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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1910)
s ' , , v 1 : i J Ji4 Want - Ads Want ad received at any time, bat to Inure nroprr claaalf Icatloa mast be presented before IS o'clock m., tor the rvrnlnf edition ' aad before Ti30 o'clock of arevloas evening tor mornlai and flnndny dlone. Waat ada received after aock haara 11 have tkelr first laaertlon nnder tae heading- "Too Lata to Classify." Hate apply to either T Dally or Suadar Bee. Always coaat six word to a llaa. CASH RATES FOR WAIfT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One laaertlon, 1 1-3 centa per word aad 1 cent per word for . each . anbaeqneat Inaertloa. Each laaertlon made oa odd days, 1 1-2 centa per word, SI. 60 per line per month. Waat ada for The Bee may be left at any of the following; dra atorea one la your "corner druggist" -they are all branch offlcea for The Bea and your ad will ha laaerted laat aa promptly and on the aame ratea ae at the ntqln office la The Bea building, Seventeenth and Forum atreetal Albach, W. C, 40th anl Farnam. Btranek. S. A., 1105 8. 16th St. Peyton Pharmacy. 720 . 16th St Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nth. Bpttiis Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cumlnr. Rlake-Bradish. 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughliii. C. R., 6th and Pierce Sts. t'llfton Hill Phsrmary. 2213 Military Ave. Hlnterlor.g Drug Co., 21st Ave. and Far cam St Critsey Pharmucy, f4th and t.ake. Cooney Pharmacy. 2228 8. llh St Cermack, Ernll, 1204-0 8. ailth. it. Ehler, P. H., 2S03 Leavenworth. Foster it Arnoldl, IIS N. 26th fit Freytag, J. J., 1914 N. 24th HI. Fregger Drug Co., 130J N. 16th St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Oreen'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, G. A., 106 S. 10th St Oreenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Harden, William. 2920 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1'iUl S. 29th Ave. llolsl, John, 621 N. 16th fit. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Johanaon Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. King, H. S.. 2238 Farnam Bt. Knuntxe I'lace Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Mares. Fred I... 2019 Central Hlvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 54th St. Lathrop. Charlea E 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth Sts. Siritnit Drur On Mth and Amtl Ave. Schaefer's Cut Pr(c Drug Store, 16th and viiickku ms. Schaofer, Aug., 26T1 N. lth. Schmidt, J. 11.. 24th and Cuming 8ta. Walnut II111 Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. BIRTHS AND DBATHI, Birth Anton Treska. 1411 South Thir teenth street, girl; Chris Thompson, 2014 Pau street, bov: Anton Rychly. 313 Poppie- ton avenue, girl; Charrea Hitter, 418H North Sixteenth street glrir Frank u. Kaiston, 3237 Miami street, girl; Dan Hogarty, 4238 Patrick avenue, boy) Art Hennings, 1408 Evans street, boy; Frank Greener, Jr., 912 Atlas atreet. girl: Henry Ooldsteln. 2639 Davenport street, boy; John Boallolc, 1412 South Twelfth street, girl. Deaths Bert Norval 1806 Ohio ; street. months; Kate Parr, 602 North Forty-flrat avenue, is years. . ANNOUNCEMENTS J; A. GENTLEMAN CO. takers" eaibalmers, 1614 Chicago. . D. 1659. B-1659. Edward Johnson, Successor to B AKEETT-J OHN SON TA1LOKI.NG CO., are now ready to render the best of tailor trig service to thtlr many t rlomls and pat rons at. their new quarters, 2D FLOOR CITY NAT L HAKH. UL.UU. . . , WE wish to acquaint the publto with thn loilowing facts: t here are . imitation sap phtres of quality superior to ordinary gla.-s, but having no relaxation whatever to the natural or Mexican white saphire, which la appearing m tua markets To dlsttn gulsh Uiese from uur-Mexican white sap l hires, we suggest . hydrofluoric acirl tst. This reacts on glSM, i but has no cfiect on Mexican white sapphlreH. To Introduce this gem-, w- are selling for 30 days at $3 per carat, guaranteed HiO year. Delong Jewelry Co., S.McCague uldg. Robertson's Restaurant ""st0; (basement); cool, light,' ' sanitary, quick service, popular price, f or ladles ana gen tlemen. Table u Hon. dinner bunaay ELEVATORS RrtPAJRKD. freight, pas senger. J. R. Kennedy, lu4 8. 13lli. D. 27. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns, 3i 8. ISth, Upstair. MONEYS TO LOAN LOW ItATK. In sums to 110 Bee Ulrig. 'Phone Doug. tJti. UNION LOAN CO. S. II. Cj Sign Co., D. TK. 1316 Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 75u a latge bottle. KLLIN LlyUOU aiOUeiJS. tdi N. 16th tiL Douglua Ut70. . : . , DOUGU4.S Pi intUig Co. , Tel. Douglas WC ANCHOJt FENCE CO. Iron and Wira Fenoe Cliaaper Than Wood. Laala a Llfllme. 207 N. 17th St. Phone. Red S14. GOUD M KUCHA NT a" LUNCH. A. JUTKS. llil pougia Hi. 5 CT. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Diuii(c'o., 4lh and Amea. VV. 114. ii-1016. UARGAINS'T"1;-. "S- r rledman s Loan Bank, Suuth 13th St.. cor. Douglas, Tel. D. biii. ice for'sale We ran furnish good, rlenn Ice In car load lots, f. o. b. Ouialiu. Call Shackletord k 1'lckey for price. Douglas 7i, ILER GRAND HOTEL uu'and' Hotwardfe'sI I jTurkisb Baths ""TUB HOME FURNITURE CO., 2u pr cent less than Oaiaaa, prices. 24ih and L Sis., ttoutb Oniaha. . TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS," one or one million. Stenographers furnished "The Letteiolort." Olftrea 60s Psxton Hlk. and 9-i City Nat 1. UnW Bldg. Tel. D. 56-4Hl. IJk DIES' PARAKLS recovered and re paired; all kinds of auppllea. Western I'm bi.ll.i Co. 1"- Farnam. Kcd 747K. Idli s' and gems' shine parlors. SOS. 15th RARIvER ttliQS. TAINT CO., 14 FARNAM ST., BOTH PHONES. thvi 'ln-Willlame paint. $1 a gal. Var nishes from $1 60 to $4 60 a gal., all brands of a lilts It ad. $7.60 per KM) lbs. Low prices In wall paper, glass, glaslng and framing. FOR RENT Office room. C23, located en top floor, facing coort, 470 square leet. la ClU'ling vault- rnts for K6 per month. Tllai BEE BUILDING COUPANl. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) ED. ROTHERY Schllts No. 2. Full lln nf linunre itlH cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 14th 8t n T CTfTtr"T na lawyer, has moved vj. ... kjxi-.uikj, hll olflceg to 82B- 82S Brandela Theater Building. General aw practice. DAVID COLE Creamry Co. LYNCH BROS PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIR WORKS. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477. HENRY HORNUNO, plumbing. 182J Farnam JOHN NITTLER Home Consumer! Distributer. T TTVTTa THR BEER YOU LIKE. -JJ oo-JA dth Cr Douiflaa 1899. Red 3932; Independent. A-H20. iuhjviaiil tall CK Dll'l B-H rj. X TV, move, store and ship H. H. Goods. D. 1496, D 0140 1 AUTOMOBILES DRUMM.0ND Makes tho Best Auto Tops for the price. AH kinds auto work. Re pairing In wood work. Iron work. Best painting In the city. Send In your car. 1Mb and Harney Sta WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. Frederlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILE. GOGGLES. 26c to $3 60. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 209-211 8. 16th. Alltfi'RpnfliriTlc MoBt complete plant ilUlUXVepuirillg Diamond Tires, 2d-hand cars, storage. The Paxton- Mitchell Co., 2010-16 Harnsy. D. 7281; A-2011. AUTO AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, repairing and trimming; dead storage. WM. PFE1FFER CARRIAGE WORKS. 25th and Leavenworth. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSC'HY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. I REPAIR smashed autos. mud shields. leaky radiators. Herman Kunde. 711 8. 16th. Rnro-m'na in JlaaA Cora Send for 6 uovu vuia list Council Bluffs Auto Co.. 610 Pearl. Auto Pnintino- "MURPHY DID IT." awuMEWMUHl'llT ft SON. l4lZJackson, BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANG EST AD, 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S367, MEAT MARKET for sale, son Bros., Macedonia. la. Address Crew. BLACKSMITH shop and toola doing good business. A five-room residence. A fine business opening for the right man. Price, $l,d00. Nowata Land & Lot Co., S6 New xorg Lire mug. Phone Red lm. . FOR SALE OR TRADE $4,000 stock of general merchandise. Business runs $60 per aay. Growing town on Burlington railroad, between Sterling, Colo., and Cheyenne, Wyo. Western land preferred. Building and location good. Only general store. Cash business. Address A. E. CASK, Wold Co., K.euta, coio. FIFTEEN-ROOM FLAT; bargain If taken ai once, rnone Dougiaa bSia. TEN ROOMS, strictly modern, best loca tion, full of roomers. Doug. 6318. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents, b. w. corner 14th and Douglas, omana Tel. Doug. 1620. O. D. C CODDINGTON, 220 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. C! A S A nr Co., real estate loans and insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. Quick returna. S. W corner 14th and Douglas. Tel Doug. 1620. FOR RENT-Offlce room. 622, -large room on ruin noor, N. w. corner ot building, especially 'liied for architect. 1'licre is 432 square leet In this spaco; $40 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. MERCHANT tailor business for sale. Ex cepilonal advantage. Location one of tha best In Omaha. Established trade. New tall stock. Owner nonresident. Immedi ate possession. D. 38, Baa OGDEN HOTEL for rent; furniture for sale; au rooms, u0 roomers. C. E. Kimball, council Biutis, la. WANTED Partner In a first class plumb Ing and heaving business. One who can look alter the books. Address 1-iSa care Bee. BANK FOR 8ALE Control good Iowa bank with fine residence. $14,600 bank stocks for sale. Cushler and assistant cashier wanted with $6,0U0 each. Address Amerloan Bank Agency, Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE Small restaurant doing fine Business; gooo location; a bargain It taken at once; poor health reason for selling T. L. Aula, Hamilton, jowa. RESIDENT sales manager wanted In your home territory with O0 to $400. t-aiary iiuu to sia montiuy. t . u. Jalin, u!4 First Nal'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. $200 to $300 net each week is nade In a business that can be bought fvir a few hundred dollars. Sea O. C Melt -a. Mei chants hotel, room 6. NICE paying restaurant for sale or would trade for vacant lot In Omaha. Col Douglas FURNISHED flat of seven rooms for tale cheap for cssn. ,17 South lftti St. $2,000 STOCK general merchandise, best of nuon. Address today, Interstste Land & litv, Co.. Marmarth. N. D. NINE per cent Interest on your money, long time, $100 to $MK. Unusual opportunity. Particulars. Address, Box 106S, Waco, Tex. 1 party wants moving picture show to lease or rent. 1 party wants to trade real estate In Manning. la.. $3,200. for Interest in good manufacturing business. 1 ell established wholesale house wants a young man to Invest $3 OuO to $6,000 with services. GOOD CHANCE. 1 party wants to trade $2,000 to $10,000 worth of real estate for Interest in good established commercial business. 1. One-half Interest In an abstract Co., $6,600. Income. $3,60u per year. 1 machine shop, plating plant and hard ware specialty works, with two patents, $12.0110 rash, or $15,000 in real estate. We have grocery stores, druggists, con fectioneries. Ice cream plants, manufac turers on our lists. Call and look them over. Geo. D. C. Coddtngton, 220 Board of Trade. 8TBAM LAUNDRY for sale, poor health only reason. Address today. Interstate Land and Inv. Co., Marmarth, N. D. GOOD coal and building material business doing llM.ouO to $:XJ0.uli0 a year. Vards well lfHSt.d. good equipment. For further in formation. Write B. 70 Bee. WANTED Partner with $.Vj at onre; can make back capital In 60 days. C 71. Uee. IF YOU have $0 to Invest and will fall and see me. your fortune is made, O. C. Melton. Merchant hotel. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) A LIVE wire with $200 to 1400. Answer soon; will call and explain. E. E. M., 639 B'way, Council Bluffa. FOR SALE or trade stock of hardware, $3,000, and building $3,000. Prefer cash, hut will consider trade for small farm. Mock new, building as good aa new. Y 47, Bee. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam St, Douglas 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOU8E REPAIRING CO., Camenter. paDerhanaing. brick work, etc.. low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Harney 8637; Harney 2010. VAN VALKENBERO Bros., plumbing. heating and gas fitting. Web. 867. 170 N. 24th St. OLD ROOFS rp"-Si siate, Tiie, hrey Roofing Co.. 627 Paxton Blk. Tel. . 6023. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY, Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar nteed. Phone, factory. 8. 801: office phone W. 2930. DENTISTS BAILEY St MACK. Sd floor, Pazton. D. 103S. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc.. bonded. 428-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319; Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY. 821 8. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 7314. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white akin. By mall 60c and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. S A NTT A T?V HAIRDRESSING parlors OniUliUVl Mrlnlln miuin fnr good complexion. 601 Paxton Blk. D. 4671. TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douglas 1370. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. Tel. Web- ster 1771. LACE curtains hand laundered. 25a pair. Call Douglas 3723. EDUCATIONAL 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in tbe DAY and NIGHT Sessions Complete Business Course, Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course, and all English Branches. The Year Book Is ready. Apply for It. H. B. BOYLES, President. Boyles Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS NEXT MONDAY EVENING Big Rally. All Men Invited. Twenty-Eigbt Subjects. FEES VERY REASONABLE Mosher-Lampman Allege Unexcelled courses In Business, Short hand. Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses slons. Most Interesting catalog published la Omaha. Rend for one today. MOSHER & LAM I'M AN, 17th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb, FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutes, Fur naces, Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas St. Both Phones. FLORISTS HESS A 6WOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE, 1007 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Doug. 126S. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. BRANDE1S Cut Flower Dept.; new store new shop at left of Foyer in theater Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agrenta and Salesladies. INTELLIGENT WOMEN of educstlon can secure permanent and lucrative employment in the enrollment bu reau of an Indiana university, city and traveling positions open. Namea for pros pective students provided. No house to house work. $1,600 first year to those who qualify. Address, K 2Z7, Bee. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Raphael Pred Co.. 13th and Farnam. WANTED Four women to take orders for under skirts, goods sold at whole sale to advertisers. Good salary. Rigdleys, 1417 Douglaa. WANTER Lady solicitors; can make $3 to $6 a day. Experience unnecessary. Room 301 Karbach Bldg. Factory aad Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng; prices reason able. Oppenhclm Parlors. 313 McCague Bldg. GOOD opportunities for young ladles de siring to learn millinery. Apply at onre to Miss Downey, 1518 North 24th St., Omaha. WANTED Waist and skirt girls at 80S 8. 29th St lloasr keepers aad Dviues lira. WANTED Nurse for C-year-old child; references required. Mrs. J. C. Colt b4S Harney St. WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wages paid. Tel. Doug. 7776. GIRL tr general housework. 601 S. 22d. Red 447. VAKTpO-Girl to help with baking. 1K Farnam t HELP WANTED-FEMALE llooaekeepera aad Domeatlca Cont'd WOMEN needing good home, small wages, to assist In light housework. 'Phone Douglas 6044. WlVTPn A ..ll.KU -1il fnp Mn. eral housework; cooking plain; permanent piace to rignt gin. tiS f axnam at. GIRL to assist with housework and cook ing; one who will aleep at home preferred; good wages and car fare paid. Call 2012 N. lth St WANTED HousekeeDer by widower farmer: German preferred: three children. ages 18, 10, 4. Henry Engle, North Bend Neb. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework. 2708 Chicago St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 2019 Webster St. GIRL for general housework. Telephone Webster 4030. Mrs. 8. 8. Swift GOOD washerwoman. Hamilton Cafe, 24th and Farnam Bts. WAlMTtnn A rnnb- tm nr month! tin washing. 2118 8. 82d Ave. , WANTED General house alrl. M nar week: no washing. Mrs. M. A. Hall. 118 N. 39th. DINING ROOM GIRL. 106 N. 26th Bt WANTED Good alrl for general house work; no waahing nor Ironing. Call between 10 and U a. m., 3916 Burt St. , . Illl l.j w M 11 nuuinii, mum BWU work; Monday preferred; good wages. .1.1 IITT" n V. n. a. . A Phone Harney 6217. 1 . 1 . - WANTKD A good, competent gin ror general housework: small family and good wages. 210 8. 37th Bt YOUNG girl who would work for small wages. 'Phone w. 4901. COMPETENT alrl for general housework: two In family; good wages. 2028 Dodge St GIRL for general house work, two In family. 126 South 42d street. Tel. Harney 2504. s W ANTd-nllrl A wnrk fnr rfwim mnrl board or for amall wages and go home nignts. 2814 Jackson street . vrAiiicu-uooa girt xor general nouse work; wages $6 per week; no washing. Ap- nl.. 'lOOO I I 11. GIRL for general buusework: small fam ily; light work; good horn to right party. 1920 CapltoL WANTED A girl for aeoond work; big wages for competent girl. Call at 810 Sec ond Ave., Council Bluffs, la. EXPERIENCED cook and house maid to take position by September 1 In family of four. For information apply 656 South 28th 6t GIRL for general housework. 2027 Chl- cago St ... WiN'Trn m rirl Inr neral housework 2116 Blnney St. Phone WeblOtf. WANTED An experience Whaid for gen eral housework. 420 S. 40th. Phone Har ney 88. . - ... r r' tl' l fnm D.n.,.1 Spencer St., phone Webster 621. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. $20 per month: board and room. Sanford Hotel, latn ana farnam Bts. WANTED Experienced housemaid for general work. 1341 S. 28th. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for housework; family of three. 828 Georgia avenue. Phone Harney 4406. WANTE.D At once, competent nurae girl. 3002 Dodge street. Telephone Harney 1419. GOOD washerwoman for Monday morn ings. Inquire 621 South 21st avenue. WANTED Good girl for general house work; wages, $6 per week; no washing. Apply K-ii Harney street. WANTED Housekeeper for man and wife. 2704 Manderson street 1 Telephone Webster 1954. GIRL for general housework; call Satur day between 2 and 6 o'clock. C. I. Gaines, 204 10th avenue. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no laundry work; $26 a month. 710 North 38th street. COMPETENT maid for general house work; two In family. 3405, Farnam street; Mrs. Brown. t WANTED Girl to assist in housework while attending school, for room and board. 2623 CaBS street Tel. Harney 4739. GIRL for general housework; 1801 Park avenue. Tel. Harney 3365. WANTED A competent second girl. 224 North 82d avenue. Mrs. E. M. Morsman. OOOD girl for general housework. Spencer street 2121 WANTED A competent second girl; fam- 11 ut iiue. Apply 4 OUullI ovui .iii.i. A GIRL for general housework. Douglas ti.j at diu boutn z-a atreei Between dl Mary's and Howard. GIRL for general housework; no laundry North 32d avenue. Mrs. E. M. Morsman. GIRL for general housework. Call at uiu ouum iota avenue. W'ANTED Girl for housework. 8610 Far nam street. GIRL or middle-aged lady for general nousework. raw Spauldlng. WANTED Young girl to take care of baby and go to school. 2706 Lake street or phone Webster 4658. GOOD girl for housework; good wages. Appiy at 181 Lothrop street WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wagea. 1139 South liith uvenue. Telephone Harney 2904. WANTED Good, reliable girl or woman for general housework. Call Webster 63. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. Ed Pegau, Tel. Webster iu-'t. mu Florence boulevard. LADY for general housework; two In family; good wagea. Mrs. Charlea Black, asus Farnam street. Phone Harney 1423. COMPETENT girl for general housework small (amlly; no waamng; best wages; 8-'9 Para avenue. Telephone Harney 14JU. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. C. Hunting, 2d and Military avenue. Phone Benson 15. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. $229 Harney tit. WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mra Linrion. .uiiiaru. ua .N. iwtn at. Tel. liar ney M. GIRL wanted to assist In housework: four In faintly; no nlldren. Call Harney ail, or call at residence. 3ui2 Marcy bt. WOMAN for general hausewor. . , washing, iwo In famliy; city references re HUireu. 144 N. 3kth Ave. Phone Harney hnii. WANTED Girl for general housework In familv of four; nj children Call at 311 Haing uldg. Phone Doug. 2161. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoasekeepera and Itomeatlea Can't. . . r . u t c.(ri irnrni priiniu S" small family; highest wages. 306 S. 8Sth St. wriK-Tipn tt . . . i.i. SERVANT cirl wanted at 2251 N. 19th SL Good place. . rSfVlM r.nne rtA lannil.v 1 T T. ( Kith Phone Florence 223, 820 N. 38th St. COMPETENT alrl: no laundrv work. 831 Burt St H. 1028. GIRL wanted to care for child. Apply at store, 118 N. 16th St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 25th St, South Omaha. GIRL to help with housework and chil dren. 2448 Manderson St GIRL to assist with housework: no washing nor cooking; one who can go home nights. 841 Central boulevard. Tel. Douglaa 6390. COMPETENT alrl for general housework: family of two; good wages; references re quired. Tel. Harney 4140. Ill 8. 38th St WANTED A competent girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. 2028 Dodge St LADIES WANTED to take work home: stamping holiday novelties. 11 to $4 dosen. Work guaranteed. Trlebera, 816 Brandeia Theater Bldg EXPERIENCED second girl. 607 8. 88th St. Harney 8009. WANTED Girl for general housework: 3 In family; references required. W. 8. Pop pleton, 204 8. 87th. WANTED Woman to oook and Iron. 620 So. 26th Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework. 106 8. 86th St. WANTED A young girl to help with housework and care for two children; must go home nights; call between 9 and 12 a. m. 3702 North 20th St. COMPETENT girl for general housework: three In family: references dequlred. Mrs. James Richardson, 3564 Howard St. Har. 907. WANTED a good girl for general house work. No washing,' good wages. 8521 Far nam. Miscellaneous. YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strana-era are Invited to visit the Youne- Women s Christian Association building at St Mary s avenue and Seventeenth street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union atatlon. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must be 16 years or older. Apply Bemls Omaha Bag Co. GIRLS for tucking skirts; good wages, steady work. 2907 Leavenworth. w a NTrni i.iiniTP.n niiviier oir GIRLS FOR TELEPHONE WORK. AP PLY OPERATING DEPT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. ITDf a a aUanlna at n1 n-AaiH n aT 1ii. tains; good wages, steady work. 2907 Leav en worm. . . WANTED Tranafer girls and cash girls; must be 16 years of age or over. Apply Superintendent Brandeis Stores. WANTED Girls to wait on tables; must be 16 years of age or over. Apply Sweet land. Brandeis Stores. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. I. A. Medlar Co., 414 8. 14ttl St, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. EXPERIENCED house-to-house demon strators. Salary $8 per day. Work to Pa cific coast. Afternoon and evening, 1020 N. 16th St. Gleeson McGee. EXPERIENCED furniture and carpet salesman; good wages. Address S. 67, Bee. GOOD experienced clothing salesman wanted. Raphael Pred Co., 13th and Far nam Bts. Boys. BOY, aged 18, with 1 wheel, to deliver packages Nebraska Clothing Co. WANTED Office boy 16 to 18 years of age. Apply Superintendent Brandeis Stores. BOY wanted to learn sheet muslo busi ness. A. Hospe. BOY WANTED Must be neat over 16 year old. Apply, C. A. Melcher Drug Co., 17th and Farnam. WANTED transfer boys and cash boys; must be 16 years ot age or over. Apply Superintendent Brandeis stores. WANTED Strong errand boy. I. A. Med lar Co., 414 & 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Clerical and Office. IF YOU can fill a position as bookkeeper, stenographer, office clerk, salesman, see us at once. We can place you. WESTERN REF. & BOND ABS'N. INC., 762-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) YOUNO men for governmena service; best opportunities In years. See Mr. Hoff before noon. 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. YOUNG MEN STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law; evening session only. For further Information, address, Secretary, 701 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas 867. Factory aad Trades. Drug Stores isnaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee bldg. BRICKLAYERS wanted Immediately on new Mori ell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls. S. D. Wages, 65 cents per hour. Apply on job Immediately to Collins Bros., general contracture at Sioux Falls, 8. D. WANTED A boy desirous of learning the printing business to start In holding copy. Apply composing room, Omaha Be. ' CARPENTERS wanted on the new Mor rell Packing Plunt at Sioux Falls, 8. D. Wsges, $4 per day of ten hours. Steady work until February. Report Immediately on job with toola to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED Combination plumber and steamfltter; must be flrst-cJaaa Will contract for year. Apply G. P. Combs, Alula, la. TAILOR WANTED H. Livingston, 106 So. 14th St WANTED Flrst-clnss shoemaker at once. Address Duffy & Morgan, Chadron, Neb. WANTED Art glass cutters and glaslera Good wagea, open shop. Jacoby A. G. Co., 27O0 St. Vincent Ave., St. Louis. WANTED A good Granite Letterer. Good wagea and steady job for a good, general workman. Address, J. C. Lai kin, Norfolk, Neb. WANTED First claaa engraver and watchmaker: g'od wagea and permanent position to good man; position In my store a: Fort IkhIks. la.: addr'.f me at Rome hotel until Thursday evening. Mack A. Huiibut, Jeweler. A YOU read this ad. so will thousands read your want ad. It It Is In Tbe Bea pleas mention The Bee. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) allacellaaeoaa. WANTED Railway mall clerks Omaha. Examination November 12th. . to $1,600. Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 195 T, Rochester, N. I. WANTK1) Competent soda dispenser; references requited. Harley Drug Co., Lin coln, Neb. WANTED Registered drug clerk, ref erences required. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Men to learn ' barber trade. Few -weeks required. Best paying work within reach of poor man. Wages up to $20 weekly. Small capital starts shop. Few barbers take apprentices. Demand increas ing. Write for free partleulara. Muler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. ViUVUr r XjUIIO mo !,arT1 automobile business; practical instruction. Nat l Auto Training Assn., 628 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WAVTFIW.ITvnariiinpiH man to hlnrk And set up stoves; good wages. Address P 66, Bee. WANTED Experienced man to make shades and lay carpet Address P. 66, Bee. WANTED Drill clerk. Address, E. H. Dort, Auburn. Neb. WANTED A man to drive a route; good salary; advancement made according to ability and length of service. Alamlto San itary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Wagons. WAiinrS Buggies, etc. Will sell you IIAUWO better grade of work and for less money than anyone else In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam atreet HORSES, raujea, vehicle, harness. Burt (Rear.) 202$ CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price. Go sea Johnson-Dan forth Co.. 10th snd Jones St. LOST AND FOUND LOST From 624 Park Avenue, some jewelry, consisting of a diamond cluster ring, seal ring, garnet ring, sappnira ring, iet of pearl studs and cuff buttons and a number or other articles lor wnicn a suit able reward will be paid If returned to the above address. The Teddy Bear ftr fZ $100 REWARD. Lost Friday, diamond horseshoe pin. No questions asked. H. K. Harthun, 1417 Doug las St Tel. Douglaa 8764. LOST Lad lea' gold watch, name on case. Phone Hlxenbaugh, Douglaa 4238. LOST. Pocket wallet containing consider able money on train No. 2, North Western line, between Missouri Valley and Omaha. Return to Bee office and receive reward. KLEANWELL Pantorlum; ' satisfaction or no charge. 2718 Ruggle. Web. 8603. LOST Saturday morning at 26th & Blondo Sts., a sliver mesh pocket book containing diamond ring and bracelet; party who picked It up return and receive 86 reward and no questions asked. 1829 N. 24th. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Beat rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES, 60o postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creghton Medloal college, 14th and Daven port bu. ; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglaa 1167. Call answered day and night. BEST nerve bracer for V man. QraMttt Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box. postpaid. Sher man & MoConncii Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. $n$t$$in$$$$n$$$$m$$ww$$$$$$$$$$i$$m$$if $$ NO MORE HIGH RATES. $$ $$ CHEAP MONEY $$ NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. 1$ $$ This ia a new firm organized ty the $$ J? LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF $$ OMAHA. TO LOAN $$ $10 to $600 $$ to any honest person owning HOUSE- $$ HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, etc, or hold- $$ ing a salaried position at the rata of $$ lu PrJK CrJNT rlbn YEAR. $$ JUST THINK YOU PAY 8$ $$ $1.00 Interest on $10 for one year. $8 $$ $2.60 Interest on $26 for one year. $$ $$ $6.00 Interest on 860 for one year. $$ $$ ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION $$ $$ EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $$ $$ Reasonable Appraisement Charge. $$ $$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., $$ $$ Room 204 Withnell Block. $$ W N. E. Cor. luth & Harney 8ts., id Floor. $$ a Phones Douglas 6046; A-1306. $$ w$$$$$$$tW$$W$$mWHWWt$$$$33$$$H Cash Quick on Easy Terms Ws loan money on household goods, piano and team without removal, for long or short time, small and easy payments, $1.20 is the weekly payment on a $60.00 loan for 60 weeks; other amounts in the same proportion. Call on us and let ua explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private and reliable. Courteoua treatment at all times. Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Block, l&llft Dodge St. Phone Douglas 2466. tt$$$W$W$$$$$W$$3W8tl$$$t$$lt$$$38 $$ CHEAP LOANS $$ $$ on Furniture, pianos or salary. $$ You borrow $i It $1000 you pay back $11.00 $ 1$ $25.00 you pay back 127.00 t$ $$ $60.0) you pay back $u4.uo $; U No other charge. ( ($ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $$ It Room aui, rsrown tsiK., mi h. 16th Bt $$ $$ Cor. Douglas Ht. Douglas 3036; A-2036. $1 MONEY TO LOAN. Com In and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable ('reilir '.. 008 Paxton Block. Tl. Douglaa 1411, A-141L MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 812 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red Mil. AN OLD FIRM ' A NEW ADDRESS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 2 Hi HOARD OK TRADE HLDO. Second Floor. 'Phone. Doug. 2295. CHATTKiL loans, salary loana, every kind of loan from private party., 559 New York Ufa Bldg. M 0VIN GAN DJ 0 US E JJLEAN ING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. F.lectrlf vacuum system. 309 S. 17th. Tel. D. 159. EXP. Delivery Co.. offlres lth and Day. enport. St. Warehouse, 2207-09 Izard St OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. CHOICE rooms with board. "Th Tm plars." 1S18 Capitol Ave. LARGE front room and board, private! Hanscom I'aik; Harney 2230. BEAUTIFUL room with board; fur nished. 2787 Capitol Ave. LARGE front room, two large closet and lavatory; walking distance, near rap line; aKo smaller room, luxoellent board 7u9 8. 29th St ELEGANT rooms and board. 2589 Call fornlii St Tel. Doug. 6151. ROOMS and board, 613 N. 30th St Doug las 6268. LAN DON Newly opened. 611 S. 84th Bt Douglas 7931. THE ROSE. 2020 Harney. Nice, cleat rooms with good board; home cooking. , DESIRABLE board and room; 128 8. 26th Ave. . 710 South 18th. Furnished room with home cooking; rates reasonable. SINGLE and double rooms, with excellent . board: steam heat and hot water. 2610 Har ney. Harney 2947. , . ,f ' FINE rooms, and board; horn cooking.' 2610 Dewey Ave. ELEGANT, large parlor, for several gen ' tlemen, with Al board. 8223 Howard St ' " . ROOM8 for desirable parties; new. flat 808 N. 20th. ' ' w VERY desirable room, with board. 1811 Capitol Ave. SOUTH parlor, with or without board; modern. 2111 Douglaa, FIRST claaa room and board; modern. ' 8021 Howard. - . MODERN furnished rooms with or with out board. 8108 Douglaa FIRST claaa room and board, near Mth I street car Una. 86 per week. 8938 N. 8M at BOARD and room, 2225 Dodge Bt Red 6062. ... NICELY furnished modern house; pri vate family; gentlemen. 2407 Davenport FOUR modern rooms, close In. on car line; prices reasonable. Phone Red 6477. NICELY furnished rooms, new, modern flat Ideal location; price tight 314 N. 86th St Doug. 6462. FURNISHED room In private family for gentlemen. 2618 Capitol avenue. V I ROOMS with board. 8702 Farnam Bt TaL Har. 2673. . i Furnished Rooms. ROOM suitable for two. 408 S. 16th Ave. NICELY furnished modern room; reason able, 2828 Farnam. Flat 8. FURNISHED room for light house keep ing; modern. 8311 Douglaa. . .. TWO furnished room for houaekeenlnc v 606 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished modern rooma, (2 a. " 17th Ave. FURNISHED basement room for gentle. ' man. 1810 Capitol. " ' NEWLY furnished, modern, front room, Suitable for on or two gentlemen; private borne in one of Omaha's best neighbor hoods. 2928 N. 17th St Phone Webster 6988; ' VERY desirable room, private home! Eentlemen only; walking dlutanoe. jia ' ouglas. Tyler 1228. niuii i -i.w luiiiiiuw uuuili W es Farnam district, $66 per month. Telephone: ' Kirn.v 1112. FRONT room, all modern, with house keeping and laundry: will rent unfumlaha,l or furnished to suit COS & 27th Bt O. M. B. hauls trunk. Phonee D. 8U, A-26U. FRONT room, modern, suitable tar nu ' or two. Telephone Douglas t r. nam St WELL furnished rooms I modern, all ft. 18th 6t Elegantly furnished rooms for gentle- ' men only, $1.60 per week and up, Ka, Har ney. Phone Harney 1901. SEPTEMBER 1, clean, well furnished room for two gentlemen In new St Louis flat, walking dlstano. 1960 Jonea St ROOMS, alngl and en suite; telephone and gaa for cooklnx. 818 N. 17th. THREE room In modern bouse for twa gentlemen, on the oar line. Phone Web ster 8618. NEWLY furnished front room; modern, ' down town apartment Phone Doug. 8964. BEAUTIFUL front room, all modern: 81 per month. 2648 Chicago St 'Phone Red 6826. FITRNISHED room, suitable for tw gentlemen. 2424 Jones St Tel. Doug. 4681. SINGLE front room, very reasonable If taken at once. 8715 Dewey Ave. ROOMS with private bath, hot water, all times; large room suitable for two, $3.60; another room, $8. 2U8 Harney St FIVE furnished room for light house keeping. 1826 8. 23d St : ELEGANTLY furnished room. 320 N. 19th. Tel. Douglaa 63C7. THREE large room; modern, $22. 810 S. 23d. References. ROOM for one girl at $3 week. Laundry privileges. 2027 Harney. WE have room for one roan at $1 week. ' 8627 Harney. NICE front room, aultable for two gen tlemen; nlso other rooms beside. 814 N. 50th. FURNISHED front rooms, private family. 13 N. 2-t ti. 'Phone Red UI16. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern; good location. 4U8 S. 26th Ave. Tel. Red 7643. MODERN, well furnished rooms, walking distunes, private family. 2307 St Mary Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. S21I Farnam. FURNISHED room Tel. Webster 3349. it 2227 Locust SL ROOM4 fur desirable parties In new modern flat on car line. 2o8 No. 20th 8t NICELY furnished front room suitable) for two gentlemen: strictly modern, on cat line. 150S N. 17 Si. - NICELY furnished large front rouaa. suitable for two. Jul 8. 2ith Ave. 72 S. OTH HT.. modern furnished rooms for isentleiiieu; eiy reasonablu. NICELY furnished south front room for 3 laillt-k, iiUo oilier rooms; with private family. Tel. Har, ;.5C7. 2628 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, ?l. S. 2"tn til. Very conveni.-nt to buxlueaa. NICELY furnlsned rooms for gentlemen, clove In; model u. Telephone, hoi water, 7tm 8. 18th St i V 9 X T 6 ' i53SEBaSS