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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1910)
TiTE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER P, 1M0. Omaha Drops Champs; Sioux Blank Lincoln; Denver Wins; Falls City Gets Mink Pennan JilAHA TRIMS DES ilOlUEo Local Banch Walks Away with Quiet Little Game. 10URXES GRAB- IHREE d FIRST Mowers Hold Champa Two lilt and Strikes Out Sis Mm Des Molars Ucti Only I Tin In Eighth Inning. onaha. 2; Des Moines. 1. UuurkcM walked may with a qtltet little gim yejterday, butting Owens for hi la acd three runs In the fiist in ning. Stowcr shone for tbe local. - For the flrn vn iixilntca he held the Champs to Iwo bit, striking out tlx men. In tile eighth. Dr .Molucs scored. Colllgan aliiled. look second an a ileal, aid went to third un (.'lane's blniv. Colllgan c-nis home a hr. Curtis grounded out to second. Tin game was Intenslir.g enough ttnd the Hour I. eg tlayod gmnl ball, nut there were ao sensational p'ltys and no exciting mo ments. Alter toe locals made three runs In the first Inn.n: and Blowers held Des Moines tu a p.ilr ui singles and allowed jniy j.i occasional man to see first, Omaha tin' U.e it a me bottled up and laid away. was tho lianvy hitter, swatting out a . and two elnglo In four i lima up. Moriarity was :cxt with ft and a double In three, tlmea u?. Kaeavra Mioita I p Well. Koees, Wij htt fturcoeded Con Mo:- t t knort, 1ft p!wlii nlmulf to uu the. mun for the p:u. He erroreil once yesterday un .x i'm:,e, but hl aiappy work hund l.uc a round made 'or hut on mJsn. Uiaham, first ilw u. struck out. King w:iiair Bchoonovtr . stnatUO, Bdvanclns KJn7 tol aeootid., HIk;;fi jtroundd to the pitcher who threw to th'ifl oal3hln Klna, """""S''" '" Bad second. Atiem;;ijia tc catch ioon-oicer-at eavouJ the thlid.baae.mun threw the Stall away and ftciioonover went o:i to tnirtt. lUEmn, stole bri:ond. Ka:io battod a lijk out straight at th pltciier. w ho couldn't rujva gu ck enoug!: to e'.op It and S.-hoorover tallied. JtlsBert and Kane cror.a...d the plalo on Morlarity's lwc-baiei. ilorhirlty iUo2 at second when Kneavea puppi i fl uttia r.y f'- the third out. b n : . . O.MA1U A li. P.. H. O. A FI. 0 0 I J 1 0 0 2 1 0 1110 0 10 4 0V 13 8 11 0 2 0 1 0 0.0 V 3 1 ,017-0 0 1110 1 "i i? "i 1 i;. U. It. O. A. K. 113 11 0 14 10 0 13 11 0 10 0 1 0 0 , 3 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 S 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 24 14 1 3'h J i. -b. 3 ivlllK. onu,i:rver, rf IHtiK'-t, If IvMiie, I j Moriarity. 8b.. Iv neavcs, n... londlnii, i.... Stowers, p Total .. 2 ..i ... 4 ... 4 ... 3 ... 1 ... 3 ... 3 ...27 I'olllaan, 2b Jlalre, ss Nlehoff. 3b Jurtls, If lwyer, lb lattlok. cf Kelly, rf .lemmons, c .wens, p Total ..) ma ha . Hun nits i 't-a Moines it una ., 3 ..33 .-.I 0 0 0 0 0 ...I 1110 10 0 -s 1 '-8 ......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 0 01001020-4 Hit i wo-base hits: Moriarity. Curtis. Three- ' hit: Kane, r'irst base on balls: Otf Liiwen, 1; off Owens, 3. Struck out: By .uwers, S; by Jwns, 3. Htolon base: :i,Kei-t. Kan; Colllgau, Claire. Sacrifice .Hm: Kneavea 2), King. Left on bases: .naha, 0; Des Moines, 7. Time: 1:26. Urn. llaskell. . Notes of the Game. Old Jack Haskell still wears that muoh- . -used look.. , Only alx more game on the ..rounds thi season. 1 hom Along with all his other twirling feats tower sent only one man to first on four ualls. , In the sixth, with two men on bases and no out, the Kourkes were not able to bring ui a run. One hour and twenty-five minute ye lerday. The games, like the days, are getting shorter. Jim Kane almost made a home run. He knocked one over the right field fence, mit It waa a few feet outside the line and a foul. When Colllgan knocked a Texas leaguer nut oenina secona tne second baseman, jhortatoD and all three fielders atarted for It. Colllgan went on to second because mere wa no one within thirty feet of :he bag. iltlEZLIE:!! WIN OUT IN EIGHTH Tooeka's Trro -fVcorea la First laalna; ,t Kali,' DENVICR, Sept. 7. Enslsy held Denver tafe for five linings today, then the locals led tne score at:d lu, the eighth won out Score: TOPKKU. An. K. II. O. A. E. 6 0 0 3 t 0 0 1 0 10 0 2 3 0 110 0 0 0 12 3 13 0 24 13 "5 O. A. B. 1 2 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 5 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 0 4 1 I 0 2 0 27 4 0 0 0 0-2 2 0 2 -i Perch, cf.... rtelliy. as ... acikiey. lb. iUley. rt.... A oloii. ah... itai'ler, 3b.. Jaiber, If.. W-ixcy, o... tpsley, p.... Totals.... i 1 4 t...... 8 .: 33 BK.NVER , AU Joyd, 2b I. tier. If ieall, cf ..niit.-ay. lb,, olan, Jb raii.uoii, ss. .'aaIdy, rf. .. A' saver, c... vltlLllU. p... 4 0 u I 0 0. 1 1 0 0 v- 4 ' 0 0 Totals.. Topxikfc ... ..31 .1 0 .0 0 5er.vei 0 0 Siolpn buses. latch. Cataldy. Cranston. fla.ier. Home rUns: lleilly, Cassldy. Sac rlmo hit: Kilry, struck out: By ICnsicy, !: by Klnsella.. 4. Bases on balls: Off tnnley, 4; off Klnsilla, 2. Double plays: Weicn (ur.aasl.icnl). Cranston to Lloyd to LindsAy. Left im bases: Topeka, 7; Den ier, a. Tim.-: 1;4!. I'mplre: Mullen. At tendance: 300. 1 1 lOl X FI.MJ 1.1 VIOI. KASV Visitors Han 0cr Locals by KIsht to Nothlag; Score. LINCOLN. Neb.. Sept. ".Sioux City ran 111 over lancoliiitoday, winning the game I ic wed up by the comfortable margin of i to v. I'm thing w as wild, was hit Just at .he right time to make runs count, and us given exei-rablo support. O'Toole was lever forved to enitend himself, but pitched Seady ball In all but one inning, and even at that held himself In. guillin played a liar Kanie at short and tho Sioux City tut field made some pretty running catches. Th visitors vtartcd the scoring In their ialf of the aeoond. Wuolev was passed un d Neighbors hit for a single. A aacri co advanced both and they come home on J' Toole a hit to rigut. Three more came n the aeoond. Myers and vlulllln In turn yro given bases on balls, and after Miller ind ooley had struck out Uegnler blund red on an easy chajice, and nits by llart and O'Toole brought tne total up to v. The three runs In tho aixth wero ttfta, and a baa on balls. Stem's single Ind three errors In xucceaslon doing the nlaohlef. Miller In thla Inning made the Ircle of th bases sfter Cobb had muffed ds high fly and then threw wild to the tatcher. In only one Inning did Uucjln iav a chance to score, when three sue leavlv singles tilled Ihe bases, but O'Toole lgDteoed and averted a threaten rail v. .iiicolu won Ihe morning exhibition game - score of 4 to 1. Score: LINCOLN AU. R. 'Ude If 4 II. 0 . 0 1 1 pq a. n 0 0 0 laitnler, - as... 4 'ola, e.3 ... ..-. . 4 !obu, rf-t 4 'ik knian, ' So,... 4 'hoinas. lb..v .. 4 i vUiitmul, tb 4 0 1 Knitter, c... Farthing, p. Total 1 5 o l S 0 5 27 U ITY. It. H. PO. A 0 0 12 1 2 12 0 1110 3 0 2 3 1 1 & 0 1 0 0 2 110 4 X 0 0 2 14 7 9 27 12 0 0 0 0 0 O 8 0 0 1 0 0 All. Andreas, 2b 3 fttem, lb i .My-i., If 4 Wi. liri, 2b 3 Miller, c 4 Wooley, cf 4 Neichliors, rf 5 fist tmati, pi 4 O' Toole, p 4 0 01 Total...'..... Lincoln slnux City Stolen linnet: .M 8 9 27 12 4 0000000 'I O U 028003 0 0 0 Stem. Miller. Twii-btfc Double pln: Cnrkmsn to lilt: Maitinan. WeMirtssul to Thomas; Weldem-atil to Ga tiler, Left on bases: Lincoln. 11: Sieux Cltv, T. Struck out: llv Farthing, t,: be l. Toole. 3. Bases on balls: rf Farthing, ; off O'Toole. 1. Mil bv plt.-hed b.!i: O'Toole, 1. Time: Jifi. t'mpiie: Clark. WICHITA Ill M III.S ITS 11 ITS Kin-nth lull llulliiia Rally Turns Trick, five tu Four. VV It'll ITA. Kan . Se nt. 7. -A t uneh of hits in the elshth InninK' won today's gatm- j ironi jiiepn lur Vienna, in .'mi u ln games are played on ncrount cf the fair Tit I'o this week, onre: WICHITA AH. K. II. O. A. K. .... 4 12 10 0 .... 2 0 0 4 0 1 .... 4 1 2 0 0 C .... 4.11000 .... 4 12 9 10 .... S 0 1 2 4 2 ....3 0 1 1 0 l ....4 o o in a o .... 4 1 2 0 S 0 ....32 1 n 27 ii , a JOSEPH. -v All. R. H. O. A. E .... 4 0 0 i 0 0 .... 4 114 2 0 4 1 1 s 3 0 . ... 3 o : l o o 3 1 12 1 0 .... 3 0 0 0 R 0 .... 4 1 0 4 0 0 ....3 0 1 1 I 0 2 0 I 1 2 f. .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ....3'.' 4 7 24 14 0 son in ninth. ....1 0 1 0 0 0 0 S Mlrtdleton, rf 1'ettitrcw, rf W okte nil, io l.vls. If Kot-ner, lb 1 1 tilth fa, 2b Sch'lliO. Is Sluw. Jarnlarun, p Totals 6T. Potvell If. Vox. 2b .lonea. lb.. McChesney fltlllv, Xb. cf.. :orban. (iirodrlch, rf.. F'rmn'.be, c. Johnson, p..,, Coe Totals .... Wlchha St. Joseph 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 01 balls: Off JainiKHii. 2; off Johnson. 1. Two bit-.' Mis: Mlildleton, Frambes. Three-base hits: Koertier. Tliv.o: 1:40. Umpire Graves. Falls CitjTwins Pennant in Mink League for Year Defeat' Shenandoah While Clarinda Suffers Defeat Twice at Hands of Maryville, the Tailenders. FALLS CITY. Neb., Sept 7.-(Speclul Telegram.) Falls City defeated Shenandoah today, 7 to 1. Thla gives 'Falla City the Mink league pennant. Falls City will now play a aeries with Fremont tor the Ne braska state championship. Score: H U B. Fall City 9 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 -7 10 2 8lienandoah ....0 0001000 01 1 4 Batteries: Watson and Smith, Lavelle and Wells. Umpire Delatr. AUBURN, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Score; R.II.B. Neb. City 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-3 4 6 Auburn 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 6 0 2 batteries: Cass and Whltoome; Fresh and Kialnlnger. Umpire: Fletcher. MARYVILLE, Neb., Sept. 7 (Special Telegram.) Clarinda lost twice today, los ing the Mink league pennant, Score, sec ond game: R.H.E. Clatlnda 0 0010000 0-1 43 Maryville 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 -S g l lotteries: baker and Jokeret, cJuillvan and Lleti." Umpire: McOlnnls. i t. Score, second game: R.H.E. Clarinda 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I N 8 i Maryville 2 0 3 0 0 0 0.2 V & batteriel: Hunt and Jokerst, Ford and Diets. Umpire: McGinn!. The final and official standing of the lMnk league, as given out by President T. A. Wilson, Is as follows: Played. Won. Lost. Pet Falls City Clarinda Shenandoah .... Auburn Nebraska City Maryville w w w no w w B 40 .596 bl 42 ' .o7 47 62 .475 40 as .4116 43 (Hi .431 4& 64 .465 HE SILTS IN THREE-I LEAGUE Davenport, Waterloo, . Rook . Island and Dsbaiisa Win. ' DAVENPORT, la., Sept. 7. Both teams Joined in an erroriest, out tne davnporl players hit the ball harder than Danville, winning the game Mo I Score: RUE Davenport .....1 1 1 0 0 2 00 6 Danville 00000110 02 5 batteries: Davenport, Nelson and Walsh; Danville, Duffy and Pierce. WATERLOO, Sept. 7.-Sprtngfield' field ing waa pour aim lilia u nit hard, VVaterloo winning by th acure of 8 to 2. Score : R.H.E. Waterloo 2 1 0 0 1 4 00 8 i 3 Springfield 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 6 Batteries: Waterloo, Banner and Har rington; Springfield, Willi and Johnson. KOOK ISLAND, Sept. 7. Blooinlngton played poony, while Hock Island hit, Koyer ireeiy in tne pinclies. (Score: R H E Rock Inland 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 8 e 2 Blooinlngton ...looioooo 02 7 4 liatteries: Rock island, Cavet and Stark; BloomlnBton, Koyer and Nulla maker. DUBUQUE, la., Sept. 7. Dubuque won the .game in tne iiintu, although Hovllk struck out thirteen men. Score: R.H.E. Dubinin 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0" 3 8 3 Peoria 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 04 V 2 Batteries: Dubuque, Ferrias . and Boucher; Peoria, Hoviik and Asmussen. WINNERS AT LAST DEFEATED nicer Take Two from the Fnst Humphrey Tram. PII1ER. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special. ) Pllger played at Humphrey Sunday and Monday, taking both games. Humphrey baa been cleaning up oil the teams around tne coun try, Including tne fast Cherokee Indians who are touring the state. The first game wtis won In the seventh Inning. With the score 0 to 1 In favor of Hun pnrey, th i H er slUiK Latted Smith out of the box. Zavudow, taking ttU place, threw one ball, which K. Kophn smashed back at him. putting his thumb out of com mission. Final score: Pllger, 7; Humphrey, C. Batteries: Pllger, Siedel and Brown: Humphrey, Smith, Zavadow and Swltser. The second game was marked wlin heavy hitting throughout, 1'ilger Kettlng sixteen safe hits and Humphrey five. Pi liter won, 1J to 3. Martin, for Pilfer, pitched a steady game. The feature of tho name waa the balling of Sledel, netting four hit out of tlx times at bat. Batteries: Pllger, Martin and Brown; Humphrey, Zavudow, Fisher, Swltxer and Jack. I.lndaer Ontelaaard. DODGE, Neb., Sept 7. (Special.) Dodge defeated Llndsey here tonay in a slow and uninteresting game by the score of 9 to 4. podge 1 making a fine record thi year, having lost but five games this season. Sunday they will go to Leigh, where they will meet in aumo team. Score: R H E Dodge 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 l j 6 IJmlaey 0 0 o 0 0 3 1 0 04 5 4 Two-base hits: Kuhle 2, butler. Fober, Oak. Double play: lladley to Faber to Perrlgo. Time: 1.46. I.orelaud Loses to Sidney. SIDNEY. Neb., Sept. 7 (Special Tele gram.) The LoveUnd, Coio., team wa de feated by the Sidney club In a one-sided and sensational game. Thu locals bunched hit In the second and fifth Innings. Love laud s hits were scattered and th runs in tli first inning were mad on error. Score: R H E Sidney 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 a 4 I Loveland 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 7 S Batteries: Sidney, Stevens nd C. Ferry; I.aveland. Gallagher and Martin. Time: ,jl 46 Attendance: 4"tt Ptralatent Advertising 1 th Road to Rig I a CLBS SCORE IS lilt MMU Tie With Reds During Early Stage of Contest. OVERALL IS KNOCKED FROM BOX I lilcnuo's lilt re Timely Thonith laltnr Pile I Thirteen Safe Oari Daring fpiwIuM Kr ami Slirrkard Star. CHICAGO, Sept. i'. Heavy bitting at op pontine momenta by ters ami t'hfckaid itavi ChiciRO liie second itame of the series ! with Cincinnati, overall surted on the slab but Was knocked out: CH1( AUU. CINCINNATI. .u.ti.o.A r;. All. HO. A E. Kvcrn, ft).. S 1 1 Ollerrher. If. 5 0 t-hft.'karu, li. 6 i I ti Miller, rt. 1 0 1 1 I 2 H) U 1 u 1 4 1 2 0 1 12 4 0 tl 1 e u u tt - jinitn, rt.. I Oil) uHr.hi.tzei. :i). 5 SHelnlrlnt. Jb t 0 i 2 (IMiu hell, Ih. Ztm man, n. 4 1 1 I ihatKrtt. it... 4 Ar-hrr. lb. ... J 0 li 'i ui'larlte, r 4 Siiiulta. it... 4 1 I 1 Lo,,n, at.. . . 4 kli'i,,, c S 1 4 1 M Mlliin, m 4 UiTll. ii... u u 0 1 UH-..I..', p i MtliUjro, p.. t u 0 2 vUaktmr, p.... 1 Totals 31 17 13 1 Totals bi:4 11 4 '.None out when wlnnii i, uui ocored. Chicago 0 u 4 2 0 U o 0 17 Cincinnati 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 o-U Two-lime hits: Hoblltzeil, Ciurko. Three buho hlis: Ever (2), Shockard. Hits: Off Overall, 6 In one Inning; off Beebc, 6 In four innings; off Mclntyre, 7 In eight In nings; orf Oitspur, 3 in five Innings. Stolen bases: Mitchell, Ever, Sheckard. Left on bases: Chicago, ; Cincinnati, . First base on bulls: Off Mclntyre. 1; off Beebe, 4; off Oaspar, 1. First base on errors: Chi cago. 2. Struck out: By Mclntyre, 2; by I'.eehe, 2. Wild pitch: Bcebe. Time: 1:47. Umpires: Johnstone and Eason. Pirate Tnkc Two Game. PITTSBURG. Sept. 7.-Iocal fans hnd over four hour of baseball toduy in two lung ame and with It the satisfaction of seeing Pittsburg twice overwhem St. I-otils, by scores of 11 to fl and 11 to 3. All-round batttng by Pittsburg won each game. Bcore first game: riTTsllt'HQ. ST. LOU 13. AU.H O.A.U. AU H.O.A.E. Dyr-ic, 3b. .. 4 4 11 (iHugglnt, !b . 4 2 13 0 Leai-h. cl. 6 14 0 ui:iu, H It 1 A ii 1 1 1 2 0 0 .No r. 5b.. 4 0 3 13 I 1 I t iiKuneii hy. lb. 4 1 6 .1 1 2 2U.VMIIH. rf 4 1 I 0 o 6 14V ), c... 4 0 1 4 2d 10 1) "TEli". c 1 0 2 1 0 2 J 2 1 Oakf-a, cf I i i 0 U 4 10 1 0Mnur, ... 2 0 0 0 1 Hniher. ss.. 2 0 2 1 0 Clarke. If... lsasnr, ts. .Mllar. 2b.. l-'lyull, lb... W ilson rt. . OlUrvn. c... iSuaniM, p.. i Totals..... .14 12 il I SLuh. p 1 0 1 0 2,nnoh, p 1 0 4 0 Totals 31 9 2i Pittsburg 2 0 0 3 2 2 0 2 -ll bt. Louis 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 04 I Two-buse hits; Byrne, Clarke, Leach, x i hret-base lilts: iiyrue. Miller, Plicipa. bacrifice hit: Clarke. Stolen baties: Byrne, oibsou, Mowrey. Evan, lA-ach. Bases on ! balls: otf Adams, 4; off Lush, 2; off I ZiiiH ii, 2. Hits: off Lush, 10 in six in nings; off Zmich. 1 in two innings, lilt by pitched ball: By Lusli, Willson, Uib son, Wagner; by Adams, Evans. Struck out: By Adams, 6: by Lush, 4; by Zmich, 2. Passed ball: Phelps. . First base on errors: Pittsburg, 1; St. Louis, 2. Left on banes: PltUburg, 7; St. Louis, 8. Um pires: Rlgler and Em.slie. Time: 2:10. Score second game: PITTSUL'HO. ST. LOUIS. AU. H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.K. Byrne, 3b.... 4 1 0 f OHugglnn, 3b 4 1 1 t i Ui. n, cf 4 3 10 ot.illa. If 3 16 0 0 Flynn, lb.... 10 10 OMowtc, 3b.. 4 2 0 3 0 Clark. It.... 3 0 4 0 n l.o lelthr, lb 4 1 7 II J Wagner, sa... 6 4 2 1 UK vain, rf 4 1 0 1 t Miller, 2b ... 4 1 1 3 '.iPhelpa, C....4 15 3 1 Hyatt, lb-cf.. 6 3 9 0 (iakea, cf 4 1 1 0 0 Wilson, rf.... 4 t i 'I OUotrher, a...J 0 3 2 0 Bimon, c 4 3 0 0 OCu rldon, p .l 0 0 I 0 ljever. p.... 4 0 0 4 OOolden, p.... 2 0 0 0 i ToUla S3 17 27 14 I) Tout 31 3 24 12 i Pittsburg 40700000 11 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 Three-base hits: Hyatt, Symon, Ellis. Sacrifice hit: Belcher. Stolen bases: Leach, Flynn, Wilson, Simmon, Ellis. Double plays: Byrne, Miller and Hyatt. Bases on balls; Off I-eever, 1; off Corrl- aon, ; on uoiaen, z. tsiruea -out: ; y cm ridon, 2; by Golden, 2. Wild pitch: By Corridon. Left on buses: Pittsburg, 8; bt. Louis, 6. Hits: Off Corridon, 12 in three innings, off Golden, S In five Innings. Umpires: Rlgler and Etnslie. Time: 2:15. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 7. Philadelphia won today' game In the eighth inning when Doolan made a' two-bagger sending home two men. Score: v . Magee out, hit by batted ball. PHILADELPHIA. BHOOKLYN. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O A B. Tltut, rt I 0 0 0 ODarldnon, cf. 4 120 Knaba, 3b.... 3 12 4 ODautwrt, lb.. 4 13 0 0 Bates, cl..... I 0 10 1 Wheat, If.... 4 110 0 Magee, If.,.. 3 110 0 Hummel, 2b. 4 1 4 8 0 Grant. 8b.... I 0 3 1 0 Dalton, rf...4 110 0 Urn. field, lb 4 . 112 0 OLennux, 3b... 4 0 110 Doolan, 3 114 0 stark, sa 3 10 3 1 Moran, e 4 1 0 1 Miller, c 4 0 ( 1 0 Stack, p 10 12 OKnelser, p... 8 0 0 1 0 Touts 37 ( 27 15 2 Tola la 34 723 3 Brooklyn 20000001 03 Philadelphia 000 0 2002 4 Two-base hit: Wheat, Doolan. Sacri fice hit: Bates. Sacrifice fly: Stack. Double play: Stark, Hummel an Doubert. Stolen bases: Wheat, Hummel, Dalton. Struck out: By Knetzer, 6; by Slack, 6. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 7; Philadelphia, 7. Bases on ball: Off knetzer, 6; off Slack, 1. First on errors: Philadelphia, 2. Passed ball: Moran. Tim: 1:33. Umpires: O Day and Brennan. Slonx Blank Dove. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. The local de feated Boston today 2 to 0. Their runs were due to hits by Doyle and Snodgrass and a pair of errors by Shean. Mathewson iruck out eleven men. Score: NEW TOKK. BOSTON. AB. H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.E. Devore. If.... 4 2 1 0 0 Col Una, cf... 4 0 1 0 0 Doyle, 2b I 1 2 1 OHerttog, 3b... 4 1 S 1 I snougrasa, cf 4 3 1 0 0 Shean, lb. ...4 0 7 0 0 Murray, rt... 2 13 0 USnarpe, lb.... 4 0 7 0 0 Brldwcll, as.. 4 0 1 0 1 Miller, 10 0 0 Deriln, 8b.... 4 0 11 VSwecuey, as.. 1112 0 Morale, lb.... 3 0 7 1 0 Beck, If 8 0 10 0 Myera, c 2 0 12 4 8mllh. e 3 17 10 Mathews'n, pi 0 0 3 UProik, p 3 0 0 1 0 . . Total 23 4 27 10 1 Totals 31 3 14 11 I New iork 0 0 o u o o o i 2 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Sacrifice hit: Murray. Stolen bases: De vore, Shean, Doyle, Murray, Devlin. Left on bases: Boston, 4; New York, 7. First base on errors: Boston, 1; New York, 2. Double play: Sweeney to Shean to Sharpe. Struck out: By Frock, 6; by Mathewson, 11. Bases on balls: Off Frock, 3. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Klem. FOOT BALL PRACTICE TODAY Guuie Willi Knat Milwaukee Foot Ball Team Here Spurs Crelghton Men On. Foot ball activity begins till afternoon on Creighton field, for which time Coach Miller has Issued a call fur gridiron candi dates. A large squad will be un hand, us piost of last year s men will be back In the game, and with the addition of several new men from the professional departmenta th prospect for a good team is the urigntest In several years. Tho field la in excellent eonditlon after the extensive addition during the summer months and tho erection of temporary bleachers is about completed. Negotiations are pending with the Mar quette team ef Milwaukee for a game with Creigutoii for October 22. Thla new ha aroused considerable enthusiasm among the student body, as Marquette's rise in the foot ball world has been rapid. It will be remembered that thla team held Michigan to a 6 to 6 score lat year and that Notre ainst them lis me w aa unable to score ag With this college on the schedule Creighton bids fair to bring one of the fastest leami of the west to this city, and followers of the game here will be pleased lo see the two teams ln action. A no her i a i tnut n iuia awaken in'erest Is the Fort Klley team, which comes here . for a mid-week game with Creighton dur ing Ak-Sar-Ben. This aggregation ia reckoned among tne isaiesi in military circles. (Tabby Goes to Australia!. SHERIDAN, W yo., Sept. 7. (Special Tele gram. J Immy flabby, who retained tho w elterweigni ciiampionsnip Dy defeating ridison were tne contestants tne home team Guy Buckles before the Sheridan Athletic I won both. Scoie: R.H. club Monday night, left late today for 1 Arapahoe 2 1 2 0 0 0 06 7 Vanooiiver. w here he will Join "Cyclone I Edison 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 6 Johnny" Thompson, Billy Papke and Kay i aBtteries: Edison. Means and Carroll; Bronson In a trip to Australia. Fight Pro- Arapahoe, Beltzer and Green. Umpire: Pat niotiT Mcintosh lias arianged for a number ton. ot Douta wn me neai uoxing talent in Australia, cialihy promised upon his re turn to meet Clarence English, Jack Fits- gcrald or some other top-notch welter for , a twenty-ruuna go in nnerioan. . Tit Key to th Sltuatiou-Ue Want Ad. I ..... . re, . I i atanaing oi tne lea.aa j WEST. LEAGUE I NAT L LF.AOUH. W .L I ct i W L Pet Slim x City. ..Hi' Pi .R-S,U'hiCHo S! ,t . Denver K s Pittsburg ...7.'i 19 Llnro n 0 M .510, New York ..70 52.0.4 Wich'ta T fit . 4'. Phils fil -M- OmriltH t7 71 .41, Cincinnati . 4 i;4 . St. Jnep)t . .t'irt 7S .4.",'i I looklyn ...l"74. Des Moines.. 0 M .4'i St. Louis ...4s 70 -: Torek .IMOT ..Vt rwi-lim 41 M AM Kit. LEAtH K AMER. ASW'N. W.LPctl W.L-Pct Phil. SO 41 .;f" Minneapolis..!); 00 . Boston 74 61 'JToledo SO '" New Y6rk .72 0.1 .Sr Coluuihus .. .77 67 .03 Detroit 72 .u ..Mi' St. I'uiil 7(1 71 -A . W ash 6 70 .4.VM Ki.n. Citv ..74 72 .70. Ovrlsnd .."S 70 .4I Milwaukee ..H7VJ.4 Chicago 4 7" .3:0 Indlalisiio is. . S v .'7 M. I.ouls k7 Jji Louisville . . .65 ' .379 Xl'-ll. LEAllUE. I MINK LEAGUE. W.L.Pct! W.LPct Fremont ti.1 14 ..Vis Clarinda W 40 .nTm Corfiinhus ...fW 4S .0 ft' Kails City ...57 42 a.S Kearney .. .58 50 .537 i Shenandoah .47 52 .4in Gr. Island. ..07 51 ..'..'-l Auburn 4ii 5.1 4i... Superior ....M M .4ii0l Marvvillc ...45 54.4. Seward 48 50 .41!' Neb. City. .. .43 60 .4 Red Cloud ..4t i'O .4.4 Hastings ...42 61 A0S Yesterday's tlesnlt. WESTERN LEAGUE, lies Moines, 1; Omaha. 3. Sioux City, 8: Unci. In, 0. St. Ji.seph, 4: Wichita. 5. Topeka, 2; Denver, 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Prooklvn, S; Philadelphia. 4. St. I.Ttnls. ; Pitts-burg. 11. Seco'id game, St. Louis, 3; Pittsburg. 11. .Cincinnati, 6; Chicago, 7. Boston, 0; New York, ".. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chlcngo-St. Louis, postponed, rain. Philadelphia. 2: Boston. 3. New York, 1: Washington. 2. Detroit. 3; Cleveland, 4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indianapolis, 1; Toledo. 2. Columbus. 4; Ixiitlsvllle. 2. St. Paul. 3, Milwaukee. 2. Minneapolis, 13: Kansas City, 7. NEBRASKA LEAGUE. -Hastings, 0; Superior, 2. Seward. 1; Grand Island, 4. Fremont, 1; Coiumhus, 9. Kearney, 3; Red Cloud. 2. MINK LEAGUE. Clarinda. 1; Mnryvlllc. 5. Second game: Clarinda. 2; Maryville, 7. FallsH'l'y. 7: Shenendoah, 1. Nebraska City. 3; Auburn,. 5. Games Today. Western Leagiui-Des Moines at Omaha, Sioux City at Lincoln, St. Joseph at Wich ita: Topeka at Denver. National league Brook tvn at Philadel phia. St. Louis at Pittsburg, Cincinnati at Chicago. Uonton at New York. American. League Chicago at St. Louis, Philadelphia at Boston, New York" at Washington, Detroit at Cleveland. American Association Indianapolis at Toledo. Columbus at Louisville, St. Paul at Milwaukee, Minneapolis at Kansas City. Nebraska League Hastings at Superior. Kearney at Red Cloud, Seward at Grand Inland, I remont at Columbus. ADAMS AND BECKETT WIN Jnnior City Tennis Tournament Ends Yesterday1. TEAM WORK IS ADMIRABLE Howe and Offmt Put Up Good Fight at Start, tynt Victors Finish - Strong;. Jos Adam and Ouy Becket finished up the Junior city tennis tournament yesterday afternoon when they defeated Robert Howe and Caspar Offut'ln the finals of the cham pionship double 1ft S-7, 6-0, 6-3, 6-2. The feature of the day's playing was the wonderful teairtworg cof the winning pair, th two lads flaying together on every point and really - winning the match on their headword. Mown and Offut put up a good fight, starting out strong in the first set and taking It in 7-6, but Adams and Becket simply walked away with them to ward the finish. Jo Adams, of the winning pair of cham pionship doubles, was also the winner of the championship "singles. He Is only 16 years of age, but plays a fast game of tennis, his best stroke being a lawford. Most of his contests are exhibitions of headwork, as he never misplaces a ball, but carefully puts It where that opponent is not. As a Junior tournament, the one Just closed was undoubtedly the most successful on ever held In this city. Sixty-four en tile were on hand on the opening day, and In spite of several rains which broke in and stopped the playing, the lads stuck right to It and made a fine finish. The list of prizes was also much better than former years have seen. Great credit is due to Chairman Robert Howe and Caspar Offut, the two on the committee in charge of the event. Ia spite of the big entry list and the rain stopping the play at critical points of the tourna ment, these two boys managed to have everything In readiness the next time and all the players on hand. O. H. S. Boys on Gridiron First Practice This Week for High School Squad Shows tGood Material. Coach Cams of tne uina:ia high school football B'juud has started the season of 1910 early, and practice will begin tills week. A meeting of all candidates for the squad was held yesterday afternoon, and six of last year's team were present, with a num ber of new men on hand. J. T. Maxwell, physical director of the Y. M. C. A., will aid Mr. Cams In coaching this year. Pros pects are bright for a first-class team. GIN. CLIB FINAL SHOOT FIXED South Omaha Director Agree Upon September 133. Tho directors of the South Omaha Gun Club held a meeting last night at the po lice court rooms and fixed the dute for me llnal tournament lor September ii. The di rectors set aside 4120 to be expended in fitting prize which will be offered. Plans will be perfected for the finest shoot of the season. This shoot Is for members only, Insofar as drawing prizes is con cerned, and only those members who have attended more than half of the regular weekly shoota will be allowed to contest. The Benson of the South Omaha, club has been most prosperous and there remains a substantial balance In the treasury over all expenses with lO.utt taigets unused which I bclon" to th0 club' ln addition. The club . nu6 arrane'ement. e.n.i ,. .A.rom.m,tt?.?. " ?rra".Kr' W nilli:a or . MO" "' r.u roitix was ap- Dworak and Foitik Pointed to perfect the program, make up the events, fix the prizes and the handt- caps, This committee will make an early de - tailed report. A It A P A HOE BE ATS EDISON TWICE Home Team Trims Visitors In Two Good Uinri, ARAPAHOE. Neb . Sept. 7-In the two frames here today In which Arapahoe and Score, second game: RH Edlaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 00-3 8 Arapaho 0 2 1 0 0 5 0 0 08 13 Batteries: Edison, llentoii and CsrroTI; Arapahoe, Tull and Green. Struck out: )!v Henton, :' by Tull. . First on balls: Off Tull, 3. Umpire: Paituii and gharter. ATHLETICS WIN ON ERHOKS Boston Loses Ten-Inning; Game by Two to One Score. VISITORS BLANKED TILL SEVENTH ' tnl of Nine Male Hits Is Made with Philadelphia fiettliia Five Thir teen Men Are Struck Ont. BOSTON. Mass., Sept. 7. Two error gve Philadelphia a ten-Inning game over Bos ton today, 2 to 1. Score: BOSTON. PHlt.ADKl.PHI A. AB. H.O.A.E: AB.H.O.A.K. Hootr, If ... 5 0 10 OLnril, If 4 1 0 Purtrll. 3b. Breaker, cf, Stabi, lb... Lewla, If... Wagner, aa Enale, ilc. Kielnnw, c I tl 0 1 ztildrint. rt .. o i i v " 4 0 10 OK. Col I inn. 2b 4 0 2 1 V 4 0 14 0 OHaknr. lb 4 0 111 4 10 1 VPavls. lb. ...3110 3 0 3 6 lBarr), .. 4 3 11 IThnmaa, c. 10 7 1 U Bender, p. 1114 1 4 2 7 1 0 K. I'd Una, p 3 0 0 3 0 irlner .... 0 0 0 0 0 C'arrlgan ... 0 0 0 0 0 Totgle 31 8 30 14 a Totals S3 4 30 1 4 Batted for Kleinow In tenth. Batted for Collins In ninth. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 Boston 0 00010000 0-1 First base on balls: Off Bender. 3; off Collins, 2. Struck out: By Collins, 6; by Bender. 7. Time: 2:20. Umpires: Dlncen i and Perrlne. I New York l.naes Pitchers' Rattle. I WA PHtvrtTlW Ottnt 7 lolinnon had the better of Qtitnn today in a pitchers' battle, and Washington defeated New York. 2 to 1. Score: WASHINGTON. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.K Milan, cf ...4 1 3 0 Daniels. If... 3 1 3 0 0 Kilmer, 2b... 3 0 3 4 1 Walter, rf . . . 2 110 0 Conmy, if.,.. 4 10 0 I'Chnae. lb.., Oeaeler, rf.... 1 0 2 0 OKnlght, ea. Mi Bride, .. 4 0 2 2 1 Gardner, 2b KMierfeld, b. 4 2 1 I OCree cf.... t'nglaub, lb.. 3 17 0 OAueifti, 3b.. Berkendorf, el 0 I I OSveeney. e. Alnamkh, c. 0 0 1 Itjulnn. p... Jnbnann, p... 1 0 0 3 t Hemphill Lellvelt .... 0 0 0 u 0 .41100 .41140 .80100 ..1 0 2 0 0 .. 3 0 0 1 0 ..4 0 6 8 0 .30120 .1 0 0 0 0 .30 6 24 0 - TVI Totals a n in i liatted for Austin In the ninth. Batted for Beckendorf In the seventh. Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 -2 New .York 1 0 0 0 o o w o o l Bases on balls: Off Johnson. 2: off (Julnn. 4. Struck out: By Johnson. 5; by (Juinn, 3. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Connolly and Colll- flower. Tliiera Lose to Cleveland. CLEVELAND. Sent. 7 Cleveland De troit 4 to 3. by bunching hits In the sixth Inning. Lajote had a perfect batting aver age, bcore: CUSVhil.AND. DETROIT. AB. H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.E. Oraner. If... 3 I I 0 IP, Jones, If.. 1 13 0 Stovall, lb... 4 1 1 ODel'hantr. lb t Oils Turner, 8b... 4 8 14 OMiintyre. ef. 2 3 1 1 0 Lalole. lb.,.. 1 14 1 OOravford. rf. 4 1 0 0 0 E.iMerly. rf.. 4 2 4 4 OMorlarty, 3b. 4 1 1 8 t Hirm'h'ni. cf 4 I 1 0 1 Bush, ss 3 1 I 6 0 Knapp, as.... 1 0 0 1 0 T. Jones, lb. 4 0 11 0 0 id. c 3 1 1 0 OBtanage. e... 4 1 3 3 0 Mitchell, p.. 3 0 14 OMulIln, p.... 4 10 11 Total. 28 10 27 13 1 Totals 33 8 24 17 1 Cleveland 0 0 i 0 o I 0 0 4 Detroit 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 03 Two-base hits: Turner. Granev. Three- base hits: Stallage, Mclntyre. Struck out: By Mitchell, 1; by Mullln, 2. Bases on balls: Off Mitchell. 2: off Mullln. 4. Time: 1:52. Umpires Egan and O'Loughlln. 'TV" COBB MAY UIT GAME Crack Outfielder Is In Danger of Los ing; Rlgrht Eye. CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 7. That .Tyrus Cobb, outfielder on the Detroit American league teim is In danger of losing the use of his right eye was the announcement made by Manager Hugh Jennings today. Cobb did not come here with the team for thtv four-game series which opens today. tjut remained In Detroit to consult a spe cialist. If the specialist makes an adverse report, Cobb will not play any more this year. , KALAMAZOO RACK MEET RESULTS "Ty Cobb" Defeated by "Just Rlgrht" - in 'Sixteen Pace. KALAMAZOO. Mich.. Sept. 7. A large crowd witnessed the first day's events ot the Great Western trotting meet here to day. Slow scoring caused the 2:20 trot to oe postponed until tomorrow, iteeuiis First, 2:18 pace, purse 3500: Just Right Ill Ty Cobb 2 2 8 Willy Penny 3 3 2 Time: 2:17. 2 18. 2:13i. Second race, 2:20 trot, purse 82,000 (un- iiiueneaj: Tho Angelu 2 Butterbrook 1 Gray more 6 Mascalta 4 Time: 2:14ft, 2:13, 2:144. Third race, pace, purae S&00: Shaughran 1 Joe Brown 2 Greatest Line 8 Peter Pan 4 Time: 2;094. 2:xi, 2:094. 1 1 6 t 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 4 COL. FORREST FIRST IN ST. FAIL Dick MrMahon Rldea In Front In Last Three Heats. ST. PAUL. Sept. 7. On a track lightning fast, an immense crowd enjoyed the races at the state fair this afternoon. Results! The St. Paul pacing, 2:13 class, purs 30,0X41, thre in five; Colonel Forest, b. h., by General Forest (McMahon) 3 111 Sam, b. g., by Uno (Johnson) 12 8 4 Allen Oh So, ch. g., by Oh So (F. Loomis) 13 3 2 2 Harry Weaver, b. h., by unknown (Calne) 15 7 S 3 Time: 2:0814. 2:074, 2:08. 2:0W4. Trotting, 2:28 class, puis 31,000, three In flv: i J. C. Simpson, b. g., by San Mateo (Schutt) Ill Captain Hunt, b. h. (McMahon) 2 2 4 Louis Forest, blk. g. (G. Loomis).... 2 8 3 Baroii C. Sherman, ch. h. (Sherman). 6 6 8 lime: 2:174, 2:18, 2:23ft. OMAHA AUTOISTS WILL ENTER Large Number Will Join la Race front Here to Slonx City September 24. A large number of Omaha autolsts are planning to enter the road from Omaha to Sioux CUy, which Is set for September 24 This race is being promoted by the management of the Interstate Live Stock fair, which Is to be held at Sioux City Sep tember 19 to 24. The race 1 for a purse of 8500. The contest, which is open to any person upon the payment of an entrance fee of 2'J5. I to start from Omaha between the hour of 6 and 9 o'clock on Saturday, Sep tember 24, and will finish at the Interstate 1 not liter than 3 o'clock of the same after- fair grounds, Woodland park, Sioux City noon. Contestants are to oe allowed to choose iheir own route between the two points. The purse Is to he divided Into first, sec ond, third and fourth prizes, amounting to liiM), J125. 30 and 850. respectively. It Is understood that the affair Is to be a handi cap run, although the official announce ments are silent on this point. SIDNEY CLIB TAKES SOFT GAME Lowland, Colo., Nine Proves Easy Prey hr Score of H to 1. SIDNEY. Neh., Sept. 7. (Special Tele urum.l The Loveland. Colo., team was easy 'for the Sidney club today and Pitcher Ferry for Sidney had the visitors at his mercy all the time, and generally he would toss the ball ho the expert lxiveland team could hit It and keep the home team In fielding practice. The only sensation of the game waa Right Fielder Mann'l stop of what looked like a home run. score by Innings RH K. Sidney '. 22202000 13 0 Uneland 00010000 01 7 4 Batterle: Sidney, Ferry and C. Ferry; lveland. Keeier and Honeyman. Umpire: Fine. Time: 1:50. Kwynford Win St. Ledger Stake. DONCASTER. England. Sept. 7 The St. Ieger stakes of 6.0UO sovereigns, distance about one mile, six furlongs and 13.' yards, was won today by lird Derby's Swynford. The Tattersall sale stakes of 6uu sovereigns, seven furlongs, was won by H. P. Whit ney' Dam d or colt. Leaders Lose to Discoverers in Big Swattcst Kissel Secures Two-Bagger and One Single Oat of Two Times at Boa Seward Scores. COLUMBUS, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special Tele gram.) The game was a swatfest for Co luiiibu after the fifth Inning and the visit ors could not find Kissel I at the rUht time. Klsacll got a two-bagger and a single out of three times up, Agnew three singles out of four times up and Malum and Chititck each lined out a two-bagger. Score: R.H.E. Fremont 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 01 .4 4 Columbus 0 0 1 0 0 4 3 1 '0 10 2 Batteries: Fremont, Campbell and Buhner; ( oluinous, Klsseli and Agnew. empire: Bowell. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special i citgiam.) wniie reward arew only one single In the first four Innings, Murray had poor control, and Paul was substituted, pitching the team out of a hole and allow ing neither a hit nor a walk for the rest of the game. President Slevers today an nounced the decision of the board as to the Grand Island-Seward game here on July H, protested by Seward on tho ground that Grand Island had exceeded the league limit of men at that time. The protest was sustained, taking one off Grand Island's won and one off Seward's lost list. The game will be played over tomorrow In a double-header. Scot: RH.E. Seward 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 1 3 Grand Island. ...2 0 0 0 2 V 0 0 4 6 1 Batteries: Seward, Stewart and Walley; Grand Island, Murray, 1'aul and Traver. SUPERIOR, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Superior won from Hastings today by a score of 2 .to 0. Ellis pitched an ex cellent game, not allowing the visitors a Ingle hit. Score: R.H.E. Hastings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 1 cuperlor ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 6 1 Colunibu Defeats Louisville. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. SepL 7.-Louisvllle lost the Bccond game of the series to Co lumbus through Inability to bunch hits un Cook, who managed to puil out of several bad holes. Score: COLUMBUS. LOUISVILLE. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.K Perrlng. lb... 6 4 1 ORobiriaon, ss. 1 0 0 10 1 Hllliililian, III 1 10 OMeynra, lb... 4 1 14 0 0 Conialtim. rf 4 1 2 0 UHianh-y, cf... 4 0 10 0 Downs. 2b.... 4 1 1 t 0 Doyle, 3b.. ..I 114 0 Mailing, sa. l 1 8 I 1 Burke, If 1 1 1 0 o Odaell. cf.... 4 0 0 0 UFIckertng, rf. 8 0 0 0 4 Wratten, 3b.. 4 0 3 1 0 Magee, 2b.... 3 113 0 Carlach, c... 4 0 13 IKellly, c 8 14 10 Couk, p 4 0 11 OHI'bothem, pi 1 0 1 0 GalbralUi. p.. 0 0 0 Totals 15 27 II 1 Totals 37 27 19 1 Columbus 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 Louisville 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-2 Stolen bases: Downes, Magee, Meyers. Sacrifice hits: Burke, Higglnbotham, HIiKiunan. Sacrifice fly: Robinson. Two base hits: Mahllng, Congalton, Higgln botham. Three-base hit: Perring. Struck out: B y Higglnbotham, 2; by Cook. 7. First base on balls: Off Higglnbotham 4; off Cook, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Robinson. Stanley (by Cook). Wild pitch: Higgln botham. Umpires: Owens and Ferguson. Time: 1:60. SPRINGER WANTED IN TEXAS FOR PASSING BAD CHECKS Man Accused of Land Frand In Chey enne County Ha Other Offense to Answer For. SIDNEY, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Herman Springer, a former real estate agent here, and later moving to Crawford, wher he was arrested for al leged crookedness committed In Sidney and brought her for trial, and bound over to the district court next November, ha been arreBted In El Paso, Tex., accused of pass ing bad checks under the assumed name ot Fred D. Hill, alia John Albert. Sheriff McDanlel received his photograph today from the chief of police there. An effort will be made to bring him back here to stand trial for land frauds and disposing of mortgaged property. Springer Is 26 years of age and was married two years ago to an estimable young woman of blue Hill, to whom he represented himself as president of the First National bank of this city and a large holder of western Ne braska lands. Many believe that Springer is demented, but there seems to be method In his actions. EIGHT DR0WN IN TEXAS Heaviest Rain In Years Causes Bad Flood In Gustlne Community Houses Carried Away. COMANCHE, Tex., Sept. 7.-Eight per sons were drowned near Gustlne as the re sult of a flood In the South Leon river last night, following a downpour of rain. The dead: MRS. GEORGE TERNEY AND FIVE UiilDDK&.N. JOHN LEANEAR. MRS. JOHN LEANEAR. George Terney, with his babe in his arm, saved himself by climbing a tree. The loss of life was In the Gustlne community, where the flood came down the river with such force that the houses occupied by the Terney and Leanear families, situated near th stream, were carried away. Tbe rain was the heaviest in ten years. DENVER FOR CITY PLANT By Vote ot Three to One Colorado City Determines to Own Own Water Worka. DENVER, Sept. 7. By a ballot of three to one today, this city voted bonds to the amount of 38,000,000 for the purpose of con structing a municipal water plan. Federal Judge Lewis yesterday issued i temporary injunction preventing the lssu ance of such bond until their legality could bo passed upon. DEATH JRECORD n. C. Bowman. BASIN. Wyo., Sept. 7 (Special Telegram.) Postmaster D. C. Bowman died here thla morning from cancer of the stomach. He wa aurrounded by his family and the end was peaceful. Mr. Bowman, who leaves widow and a family of six children, was forty-one years old, born ln Tennessee, coming to the west, settling first in Ne braska, and later In Wyoming. He hud been a resident of the Big Horn country for about ten years, living at Basin most of the time, and was postmaster for two terms. Ha held the controlling Interest in th Wyoming Security Investment com pany. The funeral will take place Wednes day at 3 p. m. from th Baptist church, under auspice of the Masonic fraternity. Interment will be ln Basin. Old Soldiers' Reunion. ELDON, la., Sept. 6. (Special.) A ftiur days' reunion of old soldiers and settlers begins at Eldon Wednesday. At the same time the Thirtieth Iowa Infantry will hold their annual meeting, which will be con ducted by 'Major Kiamer of Memphis, Mo. Special trslns and entertainments ln con nection with the Big-Four fair, whose dates are also the same and Is held by Van Buren, Jefferson and Wapello counties. The orators for Wednesday, the first day of the reunion, will lie by Governor B. F. Carroll and E. E. Romlnger; Thursday, Claude porter and D. J. Palmer will ad dress the crowds, and Friday, the speaker will he Nate Kendall and Dan Hamilton. J him WILD TliROW LUSLS Saints Take Game in Tenth by Scon of Three to Two. BREWERS 0UTBAT OPPONENT Three Two-Raac lilt Konr Srrlflce3 1'iahl Stolen Basra 4nc Iiouhla play Twelve Men Struck Out, MILWAUKEE., Sept. 7 -Rreen's wa throw, after missing a third strike on Boucher, nave the visitors a 8 to 2 victory over Milwaukee In the tenth inning this afternoon. Score: ST. PAfL MILWAPKF.K. All M.O.A.B. AB.H.O A S. j.,re. if 2 0 0 0 lIlan.iall, rt.. 4 110 4 Ihiu.her. ah.. 4 0 2 3 si hsrlea. ih...f 0 1 t 4 Muriav, rf...i 1 1 0 Met 'all. lb... 6 111 0 I M.t'in'k. a. 4 0 U uigrntf. If... 6 0 10 0 Lleae, If 4 0 3 lUwia, 4 I 0 0 Anlrer, ih... 3 ! 11 1 0 Clark. Jb 4 13 4 0 Woodruff. 2h. 4 1 4 3 1 n.Siwnier, cf 1 0 1 1 II. Spencer, c 4 1 B 0 ll.iulsg. c 4 1 4 1 0 Iteiger, p.. .3 1 0 1 (Klllligall. p... 1 0 0 1 Chech, it.... 1 0 2 0 r linen, c 1 0 1 0 1 Uel.rlng. p... 1 0 0 1 0 Totals 3 i :o 1 Totals 35 4 10 K. 3 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0-1 .St Paul 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 Two-base hits: Lewis, Clark, II. Spencer. Hits: Off Relgcr, b in eight Innings; off Uehting, 1 In two Innings. Sacrifice bits: Boucher, Randall, B. Spencer, lewis. Stolen bases: Woodruff (2), Jones, H. Spen cer, Atltrev, Degroff. R.mdall. Iewt Double plav: Woodruff and Boucher. Iefl on bases: Milwaukee, 11; St. Paul. 6. Basis on balls: Off Gllllgan. 4; off Iteiger, 1; olf Gehrlng, 1. Hit by pitched ball; By UiLU gan, 1. Struck out: By Oilltvan. 5; by Betger, 4; bv Gehrlng, 8. Passed halls Breen. Time: 2:30. Umpire: Chill and Bush. Millers Swnmn Bines. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 7.-The league lead era hit Swann hard In the sixth and seventb. innings today and won, 13 to 7. Score: ' MINNEAPOLIS. KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.K. O'Neill, rf... 4 0 4 0 0 Rarheau. 3b.. 1 0 0 3 C Altlier, as... 1 2 14 1 Shannon. If.. 1 0 4 11 frarath, If... 4 3 2 0 OSnnmt, If 4 110 0 William, lb. 4 18 1 0 Hunter, lb. ..1 116 1 Itneatnan. rf. 6 1 0 0 OLove, 3b 4 1 4 8 V Ferris, lb ... 6 10 1 0 Jamea. e 4 1 0 3 ( tllll, lb 6 2 1 ORafiery. cf... 1 3 0 0 1 . Owens, e 6 18 0 ODnwnte, ...! 0 1 I iJ Suae, p 1 2 0 1 OSwann, p.... 3 0 1 4 Cl Patterson, p. 0 0 0 1 tifnrter. p 0 0 0 0 a - c'ocaeh 1 0 0 0 Total! 17 14 27 U1 Totals 28 7 17 14 4 Batted for Swann In eighth. Kansas City 2 000000607 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 1 4 8 0 2-13 Two-base hits: Williams. Raftery, Cta vath. Hits: Off Swann, 12 in eight innings; off Carter. 2 in one Inning. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 4; Kansas City. 6. Sacrifice hits: Shannon, Love, Raftery, Downlc. Sacrifice fly: Williams. stolen oases Smoot, Altlzer, Cravath. Struck out: By 4Sago, 7; by Swann, 2; by Carter.' 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Sage, James and Smoot. Hits: Off Sage. 8 in seven and a third BW nlngs; of Patterson, 4 ln one and two-1 thirds Innings. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Cusack and Blerhalter. Toledo Captorea Second Game. TOLEDO. SeDt. 7. Toledo took the second game from Indianapolis. 2 to 1. The visitor made another ninth Inning rally, but failed to reach. Score: TOLEDO. INDIANAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.K. Hallraan, rf.. 4 0 1 0 OO'Dajr. ef 8 110 0 lll'chman. 2b I 1 1 2 0 Williams. 2b. 4 1 0 4 Zinn, cf 4 0 1 0 OHayden, rf... 3 0 2 0 0 Hickman. If. 3 0 4 0 u Cerr. Id 4 0 in z o Freeman, lb. 4 1 10 0 0 Mllllgan. If.. 4 110 Klwert, lb... 3 1 2 1 0 Kema, e 3 0 6 I 0 Butler, as.... I 18 0 Coffey, as.... 3 0111 McCarthy, is 1 0 0 0 0 Keene, 3b.... 4 u u Green, c 1 0 4 1 0 Link, p 3 0 110 Hartley, .... 00000 Eeelck, p 10 0 10 touus m l ii a Total It 27 0 Toledo 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 o u w t) l Two-base hit: Freeman. Stolen base; Butler. Sacrifice hits: Elwefl (2). Hayden. Bases on balls: Off KsslcK, x. ftirucg out; By Essick, fi; by Link, 2. First base on errors: Toledo, 3. Left on bases: Toledo, 0- Indlanannlls. 4. Passed ball: KeiTa. Time, L35, Vmpincs Jlajfea ajyWeddlg Many Amateur Golf Entries. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. Announcement was made today bv the United States Golf association that 211 entries have been re ceived for the National Amateur Got, championship, play for which will begin next Monday on tne nnxs or tne country cluh ot Brookllne, Mass. This is a new high record for the event. OLD SORES DUE TO DI5EASED BLOOD Every symptom of an old sore sug . pests diseased blood. The inflammj tion, discharge discolored flesh, and the fact that local applications have no permanent effect toward healing the ulcer, shows that deep down in the system there is a morbid cause foi the sore. But more convincing prool that bad blood is the cause for these places is furnished by the fact that even removing the sore or ulcer by surgical operation'does not cure; they always return. Nature will heal any sore if the blood is pure aud healthy 4 but until the circulation is cleansed of all impure matter and supplied with nourishing and plasmic qualities the infected condition of flesh is OBLIGED to remain. S. S. S. heals Old Sores in a perfectly natural way. It goes into the blood, removes the impurities and morbid matters, adds nourishing qualities to this vital fluid, and brings about the very cott. ditions that aft necessary be fore any sore can heal. S.S.S. is a perfect blood purifier, acting directly on the circula tion through the stomach and digestive mem bers. Its use makes rich, red, healthy blood, which nourishes all flesh tis sues instead of infecting them with the virulent matter which keep old sores open. Special book on Old Sores and any medical advice free. TES SWiri BPZCiriO CO., Atlanta, 0a. "Smoking is believing." Try a package of Cobs an4 1 A n m ,.V,-4 1... m i AislAt J icuiu nuai uao iimuv. lif Cobs the biggest selling r. ". a ugar in AAHicnca. Don't permit lubstitution. j Cobs come only in a green package. COBS 9 for 15c , "VEST POCKET EDITION" he for packet of 3 L LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO., M.Wi, Newaili. N.J. I - The t-erseat Independent Cigar Factory la Ihe world M ALLIl.N UltOhV. H P Iltrtbntr. j I