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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1910)
9 EVERY- f, O D Y 1 LiW rea:d s E. . . E w a ;n t A .O 5 r yV rrss Ct'"" L csswfar. if) J7 1 ' I V- 4 OFFERED FOR RENT Ktgni : oatloaed. FURNISHED rooms, modern, suitable for gentlemen. 408 N. 23d. Hoard If desired. SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family; modem. 813ft 8. 20th. NICK furnished front room with bath. 3123 California St NICELY furnished southeast room, easy walking distance. In modern houwe, very desirable; gentlemen only. Apply MM 8. 2ith Ave. 'Phone, Ked 71164. ROOMS with private bath, hot water, all times; large room, suitable for two, $3.50; another room, $3 2608 Harney St Mi N. 1STH St., large front room, for gen tleman; modern; private. TWO nice front rooms, walking distance. 617 N. 20th St. LARGE front room, first floor, separate entrance. 117 8. 20th Ave. FURNISHED rooms In modern flat, everything new; en suite or single. Second floor, 402 N. 16th St. THREE finely furnished rooms, suitable for three or sis gentlemen; rooms have large cloxets; cool In summer; furnace heat In winter; gas, bath, hot and cold water; ample porch and grounds; both telephones loe water; walking distance; reasonable ront; come and see them. 808 S. 20th St. Telephone Douglas 772. ROOM, with alcove, modem. 820 8. 22d. WANTED Two or three furnished house keeping, north of Dodge, went of lhth; pre fer private family. Kosker, 1903 Isard St. WEST Farnam district, near 36th street two block from Farnam car, for lady only; modern, well furnished room, with mall private family; references. Bell phone, Ilarney 4543. FURNISHED rooms, board If desired; teacher preferred. 2306 Grant St. Tele phone W 236. .... 118 LARGE. well furnished rooms; choice neighborhood; bay windows and use of good piano. If you will be perma nent and want a nice homelike place In walking distance, with furnace heat, gas, bath, hot and ice water, both 'phones, oome to 2583 St. Mary's Ave., one block from Leavenworth car. Smaller rooms, 10. No housekeeping or children. WANT two or three gentlemen for steady rooms; good location and handy to car; references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings. 2611 N. lath Ave. FURNISHED rooms for rent 2013 N. 18th. Web. 1410. .. ONE nicely furnished room, modern. 2506 ei. jnary Ave. TWO furnished rooms, modern. 1458 8. 11th St. COOL east front parlor; modern; private home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; $160 a ween. ttiYi b. ann. f none Ked 6227. 8INQLE or double rooms, nice and clean prices reasonable. 1908 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms for rent; both large ana small, ipia syuoi Ave. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, ENSUITE OR SINGLE, for gentlemen. In the West Fur nam home; every convenience; must be seen to be appreciated. 0-4t6, Bee. DOUIU.E and single rooms for sleeping, 1609 Howard. 2d floor. WELL FURNISHED rooms, strictly mod. ern. 2417 Jones St. EAST front parlor; modern; private home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; 12.60 a week. 822 20th. Red 6227. NICELY furnished rooms; close in; mod ern. Telephone; hot water. 706 8. 18th St. SLEEPING rooms, clean, cool, and mod ern. 1811 Cass. SINGLE . room, $10; modern. 2665 St Mary's Ave. SINGLE rooms, modern, 2016 Leaven worth. . NICE, coo! rooms for young men; reason able. 618 8. 224 St 1- HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap rent 2111 Douglas St. TWO large front rooms, modern house; arranged for housekeeping. 1613 Davenport 8t ONE single, room for men only. 214 8. 20th St. , . MODERN rooms, with or without board, 410 N. 18d 8b ONE large room for gentleman. 317 8. Mth St. NICELY furnished Tront room for rent 1324 Capitol Ave.. 2d floor. SINGLE room for rent to lady or gentle mon. 604 8. 27th St TWO furnished rooms with m ithout board; oil car line. Address 113 20th. Phone Webster 3468. LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, bath and all modern conveniences; walking dlntance or Harney line; private family. Z-2 N. 26th. SINGLE room, furnished, modern, private family. Douglas 1900. Gentleman. 24rj Davenport VERY desirable room; fine location: walking distance. 218 8. 25th St GOOD Bleeping rooms within walking dis tance. 218 N. 19th St FRONT room, modern; gentlemen. 2202 Farnam. FURNISHED room, new furniture, walk Ing distance, gas and bath. 631 S. 22d St. Hotels aad Apartnraii, THE BACHELORS 20TH AND FARNAM. EUROPEAN PLAN. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for'genT tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 S. 13th St DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out" side cool rooms; special rales by the week. GEORGIA HOTEL 1043 8. 2STH 8T. MADISON HOTEL, thoroughly modern; close In; quite and humelike. Doug. 1711 or 28 flat and Chicago. BRUNSWICK HOTEL-1210 Douglas. All outside rooms. Hoaaeker plnsr Rooms. NICE. CLE N. COOL housekeeping rooms, gas furnished: laundry privileges' sulking distance; rent reasonable. ' 1671 ST. MARK'S AVE. TWO modern rooms, large closets! $& K32 North lMh street THRh-K roomi for adults only. In pn- SEVEN-ROOM, all modern brick house rata family; modern exevpt heat Call 22i&lgood tepalr. 29th aud lsard. $20. Turklns' ' PARLOR floor, unfurnished; housekeep i.g. 26o3 Dodge street. FOUR modern heated rooms, walking tlstanee. 2223 Burt tuttt. TWO housekeeping rooms, gas lea fireplace. 9til South Jth street. range, TWO furnished rooms, modern. 616 North nh trt TWl newly furnished modern rooms; gas furnished for iight $.'.&o r wea. 2.10 iiuward street OFFERED FOR RENT Ileaakeeplna" Roosn ROOM and board In private family; mod ern and reasonable. Adress 2112 Mason St. Phone Harney 40K2. Small front room for one, with board. 1318 Cass. Phone Douglas 1478. GOOD room and board, $4.50, at 817 N. 16th St. FURNISHED rooms, with or without light housekeeping privileges. 1920 Dodge 8b THE Manuel and Howard. 21st and How ard; 2 and 4-room apartments; $23 to $36; new, furnished. TUncm - u v. . . cooking with pleaant rooms and hath will una mem at 019 s. atn BL Kates very reasonable. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; modern; close in. 214 N. 26th. Phone Douglas 6462. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; all modern and new home; home cooking; private family. 321 N. 2bth St. TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, new flat, modern; puce right 214 N. Kth 6t Douglas 462. 1919 ST. MARY'S AVE., board and room; home cooking. SERVANTS' nroblem solved: four room condensed Into two, furnished for house keeping, heat, ice, laundry, vacuum-cleaner, hot water. Janitor. $36. The Howard, list and Howard. FRONT room all modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished or furnished to suit 603 S. 27th St. FRONT suite, clean, fine modern resi dence; close in, to desirable partiee. 2104 Webster street. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 614 South 17th avenue. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 1620 South 29th street. Price, rea sonable. 8TRICTLY modern two-room flat 4"53 North 24th street. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. Hicks, 2215 California street FOUR nice, clean rooms; gas, bath, near car. 2304 Grace street. FURNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeeping; house modern; reasonable. 411 North 19th street. BEAUTIFUL front room and alcove for housekeeping, modern, reasonable, walking distance. 243 Dodge. TWO rooms, light housekeeping; $14 a month. 2702 Cuming street. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 650 South 26th avenue. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, $10. 013 Leavenworth street TWO front housekeeping rooms, furn ished complete; modern. 2223 Leavenworth. FIVE furnished rooms for housekeeping. 1326 South E2d street TWO housekeeping rooms. 2018 Davenport. TWO front rooms for light housekeeping, Very close In. 208 South 20th street HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; single and double. 2227 Dodge street. Apartmeats and Flats. sane nn Eiia n it xxr tr .w PMM - n modern, close walking distance, $30. Glover xvr-miLj' duuili, kLiw-cj. v-uy mu, cans Bldg. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. IF YOU want something good and per manent will pay you to see these 6-room. steam heated flats. References. Bemls- Carlberg. 313 Brandels Theater. FOUR-ROOM modern apartment Tel. Webster (28. F'l 1 R Yt 10 NT S nrf l.rnnm moAm fl... Tel. Webster 198. 8-ROOM apartment, new brick flat, 316 per nioiun. zuis Davenport St. ELEGANT, new modern 6-room St. Louis nai; coioniai porcn; races Bemis Park. 8317 Cuming. DESIRABLE four room apartment new. ai. lei iiamey ssao. TWO new flats, Island 2d floor; 6 rooms eacu, an inooei u. juui a. z-tin Bt. . TWO S-room flats; hot water and steam neat. $ai. Aiania moi-k, ibth and Webster. FOUR-noOM flat, 1129 N. 17th. Call uougias liUf. 6 AND C-ROOM flats for rent; very coxy MODERN, 6-room flat. 1650 N. Slut St., $18. tuAiMU luunu, Doug. 1671. 408 Brandels Annex Faralskea Hoasee. FURNISHED bungalow, Seymour lake, V. week. Ralston Lumber Co. Phone lud. B 102. 8-ROOM, furnished house. West Farnam autiict, n per mouth. Tel. Harney 1002. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 9-ronm home; beat of West Furnam district; on ur ueiure un, i. Aaaress U a. ttee. Hoases Cottages. MOVE IN ANEW HOUSE Just completed, choice 7-room modern house, comolete in every detail, oak finish through out. 2821 Jackson St.; key at oi l ice. $45. It. II. LAXDEltYOU, 442 Hoard of Trade. Tel. Doug. 2151. HOOtiES FOK itbJNT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. uite 824 N V. Life Uldg. Had 1M SMALL COTTAQB, conveniently located at M Nortii 18th sl, near ouslaess ceaiar 110 per luonlh. Key oast door oerta. eLX ROOMi! MODERN, aalkmg dis tanca inquire iia Burt L OMAHA Van Storage Co.. pmck. mora tore household goods; storehouse, lllu-U N itta; office. IK a. liih i. m. iJouias iaka HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded ebsap freight rates; moving and storing' Lspressmen Delivery Co. V Doaa. 4 NEW 8-room modern house, 2313 S. l.'th St., 30. Reference required, luquire JLUi Martha St. 'fhone Doug. 6708. I IVI. W. DC. V1U FOR RENT Of flee rooms 218 and 32V Dice suite offices located In northwest c.r Ber of building. The Urver room is parti tioned so as to afford two private offlcet and reception room, and Is provided wita vault Tim makes a good combination of rooms and has been occupied by insurance company; may be rented for $a3 per in on to. THE BKE BU1LD1NO CUM PAN V. 7-ROOM MODERN, NEW. Dodge St., close In. NOWATA USD's LOT CO.. 6..S New V rk Life Bldg. Tel Red 199. OFFERED FOR RENT Hawses Bad Cottases -lostlised. 1109 S. 22d St.. 6-room. modern except heat, $22.60. 3hlo Jones St., 8-room, all modern. $2'i.i. 1HW N. 34th St., 6-room. all modern. $23. KKI4 8. ldth St.. 3-room. city water and gas, $7. BIRKETT A TEBRENS. 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phones, D. 4754. A-l"A. FOR RENT Nine-room, furnished nonce. Hanscom park district. Hot water heat. Telephone South 2340. 8 ROOMS, very nice, lfith and Lothrop. 8 rooms, 2001 Spauldlng. W. 11. GATES. N. T. Life. D. 1294. 39TH AND BURT. 1 blk. to new Cathedral, east front. 1 blk. t car lines; decorate to suit, $40. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1015-16-17 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2ir2. 2708 Howard Modern, nearly new. 7-room. oak floors and finish. 'Phone Harney 2017. 7-room, modern except furnace, S219 Leavenworth, 22.u0. 7-room, modern except furnace, 3222 South lid St., $3000. 11-room, modern suit, 2 families, 2228 8. 23d St., $37.50. 6-room, modern, 2112 Burt St., IW.OO. 6-room, modern except furnace, 1320 Park Ave.. $2000. 8 rocnis. 2S22 Reel St., 27.00. Bemis-Cailberg Co.. 812 Brandels Theater. FOR RENT. 510 8. 22d St., 12-r., mod., $76. 8223 Harney St., 7-r., mod., $35. 2403 S. 17th St.. e-r., mod., $22.50. 8K8 N. 27th St.. 6-r.. $16. I1ADKA, 500 N. Y. Life. D. 4334. Evenings: D. 4430. FOR RENT See those new bousss on Cass street between 26tb and Central boulevard; will be ready for occupancy Sep tember 1. Made first class, strictly mod ern with ever coi.venienc; 8 rooms and (ull basement, cemented, $35. Inquire from Crelghton university, 25th and California. EIGHT-ROOM house, all modern. 3910 N. I2d St Call oue door south or Tel Webster FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern except heat $18. 27 U Decatur St. Webster 2711. I- 9-room. modern brick house, north nan of city, $25. 4-room apartment city water, $12. t-room apartment 1917 Clark, $10. One store building, 1919 Clnrk St. $20. C. M. BACHMANN, 4J6 Paxton Blk. Phones: Office K-2b93. Residence D. 6068. HOUSES ,n of uuuoiJO Crelgh Boos Co.. Bee Bldg, EIGHT ROOMS 112.60. Water on both floors, large lot, one block to car, cheapest rent In town. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. 658 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999. NICE s-room house far rant; modern ex cept heat 41a Cuming street 'Pbone. Har ay Uf. FERRIN Exp. & Storage. 1511 Cap. D. 2139 5- ROOM modern house, 6th and Caldwell, $16. 6- room house, 26th and Caldwell, $14. TURKINGTON. Bee Bldg. 2H61 PACIFIC St 8 rooms,- modern; choice location, on Park car line; parties going away: will sell some furniture. In quire at premises. - " ' '- Houses, flats. Uarvln Bros. 3d 'loor N. T. U TWO 6-room modern, very nice, beauti fully located, newly renovated. 719 S. 37th. Webster 2590. HOUSES. Ins. Ring-wait Brandels To. Bldg. 6-ROOM 'house, modern, furnace heat. 2222 Fowler Ave. Paved St ' Call Web. 5197. 410 N. 22(1 8-room modern; very desirable, fine location, $47.60. 533 S. 26th Ave., 6 rooms, all modern, $:, 2510 Sherman Ave., 7 rooms, modern, $30. 2623 Charles St.. 7 rooms, modem. $20. 940 N. 24th St., 6 rooms, modern, except neat, 1424 No. 26th St, 9 rooms, modern, $K. 2618 Km met St., 7 rooms, modern, except heat, $17.50. 1008 So. 18th St ( roomB, modern, except heat, $18. 3208 S. 20th Ave., 6 rooms, city water, $12..",0. McCAUUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1506 Dodge St. Phone Douglas 4L. EIGHT-ROOM house. 1423 Emmet St All modern. Call Douglas 1762. STEAM HEATED. Central apartments, 2 handsome, 6-room Chicago flats, modern, fine flnlph hard wood, steam hent shades, ranges, free hot water, Janitor, fireproof stall ways, walk ing distance. For people who want good permanent homes. Summer, one $25. other $28. Winter $.S more. Pays to see these, can save $20 a month. References required Bemia-Carlboig, 812 Brandels Theater. 6-ROOM house, modern, furnace beat 2222 Fowler Ave. Paved St. MODERN 8-room house. Inquire 2514 Caldwell St. FOR RENT North part, new, seven room house, built by owner: first floor all oak; strictly modern; must be seen to be appreciated. "Prairie Parks." Zu61 Mere dith Ave., $35. Douglas 681; Web. 42il; M. J. Curran. 12-r., mod., close, 1151 N. 18th, $35. 6-r., mod., choice, 2638 Seward. $20. 9-r.. mod., close. 1547 N. 17th, $24.60. 3-r., mod., close 1549 N 17th. $7. 6-r., mod., new, select, 270S Caldwell, $30. 6-r., part mod.. 840 S. 23d, $17. 6-r., mod., ckme, 8:17 S. 2iill. $13. 6-r.. mod., close, 1324 N. 2lh. $20. RUSSELL & M K1TRIOK CO., 433 Rumge Bldg., 15th and Harney, STEAM HEATED. You can save $20 to $25 on high grade, steam heated, 6-room Central Apartment flat, summer, $27, winter. $ more. Refer ences, Bemie-Carlbei's, 312 Brandels Thea ter. NEW, 6-room house; cheap rent. Tel, Harney 2556. 6-ROOM modern flat. 2614 Woolworth, $25. -room modern house, 513 N. 23d. ?0. Harrison A Morton, 916 N. Y. Life. $.12.50 This Is a daindy 8-room house should see It. 1306 So. 2Sth St FOR RENT 8-room modern houie. new; combination fixtures; east front, 23d and Webster 8n., per month. $4i. C. M. BACHMANN', 436 Paxton block. NEARLY new 7-room house. All modern near car line. 5325 N. 25th Ave. tores aad Offlcee. TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the one tory and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. Th'iB prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Farnam. LARllK pleasral south and east front office. mh so Uaraay. g. Curtis 1KB Harrev. STOREROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner ItUh and Doug. as sts ; room 28x70 feet. Posseaslou given about Sep tember 1. 1910. C1TV NATIONAL BANK. OFFERED FQR RENT .stores and Offices Von tinned. FOR RENT Office rooms. $18 and 320: de sirable suite of offices on third floor, with iKiith and wert exposure. A wide corridor extends around the attractive court to these offices affording easy access to this place of, hoxitirss. Rent for suite $52. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. Unequalled Opportunity Grocery and meat market with fixtures complete; no equal, Tlr.ard Blork. Apply 220 N. 2;id St OFFERED FOR SALE N1WRLY new Faultless Malleable range. used about a year, cheap, $25. Harney 5027. DOWD-MILLER Commission Auction Houxe, 216 and 218 S. 18th St. Sell high grade furniture on commission. If you have furnltuie to sell consign to us. If you want to buy, attend our auction each p. m. FOR BALE Cheap; parties moving into smaller quarters: Iron beds, dressers, rock in, bookcases, davenport and rugs. Phone Doug. 4U12. 2025 Dodge St Musical Instruments. FINE upright piano; latest style. $116. Owner leaving city. 1911 Cass. Typewriters. BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, 1.112 Farnam St. SECOND-hand typewriters aold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnaaa, Typewriters for Rpnt 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. Miscellaneous. DRUGS at cut prlcee; freight paid on sll llO orders; catalogue free. Snermaa A McConneli Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE .New ana seconu-baud miliar end pool tables. We lecd the world lu ch?aj liar fixtures; easy payments. Bruaswlcs- Halko-CulleiKlei, ull B. loth At, eTAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all rises aad. makes; bargain American Supply Co.. 1119 Faram St WE HAVE on band a number of ink barrels which we will sell for M rents each. Tbey are fine for rain water o ashes. Cs.'l st press room. Bee Publishtna Co- About 44) feet of 29 Inch diameter No. 2 gsuge. galvanised pipe, with four 46-lncs elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe Is In good condition. Tbe Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam. HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. Ull Farnam, Filters, filter repairs. 131 Howard. D39U FOR SALE Secondhand Cookson heater, 200 horse power. Apply Bee Building Co., Omaha. FOR SALB-Fnll-blonded, single comb white leghorns, old aud young, cheap if taken at once. Phone Douglae 1921. 403 Bancroft. R A. Lee. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandels Theater. n n-e. Rrsnrti Tn..t.. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner in U. H. Pat office, E8 Paxton Blk. R. 2991. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment nervous debility. Dr. Margarita Halloran, 226 Neville Blk., D. 7761. MANICURING, shampooing, chiropodist. Phone Webster 4897. SWITCHES $1.50. Mall orders promptly filled. L. B. Poellot, 2584 Harney. D. 6176. OPPORTUNITY for two young ladies to enter training school for nurses at Child Saving Ins" itute, to take the places of two graduates. Apply to head nurse. Phone Webster. 199L StoitpIioc from combings, $1.60. Mrs. 8. ow limes Matn.wi jo4 Neville blk. D 6262. MRS. EQGERS, private confinement home. 1516 Martha St, Omaha, Nab. Tele phone Douglas 6230. Whitman's CANDIES Always fresh, ivmiuidu s j0c to tl ,D 8peca, Ma g C. A. Melcher mr. MAGNETIC S7S.MA8C: STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption 2518 Davenport St JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. 'The Under world Sewer," at all book stores; price $1.50 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangere are invited to visit the Young Women Chrls'ler association building at Beveoteenth St. and St Mary's Ave., wnsr they will be directed to suitable boarding lacee or otherwise assisted. Look tor our traveler a aii at the Union station. PUBLIC NOTICE WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Facts rela tive to "Who 1 am:" Ordained minister; prepared anHixtaiit medical mlsklonai y ; un dergraduate National Medical College; 1'u pll Nils Posse, medico-gymnast, Boston. Graduate and Post-graduale Mecliiio Therapy. Physician's asNistunt. Anyone wishing particulars in reference to method of treatment, seu Prof. Axel Nelsin, 2&)7 Lapitoi Ave. 1HK SALVATION A KMT solicits cast-off clothing, la fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and tell at 134 N. iu ft. for cost of collection, to the worthy r our. Call 'pboue Douglas VJi aud wsgoas alll -ell. HINDOO TABLETS will bulla, brae, strengthen. tOi. BELL DRUO CO. OMAHA Stammerers' 'is.. Ramge Bldg, W'HIS n4 touaee for ansa Untfits. K 2 aad 14 rRtNZKB BIXK-'g. PRIVATE HOMC during confinement tables lor adoption. Good Samaritan u lariuna. 7 ut Ave... Council Miuffs. Ia GROW new hair by using Mme. Frayer's Adeiigtit Hair Food. Megcstb Stationery Co. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, .baths, salt glow and im.-saue, IM Dode St., opposite postofflce. 2d floor. Tel. Doug. 7tii6. WE rent and repair all kind of sewing machines Ind. A-ini.l Doug. l'i'J NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, loth und Harney sts. MASSAGE AND UATIIS Dr Klttejihoune. Room 308 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4ln floor, elevator entrance. 12" b. lhth. MAGNETIC I".' liSS4 MRS H. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser, E Burliam methods; lemdent witik. Tel A 272U; Douglas 2uu3. A HOME for womon during confinement. We find homes for liable whose mot net cannot care for , them. Rubles boarded. For terms address Mrs Martha I,. I-t, 4ui Bancroft 6t, Omaha, Neb i'liotie Douglas 121. SHAMPOO, inaanave. Ad Steele, Howard St. Sicnud floor. WANTED -A partner with $.".'' at once , C 71. can lie make bark capital in 4o das. POULTRY FOR SALE Cheap, If taken at once, reveral hundred old and young single comb White leghorns smi White Wyandoties. R A. Lee. 4"2 Bancroft St Phone D. 1921. PRINTING LEW W. RABEK, Printer.'"", Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court R FES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 109 8. 14th. Ids. A-3G24. MILLER. A JAM1ESON. 1212 Doug. BoU 'phones. 'PHONE IND. A-263e fot good printing I ) ' sim1 trintlne :n llh hp 'o" REAL ESTATE AUMTHACTS OF TITI.B. GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1623 Farnam. PETER J ESSEN, JR.. Tel. Douglas 2292 PUBLIC Stenographer, 308 Bee bldg. D. 2904 HEAL K9TATR nKALKRS. RUED ABSTRACT CO., Sit. IH8; prems ervice; get our prices. 208 Brandels theater HEAL ESTATE TITL71! TRUST CO, tt01-2 City NstU Bank Building. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Braedeis Bldg, CITY PROPERTY FOR IALG. Happy Hollow SITUATED IN Dundee On the south side of Underwood avenue and between Fifty-second ,treet and the nappy Hollow club. Is one of the most beautlftil, best Improved, highly restricted and finished residence districts of any city in the west. Pluts. with prices, now readv. The nrlces are low, terms reasonable. Look this addition over at once, as It Is an Ideal location for a home, and abso lutely safe for an Investment. (JEOIMjE & CO., City National Bank Building. Three 5-room, frame houses; new; gas and electric light. $2,200 each. $;)O0 cash, bal ance on time. 1W acres of unimproved land In Wyoming. Will trade for Omaha property. Five-room house and stable, In Crnlg, Neb., with established poultry and egg buy ing business. $1,000 business at Invoice. Nine-room house, fine, all modern, $5,500. $2,000 cash, balance tin time. Eight-room house, laundry and stable; all modern, $3,500. $1,260 cash, balance on time. Two 6-room cottages; wants $1,500 and $1,000. $000 cash, balance on time. We have many others, call and look over the llHt. Oeo. D. C. Coddlngton, 220 Board of Trade Bldg. 4220 FARNAM STREET 7-r. all moderp. newly, patred street, south front, best oak and maple finish, $3,500. Terms. - O'KEEBE REAL ESTATE CO. 1015-16-17 N. Y. Life. '. Doug, or A-2152. CHEAP LOTS FINE LOCATION 6 lots In Hulst's addition, on 26th St. and 2'ith Ave., between Sprague and Spauldlng Sts. Will allow $10 on each lot for carrying water pipes to same, tor Immediate hale, only $300. PERR1NE & WOLCOTT, Doug. 7801. Suite 840 Brandels Theater. WILL exchange double frame flat, walk ing distance of town; renting for $iW per month, for vacant property, or what have you. P. O NIELSEN & CO.. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg Tels. D 224, A 4340. $2,100 1S04 Corby. 7 rooms and bath; In first class condition; good cistern and cellar; lot 23x90 feet; paved street; 1 block to car. Easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. K. Cor. 15th and Farnam. Telephones: Douglas 17M, A 11S8. IMPORTANT! THE AUTUMN DAYS ARE NEARLY WITH US AND RIGHT ON THEIR HEELS COMES THE WINTER THAT' WHEN A COZY LITTLE flOME OF YOUR UW.N Wll,'., tJE MlltH'iy .NICE. . We have two brand new, 5-ioom cottages, strictly modern except heat, at Nos., 33.16 3:i;:s Taylor St.; strictly class In everv particular; price $2,650 each; small payment down and balance like rent. Don't fall to see tne cottages at once. Pavne. Bostwick & Slater .No.o Agent. 6lh Floor -V Y. Life Hldg. CHATTEL LOANS AT BAN K A BLK RATES. 1 NEBRASKA U)AN CO., , Room 7, Block. Corner luth and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postofflce. Both Phones Doug. 1356, A-13:. $1,000,000 Picture Seen from 4ii2 Floiencp P'.d. (cor. (irand.) 9-room, hut water heated house, $7,'lix. Harrison & Morton Omaha Nat., Farnam and 17th. BY OWNER 525 S. 25th Ave, 7-rnom cottage, water, gas and sewer attachment for hath; sniali ceuar, i.imi eiueni iu an far lines; , min utes' walk to 16th and Farnau., lot 30x120 ft.- street and alley hotli paved; lot alone worth $l.Kio. 1 am leaving city and must ell. Price, $2,4ou. Inquire at lull S. 34th St CLOSE IN COTTAGE $2,500, t. i X rooms modern, but furnace, eat front lot. Can be bought on easy terms. Gallagher & Nelson, 4'. Brandel.i Hldg. i,,ug. 2js;, 34 Hi PATRICK AYE. 3 south front lotn w,th ill Kinds ,,( fruit end shade. 7-room liniii-e, v n b city nte' and lecti ic IlKht, small Lnrn, line place for fruit nnd Karileuina : small i..n i,., ,,. ; down, balance monthly. Price $J.2ju; house varanl. Payne, Bostwick & Slater ,oii Agents, otli Floor N. Y. Life Hldg. I WEST FARNAM luUO 7'ASlf Balanie very easy. 8 room, nicd-rn house l.i i Ke Int. hln nbri y, fmit. shade, fine home Price, $.1.5"". MWATA LAM) LOT t'O. 8u8 New Ynik Lite Hidg. 1'lioliu lied l.'J. REAL ESTATE CITY 1'HOI'KRTY FOH SAI.K. tContlnued.) 2110 (.K.ACK ST1JEET. The last new house In this nttractive row of new homes. Has S latxe rooms, oak finish In parlor, dining room and reception hall, maple floors lit kitchen, upstairs fin ished In vellow n!ne. Both tin and down stalls papered with a splendid selection of the laiest design of pnper. Colonnade opening between the parlor and front hall. Hoth electric light ami gits with comiuna tlon fixtures; cement sidewalks and on paved street; within essy walking riistan.e; convenient to schools and stores. Fine for a home or Investment, Price $.13'"' HASTINGS & HEY DEN, 1614 Harney Street. Let One Half Pay for the Whole A double house, all modern, paved street, shade, walking distance; rents at $00 per month. Could be made Into four apartments and rent for $S0. A little cash will handle It. A. P. Tukey & Son, 444 and 445 Board of Trade Bldg. D. 21M. BARGAINS IN LOTS S.".th Ave. and Pacific, lot 50x124. Any fair offer considered. 27th and Chicago, near Boulevard, $1,800. BMth and Gold, easy payments, $275. 40in nnd Corby, two lots facing south, $350 each. 51st and Hurt. Dundee. tt00. 62d and Webster, two lots, Dundee, $1,800 for both. 51st and Cuming, Dundee, $1,000. FLORENCE. Cor.- Tavlor and Bluff Sts., four lots, $275 to $100. PERRINE A WOLCOTT, Suite 840 Brandels Theater Building. Douglas 7801. Prettiest Mile in Omaha, Florence Blvd., Ames Ave. to Miller Tark so recognized. 4W2 Florence Blvd. tcor. Orand), prettiest spot of this prettiest mile; 9-room hot water heated house; $7,000; might rent. Harrison & Morton, Omaha Nat.. Farnam & 17th. CHOICE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Never been occupied; ready to move Into. This bungalow has a nice, large vestibule; large parlor and dining room, with window seat; back bedroom, with two large win dows, Insuring good light and ventilation; good slxed kitchen with pantry and entry for refrigerator; complete bathroom with best of plumbing; good sized front bedroom. Fine combination fixtures, with dome In dining room; eight foot porch. Splendid cemented basement. Big, floored attic. House la piped for furnace. Good sized east front lot In a desirable neighborhood. Half block to Sherman Ave. car. The house number is 4114 North 17th St. Price complete, $2.S.'i0. Reasonable terms. Call us up and let us show you this. SHIMER fc CHASE CO., 309 S. 17th St. Both Phones. TWO fine lots, 40x124, water, sewer, gas, cement walk, shade trees, fine location. $1,300 each. Douglas 2S98, A 335o. SUBMIT AN OFFER, Brand new 'j-r., modern house, 28th and Hamilton; up-to-date finish; ran be sold to you upon a rental basis, with small cash payment down. Priced right. Phone ma Will gladly show you this bargain. 11 A UK A, D. 4334. Evening: D. 4430. 500 N. Y. Life. BRAND new 5-room cottace, modern but heat; well located; on north side; very easy terms; ask us at once. P. O. NIELSEN & CO.. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg Tels. D 2204, A 4340. BRAND new 6-room house near east side Hanscom park car, $2.1100. Harney 38MI. $300 CASH, BALANCE EASY 8-room, modern, two large lots, fruit, shade, shrubbery, grapes, large chicken house, near school, best car line In city. It will please you. Price, $3,000. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. 858 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1W9 NEARLY NEW 7-room house, all mod ern; good neighborhood, close to 24th St. line. Webster 1216. CHEAPER THAN RENT. 2i",02 N. 20th St.. 5-r.. modern, excent heat; close to car and school. $200 or $300 down, balance mummy, priced as low as upon cash basis. UOSNEY. 659 N. Y. Life., D. 4334. Evenings: W. 6670. FINE FOR CHICKENS Home Acre Addition. Half Acres Only six blocks to street car line, three blocks from paved road. You can't miss It buying ground close to a growing city like Omaha. Each half acre equal to three ad dition lots. Prices $275 to $350 each; $10 caan, $io a month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Street. NEARLY NEW Fixe roomB and bath, modem, excent heat, tiood sized lot In neighborhood of goou, new iinmci. owner lives in nouse and win snow you inrouiui. i ne nurnner or the house Is 2MS Wirt St. Uo see It todiy, then see us. SHIMER & CHASE CO., 309 S. 17th St. Both Phones. SEE HERE, HOME BUYER WHAT'S THE USE of looklni? further, when you can buy a brand new, , well built, stilctly modern home of 7 rooms In a tit'Ht cIhmh location on a good coiiht bit. IT'S WORTH YOUR WHILE TO SUE IT. Walkup Iteal Estate Co., 875-70 Brandt is Bldg. Doug us 2Kr., A 3.555. GROUND' FLOOR SPACE. There is u laige hpace ji st oil tbe conn on ground floor thai will be lemodeletl tu huit tUf-ictory irn.nn ibis iji.tiun I i. ear ratnaiu hiteei, con win.. i tu maia entrance l iiutWing Look pcfore lenting. Don't rent beloie lOoKli.g llifc. BEE UUlLl i.Nii COMPANT. R. W. Hakei. Sunt. ."t, TWO LAP.UK LOTS FOR $..00. Theao lots ai e in Kd iotaliui. ntai- cr; in tnia local ly rent weil. Adjoin ing lots HIr belli lioin $Tuu l i i,icj rucb Nowuta Land A Lot i . U luik Life li.. is i'bone Ited :ryj FOR SAI.r: 8-room h'nine, strictly mod ern, built lens thill) two years, minutes walk from car line, on business street. Call at i-l N. In St.; Tei. 227 ind., Council Bluffs. TEXAS OULFCOAST LANDS W'Tlte ill JohiiMi.t 4. Co , Youkiiui, Tex , for folder t 1 1 1 1 1 abi. it tbelr lands which are loat-il on i w linr of tailruiiu and in tap.dly ilevebij liiR olmrict. $l'-2 LAKiiE room apartment, fart m d ern; ground floor; block to car and stores 1H15 Elm St. Doug. 3'd RFAL ESTATE city rnoiM:itrr roH sai.k. (Continued.) STENOI!RAPHEr"o scTas private sec retiiiy, $ij. 1411 City National Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED second girl. 500 S. 2Sth. WAN'l'lID dressmaker (helpers and ap prentices. Room 18 Continental Blk. linok U...i or 1,'Jt Ledger clerk, $i. Stenographer. $f. StenoKt'apber and bookkeeper, $t'0. Office clerk, $iO. WESTERN KK1 BOND ASSN.. INC., 752-4 New York Life Hldg., iKst. 8 Years ) SALESMAN, experienced. $1,500. 2 C.KtK'KUY clerks, $0-$''k. EXTENSION clerk. $46. . OFFICE t'l.DHK. good penman, tTA I.EDOKR CLERK. $T.. STENl Ki RA I'll EK, T5. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1402 City National Hank Bldg. TO lady, cood-slsed. heated front room. furnished. N. 24th St.; references exchanged. Address m ta. Bee. . .. 0-RtH)M i-ottaae. modevn exceDt heat. $17 50 per month. 3518 Jones St. tel. liar- nev 12,-6. . . TEXAS GULF COAST LANDS Write Will Johnson A Co., Yoakum, Tex., for folder telling about their lands which are located tin new Hue .of railroad and In rapidly developing district roR RENT Of free 501. court room, rear elevator, 13x18. . This room would be desirable as small real estate office. $18.01 per month. The fee BuiUiiug Company. REAL ESTATE FARM AM RANCH LAND Foil 8 ALB A GREAT BARGAIN. ARKANSAS FRUIT AND STOCK FARM 200 acres, k nines I rum Waldron, 58 acres In cultivation, 3 acres tn meadow; 4 acres lu apple orchard, mso other fruits; good 8-room house, smoke house, barn and out, title well of good water. All land not tilled 4s coveted with good pine and oak timber. This Is a fine fruit and stock lui in; the range canuot be beaten In the cut'hVy. stock -water In abundance. This place con be bought now for $l,out snd Is a bargalu. Terms to suit. Write or call on Jobu D. Baker, Waldron-Scott Oo Arkansaa Canada. SELF-SUTPORTINQ HOMES In the fcior lous fruit district southern British Colum bia for $10 cash and $10 monthly, without Interest. Annual profits. $5tM to $1,000 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, fishing, boating; delightful, warm climate; chuich, school, postofflce, store, big sawmill:, dally trains; close to markets; unlimited demand for products. Writ quick for maps, photos, tree Information. Vwest-Kootensy Fruit Lands Co., Dept. D. Drawer 1087, Nelson, British Columbia. ENOLEBRECHT & RAVER, CANADIAN St LOCAL REALTY, 1710 Farnatu (Bee Bldg. A D. 437s. Colorado. Farmers Beginning to See tha 1 - '.Light' If a POOR man buys POOR land, and pays for lt-he Is still POOR. If a poor man can buy good land, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE, on terms that he can meet from SURE CROPS When he gets It paid for ha is no longer poor. PRICE $76 to $150 PER ACRE 10 PER CENT CASH Balance 20 Annual Payments at ( Per Cent Finest and beet Irrigated land in the West Joins Pueblo, Colorado, a city of 60,000. Reached by five trunk. iU9 railroads. You Can't Beat Tub Combination ,T,rn'- - fccet Location Hnest Soil Abundance of Water Ideal Cllnuus Write for ottr free excursion plana and booklet.- 28,000 acres railroad land; will Wholesale. Liberal Agents Contract THE PUEBLO-ROCKY FOUU LAND CO. C. L. Tallmage, Prculdtnt. B. 11. Talimage, Vice-President Topeka, Kansas DISTRICT MANAGER Burt C. Blair, No; Stiehlow Apt. Phone, Webster 6SC4. Omaha, Neb. Charles L. Dickey, General Agent, Co lumbus, Neb. , l.anderyon & Harrow, .'442 Board of Trade. Omaha,' Neb. 1 Wiison & Sons, Geneva, Neb. COLORADO LAND. I have 8,00u acres of Improved and unlm provrd land fur sale at from $10 to $25 aa acre, within from one to ten miles or town all good tillage; write me for particulars. D. O. BKAN, BOV1NA. COLO. Iowa. IOWA FARMS For bargains In Iowa Inrra land, writ or call on Iowa Laud Credit company. Mason Cltv, la. . ... , ICWA FARMS. .WrU.,..,or ,ar Illustrated list of Madison county farms, from (0 acres up to 840 acres, all prices, good liberal terms. ee Madisoa county before buying. Best all around county In the naie. Address J. O. SHRIVE R. ' Wintersei, fa. talllnralM.. A FINE 10-ACRB I'ISACH ORCHARD If Ontario, Cal., value $5,000, to trade rW goo Minnesota property about same value; oom ilder Dakota or Siou Falls. Severt.l fin Calilornla oi tinge groves, from Uiti tin Sale end Hades. Have one called tha f-tjs2 place In southern California, price $120 001 Beautiful property will pay big return lo. If you have eastern property ta trade for southern California, send descrip tion. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful per ton si attentlou given to your matters, inrurance, sales, trades, rentals. Invest ments, etc. References furnished. Jamel M. Van Detiseu, 3ut Uraley Bbjg., Pasadena. Cal. , 40 ACRES Ft.iest Orange land near Fresno. California, $l.Co0. F. t Bee. Florida. FLORIDA We have millions ef acre of Florida timber, cut over, farm and colonl jetlon )and.. Before purchasing send for Florida Ilea' Khttto Journal.' Big bargains Mi e homes; we can suit you National llealtv Ageict. at kt:wv!l!. yia. Idaho. Bargains in Idaho Farms Improved InU-aled nnd Sub-Irrigated Slock; I .ilry und tlraln Fs nil -I'm per Aire. $10 Down and $5 55 annually to 11'J. In Tra. la of 40 Acres, 80 Acres or Mora 713 Acres or sub-dlvlslons or 117 acres, lM acrt-s or 210 acres In the beautiful Wood River valley. Finest soli In Idaho. Every ucre level and tillable. Old water rights, 10 room h 'tise. stable, gianary,. railroad two Fine, hard hluhuav lfif and Kialii yields heavy. KxeOptlonal range .advanlagex. Surrounding . values much, jliigi.rr. llHnk Ml .i nenientH. J Address, Box bo, Hailey, Idaho.