Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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U ii-i.i i . ji i f immnuiM J
v .: ." . ... ..... .' 1,. .j'.i.
Store Closes
6 P. M.
. at 10 P. M.
Good Clothes
For School Wear
You will want your boy as well
dresHcd an the other boys in his
class. He will be neatly and cor
rectly dressed if you outfit htm here.
Boys' Combination School
"l . . - f
No boys' suit ever shown to equal
these for the price. It is made for
wear strong fabrics, reinforced
real school wear strong fabrics, re
inforced seams. A new suit if yours
goes wrong. - Extra pair of Knicker
bocker pants free all for
Boys, Combination
Blue Serge Suits
A blue serge suit is a little more
dressy and Is the boys' favorite suit,
all wool serges, reinforced seams
extra pair of knlckerbocker pants to
match all for
Boys Fall Weight
Knickerbocker Suits
Your choice of a fortunate pur
chase of boys' up-to-date fall
weight knlckerbocker suits
newest styles and pattern
worth up to 4.00, f)50
store, at . . . .
at $1.98
Here arc boy's
uits suitable
for fichool
wear JuBt as
I ii od as
others that
cost 13.60
elsewhere, at
Boys' 75c well
made knlck
erbocker pants at
Boy's 50c shirt
waist blouses
c o 1 1 ra at
tached at
Boy's S9c K.
& E. a h I r t
blouses, at
Odds and ends
boy's 12
school suits
Brandeis Suits
Make Well Dress
' ed Men
The New Top
Coats and Rain
Coats for Fall 1910
Rogers-Peet and Hirsh-Wickwire
Ready-for-Service Clothes for Men
Mallory Cravenette Hats, 3V. :i3: $1.45
We bought thousands of the celebrated
Maloy cravenetted hats from a New York
Commission'house, at less than Vsi the regu
lar wholesale price. These are the newest
-all styles in soft and stiff hats, they are
all water proof and are ri
uciutuiy worm up iu i .
. $4.00, one big lot Satur- Jr
; ' , Fine Imported Crush Hats at 75c
Blacks, browns, grays and whites. A fine
lot, worth, up to 2.00,
at I
Imported Opera Hats 2.98
Men's Opera Hats from the great
New York Commission pur- Aft aq
chase of high grade hats, !fc HX
worth up to 8.00, at
Boys' School Hats
Fine felt hats, fall styles, worth up
up $2.00,
Stetson Hats $3.50
The famous John B. Stetson newest
fall styles in soft' and
derby shapes, at .
School Caps
Boys ? and children's school caps,
all shapes and
colors, at . . .x. . .
Time when every good dresser,
every man who appreciated good fit
ting clothes, had to go to a tailor to
get satisfaction. Since the coming of
Rogers-Peet clothes all that Is
Today America's best dressed men
wear Itoger-Peet and Hlrsh-Wick-wlro
ready for service clothes, the Ir
reproachable product of the cleverest
tailors In New York.
As the headquarters for the best
fall clothes for men that skill can (
acnieve, tsranueis iores present to
you :
Rogers-Peet and Hlrsh-Wickwlre
Hand tailored ultra fashionable
styles and gentlemanly cut and
. ready for the critical Inspection" of
men whose outward appearance de
notes their refinement.
Rogers-Peet and IHrsh
Wickwire Clothes for Men
$21 $35
Select Your Fall Suit Now!
Wear It for Labor Day
It Will Look Well All Season
If you want a fall suit with more "
style, at a price that is moderate,
.we show more styles than any other western house.
blue Berges that make CI! CH J ffr fin
splendid busness suits, at... IOU cLilCl plDJJ
a 1
V. '
Blacks, tanclea and plain
Storo Closes
6 P. M.
at 10 P. M.
Vomen's Fall Suits and Dresses
The styles that are correct are always found
first at Brnndeis.
New Silk and Wool Dresses
Clever nW styles in fancy weaves, serges and panamas
all very extreme novelties, up from 913.85. $15. $10
New Fall Tailored Suits
All the clever new plain tailored and plain weaves for au
tumn wear, new fabrics and colors
up from ..$12.50. $15.00- $19.00 nd $25.00
Smart New Silk Dresses
In all the new weaves and modern styles black and colors,
up from $15.00. $10.0a,nd $22.50
The New Fall Corert Coats
Handsome broadcloths, serges, Scotch mixtures, etc. all
stunning new models, up from.... $15, $10 and $25
The New Tailored Skirts for Fall
Serges, panamas, voiles and mannish materials strictly
new fall models, up from. .$0.08. $7.50 $10.00
ml I
fI I It
New Waists for Fall
Smart new waists of fancy striped, plain
and Persian silks, laces, nets, etc.
at $3.50 nd $5.00
New fall tailored waists, linens and fancy
stripes, at $1.50 "d $2.50
Lingerie waists, sailor waists, etc final
offer, at ....98. $1.50 and $1.08
New black sateen and lawn waists, pretty
designs, at . .QSS $1.50 and $1.08
ftrU' Prottv Foil TWcc
Pretty uew weaves in worsteds, cashlmeres, I
etc., checks, pretty plaids and plain, at
08. $1.50. $2.50. up to $12.50
New wool challie evening and party
dresses for girls n new shades.
All our children's colored wash dresses,
worth up to 12.50. at 08
Girl's Jackets and reefers, worth up to
$.60. at $2.50
Women's, Misses' aad Children's All Wool Sweaters 4
All the new fall shades and weaves In sweater coats, women's sires,
at $1.50. $1.98. $2.50 and $3.98
Mlaess' and children's sizes, at.. 50S 98S $1.50 and $1.08
Women's lace trimmed lawn I Women's colored dressing; sac- Women's flannel lined kimonos
kimonos, worth up to $6. at I que, worth up to $1.25, at I in new fall styles, at 11.26
$1.19 and Sa.sel each 7o and j S1.S8
Greatest collection of hand made cluny, Irish, Renaissance and princess
lace pieces, also beautiful Japanese hand drawn and embroidered linen pieces
ever offered at special sale.
Beautiful Renassnce and . princess
scarfs, worth $4.00, each, j (jg
, Thousands of scarfs and centerpieces In
n uruwnworn, ciuny, irian arra
45 and 64 inch beautiful hand drawn lunch
cloth, French cluny cloths and
- Renaissance cloths, worth
$4.60, at . each
II pteca luncheon sets, made of Irish linen,
scMiopeaor ciuoy lace eagre,
worth $4.00, per set,-
; at
lsh linen.
Renaissance -lace, worth up
to $, at eacn. . .
A great lot of cluny lace Renaissance, tenerlffe and dr'awnwork centerpieces and dollies,
worm up 10 ibc, 9ar
at each.
Salo of 2.000 Fancy Japanese Vases
In Our China Department West Arcade
These exquisite vases have been Just received from Japan. They make the finest
ornaments various stzes-and designs on sale Saturday at actually less than ft regu
lar price.
Lot 1 All the vases worth iLot 3 All th vases worth i Lot .2 rAll the) vases worth
8utp n.1.1;??:..: 50c ff !V.S:!'...'...$1.00 autpt.o.?.4:0.:......$U8
New white and gold dinner sets, Ranson shape 100 pieces, Saturday in (99 ftC
China department, at vudjjd
Brandeis Stores
This Is our regular once a month sale of rugs and sundries at tremendous
86o Banltol Tooth Powder
for ISo
' SSo sjanltol raoe Cream. 14o
85o Xillao Talcum Powder,
for 7
75c Pompeltan Massage
Cream for 69o
$1.50 Oriental Cream.. 91.09
28o Satin Skin Cream.. 17o
26c Pond's Vanishing pream
for 83o
80c Berry's Freckle Oint
ment 39o
26o Col gates Tooth Paste
for aoo
25c Colgate's Tooth Powder
for loo
Powders and Perfumes
50c Java Rice Powder.. S8o
oOo Perfect Powder 84o
Plver'a Le Trofle Powder
for S6o
50o Pocionl's Powder... B9o
BOo White Rose Perfume
for 99o
60c Locust Blossom Per
fume, per ounce SSo
76o Jassmlne Perfume, per
os BOo
E. Plnaud'a Toilet Water
for .6So
Buster Brown Camera,
2ttxSU at a
$15 Seneca Camera for..ia
SVixSVs Roll Film Ansco
for SB
4x5 Developing Trays...l7o
6x7 Developing Trays... 19o
$1.60 Tripods 79o
$1 Ruby Lamps TSo
Bring in your developing
and finishing. We .guaran
tee our work. It your films
are left before noon they
may be had the same day.
So Owl, I for. lOo
Eo Henry George, 3 for.,10o
5c Capaduraa, S for lOe
5c Republicans, 4 for. . .180
lOo straight Robert Burns,
3 for 850
Chancellor Club House 3
for . . . '. B&o
Uncle Bam Stogies, per box
of 26, special Saturday
for 890
25c Bottle Peroxide for..8o
5 cakes Ivory Soap for.,19o
1 lb. 80-Mule Team Borax
(or e
ISo Xiiquosone Soap Xor..6o
25c Parker's Tar for,..lB
7 Cakea Cocoanut OII...8S0
8 Cakea Colgatea English
Process for 8Be
lOo Jap Rose, Special. .. ,7e
Lana. Oil and Buttermilk
Soap, per cake eo
10c Williams' Shaving Soap
for Bo
26c Shaving Powder ..80e
6O0 Milk's Emulsion. .. .89o
$1 Smith's Green Mountain
Renovator SSo
EOo Swamp Root 48o
6O0 Syrup of Figs 48o
$1 I.ydla Plnkham'a Vege
table Compound for...89o
$1 Duffy's Pure Malt .680
$1 S. S. S., for 89o
86c Castoria for. ...... .3ao
Fifth Avenue Importers Entire Stock of Jewelry
We bought the entire stock of sterling silver, solid gold and gold
filled and German silver novelties from a 5th avenue importer, at a tre
mendous reduction.
Belt pins, brooches, tie pins, La Vallieres, hat pins, cuff links, mesh
purses, beaded bags, coin purses, barettes, fancy combs, bracelets and
rings--all go on special sale Saturday.
All the Imported Jewelry tip to 75c at 25c
Belt pins, cuff links, tie pins, mesh purses with chains, hat
pins, etc., your choice, at.. ,..eiC
1,0P0 imported Alligator, seal, walrus, pig skin and cow hide shop
ping bags all leather lined, fancy fittings, special, $1.00 to $5.0Q
Saturday's Specials in Hair Goods
Special No. 1 Two extra size hair
nets, for . . . .
Special No. 2 Transformations, made of
. natural wavy hair, $5.00 values, $9 AO
Special No. 3 Chantecler Cluster, SO AO
$5.00 value, at .a t5
Natural wavy switches, made of first quality, 24-lncU
long hair, 2M or., S18.00 values, at $12.98
24-lnch washable hair roll, can be combed, made of
real hair; others sell for $1.00, our sale price, 50
Manicuring, massaging, halrdresslng, shampooing
and scalp treatments.
1 ' J''f
Senator Jonathan P. Showi Up Unex
pectedly in Omaha.
Farmtr-Benator Had Bnu Stamping
for' I-a. Follrlt Vkn II Wu
liritrhtd This War Talks
Wlacoaala Polltlca.
Among the party that fathered with
Omaha committee to met Koosevelt at several months. He la now fllllna; all his
the liurlliigtun depot were three United eiia-ag-ements. and later on will be heard
and jumped oft a bridge after the meeting.
Now, I don't know what discouraged that
man; whether It wua my picture ot the
dangers of graft or fear of the democrats."
Later, to a reporter for The Bee, the
Iowa senator said of the Wisconsin situa
tion: "Bob has them sewed up, nothing
less. He expects to carry every legislative
district In the state, If things go as they
are going now. But there Is a queer ele
ment In the Wisconsin fight. The Issue la
spring water, from a town near Milwaukee,
that prides Itself on an ambition to say of
Its water what Milwaukee haa long been
saying of Its beer. Yes, spring water Is an
Issue in Wisconsin, and the senator smoth
ered his face In hla hands again.
Dolliver'e eyes show but little trace to
day of tha ailment he suffered from for
Btatea senators and a general of the army,
Fred A. 6mlUi, as well aa many prominent
cttlsens who have either met the colonel
before or desired to meet him and say
Senators Burkett and Brown of Nebraska,
were agreeably surprised to see coming
down the platform Senator Jonathan P.
Dolllver of Iowa, the most typical farmer
In appearance that ever wore the toga.
The Iowa orator had been up In Wisconsin
making speeches for LaFollette, and waa
due to change cars somewhere in the middle
'of last night, In order to get home.
"Mrs. Dolliver Insisted she did not want
to go to bed and be roused out at midnight
1 or t o'clock to change oars," explulned Sen
ator Dolliver to Burkett and Brown and
General Fred Smith, "but I was aet to lay
down, and I did. Then Mrs. Dolliver paid
our fare to Omaua, and here we are; and
J aay ah had a good head." Then he
threw hla open hand over hla features In
In a peculiar way and chuckled Ilk a
Hawkey atieulturlHt saying good morning
to a fie' J of prise ov.-n.
UollUrr Wri.lf Greeted.
Dolliver was warmly greeted by all hands,
and bid some quick remark for all. tie
paused long enough to explain that up In
the feidger state som funny experience
bad come hi way. "At one town where I
pok two hour," he said, modeatly Ignor-
ing the i1 ares ot hi oolleaguea at hla pre
sumption, "on of our candidates went out
In Nebraska on behalf of Senator Burkett
and the republican ticket. He was urged
to remain In Omaha throughout the day
and evening, but could not accept anything
but the Invitation to take luncheon at the
Field clUb, aa he leaves for borne during
the afternoon.
Dolliver Leaves
Dress Suit Home
Senator Is in Bad Shape to Attend
Banquet Till Thomas Resur
rects a Suit.
It la evident that Senator Jonathan P.
Dolliver, who olajm Fort Dodge. la., aa
hla abiding place, has not yet awakened to
the fact that he I dwelling within a few
hundred miles of a real metropolis or else
the distinguished orator haa forgotten that
metropolises and formal dinners go hand
In hand. At any rate the aenator forgot
hla evening clothea when he packed his
grip for the trip that eventually brought
him to Omaha, and It looked for a while
thia morning aa though the muh maligned
derby and th business suit which th sen
ator wore would hav to aery at th dinner
last night also.
Postmaster Thomas, however, came to th
rescue. He either temembered an old out
fit ot his own reposing In a dark attio
corner at home or had In mind a good place
to rent dress suits, for just a few minutes
before the party . left for the Field club
the postmaster appeared on the scene car
rying a box In which waa packed the "glad
Strange Tales
Told by Dolliver
Big Men of Affairs Swap Yarns
While Colonel Roosevelt
is Resting.
The Omaha club, where the distinguished
ez-prealdent spent the morning hours. Is not
new at the business ot entertaining digni
taries. In fact. It Is doubtful if there Is a
roof In the city which haa sheltered more
famous men than has the Omaha club's
root. Presidents McKlnley, Roosevelt and
Taft have made the club house their head
quarters on visits to the city, and of late
years the place haa bsen known the "The
Home of the Presidents."
The group of men In the lobby of the
club house Friday morning were by no
means a less distinguished group than haa
assembled there on other occasions when
Omaha bad men of national reputation as
Its gueats. Senator Dolliver of Iowa waa
In and out of the club house all morning.
Thla man, whose name waa on the llpa of
every person who read the papers during
the last aesulon ot congress, la an Inveterate
story teller, and be stood, hat tilted back
on his head and hla body bent well forward
constantly a group of men about him, lis
tening to his stories, for the tales which he
tells are good ones and do not depend for
their charm on the fact that the man who
tella them la a big man.
Senators Burkett and Brown also lln
gered In th lobby after their talks with
the visitor. Senator Brown waa In a happy
mood and every person who came Into th
lobby whom he had either known previously
r to whom he waa Introduced, received the
heartiest sort of a handclasp and greetings.
Senator Burkett spent the greater part of
the morning talking to smaller groups here
and there about th plub- house, all of
which Is a perfectly proper thing for a
senatorial candidate to do.
W. B. Howland and E. H. Abbott were
also In and out of the lobby during the
morning. Mr. Howland was taken by Clem
ent Chase to his home during the morning,
but Mr. Abbott, doomed to suffer like
ordinary mortals who are not members
of presidential parties, spent most of the
morning' hours In a dentist's chair.
Ex-Oovernor Sheldon, who spent some
time, with the colonel In Mississippi and
Louisiana a few years ago, was also on
hand to greet his friend, although he did
not go to the club house until late In the
morning. In addition to the dignitaries from
outside the city, all Omaha's biggest men
were on hand, and for the time being
thee men, who are Omaha's most success
ful business men, - politicians and profes
sional men, dropped the routine of business
to pay' a tribute to the country's first
ottlsen. As Ex-Qovernor Sheldon put it.
"The reception which Mr. Roosevelt has
had here today shows the place he occupies
In the hearts of the American people."
Omaha Clubs Were
Well Decorated
Red and White Signal Flas and Red
and White Bunting Drape
Reception Room.
The Omaha club waa decorated for the
colonel's arrival with the red and white
signal flaga and red and white bunting.
The flaga were alternated red flags with
square white centers and whit flag with
red centers. They were hung across the
beams In the reception room, and the pillars
of the stairway were wrapped In flaga. Th
atatrway waa also aet with palms and
plant and th other part of th downstairs
rooms wer hung with th bunting.
On hundred and fifty big American flags
draped all around th danc floor of th
Omaha Field club mad up th striking
part of the decoration put on for th
Koosevelt luncheon. Placed around on the
floor and concealing the musicians were a
number of palms, whose dark green shows
off splendidly against the brightness of th
national colors.
At each end of th hall a portrait of th
distinguished visitor waa hung and so
plaoed that all of the dinars could see them.
Colonel Roosevelt waa placed at the first
of the four long tables of the hall, hla
seat being at the central point of this table,
so that when he stood he was facing all
without necessitating anyone moving his
seat The colonel drew seat number 875
by this arrangement.
American Beauties were used exclusively
In the flower decorations, the blood red col
ors matching well' with the flaga draped
above. Upon each table were a number of
baskets of Nebraska fall frulta, bringing a
touch of real nature and freshness of tone
Into the appearance of the room.
If you want to turn a tmnmess proposi
tion quickly, -The Bee Is the proper medium
for reaching the people who are Interested.
BALSAM haa been used In millions ot
case of Diarrhoea, Dyaentery, Cholera
Morbus and Cholera Infantum In the paat
14 years without a single failure to cur
where th simple direction war fol
BALSAM Is th one well-known diar
rhoea mixture that does not depend upon
dangerous and habit forming drugs.
BALSAM Is the one diarrhoea mixture
that does not constipate the bowels. It
leaves thsm in their regular atate.
BALSAM, is delicious to the taste, and
can be used with safety for people of all
age. Children leva It.
BALSAM la recommended by Doctors and
nurse. Every careful mother kps a
supply In th bouse for "sudden calls. "
Ho, er I bottles for It Everywhere,
413-15-17 So. 16th Street
Sewing Table Like illustra
tion, made of solid oak, fin
ished dull or poished, has
two compartments and a
drawer; well constructed,
and a very desirable piece
of furniture, special
All our samples of fine
carpet, many worth up to
$2.25 per yd., each sample
contains V2 yds., just the
size for a rug. Wo havo
divided these into three lots;
Lot No. 1 nr
Saturday, only uuC
Lot No. 2 rjr
Saturday, only I D I
Lot No.
day, only
day, only.... $1.00
Oa IxUr F Yuw. o Delias Per Teas.