u"K toe en- 1 LlCe IlVC nai, VIVO t-.IUiriia MMMIK I U" vi.rlte. finishing ahead of Dan Patch's daunliter. Fanny Palcu. Muminaries: i da liter - 1'nce, 2:21 class, purae ll.Uuo Eloirtta I lxan""'.'. 3 111 ....2 1 5 3 4 ...4 222 Gay Amerlcus 1 6 4 4 2 beet time: 2:0itV Fuce. 21i clues, purne II.' 0. three In five: H cky H 1 1 1 I Onadonna 1 2 l Tokay 2 1 OMd Pest time: i:Hw- Tiot. 2:12 clasi, purse I1.C00. three In five: ,, , ti siii I an,, t .... , ,. e IHin I.SII'T . c County .lumper 2 4 3 t beat time: 2:'H ! "trr Mahl, Tonimv Hniltb end Kid Simdy will box I ten round' al oihoff Ssioid:v evenlna. i g.ime short prelimlnsrtes are alto on the Crf). , 1 Grand Island Plans Hard Fight lor Second Place Takes Both Games from Seward and Will Settle with Columbus in Two Games. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Sept. 8. -(Special Telegram.) Grand Island took both games from Seward today, making five straight, victories an assuring a hot contest for sec. ond position In the league standing with the Discoverers here tomorrow and Satur day. Welsh drew a home run, a triple and a single In the first game out of four times up and a triple and double out of three times up In the second, and was given a collection from the fans. Hansen pitched both games for Seward and was a trifle wild In the second, allowing seven walks. Paul likewise was not steady In the first game. Kvery score Seward made was the result of a walk or hit by pitched ball. Score, first game: R.H.K. eward 1 08OI0O1O-8T1 Orand Island... .0' 0 401002 7 72 Batteries: Seward. Hansen and Wally; Orand Island, Paul and Traver. Score, second game: R.H.K. Seward 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 5 8 Urand Island...! 1 3 0 1 8 3 0 -12 12 6 Batteries: Seward, Hansen, Wally and Booth; Grand Island, Morse and Traver. RED CLOUD, Neb., Sept. 8.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Red Cloud defeated Kearney by the score of 8 to 1 In the final game of the season here. Noyea was In the box for Kearney and Jarrott for Red Cloud. Kear ney got the most hits, but close playing on Red Cloud's part prevented them from scor ing after the first Inning. Score: ' R.H.K. Kearney 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 10- 0 Red Cloud 1 2000000 3 70 Struck out: By Noyes, 6; by Jarrott, 8. Bases on balls: Off Noyes, 2, Three-base hits: Haley, 2. Two-base hits: Deconnely, Donivan, Noyes, Mills. COLUMBUS, Neb., Sept. 8. (Special Tel egram.) Fremont's champions proved to be easy victims ot tha Discoverers thla after noon in tha lust league game to be played on the local diamond this year. Score: R.H.E. Fremont 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 1 4 5 Columbus 4 0 0 0 6 2 0 2 "14 14 2 Batteries: Fremont. Wler and Bonner: Columbus, Sindelar and Agnew. SUPKRIOR, Neb., Sept. 8.-(Spclat Tele gram.) In a fine game played In an hour and twenty minutes, Superior shut out Hastings again today, 1 to 0. Score: K.H.B. Hastings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 8 1 Superior 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 Batteries: Orth and Donnelly; Justus and Hartley, Two-base hit; Hargia. Umpire. : Griffith. TRAMP IS SHOT TO DEATH PnldentlMed Man, With Dirk Knife, Killed by Officer at 1 Pierre. PIERRE, S. D., Sept. 8. (Special.) An unidentified tramp was shot and killed In the railway yards here Just before noon to day, the shooting being done by Walter Elliott, who had been ordered by Deputy Sheriff Walker to follow the man and watch out for a knife. The tramp had been annoying; women by begging and abusive language, and tackled the home of the deputy sheriff and waa ordered away. He drew what was ' supposed to be a. knife, which after his death proved to be a self manufactured dirk; and then ran. He turned on his followers with the same weapon and was shot and almost Instantly killed. Cook Killed by Assistant. 8H08HQNI, Wyo., Sept 8. (Special.) Made insanely, mad because of his dis charge, A. Wortman, . assistant cook in the grading camp of Carlson & Shlndall, contractors on the Burlington line pear here, last night shot and killed E. M. Haselwood, the chief cook. Ha Ml wood could not get along with Wortman, whose work was not satisfactory, and discharged him. Wortman, who came hare three months ago from Denver, went to a neighboring camp, secured a re volver and fired tnree shots Into Hasel wood's left breast the cook dying In stantly. Wortman backed out of camp with his gun pointed at tha employe's, warning them to not follow him. A posse was quickly formed, and tha prairies are now being scoured for the murderer, whose escape seems Improbable. oath Dakotn News Notes. PIERRE Articles of Incorporation were filed Wednesday for the Farmers Savings bank of V Infield, with a. capital of Sio.ouu. Incorporators; E. Freet, Abel Thompson, G. I. Riley. Reea Price, J. D. McLeod, Thomas Westall and W. J. MoDowell. ABERDEEN Beginning yesterday, the federal land bureau officials who are con ducting the filing on the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River reservations began calling 150 names of winners daily. Of the 160 called Wednesday, only nineteen re sponded. YANKTON-Over sixty tons of fine alfalfa hay, valued at over 36uo, was burned and destroyed Tuesday night at the Patsy Magner farm near town. The hay was In close stacks and the fire, which was of incendiary origin, destroyed practically all the hay on the place. There la no clue. WARNER Wednesday afternoon at the nome 01 tne brides parents occurred the marriage of City Attorney I. A. Churchill, of the law firm of Gardner. Falrbai.k & Churchill of Huron. , to Miss Mabel Stearns. Mr. Churchill was a former resident of Rochester, Minn., but has lived in Huron for the last four years, and the bride also resided In Huron for several years. YANKTON The disbarring proceedings against O. P. Harben. formerly of Platte, now of Rogers, Ark., have been tranaferred from Platte to Yankton. At Platte all the evidence In the famous case was heard the end of August. The arguments before the referee, Colonel J. . Jolley, have been held here before Judge K. S. Tripp, and the findings will be submitted to the vu preme court. PIERRE The complaints of car shortage 2' are beginning to come to the State Railway 3 I commission a little earlier than usual this year. So far two towns have made com plaint, both on the Milwaukee road, one coming from Chancellor, In Turner county, and one from Naples, 1:1 Clark county, In which grains shippers claim that they can- , not secure cars as they have ordered them, ' I and by this are being delayed In grain shipments. immm Family Trade uioi'fiw 1 , 1269. ludependenl B 1261. of ARE BLANKED IN FIRST GAMS (terns t'onlrsl ItesnKa In Two to On )oor nlla ( ulamlioa aernrln lloth lis Huns In tilth. IOflSVlt.LK. Sept. 8-Columbus won both games of a double-header today from lxiulsvUle. Score, first game: COLt Mill's UnibVlLLB. AB.H.O.A K AM H O A Prrln. lh. l ft 13 S nftnhlnann. al M i t II nrbman, If 4 I 1 OM.rrra. lb .. 4 0 10 0 0 osmnlry, cC... 4 1 tVnraltnn, H 4 rt iNiwna. lb.. I ft 4 I nrtmlr. Jb .... 1 1 I 4 I'llllKhra. II... I 0 1 1 1 l'K-kerlli. rf. 1 0 1 1 iiMx,,, 31. ... 1 0 4 1 OA Urn t 1 (1 4 I iiMkarr, p 1 0 Mahltng. aa.. IHwall, el.... Wrattan, .llv Cirliwh, c Sitlnn. p Gall.ratth, p.. 0 0 s.inforil, p. . . ft 0 llalla 1 0 Totala 30 S7 1:, Totala SO IT 14 t Hatted for Galbralth In eighth. Columbus 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0-4 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Stolen bases: Wrstten (3). Odwell (2). Sacrillce hits: Hughes. Congalton, Wratten, Sacrifice fly: Carl.sch. Two-base hits: Doyle, Hlnrhman, Miihltne;. Double plays: Odwell to Carisch. Siruck out: By Sutim, 4. Bases on balls: Off l.ak.iff. 2, Hit by pitched ball: By Button (2i, Galhreath. Wratten, Carisch. Hits: Off Sanford. none In one Inning; off Lakaff. 8 in five Innings; off Ualbi altli. 9 in three Innings. Left on bases: Louisville, 8; Columbus, 6. Time: 1:40. I'mplres: Owens and Fer guson. Score, second game: COLl'MUt'R. 1X11'!S'I1J.K. AB.H. OAF AH It O A H. rrrl nr. lb-en 1 I 1 OHnblnaon. aa. 4 0 1 1 I Hlnrhman, If 4 0 1 0 0Merra, lb... 4 17 0 rntiaallon. rf 1 1 1ft i'Ki,nlr, rf...l (Its IHiwna, Ib. ... I Oil IPovIa, tb 4 0 t I Mahling. ..! 0 11 tl HiahrK, If... 4 14V Odwell, cf-lb. 4 110 0 Pickering, rf. I 1 ft 0 Wratten, lb.. 1 1 4 I OMaaM, tb....l 0 4 1 Arbogaat. o..l 0 1 1 j Kellly, c I 0 i 1 p. 4 0 0 ! Olh'boihani. pi 1 0 1 r riei, ci 1 11 1 v v ... Totala 2 , 4 t' 4 2 Totala 11 4 17 14 1 ColumbUH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 S' Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Stolen bases: Stanley. Wratten, Odwell. Sacrifice hit: Downs. Sacrifice fly: Stan ley. Double play: Mahling to Downs to Perrlng. Struck out: By Hlgglnhotham, r by Liebhart, 4. Bases on balls: Off Hig glnbotham, 4; off Liebhardt, 2. Left on bases: Louisville, 4; Columbus, 7. Time; 1:30. Umpires: Owens and Ferguson. Indianapolis Ilcfenta Toledo. TOLEDO, Sept. 8. Four errors by Toledd In the first inning coupled with several hits by Indianapolis enabled the visitors to pile up six runs, which proved enough to win. Scure: INDIAN AP0MS. TOMCDO. AB.H O A B, AH.H.O.A . O'Day, cf,... 6 1 I Williams, 3b. 5 1 4 Hayden, rf... S 2 1 0 OHallman, rf.. 1110 4 0 lll'chnian, 2b 4 0 1 1 0 1 OZItm, rf 1 1 1 0 h 0 1 Fulllvan, rf . 0 0 0 0 0 9 OHIi-kman, If. 1 0 1 1 0 1 OKritrman, lh. 4 0 7 0 2 4 iKIworl, Jli... 4 1110 3 I Hiitler, aa. ... 4 1 I 4 1 1 0 Hartley, c... 4 I 4 0 1 - - Valllera. n... 8 0 0 0 0 larr, lb 5 1 10 Mllllgan, If., i 1 0 Howlpy, c t 3 1 Caffey, sa.... t 1 4 Keene. lb.... I I I Ocurga, p.... 4 10 V Totala.. ..1.42 12 27 IT 4 Weat, p 4 1 0 I Abbott 1 0 0 0 9 Totala M T 17 11 4 Batted for Zlnn In seventh, Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 06' Indianapolis 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 Two-base hits: Hallman, Elwert, Butler, Hayden, Carr. Stolen base: Htnchman. Base on balls: Off West, 1; off George, 2. Struck, out: By West, 3; by George, 8. Hits: Off, Vallleile, 3 In two-thirds Inning; off West, 9 In eight and one-third Innings; off George, 7 in nine, Innings. Double plays: Williams to Carr, Coffey to Wiliams to Carr. Left on bases: Toledo, 3; Indianapolis, 8. First base on errors: Toledo, 3; Indianapolis, 4.' Time: 1:46. Umpires: Weddlgu and Hayes. .. . , I'pdikee lat , Benson, ,"' . The J. 8, Cross base ball team will play the Updlkes at Benson Eagle park at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. INDEPENDENTS WANT TO WELL Davenport Exchange Aaka Permission to Make Deal with Hell Company. DAVENPORT, Ia., Sept. 7. (Special.) The Union Electric Telephone and Tele graph company applied to the city coun cil today for an amendment to Its fran- f chlse ordinance which would permit it to sell out to the Iowa (Bell) Telephone company. The Independent company In stalled an exchange costing 8800,000 eight years ago. Manager Bratt told the coun cil it was losing 81,600 a month, that It would cost 11,500,000 to put tha plant In shape for effective competition with the Iowa company, and that the Independents were at the end of their rope.. He eald toey had an offer of 60 per cent of their original Investment, and wanted to accept It. It was that or bankruptcy. Tha sale, will probably be consummated. Cob's are honest, free smoking, rich tasting cigars. Everything most economical but the qual ity of the tobacco. "i If you don't get , a Kvr:f fc7rn package, you don't .-- Ti a get Cobs. 9 for 15c " VEST POCKET EDITION Be tor packet ef g I. LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO.. Makera. Newark. N. J. , The Largeat lade-pendant Cigar Factory ia the werld Allen Bros. Co. Distributers. mmmmm JUI1IN KUSK.1IN Clgari trc on the lip of every nun who appreciates qual ity and who ii economical. w 9- Supplied by iKfrWvj Colonels Lose Both Sessions Double-Header. cos M-'iW.f. ,1 4 i 1 (