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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1910)
TIIE BEE: CWAITA. TITT7TcrAY, SEPTEMBER P. 1010. v CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Supplies Are Burdeniome and Drop in Value Expected. CORN TRADE DRAGGING BADLY Weatbrf la Corn Belt Iternaln f'of able, .bnj Cash Demand la Very Poor and Tradlnaj la lark. Opeplng Liverpool cabled weak. 1 to W lower. rpilat.e liquidation continues erf well as stucks on hand continue to be birrUensome. ' It 1 tlm k !!. rl opinion tliat prices will have to -Uernlm u a level Where at least the. present" Burpius can u c- l-'ivni.', extra fancy and st-sight, Htd 4.i; hard winter cleara, $.. t J ttt. 11 A V Firm; timothy, $H.wg !.; prairie, I Li lO'j 14 .xi. BAUOlNtl ftlc. I'KOV ISlONIv rorK. unchanged; Jobbing, lam lower; prime ta n, til 72g II '-'i-t. dry unit meat hi K her, boxed ex em shotU.; clear ribs, Msc; short t-lrais, Ut; baron higher; boxed extra smuts, l4-, clear ribs, 14; short cleara, lo'V. I'ULLTKY-Firm; clilrkens, l!ic; springs, 13c; turkeys, 1;; ducks, HitlUttCI geeso, iVU !)c. BITTER Higher: creamery, 27i31Vc. KtiUS llliiher Flour, bbls j..... W heat, bu torn, bu . Oats, bu ., ..72) . .57.MO . . 12 (M ..'iMK 75. 9") 70(i0 71.0110 66.9U0 some or ported WegiBer tlnoiiRhnut the corn belt con tinues most laimaoie. J-ack of ca-ih de mand? I still the leatilre of a dragging matket. barring frost further declines are ra.llf.t4 Wheat, was decluely weak on bearish cable and lower ouiside markets. Demand la tacking ami elevator concerns are readily seller on any, keeping values on the decline. Tin spot corn market held steady In face of Ileal lah views. Kecelpts were very light, and elevator concerns were offering lac over yestertiay ou-good yeilow variety. Primary wm-at receipts were l,U3.o"0 bushels and shipment we ' bushels, agnltlet receipts hist yn.r of l.t-ip.t bush els at id shipments of 946,000 bushels. Primary c-rn receipts were .ou bush els and shipments were 39i iiumIi'Is. agalUHt receipts last year of 1,014,000 bush els aad eth.pteiila of Aj'.vno busnels. ClegrajK ea were none of corn, 2,'i00 bu.. of oats. .nu wheat and flour equal to lOS.oou bu i Liverpool cloned 14d to Id lower on wheat, and Skd lower on corn. Omaha Casta Prices. WHEAT Mo. .' hard. VictI.4il; No- hard, swuv-r; NO. 4 haid. 9ou-'; rejected hard, 86'uwc; No. 2 spring, 9ca$l01; No. i spring, ktK'.ufl.W. . ... i'nkX-.,i i white. t31uf.4c: No. 1 white, Uiiuli4.i: .No. 4 v.nite. 62''t52-Vc: No. 2 Jenow, ul'jJ'4;; N. 3 yenuw, ol'-sia0; jNo. 4 yellow, t,ui4J 1j,C ; No. 2. elVlrc; No. 9, 5m ijtiwi iso. 4, ouVui'ilMtc; " Kfoe, 47HiOMiC. , iia'i S ahltB siiMic: standard, Sic. ,i.f. Nn 2 white. 3UvWiiHae; No. 4 whits',' -'aM'Au; No. i yeilow, JuV'Jlc UA.iti.KV- No.'4, utitiOc; No. 1 feed, to'it 67c; rejected, fi4juc. KVE-.No. 2,sit'ij..tio; No. 3, 74Hj)7Bo. j Carltft Receipt. t - Wheat. Corn. Chicago 173 804 Minneapolis " Omafla 14 iulun 31 18 Oats 30 NEWTORKSroCKSANDBONDS Dullness Unrelieved in Spite of Clear- in gUp of Current Events. FOREIGN EXCHANGES ARE WEAK Movement of Currency Oat of New York Coatlnaes Chleaco He ports Lower Teadencr of Moaer Market. tr..3.(im; silver certificates outstanding, 4.s.4.,tio. licncral fund: Ptandanl silver dollars In g.neiaJ fund. H.Si4.34; current Ishilltlcs. !.Ml.oh.(: winking balance In tresnr of fice,, ..36..V.; In banks to the credit of the treasurer of the l'nlte.1 Ptaten, $.1T.72.1.R44; stihsldlary silver coin, $J0.Sli;2i.; minor coin. ii.TKl: total balance In general fund, l:d,- 214.0M. Clllt'iOtl UiulSASiD PROVISIONS Featuses of 4h IVnUinK and Cloains Prices oil Ike UoarU of Trade. CHtCAOM, pt. 7.-Wlth export outlet hut Oft. and w'un the milling demand prac tically. su.-.-xviH-a-i iouy declined, closing at a net 4iKUri ol h6 to l'.c.' The oud of the rluy lelt coin imclianged to a shade hlghdri AlU Uc to ? don, and hog prod ucts 4U H lOsu of 4t ta W cents. Ino fact that ?Torth extern reeeipui are, lighter than a year aiQ appealed to be the uuiy element of strength- 1j wheat. There win continual liquidation b" longs, each -decline tiring out in a4dt.umaa list of-owners. One of the ehlel canae , a bearlsn eatliiiate of te wUuiU oi op, of' Minnesota and the Uako-ta 'at )70,ofi0.u0y hushels. Then, too. the world a aviUlal)" upply wa mown, to be 4AK,um' t)Urrei larger than a year tgo. A big Inortuiie in Jtuiralian acreage was reported-a po. I'rlces closed weak at nearly the liwaert of the tUy. The maximum was only'ncatu above final figures of the previous sm.Ioo." AJecember rauged from ll.OOHi to $1.01 y1.01V w ith-laat aales to 10 do4U, l'.i.... H , Most of the demand for corn was from ehorts. December fluouatod between 65Vnc and 56c, and finished at MH'tJ to 55, a net gain of a shade. The cash market waa lower early, but closed steady with Nn 1 vaillmr- at. R7U;nfi7V. Oats made new low points. December from S6W SfiHo, with the undermost fig ures as the'flnal ones for the day, a not decline of 40. . Park rinsed 6c to S7H e lower than yester day. Lard down Vfrc to ,lo and ribs, 6c to Futures ranged aa followai Vl:A 111 EH IX Tllr: OH AIM BELT Cooler Weather and Probable Show era the Prediction. OMAHA, Sept. 7, 1910. Kalns were general wit.iln the last twenty-four hours In the lower AiIskouiI and Iovmt Mississippi valleys and everywhere throughout tne iHcmrn and southern slate. No preclpltat.on woitny of note has occurred In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys since the preceding report. '1 lie wratiier Is snglitiy cooler in the east and south and Is warmer in tne central valleys and west to the mountains. Kalny and unsettled weather continues general In the extreme northwest. A barom ertio depression extends from the extreme upper valleys southwest across tne moun tains. 1 his depression Is followed by ait ea of lilnri Dressure. accompanied by de cidedly cooler weather, that Is moving down front the northwest and this high will suc ceed the low over the valleys, bringing cu. iter weather over this vicinity tonight and Thursday, with probably showers to night or Thursday. Mil), lfc-i. I!, Minimum temperature.... 68 68 SI 94 Precipitation ) T .00 .69 Normal temperature for today, t degiees. Deficiency lu precipitation suite Marca i, 12.71 inches. Uetu.ei..., corresponding period Id UOt, 1.31 Inches. ieiicieucy corresponding period la 1908, .74 of an inch. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at a. m., 70th meridian time, Weunesday, September 7, 1910: OMAHA DISTltlCT. , Temp. Kain- Statlons. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland. Neb si titi .00 Clear Auburn, Neb M o'i .00 Clear Broken How, Neb. 89 tO .00 C.ear Coiuiuous, Neb... 60 .00 Clear Culiiertson, Neb.. 1 00 .00 Clear Fairbury, Neb... 7 4 .00 Pt. Cloudy Fairmont, Neb... 4 bt .00 Clear (Jr. Island. Neb... 88 64 .00 Clear Hartingtun, Neb.. t4 bO .00 Clear Hastings. Neb.... So 62 .00 Clear Holdrt lie, Neb.... 8 bo .00 Clear Oakoale, Neb 83 04 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb 84 60 .00 Cloudy Tekamah, Neb... 84 . uS .00 Clear Alia, la 84 62 .00 Clear Carroll. Ia 82 62 .00 Clear . Ciarlnda, la....... 82 63 .00 Foggy Sibley, la 83 49 .00 Clear feloux City, la.... 82 02 .00 Cloudy - Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGE NEW TORK. Pept. 7.-Eventa which, it was supposed, would dissolve the uncer tainty and hesitation nf arocnlstlnn In stocks succeeded each other without bring ing any relief to the dullness. Yesterday It waa the Vermont elections which wore said to be repressing activity In the market. Today attention was carried forward to to morrow's government renort on ffrsln crrm conditions. Should that fall to arouse activ ity in the dealings In stocks the comina copper producers' report and the monthly statement of unfilled tonnage orders of the l.nlted states 8teel corporation will be nrougnt forward as the subjeeta on which ugni is aemred. A weakness of foreign exchange today was believed to have a connection with the Increasing supply of commercial bills In that market. A rise In the private discount ratee In the Berlin and Paris markets did not cnecK tne movement. Ionrion discounts Were nnaf fnlrt an1 lh. change in the Bank of England's oftlclal rate is not looked for tomorrow. The move ment of currency out of New Ynrk ran. Npuefl, nut at a moderate rale. Chlravn re ports an raster tendency of the money mar ket. Half a million dollars of Mexican gold was received In New York during the day and the shipments to Canada have hn susitenaea. Bonds were firm. Total aalaa nar vahiA t nited States hnnda tr nn.hin.ut in call. " and leading quotations follows: Salfw. High- fcow. CIom. No. of Temp. Rain- District Stations. Max. Min. full. Columbus. O 17 Louisville, Ky 10 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Chicago. Ill 20 St. Louis, Mo 13 les Moines, la.... 14 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 . Omaha, Neb 19 The weather ia warmer in all portions at the corn and wheat region, except the lake region, where It is slightly cooler. Moderate showers occurred within the last twenty four hours In all except the Omaha. Des Moines and Minneapolis districts, a tan of 1.40 inches occured at Fort Scott, Kan, L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Artlcle. Open. llgh. f Low. Close.! Yes'y, MVTieafc-l Kept. Dec. May Deo. May .Oats 1 I Sept ' Deo. . May Pork Sept. Oct Jan. Oct. Nov. Jan. XtlBS -Sept. Oct Jan. 1 OliilOlVW i oov l oowoi-v, l o;ni - i 7ii06vwi- i tivwrvH i &74.l&7'ftMi .MlSlVsl S3 10 K0 20 bo 12 20 12 1124! 11 tw 10 70 IS 00 11 86 76 66 69 83 S8SI 20 70 20 66 U 76 12 20 12 20 11 70 10 77H 12 00 11 8S 82Vs Be" 67V 67 KVHVMjS6rHi 32-8! 38V 20 26 20 26 It 06 S2'4 36 88VI 20 25 20 26 Is 65 334 34 20 67H 20 674 18 70 12 25 T2T74 12 10 12 10 12 174 12 1741 11 621 11 0241 11 70 10 74l 10 0741 10 774 11 674 11 66 76 n 6 11 65 75 12 05 11 85 80 112.37'itl2.j0. clearances of wheat and flour were 84 68 .2v 8b 08 .40 82 ' 02 .40 80 58 .60 84 66 .i0 84 66 .00 78 64 .00 86 60 .50 84 66 .00 London Stork Market. LONDON. Sept. 7. American securities opened quiet and about unchanged today. Later realising caused declines in tne ac tive Issues. At noon the market waa ir regular with prices ranging from 4 above to 4 below yesterday's New York closing. N.. ', LUlHTlll .. Hon M.. K. 4k T. .. f4 N T. Cemml .. I Norfolk a W .. rt do pl Ontario W . .1044 Pnnrln' ..lMSKnnd Mines . . 1 heading .. HttSouthern IRr ..HI (lo ptn'. .. 178outtnm Paritic. I'nlon Fscittc... do pM k V. S. Strel .1 io pfd .. U Wahaeh .. 11 an pfd .131 Bctnith Contola, monar do aorount Anisl, Copper Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltlnior 4 Ohio. Canadian Pacific... Chftftapeak St O.... t bliafi O. W Chi.. Mil. St. f I Pra IM-nier Ills O lo do pfd To grle do 1st pfd.... do 2d ptd Grand Trunk... llllnola Central SILVER Bar, steady at 24 lea per os. MONEY 14 Per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short billa la J453 per cent; for three months' bills., 8 per cent .14 .. tin . .. ' .. '? .. T0 .. i V.A .. 21 .. ' ..114 ..W .. 4 , W 1-1 ..Hi .. 1.".. ... M floaton Stocks and Bonde. B08TON, Sept. 7. Closlug quotations on stocks were as Nvmhet of sales on stocks were aa SEW YOItK OEJiERAL MAKKKT Qaotatloaa oat Varloas rases; firsts. no. a Cash Quotations were as follows FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, 14. 40) 6.16; - straights, 4.Kii6.(i; spring stralghu, 4.704,4. o; bakers. 84.ii0U6.2u. KVE No. 2. 7340. BARH'TY-Feed or mixing, old, 6&a58c; la r to choice malting, new, b.diMte. IS IC EDS No. 1 southwestern, 22.614: No. X northwestern, S2.634. Tlmotny, t7.uOtu8.i5. C over. 29.2odilo.00. PROVlSIONa Mess pork, per Ob!., 120.76 fj'il.'W. Lnrd. per 100 lbs., 112.10. Short ribs. auiee, (loose) ll.6Un 11.874; short clear side, tboxed) v Total c equal to 108,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1.U3.UM bu,, compared with l,626,otio bu. the corresponding day a ago. The world s visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, Increased 77,000 bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat, 473 cars; corn, nun cars; vats. 1S2 cars; hogs, 17,000 head. Chicago Cash Pi Ices Wheat, No. 1 red, 5wi4c; No. 3 led. Dird 11.004; No. I hard, SutiWc; No. 3 hard. 1.14t.l.l7; No. 1 north ern. SI.13tasl.lbVa: No. 2 uorthern spring, $1. 081.16; .Ko. 1 spring, 674'ii&74c. Corn: No. 2 .cash, 564w57c; No. 3 cssh, i74574c; No. 2 white; 671 574c;. No. 8 white 674'a S7c; No. t yellow, 57U&74c; No. 8 yellow, StkuaoAiC Oats: No. 2 cash, 33$.14Uc: No. S white. S;ij3I.c; No. 3 white, 232c; No. 4 white, 3V(a:t4'. BUTTKIt Fii-m;' ereamerles, 24430oi dairies. 2S'fi27c. E(RiS-Flrm: tecelnU. 10.6T,2 marie, cases Included, HiftlTc; prime firsts, "!3c. CHEESE ltrog; daisies, twins, lac; young Americas, long norns. 1imi16'.iV ' POTATOES Steady ! choice to fancy, S3 tjSTic; fair to rood. . 7T'u!0c, lyirLTKYFfrin; turkeys. 18c; hens, 14c; springs, lfic. VEAL-Steady: 60 to 60 lbs., Strive: 00 to 85 lh., ji!5c. Si to 110 lbs.. KtlOVaO. Chlrago Receipts Wheat. 9.VI cars; corn. J cars. Estimated Tomorrow Wheat, 608 sjrs; corn, 183 curs. Kaaaas City t.rnla and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 7-WHEAT-Sep-tenitier. 94V. sellcis; December, S84o bid; May, ll.OhiSVl.o'a bid. Cush 40 to Jc lower; No. 2 liiini, !ct1.0J: No. .i, 9Jc.-.01; No. 2 red. HiU'iiJl.liu; No. M, 95 it 'c. CORN Seulember, i4-c sellers; Iecem ber, bid. May, c, cash, unchanged to V(l Vic liigitvr; No. J nuked, 58-.io6; mixed, 644'i No. 2 white, iliotc; No. 8. 664 fc674c OATS t'n.' hanged; No. i white, 35c; No. t mixed. 316X1. KY E No. 2, Vr,lK;)c. WAV I'lichaiiged; Umotliy, 14.0iol4 .50; Choice V'a,rle, 112.00. , Bl'TT fc4t -Creamery, Jc; firsts, 27c; soo ttnds, 3c; packing sink. iI4c ' EiKW Extras, 25c: firstj. 2.4c; seconds, L4c; current receipts, r.4c He.cipta. Slilpments. Wheat. bu.. 1"4 i0 H."i.0) Corn, bu 97. on (JkUa, bu J. W0 3.UU0 of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.-FLOUR-43uiet; spring patents, ti.4wi6.75; spring clears, Vt.i".(i40o, winter extras No. 1, 3. 7uS3.90; winter extra No. Z, K.Wii3w; ivansas straights, t4.80tij5.00. Rye, steady; fair to good. t4.10tii'4.So: choice to fancy, S4-25$H4a. J' - i.U iCUUN meal steady; line, winte ana yei- IOW, ll.uwul.tio, coarse,; ni.n uneuj, V3.D0. - ' - W H HAT Spot market, weak; No. I red, tl.04Vf elevator, and 81.044. f. o. b., afloat; new No. 1 northern Duluth, 8121, f. o. b. to arrive. The market for futures was gen erally firm up to 1 o'clock on the strength of corn and outside' markets, but broke later owing to a bearish private estimate of the three northwest states, closing V 14c net lower; September. S1.044i'l.X4. closed 31.044; December, tl.0H4i 1.09, cloned 81.084; May, S1124&1.U4. closed 81124; re ceipt, 21,6u0 bu. CORN Spot market, easy; No. 2 corn, 664c, elevator domestlo basis; No. 2, t4, f. o. b. Futures market was without trans actions, closing lfyd4o net lower. 'Septem ber closed, 664o; December, 644c; May, txiic; receipts, 12.375 bu. OATS Spot market, easy; new standard white. 38o: No. 2 white. 3S4c: No. 3 white. 374c; No. 4 white, 274c. Futures market was steady and fairly active, closing 4c lower. September closed, 37 c; December, 404U404c, closed, 404c; May cloved, 434c; July, 43c; receipts, 96,075 bu.; shipments, 2.500 bu. HAY Dull prime, 3106; No. 1, IL10; No. 2, fl.OOtB'l.tti; NO. 3, Sbp00. HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, 1909,. 20t& 22c; 1908. nominal. Paclflo coast 1909 Hiioc: 1908, nominal HI DEC Quiet; Central America, 2OTc; Bogota. jawmw. LEATHER Steady; Hemlocks first 24 2rto; seconds, Zl(B23c; thirds, is a 2oc; rejects, l.fti 1 a. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, 124.00 C24.50; family, 825.00(26.50; short clear, 322.60 24.60. Beef. steady; mess, J15.0oaii.00 family, 319.0020.00; hams. S--OOfti 24.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. IfUl8c; pickled hams. 144aire. Lard easy; mlddlw west prime, 312.3f(j:12.46; re' fined, steady; continent, 812. U6; South Lirfiierica, 313.60; compound, 811. (MVy 11.50 tallow f irm; prime city nnas., 7c; county, 74(il74c. . CHEESE Weaker; state, whole milk. special, ln40174c; state, whole milk, fancy. 154r; state, whole miiK. cnolce, 15c; state, whole milk, good to prime, 14Vll4c; state, whole milk, common to fair 1044244c: skims, full to specials, 25il?c. BUTTER Firm, .creamery specials; 32fj324c; extras, 31c; third to firsts, SlVoUc; extras, 804931o; third to firms, 244294c; state dairy, common to finest, 2240 and 284c; press seoond to specials, 12 4c to 17c; western factory. 2224c; west ern Imitation creamery, 246 25c. EGGS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and neaiby hennery, white, 28(j33c; state, Penn sylvania and nearby hennery, gathered white, 26iu30c; state. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, brown. 28S30c; state. Penn sylvania and nearby gathered brown. 25'9 28c; fresh gathered, extra first, 25S'26c; first. 234i24c; second, 21fi22c. POULTRY Alive, weak; fowls, 17c; tur keys, lOritloo; dressed, easier; western bt oil ers. 17i 20c; fowls, 144jl74c; spring turkeys, 2-ti S.H.-. Allls-tTialmars pfd Amalgamated Oopper ... American Agricultural , Am. Roet Sugar American Can American C. A F Amarlcan Cotton Oil.... American H. A L pfd.. Am. lea Hscjrltles American Llnaeed American Locomotive .. Amarlcan s. A R Am. B. A R. pfd Am. Steal Foundries Am. Sugar Refining Amorican T. A T Amarlcan Tobacco pfd Amarlcan Woolen Atavconda Mining Co Atchison -. Atehlaon pfd Atlantic Coast Lma Daltlmora A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central Leather Cntral Leather pfd Centra.) of New jersey Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago & Alton Chicago Great Weatern C. O. W. pfit Chicago A N. W C M. A St. P C, C. C. A St. L. Colorado P. A I Colorado A Southern Consolidated Oaa Corn Producta Delaware A Hudeon Denver A Klo Grande D. A R. O. pfd ... Obntllers' Securities Brie Erie let pfd Krle M pfd.'.'.T Oeneral Electric Ureal Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfa.... llllnola Central Inter bo rough Met Int. Met. pfd International Harvester ... Int. Marina pfd.... International Paper International Pump Iowa central Kanaaa City 80 K. O. So. pfd Laclede Qae Loulevllle A Nashville..... Minn. A St. h M., St. P. A 8. S. M M., K. A T.... M , K. A T. pfd Missouri Pacific ............ National Btacuit National . Lead . . w. J...-.- N. K. R. ot'M. 2d Pfd... r York Central... Y.,"0. A W...1 Norfplk A Weatern...!.... North American Northern Paxlfio Paclflo Mall Pennaylvanta People' a uas . ...... P.. Cr. c. A Bt. L..:.. PltUburg Coal Pressed Steel Car.. ...... Pullman Palaca Car Hallway Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel Hepubllo Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L. A 8. F. Jd pfd 9t. Louie B. W St. L . W. pfd gloea-Sheffleld 8. A I Southern Pacific Southern Railway So. Railway ptd Tenneiaee Copper ; Teiaa A Pacific T., St. L A W T.. St. L A W. pfd Union Paclflo I'nlon Paciric pfd I'nlted Btatea Realty I'nlted States Rubber I'nlted Statea Steel V. 8. Steal pfd Utah Coisvr -. 1 Va. -OarollnS hemlcal .... W'abaah Wabaah pfd Weatern Maryland Weatlnghowe Electric .... Weatem Union m Wheeling A L B Total aalea tor the day. I') 14, W) 3"0 fcXI jno u0 'iisno 2U0 "'too 14,700 ivo 2"0 00 PO "41O 8,800 4,700 100 6K 00 3.300 200 SI II 63S 624 W 43 8H W 4 4 47 44 a24 li" 1H U4 'iiii "sb" 74V4 'ii" is" w lit 134H .U4H K ' K ' 'si' 974 M4 1034 8K4 74 4 la 334 1064 1014 26 4 '44 18 324 lvi4 1.200 734 724 at 21c; 164 11 luc; too 7,400 200 200 600 '200 too ioo 400 "ioo 00 1.400 1,400 80S aoo 100 200 200 200 IOO 800 200 .rx J.0 "700 ''.Hi I0 1.200 200 14S4 H4 MS 14 24 704 'as" 414 1414 1234 14 44 54 14 W4 141 244 1874 ' 314 31 H 1104 11S4 r. 1274 1064 100 It 1434 117 6!4 128 134 24 704 414 iii" 1234 i4 484 (64 164 624 4 141 24 1274 31 68 04 108 'it' 1124 24 "it" 71,200 300 '3,'iio 4)0 800 100 11. M0 too "ioo "'jio 400 (1.400 600 "wo 69,200 600 00 00 1344 294 4 8 39 1364 2 4 624 39 68 111 66 U04 28 234 4S 1044 92 '144 84 1164 44 674 100 14 834 4(4 1114 14 '34' 4 1164 464 674 "u" 80 Vi :'.4 43 3Mi I 40 2 244 It 11 344 1034 43 IK 1344. -'4 24 3 74 ltmv, 1014 2'e 744 iw4 38 H l'lu 800 734 ' 23 45 1434 76 2S4 63 12 13 I08 29-4 70 3T4 2.S4 414 30 1) 123 63 130 134 49 S4 104 10 3 l4 23 ; M4 141 234 1174 314 1 62 113 60 814 110 34 er4 69 11.14 12V4 1044 Ho 16 33 L 81 1384 2 90 24 U 384 24 64 66 118 824 60 i' 844 82 4a 4 1MH 91 4 884 7 U64 4t 674 164 354 43 67 63 44 follows ...43 Mohawk 47 ... US Nevada Con i ... 244, NIplKlng Mines .... P4 ...II North Butte 23 ... North le 9 13 Old Dominion 36 14 Oeceola 126 Aiiiona 67 Psrmtt 8. A C 13 .43 Quinry il 14 Shannon 9 6 Superior 44 7 Superior A B. M 8 10 Superior A P. C 11 Tamarack 66 11 V. S. C. A 0 16 4 V. 8. 8. R. A M.... 3S. II do ptd 46 4 t'tah Oon 28 ' 84 Winona 7 104 Wolverine 120 14 Allouea Amsl. Copper A. Z. L A 8.., Artanna Com Atlantic B. A C. C. A 8. M Butte Coallt! lal. A Cel. A Hecla Centennial Copper Range C C. . Eaat Butts C. M Franklin '. Glroux Con Uramby Con Greene Cananea Ii-le Royals Copper... Kerr Lake Lake Copper La Salle Copper Miami Copper bx-dlv. "Aaked. OMAHA LIVE SIOll MARKET Coaaiderable Falling: Off ia the Re ceipts of Cattle. HOGS ARE STEADY TO TEN LOWES Receipts of Sheep and Lambs ton- tlane Large, While Demand la Very Good and Prices Prac tically Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 7. 3910. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav 1A.IM 2.519 2.12 Official Tuesday 11.025 B.M'4 51.249 Kstlmate Wednesday ... 4.731 5,290 19.540 Three days this week. .81, 430 13.724 9K.9T.1 Same days last week. . . .33.M5 17.413 cVS.U'S Same days 2 weeks; lt. VI2 90.:1 riame days 3 weeks aao..23:2 In. 136 4T..219 Same days 4 weeks Hgo..l9.1.iy 21.1H4 4:1.820 Same days last year.... 24.797 15,307 S7.6S-3 The following table shows the receipts ot rattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for the year to datt. as compared with Isst year: mo 1S Inc. leo. Cattle 72S 747 IUa.717 84.330 Hons 1.47s.46 1.724.348 246,878 Sheep 1.357,540 l.Ols.fcol 308.745 The following table snows the average prices ot hogs at South Omaha tor the last several days, with comparisons: Harper A Weston Wyo. II steeis....l. 4 75 IS calves... 1W IICi) 0 3 V . 44 steers.. ..ll.'o 42 steers.... 89 4 00 20cos Sm A. A. Harper Wyo. T cows 9t5 4 00 ti Cos 818 li. O. Heattvn yo. U cows H..2 3 1 21 cows 9o0 ltusse Thorn Wyo, 17 Steers.. ..12 4 HO 20 steers. ...11.M 1 steers.. ..Il;t4 4 90 83 steers.. ..1163 23 steers.. ..1143 4 !) K. It. Tessender wyo. 80 steers.... 814 ?5 steers.... (C2 10 calves... 870 it. S. 100 steers.. .11.15 35 heifers... 984 4 50 4 20 4 70 Date. I IMC. 19Q9.1908.1907.1908.1906. 11904. Local Secorltles. Ountations furnished by Burns, Brlnker & Co., 449 Omaha National bank bulltinc: Alma, Neb., LL 6a Cudahy Packing Co. ta City Nat. Bank Bldg. aa, miEU.... Columbua, Neb., Klec. Lt. 6a, 1324 Fairmont Creamery ptd Fairmont Creamery com Hydraulic Pressed Brick, com Kanaaa Oaa A Klec. per cent pfd.. Kanaia City Ry. A Lt. 6a, 118 Kanaaa City Stock Yarda Met. Ky., K. C, 6s, 1913 Omaha Water Co. 8a, 1944 Omaha Oaa 6a, 1917 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pfd 8 fit oent Omaha A C B. St. Ry., com Omaha A C. B. Bt. Ky. oa, iws Omalia St. Rr. 6a, 1914 Pacltlo T. A T. 6a, 1937 Spokane A Inland Km p. Ga. 1924 I'nlon Stock Varda stuck. 'Jm.he .... United Ky pfd., St. Loula Trl-Oity Railway A Light 99 '4 99 9 100 107 . 18. II 84 ji I4 II 93 83 ..... -9" 88 U5 43 94 1U0 M4 loo 1 lt lot) 16 97 9 99 X 84 70 91 100 944 91 M J4 It New Vork Curb Market, The following quotations are! furnished bv LoKan & Bryan, members Nw York Stock exchange, 316 South Sixteenth street Omaha: 82 Qreen Cananea.... 18 Inspiration , 14Larote 14 Nevada Cone...... lNewhouae 46 Ohio Copper 14 Rawhide Coalition. 66 Ray Central 30 Swift Pkg. Co 10 Superior A Pitta... S Tonopah Mining... 8 Trinity Oupper I North Lake 4 Bohemia Buy State Oaa.. Butte Coalition. Cactua Chlno Chief Cons. ...... Fraction Davla-Daly Kly Central Ely Cons Franklin Olroux Uilldtleld Goldfieid Ooldfleld Con a Florence. . Delay , . 7 . 74 . 4 . 804 . 64 . 8 . 11 . 24 .104 . 114 . 84 . I . 94 . 64 Aus;. Aug. Aus-. Sept. sept. Sept. Sept ."! t. Sept. Sept. 29.. 30.. 81.. 1... 2... 8... 4... i... - . 3 91 I I 8 47 9 0041 7 72 944, 794l I 84", 8 63 4 9 02H! 9 17'. 7 77) S3 7 821 8 4o 7 0 43 7 871 6 63 7 851 6 67 I 6 7 871 7... I 9 0t4J 7M 611 e 8 6 71 5 781 I t 87 t 6 6 681 i 76 6 81 6 701 I 88 6 6rtl 6 78 t 861 6 87 6 76 6 77 5 72 6 6: 6 47 I 86' 6 76 ( 4 6 231 6 I 82 t 27 8 It 6 13 6 87 I 83 e 5 25 6 26 84 heifers. steers.,, 11 steers.. S3 steers.., steers. ., f.7 steers. 02 steers m cows Mrs. J 14 steers.. ..1196 K1 Itnrnett Wvn. 24 feeders.. lOfiT 4 40 18 feeders.. 9.T3 I. C. Miller Wvn. 1 cows..... 9:tf 4 00 10 ste'rs.... 9S0 HOGS-Shippers nlckeil uu a few loads of the more desirable kinds of llsrht and butcher (trades this mornlntr at prices that were steady or close to steady, but their purcnases were limited largely because here were very Tew of their kind of hors on sale. The best sold up to 89.60, the top beln the same as yesterday. t ausers were bear ah in their views, ana their bids were 10c lower, and In some cases, more than that. They succeeded n buying; a rood manv heavv hoes fully 10c lower, but along toward the close the mar ket seemed to take a little stmrt and a good many heavies at the best time brought prices that were not over 5c lower than yesterday. This means that the general market on heavy weights was txirflOo lower than yesterday. 6 68 5 88 5 So 6 22 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nlon Stock yards. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 12 o'clock yesteraay : RECEIPTS , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 01. f., m. Ac u. ....... 3 B. & Q., east 1 C. C, C, C, C. Illinois C. U. B. St u., west.. It. 1. & P., east. R. I. & P., west. Central ..... W C, M. & St. P Missouri Paclflo Union Pacific C. & N. W'., east.... C. oi N. W., west. ..136 1 1 56 1 50 2 1 12 7 6 1 8 1 4 6 53 1 1 29 20 DISPOSITION Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, 298.900 shares. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. MONEY On call, easy, 1I- per cent; ruling rat,, 14 per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent, offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, strong and dull; sixty days, 4'a44 per cent, and ninety days at 44&44 per cent; six months, uf per "PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 64) to per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers bills, at 34.8325(3 4.8360 for sixty day blils, and at 84.8610 for demand. Commercial bills. 34.82-W4.834. SILVER Bar. RTnc Mexican dollars, 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bond today were as follows: U. a. rwf. 9a. re,.... HI Int. M M. 44s.... 4s coupon 101 'Japan 4s V. 8. la. re. 1014 do 4a do coupon 1014K. C. 80. 1st la.., V. 8. 4a, leg 116 L. 8. deb. 4s 1K31 do coupon 116 L. A N. unl. 4s..... Alllb-Ohal. let as.... 74 M. K. A T. let 4s. Amer A 6a 100 do gen. 4a Jf'li fish. Minneapolis (iralat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 7 WHEAT Sep tember, 31 10; tieceniber, 81114; M ly, 31.164; No 1 hard. $1124; No. 1 northern. Jl.llVJ 1.114; No. 2 northern, tl.0;4$ 1.10-; No. northern, 31 04iii 1.074- CORN-No. 3 yellow. 54ffft6c. OATS No. 8 white, 31Vu3?4c. It YE No. 2, 704'ii714c. K LAX Closed' at 32.60. BIlAN In 100-lb. sacks, $19.00irl9.o0. FLol'R First patents (in wood. f. o. b. Mlnneap41el, 85 5u5 70; second patents. 86.30 S 1-6.50; first clears. 83.9OB4.10; second cleara, 32 tW32.90. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVK'RPtkJL, ' Sept. 7.-WHEAT-Spo't, dull; No. t red western winter, no stock; futures, siesdy; October, 7s 6d; December, 7s tj.d: March. 7s 74d. COIlN Spot, steady; old American mixed, fvs liM; futures, quiet; September, 4s 84d; October, 4s kSd. Am. T. A T. Am. Tobacco 4a 4o la Aimour A Co. 4a.. Atehlaon gen. ta.... do cv. 4e do cv. 6a At. C. U tat 4a.... Hal A Ohio 4a do 3a du 8. W. Ia.... Brk. Tr. cv. 4a c-eii. at Ga. 6e (-en. Leather 6a C. of N. J. g. 6a., Chea. A Ohio 4s... do ref. 6a Chicago A A. Ie C. B. A . J. 4a... do gen. -. v. M. A 8 P. C. R 1. A P. do rfg. 4a .... t'olo. Ind. 6a Colo. Mid. 4a., A a. r. A a. 4a 4 42 , 644 ; 4 , S7 . 97 . 64 . 77 . 16 . 68 . cv. 4e..l'XMo. faclflo 4a. 4a 7 N. R. R. ot M. 4s .10CN. Y. C. g. Ie . do deb. 4a . 18 N. Y.. N. H. A H. .10 cv. 4a 1J2 .100 N. A W. let e. aa... W . il do cv. 4a W . 98 No. Pacific 4a 1"0 . fct't do. la 714, . 0. 8. U rf.lg. 4e.... 91 81'aPenn. cv. 2a 1116... K4 106 do con 18 Reading gen. 4e ltl St. U A S. F. fg. 4a ion do gen. &a 914 81. L 8. W. e. 4a ... da do let gold 4a 9u ealxiard A. L 4a.,.. la Bo. Pao. col. 4a. g la 91 do cv. 4a 1. 4a.. 72w do let ref. 4e. ...... I 80. Railway 6a... 74 no gen. aa 10-J 97 Ml is HH 71 at 70 0 974 93 ! ..10ft Dank Clearing:. OMAHA, Sept. 7. Bank clearing for to day were 83,138,238.22, and for the corre sponding date last year $2,863,064.24. OMAHA CISKEKAl. MARKET. BUTTER Creamer, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade in 1-1 b. cartons, 22c; No. 1, In 80-lb. tubs, 31c; No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons, 30c; No. ' 2, in t9lbtuue, 24c; packing stock, solid pack, 22i); dairy, in 60-lb. tubs, 23((j24c Market cham. every Tuesday. C 1 1 E E HH T w Ins. 38 .5 young; Ameiieas, liCc; daisies, 184c; ftivitts, 184o; llmberger, 18o; No. 1 biiok, ISfee; ityiportwd Swiss, 31o; domestic Swiss, 24V; block. Swiss, 22c. POULTRY Dressetl broiler under 8 lbs., 20c; over 2 lbs., ltWi nens' 15c; cocks, 10c; ducks, lie: l&oL turkey. 26c: pigeons. per dor.., )1.20; homer aquabs, per do., 84.00; fancy squabs, per do., 83-50; No, 1, per dux, M.00. Alive: Broilers, lie: over 1 lb.. 12c: hen, lie; 01a roosters. tc; 01a qucks, tun feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, 8c; turkeys, 20c; guinea fowls, 20c each; pigeons, per doz., t0c; homers, per do., 83.00; squabs. No. 1, per aoz., si.w; mo. 2 per aox., duo. ISH tall ffozen) Pickerel, 12c ; white- 17c; pike, 15c; trout, Lie; lartre crap- plea, 20c; Spanish; maukerel, 18c; eel, 18c; hadaWck. 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 180: buffalo, 8c i -halibut, . Be; white perch. 9c; bullhesds, 16c; roeshad, 31.00 each; shad roe, tier pair, ovo, iroB legs, per aoz.,. uc; salmon, 15o. Beet Cuts-Rib: No. 1, 14c; No, 2, 134o; No. 2, Sc. Loin: No. 1, lOo; No. 2, 14c; No. 3, 9c. Chuck: No. 1, 64c; No. 2, 64c; No. 3, 5c. Round: No. 1, 84c; No. 2, 74c; No. 8, 640. Plate: No. 1, 54o; No. 2, 4,c; . No. 3, 44c FRUITS Orange, California Valencia, all sizes, per box. 86.W4j)&.25; Mediterranean Sweets, 28S size, 83.00; 324 lse, 82.50. Lemons, Limonlera, extra fancy, 300 alze, . per box, 37.00 ; 360 size, per bos, 87:50; choice, 600 aiae, per box, 16.50; 309 ize, per box, 87.00; 240 size. 60o per box less. Banana, fancy select, per bunch, $2.202.50; Jumbo, bunch, 32.75 ij 3.75. Cantaloupes, Colorado Rocky Fords, 54 size. 8.2.00; 46 standards, 82.50. Plums, Call tomla, red, per 4-banket crate, $1.65. Italian Blue Prunes, Washington, per crate, $1.25; in lots, per crate, $1.10. Peaches, California Salways, per 20-pound box, 66c; In lots, uf twenty-five or more, per box, 874c; Colo rado Elbertas, per 20-pound box, 80c. Pears, California liar t let t, per box, $3.00; In lots, per box, $2.66; Oregon and Utah Flemish Beauties, per box, $2.50; in lots, per box, $2.40; Washington Bartlett, per box, $2.75; in lots, per box, $2.60. Apples, home grown In bbls., $4,0044.60; new Oregon, In boxes, $1,754 California Uravenstein, per box, $2.10. Grapes, California Malagas, per 4-basket crate, $1.50; Concords, home grown, per 8 pound basket. 32'3ac. Watermelons. Texas, 14c per pound. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-pound packages. In box. per box, $2.00. VEGETABLE 1 New potatoes. In sacks, per bu., $1.00411.10. Sweet potatoes, Virginia, per bbl., $3.75. Onions, large yellow, in sacks, per lb, 3c; Iowa, small red and yel low, per lb., 84c; Spanish, per crate, $1.60. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red, per lb-, 16c. Kgg plant fancy Florida, per doz., $1.00. Celery, Michigan, per doz., bunches, 35c. HOMil GROWN VEGETABLES Cab bage, new, per lb., to. Tomatoes, per bas ket, 6uaoc. string ana wax bean, per mantel basket, ac. nicumoers, per market basket, 604i5o. Radishes, extra fancy home grown, per doz., bunches, 20c. Lettuce, ex tra fancy leaf, per doz., 45c. Parsley, extra fancy, home grown, per do, bunches, 80c. Turnips, per market basket, 40c. Carrots, per market basket, 60o. Beet, per market basket. 40c. MiscjsijiNbuus- wainuts, Diacic, per iu., ic; laiuoraia imo. 1 per id, lie; Cali fornia, No. 2. per lb., 14c. llickorynuta, large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb, 6c. Cocoa nuts, per sack, $6.00; per dozen, 660. Honey, new, twenty-four frames. $4.00. Totals 250 Omaha Packing Co I.tttl Swift and Company 1,449 Cudahy Packing Co 1,68 Armour & Co 1,361 Kore Pkg Co Murphy, shippers..." W. B-Vansant 126 Benton, Vansant & Lush 118 Stephens Bros 21 Hill & Son 343 F. B. Lewis 86 Huston & Co .165 J. B.- Root & Co 134 J. H. Bulla 8110 L. F. Husz S L. Wolf 77 McCreary & Carey 424 S. Werthelmer 54H H. F. Hamilton 137 M. Hagerty 22 Sullivan Bros 8 Lehmer Bros 41 Lee Rothschild 25 Sol Degen 12 Kline at Christy 78 Mo.-Kan. Calf Co ........ 25 Other buyer ' 2,000 79 655 1,172 9119 716 137 1,397 82 3.126 1.859 2.163 2,793 t. loels ST. 'lH'IS. firm; track. No. hard. . 1 01tl 07. Hepiember. 974c: Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Pept. 7.-FI.OT'RSteady. WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1.161.164; No. I northern. $1; December, $l'tjl02. OATS 344 o344'- BARLEY Sample, 6t'j714c. t.enernl Market. Sept. T. WHEAT Cash, 2 red. $lt(ilo:4; No. 2 Futures, lower. Closi: lecemher. $1014 COKN-Cash, weak; track, No. 2 red. Skc No. J while, 6.'4ti itc. Futurva. weak; close, cptcmb r, SF4.-: 1'ecemln-r, 544c. OATs-cash, strong; track, No. 2. 31c; No. 2 white. 354r. ulures, lower; Siptem- lfr, Si"se; Deeniber, Kc. RVE Firm. 7c. pj.-'KI' Tlmothv. $V6li9 50. CORN. MEAL Wo. lilt AN Lovr; sacked, east track, V5j) Kr TIOVIV t'cchaAgtd, rtva w Icier pauau, nalatli Grain Market. DULUTH. Sept. T. W H EAT September, December. $1,124: No. 1 northern. No I northern. $1 074'xl lOV OATS-MSc $tl24: $I.I2": Prerla Market. PEORIA. Sept. 7 CORN Lower; yelloev. 54i54c: No. 3 yellow, 5c; 56c; No 4. 55c; no grade. 49c. OATS 4julet; No. 8 white. 52 4c- No. 1 No. $. Heftaed SEW YORK, lagar Is Lower. Sept. 7. Refined grades 1 to 14. Inclusive, were reduced par hue art 4 pouaag toe ay, sugar 100 p. A H rv. D. A R. O. .... do ref. aa iMatlllere' 6a trie p. I. 4s do gen. 4a. do cv. 4a. ear. 1 do eerlea B turn. Blec. cv. la IU. On. let ref. int. Met. 4a Bid. Ollered. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. METALS Stand ard copper, weak; spot and futures, $12,124 'a 12.2b; lyondon, quiet; spot, 156 us 3d; fu tures, fo6 3d; Lake copper, locally, $12 76 (tiia.iri; electrolytic, iLl.biWUli- ti; casting. 12.25'ul2 .00. 1 1 11 . dull: spot and futures .61 stnlon oTnV'i'.;:: 2 $4.00ial.374i: London, dull; spot. 166; fu- a ,V do cv. 4a Ml itures, tlbi li's bd. lad, dull; 84.4O4.u0, Newt York;, Kast t. Ixjuis; Ixindon spot, 12 10s. Spelter, firm; $5.374'uu.u0. New York: $5.22S.3Y East St. Iyouls: London l'4spot price, i22 1is6d. Iron; Cleveland war jiants, 4i 6d In London. Locally, iron was Quiet; No. 1 foundry, northern, $16.0011116.65; 2. $l5.50tsl6.i0; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $15.7516.25. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 7 METALS Lead. steady, $4.30; spelter, higher; $5.30. Is do 1st A ret. 4a... . !'. 8. Ruhber 4e ... . II V. 8. Steel id 6a ... . 4a V Va.-cro. Chera. 6a. . 814 Walsah let aa . 74 do let A ei. 4a... . 70 Weatern Md. ta . 14 West. Elec. cv. 6a... .Ui Wla. Central 4a . M Mo, Pac. ov. 6a . 7 lt44 9-4 1 "iS . . 33.161 CATTLE Receipts Of cattle looked small this morning as compared with the very heavy runs of the two days before, but still the total for the three days foots up 31,420 head, a gain- of 6,500 head, -as com pared with the same day last year. A considerable proportion ot all the cattle in the yards consisted- of range cattle, with a good many ot them on. the feeder order. in fact, the bulk of th cattle arrling this week has consisted of feeders mil stock ers, while, .beef cattle have been far from plentiful. in spite of the fact that receipt have been -BO lauve this week, -there was tslll good buying demand for desirable klr.ds of peel steers, and anythlnu comina; unde that head sold quite readily, at good, steady prices. As hiich as $6.80 svaa paid for west erns, this being the highest price paid so far this year for grass fat steers. Inferior beef was' rather Blow and - weak. Desirable kinds of cows und heifers com nianded steady prices. wKh ethers slow and dull. Good feeder were active and fully steady- but there is a good deal of complaint on tne part 01 sellers regarding the lack of de mand for the light and Inferior grades, especially interior Horned cattle. Uuotatlons on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers. $76428-00; fair to good beef 'Steers, 6.2o(j.7.25; common lo fair beef steers, $6.0urb.25; good .to choice corn fed grassers, $5.5O&6.50; good to 'holce cow and neueia, lair to Kood cow an heifers, $.; common to fair cow and heifers. 82.50tti3.30: Rood to choice stocker and feeders, $4.5u6 00; fair to good stocker ana ieeuers, H-uotfltKi- common to fail stockers and feeder.- fct.26dr4.0O: stock helf ers, $2.7iY04.7o; veal caJvee, $3.506.60; bulls, stags, etc., u.(U.w. guotatiuns ou range cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $6.00-6.76; good to cnolce beeves, $5.406.00; fair to good beeves, $4.60 a.ju; common to lair ' beeves, $2.754.50, good to choice heifers, $4.265.00; good to choice cows, 84.00iji4.6o; fair to good grades. j.a8t,w; canners ana cutter, fi.zutcl3.25; good to choice feeder, 84.90O5.tj0; (air to good feeders, $4.30(4.80; common to fair breeders, $3.25S4.25. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. rr. No. Av Pr. 4 711 I 50 9 ISO 4 26 12 ;89 I 75 84 U06 7 66 1 648 4 00 COWS. 3 980 i 71 4 917 9 40 1 720 8 60 , 4 106' 2 46 - 4 931 I 16 8 lm 8 50 3 80S 3 26 4 117 3 66 3 770 8 26 1 laiO' 2 10 3 740 8 16 I ;.. 671 3 90 4 m 3 36 HEIFERS. . 3 628 8 16 6 421 I 10 ....: 6w) I 40 1....: eoO 4 00 8 713 8 60 BULLS. 1 1320 8 36 1 1110 3 66 1 WW 8 46 3 1236 8 60 1 1160 3 60 1 1300 8 53 CAXV Ktt. 3 195 6 00 3 113 I 00 I M ( t 140 I 60 4 S07 i 86 1 160 6 60 10.. STOCKERS AND .... 124 I 110 I. WESTERNS- 19 cow 994 3 70 17 cows n2 63 feeders.. 1228 10 steers.... 936 20 steer.. ..1181 A. 10 cow 9.6 FEEDERS. 889 I 00 8 50 6 56 4 35 4 70 New York Mining I forks. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. Closing quotations nn mining stocks were: Allae I1 Mtavilia iTin. Rmiuetrk Con T Coin. Tunnel nock. 81 So bouda 14 Con. cal. A Va 140 Horn Stiver iron lllver 16 Ottered. I.ntle chief... M os lean tlntar.u Optalr Ktaai.lard Tallow Jacket .. 3 .. 4 . .110 .1-1 ..H0 .. lo Treasary Statement, WASHINGTON. Sept. 7 The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds: Gold, coin, $V. 942.669; sliver dollar. $h.426. 0U); Oliver dollars ot 1S90, Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 7 COTTON Spot, closed quiet, 10 points lower; middling up lands, 14.15c; middling gulf, 14 40c; sales 16 04 bales. Futures closed firm. Bids: September, 13 49c; October, 13.02c; November, 1.1.02c; Ds cetnttr, 13.01c; January, 12 99c; February, 13 02c; March. 13 07c; May, 13.13o; June. 13 10c; July, 13.09c. ST. IXJUIS. Sept. 7. COTTON Steady. Middling, 144c; sales, none; receipts, 114 bales; shipments, 113 bales; stock, 114 bales. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Sept 7 HAX-No. I upland, $13.0n; Kansas, $14 00; N'l. upland. I13 00; packing. $1000. alfalfa, $14 00. Snaw: Wheat, $6.00, t), $7.Cv; 04U, $6.0U NEBRASKA 22 feeders.. 1160 59 feeders.. 1170 43 cows 906 19 calves.... 304 12 helferc... 538 C. Smith -Neb. 3 85 22 feeders.. 865 R. Jtassmlssen Neb. 15 steers.... 911 3 76 x M. Al vena-Neb. 10 cow 956 3 00 16 helfero 798 16 feeders.. 9y2 4 00 17 feeders.. 749 Tully & Musser Neb. 16 steer. ...1100 4 60 148 feeders. .1113 32 steer.. 976 4 30 C. A. Bell-Neb. 12 feeders.. 1150 6 25 12 feeder.. 681 J. L. Strong Neb. 16 feeder.. 1198 5 40 IK feeders.. 1029 Milldale C. Cp. Neb. , 811 4 75 4 heifers... 817 C. H. Taylor Neb. -, m 3 00 15 heifers... 710 SOUTH DAKOTA. , 6M 4 40 67 heifers... 748 , 944 8 K0 72 steers.... 783 . 772 3 76 P. J. O'Connor 8. P. . 164 .6 00 9 calves... 156 S. O'Connoiv-S. , D. 8 steers.... 806 4 00 4 cows 965 William Sinclair S. D. 14 steers.,.. 652 8 50 1 bull 1230 6 heifers... 7f0 3 35 H. D. Scoomaker Wyo. 59 feeders.. KM 4 50 112 steers. ...1085 10 feeders.. 8M 3 50 112 feeders.. 864 Thomas Sun Wyo. 957 4 lio 976 4 00 1US 3 45 83 953 4 66 39 heifer. 4 90 16 cows. 4 50 Van Tafsell Wyo. & 40 83 steers. ...1155 . 984 4 66 21 steers.... 92 II McPhee Wyo. . f6 4 35 7 steers.... 781 W. H. Coleman Wyo. .. .1010 4 60 6 cows 10M W. M Beard Wyo. .1101 5 00 20 steers.. ..1127 Thomas Reeves Wyo. .1120 4 75 42 steer.. ..1138 .1137 4 75 J. n. Hernia-Irk Wyo. .1127 4 !H 24 steers.. ..1270 .1210 6 25 25 rows 864 921 S 85 22 steers.. ..1143 H. Hendrlck Wyo. 5 15 13 helf ers... 1000 5 75 4 75 3 90 4 25 5 96 4 90 6 30 4 00 3 40 4 75 4 50 i 50 4 00 4 90 6 00 00 3 25 4 45 packers. 89 n.i9.S6; butchers and best heavy, $.1 Mkn 10 00 SIIKKC AND I, AM PS-Receipts. 3 n head. Market steady. Natlxe nmtton It "0 11 1 lambs. $5.M't?n: culls and bucks, $.U' 4j3.."4); slockcrs, $.l0iv.4 00. ClIlCAt.O 1.111-: STOCK MAHKr'.T Uemand for t'attte anil fthrep Steady Una Are Weak. CHICAGO, Sept. T.-CATTI.E Receipts. IS fa head. Market, steady. Hecves. $4 90 4j.40; Texas steers. $8.7:Vft.Oi; western steers, $4.540 7.20; etix-kers and feeders, $4 OtJ V'JO; cow and hrlfera, 2.4tig6.5f; calves, $7..i9 25. I IOUS-Receipts, 21.H head. Market, weak to 15c lower. Light, $:i.2tai9 !0; mixed, $i7.rU975; heavy. $8.75n9.55; nmght. $s.5t, 8 75; (rood to choice heavy. $s.;anii.iiO; Iki, $ 6.V(i9 60; bulk of shIi-s, $8 JdVi 9. 30. SHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8...0IH1 head. Market, steady. Natives, $.' Vvft 4 60; western yearllnirs. $ 7-V(75 75; lambs, native. $6.25(u7.10; western, $0. 2.17.10. St. Joseph l ive Utork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 7. CATTLE -Receipts. 2,500 head; market steady; ste rs, $4.6tti 1 1; cows and heifers, $2,5tii5.:iO; calves, $3.00-l 8.50. HO7S Receipt, 8.fV) head: market slow. steady to lower; tots I9.M); bulk of sales, $9IM9fi6. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.500 headT market alow; lamb. $4 60tj6.80. Stork In iht. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western market yesterday: ' South Omaha.. St. Joseph Kansas City.... St. I Willis Chicago Total.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 4.7) 6.2-tO 19..VM .. 2.WV S.600 7.5X 4.700 7.000 .. 8.400 8.100 S.3H0 ..18.1X10 21,000 85.000 ..51.000 42,800 71.300 No. 10... 62... 10... 60... 27.. 42... 61. ., 66.., 17.., II.. 44.. S7.. 28.. IS.. 43.. 61.. 60.. I".. 64.. 60.. 7.. 67.. U.. 21. AT. 144 838 144 424 113 307 sm 22 313 2S7 117 163 32 2S 2T7 171 27 Sh. HI I IS I 16 I 85 80 .170 ..271 . .SOI ..110 . .27 ..2K3 ..173 ..21 1M 40 80 40 140 40 80 240 120 No. 31.... 64.... 16 4.1.... li ... 47.... 69... 67.... 72... 69.... 60.... til.... !.... 64.... 71.... 43.... 64.... 74.... 64.... 61.... 60... to... 6.... 67.... to.... 44.... 69.... 89... 76.... 71.... Av. ..271 ..2K0 . .28 ..174 ..371 ..W4 ..2.M ..247 ..2-4 ..te ..2M . t'-0 ..2J . 2..S . .2..S ..224 ..214 ..243 ..142 ..811 ...225! ..21 140 8h. Pr. ... I 00 I 0(1 I 00 9 00 I 00 9 00 4 US I 05 I 06 06 9 06 9 10 9 10 I 10 9 10 9 16 9 16 I 16 9 20 I 20 9 90 9 86 I .16 I 36 9 40 I 40 9 40 I 60 I 66 9 60 40 80 8 10 I 90 I 0 I M I 90 I 90 I 90 I 90 I 90 I 90 I 95 I 15 I M I 95 I 13 I 16 8 13 I SI5 I 16 200 8 n 280 I U 80 8 16 t 218 71 211 120 I 00 14 2.-14 66 gill ... f 00 69 2.11 69 274 40 4 00 89 8"! 6 J,6 ... 10) 16 2J7 42 267 . 70 I 00 71 211 41 261 10 9 00 SHEEP The official recount of th re ceipt yesterday olaced the number of head that arrived during the" day at 61,249, as against 28,162 received on Monday, mak ing a total of 79.411 head received In two days. It Is no special credit lo a market to break records In the matter of receipts, as It frequently happens that such large runs are very disastrous to sellers, re sulting in a demoralization of prices and heavy losses to owners. No such thlnH, however, took place In the .South Omaha Bheep market yesterday. On the contrary. th9 market stood by its reputation of "the larger the receipts the better the market, and no one ever saw a better market. Buyers, after taking on 28,000 head Monday, were still humcry for suDulles. and before the market closed last night there were not enough sheep left unsold out of the 31.000 received . to. talk about. Here and there were u few odds and ends and a few scattering bunches that could not be gotten at that were till unsold, but for all practi cal purposes buyers made a clean sweep of the pens before they quit. it seemed eariy witn sucn unneord-oi re ceipts that prices ought to be a little lower, but the demand was so aood that the gen eral market wag steady. Here and there It was possible to point out something that looked a little lower where the quality did not happen to be very desirable, and. con sidering quality, a few fat lambs may have sold a little lower, although the top was within 6c of the top paid in the last two weeks. The general market, however, as noted above, was steady. In order to take care of the big run the scale houses were kept open and weighing carried on by electric light until nearly 10 o'clock at night before the day's run had been finally disposed of. The morning after having disposed of nearly 80.000 head In two days, buyers were still ready to take on more stuff and. the market opened early In the morning, In fact. Just as soon as sellers had anything ready to. be shown. More than that the feeling was actually strong and if there were any weak snots veslcrdnv thev hod disappearance during the night. Feeder buyers were in evidence ana desirable kinds ot sheep and lambs moved off very readily. Packer were also free buyers of their kind and they paid $6.76 for good lambs, as high a has been any day for some time back. Uuotatlons on Krasa stock: Good to choice lambs, $6.50&6.75; fair to good lambs, $6.154t.50; feeder lambs, $6.i0u'ii 35 ; handy weight yearlings, $5.00i&5.4v; Heavy year lings. 4. 60410.00; feeder yearlings, $5.00.40; good to choice wethers. 34.2O&4.40: fair to good wethers, $304.20; feeder wethers, $3.904.36; feeding ewes, S4.25tft4.75; feeding ewes, ao..wg.. 10; tat ewe, zj.iuttf'4.25. Representative sales: No. , Av. 1056 Wyoming lambs, feeder.,.. 44 406 Wyoming ewes, feeders 89 100 Wyoming wethers, feeder.. 84 619 Wyoming ewes, feeder 88 2035 Wyoming lamba, feeders.... 52 238 Wyoming wether, feeders.. 88 yearling, feeder 65 ewe 101 ewes, feeders.... 90 ewes, feeders 93 ewes 100 1579 Wyoming; lambs, feeders 48 826 Wyoming ewes, feeders 85 278 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 76 410 Wyoming lamb 87 422 Wyoming ewes and wethers 112 533Wyomlng yearlings 70 4ou Wyoming wettiets wether wether wether wether wether Coffee Market. NF.W YORK. Sept. 7.-OOFFEE-Future closed teady at an advance of 16 to 21 points. September, 8.16c; October, 8.250 ; No vember, 8..t0c; I "seemlier, 8.40c; January, 8.42c. Spot coffee, firm; Rio No. 7. 10', c: Santos No. 4, 1040. MI1.1 rof fee, firm, 10tufl3c. Angfnr Mnrkel. NEW YORK. Sept. 7.-SUGA R-Raw; muscovado, 89 test, 8.92c ; .centrifugal, 98 test. 4H2c; molasses sugar. 89 test. 3 87e; refined, weak; crushed. 5.95c; granulated, 6.25c; powdered, 6.36c. Wool Market. FT. LOUIS, Sept. 7 WOOIi- Steady; ter ritory and western mediums. lKCji23c; fine medium, lStjt'20c; fine. 14jil7o. 186 Wyoming 228 Wyoming 528 Wyoming 2S9 Wyoming 653 Wyoming 96 102 95 95 96 62 steer... 8 cow.... 19 steer... 37 cows 20 heifers. 10 calve.. 46 cows.". 42 cows.. 6 bulls.. 123 steer.. ..1070 19 coW 9'2- 16 cows 961 T. M. Whltten Wyor- 10 cow 927 3 66 3 steers.. ..1190 M. M. Hughes-Wyo. 16 cows 600 2 70 15 calves.... 233 1- Bowman Wyo. 14 steers.. ..1153 4 65 22 cows 868 J. thaw Wvo. 36 steers....!" 4 i steers . ... 114)4 Cooper A Moirow Wyo. 7 feeders.. 944 S 00 8 feeders.. 715 H. A. Ludecke Wyo. 23 cows 812 3 15 21 feeders.. 1075 4 40 11 calves.... 211 5 50 Speeder & i feeders.. 669 $ 50 6 60 6 06 3 56 6 00 3 50 425 4 86 4 20 6 00 3 50 3 25 4 90 $ 28 3 U 4 55 4 25 3 M 6 00 500 Wyoming 400 Wyomlna- 412 Wyoming 250 Wyoming 502 Wyoming 277 native ewes 85 341 Wyoming wethers 98 448 Wyoming feeder 101 M Wyoming ewe, feeders 103 709 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 4S 500 Wyoming wethers, feeders., 89 899 Wyoming lambs 87 852 Wyoming lambs 47 164 Idaho lambs,, feeder . 48 3,r Idaho lambs 49 361 Idaho lamb 49 456 Utah ewe fu 350 Utah lambs, feeder 52 198 Utah lambs, feeder 41 642- Idaho lamb, feeder 65 277 Idaho lambs 54 555 Idaho lambs, feeder 56 249 Wyoming wethers, feeders.... 8S 5tJ Wyoming wethers, feeders.... 89 lia W yomlng wethers, feeders..., 80 218 Wyoming ewes and wethers.. 89 261 Wyoming lumhs 761 Wyomlna. lambs 774 Wyoming lamb , 452 Wyoming lambs 100 Wyoming lambs 524 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 341 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 509 Idaho lambs 3.0 Idaho lambs, feeders 207 Idaho lamlis, feeders 52 Idaho lambs, feeders 167 Idaho lambs, culls 63 Idaho ewes 265 t'tah lambs ..o 323 Utah lambs, feeders 68 Utah lambs, f cedars 84 Utah lambs, feeders 123 Utah ewes and wether 61 61 61 . 60 . 61 . M . 65 . 66 . 59 . 59 . 43 . 83 . 92 . 61 . 56 . 58 . 60 .110 Pr. 6 90 t 50 4 60 3 60 6 20 4 00 6 15 4 00 3 10 5 45 4 06 6 00 8 00 6 20 6 70 4 15 6 10 4 25 4 15 4 15 4 16 4 15 4 16 4 00 4 10 4 16 8 26 6 25 4 15 6 50 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 3 50 6 10 5 50 6 15 6 15 8 15 4 li! 4 M. 4 10 8 35 $ 60 6 50 6 60 6 50 5 C 30 6 30 6 60 6 25 25 6 60 3 26 3 6 6 50 8 20 6 4 00 IS cow 213 23 stem ; s.. . .1119 Giant Wyo. 11 cow ki 1 U Kansaa City Lire fttock Market KANSAS CITY. SeDt. i-CATTI.K-Tt. celpts, 17.0o0 head. Including 2.000 southerns. Market, steady to weak. DreBsed beef and export steers, 87.wyix8.26: fair to a-ood. 14.4mr 6.75: wstei-n steers, $4.5tru7.25; stockers and feeders, $3.50 6 26; southern steers, $3.90 o., wiuiuriu iuwi, a-, in'; native cow-s, li.iot.i.; native heifers, 3 5006 60; bulls fo-ffffi caivrH, ei.u"'! HOtrS Receipts, 4.7O0 head. Market steady to 10c lower. Bulk of sales, $ SfVj v. id; neavy, a packers ana butchers, a-.e-'iir. 10 , UKiii. ea.-x'lil,. mi. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts, 7,000 neaa. nneep. siesay; lamn. lis: to 15c lower. Kw es. H 4b; iambs, l 2M14; W; year lings, n..ou.4o; w etnnrs, Sv.wtiM 60; ewes, $1 7.i4.45; stocker and feeders, $3-004.50. hi. Louis Live Mock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 7. CATTLE Receipts, 9.400 head). Including 6.0nu Texans. Market steady. Native shipping and export steers, $7.65'fn 10; drexxed beef and butcher steers, $6.otn7.66; steers under 1.0m) lbs., $6 ODa 7 U0; Blockers stid feeders, $3.76.V75, rows and heifers, $3.6tt.7u; t anners, $2 5Wr3.00; hulls. $3.2545.25; calves. $.VK'rl.O0. Texa and In dian steers. $3.;iru4.75; cows and heifers, $3.6014.76. HixiS-Recelpts. 8.100 head. Market 60 to 10c low er. Pig and light, $9.85 u 10 0; J LEADER. OF THE "OLD GUARD" Sketch of the New Yorker Who Opposed Roosevelt and Ilia , Policies. William Barnes. Jr,, the man who led . the opposition to Roosevelt In the Nfw York Republican ' committee Is thu described by that veteran deacriber, Bam Blythe, who write It for the Baturday Evttnlng Tost: After Barnes finished at Harvard In 1888, he gut married and settled down In v Albany at the head of his grandfather'a paper, the Evening Journal. He fussed around In local politic for three or four year and then branched out a bit by get ting on the republican state committee. He has been on thai committee ever since, and for a number of year was, and perhaps Is yet, the chairman of the execu tive committee of that organization. He fought hi fights In Albany county and got control, served under Piatt and under Odell,' helped ouU-wlth expense a bit by getting the appointment of surveyor of cus toms at the port of .Albany In 1899,, a most arduous position, but with lome compensa tory salary I reckon those duties as sur veyor of customs in Albany must keep Barnes, busy' a few minute every month ' and hanging to the same from, that time to this. ..:,' "BatneS had his political education under Piatt, whose creed was the organization. The only precept Piatt ever had was: Stand by! Barnes got that by heart.- He stood by the organization-' He is standing by It yet, and probably -will continue to stand by bo long as he Is' In politics. Moreover, he ha plenty of nerve, which makes lit standing by of' aome consequence when compared with the see-sawlng ot some of his colleague who have to do with th state organization . of the republicans In New York. . i'. Barnes lias had his differences, but he has always been .Tegular. He didn't like Hughe the first time he was nom inated, but had to take him. He liked Hughes even less the second time, but had to take him again.. However, he was not alone among thee men who had to do with the naming of Hughes who didn't like him. None of. the regular liked him. When It came to a 'showdown Barnes walked up on the platform and said he didn't like Hughee never would like him; that he was disrupting the organization or. had disrupted lt; and that, o far a Wil liam Barnes, Jr.; , concerned, Mr. Hughe could go and llmb a tree that la, . Barne had the nerve to come out In the open. 'He fought Hughe In Albany, being tha brains of the opporiltlon to much of the legislation Hughes wanted- Then, after tha governor had called the legislature Into ses sion to pas a direct primaries law lt had refused to pas during the regular session, Barnes wa the leader of the opposition, with Speaker Wadsworth, and he didn't quail any when Colonel, Roosevelt fired that message In demanding that the governor's primary law should 'pass. Instead, Barne told the former president to shinny In hi own ally, and helped hand the colonel aa distinct a rebuff a he has had of late years. , . . . ,' 'Now perish the thought that any dis cussion of the rights and wrongs of the positions of the governor and of Barne and his associate should enter Into this peaceful disquisition on Barnes and none hall. They can fight that out themselves, aided and directed by the large number of publicists who have deep focllrigs on thi subjects In dispute. The point ' Is that, whether Barnes Is right or whether Barnes 1 wrong, he Is right with both fist or he Is .wrong with both fists. He doesn't shuffle and stammer and gurgle and squeal and trim and teeter. He takes an ax and wades In. A big, broad-shouldered, keen witted, fearless' chap, tie speaks out Ir meeting. He Is a large. Intense, fighting person, with the courage of his conversa tion. He Is only 44 yetus old. "When he told T. R. where to get off h meant It. Of course T. R., who got of temporarily, Is pretty certain to get bad on again along about convention time li New York next Septembesr Wherefore about those day, look out for ructions, and do not overltMjk W. Barnes, Jr., win surely will be In the forefront of the van having It In mind $o land one on the re vered slats of our only living ex-pregldent, and being the boy who will not be awed by the sanctity ot said slats." Persistent Advertising 1 the Big Return. Road to .'is.lii Interarlmn Car I Derailed. MANSFIELD. O., Sept. 7. A Cleveland A- Southwestern interurhan car from Se ville and Ashland jumped tne track just outside (tils city, rolled down a threa-fout embankment and turned Upside down. In juring fifteen persons, one pf vhom, Mr. tiny Mortis, neiirvuie, u, may aie. Herbert B. GooGh Go Brokers and Dealer oatAin aYOTiioaa itocu Oaaaka O titer, lit Beara f Tfrada miiw avu . Peng. ai la. A- a obuafl A-M0 lutu1 110 c a a-B leak f .fa