THE BEE: OMATTA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER fi. 1010. 12 CATTLE BREAK ALL RECORDS South Omaha Yards Receive 603 Can Monday Morning. MOST ARE FROM THE RANGES thrrp Alan Krrp (nnli at Mat I.lrely Hate, Althoaah Ions Short f lh Rrrwl of .nut Monday. Another recnM was broken at the South Omaha stock yM Monday mornlnt". when 03. car of cattle were shipped Into the yarea. The eatimatM number of beeves In f oar wag 1S.M1. J,a.t Monday the receipt! of rattle were 11. kit), and a year 0 9.2S9. Moat of the cattle were western rangers of good quality. A real eetlmate of their value wan Impossible early In the morning tocaue the unusually heavy arrival made It nceitry to use up moat of the morning In sorting them about in the yards. In hogs the receipts were rather below the average. The total number was !,", as compared with 'J, IX) for the Monday morning luat week,' and 3.443 Septemebr 6, JW. KerHpIS In Khnep were larse. 2t.500. A week ago the sheep total was 31.310, and a year ago ll.fM). Primaries Will Be Held Tuesday in Two Big States Michigan and Wisconsin Voters Will Decide on Endorsement of United States Senators. DETROIT. Ript. J. -Primary election wli! he held by all parties In this state Tuesday. Members of the legislature will nominated, but the candidates for all state offices except governor and lieuten ant governor will be nominated later at party conventions. United States Senator Burrows Is op posed for re-nomlnatlon by Representative Charles A. Townseud of Jackson on the ground that a younger man is needed and that Senator Burrows h been too closely aligned with Senator AJdilch. Sena tor Burrows has made a stronuous auto mobile campaign urging that, a long record of genuine republicanism entitles him to re-election and that the certainty ot his obtaining the chaiimanahlp of ths senate commlttte on finance would give Michigan an Influential position in the senate that no new senator could attain. In the Third, Seventh, Eighth and Twelfth districts, those opposed to the re nomlnatJon of the present congressmen are upholding the banner of Insurgency. In the Third district, however, both Representa tive Gardner and his opponent, J. M. C. Pmffh of Charlotte have declared them selves against the re-election of Mr. Can non as speaker. MJLWAUKKE, Sept. 6. The primary election campaign In Wisconsin, which has but one more day to run, has been one of the moat strenuous from a candidate's standpoint in years and It is almost Im possible to forecast ths result. Perhaps the most Interesting contest is that for the Indorsement for United State senator on the republican ticket, between Robert N. La Follette, senior senator of Wisconsin and Samuel A. Cook. While Senator La Follette, through a physical ail ment has not been able to enter the cam paign prominently, many speakers, both within and out ot the state have made a thorough canvass In his behalf. Senator lFollete makes his appeal to the people on only on Issue, that of representative government, while Samuel A. Cook haj covervd the state with much literature set ling forth bis record In congress and with ths statement that he stands for the pro aTresaive policies of former Presidsnt Roose velt and President Taft and every measure which wtll aid agricultural Interests. Demented Man Jumps from Train Is Almost Instantly Killed Near Mis souri Valley Inquest Held Monday. While apparently In a demented state, Thomas Klvlmakl Jumped through the glass door of a vestlbul on a Northwestern train near Missouri Valley and was killed almost instantly. Ha was evidently a Finn, about 8Z years of age, and had a ticket from Duluth, Idloh., to Colton, Utah. Papers found In hilnlng distrlots near Duluth. He also had sveral certificates ot mining stock. In his pocket ' The man had acted sanely enough on the train, except he was talking to himself When suddenly be got up from his seat and walked out Into the vestibule. Two passengers sitting in that end of the car beard a crash and, rushing out there, found big hole In th glass door and Klvlmakl missing. At ths coroner's Inquest It developed that ths man ha.1 been seen around the Sioux City station th day before acting queeily A verdict was returned by th Jury at Mis souri Valley that he met death by Jumping from a moving train while la a demented state. LONDON PAPER FEARFUL OF ROOSEVELT DOCTRINE Daily New flays Strict Interpretation, of His lew WoaU Violate Existing Treaty. LONDON. Sept. 5. The Dally News, dls cursing today Colonel Rooaevelt's demand In a speech at Omaha the United States fortify the - Panama canal, says fears that as a matter ot strict interpret tatlon the ex-preeldcnfs view csn hardly be sustained and that such fortification would violate th American-British treaty It suggests also that the Panama canal kay be made the principal naval base for in American navy, which would make serious difference to China and Japan. M'VANN AFTER BETTER RATES Goes to New Yra Is Iks Interests o Omaha Jobbers ass Hrr- ckant. E. J. MoVaon, manager of th Orqah traffic bureau, will leavs this evening for New York to be gone a week. On Wednes day th hearing on eastern railroad rate will open Id that city, and It la In this hearing that Omaha merchants are particu larly Interested because they buy ao much of their supplies In th New York, Boston Philadelphia and other markets. Tbs hear Ing In Chicago on western rates will be resumed on the 1Mb and Mr. McVann also be present there. Hi FrlaTken4 lata Kits by fear of appendicitis, tak Dr. King's Nw life Pills. ' and a ay goes bowsl trouble. Oaaraatd 36a. Fur sale by Beaton I 0 r0nm Effffl! Extra Extra Special II III III .11. I III Mil .., ..,,,! , ,1 SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS Next Monday, September 12, is the day of the Most Remarkable Ever Held in Omaha This is an event of such great importance and the bar gains will be so remarkable that it will certainly be to your advantage to make a special trip to Omaha at thi3 time to buy the rugs you need for your home. Wo bought tho Entiro Re tail Rug Stock From an East ern Concorn Retiring From tho Carpot and Rug Busi ness. This was another case where Brandeis reputation as a cash buyer won a big business victory for us. We secured this stock at a price so low that we can offer you amazing bargains in all kinds of high grade rugs. WATCH THE PAPERS FOR LATER PARTICULARS Monday, Sept. 12, OMAHA ACTIVITY AMONG RETAILERS One Thousand Merchants Say They Will Be at Meet. . WTLL 0BGAHIZE EVERY TOWN Retailers All Over State Are to Be come Member of Federation and Bla; Convention Will Meet In Auditorium. Thus early assurances have been received that over 1,000 of the retail merchants of Nebraska will gather In Omaha next March to attend the convention ot the Federation of Nebraska Retailers. Two energetic state organizers will this week begin a cam paign to put a local branch of the federa tion In every oity and town in the state. Headquarters have also been opened in Omaha, the federation sharing an office with the Trade Exhibit in the First Na tional Bank building. This paper is the official organ of the federation. The Com mercial club of Omaha, through Its pub licity bureau, Is also Interested and will lend Its support to the campaign. V. D. Ilartwlck of the national association be comes state manager for Nebraska, tnd Frank Cumnock, organiser of state and national association of retail merchants, will go Into th Nebraska field at once to assist In the work. "Nebraska Is to become one of the strong est federation states In the country," says Mr. Hartwlcl;. "The merchants of this stats are progressive, Interested in the work and have experienced the good re sults of close organization. The meeting held In Omaha last March was a great Inspiration to tbs retail mer chants of Nebraska and, while many new members were added at the meeting, we have it recorded that from thirty to forty merchants have joined each month -since the big Omaha meeting. 'We are going out Into the state now and organs local branches. In the past all merchants have sun ply belonged to the state association, but the new plan has been sdopted and it will prove a very strengthening method of work. When the Nebraska federation meets In Omaha next March it may be necesary to provide the Auditorium for our meetings, Mr. Hartwlck told Mr. Campbell of the Commercial club. "We'll do It. aald Campbell, and we will build an addition if the people of Ne braska want to use It for a meeting. They helped build it and there Is no one we are so glad to furnish It to heated, lighted cooled or any way you want It." Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. (fflliDREN imEHoME This great remedy assists nature in all necessary physical changes of the sys tem, affords bodily comfort during the period of waiting, and preserves the symmetry of form after baby comes. Tho penetrating and soothing qualities of Mother's Friend allays nausea, prevents caking of tho breasts, and in every way contributes to strong, healthy motherhood. Mother's ; Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for onr free book containing valnable infor mation for expectant mothers. S&ADFECLD BEQULATO& CO, Atlanta, Oft. a B D Special 0 Brandeis Stores in B B Says the Great Western Has , Not Been Sold George 0. Somers, General Freight Agent, Declares Eoad Has Been Rehabilitated. George O. Somers, general freight agent of the Great Western, spent Labor day In Omaha visiting old railroad friends. Mr. Vomers said that the officials of the road had received no notice of the selling of the line to the Northwestern, as was rumored In Chicago last week. On th contrary, he says that the Great Western Is now for the first time taking Its place In the country as a really first-class road. "A general rehabilitation of the entire road Is being made since the new organiza tion took charge, Including several new terminals In St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago. I do not think tills Includes any new work In Omaha, as thls city has a new freight depot and terminal, and we use the Union station here." Speaking of the rate hearings going on now In Chicago he said that undoubtedly the Great Western would be called upon to testify before the hearings cloned and that either President Kelton or one of the vice presidents would testify for the road. "The recent raise in wane" on the Mis souri Pacific is Indicative of what all the roads have been obliged to do In the last year and a half.- ICxpensea have Increased tremendously and naturally rates must fol low expense somewhat." , Thief Gets a Hobble Skirt Lucille D'Aubrey Asks Police to Re cover Imported Skirt for Her. I.uollle D'Aubrey has com to prominence In the ken of the police by theamazlng announcement that she was robbed of a hobble skirt Sunday night. The police desk sergeant had only heard there were such things ss hobble skirts a few minutes be fore Lutllle's report came In Monday. Miss D'Aubrey declares someone got Into her apartments and stole the hobble skirt, Just Imported from New York, and other costly wearing apparel. The highest type of happiness la reached by having children in the home; but the coming of the little ones la often attended with appro hension and dread. Mother's Friend If used by the expectant mother In preparation of the ordeal, carries her through the crisis with safety. Mother's Friend J I Slor oprn until (I o'YInck hr-rr-iifter n ml -.X J uW Satiirfliija until IO . m. Jigr y V.AIA KS WW, KIM 11. Y IMMENSE IN THESE " Great Tuesday Sales ; Onp-day features to arouse your bargain instinct to the highest pitch, jg' l Best Bargain Ever in Table Damask j q Eight pieces only (400 yds.), so you must act quickly. (Jood, service- i . able, unbleached Damask, 70 Inches wide (almost two yards); one or ! B two washings will bring It out to a snowy white. Choice pat- fm g terns, all ot them. We bought all we could get. Wish we had fl L " fifty pieces. It'B 50c quality. While It lasts, at yard...... W 1 Women's Cloth Top Shoes Worth to $5.00 for Tuesday $2.65 . a 200 pairs of strictly fashionable new fall shoes that are being unpacked as we write. Factory "seconds'" they are called, for they have little blemishes. Not a single pair has defects that could possibly affect their wear. These are all black shoes, patent leathers with cloth top; plain or tipped toes any size any width lace or button style; new short vamps and high arch; values $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00, closed out to us to sell at this bargain price Who Needs Comforters and Blankets Two Just for Tuesday Specials that Will Bring the Crowds. SI I. KOI, IN K COVERED COMFORTERS Nice, large size, measuring 72x84 inches; very light and fluffy,, with snow white cotton rilling and yarn knotted. Every one is best $2.25 quality. Tues- aq day at s)ldj HEAVY LARGE SIZE BLANKETS In white, tan and grey, with pretty borders, and long, soft fleecy nap; full bed size; the ftQ UBual price is $1.69. Tuesday, per fOv A Dictionary for School or Office Great Tuesday special. This is a genuine Webster, with 46,000 words defined, 1,600 illustrations, 124 pages of students' helps, largest scope of any dictionary ever published. Compares AQn with $1.00 kinds, our price' .4JL FREE to SCHOOL PUPILS Penholder free with purchase school supplies of 10c or more. of ( FOOT HALLS AND RASE BALL GLOVESx FREE WITH l'LR CHASES IX BOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT A Final Day for The last word on summer materials. A quantity of lawns, batlBtes and voiles, in light and dark colors, that were formerly priced up to 20c will be closed now, at, yard. . . . rH'H ETJaUS 'iiaVWiMi'! fa 'srmw.m.RT:: Less Profit More Quality Only genuine ingredients of high est quality are' used for Hydro Ginger Ale. Others contain red pepper instead of ginger, sac charin Instead of sugar, etc. GINGER ALE contains best Imported ginger, refined cane sugar, pure juices of sound, ripe fruits, our make of carbonic acid gas the water is double distilled the bottles steri lizednothing skimped to add profit. That's why it is superior in flavor and wholesomeness. Sold by all dealers in beverages. Centum Con pur. Chicago Courtney ft Co., Distributors, Omaha, Mb, Or. Lyon's PERFECT IUUIII 1 uwuu not only cleanses, preserves and beautifies the leeth without in jury, but impartspurity and fra grance to the breath, removing instantly the odor of tobacco. Shcicct ifcuueif! Get th Original and Genulnt El 0 11 LI G EC'S MALTED Hi ILK Thi Food-drink for All Agis.C For Infants, Invalids, and Growing children. PuicNutriu'on, upbuilding the whole body. Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted gram; in powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. Aikfor HORLICK'S. In Uo Oomblno or Trust D.R.S1IAMP00 l Keiuover) Look for the above sign in your barber shop tell the barber "A Fitch Shampoo" then Judge lor yourself whether it has merit i. n M 92 a $2.65 B R B n B ii i m I 195-page Tablet or Slate with 25a (purchases of school supplies. Wash Dress Goods 5c B Drexel's Special for IVIen ot 3.50 Is not too much when you get a pair of these men's specials. fevery pair liaB more than $3.50 of value In them. We don't depend on this one shoe for our profits we han dle hundreds of other lines, and this enables us to give you better values in this one particular line than you can find elsewhere. They are made of patent colt, velour and box calf and vicl hid, all the new lasts and Bhapes. A size for every foot. Your money back if you are not satisfied. Our Fall Styles are In and await your inspection. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St, tTO.NIfillT All Drasvutal OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CIIAMBERL1N 1MJA11.SU. UAlUiMi, K1SH1M., BAILING. UKCUUaTliA, IKMNlte, UOUK. Unique saa food Culaln. f OHTKlbaa iluMlut. Lrt Mili tary Jr'oat uu tii Atlauilo Coaat. slAMi'TOM trtOaXio. Ui Uouuuniiii S Ut limxlua Warttlya awouu Voeaiy ala,a iumm a Oatoa BooKiata al Caieaga. oa SalaaS Sj faellio. ana Miiut aUroaaa. b saunas UKO. S. AJDaaUt, Mdl, rttaXSliM SaOalaMtal. Va, Don't Fail to Hear the llUIlGARiAIl ORCHESTRA Now Playing at ROME'S VINEYARD and SUMMER GARDEN Every Noon and Evening. Pi Trom lto On tor Will B . Orn T1U e P. M., Exrapt Saturday Till 10 P. Bfl . till THE RELIABLE STONE Tuesday Is In usy Suit Dept. Our Kight extra special liarpains t lint should be of keen interest to Tuesdav customers. Manv others shown. $.1.M Sweater, in the newest fall stvlcs, fine line for selec tion 92.45 1onn Crepe Kimonos New pat terns; regular $4.00 values; on sale $1.95 Xobby llreakfa-t Nliawls, that sold up to $2.00; Tuesday at, choice , GOC Women's Premlng' Sacques, well worth "Be; on sale Tuesday nt 2r High Grade Wash Goods and Cotton D.ess Gicds Poplins. .. 50c. 3!c. lior, 15c, U0 German Kmbroldery, very heaiy; per yard 39c Velvetlne. the finest kimono flan nel niHde ISo 3-ln)i Flannelettes, beautiful I'einlHns ISo Pine Flannelette HjO Fine Flannelette lOo Scotch Ginghams . . . . "5c. 1 Sc. ISo FlneRt Pomextlc Ginghams . . 13o Extra Specials for Tuesday 12 c Outing Flannels .. 10c Flannelettes 7H 12 Vic Flannelettes 8H From 0:00 to 10:00 a. in. Heavy unbleached Muslin, the regular T c, 10 yards limit, at 4Ts From 10:00 to 11 :00 A. M. No. 632 Cotton Blankets, regu lar price $1.00. This blanket ,is 11-4 and very heavy, 5 pair limit, at, pair 60 In Our Busy FAMILY LIQUOR DEPARTMENT Fine Old California 1'ort or Sherry Wines Here at, quarts, 20c 3Tc and BOc; gallons $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 IIlKli Grade Heer In quart bot- Pure OraK Wine Home mado ties, at. 2 quarts for... 25 red or white, at. gallon $1.00 A Carload of Extra Fancy Colorado Elberta Peaches for Hayden Bras. This car wash shipped us direct from the grower to sell Tor him. They are the finest peachs that have been on the market this Bea 8on. The Elberta Pach is the finest grown for excellence of qual ity and flavor, and demand 25c per box higher than any "Iff other kind. Tomorrow we will sell them to our cus- SlC tomers at PEK CKATE ' BIG ITALIAN7 BIA'F. PLUM SALE Tomorrow for this special sale; per 4-basket crate $1.25 10 pounds best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 don't rny UAVnFH'C FIOQT"" FORCC? -I ill ft! C- r- r ""J)!- Qll READS ly THE OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASSOCIATION cred ited to its members on July 1st $89,000 Dividends. It has never paid to its members less than six per cent per Qf annum for 27 ffj O for a monthly DIVIDEND fund $07,000. Address. S. E. TTTv n to last a LIFE-TIME, ("examination pre. WRITS FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR. E. R. TARRY. 224 Bea Bulldlna. Omaha. Uabraaha Baltimore and Ohio Rel road TO ATLANTIC CITY FOR THE 44th National Encampment Grand Army of the Republic SEPTKM RKR 19-14 LOW ZXCVmSIOIT TAKES via th hlatorle battlef ilil routa. X.XBEKAX STOPOVERS to vlalt th various battlefields. KPXOXAX TBADT leaves Chicago 10 A. M Maturday. Pepl'Miber 17, pasH Ins throutfh Harper'a Kerry and along th historic Potomac River In nayllclit. VWT1 OJ OA.U for full particu lar!. VT, A. FMBTOaT Travllor Fassafsr Afsnt, 944 Oars Strt, CXICAOO. OfaTOB We t'lt nt (1 I. M. I'.Mept SHtunl;T at 10 I. M. mm Bargain Day I nf ants' Slips, IlimiN, Skirls nn1 Knit Sacks values at "fo: at, choice 2!) Women's I Ires Skills, in fine Panamas, rcRiilar values up to $7."0; newest styles; on sale at S2.05 Silk Pressing Seies, that sold to $4.00; choice $1.50 Lingerie, l,n ami anKnn Ureases, that sold up to $7.50; Tuesday, rholce 91-05 High Grade Dress Goods Skirts Hade to Measure Come to our Pios Goods counter, select any cloth yon please. We will do the work and guarantee satisfaction or refund the money. Triced at $1.2.1, !M..V, $2.00, $2.50, $:l.OO, $:(..") hiuI $I.OO. Investigate. From 2 to 2::0 I. M. 12V6c Pillow Slips. Rood cloth, 42x36, 6 cases limit, , en. 8t From !I:00 to ;t:80 I. M. Little Gem Ilatts, regular 7 He value, 10 batts limit, ea. 4?4 From 4 to 4:iiO I. M. Very heavy Comforts, regular price $1.25, five comforts limit, at, each 76c Sale on Towels and Hod Spreads, Bed Sheets, etc., all afternoon. UklH u PAY0 years. Saving accounts calling payment of $1.00 to $25.00 may be opened any day, or lump sums oi not over $5,000 received. Ask for Booklet "A" and other information. Assets S3.C00.000. Reserve Corner lGth and Douro Streets. FISTULA-Pav When CURED All ltectal Uiseases cured witnout a surgicai operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED Beautiful Tooth ! TtiM ar But law paopi who bat I ibaui. oo4 Xta, uu EUtfbl oav ii ior wvuid to Ui. Bradbury. I'm I a.ulck-st. iuImI and laaal painful axa ilia air Baiuuus auipiuyau uy ua u buadius at our pailonia, both la sua cut 1 1 tu illy wilt laiy UU you sbuut loo good dnial work ana our up-to-dst ays of dolus things. Crowns and brlJ ork trout bar tooth. Plaiaa that fit Iroio 14. W tu 1I. ID. Palnlass itrao tlob of Usth. Mrva of lb ruov4 rithout bur tin run. Work warrant CR.' BRADBURY, THE OEHTIST UH B-araaa ti. Phoa S. 1T44) 17 a-ar saav t una. E9a-alllKIr4 I ljfy Tali's Denial Rooms Drug Co,