Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Republican Candidate for Governor ii
After Dahlman.
Mat Pair Coatlaaes Draw Bis;
Crowd Doailai f'oantr Again
H'lii rirst for Collective
(From a fitnff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. N-b.. Sept. 8 (Special. )-Pn-ator
Burektt and C. H. Aldrlch. candidate
for governor on the republican ticket, spoke
at the auditorium at the state (air this
afternoon, the occasion belnR republican
day. Chairman Husenetter of the repub
llran atate commute, presided. While the
crowd which henrd the democratic candi
date yesterday waa much larger, the en
thualaam of the crowd which today listened
to the republican candldatea waa much
more intenae.
Senator Aldrlch defended the plank In the
republican platform endorsing county op
tlon; held up the legislation of the lff
legislature as a sample of the way the re
publican party keeps Its pledges and argued
with hla crowd that to elect Mayor Dahl
man governor would be to take Nebraska
back to the frontier days. He told of the
food work of the atate railway commission
and of the benefits that had been received
by the people who had appealed to this
commission for relief from the wronm of
the railroads. He digressed considerably
rfom his set speech and once during his
remarks, Breaking of iJahlman'a announce
ment that he would veto a county option
bill, paraphrasing Shakespeare, he suld:
"On what has thla man fed that he hath
become greater than all the people?"
"On breweries," yelled someone In the
Yea," replied Senator Aldrlch, "Senilis,
Pabat and those other good patriotic Amer
ican names."
Threat Against Inlverslty.
On another occasion Aldrlch accused Dahl
man of having threatened the state uni
versity unless the professors kept out vf
"Keep the professors out of politics and
let the brewers run the state. I say the
professors should lose their Jobs unless
they do fight. They should fight and keep
on fighting."
Senator Aldrlch insisted that county op
tion would affect no county utiles a ma
jority of the voters In that county desired
to vota It dry. If a majority ot the county
favored aaloons, then the Slocumb law ap
plied. A great portion of his speech waa
devoted to an endorsement of county option
and an argument In Us favor, together with
a review of republican rule In the state.
Senator Burkett talked on national Issues,
holding uf the record of the republican
party of the peat as a guaranty of what it
would do In the future.
Fair Htlll Draws Crowds.
Another Immense crowd visited the fair
today and saw the races. Some complaint
waa made because the Burlington railroad
refused to sell single fare tickets to the
grounds, but Insisted that the purchaser
should buy a round-trip. This forced the
purchaser to return by train or lose his
nickel. There was also com;ilamt at the
way the crowds were handled ut the gates
by the Burlington, one tralnload leaving the
cars next to a train load which was pulling
out tor the grounds.. However, no one was
President 6bar.p of th traotton. company
helped his ' men at the grounds yesterday
and did his part toward packing the cars
full and seeing to it that the signal to
start was not given until every Inch of
the running board was crowded and the
space between the seats was Jammed.
Douglas County Again Leads.
This was the day whet many awards
were made at the fair. Douglas county
gain wort the prise for the best collective
f xhlblt In the eastern division; Franklin in
the central and Brown in tho western divi
sion. The awards were aa follows:
Eastern Section Douglas, first; Pawnee,
seoond; Kichardson third; Lancaster,
fourth; Butler, fittn; Nemana, sixth; Sa
line, seventh.
Central Section Franklin, first; Kearney,
second; Webster, third; York fourth; Fll-
more, fifth; Antelope, sixth.
Western Section brown, first; Frontier,
second: Red Willow, third: Box Butte.
fourth; Keya Paha, flf'.h; Thomas, sixth;
Sioux, seventh.
How Filipino May Vote
A native of the Philippine Islands may
become avoter in the state of Nebraska
by declaring his Intention to become a
cltlien of the United States and in due
course ot time may become a full-fledged
citlsen without renouncing allegiance to
any prince, potentate or power. This Is the
dictum of the federal bureau of naturallza
1 tlon aa expressed ' by Theodore F.
Schmucker, chief of the Denver division.
At the late primary a Filipino attempted
to vote In thla city and was denied that
light,' though he ad been allowed to ex
ercise the franchise in an adjoining county.
He at once applied to Theodore H. Berg,
deputy clerk of the district court, who has
charge ot naturalisation matters In this
county. The man stated that he had sup
posed himself a citizen and that it would
, not be necessary for htm to take out na
turalisation papers. He was willing, how
ever, to pursue the lutter course If re-i
Mr. Berg waa not clear on the matter
$ i and wrote the department for Information.
If It was, necessary for the man to tuke
out papers, he wanted to know from whom
lie was to renounce allegiance, lie has
Just received an answer from Mr.
Schmucker In which the latter says:
"I have never had a Filipino In this dis
trict under consideration. iSert.on 30 of the
naturalisation act seems to cover his case.
He should make a declaration on the regg
ular form, but Is not required to renounce
allegiance to anybody. That portion of tne
declaration can be left blank or reference
made therein to section 30, act ot June
la. X906."
The section referred to reads as follows:
All applicable provisions of the naturali
sation laws of the l ulled States shall
apply to and be held to authorise the ad
mission to cltiseiiHlilp of all persons not
clilxens who own permanent allegiance to
the I'nited States, and who may become
lesuieniB or any state or organ. it'd terri
tory of the I'nited Mates, wltn the follow
ing modifications: The applicant shall not
be required to renounce allegiance to any
foreign covei e;gnty ; he mail make his
declaration of Intention to become a
c.usen of the I'tiUnl Statea at least two
years prior to his admission: and residence
w.thln the Jurisdiction of the l nited S.ates,
oalng such permanent allegiance shall he
egaided as residence within the I'n.ted
totatcs within the memiing ot the five year
residence clause vf the existing law.
1 W. IlrVMn llealitua.
have to r upon the bills, but Inasmuch
as he received his place by appointment
and slmplly owns stock In the lumber com
pany, he doubts the legality of the ruling
by the city attorney, but concluded that he
could get alone- better by devoting all of
his time to his own business than serving
on the park board and being deprived of
the right to sell material to persons who
did work for the city.
Hee Ahead f Travelers.
O. M. Rtonebraker and Mrs. Stonebraker
have Just returned from a tour of Europe,
having spent several week across the ocean.
The only Nebraska news we received dur
ing the trip," said Mr. Stonebraker, "was
through The Bee. I got copies of It In
the reading roms at Edinburgh, Parts, Lon
don and Berlin. When I saw The Bee at
Berlin It was only nine days old. It cer
tainly looked good to me. I saw no other
American papers except fro mNew York,
but they had no Nebraska news."
Krho of Prise Fight.
Fred Ludwlg was reminded of a visit he
made to Beno. Nev., July 4. when ha re
ceived yesterday a nlco purse, which he left
In the fight city, it having been abstracted
from his pocket by some needy person.
Every card and piece of paper In the purse
when It was taken were returned with it
and everything was In first class condition.
In the purse Ludwig had his Shrine card
and it was through the Shrine that he got
It back. The sender said he had found It
In a patch ot weeds where It had been
thrown evidently by the person who otole it.
No, there was no money In the purse
when It was taken. ."I had Just a short
time before taken my money out of the
purse and pinned It in my clothing. I had
the purse in my hip pocket and had on an
e vercoat buttoned up close. I realized when
the purse was taken, for I felt some one
raise my overcoat and go after the hip
pocket, but In the crowd I was unable to
protect myself or do anything. I could not
even raise my hands. The pickpockets
worked everywhere in gangs and when
they crowded around a person that was the
end of it."
It Is said that every person from Lincoln,
or at least five of them had their pockets
picked. One party paid his hotel bill and
had $87 In gold left in change. He kept this
money In his hand and his hand In his
pocket. That is, he kept the money about
fifteen minutes. His hand was yanked from
his pocket and the money came with it.
The money was gone before the victim
could even give a warwhoop. One Lincoln
man had his pockets picked twice, though
he lost no money, having taken his money
out o fhls purse previous to the raid.
More Par for Custer Officials.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Sept. 8.-(Special.)
Most of the court house officials are look
ing happy over the county census results.
As Custer county has Increased In popula
tion to over 26,600, so have a number of offi
cial salaries Increased accordingly. In the
county clerks office the increase la 500,
making a yearly salary of $2,500. The county
treasurer gets the same raise In his de
partment, while In the county court the
Judge draws 2,000 to a previous $1,600. That
is, he does if the difference can be col
lected. He Is also allowed a deputy out of
the general fund. The $1,600 salary of the
district court clerk Is augmented by $1,400.
making a total of $3,000, and he Is allowed
to draw from the general fund to make up
a deficiency. The register of deeds gets
$2,000, against a previous $1,600. while the
shertrr, whose salary has been $1,750, re
ceives an additional $250, bringing It up to
Indication that Identification of Body
Will Be Attacked.
Friend of Bell Elmore gays Hair
and Bit of Clothlag Probably
Belonged to the Alleged
LONDON, Sept 8. At the resumption to
day of the trial of Dr. Hawley H. Crlppen
and Ethel Clara Leneve for the murder of
the former's wife. Publlo Prosecutor
Humphreys Introduced evidence to establish
t! claim of the crown that the parts ot the
mutilated body found In the Crlppen home,
once formed a "part ot the person of Belle
Elmore, the missing wife, and to strengthen
what has been popularly regarded aa the
missing link In the chain of circumstantial
evidence against the accused.
The first wltnets called waa Mrs. Adeline
Harrison, whose acquaintance with Belle
Elmore had extended over a period of
twelve years, Mrs. Harrison was asked to
examine strands of hair tound when the
dismembered body was uncovered, and hav
ing dona so, she swore that she recognised
the exhibit as similar to that worn by
Belle Elmore.
A torn bit of feminine underwear also
discovered by tbe searchers In the cellar
waa next Introduced and the witness de
clared that she had seen Belle Elmore
clothed In undergarments of a like texture.
Testimony had been offered before showing
that the lower part of the body bore a scar,
the result of an operation. Mrs. Harrison
testified that she had seen a slmjlar scar
on the body of her friend.
The accused were seated In the dock
within whispering distance and the doctor
was given an opportunity to speak to the
girl. Miss Leneve presented a woe-begone
aprfearanc and did not seem anxious to
converse. Crlppen, to whom his spectacles
had been returned for the first time since
his arrest, appeared as the Crlppen of early
photographs. He spoke to the girl anx
iously and she replied In monosyllables.
In his cross-examination of Mrs. Harrison
Arthur Newton, representing -Crlppen, de
tracted somewhat from the strength of the
evidence and Incidentally Indicated what la
believed to be the line of defense.
lu reply to Newton's question, the witness
said to the suggestion that the hair, the
pcrtlon of a woman's vest and the curling
iron found In the Crlppen cellar were not
only similar to those worn or used by the
missing woman, but also "resembled thou
sands of others."
When Mrs. Harrison left the stand tbe
prosecution called the chemist who claims
that he sold hyoscin, a deadly poison, to
Crlppen. The witness testified that the
doctor purchased five grains of the drug
on January 19, explaining that he required
the poison for use in homeopathic prac
tice. As is required of purchasers of poi
sons, be signed the registry book of the
store, making this Inscription: "Munyon's,
per H. H. Crlppen."
Inspector Dew, who arrested the tugl
tives and brought them back from Quebec,
re-entered the witness box today and read
a lengthy statement signed by Crlppen
when the police first asked him to make
aa explanation of his disappearance from
London after suspicion had been directed
against him. The gist of the statement
had already been covered by Prosecutor
iiumpnreys in his opening address.
Inspector Dew also testified regarding
We make a specialty ot fitting
Children's Eye
Von Know tne proper care now
saves a lifetime ot
Eye Trouble
prices reasonable.
Ilutesen Optical Co.
213 Ho. 16th Street.
the search of Crlppen s house aivd told ot
finding there a revolver and a box ot
The statement which Crlppen made to In
spector Dew concluded: "My belief Is that
my wife baa. gone to Chicago to Join Bruce
Crtnnen's Relation with Mnnyon.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. . Testimony of
a London chemist In the Crlppen trial to
day la whicli the witness atated that Clip
pen purchased five grains t hyoeetn on
January It for us In homeopathlo prep
arations and that Crlppen signed "Mun
yon's, per H. H. Crlppen" la the chemist's
reglsry book, was shown to J. M. Munyon
of this city, by whom Crlppen had been
Mr. Munyon stated that the deadly poi
son was never used by him Id his prep
arations and that Crlppen never put up
any remedies for him, aa ail that work Is
don In Philadelphia.
Mr. Munyon further said that Crlppen
severed his connection with the Munyon
Interests la December, 1901. He had been
engaged only to answer medical corre
spondence for the company,
Nebraska Ntwi Notes.
KEARNEY The Nnrrla Ttmwn mint.
are planning a big dance for tbe eighteenth
or, tnis month. Senator Norrls Brown will
uo present, also a numner r mrmv
militia officers from various parts of the
KEARNEY Frank F Rnhv a h v...
ney flour mills has presented the Kearney
fire department with a check in appreci
ation of the work the boys did when the
elevator adjacent to the mill waa burned
last week.
BROKEN BOW At tho la.t muiln. ni
tho Broken Bow Library association It was
decided to rent rooms in the new city hall
when completed and dispose of the old
building. A complete new library will be
installed in the new quarters.
PENDER Part of the west wall of the
Palace hotel, which was damaged by fire
a few days ago, was blown down by the
high wind, and part of the south wall is
in an unsafe condition. The entire third
story probably will have to be torn down.
LYONS The usual ftnmifl 1 rarrf Inn Ku
the Ladles' club was held Wednesday even
ing in the Masonic hall for the new teach
ers and studenta of the Lyons High school.
The new teachers are Miss Mabel Mould of
Omaha, principal; Miss May Dion of North
Bend, assistant principal; and Miss Bessie
Dauwalter. fourth and fifth grades.
KEARNEY-The county supervisors of
Buffalo county have passed a resolution
and Issued an order tn th ahnee ov,n.
Izing him to take prisoners from the county
jail and put them to work Improving th
roads of th county. Prisoners from the
city Jail have been working out their fines
on the streets for several weeks and It Is
not only putting the streets 'and alleys In
good shape, but tnvarlahly the vagrant
moves out of town after working out one
DAVID CITY The fourth quarterly con
feience ot the David City Methodist Epts
col church was held last night, with
iismci superintendent W. B. Alexander
presiding. This was the last business meet
ing of the year. Reports received show a
year of unusual prosperity. In spite of the
fact that the church burned several months
ago. There was a full attendance and by
a unanimous vote an invitation m-. ...
tended to the present pastor, J. R Gettys
to return to David City for another year!
ut, pir.nii ruiuerenre year will be the
second year of Mr. Gettys' stay here. The
contractor expects to have the basement of
the new church ready In the first week in
The firatltnde of Elderly People.
Goes out to whatever helps give them
ease, comfort and strength. Foley's Kld
t ey Pills cure .kidney and bladder diseases
promptly, and give comfort and relief to
elderly people. Sold by all druggists.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big
Has Killed While Attempting; to Rob
Train Wear Colorado Springe, Vie.
tlaa f Ballet.
That th lone highwayman who was killed
while holding up Colorado Midland passen
ger train No. I near Divide on th night of
September 1 was not killed by a blow tram
a stone In th hands of Engineer Frank
Stewart, but from a gunshot "fired by a
hand unknown" la the verdict of th cor
oner's jury at Cripple Creek last night.
All attempt to Identify th dead man
have failed.
Marrlaare Licenses.
Joseph Langpaul, Omaha.
Mary Prochaska, Omaha
Frederick W. Shotwell, South Ojnaha.
Frances E. Melvln, South Omaha
Joseph Grelner, South Omaha
Lena Dietrich, Omaha
John H. Hunter, Pierce
Mabel Forest, Pleroe
Nlcolle Thomson, Omaha
Minnie D. Rosacker, Benson
Births and Deaths.
Births Vaclav Konteeky, 1233 South Fif
teenth street, boy; John Munt. 1818 North
i wenty-sixtn street, girl; Vincent Pauley,
8306 Cass street, girl: William Palmoulat
4149 Orant street, girl; Nils Steel, SfioS Spring
Bueci, aoy; n. opens, oni x arnam, girl.
Deaths Paul Pate, 1808 Ohio street. In
fant; Elnor B. Godfrey, Ninth and Locust
streets; 85 years; Baby Hansen, Fourth and
cancron streets, t months.
A Close Out Sale of
all "Used" and "Traded W
Friday and Saturday
Machines In as good a condition
as these are. at these prices,
take the place of best new ones.
SINGER One 7 drawer, drop
head Singer, only slightly shop
worn. $60 when new. 9A
It goes now, at 9v
STANDARD One 5 drawer,
drop head Standard good as
new. Sells at $65 when
new, but goes now, at
WHITE One White, style "25
S.," slightly marred, but In
good shape. $54 when t))
new, now, at 2t)
FREE One celebrated 'Tree"
machine, Just as good as new.
Sells at $50 new, but 9 A
goes now, at ...9lf
ELDKIDGE This is an abso
lutely newi machine worth $50,
but to spice the sel- CA
ling it goes, at 609U
FREE One Free machine In
good condition. The grade that
sells at $50 when new.
It goes, at
WHITE One style "35 S.,"
Just like new. The kind that
brings $58 new, goes
tomorrow, at . . .
WHITE One White, style "23
S," Just like new and sells at
$54 when new. This o pa
one now, at viD.)U
NEW HOME One 5 drawer,
drop head New Home machine
that brings $35 new. f a pa
Will sell this one. at
WRIGHT One Wright drop
head, only slightly used. A
good $30 quality r
machlne to go, at 719
Asthma Sufferers
Home Cure Itr As.bma tod Hiy
rmr that lares to May Corel I
Let us send you free our book op Hay '
Fever and Asthma, giving valuable intor-
mutiun on Mice disease and telling how
they inav be cured at home witnuut being I
away from wora or business. Va have I
treated over seventy-five tnousand cat-e
and have cured Patient in all parts of tne
our method Is adapted to each Individ
ual case, anu wt re ,miuo in our ie, aiK
able record of success In giving quick re
lief t the Itching, sneeslng. burning,
rousli and snasms. and absolutely enrlns
to atay cured by removing the causa from '
tbe blood. i
Write us today and we will send you I
without t lis me examination blanks and I
t W. Brown, member if the city Dark ' "r ook- Theie will be no charge what-I
board, has reMgned his position Mr Brown 'v,r. fr m,na,,0.n bv n,111,f
' "... . v, lu"n- wr- Mrown consider your case Incurable, we will tell!
said he waa willing to slve his time to the! you so frankly, without expense to you. I
city but be could sot affuid to give hla i fr111 "ut tn coupon and take advantage of
bualness also, as he said he would have t l '"" ntt"T at om' '.
ui uuurr a ruling uy iity Attorney Fluns
burg. Mr. Brown la in the lumber business and
tevera! contractors who do business with
the city buy of tbe Brown Lumb.r com
pany. The city attorney ruled thut Mr.
i K-own's rorpoiatlon coulj fun. lull no ma
il rial for the use of the city so long as
Brown is a city official. So the former
mayor rtalgned. Brown tald he would a, II
no lumber to the park boa, d as he would
Ibia Coupon (108SO) wit
NAME ....
will bring to any aufferer FItKK full
partlrulara of a Home Treatment
which In curlnt hundreds of others
all ov,r the world. If mailed to R
IIAItOUD HAYES. Buflalo. N. V.
Aak for Bulletin 10I2C.
NEBRASKA One slightly used "Nebraska" Sewing Ma- 7 rA
chine, worth all of $25, will go. at, only - .JllewW
Free Sewing Machine Needles
to Ladies
Any lady who owns a sewing machine, who will rail here
tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday, will receive ABSOLUTELY
FREE, a small souvenir package of sewing machine needles.
(We will give needles to fit any make of machine.)
"Free" Demonstration
Mr. Fitzgerald, expert demonstrator of tbe "FREE" Hewing Machine,
will again be with us tomorrow, (Friday) and Hatorday. If you wish
to know anything about a sewing machine, and a "FREE" sewing
machine in particular, ask "Fitzgerald" he KNOWS. See the mar
velous work he turns out on the "FREE." And he shows YOU how
to do this same work at home.
GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager,
15th and Harney Sis. Omaha, Neb.
Douglas 1625
Ind. AI6Z5
"Leaders for
Cver 51 Years"
onmTielierl to close these branch stores and turn over the territory covered by
these stores to our Wholesale Department, because we have 171 small' dealers In
Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and Colorado, who buy all their pianos and organs from
us. It would not be fair to them to go into their territory and sell pianos, so the
president of our company, Mr. Wm. H. Schmoller, who is in Europe now, cabled us to
close the Plattsmouth branch, Dow City branch and Denisori branch, move every piano
in these branch stores to Omaha and then sell them regardless of cost.
We are not offering a lot of ancient, worn out pianos as an inducement of bait to get
you to our store. The pianos incuded in this sale are all fine, high-grade instruments
of quality and we must sell every one of them because we must have room. Careful,
discriminating buyers will soon pick oat the best, although every one is a most dosira
ble piano, and a real bargain, because a $1,000,000 firm, established 51 years, guaran
tees to stand back of these pianos and overy piano they sell.
We Don't Need Money, We Want Floor
Space. Pick Out One of These Fine
Pianos Fully Guaranteed.
$1.00 a Week
If Caickdnag I
H SteTnway
i m
$325 till
Bill i
Only a Few Bargains
WEBER $100
CHICKERINO .....$175
KNABE $195
STECK ' $ 95
STEGER " ..$125
STEWART ; $115
IVERS & POND ....$180
ROYAL ...$110
VOSE & SONS $130
KNABE ..$100
J. & 0. FISCHER $220
KNABE $310
STEGER & SONS . .$375
' UOi 01 lull uign iveui imuiti
Established SI Years
Piano Company
V 13114313 Fariaam Street
I Knabe 1
del :
Iters & PonTf
Fischer E I
W (.LicteriEg
Would you rather
our office look like an "Old Curiosity Shop"
when cliants call to transact business or have it
with that appearance of progressiveness and
up-to-dateness people so much admire!
Our lines of
Office Desks and Chairs
can be Been, not enly In our show rocnis, but
in every office building in Omaha, and they
must be 'good; they must be right or else ihc
merchants, the lawyers, the doctors and the
brokers wouldn't be using them.
It's Up To You
when you refurnish your office to nave it up-tc-date, so beat have one
of our salesmen call, show you designs and quote rrlcfa.
Omaha Printing Co.
Douglas 346; Ind. A-3451 924-928 Farnam Street
I Looe No. 3 Ota ini Y Suetu
Scuib Onain. Ncbuin
tvoo r. ii:i,2.
1334 Douglas Bircst.
rbooss: Iuu is44. ma. A-1444.
fcu'ltb (J iltlLi :
21,02 V S) .
Food Bo. as
lad. r-188t
Connell Blaffsi
1013 Main at.
lulu i'iiuuss, 0