Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Ml .
Ho-ACRE farm within It miles of Mlnne
ipolls, six mile from the county seat; ha
2ti acres under cultivation, balance timber
ind pasture; all blgh land; price $1S per
icre; one-half cash, balance on easy terms;
land I situated oq main traveled road, one
Dille (nirn achuol. Ints la a bargain and
all! bear the most strict Investigation,
Kor further particular write ai. tt. Kutuar
lord Co.. Princeton Minn.
See me aSout Minnesota farms of sul de
crlpUone. They ere priced rl-lic
LOAN 8 to borne Owners and home bulla
re, with privilege of mtui paruai pa
tola seim-anuually.
01 First Maliooal Hank Bids.
UONKT TO IX) AN Payne Inveauneat Ca
.M0 to tt.Ouff on homes In Omaha. O' Keels
Real Estate Co.. 10U N. V. Lit. Douglas
er A -U61.
GARVIN PROS.. Id floor N. T. Life.
to I100.0CQ on improved property. No delay,
WANTED City toaoa. Peters Trust C
WANTED City loan and warranta.
tarnam Smith Co.. U30 Faro a in 8b
fOO seres, 12b miles southeast of Kansas
City; h5 acres fine bottom land In cultiva
tion, balance tour pastures; nloely wat
ered, fine two-aiory lrarae house; good
tenant nouse. good barn, cribs, etc.; all
fenced with wlia and board; 1 mile to
town, school and church, tor quick saw
141 per acre: no trade.
MO-206 Bheldley Uid.. k.naa City. Ma.
Three sections of Dawson county land In
one block at a bargain If taken In the neat
thirty daya These are steam-plow sec
tions. Other lands at bargain prlcea Ne
belter time to buy lands than right now.
It you are looking for Investment or a good
farm, write Ueorge C. Hay ward, Uleudlve
e Bra ska.
2,5X) Acres in Nebraska
he best equlpeu. best paying lanch at
the price lit the state, price iJO.ouo, easy
6&8 N. Y. Life llldg. 'Phone Red 1999.
Huy land where It rains, ruins, ralna. We
own and control 20,000 acres of Cheyenne
county, Nebraska's choicest farm Jand not
on the market. The heaviest crop yielding
county In the mate. Alfalfa also a leading
crop. Write for free literature and full
particulars at once. Agents wanted every-
AS YOU read this ad, so will thousands
read your wunt ad. If It Is lit Ihe Mat.
HO ACRES. WO level; tOO crop. 100 hog
tight; two bouses, wells, spring, five-ton
scale, shop, four mules, four horses, sli
tows, seventy-five ho, tools. Price, lit MM
1 hree smaller farms rent or sell. Owner,
William P.aiick. Clifford. Okl.
830-ACRE FARM five miles Covington,
Okla., IliO acres In cultivation, good Im
provements, orchard, vineyard, ulfaifa, good
water, quarter mile to Uertnan church,
echoolhoune on farm, $S,iOO. Can give
terms. be quick. This is a bargain.
Childera Bros., Covington. Okla.
out Dakota.
Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota; stos
payniB high rents; own your own farm;
spend, the money for your improvement
mat you are pawns in Iowa lu high rent
We own twenty quarters of land here
that we can sell you lor ii to I3n per acre
on terms you can't beat; Il.uO to tl,W0 doo,
balance ou paymenia at per cent.
Couie here belore tne snaps are all gona.
For full mtoruiaLluu write Dixon Bros.,
or Hank of acneca. Faulk, county, a. u.
situated In the Big Sioux valley, four miles
south ot Casllewuotl, the county seal of
Hamlin county, South Dakota. 440 acres of
deep black loam, uudor yearly cultivation;
1U0 acres iu pastuie and 100 In the beautiful
aprlog-fed Lake Florence, with Its sylvan
scenes and sparkling waters, deep and pure
snd filled with flsti and game In season,
and nearby Is the home. fourteen-room
bouse. Intge barn, two granaries, oulckea
bouse, hog house and woven wire pasture,
corn alio, machine house, small barn and
numerous small buildings, all In good con
dition, with windmill, three wells and ci
tern, all surroundr-d by a beautiful grove
Price, I25.0UJ, on gooi terms, by at. J. Ru
sell, Casilewood, H. V.
MONEY MAKINu 400-a ere corn farm out
from bioux Fall; nine-room house, two
stories, hardwood finish; barn Jo by 44;
other buildings; large grove, orchard with
apples. Dlack walnut trees; ail can be cul
tivated; fenced and cross fenced; telephone;
rural mall; lid per acre under price for
quick sale; crops never were better. Write
me at once. li, A. klllvtu, owner, blour
Falls, b. D.
1100 to flO.000 made promptly, r. D. Wead.
Wead Bldg.. 18th and Faroam.
$7.000 (Jilt edged aecurlties psylng over
10 per cent annually. Will trade for Omaha
improved and assume.
fcS New York Life lildg.
Phone Red 1W9.
FORTY acres clear land In Oregon; fruit
rountry. Want vacant lot or equity In cot
tage. Nowata Land & Lot Co., 638 New
York Life lilug. phone Red 138.
We exchange properties ot merit. H. H.
Culver. BK'-slJ N. Y. Life. Douglas 74.
60x100. near car line. Call 1518 Harney St.
TO EXCHANGE Six nice lota In Palmer
I.nke City, Colo. Owner values these at
fl.ttO. There la a small loan of f.iO0 on these
lots, due in 18 months from June, 1910, at 1
per cent Interest. Will trade the equity foi
clear lota In some small town, or what can
you offer. Mention Palmer Lake Lots whes
writing. L. N. Rosamond, Haddam, Kan,
WHAT have you In southern California
to exchange for Omaha property? J -26, Bee.
GILLETTE blades resharpened, 160 dosen.
16c half dozen, 2Vc each. Mall them to
liarvey & Co., Box 767. Omaha. Neb.
BEST PRICE paid for second-hand fur
olture. carpets, clothing and shoes. 'Foods
Douglas cViL '
WANTED To buy, II or I room modern
nouse, north part of city, give full de
tails. Address E 22, Bee.
COTTAGES, houses and Income property,
have cash customers: also want cottagea
to sell on payments. Western Heal Estate
Co., 4U narbach blk. Phone Red iw or
INU STORE pays highest prices for party,
afternoon and evening dress. Red 4410.
SECOND HAND clothing and shoes. John,
the Buyer, Z18 N. 17th St. Both Phones.
WANTED To buy good watchdog. Hogan
Linotype Co., lim Jackson St.
We Are Getting Numerous Calla
For Houses ot All FU List with Us.
CM N. Y. Lite Bid. 'Phone Red 1Mb
SECTION of Oregor) county. South Da
kola, land for aale. Thle section haa tim
ber, runulng water fed by springs, lota et
bay, DO acres broken, 180 acres can be
plowed, all fenced, one-half mile from
school, three miles from one railroad town
and tlx miles from ancther; gootf soil nd
tLe very beet all around farming and stock
raising sectlou In (Jiegory couuty. South
Dakota. Call on or write to Charles MUner,
owner, Fairfax. .
YOUNG MAN desires place to work for
board while attending school, ttoylcs Col
lege. Both phones.
AS COOK or chambermaid by experienced
coiorea iaay. morie A-iaba.
AT LIBERTY, moving picture operator
who understands his business. Phone Doug
las 7596.
double your money.
Do you want to buy a good lownsite? Ws
have It Just freso from tne government
with perfect title. 1J0 lots now surveyed
and about 84 of them sold with about M
buldings now completed in the town on a
rsllroad that baa six dally trains, with ex
cellent service. This townslte includes 16
seres ot the very best of second bottom
land with fine umber for parks and also
a fine stream ot water runumg through It;
tine openings for almost ail kinds ot busl
besa, especially a bank, hotol and elevator.
A grand bargain if sold In thirty daya. Ad
dress Powell Land & Loau Co.. Powell
btanley countv. a, D.
COME to the Blue Blanket valley In Wal
worth Co., b. D. 1 will sell you Improved
or unimproved land as you wish; no sand
stone or gumbo; luo per cent plow land.
Land Is selling readily and inureuvlng In
price; near towns, on telephone Hues and
li. F. D. routes; main line of tne C, il. &
bt. P. to the Pacific coaU W. li. Myler.
belby. b. D.
An Improved quarter section In Gregory
county. Is. D.. 4y miles from Burke, i
miles from Gregoiy; ail feuced; small set
ut improvements; Ml acres under cultivu
turn. Pilce 140 per acre.
1(0 acres, one mile from town, Tripp
county; Drlce f& per acre.
A half section, Zfe uillea from Wlttea
price t 6 per acre.
A halt aecllua 4 miles from Carter; pile,
ISO per acre.
A nice halt section nles from Dallas.
I miles from Colomb; price fU per sera
Bell 1843 Iowa Bid.. Bioua City, la.
DEEDED frontier lands, relinquishments,
town property, business chances and detail
Information regarding the Standing Rock
Indian reservation. Reference. Mcintosh
blate Bank, address Ureal Western land
fc Loan Co., Mclniuah, tt. D.
Will Johnson Ut Co., Yoakum, Tex., for
folder telling about their lands which are
located on new line of railroad and In
rapidly ueveioping aisinct.
UNIOST STATION .Tenth naa Hirer,
Union Pacific . ,'
San Fran. Overland L..a 8:15 am all:30 pm
China o Japan F. M...a 4:10 pm a 6:46 pm
Atlantic Express a 8:46 am
Oregon-Wash Limited ..a 4:00 pm a 6:10 pro
ixis Angeles Limited. ...al2:4j pm a 8:80 pm
Denver Special a 6:47 am al2:30 am
Colorado Special all:48 pm a 7:42 am
Colorado Express a 8:60 pm a 4:60 pm
Chicago-Portland Spe...al2:50 pm a 8:20 pra
North Platte Local a 8:16 am a 4:46 pra
Grand Island Local a 6:30 pm al0:30 am
uiuuuiu-oeatrica Local. bl2:40 pm b 1:20 par
lulcaco jt Northwestern
i win t-ity express a 7:50 am al0:20 pm
oiutix li y Local a 8:45 pm a 3.28 pm
Minn. L.aaot:! ix a 7:00 pin a 8:15 am
j. wwii vny i-j niuea a 8:46 pm a 7:30 am
Omaha Express a 7:00 am ilirim
ChlcaRO Local al2:0i pm a S:at nm
Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 nm ;..
Chicago Special a :02 pm a 7:56 am
l'acifio Coast-Chicago.. a B:oo pm a 8:28 pin
Los Angeles Limited. ...a 8:50 Dm alJ ao nm
Overland Limited all:46 pm a 7:46 am
Denver Special al2:40 am a. ti :
Carroll Local a 4:80 pin a 8:ou am
1-aat Mail a 8:26 nm
Vt Hid i BJ UNO.
Llncoln-Chadroh a 1:60 am all:O0 am
Norfolk-Boi t steel a 7:50 am alO i-i nm
Long Pine-So. Platte. ...u i.iu pm b 6:20 pm
ilaslings-Superlor b Z:U pm b 6:20 pm
i-ei.d wood-Hot Sprlnics.a 2:j6 nm a 6:20 nm
Carper-Lander a 2:u6 pm all:oO am
I' riu ont-Albion b b.M pm a l:bi piu
tulcatu, Hock Island uad Paclfl,
Rocky Mot'ntain Ltu....alI:3S am al0:30 pm
Iowa Local Pass a b:35 am a 4: mo nm
CI Icugo Daily Ex a 7:42 am a 8:46 am
Chicago Local Pass bl0:Jo am bl0:la pm
UC8 A1U1HVI 1.UCKI rH95.S l.W UIH ai:90 UIH
Chicago Express a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago Limited a U:t pm a 8:02 am
The Mountaineer a 2:60 am a 7 OK am
Chi. -Neb. Ltd.. Lincoln. a :J6 am a 6:4,"
, ..,.. m. . . .. . i. .. i j . ...... r
vuiu. w cj.. ym a :ov pm
Okl. & Tex. Expiess....a 3:30 pm a 1:20 Dm
rtocky Mountain Ltd ul0:H pm al2:!M pm
tmi'sgo, uiiMaiko m si. rant-
Overland Limited all:43 pm a 7:68 am
Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:16 am b 8:!to am
Omaha-buvaiiah Ex. ...o 7 ;la am c 8:30 am
Colo. -Calif. Ex a ti:00 pm a 3:26 Dm
Colorado Special a 7:5? am all:33 pm
Perry-Omana Local ,...b 615 pm bll:oo pm
Illinois Central
Chicago Expreoc a . :00 am a 3:46 pm
Chicago Limited a 8:00 pin a 8.00 am
Minn.-.-jt. raui o o :ou am
Mmii.-St. Paul Ltd a 7:0o pin a 8:o0 am
I nu-uaio ureal western
Chicago Limited
W ) ouilma-
Carey Act lauds at Wheatland. Wto.
Obtain a home now that's sure to produce
and double In value beiore paid fur. Plenty
of water now on ibe land. A..i ..iim
choicest farm lands In Iowa colony, near
Cheyenne. Great alfalfa and gram crops
grown here every year. Healthiest climate
purest water, good markets. For excursion
tales, valuable maps, laws, write Harluog
' seuia. v-ueyeuns.
80 ACRES LEVEL LAND. IB cultivated
balance pasture. 6-room house, lares ham'
rhlcken house, spring and trout brook on
farm, I miles from station, school on unit
11.800, essy terms. Tom O. Msson. Islaa4
city autie usna, vumoeriana. Mia
ha-vk inti A rAKa FOR HALS on
TRADSt Or do you want to buy ens'
slake your went known through THE DK4
WcMNK CAPITAL, the want medium el
owe: nates: i ceoi a wot a tor eaoh Inser
tlnn. cen.s a ioa 74 cents sa Inch. Clr
rulatloa. ti.400: laraeat of aay Iowa Saiw
Give ua a trial. Address The Capital LaaJ
Lpu. fa aauinea. lewsv
"-ACRE fruit farm, fine house, all baar
ing fruit, chicken house, allalfa. and all
kinds or Derries.
tt Vew York Life Blug. Phone. Red 1M
Twin City Limited..
Twin City Express..
Chicago Express
Missouri Paclfl
K C. & St. L. Ex....
K. C. & St. L. Ex....
W aba all
Om. -St. Louis Ex...
.iaii and Express..
.a 5:48 pm
.a b:30 pm
.a :oo am
a 7:63 am
a b:30 pm
a 8:45 pm
...a :20 am a 7:13 am
...all. 15 pm a 6:jo pm
Brightside and His Boy
"The GentU Art of
CuMlnR," Their I-at-est
Tabloid Sketch.
'I see the Antl-Frofanlty society has
written to a man who has offered to pay
11.000 for a new epithet," remarks Bright-
aides when the light of the household has
comfortably settled himself In the easy
chair and signified his willingness to
harken to his parent
"Wonder If those guys think they have a
chance to drag down the masuma?" queries
Son In a surprised tone.
'They are writing In protest only, and
not by way of suggestion," Father hur
riedly declares with much emphasis.
'Then they don't know any good cuss
word to hand out?" Son again interrogates
with still greater amazement.
"Certainly not," affirms Father with
much decisiveness. "The society merely
wrote a letter to this strange man, pro
testing against his flagrant attempt to en
courage profanity."
"When he receives those few kind
words," remarks Son, "at least he won't
need any encouragement to run up and
down the scale of his choicest exclamation
points. Maybe he'll think up a few new
ones himself and then he will save the
one thousand bucks he offers for the miss
ing swear word."
It never before occurred to me," as
serts Father, "that there Is such a scarcity
of profanity In our language that any man
should think It necessary to offer money
for its expansion."
"I have never struck a case myself," Son
sagely observes, "where I felt I could not
do full Justice. For the common, plebeian
Incidents of life the sulphur trimmings of
the English language seem to kindle enough
blue atmosphere to satisfy an ordinary
hired man. I see by the papers, however,
that there is one language that has no cuss
words of any kind."
Surely that Is a fortunate people," com
mends Father. "And what Is the new
"Esperanto," replies Son. "If a chap
stubs his toe he can't even say 'fudge!' In
that lingo. The only way he can come
back Is to turn around and kick the
'I hope that language will become popu
lar," says Father. "I never did see any
use In berating Inanimate things when mat
ters don't seem to be going exactly right."
'Don't gp too strong on that line of dope,
Pop," suggests Son. "Methlnks your little
WUIle has heard even you tear off a few
neat double-Jointed adjectives on moving
"Of course," hedges Father. 'Now and
then there are exceptions, when a man be
comes excited and forgets himself."
"That's what they all say," agrees Son.
"Why wouldn't It be a good scheme then
to dope out a language for cussing alone?
First, a list of occasions when swearing
seems necessary could be framed up. They
could be divided Into three grades, de
pending upon the urgency of the occasion.
First, hot; second, red hot, and third, chain
lightning. Hammering the thumb while
tacking down the carpet might be poul
ticed up with a few hot ones, or No. 1
cuss words."
"There are some things that mere lan
guage, no matter how feverish, could not
banish from the mmory," comments
Father, becoming Interested In the scheme.
"No. might 'hold the subway hog for
a while after he steps on a chap's pet
corns," Is Son's belief. "The red hots ought
to get away with a fresh Janitor, a scrappy
trolley car conductor, the cashier who slips
you Canadian or wooden money, and
similar pests."
"The third category of expletives, I take
It," Father muses, "must be reserved for
things extremely villainous."
"Quite true, quite true, Father," admits
Son. "The triple Jointed, zigzag cuss words
should be used only by husbands In re
proaching their wives when the meals
are not served promptly on time."
"What recourse, then, has the poor,
down-trodden housewife?" Father asks. In
a voice vibrant with sympathy for the fair
"Tears, bitter tears," concludes Son.
"With a cloudburst of the damp stuff she
can usually make a. dictionary of cuss
worda look like one lone lollypop after all
the neighborhood kids have had a lick
at It"
(Copyright, 1910, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Daughters of Famous Men
-4 rv
Mrs. Edward H. Harrlman. the widow
of the great railroad magnate, Is said to
be the richest and busiest widow In the
world. She comes of an old, sturdy fam
ily, and can trace her ancestry to l'SCO.
Her maiden name was Mary Williamson
Averell, and her father was William Aver
ell, a prominent banker in Ogdensburg,
N. Y. He was a Judge and actively in
terested In railroads. Mrs. Harrlman's
ability to handle big problems Is Inherited
directly from her father.
It was In September, 1879, that Mary
Averell was married to Edward H. Harrl
man, a man who even at that time had
made his mark In the world of finance
and affairs. He was the son of an Epis
copal clergyman of Hempstead, Long Is
land, and had begun his career as a mere
office boy In on office In Wall street
When he died he wus a man of interna
tional reputation, with vast Interests In
railroads throughout tho country, and pos
sessed of an enormous fortune, which was
bequeathed to his wife In those few words:
"I, Edward H. Harrlman, of Arden In
the state of New York, do make, publish
...a 8:30 pm
..a i jo am
Staiib'y Lcl ifrom C B.I.Ii 6:00 piu
Unrllnajton Station Tealk Jt
a 8:35 am
all:ld piu
bio:ii am
Leave. Arrive.
Denver and California. a 4:10 pin a 3.4a pin
i'uget Bouna express. .a 4.iu pm a 3:4a pm
IM oiaska points a s:3u am a 6 10 PM
11 lack liills a 4.10 pin a 8:46 pm
Lincoln Mall u pm ali:io pin
Ni-riliw eat c.MrcB all:A pin a 7:uu am
Nebraska points a -M am a 8:10 pm
.Nebraska ex pi ess a am a :10 pin
Lincoln Local o :og am
Lncoln Local a 7 j pm a 7 :.'.0 pm
Scliuyler-Plutlsmouth..b 3 uu um bl0:30 am
I'll HMiiLUth-luwa a D:1S am a :o0 am
Peiluvuo-Plattbinot in ,.al.':30 pm a 2:40 pm
Colorado Limited all:3j pin a7:0uam
ChicaifO bpeclal a 1:1a am ali i pm
l h:cai,o i-.xpie a 4 -u pm a J.oo pm
Chicago Fast Express.. a J pm a b 00 am
Iowa Local a 8:15 am am
Ctesion-low a Local ... a 3.30 pm al0:30 am
fci. Louis Express a 4 SO pm all:45aui
K. C. & St Joseph a!0:45 pm a .4. am
K. C. & St. Joseph a 8:16 am a 6:10 pm
K. C. & St. Joseph a 4:30 pm
Webster Statloa lot and Webster.
Mlaaoarl Pacific
Auburn Local bl 'Dpm bl2:15 pm
Iblraao, at. Pa a I, Minneapolis 3k
Sit ux City Express ,,
Omaha Local
SH ux City 1'a.ssenfter
Twin City Passenger
Sioux City Local ....
Emerson Local
(a) Dally, tbl Daily iicidi Sunday
jSuuday only.
b f 00 pm bll 45 am
c 8:30 pia
b 8.30 pm
.b 4 30 am
.c 8:35 am
b 6:55 pin b 8:10 am
GVXkl WArr ft LlTOE WHILE voupaio , xjuncx TwfvhaW
li"1 .
eP.GWNWrV)- SL- ..
and declare this as and for my last will
and testament; that Is to say:
"I give, devise and bequeath all my
property, real and personal, of every kind
and nature, to my wife, Mary W. Harrl
man, to be hers absolutely and forever,
and do hereby nominate end appoint the
Bald Mary V.. Harrlman to be executrix
of this will.
"In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this eighth day of
June, In the year 100.1."
Mrs. Harrlman, who, although she had
always been her husband's confidante snd
adviser, had lived an entirely domestic life,
took upon herself the enormous responsi
bility of this great wealth, and carries on
her husband's activities, continuing his
work of building from Puget sound to
Mexico. Her interests extend to the Union
and Southern Pacific, the Chicago & Alton,
Kansas City Southern & Leavenworth i-nd
other Important roads. Her philanthropies
are many, but they are adniinlute-ed
quietly, and the world knows of them
only because they are too extensive to be
concealed. Mrs. Harrlman has five chil
dren. Maty Is now Mrs. Rum.sey, Cornelia
married Robert L. Gerry, and Carol Is
the youngest of the three daughters. The
sons are Walter Averell Harrlman and
Roland Harrlman.
(Copyright, l'.UO, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Thursday After the evening when I had
everything arranged so romantically and
old Mrs. Hodgeson appeared demanding
darning cotton Just as Tom was proposing,
I haven't taken much Interest In this
place. Everybody soems to think that If
you sit somewhere with a young man where
there Isn't a large crowd you must like
him a great deal. Last night It was blow
ing a perfect gale, and was dreadfully
damp and foggy. Aunt Harriet said Tom
ar.d I were foolish to go outside, Instead
of sitting Indoors with Mrs. Dickson, old
Mrs. Hodge, old Mr. Chase and herself,
but we thought we'd try tho wind and fog
for awhile. Mrs. Dickson's eyebrows nearly
disappeared as we went out. It seemed
like perfectly lovely weather on the side
veranda, though we nearly froze and got
dripping wet. This morning at breakfast
Mrs. Dickson handed me a hairpin, look
ing at me steadily and firmly, and said
she found It on the veranda. I wouldn't
have that woman's suspicious nature for
anything. I thanked her ever so much,
lutely unknown there. Mother writes that
I ought to come and stay at home for
awhile, as I have been away for so long.
I suppose I had better go, as I haven't
been there since the spring. I can put In
a course of reading, or something Improv
ing like that. The trouble Is they only
United States of America, District ot Ne
braska, cimalia Division, .:
Whereas, A libel has been filed In the
district court ot the United States for the
District ot Nebraska, Omaha division, on
tho 13th day ot August. 1M10, by P. S.
Howell, United Slates attorney for the
district of Nebraska, on behalf ot the said i
1 : . I r 1 htu la, an 1 1 u n , u.l.t ,
liunririMl and fifty thousand (muia or lessi they entered was a
Ice cream cones, and praying the uaoal
process and monition of the court, that all
persona Interested In said one hundred and
fiftv thousand (more or less! tee cream
cones may be cited to appear and answer I laid her head In the little rest. Looking!
A Terrible Punishment.
She was about 10 years old, and arraenlly
very unhappy. A swollen face served to
diagnose the case at a glance as an ad
vanced stage of toothache. Over the door
inn which, beir.g In
terpreted, read "Doctor of Intal titirgery."
The mother led her to the operating chair
and smuothed buck her tousled hair as she
but said my hair seemed to lie all right and
I didn't think It needed any moro pins.
This v.oiild bo an awful cpot for an en
fcagtrt couple. I must say -that our own
place Is finite perfect, except that, unless
one imports them, young men are ahso-
have Improving books at the library there.
The librarian, who Is an awfully nice old
lady, waa dreadfully rteld when 1 asked her
If she had one of tho latest books Char
lotte Cooper had recommended to me.
Once, when I was driving to the village, I
saw a young man and 1 was so overcome
by the sight that I lost control of the
horse and It ran away. Luckily, I was
able to pull him down hefoie ho had run
very far. A prnfc-spor lives thc:e who is
considered very clever. He has the most
enormous mouth and his teeth are all an
entirely different size and color, lie came
over and proposed to mo last spilnjc, and
accused me of leading him on, because one
nifiht when it vas so dark I couldn't see
what he looked like and forgot, I thanked
him very politely tor handing me a tnat.
The lu.t time I saw Mm he got quite
violent about it. grasping a big black um
brella all the time. I kept imagining that,
Instead of listening to him, I was sur
rounded by two or three divinely hand
some young men who all lived there and
spent the summer In taking me sailing and
motoring. It was quite a shock to be
brought back to tho professor, who only
owns a bicycle, and it Isn't even a tandem.
The year Mollle waa engaged to Sam
they stayed with me, and It was so Ideal
for them they could hardly tear them
selves away. I must Bay It Is awfully easy
to entertain engaged people. Sam had to
go up to business every day, and If there
was nothing elso to do I would let Mollle
talk about him to me while he was away.
They used to go out In the garden right
after dinner. I used to alt up for them,
and they would come In at bedtime and
wake me up. One night they had been sit
ting on the old bench that Is covered with
nails, and Sain tore an awful hole In his
trousers. He simply had to wear them to
town next morning, and as Mollle can't
sew a stitch, I had to patch them for him.
When we got upstairs, Ham handed them to
us through a crack In the door, and I sat
for hours mending them, while Mollle lay
In bed positively snoring. And next winter
he !o,;el ai her fatusously and said,
"Darling, do you remember the time you
inuii morning menaing my
sat un
f jr mc?"
the premises, and that all due proceedings
being had tne earn one riunorea ana mty
thousand (more or less) Ice cream cone
may be decreed to be seised for confisca
tion and condemnation, and that the same
may be condemned as being adulterated in
violation of and within the meaning ot the
act of congress of June 30, 106. and that
the same may be disposed of by destruc
tion or sale as the court may direct.
Therefore. In pursuance of said moni
tion, under the seal of said court, to me
dliected and delivered on the 13th dsy of
August. 1810, I do hereby give notice gen
erally unto all persons having or pretend
ing to have any light, title or Interest in
her straight In her eye, with finger poised
for emphasis, the mother said: "Now,
Edith, If you cry, I'll never take you to a
dentist again." September I.lpplncott's.
Items of Interest for the Women Folks
Upon the recent occasion of the dedica
tion of the court house In an Indiana town,
many prominent citizens were called upon
for speeches. One of them, more blessed
with money and confidence In himself than
with education, distinguished himself by
thf roll, i u' mir mmnif ul .i,niin,.nt ..v.i.. i.
said one hundred and fifty thousand tmore wlfh ,.-,, Hlr
or less) Ice cream cones, to appear before . . ..
the said court. In the city of Omaha, in said I A" mankind, said he. his thumb In his
district, on the Uth day of September, lbio, ! buttonhole, and looking around Impressively
:, coU dVthre.f,.rr:.T.o'oVo,ckt'lnb,n. lh"r"-"1' "k'n.d '8 m'd1
tht- forenoon of said day. then and thera 1..,, , am wnicn.
10 answer the said libel and to make known
their allegations In that behalf. Dated at
Omaha, In said district, th.s 17th day of
August. 1810. Wm P. Warner. U. . Mar
ahal for the District of Nebraska.
September Llpplncott's.
If you want tu turn a business proposi-
j uon quicKiy, n nee is tne t rover medium
a, (or rvaching the people who are Interested.
A case of "nerves" Is like a bad habit
easily acquired snd hAid to get rid of.
I Nervousness affects the digestion, dulls the
eyes, gives a strained look to the muscles
of the face, and, if allowed Its cjurse, will
even make the hair thin. So the woman
who wants to be beautiful must ke-p an
eye upon the state of her nerves.
The lest cure for nervousness Is rest.
And resting Is an art known to few women,
neither the narcotic Influence of the pipe
and his trousers pockets. Womankind have
neither the patcutlc Influence of the pipe
nor the trousers pockets to Imprison her
nervous fingers Is ever active. The only
way she may get to repose and iclax the
bodv and nerves Is by actual will power,
says the Indianapolis News.
Carrots are prescribed by physicians and
beauty doctors alike as a cure fur nervous
I indigestion. You ore told to eat them th'ee
j times a day, either cooked or raw. Young
onions, or scalllons, ore excellent eatn
with plenty of salt; also lettuce uiih salt
jand plenty of olive oil; but no tlm-gar or
red pepper.
Sleeplessness Is the greatest menace that
tired or overwrought nerves have, for
beauty and health. Sleep may he induced
by warm milk si pt d slowly, or, If this Is
1 Ineffective, by bum draughts of cool water
and a cold I, an, lane uround the brow.
The French word "etiquette" really mrina
a "lnhel" or "ticket." How. then, cornea
It to denote "cenventlonul form of cere
mony ?"
It Is said that a certain Scottish gar
dener In charge of Louis XIV. 'u giitdin at
iVti sallies was very much put out because
tthn courtiers walked over his beds. To
keep off these trespassers he placed labels
;or tickets -"Kiqu,Hu-a"-at various spots.
with Instructions as to tho proper paths.
At first the haughty courtiers did not
delyn to notice these placards, but a hint
,rom hlgn quarters that their walks In
.future must l,o within tho "etiquettes"
.compelled their obedience.
I This, according to the story, originated
,our picseat use of the word "etiquette."
1 A bag In heavy IVislan silk, with inount
lnKH In Roman gold, la a beauty. The
! price is lin, and It is worth It. Tho en
velop,; (square) shape . tne fashionable
I design for lull, ohloiig shaped b:igs belnc,
VOIlMU.Tl c. pnsse.
The Key to the Sltuatloi-8 Want Ads.