Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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iSHESi I0ME ; M4ttHNi; iPAGE1
Graceful Chiffon Scarf
j Things You Want to Know
Private Car Mne.
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J M' , V :
r v j - y ; f I . k j i
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adds so miirh to the Brace of a
nmwrt toilet as pretty . scarf. " a tlttte
mllUner In tlie Rue de la Palx la quoted" a
niyfnfe. 'Many of the new soarfg are dark
in o, black and whjte. and gray being
Tired Business Mas ?
t VxLf kn a. ' si ncLai r,
k("8 a 'man lias won, the dishwashing
ch'aifiplonshlp frorn , .womaa!" exclnlmed'
PrleMWJfs. "That. certainly la invading
woiiKiln's sphere."
"Ft be It frorn me to parr wKh hot water
Jsnd sud.'.' retorted the Tired Business Man.
But it seems to me woman's sphere Is
getttng'a bit lopsided. Men have been out
lolng' women sq feucoessfully In. the lines
vhlch'were once supposed to be woman's
f n thai ' the fair sex now retains the
ft aniplons'hlp of potlilng extent, perhaps
perMlng money. Judging from the various
jy . iripi'shlps which women have lost in
J .ent years, we spectators begin to sus-
itt tni it is a fnime-np,. and that the
women are ' gladly throwing the contests
a.t the difficult stiff, cheerfully taking the
big nd of the purse, if not the entire gate.
"1 (tiJ to. read the exciting details of
this litest partirlnnltiK of china, but 1 sup-
yio..oMe upert will rise to say that the
r.oser lost because she drank a cup of tea.
yhat's what one, writer asserted about the
t '.tent sadness at Reno, when the retired
'tmplon had all his new tires punctured
.'.iter- bring retired.. Why arn't they correct
h(int thai lil.ln rirlitk - )ia.t 'rilil fhn trlr lei
A cuv of ten,, forsooth! Bverybndy knows
It was s, very txisy little cup of chocolate
that dKV It. '
"But let a. forget that. Let Us hope that
som tiuiw of the femule sex will be found
ft who mm. win, back the dtehwashlng cham-
iplonshlp. Otherwise the Irresistible men
wlll-be wliiuinm the button sewing con.
tests, next, autl after that women will lose
as the,, ubaioUon Earners and if there is
Ione;tiUng Wt that Oiey tan sUil do it la
to dtsni.J shudJer to think of a tattling
content U a finish or a forty-five round
crochet . 111.1 ton no,' not .croquette for a
I purse aud the picture meney.
"Qt ,eyure, everybinly knows that men
have gradually won the highest honors in
the skilful-arts whlch-wme once supposed
to be-woman's wm-k. Where the di ess
ma Uer fin-merly was rtlle.1 nn to make
woiuisirs;. dresses o hlgh-browed male ex
pert! new ! most of the work. Who
t,liirs rf a woman gownoloalHt tank
ing Alv Vackhi' and Worth? None worth
'And then, turning to that dainty fem
InlnsJ art of m:ktng roofs fur Uumen's
domes. Doesn't some diiamy eyed French
man ith a luxurisnt nwa of spinach on
s face usually dope nut those weird cre-
ns t over which the weaker sex goes
C j ' V hat 'woman nould ever 1 av
imtht of painted hats? None. It took a
n -L4 1 r1 iha weather rcpoits every
r ,uas acuiisluuied to seetnij . the
asides if th twm g.oH) old Jilisxurd
"H4.J I'alnteil Post and Medietas IIt
ho ronil'lned the names' and srot an in
apn atioit out of It.
"For years the best and the highest paid
I I. I
color and combinations, whleh the dress
artiste argues, are particularly - effeotlve
with light colored costumes. The pictured
scarf Is of gray chiffon cloth, bordered all
around with soft black satin, and its length
Is two and a half yards.
Tells Friend Wife That
k'onian'S Sphere - is
Itecomlng Iop-Slded.
cooks have been men. Think of the sensa
tion It would create If some on;- columned
hotel with Swiss admirals at the door to
see that the automobiles came up right,
should announce that It had a woman
chef! Or if Some glided lobster garage
should decide to replace Alphonse 'vlth
Marie -at the kitchen range! Why, they
even prerer messenger boys to nurse mulds
for taking care of children.
"A111L . after Dr. Crlppen's little friend
save him away' by wearing her manly
trousers tasen up witn a safety pin. two
women in New York quit trying lo le men.
Maybe that will discourage the theatrical
manager who planned- lo have smoking
rooms for women In his theater. I phiuld
think he would be afraid of an explosion
when women lighted their cigirett-s."
What wouia cause an explosion?" de
manded Friend Wife.
"llrtnging the lighted matches so near
the powder." replied the Tired Business
Man. ,
lt'op right, 1S10, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Daily Health Hint
Persons who have dissipated much and
spoiled bolh nerves and stomach In so do.
lng Will find mix vomica a valuable aid in
restoring health.
l if
( -
1 1
V -ot
"My son," said Mr Footleblll,
"Now you to high school go,
Oce earnext wish of mine you will
Re glad to learp. I know.
As through our a'seliia you go.
To lea 1 11, I buj you' II try.
The value true of M phis b
1'lus N plus K plus I."
T. & M.
Vx"M ID rAo r- - ikj a c r.
1 1 ' 'ui-t VIVI
IU the orricEiR -
VOUVf ttre--i-
H 3 CftRD
Items of
, A model (village, within the 5-cent ,car-,
fare limit, tmFlt by women and conducted
by them, where the poor may, for the
same prloe they now. pay for a miserable,
unsanitary court dwelling,' obtain a con
crete home, sunny, clean, sanitary, with a
bit of garden space where they may grow
their vegetables and flowers that is what
Is to be accomplished by Los Angeles
The plan as outlined by the club women
and which will be discussed at the coming
meeting," when means of financing will be
taken Up, includes building the houses with
space for gardens. It Is believed a suffi
cient sum could be obtained not only to
The DailyBumble Bff
Communications weloomed,
and neither signature nor re
turn postage required. - Ad
dress the Kdltor.
One of the most touching
.'Bights ever witnessed is the
spectacle of the Jlmocrats try
ing to snuggle up to the Jacks
. and get them to forget the
past and come on and be good
. fellows.
Just now the Jims are
j strong for harmony, and they'd
like to see the H as big as the
city hall. But the Jacks have
good memories.
Ashton, the I, Is also strong
for harmony. Only he wants
Jim to be good and lay down.
And then Bryan keeps com
ing in with his little sug
gestion that now Is the time to
call an extra session. And the
pupa say that Ashton the I
must run to save that party,
and so it goes.
The Jlmocrats are wondering
just where it will all end, but
you can look for an explosion
In these parts early In Novem
of the best possible evl-
of the approach of
winter la the fact that numer
ous Omaha streets are torn up.
To be sure, some have been
torn up all summer, but that
was Just because the contrac
tors wanted to get an early
Several of our readers corn-
that our type is too
Their eyes have not
been quite what they ought to
be since they went to see a
certain dancer at one of the
John Ltenser stood out at
Seventeenth and Farnam Mon
day and told Te Editor that he
would live to see the court
house finished. Well, he may.
Jobn la a young man.
Why not let Jim and Ashton
hake due for It? They're
bolh game.
MV-BUT ruu
ttKE-3 En
WASN'T nivr-F
2OME 1
more or
iw rsc unutrsi
,7me f.
X 1 ' IWV a. I II fflL Ma III
Interest for the Women Folks
vrr r. - . .1 -
pay for the actual jrvaijli'iijce, buto
rover the expense of a dluiiiiit nurso, whose
business it would be to ty(n,i),.lie Inmates
to adopt American methods and live In
cleanly, hygiehlc planner "'
y .0 . -
r . ' . - - : '
A smart looking lfwig Xxjafc' for ah ifilant
suitable for mid-season, .wear, before the
time comes for a really '. warm ooat, is of
cream mercerized poplin of excellent qual
ity. The full body is fitted to a short yoke
closed with two large pearl buttons, and
a cape with turn down, collar, all prettily
trimmed with imitation IMsh lace, Is at
tached. The cuffs are finished with a band
of dainty silk braid. The coat Is lined
of Western Governors is Properly
the1 Work of Providing for Millions,
to Be CJets Impetus.
8T. PAUU Minn., Sept. .
(By Wireless Grapevine.)
Bay, on the level, this old
burg hasn't been worked tin
like this since the time It was
discovered that Minneapolis
had the most people and a
recount was demanded.
Just think of It!
Six hundred and ninety ora
tors, wth Tart and Teddy at
the head of the list, and Olff
Plnchot, Jimmie Garfield nnd
Jim Uill bringing tip the rear
guard. It has been an awful
train on us, but we have the
rest of the winter to ge: over
It In.
One thing; you've got to slip
it to the committee on ar
rangements for the way the
stage was set. That tart of
the management was just
about right, and If Glff I'lr.
chot doesn't sleep well for n
little while after he gets awav
from here. It will not be be
cause he didn't hear 1 Imseif
well talked of.
It was kind of tough on
some folks who came here.
A lot of governors from out
west, like Wyoming and Mon
tana and Washington, had the
mistaken idea that they knew
something of the needs of
their states, ami what tin
folks at home wanted. Dll
on'-the first day. hollering for
monument for Glff the
Great, the man who invented
cdnservation, . and" followed It
up the next time he Went to
bat by suggesting a smaller
one for T. R,, who Is also sup
posed to be a conserver. This
put his nibs from Kansas In
But that Isn't the Idea. Wf
humped off the push who
thought they were going to cut
In and sidetrack the boom fur
the cleverest little bunch of
conervers that ever sat
around a. table and figured it
all out. They don't know Just
where they are going, but
they are on the way.
It wilt be a grand, glorious
day for the world and all when
we get our platform adopted.
The idea Is that the folks
now here must worry along
somehovy, In order that we
may conserve everything for
those who are to come after
us. ,
it would be a burning shame
If we should use anything now
that might be of service to
sumubody wlio may Inhabit
this neck of the woods In siy
three or four hundred years
front now, atd that Is what we
have to go to look forward to.
Don't burn a stick of wood, or
chop down a tree, or set fire to
a lump of coal, for, if you do,
you may be depriving some un
born son-of-a-gun of his
right to conserve It.
Just think what we would
have had by this time In the
way of limber and hickory
nuts, and soft coal and kero
sene oil. and water power and
all the other blessings of life,
It our ancestors hadn'l been
so careless and used It all up.
It's most stupendous. this
thought. And when we stop
to think of how we have ciit
liined our ancestors for their
w astefullness, Is it possible
that we tan willully expire
ourselves to the likelihood of
they? Well, I reckon not.
When they found out how
'lttle they really knew, why
!hey just went home, and the
:ongresa went right on ta'k
ng. just the same as If they
ladn't been there.
One governor here knew his
business. He comes from Kan
sas, where there Isn't enough
natural timber growing to
make a mess of toothpicks for
one meal at the convention,
and where the ground Is so
flat the water doesn't know
which way to flow when It
dins, lie shouted his head off
I I 11 IN T W I
fok THAT
Vour ,ioir,
Kre all right
throughout wL;. a- heavy cream sateen.
The price ,1s $4. ' " .
'. Wool. embroidery, on coarse net Is one of
the new trimmings for the coming season.
This decorative work Is expensive, but as
It Is hot very difficult to do, any girl, even
one unskilled In embroidery, could make'
Hie jfntlre trimming for her dress at' very
llttleexpen8e. She should buy the transfer
patterns and sew the paper to the under
side of the inet, then carry out the design
on the right side. To cover the papers
ahd then pick them away is an endless
task. The thread used resembles the old
fashioned crewel wools.
NO. 203.
Redcap at I nlon Station
Shows His Qualifications.
To say that Red Cap at the ,
Union station Is no respecter
of persons wouldn't be just,
right, though his most recent
action had that negative ele
ment In it. Red Cap Is more
particularly rto respecter of
lunches. '
. The young railroad official
overlooked several persons eat
ing lunch fn the station wait
ing room contrary to rules set
forth on signs through the
room. A word, from the sta
tion master Set him to Increas
ed activity.. He gazed round
the room with a grim serious
ness for further, offenders, and
keyed himself to the stern
duty of correcting them. All
the inspection revealed to Red
Cap was a woman feeding a
baby In the old but uncon
ventional rnahher. Red Cap
squared himself and walked
briskly over to the woman
and child.
"Madam, " he said, sternly,
"do you see that sign up
The astonished woman fol
lowed his direction and read
this sign: "Do not eat lunch
In-waiting room." Very, much
cast down the woman Inter
rupted her baby and complied
with Red Cap's Inferred com-'
mand. The rules were en
forced, but a very disturbing
squall .from a small pair of
lungs was the cost.
having others talk about us In
the same way?
Terlsh the thought; let us
cease at once our onslaughts
on the few things that are
left, and save 'em all for the
unborn millions who are to In
habit this country in after
years. And let us hand down
to them an example that may
Inspire them to similar effort'
By doing this, It Is not Im
possible that In time the sur
face of the I'nlted Ptates will
again be covered with timber
as it was iu the beginning;
that the poiir beasts of the
Woods will have places to hide,
and that the faunal naturalist
of r.'IO will nut have to go to
, Africa, lo have his fun. He
tan then hate It right heie
where tit. i'aul now stands.
J rs 1
I I 1 1 1 VWM
yi in 111
a. 1 cr w rr . 1 1 1 1 1
The Individual Car Owners Association
of the t'nlted States Is now In session at
Cleveland. O., Some four hundred firms
and corporations owning special equipment
cars of various kinds are represented In
the membership of this association. They I
own approximately aon.rmo cars. Little Is j
Known 01 tins organisation ry me neueiai
public, and yet the achievements of Its
members affect the entire nation. They
have changed the whole trend of the meat
business In the I'nlted States; they have
wrought a revolution In the fruit Industry
of the country; they have accomplished re
markable changes In the vegetable-growing
business of the nation; and they have made
osslble things undreamed of a century
In recent years much has been written
about the wickedness of the private car
Ines of the country and the evils they have
brought about. Yet they were born of
sheer necessity. When Gustavus Swift
started his packing business In Chicago, he
found It Impossible to market his meats In
the east owing to lack of suitable trans
portation facllltites. The railroads were
transporting the live cattle from the prair
ies to the eastern markets, and ns the
traffic In live cattle gave them about 1(W
per cent more business than the traffic In
dressed beef, they were, of course, not
hasty In welcoming the Idea of changing
from the transportation of cattle td the
hauling of beef. Furthermore, feeding sta
tions had been established all along the
lines of the railroads where the cattle were
removed from the cars and fed enroute.
Th people who were Interested In these
feeding stations were no more friendly to
the Idea of dressed beef transportation
than were the railroads.
It was very fortunate for Mr. Swift and
for the future history of the beef Industry
that there was one line running to New
York which was too circuitous for the
hauling of live cattle. That line was the
Grand Trunk railway, and as It had no
cattle traffic It was glad enough to get
the dressed beef business, provided It did
not have to furnish the equipment necess
ary to hauling this class of freight. It
agreed that If the specially designed cars
required for the business were furnished
by the shippers, It would be glad to route
them over Its line. In that agreement
was born the private enr line of the United
Slates. After the Grand Trunk began
hauling dressed beef the other roads Were
glad to follqw suit.
The same sort of condition prevailed when
the Standard Oil people wanted to rhip the r
oil In tank cars, and also when ihe fruit
growers and the stock men wa.ited tJ call
into service special equipment. In every
case the railroads refused 1.0 furnish the
special cars required In the different lines
of business. In one sense tti 3 history of
the private car really goes back furthvr
than the beginning o ftlio dressed beef
Industry. When railroads tlmtSvere built
It was Intended that they should be cpei
ated on the turnpike or toll-road principle.
All users . thereof were to furnish their
own cars, and the railroad company was
to- charge a toll for passing over Its line.
In the earliest iliiys of railroading the cats
were drawn to hoises.' Then th'i loomutUe
became a Substitute for the horse, and
for a while, two tolls were levied;' the
one for the use; of the road, and the other
for the use of the motlvo power. It soon
was found thnt such a plan of operation
was ottt of the question, tho average rail
road train of that day looking like a verit
able, Noah's Ark of vehicles, nil shape and
sizes, and In all degrees rif repair. So the
railroads took over the cars of all snippets
and the private car was dead for the time
being. .
Later on, as the Star of Kmpire passed
westward across the Alleghehles, and on
toward the Rocky niouniulnS ahd the Pa
cific ocean, there was found to be a great
demand for through frelgnt service. No
railroad could give such 'service, as each
was but a small link In a long chain of
little lines. Such railroad facilities as
through routes and Joint rates were as
yet unheard of, ahd the shipper had little
recourse for the unusual damages arising
from the very frequent trans-shlpmcnr of
goods from one line to anot'ier on their
Journey from the west to the east. The 1 ail-
roads were unwilling lo be the pioneers In
the establishment of through joules and
joint rates, and It fell to the slippers them
selves to organize such routes and
rates, through the operation of pri
vately owned fart freight llnel. After
awhile the railroads saw tint the fast
freight lines were making more money out
of the business than they were, so they
took over these lines and operated them
on a co-operative baRis, the lines being
distinguished by the colors of their cars,
such as the orange, blue, red ind white
So far as Is known the earliest ettempt
to make a refrigerator car was oil the
Astringents May Sometimes
Take the Place of Face Powder
A special request I have Just received,
Which Seems to me to be of genera! Interest,
is, How shall one avoid the use of powder
on the face? To tell the truth, few women
can get along without powder in some form,
and there Is not the slightest objection to
It If one Is chosen that Is simple In com
position. If the application Is washed off
at night and the face always cleansed be
fore retiring the pores will remain un
clogged and the skin smooth. It Is only
when powders having lead and other In
jurious ingredients are used habitually and
permitted to remain on that the complexion
Is harmed. Yet when there Is a deeply
tooted prejudice against powder dally ap
plications of pronounced astringents some
times act aa substitutes by neutralizing the
natural oil of the skin. But in order to
apply any such liquids successfully a
woman murt study her face carefully and
know which part requires it. If the nose
Is not greasy It sometimes follows that the
cheeks near It and the chin may be, while
the outer edge of the cheeks and the fore
head are dry. A strong astringent. If put
over thoss naturally dry sections, will sim
ply act to give them a chapped appearance,
because there Is no oil In those regions to
require neutralizing. Therefore the nose
Is not to be tieated, but only the skin
near It.
The most pronounced astringent I know
Is saturated solution of borax. It Is made
by almost filling a bottle with clear water
and then putting In all the powdered borax
that the water can be made to dissolve.
There Is no fear of adding too much borax,
for what cannot be taken up by the water
Will mtnaln a, powder In the bottom. This
liquid may be perfumed if one wishes.
. It is applied to tlu skin with a soft bit
of line 11 or muslin and dries on. Should It
not sgres the skin will become chapped.
Mlrhigan Central railroad In the sixties.
Ordinary box cars were flllsj with )
tanks and catch basin nnl perishable
goods were shipped In theni. In IVt? the
Pennsylvania railroad had thirty box cars
refitted with double sMos and the Spaces
between these sides were ftllel with saw
dust, making a huge Ice box on wheels. The
first patent on a refrigerator car Wis Is
sued to J. It. Sutherland of Detroit. Mich.,
November 2i, M. In the next year 1. W.
Davis, also of ltnst, patented the Davis
car, and In lS-y shipped the first load of
Chicago dressed beef to New York.
The first attempt to ship fruit In refriger
ator boxes was In lssti. Parker Karle of
Cobdert, 111., was the experimenter. In ISt
he shipped several carloads of penches, but
they were spoiled In transit.. The following
year he built a pre-coollng station on his
fruit farm and later tpade many success
ful shipments. This pre-coollng station Idea
has laid dormant for more than a third of
a century, and Its recrudesence In Cali
fornia during the present fruit sesson
marks what Is believed ly fruit men td be
the most Important event iu the history of
perishable freight 'transportation since the
beginning of the refrigerator car. Under
methods heretofore obtaining cars loaded
with fruit were Iced at the Initial point, re
quiring from three to four days to bring
the temperature of the cargo to the neces
sary point for safe shipment. During this
time, If the fruit wore not pulled a little
green, It would become over-ripe. The
result has been that the consumer Is forced
to eat fruit artificially ripened. Anyone who
has eaten bananas, oranges or other fruits
that were ripened on the tree knows how
much sweeter and better they are than
those which were pulled before ripe. Under
the pre-coollng methods which are now be
ing used again, the whole world In the fu
ture may enjoy the luxury of naturally
ripened fruit, although It has to be shipped
1.000 miles or more. ,Vnst supplies of cold
nlr are forced Into the car until Its contents
have a proper temperature. Icing follows
and the car Is sent on Its way.
Stock cars were owned pvlvitteiy ns far
back as the seventies. In 1MS3 an exposition
of transportation equipment was held In
Chicago and many "palace live stock cars"
were exhibited. Among them was the
Mather car, Invented by A. C. Mather, and
now the leading type of stock car In the
United States. Mr. Mather was on a trip
to the east. In which his train was wrecked.
While waiting to resume his Journey he saw
a carload of cuttle in which some four or
five were deild and a half doxen so badly
injured that they could hot stand. This
suggested to him tlw need of a stock car
which would permit the humane transpor
tation of cattle and other stock, end when
ho had perfected such a car he took It to
the raldroads, but they refused to buy his
patent. It was only by having the ran
built and used as a private line that he was
successful in getting tho stock cars Into
the rullway service.
The average compensation of tho private
car lines throughout the country Is three
rourths of a cent a mile for the distance
covered by a car, whether tunning empty or .
loaded. It Is figured out that the average
car of the special equipment variety runs
about 100 miles a day1 throughout tho year.
It will be seen from this that the revenues
of the private car lines, aside from the re
frigerator car service amount to about 73
cents a day per car. In the case of the
refrigerator lines extra charges are made
for the Icing of gobds In transit. Many
lines of railroads are beginning to operate
their own refrlgeiator cars.' The Sante Fe
and the Harrlman lines have taken the
leadership in this particular. .U Is ad
mitted, however, that the averagu railroad
cannot maintain Its own refrigerator cat
service, since the period In which It could
operate such a strvlce profitably Is limited
to the comparatively short fruit season In
the territory covered by the line. The aver
age refrigerator car costs about 1,100, and
would be a dead Investment to the average
railroad for more than half the year. The
reduction in transportation charges incident
to the installation of the refrigerator car
service has been so gteat that where the
charges on California fruit to New York a
quarter of a century ago Was 7 cents a
popnd It Is now less than I cent.
Great losses often are sustained by the,
private car lines. A few years ago one line
undertook to handle the North Carolina
berry crop. Because of the fact that Its
supply of cars ran about half a day behind
the demand, much fault whs spoiled and
the car line paid out $75,000 In claims. In
another case this car line filled all of its
Georgia Ice houses with ice from Maine In
anticipation of a big peach crop, but a late
frost destroyed the crop and the entire
supply of Ice was a dead loss to the car
Tomorrow Hunting Docs.
If this happens a little cold cieam may be
rubbed In.
Powders which nrq harmless are arrow
root, rice, Starch and magnesia. They can
be scented, If one chooses, by keeping them
In a jar In which Is a stick of orris root.
Medicated cotton Is the best method for
applying any powder, as a new piece Is
used each time, and there Is no fear of
wiping old dust Into the skin.
"Which is the best way to pro
pose orally or by letter?"
"By letter there' a chance that
rnu might forget to post it"